
What an important thing happened in the year. GMI them. A.S. Pushkin rides the Presid


Main events of 2017

The outgoing 2017 was full of bright and memorable events. The abundance of political permutations, corruption and media engines last year was largely influenced by a sharp change in the geopolitical situation in the world. Armed conflicts in Syria, the exacerbation of the situation in Ukraine has changed many international relations. But in general, for Russia, the year was successful, full of positive events within the country and beyond.

We remind you that 2017 was declared the year of ecology in Russia to attract the attention of society to the issues of the environmental development of Russia, preserving biological diversity and ensuring environmental safety.
Also at the beginning of the year the president Russian Federation Gas station Bovanenkovo \u200b\u200b- Ukhta-2 and Proharya and Purpe and Kuyumbov - Tayshell.
At the end of January, the flight tests of the MiG-35 multifunctional fighter began.

From February 1, 2017, every citizen of the Russian Federation can receive free "Far Eastern hectare" and participate in the development and development of territories of the Far East.
From February 27 to February 28, the Russian investment forum was held in Sochi, at which 377 agreements and protocols were signed on the intention of 490.3 billion rubles.
Also, February of this year, the triumphal performance of the Russian national team was remembered at the XXVIII World Winter Universiade in Kazakhstan, held from January 29 to February 8.

In the city of Seversk Tomsk region, the construction of a plant with the Brest-300 reactor began in March. An experimental demonstration energy complex with a fundamentally new BREST-300 reactor installation, which will work largely by a closed cycle with regeneration and the production of nuclear fuel in close proximity to it.

President Rossi Vladimir Putin began starting the search drilling of the central-olginskaya central - 1 in the Russian Arctic shelf of the central-olginskaya.
In April 2017, Russian physicists created the world's first quantum blockchain. This is a distributed storage system, protected by quantum cryptography.

In connection with the prohibition of the Ukrainian side, the Samoylova, Eurovision-2017 competition, has passed without the participation of Russia.
The government fulfilled 165 instructions of the President of the Russian Federation from 218 to the Maysee.
Putin signed a decree "On the announcement in the Russian Federation of the Decade of Childhood".
The new Russian civilian aircraft MS-21 May 28 made the first test flight.

From 1 to June, the XXI St. Petersburg International Economic Forum was held, in which 14 thousand people from 143 countries took part, about 400 agreements were concluded, and their total amount turned out to be a fabulous - 2 trillion rubles.
The President of June 23 gave the start of the docking of shallow and deep-water parts of the "Turkish stream".
Russian students have become winners of the International Championship of Higher Tutorials on Programming International Collegiate Programming Contest - 2017.
From June 17 to July 2, the Cup of Confederations 2017 was held in Russia.
Also in June, a method for the treatment of phantom pain was developed. Russian students have created a special Phantom MD application program, which is installed on the smartphone and with the help of virtual reality glasses helps people who have lost limbs, stop feeling phantom pain.

In the city of Moscow on July 1, the renovation program was launched in Moscow - demolition of morally obsolete housing: an unprecedented on-scale resettlement program from five-story buildings will raise 4.5 thousand houses, with a total area of \u200b\u200b25 million sq.m., in which 1.6 million people live . The implementation of the renovation program will improve the housing conditions more than 10% of Muscovites.
From July 7 to July 8, Vladimir Putin visited the German city Hamburg to participate in the Summit of G20, where the development of the digital economy was considered.
The twentieth of July took place the transfer of the newest domestic corvette of the project 20380 "Perfect" to the composition of the Pacific Fleet of the Navy of Russia.
The next day, on July 21, the tests of a flying taxi were tested. The aircraft presented at the exhibition can rise in air with a load of up to 120 kg and sit on a parking intended for ordinary cars. Possible both unmanned and manned flights. Was presented at MAKS-2017 in Zhukovsky.

Russian President on August 3 gave the team to fill the foundation for the construction of a complex of the Amur gas processing plant. On the same day, Vladimir Putin took part in the input ceremony of the three-hydraulic parts of the Nizhne-Buini hydroelectric station.
In Nizhny Novgorod, on August 8, a new bridge-dubler was launched through the Volga.


By the beginning of the school year, 76 new schools opened in Russia.
In the Astrakhan region on September 7, the Solar Power Station "Factory" was opened.
On September 8, the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation took part in the ceremony of laying a multifunctional vessels for the supply of reinforced ice class "Vladimir Monomakh", "Alexander Nevsky", "Ekaterina Great" and "Holy Maria", which will be built here at the request of the company " Rosneft. "
Atomic two-actor icebreaker of the project 22220 (LK-60) "Siberia" - "King of the Arctic" on September 22, 2017 was lowered for further construction. The Russian Federation enshrines its tactical and strategic domination in the Arctic zone. There were no such machines in the Arctic zone, and their competitors will not appear soon.
In Russia, they began to centrally procure the drugs against socially significant diseases: HIV infection, hepatitis and tuberculosis. According to the Ministry of Health, due to this, a significant decrease in the average cost of treatment of one HIV-infected patient has been achieved (from 160 thousand rubles to 84 thousand rubles), which made it possible to increase coverage with 39.5% to 46%, according to January-September 2017 .

This month, the All-Russian Competition of Management Management "Leaders of Russia" was launched, which will take on the management of the country in various fields after 2024.
From October 14 to October 22, the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students took place in Sochi.
The WorldSkills-Russia national team ranked first in the team's team event during the 44th WorldSkills-2017 World Cup in Abu Dhabi (UAE).

Vladimir Putin on 10 and 11 November took part in the 25th summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC) in Danang (Vietnam), where issues of expanding cooperation in the field of digital economy were discussed.
Aluminum returned to the wires. After almost 20 years from the moment of prohibition, on November 13, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation allowed the use of aluminum alloys in electrical wiring of buildings and structures, which will reduce the cost of construction of real estate.
The Government of the Russian Federation on November 21 allocated in 2017 to improve the quality of the urban environment in the framework of the National District "Housing and Cities and the City Wednesday" of 20 billion rubles.
More than 3 thousand public organizations on November 22 received grants of the President of the Russian Federation in the amount of 6.6 billion rubles. In total, in 2017, grants were allocated for the provision of grants of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society 3,123 winners, which more than twice the number of winners of all 2016 competitions in all grant operators. The total amount of grants distributed for 2017 is 6,653.8 million rubles.
The opening of the new Rostov-on-Don airport "Plates", which received a name in honor of the famous Ataman of the Don Cossack troops took place on November 27. This is one of the most ambitious buildings of 2017 in Russia and the largest infrastructure project of the Rostov region.

Rosatom State Corporation on December 1, 2017 turned 10 years old.
Russian gold reserves increased to $ 431 billion, which was the maximum since 2014.
The State State Corporation Rostech on December 7 noted its decade.
Russia, on December 10, finally launched passenger trains bypass Ukraine. The length of the line is 122.5 km.
Vladimir Putin on December 8 launched the first place of the Yamal LNG plant. A project for the extraction, liquefaction and supply of natural gas on the Yamal Peninsula is aimed at solving large-scale tasks to master the Arctic and the Northern Sea Route.
Rosatom State Corporation on December 10 began construction of the Akchi NPP in Turkey.
In December, Russia successfully completed his participation in the anti-terrorist operation in Syria at the request of the Syrian authorities. Russian weapons were successfully tested in combat conditions and was shown its high technical level, which helped expand sales markets in Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
In the presence of the presidents of Russia and Egypt, on December 11, acts on the entry into force of contracts for the construction of the EL DABAA NPP are signed.
The Crimean Bridge over the Kerch Strait on December 20 connected the coast of Crimea and Taman.
At the end of December, the experimental exploitation of the 4th power unit of the Rostov nuclear power plant with a capacity of 1070 mW began.
Completely introduced into operation of all 12 stadiums of the World Cup 2018.

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Almost a quarter of Russians (23%) called the event of the year in Russia military operation in Syria. Another event of the year 18% of Russians considered the 100-year anniversary of the Great Oktyabrskaya socialist revolution. 17% of Russians called the event of the year in Russia financial crisis. On a global scale, the event of the year, a third of Russians also called the war in Syria and another 18% - the fight against ISHIL. Each eighth (12%) Russian attaches the importance of nuclear tests held this year by North Korea. Thus, we can say that the outgoing year caused the association among Russians primarily with war. But the internal economic crisis retreats - the proportion of Russians has fallen more than halved, for whom the outgoing year remembered a severe financial situation.

Romir Research Holding, summing up the outgoing year, in the framework of the December polling of Russians * asked the respondents to name the most significant, in their opinion, the events of the coming year in Russia and the world. It turned out that the Russians were remembered in mainly negative events, and some of them did not change since last year.

So, when answering the question about the event of the year for Russia, the opinions of Russians were divided as follows. Almost a quarter respondents (23%) were called an event of a military operation in Syria in Russia. And the share of such answers was insignificantly changed since last year, when it was 20%. Another event of the year, 18% of Russians considered the 100-year anniversary of the Great October Revolution. And the share of such answers, as it is easy to assume, is much higher among the Russians over 60 years old (27%).

Histogram 1. The most significant events of 2017 in Russia. (It is not represented by a share of difficult to answer, and no options for answers that collected less than 5% of the votes are not specified).

Source: Romir, December 2017

17% of Russians called the event of the year in Russia a serious economic situation, crisis. Recall that last year the proportion of such answers exceeded 40%. That is, this year there is a clear recovery, which affected general moods and estimates of our compatriots. However, these three events make up a sad top of the leaders. On other events, the attention of less than the tenth stake in the respondents fastened.

Every tenth (10%) ranked with the event of the resignation of a number of governors. 8% of Russians considered the main event on the ongoing doping scandal with Russian athletes. Another 7% of respondents remembered the past summer football confederation Cup. And this is perhaps the only positive event of the year marked by private survey. 5% mentioned protests against corruption, which were held throughout the year in the country's major cities.

Only 4% of respondents equated to the event of the year the case of the Ex-Minister of the Ministry of Economic Development of Alexei Ulyukayev. 2% of Russians considered the event of the year the year of ecology in Russia, as well as commissioning of the site railway Cranes - Millerovo, who is going around Ukraine.

Among the events that occurred in the world in the world, the Russians highlighted even less than their number. According to our compatriots, the most notable event in the world was the war in Syria - the third of the respondents think so (32%). The struggle against the prohibited organization ISIS, as the event of the year, spoke 18% of Russians. By the way, the proportion of such answers will decrease over time. Two years ago, 42% of respondents attracted attention to ISIL, last year the share decreased to 30%.

About the terrorist attacks in the United States and Europe that occurred in the outgoing year, 14% of Russians said. Another 13% remembered the inauguration of Donald Trump for the presidency of the United States. Each eighth (12%) Russian attaches the importance of nuclear tests held this year by North Korea.

Histogram 2. The most significant events of 2017 in the world. (Do not presented the shares of found it difficult to answer, and no options for answers that collected less than 5% of the votes) are not specified.

On January 20, the 45th president will begin to fulfill its direct duties, which is certainly worthy of the title of an important event of 2017.


In November 2017, the construction of the shelter-2 facility is expected to be completed over the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. "New safe confinement" is recognized as the largest moving ground construction. The deadlines for the commissioning of the object was repeatedly shifted due to lack of financing.


Another important event of 2017, able to change the idea of \u200b\u200bthe past, the execution of 30 years since the death of the Deputy R. Hess. This gives the right to remove the vulture of secrecy with the materials of the case and explore them. According to scientists, many events that occurred in 1939-1945 will appear in a different light.

Space development in 2017

Among the significant events of 2017, the following achievements in the space sphere should be allocated.

  1. The European Space Agency is scheduled to start the CEOPS orbital telescope designed to search and study exoplanet. His Exaltation required 4 years and about 50 million euros.
  2. The first piloted flight of the Dream Chaser shuttle is planned. He must take just a few days.
  3. NASA plans to launch the Naval Research Laboratory spacecraft for the study of the thermosphere of the Earth.
  4. The launch of the TESS cosmic telescope is scheduled.
  5. China plans to launch the Chang "E 5 to the moon.
  6. The launch of the Bepicolombo spacecraft is expected to study Mercury.

The absence of specific dates is due to the unpredictability of weather conditions.


In addition, on August 21, 2017 there will be a complete solar eclipse. Unfortunately, its full phase will be seen only by the inhabitants of the United States.

Finally, it is worth noting that Vladimir Putin signed a decree on holding an ecology in 2017 in the Russian Federation. The aim of conducting attention to environmental safety issues is even in such a difficult time.

The world is in constant development. This is explained by joyful, sad events. The day replaces the day, the old year comes to change new Year. What events are rich in 2017? What important historical dates in the world will come to these 365 days?

However, before talking about the significant dates in detail, it should be understood with the definitions and find out what is included in the definition of "significant events" and what the difference from "memorable dates".

The concept of memorable dates is generally accepted to make days that have enjoyed a great influence on the fate of peoples. This also includes moments that have survived in human memory for a long time.

Under the momentary events, the turning points that have made significant changes in the course of history are most often understood. Talk about such events, remember them, follows every person. The list of the most significant dates of the story that falls for 2017 includes:

Anniversary of the Golden Ring of Russia

2017 - a year, which means the 50th anniversary of the "Golden Ring". One of the most famous and popular tourist routes. It is famous not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Every summer (and in other times of the year), foreigners go to Russia to travel through the saints of its cities, ride in five areas: Kostroma, Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Moscow, Ivanovo.

For representatives of other states, familiarity with russian culture - Always an exciting event. That is why the 50th anniversary of the Golden Ring is an important event not only for Russia, but also for the whole world.

World Water Sport Championship

In July next year, a significant event will take place for the whole world. Venue - Hungary.

Finina is the World Championship, which will unite many people around the world. In Budapest, all preparations for such an important event that, without fail, should be in history, go in full swing. And all the audience and participants can only wait for the opening of the Fin. The estimated period - from 15 to July 30th - in the midst of summer.

Congress of Botanical Art

An important event scheduled for the end of July 2017 is a collection of specialists in the field of growing exotic plants. The organizers of the upcoming event - PRC and Russia.

Space event

In the coming 2017, Russian engineers and researchers plan to launch a research laboratory in space - "Spectrum".

Important historical dates

Many for 2017 will have historical dates. Some of them will refer to the history of ancient Russia. One of the important historical events of a global scale is the 775th anniversary from the day of the "Ice Easy", glorifying Alexander Nevsky for the whole country.

For Moscow, this year is characterized by a round date from the day of its first mention in the chronicle (1147). Touching the year and Ivan the Terrible. In 2017, from the day of the wedding of the ruler, the kingdom will be held exactly 470 years.

365 years since the initiation of the Patriarch Nikon, known for its reforms.
2017 will remember and the anniversary of the Streletsky uprising in Moscow - 335 years. Several round dates from the date of the beginning / end of the wars ( Civil War - 95 years).

Particularly significant for Russia (and the whole world as a whole) will be February 2017. Exactly one hundred years ago, the Bolsheviks overthrew the monarchy, dispersed the temporary government and marked the beginning of the new state.

It is characterized by 2017 and a large number of anniversaries of various cities. For example, exactly 985 years ago, in 1032 was founded KurskAnd fifteen years later (in 1147) Vologda, Great Ustyug.

Anniversary of famous people

Many for 2017 will have to jubileev. Wall Diesel will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary - a famous actor and screenwriter.

80 years will be Echi Pieley, as well as Morgan Fremen.

50 years will turn Phillip Kirkorov, as much Dmitry Nagiyev.

Singer Polina Gagarin will celebrate his thirtieth birthday.

40 years will be Shakir and Orlando Bloom.
And this is not all the upcoming anniversaries.

Jubilee Alaska

At the end of March 2017, in the history of Russia, there will be exactly 150 years old, when Alexander the second signed an order for the sale of the United States Alaska. Officially, the transmission act took place only in October.

Such a purchase was then worth $ 7.2 million. For the United States themselves, this year was the denominator of the construction of the first three-story building in New York.

Culture region

Many jubileev will have to the area of \u200b\u200bculture. So, in 2017 its 140th anniversary will mark the well-known ballet "Swan Lake" P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Nine decades in 2017 will be exhibited on the space theme.

80 years old will celebrate the Kiev Station of the Moscow Metro.

2017 - the time of many historical dates and events. They relate not only to Russia, but also the whole world as a whole, being important for each inhabitant all over the world.

It was a year full of tragic, unexpected and scandalous news. Shooting in Las Vegas, the failure of the voting on the abolition of Obamaker, statements about immigration reform and the abolition of the Green Card Lottery, the adoption of tax reform, a number of loud scandals of sexual harassment. At the end of the year ForumDaily. Collected the main events of 2017, which influenced the life of each of us.

Inauguration Donald Trump

According to the US budgetary administration, in the event of a partial abolition of Obamaker, for which the Republicans performed, an additional 16 million Americans would lose their medical insurance. However, individual provisions of Obamaker (such as a penalty for the lack of insurance) were still canceled within.

Trump offered to cancel the lottery Green Card

On August 2, the President of the United States Donald Trump proposed to actually cancel the SPRs for immigrants currently operating since 1990. Instead, it is proposed to adopt a new bill called The Raise. ("Lifting"), assuming a new distribution mechanism based on employee qualification.

The new system, according to the US President, will produce the selection of candidates "based on merit", which, in his opinion, will protect US workers and US citizens.

Terrorist attack in New York

On October 31, a native of Uzbekistan Saifullo Saipov in New York on Manhattan on a white pickup. He stated that he had committed a terrorist attack under the influence of viewing the rollers of the IG on the Internet. And he added that the attack was planned since 2016, and on October 31, he chose to make an attack it is no coincidence, hoping that on the night of Halloween on the streets there will be many passers-by.

Tax reform

Fires in California

The US state in 2017 burned twice. In October, 44 people were killed in October and 8,900 houses and buildings were destroyed. 4 districts were especially injured: Napa, Yuba, Mendosino, Sonoma. In November, the fire again fell into California. The fire covered the world's largest city - as well as Santa Barbara, San Bernardino and Santa Clarit. The victims of the minimum of 3 people were victims. Fire losses are estimated at $ 9 billion - this is the most serious damage from forest fires in the entire history of the United States.


Thousands of dead, billions of dollars damage and tragic natural records - nature turned such party to a person in the outgoing year.


August 17 formed, which collapsed to the south and east of the United States, Belize, Nicaragua, Honduras. He caused the death of at least 83 people, caused the strongest flood in Houston, Texas. To eliminate his consequences, the Congress allocated $ 8 billion, although the damage is estimated at $ 70 billion Harvey became the first in a series of deadly atlantic hurricanes of 2017.


Fifth, categories formed on August 30 near Cape Verde Islands. Irma walked through the Antilles, raged in the southern part of the Bahamas. By September 10, the hurricane reached the United States - the western part of Florida. The territory was declared a disaster zone. Irma caused a flood in Miami. The victims of the hurricane were 134 people.

After Irma in the Atlantic, Husarian José was raging, who in his path was to hurt already, the antillest islands heavily suffered from the element. But, fortunately, he changed the route and did not cause the victims.


Killed 93 people in his path. He raged from September 16 to October 6. The minor antilles and American virgin islands accepted the bulk hit. On September 20, Maria fell on Puerto Rico, de-energized the island and caused the highest number of victims - 48.

Agriculture of relations with the DPRK

Increased at the end of November, when Pyongyang carried out the first rocket launch in two and a half months. As the Government of the DPRK stated, the rocket of the new type "Halfone-15" for 53 minutes of the flight rose to a height of 4475 km and overcame a distance of 950 km. These Japan and South Korea are practically different from this information. According to the results of the launch, Pyongyang stated that the Rocket "Hwa-15" can carry a nuclear warhead, and in the zone of its reach is the entire territory of the United States.

Earlier, US President Donald Trump signed a law tightening sanctions against the DPRK, and UN Security Council unanimously approved the introduction of new sanctions against Pyongyan for the development of a missile nuclear program.

From now on, North Korea is forbidden to export coal, iron, lead and seafood. The Bank's foreign trade bank accounts are frozen, the North Korean sea ships are denied the entrance to the ports of all states.

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