
Cyclic vitaminotherapy in violation of the menstruation cycle. How can one restore the cycle of menstruation: a list of the best preparations, folk remedies, vitamins. What is worth considering

In the pharmaceutical, there is a sufficient number of different vitamins intended to normalize the menstrual cycle in a woman, which is due to the restoration of the hormonal background. The delay of menstruation is not always due to pregnancy. Sometimes it is associated with stress, failure in the production of hormones and with other pathologies.

general information

The Vitamin complex is appointed by the attending physician and is accepted by the course method, which is called cyclic vitaminotherapy used 10 days. Vitamins are not recommended independently.

Those who decided to drink vitamins themselves, experts say to take one capsule of vitamin A and one folic acid in the morning, this is done for two weeks. After the body, rest is needed, then it should be continued to drink vitamins for another two weeks, but replacing the vitamin E and folic acid to ascorns. If the reception of vitamins continues, the break should be increased to the week, and then start first.

As for medicines, in most cases it copes with this problem of the oral contraceptive necessary to normalize the menstrual cycle.

A woman needs to know that the reception of drugs often causes the development of various side effects.

Required vitamins

Vitamins that have a positive effect on the formation and adjustment of the menstrual cycle, it is considered a, in, s, e and d.

A special role is occupied, responsible for the full production of sex hormones, which supports the reproductive system in the norm.

Vitamin C performs the function of protecting the body and is responsible for the digestibility of the iron existing in the blood. It participates in the processes of tissue regeneration, in the synthesis of collagen and steroid hormones.

Vitamins Group B. They are responsible for metabolic processes, immunostimulation, disintellation.

Vitamin D helps support the immune system in normal.

Folic acid necessary for normal development nervous system fetal.

Vitamin E is required to prepare endometrial to the implantation of an egg. Vitamin E in gynecology performs an important role in pregnancy, as it contributes to conception and full-fledged baby tool. It performs the following functions in the body:

  1. Protection against early aging.
  2. Normalization of blood circulation.
  3. An obstacle to the occurrence of blood clots and fat deposits, which are formed on the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Improving cellular respiration.
  5. Stabilization of hormone levels.

Vitamin E helps restore the functionality of the mammary glands. It is very important to follow the accurate purpose of a specialist who prescribes a certain dosage.

Interesting is the fact that gynecologists often prescribe comprehensive therapy using vitamin E in the case when women had spontaneous miscarriages or there is a threat of interruption of real pregnancy.

Applying vitinal nature preparations, it is necessary to take into account the day of the menstrual cycle. For example, vitamins are used until the middle of the cycle, but from the tenth of the twentieth day they go to vitamins E, during the second phase, vitamin C is taken.

Natural vitamins

For irregular cycle The use of drugs is not always necessary, in this situation, nutrition can help, that is, the use of such products that contain:

  1. Protein.
  2. Vitamin D.
  3. Omega-3 fatty acids.

It is necessary to eat such products such as fat fish, but fishery fat, which can be purchased in any pharmacy. But from the flour products made from the top of the highest grade, it ultimately should be abandoned, the same applies to any sweets. It is possible to improve the bitter chocolate, as it helps to improve blood circulation, which leads to the normalization of the menstrual cycle, but it is not worth abuse.

In addition, nuts, cottage cheese and low-fat meat will be very useful for the body.

Interesting information about coursework vitamins

Internet expanses die in various ways of receiving vitamins, but the most optimal and detailed is shown below.

Starting from the fifth day of the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to accept:

  • 400 μg of folic acid once a day for ten days.
  • 0.1 g of vitamin E throughout the same time.
  • 0.25 g of glutamic acid three times a day the same amount of time.
  • 5% solution of B6 1.0 mg daily ten days.

Starting from the sixteenth day begin to accept:

  • 1.0 g once a day ascorbic acid - 10 days.
  • 1.0 g of vitamin E over ten days.

A course is held three times in a row, and then you should rest for a month.

A few more techniques for receiving vitamins

1. In order to normalize the menstrual cycle.

Starting from the first day and the fifteenth:

  • ¾ vitamin E in the amount of 200 mg;
  • ¾ Two pills twisted three times a day.

From the fifteenth and to monthly:

  • ¾ vitamin E in the amount of 400 mg;
  • ¾ Vitamin C 250 mg.

2. When there is a violation from the menstrual cycle, manifested in its irregularity, it is recommended:

  • ¾ throughout the cycle on one capsule twice a day Vitamin E;

Starting from the sixth to the fifteenth day:

  • ¾ One pill folic acid three times a day;
  • ¾ twice a day at 20 drops of ginseng grass tincture;
  • ¾ Three times a day for 2 pill pills.
  • ¾ Three times a day 250 mg vitamin C.

3. The purpose of this technique is similar to the previous one.

From the first day of the cycle and the fourteenth:

  • ¾ Take B1 and B6 1.0 ml intramuscularly, but they should be taken alternately;
  • ¾ 0.001 Three times a day of folic acid.

From the fifteenth day and to the menstruation themselves:

  • ¾ 0.1 three times a day of retinola palmitate;
  • ¾ 0.1 Similar to the previous tocopherol acetate;
  • ¾ 0.3 also three times a day ascorbic acid;
  • ¾ 0.02 Rutin three times a day;
  • ¾ 0.25 glutamic acid four days per day.

4. The purpose of this method is similar.

Starting from the third to the thirteenth day:

  • ¾ in one capsule vitamin A;
  • ¾ One tablet of folic acid.

Take vitamin substances only on an empty stomach in the morning time, then take a break for three days.

From the seventeenth to the twenty-sixth day of the cycle:

  • ¾ 1 Capsule vitamin E;
  • ¾ 250 mg vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

After you should make a weekly break and start receiving a vitamin course first.

What to do with violation of MC

All proposed techniques are designed to help normalize the regulation of the menstrual cycle, but they are prescribed by a specialist and are applied under its observation. But it is important to be balanced and to feed and lead a healthy lifestyle, which will help to normalize many processes in the body responsible for the production of healthy cells, for the restoration of damaged, for the saturation of the whole organism as a whole.

Uncontrollable reception vitamin complexes It may lead to the development of various pathologies.

Our body can not do without beneficial substances, so vitamins an integral and very important part of our lives. It is known that when they are lacking or an overall, serious diseases may develop. Usually, a person receives useful trace elements from vegetables, fruits and other foods, since most of the vitamins are not produced independently. Balanced nutrition can fully saturate the human body with all the necessary vitamins, but if for some reason it fails, you can resort to receiving specially developed vitamins complexes.

Currently exist vitamins over the phases of the menstrual cyclethat help recover its normal work and eliminate hormonal failures. Often, doctors are attributed to vitamin therapy for the regulation of menstruation or to reduce the manifestation of the premenstrual syndrome. Some trace elements are prescribed in fairly large dosages that must be taken on the days of the cycle. Such treatment is appointed in order to cause menstruation, reduce painful sensations with dysmet or establish hormone production in the body of a woman.

Causes of hormonal failures in the menstrual cycle

Probably, every woman, at least once in his life, came across such a problem as a delay and a failure in the cycle. The reasons for such violations are very much, but most frequent are:

  • endometriosis. The causes of the occurrence and complete cure were still not fully studied. Its foci can be localized even outside the sexual system to manifest itself with oscillations, pains and cause hormonal disorders;
  • polycystic. This disease occurs due to violations of the formation of hormones, which leads to pathological processes in the ovaries. Because of this, small delays of menstruation may occur, as well as their absence to six months;
  • hormone disorders. Transferred by inheritance or purchased. There is an excess of male or female sex hormones;
  • cysts. Give rise to impassional in hormones, provoking delays and malfunctions in menstruation;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland. Minor failures in the work of this body lead to disorders in the urinary system;
  • overweight. Often a female floor having overweight is subjected to various pathologies and hormonal cycle failures;
  • stresses. Any stressful situation can affect the hormonal background of women and cause its imbalance. Frequent stress can apply significant harm to feminine;
  • large physical exercise. Because of the constant physical stress, the body weight fluctuates, which is reflected in the work of the ovaries, causing various ailments;
  • bad habits.

Important! The menstrual cycle disorders are treated with hormonal preparations and oral contraceptives, and their long-lasting reception causes a lack of vitamins in the body.

With serious diseases or violations of the hormonal background, the gynecologist discharges vitaminotherapy as an additional means to the main methods of treatment.

Vitaminotherapy with disorders of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is an integral part of the female organism, a temporary process that is firmly associated with reproductive function. Violation of these processes can manifest itself in a shortage of beneficial substances, especially for young girls in adolescence.

Since scientists have proven that useful trace elements have a positive effect on the reproductive function of a woman, they are often prescribed in the postoperative period to restore ovulation and menstruation as a complex treatment.

Interesting to know! This treatment is called cyclic, as vitamins are accepted on a specific cycle day.

Depending on the features and complexity of the disease, the doctor discharges a specific reception scheme. One of the most common is the following scheme.

  1. 1.Phase (5th -14th day):
  • B9 - 1 mg, 3 tab. a day, 10 days;
  • B6 - 1 ml of 5%, in the morning on an empty stomach, 10 days;
  • E - 1 drop, at 24 hours a day, until the end of the 1st phase.

The first half of the cycle is preparing for a normal robot reproductive function, it is necessary to take folic acid (B9), as it contributes to the normal development of the future child and significantly reduces the risk of pathologies, so it should be taken before conception. Vitamin E is also extremely important, it improves the state of the endometrium, which will allow a fertilized egg to attached to the uterus wall without any problems. The B9 microelement is responsible for the normal formation of the nervous system of the fetus.

  1. 2.Phase (15th - 25th day):
  • tocopherol - 1 drop, 2 times a day, until the end of the cycle;
  • With - 1 ml, after meals, 10 days;
  • B1 - 1 ml, until the end of the cycle.

Since in the second phase of the cycle, ovulation has already occurred and the egg cell is already on the way to the uterus, it is necessary to take the morning dose of tocopherol.

Vitamin C on a female organism is very well affected during menstruation, it improves blood clotting and strengthens the vessels, so the selection will not be abundant.

Important! If there is no menstruation, then the 1st phase lasts 10 days, the 2nd phase is 10 days, the remainder of the days is a break.

Reception vitamins on the phases of the cycle It helps to fight many menstruals of the menstrual cycle, especially in some cases can be avoided hormonal drugs. Such treatment should be prescribed only a doctor and determine the scheme and doses that will only suit in a certain case.

How to influence vitamins on the body of a woman

Since the oversupports or shortage of vitamins negatively affects the activities of the female sexual system, it should be understood as certain trace elements on the female organism. So:

  • tocopherol (E) is an important building material in the formation of female genital organs in the fetus, reduces the risk of jaundice and has a positive effect on general development. In an adult woman, he normalizes the production of progesterone - hormone responsible for maintaining pregnancy;

Interesting to know! The use of vitamin E reduces the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

  • vitamin A. He helps to update the mucous membranes and synthesizes progesterone, is needed for the normal development of the mammary glands. Takes an active part in the exchange of genital hormones;
  • vitamin D. Reduces the manifestation of premenstrual syndrome and normalizes the length of the monthly;
  • folic acid. It has a positive effect on the formation and development of the fetus, as well as on immunity. Its disadvantage causes a disruption of menstruation;
  • ascorbic acid is an antioxidant, helps a woman to cope with stressful situations and diseases;
  • a group of B. The lack of these trace elements is anemia, they are involved in the normalization of the work of the thyroid gland, ovaries.

For prevention, there will be sufficiently balanced nutrition, which will include all the necessary useful substances. You can start taking vitamin complexes, but it is best to consult with your doctor.


Irregular periods are one of the main symptoms of diseases of female genital organs. To pick up suitable treatment, the doctor will need to establish the cause of the violation. With minor deviations, vitamins for normalizing the menstrual cycle are recommended. Vitamins of group B are successfully used, as well as A, C, E. In the absence of serious pathologies, the cycle is restored up to three months.

Can vitamins affect the monthly

In women with a healthy reproductive system, menstruation lasts from 3 to 7 days, the duration of the cycle varies within 21-35 days. Systematic deviations from the norm may be a signal of hormonal imbalance, the development of genital diseases, lack of minerals. Also, violations can cause hormonal and psychotropic drugs.

With a lack of biologically active substances, ovulation can slow down. To fill their shortage, special additives and therapeutic diets are prescribed.

How to normalize a cycle using vitamins

Biologically active substances play an important role in stimulating hormone production. According to the results of research, some of them have an impact on the work of reproductive bodies. Therefore, doctors often prescribe vitamins to restore the cycle of menstruation.

Important! Biologically active substances are used as non-immortal therapy for normalizing the menstrual cycle and restore the body after operations in reproductive organs.

If a woman has insignificant cycle disorders, the doctor may assign the reception of phases additives. The duration of treatment is 2-3 months. If there is no positive dynamics after this period, hormonal therapy may be required.

Bad for the normalization of the menstrual cycle

To achieve good results, you should combine vitamins for menstruation in women. On sale are available ready-made dietary supplies containing a complex of substances to normalize the menstrual cycle.

The drug Cyclovit includes two means intended for use in different phases. As part of additives:

  • vitamins of group B, E;
  • vitamin C;
  • rutin;
  • selenium;
  • manganese;
  • lutein;
  • folic acid.

This non-flame remedy is used by a 3-month course. The drug normalizes the menstrual cycle, reduces the painfulness of the mammary glands, restores the psycho-emotional background and contributes to the overall improvement of well-being.

Another additive containing vitamins in disruption of the menstrual cycle is pregen. Produced in the form of sachets for the preparation of infusion. The tool is often used in preparing for pregnancy and to normalize the production of hormones. It includes:

  • L-arginine;
  • vitamins group B, C, E;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium;
  • vitex extract.

This supplement supports the health of reproductive organs, ensures normalization of the menstrual cycle, replenishes the stock of the minerals necessary for the development of the fetus. Regched is contraindicated in pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Women's vitamins for the normalization of the menstrual cycle

Biologically active substances play an important role in the normalization of the hormonal background. For the proper functioning of the sex glands in the body, there should be sufficient vitamins B1, B2, B6 and E. Also women need folic acid.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is known primarily by its antioxidant properties. At the same time, it is necessary to normalize the processes of ovulation and work out progesterone. The substance contributes to updating the mucous membranes of organs and the development of the mammary glands.

Vitamins Group B.

To regulate the menstrual cycle, vitamins of group V. They contribute to the correct functioning of the genital glands and ensure the production of estrogen. Also these substances are required to maintain the health of the nervous tissue. In the normalization of the operation of the ovaries and the thyroid gland, B6 is involved. Especially great the need for it during menopause.

Vitamin C

In the list of vitamins, Vitamin C is necessarily present for normalizing the menstrual cycle. It is the strongest antioxidant, the need for it increases during stressful situations. The substance is necessary to maintain the elasticity of the vascular walls. With its lack, it may be observed bleeding during menstruation.

Vitamin D.

A sufficient use of vitamin D allows us to facilitate the manifestations of the premenstrual syndrome. With its lack, there may be an increase in the length of menstruation. The substance mainly strengthens the bone and regulates blood clotting, it is required to maintain calcium metabolism.

How to take vitamin E to normalize the cycle

For the normal flow of the second phase of the menstrual cycle in the body, there should be enough vitamin E. its lack of fraught with abundant discharge during the monthly and irregularity of menstruation. The substance participates in the development of sex hormones, including progesterone.

It is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. With irregular or abundant menstruation.
  2. In the threat of miscarriage to preserve pregnancy.
  3. With signs of mastopathy.
  4. With pronounced signs of premenstrual syndrome - irritability, ailments, swelling.

We need vitamin E both during menstruation and pregnancy. It is appointed to preserve the fetus and prevent the development of pathologies. Recommended dose - 200 mg twice a day.

Folic acid

Folic acid is particularly required by the body during pregnancy. With a lack of substance, the risk of miscarriage or premature births, the development of the pathologies of the fetus, as well as the emergence of the Mother of the postpartum depression.

However, folic acid is needed not only for pregnant women. It is necessary:

  • to maintain the health of the nervous system;
  • for blood formation;
  • for cell growth;
  • to strengthen immunity;
  • to generate amino acids.

Important! Folic acid is called vitamin B9.

An adult person requires 400 μg of folic acid per day, while a pregnant woman needs to use 600 μg.

The diagram of vitaminotherapy in disruption of the menstrual cycle

If a monthly schedule of a woman is changing insignificant, hormonal agents may not be required. In this case, doctors prescribe the reception of vitamins by cycle days.

The treatment diagram is as follows:

  1. In the first phase of the cycle, B9, B12, glutamic and lipoic acid are used. Dosage - one tablet three times a day. This complex can be supplemented by one Capsule Vitamin E.
  2. In the second phase, they are prescribed B6 and with a tablet three times a day, e - 2 capsules per day.

Some patients are sufficiently cyclic vitaminotherapy in disruption of the menstrual cycle according to the scheme to normalize the hormonal background. If the treatment turned out to be ineffective, further examination will be required and, possibly, hormonal drugs.

The duration of reception of vitamin complexes is 2-3 months. Although these additives themselves are not drugsIt is impossible to use them lightly. Treatment should be under the supervision of the gynecologist. If necessary, it will be able to adjust the dose and the duration of reception.

Contraindications and side effects

Before taking vitamins on the phases of the menstrual cycle, it is important to consult with a doctor regarding the dosage. It is determined in accordance with age, lifestyle concomitant diseases. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the reception of some vitamin complexes can be contraindicated.

Another nuance - in patients can be observed allergies or individual intolerance to certain substances. If such reactions have previously occurred, you need to report this to your attending physician.


With irregular monthly doctors, vitamins are prescribed to normalize the menstrual cycle. If serious pathologies have not been identified during the survey, their reception will be enough. Useful for the health of the female reproductive system of vitamins A, C, E, D, as well as groups B. It is recommended to use their use by the phases of the cycle. There are ready-made dietary supplements containing a complete complex of active substances. Before their reception, be sure to consult a doctor.

Catad_Tema Pathology of Pregnancy - Articles

The role of cyclic vitamin therapy in the treatment of functional disorders of the menstrual cycle

Published in the journal, reproductive health of children and adolescents, №5, 2014. E.V. Uvarova 1, O.A. Gromova 2, E.Yu. Lisicin 2, O.A. Limanova 2, N.A. Buralkina 1.

1 FGBU "Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology. Acad. IN AND. Kulakov »Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow
2 GBOU VPO "Ivanovo State Medical Academy" Ministry of Health of Russia, Ivanovo

Illuminated the role of vitamins and minerals in the regulation of the menstrual cycle. Analyzed available information on changes in the level of vitamins and minerals, depending on the hormonal status of a woman. New approaches to the use of cyclic vitaminotherapy in various disorders of the menstrual function are considered. The results of the study of the effectiveness of the use of the vitamin and mineral complex "Cyclovit" in the therapy of the menstrual disorders of the menstrual cycle are described.

Keywords: Dysmenorrhea, vitamins, menstrual cycle, premenstrual syndrome, Menarche delay

The Role of the Cyclic Vitamin Therapy In The Treatment of Functional Menstrual Cycle Disturbances

E.V. Uvarova 1, O.A. Gromova 2, E.Yu. Lisytsina 2, O.A. Limanova 2, N.A. BURALKINA 1.

1 The Kulakov Obtetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology Research Center, Moscow
2 Ivanovo Medical Academy, Ivanovo

Expended The Role of Vitamins and Minerals in the Menstrual Cycle Regulation. Analyzed The Information about The Variation of Vitamin and Minic Level in Dependence Of Woman Hormonal Status. New Methods of Implication Cyclic Vitamin Therapy in Different Cases of Menstrual Function Disturbances Described. The Results of Clinical Study of Effectiveness Vitamin and Mineral Complex "Cyclovita" in Treatment of Menstrual Cycle Disturbances Described.


In the structure of gynecological diseases in girls up to 18 years of age, the menstrual cycle is 41%.

Among the causes of menstruation disorders, the following can be distinguished: physical and mental loads; disorders of the power mode, starvation, obesity, the start of bad habits (alcohol, smoking); hypovitaminosis and microelementoses (selenium deficiency, iodine, calcium, magnesium; vitamins A, C, E, vitamins of group B); Genetically determined pathology (metabolic syndrome, diabetes, Gestoses in mothers during pregnancy and many other factors); Environmental disadvantage; Violations of food behavior (nervous anorexia and bulimia), as well as a combination of all listed factors.

Most therapeutic approaches to the treatment of such menstruation disorders in adolescent girls, like dysmenorrhea, pain in the middle of the menstrual cycle, premenstrual voltage syndrome are based on the interruption of the cascade of reactions that run the production of prostaglandins. The method of therapy of the first line is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), the disadvantage of which is a significant frequency of peculiar syndrome after the abolition of drugs, as well as a direct irritant effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. The second main approach to the treatment of menstruation disorders is the appointment of combined oral contraceptives (COC). However, the use of COC is associated with an increased need of micronutrients and vitamins.

Girls, as well as the symptomatic nature of menstruation of menstruation, as well as the symptomatic nature of the NSAID therapy, are subject to the need to use additional funds, the use of which will be aimed at eliminating the nutritional deficit, which is in most cases the background that creates favorable conditions for the development of subsequent violations that cause dysfunction ovaries in teenage girls.

For many years, Russian-gynecologists used cyclic vitamin therapy as a component complex therapy A number of menstruation disorders is widely used and now (Fig. 1, 2).

* EBY G.A. Zinc Treatment Prevents DYSMENORRHEA // MED. Hypotheses. - 2007. - Vol. 69 (2). - R. 297-301.

Fig. one.

1 Nakamura k, Kodaka M, El-Mehasseb i.m. et al. Further Structural Analysis of Gnrh Complexes with Metal Ions // Neuro Endocrinol. Lett. - 2005. - Vol. 26 (3). - R. 247-252.
2 Karanth S, Yu W.h., Mastronardi C.A., McCann S.M. Vitamin E Stimulates Luteinizing Hormone-Release Hormone and Ascorbic Acid Release From Medial Basal Hypothalami of Adult Male Rats // EXP. Biol.med (Maywood). - 2003. - Vol. 228 (7). - R. 779-785.
3 Ebisch I.M., Thomas C.M., Peters W.H. et al. The Importance of Folate, Zinc and Antioxidants in the Pathogenesis and Prevention of subferitility // Hum. Reprod. Update. - 2007. - Vol. 13, ISS. 2. - R. 163-174.

Fig. 2. The role of vitamins and minerals in regulation of reproductive function

The traditional diagram of vitaminotherapy includes the use of folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B 1. As is known, vitamins in 1, 2, in 6, e, folic acid have a gonadotropic effect and are involved in the exchange of estrogen, in the formation of target organ receptors. Thus, the development of functional disorders of menstruation (premenstrual voltage syndrome) is often due to a decrease in vitamins in the lutein phase of the cycle. The study of nutrients needs, as well as the level of vitamins in women in the I and II phase of the cycle, revealed an increased need for vitamins C, E, folic acid, zinc, magnesium and vitamins of the group in the II phase of the cycle. Also revealed a pronounced direct correlation between the decrease in the level of estradiol in the II phase of the menstrual cycle (MC) and the deficiency of ascorbic acid. It is shown that the joint use of vitamins C and E in the II Phase phase of MC in therapeutic and preventive dosages is much more effective in comparison with the monotherapy, which makes it possible to use doses of vitamin C at a dose of up to 500 μg / day and vitamin E - 100 mg / day. Also vitamin C is also needed for folic acid synthesis. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory zinc properties are used for complex therapy of dysmenorrhea symptoms (see Fig. 1).

The principle of cyclic vitaminotherapy and scientific data on the role of vitamins and minerals in the regulation of the menstrual cycle and their impact on the functioning of the reproductive system, was based on the creation of a vitamin and mineral complex (VMK) "Cyclovit". The composition of the IUC includes folic acid, vitamins in 1, in 6, in 12, vitamins A, E, C, D 3, lipoic acid, nicotinamide, rutin, calcium pantothenate and minerals - selenium, zinc, magnesium, manganese, and rutin And Lutein. Doses of vitamins, minerals in the complex are changed in accordance with the phases of the menstrual cycle: "Cyclovita-1" - for receiving in phase I, "cycle-2" - for receiving in the II phase of the cycle.

The Navy "Cyclovit" found an application with many pathological conditions, such as a delay in sexual development (CRAP), abnormal uterine bleeding of a puberty period, oligomenorrhea, secondary amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Material and methods
The effectiveness of the use of the vitamin and mineral complex "Cyclovit" was studied in the study with the participation of 44 adolescent girls aged 12-17 years with clinical symptoms of dismenorrhea and SRR and 57 women of reproductive age (from 18 to 35 years old) with the symptoms of PMS.

The results of the use of "Cyclovit" for 3 months with different disorders of menstruation showed a reliably faster appearance of a regular menstrual cycle in patients with a delay in sexual development (Fig. 3), a decrease in symptoms and a decrease in the need for antispasmodics during displacement (Fig. 4).

Fig. 3. The influence of the Navy "Cyclovit" on the frequency of menstruation during the delay in sexual development

Fig. four. The influence of the Navy "Cyclovit" on the manifestations of dismenorria

The results of the use of "Cyclovit" were significantly different from the results of receiving vitamin E in these violations.

The use of the Navy "Cyclovit" led to a statistically significant compared to the initial state of a reduction in the frequency and duration of such symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) as irritability, drowsiness, headaches, the swelling of the face and the lower limbs, the loading of the mammary glands. While the patients of the comparison group (Vitamin E reception), only a tendency to reduce the frequency of PMS symptoms was noted (Fig. 5).

Fig. five. The influence of the Navy "Cyclovit" on the symptoms of the PMS

The results of the study on the use of the Navy "Cyclovit" in various disorders of the menstrual function indicate the positive effect of the combination of vitamins and minerals on the function of the reproductive system, contributing to a high degree of reliability:

  • reducing the symptoms of dismenoria,
  • reducing the manifestations of PMS,
  • optimization of treatment for patients with sexual delay.

    Thus, the results of the use of the Navy "Cyclovit" give grounds for consideration of its use in various menstruation disorders.

    Information about authors
    Uvarova Elena Vitalevna - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the 2nd Gynecological Department (Gynecology of Children's and Youth) FGBU "Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology. Acad. IN AND. Kulakov "Ministry of Health of Russia, the main freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of Russia on the Gynecology of Children's and Youth Age, President of the Interregional Public Organization" Association of Children's and Teen Gynecologists "(Moscow)
    Gromova Olga Alekseevna - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology GBOU VPO "Ivanovo State Medical Academy" Ministry of Health of Russia, RSC Institute of Microelements UNESCO
    Lisitsyna Elena Yurevna - Employee of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology GBOU VPO "Ivanovo State Medical Academy" Ministry of Health of Russia, obstetrician gynecologist MBUZ "Maternity House No. 1" (Ivanovo)
    Limanova Olga Adolfovna - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology GBOU VPO "Ivanovo State Medical Academy" Ministry of Health of Russia
    Burakina Natalia Alexandrovna - Senior Researcher of the 2nd Gynecological Department (Gynecology of Children's and Youth Age) FSBI "Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology. Acad. IN AND. Kulakov »Ministry of Health of Russia

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  • Vitaminotherapy allows you to fill the shortage of important vitamins in the feminine organism, due to which the functionality of its reproductive system increases significantly. To date, this treatment is very common, especially in the West countries, as it is completely safe. Vitaminotherapy for the cycle phases is assigned in cases where various problems with the menstrual cycle are noted.

    Menstrual cycle is periodic processes that occur in the female body, which are inextricably linked with reproductive function. By and large, his presence suggests that the woman is ready to continue the genus. At the end of each cycle there are specific discharge from the vagina, called monthly.

    AT modern world Different disorders of the menstrual function, unfortunately, are not rare. The reason for this can be completely different factors - violations, diseases of the urogenivities, chronic diseases, unfavorable environmental conditions, venereal diseases, stress and much more. Such violations are manifested with a lack of vitamins. This is especially true for adolescent age.

    The lack of adequate treatment of problems with the menstrual cycle in girls can lead to the emergence of such pathological conditions as amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, infertility, delay in sexual development, etc. Accordingly, it is necessary to resort to effective therapy.

    What to do if there are missing vitamins in the body? Naturally, you need to replenish their stock. Some biologically active compounds have a pronounced estrogen-like and gonadotropic effect. This is what their quality is used in the process of vitamin therapy. The essence of such treatment is to restore the menstrual cycle, without the use of hormonal drugs that can have a significant impact on the body.

    Vitaminotherapy is mainly relevant for young girls, whose cycle often gives failures.

    Also, treatment with a specific group of vitamins is used to eliminate problems with a cycle in women who have previously transferred operational intervention in the ovaries (regardless of its scale). In this case, they act as part of complex postoperative therapy.

    What vitamins are prescribed

    Not all vitamins have a direct impact on the reproductive function of a woman. Accordingly, there is a special list of bioactive substances, which are prescribed doctors to their patients:

    • folic acid is an extremely important element for the whole organism. This water-soluble vitamin is directly involved in the processes occurring in the immune system, as well as the circulatory system. In addition, Vitamin B9 contributes to the normalization of the acidity of the uterus, and this is very important;
    • tocopherol - is a natural antioxidant. Prevents the oxidation of erythrocytes and other no less important cells. Vitamin E is responsible for the preservation of the elasticity and strength of the walls of the vessels, due to which its sufficient amount significantly reduces the risk of developing such a dangerous disease as atherosclerosis. Improves immunity at the cellular level;
    • pyridoxine is another very important component in vitamin therapy. Vitamin B6 is directly involved in metabolic processes occurring in the brain. It also stimulates the activity of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. Thanks to pyridoxine, it is possible to reduce or vice versa - to increase blood glucose. It has pronounced anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antidepressant, anti-diamemine and hypotensive effect. Improves the diuretic function of the relevant authorities;
    • thiamine is responsible for the proper work of the nervous system. Vitamin B1 is a member of the energy exchanges in the human body;
    • ascorbic acid - increases the ability to absorb iron, synthesizes mediators, collagen and steroid hormones. Participates in the exchange of cholesterol, induction of endogenous interferon, blood clotting process, carbohydrate exchange. Known vitamin ability to accelerate tissue regeneration and adjust redox processes. Interacts with folic acid, not allowing it to accumulate in the body in overly large quantities. It is not an antioxidant, but has a number of its properties.

    It is necessary to be treated with the help of vitamium-containing funds, it is necessary to strictly on the designated scheme that the doctor is developing directly. Due to this, it will be possible to achieve the maximum effect of therapy.

    There is a sufficiently large number of vitamin therapy schemes. Consider one of the most popular, which is prescribed most often:

    1. 1st Cycle Phase

    This, about the fifth of the fourteenth day:

    • folic acid - 1 mg dosage, three tablets per day. Reception duration - 10 days;
    • pyridoxine - 1 ml of a five percent solution per day, in the morning, before meals. Duration - 10 days;
    • tocopherol is 1 drop a day, after a day, throughout the phase.

    The first half of the cycle is very important, from the point of view of the preparation of the body to stabilize reproductive functions. Be sure to take tocopherol. The fact is that Vitamin E helps to improve the state of the endometrium, due to which the probability of trouble-free implantation of the fertilized egg is significantly increased. Along with it, it is necessary to consume folic acid. It is extremely important for the proper development of the fetus and its transformation into a child, without any deviations. Vitamin B9 is the main substance in the womb of the mother, which is responsible for the formation of the central nervous system of the kid.

    2. 2nd Cycle Phase.

    It comes from 15 to 25 days (duration depends on the individual characteristics of the body). The treatment diagram is as follows:

    • vitamin E - one drop twice a day, every day, before the end of the cycle;
    • ascorbic acid - 1 millilitour per day, daily after meals, for 10 days;
    • thiamine - 1 ml in the morning before meal, daily.

    The second half of the cycle in the vitaminotherapy is characteristic of the fact that during her the patient will need to take a tripled dose of tocopherol. The fact is that at this time there was no ovulation, which means that the egg cell is in the pipes or even in the uterus. The help of ascorbic acid is resorted when menstruation starts. Vitamin C contributes to strengthening vessels, as well as better blood reducing, respectively, allocations during menstruation will be normal and not too abundant.

    The average course is carried out at about three menstrual cycles. After that, you will need to make a monthly break. If necessary, the vitamin therapy is resumed. It is important if, the first phase is drinking for ten days, the second - too, and the remaining 10 days will be a break.

    Vitaminotherapy is able to give an excellent result in the fight against various impairment of the menstrual function, and without the need to use complex hormonal drugs. Of course, that before conducting such treatment, a professional consultation of the gynecologist is needed. With the right approach to vitaminotherapy, it will be possible to get rid of pathological processes after one or two courses.

    POLYESTER.RU - Magazine for girls and women