
Tale of Kopeikin Dead Souls Summary. The value "Tale of Captain Copekin" in the poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls. Works on themes

Working on the poem "Dead Souls", N. Gogol planned to show all the dark aspects of the life of Russian society, including the arbitrariness and complete indifference of the authorities to the fate of ordinary people. A special role in the implementation of the author's ideological design is played by the "Tale of Captain Copeikin".

What chapter is the topic indicated above? You can say with confidence that she permeates the whole first volume. Before the review of readers, the gallery of landowners and bright images of the provincial officials are held, the tragic fates of the peasants, who are still living and have long been revealed. And now, no one is the secret goal of the visit to the city of N Mr. Chichikova, it is not clear who he is actually and for what he is dead souls. It is at that moment that the story of the former participant of the war with the French appears on the pages of the poem, more reminiscent of the parable about the valiant robber.

History of chapter

Non-easy creative destiny had a "tale of Captain Kopekin." In the plot of "dead souls", she, according to the author himself, occupied a very important place and therefore could not be excluded from the work. Meanwhile, censorship at the first acquaintance with the text of the poem considered the publication of the chapter unacceptable. As a result, Gogol had to adjust the content of the history of the captain twice, which emphasizes the significance of the story in the ideological content of the whole poem "Dead Souls". According to documentary sources, the author was ready to somewhat soften the general tone of the narrative of Kopekin, but prevent its exceptions from the work.

We offer for dating the third version of the chapter, allowed to print censorship - the original, by the way, has become available to the reader only after 1917.

The history of the emergence of chapter in the "Dead Souls": summary

"The story of Captain Kopekin is a story of the postpartmaster, saturated with a variety of phrases-decorations, repetitions, sometimes even seemingly unnecessary. This conveys the attitude of the narrator to the whole story: for him it is nothing more than a fun case that can be the basis for a story or novel. Why postmaster? In comparison with other officials of the city, he was distinguished by a greater awareness - he read a lot - and therefore tried to turn the main riddle (who is such chikchik?) In some entertainment. He suddenly decided that the buyer of the dead souls and the protagonist of his narration, the disabled person without hand and legs, may well be the same face. Be that as it may, this story caused in the memory of the narrator thinking by the officials of the city of N about the Personality of Chichikov, turned into almost an independent work, which once again emphasizes their confused - the captain is so no one and did not occur.

Acquaintance with the main hero

According to the postmaster, everything happened shortly after the end of the domestic captain Kopeykin survived a lot to the company, and most importantly - he was seriously injured, as a result of which the legs and the right hand lost. Since no disabled activities have yet been carried out, the former warrior was without a means of existence and began to think about what to do next. At first he went to his father, but he answered that he himself had to be tightly, not to the freight. One thing remained - trying happiness from officials in St. Petersburg, asking for a well-deserved pension.

Special world

Reaching the capital, Captain Kopeikin first struck her magnificence. It seemed before him there were paintings from the Tales of Sheherzade - so everything was unusual and rich. I tried to rent an apartment, and it hurt expensive. I had to be content with a ruble tavern, where they served with a piece of beef.

Having settled, began to learn where to contact. They explained that the authorities are all in France, it became necessary to go to a temporary commission. And pointed to the house that was on the embankment.

First hike to official: summary

"The Tale of Captain Copekin" includes a description of the "peasant election" (definition of the postmaster). Huge glasses and mirrors, marble and varnish, glitters so that it is scary. Already one of this picture caused fear from a simple asterian. Horror and a doorman on the porch: with batted collars and a graph of a graph ... The captain wounded into the receptionist climbed into the corner, afraid of the lacquer to break some vase. Since the official just woke up, followed. After four hours, he finally reported that the boss would now be released. The people by this time in the reception hung a lot. The official began to bypass visitors and stopped before Kopeikin. Their dialogue was short. Let's give it summary.

"The story of Captain Copekin" is the history of the Russian defender soldier. The hero immediately said that in war he became disabled and now it can not work, and therefore asks for himself some pension. The official did not argue and asked to come in a few days.

Holiday soul

Such an answer was covered by the captain, who believed that it was solved. Happy, he went to the tavern, where she ordered a glass of vodka, the cutleter and then went to the theater, and on his return to the restaurant even tried to take for forcing for the Englishman who held in the sidewalk, and the bone foot reminded disability. As a result, in a few hours, almost half of his money had been spent. So ends the description of the happy for the hero of the day Gogol.

"Tale of Captain Kopekin" continues the story about the second visiting official.


After two or three days, the hero again went to the house on the embankment. He was sure that now he will be given a solid amount of money - some thousandth pension. Therefore, again began to tell how the heroic shed blood and got injury. But the response of the official was brief and categorical: only the minister can solve such a matter, but it is not yet. And gave some money so that it was possible to exist before making any measures. The disappointed hero went to the restaurant. It seems that the story of Captain Copeikin should end.


However, the captain had already managed to taste the charm of the capital's life, and therefore such an outcome of the case did not suit him at all. It goes awesome on the street. On the one hand - salmon, cutlet with truffles, cherries, watermelon, and on the other - promised "tomorrow". And decides: you need to go to the commission again and seek your own. Thus, the "Tale of Captain Copekin" receives a continuation.

The next day, the hero stood everything before the same official and said that he had to eat well, and wines had a drink, and theater to visit. In response he heard that he was given money for food before the release of a special resolution, and if the excesses of anything wishes, then it is necessary to search for itself. But offended Kopeykin was so divided that he had risen all those who were in the Commission of officials. To learn the noise, I had to apply strict measures to him: to spend at the place of residence. The captain just thought: "Thank you for the fact that you don't need to pay for the run." Then he began to argue: "Since myself should search for yourself, then what, I will find."

The "Tale of Captain Copeikin" ending with the fact that he was delivered to the hero to the place of residence, after which all rumors were rumored in the fly. And after a couple of months in the forests on Ryazanchin there was a robbery gang, which he headed "No one else, like ...". At this, the story of the postmaster is interrupted.

In narration

In the "Tale of Captain Kopekin" N. Gogol masterfully uses for example, the portrait of a blower says a lot. It is compared with generalissimism and at the same time fattened props. Such a soulless person is happily looking at others, certainly not to the problems of the captain and the like.

Gogol describes in detail the house on the embankment and the receptionist, in which visitors fell. What cost one door handle cost. Seeing her Kopekin came to mind the idea that at first you need two hours to rub your hands with soap and only then take it for her. And from luxury and brilliance, I was implanted with such a cold that it became clear to everyone: there is nothing to help here.

It is noteworthy that the official is not named by name, and it is difficult to judge him. And the captain has only last name. Such a generalization significantly spreads the boundaries of the narrative, turning a special case to typical.

Features of the first option "Store ..."

As already noted, censorship allowed the publication of the third edition of the chapter. The essential difference of different versions of the history was in the final. In the first version, Gogol was emphasized on what was with the hero after returning from St. Petersburg. Here is his brief content.

"The Tale of Captain Kopeikin" told about how the main character began to avenge. He gathered a whole group of offended soldiers and settled with them in the forests. Shaka drove all whose activity was associated with the treasury. And also appeared in the villages, where the lifetime was appointed and, having ordered the Strost to pass all the demolished, discharged to the peasants receipt that they were paid by them. It is quite clear that this option could not arrange power, and ultimately in the "story ..." there was only one mention of the robbers who were led by "no one ...".

The story of the captain unexpected news was completed. Copekin went to America, from where the letter from the emperor, with a request not to touch people involved in the gang. And also called for the time to show mercy to everyone who was injured in the war. And the king really decided not to pursue the perpetrators.

The difference between the "Tale ..." of different options also concerned the alignment of the actors and the phrases they pronounced. But there were no big changes. In the final speech of the official, the words were rearranged that by and large ideological significance did not change. It was more important that the author somewhat changed the image of Captain Copeikin. He portrayed a hero man who wished to join the beautiful metropolitan life that he was partly the cause of his troubles (meaning the requirement of money for wine, delicious food, theaters).

The meaning of the "Tale of Captain Kopekin" is that N. Gogol draws the attention of the reader to the relationship between the government and the people depending on its will. The main characterwho did not receive assistance in the capital and forced himself to look for ways to survive, rebel against oppression, cruelty and injustice that reigning in serfs of Russia. It is significant that the robbers robbed only those who had a relation to the treasury, and did not touch people who were passing for their need. In this way, they tried to get what they had relied on them as the defenders of the Fatherland. The described situation brings to the idea that the progressive forces of the country, let it still be spontaneously, but are already preparing to join the struggle with the established arbitrariness. It reminds these folk uprisings under the leadership of S. Razin and E. Pugachev, who also showed the power of the people.

What is the "Tale of Captain Copekin"? Reflecting on this issue, one more thing should be noted. N. Gogol, skillfully depicted in the story "Dead Souls" the provincial town and its inhabitants, in this chapter transfers the action to the capital and creates a controversial image of St. Petersburg, in which the world of noble and rich, reminiscent of the famous tales of Shahryzade, is opposed to the world of humiliated and poor, barely We reduced ends meet. This allowed the author to present the life of Russia in its entirety and diversity.

"The story of Captain Kopekin" - inserted epide-prodes in the poem "Dead Souls" N. V. Gogol, through which the author introduces the topic of the relationship between the "little man" and the supreme power. Captain Kopeikin "After the Campania of the Two-Death Year ... Together with the wounded was sent ...". Osu, after the disabled person after the war ("he broke his hand and leg"), the captain remained without a means to the existence. For many years of his life to the ministry of Ro-Dina, Copekin became not needed even his own family: "I was hiding home to my father, my father says:" I have nothing to feed you, I ... I myself barely pull the bread. " The soldier is ready to work, but can not: "Only his hand ... left." He remains his last hope for the sovereign, on his "monacular mercy". Arriving in Pe Terburg, he goes to a reception to a nobleman, who deals with Kopeykin and asks to come the other day. This venel can - the personification of power, wealth. With the wrong Ironyia N. V. Gogol describes the house in which the general lives: "EVERYTHING ... Men: the windows in the windows ... semi-cooked mirrors, so that the vases and everything that is neither there in the rooms seem like a fit. .. precious marbles on the walls, metal haberdasheurs, some kind of handle at the door, so you need ... Run down in a petty shop, but to buy on the penny soap, yes before the hour two rubbing them, but then you will decide to grasp it , "In short: Lucky on all such - in some ways the mindproof."

And how "respect" an emblem official! "Everything that neither was in the front, of course, in the same Mi-picks in String, waiting, trembles, is waiting for a decisive, in the wrong of which, fate." But the thing is that the general is indifferent to the fate of people who appeal to him for help. He does not understand Copeikina, who is already starving and is interrupted by a herring or cucumber with a salt-like da bread. Ogoloda, Kopekin is solved "by all means crawling storming" and, waiting, shelter, it dares to "rudeness": "But, your high stepper, I can't wait .... as you want, your high movement, ... I can't go off the place until we give a resolution, "as a result, an angry general sends him home" on a government account. "

The postmaster says that, where Kopeykin got, it is unknown, but for some pores "appeared in the Skansky forests of the Robbers, and the Ataman was this whip ... no one ..." .... the story him It is not possible to finish, but the reader realizes that Captain Kopeykin became the pre-director of this whip. Navernka she consists of poor peasants who rob rich on the roads.

Is it possible to condemn Kopeikin for this? I think no. After all, he asked for help from government chiefs, but they refused him, taking care only about his own interests, with pleasure, and sometimes the law, helping only her own (Chichi-Cup, for example).

The Russian people patiently and can make the most tearing tests, but if you bring it to extremes - it is capable of much! The proof of this may be the case described by the author in the nine chapter of the poem, when the men killed the attor of the shotgun.

N. V. Gogol conceived show all dark sides russian life In the first volume of "dead souls". One of these "dark sides" is the arbitrariness and delicious government officials. The worst thing that we meet with this and to this day, and the bureaucracy of modern Russian ranks has become a parable in the people.

At a meeting, where urban officials are trying to guess who really chicchiki, the mailmaster puts forward a hypothesis that he is Captain Kopeykin, and tells the story of this last.

Captain Kopeikin participated in the campaign of 1812 and in one of the battles with the French lost his arms and legs. Unable with such a serious injury to find food, he went to St. Petersburg to ask for the grace of the sovereign. In the capital, Kopeykin suggested that in a magnificent house on the Palace Embankment, the Higher Commission on such cases led by a certain General-Annef is sitting.

Copekin came there on his wooden leg and, clinging to the corner, waited for the exit of Venelmazby in the midst of other petitioners who had a lot like "beans on a plate." The general soon came out and became, applying to everyone, ask why who came. Kopeykin said that, shedding blood for the fatherland, was mutilated and now it cannot provide himself. For the first time, the first time rewarded to him favorably and ordered "to turn the other day."

Illustrations for "Tale of Captain Copeikin"

Three-four days, the captain came again to nobles, believing that he would receive retirement documents. However, the minister said that the question could not be solved so soon, for the sovereign with the troops abroad, and the orders for the wounded follow only after his return to Russia. Kopekin came out in a terrible sorrows: he had completely ended money.

Not knowing how to be further, the captain decided to go to my noble for the third time. The general, having seen him, again advised the "armed patience" and expect the arrival of the sovereign. Kopekin began to say that he had no opportunity to wait at the extreme need. Wellex in the annoyance was departed from him, and the captain shouted: I would not leave this place until the resolution gives me. The general said then that if Kopeykin is expensive to live in the capital, then he will send him for the treasury account. Captain was put in a cart with Feldgerer and were lucky, unknown where. Rumors about him for a while stopped, but there were no two months, as the robbing gang appeared in Ryazan affairs, and her ataman was not anyone else ...

On this, the story of the postmaster in the "dead souls" breaks down: the Politzmeister put him in appearance that chikhiki, who had both hands and both legs, could not be a copy. The mailman slapped his hand on his forehead, publicly called himself a veal and admitted his mistake.

A short "story about Captain Kopekin" is almost not connected with the main plot of the "dead souls" and makes even the impression of unavailable foreign inclusion. However, it is known that Gogol attached to her very important. He was very worried when the first version of Captain Kopeikin was not missed by Censure, and said: "Tale" - "One of best places In the poem, and without her - a rush, which I cannot patch in any way. "

Initially, the story about Kopekin was longer. In continuation, Gogol described how the captain with his whip robbed in Ryazan forests only government crews, not a touch of private individuals, and as after many robbing feats left to Paris, sending a letter to the king with a request to Novalovaya. Literary critics still argue, why Gogol considered the "story about Captain Kopekin" very weighty for the "dead souls" in general. Perhaps she was directly related to the second and third parts of the poem, which the writer did not have time to complete.

The prototum of the Minister of Half Kopeikina, most likely served as a famous temporary

Each of the heroes of the poem - Manilov, a box, Nozdrev, Sobyshevich, Plushkin, Chichikov - in itself does not represent anything valuable. But Gogol was able to give them a generalized character and at the same time create a common picture of the modern Russia. The name of the poem is symbolic and ambiguous. Dead souls are not only those who graduated from their earthly existence, not only the peasants who scared chikchiki, but also the landowners themselves and provincial officials with whom the reader meets on the pages of the poem. The words "dead souls" are used in the narration in many shades and values. Safely History Sobesevich has a more dead soul than the fortress men, whom he sells Chichikov and which exist only in memory and on paper, and Chichikov himself - a new type of hero, entrepreneur, in which the features of the emerging bourgeoisie are embodied.

The selected plot provided Gogol "full freedom to write together with the hero of all of Russia and to withdraw many of the most diverse characters." The poem has a huge number of actors, all social sections of serfs of Russia are presented: the acquirer of chikchikov, officials of the provincial city and the capital, representatives of the highest nobility, landowners and the serfs peasants. A significant place in the ideological and composite structure of the work is occupied by lyric deviations in which the author applies to the most acute public issues, and inserted episodes, which is characteristic of the poem as a literary genre.

The composition of the "Dead Souls" serves the disclosure of each of the characters derived in the overall picture. The author found an original and surprisingly simple composite structure, which gave him the broadest opportunities for the image of life phenomena, and to connect the narrative and lyrical principle, and for the poetry of Russia.

The ratio of parts in the "dead souls" is strictly thought out and subordinated to creative intent. The first chapter of the poem can be defined as a kind of entry. The action has not yet begun, and the author only in general facilities outlines its heroes. In the first chapter, the author introduces us with the peculiarities of the life of the provincial city, with the city officials, landowners Manilov, Nozdrey and Sobachievich, as well as with the central hero of the work - Chichikov, who begins to make profitable dating and is preparing for active actions, and its faithful companions - parsley and Selifan. In the same chapter, two men, arguing about the wheel of the Chichikov Brick, a young man, dressed in a suit "with the attempts of the fashion", a worshive restaurant servant and another "petty people". And although the action has not yet begun, the reader begins to guess that Chichiki came to the provincial city with some secret intentions that are found later.

The meaning of Chichikov's enterprise was as follows. Once every 10-15 years, the treasure was census of the fortress population. Between the censuses ("Audivice Fairy Tales"), the established number of serfs (Audial) shower was carried out for the landowners (only men were indicated in the census). Naturally, the peasants were dying, but according to the documents, officially, they were considered alive until the next census. For the fortress peasants, the landowners paid the tax annually, including the dead. "Listen, Mother," clarifies Chischiki box, "Yes, you judge only good things: you are okay." Pay for him (deceased) to file as for the living. " Chichikov acquires dead peasants to lay them out, like living, in the guardian council and get a decent amount of money.

A few days after the arrival in the provincial city of Chichikov goes on a trip: visits Manilov's estates, boxes, nozroid, dog, Plushkin and acquires "dead souls". Showing the criminal combinations of Chichikov, the author creates unforgettable images of the landowners: an empty dreamer of Manilov, a stingy box, an incorrectly Nostride Lygun, greedy companion and a lowered plush. The action acquires an unexpected turn when, heading for the Schever, Chikchika gets to the box.

The sequence of events has a lot of meaning and is dictated by the development of the plot: the writer sought to reveal in his heroes an increasing loss of human qualities, the death of their soul. As Gogol himself said: "One one's heroes followed by me one of the day." So, in Manilov, which begins a number of landlord characters, the human start died not until the end, as evidenced by his "giving" to spiritual life, but his aspirations gradually die. A frightened box, there is no more hint of a spiritual life, she has everything subject to the desire to sell with the benefit of the products of their natural economy. Nozdrev has no moral and moral principles. In the dog, very little left human and brightly manifests all the animal and cruel. Completes a number of expressive images of Plushkin's landowners - a person at the verge of mental decay. Created by Gogol Images of landowners - people typical for their time and environment. They could become decent personalities, but the fact that they are the owners of the serfs, deprived of their human start. The serfs for them are not people, but things.

The image of the landlord Rus is replaced by the image of the provincial city. The author introduces us to the world of public administration officials. In the heads dedicated to the city, the picture of the noble Russia is expanding and the impression of her dead is deepened. Depicting the world of officials, Gogol first shows their funny parties, and then makes the reader think about the reigning laws in this world. All officials passing before the mental look of the reader turn out to be people without the slightest concept of honor and debt, they are associated with mutual patronage and a circular lie. Their life, like the life of landowners, is deprived of meaning.

The return of Chichikov to the city and the design of the bugs of the fortress is the culmination of the plot. Officials congratulate him with the acquisition of serfs. But the nostrils and the box disclose the trial of the "most honored Paul Ivanovich", and the universal fun is inferior to the place of confusion. Okoming comes: Chichikov hurriedly leave the city. The picture of the exposure of Chichikova is drawn with humor, acquiring a pronounced dense character. The author with undisguised irony tells about gossip and rumors arising in the provincial city in connection with the exposure of the "Millioner". The officials covered by anxiety and panic involuntarily discover their dark illegal cases.

A special place in the novel occupies the "Tale of Captain Copeikin". It is plotted with the poem and is of great importance for the disclosure of the ideological and artistic meaning of the work. "The Tale of Captain Kopekin" gave Gogol to transfer the reader to Petersburg, to create the image of the city, to introduce the topic of 1812, and tell the story about the fate of the hero of war, Captain Copeikina, the observing the borne, the official arbitrariness and the arbitrariness of the authorities, the injustice of the existing system. In the "Tale of Captain Kopekin" the author raises the question that the luxury disgusts a person from morality.

The place "story ..." is determined by the development of the plot. When ridiculous rumors about Chichikov began to spread around the city, officials who are alarmed by the appointment of the new governor and the possibility of their exposure, gathered together to clarify the situation and protect themselves from the inevitable "campaigns". The story of Captain Copeikin is not accidental from the name of the postmaster. Being the head of the post office, he may have read newspapers and magazines, and could learn a lot of information about the metropolitan life. He loved "to get out" in front of the listeners, to let dust in the eyes of his education. The story of Captain Kopeikin Epitemaster tells at the time of the greatest patch that covered the provincial city. "The Tale of Captain Kopekin" is another confirmation that the serf system is designed, and new forces, albeit spontaneously, but are already being prepared to join the path of combating social evil and injustice. The story of Kopeikina as if he completes the picture of statehood and shows that the arbitrariness reigns not only in the environment of officials, but also in the highest layers, up to the minister and king.

In the eleventh, final work, the chapter, the author shows that Chichikov's enterprise ended, talks about his origin, tells how his character was formed, looked at life. Penetrating into the spiritual caches of his hero, Gogol presents to the court of the reader, all that "eludes and hides from light," opens up "the innermost thoughts whose people entrust", and we have a scoundrel who is rarely visited by human feelings.

On the first pages of the poem, the author himself describes him somehow vaguely: "... not a handsome man, but not bad outside, nor too thick, nor too thin." The provincial officials and landowners, the disclosure of the characters of which are devoted to the following chapters of the poems, characterize Chichikov as a "well-messenger", "scholar", "scientist", "the kindest and consistent person." Based on this, it seems that we have the personification of the "ideal of a decent person."

The entire plot of the poems is built as the exposure of Chichikov, since in the center of the story there is a scam with the purchase and sale of "dead souls". In the system of images of the poem of Chichikov is somewhat apart. He plays the role of a landowner traveling according to its need, and by origin is them, but very little is associated with the Barsky Life. Every time he appears in front of us in a new look and always achieves the goal. In the world of such people, friendship and love is not appreciated. It is characterized by an extraordinary perseverance, will, energy, perseverance, practical calculation and tireless activity, in them hid a seal and terrible force.

Understanding the danger emanating from such chikchiku people, Gogol openly rises his hero, reveals his insignificance. Satira Gogol becomes a kind of weapon, with which the writer reveals the "dead soul" Chichikov; It suggests that such people, despite the chain mind and adaptability, are doomed to death. And the laughter of Gogol, helping him to implancing the world of pegs, evil and deception, suggested to him by the people. It was in the soul of the people for many years he grew and strengthened hatred for oppressors, to "owners of life". And only laughter helped him survive in the monstrous world, not lose optimism and life.

Each of the heroes of the poem - Manilov, a box, Nozdrev, Sobyshevich, Plushkin, Chichikov - in itself does not represent anything valuable. But Gogol was able to give them a generalized character and at the same time create a common picture of the modern Russia. The name of the poem is symbolic and ambiguous. Dead souls are not only those who graduated from their earthly existence, not only the peasants who scared chikchiki, but also the landowners themselves and provincial officials with whom the reader meets on the pages of the poem. The words "dead souls" are used in the narration in many shades and values. Safely History Sobesevich has a more dead soul than the fortress men, whom he sells Chichikov and which exist only in memory and on paper, and Chichikov himself - a new type of hero, entrepreneur, in which the features of the emerging bourgeoisie are embodied.

The selected plot provided Gogol "full freedom to write together with the hero of all of Russia and to withdraw many of the most diverse characters." The poem has a huge number of actors, all social sections of serfs of Russia are presented: the acquirer of chikchikov, officials of the provincial city and the capital, representatives of the highest nobility, landowners and the serfs peasants. A significant place in the ideological and composite structure of the work is occupied by lyric deviations in which the author applies to the most acute public issues, and inserted episodes, which is characteristic of the poem as a literary genre.

The composition of the "Dead Souls" serves the disclosure of each of the characters derived in the overall picture. The author found an original and surprisingly simple composite structure, which gave him the broadest opportunities for the image of life phenomena, and to connect the narrative and lyrical principle, and for the poetry of Russia.

The ratio of parts in the "dead souls" is strictly thought out and subordinated to creative intent. The first chapter of the poem can be defined as a kind of entry. The action has not yet begun, and the author only in general facilities outlines its heroes. In the first chapter, the author introduces us with the peculiarities of the life of the provincial city, with the city officials, landowners Manilov, Nozdrey and Sobachievich, as well as with the central hero of the work - Chichikov, who begins to make profitable dating and is preparing for active actions, and its faithful companions - parsley and Selifan. In the same chapter, two men, arguing about the wheel of the Chichikov Brick, a young man, dressed in a suit "with the attempts of the fashion", a worshive restaurant servant and another "petty people". And although the action has not yet begun, the reader begins to guess that Chichiki came to the provincial city with some secret intentions that are found later.

The meaning of Chichikov's enterprise was as follows. Once every 10-15 years, the treasure was census of the fortress population. Between the censuses ("Audivice Fairy Tales"), the established number of serfs (Audial) shower was carried out for the landowners (only men were indicated in the census). Naturally, the peasants were dying, but according to the documents, officially, they were considered alive until the next census. For the fortress peasants, the landowners paid the tax annually, including the dead. "Listen, Mother," clarifies Chischiki box, "Yes, you judge only good things: you are okay." Pay for him (deceased) to file as for the living. " Chichikov acquires dead peasants to lay them out, like living, in the guardian council and get a decent amount of money.

A few days after the arrival in the provincial city of Chichikov goes on a trip: visits Manilov's estates, boxes, nozroid, dog, Plushkin and acquires "dead souls". Showing the criminal combinations of Chichikov, the author creates unforgettable images of the landowners: an empty dreamer of Manilov, a stingy box, an incorrectly Nostride Lygun, greedy companion and a lowered plush. The action acquires an unexpected turn when, heading for the Schever, Chikchika gets to the box.

The sequence of events has a lot of meaning and is dictated by the development of the plot: the writer sought to reveal in his heroes an increasing loss of human qualities, the death of their soul. As Gogol himself said: "One one's heroes followed by me one of the day." So, in Manilov, which begins a number of landlord characters, the human start died not until the end, as evidenced by his "giving" to spiritual life, but his aspirations gradually die. A frightened box, there is no more hint of a spiritual life, she has everything subject to the desire to sell with the benefit of the products of their natural economy. Nozdrev has no moral and moral principles. In the dog, very little left human and brightly manifests all the animal and cruel. Completes a number of expressive images of Plushkin's landowners - a person at the verge of mental decay. Created by Gogol Images of landowners - people typical for their time and environment. They could become decent personalities, but the fact that they are the owners of the serfs, deprived of their human start. The serfs for them are not people, but things.

The image of the landlord Rus is replaced by the image of the provincial city. The author introduces us to the world of public administration officials. In the heads dedicated to the city, the picture of the noble Russia is expanding and the impression of her dead is deepened. Depicting the world of officials, Gogol first shows their funny parties, and then makes the reader think about the reigning laws in this world. All officials passing before the mental look of the reader turn out to be people without the slightest concept of honor and debt, they are associated with mutual patronage and a circular lie. Their life, like the life of landowners, is deprived of meaning.

The return of Chichikov to the city and the design of the bugs of the fortress is the culmination of the plot. Officials congratulate him with the acquisition of serfs. But the nostrils and the box disclose the trial of the "most honored Paul Ivanovich", and the universal fun is inferior to the place of confusion. Okoming comes: Chichikov hurriedly leave the city. The picture of the exposure of Chichikova is drawn with humor, acquiring a pronounced dense character. The author with undisguised irony tells about gossip and rumors arising in the provincial city in connection with the exposure of the "Millioner". The officials covered by anxiety and panic involuntarily discover their dark illegal cases.

A special place in the novel occupies the "Tale of Captain Copeikin". It is plotted with the poem and is of great importance for the disclosure of the ideological and artistic meaning of the work. "The Tale of Captain Kopekin" gave Gogol to transfer the reader to Petersburg, to create the image of the city, to introduce the topic of 1812, and tell the story about the fate of the hero of war, Captain Copeikina, the observing the borne, the official arbitrariness and the arbitrariness of the authorities, the injustice of the existing system. In the "Tale of Captain Kopekin" the author raises the question that the luxury disgusts a person from morality.

The place "story ..." is determined by the development of the plot. When ridiculous rumors about Chichikov began to spread around the city, officials who are alarmed by the appointment of the new governor and the possibility of their exposure, gathered together to clarify the situation and protect themselves from the inevitable "campaigns". The story of Captain Copeikin is not accidental from the name of the postmaster. Being the head of the post office, he may have read newspapers and magazines, and could learn a lot of information about the metropolitan life. He loved "to get out" in front of the listeners, to let dust in the eyes of his education. The story of Captain Kopeikin Epitemaster tells at the time of the greatest patch that covered the provincial city. "The Tale of Captain Kopekin" is another confirmation that the serf system is designed, and new forces, albeit spontaneously, but are already being prepared to join the path of combating social evil and injustice. The story of Kopeikina as if he completes the picture of statehood and shows that the arbitrariness reigns not only in the environment of officials, but also in the highest layers, up to the minister and king.

In the eleventh, final work, the chapter, the author shows that Chichikov's enterprise ended, talks about his origin, tells how his character was formed, looked at life. Penetrating into the spiritual caches of his hero, Gogol presents to the court of the reader, all that "eludes and hides from light," opens up "the innermost thoughts whose people entrust", and we have a scoundrel who is rarely visited by human feelings.

On the first pages of the poem, the author himself describes him somehow vaguely: "... not a handsome man, but not bad outside, nor too thick, nor too thin." The provincial officials and landowners, the disclosure of the characters of which are devoted to the following chapters of the poems, characterize Chichikov as a "well-messenger", "scholar", "scientist", "the kindest and consistent person." Based on this, it seems that we have the personification of the "ideal of a decent person."

The entire plot of the poems is built as the exposure of Chichikov, since in the center of the story there is a scam with the purchase and sale of "dead souls". In the system of images of the poem of Chichikov is somewhat apart. He plays the role of a landowner traveling according to its need, and by origin is them, but very little is associated with the Barsky Life. Every time he appears in front of us in a new look and always achieves the goal. In the world of such people, friendship and love is not appreciated. It is characterized by an extraordinary perseverance, will, energy, perseverance, practical calculation and tireless activity, in them hid a seal and terrible force.

Understanding the danger emanating from such chikchiku people, Gogol openly rises his hero, reveals his insignificance. Satira Gogol becomes a kind of weapon, with which the writer reveals the "dead soul" Chichikov; It suggests that such people, despite the chain mind and adaptability, are doomed to death. And the laughter of Gogol, helping him to implancing the world of pegs, evil and deception, suggested to him by the people. It was in the soul of the people for many years he grew and strengthened hatred for oppressors, to "owners of life". And only laughter helped him survive in the monstrous world, not lose optimism and life.

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