
Working editor over a lexicist manuscript. Elimination of lexical errors. Grub I. B. Russian style exercises in our city there are several new enterprises.

1. Most of the time goes fruitlessly.
2. In the zoo, a small kangaroo sat in a cage and cleaned these feathers.
3. There is a monstrous improvement in living conditions.
4. Experience recent years With inevitability shows the correctness of these gloomy forecasts.
5. A wide test of this vitamin bioactive cream led to extremely positive results.
6. The stranger sat down at the horse and went on foot.
7. There was so closely that someone offered: "Become a plastics, then it will be free!" .
8. Records continue.
9. In our city there are several new enterprises and public transport.
10. Yesterday I took the plane and flew to Moscow (from the speech of a foreigner).

1. Most of the time goes fruitlessly.
2. In the zoo, a small kangaroo sat in a cage and cleaned.
3. There is an improvement in living conditions.
4. The experience of recent years with inevitability shows the correctness of gloomy forecasts.
5. Wide tests of this vitamin bioactive cream led to extremely positive results.
6. The stranger sat down on the horse and drove down.
7. The bus was so closely that someone offered: "Become straight, then it will be free!" .
8. Records.
9. There are several new public transport enterprises in our city.
10. Yesterday I sat on the plane and flew to Moscow (from the speech of a foreigner).

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The exercise2. Compare the editors of N. V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"; Explain what the synonymic substitutions of words were caused during the Copyright (for reference to contact the "sensible dictionary of the living Great Russian language" V. I. Dalya).

Unevented text

Edited text

1. Lovewise and beat cool and tightly with their silver horseshoe closely Killed land.

1. ... tight Killed land.

2. Stories, balagura, which could be heard among the crowd ...

2. Stories I. chat ...

3. "Say a bishop from the face of all Cossacks, - said Koshevoy, - So that he was not afraid of anything: this is the Cossacks only lullets They reap. "

3. "Say a bishop from me and from all Zaporozhyev ... This Cossacks are just lit and recking their tubes. "

4. liquid ... sharpened From the barrel gorgeon.

4. Je ... Required from the barrel of the gill.

iron As recently released seminarians.

5. These were two dozen well done, still looked hurlary ...

6. Motley operations crawled From the holes, they became on the hind legs and the steppe was announced by a whistle.

6. Motley susliki crawled From the holes ...

7. "This is sdurl old!" - said pale, thin and kind mother them ...

7. "Watch good people: thorrel old! I completely slept crazy! .. "

8. Who had a bucket, who corps, Which caught a horse ...

8. Who had a bucket, who scoop...

9. Sharpened Sabls, Balashi and Lists ...

9. ... tried Sabls and Palashi ...

Exercise 3.Compare draft sketches and the final text of the article by A. I. Kurin; Remose cases of use of new words and synonymous replacement with stylistic editing.

Unevented text

Edited text

1. Amazing delicacy, sensitivity and attention, but never emerging from the framework simple,but as if intentionally everyday relations.

1. ... from the framework ordinaryas if intentionally everyday relationship.

2. No, the entire amount of it [Chekhov] ( life) huge Experience, all his chagrins, grief, joy and disappointment were expressed ... in a dream ... about happiness.

2. No, the amount of it big and heavy everyday Experience ...

3. No, it was not a correspondence thirst for life coming from insatiable Human heart ...

3. ... thirst existencegoing OT insatiable Human heart ...

4. rarely affected him conversations Artist and Belletrist.

4. ... in his rivers Artist and Belletrist.

5. This surprisingly gentle person did not cause ... even the smallest evil NOT LIVE.

5. ... not causing consciously even the smallest suffering NOT LIVE.

6. We went between the eyebrows, the transfer, two vertical, thoughtful wrinkles.

6. ... Two vertical, thoughtful pleats.

Exercise 4.Give an assessment of the use of lexical tools in excerpts from newspaper articles; Indicate the violation of the lexical combination, the use of the words without taking into account their semantics, illogic, the ambiguity of statements, etc. Correct offers.

anchored lovers of sports statistics. 7. It is forbidden to place household and industrial dumps. 8. The lecture for childless parents is postponed to Thursday. 9. In our work, the leading importance is attached to moral and labor education. 10. Young birch Dubrava Greenly behind the Occolic. 11. Most of the time goes fruitlessly. 12. There is a monstrous improvement in living conditions. 13. The experience of recent years with inevitability shows the correctness of these gloomy forecasts. 14. Several new enterprises and public transport appeared in our town.

15. Yesterday I took the plane and flew to Moscow (from the speech of a foreigner). 16. Many nerves have to spend, reading the letters of veterans. 17. The above metal did not enrolled on the factory-customer. 18. The grief did not break this woman, her love for work, her courage. 19. There are people who, making a lot and useful, quietly and modestly silent about it. 20. Sponsors presented the school library, board games. 21. I do not think that there will be people who would seriously confess the opinion of this eccentric. 22. When the pilot sits into the cabin of an unnecessied aircraft, he thinks: "Who is the first, if not me?"

1. A new film is doomed to great success in the widest circles of the public. 2. There is another explanation of such a yield account at this match.

s. For many years I am accustomed to everything and I do not fall, but I am proud of my stainless youth. 4. The roof of the rafken rose, of course, not all. 5. You can not hire all the blame on some fashion designers, there are other cooks fashion, here it would be necessary to ask them. 6. Our hero was not confused and immediately inflicted a lightning visit to the ambassador to prevent this sustainable solution. 7. Yes, there were once men! Not that the current tribe. But still no separate magnificent copies of men and today. 8. "Hi, dear!" - Exclaimed O.

and, hugging an unexpected guest, she struck him in the salty lips a protracted friendly kiss. 9. The old fly selflessly fought the head about the glass. 10. The laurels of the discovers are not threatened to us. 11. The new dress of the king marked the transition from evening dresses to absentee. 12. New plates appeared in the local history museum of the city of Novokhromovsk: "It does not touch the exhibits by hand. And legs - too. "

Exercise 6.Pay attention to speech failure, note the cases of the ambiguity of the statement, distortion of meaning. Correct offers.

The exhibition of young artists in the house of Pioneers had such a success because Karpenko N. I. In the drawing lessons managed to raise a wonderful in his disciples. 2. The student Belov took the first place in English. 3. They graduated from a vocational school, but to work well, you need direct experience at the machine. 4. For errors and disadvantages should be punished, and the Chairman of the Pashkov State Arms deserves recovery. 5. enough hours to put on warm mittens to the entire family on the handmade knitting machine. 6. The cashier gets for the goods of the nursery. 7. The binding has become an integral detail of room decoration. 8. The work of Mayakovsky worries readers in a wide variety of languages.

Exercise 7.Analyze the causes of insufficient information about the proposals and edit them.

1. Apartment for rent with a child. 2. Eight-year-old blind old woman walks in the barn of the wire. 3. In the first month of life, children go to walk only on their hands. 4. Students who have passed pressure and welding can sign up for cutting processing. 5. Woman awarded fifty percent of her husband. 6. Sale of juice is discontinued for technical reasons: stuck in the elevator. 7. Shipping is made by off-road helicopter. 8. The gap between school and life takes a short time, and in memory remains for a long time. 9. Farmer's shoulders lie responsibility for the content and safety. 10. Many topics developed by our scientists are directed to quality. 11. In the premises of the submarine factory, SanEpidstation will prepare a poisoned bait for the population. 12. Zootechnics and windmills of farms hold the latter and dehydration. 13. All stationery of offices make durable collars on the iron chain under which to put belts or felt. 14. The factory requires two workers: one for the filling, the other dd wrapper. 15. Award the homosexual workers for the implementation of the plan for the incidence of children. 16. Birthday will begin at three o'clock. 17. I ask you to register me without the right of housing. I promise not to live. 18. Sellers in blue sleeves, shaped skirts, jackets, everything as one dim dark and black, could not do not admire customers.

Exercise 8.Compare deals; Analyze the stylistic editing. What mistakes noted and eliminated the editor? In case of disagreement with the editor, give your options to edit.

Unevented text

Edited text

1. If you look at the city with a bird's-flight, then the houses are present as light islands among the green and blue sea.

1. If you look at the city from a bird's eye view, then at home will seem like light islands among green-goal

2. The dimensions of the control plane must be greater than the prepared plane.

sea sea.

2. The control plane must be greater than preparing May.

3. Compare the latest economic indicators of the Lyme factory workers with previous years.

3. Compare the latest economic indicators of the Lyme factory with indicators that have reached the enterprise in previous years.

4. The volume of pure products can and is usually expressed in monetary measurement.

4. The volume of pure products can be expressed and is usually expressed in monetary measurement.

5. Three hotels will arise at the intersection with Leningrad, Yaroslavl and Kashirskoye highway.

5. Three hotels will be built at the intersection of the ring road with Leningradsky,

Yaroslavl and Kashir highway.

6. A vehicle stopping in a plot from home 62 to the 16th Park Street is temporarily forbidden on Lilac Boulevard.

6. A stopping of transport on a plot from home 62 to the intersection of the 16th Parkova is temporarily forbidden on Lilac Boulevard.

7. Once upon a time, the entertainment films collected viewers equal to the beautiful hall of the Palace of Congresses.

7. Once the entertainment films collected so many viewers that they could fill the huge hall of the Palace of Congresses.

8. In one of the concerts, I conducted a program from works by S. Prokofiev - the classical symphony and Oratoria "Ivan Grozny" were performed.

8. In one of the concerts, I conducted the orchestra who performed the classical symphony and the oratorius "Ivan Grozny" S. Prokofiev.

9. Proteins of cereals according to biological value are inferior to both animal husbandry products and legobobic cultures.

9. Proteins of cereals according to biological value are inferior to the proteins of both animal husbandry products and leguminous crops.

10. The team of the Solnt Militia is the best police station in the area.

10. Solntsevian police department is the best in the area.

Exercise 9.Specify the logical errors in speech, the absurdity of the statements arising from the wrong color consumption, violation of the lexical combination, skipping words, etc. Correct offers.

1. The artist, as it were, penetrated into the inner state of the flower soul: it is akin to the human soul, giving good people. 2. Our industry almost caught up with the USA level by the number of products manufactured. 3. The interaction of vocational schools with other learning is studied by sociologists. 4. Passagedes with unmissal horns for landing are not allowed (ad at the airport). 5. Please provide my parents living in the territory of the state farm, feed and hay. 6. For domestic insects, there is nothing in the store. 7. Who does not fulfill the rules of security, can pay hands, legs, and most importantly - life! 8. Teenagers are focused on the ground, independently make decisions: routes, place for bivouac, cooking. 9. Fell from the fence to the trauma department (from the explanatory note). 10. Fighting the flu is a very important event that maintains the health of employees of the company.

Exercise 10.Compare the rectified text and edited; Specify speech errors eliminated by the editor, offer your own version of the stylistic editing.

Unevented text

Edited text

1. Entered the operating enterprises of thermo-plastoautomatics plant.

1. The ternoplastomatoms plant entered into operation.

2. This is a normal parliamentary process, it is an internal disassembly inside the Duma.

2. There is nothing unusual in this, it is an acute controversy in the Duma.

3. Army and people then became a single monolithic mass.

3. The army and the people were rallied.

4. We also visited the monument monument. He struck their magnitude and its greatness.

4. We also visited the monument, which struck them with its greatness.

5. An important place in the life of students is occupied by classes in the circles of artistic amateur activities. The result of their annual activity is sightseeing.

5. Many students are engaged in artistic amateur circles. At the annual reviews, they show their art.

6. Andrei returned back and, vigorously hesitating his hands, exclaimed loudly:

"Who from rivals will be your main competitor?"

6. Andrei returned and, vigorously gesticulating, exclaimed: "Who will be your main opponent?"

7. Working in the archive, get acquainted with the rules of archival work, have enjoyment from painstaking, stubborn and hard work with archival materials.

7. Working with archival materials, experience pleasure from labor that requires diligence and perseverance.

8. In a number of regions of the country at the end of the XVIII century. - These include the Urals, Black Sea and South Ukraine - the industrial coal mining industry began to develop.

8. At the end of the XVIII century in the Urals, the coal industry began to develop in the Black Sea and South Ukraine.

9. Complex of unsolved problems must be solved comprehensively.

9. All problems must be solved at the same time (in parallel).

10. The price of staying in this hospital is not funded by the state.

10. Stay in this hospital is not funded by the state.

11. An unusual phenomenon could observe the inhabitants of Ufa in the past Sunday.

11. Unusual phenomenon could observe the inhabitants of Ufa in the past Sunday.

12. Gourmet and delicious fish delicacies can enjoy visitors to our restaurant.

12. Our restaurant offers its guests sophisticated fish dishes.

13. Last fall last year, not a famous swimmer from the Netherlands won the championship, ahead of the strongest Water path asces in these competitions.

13. In the autumn of last year, not a well-known swimmer from Holland defeated the Water path asces and became the first in these competitions.

14. The hostel is a house in which many students live five long years. What this life will be - depends on the residents of the hostel.

14. The hostel for many students becomes home for the whole five years! What life will be in this house - depends on them themselves.

Exercise 11.Resect various forms of speech redundancy (pleonism, explicit and hidden tautology, repeating words), correct the proposals.

  • 1. Next year, we have a lot of work on the development of the annual plan of the upcoming work. 2. The duration of the process of smelting lasts a few hours. 3. Residential neighborhoods are supposed to be deployed towards the river, so that the existing pine grove will continue in the city center.
  • 4. The plaintiff justifies its requirements by unreasonable grounds based only on assumptions. 5. The building will be decorated with stained-glass windows of colored cast glass. 6. In the fire of 1812, all wooden structures of the monastery were killed, burned and stone structures. 7. The rapid development of the city of historians is explained by the fact that there was an intertoise of important trading paths. 8. From the west, if you look from the north to south, there is a reservoir, and with South, if you look from the east to the west, the forest.
  • 9. In the current year, bloom will flow on these shoots of colors. 10. The park was cleared of garbage, but he remained non-fallen, and now he still serves as a pasture for livestock.

Exercise 12.Specify speech errors (the repetition of words, tautology is apparent and hidden, pleonism) in the following sentences. Edit them.

agreement we must achieve such indicators that have never been shown and not to show. 9. I want to touch another moment on the confidence of voters: the measures taken by us in no way should undermine confidence in public institutions. 10. It happens that in response to criticism you get the reverse boomerang. 11. Returning home from foreign journey, cruise, tour, everyone seeks to bring a gift or a memorable souvenir for memory. 12. The fact is that before in the affairs of our goodbye, everything was involved in his reasons and endeavors. Now quite another thing. 13. The government in this difficult and difficult time must represent a single monolith. 14. The crowd of people broke into the building. 15. Over the inhabitants of Kamchatka constantly hanging the Damocles of the Fewing Sword in anticipation of the earthquake. 16. He told us about his plans for the future.

Exercise 13.Specify different types of speech redundancy. Edit suggestions; Pleuons and explicit and hidden tautology should be eliminated.

  • 1. Passengers passing on travel tickets or documents for the right of free travel, pay the cost of transporting each place of baggage on general reasons. 2. Plant's athletes cannot boast of sporting achievements. 3. Igor demobilized from the army and came to us at the plant. He began to comprehend the maintenance of the most initial azes.
  • 4. In the ice cold and Studa Paul works on this construction of a narrow scene.
  • 5. In the further development of the plot, a lot of surprises and interesting surprises await us. 6. When people cooperate and work together, they must mutually respect each other, be mutually attentive, preventive, sensitive. 7. All brigades worked clearly and organized, all the existing drum dryers were used. 8. She cried and in no hurry to wipe her tears. 9. What judge wants to be defendant? (Newspaper title.) 10. The estimated area of \u200b\u200blogging has abounded by swamps, a reasonable number of mosquitoes. 11. Automation develops, but this automatism is conscious, where every operator movement is controlled by the mind, intelligence, skill. 12. In June, the level of orders has decreased to 96%, and in July even lower - 95%. 13. The young man learned to respect the work, honestly, to go through working time, loving equipment, car. 14. Residents of the city of Kalinov live a monotonous, blazding life ... Katerina prefigates his death in advance ... She can not return back to the house of Kabanov and better prefers the death of the everyday ordination of a honeymaking and dying life, in which all the noble gusts of her elevated soul disappear . 15. For the past days, snowfall passed, and weather conditions under the present race have created additional difficulties in the current race. 16. They said about the block: "He died of death."

About Vysotsky can be said: "He died of life." He died, life in him beat across the edges, he overswined ... (E. A. Yevtushenko)

Exercise 14.Compare deals; Indicate cases of violation of the lexical combination, the contamination of two combinations, using the word without taking into account its semantics, appreciate the editorial editor of proposals. In case of disagreement with the editor, give your own variants of the stylistic editing.

Unevented text

Edited text

1. Association "Zarya" gave five maidial dresses to the exhibition.

1. The Association "Zarya" presented five female dresses of youth troupe at the exhibition.

2. Dressed in fur coats, boots, warm mittens, our viewers did not perceive the frost.

2. In fur coats, boots, warm mittens Our viewers did not notice frost.

3. Under shady trees, tourists are comfortable.

3. Tourists are comfortable under shady trees.

4. Now our children begin to comprehend the first school difficulties.

4. Now our children begin to overcome the first difficulties of school life.

5. I remembered the war: flaming villages, heartbreaking whistling bombs.

5. I remembered the war: burning villages, a soul whistling bombs.

6. In this battle, fragments shot both legs.

6. In this battle, he was injured by fragments in both legs.

7. Winning, the university national team took a step up one step of the podium.

7. Winning, the university national team rose to one step on the podium of honor.

8. Where in the nearby past there were waste, landfills, rose whole quarters of residential new buildings.

8. Where in the recent past there were waste, landfills, the quarters of new buildings appeared.

Exercise 15.Compare deals; Analyze the styles of the style editing, offer your edit options if the editor has a special version needs to be improved.

Unevented text

Edited text

1. Do not even be a sophisticated reader to understand how far the work is far from perfect.

1. Do not even be too demanded reader to understand how far this work is from genuine art.

2. The poem printed together with Moydodyrom and Tarakatinas became one of the most favorite works of young readers.

3. The writer extracts his heroes from reality.

3. The writer takes his heroes from life.

4. Streets in our city are extended, walking on them difficult.

4. Streets in our city are long, walking hard on them.

5. We have several reserves, which usually refer to the category of specially protected areas.

5. We have several reserves that are usually referred to by the number of specially protected territories.

6. The new plant was rich in a new technique requiring delicate circulation.

6. The new plant was equipped with modern technique that requires skillful circulation.

7. This success was achieved through an increase in the use of aviation tools and an increase in the technical equipment of enterprises.

7. This success was achieved thanks to the widespread use of aviation capabilities and an increase in the technical equipment of enterprises.

8. The fleeting of cash in the bank leads to complication of documentation.

8. A short-term residence of funds in the bank complicates the documentation.

9. It is no secret that young teachers feel big difficulty in working with their parents.

9. It is no secret that young teachers are experiencing serious difficulties in working with their parents.

10. Reading the novel, mentally plunge into the life of the patriarchal Russian family.

10. Reading the novel, mentally immerse yourself in the life of the patriarchal Russian family.

11. The dome of the circus is made of galvanized metal. Upstairs arranged rain plates for cleansing the dome and its cooling - in the help of the air conditioners, which in the heat inside the building will be charged with coolness.

11. The circus dome is made of galvanized metal. Upstairs are rained plates for cooling the dome in severe heat. The constant temperature in the circus will support air conditioners.

Exercise 16.Give an assessment of usage in an article published in the newspaper. Specify stylistic errors (inaccurate selection of the lexical equivalent, the use of the word excluding its semantics, violation of the combination, etc.), edit the text.

Tula Gingerbread: Sweet, Mint.

To tea fragrant - reasonable

The first mention of gingerbreads as a favorite pampering of the Russian people falls at the time of the flourishing of the trade of Veliky Novgorod. Throughout our millennial history there was not a single original Russian holiday, which would pass without gingerbread. They were for every taste and color: mint, candy, fresh and with honey. The imagination of the ancient confectioners was played not at the joke, what only the gingerbread forms they did not come up with: in the form of bunnies, deer and roosters.

Back in the past century, at the most popular, the Nizhny Novgorod Fair Tula, the honey gingerbreads called "Tula" were shown for the first time. In his taste and extraordinary handmade painting, Tula miracle turned out to be headed above his fellow. From this point on, the Solver flew about the extraordinary gingerbread, about which, after some years they spoke already throughout Russia. Any large gingerbreads with a bizarre drawing and flavor of honey were perceived as "Tula". However, as it turned out, it was not at all. Confectioners from all provinces of Russia were held in Tula with enviable periodicity to adopt the culinary experience in creating gingerbread. But many have nothing close to the original. The efforts were disappeared.

Being in Tula, the correspondents "MK" decided to find out, and whether this craft was died at all. Going into one of the branded gingerbread stores (and there are such in Tula), we were able to observe a huge amount of these legendary sweets. One elderly citizen from this line, having posted the last rubles, gladly considered their acquisition. We could not resist and not learn from Granny:

  • - You can't live without your gingerbreads, you are posting for them the last money? - And the old woman is:
  • - We love your gingerbread. You look, the people in line and old and young, because from all over the city. It would have been more money for me, I would eat them every day, and I would not bought this one, but my granddaughter.

Here in our dialogue, young saleswomen intervened, which are pretty smartly unloaded the line: "You go to our workshop and see how we are over the gingerbread. You will not see this production anywhere. "

All gingerbread production was in the back courtyard of the same store. By and large, it is impossible to call this and the production - in two small rooms, the dough was tastville and shrewd a lot of women. There are no mechanical lines here and especially machines, all the work is completely manual. We got just at the time of the intercession of the evening shift: the demand for Tula Gingerbread Gingerbread, so the craftsmen have to work almost around the clock. As soon as we met women, so they were immediately awarded warm gingerbread.

They are made as follows: Already the finished dough roll over the table with rods, fill these thin pancakes in wooden forms, poured with apple or raspberry jam, top with a thin pancake, then boil, and the crude gingerbread is falling out of the form. Then he is directed back to the stove, on which, judging by her appearance, our ancestors worked. There was a time, coal and wood trees were treated - then the gingerbreads were delicious, "then they switched to gas, but the stove does not fail and properly gives real Tula gingerbread.

As masters explained to us, the whole secret of the extraordinary taste of gingerbreads buried in this stove and in what they are made manually. Many have already worked here for about twenty years, and each master puts his soul into him. Although at first glance and you will not understand when they have time to go to the gingerbread to invest, too quickly they fly away from the hands of craftsmen.

Molds from which gingerbreads are obtained are still manually cut by virtuoso masters. The basis of this craft was laid in the last century the dynasty of carvers on the tree of the Sokolov brothers, whose skill envied the motley jewelers.

In front of our departure from the gingerbread, the hostess laid out the entire range of gingerbreads that they are now producing. The table was gingerbreads of the strangest bizarre forms, with various inscriptions. From the stove we got the gingerbirds weighing grams of fifty, and the drawing is present on them. True, it is better to see it all the same with a magnifying glass.

Finally, the masters dragged from somewhere a gingerbread giant. The meter is fifty and weighing one way! For them, this is the greatest pride, because this monster, according to them, is the biggest and delicious gingerbread worldwide.

Exercise 17.Give an assessment by randomly arising in the speech of homonymy and manifested the multigid words, noting the ambiguity of the statement, the distortion of the meaning, inappropriate comic, pun. Correct offers.

1. I did not hold the goalkeeper's ball, but it was a certain one. 2. Here is the third meeting the team spends without heads. 3. Now the judges will bring out points. 4. The hands are planted by trees, flower beds are planted. 5. Billions of people are lost due to the lack of information on transport, street, in the store. 6. Mayakovsky wanted to present his creativity in twenty years. 7. Sitting piano for a long time, we were steadily to skill. 8. Archaeologists noticed that the deceased of southern burial echoes the dead from the northern burial. 9. The growth of young figure skaters is stimulated with the help of exponential dances. 10. The beginning of victories of our athletes put Serik Nurkazov ...

And only R. Sebyyev stumbled, giving way to E. Rose's points. 11. In the remaining month of the year, the staff of the enterprise of electrical networks pledged to work with even greater tension. 12. The Commission found that the carcass of the cow was handed over to the warehouse completely, with the exception of the front legs that left left.

Exercise 18.Analyze the use of multivalued words and words having homonyms; Indicate individually author's homonymy, speech failure, which caused inappropriate calamber. Eliminate them.

  • 1. For the development of science, the opening of the Scientific Research Institute for the Study of MNS and Lichens in Yalta is of great importance. 2. WHO will deliver medicines to areas affected by the earthquake. 3. The evening dedicated to the Russian language will be held on Saturday morning. 4. Powerful fish processing floods are produced directly to the sea fish products. 5. The worker of the housing and communal farm to swell in the spring otgokhal such home, which is suitable not only for the parking lot, but also for housing. 6. In the study of our laboratory, a pilot industrial plant is built. 7. The culprits of family flashes are usually parents who carry the flu on the legs. 8. It has been established that the seventh body tips use the marriage bedspreads as tires on the machines. 9. The ticket is suitable only to wash one person (announcement in the bath).
  • 10. Windows remained unlocked, because the supplier did not go to the crown and did not knocked all the glass from him to complete the work. 11. You see on the Gavrilov screen in a beautiful combination ..12. The brigadier forcibly causes the collective population to graze his four heads. 13. 51 cow falls per operator. 14. The calves themselves, fasten, funny, say with all their views that they are good here. 15. Doctor's debt does not hide from the patient, and bring it to the end. 16. The child requires the care of the mother. 17. The rectum has no secrets. 18. We will wait that the survey data will be shown. 19. We live with my husband not burning, one salary. 20. And under the window, a little breathe, the poor artist is (A. A. Voznesensky).

Exercise 19.Indicate the reasons for the occurrence of illogy, ambiguity, ambiguity and comment of statements; Highlight the words that have become the source of involuntary punctures.

  • 1. Our chess player has fallen behind her rival in development. 2. On this evening, the writer went to Moscow on this day. 3. The company has a light newspaper, where the life of the best teams is reflected. 4. Again, it was not at the height of the tasks of working boiler in them, which still work with chilly. 5. On the wall - a diagram reflecting the growth of pigs in the farm in the last three years. 6. Despite serious financial difficulties this year, Aeroflot managed to keep the stream of passengers at a high level. 7. The competition between classes for the best knitting of children is announced.
  • 8. Gogol's nose is filled with rich content. 9. Speaker said: "I was moving all my life through the device." 10. In the life of veterans there is a little pleasure, and the biggest thing is to sit. 11. The Hungarian public was conquered by young men and girls in Ukrainian costumes. 12. The head of cattle daily adds in weight an average of 516 grams. 13. The reproduction time from 15 to 17 (Announcement of working with copperox).
  • 14. Wings for "Moskvich" (ad) are sold.

Exercise 20.Analyze the stylistic director of suggestions, name the errors eliminated by the editor. In the case of Naga, I will offer your options with it.

Unevented text

Edited text

1. Personally, I have nothing wrong with that, except good, I do not see.

1. I do not see anything bad in this. Or: I think it's not bad, but, on the contrary, good.

2. Due to the weak development of this method, the assessment of its premature.

2. Due to the weak development of this method, its evidence is premature.

3. Attentive examination of the question widely opened many bottlenecks, shortcomings and flaws in the work of miners.

3. With a careful examination, many shortcomings were identified in the work of the miners.

4. On the girl there was a torn dress and big little shoes.

4. On the girl there was a torn dress and crowned children's shoes.

6. The liquid in the walls of the capillary is lowered to the height, determined by the formula.

6. The liquid in the walls of the capillary is lowered to the level determined by the formula.

7. We know that still alive ancestors A. S. Pushkin.

7. We know that the descendants of A. S. Pushkin are still alive.

8. This work of Gogol was valued not only by the contemporaries of the writer, but also his predecessors.

8. This work of Gogol appreciated not only the contemporaries of the writer, but also his successors, followers.

9. The standard of living does not only increase, but constantly decreases.

9. The standard of living does not only increase, but constantly declining.

10. To the question why in February the decline of it is increasing with every day, Molotov answered ...

10. When asked why in February, Nadoi decline every day, Molotov answered ...

11. These memories are directed not only in the past, but also to the future.

11. These thoughts are not only facing the past, but also directed to the future.

Exercise 21.Compare deals; Analyze the stylistic editor editor, name the errors eliminated them. In case of disagreement with the editor, offer your version of editing.

Unevented text

Edited text

1. Is it possible to be indifferent to the evil?

1. Is it possible to indifferently look at the evil with which we are faced?

2. The seller can be chosen in the village itself.

2. A person to the position of the seller can be found among the residents of the village.

3. It has long been written that the protection of our football teams is chromas.

3. Already wrote that the protection of our football teams is bad.

4. Different construction and installation organizations take part in the construction of a colorful plant.

4. Different construction planners are involved in the construction of a plant for the production of paints.

5. The rainy year, the more cases of failures.

5. The rainy year, the more often the soil failures.

6. For forest landscapes of Southeast Asia, planning animals are characteristic.

6. For forests of Southeast Asia, animals are characterized, which during the jump are planning in the air.

7. If you manage to go to the rear of the leaders of herd bearded, you can, jumping onto the path, remove the flow of animals flowing around you.

7. The flock of animals can be successfully photographed if you go to it from the rear, by passing the warders of the leaders.

8. Browsing Ivanov's scattered in different museum museums, amazed by the Giant Labor of the artist invested in the work.

8. Carefully studying the Ivanov's canvases, which are in different museums, are amazed by huge work, invested by the artist in the paintings.

9. For the year of study, we lost six students.

9. For one academic year, six students were expelled from the institute.

10. In the evening, our artists organize thematic exhibition.

10. To a solemn evening, our artists organize thematic exhibition.

11. This year Aeroflot managed to keep the flow of passengers at a high level.

11. The services of Aeroflot this year used a large number of passengers.

12. Archaeologists noticed that the deceased of southern burial echoes the dead from the northern burial.

12. Archaeologists noticed a lot of general devils in the southern and northern burials.

Exercise 22. Compare deals; Analyze styles with a stylish editing; Give your edit options.

Unevented text

Edited text

1. The title theme of the works created by the writer during these years - the struggle of its people for freedom and independence.

1. main topic Created by the writer during these years of works - the struggle of its people for freedom and independence.

2. The loudspeakers, pressure gauges were reasonably mounted. "This is a new creation of Babenko," Medvedev explained.

2. The loudspeakers, pressure gauges were successfully mounted. "This is a new job Babenko," Medvedev explained.

3. The flu is very infectious, so it cannot be carried on the legs.

3. Influenza is a contagious disease, so patients must be isolated.

4. It is necessary to instill a personal hygiene rules when handling animals.

4. It is necessary to teach a child to wash your hands after he played with a cat or a dog.

5. In this quarter, we began to produce gingerbreads with names

5. In this quarter, we began to produce new high

new varieties: "Moscow", "Chocolate", "Russian". They have excellent qualities.

sensitive gingerbread grade: "Moscow", "Chocolate", "Russian".

6. Create a reservoir wintering for public animal husbandry is the first task of family.

6. Now the main task of the fields is to provide public cattle feeds for the winter.

7. Not a desire for external efficiency leads a writer's feather, and the desire to deeper and brighter to identify the meaning of what is happening.

7. Do not chase the external effects lead the writer's pen, and the desire to penetrate deeper into the essence of the events depicted.

8. In the visual arts, in legends, legends, folk legends, such as the ruins of Kalevala, we find traces of the culture of the ancient world.

8. Works of visual art, oral folk creativity, such as the runes of "Kalevalai", reported to us evidence of the ancient world.

9. Interesting examples of these plots we find in the Hindu epic and Greek mythology.

9. Interesting examples of these plots are found in the Indian epic and Greek mythology.

10. Studying the identity of the actor, the makeup first penetrates his sincere world.

10. Studying the face of the actor, the makeup first penetrates his spiritual world.

11. Get up to the microphone enclosure, and a friendly laughter is distributed in the hall.

11. The microphone is suitable for configuration, and the laughter rises in the hall.

12. The mask tightly covers the face of the goalkeeper.

12. The mask reliably protects the face of the goalkeeper.

13. Every month two innovations proposed by our group appear in the workshop.

13. Every month, our group introduces two technical innovations in the workshop.

14. The church bell did not have time, as the people moved to the city square.

14. I did not have time to ring the church bell, as the people moved to the city square.

15. Petrova's painting is on every second marriage certificate issued in the city over the past five years.

15. Petrova's signature bonds every second marriage certificate issued in the city over the past five years.

Exercise 23.Select emotional expressive vocabulary and phraseology and give a stylistic assessment of their use in the newspaper article. In case of disagreement with the author and the editor that released the material, offer your editorial board, explaining the corrections.

Five-year plan of Russian reforms is dedicated

You have not seen - there, on the streets, in the morning the flags did not hang out? No?

And in vain. By the way, the day yesterday was very remarkable - exactly five years ago a relatively young and relatively frisky Russian president Boris Yeltsin made two historical things.

First, he formed the so-called. "Reform Cabinet" - led by himself. Egor Gaidar and Gennady Burbulis are deputy chairmen of the government.

Secondly, the president signed a package of decrees about the "real transition of the country to a market economy." And thus ripped in the state-owned system ...

Five years - it is so much ... We have already managed to forget those times. When the USSR crushing in front of Mahina could easily crush new Russia. Huge external debt of the Union, the colossal unprofitability of enterprises, a drawing syringe for most industries, increasing inflation ... You can evaluate the work of the "Cabinet of Reforms" in different ways - to call them "patriots of their country" or "gangsters that robing their citizens", but we admit ourselves: Russia they were saved then.

Five years is so little ... But it depends on how to measure. The famous once "tobacco riots", endless queues for vodka and sausage can now be making themselves only in a nightmare. When the current communists screens about cheap prices and high pensions in Soviet power, it would not be bad to remind you that for 70 years of government, their party was able to achieve only a universal deficit. Food, water, toilet paper ... What is the point in money, if they have nothing to buy? But, on the other hand, the standard of living, for example, is clearly not in favor of democrats. Over the years, a sharp bundle of Russian society occurred - on very rich and very poor. With the complete absence of the middle class.

In the same November 1991, Yeltsin signed a decree, according to which all foreign currencies officially established by the State Bank were canceled. The only regulator price of the dollar has become market demand. However, a few years later, the course was started in the so-called "corridor", setting the limit boundaries of oscillations, and then they spoke at all about its tough fixation.

In the same November, Yeltsin banned payments for goods and services in any currency except national. And also - not for long ...

Step forward, half step back. And sometimes all two. Halfness of reforms, their chronic incompleteness led to what, without achieving economic stabilization, we finally rolled down the production and level of life. Called in the end somewhere next to the upper volta. With the difference that we should not count on falling with the palm trees. Features of national accommodation - our heads will be blurted mostly ...

The most interesting thing is that partly the course of reforms all this time was constrained by constant chairs of the president - from one associates to others and back. Where are the majority of those who were with Yeltsin in the Government-91? Where. That's it...

(Ryazhsky Yu. Captain, all sharks in the course ... // "MK". The article is reduced).

The exercise24. In a passage from the article by a lawyer, placed in the "Labor" newspaper, highlight the argotical vocabulary. Try to choose the synonyms for the words you have allocated. Determine how stylistically motivated by their use in the context. For references, refer to sensible dictionaries.

"Pakhana", "Bugry" and others

We offer the attention of readers a story about the so-called "generals" of the criminal world. His author is a professional lawyer, for many years he studied the morals reigning in the environment of convicted criminals.

The crime is always vile and scary, but the payback for him is no less terrible: the person who has fallen here every day is deprived of the human dignity of the models and Solahegers ...

Only on the first and inexperienced look equally dressed convicts seem to be a single mass. In fact, this is a whole world with its hierarchy, traditions, struggle of interest and ambition. The part of the Colonial Life, which is controlled by the Administration and is regulated by the Internal Rules Rules - only the top of the iceberg.

"Cream" of the criminal world - "Thieves in law". They are negligible.<...> It is noteworthy that only other "authorities", gathered at the "Skhodnyak", are eligible to assign thieves.<...>

More recently, the "thief in law" under the threat of deprivation of the title and eternal shame was obliged to strictly observe the traditions.<...> It was groaned for the thief to grow by driven and immovable property - everything was mined, he had to cut down with a shik, either to pass in the "vowing", from where, being on the mel, and it is possible to make it possible for both an open bank account itself. Now thieves' laws are in many ways lost. The thieves of the new formation, especially the natives of the Southern Republic, behave as they want: they buy mansions and Mercedes, go to the service for millionaire shades, marry.<...>

Below are the usual thumbs, which in the colonies are called "denying" or "wool". They are about 15 percent of the total number of convicts. The life credo of "Dritted" is to counteract the requirements of the administration and, on the contrary, do everything that prohibits the bosses. In each colony, the "denial" is headed by "Pahan Zone", it's underwhelming - "torpedoes". There was a conflict between the convicts, suspected someone in his stuffing or the steal from their own, someone did not pay a card card for "analysis" go to "Pakhana" and his approximate.

In parallel with the "Dritted" there is another elite, other power - activists supported by the administration. They call them "fights" or "horns".

And at the base of the Colonian pyramid - the main mass of convicts: "Men", "workers".<...>

There are, however, people who have much worse than "hardships".

These are "roosters", "offended", "lowered".

The exercise25. In excerpts from the article published in Izvestia, specify the integral and fry vocabulary. Mark its quote use and inclusion in the author's speech. Give an assessment to the use of non-vertical words and expressions.

How I was "Loch"

In Perm, I cut around.<...> The hand of the provincial master in twenty minutes from the metropolitan journalist made a local hooligan - from the castorcal. I watched a short-cut "brother". After the hairdresser and in the regional prosecutor's office, and in the management of the internal affairs of their belonging to Izvestia, I certainly proved the official certificate to be crossed.

Then he read the testimony of hired killers, protocols of interrogation of witnesses and victims, soaking by manners, gravits and vocabulary of the criminal world. Probably, this is later me and saved.<...>

I-Loch. With me in the car, organized gamructors who will now drag me into the game in which I never win. Outside the window-forest and still morning twilight. I notice the car on the semi-empty highway goes on the smallest speed. I look over the driver's shoulder - fifty speedometer. That's right, the driver "in the case", and his task "pull rubber" until I was "bred in words" and tighten into the game. About the cartoon mafia, picking up customers in airports, I have long known - I read somewhere, I heard someone, but I did not know the nose to the nose. I wonder how they will make me play?<...> "What a banker, a hundred thousand pity?" - appeals to me Verlil. And then already to the driver: - Listen, the chef, stop for half an hour, we will play. The driver as if waiting for this team, and the car pargets on the sidelines of the forest.<...>

Games taken away: who "hit"? I continue to demonstrate my knowledge of the Russian language "Epoch of Changes", trying to open my door - it is useless. The left back, as it often happens in a taxi, is tightly blocked, and then I begin to stick out the players sitting in front of me. I rest in the door, my legs in Verry.

And suddenly I feel that I fall into the void. The blocked door does not withstand, swallowed, and I fall out on asphalt (S. Kiselev).

Exercise 26.Rate the use of distinct vocabulary in the newspaper article. Highlight book words, conversational, jargonisms, foreign speakers. To determine expressive coloring words, use litters in sensible dictionaries. If the article style you consider unacceptable, offer your own option, converting the author's text.

Dr. Dr. Maine "Zhivago" in Moscow did not drag

Because by the past weekend of Capa, quite unexpectedly and extremely unusual for himself was poisoned by overdue canned food (as a result, it was necessary to postpone the next release of Megahaus) and almost a little bit "didn't swollen" (as the characters of one new-fashioned book book say), but those In no less, I had time to see the main part-to-mind and musical event of the same weekend - a concert, if you can put it, the second after Robert Miles of the European "Dream-Music" group "Dr. Zhivago" after Roberta Miles. Bratsk Megahaus and Comprehensively Favorite Personal Rubric "Sound Track". To publish questioned sugary sequence called data.

First. Honestly, the organizers of the tour "Zhi-Vago" joyfully configured me to receive a special exclusive interview from the "Doctor", but ... After reviewing the 15-minute (!) Like a group's performance at the Palace of Youth, I resolutely disappeared from this very interview. Since all the problems, the questions prepared by me would have disappeared by themselves at the sight of Girly-Nekoshki, who was clearly not very straight legs to extract chosen-aging PA, accompanied by an explicit sex-based ballet composition under the phonogram of popular "Celebrate Love". By the way, only the cheapest singers can afford on our scene at the moment on our scene - it is really extinct and unwise.

Second. "No it is" plywood "! - screamed organizers of tour. - She sings under the backing. Vaughn, what! " Well, I do not know, I have a lot of doubts about the backing track, although, a clear stump, the organizers were advertised "Zhi-Vago" as the only "label" of the Pleiads "Dream-Music", speaking live.

But that's not the point. My question is: "And they read the cult romance of Pasternak themselves, before the pseudorsiyski be called something?" - It became very stupid and extremely inappropriate at the sight of how Turkhanka-soloist Eliz Yavuz is yelling for 10 minutes to the microphone: "Uya-Uyu-Piff" - and produces part of the body just above the legs of sexy concussion.

Third. The tour of the second largest "star" of European youth music consisted as a result of 2 (!) Goods - his own SuperSingla "Celebrate Love" and the new MTV-out single "Dreamer"

  • (In video believe, with the participation of the sexiest male models from Calvin Klein, Gianni Versace, Bruce Weber - then you mean very supermodo).
  • 10 minutes by Eliz Javuz drove on the MDM stage, after which a disappointed fashionable youth (scraped 100 thousand rubles on the entrance ticket to MDM) began to yell something indecent: they say, and all that "Why did you even want for 7 thousand dollars?!" - They answered them advanced and, apparently, very informed dancing girls from the party. (Here is the approximate answer about the star "Price".)

Exercise 27.Give a stylistic assessment of the use of words with different expressive color; Highlight dialect and special vocabulary. Edit the note of the phenologist for the newspaper.

The Mediterranean constants nimposed in the people of Timofeev skimmes were made right. Clean and shiny on glory. The current winter did not miss a single original freezing, all noted on the calendar. Notable, dusty, truly Russian winter!

Firmly tightened reservoirs and watercourses. And ice flooring is becoming thicker. Especially he is impressive in sites with blown snow. Sundaying, ice presses on the surface of the water, cracks with a hum. Halfweights were dragged down, holes and holes overgrow. It comes the harsh test for freshwater inhabitants - the threat to the fault. The acute lack of oxygen may cause irreplaceable damage to the vegetable water. Usually in February, the lakes and ponds are "burning". Where is oxygen? Why it is not enough? The answer is elementary: in the womb reservoir oxygen "eaten" with a rotting organic residue.

In water, the threshold amount of survival is preserved, and the fish is already panic, the disaster signal. But here the water is more like, acquiring a heavy hydrogen sulfide smell. Further, if you do not take urgent measures, you will come.

People come to the revenue of the fish. In the "burning" reservoirs, they cut the hole, inlet through these giving freshey air. The environment is careful to increase the lake or pond. And at present, water is aerated with silent machines, preventing the sophisticated phenomena. Where people hurry to the revenue of the fish, there winterer inhabitants ends happily.

The exercise28. Read the material presented in the manuscript. Specify lexical errors, style errors, semantic inaccuracies. Perform editing note notes to publish in the newspaper.

In the most young Forest Forest Restaurant, the Russian "Russian", three halls. Each is planned in its own way, and combines their fashionable finish and design: soft white-dairy color Marble walls, shaped from a black metal Patterned grilles, artistic tapestries and panels made by specialized order. Giant carpets, every "circulation" in one copy, reproduce paintings of the Ancient Russia. All indoor interior accessories are performed at the highest artistic level.

The fourth, banquet hall prepared for family holidays and celebrations, banquets and friendly meetings has its color. The walls of the hall are lined with a pink tuff extracted in Armenia. The original lamp is made in the form of a floating area, on which the chains of the candles made of color porcelain are fixed. No one is similar to another, each is unique, one of its kind. New restaurant "Forestry" - 28 Public catering enterprise, open in the anniversary year in our city.

"Forest Friend" hospitably invites guests to taste the corporate dishes of Russian cuisine and have fun at the fun music of the orchestra.

Exercise 29.Give an assessment of the language and style of the presented passage from the manuscript of the story of a young author. Name speech errors and offer options for stylistic editing individual phrases.

At night after many hours, rain sobs began to sink. Almost all night I listened to the half as the cold monotony of rain pounded into the window glass of my room. The dyed of the wind of the wind every minutely whipped somewhere high in the air, and the singement was worried about water, moving his fast palm on the glass. Then again deafly dried out the echoes outside.

My soul, the whole world for myself mournfully, was here between the sheets, as between people. Dawn, as well as happiness, late.

This waiting time seemed to be delayed to infinity.

Let dawn and happiness never come! I would be delighted with disappointment.

And again I heard the echoes from the outside: the noise of the noise of the captain car passing around my house. Her noise grew out of the depths of the street, exploded with the roar under my window and disappeared at the other end, she caught the end of the dream, which did not come. From time to time, the front doors clapped somewhere. Sometimes the booley steps on the sidewalk were heard. Sometimes it was a lot of steps. They were broadening with loud echo and wrapped on the stillness of my expectation.

Then the silence was returned, and everything went to the rain. When I opened my eyes out of imaginary sleep, the walls were slightly seen in the darkness of the walls of the walls flooded passages about the future, splashing light, even lights and some slices of nonsense that moved that up, then down.

The furniture was now more than the day, and seemed absurd stains of Mraka. The door seemed to change my color, and I could not distinguish the windows at all, I only heard him. Rain again banked stronger.

Exercise 30.Analyze the use of lexical means by the author of the notes. Specify stylistic errors in typing, edit the text.

Difficulties of miners

"Cherete-coal" is one of the lagging in the Tula-Ugol-TREST plant. Here we humble with the largest defects in the work, the mines work below their capabilities. The trust does not fulfill its program, the debt grows, there are no money for salary. What causes the causes of the plant's backlog? It all happens due to the low organization of labor in the mines and the exhaustion of coal reserves, non-payment of salary.

Increased labor productivity, care for economic attitude to equipment, the material welfare of miners came out of the field of view of the leadership.

You will come to the bottom, "the fourth plot of I. N. Stolyarov says, - and it is not yet cooked. Improvarily delivery of fastening material, frequent accidents with mechanisms, climbing of dumps.

Many better wishes and organization of labor auxiliary workers. Nobody leads them. Most drainagers are not used for its intended purpose.

Due to the lack of everyday control of the mining supervision over the excavation of coal, the shafts of steel on the mine in the usual phenomenon, which is a threat to the life of miners.

Inhuntness, the negligence attitude towards the equipment at the mine is thrown into the eyes even by an unprincing observer.

Trust leaders complacently look at all this, they resigned to this and can not do anything to improve the situation.

Miners tried to declare strikes, hungry. But this will not correct the situation. All the hope of miners for the decisive measures of the government, which should take some measures to exit the crisis situation.

Exercise 31.Specify OKKAZIONALISS, highlighting the words built on the modeling of bookstod formation, and those that include conversational and spacious affixes. Give a stylistic evaluation of occasional word formation as a source of speech expression, noting the author's finds and failures. In the case of a negative evaluation of the occhasional formation, offer the version of the stylistic editing of the text.

  • 3. Levizna and the rule in all possible shades (S. P. Antonov). 4. Later, I have repeatedly felt the devastation of anger, dewriting with rage (S. A. Voronin). 5. As soon as the weak triple rang out, the door opened (Yu. M. Nagibin). 6. The sky has spread around, gently enlightened and spilled now on the forest, to the glade, on the white boiler of flowers with a flutter-smoky, blue light (E. I. nosov). 7. Writing and coldly curved the Tuman Tuman (E. I. nosov). 8. Onega, premiece, Valko went between the islands (E. I. nosov). 9. The prosecutor after silence, a lasting second of two, during which he was slightly face and somehow spoke, declared ... (Yu. V. Trifonov)
  • 10. Mother is not that offended, but she was in view (A. Kharikov). 11. The entire stone cumbersome around and below was fragile, in a hidden internal voltage, seeking to the limit (Yu. M. Nagibin). 12. "My! My! My!" And so everything was scrambled - even though Karoull Kulchi (E. Permyak). 13. Idiotism ... Dullness of the universal! Pnivism and only! (Yu. V. Bondarev) 14. About Amphitheatrov said that due to the huge amount of material that he was printed in the newspaper, the newspaper fell ill with "poverty" (L. N. Andreev).
  • 15. Do you have such a medicine - antitleBRIN? (from newspapers) 16. Pishkino Oco constantly kept some kind of mysterious cheelinka and all the time winking (M. N. Alekseev). 17. This is no longer just delicacy, but something over, super, extra ("LH"), 18. Behind each string, the phrase is a huge readiness, "violation" ("LH"). 19. - Who are you in fact? "Naturalist," answered Andron good-naturedly. - How how? - Does not understand Seryozha. - Well, look at life naturally. Without all sorts of sticks (A. Likhanov). 20. There were "writers" in the workshop - all the time I wrote about something ("LH"), 21. Alexander understood that, perhaps, not the meaning of his words, and their very sound was suddenly, as it They say "sound therapy". Yes, and all this "Delotherapy" for himself ("LH"). 22. Did you really have a hands-preposition in our century, the umbrella palking? (V. S. Shefner).

Dollar born taler.

What does the monogram mean, symbolizing the American dollar? The monogram is a symbol of the American dollar $ - means the incomplete name of the country (USA) - U (Nited) S (Tates). The history of the monogram is very interesting. The fact is that in American colonies in appeal was Spanish Peso (Peso), who had several items: the British called him Spanish dollar, the Germans - Spanish Taler, Italians - Piastrom, literally "silver plate". The same piaster was called the name of the Piastrian Piastr, since it showed two heraklovy pillars, passing tapes in the form of eight. Subsequently, the American dollar, replacing the "pillar piastr", which was marked by $, suffered this sign, although the monogram value began to denote U (nited) s (tates), i.e. United States.

The word "dollar" occurred from the abbreviated name of the town in New England (USA) Joachymstall (Yakhimov), where silver mines were located and yoahymstalers were minted, which later turned into dollars (from newspapers).

Exercise 33.Read the article and highlight the borrowed words, distinguishing: vocabulary, which has an unlimited sector of use (including internationalized), borrowing having an organic sphere of use (including terms, jargonisms, exotic, foreign speaking). How motivated, in your opinion, the use of borrowed words in the published article? Offer your editorial board of individual statements, if you think it is necessary.

Olivier Lapidus arranged a show in virtual reality

Couturier also people, and after all the hassle called "High Fashion Week" they need to relax. In addition, the current visits are a great opportunity to see the exotic Moscow for them, and each of them is broken in its own way. Roberto Kovalli, for example, was already inspired by the Armory Chamber and the Kremlin. Loris Azzaro rushed to a large theater on the "Wedding Figaro" and the concert of the brass orchestra of the same theater. Was it really loved the brass music, whether the gilded balconies want to consider better?

But the most original one did the handsome and the dream of all unmarried Council and Duchess along with the daughters of European Billionaires Olivier Lapidus. This fall is a thirtieth-year-old couture in Moscow for the second time. A month ago, he felt in the jury of the Festival of Avant-garde collections "Albo-Fashion". Everyone his arrival breaks all new hearts of mannequins and journalists, maids, cleaners and waitresses - as a true Frenchman he is kind with everyone ...

This time, Lapidus, the Dupidus decided to give a reception in honor of Moscow silver youth, whose extravagant he was so imbued at the Albo fashion. Wanted - and gave. A closed party in the "Mirage" gathered young fashion designers, models, journalists and other causing public. Olivier was, as usual, very democratic and photographed in an embracing to the right and left. I dug for a minute and Valentin Yudashkin congratulate a colleague with a new product. And the fact is that Lapidus came up with not to arrange more ever showing his collections Pret-A-port. That is, from Couture - from Couture, but Pret-A-port he will now release as an innovator on the CD-ROM - this is a new product.

The presentation in Paris will take place only in two weeks, and in Moscow he told about this novelty now. A special computer version of the show has just been made, in which all models showed one young French actress. Music for this project was written by the famous composer Malcolm McLaren. So customers and press will now receive new Olivier collections exclusively virtually. (From newspapers)

Exercise 34.Specify the stylistic shortcomings in the use of word-forming resources of the Russian language when creating neologisms and other speech errors; Edit suggestions.

liya. 5. All that it was possible to "give", "tremble," was made appropriate within the script. 6. "There is nothing to principle on nonsense," Kryuku thought and made such a proposal ... 7. Each line of communication in our system was converted and year. 8. During this time, our skaters and figure skaters managed to try out the ice, "slipping". 9. In the new conditions, the bribes of universities should decrease, on which the military departments will be closed. 10. Dacha bribes as art (article title).

11. It is necessary to strongly condemn both bribery and brought. 12. Susanin became the Kostroma brand, it was now started to actively piano on the day of unity on November 4, 2005 (from the television proprietary). Moderator always protects its benefit. 14. Can I start? All ohomicrophone? (TV) .15. We performed work on the exhumation of the folk folklore. 16. The activity of the editorial board on clarifying texts is limited to the loss of manuscripts. 17. The winners of the tender became the consortium of Western and Russian banks, which was headed by CS First Boston. The image of RAO seriously suffered, as well as the prestige of its main shareholder - the state. 18. Twenty years of their autobiography he dedicated to the removal of new varieties of strawberries. 19. The year has not yet ended, and the alcoholic confiscate has already amounted to 180 thousand liters of vodka, whiskey and other strong drinks. Customs leaders of Stockholm decided not to pour smuggled drinks into the drainage, but to let them on a more useful business. The debut will be 2500 liter bottles of "illegal" vodka from Lithuania. 20. Ivanov worked for a long time with a steward on excursion flights along the Volga and knows who among the Holy Chef of our sailors.

The exercise35. In the following passages from correspondence published in the newspaper, highlight foreign-language words and the composition of their exotic. Try to pick up Russian synonyms for them. Give a stylistic assessment of the use of lexical tools by correspondents. If necessary, perform a stylistic editing.

I. After the scandalous deferment of the beginning of the trial in the case of the founder and leader, the Aum Sininka sect sects, which happened in October last year, a dense procedural fog hangs over the prospect of the Spear and Righteous Court. The first glimpses in it appeared only now, three months after the autumn lining. As announced in Tokyo, intensive negotiations are conducted between the lawyer's brigade of Ashara and courts, the purpose of which is to establish a new date for the start of the process. It is also called a specific number and month - April 25.

On this background, "Investigation Fate" personally, Asahara and even the coming sentence are already worried. The Japanese finally burned in the "Harizme" of the Guru after the next portion of his unfulfilled prophecies - in November in Japan, the shocks did not happen to the leader of the "Aum Sinin" in Japan, Ashara himself did not merge with God, although he promised to do no later than last autumn. This last "deception" especially upset gullible fellow citizens.

II. "After we delivered the Taliban at the entrance to the Panjscher gorge a crushing defeat, people began to take the weapons everywhere and connect to our struggle," says Masud. - We suggested the Taliban to voluntarily leave the city, we ourselves also do not intend to repeat their mistakes and act against our own people. Our position is to solve the problem through negotiations. But if the "Taliban" refuses our offer, the united forces will be forced to look for other options.

Pakistan has long been trying to lead to power in our country of his mercenaries. Practically without having no reason, Pakistanis provoked and support military operations in our territory.

  • Hundreds of athletes from many countries of the world will take a start in Grenoble.
  • The fact that the exhibition "Mayakovsky in Paris" was in the capital of FrancePorates such attention, such an abundance of visitors, such an interesting part of the French to the poet, is not quite usual. 3. The main condition for the work of any permanent commission is to act in close block with those organizations whose activities are denominated by the necontrol and help. 4. The leading importance in the activities of this youthorganization plays her attitude towards work. 5. He is still in deep youth to begin songs, and only now the glory collapsed on his roened gray with her head. 6. He installed so many world records that they only remember them
  • The direction of development of the economy in the 20th century and we have, and in the West, the attractive direction. 2. Plowing under sugar beet is carried out by tractor points, and the best in quality plowing is achieved by tractor plows in the agent, so it is currently plowing under the beets of Plows-5-35 with Certifiers. 3. Our transfer is devoted to the work of veteranstechnic creativity. 4. The act is not signed, but a copy is signed, but on the subject thing, which is signed, it is written that he is rewritten from the original, which is signed. 5. Today, our guest is a guest from Akmolinsk. 6. He was a table-witnessed that he was constantly cold and sick. 7. We are before making decisions. 8. There was a strange position: according to this
  • WHO - World Health Organization.
  • His eyes were bright, smiling, with salted (M. A. Konovalov). 2. The old man is unbearable, all year round lives at the cottage (from newspapers).
  • The work is weak, but this pseudogluboka is replete with quasiber-output positions. 2. The larger the young author persists in the non-dust, the inevitable it is epigonuses. 3. Fakelonists tend to see dry, anestral material. 4. You can hucery and a good fact, but for this, the author will need to attach titanis

1. In the XVIII-XIX centuries. Due to the differentiation of science, a huge number of information was accumulated, by the beginning of the XX century. Started unawrs.

2. It is characteristic that with friction there are significant deformations of the boundary layer, accompanied by structural transformations, selective diffusion: the accounting of all these processes is difficult due to the strong dependence on temperature.

3. The constant flexibility of the educational process through the active research activities of teachers was the factor in the survival of the university.

4. A quantum of light, penetrating the substance, knocks out an electron, translating it from the bound state (in the atom) in the free - thus, during the irradiation of semiconductors and dielectrics through the photoeffect inside the crystals, free current carriers appear, which significantly changes the electrical conductivity of the substance.

5. The Basova expedition was the beginning of the movement, which continued until the end of the 18th century and led to the creation of a Russian-American company and accession to Russia of the Northern Islands and Alaska, lost only in the 1860s due to the state mistake of Alexander II and Creatr.

Task number 9. Read offers. Insert the missed endings.

1. Most. practical applications Ultrasound is based on cavitation effect.

2. The majority of students came.

3. Most students are constantly visited by ___ lectures on statistics.

4. Plants have certain musical preferences, especially flowers. Most prefer __ melodic plays with calm rhythms, but some - let's say, cyclamen are more like Jazz.

5. Most metals resistance increases linearly with increasing temperature. At the same time, a number of alloys have a negative temperature coefficient of resistance.

6. There is a series of substances in which the quantum effects of interatomic interactions lead to the emergence of specific magnetic properties.

7. A number of scientists offered some different flight control algorithms of the aircraft.

8. The tube is made of durable metal, it has a multiple of small holes, closed with a semi-permeable shell, for example, from acetate-leulose.

9. A lot of researchers Following the academician P. L. Kapitsa, approved that the ball lightning is a bulk oscillatory circuit.

10. Most metals are color, color ___.

11. A number of greatest discoveries were "perfect by randomly, for example, the opening of an electric current action on the magnetic arrow of the compass.

12. Most of the secondary electrons of the region__ in minor kinetic energy.


Task number 1. Instead of points, insert the necessary word or phrase; Motivate your choice.

l.HA location of a small plant ... (erected, built, created) a large woodworking plant. 2. Depending on the specific conditions, the installation may be ... (built, mounted, created, installed) both on the open area and indoors. 3. Already in October, the farmer became ... (Shipping, deliver, send, pass) green onions in the shops of the capital. 4. Kalinina technologist suggested ... (redo, convert, upgrade, update, change) the design of two ... (large, large, powerful, huge) horizontal boring machines. 5. On the carpet factory in ... (past, last, past), production has improved. Already ... (released, manufactured, manufactured, made) 867 square meters. meters ... (Products, carpets and tracks, carpeting). 6. It is known ... (anyone, every, everyone), that even the most ... (good, excellent, beautiful, great, excellent) ... Working conditions are not yet ... (Determine, decide, ensure, guarantee) Success. 7. In this work, the author managed ... (Open, open, touch, portray, describe, submit) Tragic events in life ... (his generation, their peers, their contemporaries). 8. This ... (Lack, vice, defect) in the details can be ... (See, reveal, determine, notice, note) with a naked eye. 9. The winner of the contest ... (awarded, was assigned, issued, allocated) award. 10. In a new hotel ... (priority, paramount, most importantly, the leading, most important) attention to ... (good, beautiful, immaculate, optimal, careful) guest service.

Task number 2. Specify the words whose use leads to a violation of lexical compatibility, correct speech errors.

1. The author of the Chesttomatology was still annotations. 2. The factory club hosts crowded evenings. 3. We wished the organizers more often to collect such evenings. 4. In the village full pace there is harvesting. 5. Shevchenko opened the beginning of the harvest last year, working on the scooter of bread; The same honor entrusted him and now. 6. The increase in the proteinity of the grain puts great difficulties in the researchers. 7. Two feathered in one burgher do not live. 8. Book Fair welcoming invites publishers and authors to visit Pavilions. 9. Athletes of "Kolos" installed 32 new achievements of the region. 10. In the journal, I read a big discussion about the role of the Father in the upbringing of my children. 11. This policy already brings positive fruits. 12. Much attention will be rendered by the city. 13. We attach this issue to priority. 14. Our farmers have won the world record in Nastrig's wool from fine-door sheep. 15 The overwhelming number of those present sorted out in this topic.

Task number 3. Specify speech errors, edit offers.

1. He began to write songs in a deep youth, and only now the glory collapsed on his roened gray eyes. 2. During these years, the rusty growth of our cinematography is observed. 3. Ivanov has long been working on this hard area, and works well. But in the last two years, negative glimpses began to appear. 4. He installed so many global records that they are remembered only by the revengeted lovers of sports statistics. 5. Dog grazing is prohibited. 6. The warehouse closes on a sanitary day due to the parish of cockroaches. 7. It is forbidden to place household and industrial dumps. 8. Sold by an elderly house. 9. The lecture for childless parents is postponed to Thursday. 10. Students of our group achieved the deterioration of discipline and academic performance in this half of the year. 11. In our work, the leading importance is attached to moral and labor education.

Task number 4. Combine in the phrases of the word from the left and right column, given the features of their lexical compatibility. Specify the possible options.

1. Antique, classic. Mythology, languages.
Congenital, inborn. Talent, mind.
Hospitable, welcoming, bossip. Reception, owner, man.
Destructive, harmful. Influence, action.
One one. MiG, moment.

Long, long, long, long-term impact, period, path, fees,

mennaya, long. credit.

2. Pull out, express, fix, eliminate. Hypothesis, guess, disadvantages, errors
Find, find. Support support.

Impose, leave. Print, trail.

Detect open. Law, regularity.

Prove, justify. Theorem, theory.

Foreshadow, predict. Defeat, success.

Expand, enlarge, promote. Opportunities, potential.

Task number 5. Specify lexical errors in the following suggestions, while especially selecting cases of disruption of semantic and grammatical compatibility. Edit suggestions.

1. Young birch Dubrava Green for the Occolic. 2. Children pronounce a poem, standing with a swarming. 3. In cinemas there is a film "Return of the Black Blonde". 4. The bus was so closely that someone offered: "Become a plastics, then it will be free!". 5. Records continue. 6. Suddenly she noticed: on the corridor there is a cat on tiptoe. 7. Most of the time goes fruitlessly. 8. The teacher suggested that we write a test work orally. 9. In the zoo, a small kangaroo sat in a cage and cleaned these feathers. 10. There is a monstrous improvement in living conditions. 11. The experience of recent years with inevitability shows the correctness of these gloomy forecasts. 12. The wide test of this vitamin bioactive cream led to extremely positive results. 13. The stranger sat down on the horse and went on foot. 14. Three-year-old Parisian sits bass in the sandbox and, digging in the sand, wears with grace and ease the simplest loaped dress. Who taught her facies? 15. From fatigue, my body was swapped on the legs. 16. Restaurant was filled with cheerful gomon, gutar sobbed, moaning the drum. 17. Several new enterprises and public transport appeared in our town. 18. Stop calmly and do not swing their eyes (from the speech of the teacher in children's garden). 19. That's how squeeze the fists on your hands and legs! (Child's speech) 20. Yesterday I took the plane and flew to Moscow (from the speech of a foreigner).

Task number 6. Pay attention to speech failure, note the instigability of the statement, distortion of its meaning. Correct offers.

1. The exhibition of young artists in the house of Pioneers had such a success because Karpenko N.I. In the drawing lessons managed to raise a beautiful in his students. 2. The student Belov took the first place in English. 3. They graduated from a vocational school, but to work well, you need direct experience at the machine. 4. For errors and disadvantages, the chairman of the Pashkovsky state farm deserves recovery. 5. enough hours to put on warm mittens to the entire family on the handmade knitting machine. 6. The cashier gets for the goods of the nursery. 7. The binding has become an integral detail of room decoration. 8. The work of Mayakovsky worries readers in a wide variety of languages.

Task number 7. Compare deals; Analyze the stylistic editing. What mistakes noted and eliminated the editor? In case of disagreement with the editor, give your options to edit.

1. If you look at the city with a bird's-flight, then the houses are present as light islands among the green and blue sea.

2. The dimensions of the control plane must be greater than the prepared plane.

3. Compare the latest economic indicators of the Lyme factory workers with previous years.

4. The volume of pure products can and is usually expressed in monetary measurement.

5. Three hotels will arise at the intersection with Leningrad, Yaroslavl and Kashirskoye highway.

1. If you look at the city from a bird's eye view, then at home will seem like light islands among the green and blue sea.

2. The control plane must be greater than the preparing.

3. Compare the latest economic indicators of the Lyme factory with indicators that have reached the enterprise in previous years.

4. The volume of pure products can be expressed and is usually expressed in monetary measurement.

5. Three hotels will be built at the intersection of the ring road with Leningrad, Yaroslavl and Kashir highway.

Task number 8. Resect various forms of speech redundancy (pleonism, tautology, hidden tautology, word repetition), correct offers.

1. Next year, we have a lot of work on the development of the annual plan of the upcoming work. 2. Durability of the process of smelting lasts a few hours. 3. Residential neighborhoods are supposed to be deployed towards the river, so that the existing pine grove will continue in the city center. 4. The plaintiff justifies its requirements by unreasonable grounds based only on assumptions. 5. The building will be decorated with stained-glass windows of colored cast glass. 6. In the fire of 1812, all wooden structures of the monastery were killed, burned and stone structures. 7. The rapid development of the city of historians is explained by the fact that there was an intertoise of important trading paths. 8. From the west, if you look from the north to south, there is a reservoir, and with South, if you look from the east to the west, the forest. 9. In the current year, bloom will flow on these shoots of colors. 10. The park was cleared of garbage, but he remained non-fallen, and now he still serves as a pasture for livestock.

Task number 9. Specify speech errors (repetition of words, tautology explicit and hidden, pleonism) in the following sentences. Edit them.

1. The direction of the development of the economy in the XX century and we have, and in the West took a false direction. 2. Our transfer is devoted to the work of veterans of technical creativity. 3. The act is not signed, but a copy signed, but on the instance, which is signed, it is written that he is rewritten from the original that is not signed. 4. He was so painful that he was constantly cold and sick. 5. We are before making decisive decisions. 6. There was a strange position: according to this agreement, we must achieve such indicators that have never been shown and not to show. 7. It happens that in response to criticism you get the reverse boomerang. 8. Returning home from a foreign journey, cruise, tour, everyone seeks to bring a gift or a memorial souvenir for memory. 9. The fact is that before in the affairs of our goodbye, everything was involved in his reasons and endeavors. Now quite another thing. 10. The price of staying in this hospital is not funded by the state. 11. The government in this difficult and difficult time must represent a single monolith. 12. Fine and tasty freshest fish delicacies can enjoy visitors to our restaurant. 13. The crowd of people broke into the building.

Task number 10. Specify different types of speech redundancy. Edit suggestions if the pleonism and tautology should be eliminated.

1. Passengers passing on travel tickets or documents for the right of free travel, pay the cost of transporting each place of baggage on general reasons. 2. Plant's athletes cannot boast of sporting achievements. 3. Igor demobilized from the army and came to us at the plant. He began to comprehend the maintenance of the most initial azes. 4. In the ice cold and Studa Paul works on this construction of a narrow scene. 5. In the further development of the plot, a lot of surprises and interesting surprises await us. 6. When people cooperate and work together, they must mutually respect each other, be mutually attentive, preventive, sensitive. 7. All brigades worked clearly and organized, all the existing drum dryers were used. 8. She cried and in no hurry to wipe her tears. 9. The estimated area of \u200b\u200blogging has abounded by swamps, a reasonable number of mosquitoes. 10. The young man learned to respect the work, honestly, to go through working time, loving equipment, car. 11. For the past days, snowfall passed, and weather conditions under the current race have created additional difficulties in the current race. 12. About the block said: "He died of death." About Vysotsky can be said: "He died of life." He died, life in him beat across the edges, he overswined ... (EU.)

Task number 11. Make a phrase with the words market, bazaar; One year old, using words for reference. What is the possibility / impossibility of combining these words with in other words?

Words for reference:urban, central, indoor, christmas, book, global, external, vegetable, bird; Cycle, vacation, meeting, income, ratings, stock.

Task number 12. To each word of the first group, select the appropriate one or more words from the second group and write down the formed phrases.

1. Armada, Legion, Coghort, Pleiad, Crowd, Breakfast, Flock, Herd, Tabun, Pile, Mass, Summary, Many, Copy, Miriada.

2. Ships, airplanes, tanks, numbers, information, motorcycles, revolutionaries, facts, friends, books, extremists, paper, documents, geese, horses, cows, stars, liars, navigators.

Task number 13. Read the text and tell me who of the speakers made a mistake? How should I say correctly?

Two buddies gathered camping in the Caucasus. Began to think about training. One says: "You need to buy tourist maps and tourist jackets." "Before we will develop a tourist route," offered another.

Task number 14. Write some of the words (tourist - tourist) is combined with the words: dinner, prospect, a ticket, costume, hike, gear, directory, bureau, lunch, season, train, base, backpack.

remember, that tourist -adjective to the Word touristbut tourist- adjective to the word tourism.

Task number 15. Edit text.

1. An advertisement is hanging at the station: "Cashier for business trips on the second floor." 2. Lord traveling, get travel certificates. 3. First course students for the instill in the hostel must provide references. 4. The Chairman of the Assembly presented the word of the speaker. 5. Authors provided a book manuscript with publishing house. 6. Rats and mice in warehouses, in vegetable stores many products are destroyed. 7. The station can with a big effect supply energy factory. 8. He was a funny guy, as it starts to laugh, you won't stop. 9. You can start a meeting: the forum is already there. 10. I have no time to do with the younger brother. Today I am very busy. 11. For non -actic behavior, the passenger made a remark. 12. The author of the article writes about another requirement of L. N. Tolstoy to the language, the requirement of simplicity and clarity, clearness. 13. No injection, which makes Natasha's nurse, was not sick.

Task number 16.

Task number 17. From the words supplied in the brackets, select the desired option. With the help of an intelligent dictionary of the Russian language and the "dictionary of foreign words", establish the semantic and stylistic similarity and the difference between these words.

1. Achieving this humane goal (is not limited, is not limited to) neither the state of science and technology, nor (resources, opportunities, reserves) of labor and funds. 2. Noted signs (heterogeneous, heterogeneous). 3. (Preventive, warning) The influence of new drugs is even more striking. 4. The varieties of new cultures more (constant, stable), i.e. they are better (transmitted, transform) to the offspring such properties such as yield, the magnitude of the fetus, taste. 5. In the image of the character should be (the predominant, dominant) feature, which must (hypostasis, make a self-sufficient) (writer, author), based on its own (concept, submission) o (characters, heroes, images).

Task number 18. Edit proposals so that each word is understandable.

1. My friend recently bought myself a bike. 2. For the artist, tanks and bucks were not the main thing in life. 3. A foreigner paid for the picture for fifteen pure American Greeks. 4. One of the features of a non-market economy is a shortage of goods and services. 5. The Government's task is to hold back, curb inflation. 6. The jubilee presented a fashionable case. 7. After a long debate at the meeting reached consensus. 8. It is necessary to give protest a legitimate form. 9. When you buy an import item, be sure to explore the label (label). 10. Organizers of theatrical performances, all sorts of shows seek to receive not only profit, but also publishing.

Task number 19. Determine which of the above words correspond to the norm of literary speech, and which - the spacious.

Lang - I laugh, put - a lie, fever - fever, a reward - a reward, let's go - I'm squeezing, fasting - I am inspired; Lag - lyg, put - pitch, purred - purr, drinks - notes; Corn - Corn, colander - Droulag, bastard - Protward, Oladya - Old; Shoe - shoes, debt - debt, long-distance - intercity, murbus - frowning, purring - purring.

Task number 20. Find errors associated with the use of words without taking into account their semantics. Make the stylistic editing of the proposals.

1. Planning, requests for your kitchen, living room, bedroom, children's room, etc. It takes free; 2. In the enhancement of production, we use new alternatives. 3. It is too difficult and multibonely responsible for all security. 4. The team of teachers is developing educational material in such a way that children quickly assimilate the passing material. 5. Image is an image that is contrived to show other external qualities of a person, his lifestyle, his actions. 6. Partner is an accomplice of any action, events, games. 7. I asked the passerby to describe the road to the station. 8. The teacher depicted a work plan on the board. 10. Air pollution contributes to the occurrence of lung cancer and other diseases. 11. It is difficult to determine the standards of pollution due to incomplete and controversial technological and biological information. 12. It is known that Rodion, when it appeared on the stage, was a very prominent child. 13. Some workers admit defects in the operation of machines. 14. Fashion designers offered several new designs. female dress. 15. The city's landscape has been enriched with new buildings.

Task number 21. Find errors caused by a violation of the lexical combination of words. Make the stylistic editing of the proposals.

1. In our lick there is an in-depth study of profiling items. 2. It is focused on a deeper study of items relating to the selected area. 3. We use an individual approach, given the interests and abilities of the child. 4. You should go back there. 5. The company traditionally manufactures jewelry, but can perform other products. 6. Alexey Vavilov, for the second year, studying at the University of Stockholm, is there a recognized leader. 7. On the eve of the cold season, the issue of special importance in the city is to prepare for winter.

Task number 23. Determine how the use of what words is stylistically unreasonable. Make a stylistic editing.

1. On the fields of the livestock farm, the most modern technique works. 2. By the end of the year, the workers of the capital's trading network are reporting. 3. Kara for negligence in the defense of the rank of "Zenit" on the fourth minute of the first half. 4. The builders promised to revive the building of the new computing center in September.

Section 5. Quality Speech

Accuracy as quality of speech

"The only means of mental communication of people have a word, and in order for communication to be possible, you need to use words so that with each word undoubtedly caused by all relevant and accurate concepts."

A.N. Tough

Task number 1.

The poems of the young poet will soon be released in the journal. After the revolver was stolen on his rally, he now wore two, pocket pockets. The forest shrouded in dark gloomy brought horror on us. A terrible poverty forced him to hold a pitiful coexistence. He was late for classes. When the curtain was spreading, an actor in a gilded role was standing on the stage. Separate members of the group did not appear on the mathematics exam. The appointment of the chair to everyone seemed successful. The writer showed how to fought with enemies a young, almost young youth. He did not like to work, I led a festive lifestyle. Forward learn lessons, and then go to walk. In the Miss Autumn Competition, this nomination occupies great and important. The new play attracted the attention of critics original to the banality of the plot.

Task number 2. Find speech errors in offers, leading to a subject or conceptual inaccuracy.

The characteristic of Ilina did not correspond to reality. We switched to work in a backward brigade. Wagon locks are tapped with hammers on cast-iron wheels. All heroes of the work have their own individual traits. Who is the extreme tickets? In his works, Mayakovsky uses traditional satirical admission, based on exaggeration, is an allegory. Early works of the poet are clear and accessible to everyone. The engine roared, and the plane rushed toast. Joint rest, as well as work, solders people. The hero of Bulgakov is an obvious prototype of Christian Jesus Christ. North America's indigenous people - Indians are significantly infringed in their rights. Joyful news led him to a minor mood - he was ready to jump from happiness.

Task number 3. Find speech errors in offers, leading to a subject or conceptual inaccuracy.

At the base of the novel lies the history of a typical noble family. Warm spring days fell on the beginning of April. Pupils intently listened to the story of the teacher. This man, made a great effect on me. Our successes in the economy led to a noticeable regression and in other areas. In the capital of India, we were greeted by a government delegation, whose members were in traditional Indian clothes - Sari. At first, upon arrival in Moscow, he felt very bad. Mayakovsky stood at the sources of new poetry. In art, he is perfect Nevezhi. This tradition was revived again in our country. Larina herself Bila Courtnic, if they could not please her. At the sight of a gift of the eyes of a little ledge, the face expression has become enthusiastic and melancholic. To the entrance arrived a triple of horses with indoor sacrifice.

Task number 4. Read excerpts from Articles V.G. Belinsky. Tell me what he understood the accuracy of speech?

1. Gogol does not write, but draws; Its images breathe live paints of reality. See and hear them. Each word, each phrase sharply, definitely, relief expresses his thought, and in vain would like you to come up with another word or another phrase to express this thought (A literary conversation, overheard in the bookstore).

2. What is the accuracy and certainty in every word, like in place and how no other word is replaceable! What a compression, brevity and at the same time meaningful! Reading lines, read and between lines; Understanding everything that said by the author, you also understand what he did not want to speak, fearing to be multi-dimensional. How to form and original phrases: Each of them is suitable to be an epigraph to a large essay ("Hero of our time", an essay of M. Lermontov).

3. Each word in the poetic product must be exhausted all the importance of the whole work required by the thought, so that it can be seen that there is no word in the language of another word that could replace it here. Pushkin and in this regard the greatest sample: in all volumes of its works you can hardly find at least one inaccurate or refined expression, even the word ... (Poem M.Yu. Lermontov).

Task number 5. Read offers. Tell me what two meanings has each of them. Correct the proposals so that they are not ambiguous.

1. Playing, he forgot about glasses. 2. The boy was sent for grenades. 3. An hour after the arrival of the case, Stepanov called me. 4. This morning, a broken vase is glued. 5. We have committed obligations for the production of bird meat and milk. 6. District leaders of this kind of concessions are often explained simply. 7. After the departure of the wizard, the package brought a package. 8. Grandmother kept money in the bank.

Task number 6. Find errors and correct the texts from school essays .

1. We arrived at Volgograd on May 9 on a tour. We were immediately led to the "Victory" monument. Our attention has been particularly attracted by Obelisk, which is called "stand to death". This obelisk is the figure of the soldier, compressing in the hand of the machine.

2. In Samara, on one of the streets there is a two-storey house with an attic. A memorial plaque hangs on the front of this two-story building. On the board made inscription: "There was a great proletarian writer A.M. Gorky in 1895. "

3. The researcher's scientist contributed to the development of speleological science.

Task number 7. . Read the text and tell me who of the speakers made a mistake? (Sak must be said correctly?

Two buddies gathered camping in the Caucasus. Began to think about training. One says: "You need to buy tourist maps and tourist jackets." "Before we will develop a tourist route," offered another.

Task number 8. . Write some of the words (tourist - tourist) is combined with the words:

Dinner, Avenue, Toothbrush, Suit, Hike, Equipment, Directory, Bureau, Lunch, Season, Train, Base, Backpack.

remember, that tourist -adjective to the Word tourist,but touristadjective to the Word tourism.

Task number 9. . Make a phrase with the following paronyms:

Successful - Lucky, understandable - dusty, neighboring - neighboring, master - economic, offensive - touchy, painful - careful - careful.

Task number 10. Edit text.

1. An advertisement is hanging at the station: "Cashier for business trips on the second floor." 2. Lord traveling, get travel certificates. 3. First course students for the instill in the hostel must provide references. 4. The Chairman of the Assembly presented the word of the speaker. 5. Authors provided a book manuscript with publishing house. 6. Rats and mice in warehouses, in vegetable stores many products are destroyed. 7. The station can with a big effect supply energy factory. 8. He was a funny guy; How to laugh, you will not stop. 9. You can start a meeting: the forum is already there. 10. I have no time to do with the younger brother. Today I am very busy. 11. For non -actic behavior, the passenger made a remark. 12. The author of the article writes another requirement L.N. Tolstoy to the language - about the requirement of simplicity and clarity, understanding. 13. No injection, which makes Natasha's medical sister, is not sick.

Task number 11. From the words enclosed in brackets, select the desired one.

1. Our people will never forget (heroic - heroic) days of the Leningrad blockade. 2. The story was the story (dramatic - dramatic) situation that pretended in the family of the writer. 5. Registration (commoded - travel) is made in the lobby. 4. In the body of the truck can (fit - accommodate) four "Moskvich". 5. To succeed, it is necessary (to take - to do) (effective - spectacular) measures.

Task number 12.. Open brackets, choosing a suitable word. Justify your choice. For references, contact the dictionaries.

1. (Executive, executive) Power in the field should intensify its work. 2. The quality of the refrigerator is improved by some (design, constructive) solutions. 3. Such (layout, planning) of the work of work was premature. 4. From a broken (firefight, fire), he was glad on the street. 5. Many of our films received (greater appreciation, great recognition) abroad. 6. The builders worked below their capabilities (worked) in December. 7. With (big irritability, great irritation), this person met criticism in his address. 8. At the end of the book, a list (recommendatory, recommended) literature was listed. 9. (Detercity, determination) his act surprised everyone. 10. On the (assembly, national) point there was a lot of people, but the work has not yet started. 11. He (Suskal, discouraged) respect and good glory as an innovator, as a man of creative thought.

Task number 13. Instead of points, insert the words that the thought most accurately express; Motivate your choice. (The words used by the author, see at the end of the exercise.)

Human... ( invented, found, found, came up with, created) Words for everything that is found to them ... ( in the world, in the universe, on earth). But this is not enough. It... ( called, explained, determined, pointed to) Any action and condition. It... ( called, outlined, explained, dubbed, determined) The words of the property and quality of everything that surrounds it. Vocabulary... ( plays, determines, displays, reflects, fixes) All changes, ... ( what is happening, performing existing) in the world. It... ( captured, reflected, retained) Experience and wisdom of centuries and, not lagging behind, accompanies life, ... ( movement, Progress, Development) Technique, science, art. He can... ( highlight, name, designate, determine, indicate) any thing and has facilities for ... ( expressions, Designations, Explanations, Transmission, Messages) The most distract and generalized ideas and concepts.

(By S. Marshak)

Note: I found, in the universe, called, determined, reflects, which occurred, captured, develop, name, expressions.

1. Most of the time goes fruitlessly. 2. In the zoo, a small kangaroo sat in a cage and cleaned these feathers. 3. There is a monstrous improvement in living conditions. 4. The experience of recent years with inevitability shows the correctness of these gloomy forecasts. 5. A wide test of this vitamin bioactive cream led to extremely positive results. 6. The stranger sat down at the horse and went on foot. 7. The bus was so closely that someone offered: "Become a plastics, then it will be free!". 8. Records continue. 9. In our city there are several new enterprises and public transport.

Exercise number 14.

Which of the phrases below are fixed in the language and become permissible, and which are perceived as redundant and do not correspond to the language norm? (For references, contact the dictionaries of foreign words and dictionaries of the difficulties of the Russian language.)

Information message, evening serenade, traumatic damage, timing of time, patriot of their homeland, exhibits of the exhibition, folk folklore, buccinistic book, free vacancies, price list, my autobiography, biography of life, monumental monument, meager trivia, profession colleague, overall dimensions, Leading leader, internal interior, driving leitmotif, an unusual phenomenon, real reality, period of time, huge Mahina, a response counterattack, progress forward, memory memorial, a strange paradox, temporary ceteenness, demobilization from the army, plans for the future, in the end, gesticulate hands , trample with legs, crowd of people.

Exercise number 15.

In the proposals given, specify the phrases in which the lexical combination is broken. Replace lexical equivalents that caused speech errors.

1. Many nerves have to spend, reading the letters of veterans. 2. The above-mentioned metal did not go to the factory-customer. 3. By the time of the exchange of an apartment in it, a wife, daughter and things were spelled out. 4. The grief did not break this woman, her love for work, her courage. 5. There are people who, by making a lot, good and useful, quietly and modestly silent about it. 6. The teacher must give advice and comments to his students. 7. hit the frost, and grabbed the corn strongly. 8. Sponsors presented the school library, board games. 9. I do not think that there will be people who would seriously confess the opinion of this eccentric. 10. When the pilot sits into the cabin of an unnecessied aircraft, he thinks: who is the first, if not me?

1. Now I'm dead, I became sheets of the book, and you can overflow me (ox.). 2. I myself do not like older crops and still Istovo is glad that I did not hurt the dishonor of the ranks and the lowestness of the Barskiwards (Gal.). 3. The cat turned out to be not only a solvent, but also a disciplined beast (Bulg.). 4. Every night Fyodor Nikitich visited the same weathered Soviet dreams. 5. The earth slightly touched the dark paint, and the advanced star promptly signaled the night's offensive. 6. At the serene, Nesphan Luba Balaganova was designated deep forward (I. and P.). 7. The new film is doomed to great success in the widest rounds of the public. 8. Our hero was not confused and immediately inflicted a lightning visit to the ambassador to prevent this sustainable solution (from newspapers).

Exercise number 17.

Specify speech errors and errors in the syllable; Pay special attention to the use of multivalued words having homonyms. Edit the text for the newspaper.

When cheese is crying

Cheese. His witty slices give our morning breakfast a special appetite. "Russian", "Baltic", "Poshekhonsky" ... The heads of the head stores are similar, as if twins. Thin paraffin shell reliably covers the secrets of each.

To solve and create them, our cheesellors have to work a lot, "says the chief engineer of the oil engineer. - Cheese is very capricious in the manufacture. Only accurate execution of technology can give the necessary taste.

The struggle for them is raising begins to lead from the very beginning - the workpiece of raw materials. Plant workers themselves often leave the farms, search farms that can supply refrigerated milk.

... it's not about only alone, cheese must be understood, you need to feel! This is given only by many years of experience. And he is already, we can safely say, came to the Uglich cheesells. This year the plant has developed 50 tons of cheese over plan. At the reached, the team does not think to calm down. This month, here they switched to a new type of swax, which significantly slows down the development of harmful oil bacteria for cheese. When it matures, such unwanted vices are eliminated, like stale, bitterness.

On the eve of the holiday, we wanted to call the names of the best cheesecakes of the plant, but it was not easy to do. All workers are working for many years working in the workshop, and each puts out its particle into a common boiler, together they are defendants for the quality, for cheese, as they say here, "crying". We will cut the head, and in the eyes of the pattern, the dairy "tears" flashes. Their matte balls are the first messengers of the desired cheese.

Exercise number 18.

Specify the errors that have arisen as a result of the inaccurate selection of synonyms (the use of the words without taking into account their semantics, violation of the lexical combination, the unjustified use of stylistic painted vocabulary), as well as the error of the syllable, which was the result of inequalization to use synonyms (repetition of words, tautology, pleonism, errors in the creation of graduation ). Correct offers.

1. You must bring this job to the end, finish, complete. 2. Life in the gymnasium in us continues to boil and burst. 3. The knowledge of this student is very modest, mediocre. 4. The durable absorption of the curriculum interferes with poor quality, poor performance by students of homework. 5. Let's hope that the new furniture in the audiences will serve durable. 6. All those who worked on the construction of the station, I call enthusiasts, and not in vain: they spent two shifts on the construction site. 7. Slowness and non-historicalness in preparing for the construction season are unacceptable. 8. Floating funds - boats and motors to them - must be repaired in advance, revoked, debugged, in words, are in complete readiness. 9. Among Russian writers who wrote about art, Stasov - the figure is huge, unique and the only one, unusually remarkable. 10. On the warm sand of this wild Pacific coast, my barefoot feet left deep prints, who immediately washed raid waves. 11. Errors and misses allowed by the investigative bodies and entailing the incompletentness of the investigation are explained as follows. 12. You ask why the interest of children for reading so collapsed. Ask the senior who do not touch the book at all.

Exercise number 19.

Specify the stylistic shortcomings resulting from the unjustified use of antonyms (illogic, the ambiguity of the statement, the error in the construction of the antithesis, unmotivated oxymoron, the inappropriate pun, the incorrect construction of an antonymic pair, unjustified antifrace).

1. In February, the decline is increasingly increasing every day. 2. Love and betrayal, courage and cowardice, life and death ... This is the tape that the koles takes off. 3. Not cheerful, but not a major, this simple motive for some reason was in the soul. 4. At the competition, pilots of both strong and beautiful sex were played. 5. The abyss between the material situation of the "new Russians" and older retirees not only did not decrease, but even more deepened. 6. Journal "Health" is an excellent assistant in life and death. 7. Ivanov is excluded from college due to the lack of having signs of effort. 8. Ivanov's parents show active indifference to the behavior of the Son. 9. This poplar is because it is called pyramidal, which grows strictly horizontally. 10. These memories are directed not only in the past, but also to the future.

Exercise number 20.

New Year left a little more than a month. And the closer this celebration becomes, the more the capital of Kuzbass is transformed. On the main square of the city already put a new fir, and on the windows of institutions and enterprises you can see a festive design ..

"Spiny" question

Of course, the chief attribute of the New Year is the Christmas tree. Wherever the coniferous tree was - in the apartment, on the Square Square or under the walls of the Kremlin - it always caresses of people. This year, attention to the main Kemerovo Christmas tree is especially great. This is due to the fact that a tree, which was established over the past 11 years, came new. The height of ate along with the podium is 25 meters, it is equipped with about 239 thousand LEDs, which are accommodated on almost 1,900 decorative branches. But the subject for a broad discussion was not the high technological equipment of the New Year tree, and its value, which was almost 18 million rubles.

- Talk about the installation of a new ate we led for several years. They were caused by the fact that the old fir of morally outdated. Plus, every year had to increase financing for its repair, because branches and LEDs were out of order. According to the conclusion of specialists who repaired this spruce, according to the results of the last winter period, about 30% of the branches did not work. It could be sorted out and restored, to spend again from 300 to 500 thousand rubles, as we did in previous years, but it would be shorter by 30%, - said the mayor of Kemerov Ilya Seedyuk.

Installing the Kemerian authorities in the center of the city "Bubened". But the christmas tree did not go on the trash. He was transferred to the recovery in the industrial area, where it will continue to delight local residents for several more years.

As for the value of the new ate, this question can be considered a discussion. Negative comments in the same social networks appear almost under any news, which refers to spending six-digit amounts. Regardless of the construction of a new "ring" or the Cadet School.

- This is definitely not the most expensive Christmas tree, on the manufacturer's website there are options for 29 million, and for 35 million. Yes, we could buy about the same as it was, for six million. But since we go ahead and buy for 10 - 15 years ahead, we must take into account modern requirements for these designs. At the same time, spruce is already in full and will not require any additions and improvements for 15 years. And no costs, in addition to the current, is not planned for it during these years, "said Ilya Seredyuk.

It is worth noting that experts allow and a higher market price for artificial spruce like Kemerovo. This is due to several factors, the first of which is the quality of the tree.

- The better the fir, the more expensive it is. The price can reach up to 25 million rubles, if there will be a lot of needles, there will be a lot of branches and tiers themselves, - told Izvestia Andrei Shashkin, The manager of the company specializing in the trade in street eating.

Also on the cost of the New Year tree affects its exclusivity. After all, many spruce, which are installed on urban areas, are a piece of goods and are not carried out in a massive order.

Updated city

By itself, buying a New Year's ate - part of the global update that happened to Kemerov in the outgoing year. And they happened in all spheres of life of the city.

- We see how the Kemerovo is updated. Ring junctions are built, new transport hubs that have long been in demand. There were long-awaited roads, the same prospect of Moscow. And we approach comprehensively to updating the entire infrastructure around. Repaired facades and made backlight, the yard was repaired. Children's gardens are built, in the near future the construction of a school in the microdistrict No. 7b is planned, and now we are in the process of building two digital schools and we want to lay the third. According to the program "My New School", previously built schools are updated, and this is not just a repair, but a comprehensive reconstruction. Transportation is updated, the stopping pavilions are being upgraded. The construction of large objects that turn Kemerovo to another city will change the sites next to them. And we want the changes to concern not only the economic life of the city, but also other spheres, including holidays, - Stressed Ilya Seedyuk.

It is from this desire to update and a new festive concept appeared, which absorbed all the best from its predecessor and increased new elements. Notable to all changes will be on the Square Square, which is traditionally a place of folk festivities. So, to meet citizens on the square will be new figures of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden from fiberglass with a height of more than three meters. Around the new ate fill the rink, which will be covered in the dark. And for those who want to go skating and play hockey, there was no reason for the quarrel, the last time was bought and already installed a hockey box. There will be no hills and ice figures without loving Kemerovo. Experts have already begun to harvest the material for them in the usual place - the lake is red.

- Among the innovations on the Square Square - the town for the Christmas Fair. We leave the tents, we mount beautiful pavilions for the sale of souvenirs and nutrition. And the entire territory of the fairs we want to cover with a luminous dome from the garland. So everything will be all, not only a Christmas tree, - Ilya Seredyuk stressed.

Under the holiday will be the design of the main urban highways. The Iskitim Bridge on Lenin Avenue, a fountain on the square in front of the dramaater and "balls" near the circus. After a few years, the illumination of trees will return to the Soviet Avenue, which, together with the lighting on the Spring Street, will create a magical atmosphere of the holiday in the city center. In total, 180 lightweight consoles will work in Kemerovo.

Holiday for all

Of course, the city's center alone will not be limited to the center of the city. In almost every area, snow towns, slides and various figures and compositions will appear to the joy of local residents. As well as hockey boxes, ice and winter sports grounds, ski objects. For citizens, 26 rental points will be operated in which they will be able to rent more than 2,000 inventory units.

Christmas markets will appear in every area of \u200b\u200bthe city. This year there will be 69, and they will open on the many years of tradition on December 15. But before proceeding to trade, the sellers will need to perform a number of requirements.

- Last year, Kemerovo had complaints about the fact that the Christmas markets were not decorated, not fenced, and did not look at the regional center. This year, these requirements will be taken into account, "said Ilya Seedyuk.

Also, the Kemerovo Mayor reported that on New Year's Eve and holidays Planned strengthening of the schedule of public transport. This will be done in order to reduce breaks between flights that bind different areas of the city.

And so that the vivid impressions of the holiday will not lead to victims, in the city determined 30 places to launch fireworks. Their list will appear in open access in the near future.

In conclusion, I would like to say the following. This year, Kemerovo was seriously updated, significant objects appeared in the city. Therefore, more than appropriate and the new concept of the holiday, which will soon appear in front of the citizens in all its glory. And it remains to hope that Kemerovo will share this course on the update and take with them to the future only good.

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