
Olympiad bear. History of the Olympic Bear: legends and facts. Where did the Olympic Bear land after launch

One of the most touching moments of the Moscow Olympics in 1980 was the flight of the Olympic symbol. On August 3, to the song performed by Lev Leshchenko and Tatyana Antsiferova, all Luzhniki and TV viewers saw off the departing Olympic Bear ...

The history of the creation of the mascot

The history of creating the image of the Olympic Bear began in 1977, when a population survey was conducted in the country through the program "In the World of Animals" and the editors of the newspaper "Soviet Sport", where the audience was asked to choose the symbol of the Olympics. Almost unanimously, preference was given to the bear cub Misha. After the image of the mascot was approved, an order was made to the best artists of the country. The final version was made by the illustrator of children's books - Viktor Aleksandrovich Chizhikov. Among the 60 cubs that made it to the final, his version was also liked by the IOC President of that time, Lord Kilanin. The Organizing Committee of the Moscow Olympiad chose this animal as a symbol, since it has such qualities characteristic of an athlete as strength, perseverance and courage.

For the Olympic Games, a six-meter rubber mascot was created - the balloon "Olympic Bear". Initially, it was planned to be made in Moscow at the Research Institute of the Rubber Industry, but due to the large dimensions of Mishka, the manufacturing process was transferred to the institute's branch located in Zagorsk (now Sergiev Posad). For testing and in case of unforeseen circumstances, two duplicates were made.

Project "Bear"

According to the plan of the organizers, the Olympic Bear was supposed to fly high into the sky during the closing ceremony. In April 1979, in the town of Zhukovsky near Moscow, work began on the Bear project at the Central Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI). A group of scientists was tasked with ensuring the rise of the talisman into the air. The bear was not just supposed to fly vertically upwards over the stadium. Having reached a certain height (3.5 m from the top of the stands), he had to leave the stadium as soon as possible without hitting the bowl with the Olympic flame.

At first, engineer Alexander Trusov suggested abandoning the doll and dressing a person in a bear costume, tying him to balloons filled with helium. The test took place at the Kubinka-2 airfield near Moscow. Trusov himself went to the test and put on a suit (it was made at a fur toy factory in the Ukrainian city of Zhovti Vody) and took off. The first flight was successful, after which it was decided to conduct the next experiment under conditions as close as possible to the required ones: twilight, climb 30 meters (the height of the Luzhniki stands). But this time, at a height of one hundred meters, the Olympic Bear suddenly turned around, flew 50 meters, and then began to sharply go up, disappearing from view.

After that, the engineers developed a system of so-called "carrying balls". Its essence was as follows: moving in a certain way, the balls contributed to the displacement of the center of gravity of the object (Bear), which, in turn, made it possible to control the direction of flight with a sufficient degree of accuracy. Moving in a certain way, the balloons shifted the center of gravity of the object in the right direction. The operator in the cockpit in the right hind leg had to control the direction of flight. But on testing this option, the doll lost control, flew over the burning Olympic torch and flared up. Engineer Igor Artamonov, who was sitting in the cockpit, died from his burns. Then it was decided to fix the balls only on the upper paws and ears so that the bear would not roll over.

It is still not known for certain what happened to the Olympic Bear after he left the Luzhniki arena on an August evening in 1980 and disappeared into the sky. Whether he was a manned craft or just a huge rubber doll with balloons - no one knows for sure.

"The Olympic Bear is a symbol of the Moscow Olympics. How much more charming and humane was he than the monotonously beautiful and purposeful poster "builders of communism"! soul to the song of Pakhmutova and Dobronravov, even the most inveterate cynics had tears in their eyes. Two billion people around the world watched the most touching closing ceremony in the history of the Olympics. And almost no one knew what happened next to such a cute Mishka. And he landed on the outskirts of Moscow, knocked down a beer booth, scaring two local "uncles" to death. Then he was exhibited for some time at VDNKh, next to other achievements of the Soviet National economy(Cows-record holders, the monstrous tractor "Kirovets" and the Olympic Mishka - there is something to be proud of the national economy!). At that time, a West German firm offered to buy a rubber Mishka for 100,000 marks. Naive Germans! The Soviets have their own pride, which is not sold for despicable Deutschmarks! A bear from VDNKh was sent to one of the basements of the USSR Olympic Committee, where he stood until he was ... eaten by rats.

On August 3, 1980, the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games took place in Moscow. Just on it, the Bear, the famous symbol of the Olympics-80, which was held in the USSR, was launched into the sky.

Many people sobbed loudly during his flight, and a soulful song performed by Tatyana Antsiferova and Lev Leshchenko accompanied the action. All this took place at the Luzhniki stadium, Muscovites and guests of the USSR accompanied Mishka on the flight.

How the bear was created

The creation of the sensational Olympic Bear began back in 1977. First, the country conducted a survey among the population, what should be the symbol of the Olympics in 1980? With the help of the newspaper "Soviet Sport" and the program "In the World of Animals" we collected information and found out that almost everyone expressed a desire for the Bear Bear to become the symbol of the Olympics.

After the image was approved, the organizers made an order from the best Soviet artists. The final version was designed by Viktor Chizhikov - at that time he was drawing pictures for children's books. It was his version that went to the final and was selected among 60 other proposed bears. The Committee of the Moscow Olympiad, like the Soviet people, preferred this particular animal as a symbol, since at that time it personified courage, strength and perseverance.

By the beginning of the Olympic Games, a six-meter rubber Bear was created. At first, it was thought to be made at a research institute in Moscow, but due to its large dimensions, this was impossible. Therefore, they decided to transfer the production process to one of the branches of the institute, which was located in Sergiev Posad. Just in case, we decided to make two copies.

Who is Viktor Chizhikov

Soviet artist Viktor Chizhikov was born in 1935. His parents were architects. The boy, being a youth, was very fond of drawing. Already in high school, he worked as a cartoonist in the publication "Housing Worker". After graduation, the guy decided to get an education at a printing institute. With his student status, he began working for Crocodile, a magazine known for its satire. Then Victor began to cooperate with major publications: Pionerskaya Pravda, Ogonyok, and Young Naturalist. In addition, he illustrated books by Chukovsky, Nosov, Mikhalkov, Barto and Marshak.

Author's fee

Many are interested in how Viktor Chizhikov was awarded. In fact, by today's standards, it is rather meager - 1300 rubles. This amount is about ten average salaries in the USSR, but if you take into account how many toys and souvenirs were sold, and that this image is still used to this day, then this amount can rightly be called scanty. The artist did not receive any deductions, because he did not draw up all kinds of contracts and documents.


The idea of ​​the organizers of the Olympics was that Mishka during the closing ceremony had to fly high, high into the sky. And already in April 1979, work began. The project began to be developed at the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute in the city of Zhukovsky. Researchers and scientists were given the task: the Olympic Bear should fly up, linger for a while at a height of 3.5 meters from the edge of the upper stand, and then leave the stadium as soon as possible. At the same time, it was important that Mishka did not touch the Olympic flame, because this could turn into a real tragedy and shame in front of the guests and citizens of the USSR.

Work on the project "Bear" and a terrible tragedy during the test

Alexander Trusov, an engineer, suggested using not a doll, but dressing a real person in a Mishka costume, then tying it to balloons that are inflated with helium. The first tests took place at the Kubinka-2 airfield, which is located in the Moscow region. Alexander himself decided to put on a suit for the test. It was made at the Ukrainian toy factory in Zhovti Vody. The first test went very well. After that, they decided to recreate conditions that are close to the future: twilight and a rise of thirty meters. But this time, things didn't go according to plan. The bear flew 50 meters, and then with great speed left the field of view.

After the incident, engineers came up with a system of "carrier balls" that would help deal with this problem. What is the point? Moving, the balls moved the Bear's center of gravity in such a way that it was possible to control its speed and direction. The operator in the cockpit, which was located in the lower right paw, was supposed to control the flight. However, during the test, great grief occurred. The bear lost direction and flew straight towards the Olympic flame, where it flared up.

Igor Artamonov, an engineer who was in the cockpit, died from multiple burns. After this incident, in order for Mishka not to roll over, it was decided to fix the balls on the ears and upper paws.

Where did the Olympic Bear land after launch?

There is no exact information about what happened to Mishka after he was launched into the sky in the evening in August in 1980. He just left Luzhniki and went high into the sky. In addition, now no one can say for sure whether he was a doll with balls or still a manned object.

Many people have described the Olympic Bear as a very charming and human mascot. He was much prettier than the monotonous bears, who had no charm, but seemed insensitive and even slightly aggressive.

In addition, at that time, many said that the history of the creation and the fate of the bear are typical for the eighties. He took off into the sky to the soulful song of Dobronravov and Pakhmutova. Even the most insensitive people at that moment had tears in their eyes. More than two billion people across the planet watched the closing of the Olympic Games.

For a long time, no one could have guessed what happened to this Mishka. One piece of evidence says that he fell on a beer booth that was located on the outskirts of Moscow, this unexpected appearance very much frightened two adult men who did not expect this. Naturally, Mishka was found and taken away, and then exhibited at VDNKh next to other achievements of the Soviet people. By the way, a German company wanted to buy the symbol of the 1980 Olympics for one hundred thousand marks. However, the people who made these proposals did not know that the Russians are a proud people. Naturally they were refused. True, then Mishka "moved" to the basement of the Olympic Committee, and there he stayed until the rats ate him.

35 years ago, on July 19, 1980, the XXII Summer Olympic Games opened in Moscow.
These were the first Games in the history of the Olympic movement in Eastern Europe, as well as the first in a socialist country. The Olympic Games were held for 15 days in Moscow, and some of the competitions were held in other cities of the USSR - Kiev, Leningrad, Minsk and Tallinn.

This bear cub Misha, beloved by many adults and children, will turn 38 this year. It was the symbol of the XX Olympic Games held in Moscow in 1980.

Invented it in 1977 by the artist Viktor Chizhikov. That's how it was.

Long before the start of the Olympics, in 1977, in the program "In the World of Animals", TV presenter Vasily Peskov conducted a survey of viewers. Most of our fellow citizens gave their votes for the bear, as a truly Russian animal (although the elk strongly “propped up” it). Therefore, "above" it was decided that the talisman of the Moscow Olympics should be a clubfoot Mishka.

The Organizing Committee of the Olympics began to receive drawings depicting bears. More than 40 thousand people took part in the competition. But the drawing, which could really become a symbol of the Olympic Games in Moscow, could not be found. After all, it was necessary to depict not a simple Toptygin, a Russian bear. His strength and power had to be combined with good nature and hospitality. He didn't have to be aggressive, but at the same time he had to be ready to stand up for himself. These are all the qualities that are inherent in the Russian soul.

Viktor Chizhikov tried to embody them in his image. He invented his Mishka smiling. To do this, the muzzle of the bear had to be given a white color, although such bears do not exist in nature. In working on the sketch, Victor needed the experience of a children's artist. And the director of the Moscow Zoo, Igor Sosnovsky, even determined the age of the bear cub - 3 months.

That's just the Olympic symbolism in the picture was missing. The artist thought...

The creator of the Olympic "Toptygin" recalls that he immediately ruled out the option with a medal around his neck - it's trite. The artist tried to "put" a cap on the bear cub - his ears got in the way. When the deadlines began to run out, the decision came by itself: Mishka, girded with Olympic rings, appeared to Chizhikov in a dream.
“I woke up instantly, wrote down everything. In the morning I went to the Olympic Committee, took the original and drew a belt. This option was accepted."

The Olympic bear has become a real favorite not only of the participants in the Olympics, but has received recognition all over the world. Viktor Chizhikov said that people from all over the world wrote to him. With schoolchildren from the Polish city of Svidven, he corresponded for five whole years, until they graduated from school. He sent them badges with a bear cub and books from which they learned Russian.

A letter came from America from schoolgirl Jennifer Shutter: “Dear Mr. Chizhikov, I have saved up 10 dollars, I am sending you a check, send me the Olympic Bear, I saw his photo in our newspaper.” Then there were still few images of Mishka, then a pendant, a porcelain bear cub, appeared. Victor sent all this, but did not wait for an answer, and it was stupid at that time to wait for a letter from the USA.

The following letter came from India: “I am a millionaire, I can come to the Olympics anyway, but I would like to receive an invitation from you.” Unfortunately, this letter came after the Olympics.

Once, sailors of the merchant fleet told Viktor Alexandrovich the following story: when they were in New Guinea, they went into the hut of the local leader of the Papuans. So he had a poster with the image of Mishka on his wall!

By the way, Chizhikov was supposed to become a millionaire for creating such a symbol. But a miracle did not happen in the Soviet Union, he was paid 2,000 rubles and forced to give up copyright on his offspring.

The Olympic Bear has become a symbol of the Games-80 due to its good nature and charm. The participants of the Olympiad and the audience especially remembered the final evening, when the stands of the Luzhniki stadium with tears in their eyes saw off Mishka flying away in balloons to the words of the wonderful song by Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov “Goodbye, our affectionate Misha!”.

Love for our Bear still lives in the hearts of people all over the world.

However, the most mysterious Olympic legend is connected precisely with the famous symbol of the Games - the Olympic Bear, which, in front of millions of Soviet people, so beautifully flew away from the stadium on the closing day of the Olympics.
According to the official version, the bear, which, like the balloons, was made of rubber and filled with helium, landed a quarter of an hour after taking off on the Lenin Hills. But for people versed in technology, a reasonable question immediately arises: how could he land at the appointed place? After all, then the technology had not yet reached the level to fit Mishka with a built-in navigator controlled by a remote control ...
There is another version that there was a human pilot inside the huge bear, who manipulated the balls and thus controlled the flight. But what if the wind blew in a different direction?
According to the third, unofficial version, everything turned out not at all so beautifully, and the bear collapsed in some residential area of ​​​​Moscow, knocking down a beer stall and, together with it, two citizens who were standing at this stall.
The fourth version is tragic. The pier, controlled from the inside by the pilot, flew the bear right up to the Mozhaisk reservoir. And then the unexpected happened: a strong wind rose, the balloon bear was blown to the ground, and the pilot died ... It allegedly happened on the territory of the Vympel camp site. But, of course, the whole story was kept secret: why would people spoil the mood.

By the way, very few people knew that the flight of the symbol of the Olympics was initially rejected by the chairman of the sports committee, Grammov. On a related proposal, he wrote that teddy bears don't fly, so the idea of ​​flight was rejected. But the main director of the Olympics could not rest on this, he was able to realize this idea only thanks to his courage and perseverance. He addressed directly to the chairman of the Central Committee of the CPSU of that time - Suslov. They approved and supported this idea.

Let's dwell on some versions in more detail.

Where is Mishka?

So, the six-meter symbol of the 1980 Games soared over the stadium and almost nothing is known about its future fate. So, the most common is the following option. The symbol of the Olympics flew to the outskirts of Moscow, where it landed safely. True, according to the same version, he knocked down a beer booth and scared two local men very much. On this, his adventures ended, and he was exhibited at VDNKh. By the way, they say that at one time the Germans offered 100,000 marks for it, but the Union government did not even consider such an option. After the exhibition, the talisman was sent to one of the cellars, where rats eventually gnawed it.

But there is another version of how and where the Olympic bear landed. According to the second version, the talisman was blown away by wind currents in the Moscow region. To land it, test pilot Surov needed to open special valves. He successfully completed the task, after which Mishka collapsed to the ground on the Mozhaisk reservoir. But Surov died during this operation. The talisman itself also fell into disrepair and was burned. But at present it is no longer possible to find where the 1980 Olympic bear landed, as it was destroyed anyway.

How was the Bear created?

But many are interested not only in the further fate of the mascot of the Games. Not everyone understands how back in 1980 it was possible to send a six-meter figure into a controlled flight. And indeed, it was much easier to come up with an idea with a touching farewell to a bear than to bring it to life. The bear was created at a special institute of the rubber industry. For him, rubberized fabric was first made. After that, the gluers of the balloon shop, together with the specialists of the institute, created the figure of a bear. In case of force majeure, two identical dolls were immediately made.

flight training

But the creation of the bear turned out to be far from the most problematic stage. It was much more difficult to teach the talisman to fly. The fact is that this figure is absolutely not aerodynamic, it seemed almost impossible to send it into a controlled flight. After all, according to the idea, he had to rise above the last stands to a height of about 3.5 meters and fly away from the stadium. At the same time, it was important not to touch the bowl with fire. At first, it was decided to abandon the idea of ​​a rubber doll altogether and send a person flying. Such tests were carried out at one of the airfields near Moscow, the engineer Trusov put on a specially prepared suit and soared sharply up with the help of balls to a great height. After that, he was never found.

Another inventor proposed to control the rubber doll using balls that could shift the weight of the object in the right direction. If everything worked out as planned, there would be no questions about where the Olympic bear is. Indeed, in his right paw, according to the idea, there should have been a person who would control the talisman. But the tests failed: the bear flew over the burning torch and flared up. The operator sitting in the doll died from burns. After that, it was decided to fix the balls only on the ears and upper paws. Thanks to this, the bear did not roll over. As planned, he was supposed to land carefully in the Sparrow Hills area, but this plan was not fully implemented either.

When the symbol of the Summer Olympic Games flew away, more than two billion people from all over the world simply cried sobs. It's hard to believe, but their eyes literally filled with tears the size of an apple! Then no one could even think where the Olympic, so beloved by everyone. It is curious that the versions of his "route" still differ.

Goodbye, our affectionate Misha!

According to one version, she took the Olympic bear to the outskirts of Moscow. There, he allegedly knocked down a Soviet beer booth and greatly frightened passers-by. Another version says that a huge balloon in the form of a mascot of the Summer Olympic Games, held in 1980 in Moscow, left the stadium in Luzhniki, landing on Sparrow (at that time - Lenin) Hills near Moscow University (today - Moscow State University) .

public property

After landing, the fate of the symbol of the 1980 Olympics becomes more or less clear. After some time, the Olympic bear was installed in one of the pavilions of the VDNKh metro station in Moscow. There, for some time, he stood along with other achievements of the "national economy": with a record-breaking cow and with a monstrous Kirovets tractor.

This year Russia once again hosted the Olympic Games. Only not summer, but winter. Everything went at a high level, except for one incident: during the opening ceremony, one of the Olympic rings did not immediately open.

Failed deal

After some time, a commercial offer was received from a certain German company to buy a rubber Olympic bear. The tax for the rubber talisman of the Olympic Games-80 was 100 thousand marks. But the sale and purchase transaction never took place. Soviet patriotism turned out to be higher than "commercial affairs"!

What happened to the Olympic bear?

When the export of the rubber symbol of the Olympics-80 did not take place, cultural heritage the Soviet era was hidden in one of the basements of the USSR Olympic Committee. No one then could have imagined what would happen to everyone's beloved "gentle Misha": in the basement, rats simply gnawed him! Apparently, being a "dinner" for rats is much more worthy than being exported abroad.

One of the current symbols of the Sochi 2014 Olympics is the polar bear. It is curious that he was christened the grandson of that same Soviet Olympic bear.

No matter how ridiculous the fate of the Soviet bear, he forever settled in the hearts of the older generation. As they say, he flew away, but promised to return!

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