
The use of modern composite materials in the manufacture of dolls. Materials for making dolls

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For the manufacture of dolls, the traditionally used materials were natural raw materials: wood, clay, bone, beeswax, as well as various textiles. In the late 1700s, paper pulp began to be used. In the 1800s, porcelain, rubber, gutta-percha, and celluloid began to be used as raw materials for industrial production. Then came the widespread use of plastic. Wax dolls made in Europe since Roman times and the method of making dolls remained unchanged until the late 1800s. The whole doll was made of wax, subsequently the head and hands were made separately, which were then added to a wooden or canvas-covered base. Wax was still a bad material. It has properties to harden, melt and turn yellow. The best result was obtained when only the outer layer was made of wax, and the doll was made from another material, for example, from paper pulp.

In the late 1700s, compressed paper pulp began to be used, which was made from raw paper powder, chalk, plaster and glue. Whole little dolls were made from paper pulp, as well as doll heads, arms and legs. Separate production of the head of dolls was at one time an amazing innovation, and was a revolution in the process of making dolls. Thanks to the new technology, it was also possible to replace a broken doll head with a new one. (app. 1)

In the first half of the 1800s, porcelain became a strong competitor to paper pulp. The head, arms and legs were made of porcelain. Small dolls were made entirely of porcelain, large dolls were sewn on with a body made of leather or canvas. The first porcelain dolls were white, glazed for sheen, with painted eyes, mouth, and hair. Small holes were made along the lower edge of the porcelain neck for attaching the torso. (app. 1)

The mobility of the limbs has been continuously improved, for example by means of a flat joint in a recess or a ball joint. In the 1860s, doll heads began to be made, in which the neck was inserted into the shoulder, and the head became rotatable. Unglazed, the so-called biscuit porcelain, was then used as a material, on which facial features were then painted. In the 1870s, transparent biscuits were invented, the purpose of which was the natural color of the skin. Pink Western beauties, chocolate-colored African dolls, and yellow Chinese dolls were made from this material. Dolls were also made of metal. In the 1800s, an unbreakable metal doll was patented. Metal puppets were rare, except for mechanical sheet metal puppets.

In the 1820s, gutta-percha, obtained from the milky sap of tropical plants, did not have a strong influence on materials for making toys. But still, starting from the mid-1800s, it began to be used quite a lot. At the same time, in America, a method was invented for making rubber from rubber tree rubber. Old rubber dolls are a rarity, as the rubber surface becomes brittle and deteriorates over time.

The manufacture of celluloid dolls began in the 1870s. Despite the danger of celluloid due to its susceptibility to fire, it was used extensively until the 1950s, when plastic replaced celluloid. The triumphal procession of plastics began in 1948. But cloth rag dolls will always be around.

In the hands of different artists, the same material becomes the same "divine clay" from which hundreds of worlds and galaxies are born. After all, starting to work on a doll, we begin to build our own world, step by step plunging into its magical philosophy. This world may be similar to the one that surrounds us, or it may be extremely far from reality, invented from beginning to end. In this case, no general rules and no prescriptions. The artist is free and omnipotent, his motto is "Do what your heart tells you."

For this research work the image of the author's doll "Slavic Rus" was chosen and approved.

Slavic hero - the basis of ancient Russian legends is, as a rule, heroes. If we talk about the etymology of the word "hero" itself, then it is interpreted as a demigod man, or a man endowed with the power of a god. Traditional folk writings became the reason that the heroes of the epic were no longer just heroes, and brave warriors who opposed the invaders, but real fighters against evil spirits. Indeed, very often you can find works in which heroes have to fight against dragons, witches and other otherworldly creatures. In addition, the heroes were assigned a big role in the life of the people, because they were a kind of psychological subtext of the invincibility of Russia, evidence that among the common people there are people who are always ready to defend their native land from any misfortune.

The main task for the practical part was to find techniques for the embodiment of this image in the author's doll.

The approved sketch was enlarged to life size. Polymer clay was chosen as the working material for the author's doll.

An author's doll can be created from various materials. Each master has his own "secrets and tricks". Tools and materials are also very diverse and are chosen by the master in accordance with ease of use. Polymer clay, as a material for making dolls, is quite interesting and has a number of advantages.

These include plasticity, light weight, non-toxicity, ease of processing, sufficient strength and the ability to work with it on the desktop space at home. For starters, the most suitable material, especially since it hardens in air and does not require baking at the end of the work.

Creating a doll is a laborious process that requires inspiration, perseverance and love for creativity. This is a synthetic art form. When creating an author's doll, materials are used that do not create material difficulties for the manufacturer.

> Technological features of creating an author's doll

The technological features of creating an author's doll are determined by the stable basic (anthropomorphic) structure of the work, its "collage". That is, the use of many materials in one work, the use of materials with certain characteristics (plasticity, ease of coloring, relative strength), traditional for historical types of dolls (playing toys). There are two main methods of creating a doll - collage and sculptural. When making a doll using the collage method, there are six technologically necessary stages (sketch, creating sculptural parts, making a wig, developing a frame and creating doll body shapes, making a costume, fixing a doll on a stand), when using a sculptural technique - four (sketch, creating the main volume , painting, fixing the doll on a stand). At each specified stage, artistically significant elements of the work are created, which, being combined, should represent a single complex.

The artistic originality of the author's doll is associated with many factors: traditional ideas about the doll and the desire of artists to go beyond these ideas, the peculiarities of the technology of creating the doll and the inevitable desire of the doll for concreteness and narrative.

The author's doll is diverse: a combination of various compositional solutions (one-figure, multi-figure and plot composition) with approaches to solving the puppet image as a whole (idealization, specificity and realism), as well as work in various genres (costume, portrait doll and character doll) give the artist the widest field for self-expression.

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A response to my own frustrations about the lack of a tutorial on how to make an articulated doll.

Well, let's go))) I hope my guide will bring you more luck)

Step 1: Planning Your Doll

Time to start planning. Please put a tick in your brain that this, like all subsequent steps in this guide, are important. At a minimum, plan to make all the doll clothes, accessories, wig and eyes yourself and never sell them, that's something you need to think about. The first thing you need to plan is the size your doll.

There are several traditional size definitions used by puppeteers for articulated puppets. This is due to the fact that the factory manufacturers of dolls, when buying, selling (or if you were given a doll) try to make it easier to select the right size of clothes and other accessories for them. Also, it can be very difficult to make realistic eyes and hair for a doll, so you can buy ready-made wigs and acrylic eyes made by professionals)) Buying eyes that fit well in a doll's head can be a disaster.


TINY BJD: These dolls are mostly around 6 inches

height sometimes there are quite crumbs about 4

inches high (15-10cm). Standard Price

for such dolls from about $ 100 to $ 300.

Pros: dolls are adorable, easy to store,

cheap to make, mainly designed for children

and easily fit into factory dollhouses

Cons: very catastrophically difficult to work

over such a doll and fit all the details to each other

friend. also, due to the small size of the elastic band

that connects all the details can be

not durable.

CUTIE BJD: These dolls are usually made to look like

children, the growth of such dolls is about 8-11 inches (20-28cm)

and the cost of such dolls is about $ 200-400

Pros: They are usually popular with people

adoring babies or baby dolls, only

more realistic. not expensive to make

Cons: because of the small size enough

complex in sculpting, detailing and fitting parts

to each other. Also, the rubber band can often break.

when stretched.

DOLLFIE: DLOFI is actually a brand of dolls

made by Volks. usually their height is about 12

inches (~30 cm) is the same as a standard barbie.

a doll of this size costs about $30-100.

Pros: You can use Barbie accessories

which are quite cheap. They are still small

but better posture than TINY BJD.

Cons: again, difficulties in working with details and

rubber band. Due to the size it is difficult to make a good one.

sculpting detail.

MiNI or CHILD BJD: they are usually made similar

for cute kids) their size is about 11-14 inches

(28-35cm). The cost is about $250-500

Pros: These dolls are GREAT for making

baby dolls for adult size BJD dolls

they are proportional)

Cons: Difficult to sculpt harmoniously

detailing for both adult BJD and for a child.

Clothes of similar size dolls may not fit

due to proportions close to Chibi proportions.

LARGE or SUPER BJD: the largest size for

BJD dolls and the most popular. The growth of such dolls

reaches 22-27.5 inches (56-71cm) and cost them

maybe over a thousand evergreens.

Pros: Dolls are very realistic and enough

big even huge. If you are good at

skill of modeling and casting, then you can raise

enough money to sell these dolls.

Cons: They are big. May be difficult to store

them safe. They also need clothes and personal

wardrobe. They can be expensive to manufacture.

DO NOT FORGET take into account the material from which you will make the doll, after you decide what size it will be. Fragile or expensive material is more suitable for smaller dolls, both due to cost and durability. It is recommended to use polymer clay for your dolls, as well as paper-based hardeners or sculpey, other materials can also be used. Articulated BJD dolls aren't considered "real" unless they're made of polyurethane, but that doesn't mean you can't make them out of some other material to get experience and snooze with them :)

Another not unimportant detail that needs to be taken into account is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe working space. A small doll is simpler and easier to make than a large doll, which can take up a lot of space and make more of a mess. Clothes and other accessories for large dolls, when not made by yourself, are substantially more expensive than clothes for small dolls, due to the more laborious process involved in making them to look more realistic.

A good size for beginners, believe it or not, this is a big doll. It is easier to fill your hand for sculpting, grinding, fitting parts and, as a rule, they are stronger. As always, a bigger doll, more cost in making it. I advise you to practice making MiNY BJD or DOLLFIE size dolls at the beginning, it will not be so expensive in materials, will not create a lot of mess for you and is not difficult to sculpt.

Step 2: building a drawing of the doll

The most frequently overlooked step by impatient puppeteers is the most important drawing.

Don't skip this step. I'm serious. The most important for making a correctly proportioned doll! Without a drawing, you can miss out on one leg being larger than the other, a crumpled or flat face, and any sizing issues. The key is symmetry. Don't skip this step.

What we are going to do now is to draw the doll in front and on the side in her real future growth.

The drawing must be drawn on thick paper that is quite difficult to damage and drawn or outlined with ink that will not fade over time. Making a doll takes a lot of time, and the drawing will be needed until the very end.

Preparing materials: what we need

1. A sheet of paper large enough to fit a drawing of a full-length doll, front and side i.e. twice)))

any thick paper, cardboard or drawing paper.*

2. Ruler or tape measure (you may need for large drawings), officer's ruler or compasses.

3. Pencils and eraser

4. Pen or special varnish to protect your drawing from fading.

5. music))

*you can also buy graph paper and protect it.

Turn on the music) This is the secret to long work and greater concentration. I can't do anything for long without her)

Next, put the paper in front of you on the table, on the left side of it, put the ruler to the top left edge of the paper. We begin to draw the exact size of our doll to the millimeter. Find 1 inch or 1 cm on the ruler, depending on which ruler you are using. Make a small mark on the edge of the paper exactly 1 cm.

(remember, the size of the paper should fit the full height of the doll TWO times, 1 in front and 1 on the side. this is not critical but it will save you from disappointment later.)

Using a ruler or tape measure, make marks

along the entire height of the leaf exactly 1 cm. Usually lengths

the entire ruler is not enough to make marks on

the entire height of the sheet, use the last mark

as the beginning of the sheet, move the ruler down and

keep marking like at the beginning.

When you're done, and mark as many

as close to the edge as you can

do the same on the other side of the sheet.

Also, I'm sure that my drawing is not very neat... Therefore, I do not recommend using it for comparison xDDD

Next, you need to find something even and long enough so that you can draw a line from one edge of the paper to the other. It can be anything with a flat and even edge (something you won't cut yourself with) to keep the pencil straight. I usually use a piece of the same paper, a ruler, a large sheet of cardboard or whatman paper, which also has a smooth edge)

Lay a ruler or whatever you have chosen across the paper, using the first marks as guides. Now carefully align the ruler by connecting the first dots from both ends of the sheet. When you've leveled the ruler, hold it firmly so that it doesn't move and draw a straight, dark line across the entire width of the paper. Do this all over the sheet.

Now you have lined paper) Good job. I hope everything went smoothly and your squares will not be all different sizes, as in the sample I gave, they should all be the same)

Next, you must decide what proportions your doll will have. Practice drawing on a blank sheet of paper, or several, until you are sure that you have achieved the balance you need in the image) This stage in the creation of the doll requires artistic skills, since you must draw at least something similar to a person with suitable proportions. Practice drawing a person with the proportions you need from the front and side in a natural relaxed pose. You will need to transfer the details to the drawing to be sure that everything will be neat. And remember: drawing from the side and front.

This part of the guide will help you make parts of the drawing symmetrical.

So, you have a pretty image for your future doll, on a SEPARATE large, durable sheet, drawn (or painted) in front, as shown in picture #1. You will notice a slight asymmetry between the arms, legs, sides of the face, etc.

To fix this, you will need to erase the less desirable half of the body, circle the remaining half, and make a mirror image to complete the picture. There are several ways to do this.

I will tell you the simplest way which I know.

note: you can also draw the hinges in the next step which will help you make them symmetrical as well. In master classes, they often skip this and go straight to the finished drawing.

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