
Original toys made of simple materials: baby dolls made of nylon socks. Two master classes Nyusha or baby dolls from kapron

I want to bring to your attention the manufacture of a sleeping baby doll. It is very easy to make it, you can safely take up work for those who have not yet made a soft toy. The main thing in this matter is to choose the right material, namely fleece. A little fabric will go on it, a 30/100 cut is enough. In this case, your baby doll will be slightly smaller than a newborn baby - 38 cm.

Enlarge the pattern to size so that the head from ear to ear is 16 cm, then the baby doll will turn out 38.

Attach the pattern to the fabric, fix with needles and cut out with a seam allowance. You won't be able to draw around with a pencil. Since the fleece fabric is soft, loose and with a villus. When cutting, be sure to take into account the direction of the shared thread so that in the future it does not warp parts of the body of our little baby.

Start sewing from the torso and head. In the head, first sew all the cuts, then sew along the contour, leaving a small hole on the crown for filling with holofiber. For a note, do not be afraid to use safety pins, it is very convenient, you can scribble on them. First stitch the back along the least rounded part, then pin it to the front and sew it too.

Do the same with the cut out parts of the arms and legs. Before turning out, make notches along the contours of all parts, this is important.

Turn out all the details, for this, in the arms and legs, make cuts from the intended inner side. When you fill them with holofiber or padding polyester, carefully sew them up, they will not be visible in finished product.

Form the arms and legs according to the pattern. Where is the point - tighten it with a knot. Where is the crease, pull it with a matching thread. The fingers are made in the same way, they are tightened through the part.

Form the ears using a regular seam in a circle forward with a needle. Then mark the face with pins. Since this is a sleeping baby doll, he does not need to sew on his eyes, it is enough to glue the cilia. You can either buy them ready-made or make them from a narrow satin ribbon. To do this, cut 6 cm of tape for two eyelashes, then cut off the thickened part of the tape on one side and remove the silk fibers almost to the end. Leave 1 mm for gluing. Embroider the mouth, form the nose using the tightening technique. Powder the nose and cheeks with pink powder, and sew the hairs on the crown of the head with a small bun. I have them from kanekalon, but you can get by with any thread to match the eyelashes. Then fluff them all over the head and glue in a circle with instant-crystal gel glue.

Insert a cardboard tube into the neck, covered with padding polyester and fixed with threads. Wrap the upper fabric of the neck tightly around the tube so that the fixation is tight.

Make a cross cut at the bottom of the head, leaving a seam in front for the chin. Put the head on, having previously made a recess inward with scissors. Sew with a hidden seam. This head will never fall off.

Legs, before sewing, apply to the body. I offer three options. Pups is sitting.

Baby doll lies, legs extended along the body.

One leg is higher than the other. Pose of a baby dangling legs. But then you need to open your eyes. Let's take a look at the first option.

We will dress him in panties or diapers, socks and a hat. I suggest tying this on a typewriter, but you can also use your hands. We knit socks for 35 loops 35 rows of acrylic thread 500 m per 100 g with ordinary stocking stitch. The effect of twisting the canvas plays into our hands here.

We tighten one part a little, and sew the seam on a typewriter, after pinning the edge with pins.

We knit a hat and panties in the same way, we collect 80 loops, we knit 48 rows. We tighten the cap at the top onto a thread. And we first put on the panties, and then we sew up the twisted edge.

Pupsik is ready. Can be placed on the bed.

Needlewomen are very resourceful people. There is no such type of product or material that they could not use in needlework and could not sew, mold or cut out any craft from it. For example, they successfully invent extravagant baby dolls from socks or tights that have a nylon base. The technique option is very interesting, and the material itself is supple and easy to use. For a skilled needlewoman, this is a rather important point. Although even a novice craftswoman can create a small baby doll. In this article we will look at how to make a baby doll from nylon tights on our own.

Socks as an excellent material for needlework

Sometimes a completely unexpected, inconspicuous, at first glance, piece of clothing, such as a sock, can be used as a material for the manufacturing process. When it falls into the hands of a craftswoman, then suddenly in an instant it can turn into a soft cute little animal or a chic baby doll that kids play with.

Important! The special value of such rag men-toys is that they can not only be made very quickly and easily with your own hands. There is an opportunity to give each created product its own specific character, it is possible to highlight and emphasize the various facial expressions and character traits of the doll, while controlling the facial expressions of little men. In the master classes you have watched, you can see how realistic and plastic such baby dolls look, as well as other products made from socks or tights.

To make a baby doll from nylon tights with your own hands, fit:

  • Nylon tights or socks that have a fairly strong base. When choosing a material, it is necessary to give preference to complex weaving so that arrows do not go along it at the most inopportune moment.
  • The choice of color must be approached carefully. It is recommended to mainly use flesh, white or light pink colors. However, if you want to make baby dolls from nylon tights that look like mulattos or blacks, then brown or black socks or tights can be used as the color of the material.

Important! You can also make baby dolls yourself from socks with mohair weaving, while they can be used together with nylon ones. With this option, the created dolls do not need to make additional clothes.

In the case of sewing a product only from nylon material, additional clothes will have to be made for the baby doll, since it needs to be dressed in something. As a rule, needlewomen make clothes for baby dolls from old shreds.

Doll made of nylon tights

To make a baby doll, you need to prepare the following materials in advance:

  • durable nylon tights or socks;
  • synthetic winterizer or you can use any other filler;
  • for the eyes you need two pieces of black beads;
  • threads of white and brown colors;
  • scissors;
  • guipure material for undershirts;
  • white knitted fabric, from which we will make panties and socks;
  • blue and brown yarn;
  • Crochet hook.
  1. We select the required sock or the cut off part of the tights, stuff them with padding polyester or some other filler.
  2. For the convenience of work, we make a temporary fastening in the upper part of the stuffed sock.
  3. After that we create the head. To do this, using stitches in a circle, we separate the body from the head - in this part we tighten the toe well.
  4. Then, at the central point of the body, we make out the navel, using a needle and thread. After - we fix the thread and bring it out at the bottom of the sock.
  5. On the other side of the decorated torso, we make one large stitch, which has the shape of a constriction, thus we make out the ass for the baby doll.
  6. Using a small piece of filler, we roll up the nose in the form of a ball, which is placed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe made face.
  7. Now the fixed fastening is removed at the top of the sock, after that it is necessary to apply small stitches, sew the product, pull and fasten the thread so that it does not run away.
  8. After the procedure, the unnecessary part of the nylon material should be very carefully cut off.
  9. After that, we proceed to the design of the ears. To do this, we make a few stitches in the inside of the head, then we bring out the needle in the intended place where the future ear will be located, slightly tightening the thread, making small stitches, we make a constriction on both sides of the head. Fix the thread and cut.
  10. To place the eyes of the baby doll from nylon tights with our own hands, we use two black beads. At the same time, we tighten the corners of the mouth. To do this, we perform step-by-step actions:
    • At the point of the corner of the mouth, it is necessary to prick a needle and thread and bring it out at the location of the eye.
    • Put the bead on the needle and fix it well.
    • Without tearing off the thread, pierce the needle in the area where the second eye is located, put on the second bead and fix it again.
    • Withdraw the needle at the location of the second corner of the mouth. Secure the thread so that it does not come out.
  11. For embroidery of eyelashes and eyebrows, we use black or brown threads.
  12. Now we make out a smiling mouth. To do this, with a needle and thread of bright red color from the corner of the mouth on one side we make a broach to the other corner.
  13. We take the second sock. According to certain patterns, we make legs and handles from it. Using the filler, we form sausages, which we wrap in nylon material and sew with neat stitches. We sew the made legs to the decorated torso.
  14. Using guipure fabric, we create a pattern of sleeves, in finished form we sew them on the made handles.
  15. From exactly the same fabric we cut out the basis of the future undershirt, put it on a baby doll and fix it quite tightly around the neck. The handles that are dressed in sleeves are sewn on top of the made vest.
  16. We make panties from white knitwear, tie them with a blue thread, using a crochet hook.
  17. After that, we make hair. To do this, we use threads of thick yarn, which, using a crochet hook, we make into a wig and sew to the head of our baby doll.
  18. We cut out socks from white knitwear, which must also be crocheted.
  19. And the very last touch that gives zest to our product. We apply gentle blush on the cheeks of the doll made of nylon material.

A wonderful baby doll is ready to please the kids with her appearance!

Dolls from nylon tights and a plastic bottle

How to make a baby doll from nylon tights with your own hands:

  • It is necessary to cut off the lower part from the bottle and wrap it with a filler, for example, synthetic winterizer.
  • Then you need to pull a small piece of tights made of nylon material onto the bottle, the length of which corresponds to the length of our bottle.
  • After that, we proceed to the formation of the front part of the pupa. To do this, it is necessary to roll a ball from the filler, insert it into a bottle that is covered with nylon material, and, using a needle and thread, form a nose.
  • Next, add more filler to create the cheeks, forehead and chin.
  • Then glue on the eyes.

Important! You can use ordinary beads or use ready-made cute eyes, which are sold in the store in the textile and haberdashery department.

  • We embroider a mouth to give the appropriate facial expression to our doll.
  • In order to highlight the line of the neck, you need to drag it with threads.
  • The lower part must be pulled up and pulled out through the neck of the bottle.

Important! Be sure to fasten the tights at the top point with a needle and thread.

  • Hair should be made from threads of thick yarn and sewn onto the head of the doll being made.
  • Wire is used to make hands. To do this, you need to cut pieces for the fingers, wrap them with filler and gradually connect.
  • The entire handle, starting from the palm to the shoulder, must be wrapped with synthetic winterizer, after which it must be decorated with “skin” made of nylon material.
  • Fingers need to be highlighted with threads.

Important! For this type of doll, it is not at all necessary to make legs, since it can be dressed up in a skirt that is long enough to cover imaginary legs. If you are making a grandmother doll from nylon material, then you have a wide field of activity for inventing an outfit.

DIY frame doll

Children's frame dolls made of nylon material are the pinnacle of stocking craftsmanship. Such toys look great, they are no different from real dolls, they are very plastic and it is pleasant to take them in your hands.

Important! For the manufacture of the frame base, aluminum or copper wire is used, while it is permissible to use a wire that has a different thickness. Frame-based pupae can both stand and sit, since the presence of a wire allows individual parts of the body to be movable.

To make a frame:

  1. The base is made of wire about 30 cm long. Such a frame structure has a loop of 12 cm, from which the head is subsequently made.
  2. This is followed by 12 cm for the oval torso and the remaining 16 cm are the legs.
  3. Separately, it is necessary to wrap the handles with insulating tape.
  4. Loops should be drawn at the ends of the legs, which serve as shoes for the future baby doll.

Important! If you prefer to make a doll about 50 cm in size, then you need to stock up on wire about 1.5 m and twist the frame out of it.

The frame can be covered with padding polyester to give the toy volume.

Now the most creative part of the process remains, since it is necessary to cut out and sew a beautiful extraordinary dress for our doll and dress her in this outfit.

Such different dolls

In order for the work to have a first-class look, it is advisable to carefully mask all the seams. When creating puppet men, the following ratio must be observed:

  • If you need to sew a baby toy, the proportional ratio of the body and head is 3 to 1.
  • To make a baby doll, you need to adhere to the recommended ratio of 6: 1.
  • If you are making an adult doll, then you should use an acceptable ratio of components - 8: 1.

Important! When making a baby doll, it must be borne in mind that the smaller the size of the masterpiece being created, the more difficult it will be to make a designer outfit for her.

There are a lot of options for creating toys from all kinds of improvised materials. Try the ideas suggested in this article, and after you hone your skills a little, you yourself will improve the schemes and design unique toys that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Nylon socks can be used not only for their intended purpose. These wardrobe items make wonderful soft toys. The technology of their manufacture is quite simple, it will be possible for everyone to master it. This article presents master classes that describe how baby dolls are made from nylon socks. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them and make a cute soft doll for your sweet daughter.

Preparatory stage

In the photo you see similar toys. What do you need in order to learn how to create them with your own hands? We learn about this from the list of materials and tools necessary for work:

  • one nylon sock of flesh or pink color;
  • holofiber or synthetic winterizer;
  • needle;
  • sewing threads;
  • color knitted sock;
  • narrow satin ribbon;
  • small buttons (2-3 pieces);
  • two beads of black, brown, blue or green;
  • blush cosmetic.

Baby doll from a sock: a master class. The stage of making patterns and sewing parts

We lay out the nylon sock on the table. We make two small lumps from the filler, put them in the sock - in the lower part (the one that is worn on the toes). We tie these balls with a thread. We cut off the lumps. Thus, we completed the details of the handles. Align that edge of the sock in a straight line. We wrap it with thread. It turns out a nylon bag. We fill it with holofiber (filler) and sew the hole from below with a neat hidden seam. We rewind this part in the middle with a thread, thus forming the head and torso. To make baby dolls from nylon socks look aesthetically pleasing, prepare a thread for work that matches the color scheme of the base material. On the head in the middle, we pick up a small lump of filler with our fingers and sew small stitches around it. It turns out a round nose. In the right places we fasten the beads-eyes. When sewing them on, we pull the thread a little to make indentations. Thanks to these actions, the pupa's facial features will look more natural. We highlight the ears with stitches on the sides of the head. We embroider eyelashes and eyebrows with black threads, and a smile with pink thread. You can arrange freckles, from this baby doll will become even prettier. On the back of the torso we carry out the buttocks, pulling the nylon with a few stitches. We tint the cheeks with cosmetic dry blush.

Making clothes for a soft doll

So that do-it-yourself baby dolls from socks are not naked, we make outfits for them. The material for this work will be a knitted multi-colored sock. From it we will first make a headdress. Cut off the bottom of the toe. We sew this part along the edge and tighten it slightly. We put a hat on the doll's head. Next, cut off the cuff and put it on the torso. Fold the bottom edge over and hem. We tighten the elastic band a little with stitches in the neck area. Tie with ribbon to form a belt. We sew buttons. We fasten the lumps-handles. The toy is ready. Both the girl and the boy will definitely like such baby dolls from nylon socks.

Sock doll (option No. 2). Preparation of materials for creativity

This toy model is made from an ordinary sock, preferably multi-colored. In addition to it, the following materials will be needed in the work:

  • filler;
  • a patch of light-colored fabric (knitwear or cotton);
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • sewing threads;
  • two ribbons about 20 centimeters long;
  • dry pink powder;
  • two dark beads.

Description of the process of making a soft doll

We learn how to make a baby doll from a sock from the following description. At the textile part, cut off the lower part up to the heel itself. From this blank we will form the body. We fill it with filler to the very top. We select the legs by sewing a strip in the lower part in the middle with stitches. On the sides in the same way we make handles. We make out the upper edge with stitches and tighten, fasten the thread with a knot and cut it off. The body is ready, put it aside. Next, we perform the pupa's face. From a light fabric, cut out two circles and sew them on the wrong side. At the same time, we leave a hole about 2 centimeters in size. Through it, we turn the workpiece out and fill it with synthetic winterizer (or other material). sew up the hole. Next, we fasten the eyes, embroider the nose, mouth, bangs with floss threads. Cheeks are powdered with blush. Sew the head to the body part. We tie a bow made of ribbon on the neck. Cut off the cuff from the rest of the sock. We tie it in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gum with a ribbon. We turn the lower edge of the workpiece. The result is a hat. We put it on the head of the baby doll. That's all, the soft little doll is ready to become your kids' favorite toy.

From the master classes presented, you learned the technology by which baby dolls are made from nylon socks. Make such figures with your own hands, the creative process will bring you pleasure and positive emotions. Well, the joy of the kids, who received such a toy as a gift, simply will not have a limit.

Such cute, cute babies can be made from the most ordinary nylon socks or tights. So, the Forty Years online magazine offers a detailed master class

Would need:

- flesh-colored nylon sock;

- filler, for example, synthetic winterizer;

- thread, needle;

- a bright striped sock for baby clothes;

- satin ribbon;

- small buttons;

- blush;

- black beads

1. We take a flesh-colored nylon sock.

2. We take 2 lumps of filler, put it in the sock, wrap it with the most ordinary thread, tear off the thread.

3. We cut the resulting balls with scissors, they will go to the handles, cut off the edge of the toe in a straight line, make a small ball from the remnants - put a piece of padding polyester, wrap it with a thread, tear off the thread, cut the ball with scissors. We step back from the edge of the sock and wrap it with a thread, tear off the thread.

4. Stuff the sock with padding polyester, sew the edge with a hidden seam.

5. Approximately in the middle we wind it with a thread, tear off the thread. It turns out the body and head.

6. Gently sew on the ball-nose with hidden stitches.

7. We outline the place where the eyes will be, it is convenient to do this with the help of pins with colored balls at the end. We sew black beads in place of the peephole, pulling the nylon around the peephole to make small indentations.

8. We make a butt at the back, pulling the nylon with a few stitches.

9. We stick a pin in place of the mouth. We draw in the mouth with a stitch, we fix the thread on the neck. We stick pins in place of the eyebrows. Embroider eyebrows and eyelashes with black thread.

10. We form an eye. To do this, we stick a pin in place of the ear. We fix the ear with a few stitches.

11. Cut off a blank for a hat from a striped sock. We pull it across with a few stitches. The edge can be cut with a fringe. We put the cap on the head, lower the edge of the sock on the forehead, cut it, we get hair.

12. From the sock we cut off a piece on Nyusha's dress. We put the dress on a caporon doll, tuck it up, fasten it with a few stitches, tighten it around the neck.

13. We sew ball-pens with hidden stitches. From a piece of sock we cut out socks for the doll, sew along the edge, put it on the legs, tie a satin ribbon along the edge. We blush our cheeks. Sew 2 buttons on the dress.

Today, you can find a variety of toys on sale, however, do-it-yourself dolls are especially popular. To do this, you do not need to have special skills, just take old nylon tights or stockings, a needle and thread. In this article, you will learn how to sew dolls from pantyhose, via step by step instructions. Even beginners can easily master these master classes and be able to sew a grandmother doll or a funny baby doll.

How to sew a grandmother doll from pantyhose

Cut off the bottom first plastic bottle, and leave the bottom and neck intact. Take the padding polyester and wrap it around the bottle, securing it well with threads. Form a ball of padding polyester to make a face, and then gradually replenish it, forming the cheeks.

Recesses in the face are made with a thread and a needle. If you want your grandmother's face to look like a real one, you will have to work hard or look for a step-by-step master class on how to make a stocking doll face.

Hands are made of wire. Separately make the elbow and forearm of thick wire so that the limbs do not fall from the weight of the blouse. Twist the palm, wrap it with padding polyester and pull the stocking on top. Use the thread to form the fingers of the doll. The handles are sewn to the body with a hidden seam.

If desired, you can make legs for the doll from a synthetic winterizer and a nylon sock. Hair is easily made from threads, often needlewomen use old wigs. It remains to dress the doll and the grandmother is ready. By a similar principle, it is easy to make other dolls from tights.

Beautiful do-it-yourself baby doll made of nylon stockings

If you wish, you can form the ass and tummy at your baby doll if you tighten it with threads. Glue your hair to the top of your head or sew it into your head. Don't forget to draw or embroider eyes and a mouth. The baby doll can be wrapped in a diaper-sock or other clothes can be sewn for him.

Handmade dolls are beautiful, durable and environmentally friendly. Even small children can play with them, so realize your talents.

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