
Ancient Israeli kingdom. Biblical history of creating the Israeli kingdom. Briefly about the Israeli kingdom

Israel flag

The flag is a white rectangular cloth with two horizontal blue stripes along the edges and a star of David in the center.

The Israeli flag symbolizes the state from Nile to Euphrates: the lower band - the Nile River Coast, the upper strip - the bank of the Euphrates River, and David - Jerusalem Star.

Star of David

The star of David (IvR. Magne David, "Shield David"; Mogelanidovid is pronounced in Idisch) - an ancient symbol, an emblem in the shape of a six-pointed star (hexagramma), in which two identical equilateral triangles (one plunge up the top, the other - the top down) are superfluous On a friend, forming a structure of six identical equilateral triangles attached to the sides of the right hexagon. There are various versions of the origin of the name of the symbol, from binding it with the legend about the shape of the soldiers of the king of David, to the name of Lzhemezia David Aluria or the Talmudic turnover denoting the God of Israel. Another option is known under the name "Print of King Solomon".

Print King Solomon

The seal of King Solomon is called a symbol of two attached equilateral triangles (the star of David), placed on the legendary Perste-seal of King Solomon, who gave him the power over the jinnings and the opportunity to talk with animals.

Coat of arms of Jerusalem

The heraldic shield has an English uniform with blue contour. A wall of crying and a lion figure is depicted throughout the shield. Olive branches are located on the shield sides. Over the coat of arms in Hebrew written the name of the city. The lion symbolizes the genus of Judah, the branches of Olives symbolize the world, blue color symbolizes Judaism.

Modern reconstruction of the seal of King Solomon

Printing Solomon - a symbol, which is a six-pointed star. Solomon's print has other names: Solomon's shield, David's star. According to the legend, this seal was engraved on the famous King Solomon ring, with which he could control the hordes of the demons.

The history of the Jerusalem Temple is full of legends: scientists still can not come to a common opinion. It is believed that Solomon began for the construction 4 years after his top of his joint. Hiram, King Tyr and Bibl, sent him to help the experienced architect Hiram Abiff, skillful carpenters and artisans. 7 years old worked on the building - according to some reports, more than 150 thousand people participated in the construction site. In 950, work on the temple ended, and in a year it was consecrated. The greatest holiday was arranged, which lasted 14 days. The ark of the covenant was set in the Holy Saints. (A special place in the temple, where there was a stone base or the so-called cornerstone. It is believed that it is from this place that God began to create the world. Now the Muslim Dome of the Rock is located above this stone). Solomon publicly read the prayer.

The Jerusalem Temple was part of the palace complex. Not far from it was a big palace, where a separate entrance was led from the temple. Nearby also located the summer palace of Solomon himself and the palace of his wife, the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh.

Israeli kingdom
iVR. ממלכת ישראל.
Section is in development

Knee Israel

With the first transfer of knees, the Bible calls them with the names of 12 sons of Jacob. Jacob had two wives - Lia, Rachel, and the servants of the wives - Valle (Bilh) and Zemfa (Zilp).

Lii's sons: Rouvim (Reugo), Simeon (Shimon), Levi (Levi), Juda (Ihududa), Issahar, Zevalon (Zevulun). Rachel's sons: Joseph (YOSEF), Veniamin (Benjamin). Sons of Walla (Bilhi): Dan, Nuffalim (Naftali). Sons Zelfa (Zilpi): Gad, Asyr (Asher)

Joseph had two sons: Manassea (Menasha) and Ephraim (Efraim), whom Jacob erected two independent knees instead of their father Joseph, which increased the number of knees to 13.

The lists of Israel knees in the Bible do not lead the knee of Joseph as an independent, tying it only with Ephraim and Manase. Universally, reservations are also made, eliminating the knee of Levi as devoted to the ministry to God. So, it is not included in the balance of combat-ready men, it is not indicated in the order of the knees when moving on the way to Canaan; It does not receive the lot in the arise and in the jiprise. The deprived of the land of the knee of the Levi is actually not included in the overall account, and the allocation of its knees from the community to perform only the permitted functions is restored, restores the initial number of twelve israial knees. Prescriptions relating to the number of knees without enumerations also indicate 12 as their traditional number. Thus, 2 interpretations of 12 knees of Israel are possible: the above 14, with the exception of either Levi and Joseph, or the sons of Joseph.

In the land promised each knee received his lot.

After the death of King Solomon in 928 BC, the Unified Israeli kingdom broke up into two kingdoms: Judea in the south (land of the knees of Judah and Veniamine) and Israel in the north (territory of residence of the remaining ten knees).

In 732-722 years before our era. The Israeli kingdom was captured by Assyria; Most of its population was taken captured and dusted with small groups in various areas of this huge power. So the first Jewish diaspora began. The majority of the Israelis gradually was assimilated by the peoples, among whom they lived.

In the era of the second temple, most Jewish families apparently could no longer prove their belonging to a particular knee.

According to the New Testament, John the Baptist was a priest, a certain propheted Anna came from the knee of Asher, the Apostle Paul from Tarsza is from the knee of Veniamine. The number of the Christian Church Apostles - twelve is symbolic and is associated with the number of sons of Jacob and, accordingly, Israel's knees.

To date, the consciousness of tribal involvement has been preserved only among the descendants of the Levi's knee (Levites), some of which (Cohen) even keeps the memory of their origin from the genus Aaron.


According to the Bible, the shepherdin of James, Israel, is the heaven progenitor, as a result of Hunger, he left Hanan and moved to Egypt, settling in the earth by Ges, thanks to the fact that his son Joseph became an excellent adviser to Pharaoh and rejected with a local aristocracy.

According to the Bible, the Israelites were in Egypt 400 years old, or 430 years.

Over time, the number of Israelis increased significantly, exceeding the number of Egyptians. New Pharaoh, who did not know Joseph, fearing military clashes with the Israelis, commanded the extension of Israelis with heavy work to keep the growth of their numbers.

When Pharaoh saw that the measures taken were not able to weaken the young people, he ordered to kill born boys from the Israeli tribe. At this time, the future leader and the liberator of the Jewish people of Moses are born.

Moses Moses of Johawed (Johured) to save him from the murder, put a three-month-old son in the scenar sawmous basket and launched the Nile's waters under his daughter's supervision. The baby found the daughter of Pharaoh and took into his home.

When Moses grew up and found itself among the Israelis, he saw the Egyptian supervisor who brutally punished Israelis. Moses killed Egyptian and escaped from Egypt, fearing revenge. He settled in the land of Madianian, married the daughter of the Madian priest and pass the cattle of his testing.

Once, when Moses pass a herd at the mountain, God appeared in a burning, but non-aging shrub (unalitable bunk) and commanded to return to Egypt to bring the Israelis from slavery and move to Canaan, as promised to the forefathers.

At the age of 80, Moses returns to Egypt and demands from Pharaoh to let go of the Israelis, but Pharaoh refuses. Then God sat on Egypt ten disasters (ten executions of Egyptian). Only after the tenth execution, as a result of which all the first born children of Egyptians and a firstborn cattle died, Pharaoh insists that the Israelis leave Egypt. According to the outcome of the ten disasters did not affect the Israelis. In the event of the last execution, the angel of death "I passed" the houses of the Jews, who were marked by the blood of the sacrificial lamb.

Collecting Egyptians valuable things, the Israelis, among the 600,000 men left Egypt. Meanwhile, Pharaoh changed his decision and hit the army behind the Israelis, expecting to enslave them again. The Pharaoh Army overtook the Jews by the sea of \u200b\u200bthe root. Upon the will of the sea of \u200b\u200bthe sea of \u200b\u200bthe sea was parted, and the Israelis passed along the bottom, after which the water closed, destroying the army of the Egyptians.

After three months of transition to the desert, the Israelis reached the mountains of Sinai. Here, the Israelis witnessed the theophania, and Moses on the top of the mountain received the Ten Commandments from God. The mountain has also been concluded with the covenant between God and Israelis. There, by the will of God, the tabernacle was built (marching temple), Men from the knee Levi (Levites) were appointed priests. Brother Moses Aaron became the high priest.

During the year, the Israelis lived near the mountains of Sinai. During this period, a census was produced, according to which among the Israelis numbered 603,550 capable of fighting men.

From Sinai Israelis headed to Canaan through the Faran Desert. Having reached the borders of Canaan, they sent twelve intelligence officers to the promised land. Ten of them, returning, expressed doubts about the possibility of conquering Khanaan. The people, doubting the promise of God to provide a victory over Canaans, began to rapid. For this, God of the oblasts of Jews forty years wander in the wilderness, so that all who were slaves in Egypt died during this time, including Moses.

Forty years later, the Israelis were reinforced from the east of Moab and broke in the battle of amores. After this victory, they went to the shore of Jordan near the mountain of Nevo. Moses died here, appointing Joshua Navina with his successor (1272-1244 to our era).

The first thing Jews under the leadership of Jesus Navina attack Jericho. For seven days, their troops are marched around urban walls, headed by priests, carrying the ark of the covenant. On the seventh day, the army bypassed the city seven times accompanied by the priests playing on the pipes. At a certain point, Jesus orders the people at the same time to shout, and immediately the walls of the city are falling by themselves.

After that, Jesus orders to destroy the population of Jericho completely, including women, old people, children and livestock. We spared only the Bludnitsa Rahav and her relatives for the fact that Raav had previously covered Jewish intelligence officers who penetrated the city. Jericho himself was completely burned.

Further, enhancing the promised, he in a number of battles defeated several Canaan tribes, despite the fact that they opposed him sometimes with whole coalitions. The city of Guy Jesus captured, and his population destroyed him completely, as in Jericho. Five kings - Jerusalem, Hevronsky, Hyramufsky, Lakhis and Hlens - united against the Israelis. However, Jesus managed to defeat them. God took part in the battle on his side, throwing stones from the sky to the enemy's army. All residents of these cities were crowded. King Gazersky came to the aid of the tsar, but the Israelis won and destroyed his people completely. The same fate has suffered all residents of the cities of Haml and Hebron.

After conquering and section of the Earth, Jesus died peacefully and was buried on Mount Efremova.

Epoch of judges 1244-1040 BC

The epoch of judges covers the period of biblical history from the death of Jesus Navina before the destruction of the Testament of the Testament in Silom, which corresponds to the late bronze age.

Despite the "legal" name, this era may be called time timecharacterized by outbreaks of inter-bar and inter-ethnic violence: "When he had no king and when everyone did what he seemed fair." At this time, the Israelis (descendants of Jacob) broke up at 12 tribes, symbolically combined around the religion of the ancestors and awareness of their blood kinship, which did not prevent such excesses of trabalism as a massacre of the knee of Ephraim and the knee of Veniamine, during which up to 92 thousand Israelites died (42 thousand . Efremlyan, 25 thousand sons of Veniamine and 22 thousand warheads of the Israeli militia). The total number of Israelis capable of war at this time had 400 thousand people. It is noteworthy that earlier the total number of Israelis published from Egypt with Moses was 600 thousand people.

In the era of judges, part of the Israelis continued to conduct a nomadic lifestyle, the other began to move to settling. Residents of the Jewish Vifema, for example, grown barley and wheat.

The symbolic authorities of the Israelis at that time were the judges (whoplestim), which came to the court. The judges were active carriers of Israeli self-consciousness and therefore fiercely resisted the tendencies of the assimilation of Israelis in the local population environment: Khanaaniev, Hettiyev, Amoreyev and Yievuseev. This was also manifested that the judges led by Israeli militia and called for the destruction of the sanctuary of local peoples (Kapic Baal and Astarta). The judge could be a prophet (Samuel), and the gang leader of the robbers (Ifafay), and a woman (devil). At the same time, they all actively performed the judicial functions, which made it possible to raise the question that the philosophy of law, as well as the modern doctrine of the separation of the authorities, has origins in the Old Testament.

Following the epoch of judges, the establishment of a judge Samuel Israeli monarchy demonstrates what the judges did not have: a regular army, universal taxation and real executive power. The moral authority of judges does not always correspond to their popularity. They did not be bored with murders and a blob (Samson), as well as the Mzoftism (sons of Samuel Ioil and Avia), although in general their power was founded either on a high moral authority, or on military force, because both of them allowed to fulfill them Court decisions, especially in the case of litigation between representatives of different knees.

Unified Israeli kingdom 1040-928 BC

The history of the Israeli kingdom begins the construction of the High Priest and the prophet Samuil Saul to the royal dignity - anointing on the Kingdom of Saul as the first Israeli king. As evidenced by the books of kingdoms, Saul was not long a faithful servant of God. In particular, through Samuel, God had commanded Saul to shout Amalikites and, including, to betray the king of the Amalikites death penalty And destroy all the cattle of the amalikiatan. But Saul did not fully fulfill God's command. The king Amalikiatan was captured, but not killed, and the cattle of the Amalikites declared military trophy. Another time, Saul made a burnt offering, without waiting for the High Priest - in this case, the Prophet Samuel, who delayed the path to the Saul military camp. As a result, Samuel was tested by God to anoint to the kingdom of young David, while the father's herds.

After the victory of David over Goliath, who predicted the victory of Israeli troops over the Philistine, and also after a number of other successful military shares against the Philistines, the popularity of David sharply take off up. Saul was in a panic, frightened that David would take him from him the royal throne. As a result, the Israeli kingdom actually survived and the first (but not the last) civil War. Saul's Board ended with the defeat of his troops by the Philistines, his son fell in battle, Saul himself committed suicide with him, fearing to be captured.

David and Solomon's reign period (1010-928) - the Golden Age of the Israeli Kingdom. In 1010, David transfers the capital to Jerusalem and significantly expands the city. According to the description from the book of the kings, the Kingdom of David extended from the shores of Euphrates to Gaza. But his reign was sensible. In particular, a new civil war happened. David opposed his son Avasal, who was illegally claimed to the royal throne. As a result of this war, Aussal was killed by the servants of David contrary to the orders of the king. Nevertheless, Israel under the direction of David is very successful leading war against external enemies. Also carry out extensive construction, including in Jerusalem.

Solomon, the Son and the successor of David on the Israeli Tsarist Prestol, is described as the wisest of the kings and as a builder of the Jerusalem Temple. Solomon was able to develop the external and internal political achievements of David. Actually, the Israeli kingdom was in the denial of Solomon in the zenith of their power.


Solomon's death (928) practically put a point in the history of the Israeli kingdom as a single state. At the royal throne dates his son Roveam. But he conducts an overly rigid repressive domestic policy. Ten knees of Israel did not recognize his power over himself and united under the authority of Jerovoama I, forming the Northern (Israeli) kingdom in the northern part to this single Israeli kingdom. The knee of Judino and Veniaminovo remained true to the house of Davidov and formed the southern kingdom with the center in Jerusalem, a later known as the Jewish kingdom.

The period of the Northern (Israeli) kingdom of 928-721 to our era

After the death of King Solomon in 928 BC, the Unified Israeli kingdom was divided. Ten knees (tribes) formed the Northern Kingdom, which was called Israel. Schham became the capital of the Northern Israeli kingdom, then Tirts (Firch) and finally Samaria (Sebastia, Somoron). According to the Old Testament, the kings of the North of the Israeli state He retreated from the monotheistic ministry to the One God to Israel, at first, by erecting in the cities of Refilot and given temples with golden sculptures of Tales, and then even worshiped the deities of the Phoenician cult. From the point of view of the Bible, none of them was the "pious king".

In the Northern Israeli kingdom, the ruling dynasties have repeatedly changed as a result of state coups, the rules of Yeu dynasty (Iiui) longer. In 721, the year B to our era, the Northern Israeli kingdom was conquered by the Assyrian king Sargon II. A significant part of the population of the kingdom was enclosed in Assyrian captivity and was reset with small groups in various areas of this huge power. So the first Jewish diaspora began. The majority of the Israelis gradually was assimilated by the peoples, among whom they lived.

Assyrian captivity, or Assyrian exile

The period in the history of the people of Israel, during which several thousand Israelis from the ancient Samaria were grieved in Assyria and its provinces. The North Israeli kingdom was defeated by the Assyrian kings Tigladpalassar III and Salmanasar V. completed the siege of Samaria in 721 BC, the following ruler of Assyria - Sargon II, finally destroying the Northern Kingdom, which summed up his twenty-lummy decline.

According to Assyrian clinox sources from Dokurukin, 27290 captives were deported from Samaria.

Unlike later exiles of the Jewish kingdom, who were able to return from the Babylonian captivity, 10 knees of the Northern Kingdom did not receive permission to return home. After a few centuries, the rabbis of restored Jews continued to argue about the fate of the lost knees.

Israel [Israel]

Legendary Patriarchs of Jews (Habiru)

Abraham (Abraham)
Yitzhak (Isaac)
Jacob (Jacob)
Yehuda (Juda)
Moshe (Moses)
Yehshua Ben Nun (Joshua Navin)

Shoptim [judges] Jews in Canaan (Palestine)

Otnoel (Hoponyl)
Ehud (ADD)
Shamgar (Samhagar)
Barak (Varak)
Ierovaal (Gideon)
ABIMELEK (Avimelhech)
Shimshon (Samson)
Eliagu (Elijah)
Shmuel (Samuel)

Anointed priests, or higher priests of the tabernacle of the meeting [Hiking Temple of Jews]

Kings of the Israeli kingdom 1040 - 928

Saul House (Ben Shaul)


David House (Ben David)


Section on the Northern (Israel) and South (Jewish) kingdom


Tsarie Northern, or Israeli Kingdom 928 - 721

I dynasty (Ben Navat)


II dynasty (Ben Baash)


III dynasty


IV Dynasty (Ben Omri)


V Dynasty (Ben Yega)


Israeli kingdom

The Bible describes the time of the reign of Saul and David and the union of the Southern and Central Canaan. After expulsion, Philistines David made several trips to the north. The capital of His kingdom of David made the city of Urishar (now Jerusalem), the sanctuary of God Judah was arranged there. David's receiver was his son Solomon. The kingdom of Solomon was divided into 12 districts. In each district of rules, the head of the city. He collected Casta and sent a king to the house. He tied out trading relations not only with a china, but also with Egypt, Syria and Arabia. From these countries received horses, slaves, gold, silver, precious stones, fragrant oils. He started a numerous harem, one of his wives was the daughter of Pharaoh. The life of ordinary people was also difficult, as in many States of Syria and Palestine. The slaves built magnificent temples, and simple peasants hijacked for forced work. Gradually began to grow dissatisfaction with Solomon. At the head of the movement against Solomon became Hierabeam, a notable person who led the works on the house of the king. Solomon wanted to execute Jeanabiam, but he managed to run to Egypt. After Solomon's death, the leaders of the Nordic tribes contributed to the separation of Canaan into two kingdoms: Judah, in which the David dynasty and the kingdom of Efraim (Israel) preserved, in which the dynasties often changed. In 722, Assyrian Tsar Sargon destroyed the capital of Israel, Suromer and the Kingdom of Israel ceased to exist.

The kingdom of Judah existed longer, almost a half century.

After the fall of the kingdom of Israel, the Jewish kings were forced to recognize the supreme power of the Assyrian king. By this time, the influence of the Assiro-Babylonian culture is spreading in Judas, and even in religion: the cults of heaven were introduced in the Jerusalem temple. The Jewish kings paid the Assian severe tribute. The kings changed, but neither reform, nor the nationalization of religious cults saved the kingdom of Judas. External wars were added to the moles of the peasants. The Egyptian Pharaoh Neho moved against Judas. In 586, Jerusalem was destroyed. Temples were burned, and the entire population, in addition to the poor, was notified into slavery in Babyonia. The kingdom of Judah ceased to exist.

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This article covers the history of the formation of ancient state - Israel. It was formed as a result of the conquest of Palestine by Israeli tribes. In this case, we are talking only about historically well-known facts. Overboard the articles remain myths and legends associated with the flight of Jews from the Egyptian captivity, the personality of Moses, a forty-timer wandering of the Israelis in the desert. All these questions require much attention to themselves, therefore are not subject to description in this particular article.


Israeli State: Education, Development and Disintegration

In the XIII century BC. On the territory of Palestine, united related Israeli tribes appeared, among which the Jews tribe had specially stated. Jews who were settled in the south of Palestine, in the mountainous region to the west of the Dead Sea, before all alone from the main core of Israeli tribes. Jews captured the largest and most fertile part of the Palestine.

Israeli tribes quite easily, quickly won Palestine, since the indigenous population of this country - Hanaani was severely weakened by the hostel of Egyptian enslavers, continuous wars, endless raids of other tribes.

Jews all captured land were divided into one of those who were transferred to individual families or clans. Former land owners, they turned into slaves everywhere. Some of the Khananaev retained the land and property sites behind them, and they lived in close contact with the Israelis, but was considered an incomplete part of the population. This part of Hanaaneyev was soon assimilated with Jews.

In connection with the conquest of Palestine by Jews and the transition to agriculture, the wealth of conquerors increased, and tribal to know in Israeli tribes. Although the initially conquering by Israeli tribes of Palestine led to a significant decline in productive forces and cultures, but over time, the impact of the more cultural population of Palestine on the economic life of nomads who won them led to the economic flow of the country. In the north, arable farmer developed, gardening, began to flourish winemaking and sedental cattle breeding. Grades gradually mastered. Iron products were needed in the farm, became trade objects.

It was then that the Israeli state was formed, which until the XI century BC. He was managed by the Council of Elders. The judiciary in the state was carried out by specially selected officials. "Judges" could be simply lucky military leaders. An important role at the initial stage of the development of the Israeli state was played by the People's Assembly. For a very long time, rural communities were preserved, which simultaneously controlled the slaves and the conquered by the Khanaanese population of Palestine. One of the most important external factors that accelerated the formation of the Israeli state was the invasion of the XIII - XII centuries. BC. Philistines - one of the numerous "nations of the sea".

First, the Philistines were ruling along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and then began to penetrate Palestine deep into. In the second half of the XI century BC. They won some of the fortresses of the Jews, including Lahish, where archaeologists found a significant number of ceramics of Philistines. So, as the Philistines were stronger, they could cause Israelis a number of serious defeats and conquer some cities, including the main sanctuary of Israel - the city of Sil. These internal and external factors have accelerated the process of forming the Israeli state, which is completed at the end of the XI century BC.

The first king of the entire Israeli becomes Saul - the leader of the tribe of the shared minisses, elected at the People's Assembly. With his board, all Israeli tribes, including the Jews, were subordinated to the new state education, which allowed Saul to defeat repeated victories over the Philistines. However, the failures soon began, the result of which was defeated by the Philistines in the battle with Gilboa Mount at about 1004 BC. This defeat led to the death of Saul and his older sons. Saul cut off her head, after which the enemies wore her "along the entire world of the Philistines", and the decapitated body was hanged on the wall of Beth Shean's fortress, which is in the depths of Israel.

The next king of Israel is one of the Saul military teams from the Jews tribe - David (end of the XI century - 950 BC). With its board, the capital of the state and the religious center of Judaism becomes Jerusalem. According to the Bible, David was a harpist at the courtyard of King Saul. He defeated the Philistan Giant Goliath. This episode more than once became the subject of expression of courage, humanistic ideals in art, especially in the era of the Renaissance. The most famous for the sculpture of Michelangelo "David".

Here, the biblical character is depicted not after the victory, but in a moment of decision-making to fight with Goliath. "David Michelangelo is David in a decisive moment when he made rushing into the battle, still keeping the face of the traces of contradictory feelings: fear, uncertainty, disgust, doubt: a person who was found to put his own way among the hills of Jerusalem his own way, man, not taking Neither the victorious brilliance of weapons, nor the rich awards for the feat ... "(I. Stone" Flour and Joy "M. 1991).

By defeating Goliath, David became a commander from Saul, his son of Ionophan and her husband of his daughter Melholi, but was expelled to the king, who envied his talents. After the death of Saul David ruled the Jewish tribe, and Saula's son, Jewosfea, the rest of Israel.

After the murder of Ivosphy, his approximate David was elected by the Israeli king. In his rule, the Jews who had a confederation of the tribes became a single settled people. David suffered the capital from Hebron to Jerusalem and made it a religious center of Judaism, passing the main shrine - the "Ark of the Covenant". In the war with the neighbors David expanded the territory of Israel and brought the country prosperity. The last years of his reign were overshadowed by conspiracy with sons and rivalry of relatives at the court. One of the rebetes was led by his beloved son Avissal, who died in a battle with the army of his father.

David inherited Solomon, who became the last king of the United Jewish-Israeli state. Solomon, whose wisdom praised the biblical legend, continued to lead his father's politics. In addition, at the Board of Solomon, all trade in Asia was closed in his state. To have independence in trading from Phenicia, Solomon started his own fleet, whose ships were sent to the distant navigation and brought gold, rare works. However, the Eastern luxury, which the king surrounded himself, demanded tremendous expenses, which affected the increasing taxes that became one of the reasons for the decay of the Israeli-Jewish state. The brilliant reign of Solomon ended with formidable signs of internal decomposition. After the death of the king, the United Israeli-Jewish kingdom broke up into two independent states - Israel and Jews. This event occurred about 925 BC.

About Tsar Solomon in various sources, including the ancient Egyptian papyrus, in the Arabic chronicles, and of course in the Bible contain many legends and myths. Significantly about the period of the Board of Solomon It is known that he inherited the throne of his father at the time when Israel was strengthened as a political force, and under his authority, the nation reached substantial welfare. To provide peace in the region, Solomon concluded alliances with Egypt and Phenicia, but it caused displeasure, as it was led to the official resolution of foreign religious cults in Jerusalem.

Solomon conducted a number of reforms, one of which was an administrative and territorial reform. He divided the country to administrative districts to facilitate the Office, and also introduced a system of forced labor to implement an unprecedented construction program. Other things were built cities, palaces and approximately in 970 BC. The first temple in Jerusalem, known as the temple of King Solomon, was built. It was in this temple on the legend that the ark of the covenant was kept - the main shrine of Jews and Israelis.

In part due to the high taxes appointed for the maintenance of court luxury, the northern tribes after the death of Solomon, separated and united under the rule of Jerobaama. Solomon became famous not only as a statesman, but also as a philosopher. That is why he is attributed to a part of the biblical scriptures, including the book of Solomon, Song of Song, Ecclesone and the Book of Solomon's Wisdom.

With the era of the Board of Solomon, the history of Queen Sava is connected. Queen Sava is mentioned in the Bible without a name. In the Quran, in Persian and Arab fairy tales, it is known under the name of the bolkis. In Ethiopia, it is called Med - Queen South. The Tsarina Savskaya occupies an important place in the literature and traditions that the Ethiopian kings considered her descendants, and local Jews continue to consider themselves. The oldest source of Tsaritsa Sava is the third book of the Kingdoms of the Old Testament. She arrives in Jerusalem, in order to test the wisdom of King Solomon, and his riddles make him. The Bible does not say any, but mentions only that Solomon solved them all.

Now it is almost exactly known that the ownership of Queen Savska was in the southwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula, where the state of Yemen is now located. In the legends, the state of Queen Sava is described as a magical country, where sand is more precious than gold, trees grow from the Eden Garden, and people do not know the war. As a result of the meeting of Solomon and Tsaritsa Sava, a mutually beneficial agreement was concluded, according to which the Queen presented the Solomon of 120 gold talents and a great set of incense and precious stones. Solomon, in turn, allowed the passage of caravans through the vassal territory to it in Egypt, Syria, FiP.

As for the Kingitsa Sava itself, she was smart and legend beautiful woman. She knew how to compose essences from herbs, colors and roots, understood a sense in astrology, the taming of wild animals, drawing up love plots. Greek and Roman legends attributed to her the unearthly beauty and the greatest wisdom, the art of intrigue for the holding of power. In his state, the queen Savskaya was not only a government, but also the Supreme Priestess. The Arabs added that the Queen Savskaya was a craftswoman in the preparation of lacquer dishes, and traveled on elephants and camels, surrounded by numerous retinue and personal guards, which consisted of light-skinned tall giants. As a child of his era was a cunning, superstitious, prone to recognizing other people's gods if they succeeded to her good luck. She was familiar not only by the pagan idols, but also the gods are the predecessors of Hermes, Aphrodites, Poseidon. Her royal palace complex along with a fabulous garden, an obscured by an ornamented wall of colored stones was another miracle of the ancient world. However, the remains of the Palace have not been found so far, since there is no accurate mention of the location of the palace. Traditions refer to various areas of the location of the capital of the mysterious country of Queen Sava. According to one version, she was at the junction of the borders of Namibia, Botswana and Angola, on the other - in the south of the modern Zair. Ancient written sources report that he was from the genus of the Egyptian kings, and that her father was God, whom she passionately wanted to see. Legends and myths that have come down to us tell us about the real and romantic, but always the mysterious image of the queen Sava from a large and prosperous state.

Legends talk about passionate and complete romanticism of Love Solomon and Queen Savskaya. For half a year, their short novel continued. All this time, Solomon did not part with her and under greatly given dear gifts. When it turned out that the queen Savskaya was pregnant, she left the king and returned to the Sabean kingdom, where the son of Menelik, who became the first Ethiopian king. That is why, in Ethiopian legends, Solomon and the Queen Sava is considered by the three thousand years of the Dynasty of Abyssinia emperors. Bilkis, Lilith, Almak, the Queen South, Queen Savskaya - as soon as they did not call this woman. In legends of the peoples of the ground, you can hardly find a more mysterious woman.

After the collapse of the Unified Jewish and Israeli state, the David dynasty continued to rule in Judea, while in Israel there was a quick dynasty, while in 875 BC. Omri warlord founded the very significant and influential of all known dynasties, which existed for about 50 years. It is with this dynasty that Israel felt the heyday, and in A in Assyrian annals of the IX century BC. Israel was called OMI House. Omry made his capital the city of Samaria, who built in the center of the state, in the midst of the fertile valley, located in a very beneficial place in a strategic attitude, at an altitude, which in case of danger could be turned into a fortress.

The once strong Israeli-Jewish state, after it was divided into two independent kingdoms, the time of their weakens, as a result of which in 722 BC Under the strikes of Assyrians fell samaria. Israel ceased to exist, because the Assyrians captured tens of thousands of people, depriving them of their land, and in their place set the inhabitants of other parts of their big powers. After the death of Assyria at the end of the VII century BC, its territories were conquered by Babylon, which in 597 BC. submitted to myself Jew. The final fall of the Jewish kingdom occurred in 586 BC, when the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II destroyed the rising Jerusalem, eliminated the Jewish kingdom and led a large number of people of Jews.

Under Alexander the Macedonian and his heirs, significant Jewish communities were formed in the Hellenistic states, and the Jews, retaining some autonomy, was part of the possessions of Seleucidov, Ptolemyev. In II century BC e. Judas McCaway, raising an uprising against Seleucidov, desecrated religious shrines, created the theocratic state with the capital in Jerusalem. His heirs, Hasmona, as a result of the internecine struggle lost power. In i century BC e. With the help of Romans, the throne took possession of the Herod I Great, after his death, the Judea became the Roman province. Anti-Graim uprising 66 - 73. (Jewish War) ended with the destruction of Jerusalem.

Palestine - Israeli Jewish kingdom

Israeli Jewish Kingdom

The name of the Palestine - the historical region, located in the southern part of the Eastern Mediterranean, comes from the Hebrew "Pepimiatim" (letters, "those who invaded") - Philistines. For the first time, the word "Palestine" is found in the writings of Herodotus (V to N. er). In 3 thousand BC. Here the tribes of Canaaneyev said. In the XII century BC. The Palestine coast was conquered by the Philistines. In the XV-XIV centuries. BC. Tribes came to these lands habiri - Ancient Jews.

Geographical, natural conditions and opportunities for the economic activity of a person in Palestine were unequal. In the northern part of the country, in the river valley Jordan, There were good conditions for agriculture. The southern part of the country was mostly dried up, and they were engaged in cattle breeding. Already in ancient times, sheep, goats, donkeys, cattle were domesticated here.

Conquered Palestine Jews were long in the conditions of a generic building. The social cell (Mishpach) was based on blood relations. Earth, property, slaves belonged to all of the family, at the head of which was the elder. The company operated the right of birthright and Levirat. The birthright provided a privileged position in the family and the right to the double share of property inheritance. According to the custom of Levirate, the widow was to marry the brother of the deceased husband. These customs limited spraying of the property of the genus and contributed to the concentration of it from individuals.

Saul and David.

Hood Y. Kronberg. 1885.

Earth also belonged to the genus, community. Each community had its boss and priests (Levit). The community had to redeem its members if they were captured, together to carry forced states and work. Land sections inside the community were distributed through lot. Even the king could not pick up the land from the community and could only buy it. Once the king Ahaz took his land from one community, but this deed of the king was recognized illegal. The kings could increase their lands and distribute to their approximate, officials and military leaders only at the expense of land captured during the wars.

In the XI-X centuries. BC. The weakening of Egypt allowed Palestine to free himself from his yoke. Here, independent Jewish states were formed. The first of them was Israeli kingdom Based king Saul (IVR. Letters, defeated God), which was proclaimed by Israeli tribes to the kingdom in the XI century. BC. Second Kingdom - Judea With the center in Hebron formed in 1004 BC. In the southern Palestinian Son Saul David. He combined both kingdoms into one Israeli-Jewish kingdom. The capital of this kingdom was the city Jerusalem. In Jerusalem was the fortress of Zion. Having strengthened this fortress, Tsar David made her with his residence - "City of David".

David strengthened the state. Instead of the folk militia, he created a permanent army. They created a government office, consisting of treasurer, scribes, judges, tax collectors. In the same period, the first parts are folded. Old Testament, containing information about the history of Israel.

Already in 3rd thousand BC. The tribes in the northern part of the country moved to a settled farming. Cereal was developed - barley, wheat, millet, Len, Oats were grown here. Gardening was developed. The country was famous for the cultivation of grapes, figs, olives. Grenades grew well and in the south - datesal palms.

About 3500 BC. In Palestine, the cultivation of olives began. By perennial selection from the wild olive, modern varieties rich in oil are derived. Olive oil was used as food Product, as well as for the production of drugs and cosmetics.

In many countries, Palestinian wine was also known. The image of the grape vines and grape clodes was the Euda emblem and minted on the Hebrew coins.

Since the oldest times, Judea was famous for the cultivation of flax and the manufacture of linen fabrics. This is evidence

Jewish king and warriors

founding in the cave was cheat linen products whose age is 8,500 years old.

Despite the hot climate, thanks to a well-thought-out system of irrigation in this region, the farmers grown moisture culture, such as Len. So, in the Negev desert, the remains of such a system I c were found. BC. Rainwater was collected in storages and directed to the fields. There were 17 thousand dams around the city at 80 km 2.

Palestine had no significant mineral and forests. The raw material base for crafts was limited. There were a lot of stone and clay in the country. Therefore, the production of products from these materials received great development. Palestinian Kamnets and Gonchars were known in the Middle East.

In the northern part of the Sinai Peninsula on Negev mines in 2 minutes. BC. mined copper ore. In x in. BC. With Carn Solomon, these mines reached 6 m in diameter and connected with galleries. This is the very first on the planet of the miningalerole system of the development of copper ore.

From ancient times, individual cities specialized in the production of certain types of products.

For example, weaving Central Tsar Solomon on the throne

mi were Jerusalem and Tel Beit Misi. The fabrics were made of wool and flax. Outside the country, Palestinian patched fabrics and clothing were valued.

Already in 3rd thousand BC. In Palestine, a glass smelting furnaces were built and a transition from casting small products to blowing out. The first products from the douty glass belonging to 50 BC, made in Jerusalem.

In the VII century BC. In Palestine, we developed the technology of making writing material from the camel skins, which was much later called parchment.

Trade ship King Solomon (reconstruction)

Located at the intersection of important trade routes between Egypt, the Northern and Eastern Palestine countries already in 3rd thousand BC. Actively joined world trade. From the country exported skin, wheat, flax, olive oil, fruit, wine, wax, wool, ceramic products, purple, world, medicine. Metal, metal vessels, wood, elephant bone imported.

Crafts and trade became the basis for the formation of numerous cities. The first cities appeared in Palestine about 10 thousand years ago. The oldest of them - Jericho. To the 7th

Solomon Temple in Jerusalem (reconstruction)

thousand BC It was a major city of the fortress with a population of 2 thousand people. The city was acquainted with a stone wall wide in 9 m. In the center of the fortress, a stone tower with a spiral staircase inside was towering. From the 3rd militant BC. There is a city Lakhish ancient cities also Megido and Beth-shhan

The Economic Flource The Israeli-Jewish kingdom reached the X B. BC. With the king Solomone (964-926 BC). At that time, war was conducted, administrative reforms were held, the country for the convenience of control was divided into 12 districts, respectively, tribal territories, at the head of which special officials were supplied, who were also charged with tax collecting and the fulfillment of state duties. Strengthening peace ties with neighbors, Solomon developed foreign trade. He organized trading routes to Arabia, from which gold, ivory, precious stones began to enter. Out of the country exported grain and oil.

The accumulation of wealth in the country made it possible to conduct significant construction work. In Jerusalem, large palace premises were built, and the famous temple was built and richly decorated in honor of God, built fortresses, including in Jerusalem, Megido, Gezere.

Tsar Solomon conducted an active international policy. Having entered into an alliance with the king of Tira, he led a successful struggle with the Aramaic State of Damascus. Strengthening the international situation of the Jewish state promoted his alliance with Egypt, bonded by a dynastic marriage. The Egyptian Tsarevna, issued to Solomon, not only provided it with the support of Egypt, but also brought in the form of a wedding dowry of the city of Heger.

Solomon time entered the history of the country as a heyday of the arts. At the courtyard, the king was encouraged by poetry, music, dancing. At that time, the first collection of epic folk songs was recorded. Solomon himself wrote more than a thousand lyrical works. He is credited with over three thousand sayings. In the world history and art, King Solomon entered the wise ruler, the judge, the poet. The expressions of Solomonov Court, Solomon Solution became nominal and denote the highest wisdom.

The Hebrew kingdom described in the Bible existed in the XI - X centuries. BC e. By this period include the Board of the Kings Saul, David and Solomon. With them the Jewish people lived in a single powerful

Epoch judges

The history of Palestine of those distant times is associated with many myths and legends, the truthfulness of which continue to argue historians and researchers of ancient sources. The Hebrew kingdom is most famous thanks to the Old Testament, which describes the events of the era mentioned.

Before the emergence of the Unified State of Jews, they lived under the guidance of judges. They were elected from among the most authoritative and wise members of society, but at the same time did not possess the actual power, but only allowed internal conflicts between the inhabitants. At the same time, the Jews were in a constant danger that emanated from the aggressive neighboring nomads. The main threat was the Philistines.

Election by king saula

Approximately 1029 BC. e. The concerned people demanded from the prophet Samuel (one of the judges) to elect the king of the most worthy candidate. The sage initially discouraged his tribesmen, convincing them that the power of the military leader would turn into dictatorship and terror. Nevertheless, the simple people of the wall from the invasions of enemies and continued to insist on his.

Finally, according to the Bible, Samuel appealed for advice to God, who replied that the king should be the young man from the knee of Veniamine. It was the most insignificant of Jewish childbirth. Soon the Prophet brought the applicant for the thirsty people. Then it was decided to confirm the correctness of the choice of the king. He really pointed to Saul. So the Hebrew Kingdom appeared.

Israel prosperity

The first years of the Board of Saul were the time of relief for all of his people. The military leader gathered and organized the army that was able to protect the fatherland from enemies. In the course of armed conflict, Ammon, Moab and Idumen kingdoms were defeated. Particularly fierce was confrontation with the Philistines.

The sovereign was distinguished by religiosity. He devoted every victory to God, without which, in his opinion, the ancient European kingdom would have died long. The story of his wars against neighbors is described in detail in the Bible. There is also revealed the character of young Saul. He was not only a religious, but also a very modest person. In his free time, the sovereign himself cultivated the field, showing that he was no different from the inhabitants of his country.

Conflict Tsar and Prophet

After one of the trips between Saul and Samuil, a quarrel occurred. Her reason was the blasphemy deed of the king. On the eve of the battle with the Philistines, he himself made a sacrifice, while he did not have rights. Only the priests could do it, or rather Samuel. There was a break between the king and the Prophet, which became the first signal about the occurrence of difficult times.

Samuel, who left the courtyard, was disappointed in Saul. He decided that he was put on the throne of the wrong person. God (whose replicas are often found in the Bible) was agreed with the priest and offered him a new candidate. He was the young David, whom Samuel secretly anointed the reign.


The young man possessed many talents and amazing features. He was an excellent warrior and a musician. It became known about his abilities at the yard of the king. Saul at that time began to suffer from the attacks of Melancholy. The priests advised him to treat this ailment with the help of music. So, at the courtyard, David appeared, playing the ruler on the hurs.

Soon the approximate king glorified himself another feat. David joined the Israeli army when the next war against the Philistines began. In the enemy's mill, Goliath was the most terrible warrior. This descendant of giants possessed a giant growth and force. David summoned him to a personal duel and defeated with his dexterity and power. In the victory, the young man cut off the head of the giant. This episode is one of the most famous and cited in the whole Bible.

The victory over Goliath made David's favorite of the people. There was a conflict between him and Saul, which turned into a civil war, which was shaking the Hebrew Kingdom. At the same time, in Palestine, the Philistines were again played. They broke the army of Saul, and he himself committed suicide, not wanting to be in the enemy captivity.

New king

So in 1005 BC. e. David became king. At the courtyard of Saul, he married his daughter, so becoming the son of the monarch. It was under David that the capital of the Head of Economic Kingdom was postponed to Jerusalem, who since then has become the heart of all folk life. The new sovereign patronized urban planning and improving the provinces.

The location of the Hebrew kingdom of that time remains the subject of the discussion. If you refer to the Bible, it can be assumed that the boundaries of Israel ran from Gaza to the shores of Euphrates. Like other rulers of the Hebrew kingdom, David led successful wars against the neighbors. Nomads have been discarded once at times from the borders when they stood the next trip with robbery and bloodshed.

However, not all the Board of David was cloudless and calm. The country again had to go through civil war. This time, against the central power, the own son of David Avasal was rebelled. He bit at the throne of his father, although he had no right to him. In the end, his army was broken, and himself prodigal son - killed royal servants, which contradicted the orders of the king.


When David and Odreacle, again acutely faced the question of the preclosley. The king wanted to convey power to one of his younger sons Solomon: he was distinguished by wisdom and abilities to public administration. Father's choice did not like another senior offspring - adronia. He even tried to organize a coup, appointing his own coronation during the lifetime of an incompetent father.

However, Adonia's attempt failed. Because of his fabulous, he ran into the tabernacle. Solomon forgave his brother after his repentance. At the same time, other participants in a conspiracy from among officials and approximate were executed. The kings of the Hebrew kingdom reliably kept power in their hands.

Construction of the Jerusalem Temple

After the death of David, the actual Board of Solomon began (965-928 BC). It was the heyday of the Hebrew kingdom. The country was reliably guarded from external threats and stably developed a rich.

The main act of Solomon was the construction of the Jerusalem Temple - the main shrine of Judaism. This cult facility symbolized the union of the whole people. David has done great work on the preparation of materials and creating a plan. Shortly before the death, he handed all the paper to his son.

Solomon began construction for the fourth year of his reign. He applied for help to the king of Tira. From there, the famous and talented architects came from there, which were led by the direct work on the construction of the temple. The main religious building of the Jews was part of the Tsarist Palace. It was located on the mountain, called the temple. On the day of consecration in 950 BC. e. The building was transferred to the building. The main national relic is the ark of the covenant. Jews celebrated the end of construction over two weeks. The temple became the center of religious life, where the pilgrims were flown from all Jewish provinces.

Solomon's death in 928 BC. e. put an end to the prosperity of a single state. The successors of the sovereign divided the power to each other. Since then, the Northern Kingdom (Israel) and the Southern Kingdom (Jews) existed. The era of Saul, David and Solomon is considered the golden age of the whole Jewish people.

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