
Composition and logic of reasoning method of writing. The logical foundations of creating a text-reasoning compositional harmony and coherence. Composition and types of evidence in reasoning

Reasoning is a type of speech in which the causes or consequences of a particular phenomenon, position are indicated.

The purpose of the reasoning is prove the truth of any position (thesis).

The basis of reasoning are causal relationships, evidence.

In the reasoning, theses and proofs (arguments) are highlighted.

Grammatical connections are also established between theses and arguments (proofs). It is important that in the process of proving the thesis put forward, the argumentation corresponds precisely to this thesis, and not to any other.
For grammatical connection, they often use

introductory words: firstly, secondly, therefore, finally, etc. In text-reasoning, conjunctions are used: although, despite, because, so, since, etc.

Composition and types of evidence in reasoning

  1. Inception - preliminary information about the subject is provided;
  2. The main part: a) the formulation of the main thesis, b) separation (if necessary, highlighting parts of the reasoning or subteses, c) presentation - a consistent proof of the thesis (theses),
  3. Ending (conclusion) - conclusion.

Types of evidence

1) deductive- from thesis to evidence,

2) inductive- from examples to thesis.

« There is no person who does not love his homeland ",

“The possibility of unambiguous interpretation of the composition was once commented on by Y. Tynyanov. “I take the liberty of asserting,” he wrote in his work “Problems of poetic language”, “that the word“ composition ”in 9/10 cases covers the attitude to the form as static” - L. Kaida,

in) an indication of the reasons for the correctness of the thesis put forward:

“Autumn comes in September. Because that's when the leaves turn yellow and begin to fall. "

G) analogy or comparison:

“It is impossible to immediately rebuild our economy to market relations. It's like switching from right-hand traffic to left-hand traffic. "

4) indirect- this is evidence from the opposite: through the refutation of the truth of the opposite thesis

“A tolerant attitude towards a person makes our relationship with him better. Let's admit it isn't. Then - the more we make comments to a person, the more we teach him, etc., the better our relationship will be. But this is impossible. This means that our first thesis is correct ”.

Our presentation on reasoning:

It must be said that pure types of speech (, reasoning) are not so common, usually texts are a combination of all types of speech; the connection is not mechanical; transitions from one type of text to another are sometimes very difficult to determine.

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Below are fragments of essays that are interesting for commentary from the point of view of their composition and the logic of building reasoning on the proposed topic.

Quote: Snippet # 8:

What life questions can literature help you answer?

Literature helps people answer many life questions. Some are looking for answers to questions of interpersonal relations in works, others find solutions to difficult situations in the literature. And some go to the world of fiction to find answers to, at times, even non-existent questions.

I will highlight two main ones: the issue of choice and the issue of friendship. The problem of choice has been faced by a person all his life. And the main thing is to make the right choice in every situation.

In Vasily Bykov's story "Sotnikov" Rybak has a choice at the very beginning: to save the weak, sick, wounded Sotnikov from death, or, by sacrificing him, to save himself. And Rybak, having thought, decides to save his comrade.

Later, Demchikha faced the problem of choice. Hide Sotnikov and Rybak in their homes, thereby exposing themselves and their children to danger, or drive them away?

And again Rybak faces a choice. Go to the service of the clubs and save your life or die? And the faint-hearted Fisherman comes to the service of the clubs, thinking that he can escape. But he is given an assignment: to knock out a stool from under the feet of Sotnikov, sentenced to death. And having done this, Rybak becomes an executioner for his friend, whom he recently saved from these same policemen. This work shows an example of "pseudo-friendship". What is real friendship?

Other people, different situation. In Boris Vasiliev's story "Tomorrow was a war" after Vika's suicide, driven to despair by the demand to abandon her father - "an enemy of the people", Iskra and her friends bury her and speak of her as a real Komsomol member, a loyal and devoted comrade. Spark did not leave her friend, she was with her until the end ...

But is friendship always tested by death? Andrei Platonov in his story "In a beautiful furious world" tells about real friendship and camaraderie. After a series of events, the driver Maltsev went blind and his assistant was put in the driver's place. But the driver cannot live without his job and the assistant, risking his position and work, puts Maltsev in his place and allows him to drive the train. Only true friends are capable of such an act.

So let's summarize. Literature can answer many of life's questions, but in order to get answers to them, sometimes you have to read between the lines.

The bills made in the work do not interfere with seeing its integrity, the harmony of the composition: the introduction, thesis-proof part, the conclusion are closely related to each other. It should be noted the impeccable logic of reasoning, connected by a common idea and based on several works of art. The student's thought consistently develops from text to text with the growth of additional personal meanings. The graduate not only logically built reasoning on the proposed topic, but also showed the ability to concretize it in accordance with his own intention (a situation of choice and a question of friendship) and at the same time not deviate from the topic. It is natural that a good level of training of a graduate manifested itself not only in the merits of work according to the criterion
"Composition and logic of reasoning". The author of the essay also demonstrated excellent speech culture, erudition, the formation of such reading skills as the ability to reflect with interest on independently read works and compare them in a given perspective.

Quote: Snippet # 9:

The dream takes away from life or leads along life path?

Everybody dreams. Children, as soon as they start talking, thinking, want to change something, imagine their future, who they will work with, what they will do. On the one hand, a dream helps a person choose specific life goals, on the other hand, it forces him to commit acts that can destroy him. The very thin line that arises between the dream of the achievable and the impossible is important here. In the second case, it takes the person away from real life.

… I will give an example from the work of L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace". It shows how a dream can lead a person along the path of life or destroy a hero. For example, Boris Drubetskoy dreamed of wealth and influence. As soon as he started serving at Kutuzov's headquarters, he made useful contacts and was perceived differently secular society... This is how Boris gained influence in certain circles. He was able to get rich by marrying Julie Karagina of convenience. Accordingly, his status in St. Petersburg has increased. Thus, indeed, with practical activity and the desire to achieve specific goals, the dream leads a person along the path of life.

Also in this work of Lev Nikolaevich there is an example of how a dream ruined a person. Petya Rostov always wanted to be in the center of events. He dreamed of becoming a hero. The youngest son of the Rostovs took part in the partisan war, did not listen to the commander of the detachment, went to the place where the shooting was, was killed. It’s a pity for the boy who wanted to become a hero. It was his dream, and she also ruined Petya.

Indeed, we are all in the clouds, we imagine our future. Someone's dreams lead to new heights, like Boris Drubetskoy, someone is taken away from life, like Ilya Oblomov, and someone is ruined, like Petya Rostov. Each person should be aware of the fine line between the guiding dream, helping and destroying. You need to strive for something real and act to carry out your plans, but you should not commit stupid acts that can ruin. No wonder they say about some people that they were daydreaming.

The essay as a whole is built logically and deserves a "credit" according to criterion # 3. The first paragraph contains general theses. The second and third paragraphs are devoted to the analysis concrete examples from the novel by Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace". The final paragraph contains a conclusion corresponding to the question of the topic. At the same time, the examples given by the student cannot be considered full-fledged arguments for his judgments, since they are based on a misinterpretation of the meaning of the images of Boris Drubetskoy and Petya Rostov. The student does not feel the author's position, does not think about it, replacing it with his own primitive understanding. The student's judgments are very superficial, pragmatic and indicate a shift in moral assessments.

Quote: Snippet # 10:

Why do people write poetry?

There are many poems written in the world, and all of them are dedicated to someone or something. Someone writes poems about love, someone in his work admires the Motherland, and someone - the beauty of nature. But few asked the question: "Why do people write poetry?" Some people think that poetry is written for the sake of glory. No. I believe that people write poetry to achieve a certain goal, but they are different for everyone. Someone wants to do something nice to a loved one, someone wants to change the world for the better and make it cleaner and kinder, and someone wants to urge the people to stand up to defend the Fatherland.

In their lyric works A.S. Pushkin touched upon many topics. One of the most favorite topics raised by the writer is love. The author in his works wrote about unhappy love. Like in
poem: "***"

I loved you, love may still be,
It has not completely faded in me.

Also, Pushkin devoted a lot of poems to freedom. These are such works as, for example, "To the Sea" and "Eagle". In these lyric works, the writer used many symbolic objects. These are such items as: the raging sea, the mountains in the sky, the wind, the eagle and much more.

We are free birds, it's time, brother, it's time.
There, where the mountain turns white behind the cloud,
There, where the sea edges turn blue,
Where only the wind and me walk.

However, A.S. Pushkin wrote his poems not only for the people, but also for the authorities and for the Emperor Alexander I. In his famous poem "Village" by A.S. Pushkin showed the features of an ardent, unbridled and cruel nobility against the backdrop of a beautiful, picturesque village nature.

It is impossible to forget the writer's lyrics, which he dedicated to friendship with Pushchin and Chaadaev.

Dear birthday boy,
About Pushchin dear.
The hermit came to you
With an open mind.
Of love of hope of quiet glory
The deception did not comfort us for long.
Gone are the youthful fun
Like a dream, like a morning mist.

The student was unable to keep within the framework of the answer to the question of the topic. The first paragraph is a general reflection and is broadly in line with the topic. However, as soon as the turn of specific examples comes, the student does not cope with the literary material and replaces the answer to the question with the usual review of topics in the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin, and moreover, with a rather primitive and eclectic one. The first paragraph is not logically related to the rest. There is no answer to the question of the topic and conclusion in the essay. At the same time, all the above comments are more related to criteria No. 1, 2. According to criterion No. 3, the work is assessed "by credit", since the general outline of the essay, although without a conclusion, is built by the student.

The composition is also not free from a number of other errors, including factual ones.

Why does the word "war" echo with bitterness in our hearts? This word instills a vague fear. A word that gives goosebumps (V) and thoughts instantly get confused in my head. A word that hurts to pronounce. The heart begins to beat faster, and tears rise to the eyes. A word that makes tens of thousands of people (L: repetition of thought: see paragraph 4) remember the most bitter moments of their lives. This is the worst word - war. (V) (L: new paragraph) No matter how much time has passed, it still hurts. It hurts to realize that people are dead, that they have suffered. All was taken from them by the merciless war. Dying, people fought. (P) Is it possible to forget the exploits of the war days? (P) No way. Today we honor the memory of those who have gone into this bloody abyss. (R. error) The responses of the soul of Russian people are reflected (R. error) in literary works. After all, the war does not leave anyone indifferent. "The fate of a man" by M.A. Sholokhov is a work about the beauty of the soul of a Soviet person, about great suffering and great endurance (L). Is it easy to rise above your personal tragic fate, to overcome death in the name of life? The fate of Andrei Sokolov, the protagonist of the work, was full of suffering. His eyes are the eyes that saw (R. sin) torment and death, death at every step, the eyes of the enemy, filled with a monstrous thirst to kill. (C: omission of thought) Awareness of emptiness and death of everything human. But Sokolov's heart is filled with kindness to people, to all living things. In the story, the author reveals the entire horror of the war, (R. error) its most tragic aspects: injury, captivity, concentration camp, death of a family, destruction of a house, death of his son on Victory Day. (L: new paragraph) How is a person able to survive the misfortunes given to him from above? Only always after the dark, the light follows. After tears and despair - happiness and peace. (Violation of the logic of reasoning: confusion of the conclusion, formulation of a new thesis.) Andrey's meeting with Vanyushka became a new section of his history (R. error), new life... This orphan boy, with "eyes as bright as a sky," revived his soul. All his (S: unspent?) Paternal love, all the warmth of his heart, Andrei gives to this boy. The meeting of these two people, who lost everything during the war years, helps them both survive. (S: a micro conclusion on the problem of reasoning is necessary: ​​What did the war do with the fate of man?) War is devastation, poverty, cruelty, death. War is thousands (L: repetition of thought: see paragraph 1) tortured, killed, tortured in the camps of people, these are millions of crippled destinies. We are accustomed to the fact that in war there is no place for sentimentality and tenderness, and the word “hero” in our understanding is necessarily a fighter, a soldier, in a word, a man. But a woman, a Russian beauty, a homemaker, can also be a real hero. (L: new paragraph) Vitaly Zakrtutkin (F) - the author of the work "Human Mother", tells us the story of a young woman Mary. In her life before the war there was everything (R. sin): being orphaned at the age of sixteen, a loving husband who carried her in his arms and called her hemp for freckles, Vasyatka's son, a new cozy house on the edge of the village, in which they thought to live their whole life, self-planted garden, respect of hardworking fellow villagers. But "she" came to her too. "She" came and did not spare Mary - mother, wife and woman. This tough, bloody war took everything from her. The villages and farms were burned by the enemy, Maria, exhausted from grief, was left alone in the ashes. A terrible grief, which not a single Soviet person experienced during the war, fell on her fragile shoulders: "Enemies burned down their home, killed her entire family ...". But there is no such force that could break the Russian man, because a strong, pure soul is always alive in him. (L: new paragraph) How many of them, famous and nameless heroes, about whom books and poems have already been written or are still being written. We will always remain indebted to people. Protected (V) the world from fascism, in front of the soldiers, their mothers and widows. They have always lived and will live in the memory of the people, they will always be an example for us, young people.

When checking essays according to criterion No. 3 "Composition and logic of reasoning", the focus of the expert should be the student's compliance with the macro-level requirements related to overall structure work, the implementation of its large parts, and micro-level requirements related to the ability to logically develop a thought from thesis to thesis, to argue for it, to observe logical connections in the text.

For writing the final essay, the student can choose different genres, and this choice will determine the use of one or another compositional strategy. However, the overwhelming majority of graduates prefers an essay-reasoning, which is largely due to the formulations of topics aimed at thinking about moral-ethical, moral-psychological, worldview issues. In addition, the composition of the essay-reasoning is well known to students. An analysis of the final essays of the 2015/16 academic year showed that the three-part structure of reasoning is fully mastered by schoolchildren, in most of the works the introduction, the main part and the conclusion can be easily distinguished. To a certain extent, students are helped in this by the experience of preparing for an essay in USE format in the Russian language and writing essays on literature. If the essay has at least a minimal communicative intention, then the first two parts of the indicated triad are present in it, in strong works - all parts: in the introduction the problem is posed, the main part is the theses (statements) and arguments given in their proof, in the conclusion contains conclusions, an answer to the question formulated at the beginning.

Let's consider an example of a work that is successful and interesting from the point of view of composition.

Topic: "Is my home my castle?"

“My home is my fortress,” says folk wisdom. But what is meant by this? And is this always the case? A fortress is a safe, secure place where a person can hide from bad weather, enemies, failures and worries, and feel safe. What does his house mean to him, is it a fortress for him?

In the Petersburg apartment of Oblomov, the hero of Goncharov's novel of the same name, disorder reigned; but neither he nor his servant bothered to create comfort. This house reflects the habits of the owner, who does not like unnecessary movements and efforts. But, although the hero willingly spent most of his time in it, in my opinion, this house was not a fortress for him. Moreover, at the beginning of the novel, he faces the problem of moving not of his own free will. A real fortress for Ilya Ilyich was only the house where he spent his childhood, surrounded by universal love and care, where his ideas of fabulous abundance, of the joys of lordly idleness were formed. He maintained a close connection with this house, only there he could feel completely free, liberated. He dreams of this house when he is looking for peace and wants to hide from anxiety (moving and letters from the headman). He involuntarily wants to repeat this house in an adult state and finds some kind of similarity to him at Pshenitsyna, because much happens there as he needs for peace and relaxation.

A person tries to find a home, strives for it. In The Quiet Don, the Melekhovs' love for their home is shown. The life established by the mother of Peter and Gregory is supported by their wives. A strict outlook on life, the habit of doing everything by their own labor, self-esteem were perceived by the sons from Panteley Prokofievich. Traditions, age-old foundations and the order of life taken from the ancestors give this house special strength and reliability. The heroes' house is associated with the idea of ​​the main values ​​in life. Gregory leaves home for the service, for the war, leaves it to start a family with Aksinya. And all the same, with joy and trepidation, they eventually returned to their "fortress".

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy in his novel "War and Peace" describes the life of several families, on the example of which the author's position, attitude towards the ideal of the hearth, is expressed. One of them is the Rostov family. The atmosphere of the house, according to the writer, determines the approach to the life, opinions and fate of the heroes. The Rostovs' House is based on Russian traditions: cordiality and hospitality. Peace and harmony, sincerity and trust, respect and mutual understanding reign there. Nikolay, Petya and Natasha feel like they are in a fortress, protected from all troubles and hardships. The fortress in this case is not protection from enemies, they do not need to defend themselves from anyone, but this is a place where you can be sincere and not be afraid of it. They inherited from their parents the ability to participate and empathize, honesty and a sense of dignity. The kindness and openness of the Rostovs extends not only to their family members, but also to the people around them. Andrei Bolkonsky, finding himself in Otradnoye, was struck by the way of life of the family, Natasha's naturalness and cheerfulness. Impressed, he himself gradually becomes infected with this desire to live with joy.

I think that home is the most important thing in our life. A real house should be felt by a person as his fortress. It should be like this, but it doesn't always happen. A home is a fortress for a person when he feels calm, carefree and protected in it, like Ilya Ilyich in his native Oblomovka. When all the main things that a person considers to be the most valuable in life are concentrated and preserved in him, and this gives him constant support in any life's hardships, like Grigory Melekhov. The house will be a fortress only when love and understanding between loved ones reign in it, and this makes the soul of all family members stronger. If a house gives us support in life, is a faithful support, such a house is our fortress.

The introduction begins with quoting a proverb and thus actualizes the stating part of the topic ("My home is my castle"). Then the graduate formulates questions that allow to isolate the perspective of analysis given in the topic ("And is it always so?"), And gives an interpretation of the word "strength" - the key word of the topic. The introduction ends with the formulation of the problem. This construction of the introduction corresponds to the canon and creates the prerequisites for writing a logical, harmonious work.

In the main part, in the first place are the texts of literary works, by the example of which the author of the essay examines different facets of the problem and draws his own conclusions. This method of constructing reasoning, focused on several (more than two) literary examples and testifying to the well-read of the graduate, first of all implements the principle of text-centered composition. It is typical for the work of motivated graduates with a pronounced philological focus of interests.

The conclusion serves as a detailed generalization. In this case, it includes conclusions for each argument and pulls them into a single result - the student's answer to the question of the problem, formulated at the end of the introduction. The conclusion is somewhat larger than the introduction, which is completely justified and successfully implemented in the cited work. However, in a number of cases, a conclusion that requires deep generalizations may turn out to be more vulnerable than other parts of the essay, precisely from the point of view of the completeness of the coverage of the material and is far from always successful even in good works.

More typical are essays in which the student's own reasoning is brought to the fore, supported by reference to literary material, and not growing out of literary examples, as in the previous example. Such works harmoniously combine the requirements of meta-subject matter and text-centered composition. In general terms, the traditional compositional scheme can be described as follows:

Introduction - several generalizing phrases on the topic of the essay based on the key word, an elegant turn to the essence of the topic (its interrogative part) through a question, quote, appeal to one's emotional perception, or personal experience; it is also possible to indicate the modernity, relevance, universal significance of the topic;

The main part - the graduate's own reflection on the essence of the topic and supporting it literary argument, more often two (in passing, we note that by no means always referring to the text of a literary work can be recognized as an argument, even if it is located in the text of the work in accordance with the requirements of the composition);

· The conclusion is usually laconic and in meaning echoes the theme of the composition and the introduction, summarizes what was said in the main part.

Practical application of this scheme leads to different results.

On the one hand, many works are built in accordance with it, testifying to the student's ability to think independently and to argue their judgments. We will describe one of these works and give the most illustrative quotes from it.

Criteria for evaluating the final essay by organizations implementing educational programs of secondary general education.

The final essay is checked according to 5 criteria:

  • relevance to the topic;
  • argumentation,
  • attraction of literary material;
  • composition;
  • speech quality;
  • literacy.

Criteria # 1 and # 2 are basic.
... To receive a "credit" for the final essay, it is necessary to get a "credit" according to criteria No. 1 and No. 2 (setting a "failure" according to one of these criteria automatically leads to a "failure" for the work as a whole), as well as an additional "credit" at least according to one of the other criteria (No. 3-No. 6).
... When giving an assessment, the volume of the essay is taken into account. The recommended number of words is 350. If there are less than 250 words in the essay (all words are included in the count, including official ones), then such work is considered uncompleted and is estimated at 0 points. The maximum number of words in an essay is not established: in determining the volume of his essay, a graduate must proceed from the fact that 3 hours and 55 minutes are allotted for the entire work.

 If the essay is copied from any source, including the Internet, then “no credit” is given for such work.
 The graduate is allowed to use the spelling dictionary

Criterion # 1
Relevance to the topic

This criterion aims at checking the content of the essay.
The graduate discusses the proposed topic, choosing the path of its disclosure (for example, answers the question posed in the topic, or reflects on the proposed problem, or builds a statement on the basis of theses related to the topic, etc.).
"Failure" is put only if the essay does not correspond to the topic or the specific purpose of the statement is not traced in it, i.e. communicative intention (in all other cases, "credit" is set).

Criterion # 2
Argumentation. Attracting literary material

This criterion aims to test the ability to use literary material to build reasoning on the proposed topic and to argue your position.
The graduate builds reasoning, involving at least one work of national or world literature for argumentation, choosing his own way of using literary material; shows a different level of comprehension of literary material: from elements of semantic analysis (for example, topics, problems, plot, characters, etc.) to a comprehensive analysis of a literary text in the unity of form and content and its interpretation in terms of the chosen topic.
"Failure" is placed on the condition that the essay is written without the involvement of literary material, or the content of the work is significantly distorted, or literary works are only mentioned in the work, without becoming a support for reasoning (in all other cases, "credit" is given).

Criterion # 3
Composition and logic of reasoning

This criterion aims to test the ability to logically build reasoning on the proposed topic.
The graduate argues for the expressed thoughts, trying to maintain the relationship between the thesis and evidence.
"Failure" is put on the condition that gross logical violations interfere with understanding the meaning of what has been said or there is no thesis-proof part (in all other cases, "credit" is given).

Criterion # 4
Quality of written speech

This criterion aims at checking the speech design of the text of the essay.
The graduate accurately expresses thoughts, using a variety of vocabulary and various grammatical constructions, if necessary, uses terms appropriately, avoids speech cliches.
"Not pass" is given if the low quality of speech significantly complicates the understanding of the meaning of the essay (in all other cases "pass" is given).

Criterion # 5

This criterion allows you to assess the literacy of a graduate.
"Failure" is given if speech, grammatical, as well as spelling and punctuation mistakes made in the essay make it difficult to read and understand the text (in total, more than 5 mistakes per 100 words).

How do you meet the requirements and criteria?

In 2015, two requirements were added to the already familiar five criteria, with which we will begin our conversation. ... First requirement- workload. The essay must contain at least 250 words. If there are fewer words, the expert will give "no-score". It would seem that this is not so much, but for some graduates this requirement raises serious concerns. How to be? Work, work and work again. Write each day, focusing separately on the introduction and conclusion. Stock up on template phrases, many of which are voluminous in themselves and can add "weight" to your composition. Count the words in each of your works, try to know exactly how many words one handwritten page or one middle paragraph of your text contains, draw a conclusion on how many pages must be in the work in order for it to meet this requirement. And don't give up! Three or four rehearsal works, written by yourself, and this requirement will cease to cause your fears.

By the way, about independence. It is she who makes up the main meaning second requirement to the final essay. What does it mean? Cheating in any form is not allowed! If you find on the Internet one or even several essays that are suitable for thematic areas, and are just going to memorize them, or by some miracle are going to copy the essay from a compassionate classmate right on the second of December, you will be defeated. This requirement implies that the expert, if he succeeds in proving the fact of cheating, will give the job a “failure”. Be careful! Of course, you can familiarize yourself with other people's works and take some of them into service, but make sure that other people's thoughts are expressed in your words - do a "rewrite". By the way, writing an essay, expressing your own thoughts is actually an interesting and exciting activity. Try it, and maybe all desire to cheat will disappear after the first attempt!

Let's move on to the criteria. The first one is relevance to the topic... This is one of the two main criteria for reviewing your work. If, according to the first criterion, an essay gets a failure, the whole essay is also given a failure. What essays have a chance to earn this failure? Just the very ones who were prepared and memorized in advance. And also those participants in the final essay who have not carefully read the wording of the topic of the essay may be awarded the "failure". Or they simply forgot about it - they started writing about one thing, but then they got carried away, and the thought went completely in the other direction. How can you protect yourself? As you write your essay, constantly think about your chosen topic. Write a plan. Think about what aspect of the topic you will describe in the introduction, how your thought will change from paragraph to paragraph in the main part, how this topic will sound at the end of your essay. Do not be afraid to use the wording of the topic or part of it in your work several times, especially in the introduction and conclusion. So, a clear plan, the topic of the essay is always "in focus" - and you are guaranteed "credit" according to the first of the five criteria. Now let's talk about how to get the maximum points for criterion # 1. Two points are given if the student's reasoning was deep enough and convincing, that is, he managed to avoid superficial reasoning and managed to penetrate the very essence of the topic. It's not as difficult as it sounds. Choose a topic that really moves you, formulate your opinion, you can even write it down separately. Think about how you will express it in your essay. Perhaps at the very beginning you will ask yourself a question that you will consistently answer, with each paragraph setting out new details of your attitude to the topic. Perhaps, on the contrary, you will immediately express your own opinion, and then you will consistently prove your own thought. Take any route and remember to be persuasive. This is the key to success!

And by the way, being carried away by your own thoughts, do not forget about attracting literary material. This is criterion # 2, which must also be met. You can expand the chosen topic as deeply as you like, but if you do not rely on literary material in your reasoning, you will lose! The basis ... let's repeat, pay attention, highlight it in italics ... The basis your composition should be one or more of the works of Russian or world literature of your own choice. Why are we highlighting the word "base" and trying to draw your attention to it? Because it will not be enough, for example, when creating a text on the theme “About how murderously we love”, to mention once the poem of Mayakovsky “Lilichka” or to get off with a phrase in the spirit of “all the great writers of the world have at least once turned in their work to such important topic like love ”, and then bump into arguments about the crushing power of love and get a credit according to the second criterion. Literary works should not only be mentioned in your essay, they should become the basis, the foundation of all your reasoning. To do this, choose those works that you know really well, love and understand, those that you can really “rely on”. This is not necessarily a voluminous "War and Peace" or " Quiet Don". A small "Fate of a Man" is enough to create a good essay in any of the five directions. By the way, beware of factual mistakes: for them the score may be "cut off".

Exhale! The first two criteria, non-observance of which will lead to "failure" are left behind. But the high score for the essay has not bothered anyone yet, so we will continue. Criterion # 3. Composition and logic reasoning... What parts should be in the essay? Do you remember three magic words: introduction, main part, conclusion. It would seem nothing complicated. In fact, teachers are constantly confronted with works, ninety percent consisting, say, of just one introduction, or with thoughts that suddenly appeared in the middle of a composition, the appearance of which did not foreshadow absolutely nothing, as if they were "snatched" from some other work. How to be? Just two rules will help you get rid of composition problems. First, use the formula "Introduction + conclusion = one third of the entire text" secondly, do not forget to write the plan and stick to it, not allowing "sudden" deviations.

Go ahead. Before us is criterion number 4 - quality of written speech... This is how well you speak a word. The richness and diversity of the language, compliance with the chosen style of speech, the use of a variety of grammatical structures, the appropriate and competent use of terms - this is what makes up the maximum score for the quality of speech. Of course, it is impossible to significantly improve the quality of speech in two weeks, but try to practice as much as possible, consult with teachers, tutors, good writing classmates, and, perhaps, even in a short time you will be able to achieve a good result.

Fifth criterion - literacy. We will not talk much about it. We only hope that you are already in the process of preparing for the exam in the Russian language and you will not have big problems in order to comply with spelling and punctuation norms. Just one little tip: if you are not sure how a word is spelled, choose a synonym that does not cause fear. Thinking about setting a punctuation mark? Change the construction of the proposal! And let's say thanks to those who came up with the final essay for us, and not the final dictation!

O.S. Shadrina, teacher of Russian language and literature, St. Petersburg

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