
Sleep soaring in a dream. Noborian dream book N.Grishina. What Freud thinks

A person who happened to fly in a dream, the interpreter promotes greater success and implementation of ambitious plans. Read more to learn what this action is dreaming, you can pre-remember all the details of the dream, its emotional mood and plot. Dream interpretation explains this symbol in different ways.

Fly by plane, helicopter

A dream, which happened to fly by plane, is treated as an unimportant state of current affairs. Modern dream book Recommends in order to establish its work, in a different way to look at the situation, to show a mixture and a little creative. If in a dream, the flight ended with an accident, you should start decisive measures.

Sleep, in which the helicopter happened, is interpreted in two versions: first, the helicopter can be like a symbol of power, money and beautiful life; Secondly, the helicopter as a way to escape from problems, as well as rapid care from complex situations.

If you dream that you flew on the deltaplane, this is a symbol that the emotional state is on the verge of a breakdown, nerves at the limit. Dream Interpretation Ezopa advises not a week to leave the city and spend all this time alone in nature.

In the sky

To fly as a bird, mahind hands, as if wings - to the subconscious desire for freedom and independence. Sonnik Grishina is convinced that soon this desire will come true.

Description, what dreams to fly over the ground, there is in the explorer of Sheremen. Low to steer foreshadows a quick disease because of its carelessness. If he had dreamed that he was highly parked - this is to the coming trouble in family life, which may end up with a rupture of relationships, if not to devote enough attention to them.

Did you have flown in the sky? This is a sign of happy events and unrestrained joy. Modern dream book reports that you can soar in the sky, it means the sprouts of physical and professional, for old people, a similar plot can impose a disease or even death.

Fly in a dream in a clear and sunny sky - to the successful completion of all the cases started, as well as the opportunity to relax abroad.

If you dream that you fly very high, it predicts that your plans and desires of non-valid or on their implementation will need to spend many forces and energy.

The sleep in which I had to fly through the air, is defined as the spiritual and personal development of a person. The universal dream book also points to huge achievements in all areas of activity - personal, spiritual, professional and creative.

Another option, what dreams like is a life in Lada with me, without internal conflicts and external compromises.

On a broomstick

A dream in which you have to fly on a broom, means the presence of a variety of frames and restrictions that are not allowed to breathe full of breasts.

The dream book of the Wanderer promises liberation from the shackles. AT real life Dinking can foreshadow the termination of marriage (or relationship), which was in a burden and did not give spouses of the happiness and those experiences they wanted.

On the air balloon

To be in a balloon - to the coming failures in the working sphere.

If you dreamed that the balloon was sent rapidly up, it means that such a plot promises the commission of a profitable transaction, an increase in salary or the payment of one-time premium.

If it dreams that the balloon is quickly descended under the weight of its own cargo, it should be expecting a strong disappointment.

Above the water

Small Velezov Dream Interpretation believes that flying over the water - to the exacerbation of intuition and the subconscious mind to own the situation and speak the right words.

Fall in a dream over the water and see the dirty liquid, in reality means aggravated conflict situations inside the working team or family glooms. Dreamed that you are moving on top of clean water - to personal growth and achieving new heights.

Did you have flown over the sea? The plot promises the huge joy and the origin of big feelings. Men such a dream promises to familiarize with an interesting young special person who wants to surround the attention and care.


The sleep in which it is brought to fly on a parachute, foreshadows an incredible luck and stunning success.

The universal dream book believes that it is in air on a parachute and at the same time perform various figures means that the working team highly appreciates your work for creativity and the ability to attract and keep the client's attention.

In space

Explanation, what dreams of flying in space is available at Sheremein. Falling in a dream in space means reluctance to perceive reality as it is. You are so deeply immersed in fantasy that you do not pay attention to what is happening around. Sheremen's dream book warns that with such a position you can lose your beloved person, and work.

Various interpretations

To fly in night gold on the room, while intensively gesticulating and thoroughly reacting to your flight, it is known to meet a person with whom the bright, colorful, passionate, but fleeting novel.

Married women, this dream promises fight against temptations, men - foreshadows a fascinating and short journey.

If a story was dreamed of a plot in which you flew in urban, I will have a forced struggle for your happiness and slipping love. For a woman, a similar plot means the appearance on the horizon of rivals.

The dream in which I had to fly on a chair is explained as the foresight of the position of office, dismissal from the place of work, simple service movement or transition to another job.

Miller's dream book claims to soar over the endless sky - to unhappy marriage. See yourself very low - find yourself in a difficult situation. Fly in the air, watching the sun - to rampant fun and joy.


To fly

Sonniest Medea

Flying in a snow - Symbolic compartment from the physical body, astral journey. It characterizes the elevation of the spirit of the dream, the ability to lift over their problems.

Flying in a dream (outdoor) - testimony of the tide vital energy and sexuality.

Take to fly under the ceiling - Awakening of spiritual forces.

Fall high, among the clouds - separation from real life, a tendency to fantasies.

Fly independently low above the ground - At the moment, neglect the advice of a close environment and do the way as the heart tells.

Fly independently up to the sky - Your dreams are unlikely to come in the near future. Direct your interest on a specific business.

To fly by plane - You are on the right track. A little more effort and victory grows your desire.

Balloon - Do not miss a person who provides you signs attention.

Take a fortune - Any business for which you will now take, will work out. Be more active.

Take off and fall - We will have to accept the defeat and save power for the new take-off.

Dream of Freud.

If a man flies in a dream - It happens that he is concerned about the problems of his erection, but more often - he is proud of it.

If a man sees a flying woman - He is concerned about the time entering into sexual contact with it: would not let erection.

If a woman sees a flying man "It symbolizes her desire to meet a real man (so that he always stood). But perhaps, it speaks of her secret desire to be a man who can completely grow into lesbian games.

If a woman flies in a dream - It is concerned about the preservation of his reputation.

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

Fly in a dream if the flight is given to you easily and freely "This is a faithful sign that fate takes care of you and opens you to the right way." Perhaps, not all your desires will come true, but your life promises to be rich and interesting.

At the same time, if the flight in a dream requires any effort or you just fear, as if not falling - Such a dream is a sign of unsinkless hopes and fruitless dreams.

Jewish dream book

To fly - Success in business, love, trade.

Female dream book

Flights in a dream from one city to another - We are foreshadowed by approaching disputes about the inconsistency of your beliefs by the convictions of others. This will especially be concerned if you have dreamed that you landed on the dome of the temple or church. Such a dream promises you health care; Even the death of someone from your loved ones is possible.

If in a dream on the fly you unexpectedly shot - So your rivals are trying to place you traps and cappos on the way to success. So beware of doing some unforgivable mistake.

Dream D.Luffa

We often fly in a dream - This is a significant event, and sometimes we fly so to speak spontaneously, and in other cases we see a conscious dream and consciously choose flight. But, as a rule, the flight is always accompanied by an infinite sense of freedom.

During spontaneous flights, it is necessary to make certain efforts as wings waving their hands to stay in the air. However, many dreams seem to be picked by an unknown force in the harvest - usually such dreams will dream when we really want to travel or in anticipation of the danger that requires escape, in the process of an informed dream, we slowly rise into the air, a grain of the earth. We choose flight, because we feel that we can do it. This is one of the species of astral outlines. Thanks to these flights, sleeping rises above circumstances, choosing favorable and safe promising directions. What was caused by the desire to fly danger or euphoria? What did this flight led to? Unusual flight means. In a dream, a person can fly by itself, on a bicycle, car, boat or other "non-volatile" means of movement. Such flights, as a rule, are the result of the circumstances in which the usual vehicle It becomes unsuitable or simply dangerous.

For example, you prefer to fly by bike, and not go by car and get into an accident - At the same time, sleep says that you see all the alogicity and inconsistency of the danger. But it may also be a dream with the involvement of the archetype image of the hero.

Dream interpretation for bitch

To fly - Execution of dreams, successful, profitable affairs, mutual love.

Fly low above the ground - Awilling or unfavorable circumstances will violate your plans for rest.

Fly over the sea or river - Be careful in your personal and official matters.

Fly to the sun - You will be able to cope with threatening problems and establish your life.

Modern visible dream book

If you dream that you flies high above the ground - It foreshadows troubles with family life.

Fly low, almost at the very earth - Prediction of diseases from which the dreams will soon be cured.

Flying over dirty water - This is a dream warning: you should pay more attention to your own business, as your enemies are just waiting for the moment to use you.

Fly in a dream over the ruins - The sign of failure and boredom that people around you are called.

If in a dream during the flight you notice at the bottom of the trees with green foliage and grass - In real life, you will have temporary difficulties that will replace the strip of good luck and material supply.

See the sun during the flight - Means that, despite your experiences and fear. Your affairs will go successfully.

If you dream that you fly in space and fly past the moon and other planets - A similar dream predicts hunger, war and all sorts of troubles.

Sleep in which you fly on black wings - Means that you will comprehend bitter disappointment.

Fall - forever your own fall.

If during the fall you woke up - In real life, you will be able to recover from the fate hitting you. Young man see yourself flying over green thickets on white wings - Sign of success in commercial affairs and in love. If such a dream is often repeated, then this is a sign of increasing well-being and fulfillment of desires.

If the terrain on which he flies in a dream, lifeless and sad - On the way to the exercise of desires, he will have difficulty. Despite hard work, he is waiting for a little advance.

If a woman dreams that she flies from one city to another and landing on the dome of the church - She has a long fierce struggle against false ideas for their views and beliefs. She also threatens the deterioration of health. The death of someone from her loved ones is possible.

If a young woman dreams that during the flight it was shot - This is a sign that enemies will prevent her climbing up towards welfare and prosperity.

Eastern female dream book

Flying in pure clear sky, easy planning - To the implementation of the dream.

Sleep in which you fly on black wings - You will comprehend bitter disappointment.

Such a dream for twenty years - to the growth of physical and then - To the spiritual.

If you fall during the flight - This is a literal sign. However, if at the time of the fall you woke up, you will be able to cope with problems.

To understand what dreams of flying in a dream, it is worth using popular dream books. The main thing is to use the work of only experienced, professional interpreters. For example, Miller, Tsvetkov, Loffe and other famous specialists.

Flights in a dream in most cases have a positive interpretation. Such an action from the night dream symbolizes the overall well-being of sleeping, its internal growth and development.

  • In Miller, the flights in dreams are both a symbol of freedom and movement, as well as a hint that a person is far from real life. He constantly hovers somewhere far in the clouds and refuses to shoot pink glasses. If the flight in night vision was very rapid, and from him literally captured the spirit, which means that a man or woman's reality, some kind of problem. To solve it, you will need to make maximum effort.
  • In Islamic dream interpretation, the flight is a symbol of power. In the near future, a person will find power or even become famous. If the flight ended with a drop, you need to pay special attention to the state of my health. Most likely, it is in this sphere that sleeping has problems that he simply does not notice in everyday bustle.
  • According to the dream of a wanderer, an excellent sign is a flight without any assistance and any devices. Such a plot suggests that a person feels huge domestic powers. It literally boils energy. It is necessary to take on the implementation of plans as soon as possible, even if they seem too ambitious. Everything will definitely succeed. But too high flights in the same dream interpretation are associated with excessive human self. He literally admires himself and his actions, sometimes forgetting about the comfort of surrounding people.

Did a very light pleasant flight, at which a person did not feel his weight at all? Soon he will be able to exercise a long-standing dream.

What dream of a woman, a man

When the flights are shot by an adult person, even its floor can affect the result of interpretation.

  • So, the movement over dirty water will dream of an opponent in his personal life. A new acquaintance will make efforts to hover from a sleeping beloved man. To win in this fight, you will have to actively fight for your love.
  • A man dreams of the same dream as a warning about the enhancing activity of competitors. If the dreams recently started a new case, there will be unfriendly to try to interfere with achieving success in it.
  • Fly in a dream woman over the dome of the church falls to health problems. The deterioration will come sharply and unexpectedly. Perhaps the old chronic diseases are exacerbated.
  • A man such a dream suggests that soon he will have to defend his interests and beliefs.
  • Flight on the plane, which ended with a disaster, warns the girl about the problems due to a friend. Do not need to trust the surrounding and open the soul in front of them, otherwise the sleeping can be very disappointed in some close person.
  • A man dream with a similar plot promises a whole series of problems in a wide variety of life spheres.

Fly day at night

Day flight without wings - excellent sign. He foreshadows a person of any gender development in a spiritual, professional or any other plan.

Night flight, which is given a man / woman is not easy - a tip that sleeping does not feel free. He suffers from someone else's despotic and authority.

Flying without wings

If a flight was dreamed without wings, is a hint for sleeping that it has achieved large heights in its current position. Now you can safely set new tasks and start moving even further.

It is believed that movement across the sky without wings will be shot by children to physical growth, and adults to the spiritual lifting.

Which means often a repetitive sleep

It happens that a man or woman often dreams of flight high above the ground, which ends with a sharp painful fall. This is an important hint for sleeping. In reality, he constantly commits the same mistakes that prevent him from achieving the desired life heights. It's time to analyze your own behavior to find them and eliminate them.

If a person regularly dreams of a pleasant flight, it means that it is completely satisfied with his current position. Sleeping managed to achieve inner harmony and overcome all the difficulties. This state he wants to keep as long as possible.

Flying over the Earth, River, Sea

If you dream in the air, you need to try to remember, under what conditions this happens:

  1. In Night Greeks, had to move high above the ground? Very soon the old dream of a man or woman will come true. If you had to fly, on the contrary, very low above the sand, grass, then random misunderstandings and mistakes break plans.
  2. Flying over the river promises a person with finance problems or law. If he ended with a drop, then for sleeping everything will fail.
  3. Fly over the raging sea in a dream usually falls on the eve of the new passionate novel.

Fly in a dream on a broom

Men flying on a broomstick usually dreaming in that period of life when all the thoughts of sleeping are busy with the velocities of revenge with long-standing enemies. Sleep suggests that it is worth abandoning insidious ideas. It is better to just move away from the unfair and try to minimize their impact on your own life.

Women movement on a broomstick in a dream stuffed a series of conflicts and sorry. Troubles can occur both in the workplace and in personal life. If someone from acquaintances turned out to be on the broom, - this is this person and provoke a large-scale scandal.

To easily figure out what kind of dreams are with flights, you need to remember your feelings in them. If a person is easily, nice, joyfully, he does not have discomfort, it means that the plot of night visions will be a favorable harbinger. The sensations of fear and horror during the flight, on the contrary, suggest that the dream is a warning of possible dangers.

Should the person who dreamed of a flight above the ground, good or bad? The answer to this question will help learn the dream book. Above the Earth - such a plot of the night dream can fill as joy and trouble. Therefore, it is necessary to remember the dream in detail, I do not melt out of sight of even small details.

Esoteric over the Earth

What do the compilers of this popular "guidebook" do the world of dreams about flights in dreams? Purchase of equipment in reality promises a dream in which a person commits a flight with the help of wings - so approves an exoteric dream book. Above the Earth with the help of propeller also means to purchase something from the equipment in real life. Moreover, the purchase may be not only a shallow (refrigerator, TV), but also a large (vehicle).

If, during the flight, the dreams use a carpet-aircraft or subordinate to himself a bird, in the near future he is waiting for a trip to other countries. If a person flies without any devices, he will soon be a chance to demonstrate their talents around him. It is possible that as a result, he will receive an increase in work or achieve a wage increase.

Interpretation of Miller

Gustav Miller is a famous psychologist who to enter the story helped him fly in a dream over the land - Miller decrypts such a plot as the foresight of trouble. To disassemble how serious they will be, dream details will help.

If the dream is remembered by a turbid water, he flew over, in real life he will suffer from the goat enemies. You can avoid danger, abiding care, keeping your personal affairs in the strictest mystery. Flying over the destroyed buildings in night Gresses promises loss in reality. It is not known what dreams will lose: it can be a relationship with your loved one, money, work, and so on. If during the "air adventure" in the dream of his "owner" flies over the trees, it will easily find a way out of a difficult situation in real world.

In the sky

Negative interpretation contains not every dream. Fly in a dream above the ground, like a bird, having wings, is a dream, if you believe the book Grishina, means that someone restricts himself. It is likely that it is time for independent decision-making, the results will pleasantly surprise.

The height on which the flight was washed, also plays a far from the last role. Pares low above the ground in a dream, the dreams risks getting sick in real life, this will happen because of the carelessness characteristic. If a person in his Gresses rises high enough, he may face conflicts in the family. If the dreams values \u200b\u200bwith his relationship with the second half, it is worth spending at home more time, otherwise parting is likely.

What advises a person who in his nightly Greeks rises above the clouds, dream book? Fly in a dream above the ground, rising very high, means that the reality of the dreams will easily cope with all the current affairs. Also, such a plot can promise a fascinating journey, which will happen in the near future. There are an alternative opinion, some of the dreams of dream books believe that a waging over the clouds in a dream indicates the inconspiciency of the hopes of his "host."

Airplane, helicopter.

Modern means of transport also does not forget the dream book. Fly in a dream over the ground on the plane - such a dream should be regarded as a warning. It is possible that his "master" is unnecessarily launched current affairs, dealing with only with the problems that seem to him the most important. In search of the exit from the current situation, it is worth considering the most creative options, resort to non-standard thinking. The plane crash in the nightmare foreshadows the collapse of the project, over which a person works now, especially carefully to such a sleep should be related to entrepreneurs.

Dream interpreters, modern and old, interpret the dream, in which his "owner" uses a helicopter during a flight, in different ways. Some of them argue that the appearance of a helicopter in night Greeks speaks about the desire of a person in reaching to hide from problems, that he shows the passivity where decisive actions are needed. Other dreams promise a beautiful life to someone who saw themselves flying at a helicopter, an inheritance is not excluded, winning the lottery.

On a broomstick

Flights on a broomstation - a dream, in the meaning of which will also help to understand the dream book. Fly in a dream above the ground, using the "Witch Transport", means that the real life of the dreams suffers from excessive restrictions, he lacks freedom.

Such a plot of the night dreams testifies that man is already ready for change, it remains only to make a decisive step. It is possible that we are talking about the dissolution of marriage, which has long been no longer brings joy, breaking the bored relationship. It is also possible to dismiss from uninteresting work, receiving a new position.


The flights in the balloon are the plot of the night dream, which also does not disregard almost any dream book. To fly in a dream above the ground without wings, using this exotic vehicle, is such a dream of promoting failures that can spoil the reputation of the dream in the business world.

Running up on in a dream, man, on the contrary, can count on a promising deal in reality. The dream may also be connected with the sphere of finance, it is quite likely to increase the salary in the near future, obtaining an unexpected premium. If the balloon, on board which the dreams are located, rapidly falls under pressure from the cargo, in the real world it is waiting for a lot of disappointment associated with close people.


It is wonderful if a person sees himself in the night Gresses to a parachute. This means that any undertaking made by him in the near future will be wrapped with tremendous success. Therefore, one should not doubt, agreeing on new projects, as dividends will not make himself wait.

If the dreams deftly controls the parachute, combines the flight with the performance of a variety of figures, such a dream is also to be rejoiced. In reality, the person will have a chance to attract the attention of leadership to its work, to earn approval from colleagues.

Darkness, space

Darkness in a dream - a bad omen, almost every dream interpreted with this statement. Fly in a dream above the ground at night means that in the real world the dream is difficult to find its place. It is possible that he needs support for relatives and friends to overcome their problems with which he is not able to cope with its own forces.

If a person has a flight in the night of gold, he also should not be rejected by the picture. A similar plot indicates a dream habit to look at the world through it is likely that he lives in a fictional world without paying attention to what is happening around him. The position of the "child", excessive optimism - all this can cost the "owner" of sleep career, relationship with a loved one.

Dream Vangu

Answers to exciting questions will help to find and compounded by the famous predictor Dream Interpretation. Fly in a dream over the ground - Wang does not give a similar dream of a negative meaning. If you believe in the interpretation, the reality of a person is waiting for a journey to other countries, a speedy relocation is also possible.

Providian claims that a person will receive answers to all the disturbing questions, only remembering the details of his night dreams. Let's say if he himself managed the flight, for example, he was behind the steering wheel of the aircraft, in real life he will have a desire to take responsibility. Whereas the feeling of fear during the night adventure suggests that in solving important problems It is worth releasing the help of close people, in parallel working with their uncertainty in themselves.

Other plots

Flights in the company of other people - such plots also decrypt dream book. Fly in a dream above the ground with a man or a woman who knows the dreams, means to appeal to them for help. If a person dreams a joint flight with a romantic partner, he should be prepared for problems in relationships that are already allowed to know itself.

If the flight in a dream is carried out over the city, familiar or unfamiliar, the dream will have to fight for his love, which can slip away from him. It is likely to appear an opponent who also wants to be with the chosen one of the "host" of sleep. It is worth alerting, having seen yourself in a dream flying on a chair, as a similar plot promises a quick dismissal.

Excellent if the dreams notices the sun during the flight, it foreshadows the rapid relief from the alarms, the return of life into the usual channel.

Everyone who had to fly in a dream would confirm the sensations of just fantastic. The symbolism of flights is almost always light, many superstitions say that flying in a dream means growing. Of course, the interpretation of any dreams completely depends on the details that they had dreamed. Any dream book to fly a person for example for various reasons, putting forward its interpretation.

Interesting is the fact that almost all dreams about flights - conscious by the man.

In other words, the dreams understand that he sleeps and can manage his body in this dream. The most common desire attached to such dreams is the desire to travel.

What dreams to fly in a dream

It is believed that the flight in a dream can be vacated only until a certain age. To a greater extent, this is due to the opinion that to see himself flying in dreams means human growth. Initially, it was generally associated with the development of the brain - a comma-free passion means freedom.

In dreams are important details - what color were the wings, what was the sky, what time of day it was. An even greater value is attached to the time of the year when he dreamed of flying in a dream.

Interpretation at the time of the year

  • Autumn is a premonition of a stormy novel, but it is not recommended to rush into the outer with your head, as it can lead to trouble. Love will be passionate, but the relationship will not last long - a brief passion;
  • Winter - a dream should take care of well-being, contact the hospital, because winter flights will take off for diseases;
  • Spring - despite the overall ease of this time, in a dream to fly over blooming trees and melting snow to the subconscious desire to perceive the world more real. The dream signals that dreams can start on the curve of the track, and the diversion, a person will miss all the possibilities provided by the fate;
  • Summer - warm and bright time of year symbolizes spiritual growth, especially for young people.

In addition to premonitions, the dreams may be warnings.

Why dream of flying in a dream

To fly in a dream means to take life under control. It was quite possible, already happened or only some unpleasant situation would happen, which distorts the usual way of life.

The flight signals that everything will soon be done, - the dream will be able to return to their hands.

  • If the flight is light - waging, enjoying the views, without fear of falling, then the person's power is gradually growing. She spits something out of: supporting relatives, self-confidence, success at work and a personal front.
  • During the flight, a person sees everything under a new angle - such a guare may mean that he changed his gaze on life, began to see things wider.

But most often it is interpreted by a pure sense of freedom - the subconsciousness seems to see the dream, telling him that there is nothing impossible. The ability to flight is hope, opportunities, freedom of expression of thoughts and opinions.

What dreams to fly by plane or helicopter

Progress has long stepped forward, allowing humanity and in fact flying across the sky. What ancient people dreamed about, attributing the opportunities only to gods, accessible to a simple person. Airplanes and helicopters - allow you to climb also high like birds. But the interpretation of dreams about it is not so rosy.

  • It does not affect the flight of the aircraft, to be just a passenger means not to control his life, is constantly under someone else's opinion. To trust people, not to be responsible for themselves - the dream is worth aware that his life belongs only to Him.
  • On the other hand, the aircraft symbolizes dreams and fantasies embodied in life. This can be interpreted as soon as possible in life, for example, a change of work. To fly on the plane means to be freed from obligations, because these iron birds make distant flights.

The helicopter has a more grounded value, indicating something ordered and the future in the place where the dreams are located.

  • If you fly as a pilot, you will soon be able to bring order in thoughts and in the workplace.
  • Being a passenger and watch the earth to the ambulance for hard work and honesty.

Fly in the night yourself, without wings

According to the already mentioned opinion, to fly to a certain age means physically growing, and after it is spiritually evolving.

Free flight in a dream leads to full freedom of action, but if he had to swing his hands to keep the balance, then the dreams are oppressed, limited in his plans.

To fly independently in a dream - the sign is good, because it means full control over your body and life. Also symbolizes successful development, the ability to find a way out of difficult situations.

What symbolizes flying on the wings

If, in a dream, the dreams got wings, it means that it will help him upstairs in life. The color of the wings is important:

  • black - Being trouble, disappointment in a close person. On the wings of the dreams fly away from him not to see more;
  • white - on the contrary, success at work, a personal front - a beloved man will appear.

Repeating dream will lead to improved well-being, the dream will lead a long time in affairs and in love.

What does it mean to fly over the ground, clouds

In a dream, the flight was highly over the Earth to the fulfillment of the dream, but low, on the contrary, to the violation of all plans.

  • To fly over the clouds to a happy fate, soon there will be a good and long-lasting marriage.
  • But the flight near the earth itself, literally levitation, to serious health problems.

What dreams to fly and fall

For a long time to fly, and after falling from a big height means the desire for a dream that will never be fulfilled. Wrong goals in life will lead to the collapse. Moreover, the fall signals the danger that fits the dream - from trouble to disease.

Various interpretations

What dreams of flying in a dream, dream interpreters are interpreted in different ways. It largely depends on sleep details.

Modern dream book

According to interpretation, if the young man travels around the world, and after it flies on a high roof and looks down, he will soon have to defend his point of view. On the other hand, much depends on the picture below:

  • dirty lake or river with muddy water - there is a one who wishes the evil all endeavors;
  • ruins of the city - the dream will soon bother his case, it is time to go to a new journey;
  • well-groomed park near the church - there will be small difficulties that are soon resolved and luck will appear.

If the dreams look up and sees the clouds thickening over her head, then a close man will die soon.

Opinion Loff and Tsvetkov

According to Loffu, light flight symbolizes a great desire to go on a journey. But seen on earth in the flight process foreshadows the danger that can be avoided by only committing escape to another city or country. Flight on the vacuum cleaner, a bird or even a boat shows how the dreams seeks to avoid unhappiness in his life.

The flower dreams are interpreted as:

  • flying in the air - fast success in affairs;
  • long flight time - Love Tomorrow, Waiting;
  • warning in your own room - imaginary ambitions, not allowing to go beyond comfort.

Falling high in the sky, without having difficulty and enjoying the time spent - to great happiness.

However, if the dreams are sick, then such a dream is rather a premonition of deterioration or even death.

Predictions of Shuvalov and Meneghatti

The interpretation of what dreams of flying in a dream, on Shuvalova is quite common - the desire for freedom. Flights mean the inability to take a life as it actually flies from problems.

The dream book of the Italian interpreter Meneghatti suggests that a short flight is just a dream, but a long-term - impotence and insecurity.

Interpretation of Freud and Ellis

Freud's dream book interprets dreams of flights as dreaming about sexual freedom. A person may be scary to go beyond the usual relationship, but at the same time he dreams of trying. Many have learned agree with such interpretation, since the dream is a free expression zone of subconscious desires.

The dream book of Ellis, the British researcher, says that such dreams have a common connection with breathing. Inhaling - in a dream, a man flies, exhausted - falls.

Supports Zhou

The Chinese interpreter is confident that the flight, having wings behind his back, symbolizes great happiness, and take off to the cloudless skies - fast prosperity, rapid success in life.

In general, interpretation is quite directed:

  • fly to fly - to adventure in love;
  • on wings - to happy life;
  • fall - trouble.

Dream Interpretation predicts that the flight is a bright dream about the near future, meaning the fulfillment of all desires.

"Large universal dream book for the whole family O.Smurov"

Fly in a dream - a sign of good luck or big ambitions. If you dreamed that you flew too far, then sleep warns you that a person, because of which you suffer, does not deserve it. Sometimes such a dream talks about the long waiting for something or someone. Fly and fall - a sign of danger, troubles and collapse in affairs. Fly over a familiar country or terrain in a dream means participation in important affairs and respect others. In general, the character of the landscape at the bottom will help you reveal the meaning of sleep. Therefore, you should watch the characteristics of the locality by names (ruins, fire, etc.)

Fly and see the sun in a dream foreshadows good changes. Fly in a dark star sky in a dream - a sign of big disasters. To fly from the roof to the roof in a dream means that you are dissatisfied with the present and everyone is trying to establish your business, making one thing, which is engaged in others. Fly in a dream over her house means that homemade will convolve your insane plans and because of this, the scandal will grow up in the house.

Fly over someone else's country in a dream - the foresight of a long journey from which you will not come back soon. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will take over a completely new business. Fly with wings in a dream better than without them. In this case, the wings mean support or assistance from the side. As you know, without support and help, it is harder to cope with some kind of business. Fly without wings in a dream - sign of danger and risk.

Fly too high in a dream means your desire is defixors. Falling in heaven in a dream - sign of a romantic dream for lovers or people with big ambitions. Patients such a dream predicts death. See the plane.

What dreams to fly in the dream -
"Truthful dreams - the most complete dream book"

Flights in a dream - symbolic branch from the physical body, astral journey; characterize the elevation of the spirit, the ability to distract from their problems. Flying outdoor testifies to the riding of vital energy and sexuality. Try to fly under the ceiling - the awakening of spiritual forces. Fly for distant distances - love experiences are waiting for you. Fly in the Side: For Healthy - Happiness; For patients - death. Save the wind, like a bird, is the fulfillment of dreams, success in affairs and love. Fall from heaven to Earth - you will cause a family quarrel. Fly over the air is low above the ground - the long road. Fly on the plane - happiness in personal life. Fly on a helicopter - get into an accident. To fly on the airship - make a courageous act. To fly in a balloon - you will regret the missed opportunity. Fly at Deltaplane - fun time.

What dreams to fly in the dream -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpretator of Dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed that you fly - you will have success in love; Fly in a dream on distant distances - you will have love experiences; fall during the flight - you will have large trouble at work; Fly in a dream on the wings - fortunately in the family; see himself flying into the sky - to a good meeting, an expected pleasant event; For a patient - to early death.

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