
DIY Slavic doll

In this article, we will continue to talk about the Slavic amulet dolls. For each occasion of life, our ancestors made certain amulets, and it will be useful for novice craftswomen to learn the nuances of such manufacturing.

The amulet dolls were not just a fun decoration for the house - these small creations were believed to help their owners. How is it? And how to create such beauty?

How to make a doll amulet for a child?

Doll-amulet Pelenashka done quickly enough, and this procedure is within the power of even those mothers who are far from needlework. In addition, the Pelenashka can serve the basis for many pupae, which is very useful for novice craftswomen.

IMPORTANT: Earlier it was customary to make seven Swaddling dolls for the first year of a baby's life. These amulets lay in the crib, put into the baby's handle, and were tied to his clothes.

A lot of swaddling dolls were made for the child

To create a doll required:

  • Natural fabric - desirable cotton... It is even more desirable that the fabric is narrower worn and homespun - so she will transfer human warmth, vitality to the doll.
  • Filler
  • Braid, ribbons, threads, buttons - in a word, what can be used to tie up and decorate a doll

Creation procedure The diaper is as follows:

  • To begin with, in the center of the fabric in flesh or white placed a filler ball.
  • Then he was wrapped around a thread and tied up - so a head was created.
  • Another piece of fabric was taken, but brighter - for diaper... He wrapped himself lower than his head around the so-called torso.

IMPORTANT: The craftswomen believed that the fabric should be wrapped six times.

  • But now you can bandage the doll.
  • Next, another piece of fabric was taken, which the head of the pupa was covered. The ends should have been tightened crosswise. Could be again fasten everything with a thread.
  • And again the amulet was obsessed with a piece of fabric - this time already top diaper... The swaddle was neatly wrapped in it, tied with an elegant ribbonand decorated.

Doll amulet-motanka Bereginya: description, meaning, photo

As we wrote above, this doll was very common, as it had a special meaning. She was called meet everyone entering the house, serving as an obstacle to evil forces... Also drove away diseases, quarrels.

IMPORTANT: The ideal location for Beregini is opposite the front door. Moreover, it should be higher than the heads of incoming people in order to better observe them.

Despite the fact that we have described the process of making this amulet doll, Bereginya from time to time can be completely different. It's believed that it is not a person who chooses Bereginya, but she chooses him. Therefore, if you want to buy such a doll, take the one that first attracted attention.

Amulet doll Bereginya in flirty bright outfits Amulet doll Bereginya in a colorful sundress

Amulet doll Bereginya in spring-like bright clothes

Amulet doll Bereginya in clothes painted with folk motives

Amulet doll Bereginya in a simple home dress

Solid amulet doll Bereginya in multi-layer clothes

Amulet doll Bereginya dressed in warm cozy shades

I take care of you can give. Such a gift will become a wish for comfort, kindness, joy, happiness and well-being in the house.

The craftswomen of the early eras knew that winding different components of the doll must always be in the same direction... It was believed that this was the only way Bereginya could throw away everything bad from her masters, bring harmony.

IMPORTANT: Special attention was paid to the time of creation of the amulet. For example, the growing phase of the moon was ideal for creating Beregini for harvesting, farming and adding to the family. On the full moon, pupae were created to protect wealth in the house, to successfully complete important matters. But handicrafts in the waning moon were designed to protect from various diseases.

Amulet doll Bereginya for the harvest should have been made with the growing phase of the moon

Amulet doll Lovebirds: description, history, meaning, photo

Our ancestors loved to make such a doll when someone created or dreamed of creating a family. It was believed that she will help keep the new family united and friendly. That is why the dolls, of which there were two, in fact were made from one piece of fabric.

The dolls had in common one hand. Separate hands were connected by a common so-called thread of fate red - this the thread should not break anywhere. In a similar way, it was said that the strength of the family is a common destiny and a common foundation.

Pupae-amulets Lovebirds have one common hand and a thread of fate

Cloth doll-amulets Lovebirds

Lovebirds can also be made of straw

Lovebirds amulet dolls can also be created from yarn

Lovebirds were often dressed up in pretty clothes, who were chosen for the holidays.

Charm dolls Lovebirds in smart clothes and with a festive towel

However, the lovebirds amulets look beautiful in ordinary clothes.

If the couple had a child, a loop was created on the common hand. However, small figures of newborns also look quite cute.

Doll-amulet Lovebird with figures of newborns

Lovebirds can also attach such small figures to the amulet dolls

IMPORTANT: As a rule, lovebirds were not given. A girl who wanted to create a strong family had to make a doll-amulet for herself.

It was believed that for a young chaste girl, not previously married, is worth doing two pupae. And if the young lady had previously serious connections - three... However, this recommendation was not always adhered to - they often made one amulet.

But what was required was positive attitude. Often, girls invited their girlfriends or relatives, who, in a friendly atmosphere, made lovebirds for themselves.

IMPORTANT: Did not play lovebirds. It was preferable to put them in the farthest corner, so that the evil eye would not look.

Amulets dolls Lovebirds should be attached where no one sees

But when the newlyweds were driving from church, this amulet flaunted on the arc of the team - it was believed that he drives away the evil eye... By the way, this is where the tradition of decorating wedding cars with dolls started.

Such elegant doll-amulets Lovebirds could decorate the team of the newlyweds

Charm doll for good luck: description, photo meaning

Since ancient times, it was believed that female strength and beauty lie in hair. A woman with thick long hair, as our ancestors believed, is necessarily successful, successful, able to cope with all adversity. therefore a large braid is an indispensable attribute of a talisman for happiness.

A braid that is longer than the pupa itself is an indispensable attribute of a talisman for happiness

For the first time, such a talisman was found thanks to excavations on the territory of Rzhev... Doll Rzhevskoe happiness dates from 10th century. For its manufacture, the ancient craftswoman used linen.

Long thick braid also has a practical function - it makes a doll sustainable... By the way, not all amulets, and just folk dolls, can boast of this.

Big thick curved braid of the amulet doll Happiness gives stability

Despite the fact that Happiness itself is very small - about 8 centimeters - the braid can be twice, or even three times more! And she must curved.

Doll-amulet Happiness is several times smaller than its braid

Such a small size of the amulet was invented for a reason. The person who took this tiny doll in his hand understands that his happiness really is in his hands - you just need to make an effort.

IMPORTANT: It is advisable that this crumbs have bast shoes. They will help you to more conveniently go on the path of finding happiness, but such a path can be long! You can also add a handbag - happiness will be added to it.

Dolls-amulets for Happiness in sandals

This little doll cannot but move. And it is quite can playwhile not fearing that it will spin like most reels.

You can also carry with youhanging as a keychain. Or you can put on the desktop. As gift such a charm will be very good.

Doll-amulet Bell

The homeland of this amulet - Valdai, and the time of appearance is approximately 15th century.

The bell counts a messenger of good events... How could it be otherwise, if it rang under the arc of festive triplets, and the ringing of large bells chased away the plague? In addition, the bell from above resembles the sun, and in shape it is domed - all this was symbolic in the eyes of the Slavs.

The chrysalis really resembles a bell in shape thanks to three full skirts. By the way, the number of skirts is no coincidence: the Slavs used to say that if the body feels good, then the spirit is calm, and the soul is joyful.

The amulet doll Bell was supposed to have three bright skirts

In other words, the Bell chrysalis is amulet for happiness, joy, fun, and just for a good mood. Often such a talisman gave with heartfelt wishes for good news and joy.

The variegated doll-amulet Bell by its very appearance gave an excellent mood

Often not one met in the house, but several bells - there really isn't much good news. Often the pupae connected with each other.

Doll-amulet Bell will look especially good on the front door

Dolls-amulets for home

Doll "Day and night" was often used to guard the home. As the change of day and night ensures order in the world, so the amulet dolls will maintain order in the house.

Day doll - impersonation mobility, youth, fun and hard work. It is designed to ensure that the inhabitants of the dwelling they worked diligently, and on holidays they had a lot of fun. It is possible that this amulet will help you have a good dayby filling it with useful events.

Nightthe doll embodies thoughtfulness, calmness, wisdom. It is not for nothing that it is believed that the night makes everything and everyone unrecognizable. It is at this time of day that the most intimate conversations take place.

However, of course, the main thing that a person should do at night is to sleep. The amulet makes sure that the dream was serene, gave strength and allowed to rest properly.

IMPORTANT: During the day, you should put forward a light pupa, and at night - a dark one.

Dolls-amulets Day-night

There are two options for making such a talisman. Most often they make two pupae of different colorsconnected to each other. Sometimes an even more interesting option could be found - one pupa, as if divided into two sides.

The option of making a doll amulet Day-night - two sides in one doll

The amulet doll was also popular Broomstick... When everything fell out of hand, someone got irritated for no reason or illness replaced each other, the verdict was unambiguous - evil eye.In such a case, everything unnecessary was thrown away and the amulet doll Broomstick was mastered.

Hence the name of the doll - she sweeps out the negative. And it doesn't matter where the negative came from - Broomstick was considered a good helper in eliminating it.

The filler for the Broomstick was bast or straw... It is still recommended to use a bast.

Doll-amulet Broomstick

Doll-amulet Zhelannitsa

Our ancestors also wanted to have a magic wand that will help fulfill desires. And for women, the amulet doll Zhelannitsa served as such a stick.

IMPORTANT: It was believed that Zhelannitsa should be made for life in a single copy. And it was necessary to make it alone.

As a rule, such needlework was entrusted to very young girls - 12-14 years old. At this age, they began to realize their place in society, their responsibility for the role of women.

When the girl later made a wish, she had to coax a doll with a gift in the form of a ribbon, beads, buttons or something similar. Later the amulet received praise from his mistress. And only after that, the girl voiced her wishes to the doll.

Doll-amulet Zhelannitsa with ribbons-gifts

Amulet doll Zhelannitsa in a coquettish headdress and beads Small doll-amulet Zhelannitsa with beads

Since this amulet accompanied the woman all her life, change clothes for the doll from time to time it was allowed. But here gifts should not have been removed.

When the craftswoman worked on the next doll, she put her soul into her creation, concentrated on desires, determined goals for the future. Agree, this is very similar to what in modern world called "art therapy". So why not try your hand at it?

For the meaning and description of other dolls, see the articles:

Video: Dolls amulets

We continue a series of articles about Slavic amulet dolls, as well as their meanings and nuances of use and manufacture.

The amulet dolls are touching even nowadays - many are not able to pass by, seeing hand-made similar products somewhere in the shops. But what is worth knowing about such dolls, how to use them correctly? And maybe it's better to make some charms yourself?

Doll-amulet Herbalist

The Herbal Egg was summoned prevent illness, improve the condition of an already sick person... In addition, and with evil eye she could do superbly, and atmosphere in the house make you more prosperous.

The secret of such a doll was that it was stuffed not with artificial fillers, but herbs, and even healing!

The doll-amulet Herbalist often kept herbs not only in the hem, but also in additional bags

It was customary to keep several Herbalists in one house. One disinfected the air and served as the prevention of colds.If the family had a small child, it was recommended to hang a doll over his crib.

The second jug was starting sedative herbs and housed near the pillow - this provided a calm and healthy sleep, vigorous awakening.

The third doll often lived in the kitchen, awakening appetite and eliminating unpleasant odors. If there was barn, it was also worth delivering the Pot there - it would have kept the supplies.

The herbal amulet doll could be located in the barn

In the kitchen, the herbal amulet doll was also appropriate

IMPORTANT: In order for the Herbalist to cope with her mission, she had to be crushed - this is how essential oils were activated. Moreover, it was necessary to remember this every evening. However, excessive zeal threatened to turn the herbs into dust.

The herbalist amulet doll should have been crumpled in hands

It is imperative to change the weed - at least once or twice a year. Otherwise, the amulet runs the risk of turning into a dust collector.

Doll-amulet Plantain

This amulet was presented those who went on a journey... Since the doll is quite compact - only 5-6 centimeters - it won't take up much space in your travel bag. But he will always remind him of his home.

The doll-amulet Plantain is quite compact

The doll will certainly there must be a pouch, and in it - a handful of earth or ash from the hearth. You can also put a slice of bread or grain - they will serve as a guarantee that the wanderer will not have to starve on the way. AND a piece of cloth or wool will save you from the cold.

The doll-amulet Plantain must have had a bag

Often, the accent in the doll-amulet Plantain was made on the bag

IMPORTANT: Since the power of the doll lies in the thoughts of its creator, the craftswomen, when making the doll, often read a conspiracy to ensure that the traveler returned safe and sound.

Doll-amulet for health

It was believed that this amulet can not only drive away the disease, but even take it over... Of course, for this it was necessary to make a doll with good thoughts.

They preferred to choose for such a doll as a material linen... Our ancestors knew that it is environmentally friendly. And they firmly believed that if they were to be treated, then with such material.

This doll cannot boast of special elegance, because it was not accepted to decorate it. On his chest flaunted cross of protective properties of red threads, which, by the way, were not torn in the process of needlework. Another characteristic feature is long braid.

Distinctive features of the health amulet doll - a large braid and a cross made of red threads

Quite often needlework was done by candlelight, and in parallel with this health conspiracies were read... However, one could simply repeat: "To your health!".

Doll-amulet Krupenichka

Keeping the harvest safe and sound was an important task for the Slavs. Moreover, the damage to the crop, in their opinion, could be inflicted from the other world - for such cases, the Krupenichka amulet was created.

Paradoxically, this doll was made not before harvest, but after. The basis of the pupa was a bag into which cereals were poured. Mostly it was buckwheat, although often used rye and wheat.

IMPORTANT: Whatever grain is used, it is important that it is of good quality.

Dolls-amulets Krupenichki

Krupenichka lived in the house six months before sowing or r one before the next harvest. Then the pupa was disassembled, the tissue was burned, and the cereals were fed.

By the way, in case of emergencies grain from the pupa could well be fed a few days - that's really a talisman!

The amulet doll Krupenichka was small, but the grain from it could be enough for several days

Family guardian doll

In Russia, large families have always enjoyed great respect. And they met quite often, because the girls got married at an early age. But all family members could get on their feet only when in it everything was fine, therefore, amulets were made.

The amulet Family was an adult doll and six Diapers - so he embodied fertility.

An adult doll was made according to the principle of making a Stolbushka, that is, the basis was a small piece of log or a twist of rags... As for the garments, there are no restrictions, but the warrior or kerchief must have been present.

Amulet doll The family is one big doll and several small

IMPORTANT: The swaddling clothes were attached either to the Stolbushka skirt or to the belt.

The Diapers could be attached to the amulet doll on the belt

Doll-amulet Angel

The angel for all believers was a very powerful amulet, which came to the rescue in difficult times. Angel drove away evil spirits and attracted good luck.

For such a talisman preferably white cloth - great fit coarse calico, flax, chintz.

It is desirable that the Angel amulet doll be white

Often, pupae were made for small children, and close people should have made them... In this case, the pupa was made strictly individually, and it was undesirable for others to take it.

The Angel amulet doll was often made for children.

Doll-amulet Angel can look like this

Doll-amulet Successful

The success was created specifically for those cases when luck in some business was necessary, and it was inconvenient to disturb higher powers on such an occasion. It was believed that the Successful will prevent all undesirable outcomes of an important case.

It was not worth using the gallant too often, for from the offerings it would resemble a New Year tree.

There will not be as many decorations on the amulet doll as on Zhelannitsa

IMPORTANT: During the making of the Success, it was necessary to clearly voice your wish. It was especially necessary to pronounce it when the knot was being made on the chrysalis belt - it was believed that this was where success would be.

Success was kept in the bundle on the side of the Successful Amulet doll.

But whatever the fantasy of the craftswoman, it was necessary to make the doll a braid... As we mentioned earlier, it was in the braid, as the Slavs believed, that the strength and success of a woman lay.

Spit doll-amulet Successful should be given special attention

The beautiful braid of the Successful amulet doll is a guarantee of the fulfillment of desire

Preferred to dress up the doll as it was customary to dress for women in the region where the craftswoman lived. It was also desirable to use slavic symbols in decorating clothes.

To dress the Successful amulet doll was the same as dressing local residents

Doll-amulet for marriage

Girls planning to get married preferred to make amulets for a happy family life. However, young ladies who only dreamed of successfully marrying, but had not yet met a suitable man, could also do such needlework.

From time immemorial, there was a saying that the man is the head and the woman is the neck. The implication was that the head looks where the neck turns. Therefore, special attention was paid to this part of the pupa.

Made accents with beautiful multi-colored collars. You could use and beads.

Beads are also a good option for decorating the neck of a doll-amulet for marriage

IMPORTANT: Attaching each collar, the girl listed one quality that she wanted to see in the groom. At the same time, the qualities were spoken out loud.

A distinctive feature of such a pupa was lack of hands. It was understood that the husband would carry his chosen one in his arms.

Wellbeing - doll-amulet

The second name of this doll is Hostess. She and will save you from misfortuneand will contribute to prosperityand money with health will attract... It could be created at any time - and on New Year, and for housewarming, and for a wedding, and just like that.

The Good-Bearer doll-amulet could be ordinary-looking, but there was a lot of help from her

The well-being does not belong to large dolls - her the height should be about 8 centimeters.

The doll-amulet The well-being refers to small dolls

However, a coin in denominations of 5 kopecks or 5 rubles fit there may well. And since such money appeared with us only early 18th century, we can conclude that the Well-Bearer does not belong to the ancient amulets.

A coin was successfully placed in the amulet doll.

Doll-amulet for pregnancy

Novgorod pregnant doll was considered a very good talisman for early motherhood. Moreover, this amulet helped not only conceive, but also it is easier to endure pregnancy, childbirth, averted disease and evil eye.

The distinctive feature of the doll was, of course, belly, in which Pelenashka was stirred. The diaper was wrapped in a kind birch bark pencil case.

The belly is a distinctive feature of a pregnancy amulet doll

As for clothing, then brightness is not welcome... It is preferable to choose shades blue. Skirt in a cage - an ideal solution, since such a pattern was associated with a sown field and symbolized fertility.

The cage is the preferred pattern for a pregnancy amulet doll

IMPORTANT: When making such a charm, men should not be around. And in the future, you should not give him a doll - it is better to hide it altogether away from prying eyes.

Is it possible to give amulets to dolls, what are the rules of donation?

When the amulet doll is made as a gift, it is also necessary fill with the brightest thoughts, good wishes... Moreover, it is advisable to present how good that you want with the future owner of the doll is already being executed.

The Slavs believed that for harmony it was necessary to compensate for the empty space. So, the creator of the amulet put a part of himself into the little thing and, it turns out, gave himself when donating. It means that the person who accepts the amulet must give something in return.

IMPORTANT: The cost of the return gift did not matter, because everyone's material condition is different, and the need for amulets is the same. Therefore, if a person can give only a trifle, one should be grateful to her too.

Even today there is such a thing as "puppet therapy". And just imagine what kind of strength and energy it can give folk doll-amulet! It contains the wisdom of the ancestors, passed on for centuries. So why don't we use this wisdom too?

You can learn about other amulet dolls from the articles:

The amulet doll is an ancient, mysterious and mysterious symbol of the Slavs.
In ancient times, the doll was not just a toy, but an amulet and an integral attribute of various rituals. The age of the oldest doll
found by scientists on excavations of burials in the Czech Republic, is 40 thousand years.
Amulet dolls protect the house, children from dark forces, quarrels, diseases, the evil eye. The dolls are carefully guarded. They are given a special place in the house, put in a red corner, hidden in a chest, put in a dowry.
Each doll has its own protective meaning and is associated with the main significant things and events in the life of a Russian person - with Clan, Family, Home, Happiness, Health, Prosperity.
In modern domestic rituals, the doll serves to align the energy-informational, psycho-energetic field of the whole family. As an esoteric and meditative subject, it gives a person confidence, balance, a sense of security. The doll with its presence gently creates a kind emotional background.
When a doll appears in your house, you will immediately feel how the atmosphere in it will change. She will bring comfort and warmth. And the most important thing is that the inner world begins to change for the better, and behind it, life completely!

Slavic ritual doll Grandma.
The grandmother was presented to a young woman who recently got married, with the words: "Baba does not sit idle !!!" The grandmother was passed on as a symbol of wisdom, life experience. And hands were tied to the basket, to the case. Her profile really turns out to be characteristic, demanding, but at the same time kind and funny. This is a Vyatka doll, it is not protective and not playable, it is a gift.

Slavic protective doll Bereginya.

Beregini are protective dolls, considered to be helpers of the housewives. Dolls with bags of happiness - bring harmony and happiness to the house. Bereginya's doll is a symbol of well-being and prosperity, and her large breasts are a symbol of satiety, health, the image of a married woman. This is the oldest amulet doll.
Bereginis are made only with good intentions and in good spirits. They can be given as a gift for entrances / housewarming, New Year, birthday, even a wedding as an addition.

Slavic amulet doll Grace.
The "Grace" doll was made and presented with the words: "Don't be sad, don't be discouraged, don't give up." Doll from the blues; the wish for prosperity, well-being, satiety and healthy children - this is indicated by a large breast. They make this doll for welfare and ask for so many benefits from her,
how much do you need. The “blessed giver” never gives up on doing good deeds, she helps us understand what is good for us and see it for ourselves in a changing world.

Slavic amulet doll Bogach.
The women of the Moscow region made a talisman - the Bogach's doll. The rich man looks like a simple bag, but in fact he is a faithful assistant. When creating the Rich Man, they thought about their kind, ancestors with love and gratitude. Like any amulet, he was given a clear task, for example: profit and wealth for next year, protection of the well-being of the family, etc. After all, whatever one may say, a little man brings wealth to the house.

Protective doll Kubysh-herbalist.

The herbal capsule is filled with fragrant medicinal herb... The doll then makes sure that the disease does not enter the house, such a doll can be hung over the child's bed, letting him play. You can also leave it by the patient's bed. This doll is filled with scented medicinal herbs. The doll must be crumpled in the hands, moved, and the herbal spirit will spread around the room, which will drive away the spirits of the disease. After 2 years, the grass in the pupa must be changed. This is exactly what our ancestors did.

The most ancient protective doll of our ancestors is God's Eye.
This is the most ancient protective doll of our ancestors - the Eye of God, or the Eye of God. The cruciform composition expresses the idea of \u200b\u200bspreading the forces of good or protecting forces to all four cardinal directions. "God's eye" is placed over front door into the house, room, above the child's bed, in a place that is clearly visible to the person entering. A bright and unexpected image of a talisman attracts the attention of an incoming person, who forgets about a bad intention towards the owners of the house.

Slavic amulet doll Veduchka.
Veduchka is a type of wooden doll typical for the 19th century Sergius toy. Previously, such figures depicted a nurse leading a baby - hence the local name Veduchka (leading to life). She turns out to be not only Veduchka, but also a sorceress, like all mothers. This is the image of a woman with a child who has recently begun to walk. She supports him, teaches, leads. It seems to me even more - not just she teaches him to walk "physically", but brings him to life ... The peculiarity of Veduchka - the hands of a mother and a child - are one.
The doll is a talisman for mother and child.

Slavic ritual doll Verbnitsa.
Making Easter dolls - "Verbnitz" - is more complicated work than painting an Easter egg. The general manufacturing technology does not differ from the general manufacturing technology of rag dolls. However, Verbnitsa's face and hands are made of red cloth, symbolizing Easter and the Renaissance. Such a doll is considered a gift and can replace an Easter egg. Since ancient times, such dolls have always been prepared before the holiday.

Slavic play doll Vesnyanka.
The pupa is about as tall as the palm of your hand, and there is a supply of strength, joy and young spring yari up to Kupala. Traditionally, she is very bright, with hair of an unusual color, because she portrayed not a person, but the Spirit of awakening nature. She is a talisman of youth and beauty. Having presented such a doll to a man, you wish him to remain young and cheerful for a long time, to a woman - to always be charming and desirable.

Slavic play doll Girl - Baba.
Some craftsmen consider this doll to be a talisman for a pregnant woman and her child. The design of the doll resembles the process of giving birth to a woman: first, the baby's head, shoulders and arms appear. Therefore, the moment of the birth of the child is recorded in it. Before us is not just Baba - we have a woman in labor. Our "game" with the "Baba-Girl" doll can now go on for as long as you like: Baba gives birth to the Girl, turn the doll upside down - a nice, beautiful Girl has grown up, the Girl goes to Baba, etc.

Slavic amulet doll Day - Night.
Dolls "Day and Night" - dolls-amulets of the home. Pupae protect the change of day and night, order in the world. During the day they put forward a light one, and at night - a dark one. The Day doll is young, lively, lively, hard-working and cheerful. She is the mistress of the day and makes sure that on weekdays people work, work, have fun on holidays, sing, dance, play, so that the sun shines during the day. Pupa "Night" is wise, thoughtful, calm, she is the mistress of the night. The night is a sorceress. It changes both things and people. She brings another world. Everything is mysterious at night.

Slavic gift doll Ten-handles.
The "Ten-Hand" doll was designed to help the mistress of the house in household chores. The girlfriends gave such a doll to the bride for a wedding, so that she could do everything and everything went well with her. Such a doll has many, many hands so that all matters can argue, and there is always order and prosperity at home. The Ten-Hand doll is an assistant in business for girls who are going to get married and are preparing a dowry for themselves. And the Ten-Hand itself has the image of a young girl. Bright colored handles make it look smart and noticeable.

Slavic amulet doll Share.
The traditional doll amulet Dolya is the personification of fate. The most ancient female Deity Makosh endowed everyone with a share, and her assistants (Dolya and Nedolya, or Srecha and Nesrecha) spun the threads of fate for everyone.
Love and thank your Share, whatever it may be, create with your thoughts and hands! You look, they will respond in kind to gratitude and love! May your Share be happy!

Slavic gift doll Zhelannitsa.

Such a girlfriend - the Zhelannitsa doll - was in the village of every girl. Nobody should have shown it. Sometimes you make a wish, sew a bead on the doll's dress as a gift, for example, and bring the mirror to your face: “Look, what a beauty you are. And for a present, fulfill my desire. " And then you will hide your girlfriend in a secluded place for the time being ... You may not believe, but everything you ask was fulfilled.

Slavic healing doll Health.
Healing doll "Health" is made only of linen threads, since it is believed that flax is very environmentally friendly by its natural properties and, taking the disease onto itself, helps a person to recover.
This doll is not decorated with anything and does not tolerate fuss, but on the contrary, it must be done, trying to stay in a state of goodness as much as possible, concentrating on thoughts of the sick person for whom this is being done.

Slavic gift doll Bell.
The bell is a doll of good news. The doll has three skirts. Man also has three kingdoms. Copper, silver, gold. And happiness also consists of three parts. If the body is good, the soul is happy, the spirit is calm, then the person is completely happy.
This doll is cheerful, playful, brings joy and fun to the house. This is a good mood charm.
Giving a Bell, a person wishes his friend to receive only good news and maintains a joyful and cheerful mood in him.

Slavic ritual doll Kolyada.
This doll is a symbol of the sun and good relations in the family. She was a stout woman dressed in everything new and smart. On her behalf, the carolers wished happiness and prosperity. The bags suspended from the belt contain bread and salt. A broom will be plugged into the belt, with which Kolyada drives away evil spirits. Kolyada was left in the house for a year.
It was believed that she brings happiness, peace and harmony to the family. A year later, the carol was burned and a new one was made.

Slavic protective doll Krupenichka - Zernovushka.

Krupenichki - amulets for satiety, prosperity in the family. These are amulets that, according to popular belief, bring prosperity and prosperity to the house, help to achieve success in work and career. If you bring the grain grain doll into the house, then it is better to find a place for it in the kitchen (closer to
refrigerator, so that there is always a lot of delicious). If you work from home, then settle her at the workplace. This girl should be well-fed and complete, and she should be dressed as brightly as possible, then success and prosperity will never leave your home. Also, women made this doll for
to have children in the family.

Slavic amulet dolls Kuvadki.
In ancient times there was such a rite of "kuvada", the magic of which was associated with the mystery of the birth of a child. In some provinces, two weeks before the birth of the child, the expectant mother placed such a doll - a talisman in the cradle so that the kuvadka would heat the cradle for the baby. When the parents went to work in the field, and the child was left alone in the house, he looked at these little dolls and played quietly. As a rule, these toys were small in size and all in different colors, this developed the baby's vision.

Slavic ritual, healing doll Kupavka.
Kupavka personified the beginning of bathing. This is a doll of the holidays of Agrafena Kupalnitsa and Ivan Kupala. Kupavka is a healing and ritual doll. One day doll. The kupavka is made on birch branches with ribbons on the arms. Diseases, ailments, ailments that happened to the owners for a year were tied with ribbons. The doll was lowered into the water and the doll, floating away, carried away illness and adversity. The water had great cleansing power.

Slavic ritual dolls Martinichka.
Martinichki are two pupae connected by a girdle, twisted from threads - white and red, male and female. Red and white color - personify the ardent power of life and the will of the gods for this given life.
United male and female figurines of different colors - the unity of two principles, the Slavic analogue of Yin-Yang. The name Martynichka already indicates that this doll was made in March. Spring was "called out" by it, its beginning was brought closer, celebrated and rejoiced at its arrival.

Slavic ritual doll World Tree.
In addition to the lovebird dolls that “guarded” the wedding train, there were other “protector” dolls at Russian weddings. Among them, a special place was occupied by the "world tree". In ancient times, among the Slavs, the world was likened to a tree, the roots symbolized the underworld, the trunk was the world of living people, the crown was heaven (the World tree). The birth of a new family was likened to the birth of the World Tree of Life. The wedding cake was solemnly transported to the groom's house, pieces of it were handed out to the relatives of the groom and the bride, which was seen as the unity of related families, and the middle of the cake with the World Tree was received by the young.

Slavic amulet doll Moskovka.
The Moskovka doll is a talisman of a strong friendly family. It was kept in the house somewhere higher - on a closet, on a shelf and was not given to anyone else's hands.
The base of the doll is a birch log or a "rolling pin" made of fabric - a symbol of masculine strength, and she herself is the archetype of a mother and symbolizes maternal care and love. If in the family a woman could not give birth, then a doll was made - Moskovka, in order to help with her stateliness and splendor bring and embody in the family the spirit of happy motherhood and fatherhood.
According to popular belief, this doll helps to realize the desire to have healthy childand also protects good relations in the family.

Slavic amulet doll on the road - Plantain.

The doll is on the road. They were twisted by the hostess to her husband on the road, when he went hunting, fishing. She is very small, palm-shaped. He kept her in a fist. The wife put ash in the little knot - a symbol of the hearth, so that he could return safely to the house, or cereals - so that he was fed on the road! A doll "on the road" helps men not to break the connection with home, with family, always feel the warmth and care of loved ones.

Slavic amulet doll Lovebirds.
Amulet doll - lovebirds. The history of this doll is interesting. At first glance, these are male and female dolls that seem to be just a couple holding hands. But, if you look closely, you can see that they have one hand and is made of a single rag or stick, and, therefore, they cannot be separated. Such a hand was considered a symbol of unity and the fact that from now on
they will go through life literally hand in hand, dividing all matters and troubles in half.

Slavic Oberezhnik.
The bearer is made of ribbons, aspen sticks, dolls - angels, beads, leaves and other miscellaneous eye-catching trifles.
In Russia, it was important to attract the attention of a person entering the house with bright, varied and shiny pendants in order to distract him from the bad thoughts with which he could enter your house. Seeing such beauty, a person was distracted, lost and forgot all the bad and evil that was in his mind.

Slavic protective doll Cleansing.
Traditionally, the Cleansing Doll got rid of the "bad" energy in the house. For example, after a family quarrel, a woman would open windows and doors, take a doll in her hands and, using it as a symbolic broom, sweep all the negativity out of the hut. The doll is all-Slavic, it was ubiquitous. The main thing (canonical) is the presence of a chest, legs and a protective cross in the lower body.

Slavic protective doll Paraskeva.
The doll Paraskeva (from Greek Friday) in deep Slavic Vedicism was the female deity Makosh. This is one of the most powerful symbols. Goddess of family and fate and everything related to their strengthening and well-being. Now Paraskeva is interpreted as an assistant in all works and crafts. Paraskeva is the keeper of small handicraft items. A kind of pincushion. It will be possible to impose pieces of braid, flagella, strings on it, pin pins, needles, maybe sew buttons - all the little things that can be useful in needlework.

Slavic ritual doll Bird - Joy.
"Bird of Joy" is a doll of the spring ceremony associated with the arrival of spring. Existed in the Tula province, the ceremony was held in March. Married women participated - they were the main participants in the ceremony, but girls could also participate. Women dressed in bright, smart clothes. Headdresses in the form of birds were especially decorated. Decorated with feathers, fur edges. The women themselves took on the images of birds.

Slavic amulet doll Severnaya Bereginya.
The doll "Severnaya Bereginya" is a talisman for the house. She was placed in the northern corner of the hut. She guarded and brought well-being to the house. The multi-layeredness of this doll indicated many human bodies, many worlds, many incarnations of the soul. And it is designed to protect all this.

Slavic amulet doll Simeon - Stylite.
This amulet is a symbol of the infinity of life, the masculine principle, without which the feminine is weak and sterile. To protect and preserve his LOD, a man must stand firmly on the ground, be a pillar, a support for all the weak and defenseless. Later, a tradition arose to give this amulet, the Simeon-Stylite doll, to men so that their strength would never run out.
Simeon adds strength to men.

Slavic amulet, ritual doll Spiridon - Solstice.
The doll is male and is given to a man so that Spiridon-Solstice helps the owner of the house to "steer" in his affairs. But he has another meaning: This doll was made to bring about the desired changes in life. Spiridon by turning the wheel can change life by directing it in the right direction. Also, this doll has established itself as a good amulet for motorists and their cars.

Slavic amulet doll Happiness.
Doll Happiness is a folk amulet doll. This little girl with a very long braid and arms raised to the Sun. The doll has a thick braid - health and long life. The doll stands firmly on its feet, leaning on a braid. This speaks of her strong support in life and the happiness that she will bring to the owner. The braid, as a symbol of femininity and feminine strength, symbolizes health, wealth, beauty and long life.

Slavic play doll Comforter.
The Comforter doll was in stock, out of sight, it was received only as an ambulance in case of illness (or whims) to distract the baby. The Comforter was made from the brightest fabrics, sweets were hung on the arms and on the belt. While the child was sick and inconsolable, the doll was with him. When calmed down, the doll was removed until the next time behind the stove, possibly behind the image.

Slavic amulet doll Fillipovka (bast).

Older friend of the Ten-handles doll Phillipovka. This is a more serious and strong doll, an assistant to married women. And the Phillipovka doll itself is an adult and wise woman. The Phillipovka doll is not just a craftswoman and an assistant in business. She is a manager who protects her mistress, helps her in her work, in the skillful allocation of her energy and time, in the correct organization of work among family members or colleagues. With the help of the Fillipovka doll, we remember the main task of a woman - to be a coastal woman and protector of her family.

Slavic ritual play doll Ryabinka.
The Rowan doll is a symbol of female wisdom, motherhood, and home. The strongest amulet for your home from all undesirable, negative. Guardian of love and health in your home. The Rowan doll is called the Warrior against all manifestations of evil.
Made on a mountain ash cross, the doll has magical properties, such as relieving depression, removing damage from the evil eye, protection from the energies of the dead world.

Slavic doll healer - Autumn lovers.
Traditional rag dolls Likhomanki are special dolls, they are a kind of bait. Their role is to attract the attention of a villainous disease that has flown into the house. Our grandmothers believed that the evil spirit of the disease would fly into the house in search of its victim, see the brightly dressed Likhomanki dolls, think that this is a person, and move into one of them. Therefore, Likhomank dolls are made from bright, very conspicuous fabrics.

Slavic protective doll Bannik.
The people believe that the bathhouse lives and protects the bathhouse, just like a home dwelling, and after washing it is supposed to leave a broom, soap and water so that he can wash himself, otherwise he will get angry and sprinkle it with boiling water, let smoke into the bathhouse or throw it hot stone.
For a Russian, the bathhouse was much more than the current baths and showers. The bathhouse was the main hospital, the laundry, the maternity hospital, and the meeting place for important conversations. And the bannik itself is the most terrible yard scum. Usually the bannik behaves hostile if a person violates his prohibitions.

Doll "Wretched" or "Pity".

She portrayed a wretched person. Only the Russian people have such a doll.
The wretch is a playful rag doll. She depicts a wretched old woman or a holy fool: a big head, a small torso, thin legs, there are scraps of cloth on her legs, no pens.
Through playing with this doll, the children were brought up such qualities as compassion and perception of people as they eat.

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