
What is happiness in the story Asya. Lesson-preparation for writing an essay based on the story by I.S. Turgenev "ASYA". I. Organizational moment

The image of the "Turgenev girl": modesty, charm, dedication. The fate of the Russian girl. The drama of the narrator, doomed to loneliness.

Lesson objectives:

1. To acquaint students with the work, biography of I.S. Turgenev.

2. Help students understand the story "Asya", correctly assess the actions of its characters.

3. Practice the ability to characterize literary characters.

4. Develop logical thinking, attention, the ability to "read between the lines."

5. Raise interest in literature and reading.

Equipment: portrait of the writer I.S. Turgenev, story "Asya" (small book, M. Det. Liter. 1980), Bibliographic Dictionary Volume 2.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

II. Message about the purpose of the lesson.

III. Checking homework.

Checking individual tasks:

a) The student's story about the writer's childhood;

b) The student's story about youth;

c) A story about the writer's youth;

d) The result of the individual task.

IV. Teacher's word about Turgenev and his works. (bib. Sl. Volume 2 p.314)

V. The story "Asya", like many other works of Turgenev, is dedicated to the young. The writer has always been distinguished by close attention to those entering into life - to youth. And this artist's need not to be overlooked young man of its time, and hence the future day of Russia, gives Turgenev's work a special romantic inspiration.



The problem of happiness in the story of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818 - 1883) "Asya" (1857)

The image of the "Turgenev girl": modesty, charm, dedication. The fate of the Russian girl. The drama of the narrator, doomed to loneliness.

Lesson objectives:

  1. To acquaint students with the work, biography of I.S. Turgenev.
  2. Help students understand the story "Asya", correctly assess the actions of its characters.
  3. Develop the ability to characterize literary characters.
  4. Develop logical thinking, attention, the ability to "read between the lines."
  5. Cultivate interest in literature and reading.

Equipment: portrait of the writer I.S. Turgenev, story "Asya" (small book, M. Det. Liter. 1980), Bibliographic Dictionary Volume 2.

During the classes.

  1. Organizational moment.
  2. Message about the purpose of the lesson.
  3. Checking homework.

Checking individual tasks:

a) The student's story about the writer's childhood;

b) The student's story about youth;

c) A story about the writer's youth;

d) The result of the individual task.

  1. Teacher's word about Turgenev and his works. (bib. Sl. Volume 2 p.314)
  2. The story "Asya", like many other works of Turgenev, is dedicated to the young. The writer has always been distinguished by close attention to those entering into life - to youth. And this need of the artist not to lose sight of the young man of his time, and hence the future day of Russia, gives Turgenev's work a special romantic inspiration.

Exploring the inner world of man, Turgenev, as it were, surrounds him with the air of time. He always looked at the world of private life not only as a lyricist, psychologist, poet, but also as a sociologist, a citizen, a son of his age.

Turgenev takes for consideration such characters that, manifesting themselves at least in the personal sphere of being, will certainly carry serious changes in the social being. In a small space of personal human feelings, Turgenev posed and revealed huge civil problems, glorifying the democratic moods of his time, stigmatizing the cowardly selfishness of those who, at the most decisive hour, betrayed people who believed them.

Chernyshevsky about "Ace".

“There is no chicanery with violence and bribery, no dirty rogues, no official villains ... no philistines, peasants and little officials, tormented by all these terrible and nasty people.”

Chernyshevsky immediately points to the unique feature of Turgenev's creativity: speaking of the beautiful - to wake up to fight against the evil manifestations of the soul, singing the ideal - to raise the bile of irritation against ugliness, rejoicing in spiritual refinement - to lead to the idea of ​​intolerance of spiritual squalor, moral deafness.

In "Ace" we find the spiritual biography of a young man of Turgenev's time.

A story about the love of Asya and Mr. N.N. convinces us that Turgenev was a political artist.

What does it mean to be a writer - a politician? (First of all, strive to see the social type of personality, nature, which most fully expresses the leading modern trends.)

Turgenev expresses himself as a political writer the more precisely in the short story Asya, the less the plot of this story correlates with the direct course of social events in Russia.

In "Ace" there are many motifs of integral Turgenev's work, there is also a speech against serfdom, only it was done in a special manner - soft, chamber, lyrical.

What did you learn about the heroine of Turgenev's story "Asya"? (She is 17 years old, difficult purely Russian dramatic destiny. The drama of Asya's fate is perverted precisely by the Russian social soil, by ugly social relations. Asya, the daughter of a landowner and a maid, was brought up in a village family for a long time, and then taken into the master's house, she remains a wounded soul, with a sick pride and a grave misunderstanding of her own position in a world where there is no equality.)

Turgenev does not condemn Asya's father, as he condemns the wild landowners in The Hunter's Notes, he generally does not condemn anyone in this story, speaking calmly about everything. But it is precisely this objectively described situation in which Asya found herself, half a slave, half a mistress, whose childhood was spent in the hut of a lord's cowgirl, and her adolescence in a lord's house, reveals the tragic ugliness of inequality as clearly as possible.

How do you imagine N.N.? (This is a cowardly gentleman who does not know how to decide to change his life at the right moment. N.N.'s shyness is political shyness, a civil retreat from former bold dreams.)

“The inevitability of a quick, almost instantaneous decision frightened me,” admits N.N. about the need to give an answer to Asya.

The need for clear, irrevocable decisions is what stopped some Russian intellectuals in the face of inevitable action. In conversations, these people are bold and ardent, in deeds they are prudent and timid.

For what purpose does Turgenev describe a love story in the story "Asya"? (Behind the love story of Asya and Mr. N.N. Chernyshevsky guesses the symptoms of a social illness - the impotence of people before an act.)

What does the writer see as the symptoms of this disease? (In the wrong upbringing of the young man, in the fact that "his life was too small and soulless.")

- "Without acquiring the habit of original participation in civil affairs, without acquiring the feeling of a citizen, a male child," writes Chernyshevsky, "does not become a man of noble character."

And how often Turgenev in the story "Asya" has the same favorite situation: a strong, beautiful woman and a weak, brave man only in words.

Such a situation was characteristic of life itself. Women are less associated with service, career and mutual responsibility of bribery and bureaucracy, more deeply guided by natural moral rules.

It was much more difficult for men to maintain a healthy moral vision, and Turgenev called on his contemporaries to look more closely into the pure eyes of their girlfriends, who had not lost their natural sense of fair and reasonable in the bustle of life.

What other problems does Turgenev pose in Asya? (Longing for Russia, so understandable in Turgenev, forced to live abroad due to difficult personal circumstances.)

In "Ace" there is an episode that is wonderful in mood, when living Russia itself bursts into foreign beauties. “... Suddenly I was struck by a strong, familiar, but rare smell in Germany,” says the hero of the story. - I stopped and saw a small hemp bed near the road. Its steppe smell instantly reminded me of my homeland and aroused in my soul a passionate point for it. I wanted to breathe Russian air, to walk on Russian soil. “What am I doing here, why am I dragging myself in a foreign country, between strangers?”

What trait of the Russian character is there in "Ace"? (peacefulness)

“Greetings to you, a modest corner of the German land,” exclaims the hero of Turgenev, with your unpretentious contentment, with ubiquitous traces of diligent hands, patient, albeit unhurried work. Hello to you and the world!”

  1. Homework.
  2. Summary of the lesson. Estimates.

Lesson location: the third lesson of the study of the story.

Didactic goal of the lesson:

  • determine the main idea of ​​the work through the biographical data and style features of the writer;
  • develop the ability to compare, compare, express inferences;
  • educate the reader's taste and moral qualities of the individual.

Equipment: the text of the story "Asya" by I.S. Turgenev, work maps, multimedia projector, MIMIO interactive whiteboard (projection of observation maps, work tables that are filled in gradually), musical accompaniment: P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons. June, Beethoven "To Elise", "Moonlight Sonata", romance "On the Road" ("Foggy Morning, Gray Morning...").

Epigraph: Catch even small moments of happiness, enjoy them, appreciate them! ( I.S. Turgenev)


I. Organizing time

Explanation of the working conditions in the lesson (during the educational dialogue, students should record the results of their observations in the worksheet in accordance with its sections ( Attachment 1 )

II. Work on the topic of the lesson


1. Introductory speech of the teacher

The teacher, accompanied by musical accompaniment, reads from the words: “One evening I was sitting on my favorite bench ...” (Ch. 1)

Teacher:“We heard Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata in this landscape. This landscape seems to say: “Attention, something important should happen soon.” Soon the hero will meet Asya.
- What seems unusual to the hero in Asya's appearance?
– What does the author emphasize in the portrait of the heroine? (Speaking about the variability of the expression of the girl's eyes, we recall the artistic detail and its role in characterizing a literary hero.)
- Read the description of the area that Asya chose to live in. How does this characterize her?
- What in the behavior of the girl seems unusual at the very first sight?
- With what feeling does Mr. N.N. leave the Gagins? Why does he have such feelings?
- Can the reader, who has become acquainted with the beginning of the story, guess how events will develop further? Why? Answering the last question, the students talk about some similarities in the characters of Asya and Mr. N.N. - sensitivity, romance, a keen interest in people. Each of them is unusual in its own way, it attracts the characters in each other.

2. The student, accompanied by musical accompaniment, reads from the words: “I remember that I was going home without thinking about anything ...” (Ch. 4)

- This landscape is perfectly revealed by Tchaikovsky's music "The Seasons of June".
– What does the hero associate with the smell of cannabis? (With motherland)
The author is talking about two important things for him. About what? (About the homeland and about Asa)
- It is no coincidence that, remembering Russia, the hero thinks of Asya. These images are identical for him. What do Asya and Russia have in common? (Both are not like everyone else. “You can’t understand with your mind, you can’t measure with a common yardstick”)
- What helps partly to understand her strange behavior?

3. Students read their creative works (the task was given in the previous lesson: write an imaginary letter of explanation to Mr. N.N. about the reasons for Asya's "strange" behavior).

4. The teacher's story about the daughter of I.S. Turgenev Pelagia.

5. Filling in the table.

6. Output: the story is biographical. Perhaps Turgenev was trying to imagine the future of his daughter.

- Why did Gagin decide to tell the story of Asya's life to an almost stranger?
- Why does Mr. N.N. tell Gagin about Asya's note with a proposal for a date? Did he do the right thing?


1. The romance “On the road” sounds (“Misting foggy, gray morning ...”)

2. A trained student reads poetry:

And there, in the distance, where the grove is so foggy,
Where the meadow barely trembles over the path, -
Elena, Lisa, Masha, Marianna,
And Asya, and the unfortunate Susanna -
Gathered in an air crowd.

Familiar bizarre shadows
Creations of love and beauty
And effective, and feminine dreams,
They were called to life by a pure, gentle genius,
He gave them form, colors and features.

3. Teacher: In literary criticism, there is a special concept of "Turgenev's girl", the character traits of heroines of this type (dim appearance, great inner strength, the ability to take a serious act in the name of love, the integrity of nature, etc.) we find in Asa:

- And how would you characterize the "Turgenev man"?
Can happiness be "one-sided"?

4. Reveal the ideological and artistic meaning of the selected chapters (group work)

Chapter 11
How has Asya changed and why (serious thoughts, a deep feeling make her more mature, she understands the tragedy, some doom of her fate: “my wings have grown - but there is nowhere to fly”); we follow what a lot of inner work is going on in Mr. N. N. (13, 14th chapters) (the discovery of Asya’s love scares him, he is desperately trying to make a choice between a surging feeling and a reasonable argument: “Marry a seventeen-year-old girl , with her disposition, how can this be! ..”).
Chapter 16
We read and analyze the date scene, answering the questions:
- Why does Mr. N.N. blame the girl for the inevitable breakup? Is he right?
– Does Mr. N.N. believe in his own arguments? What prompted his words?
- How did the narrator later evaluate his act?
The conclusions of the groups are heard.

III. Final word of the teacher

“Happiness in ancient mythology was represented by a woman with a long braid blown by the wind. It is easy to catch her while she flies towards you, but miss one moment - she will fly by. You can't grab her by staying behind. We will never return the happy moment. Do not miss a favorable moment - this is the highest condition of worldly prudence. Happy circumstances exist for each of us, but not everyone knows how to use them. N.G. Chernyshevsky)

IV. Homework(differentiated):

1. Analyze the table "Characterize the main character" and write down the conclusions.
2. Write an essay "Happiness has no tomorrow ..."

Asya's upbringing has roots in Russian traditions. She dreams of going “somewhere far away, to prayer, to a difficult feat.” The image of Asya is very poetic. Nekrasov, after reading Asya, wrote to Turgenev: “... she is so lovely. Spiritual youth emanates from her, all of her is pure gold of poetry. Without exaggeration, this beautiful setting came to the poetic plot, and something unprecedented in beauty and purity came out with us. "Asya" could be called a story about first love. This love ended sadly for Asya.

Turgenev carried away

The topic is about how important it is not to pass by your happiness. Turgenev shows how beautiful love is born in a seventeen-year-old girl, proud, sincere and passionate. Shows how everything ended in an instant. Asya doubts why she can be loved, whether she is worthy of such a beautiful young man. Asya seeks to suppress the nascent feeling in herself. She worries that she loves her dear brother less than the person whom she saw only once. The reason for the failed happiness Turgenev explains the lack of will of the nobleman, who at the decisive moment gives in to love.

N. G. Chernyshevsky in the article “Russian people

At Rende Vous, he expressed the opinion that the personal lack of will and selfishness of Turgenev's hero is an expression of the bankruptcy of the social. The behavior of the hero is socially typical. To support his thesis, Chernyshevsky drew an analogy with Pechorin, Beltov, Agarin (from Nekrasov's Sasha).

Chernyshevsky condemned "superfluous people" and the liberalism of the nobility of the late fifties of the nineteenth century.

In Asa, you can see a lot in common with Lisa from the Noble Nest. Both girls are morally pure, truth-loving, capable of strong passions. According to Turgenev, he wrote the story "very ardently, almost with tears." Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev had the ability to clearly see and deeply analyze the contradictions of that psychology and that system of views that was close to him, namely, the liberal one. These qualities of Turgenev - an artist and a psychologist - were manifested in the story "Asya", which was published in the first issue of Sovremennik in 1858. Turgenev said that he wrote this thing "hotly, almost with tears."

"Asia" is a story about love. The hero fell in love with a very original and courageous girl, with a pure soul, without a shadow of the artificial affectation of secular young ladies. His love did not go unanswered. But at the moment when Asya was waiting for a decisive word from him, he hesitated, got frightened of something, retreated.

N. G. Chernyshevsky devoted a long article to the story "Asya" under the title "Russian man on rendez-vous". He pointed out the connection of this story with the previous works of Turgenev and with a number of works by other authors. Chernyshevsky saw the similarity between them in the character of the protagonist: “... while there is no talk of business, but you just need to take up idle time, fill an idle head or an idle heart with conversations or dreams, the hero is very lively; when things come to expressing their feelings and desires directly and accurately, most of the heroes are already beginning to hesitate and feel slowness in their language. “Such are our“ best people ... ”Chernyshevsky notes, emphasizing that the main feature of such“ best people ”is the fear of a decisive action, a decisive act in everything, and not just in love, this is the inability to go to the end in their wonderful motives. , the desire to stop somewhere halfway from the fulfillment of their noble hopes.

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The theme of one's happiness in Turgenev's story "Asya"

The story of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Asya" is an autobiographical work that touches on the topic of first love and shows how significant it is sometimes not to miss your happiness, to understand and take a step in time.

The relationship between the young girl Asya and who met in a German town on the Rhine formed the basis of the plot.

The love of the protagonist was not sudden, he went for a long time to the realization of this feeling, but he understood with all clarity only when he lost it forever.

This seventeen-year-old girl attracted him and beckoned, she was a mystery: direct, natural, sincere. All these features, her dissimilarity to those young ladies whom N.N. is used to seeing, at first attracts him. However, he can't get over his feelings. The young man is accustomed first of all to reckon with reason. He does not even understand that he loves Asya. He is more interested in the practical side: she is only 17 years old, and the girl’s character is not sugar. All these thoughts push the idea of ​​marriage far into the background.

And on that fateful date, when he reveals his feelings to him, he lacks just one word to find happiness himself and give it to this young girl.

Unfortunately for N.N., there were no words, however, in the next minute he realized how much he loves Asya, he is sure that everything can be fixed - tomorrow he will offer the girl his hand and heart, and happiness will cover them with his head. But there will be no tomorrow. Lost a moment - lost a lifetime. Asya left, and more of his beloved N.N. never seen.

Of course, the young man did not immediately realize the irrevocableness and severity of the loss. Only many years later, when it was necessary to sum up, and the family did not work out, he realized that this meeting with Asya left a seal on his whole future life.

Only a note and a dried flower, which no longer even emits fragrance, remind of her. These items N.N. keeps as a relic, it is the memory of happiness that flew away like a bird and left no trace.

Feelings for Asa - only once experienced by N.N., it was that very first love. But he was frightened of her and ... lost.

No one knows what life would be like with Asya. There is no guarantee that it would be joyful and cloudless, without sorrows and worries. But she certainly would be real, alive. And so N.N. all his life he dragged out a miserable existence, monotonous and dreary.

Life gave a chance, provided a choice: to succumb to feelings and plunge into happiness with your beloved girl, or to follow class conventions and give up everything. In N.N. as if two people fought, competed, and in the end, an indecisive and infantile person won, who spent his life like that, ultimately remaining a bean.

But Asya is a completely different matter, she is a resolute nature. Being the first to confess her feelings, she entrusted N.N. his fate, considering him a hero who can solve all problems. The girl was mistaken, but she found the strength to end the useless date, which would still lead to nothing but humiliation, and delete the person who had become dear from her life.

Lesson topic: “Happiness has no tomorrow ...” Dialogues about love.


1. develop the ability to determine the problems of the work;
2. determine the main idea of ​​the work through the style features of the writer;

3. develop critical thinking, the ability to compare, compare, express inferences;

4. cultivate reading taste and moral qualities personality.

    Teacher's word.

The topic of today's lesson“Happiness has no tomorrow…” Dialogues about love.

I want to start the lesson with a poem by I.S. Turgenev “I walked among the high mountains ..”


I walked among the high mountains,

Along the bright rivers and through the valleys..

And everything that met my gaze,

I was told about one thing:

I was loved! I was loved!

I forgot everything else!

The sky shone above me

The leaves were rustling, the birds were singing...

And the clouds in a quick succession

Somewhere fun flew ...

Breathed happiness all around

But the heart didn't need it.

I was carried, carried by the wave,

Wide as the waves of the sea!

There was silence in my soul

Beyond joy and sorrow...

I barely recognized myself.

The whole world belonged to me!

Why didn't I die then?

Why then did we both live?

Years have come ... years have passed -

And nothing was given

What would be sweeter and clearer

Those stupid and blissful days.

November 1878

Why do you think I decided to start the last lesson on the story "Asya" with these lines? What unites a poem with a story?

(mood, lyrical, sad, tender, and the theme is love, longing without love, a combination of beautiful and sad, Lyrical hero and Mr. N are similar, both were in love and regret that they lost love)

Both characters are unhappy. Why? The problem that we have to solve is: what does Turgenev consider to be the components of human happiness? Let's try to derive a formula for happiness.

Happiness = x + x

How does this happen? When were the characters happy? What helped you feel this state? What stopped you from being happy?

To answer these questions, we will break down into creative microlaboratories. The object of the study is Turgenev's literary text, the tool is the word, the result is your creative work.

(Microlaboratories receive assignments.)

1 microlab.

“The literary critic Aleksey Vladimirovich Chicherin wrote: “Turgenev’s landscape multicolor is combined with the musical elegance of form.” Indeed, Turgenev can be called not only a great writer, but also a talented landscape painter and a subtle musician. How do these stylistic features of Turgenev help to reveal the idea of ​​the story "Asya"? To feel this, you need to turn to the living word of the story. Analyze the landscape in chapters 1 and 4. Prove that it performs not only an aesthetic function, but also helps to reveal the inner state of the hero.

(A) The student, accompanied by musical accompaniment, reads from the words: “One evening I was sitting on my favorite bench ...” (Ch. 1) This landscape seems to say: “Attention, something important should happen soon” ”The hero will soon meet with Asya.

B) The student reads with musical accompaniment from the words: “I remember that I was going home without thinking about anything ...” (Ch. 4)

Does the hero associate the smell of hemp with his homeland? - The author talks about two important things for him: about his homeland and about Asa.

It is no coincidence that, remembering Russia, the hero thinks of Asa. These images are identical for him. What do Asya and Russia have in common? Both are not the same. “You can’t understand with your mind, you can’t measure with a common yardstick”

Conclusion: so, the story is imbued with bitter nostalgia for the homeland close to Turgenev, and the hero associates the homeland with Asya.

Who is she? Let's get to know her better.

Microlaboratory 2.

Tell us about Asa. In chapter 9, Turgenev introduces the motive of love into the story. What was love for Asya? Give a metaphorical comparison. (Love for Asya is happiness)

Finish the phrase: “In my opinion, Asya (what?) ...” (honest, direct, unpredictable, sincere, decisive, not afraid to love)




Not afraid of love(write on the board).

All these definitions characterize the Turgenev girl. You will meet with this type later when studying Turgenev's work in the 10th grade.

Who is the object of her dreams? Let's look at the image of Mr.

Microlaboratory 3.

Study quotes from the story of I.S. Turgenev "Asya" and compare the image of Mr. N at the age of 25 and 45. Has he changed?

25 years

45 years

Was young.

I was only interested in people.

Seeking solitude.

Was struck in the heart by a young widow.

Romantic at heart.

Is she his sister?

Wings of Love.

Discusses with Gagin relations with Asya.

I didn't dare to confess.

Tomorrow I will be happy!”

The future seemed limitless.

Youth eats gilded gingerbread…

Oh, I'm crazy!

I didn't tell her that I love her.

The feeling excited by Asya never happened again!

I keep a geranium flower ...

What was love for Asya for Mr. N? (Problem, contradiction). Finish the phrase “In my opinion, Mr. N (what?) ...” (indecisive, lack of initiative, afraid of responsibility)



Afraid of responsibility(notebook entry)

Conclusion: The image of the Turgenev girl has been studied in detail in the literature, but few people paid attention to the image of the Turgenev man, indecisive, static. Although it is often found: "Nov", "Noble Nest", "First Love", "Spring Waters". Is this image random? Who is behind it? Of course, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev himself.

"Oh, I'm crazy! I didn't tell her that I love her... What's left of me, of those blissful days? Thus, the light evaporation of an insignificant grass survives all the joys and all the sorrows of a person - it survives the person himself.

Predict if the characters would be happy if they stayed together?


Mister N



Favorite person nearby

This is what she dreamed of

Light will not accept Asya because of the social. inequalities

Asya is eccentric

We saw that, having lost love, our hero is unhappy. And Asya, what do you think, was she happy after? Dream up.

There is another opinion. This answer is given by Turgenev himself.

(Reading a poem in prose "Rose".

The Rose.

Last days August... Autumn has already arrived.

The sun was setting. A sudden gusty downpour, without thunder or lightning, has just swept over our wide plain.

The garden in front of the house burned and smoked, all flooded with the fire of the dawn and the deluge of rain.

She was sitting at the table in the drawing-room, and with stubborn thought she looked out into the garden through the half-open door.

I knew what was happening then in her soul; I knew that after a short, albeit painful, struggle, at that very moment she gave herself over to a feeling that she could no longer control.

Suddenly she got up, quickly went out into the garden and disappeared.

An hour has struck... another has struck; she did not return.

Then I got up and, leaving the house, went along the alley, along which - I had no doubt - she also went.

Everything went dark around; the night has already come. But on the damp sand of the path, brightly alley even through the poured darkness, a roundish object could be seen.

I leaned over... It was a young, slightly blossoming rose. Two hours ago I saw that same rose on her chest.

I carefully picked up the flower that had fallen into the dirt and, returning to the living room, put it on the table in front of her chair.

So she finally returned - and, with light steps, she walked the whole room, sat down at the table.

Her face grew pale and alive; quickly, with cheerful embarrassment, lowered eyes, like reduced ones, ran around.

She saw a rose, grabbed it, looked at its crumpled, soiled petals, looked at me, and her eyes, suddenly stopping, shone with tears.

What are you crying about? I asked.

Yes, about this rose. Look what happened to her.

This is where I thought I'd show my wisdom.

Your tears will wash away this dirt, - I said with a significant expression.

Tears don't wash, tears burn," she answered, and turning to the fireplace, she threw the flower into the dying flame.

Fire will burn even better than tears,” she exclaimed, not without daring, “and cross-eyed eyes, still shining with tears, laughed boldly and happily.

I realized that she, too, was burned.)

Microlaboratory 4.

Analysis of chapter 9 and chapter 16

Analyze scenes of meetings and conversations. Read one of the dialogues by roles. What is the point of talking about wings? What music is playing? (waltz)

When did it sound? (at the first meeting) Why is Asya "like a dead bird"?

(1) color: light eyes, pale face, blue sky, blushed, black cat with yellow eyes - dark, pale like marble

2) light: clear, a ray of sunshine, everything shone joyfully, the brilliance of the air - some shadows ran across the face

3) as the characters say: Asya - a trusting caress in her voice, whispered, thoughtfully, laughed with a quiet light laugh, N.N. said, laughed - a frightened whisper, intermittent sounds, harsh words

4) key image: the image of a flying bird is like a dead bird, a frightened bird

5) intonation, mood: light, sad - bitterness, sadness)

We often meet with the Lanner waltz. It often sounds in the works of Turgenev. Do you want to hear this waltz? (Music plays.)

Love is a violation of all the rules, a hero experiences a storm of feelings after a break. Turgenev punishes his hero for not recognizing love, for doubting it. Love cannot be doubted, love cannot be postponed until tomorrow. What is happiness? What is its formula? (write in notebook and on the board)

Happiness = (love + understanding) - doubt

We traced the development of the hero's feelings, experienced with him the psychological changes in his soul. Love is a secret. We had to be very attentive and sensitive readers in order to unravel the "psychological riddle" of I. S. Turgenev's story. A branch of geranium, jokingly thrown out of the window with a "little mischievous hand", was, in fact, an invitation to a "love ball". If this twig were picked up in time, it could become for the hero a pass to a joyful, happy life, in a word, a genuine life. Therefore, for I. S. Turgenev, human happiness consists of “instant moments” that cannot be neglected, life-long moments.

N.G. Chernyshevsky wrote: “In ancient mythology, happiness was represented by a woman with a long braid blown by the wind. It is easy to catch her while she flies towards you, but miss one moment - she will fly by. You can't grab her by staying behind. We will never return the happy moment. Happy circumstances exist for each of us, but not everyone knows how to use them.

Turgenev teaches us, and I urge: “Catch even small moments of happiness, enjoy them, appreciate them!”

And remember forever:

The seal of the first love will not be erased.

We will remember each other all our lives;

Shared dreams will be shared by both;

Let's deceive the mind and close the heart -

But longing for the past will not die,

And love won't come, won't come

No, love won't come!


Composition - miniature "Inspiration ...";

Create a poster for the story, draw your own cover for the book.

Reflection. Applaud those who consider our lesson successful.

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