
Story in English about London Topic. History of London in English with translation. Interesting Facts about London in English

London has a lot of beautiful sights that are of great importance on culture and art not only Great Britain, but also the whole world. Most of them are associated with history. These are monuments, squares, majestic buildings. Everyone who studies language should be able to describe London's sights in English.

Sights of London in English

Big Ben (The Big Ben)

- One of London's attractions, which is considered a symbol of this city. This is not only what many are associated with, but also the world's largest hours.

To describe this sight of London, you can use these words:

Delight The Eye. Pleasing to the eye
Be Named after. Named in honor
The Most Famous. The most famous
Amazing. Astonishing
Masterpiece. Masterpiece
Impressive Clock. Impressive hours
Clock Tower Clock tower

How to describe the landmark of London Big Ben in English:

Trafalgar Square (Trafalgar Square)

- A popular place for meetings and demonstrations. The attraction is located in the center of London, at the intersection of the three main London streets - Westminster, Whiteholl and Mella.

London Madame Tussaud's London Museum (Madame Tussaud's London)

Known by its wax figures that are performed very accurately and efficiently. The attraction is listed for visiting all tourists in London.

An example of a story about the sights of London Madame Tussao Madame in English:

London Tower (Tower Of London)

- attraction, which is closely related to english history. Here you can listen to interesting excursions and learn a lot about the long-time events that took place in the city.

Description of London's attractions in English:

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Buckingham Palace (Buckingham Palace)

- This is the residence of the royal family in the capital. Inside the building is a very beautiful interior that attracts many tourists. The palace occupies 20 hectares of land, of which 17 are gardens that in the past were forest used for hunting members of the royal family.

Story about London's attractions in English:

Buckingham Palace Is One The Most Exciting Place in London. Tourists Like Visiting IT Very Much. The Palace Is Very Old. IT WAS Built In 1705. Now IT Is The Official Residence of British Monarchy. There Are More Than 600 Rooms in this Building. Every Year Near 50 Hundreds People Are Invited to This Residence for Parties and Banquets. Many Tourists Come Here Because The Want To See Queen Victoria Memorial. IT IS Very Beautiful.

Buckingham Palace is one of the most interesting places in London. Tourists love to visit it. The building is very old. It was built in 1705. Now this is the official Residence of the Royal Family. There are more than 700 rooms. Every year about 50 thousand people invite to parties and banquets that spend in this house. Many tourists come there, because they want to see the Victoria Memorial. This is a very beautiful statue.

British Museum (The British Museum)

This is one of the world's largest museums. It stores expensive collections of artists from around the world. Sightseeing includes 94 galleries. They can enjoy a thematic excursion and listen about the history of art.

Tower Bridge (Tower Bridge)

This is an adjustable bridge in the center of London, which is often confused with the London Bridge. It was opened in 1894. This bridge is a symbol of the capital. On the bridge there is a gallery, which overlooks the city. Its length is 244 meters.

How to describe the landmark of London in English:

Near the bridge there are two towers in which viewing platforms and galleries are organized, open to tourists visits. This attraction is considered mandatory for visiting all guests of the city.

London National Gallery (The National Gallery)

This is one of the biggest Gallery of Great Britain. If you know more, then it presents more than 2 thousand exhibits of Western European painting. Pictures are located in the chronological sequence, so visitors can listen to a lecture on the history of art and at the same time view examples of paintings.

How to describe the landmark of London in English:

In the gallery you can also buy souvenir products and books about painting or audio set.

Read also

Westminster Abbey (Westminster Abbey)

The full name of this attraction - "Saint Peter's Collegian Church in Westminster." From the 11th century this place is used to coronate monarchs. This is one of the most important religious places in the country.

How to describe the landmark of London in English:

This place for many centuries was the center of education and training. In the walls, the attractions were transferred to the Bible into English. Royal wedding are also held in this church.

Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens (Hyde Parkand Kensington Gardens)

This park created in the 18th century English Monarch Heinrich Eighth. He used forest residues in order to organize a landscaped place near the palace. At that time, animals and members of the royal family often were hunted there. Each next monarch improved this place and ennobled it.

Now it is the most green area of \u200b\u200bLondon, where people come to breathe fresh air, organize a picnic or admire the attractions.

How to describe the attraction of London in English:

The most important attraction of the park - Kensington Palace. This is an elegant and beautifully designed building that attracts many tourists.

Piccadilly Circus Square

- Central city square. There is a rich architecture, many attractions. She was built in 1819 to establish transport links between neighboring streets.

How to describe the landmark of London in English:

Piccadilly Square is considered the exemplary area of \u200b\u200bthe European capital. There are many modern shops and ancient buildings. The Royal Academy of Arts, the Museum of Amura London, the Eros Statue, the Ritz Hotel, are also located there.

Parliament Building (The Houses of Parliament)

This attraction symbolizes the country. Parliament was built in the 11th century, at that time it accommodated the residence of the kings.

How to describe this sight of London in English:

You can get on the excursion to parliament summer during parliamentary holidays and on weekends, throughout the year. The rest of the time the building is not available for tourists.

The Thames River

Thames - The river on which London is located. It is a natural symbol of the city. The river flows into the North Sea, its maximum width in the city is 200 meters.

Example description of the sights in English:

On the banks of the river in the city there is a large port, which is one of the largest in the world.

Nelson Column (Nelson's Column)

Sightseeing is located in the center of Trafalgar Square. This is a high monument, which was built and called in honor of the memory of Admiral Nelson. The column was built over three years - from 1840 to 1843. Monument is very high: its height is only 51 meters.

How to describe the attraction of London in English:

Attraction has an interesting history of creation. Some of its details are made of original materials, for example, bronze leaves on the top were cast from English guns, and the panels on the pedestal are from the French.

Oxford Street (Oxford Street)

Oxford Street - Attraction that attracts tourists. There are famous red buses, residents of the capital and guests are walking. This is the most famous shopping street all over the world. Its length is 2.5 kilometers and about 300 stores are posted on it, which offer various good goods.

How to describe the landmark of London in English:

On this famous street in stores are constantly undergoing sales, discounts sometimes reach 75%, so there are always so many tourists here.

Essay "London's attractions in English with translation"

An example of essays on the topic "London's sights" in English:

London Is a Big and Beautiful City. Before You Go There You Need to Find Information About Its Sights. BECAUSE THERE ARE LOTS OF INTERESTING AND HISTORICAL PLACES WHICH EVERY TURIST MUST SEE. At First, You Can Visit The London Eye. The Magnificent View of London Will Open from The Highest Point Of This Place. IT IS VERY INSPIRING AND UNFORGETTABLE. Aftert That Tourists Usually Walk to Trafalgar Square. The Most Important Place of this Part of London Is Nelson's Column. People Like Meeting Here and Walking with Friends. There Also a beautiful Park in London. IT IS CALLED HYDE PARK. There Are Many Flowers and Trees. IT IS VERY GREEN AND NICE. Aftert That, IT Is Possible to Visit Buckingham Palace. IT IS A Wonderful Building! There Are More Than 600 Rooms. IT IS A Great Possibility for Tourists Because The Royal Family Live. Tourists Also Can Order The Excursion with a Guide. There Is Also An Interesting Place for Shopping. IT IS IN OXFORD STREET. There Are Many Shops with Sales. Another Interesting Place Which You Need to Visit Is The River, Thames. Tourist Can Rent A Boat And Walk Through The River Watching A Delightful View. London Is a Very Interesting and Cultural City! After Visiting All These Places You Will Never Forget This Trip! London is a beautiful and big city. Before you go there, you need to find information about its attractions. Because there are many interesting and historical places that everyone should see. First you need to see the ferris wheel. An incredible view of London opens with his highest point of this place. It is very inspiring and unforgettable. After that, tourists usually go to Trafalgar Square. The most important part of this sight is London - Nelson Column. People love to walk there and meet friends. There is a very beautiful park in London. He is called Hyde Park. There are many colors and trees, it is very beautiful and green. After that, you can visit the Buckingham Castle. This is an amazing building! There are more than 600 rooms. This is a great opportunity for tourists, because they can see where and how the royal family lives. There you can also book an excursion with a guide. In London there is a place for shopping. This is Oxford Street. There are many shops in which sales are often held. Another interesting place to see is the River Thames. Tourists can rent a boat and stroll along the river, watching a beautiful view. London is a very interesting and cultural city. After visiting all these places it is impossible to forget about this trip!


London is a dream of many tourists, the city in which films are removed and where Harry Potter lived. The article was held a brief inspection of London's sights, which will help to make a presentation or report for the lesson of the English language.

Also neighborhood and unusual sights of London can also be found online on the computer, it is absolutely free. If you go to the tourist in London, do not forget to take the map to know the main routes, how to get to the point you need.

London is by Far My Favourite City. IT HOLDS SO MANY SURPRISES, MULTI-CULTURE AND A WIDE VARIETY OF ENTERTINMENT TO AMUSE EVEN THE MOST MONOTONOUS OF PEOPLE. The City Attracts Millions of Individual Characters: Businessmen and Women, Homeless, Buskers, Goths, Punks, Grungers, Prostitutes, Criminals The List Is Never Ending.

If I "M Looking for a Bit of Retail Therapy I Always Head Straight to Oxford Circus Accompanied As usual by My Trusty Yet Comical Friend Cassie. Just As I Got Out Of The Tube Station, I" M Greeted by "Topshop ,? A Deluxe YET AFFORDABLE CLOTHES OUTLET. IT "S WANDER DOWN TOWARS BOND STREET THAT I WANH I" D SAVED SOME OF THE BIRTHDAY MONEY I "D RECEIVED THE YEAR BEFORE JUST SO I COULD FEEL CONFIDENT ENOUGH TO WALK THROUGH THE DOORS OF" SELFRIDGES, ? Thinking I Could Actually Purchase Something. I Envy Girls My Age Parading The Streets in their Gina Shoes and Designer Clobber. I know it "S Shallow, But Everybody Feels More Gloramorous If The Wear Clothing With a Name.

WE TOOK THE LONDON Underground to Leicester Square. One of My Favourite Routines of Going To the West. End Is Traveling On The Tube Wit Cassie. WE Satisfied Our Boredom on the Tube by Getting Great Pleasure Out of A Whaopee Cushion During The "Silence? Between Stations.

Our Saturday Ritual Was To Wonder Round The Trocadero in Piccadilly Circus, to Have a Laugh and Rinse Our Ten Pieces in Those Machines Where You Drop a coin in Hopefully Causing Another to Fall Off a Shelf Below Which You Would Win. Blatantly The Coins Were Stuck Together Conning Eager Children Into Spending All their Allowance. I REMEMBER WE STUMBLED ACROSS A KARAOKE MACHINE IN WHICH YOU COULD RECORD YOUR OWN TAPE FOR A BARGAIN AT FIVE POUNDS!

Essay in English - About London with translation

London Is The Capital of Great Britain or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. IT IS An Old City, Its History Counts More Than Two Thousand Years. London Is Both The Capital Oi The Country and a Huge Port. London Is Situated Upon Both Banks of The Thames, About Forty Miles From The Mouth and Is Divided Into Two Parts by The River: North and South. There Are 17 Bridgees That Cross The River. The Population of London Is More Than 9 Million People.

The History of London Goes Back to Roman Times. Due to FavoURable Geographical Position, Soon After The Roman Conquest, A Small Town Became An Important Trade Center. Actually, London Can Be Divided Into Sevel Parts: The City or Downtown of London, Westminster, The West End And The East End. The City IS The Oldest Part of London with Narrow Streets and Pavements. There Are Many Offices, Companies and Banks in This Part of London. The City Of London Is The Financial Center of the United Kingdom. Only A FEW Thousand People Live It is Full of People: As About Half a Million People Come to Work There is an AS ABOUT HALF A MILLION PEOPLE COME TO WORK THERE. The Biggest Banks and Offices Are Concentrated In The City. The West End Is The Center of London. IT Full of Ricest Hotels, Largest Supermarkets, Best Cinemas and Concerthalls. There Are A Lot of Beautiful Houses and Gardens. Only Well-to-Do People Can Live There.

Another Important District of London Is Westminster, Where Most of Government Buildings Are Situated. Westminster Palace Is The Seat of the British Parliament. Westminster Palace Was Founded in 1050. It is situated in the center of london.

The East East of London Is The Industrial Area And The Place Where the Working People Live. There Are Many Factories, Workshops and Docks There. The East End, Lying Eastwards from the City Is Very Large and Crowded. There Are Many Cars and Buses in London. There Is The Tube (An Underground) in London Too. The Underground, Constructed in London, Was The First Underground in the World.

London is the capital of Great Britain or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, he is the old town, his story has more than two thousand years. London is the capital of the country and a huge port. London is located on both shores of the River Thames, approximately forty miles from the mouth and is divided by the river into two parts: North and South. The river crosses seventeen bridges. The population of London exceeds 9 million people.

The history of London dates back to Roman times. Because of the favorable geographical position, shortly after the conquest of the Romans, the small town became an important shopping center. In fact, London can be divided into several parts: City, or London Business Center, Westminster, West and East End. City, with narrow streets and sidewalks, is the oldest part of London. In this part of London there are many offices, companies and banks. London City is the financial center of Great Britain. Only a few thousand people live there, but in the afternoon there are plenty of people here: since approximately half a million people come here to work. The largest banks and offices are in City. West End is the center of London. He is full of the most rich hotels, the largest supermarkets, the best cinemas and concert halls. There are many beautiful buildings and gardens. Only wealthy people can live there.

Another important area of \u200b\u200bLondon is Westminster, where most government buildings are located. The Westminster Palace is a place meeting of the British Parliament. The Westminster Palace was founded in 1050. It is located in the center of London.

London East End is an industrial area and a place where workers live. There are many factories, shops and docks. East End is in the eastern direction from the city, very large and overcrowded. London has many cars and buses. In London, there is a metropolitan, which is called "Pipe". Metropolitan, built in London, was the first metro in the world.

London Is The Capital Of Great Britain, Its Political, Economic and Cultural Center. IT's One of the Largest Cities in the World. ITS Population Is More Than 9 Million People. London Is Situated On The River Thames. IT Was Founded More Than Two Thousand Years Ago.

London IS An Ancient City. IT APPEARED AT THE PLACE WHERE THE ROMAN INVADERS DECIDED TO BUILD A BRIDGE OVER THE THAMES. There Are Four Parts in London: West End, East End, The City and Westminster.

The City Is The Oldest Part of London, Its Financial and Business Center. There Are Many Offices, Companies and Banks in This Part of the Capital. The Heart of the City Is The Stock Exchange. The Tower of London and St Paul's Cathedral Are Situated in the City.

Westminster Is Also Important Part of the Capital. IT's The Administrative Center of London. The Houses of Parliament, The Seat of the British Government, Are there. Opposite The Houses of Parliament Is Westminster Abbey Where Kings and Queens Have Been Crowned and Many Famous People Were Buried. The Houses of Parliament Are Often Referred to As The Palace of Westminster.

The Towers of the Houtes of Parliament Stand High Above the City. On the Highest Tower There Is The Largest Clock In The Country, Big Ben. Big Ben Strikes Eve Quarter of An Hour.

To The West of Westminster Is West End, The Ricest Part of London. IT is Full of Luxury Hotels, Super-Markets, Cinemas and Concert-Halls. In The Center of The West End the Trafalgar Square Is Situated with the Famous Statue of Lord Nelson.

To the East of Westminster IS East End, An Industrial District of the Capital. MOST OF PLANTS AND FACTORIES ARE SITUATED THERE.

The Official London Residence of the Queen Is Buckingham Palace. The Palace Was Built In 1703 by The Duke Buckingham. The Daily Ceremony of The Changing Of The Guard Takes Place in Its Courtyard.

There Are Many Museums in London. For example, The British Museum, The Natural History Museum, The Science Museum. The British Museum is the Biggest Museum in London. The Museum IS Famous for Its Library - One of the Richest in the World.

There Are Many Beautiful Parks in London. St James's Park, Green Park, Hyde Park, and Kensington Gardens Are Linked Together And Form Above 300 Hectares of Parkland in The Heart Of London.


London is the capital of Great Britain, her political, economic and cultural center. This is one of the largest cities in the world. His population is more than 9 million people. London is located on the River Thames. It was founded more than two thousand years ago.

London is an ancient city. He appeared there, where the Roman conquerors decided to build a bridge over the Thames.

London consists of four parts: West end, East and City and Westminster.

City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business center. There are many offices, companies and banks in this part of the capital. City heart is a stock exchange. In City there are Tower and St. Paul's Cathedral.

Westminster is also an important area of \u200b\u200bthe capital. This is the administrative center of London. Here is the parliament, which meets the British government. Opposite Parliament is the Westminster Abbey, where the kings and queens were crowned, and many famous people were buried. The building of the Parliament is often called the Westminster Palace.

Parliament towers high over the city. At the highest tower are the biggest hours in the country - Big Ben. They beat every quarter of an hour.

To the west of Westminster is a West end, the richest area of \u200b\u200bLondon. There are many luxury hotels, supermarkets, cinemas and concert halls. In the center of West-End there is Trafalgar Square with the famous statue of Lord Nelson.

East of Westminster is East End, the industrial area of \u200b\u200bthe capital. Here is a majority of factories and factories.

The official London Queen Residence is the Bouginger Palace. This palace was built in 1703 by the Duke of Bakingham. In his courtyard every day the guard ceremony passes.

In London a lot of museums. For example, the British Museum, the Museum of Natural History, the Museum of Science. The British Museum is the largest museum of London. He is famous for his library - one of the richest in the world.

In London, many beautiful parks. St. Jamek Park, Green Park, Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens are connected with each other and together make up more than 300 hectares of park areas in the center of London.


London - Stolitzia British, ї, Pol_tichny, Econichny International Center. Tse one h Nib_l Misst Svitu. Yoy population - B_льша 9 Мілинів cholovіk. London Reloishoviya on Rіchtsi Thames. Vіn Bouv Singles B_sche Two Tishych Rockivo.

London - Tse ancient. Misto. Vіn Zhanyvsyya there, de Rimski Vishviki Vishselioviyii Misst through Thames.

London wake up with Chotiroch Partin: West end, Іst-end, Sіtі i Westmіnster.

S_TІ - TSA Stara Partina London, € Finasii and Dilovius Center. At the Central Region of the Central Region, the Bagato Officon Roshtashovano, Kompanіi І Bankiv. Hezie Sitі - Tseta Bіře. S_Ti Roshtashovі Taer І Cathedral of St. Paul.

Westmіnster - Tseh Torh Majorivius district of the capital. TSA ADMINITING LONDON Center. There is a parliament, in the same time, a British Siberian Sea. Learn the parliament to inform Westmіnterstishka Abatism, de Corious Korii I Queeni, I puzzled Bagato Vіdomih people. Budilly Parliament often call the Westmisian Palace.

Bashti Parliament Visoko pivoon over the m_st. At Navishiy Bashti, the Nab_likh Godnik in the Crane - Big Ben. Vіn B'є Skin Svetty Hodini.

The West-End, Hibanth District of London, is to be found at Zakhіd Vіd Westmister. There is a bagato robine Gotelіv, supermarket, Kіnethatrіv І concerths Zaviv. In the center of West-end, there is a trafal karca s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s si, famous status of Lord Nelson.

On Skіd Vіd Westmisten, IST-Unde, Promysilov, the district of the capital. There is a large part of the factory.

Ofіційна Londonska Residence of the Queen - Bookіngaemsky Palace. Tsei Palace Bouw Robbing in 1703 Rotsi Duke Bounce. In the internal courtyard, the ceremonium Zmіni Varti's ceremonia.

Londoni Bagato Musey. Fort, British Museum, Museum of Naturally, Istorії, Museum of Science. British Museum - Tset Nibіl Soviet Museum of London. Vіn Family Family Bіbledeeeeo - one of the hibants in Svіtі.

Londoni Bagato Beautiful Parkіv. Saint-Jamesky Park, Glevia Park, Hyde Park І KENSINGTONSKI SADI MAYZAYANII ONE WITH SOME ON ON OTHER WEEK B_SHER 300 Hectar_IV Parks The territory in the center of London.

London (1)

London Is The Capital Of Great Britain, Its Political, Economic and Cultural Center. IT "S One of the Largest Cities in the world. ITS Population is More than Million People. London Is Situated On The River Thams. The City Is Very Old And Beautiful. It Was Founded More Thanw Thousand Years Ago. Traditionally London Is Divided INTO SEVERAL PARTS: THE CITY, THE WEST END, THE EAST END AND WESTMINSTER. THE CITY IS THE OLDEST PART OF LONDON, ITS FINANCIAL AND BUSINESS CENTRE. THE HEART OF THE CITY IS THE STOCK EXCHANGE. WESTMINSTER IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE Capital. IT "S The Administrative Center. The Houses of Parliament, The Seat of the British Government, Are there. IT "SA: Beautiful Building with Two Towers and a Very Big Clock Called Big Ben. Big Ben Is Really The Bell Which Strikes Eve Quarter of An Hour. Opposite The Houses of Parliament Is Westminster Abbey. IT" SA: BEATIFUL Church Built Over 900 Years Ago. The Tombs of Many Great Statesmen, Scientists and Writers Are there.

To The West of Westminster Is West End. Here We Find Most of the Big Shops, Hotels, Museums, Art Galleries, Theatres and Concert Halls. Picadilly Circus Is The Heart Of London "S West End. In The West End There Are Wide Streets with Beautiful Houses and Many Parks, Gardens and Squares. To the East of Westminster Is The East End, An Industrial District of the Capital. There Are No Parks or Gardens in the East East end and You Can "T See Many Fine Houses There. MOST OF THE PLANTS AND FACTORIES ARE SITUATED THERE. London Has Many Places of Interest. One of them is buckingham Palace. IT "The Residence of the Queen. The Russian Was Named SO in Memory of the Victory At the Battle. There in 1805 The English Fleet Defeated The Fleet of France and Spain. The Last Place of Interest I Should Like To Mention, Is The British Museum, The Biggest Museum in London. The Museum is Famous for Its Library -one of the Ricest in the world.

ALL LONDON "S LONG-PAST HISTORY IS TOLD by ITS Streets. There Are Many Streets in London Which Are Known All Over the" World. Among Them Oxford Street, Downing Street and a Lot of Others Can Be Mentioned. And Tourists Are Usually Attracted Not Only by The Paces of Interest But by The Streets Too. In Conclusion I Should Say If You Are Lucky Enough to Find Yourself in London Some Day You Will Have a Lot to See and Enjoy There.

London (1)

London is the capital of Great Britain, her political, economic and cultural center. This is one of the largest cities in the world. The population of London is more than 11 million people. London is located on the River Thames. The city is very ancient and beautiful. It was founded more than 2,000 years ago. Traditionally, London is divided into several parts: City, West and East End and Westminster. City - the oldest part of London, his financial and commercial center. City heart is a stock exchange. Westminster is the most important part of the capital. This is an administrative center. Here is the building of the Parliament, in which the British government is located. This is a very beautiful building with two towers and very large clocks that are called Big Ben. In fact, Big Ben is a bell that beats off every quarter of an hour. Opposite the parliament building is Westminster Abbey. This is a very beautiful church, built more than 900 years ago. Here are the graves of many great statesmen, scientists and writers.

West from Westminster is West End. Here are the majority of large shops, hotels, museums, art galleries, theaters and concert halls. Piccadilly Square - Heart of London West End. In West End - wide streets with beautiful houses and many parks, gardens, squares. East of Westminster is East End, the industrial area of \u200b\u200bthe capital. In East End there are no parks or gardens and can not be seen beautiful houses. Here are the most factories and factories. There are many attractions in London. One of them is the Buckingham Palace. This is the residence of the queen. The British are proud to the Trafalgar-Square, which was named so in honor of the victory in the battle. Here in 1805 the English fleet defeated the fleet of France and Spain. The last attraction I want to mention is the British Museum, the largest Museum of London. The museum is famous for its library - one of the richest in the world.

All Long London Story is told by his streets. London has many streets that are known all over the world. Among them Oxford Street, Downing Street and many others. And tourists usually attract not only sights, but also the streets too. In conclusion, I want to say: if you once happen to visit London, then you will look at and what to enjoy.


3. What is the Heart of the City?
4. Do You Know Any Places of Interest in London?


tower - Tower
Tomb - Mogila
Battle - Battle
in conclusion - in conclusion

London Is The Capital of Great Britain or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. IT IS An Old City, Its History Counts More Than Two Thousand Years. London Is Both The Capital Oi The Country and a Huge Port. London Is Situated Upon Both Banks of The Thames, About Forty Miles From The Mouth and Is Divided Into Two Parts by The River: North and South. There Are 17 Bridgees That Cross The River. The Population of London Is More Than 9 Million People.

The History of London Goes Back to Roman Times. Due to FavoURable Geographical Position, Soon After The Roman Conquest, A Small Town Became An Important Trade Center. Actually, London Can Be Divided Into Sevel Parts: The City or Downtown of London, Westminster, The West End And The East End. The City IS The Oldest Part of London with Narrow Streets and Pavements. There Are Many Offices, Companies and Banks in This Part of London. The City Of London Is The Financial Center of the United Kingdom. Only A FEW Thousand People Live It is Full of People: As About Half a Million People Come to Work There is an AS ABOUT HALF A MILLION PEOPLE COME TO WORK THERE. The Biggest Banks and Offices Are Concentrated In The City. The West End Is The Center of London. IT Full of Ricest Hotels, Largest Supermarkets, Best Cinemas and Concerthalls. There Are A Lot of Beautiful Houses and Gardens. Only Well-to-Do People Can Live There.

Another Important District of London Is Westminster, Where Most of Government Buildings Are Situated. Westminster Palace Is The Seat of the British Parliament. Westminster Palace Was Founded in 1050. It is situated in the center of london. Many Great Englishmen Were Buried in The Abbey: Newton, Darwin and Others.
The Towers of the Houtes of Parliament Stand High Above the City. On the Highest Tower There Is The Largest Clock in The Country Which is Known to the Whole World As Big Ben. One Can Hear Big Ben Strike Every Quarter of An Hour. The Clock "Big Ben" Came INTO Service in 1859. Big Ben Is The Biggest Clock Bell in Britain. The Official London Residence of the Queen Is Buckingham Palace. IT Was Built In The 18th Century.

There Are Many Nice Squares in London. Trafalgar Square Is One of The West End. One Can See A Statue of Lord Nelson in The Middle of this Square. There Are Many Museums, Libraries and Galleries in London. The Tate Gallery Is One of the Well-Known Galleries in London. Henry Tate Was a Sugar Manufacturer. He Was Fond of Paintings and Collected Many Pictures. The British Museum IS A Very Interesting Place in London. IT Was Founded in 1753. The Library of this Museum Has Lots of Books.

The East East of London Is The Industrial Area And The Place Where the Working People Live. There Are Many Factories, Workshops and Docks There. The East End, Lying Eastwards from the City Is Very Large and Crowded. There Are Many Cars and Buses in London. There Is The Tube (An Underground) in London Too. The Underground, Constructed in London, Was The First Underground in the World.

Text about London. Topic translation into Russian

London is the capital of Great Britain or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, he is the old town, his story has more than two thousand years. London is the capital of the country and a huge port. London is located on both shores of the River Thames, approximately forty miles from the mouth and is divided by the river into two parts: North and South. The river crosses seventeen bridges. The population of London exceeds 9 million people.

The history of London dates back to Roman times. Because of the favorable geographical position, shortly after the conquest of the Romans, the small town became an important shopping center. In fact, London can be divided into several parts: City, or London Business Center, Westminster, West and East End. City, with narrow streets and sidewalks, is the oldest part of London. In this part of London there are many offices, companies and banks. London City is the financial center of Great Britain. Only a few thousand people live there, but in the afternoon there are plenty of people here: since approximately half a million people come here to work. The largest banks and offices are in City. West End is the center of London. He is full of the most rich hotels, the largest supermarkets, the best cinemas and concert halls. There are many beautiful buildings and gardens. Only wealthy people can live there.

Another important area of \u200b\u200bLondon is Westminster, where most government buildings are located. The Westminster Palace is a place meeting of the British Parliament. The Westminster Palace was founded in 1050. It is located in the center of London. Many Great British were buried in this abbey: Newton, Darwin and others. Parliament buildings towers rise above the city. At the highest tower there are the greatest hours in the country, which are known to the whole world as Big Ben (Big Ben). Big Ben watches can hear every quarter of an hour. Big Ben watches began their service in 1859. Big Ben is the largest clock with a bell in England. The official London Residence of the Queen is located in the Buckingham Palace. It was built in the 18th century.

London has a lot of beautiful squares. Trafalgar Square is one of them, it is located in the center of West End. In the center of this area you can see the statue of Lord Nelson. In London, there are many museums, libraries and galleries. The Tate Gallery is one of the well-known Gallery of London. Henry Tate was a sugar manufacturer. He loved the paintings very much and collected many paintings. The British Museum is a very interesting place in London. It was founded in 1753. The library of this museum has a large number of books.

London East End is an industrial area and a place where workers live. There are many factories, shops and docks. East End is in the eastern direction from the city, very large and overcrowded. London has many cars and buses. In London, there is a metropolitan, which is called "Pipe". Metropolitan, built in London, was the first metro in the world.

Questions (Questions for the story of London):

1. Is London A Young City?
3. How Many Bridgees Cross The River Thames?
4. What Was That Favourable Feature Which Made London To Be An Important Trade Center Soon After The Roman Conquest?
5. What is the Oldest Part of London?
6. What is Situated in the West End?
8. Where Are Most of Government Buildings Situated?
9. Where Is the Largest Clock in the Country Located?
10. How Often Does Big Ben Strike?
12. What Is the Official London Residence of the Queen?
13. What Square Is In The Center of the West End Situated?
15. How Is the Are Where Most Working People Live Called? "6. How is London Underground Called?

Vocabulary (words with translation to the topic "London"):

  • to count -
  • huge - big, giant, huge, huge
  • bank - Coast (River)
  • mouth - Usti.
  • due To - thanks; due to As a result
  • favoURABLE - favorable
  • conquest - conquest (the process of conquering peoples, lands, etc.)
  • trade - Trade
  • downtown - Business District, Business Party, Business Center
  • narrow - narrow, close
  • pavel - Bridge, sidewalk
  • well-to-do People - successful, secured people
  • district - District; district; region
  • to be buried - be buried, buried
  • to Strike - hit, beat (about clock)
  • quarter - quarter, fifteen minutes
  • eastwards - east, in the eastern direction
  • crowded - crowded, overcrowded
  • the Tube - "Pipe" (London Metro)

Text source

  1. Tymoschuk V.A. Kubarkov G.L. "New topics of modern English." - Donetsk, 2010. - 416 p.

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