
Articles about oversets and folk dolls. Champions and ritual dolls

Russian is one of the most mysterious and mysterious symbols of Russia. In the old days, it was not just a toy, but an integral attribute of a variety of rituals. therefore russian observed I. ritual dolls - This is a whole art that has enlightened all the customs and cultural traditions of our people.

The main feature of the Russian champions is a clean face, that is, they have no mouth, nose and eyes on the face. And all because our ancestors believed: do not draw a face - the unclean power does not set up, and it will not be able to bring harm to an adult or a child.

Interest in folk creativity and crafts in modern world It grows literally in front of her eyes. And this happens because at one time there was some shape, which we strive to fill out today. In addition to cognitive interest, there is still a natural desire to remember and know the past of their people.


The column is one of the very first and main dolls of the faith in. This doll was created on the basis of a wooden column, from where, in fact, its name occurred. Long ago it was believed that the column was the best assistant in mental conversation. If she tells her about everything that she does not give rest, which was painful, complain to fate, it becomes easier, and necessarily the right decision.

The columns with children's children should be braveled and helps women in motherhood. The column "carries" the children so that her hands remain free, and they can easily bother the housework. In the old times of the columns, they gave women to ensure that they were peace and other in their home.


In the old days, the charming chain was the first toy of a newborn baby. A woman who was waiting for a child, made a pelleling and laid him into the cradle. And when the baby was born, the doll was put next to him, especially it was necessary in the period before baptism. It was believed that the pelleling protects the baby from evil spirits.

Externally doll pellery - the invention is simple, which is a baby in a handkerchief wrapped in a diaper, clutching. At the same time, the pelleling should have such a size so that it can fit in the kid's handboard, because it had to be the first to be his first, which he could keep and consider.

The pelleling served as a faith with childbirth: the husband of the feminine was put on a pelleling instead of a baby. It was believed that it would knock on the path of evil spirits. Also, the pelleling was made to give a woman who wishes to have a child. There was such a custom: on his knees of a newlywedheld put a pelleling in order to come to her the mother's power.


The guardian doll did the girls who wanted to marry and give birth to children. As soon as the girl put a rolleritz on the window, all the guys understood - you can send a matchmaker in this house.

Such a girl made from different parts of Russia, so it has a lot of titles: Cabbage, Kormalka, Rvanka, Veps. As for the name "Rozenznica", it was told in Siberia.

Ryzhanitsa, like a pelleling, put in the cradle who had not yet born baby so that she warmed her. After the birth of the baby, the rizanitsa hung over the cradle as an overlap. This doll symbolizes a nursing mom, which never runs out milk, it can protect the child from hunger.


The brazing bump doll (grain or grain) ensures that the family is rich and satisfying, it is the key to wealth in the house. In Russia, such a doll was made during harvesting. The brunt was filled with a seek the best cereal, most often it was wheat, but could put the grains of several varieties at the same time in order for all kinds of crops of the crop to be rich. Such dressed up in beautiful clothes and put in a red angle. When spring fell, the first handstocks of grain for Seva were taken from the brunt. As a rule, the baggage was made of burlap.


Kubashka-herb is an ancient healer's overall doll from the Tula province, which protects the house from diseases. Kubashka-herbage is filled with medicinal scented herbs, it was customary to put the baby from the cradle. And if someone sick in the house, then such a sick bed nearby, at the same time the cube needed to knead in the hands so that the house was filled with herbal spirit.

Kubashka-herbage not only distinguishes diseases, but also ensures that they do not penetrate the house from the outside. The herbal is a kind soul and a good suite, for this reason it was often given to children to play. The grass in the doll once every two years had to be changed. From the "medicinal" dolls can also highlight dolls Fever, dehoche and a rainy who drove all the hands away.


Traditional fabric wedding doll. Landlessness is a symbol of strong and friendly family. She was given to the bride and the bride on the wedding day, so that she retains the love and loyalty between them for many years. After the wedding, the loves occupied the honorable place in the red corner of the hut throughout the life of their owners.

The doll is lovers is two figures - men's and female, who have one hand overall. Over time, in the middle of this hand tied bells or brushes from threads, which were as much as children were born in the family.

Previously, the unbelievings were suspended under the stubborn handle, which was brought by a young couple after the wedding in the groom's house. Some experts argue that it is here that the modern tradition originates on the hood of a wedding car.

Bunny on his finger

The observed doll bunny on his finger was made to give children from 3 years. In ancient times, at this age, the child began to leave at home. He was done by this so that he was not afraid, and he was with whom to play.

The bunny on his finger was for the child the most real friend with whom it was possible to talk in his childhood, as well as a guard from fear and loneliness. In Russia, the bunny was considered an excellent gift for any children's holiday.


Little doll-wubble Nyanyushka gave the child strength, courage, faithful him. Such a doll was given to the child when he himself went to the outside world from. And indeed, looking into the distant past, we will see that in the Russian villages the kids, just two or three years, the father was running around the streets, and their necks hung on their necks. And if the baby met on the way something terrible, he was enough for a nanyushka, twisted by the hands of his mother who loved his hands, and immediately felt the warmth of her mother's hands and calmed down.


The best assistant in domestic affairs was a flared doll of the tenther. Such gave young girls who were preparing to become hostess and sewed their dowry. And they did this in order for the girl to be disputes, he had time to manage and everything was doing everything.

The tenther has ten hands, and if these hands were similar to the wings, and the doll itself - on the bird, then she reminded the girl about the soul, and that the spiritual above the material. The tenther is a symbol of souiffs and lightness in all domestic affairs, which allows the woman not only to quickly cope with their homely troubles, but also to fully triple their family happiness.

Doll world tree

Doll World Tree (Generic Tree or Grove) is a symbol of the unity of the world. Heaven is Crohn, the world of living people is a trunk, the underground kingdom - roots. This doll is a kind of model that shows the connection between the universe and the person, where for each subject, phenomena and creatures have its own predetermined place.

The world tree doll is made on the basis of a hortyna having a symbolic meaning - this is the merge of two clans, two fates, which from now on become one of the whole essence, stronger than two separate twigs. This doll was also a faithful of a young family, because if with the disadvantage people had a thought to disperse, I looked at the doll, they understood: if you break off the bitch, then it will not be back it and one will never be back it.

Bridal cake was decorated with a world tree, and the middle of the cake was given to the young. It was important to ensure that the dolls in no case turned away from each other, otherwise love and understanding will disappear between the young after the wedding.

Doll for happiness

The fabric doll was found in the Tver region during the excavations of the ancient settlement. Doll dated to the century. Happiness is a small girl with a long oblique and handms raised to the sun. The doll for happiness is both a charm, and the game doll at the same time. Our ancestors were confident that the long braid brings good luck, no wonder they called her maiden. And precisely because of the thick and long braid, the doll, made of flax, was called "for happiness."
I would like to note that tell us about everyoneobereg and ritual dolls Within one article is simply impossible. After all, in Russia, there was a great many of the most diverse dolls, and each of them was responsible for their "plot of work", shook and kept everything that people trusted her. So, the goat's doll brought life strength to his owner and his land, the doll freckles was burned by beauty and youth, the doll, the welcome helped to fulfill the desires, the doll wealth and fertility led to the prosperity of the kind, doll duding for a gift taught a child thanks, and the doll Spiridon-Solvice participated in Rites of winter and summer solstice.

Rich Earth Russian rites. The ritual dots were read and put in the hollow, in the red angle. They had a ritual destination.

Weping doll (cabbage, Rvanka)- This is a ritual doll, symbolizing fertility and wealth.

As the ritual checks of the guys sat with this doll: they watched the guy takes this doll, which pays attention to, as it looks. And on this it was clear that it is important for him now, but by anything he is going. For the appeal of the guy with this doll, the older women watched his readiness for marriage.

The doll is made of linen and cotton fabrics. Krutat doll without releasing from the hands, to the last note. In the manufacture of this doll in the old days, did not use the needle and scissors, manually breaking the cloth on the patchwork of the desired size.

Obdatory multiple doll Decade.

She was made from Lyk or straw on October 14 for the cover when they sat down behind her needlework. The manufacture uses of red threads, which is the coastery. At the bottom of the sarafan, there are definitely 9 red thread bows. The pupa was intended to help girls preparing their dowry, and women in different cases, such as weaving, sewing, embroidery, knitting, etc. Traditionally after the manufacture, it was almost immediately burned. The doll "Timer" gives a wedding so that the woman everything has time to go to her.

And in order to be satisfied and rich in the house, the hostess of the house did a doll grain or bibrian.

Did her after harvesting. Based on the doll - a bag with grains collected from the field. They stuffed it with different grains. Also this doll woman did in order for her children.

Ritual doll Pouch Pictured a woman during hayrokos.

"Pouch" is one of the simplest on the technique of making dolls. It is done without cuts and without a single seam, from a solid piece of fabric. Then the head is formed and tied up with threads. From the excess fabrics on the sides are formed and tied with threads of hand. The skirt is put on the doll, the apron (but the "shirt" should be visible - the light base of the doll), they say the handkerchief. The common tones of the tissue used are different, light, because the first defect has long been considered in the villages of the holiday.

Doll Bucavka- This is a ritual doll of one day. "Bathwood" personified the start of swimming.

It was fused along the water, and the rods attached to her hands took with them human diseases and adversity - this value was attached to the purification force of water. This doll holidays agraft baths and Ivan Kupala. The procedure for manufacturing "Bathing" is very simple. Two sticks different lengths Ties cross - cross. On the top of the cross, they strengthen the head of light fabric, packed by the rag, the same cloth are tested by the hands of the doll. Fix fabric on neck, hands and belt dolls. Bind the straps of sundhan from a bright fabric. They put on a doll skirt, a handkerchief, told the belt, and in the hands tie the testers from the fabric. Since this doll is summer, it is customary to decorate herbs, alive flowers, green branches.

Kolyada - Slavic holiday of winter solvent and, apparently, the very name of the deity.

Winter Solute falls on December 25th. At this time, the strongest frosts were observed, according to the ancient beliefs coinciding with the rampant of unclean spirits and evil witches. The celebration of the strides with their fun and optimism expressed the faith of ancient Russian pagans in the inevitability of the victory of good began over the forces of evil. To help the carriage to win and move the evil spirits, celebrating his day burned fires, sang and danced around them.

With the collage passed all Christmas carols. This doll is a symbol of the sun and a kind relationship in the family. She represented an amorrant woman dressed in all new and elegant. From her behalf of the quarrels wished happiness and well-being. They sang joyful, glorifying the owners of the song.

In some localities, the carols ended near the fire with the wishes of the good and close and burning the strides. With her arrival in the house there will be happiness, peace and consent between family members.

The pile of the strip is made of drinking wood. In the bags suspended to the belt, there are bread and salt. For the belt shut down a broom who drives off unclean power.

Random doll Maslenitsathey did from straw or lycons, but they necessarily used a tree - a thin barrel of birch. Straw, like a tree, personified the brown power of vegetation. The clothes on the doll should be with a vegetable pattern. It was fixed on a crossed tree.

The doll was decorated with ribbons, artificial flowers. It was put in the hands of the dishes used in the preparation of pancakes, hung the ribbons, tie, which, people guess desires. These rigors so that wishes come true should have burned down with the doll.

Homemade Maslnitsa - Doll, existing in the Tula province.

She was called the daughter of Carnival or her younger sister. It is a small, 20 - 25 centimeters height, a straw or lubric doll with a white rag face. "Home Maslenitsa" "symbolized a strong wealth and healthy offspring of a young family. She was considered a strong guard of the dwelling, performing the covenants of the hosts of the house. They kept this doll in the red corner or at the entrance to the dwelling. In one of the days of the festive carnival week, when young came to her mother-in-law On pancakes, this doll was put up in windows or courtyards. According to tradition, "homemade carnival" "met the bride and groom.

Western (Avdota-Spring)

Soroki - Spring Equinox Day. This is another turning day in the folk calendar. At this time, according to ancient signs from Paradise, the exhibition flies a flock of first birds - forty larks. Bird - symbol of this holiday. Singing birds - whistles, who whistle children whistling, culk the spring - red. Here there is a model of communication of images. In the sounds of singing ritual birds, clay and barking whistles - magic sound spells, prayer facing the gods. An important attribute of the holiday is ritual cookies in the form of figurines of birds and cookies in the form of small stairs leading to the sky, to the Supreme Divine. Dolls - Westerns, in the form of two anthropomorphic figures tied with a ribbon, complement the symbolism of this holiday.


Previously, these dolls were an unchanged attribute of the rite of "cursing" of spring, in which young people and children participated. Cuppet knitted with pairs: from white threads - a symbol of the outgoing winter, from red - symbol of spring and hot sun. Such couples dolls were hanging out on the branches of the trees. These dolls and the second meaning. With the birth of a child in the family, the inseparable pair of wedding dolls slightly moved to the sides, giving place a pupa on the parent's shoulder. With each child in the family, parental shoulders moved wider. How many children, so much and darnate on the shoulder of the wedding couple.

Doll Pock - Symbol of female wisdom, motherhood, homemade hearth. It is associated with Ryabina tree.

Name Day Rowan Tree was celebrated four times a year. In the fall, on the fourth birthdays, when the fruits were ripened, they did this doll. In the sign of reading it, as the guard, did a large festive doll on Ryabinska.

Spiridon-Sol Coatby turning the wheel can completely change your life in the desired side.

Spiridon make a man's doll. As a conventional hawk, only the lower beam of straw (urine) is divided into two parts - legs. And the mandatory attribute is the wheel.

The meaning of Spiridon is a creature turning the sun. Those. The most important thing that is responsible for the arrival of sunny days is for the onset of winter days. Accordingly, the hands should keep the sun well (so as not to fell). Brake and straw peeling braids. This is a winter doll.

Doll Moscow.

Another name of the doll "Seventh I" (family). The doll has six children tied to the belt or screwdrived belt. The history of the doll leaves during the formation of the Moscow Principality, which joined new lands. Moscow - Mother, New Principality - new baby. In the doll, this historical process stopped with a number 6. This doll is a symbol of maternal care and love. As a mother loves and takes care of her children, so the mother loves her children, no matter how much they were.

In some provinces told a doll Goat.

It is based on wooden crosses, and the muzzle, horns, a beard - from a scroll and straw. The dressed was the "goat" "in a bright special dress and Tulup (or a fur coat), on top of which ritual objects were attracted: Duffers, scammers, tambourines, horseshoe as a gift for happiness, bells, bubbles, wooden beads, earrings, bags with gifts, wreaths of well-being With small red bags with grains of cereals, a wooden block as a gift to a bachelor, as a reminder of the need to marry. The Koza doll "was a symbol vitality And she had to bring this power to the owner of the hut and his land, his field, so that bread was born better.

Solo doll Got a young at the wedding.

This is an ancient symbol of continuation of the kind, the mediator between the living on Earth and the kingdom of the dead. The ash doll is somehow the spirit of ancestors facing descendants. This is an ancient symbol of continuation of the kind, the mediator between the living on Earth and the kingdom of the dead.


Husband and wife are two halves of one whole, they must be inseparable. It was for this that this doll was given. In the Russian wedding tradition at the head of the wedding train, which brought a young couple in the groom's house after the wedding in the church, under the ruges of the harness hung up a couple of dolls: a daughter-in-law doll and a groom's doll so that they would assign unkind views on themselves. This pair of dolls is special, it carried a deep symbolic load associated with the peculiarity of the manufacture. The female and male starts were combined into a single inextricable whole, because after the wedding married couple Together to go through life together. Dolls made a bride girlfriend from white, red and arc of multicolored fabric, using scraps of multi-colored threads.

The birth of a new family was likened to birth Worldwood Life, the mighty branches of which was supposed to become a young couple.

The "World Tree" doll is manufactured without stitching the needle, "To do not sew happiness." The girlfriends were vigilantly followed each other so that the ritual figures did not turn apart from each other. After the wedding, the world tree occupied an honorable place in the hut next to other stares in the family dolls.

The basis of the dolls makes from the dried birch horns without flaws into the little finger with a thickness and approximately 15 cm long, Beresto does not remove. The horns gently shake without using a knife. First, make a doll to the bride on the left bitch of the Rhotina, and on the second bitch - the groom's doll.

Some ritual dolls were medical.

it Kozma and Demyan. They made them of therapeutic herbs: yarrow, chamomile and other herbs. There is such a legend. Two brothers lived in Russia - weather. They were straymen. These brothers treated people and did not take money and food for treatment. But one day one of the brothers took some food. Another brother was very offended at him and asked them to bury them in different places after death, but the people judged in their own way. After all, food is food for existence, not money, and therefore they were buried together. Per good deeds They were erected in the rank of saints. Therefore, they used to do in their honor dolls and planted in a red angle so that they bring benefit and health to the house.


This doll is filled with fragrant medicinal grass. The pupa needs to be interferred in the hands, move, and the herbal spirit will be separated by the room, which will tear the spirits of the disease. After 2 years, the grass in the doll must be changed. That is how our ancestors did.

Kubashka-herbage monitors the disease does not penetrate the house. It comes from it, both from a caring hostess. She and a defender from evil spirits of the disease, and good comforter. She was lifted in the house over the cradle of the child. The doll was given to play children. She was still put in the sick bed.

Rite funeral cuckoo "

Many rites in Russia passed through specially made dolls.

For example: the ancient rite of "funeral cuckoo". This is a dedication of 12-year-olds in the girls and their entry into the world of adulthood. Conducted this rite before the trinity. He consisted in the following: Girls went to the forest and watched nobody followed them.

There they drove away dances, Pele songs and squeezed. As a sign that two girlfriends became kumami for 1 year, they exchanged wreaths and specially made for this purpose, dolls. These dolls were a reflection of the hostess, after all, making this doll, the girl invested in her part of his soul. After three-time kissing, the girls exchanged dolls and were considered kumami. However, after a certain time, and if desired, it was possible to be offended by removing themselves obligations of a benevolent relationship, each other, but it happened extremely rarely. As you can be angry with Kum, if, together with his doll, he was trusted by some of his own soul! After all, making a doll, the girl made the effort, thought about her, put all his skill in this work, and so she was given a girlfriend!

After the sharing of dolls, the girls dressed in a rag and loskutka, specially made for this case, a straw doll. It was made from the dried grass "Cukushkina Tears". Then the girls buried her, did not necessarily be buried, and in the sense - they hid, got rid of it. Thus, they got rid of those qualities that the cuckoo is inherent. She, as is known, throws eggs into the nest of other birds, and does not care for the fate of his offspring. After the rite spent the girl is considered a girl. Thus, this rite demonstrates the refusal of "the pea", the proclamation of motherhood. Girls say goodbye to their childhood, taking over the obligations "not to be cuckoo."

Obereb dolls

The charm - amulet or magic spell, saving a person from various dangers, as well as the subject to which the spell is conspiracted and who are worn on the body as a talisman.
The fabric doll is an ancient, mysterious and mysterious symbol of the Slavs. In the older times, the doll was not just a toy, but a faith and an integral attribute of various rites. The age of the most ancient doll found by scientists on the excavations of burials in the Czech Republic is 40 thousand years.
The fabric dolls protect the house, children from the dark forces, quarrels, diseases, the evil. Dolls carefully protect. They are given a special place in the house, put in the red angle, hide in the chest, put in the bold. Each doll has its coastal importance and is associated with the main significant things and events in the life of a Russian person - with a family, family, home, happiness, health, prosperous.
In modern home ritual, the doll serves to align the energy-inthomational, psycho-energy field of the whole family. As an esoteric and meditative subject, it gives a person confidence, equilibrium, a sense of security. The doll is softly creates a good emotional background.
When doll appears in your home you will immediately feel how the atmosphere in it will change. It will bring comfort and warmth. And most importantly - the inner world begins for the better, and behind him completely life!

In Russia, the chubs-carries were made from a girlfriend - wood, fabric, thread, straw, bones. Each doll was made with a definite goal, had its own name, his story, his rite of preparation. For example, the doll "BRAVELY". It is based on a canvas bag with buckwheat, decorated with threads, fabrics. Such a doll loved in the house of wealth, promised a good future harvest and adding in the family. It was believed earlier that if the baby is hanging "booze" or "nyanyushka" hanging the baby, then she drives out this evil force. Two weeks before the birth of a child, a future mother put such a doll - wanted to the cradle. When the parents went to the field to work, and the child remained in the house one, he looked at these little dolls and played calmly.

It is known that the doll dresses were not just so, but with meaning. In the dress should always be present - the color of the sun, warmth, health, joy. And it was also believed that he had a protective effect: protects against the evil eye and injuries. Embroidered pattern, which once decorated the doll outfit, was also not accidental. Each it element kept magic value, and the pattern was supposed to protect the child in the face of the doll. The word "pattern" indicated the "prizar", i.e. "Listen". Therefore, on a doll dress, like on a suit of an adult, embroidered: circles, crosses, sockets - Sun signs; female figures and deer- symbols of fertility; wave-like lines - water signs; Horizontal lines - earth signs, diamonds with dots inside - symbol of the snowy field; Vertical lines - tree signs, forever wildlife.
Some dolls have been manufactured not only for themselves or for their loved ones, but also "for redemption." You can not buy such dolls, I will lose strength, but to buy it - easily. The main thing is to choose the soul of the masses of the pupa that is what your one! In order to see this doll, you felt that she was what you knew where to put it or put it. Only then this doll will be faithful to you. Well, and in the place where this doll lay, put the ransom - money, goods, food.
The doll is complete, it is a charm for a family. The base is birching, which is a symbol of male strength. All details of the female image are tied to linen by braids, ribbons without needles.

I wonder what slavic dolls (However, as in some other peoples of the world) have one characteristic feature. These dolls have no face.
More precisely, the lick of dolls can be signed by any traditional pattern,
threads, natural materials. But the faces cannot have eyes, mouth, nose.
It was believed that such a doll would not allow the evil spirit to himself and create evil around him, and besides this, such a doll could not be a twin of a person, and it would be impossible to harm a person.

Obereg dolls:

1. Cooker.
2. Angel.
3. Latchy.
4. Day and night.
5. Paraskeva.
6. Vepsskaya.
7. Babushkina doll.
8. Bell.

Ritual dolls

Rich Earth Russian rites, and not only Russian. On all continents, all nations make peculiar rites, whose participants are dolls. The ritual dots were read and put in the hollow, in the red angle. They had a ritual destination. It was believed earlier that if there was a doll "fertility" made in their own hands, then there will be awning and good harvest.

Doll "Bathup" is a ritual doll of one day, existing in Ryazan, Tula, Vladimir and Kaluga provinces. "Bathwood" personified the start of swimming. It was fused along the water, and the rods attached to her hands took with them human diseases and adversity - this value was attached to the purification force of water. This doll holidays agraft baths and Ivan Kupala. The procedure for manufacturing "Bathing" is very simple. Two sticks of different lengths associate the cross - inhibit. On the top of the cross, they strengthen the head of light fabric, packed by the rag, the same cloth are tested by the hands of the doll. Fix fabric on neck, hands and belt dolls. Bind the straps of sundhan from a bright fabric. They put on a doll skirt, a handkerchief, told the belt, and in the hands tie the testers from the fabric. Since this doll is summer, it is customary to decorate herbs, alive flowers, green branches.

The ritual doll "Carnival" was made of straw or lycons, but they necessarily used a tree - a thin barrel of birch. Straw, like a tree, personified the brown power of vegetation. The clothes on the doll should be with a vegetable pattern. In the Tula province of the doll "Carnival" was in human growth, from a scroll or straw. It was fixed on a crossed tree. The doll was decorated with ribbons, artificial flowers. It was put in the hands of the dishes used in the preparation of pancakes, hung the ribbons, tie, which, people guess desires. These rigors so that wishes come true should have burned down with the doll. "Home Maslenitsa" - doll, existing in the Tula province. She was called the daughter of Carnival or her younger sister. It is a small, 20 - 25 centimeters height, a straw or lubric doll with a white rag face. "Home Maslenitsa" symbolized strong wealth and healthy offspring of a young family. She was considered a strong guard of the dwelling, performing the covenants of the owners of the house. Store this doll in the red corner or at the entrance to the dwelling. In one of the days of the festive carnival week, when young came to a herd on the pancakes, this doll was put up in windows or courtyards. By tradition, the "home carnival" met the bride and groom.

In some provinces, the Koza's doll was told. It is based on wooden crosses, and the muzzle, horns, a beard - from a scroll and straw. Dressed was the "goat" in a bright special dress and Tulup (or a fur coat). Ritual objects were mounted on top of Tulupa: trunks, scarmers, tambourines, horseshoe as a gift for happiness, bells, bubbles, wooden beads, earrings, bags with gifts, wreaths of well-being with small red bags with cereal grains, wooden block for a gift bachelor, as a reminder The need to marry. Doll "Goat '' was a symbol of vitality and this power she had to bring the owner of the hut and his land, his field, so that bread was born better.

The ash doll - gave himself a young at the wedding. This is an ancient symbol of continuation of the kind, the mediator between the living on Earth and the kingdom of the dead. The ash doll is somehow the spirit of ancestors facing descendants.

It must be said that the people always gave the importance to the health of children and families. So some ritual dolls were therapeutic. This is "goat and Demyan." They made them of therapeutic herbs: yarrow, chamomile and other herbs. There is such a legend. Two brothers lived in Russia - weather. They were straymen. These brothers treated people and did not take money and food for treatment. But one day one of the brothers took some food. Another brother was very offended at him and asked them to bury them in different places after death, but the people judged in their own way. After all, food is food for existence, not money, and therefore they were buried together. For the good actions they were erected into the rank of saints. Therefore, they used to do in their honor dolls and planted in a red angle so that they bring benefit and health to the house.
Of course, ritual dolls can not be considered a children's toy. After all, the traditional rag doll failed. The person, as a rule, was not designated, remained white. In the villages they explained it just inability to paint the face beautifully, and there were no paints. But the meaning is much deeper. The doll without a face was considered an inanimate, inaccessible to the instill of evil, uncomfortable forces, and therefore harmless to the child. She had to bring him well-being, health, joy.

Ritual dolls:

1. Loves.
2. WORLD Tree.
3. Maslenitsa and "home carnival"
4. Wheelchade.
5. Kostroma.
6. "Cuckoo" or cuckoo doll.
7. Pouch.
8. Bathing.
9. Goat.
10. The ash doll.
11. Kozma and Demyan.
12. Cabbage.

Neighboring doll cube-herbage.

Slavic ritual doll grandmother.
The grandmother gave a young woman who recently got married, with the words: "Baba is not sits without a case !!!". The grandmother was passed as a symbol of wisdom, life experience. And the hands tied to the basket, to the case. The profile of it really turns out the characteristic, demanding, but at the same time is kind and funny. This is a Vyatka doll, she is not a coastery and not gaming, she is a gift.

Slavic coast of Bereginy doll.
Bereginni - Coast Dolls, are considered to be assisted by the owners of the house. Dolls with bags of happiness - bring harmony and happiness to the house. Bereginy doll is a symbol of well-being and prosperity, and her big breasts - a symbol of satiety, health, the image of a married woman. This is the most ancient brass doll. Beregini is made only with good intentions and in the excellent location of the Spirit. They can be given to entered / housewarming, New Year, birthday, even a wedding as an addition.

Slavic charging doll grace.
Doll "Grace" was done and gave them with the words: "Do not be sad, do not lose, do not lower hands." Doll from Handra; The wish of wealth, well-being, satiety and healthy children is denoted by great breasts. This doll is doing on well-being and asked her of the goods as much as necessary. "The benefit of giving" never lowers hands to the creation of good deeds, it helps to understand what is good for us and see it for yourself in a changing world.

Slavic wubble doll rich.
Women of the Moscow Region did the Obereg - Kuklak Rich. It seems to be a simple bag, and in fact, the faithful assistant. When creating rich, they thought about their kind, ancestors with love and gratitude. How to anyone who wrapped him was a clear task, for example: profits and prosperity on next year, Protection of the well-being of the family, etc. After all, no matter how cool, the wealth of the house brings a peasant.

The most ancient coast of our ancestors of God's Oko.
This is the most ancient coast of the doll of our ancestors - the eye of God, or God's Oko. The cruciform composition expresses the idea of \u200b\u200bspreading the forces of good or guarding forces on all four sides of the world. " God's eye»Place NAD entrance door To the house, room, over the baby's bed, in a place that is clearly visible to an incoming person. The bright and unexpected image of the Oberega attracts the attention of the incoming, which forgets about the unkind intention towards the owners of the house.

Slavic faucet wrapping doll.
A brand is a type of wooden doll, characteristic of the 19th century Sergiev toys. Previously, such figures were portrayed a feeder, the leading baby, - hence the local name of the deputy (leading to life). It turns out not only a brand, but also a wizard, like all moms. This is the image of a woman with a child recently started to walk. She supports him, teaches, leads. I even think more - it's not just that she teaches him "physically", but he displays ... The fellowship of the deputy - the hands of the mother and the child are one whole. The doll is a faithful mother and child.

Slavic ritual doll camebits.
The manufacture of Easter dolls is "Celebnets" - work is more complicated than the painting of the Easter egg. The total manufacturing technology is not different from the general technology of making rag dolls. However, the face and hands of the recruitment are made from red cloth, symbolizing Easter and revival. Such a doll is considered a gift and can replace an Easter egg. Since ancient times, such dolls were always preparing before the holiday.

Slavic charm doll day - Night.
Dolls "Day and Night" - dolls - housing chambers. The pupars protect the change of day and night, order in the world. In the afternoon, they put ahead light, and at night - the dark. Pupa "Day" - young, alive, movable, worker and cheerful. She is the mistress of the day and watches people to work on weekdays, worked, they having fun on holidays, sang, danced, played the sun shining the sun. The doll "Night" is a wise, thoughtful, calm, she is the mistress of the night. Night - Magician. She changes both things and people. She carries another world. At night, all mysteriously.

Slavic charging doll share.
Traditional doll chaff share - the personification of fate. The most ancient female deity Mankos emphasized every fraction, and her assistants (share and nondes, or Srecha and Nesrecha), hide the fifth of fate for everyone. Love and thank your share, whatever it is, create your thoughts and hands! You look, gratitude and love will answer the same! Let your share be happy!

Slavic gift doll welcome.
Such a girlfriend - the doll of the welcome - was in the village of every girl. It should not show it to anyone. Come on, it happened, the desire, you will choose a gift on a dress on a doll a bead, for example, and bring the mirror to the face: "Look, what kind of beauty you are. And for the present my desire torture. " And then you hide your girlfriend into a secluded place for the time ... You can not believe, but everything that will ask is fulfilled.

Slavic healing health doll.
The healing doll "Health" is made only from linen threads, as it is considered that it is very environmentally friendly with its natural properties and, taking the disease to herself, helps a person to recover. This doll is not decorated with anything and does not tolerate the fuss, and on the contrary, it is necessary to do it, trying to maximize the goodness, concentrating the thoughts about the sick person for whom it is being done.

Slavic ritual flap doll.
This doll is a symbol of the sun and a kind relationship in the family. She represented an amorrant woman dressed in all new and elegant. From her behalf of the quarrels wished happiness and well-being. In the bags suspended to the belt, there are bread and salt. The belt is shut down for the belt, which the block is distinguished by an unclean force. The strid was left in the house for a year. It was believed that she brings happiness, peace and consent to the family. A year later, the wheel was burned and did a new one.

Slavic brazing doll - grain.
Breeders are charms on satiety, wealth in the family. These are amulets who, by popular belief, bring prosperity, well-being, help achieve success in work, career. If a doll is a grain to bring to the house, it is better to find a place for it in the kitchen (closer to the refrigerator so that there is always a lot of tasty). If you work at home, set it down at the workplace. This girl should be full and complete, and you need to wear it as much as possible, then success and prosperity will never leave your home. Also, women did this doll in order to have children in the family.

Slavic healing cube doll - herbal.
Kubashka-herb is filled with fragrant medicinal grass. The doll is watching then that the disease does not penetrate into the house, you can hang such a doll over the baby's bed, let him play. You can also leave her a sick bed. This doll is filled with fragrant medicinal grass. The pupa needs to be interferred in the hands, move, and the herbal spirit will be separated by the room, which will tear the spirits of the disease. After 2 years, the grass in the doll must be changed. That is how our ancestors did.

Slavic wubble firing dolls.
In ancient times, there was such a rite of "Kuwada", the magic of which was associated with the sacrament of the birth of a child. In some provinces two weeks before the birth of a child, a future mother put such a doll - walked into the cradle so that the cowing was heated to the baby cradle. When the parents went to the field to work, and the child remained in the house one, he looked at these little dolls and played calmly. As a rule, these toys were small and all different colors, it developed a baby's vision.

Slavic ritual, healing doll bathing.
Bathing personified the start of swimming. It is a doll of holidays Agrafnes of swimsuits and Ivan Kupala. Bathing is a healing and ritual doll. Doll one day. Bathing is made on birch branches with ribbons - testers on hand. Tests tied diseases, kalvors, ailments, which happened to the owners for the year. The doll was lowered on the water and doll, floating, carried away from illness and adversity. Water has a great cleaning force.

Slavic ritual dolls Martinich.
Martinichs are two pupae, twisted from threads - white and red, male and female. Red and white color - personify the damage strength and the will of the gods for this life. The connected men's and women's figures of different colors - the unity of two began, the Slavic analog of Yin-Yang. The name of Martinich has already indicated that this doll was made in March. She "culked" the spring, closer to her beginning, celebrated and rejoiced her parish.

Slavic ritual doll world tree.
In addition to dolls, the lovers, "guarded" a wedding train, were in Russian weddings and other dolls- "defenders." Among them, a special place was "world tree". In the old days of the Slavs, the world was likened to the tree, the roots symbolized the underground kingdom, the trunk - the world of living people, Krona - Heaven (world tree). The birth of a new family was likened to the birth of a global tree of life. Wedding cake was solemnly transported into the house of the groom, his slices were handed over his family of the bride and groom, which was seen by the unity of the breeding families, and the middle of the cake with the world tree received young.

Slavic wubble doll Moscow.
Moskovka doll - wanted a strong friendly family. She was kept in the house somewhere higher - on the closet, on the shelf and did not give anyone to anyone's hands. The base of the dolls is a birch-birch or "rolling" from the fabric - a symbol of men's power, and she herself - the archetype of the mother and symbolizes maternal care and love. If the woman could not give birth in the family, then the doll was made - Moscow, in order to help his stature and magnificence to bring and embody in the family of a happy motherhood and fatherhood in the family. On popular belief, this doll helps to realize the desire to have healthy childAnd also guards good relations in the family.

Slavic wubble doll man on the road - Zaporznznz.
Doll a man on the road. They twisted the mistress of her husband on the road when he went hunting for fishing. She is very small, husky. He kept her in his cam. In the novel, the wife of Klavala Ala is - a symbol of a homely hearth to be safely returned to the house, or a cereal - so that he is fed on the road! The doll "on the road" helps men not to break the connection with the house, with the family, always feel warm and care for loved ones.

Slavic fabric doll loves.
The doll-charm is loves. Interesting the history of this doll. At first glance, this is a male and female dolls that seem just a couple of arms. But, if you look closely, it can be seen that the hand is one and is made of a solid cloth or sticks, and therefore they cannot be disconnected. Such a hand was considered a symbol of unity and that from now on in life to go, they will be literally hand in hand, all things and trouble sharing in half.

Slavic Custainer.
The Custody is made from ribbons, aspen sticks, dolls - angels, beads, leaves and other different attracting a view of the little things. In Russia, it was important to draw the attention of a person's bright, diverse and glittering beds in the house, to distract him from the bad thoughts with whom he could enter your home. Seeing such beauty, a man was distracted, lost and forgot everything bad and evil, which was on his mind.

Slavic charging doll cleaning.
By tradition, the cleansing doll saved from the "bad" energy in the house. For example, after a family quarrel, the woman swallowed the windows, the doors, took a doll and, using her as a symbolic broom, had the entire negative away from the hut. The Slavonic Doll, existed everywhere. The main (canonical) is the presence of a chest, legs and coast of the cross at the bottom of the body.

Slavic coast of Paraskeva's doll.
Paraskeva's doll (from Greek. Friday) in the deep Slavic convent was the female deity Makosh. This is one of the strongest symbols. The goddess of kind and fate and everything related to their strengthening and well-being. Now Paraskeva is interpreted as an assistant in all works and crafts. Paraskeva is a keeper of small items of needlework. A kind of needle. It will be possible to impose pieces of braid, flagella, flashes, pins, needles, can sew, all the little things that can come in handy in needlework.

Slavic ritual doll bird - joy.
"Bird joy" - the doll of the spring rite associated with the arrival of spring. I existed in the Tula province, the rite was carried out in March. Married women participated - they were the main participants of the rite, but girls could participate. Women dressed in bright, elegant clothes. Especially decorated hats in the form of birds. Decorated with feathers, fur edges. Women themselves took the images of birds.

Slavic faithful doll North Beregin.
Doll "North Bereginy" is a charm for home. It was put in the northern corner of the hut. She guarded and brought well-being home. The multi-layeredness of this doll pointed to a lot of human bodies, many worlds, many incarnations of the soul. And all this she is designed to protect.

Slavic fabric doll Simeon - a tribbon.
This charm is a symbol of infinity of life, a male start, without which the female is weak and fruitless. To protect and save your kind, a man must stand tightly on Earth, be a pillar, support for all weak and defenseless. Later, the tradition appeared to give this charm - the doll Simeon-Stalnnik - Men, so that their forces never dried up. Simeon adds power to men.

Slavic charm, ritual doll Spiridon - Sunflower.
The pupa is a man's and gives a man to help Spiridon-Solvice, the owner of the house "Crew" in his affairs. But he has another value: this doll was made to cause the desired change in the life. Spiridon by turning the wheel can change life by sending it to the desired side. Also, this doll has proven itself as a good charm for motorists and their cars.

Slavic fabric doll happiness.
Pupa Happiness is a folk doll-charm. This little girl with a very long oblique and raised to the sun with the handles. Spit in the doll thick - health and long life. The doll is firmly on the legs, leaning on the braid. This speaks of her strong support in life and about happiness that she will bring the owner. Spit, as a symbol of female start and female strength, symbolizes health, prosperity, beauty and long life.

Slavic coast of a Torokholtsy doll.
Such a doll is perfectly overclocked by the horns of the horror of the horror, soothes and drives bad dreams. And if the baby gets into his mouth, it is convenient to scratch the gums-blinding squeezing teeth. Excellent results gives the use of a Torokholic dolls in dealing with children. Their soft voice can be an element of the baby's mistakes to sleep. He calms down and drives bad dreams. Yes, and an adult man Little doll can help take himself in hand, defend from the "hitting" on a thin plan.

Slavic charming doll Phillipovka (Lyko or fabric).
Senior girlfriend Timetile Doll Phillipovka. This is a more serious and strong doll, a helper of married women. And the Phillipovka doll itself is an adult and wise woman. Cooked Phillipovka is not just crafther and assistant in affairs. She is a manager who saves his mistress helps her in work, in the skillful distribution of his forces and time, in the right organization of work among family members or colleagues. With the help of the Pillipovka doll, we remember the main task of a woman - to be Bereginnaya and the defender of their family.

Slavic whaling hostess doll - a welfare.
According to the pupa, inside which the coin is hidden, brings good luck and wealth to the house, protects the home hearth, stores the family. Giving such a doll to relatives or friends, you will forever save them from failures and disorders. The handles of this doll are inextricably linked and closed into the ring. This ring reliably saves your prosperity and good luck.

Slavic Doll Leak - Latchy Autumn.
Traditional rag dolls of dehumans - dolls are special, it is kind of bait. Their role is to attract the attention of villainage-illness to the house. Our grandmothers believed that she would fly away the evil spirit of the disease into the house in search of their victim, see the bright elegant dolls of dehumans, will think that this is a person, and in one of them. Therefore, dolls of disembarka are made from bright, very striking fabrics.

Slavic coast of the jannik doll.
The people believe that the jannik lives and protects the bath, as well as the house dwelling, and he should leave a broom, soap and water after the wave, so that he can also wash out, otherwise he will be angry and be sure to splashes boiling water, drinks smoke to the bath or chant Stone. For Russian man, the bath was much more than the present baths and souls. The bathhouse was both the main hospital, laundry, and a hospital, and a meeting place for important conversations. And the jannik himself is the most terrible courtyard. Usually a banner behaves hostile if a person violates his prohibitions.
Information partly from vedmast.narod.ru

According to the example of the article about the Slavic dolls, I decided to write about the Russian ritual dolls. This is done so that visitors of our site had the opportunity to watch on one page all our publications on this topic. At the same time, all general and basic information about ritual dolls can be generalized here and not repeated in those articles that are dedicated to one of them.

What is ritual Russian dolls;

Each ritual action, aimed at attracting forns that cannot be human tangible, in most cases is accompanied by the use of any object. This is necessary in some cases to create an appropriate entourage and a certain atmosphere of mysteriousness and mystery, and in others - to create an object of concentration and accumulation of energy, which ensures the success of the entire event. Our ancestors have such a mandatory participant in almost all ritual actions there was a ritual rag doll.

And what, without her it was impossible to do? - asks me fun.

If you did not stroll through the past publication about the overalls, now there would be such a question now. - I still say on her recent lack I answer. - And we said that the dolls are faithful in addition to their visible domestic destination, have a deep sacral meaning.

The same applies to the wubble doll. All the essence - as always, in detail and trifles. It also matters the design of the doll, ensuring the possibility of receiving and retaining energy flows, and the material from which the base and clothing is made, and decorating items. In addition, magic color, numerology and ornaments have a large influence on the magic abilities of ritual Russian dolls.

Certain rites our ancestors were carried out every day, but only as needed. This concerns the rituals of weather management, getting rid of diseases, the appearance of newborns, cleansing from the firm and the like. There are seasonal rituals - spring, summer, autumn and winter, which were repeated annually and most often were held in some specific days.

But in all cases, the ritual doll was an active participant and the main acting person. The main thing in this topic is the rag doll was a link between our material world and the world of others, intangible, but certainly existing. Our thoughts, feelings and desires addressed to the doll find the opportunity to contact with this incomprehensible energy and returning back to realize the conceived. That's where there is, if briefly, the meaning of the participation of the rag doll in rituals and rites, held regularly and for several thousand years in our ancestors.

The rules for the manufacture of ritual dolls fully correspond to the fact that they are defined for the fools of the faith, so you can read about them in the article, where we talked about them in detail.

You mentioned that you want to show what is the ritual dolls in this article? - Already impatiently says Veselin.

Yes, you are right, it's time to move on to business. - According to nodding head.

Pussy ritual dolls and their meaning.

I managed to express my opinion on the ritual Russian dolls, and now I want to show what kind of dolls on our site there are already articles. More detailed information You will receive, click on the title of dolls or pictures.

It meets every year in spring, and with it - warm days, new hopes and performance of everything that has been conceived by long winter evenings.

Provided the hostess with increased health and skillful needlework for the entire winter.

The main keeper of the purity of the soul and the body of a newborn baby.

Main weather in the ancient Slavs. May cause rain when you need to stop it with the same success.

In just one day of his life, he had time to release a person from all his peoples, troubles and sorrows.

People faugored from unclean during baptized swimming.

Destroy all human misfortunes, sadness, misfortune and sorrows.

It was a mandatory participant in the rite of clarifying spring from the Western Slavs.

It is a mandatory element of spring cubs, without it, migratory birds will not be able to fly into your edges.

Symbolizes the appearance of the first spring medical colors, which means that spring will certainly not go anywhere.

It is the main element of the rite of responding to those people whose gift for you was most valuable and important.

One of the main rites participants during the summer solstice.

It reminds us who came to visit our ancestors during the shin.

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