
The purpose of the work is to introduce the reader with the dramatic fate of the writer. The problem of the dramatic fate of an extraordinary personality in the text N.Gorlanova (EGE in Russian) The problem of dramatic fate of the writer

Outstanding Russian writer, prose and playwright. The work of Bulgakov is known all over the world, causes the constant interest of readers and researchers. However, his writer fate is full of drama: the best works were not printed during the life of the author, but those that were published, caused fierce criticism. The writer himself in a letter to the Soviet government (dated March 28, 1930) noticed that out of 301 reviews about his works only three were laudatory, in 298 - his mercilessly scolded. Bulgakov fited badly into Soviet reality and culture. Creative principles and ideological plants, clearly and definitely formulated in the same letter, did not match the ideology and aesthetics of his era. He consistently defended the principle of creative freedom of the writer, his independence from ideology. Could not accept the dismissal of personality, with the upbringing of slave psychology in society, generally preferred the revolutionary development process - evolutionary, believed that the literature politicization would bring the inevitable losses to its artistic level. Bulgakov in the work in the work of philosophical issues. Fighting good and evil; moral purpose of being; man and eternity; Artist and power. It is these problems that will become the main in its works. Bulgakov was convinced that the unfavorable world could be overcome by moral values \u200b\u200b- love, good, honor, creativity.

The modern reality has refuted these values, and he fought for them, often by means of satire, calling among their teachers M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin and N.V. Gogol. Developing their traditions, the writer connected in many of his works real and fantastic; Specifically household and philosophical plans, resorted to Grotesque and irony.

Bulgakov passed the school of newspaper reporter, fechelonist. Arriving to Moscow in 1921 "Forever" (he was born in a professorial family in Kiev), collaborated in the famous Gudok newspaper, who sheed under his roof such many well-known writers, as I. Ilf, E. Petrov, V. Kataev, Yu. Olesh.

In 1922-1923, readers got acquainted with the fragments of the autobiographical story of Bulgakov "Notes on Cuffs." The first novel "White Guard" was written in 1925 (his full text in our country was published only in 1966).

The material of the modern life is the basis of the three "Moscow" ages - "Dlavoliad" (1923), "Fat Eggs" (1924), " dog's heart"(1925). This story was published in our country in 1987.

From 1925-1931 The writer intensively works in the field of drama, creating the plays adorning the theaters for theaters today: "Turbine Days" (1926), Zoykina Apartment (1926), "Run" (1928), etc. However, the plays are brilliant, according to many theatrical plays The figures of that time, the playwright to the production were banned, the prose was not printed. But the writer since 1928 was inconsistent with these circumstances and up to death worked on the novel "Master and Margarita" - the central product of his work (for the first time published in our country in g. Moscow in 1966-1967). The text of the novel without censorship appeared in 1973.

The problem of intelligentsia in the revolution was an urgent problem in the literature of the 1920s. This was written by B.pilnyak, A. Tolstoy, I. Babel, many others. And in the Roman Bulgakov "White Guard" Heroes, intellectuals, professorial children of the turbine, caught by Buran Revolution, should find their way in a new reality when the value system is collapsed on which they are raised.

In 1925, Bulgakov was offered to make a staging of a novel for MCAT. As a result of a joint work with the theater in 1926, the play "Days of Turbines" appeared, no longer the imaging of the novel, but a completely independent work, in which the basic idea, the author's position acquired several other accents. Changes touched the characters system. Mkatov's play "Turbine Days" became a bright theatrical event. It was all: and tremendous success in the audience, and prohibiting the authorities.

As in the novel, turbines in the play, Kiev intellectuals, educated, decent, welcoming, friendly, are the main characters. Senior Brother Alexey - Colonel, commander of the Artillery Division, a man of honor. Elena, - Umnitsa, - As Mumyyevsky notes, - "In English says, playing the piancians, and at the same time self-worker can put". "Holy", "calls her cousin from Zhytomyr Larosik. Junior Turbin, Junker Nicholas, - Dreaming about the feat of the young man. They fell to live and look for answers to the main questions of being in the era of historical troubles. The hometown of turbine - the capital declared after the Brest world of the Hetman Republic is experiencing terrible days. Hetman support Germans, recent enemies of Russia in World War. From the south, a two-hundredthly thousandth of the Petlyura army is suitable, from the north hears the cannonade of Bolshevik cannons.

Events are tied to a tight and contradictory knot. The action of the play bears the features of the historical chronicle, although the main place of action, the composite center of the play is the turbine house.

The first remark determines this place - "Turbine Apartment". The details of the situation, which indicates the author, have not only a specific household, but also a symbolic meaning. So the image of the house is created and detected new Type Artistic generalization of Bulgakov: identifying through household existent content. Fire in the fireplace - a sign of a homely hearth, warmth and human community (and the warmth of the Turbine house, literal and spiritual, heats frost-frozen in the service of Mumylayevsky, warms the ridiculous and lonely lariat). In the difficult days of civilian gravestics, merciless struggle, this house collects people under its roof and unites them. The second, no less symbolic item is a clock, an eternal sign. They convey the movement of time and "gently playing Menuet Bokkerini". The main lifests of turbines, the foundations of the house are already defined in Remarke: Bulgakov Heroes are trying to preserve the spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200bof their lives in the chaos of the revolutionary era. But the events of historical time are unceremoniously invaded their world, trying to destroy, destroy it. The first replica of the play - the song of Nikoli - shows how the wind will make his dashing and terrible motive in the melody of the house, drowning the gentle voice of Cello Bikerini:

Worse than rumors every hour.

Petlyura goes to us!

Machine guns we charged

On Petliere we paled,

Chicken machine gunners ...

You got out of us, well done!

It is not by chance Alexey indignantly interrupts his brother: "...What are you singing! Kitchers songs. Sing something decent ". With the song Nicci, the story seems to invade a person's privacy.

Exposure Analysis reveals the most important features of the content of the play: the revolution destroys the natural and usual way of life of the Russian intellectual. The sign sense acquires the replica of a teacher of singing, which Niccock recalls: "You would, Nikolai Vasilyevich, in Opera, in essence, could sing if it were not for revolution".

The symbolism of the house is complicated during the development of action. In the text of the play of Bulgakov, includes an almost literal quote from the Buninsky story "Mr. from San Francisco" (this dream of Helena, which she calls "prophet"): "We drove on the ship to America and sit in the trum. And here is a storm. The wind is how much. Coldly cold. Waves. And we are in the trum. Water rises to the very legs ... We climb on some Nara. And suddenly rat. Such disgusting, so huge. So scary that I woke up ". With this "strangers" text in the play includes the motive of the death of civilization, the inevitability of the catastrophe. In the plot action of the play of the catastrophe has not yet occurred, but her premonition has already sounded. Soon the characters say this word, determining the specific reality of their current existence.

Heroes must make a decisive choice, the political circumstances of time make them do it. The main conflict of the Bulgakov play can be indicated as a conflict of man and history. The heroes of intellectuals during the development of action each in their own way to enter a direct dialogue with history. So, Alexey Turbin, understanding the doom of white movement, the betrayal of "Staff Orava", chooses death. Nikolka, spiritually close to his brother, it warms up that a combat officer, commander, a person of honor Alexei Turbin preferage the death of dishonor. Reporting about his tragic death, Nikolka pronounces sorrowfully: "Killed commander ..."- as if in the complete agreement with the responsibility of the moment. The elder brother carried out his civil choice. (Emphasized me - I.S.).

The remaining live this choice is to be. Mumyyevsky with bitterness and doomes state intermediate and therefore the hopeless position of the intelligentsia in a catastrophic reality: "Front Red Guards, like a wall, rear speculators and any ribs with hetman, and I in the middle?" He is close to the recognition of the Bolsheviks, "Because for the Bolsheviks, the peasants of a cloud ...". Studially convinced about the need to continue the struggle in the ranks of the White Guard, rushes to the Don to Denikin. Elena leaves Talo Berg, a man whom she can not respect, according to her recognition. She will try to build new life With Shervinsky.

An extremely important importance in the play and its final has the image of the lariat. This Chekhov character is emphasized (he watched the collected works of Chekhov to his own shirt; constantly falls into the ridiculous situations - "incoming") directly quotes the beloved writer: "We will relax, we rest ...". He is convinced of the soreness of life, still considers the house of turbine island of rest in the raging ocean of history, quiet "Harbor with cream curtains". He really wants to believe in the best future. The author does not take away from the reader of faith in the value of life, but the quoted nature of the replica of the Larosika and her junction with a remark "Fallen cannon strikes!"the end of the old world is announced, the tragedy of the fate of the intelligentsia in the revolution is emphasized.

The temporary boundaries of the action of the play are accurately designated by the remarkor in front of the fourth action - two months, of which 3 pursions flow on the stage and one morning. This small period of time changes the heroes and their lives in a radically.

The play "Turbine Days" is a complex product in the genre plan. Developing Chekhov's dramatic tradition, Bulgakov connected various genre principles in it - historical chronicle, psychological drama, tragicomedia. They are organically fused in live dramaturgical action.

The framework of the action is pushing remarks (increased attention of the author to the remark - one of the manifestations of Chekhov tradition in the play of Bulgakov). Author's comments to action seem to be admitted to the chamber space of the house of turbine sounds, voices, choppers of the revolutionary era: "The roar of votes. A sudden gap "..." A gentle glow is made in the window ... "The orchestra plays an international" etc.

Real historical characters (Hetman Scoropadsky, for example) and events (Germans' flight and hetman from Kiev and his taking Petlura) allow you to consider the "Turbine Days" historical chronicle. But the image of historical events, as already noted, is not the main goal of the writer. Events are given as part of the life of the heroes, in which personal problems and history, life and being - inseparable integer. In this lifetime, people are honored by people who are ready to drink a bowl to the bottom, and adaptable, running, like rats from a sinking ship. In the image of the expensive heroes, avoiding paters and patheaux, the playwright resorts to irony, humor. The comedy start in the play is connected mainly with such characters as Shervinsky and Laro.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe doomedness of the old world, the death of the white movement and the inevitable arrival of the Bolsheviks is the ideological content of the play. At the beginning of the play about the upcoming meeting with Bolsheviks, Alexey said. At the end, her fatal evidence felt all the characters. "The people are not with us. People against us. Aleshka was right, "says Mumyyevsky. The annular composition is the fourth action, in fact, repeats the situation of the first - enhances the tragic motive. But the historical problem is not exhausted. The expensive author of the characters (in the creation of their images, the skill of the psychologist's playwright) remains true to traditional moral values \u200b\u200beven "at the abyss on the edge."

Roman "Master and Margarita" - unique phenomenon not only in Russian, but also in world literature, despion that there is clearly a free creative understanding of the "Faust" Goethe, the "Divine Comedy" of Dante, the leader of the Hoffman, "Evgenia Onegin" Pushkin, "Notes of Crazy" Gogol, "Stories One city "Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Worked Bulgakov over the novel for quite a long time, starting from the 20s until the death of death. Back in the 20s, he writes a novel "Consultant with hoof", in which you can see as if preliminary sketches to the image of one of the central characters, Voland. The theme of the tragic fate of the Creator became the basis for the "Theater Roman", and the satirical impact of modern morals sounds almost in all its work, reaching the tops in the "Fat Eggs" and "Dog's Heart".

M. Bulgakov called himself a "mystical realist." What he meant is best visible on the example of the novel "Master and Margarita".

In the novel M. Bulgakov, with all its complexity and multi-layered, it is still possible to distinguish 4 main layers of narration, fancy and inextricably intertwined among themselves:

1. Dramatic fate A talented writer in the conditions of totalitarian society, when the writer had two ways: either to subordinate their talent to conjunctural considerations and thereby dealing his little things as Ivan homeless, having lost the mind and face, or to create, obeying only his own moral Court and risking to be extruded and destroyed by ruthless wheels of the state car in the face of the radical and unscrupful officials from literature, - as the Master did.

2. Roman MastersThis is a story about the duel of the poor philosopher Yeshua Ga-Nochri and the powerful procurator of Judea Pontius Pilate. Ga-Nozri is an ideologist of good, justice, conscience, and the prosecutor is the ideas of statehood.

Ga-Nozri his sermon of universal ownership, love to neighbor, freedom of personality, according to Pontius Pilate, undermines the sole power of Caesar and thereby turn out to be more dangerous than the Killer of Varrava. Pontius Pilate sympathizes Yeshua, he even takes a weak attempt to save him from execution, but no more. Patilius and weak Pontius Pilate, afraid of the Kaifa Donzer, who was afraid to lose the power of the governor of the Jews and for this, the transmission "twelve thousand mons of repentance and remorse."

3. Satirical image Moscow of Moscow 30s. The life of Moscow 30s is drawn diverse. The universal suspicion is shown, the hints speak of repression and denunciations, spyware and surveillance. Moscow, uncomfortable and unwolked, is reflected in the so-called "apartment issue", which, according to Woland, strongly spoiled Moscow morals in the last century. The terrible reality of countless "communal" makes people for the sake of the apartments to deceive, false witness, give and take bribes, to give, to give up relatives or, on the contrary, strive to illegally encourage with happy "apartment owners."

M. Bulgakov shows the morals of the delighted, demoralized layers of intelligentsia, the new power, forgotten shame and conscience in drunkenness and debauchery, like Stepa Lyarkheev and Samplers, in the desire to get rich on the Darmovshchina at the expense of power, as members of the Board of Massolit, etc.

4. Dlavoliada. The most enchanting and phantasmagoric part of the novel is devoted to the arrival of the Prince of Darkness, which wears the name of Woland from Bulgakov, with his retinue. Woland and his retinue who arrived in Moscow for holding the annual Satan Spring Bala, participate in many fun, sad, ridiculous stories, but in the end it turns out that everything that they do is natural and fair.

The heroes of the novel move throughout the four layers along with the retinue of Prince Darkness. The constant change of psychological, satirical, lyrical, reliable and fantastic began does not interfere with the artistic integrity of the novel, on the contrary, strengthens it. And if some actual inconsistencies are visible (first of all, this refers to the episodes of death and the resurrection of the main characters, as well as to the epilogue), then they are explained, firstly, the incompleteness of the novel in connection with the death of its creator, and The second, in such a duality of the motivation of events, it wakes up, one can say, the topsack of the novel: to approve in the minds of readers the thought of infinity, complexity and ambiguity of being in general.

The focus is the philosophical problem of the eternal confrontation of good and evil, light and darkness, hell and paradise, God and Satan. Many characters have a struggle, this unfolds in his own soul, his own heart. Margarita, Master, Ivan the homeless and other characters every day have to do a similar choice, like all of their earthly fellow people - people. In eternity that surrounds them, this struggle is forever personified in the images of Prince Darkness - Voland and his antithesis - God and the Son of God, who in the novel has the name of Yeshua Ga-Nozri (here Bulgakov resurrects the sound of the ancient Aramaic language). Woland does not just take an important place in the novel. In fact, his presence is felt in every episode, whether "Moscow" chapters, "Yerschalaim" or "Satanian", creating a kind of "gospel of Voland", testifying the reality and pattern of everything that is happening. But is it possible to talk about his infinite out ofroad and, most importantly, the unambiguity of his actions as a representative of Darkness? Already in the novel epigraph contains a negative answer to this question, convincing already because this is a quote from the "Faust" Goethe: "I am part of the strength that he always wants evil and always makes benefit."

The appearance of Woland in Moscow of the 1930s is quite natural. He, as if illustrates the biblical wisdom that the place from where God is expelled, immediately occupies the devil. Therefore, wave with his retinue comes to atheistic Moscow, as in his own possessions, takes guests, gives the ball, and stops, naturally, who more others contribute to clearing the place for the devil - in the apartment of Berlioz, the person is smart, but in the desire to please the authorities becoming a militant atheist. He "gets according to faith" - goes into oblivion, and his skull is a vessel for thoughts and feelings, dedicated to the confusion and atheism, becomes a bowl for wine on the ball at Satan.

The power of Voland is hidden behind his imaginary inactivity. For example, during the story about Pontiya, the pilot disappears not only the patriarch ponds with real and historical times, but also the narrator himself personally present in the events described. Also, wave disappears, along with his chair during the presentation in Vary. And it's not just that san and dignity do not allow the prince of darkness to play. This is inaction functionally. Woland only contributes to the acceleration or slowdown in the events that should occur under the laws of logic and justice: the death of Berliosis, the return of the master, the punishment of sinners of various masters.

Who in the novel turns evil in retribution, and the good makes a comprehensive category? This is God embodied in the souls of people personified in the form of Yeshua Ga-Nozri. His power is in the Word, and not in omnipotence over the souls and the fate of people. Recorded by a student Ga-Nochri Leviem Matvey, saying Yeshua: "There is no death ..." - convinces us that it is not about the personal immortality of the execution, but about a person at all. Freed from fear of death, a person is able to work wonders. Huge energy aimed at self-preservation is released to help other people. Stray philosopher believes that people are of the nature of kind, they make them slavery. Since the realization of this truth, a person becomes free and is responsible for his choice. Conscious of his immortality, a person will not subordinate his life to achieving momentous goods, he is free from fear of punishment of the type of excision from power or even deprivation of external freedom. Symbolized in this respect, the fate of the Almighty Procurator of the Jews Pontium Pilate. Small formulating, changing the "luxury of communication" with a strange arrestant for the Ghost Power of Caesar, which he represents, Pontius Pilate voluntarily chooses a slave path. He reaches his faint of the most terrible price of eternal moral torment. So punished in the novel those who are morally suffering, that is, people who are not completely dead for eternity, capable of reviving, and, it means to be forgiven.

With the philosophical problem of individual freedom is connected in the novel and the topic of freedom of creativity. This freedom is chosen by the master when, by refusing the conditional coziness of a social and deterministic life (a room in a communal service, a boring service, a faceless wife), he disappears for others, devoting his life to writing the novel that he worried most. He does not compose, he "guess" because he was able to liberate his thoughts and feelings from the oppression of modernity with her literary chiefs and their "guidelines". Hence the rage critics of the novel. This is the rage of those who sold their freedom, against those who managed to preserve it contrary to circumstances. Sumy to confront the most terrible totalitarian regime, the master lined up. This is the highest assessment of his life and its conscience. From the memories E.S. Bulgiac, wife of the writer and the prototype of his Margarita, clearly. that the writer wished for himself for himself, completely exhausted by well-organized harassment and blockade of his the best works. The master, in essence, rises from hell to eternity, where those whom he loves will come to his house. Peace is not idleness and the lack of every desire, but the highest freedom, the inalienable quality of which is the cleansing of the soul through creativity, music, love.

Under the Master and his beloved - Margarita. She is out of time and society, the eternal companion of the Creator, ready to divide all the difficulties and adversity, which fell into his share. She is still before the meeting with the master "guessed" his destination, as the master "guessed" his hero. Therefore, she suffered like a bird in a cage, among all the luxury, which thousands of her contemporaries could envy. Therefore, they found each other in a huge city, not intended for happiness and love. At the same time, she, the true child of her harsh and controversial time, can stand up for himself in obscene words and "sharp claws", flies on a sex brush over the boulevards and roofs of Moscow, crashes the window glass and rall the enemy in the apartment - Critica Latunsky, Nude is trying to unsuccessfully hideing with the first night shirt, cigarette smokes and knows how to call things with their own names. What is just worth it so clearly formulated by it the cost of stay as a queen of Bala at Voland: "I want me to now, by this second, returned to my lover, Masters!"

The language and style of the novel fully corresponds to its multidimensional and multivalued structure. The elevated, the solemn style of the "biblical" chapters goes to Moscow Purchase in the description of the modern writer of life and grotesque-expressive descriptions of Voland, his suits and its guests on the ball. These transitions contribute to the transfer of the absurdity of the most depicted Bulgaki life: "Osetrine of the second freshness", "Four hundred the twelfth division of the police, where" who fell out of passports "," awesome by its artistic strength Description of the abduction of dumplings laid directly in the pocket of the jacket "- These realities of Moscow life seem no less fantastic than Satan's ball or sleep. Having dreamed of Dr. Stravinsky's manager who had fallen into the psychiatric clinic, the theater representation under the slogan "Take the currency!"

The symbolism of color is important in the novel. The foolishness of life in the totalitarian country is transmitted often through the annoying, disharmonious variety of paints, disturbing, annoying man: "The Pestro painted booth with the inscription" beer and water "," abundant yellow foam apricot "," ancient two-story cream-colored house ", the dog" Creamy Cream " The ashes "," Mature, delivered by a little girl in an orange silk gamble dress "," director with a purple deprive for the whole cheek. "

But it is worth the Bulgakov to touch the "eternal" topics, philosophical problems, as the color scheme acquires classical clarity and contrast. One of the most expressive images of the novel is a pontium cloak of Pilate, in which he appears on the pages of the Master's novel ("in the White Cloak with the Blood Seabed") - and the Woland's Cloak - "Mourning Cloak, Chipped by Fiery Matter." The blood-red ponda ponda pilaya, in addition, reflected in the "black and red pool of wine from a broken jug" in front of him, adjusts the reader to the corresponding perception of his unwell silence as a bloody crime. The fiery piping of the price of Prince Darkness is a symbol of its belonging to space, eternity, as the fire is one of the primacy of being. When describing the Woland and his suits, black color prevails - the traditional color of evil, witchcraft, grief: not to mention the predominance of this color in the clothes of Woland and his suits, it accompanies and many details of the life and the description of the state of heroes. Woland's cane decorates the "black knob in the form of a poodle head", the procurator - a ring with a black stone; The medallion with the image of a black poodle hang Margarita on the chest in front of the ball; "The night closes the black scaffold of the forest and the meadow"; "Black longing immediately drove to the heart of Margarita"; blue eyes The bottoms that smeared the Judah on a date, seem to be black. All this black wins the whole black light of the full moon, pouring the flow of light, the whole world bringing a short calmness of the student of Master Ivan.

Using motifs, techniques, even characters, famous world literature, from Voland to Malutes Skuratov, Bulgakov builds an original story, solving again and again the eternal problems of good and evil, beautiful and ugly, loyalty and betrayal, life and death, knowledge and faith, science and ignorance. The faces between these opposite concepts are often blurred, contradictory: terrible in the fair anger of Margarita, the crashing apartment of writers and frightened a peaceful sleeping child, who has become a witch from grief and misfortunes that struck her; Prince Darkness, despite its destination, makes good and noble deeds, helping in love to gain each other and predicted Master's novel a long and happy fate.

Replies to tasks 1-24 are the word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Record the answer to the right of the task number without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

Read the text and execute 1-3 tasks.

(1) Napoleon loved to read, which was rather unusual for the military. (2) In each residence, he had a library compiled from the same books, and therefore the emperor could continue reading any book by moving from place to place. (3) He was addicted to reading in childhood, in a military school: he did not have a relationship with peers, _____ books allowed to forget about loneliness and everyday troubles.


In which of the suggested suggestions is correctly transferred to the main information contained in the text?

1. Napoleon often spent time at books in one of his residences.

2. In each residence, Napoleon had a library made up from different books.

3. Napoleon suffered from childhood to reading, replacing communication with peers, so the emperor had a library composed of the same books in each residence.

5. The presence in each residence of Napoleon composed of the same library books was due to his love of reading, since childhood he has replaced him with peers.


Which of the words below (words combinations) should stand at the place of passing in the third (3) text offer? Write this word (combination of words).

2. Because

4. Despite the fact that

5. Thanks to


Read the fragment of the vocabulary article in which the values \u200b\u200bof the word attitude are given. Determine the value in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of text. Write down the figure corresponding to this value in the listed vocabulary fragment.

Attitude, -I, cf.

1. Mutual relationship between different objects, actions, phenomena, kidding between someone. Between two events detected definite about. Do not have a relationship to something. O. Between two values.

2. In mathematics: the private, obtained from dividing the same number to another, as well as the recording of the appropriate action. Equality of two relationships.

3. MNSvyaz between Kam N., Arising when communicating, contacts. Relationship between people. Friendly relations. Business relationship. International relationships. Diplomatic relations.

4. Official paper, document. A. From the ministry. * For what - in terms of, in the sense. In this regard, I agree with him. In all respects - from all points of view, from any part. Interest in all respects. In relation to anyone, the preposition with the genus. P. - relative regarding whose something. Fair for subordinates. In relation to someone, a preposition from dates. P.- The same as in relation to somber. Strict in relation to students. According to someone, a preposition from dates. n. - the same as in relation to anything. Good towards comrades.


In one of the words below, an error is made in the staging of the emphasis: the letter denoting the shock vowel sound is incorrectly highlighted. Write this word.


came call


In one of the proposals below, the selected word is incorrect. Correct the error and write down the word correctly.

1. The innovative technological market in Russia in the next three years can expect a wave of failures caused by the cyclical nature of its development.

2. In an effort to deliver the trouble to another, the unkind person harms first of all.

3. During recent years Experienced coaches have prepared strong players who will soon be ready to replenish the Russian national team.

4. A trusting conversation makes relations in the family deeper and more durable, and family members themselves are happier.

5. F.M. Dostoevsky wrote that the distinctive feature of Russian national Character - This is a sense of justice.


In one of the above words, an error is made to form a word form. Correct the error and write down the word correctly.

Five hundred meters

honorary titles


fragrant shampoo


Set the correspondence between offers and grammatical errors allowed in them: to each position of the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

A) There are three main groups of human qualities, thanks to which it is possible to increase the level of personal charm: society, reflection, eloquence. 1) improper consumption of the core form of nouns with the pretext
B) Linguist F.I. Buslaev often said that "I am convinced of the need for a thorough teaching of the native language." 2) communication violation between the subject and faithful
C) those who think that good manners exist in the detachment from real life, is mistaken. 3) Violation in building a sentence with an inconsistent application
D) depicting any item, his own worldship is important for the artist. 4) Error in building a sentence with homogeneous members
E) L. Van Beethoven continued the general line as the development of the genres of symphony and sonata, quartet. 5) Incorrect construction of a sentence with an adapted circulation
6) Violation in building a proposal with a certain turnover
7) incorrect construction of a proposal with an indirect speech

The answer write down the numbers without spaces and other signs


Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel root is missed. Write this word by inserting the missed letter.

catch .. Little

ramp ..

just ..

oDR .. chlest


Determine the series in which in both words in the console is messed the same letter. Write these words by inserting the missed letter.

pr..mila, pr ..

be ..proof, in ..

pr..dyashka, s ..

by .. Sold, oh..brosis

pR .. High, etc.


Write down the word in which the letter E.

notch ..

core ..

memo ...

finds .. import

gIMG ..


Write the word in which the letter I. is written on site

long .. go

attack .. "

noctoch ..

pubrivl ..

schotography .. Smen


Determine the proposal in which it is not written with the word. Open brackets and write this word.

1. Paradine considered himself at all (not) a backward person.

2. In dreams, he opened yet (not) the lands studied.

3. The old manor stood on (not) high hill.

4. Some exercises (not) are fulfilled.

5. In 1885, V.D. Polenov exhibited at a mobile exhibition (no) less than ninety etudes brought from a trip to the east.


Determine the proposal in which both highlighted words are picked. Open brackets and write these two words.

1. (No) looking at the fact that most poems V.A. Zhukovsky are transferred, we all see the Russian landscape in them.

2. I want to talk to you (for) the score of the apartment, (c) of connection with which I ask you to give me a little attention.

3. The student chose this topic of the abstract that (if) better know the history of music, and (c) the course of the month studied the books received in the library.

4. The vocation of the poet is to create for eternity, (by) how only a few contemporaries are given to appreciate its creations, (by) this is "his highest court".

5. (c) throughout the life of I.I. Shishkin constantly came to the father of the edge, in which everything is so (the same) screaming creative forces.


Specify all the numbers in which the NN is written.

On a Pisa (1) oh oil painting, a picture (2) And the girl is from the same (3) oh figure in the length (4) of the dress.


Arrange the punctuation marks. Specify the number of offers in which you need to put one comma.

1. And in the rain and in the cold wind and in a thunderstorm is happily returning home with a full basket of mushrooms.

2. Mineralogs and jewelers Glinders and Kamneris must learn to capture and understand the color shades.

3. This edge of the faded trail and nonpumens animals and birds has great attractiveness.

4. Each aspen in the forest or in front of the fall seems to me some fantastic plant.

5. Plots for works by Decembrists suggested both the actual problems of modern life and the events of national history.


Put the punctuation marks: Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

One can only be bowed to the genius of the Marina Tsvetaeva (1) who created a completely unique poetic world (2) and (3) of Holy believe (4) into their Muse.


Put the punctuation marks: Specify all the numbers in which the commas should stand in the sentences.

Tretyakovskaya Gallery (1) As you know (2), called Pavl Mikhailovich Tretyakov - merchant, his wealth of consistent to society. Painted painting, he laid the beginning (3) Truly (4) a wonderful collection of paintings.


Arkady Kirsanova's father (1) retained the youth love for Pushkin's poetry (2) verses (3) of which (4) he sincerely admire.


Arrange the punctuation marks: Specify all the numbers on the site of which the commas should stand in the sentence.

On the stone terrace of one of the most beautiful buildings of the city (1) there were two (2) and (3) while the shadows were steadily lengthened (4) they watched (5) As the windows of the upper floors they would not have a dazzling sun.


Edit Offer: Correct lexical mistake, eliminating the unnecessary word. Write this word.

At the time of the greatest brightness of Venus shines in the sky large starwhich pours to the ground is pleasant, calm light and gives the evening landscape of the terrain inexplicable charm.

Read the text and execute 21-26 tasks.

(1) It is said that a talented man is talented in everything. (2) But the main quality of such a person is love for people and their work.

(3) in his book about S.Ya. Marshak, who came out in the series "Life of wonderful people", Mark Geyser tells in detail about the arrival of the poet in literature, and we learn that Marshak started with poems that caused the enthusiastic reviews of Stasov, immediately the young poet under the custody, as well as Gorky, Shalyapin and other outstanding masters. (4) Akhmatova, for example, later recognized Samuel Yakovlevich, which without his "book Ruth", released back in 1909, would not have been her "lot of his wife" and some other poems.

(5) In the life of Marshak, it happened that he was threatened with a real danger.

(6) That's at least a story with the defeat of the Marshakovsky editorial board of the Childish, when many employees and authors were arrested. (7) Years later, in the case of one of the repressed then, the children were ordered by the arrest of Samuel Yakovlevich himself. (8) he saved him that he left Leningrad in time ...

(9) How did Children's Classic Marshak come from, admiring such large and very different writers as M. Gorky, V. Mayakovsky, M. Tsvetaeva, K. Chukovsky? (10) The world-famous translator, winning creative "duels" from the most prominent masters? (11) Wonderful teacher, educator of young, and not young poets?

(12) The main thing that was probably in his love - to people, to the literature, and above all for children. (13) And the famous Marshakov conversations with something interested by people (most often with the writers) - enthusiastic responses about them are full of memories of Samuel Yakovlevich? ..

(14) One of the most powerful, impressive pages in the creative biography of Marshak was opened by Boris Polevoy, at that time - the chief editor of the journal "Youth". (15) He had already heard that Marshak was barely alive that doctors are even fighting for the days, and for the watch of his life ... (16) And suddenly he has a call from Editorial: "Samuel Yakovlevich wants to say with you. (17) Field first did not believe.


1 paragraph (Introduction): 2 rhetorical questions (answers to which the author gives the author), then "Over these questions, the author of the text proposed for analysis is conceived" Full name

2 paragraph (setting the problem + comment): "This problem is really relevant" . (Explain why). "The author considers this problem on the example ..." And another 3-4 suggestions on how the problem is revealed in the text.

4 paragraph ( own position): "I fully agree with the opinion of the author. Indeed, ..." (Personal opinion, 2-3 sentences) "Own point of view I can confirm the example from the literature. "

5 paragraph (first argument): literary argument With the name of the writer and the name of the work.

6 paragraph (second argument): "In addition, I will give an example ..." (second argument)

7 paragraph (conclusion): "In this way, ..." (1 - 2 offers)

An example of writings (8 options):

How to behave in society? Who can be considered a brought up man? Above these questions, the author of A.Dorohov, who proposed for the analysis of the text, is conceived, raising the problem of pupils.

This problem is relevant at all times. In any society it is important to find the right approach to people, try their behavior not to deliver the inconvenience. A.Dorohov reveals this problem on the example of the hero, which was in a completely unusual surrounding for him. The hero considered himself a "perfectly brought up" man. He knew how to politely say hello, listen carefully to the interlocutor, did not use gross words ... However, the threshing, which he lived during student practice, called him "gray". This case made the hero wonder the "What is a good educated person"?

Through the thoughts of the hero, the position of the author is revealed. A.Dorochov believes that the rules of behavior exist in any society, but they are different, depend on the conditions in which a person lives. "But what rules of behavior nor tap, in the main they are always the same: respect others, read with them."

I fully agree with the opinion of the author. Indeed, in different societies there are different norms of behavior. But wherever you find yourself, it is important to respect the people around, try not to burden them. Then you will be a truly educated person. I can confirm your point of view from the literature.

Peter Greens in the work of A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter"It can be considered an example of a well-brought up, noble person. In any life situation, he acted honestly, showed respect for people around. His nobility appreciated even the ideological enemy Pugachev.

In addition, I will give an example of an uncompatible, coarse Mitrofan from the work of D.Fonvizin "inexpensive." This hero, on the contrary, was not familiar with the norms of behavior in society. Considering itself the best, he insulted and humiliated others, and therefore was unpleasant to everyone except the madly loving mother.

Thus, the concept of "educated person" is relative, different people have their ideas about who to consider this. However, everyone will agree that the main criterion of pupils is politeness and respect for others.

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Technology card lesson.

The subject of the lesson: "Preparation for writing an essay - reasoning in the form of an exam.

Text. Text problematic. The position of the author. "

Lesson number 97. 03/14/2016

Bessonova Elena Borisovna

Subject: Russian

Class: 11 b

Type of lesson: Speech development lesson.

Objectives lesson:


prepare students for writing essay-reasoning on the source text andin the course of a comprehensive analysis of the text, repeat and summarize theoretical knowledge of the creation of text-reasoning;


develop communicative skills, speech culture, cognitive and creative opportunities for students.


educating respectful attitude to someone else's opinion, philosophical attitude to his actions and awareness of the consequences of their decisions

Tasks lesson:

pay attention to the speech design

work out a methodology for working with text and writing an essay-reasoning algorithm


individual folders of students with nested materials, algorithms for each stage of work on the wrist;

source text (according to S.I.Vokonuyu) (see Appendix);

table (for phased entertainment parts of the essay during the analysis of text).

Repetition of the composition of the argument.

Creating conditions for the development of the ability to analyze the text, the concentration of attention on the speech design of the work, installation on the principle of step-by-step analysis of the text, working out the work technique with the text, creating statements based on text.

Help learned in the awareness of the social and moral significance of educational material, the development of analytical thinking.

Development of monologic and dialogical speech.

Formulated Wood

Personal: Educational and informative motivation, adequate understanding of the causes of the success or failure of training activities, the skills of cooperation with the teacher and peers.

Regulatory: Control, correction, self-monitoring based on the result and method of action, planning of educational cooperation, determination of the goal of activity in the lesson with the help of a teacher, making a decision in a problem situation, analyzing your own work.

Cognitive: analysis, synthesis, comparison, argument of its point of view; Generalization, analogy, structuring of knowledge, building a logical chain of reasoning, setting and formulating the problem, building speech statements, the use of general techniques for solving problems, reflection of methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities.

Communicative: A fairly complete and accurate expression of your thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication, the formulation and argument of its opinion and position in communication, accounting different opinionsCoordination in collaboration of different positions.

Basic concepts

Stages of writing-reasoning, writing an essay-reasoning algorithm according to the text read.


Computer, presentation, text for organizing work on writing an essay; Work leaf (draft), fiction.

Organization of space

Individual work, front work, group work, independent work.

Stages of the lesson, the purpose of the stage, time

Teacher's activities

Activities teaching

Tasks for students, the execution of which will lead to the achievement of planned results




Purpose: creating conditions for the conscious occurrence of students in the space of activity in the lesson

Motivating reception: teacher's introductory word

(3 min.)

Checking the readiness for the lesson,welcomes students. I wish you a good mood to all

Turn to the student:

The subject of the lesson is completely unknown. She is encrypted, let's try to solve it.

- Problem question:

What do you think, why is our lesson, I have such questions. How can the lesson theme be formulated?

Preparation for work in the lesson.

Answer questions, relate their answers with theme lesson

Self-test readiness for lesson


formation of the internal position of the schoolchild in the level of a positive attitude to training;

positive attitude to school and educational activities

II. . Defining the purpose and tasks of the lesson, stages and forms of work. Formulation of learners lesson topics

(2 minutes.)

So, the guys today is a lesson for preparing for writing an essay-reasoning based on the source text. It is in such a genre that the task of part 2 is formulated on the exam in the Russian language in the form of an exam. The lesson composition involves the frontal repetition of the initial moments of working with the source text, direct analysis of the text and the practical part to be carried out on the drafts. We will try to go through the main stages prepare for writing an essay-reasoning (Task number 25). So, we repeat some theoretical concepts that we need during work

The inclusion of students in activities on a personal meaning level.

Formulate the topic of the lesson "Problems of origin and development of writing talent"

Regulatory : The ability to understand the course of work, to determine the goals, set the tasks, develop the motives and interests.

Cognitive: the desire to learn to perform the work of this species.

Communicative : Planning training cooperation.

Personal : Understanding the significance of the knowledge and skills acquired in the lesson, self-determination

2. Actualization of knowledge.

Purpose: Preparation of thinking to a new way of activity, repetition of the studied material necessary to open a "new knowledge".

(3 min.)

Lexical work.

1) talent - This is outstanding innate qualities, special natural abilities;

2) devotion - This is filled with love and loyalty to anyone;

3) self-sacrifice -This sacrifices for others for others;

4) drama - This is the extreme tension, the severity of the position, the circumstances.

Individual task .

Students picked up examples of possible epigraphs to the lesson:

"Talent is best wealth, the best happiness of man. " A.OSostrovsky.

« The talent develops from a sense of love for business, it is even possible that talent is in essence of him - and there is love for business, to the work process. "

M. Gorky

"Talent is faith in yourself, inherent" M. Gorky

Cognitive: desire to learn to perform the work of this species, understand asked question and build a message in oral form; generalize

Personal: Formation of the internal position of the schoolchild in the level of a positive attitude to learning


formulation of one's opinion

3. Installation of individual difficulties in the trial action. Preliminary work on the text.

Purpose: Organization of students' motivation to fulfill a trial learning action.

(5 minutes.)

Organizing work in groups to determine the problems of text

I help to correctly formulate the designated problems.

Sergey Ivanovich Sivokon (gen. , ) - Russian literary critic and literary critic, specialist in children's literature. Graduating from Faculty of journalism , for many years (since 1961) works in the journal " " Author of books, articles and essays about creativity , , , , , , , , , , and other leading Russian children's writers of the 20th century.

Students read, analyze the text, answer questions:

Information on the execution of the task.

1 group Determines the problem.

- Main problem which became the object of the author's inflatable - thisthe problem of dramatic fate of the writer .

2 groups Calls the problem over which the author reflects. itthe problem of the origin and development of writing talent.

3group concludes that the author draws attention tothe problem of selfless devotion to his work .

Define the problems raised by the author.

Correct each other's answers.

Regulatory : the ability to make an independent decision and act in accordance with the task,choosing and implementing effective ways and means of achieving the goal.

Communicative : Develop the ability to listen to, be ready to adjust your point of view, Practical development of communication techniques, the use of speech funds for the regulation of mental activity.

Cognitive: the ability to allocate positions, formulate them and allocate the mainWorking with information.

4. Formulation of the problem.

Purpose: Training to determine the problem. (3 min.)

I draw attention to the wording of the problem

(According to I. P. Tsybulko):put (put forward, offer to solve, fulfill, discuss), and not to affect or mention

Formulate one of the source problems of the text. Record in the notebook:"The problem of the origin and development of writing talent."

Formulate your own version of the problem of source text.

Regulatory: processing and use of the necessary information; The ability to work in the group and express your own point of view.

Cognitive: setting and solving the problem, analysis, structuring of information, independent creation of ways to solve the problem; Generalization, analysis to allocate signs, the use of the algorithm.

Communicative : Ability to express thoughts

5. Identify the causes of difficulties. Commenting the problem.

Purpose: Setting the goals of educational activities and choosing a method and means of their implementation.

(3 min.)

Organizing the work of students to comment on the problem raised in the text.

I pay attention to the possibility textual comment (from the text to reality - follow the author, the establishment of the author's thoughts with life) and conceptual comment (from reality to the text - an indication of the relevance of the problem)

Make up the plan to achieve the goal, constitute an algorithm; Work with text. Comment the problem of text.

Analyze, summarized, comment on the problem raised by the author.

Regulatory : Planning, forecasting.

Communicative: Cooperation in the search and selection of information, the ability to fully and clearly express your thoughts, the ownership of monologic and dialogic forms of speech, control. Cognitive: solving the problem, analysis, generalization.

An expression of one's opinion.

Purpose: Training to determine the author's position. (3 min.)

Organizing the work of students on the text by definition the position of the author. Prompted students to their own judgments; explains that you can agree or disagree with the position of the author:

Perform work with samples allowing to build the logic of the composition

Determine thesis, arguments, output.

Regulatory: work in the group and express your own point of view awareness of the emergence of difficulties and ways to overcome them.


staging and solving the problem, analysis, structuring of information, with the use of the algorithm.

Communicative: The ability to fully and clearly express their thoughts, the ownership of the monologic and dialogic forms of speech.

7.Artization problem.

Purpose: Setting educational goals and choosing a method of implementation.

(3 min.)

Organizing work on finding arguments.

Warning O. insufficiency of the article and the author for argumentation from reader experience (the answer must be deployed).

I draw attention to the separation of arguments in two paragraphs.

Called and compare arguments.

Remember cases of life and fiction, write them as arguments.

Express your own thoughts, prove your opinion. Find arguments: one of its own life experience, the other - from fiction.

Cognitive: Construction chain logical reasoning, Proof, hypotheses nomination, justification.

Regulatory: carrying out the processing and use of the necessary information; Independent action planning, awareness of the emergence of difficulties and ways to overcome them.

Communicative: The ability to fully and clearly express your thoughts,

8. First consolidation with progress in external speech. Work on the conclusion.

Purpose: Mastering the tezis definitions by students.

(4 min.)

Organizing the assimilation of children of a new method of action, bringing a total analysis.

I focus on the fact that conclusion may be in different forms.

Work in pairs. Analyzed, compare the detected arguments.

Use the writing algorithm.

Primary generalize the material. Write conclusion using

different forms:


Answer to the question;

Call to action;

Ending using quotes.

Cognitive: action by analogy effective ways solutions

Regulatory: Control, assessment, correction.

9. Summage of work with samples of fragments of work, allowing to build the logic of the composition.

Purpose: Self-assessment of the results of their activities.

(10 min.)

Organizing activities to apply the knowledge gained.

I assist students when writing work.

Writingly drawn up analyzed. Exchange written, adjust and check the work of each other.

Re-reread the problem or problematic question. Comparison copyright with your. Formulate (re-) its position in other phrases.

Regulatory: Control, correction, self-determination, volitional regulation in the situation of difficulties.

10. Inclusion in the knowledge and repetition system. Control and correction of answers

Listening to parts of students.

Work on an essay.

Purpose: consolidation and correction of knowledge gained.


I reveal the borders of the application of new knowledge.

Correct and comment on all speeches of students.

Correct work.

Correct flaws in the works.


ability to be ready to adjust your point of view

11. Reflection activities

Purpose: Awareness of your training activities, self-assessment of the results of its activities.

(1 min.)

Organization reflection, self-esteem of students' results.

The word of the teacher.

Lesson wants to complete the words: « The talent develops from a sense of love for business, it is even possible that talent is in essence of him - and there is love for business, to the work process. " M. Gorky

Tell me, would the work that we have done during the lesson in preparation for the composition? How do you rate your work at the lesson? What did you like in the lesson? What is the way to work?

Evaluate the lesson and self-esteem, correlate the goal and the results.

Answer questions.

Communicative : Ability to express your thoughts.

Cognitive: Reflection, control and evaluation of the process and performance.

Regulatory: Adequate understanding of the causes of success or failure in educational activities.

VIII. . Homework. (1 min.)

I propose to write a finishing Operational Operation according to the text S.I.Sivokonya in accordance with the requirements for examination work

Write the task, ask questions

Communicativecreating an essay-reasoning on this text

Application. Original text

(1) With exit in the series "Life of wonderful people" Books Brand Geyser About Marshak The idea of \u200b\u200bthe famous poet by the mass reader should change. (2) Yes, and not only in mass. (H) Even such a mast critic, as Benedict Sarnov, believed that "a distinctive artist, the Marshak, which we know him, it was only in Soviet times."

(4) But now Mark Geyser tells in detail about the arrival of the poet in literature, and we learn that Marshak from the poems, which caused the enthusiastic reviews of Stasov, immediately the young poet under the custody, as well as Gorky, Shalyapin and other outstanding masters. (5) Akhmatova, for example, later recognized Samuel Yakovlevich, which without his "book Ruth", released back in 1909, would not have been her "lot of his wife" and some other poems ...

(6) In the life of Marshak, it happened that he was threatened with a real danger. (7) At least a story with the defeat of the Marshakovsky editorial board of the Childness, when many employees and authors were arrested. (8) Years later in the case of one of the repressed then, the children found a warrant for the arrest of Samuel Yakovlevich himself. (9) he saved him that he left Leningrad in time ...

(10) How did Children's Classic Marshak come from, admiring such large and very different writers as M. Gorky, V. Mayakovsky, M. Tsvetaeva, K. Chukovsky? (11) The world-famous translator, winning creative "duels" from the most prominent masters? (12) 3-laced teacher, educator of young, and not young poets?

(13) The main thing that was probably in his love - to people, to the literature, and above all to children. (14) And the famous Marshakovsky conversations with something interested in people (most often with writers) - enthusiastic responses are full of memories of Samuel Yakovlevich? ..

(15) One of the strongest pages in the creative biography of Marshak opened Boris Field, at that time - the editor-in-chief of the journal "Youth". (16) He has already heard that Marshak is barely alive that the doctors are even fighting for the days, but for his lifestyle ... (17) and suddenly he has a call from Editorial: "Samuel Yakovlevich wants to say with you. (18) Field did not believe. (19) decided that he was played.

"(20) And here I hear what - he remembers, - which immediately convinces me what I am talking to the real Marshak, with the poet who are at death:

- (21) My darling, you probably heard, I'm blind. (22) I do not see anything. (23) But the gallets were read to me. (24) Believe me, there are serious flaws. (25) No, no, not yours, and my flaws ... (26) Glises in front of you? (27) Find a patch of such. (28) Found? (29) Take a pencil, I give you a prejudice. (30) I get scared.

- (31) Samuel Yakovlevich, I'll get to you. (32) The magazine will suffer.

- (ZZ) No, no, no, we can fail with you, and the magazine can not tolerate. (34) We have a million readers, they need to deliver the magazine on time. (35) Record. - (36) It sounds already like an order. "

(Z7) Field decided that the worst for Marshak is already behind. (38) There can not be a man on mortal approval to keep proofreading! (39) But Marshak could. (40) And in the day after this conversation, the field heard that Samuel Yakovlevich was alive ...

(By S. Sivokonyu)

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