
Makeup for brown eyes with a black pencil. Makeup for brown eyes: day, evening, festive

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Day Makeup for karich Eye. Does not require any wisdom, because the gasels already have an advantage - their eyes and without cosmetics are very bright and expressive. However day Makeup It is necessary to any girl, regardless of the color of the eyes, simply for Karich will need minimal efforts and less spent time. To create makeup for brown eyes for every day - you will need a very small set of cosmetics, which will help to emphasize all the advantages of the view, hide traces of fatigue and refresh the face.

How to apply?

In day makeup, it should be focused not in front of the eyes, not on the lips, but on the beautiful and perfect skin face. After all, with problematic and unsengled skin, you will not achieve any effect.


Ideally, the skin should look like a healthy and fresh, lightly glow. Therefore, before applying Majk, it should be moistened. To create makeup for every day for brown eyes - use lightweight tone cream, it will help to align the surface, the neck is also worth paining, so as not to be noticeably the tonalnik. Then the skin is worth a little point. If you have smooth and clean skin, without any redness and defects - you can do without a tonal cream, taking advantage of only powder.


Despite the fact that many girls ignore the use of the Rumyan - it is still necessary to apply them. Without a blunt, the skin of the face will look very pale and painful. Choose inappropriate colors, light-pink or sandy shades of the Rumyan will be appropriate.


So that the brown eyes looked more expressively and beautifully - you should take care of the eyebrows. Correct their shape, remove excess hairs, spread your eyebrows with brushed in the direction of hair growth. Then - highlight them with a dark gray or brown pencil. Collect your eyebrows are not solid lines, but light strokes. In no case, do not use a dark brown or black pencil in everyday mesh, it will look untidy and vulgar.


Makeup for Karich Eye involves the use of shadows, only should be careful in choosing shades. If you are the owner of brown eyes, then only light pastel shades of shades should be used in day make-up. With brown eyes, beige, golden-beige, light brown, pinkish-brown shadows will be perfectly combined with brown eyes. Dark brown eyes allow you to use greenish, pink and lavender shades in everyday mouse. The main thing is not to overdo it. Of course, when choosing shades, in addition to the color of the eyes, it is also worth considering the color of hair, skin and concrete clothing, otherwise the daily makeup for brown eyes will not be quite relevant and beautiful. Do not forget about it! To create a raisin, you can bring the eyes with a pencil or shadows. The line should be carefully growing, so that it only focuses on attention, and not brightly rushed into the eyes. You can cut the eyelashes brown ink.


You should not attract attention to lips. Bright and juicy lips leave for the evening. Girls should use delicate peach, light pink, light brown and golden shades. Best of all in the daily mouse anop to use a transparent lip gloss with a small shimmer. It will look simply and organically. Let's deal with what day makeup should be. An example of a daily Majk APA and its execution step by step see the photo below.

Example Makeup

  1. To begin with - thoroughly understand the face, evenly apply a tonal basis and powder. Apply the basis for the eyelids.
  2. Use a blush to adjust the face shape and remove an excess pallor. For day makeup, light-pink and sandy shades can be used.
  3. Apply the basis for the shadows, it will allow them to impose more evenly, will also add them resistance during the day.
  4. Choose a few shades of shades - one more rich, the other is light. For day makeup it is recommended to use, although, in the corners of the eye, you can add a bit of pearl.
  5. Dark shadows cover the mobile eyelid and external corners of the eye. Light - area under eyebrows and inner corners. If desired, you can bring up the top eyelid pencil, it is necessary to carefully grow.
  6. Examine eyebrows and give them a pencil form. It is necessary to paint with light strokes.
  7. Brush the eyelashes.
  8. Apply shine or lipstick of a light calm shade on the lips. The glitter is best to choose transparent, with light shimmer, lipstick - matte, pastel tones.

That's all! Day Makeup for Brown Eye Ready! Do not forget that the best daily makeup is a healthy sleep, a good mood and harmony with you!


See the example of Majk Apa in Video Tool!

Each girl wants to be beautiful and catching admiring views of men. Someone this opportunity presented Nature at birth. Other have to make some efforts to make their appearance more expressive. But in order not to look ridiculous, it is necessary to master the rules for applying makeup.

And this is the most real art that needs to be seized. Because it is impossible to blindly follow the fashion or use the same makeup as girlfriends.

First, it is necessary to create your own individual appearance, which will correspond to internal content and the style of life you lead.

Secondly, the choice of cosmetics must be carried out, based on the type of appearance. After all, what is suitable for blonde, not to face brunette. The same applies to the face form and eye color.

But in order to choose the right color shades in cosmetics, you should first decide on your color. The makeup artists of all people are divided into 4 categories ("Spring", "Summer", Autumn, "" Winter "). And each of these types corresponds to a certain appearance ("its" color of hair, skin, eyes).

Determine the color gamut

Girls with brown eyes, as a rule, most among the "winter" type. But you can meet them and among the representatives of the other "times of the year." Only here in the "Autumn" and "Spring" Karya color "diluted" "gold". And from this look becomes even more attractive.

It is believed that the eyes having a hint of a hue is the most expressive. And in the selection of makeup for them, it is not necessary to take into account neither the form of a person nor the color of the skin or hair. It is enough to focus on the eyes - and the image is provided.

But this to focus this is right, you need to know what color shades are most suitable for the carragelasm girls. Again, you should consider your type:

But any of the types with brown eyes are not suitable for shadows having shades of saturated orange and pink.

When selecting makeup, one more nuance should be taken into account - the color of the shadows should be combined with the color of the gamut in clothing. Otherwise, a single image may not work. And all the efforts will go to the pump.

But the selection of the color gamut in cosmetics is only a pre-process preceding the "beauty sacrament". It is the proper application of makeup, with the observance of the sequence of steps will help create the desired image, with which the girl will look more natural.

Video Makeup Lessons for Brown Eye

Glamor Makeup for Brunette

Easy Day Makeup for Brown Eye

Evening makeup for brunettes


Master class on the mission at home will not be difficult. And the time of everyday makeup takes not so much. The main rule here: do not rush and do everything neatly.

  • First you need to apply a cream on the skin around the eye around the eye and age.
  • The following procedure should be started when the cream is well absorbed into the skin, i.e. 20 minutes.
  • In order for the shadows better to go to the eyelids, the skin must be slightly twisted.
  • Upper eyelid completely covered beige shadows

  • On the growth line of the eyelashes, in the lower eyelid, draw a line with a black pencil for the eyes, preferably gel, stretching it in the outer angle. Soften line with black shadows

  • The upper eyelid is coated with a layer of liquid glue, giving shine. While he is not high, we apply a little golden glitter over it.

  • The line of the upper eyelid is undercut the black eyeliner.

  • We conclude artificial eyelashes and stuff them with black ink.

  • Result

Smoky Eyes for brown eyes

"Smoky" makeup has long been a well-deserved favorite of women of all ages. Depending on the choice of color, it can be both day and evening. And if you add color artificial eyelashes and rhinestones - then festive. We consider the evening version of Smoky Eyes.

  • Before starting any makeup, we carefully clean the skin and apply the cream for your skin type.

  • Starting from an outer corner, cover the movable eyelid black creamy shadows. They are easily drush and give a rich color. In addition, even newcomers can cope with them.

  • Do not worry about the accuracy of application - we will decide this line.

  • Soft wide brushes are chosen by shadows. We need to achieve a "soft" effect.

  • We take a narrow brush and bring her lower eyelid, the line should be about one thickness over the entire length.

  • On top of the rustic line of black shadows apply the shadow of a plum shade.

  • Soften the transition between colors.

  • Under the eyebrow we apply the shadow of a cold lilac color. This is allowed to make a look fresh, and makeup is not so "heavy."

  • Carefully chop all borders of colors with a clean brush. That's what should happen as a result.

Having experimented in front of a mirror with various variations of combinations of colors suitable exactly by Karim's eyes, you can choose the most winning makeup for a particular person. Because each person has its own color gamut preferences.

Step-by-step makeup lessons (photo)

For those who do not need to explain to each stage of making makeup, such photos will be suitable.

But to tell about the rules for applying shadows and not to mention the effect of eye shape on the result of makeup - it means to discuss. But it is precisely from this that some features in the technology of cosmetics are dependent.

  • If the eyes are planted close, then the eyeliner should be done not all over the century, but make it only the outer edge of the eye. Here, the outer edge is superimposed with darker shadows. The bright are applied closer to the nose.
  • In the opposite situation, when the eyes are planted wide, you need to completely outline their contour. Accordingly, the location of the color range here is different: light shadows - the outer edge of the eye, dark - closer to the nose.
  • The same as nature has endowed eyes swallowAt the lower eyelid, impose shadows should not. It is better to spend a fairly narrow strip in the contour pencil. But the upper eyelid should be completely covered with dark color shadows. In evening makeup should avoid shadows with sparkles. With this eye form, preference should be given a black carcass.
  • For deep planted Eyes, on the contrary, it is better to use a color eyeliner and mascara (for example, blue). All top eyelid needs to be covered with shadows of pale shades.

Makeup quality will also depend on the type of shadows selected. Matte shadows are usually used to give contour eyes. But they can be chosen along the upper age as the main tone. But the pearl shadows are better not to use for eyeliner. But they look good in the upper eyelid (up to the outer corner of the eyebrows). Provided if they are applied in a small amount, otherwise makeup will look too "heavy."

It is believed that the carbohylasm girls need a minimum of cosmetics in order to look spectacularly, because dark eyes are expressive by themselves. Nevertheless, light makeup is necessary for brown eyes.

General recommendations

The basic rules of the Make-AP for the owners of the eye of the karen color are as follows:

  1. When selecting a color scheme, you should consider the shade of the iris. So, ladies with light brown eyes fit cold blue, blue, and purple colors. With dark brown eyes, it is preferable to use light shadows.
  2. Cold shades of colors are most suitable for Karim's eyes, and warm colors are recommended to use with caution, especially with problem skin.
  3. Shadows with all shades of brown iris must be applied perfectly smooth layer.
  4. With brown eyes, the combinations of contrasting colors, such as milky white and brown or bronze and gentle-cream, look especially advantageous.

Easy Day Makeup for Brown Eye

To align the color of the skin, do not do without a corrector, and the stylists advise you to choose a lighter on the shade than the natural color of the face. It is recommended to apply brighter shadows on the top of the eyelid eye, and the lower part is the shadow of a brighter and saturated shade. Experts believe that during the brown eyes in the daytime, it is quite possible to do without shadows. For this, the eyes are injected with a brown eyeliner, a slightly decisive line, and use a dark mascara.

Shade Choose with the shade of the iris:

  1. Light brown eyes are suitable shades of blue and purple flowers.
  2. On the kara-green eyes perfectly looks blue, yellow-ocher and even red shades. However, the latter are used only if the eyelids do not look like swelling.
  3. Blue, blue-green, beige shadows are suitable dark brown eyes.
  4. For the "nut" eye, you can choose a pale pink shadow in combination with black eyeliner and ink.
  5. "Honey" (with a golden tint) Iristers most like purple shadows.

Attention! In case of tanned skin, it is impossible to make a light summer makeup for brown eyes, since darkness requires more brighter paints and bold combinations.

Easy Evening Makeup for Brown Eye

Going to events held in the evening beautiful light Makeup for brown eyes can be done using a bright gamut of shadows and a color eyeliner. It is better to choose an extension and attachment of eyelashes. Brunettes and browns with brown eyes are not allowed to use sequins for the age, especially if the body and face are quite tanned. Complete Evening Make-up Karglazza Bright lipstick of saturated scarlet or berry shades, and bright glitter smear, imposed on the central part of the lips.

Before an important event or evening output, it is worth thinking in detail of your image. Brown eyes - bright and expressive, if you correctly emphasize them, you can make a strong impression. Professional makeup artists do it without problems, but how to be ordinary girls? In order not to suffer with searching for options, let's consider the most popular ideas and lessons how to make a good evening makeup for brown eyes, and find out some details of this process.

Before you begin to apply cosmetics, carefully think over the whole image. Pick up the colors that will be combined with each other, with clothing and accessories. Remember that there should be exactly one accent on the face: either on the eyes or on the lips. If you decide to emphasize sponges, you can easily find eye lessons or everyday eye makeup, and lipstick use more bright - this idea is especially good for brunettes. If your choice is an expressive look, makeup artists offer a lot of possible ideas.

Do not start makeup with your eyes. Clean the skin, smear, apply day cream. So that beautiful MEAAP climb all evening, you will need a high-quality basis. Do not forget about the lightweight tone cream - it lines the skin tone, there will be no uniform lack of attention to the charming eyes. Bruisies under the eyes can also spoil the impression even in brunettes, so do not forget about the consilers.

Since the brows are directly over their eyes, check the form to be smooth and symmetrical. For a while to an important event, extruding extra hairs - so easy redness after the procedure will have time to pass. Pick up the eyebrow cosmetics, take it up using it, find suitable lessons in a photo or video.


Getting Started by eye, first detail the colors of cosmetics:

  • mascara;
  • eyeliner or pencil;
  • shadow

It's quite simple with ink: for blondes - brown, for brunettes - preferably black. The makeup artists advise to use a tone tone. If you wish, you can add a little bright carcass to the tips of the cilia - it is so easier to make a noticeable accent. Remember: Apply the color mascara from the middle of the hairs, and in no case from the root. And only on top of a more dark, preferably black.

In the choice of shadows you can fully give the will of fantasy. Single restriction: Avoid orange and saturated pink tones. For brown eyes, especially in brunettes, they cause disharmony. Do not be afraid to combine different colors in advance - experiment in advance, and if the shades go and combine with each other, everything is fine.

Makeup artists recommend! You do not like your eyelashes? Do you want them to be long and fluffy? It is not necessary to go to the beauty salon, they can be "increasing" at home. And no radical measures will be required. We offer you a revolutionary solution for eyelashes and eyebrows from Platinum V ...

Classic brown

The universal makeup option that is suitable for any shade of brown eyes, while it is equally good for both brunettes and blondes - this is a neutral brown analogue of Smoka Aiz. For him, many makeup lessons suitable under the brown eyes are told. To do this, you will need:

  • Soft brown pencil
  • Shadows in tone to leather, light beige or golden
  • Several shades of brown shadows: from average to dark

Prepare cosmetics and applying the basis for the age, proceed to the Makeup itself. Alternatively apply bodily shadows, the zone directly under the eyebrows in the light beige tone. Pencil or small brush are squeeze in the eyelid and the cilia zone. Two lines must fall into one neat arrow. It should be like a small catch, inside which is bodily shadows. Outside, use dark brown to be a strong contrast. It is clearly visible if you see the useful lessons that will show step by step and tell you what to do.

On the outer corner, apply brighter brown shadows and gently grow in. Truck and lower eyelid, make sure that the external borders are blurred. It will make your look soft, but at the same time passionate and languid, especially in elegant brunettes. You can strengthen the effect of adding golden or bronze or bronze. Secure the evening makeup for Brown Tasch. Optionally, it is brown that is suitable for both shades of gray. But it looks more gloomy, while brown is gentful and more careful, especially for brunettes.


It has long come to fashion to use saturated dark tones in Maikape. Thanks to a fairly simple technique, you just need to learn to gently apply the shadows and growing the boundaries, and the flaws of experience will be almost imperceptible. Special lessons will help remember the sequence of actions. Prepare cosmetics:

  • black eyeliner;
  • black shadow;
  • dark shadow saturation: purple, blue, burgundy;
  • light shadows: tender lilac, shiny silver.

Since the shadows are dark if they begin to spread or blossom to face, it will be immediately noticeable. The skin will instantly become dirty and ugly, so be sure to use the highest quality base on the shadow. Also remember: the most suitable consistency of the dye for the age - creamy. Such shadows are easier to distribute, and they will last longer in constant condition.

All movable eyelid paint with black shadows. We grow very carefully: the cilia should be black, like Smin, but the higher, the more gentle and softer the effect is needed. Also, thin line lay down the lower eyelid. Look in the mirror: you must remind yourself of an elegant Gota with a languid look, it is more visible from brunettes.

Take some of the color shadows, such as burgundy or plum. Apply them on top of black as close as possible to the border. Circle the transition of blue or green line and grow in so that the boundaries are smeared. There should be a calm gradient from black to blue, and then to the drain. To not be mistaken, carefully consider detailed lessons.

So far, the look is still too gloomy, especially for brunettes, so I will add some light shadows. Light movements apply a purple tone over a plum or burgundy. It takes quite a little bit, so that it does not blocked all the evening makeup for brown eyes and does not attract attention to himself. And the remaining zone to the eyebrows is stern silver. Also apply a bit of brilliant silver to the outer corner of the eye and the smallest of the lower eyelid, be sure to grow dry the light shadows are not dramatically interrupted. And the mandatory point is a black mascara.

Smokey Aiz and a Tricolor Gradient

Once the technique of Smokey Aiz was performed only in gray tones, it was not for nothing that she got his name from the word "smoky." But today you can make it with any shades. Performing evening makeup for brown eyes, you should give preference to brown with a golden chip, but you can also try blue or burgundy gamut. Make such a simple MEAAP is easy: apply the most dark tone either on the cilia line, or on the fold line. From above or in the inner corner of the eye there should be the brightest shade, and the transitions between them should be carefully erased - to study the useful lessons to do everything qualitatively.

Converting ordinary Smokey Aiz, the makeup artists received a three-color makeup. The simplest option: the inner corner is to apply one tone, outside the second one, and to add the third between them. Selecting the colors for such a gradient, let the will of fantasy.

There are several of the most common options, from an inner corner out.

  • Silver, yellow, raspberry - for fairly bright bright eyes.
  • Light orange, yellow, green - looks amazing for olive eye shades, or if there is a light greenism in the view.
  • Salad, blue, purple - a bright option for expressive brunette eyes.
  • Yellow, peach, black - in addition you can combine orange and yellow tone lips.

You can always come up with your combination, inspiration will give you natural examples: birds and plants with their charming and harmonious color. Do not be afraid to try new.

In contact with

The owner of Karich's eye is not limited to the choice of color gamut for makeup - almost any shades will be suitable. Blue, purple and green colors will look great, but let the palette with chocolate, peach and bronze shadows be present in your cosmetic bags.
Natural makeup for brown eyes is unique in that the simultaneous use of opposite tones, for example, beige and bronze, lilac and white looks very advantageous. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the beautiful face does not work out caller or tasteless.

Casual makeup for brown eyes can be executed both in bright colors and in muffled colors. This whole depends on your today's mood. To create a beautiful image is important. In general, three uncomplicated rules should be followed:

  • smooth complexion;
  • correct combination of shades;
  • accuracy when applying cosmetics.

Phased light makeup for brown eyes begins with the preparation of a person: we apply a matting tone cream on the skin to get rid of the unattractive shine, adjust the conservaler area around the eyes, weigh the tone base to extend the life of natural makeup. You can proceed to eye makeup when the skin becomes perfectly smooth and smooth.

Selection of colors of shadows

Coloricistics - the case is cunning, how to figure out what shadows will fit to your eyes? Today's makeup directly depends not only on the natural color of the eyes, but also from clothes, hair, skin shade and destination (for evening makeup, for example, you should choose brighter tones than for everyday). Understanding the features of his own appearance will open in front of you.

  • karglase girls with blond hair can use sandy, beige, any green and dark pink shades;
  • smuggam is better to choose an olive-brown palette;
  • flooking girls will not be mistaken if cold shades will be taken as the makeup: greenish or blue;
  • dark-haired carbonous beauties can be painted black, chocolate, brown, soft pink, silver shadows.

For dark brown eyes

Almost black eyes allow the use of shadows of medium or high saturation. The only barrier with which you may encounter is some shadows will seem unnatural-dark. We advise you to use reasonable combinations of bright and dark shades.

For brown eyes

This is the most "convenient" color - all sorts of shadows will be suitable. Perfectly look like lilac, purple, green tones, and copper, gold, bronze. Do not be afraid to experiment - you can all!

For light brown eyes

Such an eye color looks very mysterious. Do not abuse dark shades of shadows, you are allowed to apply them exclusively to the fold of the century. The eyeliner is better to choose brown.

For nut eye

The brightest shade of luxury brown eyes will win on the background of light shadows: for example, a color champagne or pinkish-lilac. You can use a color eyeliner - bronze, purple, dark brown.

Option of beautiful day makeup

For lung Makeup Successfully suitable compact or crumbly matte shadows. Before applying, you need a black pencil or dark eyeliner to draw a flat line on the growth line of eyelashes in the upper eyelid. Then we put lilac shadows on it, we admire.

We take a dark tint, paint the far edge of the century and we are well chosen to the middle, so that the border of the colors is not visible. Cash cilia: the bottom - in one layer, we repeat to the upper procedure twice. To make the glance to make more open and penetrating, you can crush them with tweezers before applying the carcass.

Option of original makeup

A constant selection of dark or calm light shades gradually comes. On the weekend, you can arrange yourself "download" and try something bright. We start as always - from the base for the shadows. We apply it to both centuries. Combat and put your eyebrows. We choose the brightest piercing blue shadows, we applied them in the middle of the moving century. Then violet or warm burgundy colors can be painted the rest of the rolling age. Carefully rub. Favorite brown shadows impose on the fold of the century, rustling with purple.

Then we easily spend the black eyeliner along the growth line of eyelashes. If there is a playful mood - the line can be slightly extended. On the lower eyelid, we apply brown shadows and, creating a smoky effect, lubricate a little bit. The last chord is converting cilia with a carcass in the Divine Cimea Eye. All, the original Make-AP is ready!

Typical mistakes in makeup carbonous beauties

Under no circumstances to use the orange color of the shadows, since he will give your image an unhealthy look. It should also be very gently handled with pink color, even those girls with which it fits. It is worth a little to overdo it - and the look will be barbed. You can use purple shadows, but you need to be extremely attentive.

Such a color is bluematically enhances the color of the proteins and the yellowness of the pupils, so if your eyes do not boast of perfect white blots, it is better to abandon any shades of purple shadows.

For the happy owners of the brown eye, there are a huge variety of easy makeup options. Fantasy - and beauty will always be your inalienable companion! The main thing, remember that experiments with your own appearance is better to carry out high-quality cosmetics and.

We offer you to familiarize yourself in an excellent evening makeup option for gloomy beauties:

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