
"Star Wars": General Grivus without a mask. "Star Wars": General Grivus without mask General Grivus Character character

General Grievous "Kalisztz, he is Kimen Jai Shilal." Born on the planet Kali.

Prior to the birth of Kimaen Gailala, Planet Kali was attacked by the insect-like race of Yam'ria, which was at a higher level of technological development than kalisz. Jam'rii won a lot of planets, in particular, commodity and zit. They used the resources of conquered worlds for trade, and the planets themselves colonized. Since there was practically no valuable mineral raw materials on the deserted potato, Yam'rii decided to turn into a trading resource themselves by the Kalishtsev himself, won them. So began the Khakskaya war, called the name in honor of the native planet Yam'ria. The invaders themselves also began to call Khaki.

Kimaen Gai Silal was born in the world who has already fought for more than a hundred years. Caliches constantly raised uprisings. All the ancestors of the boy fought, fighting openly or shooting Yam'ria one by one; The winsted spirit naturally united in the soul of a young kimaen. From the young age, his father taught him to handle a rifle, and soon the boy became an excellent sniper. By eight years he killed more than forty Yam'ria.

After the death of his father who deceased in the battle, he inherited a mask made from the skull of Muumuuu, which he had almost removed since then. By 22 years he killed so many invaders, which became for his people a hero, similar to Hedbug.

Soon he met Ronder Lijah Kammar - a woman who became his closest friend and his only love. She wore a mask from Karabakka's skull and was a swordsman's master. Kimen foresaw her appearance in one of his dreams, in which he hunted in the Canbal jungle on Wild Muthuuuu. In this dream, he killed Muruuu with the help of the Mike Lig - the traditional weapons of Kalichev. Kimen was so captured by his sleep, which went to the jungle, so that the vision was true. There, he first saw the Ronder armed with two swords of the league, and realized that she was her hunter.

Kimen and Ronder spent several years together, fighting side by side with invaders. She taught him a battle on swords, and he showed her how to handle a czerka Outland rifle.

In one battle off the coast of the Sea, Jenuva, when they had to be divided, the Ronder died. Its Employed with sharp limbs of Jam'ria body was carried out by waves. This death was a blow from which Kimen could not recover. He went to pilgrimage to the island of Abesmi's sacred for his people to pour out the opportunity to see the Ronder once again. The gods did not respond to his plea, and he returned to his people.

In an attempt to forget the Ronder Kimaen, he took himself ten wives, who later gave birth to him thirty children. It did not help to get rid of him from longing for the Ronder, and then he changed his name as a sign that he would always mourn her. From now on, he became known as the Grievous - which meant sad.

After some time, Grivus became the most famous and most cruel warlord of Kalichev. The warriors gained by him, the resulting, killed Yam'riy thousands, and soon those were forced to leave the planet. Not satisfied with the achieved, Grivus began to capture the colonies of Yam'ria, destroying everything in its path and without making exceptions for civilians and objects.

After his troops seized the Country Planet, Yam'ria in the Union with the Trade Federation asked for help to the republic. The Republican Judicial Department, taking into account the request of the Federal Federation, sent the Jedi team to the commodity, at the head of which was the masters of T'chuk D'Don and Jimar. Under the pressure of the Senate, it was decided to the illegality of the actions of the Kalishtsev, they were ordered to return the world-colonies of Yam'ria and pay a huge fine. So the Khakskaya war ended insplessably, and General Grevusu, together with his elite, "Roszhra" had to return to Cali.

The planet Cali, the war on which lasted more than a hundred years, was not possible to pay his debts. Soon, hunger began on it, and Grivus had to watch how his wives and children were slowly dying.

After some time, the chairman of the Intergalactic banking clan Sen Hill arrived at Cali, who suggested to pay a part of Cali's debts in exchange for the fact that Grivus will serve his clan. Grivusus was pretty the idea to work scarecrow for competitors MGBK, but he agreed. He left his warriors on Cali and accepted under the command a small army of droids belonging to the clan. In a short time, he proved its effectiveness, recoversing the debt "Horde Mantell" by the banking clap and capturing Phlut Design Systems.

He lacked his former army, but, although MGBK refused to hire other Kalichevs, with the consent of the Count Sen Hill provided Grivus to the new model of combat droids IG-100 "Magna Guardes". Despite the fact that at first Grivus was very disappointed with the new Droid model, further improvements in their software allowed him to teach them to fight almost as well as his "repurring".

After some time, held in the service of the MGBK, General Grivus learned that Yam'ria was defiled by the military burial of the Kalistev at one of the planets-colonies and that the republic chose not to notice this act of vandalism. He violated his agreement with MGB and returned to Kali to lead new war With Yam'ria.

Sen Hill was not surprised by this act. For some time he reflected on the possibility of killing the Grievous, but then he decided to abandon such plans, because he was afraid of the general actions of the general in case he survive when attempted. Instead, he and Jionosian Erzgertecog Pogl Little, having enlisted the support of the count of the coup, invented another plan, more complex and cunning.

A ion bomb, which exploded at the moment when the ship flew over the sea of \u200b\u200bJenuva was laid in the Ship of General Grievous. All those flying on this ship, with the exception of the Grievous himself, died in the explosion; The general picked up the ship. The graph with the help of the Site Stunning Heart Engineering introduced the Grievous to the state of the Stasis and instructed the "Magnastragam" to transport him to Jonozis.

"I'm not a droid! I am General Grivus "

Miscellaneous Grivus came to himself in the Bact Camera on Geonosis. Sen Hill suggested that he headed the new army of droids, the biggest that the galaxy had ever seen, in exchange promising to stop hunger on Cali, but with the only condition - Grivus was to become cyborg. Grivus replied that he did not see the point in fighting the confederation.

After the torture did not have an action, the surviving wives and children of Grievus were delivered to geonosis. To save their lives, the general agreed to all the conditions of the banking clan, asking only to leave him his own eyes and the brain.

The scientists of the ERCGERSGU PUBLY LAST PLAY placed the organic part of the grieving in a dock of the corps, reminded by its form of ancient combat droids of crates and able to withstand the shot from the laser gun of the fighter. The hands of the Grievous had dual joints and could be divided into two parts: Thus, the cyborg had four three-blind upper limbs, in each of which he was able to keep the weapon. Its lower limbs were equipped with claws and repulsors on the legs, to give it the ability to move along vertical planes. As it was promised, Grivusu left his own eyes, only slightly modifying them to adapt to new features. Cyborg was also cut out a new mask, which reminded the mask of his father, made from the skull of Muthume. Another scientist of a smaller pursuit had to modify the Grievous brain; They removed some memories and changed his psyche.

Part of the Cyborg Sprivus-Cyborg experiment was transfusion of the blood of Master-Jedi Saifo-Diaz. This blood helped him survive during transportation on geonosis and transformation. However, the general was deeply vulnerable by the fact that, despite the constant blood transfusions, rich in myidihylorans, he never became sensitive to strength. But for Sen Hill and Geonosis scientists, the entire experiment became unheard of luck.

The graph made General Grievus by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Army of Droids and presented him with his first light sword, who once belonged to Master-Jedi Saifo-Diaus. Despite all the advantages of his new body, any reminder that he was half a droid, it was for the grievus insult.

For the first time, General Grevusu had to try his strength in the battle of Geonosis, where he defended the leaders of the separatists from the Jedi and Clone. After he was his own hands killed Masters-Jedi Ur-Sonu, the count of Duku offered to teach his fencing on light swords. Soon, the general mastered all seven classic forms of fencing - right up to Makashi and Jouio.

The first open appearance of General Grievus was the battle of Haipori at 22 DBY, in which the strength of the republic was defeated. Seven Jedies participated in this battle, four of them survived: Ki-Adi Mundi, and K'Kruk. If the Arc clones were not in time, under the command of Captain Fordo, then no of the Jedi would fail to stay alive.

Six months after the battle for Geonosis, the count of Dukhuk decided to arrange a test for the general, forcing him to fight the Askage Ventress and Durge on board belonging to the Clap of the Space Station "Rod". Grievous with ease won both in the battle, proving that he is worthy of the title of the Supreme Commander.

In 20, DBya Grivus began a large-scale campaign, called "Spear Spear Operation", the purpose of which was the seizure of the central worlds. Hundreds of planets along the Korlelian trading route fell; The planet Duro was conquered, the surrender of the government of which Golobenet broadcast throughout the Galaxy.

A large-scale bombardment of the Planet Hambarin was made, as a result of which the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants died, and the planet itself ceased to be suitable for life. In the Vimell sector, General Grivus ordered the applied biological weapons - the Loedorvian plague that killed almost all the people of this sector, including clones from the Republican Army.

Mighting about his debt before Kali, General Grivus led the army of droids to the commodity, completely destroying the population of Yam'ria. In an attempt to protect the planet died by Jedi Parot and Nistammal.

For three years of war, the separatists captured the station Bavhar, Nadia, Aprai, Vandos and Benelon.

In 20, DBYA Grivus kidnapped Kayen, ambassadors of the chambers with H Honey, to arrange a trap for the Jedos on the Wandos Planet. Although Kayen managed to escape, this trap allowed Grivus to kill the Jedi Masters T'chuk d'unu and Jmmara. After that, Padavan T'chuk d'unun Flynn Cybo and several other Jedies began to hunt the grievus, hoping to kill him. They found him on the Moon BelSUS in the system of anate, but overestimated their strength; Jedi Flynn Kibo and B'Dard Town were killed.

Seven months later in the battle of Boz Piti in 19 Year of DBY, Grivus killed Jedi Suna Bates and Masters-Jedi Adi Gallia.

During the second battle, Grevusu almost managed to kill the young Bob Fetta, who survived due to the fact that he stated his own death. Also on the Zaglav, the Grivus killed a company, one of the iron knights from the planet Move.

In 19 DBY DART Sidius handed over to GRIVUSO information on secret hyperpriced paths, and this allowed the general to bring the Fleet of Confederation of Independent Systems to Coruscant. After the start of the battle of Grivus, at the head of IG-100, went to the surface of the planet to capture the Supreme Palpatine Chancellor. Initially, he headed for the chancellor's residence in the house of 500 in the republican street, where he was forced to fight with. After the battle moved to the roof of the train on the magnetic pillow, Windows managed to reset the Grievous General Down. But this did not stop the general: he managed to get to Chancell's apartments and capture him. All Jedi, who secured Palpatine's safety were defeated: Ronor Koromba, Fowel Mowadam, Mason's mouths and binack A'Tril died, Shaak-Ti was alive.

Mace Windows in an attempt to save the chancellor damaged with the help of the strength of the chest of the Grievous, causing significant damage to his internal organs. It greatly worsened and without that bad condition of the respiratory tract and light cyborg. But, even being wounded, Grivus was able to complete his mission - to deliver the Chancellor on board the "invisible Dlanni" - his flagship.

"General Grivus ... I thought you are higher than the growth of" Skywalker

To save the Chancellor Palpatine Mace Windows called and. They could break through to the hall in which Palpatine was, met with. Anakin Skywalker, incited by Palpatin, killed him. After that, they freed the chancellor and tried to run, but fell into a trap in one of the corridors of the ship. They were taken to the Grivus on the bridge "invisible Dlanni". At the bridge of Jedi, with the help of Skywalker R2-D2, killed all the "Magnastrazhi", forcing the Grievous to flee from his own ship. Its rescue capsule picked up one of the ship separatists.

After the death of Darth Tiranus, Grivus became the head of separatists. He dave his troops to the planet Utapau and offered the leaders of the Confederation to hide on the Mustafar planet. Although Nut of Ganrey and others doubted the ability of the Grievous to be suitable for them by the leader, however, they obeyed his orders and left Utapau shortly before it was besieged by the Republic's troops.

By order of the Jedi Council went to Utapau. He smoothly could kill a few "Magnastrazhy" and defeat the Grievus in a duel. After the clones led by the Commander Kody began a full-scale invasion of Pau, Cyborg, who lost two hands in the battle with Jedi, tried to escape.

After a long chase, he and Obi-Van Kenobi were on a small runway, on which the Grievous ship was located. There, the final battle occurred, in which Grievous was killed by a shot from Blaster.

After the execution of the order 66, the clones transported the remains of General Grievous and his soulless ship into one of the storage facilities on Utapau.

During the wars of clones, General Grivus killed about a hundred Jedi. The only one who often met him on the battlefield and could confrete him successfully, was Obi-Van Kenobi.

List of defeated Jedi.

Name Place of death Death Date, DBya
Ur-sema do and an unknown number of JediesGeonosis22
Dakman Barrek, Sha'a Gi (Padavan Barrec), Tarr SirHaipori.21.7
Zefat'r'tor (Padavan B'Dard Town)Nadia21.5
Broot, NistammalCountry
Fistrinn (Iron Knight)Zaga21
Valtan BridgeerThia
T'chuk Dun, Jmmar, QuammallVandos20
Unknown Dark Jedi.Dick or Necropolis
Flynn Kibo, B'Dard TownBelSUS
Adi Galley, Sunn BatesBoz Pit.19.5
Flint Torul and 26 more JediBenderon
L'Aseel Sagaon, Pablo-JillOrbit Coruscanta19
Ronor Konts, Fowel Mowudam, Mason's Rota, Binck A'TRILCorusarian19
General Grivus (English General Grievous) - Star Wars Character.
The Supreme Commander of the Army of Droids of the Confederation of Independent Systems at the time of the clone wars. Born on the planet Cali and first manifested his uncommon talent of the commander during the Khaka war, General Grivus, along with the county of Duku, Nudoma Ganrey and the Arch-Duke of Geonosis, Poglem Small, was one of the separatist leaders. He was known for his hatred for the Jedi and personally killed more than one hundred of them, taking their light swords as trophies.
The first appearance of the Grievous occurred in the extended universe, but soon he appeared in the film. He was voiced by three people: Joe Dimadzhio in the 20th series of the animation series "Star Wars: War of Clone", Richard McGongle in all other series and Matthew Wood in the film "Star Wars. Episode III. Revenge Sith. " In March 2005, Dark Horse Comics publishing house began the release of a four-sterling comic book about General Grevusi.

Early years of life
Long before the birth of Kimaen Gai Silala his native planet was attacked by the insect-shaped race yam "" Rii from the Planet Hak, located at a higher level of technological development, rather than Kalishtsy. Thanks to the technical superiority of the holes, "Rii managed to capture their native system and arrange a colony everywhere, completely without taking care of the well-being of other inhabitants of these worlds. These insectoids were interesting only to deposits of minerals and other fossils suitable for sale. They colonized and subjected to the plunder of planets such as Abbaji and Tovarskl. Since there was practically no valuable mineral raw material on the deserted potatoes, "Rii decided to turn to the trading resource of the Kalishtsev themselves, trying to enslave them. So the Hakskaya war began (by the name of the native planet yam "" RII).
Kimen Jai Sheelal (Qymaen Jai Sheelal) was born in the world who had already fought for more than a hundred years. FROM early years The father taught him to appeal to a rifle and soon the boy became a beautiful sniper. By eight years, he killed more than forty holes "" Rii. After the death of the Father, who died in the battle, he inherited a mask made from the skull of Muruuu, which he practically did not shoot. By 22 years he killed so many invaders, which became for his people a hero, similar to Hedbug.
At about the same time, he met Ronder Lijah Kammar - a woman who became his closest friend and, perhaps, his only love. She wore a mask from Karabakka's skull and was a swordsman's master. The nature of their relationship is unclear, some considered the Ronder of the pivot sister Kimaen, others thought she was his beloved.
According to the legend, Kimen foresaw her appearance in one of his dreams, in which he hunted in the Canbal jungle on Wild Muthuuuu. In this dream, he killed Muruuu with the help of the Mike Lig - the traditional weapons of Kalichev. Kimen was so captured by his sleep, which went to the jungle, so that the vision was true. There, for the first time he saw the Ronder, armed with two swords of the league, and realized that she was her hunter from his sleep. Based on this legend, the Kalishtsy declared that Kimen and Ronder were the embodiments of a dream and the removal, from the mysterious legend about Shilal.
Kimen and Ronder held together for several years, fighting side by side with the invaders of the pit "" Rii. She taught him a fight on swords, he showed her how to handle a czerka outland rifle. Together they were invincible - two demigods, blessed ancestors.
In one battle off the coast of the Sea, Jenuva, when they had to be divided, the Ronder died. Its Employed with sharp limbs of Jam'ria body was carried out by waves. This death was a blow from which Kimen could not recover. He went to pilgrimage to the island of Abesmi's sacred for his people to pour out the opportunity to see the Ronder once again. The gods did not respond to his plea, and he returned to his people.
In an attempt to forget the Ronder, Kimen took ten wives who later gave birth to him thirty children. But it did not help to get rid of him from longing on the Ronder, and then he changed his name as a sign that he would forever mourn her. From now on, he began to be called Grievous (Eng. Grievous - sad, sorrowful).

End of the Khaka war
After some Grivus became the most famous and most cruel warlord of Kalistev. The warriors gained by him, the resulting, killed Yam'riy thousands, and soon those were forced to leave the planet. Not satisfied with the achieved Grivus began to capture the colonies of Yam'ria, destroying everything in its path and not making exceptions for civilian objects.
After his troops captured the Country Planet, Yam'ria in the Union with the trading federation asked for help to the republic. The Republican Judicial Department, taking into account the request of the Trade Federation, sent the Jedi team to the commodity, at the head of which was the masters t "Chuki D" "Un and Jimar. Under the pressure of the Senate, it was decided to the illegality of the actions of the Kalishtsev, they were ordered to return the world-colonies of Yam'ria and pay a huge fine. So the hack war ended inspired, and General Grevusu, together with his elite, I had to return to Cali.

Service at the intergalactic banking clan
At Kali, who lasted the war for more than a hundred years, there was no opportunity to pay his debts. Soon, hunger began on it, and Grivus had to observe how his wives and children were slowly dying.
After some time, the chairman of the Intergalactic banking clan Sen Hill arrived at Cali, who suggested to pay a part of Cali's debts in exchange for the fact that Grivus will serve his clan. Grivusus was pretty the idea to work scarecrow for competitors MGBK, but, of course, he agreed to Sen Hill's proposal. He left his warriors on Cali and accepted under the command a small army of droids belonging to the clan. In a short time, he proved its effectiveness, recoversing the debt of the Horde Mantell to the banking clap and capturing the Flat Design Systems Company (Phlut Design Systems).
He lacked his former army, but, although MGBK refused to hire other kalisters, with the consent of the graph, Sen Hill, provided Grivus, a new model of combat droids - IG-100 Magnastaje. Despite the fact that at first Grivus was very disappointed with a new Droid model, further improvement of their software allowed him to teach them to fight almost as well as his reception.

Birth of cyborg
Destruction of "Martyr"
After some time, held in the service of MGBK, General Grivus learned that Yam'ria was defiled by the military burials of the Kasyians on one of the planets-colonies, and that the Galactic Republic chose not to notice this act of vandalism. He violated his agreement with MGB and returned to Kali to lead a new war with Yam'ria.
Sen Hill was not surprised by this act. For some time he reflected on the possibility of killing the Grievous, but then still decided to abandon such plans, because he was afraid of the secondary actions of the general if he survive when attempted. Instead, he and the Geonosian archhardsogue Pogl Maly, having enlisted the support of the count of the coup, created another plan.
A ion bomb, which exploded at the moment when the ship flew over the sea of \u200b\u200bJenuva was laid in the Ship of General Grievous. All those flying on this ship, with the exception of the Grievous himself, died in the explosion, his ship was picked up. The Duku stunned his lightning force and instructed the Magnastragam to transport him to Geonosis.

Miscellaneous Grivus came to himself in the Bact Camera on Geonosis. Sen Hill suggested that he head to the new army of droids, the biggest that the galaxy had ever seen, in exchange promising to stop hunger on Cali, but with the only condition - Grivus should become cyborg. Grivus replied that he did not see the point in fighting the confederation.
After the torture did not have actions, the surviving wives and children of Grievus were delivered to geonosis. Of course, the general agreed to all the conditions of the banking clan, asking only to leave him his own eyes.
Scientists of Archhand Geonosisa placed the organic part of the grieving in a dock of the corps, reminded by its form of ancient combat droids of crafts and able to withstand a shot of a fighter laser gun. The hands of the grieving were able to be separated into two parts. Thus, the cyborg had four three-time upper limbs, each of which he was able to keep the weapon. Antigravums were mounted in its lower limbs to give it the ability to move along vertical planes. As it was promised, Grivus left their own eyes, only slightly modifying them to adapt to new features. Cyborg was also cut out a new mask, which reminded the mask of his father, made from the skull of Muthume. Another scholars of the pursuit of Small had to modify the brain of Grievus, during this they removed some of the memories and changed his psyche. Part of the Experiment for the creation of the Grievous Cyborg was transfusion to him the blood of a Master of Sifo Diaz. This blood helped him survive during the transformation, but the general was deeply vulnerable because, despite the constant blood transfusions, rich in myidihylorans, he never became sensitive to strength. For Sen Hill and Geonosis scientists, however, the entire experiment became unheard of luck. Kimaen Jai Shilal became the General Grievous, whom later Golobenet will call the "Knotter Knights". In a few years, the same technology will be used to turn Anakina Skywalker in Darth Vader.
Count Duku made General Grievus by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Army of Droids and presented him with the first light sword, who once belonged to Magista Saifo Dista. In spite of his new body, any reminder that he was half a droid, it was for the grieving insult, and when the count of Duku noticed that he had a light sword for a droid, there was a unheard of, Grivus in a rage destroyed several Magonastrazhi, saying Then historical: "I'm not a droid. I am General Grivus. "

War clone

Geonosis and Haipori.
For the first time, General Grevusu had to try his hand in the battle of Geonosis, he defended the leaders of the separatists from the Jedi and clones. After he was his own hands killed Master Jedi Ur-Sonu, the count of Duku offered to teach him fencing on light swords. Soon, the general mastered all seven classic fencing forms - right up to Makashi and Juo.
The first open appearance of General Grievus was the battle of Haipori (21.7 of the DBya), in which the forces of the republic were defeated. Seven Jedi participated in this battle, four of them survived: Ki-Adi Mundi, Shak-Ty, Ayla Sever and K "" Krak. If the Arc clones were not in time, under the command of Captain Fordo, then, most likely, no of the Jedi could not be alive.
Six months after the battle for Geonosis, the count of Duku decided to arrange a test for the general, forcing him to fight the Askage Ventress and Durga on board belonging to the Clap of the Space Station "Rod". Grievous easily defeated both in the battle, proving that he is worthy of the title of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Confederation.

In 20, DBY, Grivus began a large-scale campaign, called "Spear Durga Operation", the purpose of which was the seizure of the central worlds. Hundreds of planets along the Korlelian trading route fell, the Planet Daro was conquered, the surrender of the government whose gonnet broadcast across the Galaxy. A large-scale bombardment of the Planet Hambarin was made, as a result of which the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants died, and the planet itself ceased to be suitable for life. In the Vimell sector, General Grivus ordered the applied biological weapons - the Loedorvian plague that killed almost all the people of this sector, including clones from the Republican Army.
Mighting about his debt before Kali, General Grivus led the army of droids to the commodity, completely destroying the population of Yam'ria. In an attempt to protect the planet died by Jedi Parot and Nistammal. For three years of war, the separatists captured the station Bavhar, Nadia, Aprai, Vandos and Benelon.
In 20, DBYA Grivus kidnapped Kayen, ambassadors of the chambers with H Honey, to arrange a trap for the Jedos on the Wandos Planet. Although Ambassador Kayen and managed to escape, this trap allowed Grivus to kill Masters T'chuk d'unu and Jmmara. After that, T'chuk d'unun Flynn Kibo and several other Jedi (B'Dard Town and Cody Tai) began to hunt the hryvascus, hoping to kill him. They found him on the Moon BelSUS in the system of anate. As a result of this attempt by Jedi, Flynn Kibo and B'Dard Town were killed.
Seven months later, in the battle of Boz Piti (in 19, DBY), Grivus killed Jedi Suna Bates and Master Adi Gallia. During the second battle on the Zagrivus, it was almost possible to kill the young Bob Fetta, who survived due to the fact that he stated his own death. Also on the Zaglav, the Grivus killed a company, one of the iron knights from the planet Move.

Ending war
In 19, Dyab Dart Sidius handed over to GRIVSU information about secret hyper-spatial ways. This allowed the General to bring the Fleet of Confederation of Independent Systems to Coruscant. When the battle began, Grivus at the IG-100 head went to the surface of the planet to capture the Supreme Chancellor of Palpatine. Initially, he headed for the residence of Chancellor in the Republic of 500, where he was forced to fight with Mace Windu. After the battle moved to the roof of the train on the magnetic pillow, Windows managed to reset the generator of the Grievous down. But it did not stop the general, he managed to get to the Chancellor's apartments and capture him. All the Jedi, who provided the security of Palpatine Chancellor were defeated (Ronor Kombob, Fowel Mowudam, Mason's mouth and bink A "" Trila died. Only Shaak-Ti remained alive).
Mais Winda in an attempt to save the chancellor with the help of force damaged the chest of the Grievous, making significant damage to its internal organs. It greatly worsened a very bad condition of the respiratory tract and light cyborg (scientists of Archchetzog Geonosis could not finally solve the problem of compatibility of the organic and inorganic parts of the body, and General Grivus was forced to suffer from the bits of cough since the beginning of the clone war). But, even being wounded, Grivus was able to complete his mission - to deliver Palpatine Chancellor on board the "invisible Dlani" - his flagship.
To rescue Chancellor Palpatine Mace Windu sent to the cruiser General Grievus Jedi Obi-Van Kenobi and Anakina Skywalker. They were able to break through the ship and penetrate the hall where captive Palpatine was located. Here Obi-Van Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker entered the battle with the county of Duku. Obi-Van Kenobi was taken off as a graph aside and seemed to be killed, and Anakin Skywalker was able to cut off the column of both hands. Increased Palaptin, he cut off his head disarmed graph. After that, they freed the chancellor and tried to run, but fell into a trap in one of the corridors of the ship. They were taken to the Grivus on the bridge "invisible Dlanni". On the bridge of the Jedi, with the help of the Skywalker R2-D2, interpret all the Magnastrazhy, forcing the grievus to flee from his own ship. Its rescue capsule picked up one of the ship separatists.
After the death of the count, the General Grivus became the head of separatist

In the film was voiced Matthew Wood. According to DVD, George Lucas instructed his creative team to create an enemy who foreshadowed Anakin Skywalker's transformation in Darth Vader: heavy breathing, cyborg body, and his seduction to the side of evil ..

Despite the appearance, General Grivus was very dangerous in circulation with light swords, taking them from the mostly killed Jedi. United with his cybernetic body, capable of owning five light swords at once (one of which he owned his foot, the other supported the balance) he became a deadly enemy for the Jedi.

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of Sith

His first mission was in the attack of clones, but he did not leave anyone alive so that no one could tell about him. In the initial screamers of the film, the revenge of Sitchov, explains that General Grivus and the count of Dukhuk kidnapped the Palpatine Chancellor and keep him hostage. Grivus faces Jedii Obi-Van Cenobi, and Anakin Skywalker, who fell on his flagship "invisible garbage." They fall into the trap of rays-extinguishers and they are discharged on the team bridge. Anakin and Obi-Wan are exempt from captivity, but the Grievous jumps into space and falls into the rescue module, leaving the Jedi and Chancellor trapped on a cruiser tolerant.

The general is heading for the nearest ship of the Trade Federation, where he gives his army order to retreat. He goes on the planet Utapau, where the separatist council was located. After the death of Skywalker's hand, General Grivus became the leader of the Confederation. Dart Sidius orders that the separatist leaders moved to the Mustafar volcanic planet. Soon after sending them, Magister Kenobi and General Grivus arrives at the eyes of the army of combat droids begins to fight him. Obi-Vana managed to cut off his two hands out of four, however, the hryvolus saves on a four-year-knitted vehicle. At this time, the fight begins between the 212th attack battalion and separatist droids. Kenobi on his hand animal of God, chasing the grieving through the battlefield, and because of the explosion from the clones, loses its light sword. As a result, he finds General near his starship. Grivus is trying to shoot Kenobi, but it is possible to knock out a rifle from his hands with the help of electrical stuff. Obi-Vanu removes open plates on the rival chest, getting access to its internal organs. Grievous fierce and throws him to the edge of the platform, capturing the electrooper to kill Jedi. He who is strongly tired of the fight, and capable only to hold on to the edge of the platform, uses power to get a rifle.

He produces five shots into the body of the Grievous. The general authorities light up, and it begins to burn from the inside. The fire escapes from the eye of his mask, then he finally falls dead.

There are 2 scenario explanations why grievus problems with light:

The first reason was the fact that the cyborgization technology was still imperfect, and his transformation into cyborg became an important step forward.

The second reason was the damage to the chest grieving Mace Windu during the battle for Coruscant (in the second season of the cartoon "War of Clone") there is a coupling hryvilus.

Grievous cough himself is assessed by the cold of George Lucas, who seemed interesting to add a new element to the image of the character.

General Grievous - one of the most charismatic and memorable characters of the Space Saga Star Wars. Appearing in the new trilogy, he certainly became one of its main characters, as well as four light swords, with whom he was masterfully controlled.

History of origin

Real Name of the Legendary General - Kimen Jai Shilap. He was born on the planet Kali, where his people had been led by the liberation war against the insect-like creatures from Khaka. From the early years, Kimen participated in the struggle and already by 22 years was known on his planet as a legendary sniper hero. General Grivus without masked until his father died. From Dad he inherited her and then never removed.

The only love in the life of Kimaen was a warrior girl Ronder, together with which he interrupted a lot of invaders. But in one of the battles she died, and her corpse was carried out into the sea. Since then, the name of Grivus is "mournful".

Having heard to the general, Kimen began to win the war and even seize the rest of the colonies in the inhabitants of Khaka. They applied for help to the Republic, which sent the Jedi and forced the inhabitants of Kali to stop the response attacks, as well as pay a huge penalty for violating interplanetary relations. Since then, General Grivus has swore to destroy all representatives of light power.

Banking clan

Cali's inhabitants were not able to pay a fine. The representative of the intergalactic banking clan, which offered to repay the debt in return for the service of the legendary warrior, whose name is General Grivus.

In the service of bankers, he became famous for the evil and always performing the tasks of the mercenary. He intimidated competitors and cradle trading ships, ruined other banks. Under the command of the Grievous was a whole army of droids, which were programmed to submit a brutal leader.

Initially, the general was dissatisfied with the quality of robots and demanded his army for which he received a hard refusal. Then he began to improve them, until he taught everything that his compatriots were able to be able during the war.

At this time, the inhabitants of Khaka insulted one of the main monuments of the Planet Kali, under which most legendary soldiers were buried. Similar injustice could not be ignored to the Grievous: he went home to apply a decisive and cruel blow. It was contrary to the plans of the intergalactic bank.

Cyborg killer

General Grivus was neutralized and disfigured with an ion bomb, which representatives of bankers invested in his ship. After that, he was placed in a special flask. With the help of torture and blackmail, the general was forced to return to work - provided that he would become cyborg. In order to save your planet, the warrior had to agree.

During the transformation, he erased the memory and put in the brain the program for maximum cruelty. Since the symbol "General Grivus" without mask - nothing, the head was created like the past Ubar mercenary.

His body did not have the opportunity to feel the power, but acquired two additional hands and many different improvements. Now he became known as the killer knights. Perhaps it was not in the history of the galaxy creature, which would destroy more than the Jedi. They kept their swords as trophies.

In gratitude for the faithful service, the count of Duky appointed his commander-in-chief of the army of droids. His insensitivity to the strength of Grivus compensated for the knowledge of all seven battle styles with light swords.

His main goal - revenge - Grivus did not leave, despite the work against his will. Having accumulated enough influence and forces, he almost carved all the hack, forever destroying the enslavement of his people to enslave. General has no time to prevent anything. He was considered an intergalactic criminal, and the republic was for him the chief enemy.

Episode III

It is in this rank that we will find it in the third episode of Star Wars. General Grivus took part in the abduction of the Palpatine Chancellor. He was tried to release Obi-Van and Anakin, who during the rescue operation killed a bunken. However, when the heroes tried to get out, they fell into a trap.

Anakin and Obi-Van still could fulfill their mission, destroying many droids and forcing the grievus to flee from his own ship. After the death of Duku, the general was completely headed by separatists.

However, Obi-Van traveled the grievus to Utapau, where, by order, Windows destroyed him after a long duel. Before it had to drive a huge part of Utapau in a long pursuit. It was one of the most difficult battles in the life of the Great Jedi: He had to reverse the cybernetic chest general, so that the shots of Blaster was to burn his internal organs.


The name of the general is known to the whole galaxy. Probably, it was one of the best warriors of the existence of the Republic. And let him, he was cruel and ruthless, he was always remembered on his native planet as a great liberator.

Grateful compatriots erected the monuments and worshiped as a demigod. For them, he was a role model and an example of an inflexible military will. Indeed, his achievements in the liberation of the native planet is difficult to overestimate.

The grievus mask was at one of the imperial generals, and he was incredibly proud of his find, which once again proves that the cruel general was remembered forever.


An extremely popular model of fantastic technology was the Machine of General Grievous, on which he ran from Obi-Vana to Utapau. This fancy car was a huge wheel, in the center of which was set by the saddle. He was incredibly fast and maneuverable. In addition, he was in service with several blaspherd guns.

Number 75040 General Grievous Machine has had due to the name of the model. In fact, it's all that we know about the General car, which was presented in the film. More information is not available.


It is known how many profits brand Star Wars receives thanks to the LEGO design. Machine General Grievous is one of the most popular models in this lineup. The set includes, in fact, the car itself, which needs to be assembled by its own hands, figurines of Obi-Vana Kenobi and Grievous. In addition, the kit is filled with weapons: Blaster, energy rod, several light swords.

The model does not require a particularly complex assembly. With the task, even a small child will easily cope, because its details are very clearly fitted under specific task - Make a car of this character in LEGO Star Wars. General Grievous (figure) enters not only this, but also in other sets.


As you can see, in fact, the image of the cruel general of the Grievous is much more interesting than the one that was shown in the film. In his full history, it is a truly unfortunate humanoid, if such a wording is appropriate to use in this case.

Losting the only beloved woman, he did everything to take revenge on who took her from him. The general mercilessly destroyed all those who were, in his opinion, the perpetrator of the tragedy. It is especially interesting where this path led him to robotization and turning into a thunderstorm of all the Jedi, a killer and the Supreme Commander.

It is safe to say that Grivus was a sort of mirror, even the prediction of the advent of the Great Darth Waidar, which can serve as evidence of the complex and symbolic structure of the Star Wars Universe. After all, even they were robotic with the same technology.

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