
General. Online tablo Tolmachevo and flight schedules Novosibirsk International Airport

The birthday of the air gate of Siberia is considered July 12, 1957. It was on this day that the first regular passenger flight to Moscow was performed from Novosibirsk on the aircraft Tu-104.

Tolmachevo is one of the two airports of Novosibirsk, the largest passenger traffic of Siberia International Airport, through which there is a large number of transit air lines from Southeast Asia to Europe and from North America to India and Asia.

Along with Moscow airports Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo, Tolmachevo is able to take A380 airbus. Airport bandwidth, subject to two running runways, - 40 run-up operations per hour. For four years - from 2012 to 2015 the airport annually served more than three million passengers. The airport is located on the outskirts of the city of Ob, 17 km from the center of Novosibirsk.

Due to its favorable location and the presence of an extensive route network, Tolmachevo Airport traditionally serves a significant number of passengers not only from the Novosibirsk region, but also from the nearby regions - Tomsk, Kemerovo regions, the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic.

Concentration in Novosibirsk railway, automotive and water transport routes and expansion of trade and economic relations of the Siberian Federal District with foreign and Russian partners contribute to the development of Tolmachevo airport as one of the largest air transportations behind the Urals.

The history of the airport begins in 1939, when the military aviation school of pilots of the Red Army Air Force, which was preparing specialists for civil and military aviation, was posted in the village of Tolmachevo. In April 1941, the construction of a military airfield with two concrete running stripes of 1000 per 80 meters began in the military town of Ob Station. The bands were arranged at an angle of 60 degrees relative to each other, while one strip was used to prepare aircraft to flights. Works unfolded to the east of the modern WDP-1, now here the 562th aviation base of army aviation is based.

On October 9, 1941, Tolmachevsky Military Aerodrome was commissioned. In construction, 3.5 thousand workers and more than 300 units of equipment were involved. Work by impact rates in the conditions of the war began to hand over the airfield only six months after the start of work.

On June 22, 1941, the 19th Spare Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 5th Spare Aviation Brigade was relocated at Tolmachevo Airfield, which until April 1, 1944 was engaged in training, retraining and reappear of the fleet of the RKKA Air Force. The shelves and individual carriages on Lagg-3, Yak-7b, Yak-9 and Yak-3 were trained here. During the Great Patriotic War From 1942 to 1944, the airfields were made by intermediate landing fighters R-39 Aircobra and P-40, which came on Land Lesu to the Soviet Union from the USA, as well as the Bombers of PE-2 and IL-4, made in Komsomolsk-on-Amur , Ulan-Ude and Irkutsk.

In the early 50s, the Soviet Union began the rapid growth of passenger traffic. During the spring and autumn, the Passengers departing from Novosibirsk to get to the plane accounted for literally knead the dirt, making her way on the flying field. All ground services are juting at the time of time, shield houses, premises derived from military and held at a significant distance from the runway. The capital of Soviet Siberia required a modern airport, and in 1951, near the airbase on the outskirts of the village of Ob began construction of a new runway with a length of 2100 meters long, which is operated in an upgraded form today (runway-1 07/25).

In 1957, the construction of the WFP was completed, and on July 12, the first passenger flight No. 020 Novosibirsk was fulfilled on the Tu-104 reactive aircraft. Making an intermediate landing in Sverdlovsk, the plane delivered 50 passengers to the capital. This day is July 12, 1957, it is considered to count the birthday of Novosibirsk Airport Tolmachevo.

The building of the first airport of Tolmachevo Airport

In 1956, construction of the air terminal began, which was commissioned on December 1, 1957. The airport received a building with a waiting room, a passenger registration area, telegraph, cash desks and luggage issuing zone. Now there is a control and dispatch point

April 24, 1961 for air transport Soviet Union A turbopovenaya far-haul aircraft Tu-114 was released. This liner performed one of the most extended flights from Moscow to Khabarovsk, and Tolmachevo Airport became a spare airfield for landing on this extended track.

In 1962, the airport began to serve international flights - due to the repair of WFP in Irkutsk, aircraft from Moscow to Beijing, Pyongyang and Ulan Bator made intermediate landings in Novosibirsk. In the same year, the capital of Siberia became a millionth city, along with the city develops and the airport - the passenger and freight turnover grows, the older airproof is no longer satisfying the requirements of the dynamic 60s, and on November 21, 1963, a new airport was opened with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 10,000 square meters. m. The airport with the new airport received a home office where the command-dispatch point is located, workshops for repairing jet planes, warehouse of materials. Now Novosibirsk Airport provided a bandwidth of 1000 passengers per hour.

For over 30 years, a three-story building with a red visor was the hallmark of the main airport of Siberia.

In the 60s, a new passenger intercontinental IL-62 intercontinental aircraft was released on the USSR Airlines. On January 29, 1965, one of the IL-62 prototypes was landing in Tolmachevo, and two years later IL-62 began to fulfill regular flights from Novosibirsk to Moscow and Khabarovsk. This comfortable modern liner came to replace Tu-114.

Exit on the country's airlines such as IL-62 and Tu-154 with an increased take-off mass and the growing volume of air transport demanded further improvement of the airfield infrastructure. In 1968, the upgrades of the runway began in Tolmachevo, its length increased to modern 3600 meters. WDP 07/25 Width of 60 m has an asphalt concrete coating without restrictions on the mass of the aircraft received. The band is equipped with a Kurso-glidean system (ILS) of 1 category, drive radio beacons and lighting systems. Since Tolmachevo Airport has both civil and military assignment, WDP-1 belongs to the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

10 years after the millionth resident appeared in Novosibirsk, became the "millionth" and Novosibirsk airport. In 1972, passenger traffic Tolmachely exceeded 1 million passengers per year. Just four years old, it took the airport to twice the passenger traffic - in 1976 more than 2 million people were served. The increase in passenger traffic not least was connected with the start of exploitation of the new passenger aircraft Tu-154 in the summer of 1974.

Tu-154A board of the USSR-85087 after a fire.

In February 1978, a serious emergencies occurred at the airport. During the preparation of the Tu-154A aircraft, the board of the USSR-85087 to the next flight, the technician who carried out work on board the liner, left unattended the inspected heater because of which the fire was marked in front of the heater. Through the sleeve of the air flow, it was thrown into the cabin, the plane caught fire. The liner was significantly damaged - the upper part of the fuselage completely burned. The tail part almost did not suffer and in March 1978, the board of the USSR-85087 was written off, and his tail part and provided a "mosfilm" to shoot a film-catastrophe "crew".

In May 1982, from Novosibirsk to Vnukovo began to fulfill regular flights. The first Soviet airbus is a wide-visor aircraft IL-86. In the mid-80s it becomes clear that in the near future one flight of the airport will not be enough for its dynamic development, the decision on the construction of WDP-2, which began in 1987. But the collapse of the USSR and then followed the economic crisis led to the fact that in 1995 the construction was stopped. By this time, two-layer WDP-2 coating were ready and the WDP-1 coating track, the builders remained to mount the lighting equipment and build a dispatching point, but the project's government finance was discontinued and resumed only in 2002.

In 1991, the airport served 2 million 650 thousand passengers. This record was broken only after 20 years - in 2011 passenger traffic of the airport amounted to more than 2 million 765 thousand people. In the early 90s, Novosibirsk Airport reached the maximum development of the route network and was associated with direct flights with 175 cities of the USSR.

In 1992, Tolmachevo Airport received international status and opens up customs and border posts, although the first international flights begin to be carried out in Harbin and Frankfurt am Main in the summer-invent 1991. In 1995, there was a change in the form of ownership of the airport. Tolmachev's United Aircuitant was transformed into three independent enterprises: the State Airport "Tolmachevo Airport", Siberia and Zapsibaronavigation Airlines.

The rapidly growing passenger traffic on international airlines demanded the expansion of the aircraft complex - in 1997, an international terminal was completed and commissioned for servicing 450 passengers per hour and includes a platform area and four new aircraft for IL-86. The international terminal began to serve charter flights to China, Germany, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates and other countries.

In 2004-2009, a large-scale reconstruction of the airport terminals was carried out. Internal airlines, initially created by a typical project, was completely rebuilt and acquired modern outlines, in 2006, an arrival unit was commissioned and teleterapses were put into operation, which are very relevant in the Siberian airport especially in the autumn-winter period. In 2008, the French company ADPI Designers & Planners amounted to the project of a new passenger terminal. The planned area was 81.2 sq.m. On October 28 of the same year, a new superior hotel was opened with Skyport. In June 2009, the second terminal line was commissioned, intended for international flights. This event was essential for the Siberian region, because The launch of the second stage allowed to increase passenger bandwidth almost twice.

On September 25, 2010, a solemn opening of the second runway took place. Airbus A320 "Aeroflot", who followed from Moscow, made the first landing on the second runway Tolmachevo. The airport has become the only airport in the Asian part of Russia, having two runways. The second runway 16/34, 3602 m long, has a width of 45 m, the concrete coating has no restrictions on the mass of the aircraft received, the band is equipped with ILS 2 categories.

In July 2012, at the entrance to the airport, a monument of Tu-154 was established (the side number RA-85628) is the most massive domestic medium-hydraulic liner. The installation of an airplane on the eternal parking lot was timed at once to three significant dates: the 55th anniversary of the airport, the 40th anniversary of the Tu-154 operation and the 20th anniversary of the airline airline Airport S7 Airlines. In November of the same year, the airport for the first time in its history served a three million passenger, and at the end of 2012 passenger traffic exceeded 3 million passengers.

In 2013, preparation began on the modernization of the terminal of international airlines, within which a significant increase in the area and the capacity of the terminal was envisaged, as well as the improvement of the aircraft infrastructure. Work began on the design of the reconstruction of a number of most important objects of the airfield complex, including Perron and WDP-1. Project development - until November 2014.

On July 21, 2015, the reconstruction of the International Airport Terminal Tolmachevo was completed. The area of \u200b\u200bthe terminal before the reconstruction was 10,000 square meters. m. In the course of the work, it was increased to 27,000 square meters. m, bandwidth increased from 750 to 1300 passengers / hour.

Today, the Novosibirsk airport is one of the largest air sup of Russia. It has two passenger terminals with the VIP-hall, a cargo terminal, a comfortable hotel, certified by the European Flight Security Agency (EASA) by the repair base. The airport has an aviation training center (AUTS), where the initial training and advanced training of the staff of the Passenger Transportation Service, the Aviation Security Service inspector, the search and rescue specialists of flights, as well as specialists engaged in the anti-icing processing of aircraft are held. The takeoffs and arrivals of aircraft are made on two bands simultaneously using satellite navigation.

In the late 1990s, an international terminal was completed, the construction of which was suspended and was postponed for several years due to the inappropriate use of funds.

In 1999, Tolmachevo Airport OJSC allocated fueling service to a separate company, creating CJSC Airport-Service. Initially, it was planned that "Tolmachevo" in it will be a controlling stake 50% + 1 share, and the rest - at Sibneft. However, after registering the enterprise, the leadership of the airport found out that the controlling stake was registered precisely on Sibneft. There was no way to restore the desired balance. During the long-term judicial disputes, Sibneft proved the legality of creating this enterprise. In December 2003, the airport sold this stake in this package, fearing that he would be arrested because of the lawsuit of Rosaviaconomism.

In 2003, Siberia airline, dissatisfied with fuel prices, decided to eliminate the "Airport Service" monopoly and build its own tanning complex. He cost a few million dollars and had a capacity of 18,000 tons of kerosene. In January 2004, construction was suspended due to the investigation of the State Inspectorate of Architectural and Construction Supervision, which began on the basis of an airport application.

In 2005, the expansion of the internal flight terminal began. In it, the first at the airport of telescopic lads, especially necessary in winter were installed.

December 19, 2005 The "Industrial Development" group signed the program for the reconstruction and expansion of the airport, the airport development program until 2010. The program provides an attachment of $ 280 million. The company has already bought the necessary plots of land near Tolmachevo, including an unfinished TZK of Siberia Airlines.

In September 2010, the second runway of the airport was commissioned, the construction of which was started back in 1987. In 1995, construction was frozen, and again the money from the federal budget was allocated only in the 2000s. July 12, 2010, on the day of the 53th anniversary of the airport, the first technical flight was performed with IVPP-2 (the aircraft Boeing 767-300 airlines took off at 21:00 local time and landed after 14 minutes), the strip was recognized as ready for work, and On September 25 of the same year, WFP accepted the first round aircraft.

In the summer of 2013, the leadership of the airport decided to modernize passenger terminals, uniting them into a single complex. In September 2014, the work on reconstruction was started, which continued until November 2015. During the modernization, two former terminals A and B were reconstructed into a single terminal (using the "Under-One-Roof" technology), which received sectors A and B for introduced and MVL, respectively. As a result, the sector in received 18 registration racks (instead of 10 in the old terminal), the large zone of Duty Free, as well as 3 telescopic ladder. In the transition connecting two sectors, the sculpture "Aviators Siberia" is installed.


The airport development program until 2025 includes:

  • Expansion of the current and construction of the second cargo terminal;
  • Reconstruction of WDP-1 with a complete coating replacement (due to a worn);
  • An increase in the number of taxiways;
  • Further modernization of the airfield infrastructure.

In April 2018, Novosibirsk was officially declared a venue for the World Hockey World Championship in 2023. In this regard, the Government of the Novosibirsk region put in front of the Tolmachely airport task to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe terminal complex and create conditions for the minimum passenger traffic of 10 million people / year.

According to statistical estimates, by 2020, the passenger traffic is expected to grow up to 6 million people.

The fastest and comfortable type of transport is the plane. That is why there are a huge number of airports in our country. How many airports in Russia? Their very impressive quantity: more than two hundred. And it does not surprise it at all, because the territory Russian Federation Huge and all people want to be able to comfortably move to different cities and countries.

To list all the airports of the Russian Federation is very difficult (we will do it at the end of the article), it is worthwhile to bring the names of Russia's airports, which are the most largest: on analytical research:

  1. Moscow Airport "Domodedovo".
  2. Sheremetyevo airport".
  3. The airport, located in St. Petersburg, whose name is Pulkovo.

According to analysts, the largest aircraft of the Russian Federation is the Moscow Domodedovo, which in the year was able to increase the flow of passengers by almost 13%.

What countries do codes give airports?

Casodies of airports in Russia comply with international standards. Of course, codes IATA. and ICAO. Inherent in not all Russian nodes, but most of them. The first IATA code is an international indicator that points to the belonging of the goods to the airfields of Russia. A similar code uses all world airports, and distributes the designations of the International Organization. Such code passengers can see on special labels that attach air harbor employees to their baggage. The presence of such a code guarantees the arrival of lost baggage in the Russian airport.

The ICAO code has 4 characters. This indicator can use any airfield that international flights. Such codes are also issued by an international organization, their goal is to control airspace. This species has no similarity with the previous one, which may be displayed on:

  • information scoreboard;
  • on luggage labels;
  • on personal belongings transported by passengers.

ICAO code helps to properly plan ups, landing and air vehicle flight process.

Ostafyevo Airport. It is considered one of the oldest in Russia. At the photo of the airport after restoration.

Air harbor of the Russian Federation

Numerous airports in Russia, the list of which is very large, every day takes numerous passengers, offer them to use comfortable and comfortable air vehicles. Among the largest Russian airfields, besides the top three, the following should be highlighted:

  • 11 Moscow airports;
  • 5 airfields of St. Petersburg;
  • 3 air berths located in Tyumen;
  • 3 aircraft owned by Maikop;
  • 2 Petrozavodsk airport.

Each of the above airfields is equipped with the latest technologies, offers passengers amenities and comfort while waiting for air transport.

What Russian cities have air berths?

Many are asked in which cities of Russia are airports? Answer this question will help the list. Of course, he will be far incomplete, but it will indicate the most famous and large Russian city centers. Airfields are available in:

  • Adler;
  • Astrakhan;
  • Arkhangelsk;
  • Belgorod;
  • Vladivostok;
  • Vologda;
  • Voronezh;
  • Irkutsk;
  • Kazan;
  • Krasnodar;
  • Kursk;
  • Lipetsk;
  • Moscow;
  • Magnitogorsk;
  • Murmansk;
  • Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Omsk;
  • Rostov-on-Don;
  • Stavropol;
  • Syktyvkar;
  • Surgut;
  • Tomsk;
  • Khabarovsk;
  • Chelyabinsk;
  • South Sakhalinsk;
  • Yakutsk.

Nizhny Novgorod is the oldest Russian airport. It was founded in 1922, and now in the airfield, capital updates are conducted in the airfield. According to plan, they should be finished by the end of 2020.

Moscow Airport "Domodedovo"

International Russian airports

Russia's international airports, a list of which is quite large, it is difficult to list in full, so it will not be superfluous to bring the largest and large. Under the international air harbor it is customary to be such an aerozel, which accepts and sends almost all types to flights. Such airfields carry out air transportation of international importance, control is conducted as border guards and the country's customs service. For previously compiled international treaties on some airfields, additional measures to control the safety of passengers and air transport, according to federal legislation, can be carried out.

List of largest international Russian aerozlov:

  1. In the first place, as already mentioned earlier, it is worth the Moscow airfield "Domodedovo". This is a private, not a state institution.
  2. No less popular with the passengers of the second largest airfield of the capital - Sheremetyevo. As it became known, in the near future it is planned to be combined with another Moscow airfield called "Vnukovo".
  3. Currently, Vnukovo is under the control of the Moscow authorities and develops well. However, the current government decided to improve the structure and operation of this airfield, so it will be transferred under the control of federal bodies.
  4. The famous air berth of St. Petersburg Pulkovo is also international, offers passengers a canceled quality of service.
  5. Aerozel, located in Yekaterinburg, which has the name "Koltsovo". Of course, the flow of passengers who takes this international aerozel cannot be compared with the above leaders, but still about 3 million people enjoy its services annually.
  6. It is known for the whole world Sochi airfield. Throughout the year, the air berth of Sochi receives and sends about 3 million passengers.
  7. Approximately the same number of passengers takes the air harbor of Tolmachev, located in Novosibirsk. With this airfield, many use for transfers to other international flights.
  8. South aerozel called "Krasnodar" annually takes more than 2.5 million passengers who fly to resorts.
  9. In Samara, there is an international harbor "Kurumoch", which is considered the most promising throughout the Volga region.

No less promising is the air berth of the city of Ufa, which is also international.

List of all airports in Russia with codes

Locality Airport name IATA code ICAO code Internal code
Abakan Abakan ABA Unaa. Abn.
Aldan Aldan Adh. UEEA AD.
Amderma Amderma AMV Uldd. AMD
Anadyr Carbonic Dyr. Uhma. Abna
Anapa Vityazevo AAQ. Urka. Ana
Apatity Apatity-Kirovsk KVK. ULMK. Ap |
Arkhangelsk Vaskovo Ulah. Vs.
Arkhangelsk Talagi. ARH Ulaa. ARH
Astrakhan Astrakhan ASF. URWA. ASR
Achinsk Achinsk ACS. Unks Achn
Bagdarin Bagdarin UIUB.
Barnaul Barnaul Bax Unbb. Ban
Belgorod Belgorod Ego. UUOB Bed
Beloretsk Beloretsk BCX Uwub Better
Biisk Biisk Unbi. BSK
Bilibino. Keperwem. Uhmk. Kpm.
Blagoveshchensk Ignatievo BQS. UHBB. BGSH
Boron Podcaman Tunguska Unip PTS
Bratsk Bratsk BTK. UIBB. Bras
Bryansk Bryansk BZK. UUBP. Bry
Bugulma Bugulma UUA. UWKB. Bug
Buguruslan Buguruslan UWWB. BGG
Varandey Varandey ULDW. Light
Great Luki. Great Luki. Vlu Ulol. Century
Great Ustyug Great Ustyug Vus ULWU. Veus
Vladivostok. Knevichi Vvo Uhww. VVO
Vladikavkaz Beslan OGZ. Urmo. Vs.
Vladimir Semyzino Uubl VLM
Volgograd Humba. Vog. URWW. VGG.
Vologda Vologda VGD. ULWW. Vgud
Vorkuta Vorkuta Vkt. UUYW. SKT
Voronezh Apply Uuod.
Voronezh Chertovitsky Voz. Uuoo VRN
Vuktyl Vuktyl UUYK.
Gelendzhik Gelendzhik GDZ. Urkg. GJ.
Gorno-Altaisk Gorno-Altaisk Unbg. Mountains
Grozny Grozny Grv Urmg. UAH
Dixon Dixon DKS. Uodd. DICK
Yekaterinburg Koltsovo SVX. USSS. CLC
Yekaterinburg Uktus USSK. UKS.
Yeniseisk Yeniseisk EIE Unii. ENS.
Zhigansk Zhigansk UEVV. Zhig.
Ivanovo. Ivanovo-South IWA Uubi. IVB
Igarka Igarka IAA. Uoii. Games
Izhevsk Izhevsk Ijk. Usii. IZHV
Int. Int. Ina UUYI. Int.
Irkutsk Irkutsk IKT UIII. ICT
Yoshkar-Ola. Yoshkar-Ola. Jok. UWKJ. ISHO
Kazan. Kazan. KZN. UWKD. KZN
Kaliningrad Herburovo KGD. Umkk. CLD
Kaataka Kaataka Uldt KTY
Kemerovo Kemerovo Kej. Unee. Kv
Kirov Wornow KVX. USKK. KIO
Kogalym Kogalym Kgp Usrk COG.
Komsomolsk-on-Amur Dance Uhkd.
Komsomolsk-on-Amur HURBA KXK. Uhkk. KSL
Kostomuksha Kostomuksha ULPM.
Kostroma Sokhkino KMW. Uuba. Corner
Kotlas. Kotlas. Ksz. ULKK. KTS
Krasnodar Pashkovsky Krr. Urkk. Kpa
Krasnodar Enem Urkn. Hena
Krasnokamensk Krasnokamensk Uiae. KNK.
Krasnoyarsk Emelyanovo KJA. Unkl EMI
Krasnoyarsk Cheremshanka Unkm. Kas.
Red Kut. Red Kut. UWSK. Ks
Mound Mound Kro. Usuu Kg
Kurilsk Petrel BVV.
Kursk Oriental URS. Uuok. Sir
Kyzyl Kyzyl Kyz. Unky. Kyy.
Leshukonskoye Leshukonskoye LDG. ULAL Lesh.
Lipetsk Lipetsk LPK. Uuol. Lip.
Magadan Magadan-13. Uhmt. MHD
Magadan Falcon GDX Uhmm. MDS.
Magdagachi Magdagachi GDG. UHBI. MDH.
Magnitogorsk Magnitogorsk MQF. USCM MGS
Makhachkala Uytash MCX. Urml. MHL
Mezen. Mezen. ULAE MZN
Mineral water Mineral water MRV. Urmm. MRV
Peaceful Peaceful MJZ. Uerr. PEACE
Moscow Bykovo BKA. Uubb. BKV
Moscow Vnukovo Vko. UUWW. VC
Moscow Domodedovo DME Uuded. DMD
Moscow Ostafyevo UUMO. Osf
Moscow Ramenskoye Uubw. RNC.
Moscow Solntsevo Social
Moscow Sheremetyevo Svo Uuee. SRM.
Murmansk Murmansk MMK. ULMM. Mun.
Cape Schmidt Cape Schmidt UHMI Mst.
Nadym Nadym NYM. USMM. NDM.
Nalchik Nalchik NAL Urmn. NCC
Naryan-Mar. Naryan-Mar. Nnm. Ulam. NNR
Neryungri. Chulman CNN. Uell. NRG
Nizhneangarsk Nizhneangarsk UIUN. Izhg.
Nizhnevartovsk Nizhnevartovsk NJC. USNN. HB
Nizhnekamsk Begyshevo NBC. UWKE NLC
Nizhny Novgorod Strigino Goj. UWGG. NJ.
Nikolskoye Nikolskoye NICK
Novokuznetsk Spichekovo Noz. Unww NK.
Novosibirsk Yelantsovka Unne NCC.
Novosibirsk Tolmachevo OVB. Unnt. TLCH
New Urengoy New Urengoy NUX. USMU. Nur
Nogliki Nogliki NGL Uhsn. NGL
Norilsk Alykel NSK. UOOO. Nack
Noyabrsk Noyabrsk NoJ. Usro. BUT I
Nyagan. Nyagan Airport Ushn. Nag
October October OKT. Uwuk. Oct.
Omsk Omsk-North Unos OMV
Omsk Omsk-Central OMS. Unoo OMS
Onega Onega ULAO. SHE IS
Eagle Orel-South OEL. Uuor. Oyll
Orenburg Orenburg Central REN. Uwoo. Ong.
Orsk Orsk OSW. UWOR. OSK
OX OX Ohh. Uhsh. OX
Okhotsk Okhotsk Oho. Uhoo. Oht
Pevek Pevek PWE. UHMP. Singe
Penza Penza PEZ. UWPP PNA
Permian Big Savino PEE USPP PR
Petrozavodsk Besovets Pes. ULPB. PTB
Petrozavodsk Sands ULPP. PDD
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Elizovo. PKC. UHPP. PRL
Pechora Pechora Pex. UUYP. PCR
Providence Bay Providence PVS. Uhmd. PRD
Pskov. Pskov. PKV. Ulooo. Psk
Pushkin Pushkin ULLP PSH
Rainbow Rainbow Rat. Usnr. GLAD
Rostov-on-Don Rostov-on-Don ROV. URRR Ditch
Rybinsk Starosela Ryb. Uubk. RBN
Ryazan Dyagilevo RZN. Uubd. RZN
Ryazan Turlatovo RZN. Uuber Ryat.
Salekhard. Salekhard. SLY. USDD Storage
Samara Kurumoch Kuf. UWWW. OCC
Samara Ochdsaevka UWWS. SMS
St. Petersburg Levashov
St. Petersburg Pulkovo Led. Ulli. PLC
St. Petersburg Pushkin ULLP PSH
Saransk Saransk SKX UWPS. SRN
Saratov Saratov-Central RTW. UWSS. SRO
Sibay Sibay UWUA.
Smolensk Smolensk-South LNX. SML
Soviet harbor May-Matkat GVN. Uhkm. SN
Solovetsky Islands Solovki. Csh. Ulas. Soy
Sochi Adler-Sochi. AER URSS. Op
Stavropol. Shpakovskoye STW. Urmt. STU
Stary Oskol Stary Oskol Uuos. SOL
Sterlitamak Sterlitamak Uwus. STM
Surgut Surgut SGC. Usrr. Sur
Syktyvkar Syktyvkar SCW. UUYY. Serpent
Taganrog Taganrog-South Urrt. Tag
Tambov Donskoye TBW. UUot. TMB
Tver Snake UUBN. Thr.
Tver Migalovo Uuem. TVG.
Tiksi Tiksi IKS. Uest Tsi.
Tyliciki Tyliciki UHPT Til
Tobolsk Tobolsk Tox USTO TB
Tolyatti Tolyatti UWWT.
Tomsk Bogachevo TOF. Untt TSC
Tomsk Golovino
Tour Mountain Unit. TAU
Tynda Tynda Tyd. UHBW. Tyd
Tyumen. Plekhanovo USTL Plch
Tyumen. Roshchino TJM. USTR RCH
Successful Polar Pyj. UERP Pate
Ulan-Ude Baikal UUD. Uiuu. ULE
Ulan-Ude Ulan-Ude-East Uiuw.
Ulyanovsk Brataevka Uly UWLL Ulk
Ulyanovsk Ulyanovsk-East UWLW. Uls.
Ust-Kut. Ust-Kut. UKX Uitt Across
Ust-Nera Ust-Nera UEMT UNR
Usinsk Usinsk Usk. UUYS.
Ufa Ufa UFA Uwuu. Ufa
Ukhta Ukhta UCT Uuyh. Ukht.
Khabarovsk Khabarovsk Uhht. HBA
Khabarovsk Khabarovsk-New KHV. Uhhh. HBD
Handiga Warm key UMH Chdy
Khanty-Mansiysk Khanty-Mansiysk HMA Ushh. HAS
Haruta Haruta How
Khatanga Khatanga HTG. Uohh. Hat.
Tsimlyansk Volgodonsk VLK. Vld
Chara. Chara. Uiar. Char.
Cheboksary Cheboksary CSY. UWKS. Chbe
Chelyabinsk Chelyabinsk CEK. USCC ChLB
Cherepovets Cherepovets CEE ULWC. Chrv
Church Church CYX. Uss HDS.
Chita Kadala HTA. Uiaa. SKT
Chokurdah Chokurdah Ckh. Ueso. Chkd.
Shakhthersk Shakhthersk EKS. UHSK. Shah
Shchelkovo Chkalovsky Ckl UUMU.
Elista Elista ESL. URWI Elia
Yuzhno-Kurilsk Mendeleevo Dee. UHSM. Yuzhk
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Khomutovo Uus. Uhss. South
Yakutsk Yakutsk Yks. UEEE. Yact
Yamburg Yamburg USMY Jamb
Yaroslavl Levtsovo Uubx. Yarv
Yaroslavl Tunošna IAR. UUDL Yart

    What if the flight was canceled

    If the flight has canceled more than 24 hours before departure, passengers transplanted with similar flights of the airline. Expenditures carry a carrier, a free service for the passenger. If none of the options proposed by the airline, you do not suit you, most airlines can be issued "forced return". After confirming the airline, the money will return to your account. Sometimes it may take several weeks.

    How to register at the airport

    Online registration is available on most airlines sites. Most often it opens 23 hours before the start of the flight. You can pass it no later than 1 hour before the departure of the aircraft.

    To register at the airport you will need:

    • identification certificate specified in the order
    • birth certificate when flying with children,
    • printed route receipt (optional).
  • What can be taken with you

    Manual sting are things that you take with you to the cabin of the aircraft. The hand-made weight rate can vary from 5 to 10 kg, and its size does not most often exceed the sum of three dimensions (length, widths and height) from 115 to 203 cm (depending on the airline). The lady's bag does not apply to hand-made bags and shifts freely.

    In the bag that you take on the plane, there should be no knives, scissors, medicines, aerosols, cosmetics. Alcohol from Duty Free stores can be transported only in sealed packages.

    How to pay luggage at the airport

    If the weight of baggage exceeds the norms installed by the airline (most often - 20-23 kg), you need to pay for each kilogram of the advantage. In addition, many Russian and foreign airlines, as well as loupes there are tariffs that do not include free baggage and it must be paid separately as an additional service.

    Luggage It is necessary to register at the airport at a separate Drop-OFF front desk. If you do not have the ability to print a boarding pass, you can get it on the usual airline front desk, and register and pass the luggage.

    Where to learn the time of arrival if you meet

    You can find out the time of arrival of the aircraft on the online table of airport. On the site Tutu.ru there is an online scoreboard of the main Russian and foreign airports.

    You can find out the output number (Gate) on the board of arrival at the airport. This room is a close to the information about the arriving flight.

Airport name: Tolmachevo (Tolmachevo). Airport is located in the country: Russia (Russian Federation). City of the location of the airport Novosibirsk (Novosibirsk). IATA Tolmachevo Airport Code: OVB.. IATA airport code is a three-letter unique identifier assigned to the airports of the world by the International Association of Air Transport (IATA). ICAO (ICAO) Tolmachevo Airport Code: Unnt.. ICAO airport code is a four-letter unique identifier, which is assigned to the airports of the world by the International Organization of Civil Aviation (ICAO).

Geographic coordinates of the airport of Tolmachevo.

The latitude on which is located airport: 55.01 billion, in turn, the longitude of the airport corresponds to: 82.650000000000. Geographic coordinates of latitude and longitude determined the position of the airport on the earth's surface. To fully determine the position of the airport in the three-dimensional space, the third coordinate is needed - height. The height of the airport above sea level is 111 meters. The airport is located in the time zone: +6.0 GMT. In air tickets, the local time of departure and arrival of the airport is always indicated on time zones.

Online boards arrival and scoreboard Tolmachevo Airport (OVB).

The most relevant information about the time of flights and their possible delay, as a rule, is located on the online schedule of arrival and the online scoreboard of the official website of Tolmachevo Airport (OVB) :. Also on the official website of the OVB airport, you can usually find information about the fare of the airport, parking information on the territory, the airport itself, service information, rules and other reference information for passengers.

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