
Author distance his name. Dal Biography. Interesting facts from the life of Vladimir Daly

In Lugansk (now Ukraine). His father, Dane Johan Christian Von Dal - a scientist who posted in several languages \u200b\u200bwas invited to Russia Catherine II and became a court librarian. Then, after graduating from the Medical Faculty of Jen's University in Germany, became a doctor, returned to Russia and took the position of Lekar Mountains in Lugansk.

In 1799, Dr. Dal received Russian citizenship and became known as Ivan Matveyevich. Mother, nee Freortag, was a German by origin.

In 1805, the family moved to the city of Nikolaev.

Vladimir Dal received a home education, as a child wrote poems. In 1815 he entered the Sea Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg. School in the Corps later described in the story "Michman Kisses, or Looks look around" (1841).

In 1819, at the end of training in the corps, he was sent to serve Michman on the Black Sea Fleet. At this time, the distance began to record dialect words and began the main cause of his life to create a "intelligent dictionary of the living Great Russian language."

In 1826, he retired and entered the medical faculty of Derpt University (now Tartu University).

In 1829, Dal defended his thesis and was aimed at the Russian-Turkish war in the current army, where he worked as a surgeon in the field hospital. After the end of the war, he continued his service as a military doctor and epidemiologist.

In 1831, Dahl participated in the Polish campaign and distinguished himself when crossing General Fyodor Ridigrah through Vistula at the city of Yuzefova. For the absence of an engineer, he brought the bridge (Military engineering skills received in the Cadet Corps were useful), defended it when crossing it and then destroyed him himself. For non-fulfillment of "their direct duties", the distance was reprimanded from the management of the medical service of the corps. During this feat, the hassle of General Ridiger Dal received a diamond ring and the Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree.

After the end of the war, Vladimir Dal is a resident in the St. Petersburg Military Military Hospital and closely agreed with poets and writers Alexander Pushkin, Vasily Zhukovsky, Ivan Krylov, Nikolai Language, Prince Vasily Odoevsky.

The first story of Vladimir Daly "Tsygana" was published in 1830.

In the following years in 1830-1840, he printed essays under the pseudonym Kazak Lugansky.

In 1832, he published the collection "Russian fairy tales from legend of the people's urban to a diploma of civilians, to everyday life, proven and proverbs of walking by the Cossack Vladimir Lugansky. The first heels. Censorship saw a mockery over the government in the book; Only his military merit was saved from the prosecution of Dahl.

In 1833, Dal was sent to the service in Orenburg, where he became an official of special instructions for the military governor. During the years, Dahl wrote a story about the Kazakhs "Bike and Maulina" (1836) and about Bashkara "Bashkir Mermaid" (1843).

He collected the Collections of Flora and the fauna of the Orenburg province, for which in 1838 he was elected a corresponding member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.

All this time, Dal did not leave medicine, giving preference to ophthalmology and homeopathy - one of the first Russian articles in defense of homeopathy was published in the "Contemporary" in 1838.

In 1837, learning about Pushkin's duel, came to St. Petersburg and duty at the bed of the poet before his last minute. In 1841, soon after the Khiva campaign of the Russian Army (1839-1840), in which the distance took part, moved to St. Petersburg and began working as secretary and an official of special instructions under the minister of internal affairs.

In 1849, Dal was appointed to the position of controlling the Nizhny Novgorod eliminal offices. In addition to direct official duties (Scripture of peasant complaints, etc.), he did surgical operations.

In 1859, Vladimir Dal moved to Moscow and devoted all his time to the processing of collected materials for an intelligent dictionary. In 1861-1862, he published a collection of "Proverbs of the Russian People", containing 30 thousand proverbs. Also, the books were published books "On the adverbs of the Russian language" and "On superstitions and prejudices of the Russian people." In 1861 he saw the light of the first volume of the "intelligent dictionary of the living Great Russian language" containing 200 thousand words, and the first edition was completed by 1868.

Dahl was awarded the Lomonosovskaya Prize of the Academy of Sciences, the Derpt University Prize, Konstantinovsky Gold Medal of the Russian Geographical Society.

In 1868, he was elected an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences.

IN last years Dal's life worked on the second publication of the dictionary, expanded the vocabulary and wrote children's stories. They were made to transfer the Old Testament "in relation to the concepts of Russian common people," textbooks on zoology and nerd were written.

October 4 (September 22, on the old style) of 1872, Vladimir Dal died in Moscow. Buried on the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Dahl was married twice. In 1833, Julia Andre became his wife (1816-1838). They had two children were born - the son of Lion and daughter Julia. Ovdov, in 1840, Vladimir Dal married Ekaterina Sokolova (1819-1872), the daughter of the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812. Three daughters were born in this marriage - Maria, Olga and Catherine.

In Ladimir, Dal entered the story as the author of the "intelligent dictionary of the living Great Russian language." But the list of its achievements and titles is great: the collector of Folklore, the first domestic orientalist-turboologist, one of the founders of the Russian geographical society, a representative of the "Natural School" in the literature, the pioneer of Russian homeopathy, finally, the author of notes about the last hours of Alexander Pushkin's life.

Feats of youth

Vladimir Dal was born in 1801 in Lugani (modern Lugansk), where his father, Dane Johann Christian, served as a doctor. Having accepted the name Ivan in Russia, the far-elder married Maria Freortag from the family of Russified Germans and French Guenotov. Vladimir's father knew eight languages, mother spoke free on five. From parents, the boy inherited the sense of the word and a wide range of interests: as Maria Dal said, the desire to "engage" any knowledge and skill.

In 1814, 13-year-old Vladimir with Brother Karl sent to Petersburg to learn in the Marine Cadet Corps. Later, the Dahl himself wrote that "he killed the time" there "there, and" some roses remained in memory, "but he graduated from the corps 12th under the performance of 83 graduates. In 1819, Michman Dal was sent to the Black Sea Fleet. On the way to a new place of service, he heard and recorded the unfamiliar word "Follow" marked: "In the Novgorod province, it means to" cloud up with clouds ", speaking of the sky," cloning to bad weather "...". So it was the beginning of the dictionary of a spoken live language.

In 1825, theiff resigned from the fleet and entered the medical faculty of the Derpt University. During the Russian-Turkish war, 1828-1829, Vladimir was called to the current army, and before serving, he passed the dissertation to the degree of doctor of medicine. "At first, it began to stir the intelligent fever, for her heels rushed her girlfriends - exhausting diseases and water, - remembered the distance about the war. - Without waiting for the plague, half of the doctors extinct; Feldsher did not become at all, that is, with several thousand patients, there was not literally alone; Pharmacist alone on the whole hospital. Whenever you could feed every day of sick fellowship with hot, yes to file them to get drunk to them, then we would crossed ".

But it was in the army that his notebook of a live language was actively replenished. Biographer Dalya Vladimir Pogropominsky described this process so:

"The soldier stumbled, cursed in the hearts:
- Thistle puddle!
- Kaluga! - confirmed another, turned out to be Kostromich.
Dal and first heard that in other places the puddle is called Kaluga. Enters the notebook: Puddle, Kaluga. But artillery from Tverski does not agree: for him, Kaluga - Top, swamp. And Siberian laughs: Who does not know that Kaluga is a red fish, like Beluga or sturgeon. While arguing because of Kaluga, Vestnaya-Northernik suddenly refers to the puddle of Lyna. "

After the end of the war, the distance went with his regiment to Poland to suppress the uprising, where the lack of this engineer adopted the leadership of the crossing of the crossing. The bosses punished the initiative lactor, but the Emperor Nicholas I learned this story complained the hero of the Vladimir cross with a bow.

In 1832, "Russian fairy tales, from the legend of the people's urban, for a diploma, the civil servants, to everyday life and pronounced by the Cossack Vladimir Lugansk, were published. Heels first. " Dahl, at that time, the alternator of the St. Petersburg Military Hospital, published before, but the wide reader learned him, having acquainted with the fairy tales stylized on folk manner. Critic Vissarion Belinsky's creativity of some Lugansk (this pseudonym consolidated for Dalem for many years) did not approve. But Alexander Pushkin immediately saw the talent of the author and prompted him the right direction:

Official of special instructions

In 1833, the distance again changed the occupation. Popular in the capital Eye surgeon, and besides the writer, he suddenly went to Orenburg as an official of special assignments under the governor. In the same year, he accompanied Pushkin on a trip to the southern Urals. The materials assembled with them entered Pushkin's "history of Pugachevsky Bunt" ("Pugacheva's story") and " Captive daughter" The last time Dal and Pushkin met three days later. At the time in St. Petersburg, the distance came to the wounded on the duel of Pushkin and remained with him to the end. His notes about the last hours of the poet of the poet are accurate and detailed.

During service in Orenburg, Vladimir Dal constantly traveled through the extensive territory in the Cossacks, Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Kalmyks, Cheremis. One of the first he recorded Kazakh, Bashkir, Kalmyk fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, described the customs of nomadic peoples. Established a circle by the type of scientific society; With the assistance of the Governor of Perovsky organized and headed in Orenburg one of the first provincial museums in Russia. In the Khiva campaign of 1839-1840, in addition to the fulfillment of the main responsibilities under the governor, the distance was collected by geographical and ethnographic information about Central Asia, he treated the wounded and even invented the suspended bed to transport patients on camels. For articles on medicine, especially those who were interested in Dahl Homeopathy, in 1838 he was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences.

In 1845, already serving in St. Petersburg, the official of special instructions under the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Secretary of the Minister of Dales, the distance became one of the founders of the Russian Geographical Society. At the same time, in connection with the release of Almanaci "Physiology of St. Petersburg", where the essay of Dalya was published, the concept of "Literature of a Natural School" was published. "He is not a poet, does not own the art of fiction, does not even have the desire to produce creative creatures; He sees a matter everywhere and looks at any thing from her sides. Everything is really true and taken as it is in nature. "- I wrote Nikolai Gogol about the author, who was printed under the pseudonym V. Lugansky.

In 1849, Dal, at his own desire, had moved from the high position of the "right hand of the Minister" to the controlling specific office and moved to Nizhny Novgorod. Daily work with state peasants (in conducting the specific office there were 40 thousand) forced him to re-feel his own utility for society. Dahl Mary's daughter recalled the Nizhny Novgorod Father's service: "Everyone went to him with her care: who for the medicine, who for advice, who, with a complaint about a neighbor, even women were often in the city to complain about naughty sons. And all of them was advice, everyone was help ". And again in his life there were connectors, communication with carriers of the folk language, followed by the distance hunted all his life:

"Sitting in one place, in the capital, it is impossible to learn in Russian, and sitting in St. Petersburg, and is suppressed. This thing is impossible. Writers will need to be ventilated from time to time in the provinces and listen sensitively to the right and left. "

Dictionary of Living Great Russian Language

In 1859, Dal resigned and ass with his family in Moscow. Having finally received time for working on a dictionary, the distance planned to prepare him for the publication for another ten years, but everything turned out otherwise. In 1860, at the meeting of the Society of Russian Literature Fans, a member of which was also a distance, there were voices in support of the immediate publication of invaluable materials, although only half of the alleged dictionary was ready for publication at that time. Publisher Alexander Koshelev without any words put three thousand rubles on the table. For the release of the second half the money allocated the sovereign, however, a more modest amount of two and a half thousand and with the condition that will be announced: "Printing is undertaken to the highest gift tools".

The dictionary began to leave parts in 1861. It was organized by an alphanumeric-nesting principle: finding a word on the first letter, the reader immediately could get acquainted with single words, their interpretation and examples of consumption. The vast dictionary of the dictionary was the proverbs and sayings - earlier they were forbidden to print with a separate publication (found that too much Kramol). In total, about 200 thousand words and 30 thousand proverbs, which give an idea of \u200b\u200blife and the life of the Russian people in the 19th century.

Dalya was criticized for the lack of an academic philological approach, for example, by mistake, he could contribute to the category of single words, which are not. But the distance himself claimed only to the title of collector: "This is not a dictionary, but reserves for a dictionary; Throw me 30 years from the bones, give 10 years to leisure and tell you the good people to bother with a good advice - we would alone all, and then the dictionary would be released! " Folk fairy tales Dal gave folklinist Alexander Afanasyev, songs - to collector Peter Kireevsky, the largest collection of ingredients in Russia - to the Imperial Public Library. All this wealth was published.

Vladimir Daly did not become October 4, 1872. Before last days He edited his dictionary and recorded all new words.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal. Born 10 (22) November 1801 in Malorus in the doctor's family. His father was a leaving from Denmark, who spent his youth years in Germany, where he was engaged in the study of ancient languages \u200b\u200band theology. Mother, by the origin of the German, owned five languages.

Vladimir Ivanovich received a home education, since childhood he taught modern and ancient languages, early began to write poems and was engaged in resentment for many years as gymnastics for the mind.

At the age of 14, he entered the Sea Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg, where he began its system training. After home freedom Mushtra and constant physical exerciseAlso, the morals that prevailed in the Cadet Corps of the time were adopted by young Dalem without much delight. He later said that he considers these years his learning "lost". He later described the reigned order in the story "Michman Kisses, or Looking around."

The training swimming in Denmark was not impressed by Vladimir Ivanovich Daly, he finally decided for himself, which is Russian and has nothing to do with the birthplace of his ancestors.

After three years of study in the corps, he was sent to the service at the Black Sea Fleet, where he began to record words encountered in the speech, strank him, which marked the beginning of the creation of an intelligent dictionary of a living Great Russian language.

His epigram on commander-in-chief of the Black Sea Fleet served at first the reason for arrest, and then transfer Dal to Kronstadt after justifying the court. Then Vladimir Ivanovich retired, for some time earned a tutoring for a while, and then he entered the medical faculty of Derpt University.

Dahl recalled these years as the happiest in his life. It is by these years that Daly's acquaintance with the famous poets of Languages \u200b\u200band Zhukovsky, with the publisher of the Slavyan journal, as well as with a surgeon of Pirogov, who became a friend of Daly for life. At the same time, Dahl posted his poems for the first time.

In 1829, Dal, having received a surgeon's diploma, was sent to the Russian-Takensk war, G. He worked in a field hospital, becoming a brilliant specialist and an expert on his business. It was then that the work was continued on the dictionary. In the notebook Dal, it was during this period that it appeared that he finds the "protocutrine language to a more figurative, simple, but at the same time with clarity and definition, unlike the book of book, who are exploring educated people."

After the end of the war, Dal continued his medical activity, served as a doctor, and also engaged in epidemiological problems and even went to the village where Cholera was rampant. Since 1832, he moved to St. Petersburg, where he began to publish his literary works.

The first in the press came the story "Gypsy". After it, "Russian fairy tales from the legend of the people's intentional to a diploma of civilians were published, to everyday life and pronounced walking by the Cossack Vladimir Lugansky. Heels first. " Strict censorship did not allow the spread of the collection of these fairy tales, seeing the mockery over the authorities. The case would end with the lawsuit, but Vladimir Ivanovich Dalya saved the service in a military hospital during the fighting.

And already in 1833 he was sent to Orenburg, where he became an official for special instructions in the Orenburg Military Governor. In connection with the affairs of the service, he was forced to ride a lot of province, observe the life and morals of the simple people.

By this period of service can be attributed to the story "Bika and Maulina" about the life of the Kazakhs and Bashkir Mermaid. In addition to literary activities, he was engaged in the fact that the collection of flora and fauna of the Orenburg province was collected, for which he even wanted to appoint a member of the Academy of Sciences, but since the number of academic seats was limited and no one wanted him to give up his chair, then the title of honorary was introduced for Dahl Member of the Academy.

During the travel of Pushkin in the Pugachev uprising places, his acquaintance was held with Dale, which was not long, but good relations to the arc knocked them to the very gibbles of Alexander Sergeevich. Upon learning of the injury of Pushkin, the distance immediately went to St. Petersburg and duty at the bed of the dying poet.

As a military doctor, Vladimir Ivanovich, took part in the Khiva campaign, after which he returned to Petersburg and began working as secretary and official for special instructions under the Ministry of the Interior. It is by this period of civil service that the "Study of the Skophechnaya Yersi" can be attributed, written by Dale, as a report to the Minister of Internal Affairs.

Dal did not leave literary activities, published in various collections a number of leads that differed in the abundance of naturalistic parts were accurately described the peasant life and morals. Vladimir Ivanovich received the highest ratings from both critics and fellow in Peru. His talent was rated Belinsky and Gogol.

The folk words and the expressions used by the Hero of the Assue Dalla were easily recognizable, Gogol even wrote about this that Galle does not necessarily invent the plot, on which the novelists usually break the head, he simply takes the most insignificant episode that under the near future it turns out to be a partial stories.

Little stories about the daily life of the peasants of Dalem were combined into the "paintings from Russian life" cycles. In 1849, Dahl, on his own initiative, were appointed by the manager of the Nizhny Novgorod specific office in order to be able to observe the life of a simple peasantry. In addition to their immediate duties, which included compilation of acts, writing complaints from the peasants, he was still disinterestedly engaged in medical practice and even conducted surgical operations.

The proverbs published by him united the folk wisdom, copied centuries, and the unknown wide circle of readers.

The proverbs were divided not only in alphabetical order, but also by themes, among which the theme of the family was distinguished, the theme of the mother of the Earth, the topic of the Lord God.

The main labor of Vladimir Ivanovich Dalya was the explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language, to the creation of which he spent fifty years of his life. The dictionary includes 200 thousand words. This work had a huge cultural significance for his time and continues to be used so far. Along with the real literary words in the Dalya dictionary, the dialect words or words that were used in speech were included, being a calculated translation from foreign languages, sometimes Dal included and invented words, which speaks of some unprofessionalism of the author, who collected and published everything that was considered fit.

At the end of his life, Dal worked on the second edition of the dictionary. In addition, he wrote children's stories, and also shifted for peasants biblical stories on a modern language.

He was engaged in zoology and botany, collected folk tales, mastered the game on several musical instruments, was fond of spiritualism and homeopathy. Contemporaries noted that Gald managed to learn everything that he was interested.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal died in Moscow in 1872.

Life Path


Family I.M. Del lived in a one-story house, surrounded by barracks, workers' appliances. Childhood V.Dalya passed among the simple people, so his love for the Motherland originated.


Father - Johann Dal - Dane, famous linguist. He arrived in Russia at the invitation of Catherine II and was appointed court librarian. I.Dal accepted Russian citizenship and became Ivan Matveyevich. In Germany, he graduated from the medical faculty and returned to the doctor.

Mother - Maria Khristoforovna - half the German, half a Frenchwoman. Pianist, knew several languages. Mother advised that it was necessary to take each knowledge that would fall in the life path. Knowledge by the parents of many languages \u200b\u200bgave rise to the "sense of language" in children.

Grandma V. Dal also was engaged in literature, translations.

Education and family

V. Dal received a home education, then entered the Sea Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg. Serving on the fleet, realized that this is not his calling. He studied at the Medical Faculty of Derpt University. I earn a tutoring to life. Thesis defended early.

In 1833 he married Yulia Andre. Young moved to Orenburg, where Lev and Julia were born. Ovdov, took in wives E.Sokolov, daughter of the Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812. From the second marriage, three daughters: Maria, Olga, Catherine.


Medical activities

In the Russian-Turkish war V. Del distinguished himself as a talented doctor. His work outstanding surgeon N. Pirogov gave a high assessment.
From 1832 he served in the St. Petersburg military hospital. He did the most complicated operations, including 40 successful cataracts.
His research is known for organizing the medical service during the war, in homeopathy, pharmacology; Chernoviki articles on operations for firearms.

Writing activity

Service on the fleet, V.Dal composed fairy tales and stories, which differed simplicity. He gave preference to the literary work.

They began to publish "there were no more", the story "Michman's kisses", "where you lose, do not have tea", "Tsygana", stories, "soldiers' leisure", poem. The original writer became known. V. Del is written more than 100 essays about Russian life, tutorials on botanic and zoology for pupils of military institutions are compiled.

Ethnographic and collecting activities

In the Nizhny Novgorod province V. Dal gathered material for the geographical satin of various diamonds, including residents of the Lower Urals and Kazakhstan. He published the "Natural History of the Orenburg Territory."

Collect the words V. Dal became from 18 years old. In 1839, he began to make up Dictionary living Great Russian language. " He dedicated to linguistic gathering 53 years old! In 1862, "Proverbs of the Russian People" were published. In this work, the philosophical view of the people on life is reflected.

Engineering and public service

In 1831, the distance in the military campaign distinguished himself when crossing the river. He found a barrel warehouse and decided to build a floating bridge from them. Then destroyed it. The distance first used an electric current, reinforcing the crossing and undermining it after the transition of the Russians behind the river. The device of the bridge of this type was offered in some engineering textbooks.

V. Dal consisted of service at the military governor in Orenburg, in St. Petersburg - with the Minister of Internal Affairs, was the manager of the Nizhny Novgorod specific offices. Leaving the service, lived in Moscow.

V. Dal died soon after the death of his beloved spouse.

Interesting facts from the life of Vladimir Daly

  • Why Father V. Dalyu found himself in a crucible place, is unknown. He served as lycakek and created the first climb for ordinary people. There is his report on the unsanitary conditions of life of workers, poverty and distribution of infectious diseases.
  • Together with I.S.Turgenov, A.Dal participated in the compilation of the record "On the destruction of the serfstial state in Russia".
  • V. Dal recorded words heard from the soldier, and he had accumulated bale notebooks. Once, while the distance tied up wounded, camel with this priceless cargo disappeared. Dal confessed later that orphaned. Soon the Cossacks led camel, and Dahl hugged him behind the neck. After that, he understood that it was not a passion, but a calling. So the decision of Dalya was strengthened - collect words.
  • In the precast years, V. Dal recognized that he was "worried about a simple person." Until last breath, he fixed the words and their meanings. Before death, I called my daughter and asked her to record the word.
  • V. Valu offered to transfer the collected words of 15 kopecks for the word missed in the dictionary of the Academy of Sciences, and 7 kopecks for the addition and amendment. Dahl replied that he would give it all for free, he only needed content. But the transaction was not implemented. Scientist decided to publish the dictionary. Money for printing allocated the Moscow Society of Russian Literature Fans.
  • In 1832, the circulation of fairy tales was confiscated, since the government discovered irony in them. Thanks to the intercession of Vzhukovsky V. Dal was released.
  • Famous fairy tale "Road chicken" is composed by V. Dahl.
  • V.Dal was friends with A.S. Pushkin. They traveled along the route movement of Pugachev troops. In the fatal days of January 1837, V. Dal was near the deadly wounded Pushkin. To him, together with Persdne-Talisman, the poet gave a surpetuk, a rustled bullet, saying: "I will crash too." The word "crazy" liked A. Pushkin. So called the people of the skirt, from which the snake is getting rid of.
  • Like the commander of A.V. Savorov, V. Valo liked a simple way of life ["In the afternoon work, and at night to sleep"], Men's clothes ["Honor not in Kaftan, and under Kaftan"], ordinary food ["Food »].
  • V. Dal gave the Old Testament a different verbal form, that is, "as applied to the concepts of Russian common people." He loved to play some musical instruments, worked on the lathe.

Famous statements by Vladimir Daly

  • V. Dal believed that the person who was in motion and eats the absence, less frequently needs a doctor.
  • V. Dal said that he was ready to rush to weapons in order to defend the truth, Fatherland, Russian Word.
  • "I did not miss the day so as not to record speech, the word, turnover on the replenishment of my reserves."
  • "I loved my depression myself and brought to her due grappling forces."
  • V. Dal said that he was always looking for moments to travel in Russia and get acquainted with the people's life, because he admired the people "for the kernel and root."

Famous statements about Vladimir Dalo

  • Russian literary critic 1st half of the nineteenth century V.G. Belinsky said that V. Dal is "after Gogol still ... the first talent in Russian literature."
  • The writer of the nineteenth century P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky, with great regret, said that after long-term and hard work, "the health of V. Del" was not to recover, then at least to recover. " It turned out the opposite. Permanent labor ceased, and it was seriously influenced on the "Great Extracting".
  • Vyatka writer V.Krupin believes that the distance will always be in turns to us, because he alone has committed work not one decade of a whole institution with its numerous capabilities.
  • "Magellan, who swam the Russian language from A to Z" called V. Daly, a modern writer A.bits.


  • honorary Member of the Academy of Sciences
  • Lomonosovskaya Prize

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Place Lugansk Plant, Ekaterinoslav Primary, Russian Empire

Date of death:

A place of death:

Moscow, Russian Empire


the Russian Empire


Doctor, lexicographer

Order of St. Vladimir I degree


Scientific activity


Literary activity

First experiments


Military activities

Pushkin and Dal.


Again in St. Petersburg

Nizhny Novgorod

Critica V. I. Dalya

International recognition

Museum V. I. Dalya in Lugansk

House-Museum V. I. Daly in Moscow

In art


(10 (22) November 1801 - September 22 (October 4) 1872) - Russian scientist and writer. He became famous as the author of the "intelligent dictionary of the living Great Russian language."

Corresponding Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences on the Physico-Mathematics Department (elected December 21, 1838 for natural-scientific works), honorary member of the Academy at the Department of Natural Sciences (1863). When merging the St. Petersburg Academy from Russian Vladimir Dalya transferred to the Russian language and literature. Vladimir Dal wrote J. K. Grota:

Member of the society of Russian literature lovers (elected members were elected in 1868). Member of the Russian history and antiquities of the Russian.

One of the twelve members of the founders of the Russian Geographical Society, which awarded him Konstantinov's medal for the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian".

He knew at least 6 languages, understood the Turkic languages, is considered one of the first turcologists.

Ethnographer, collector folklore. The collected songs gave Kireevsky, fairy tales - Afanasyev. The rich, the best at that time, the collection of lobular paintings Daly entered the imp. Publ. The library and subsequently entered the publication of the Rovinsky.

A family

Vladimir Dal was born in the town of Lugansk plant (now Lugansk) Ekaterinoslav Primarystone 10 (22) of November 1801 in the family of Lekarya Mountain Office Ivan Matveyevich Dalya and Maria Christformal Dal (nee Freortag).

His father, Dane Johan Christian Von Dahl (1764 - October 21, 1821), accepted the Russian citizenship along with the Russian name Ivan Matveyevich Dal. In 1799. He knew German, English, French, Russian, Yiddish, Latin, Greek and Hebrew, was theologian and physician. His fame as a linguist reached Empress Catherine II, which caused him to St. Petersburg to the position of the court librarian. Johann Dal later went to Jena, passed there course of the medical faculty and returned to Russia with a diploma of the doctor of medicine. Russian Medical License reads: "Ivan Matveyev Son Dal 1792 March 8 is awarded at the exam in Russian Empire Medical practice to manage. "

Ivan Dal in St. Petersburg married Maria Christform Freitag, they were born four sons:

  • Vladimir;
  • Karl (born 1802), until the end of the life he served on the fleet, lived and buried in Nikolaev, did not have children;
  • Paul (born 1805) was sick with a consumers and often lived with his mother in Italy, where he was buried in Rome, he died in early youth, did not have children;
  • Lion (? -1831), killed by Polskaya rebels.

Maria Dal fluently owned five languages. Grandmother Vladimir Ivanovich's motherboard - Maria Ivanovna Freitag - originated from the genus French Guenotov de Malia, engaged in Russian literature. Its translations are known to Russian S. Geesner and A. V. Ifflanda. Grandfather Christopher Freitag - College Assestor, Official Lombard. It was dissatisfied with the philological formation of the future son-in-law and actually forced him to receive medical education, because he considered the doctor's profession of one of the few "profitable and practical professions".

Having received the nobility in 1814, Ivan Matveyevich, the senior doctor of the Black Sea Fleet, received the right to teach his children in the St. Petersburg Marine Cadet Corps for the treasury.

According to some sources, the genus Dalya in the father's line is the original Russian: His ancestors were allegedly rich Old Believers, who, with Tsar, Alexei Mikhailovich moved to Denmark.

The first years of life

The pseudonym "Kazak Lugansky", under which Vladimir Dal entered the literary world in 1832, in honor of his homeland - Lugansk. Motherland considered not to Denmark, but Russia. In 1817, during training diving, Dal visited Denmark, and later recalled:

In 1833, V. I. Dal married Yulia Andre (1816-1838). Pushkin was familiar with her in Orenburg. Her impressions of the Orenburg days of the poet were transferred in E. Voronina letters ("Russian Archive", 1902, No. 8. P.658.). Together they move to Orenburg, where they have two children. Son Lev was born in 1834, daughter Julia in 1838 (named after the mother). Together with the family was transferred by an official of special orders for the military governor V. A. Persian.

Ovdowv, married in the 1840th year on Ekaterina Lvovne Sokolova (1819-1872), the daughter of the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812. They will have three daughters: Maria (1841-1903), Olga (1843-?), Catherine (1845-?). Ekaterina Vladimirovna printed me memories of the Father (Russian Bulletin magazine (1878), Almanac "Gostiny Dvor" (1995))

In the fall of 1871, the first light blow happened to Vladimir Ivanovich, after which he invited the Orthodox priest for admission to the Russian Orthodox Church and to give the sacrament of Holy Communion on the Orthodox rite. Thus, shortly before the death of the distance passed from Lutherancy in Orthodoxy.

September 22 (October 4), 1872, Vladimir Ivanovich Dal died and was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery, along with his wife. Later, in 1878, his son Lion was buried on the same cemetery.


Initial education received at home. In the house of his parents they read a lot and appreciated the printed word, the love of which was handed over to all children.

At the age of thirteen and a half years, together with Brother Carl, younger for a year, he entered the St. Petersburg Sea Cadet Corps, where he studied from 1814 to 1819. Michman was released on March 2, 1819 in the Black Sea Fleet, the twelfth of eighty-six seniority. Later, learned in the story "Michman Kisses, or Looks look around" (1841).

After several years of service in the fleet, in January 20, 1826, Vladimir Dal entered the University of Derpti for the Medical Faculty. He lived in close attic camork, earning the life of the Russian language lessons. Two years later, in January 1828 V. I. Dal was credited among the treasure pupils. According to one of Daly's biographers, he plunged into the atmosphere of Derpta, which "in mental attitude encouraged to versatile." Here he first had to work hard at the time for a scientist Latin. For work on the topic announced by the philosophical faculty, he received a silver medal.

Study had to be interrupted with the beginning in 1828 by the Russian-Turkish war, when in connection with the occasions of the plague in the Sadunay region - the current army demanded strengthening the military-medical service. Vladimir Dal ahead of schedule "With honor, he endured the exam on the doctor not only medicine, but also surgery." The theme of his dissertation: "On the successful method of trepanation of the skull and the hidden ulceration of the kidney."

Scientific activity

Scientific activity Vladimir Dalya is extensive: doctor, naturalist, linguist, ethnographer. The most famous dictionary of the living Great Russian language brought the greatest glory.


As a brilliant military doctor, Vladimir Dal showed himself during the battles of the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829 and the Polish campaign of 1831.

Since March 1832, V. I. Dal serves as a resident in the St. Petersburg Military Hospital and soon becomes a medical celebrity.

Biographer Vladimir Daly P. I. Melnikov writes:

Later, leaving surgical practice, Dal did not leave medicine, addicted especially to ophthalmology and homeopathy (one of the first articles in defense of homeopathy belongs to Gal: "Contemporary" 1838, No. 12).


In 1838, V. I. Dal elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences for the Department of Natural Sciences for the Assembly of Collections on Flora and the Fauna of the Orenburg Territory.

Literary activity

First experiments

One of the first dating with the literature almost ended in deplorable. From September 1823 to April 1824 V. I. Dal was under arrest on suspicion of the composition of epigrams on the commander-in-chief of the Black Sea Fleet Greig and his civil wife Yulia Kulchinskaya (Lyiya Stalinskaya) - Julia, the daughter of the Mogilevsky Tractor, after the first marriage I gave yourself for polka. He was justified by the court, after which he moved from Nikolaev to Kronstadt.

In 1827, Journal A.F. Warikova "Slavom" publishes the first poems of Daly. In the 1830s V.I. Dal, he already acts as a prose, his story "Gypsy" prints "Moscow Telegraph".


Glorified him as a writer " Russian fairy tales from the legend of the people's intentional to a diploma civil overlooking, to everyday life-beerly proven and sayings by the Cossack Vladimir Lugansky. First heels"(1832 year). The rector of Derpt University decided to invite his ex-student, Doctor of Medicine Dahl at the Department of Russian Literature. At the same time, the book was adopted as a dissertation for the degree of doctor of philology, but it was rejected as a dissertation as the unfinished minister of enlightenment.

Benkendorf reports to the emperor Nikolai first. In October or beginning of November 1832, during its bypass in the hospital, where V. I. Dahl worked, he was arrested and brought to Mordvinov. He immediately collapses at the doctor a square brand, a book to him in his face, and hes in prison. Dahl reversed Vasily Zhukovsky, who was then the mentor of the son of Nicholas of the first, the future of the forefront of the peasants of Emperor Alexander the Second. Zhukovsky described the heir to the throne, everything that happened in the anecdical light, outlined Dalya, as a person of approximate modesty and great abilities, mentioned two orders and medals obtained in the war. The heir to the throne went to his father and was able to convince the fact that the authorities in this situation look ridiculous. And Nikolai ordered Della.

The circulation of this book was seized from the sale. One of the few remaining instances of Dal decided to give A. S. Pushkin. Zhukovsky has long promised to introduce them, but Dal, without waiting for him, took the "fairy tales ..." and went himself - without any recommendations - to be represented by Alexander Pushkin. So began their acquaintance.

In 1833-1839, "there were also non-residents of the Cossack Lugansky".

Actively collaborated in the magazine "Rural reading".

Explanatory Dictionary of Living Great Russian Language

"Explanatory Dictionary" - the main brainchild of Dahl, the labor on which everyone knows him who is interested in Russian. When the explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language was assembled and processed to the letter "P", the distance decided to resign and devote himself to work on the dictionary. In 1859, he settled in Moscow on a foreground in the house built by the historiogram of Prince Shcherbatov, who wrote the "history of the Russian state". The final stage of working on the dictionary was held in this house, still unsurpassed by its volume. Two quotations that define the tasks that Vladimir Dal set amounted to themselves: "Living national language, saving in life freshness of the spirit, which gives the language of slightness, strength, clarity, the intricate and beauty, should serve as a source and treasury for the development of educated Russian speech." " General definitions The words and items themselves and concepts - the case is almost not fulfilled and the most useless. It is so wonder than the subject is easier, but good. Transfer and explanation of one word to others, and even more than a dozen other, of course, enforcing any definition, and the examples even more explain the case. "

The great goal, the execution of which was given to 53 years, was achieved. This is what Kotlyarevsky wrote about the dictionary: "... and Russian science, verbost, the whole society will have a monument worthy of the greatness of the people will fully enjoy the work that will be the subject of our pride."

In 1861, the first issues of the "dictionary" received the Konstantinov medal from the Imperial Geographical Society, in 1868 he was chosen to the honorary members of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, and the Lomonosovskaya Prize was awarded the entire dictionary.

Military activities

From 1814 to 1819, the distance studied in the Marine Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg. After graduating course, he was produced in Michmani, passed officer service first on black (1819-1824), and then on the Baltic seas (1824-1825). The reason for the transfer from Nikolaev to Kronstadt was the arrest on suspicion of writing epigrams, taking the personal life of the Commander-in-Chief of the Black Sea Fleet (Sep.823- Apr.1824). In 1826, left maritime service and began training for a doctor.

On March 29, 1829, V. I. Dal entered the military department and was enrolled in the existing army. Participated as a military doctor in the Russian-Turkish war. As an ordinary at a mobile hospital, the distance takes part in a number of battles, acquires the fame of a skillful surgeon.

In 1831 he participated as a military doctor in the Polish campaign. Districted in the Ridiger's crossing Vistula in Yuzefova. For the absence of an engineer, the distance bridge bridge, defended him when crossing and then destroyed it himself. From the bosses, he received a reprimand for failure to fulfill his direct duties, but Nikolai I awarded him by Vladimir Cross with a bow.

After the onset of the world, V. I. Dal served as a resident in the St. Petersburg Military Hospital.

In 1833 he moved to Orenburg.

Participated in the Hivinsky campaign of 1839-40 years.

A number of his literary works of a memoir character are connected with Military Speech Dal, in particular: "Donskaya Horse Artillery" and "Letters to friends from the campaign in Khiva."

Pushkin and Dal.

Their acquaintance was to take place through the mediation of Zhukovsky in 1832, but Vladimir Dal decided to personally introduce himself to Alexander Pushkin and give one of the few preserved instances of the "fairy tales ..." recently. Dal so wrote about it:

Pushkin was very pleased with such a gift and responded to Vladimir Ivanovich a handwritten version of his new fairy tale "On the Pop and his Bald Employee" with a significant autograph:

Pushkin began to ask Dalla, on what he works now, he told him everything about his many years of passion to the gathering of the words, which have already been collected by thousand twenty.

So make a dictionary! - exclaimed Pushkin and began to convince Dahl hotly. - Love is needed a dictionary of the living spoken language! Yes, you have already made a third of the dictionary! Do not throw your stocks now!

Pushkin supported the idea of \u200b\u200bVladimir Ivanovich to compile a "dictionary of the living Great Russian language", and about the collected Dalem proverbs and sayings responded enthusiastically: "What a luxury, which for the meaning, what a lot in every saying is ours! What kind of gold! " Pushkin suddenly fell silent, then continued: "Your collection is not a simple undertaking, not a hobby. This is a completely new deal. You can envy - you have a goal. For years to save the treasures and suddenly open the chests in front of the amazed contemporaries and descendants! " So, on the initiative of Vladimir Dalla, his acquaintance with Pushkin began, later he was rearranged in sincere friendship, which lasted until the death of the poet.

A year later, on September 18-20, 1833, His V.I. Dal accompanies A.S. Pushkin on Pugachevsky places. Pushkin tells the last plot of "Tales of Georgy Herbrom and about Wolf." Together with Dale, the poet has been classified all the most important places of Pugachev events. In the memoirs of Vladimir Dalya:

Pushkin arrived an unexpected and uneacle and stopped in a country house near the Military Governor V. Al. Perovsky, and on the other day I move it from there, I went with him to the historic Berlin village, interpreted how much I heard and knew the terrain, the circumstances of the siege of Orenburg Pugachev; Pointing to St. George's bell tower in advising, where Pugach raised the gun to fill the city, - to the remnants of earthworks between the Orsk and Sakmar gates attributed to the legend of Pugachev, to the Saralic grove, from where the thief tried to break on ice into the fortress, open from this side; The priest said about the priest shortly here, whom the father ranging out for the fact that the boy ran into the street to collect Pyataks, who I did a few shots to the city instead of the Schuchov, about the so-called secretary of Pugachev Schukhov, while still alive, and about Berdin old women, who are still "golden" Pugchacha Chambers, that is, the hives of the hindered brass. Pushkin listened to all this - sorry, if I don't know how to put it out otherwise, - with a big heat and laughed with the heart of the next joke: Pugach, broke into the Berdy, where the scared people gathered in the church and on Parity, entered the church. The people spoke in fear, bowed, Fallen NIC. Having accepted an important look, Pugach passed straight into the altar, sat down on the church throne and said out loud: "As I have not been sitting on the throne for a long time!" In Menzhitsky ignorance, he imagined that the throne of the church is the royal meeting. Pushkin called him for this pig and laughed a lot ...

Returned home and quickly wrote "Pugacheva's story." In 1835, he sent three gift copies of the book to Orenburg in 1835: Gubernator Perovsky, G. Governor, Artyukhov, who organized a poet with a great hunt, drove hunting bikes, treated her home beer and parked in his bath, which was considered the best in the city.

At the end of 1836, Dal came to St. Petersburg. Pushkin happily welcomed the return of a friend, repeatedly visited him, was interested in Linguistic finds Dahl. Alexander Sergeevich really enjoyed heard from Dahl, previously unknown to him the word "crazy" - a skin, which, after the winter, dumps and snakes, crawling out of her. Going somehow to Galle in the new Surtuk, Pushkin joked merrily: "What is good crazy? Well, from this crazy I am now not coming soon. I will write it in it! " - promised the poet. He did not remove this source and on the day of Duele with Dantes. In order not to cause the wounded poet of extra suffering, I had to "crawl" with him. And here was present at the tragic death of Pushkin.

Dahl participated in the treatment of the poet from the deadly wound received on the last duel, up to the death of Pushkin on January 29 (February 11) of 1837. Upon learning of the duel of the poet, the distance came to a friend, although their relatives did not invite him to the dying Pushkin. Caught the perishing friend surrounded by noble doctors. In addition to the home Dr. Ivan Spassky poet examined the court leiba Medic Nikolai Rent and three more doctors of medicine. Pushkin happily welcomed a friend and, taking his hand, beggingly asked: "Tell me the truth, will I die soon?" And the distance answered professionally true: "We hope for you, right, hope, do not despair and you." Pushkin gratefully shook his hand and said it's facilitated: "Well, thanks." He was noticeably revived and even asked for a cloudberry, and Natalia Nikolaevna happily exclaimed: "He will be alive! So you will see, he will be alive, he will not die! "

Under the leadership of N. F. Ranta he led the diary of the medical history. Later, I. T. Spassky, along with Dale, opened the opening of the body of Pushkin, where the distance wrote a protocol of autopsy.

Vladviru Dale dying Alexander Sergeevich conveyed his golden-talisman with Emerald with the words: "Dal, take a memory." And when Vladimir Ivanovich shook his head negatively, Pushkin persistently repeated: "Take, a friend, I no longer write." Subsequently, about this Pushkin gifts, Dal wrote Poet V. Odoevsky: "How I will look at this ring, I want to be taken for anything decent." Vladimir Ivanovich tried to return his widow, but Natalia Nikolaevna protested: "No, Vladimir Ivanovich, let it be for memory. And I also want to give you a breakdown bullet Sutuk Alexander Sergeevich. " This was the very cooler crazy. In the memoirs of Vladimir Daly


Vladimir Dal settled in Orenburg in July 1833 and about eight years later served here as an official on special instructions at the military governor of V. A. Perovsky. Here he married twice, he had five children (son and four daughters). Here, at the arrival of Pushkin to this city, which happened in the evening of September 18, 1833, Dal met him and for three days, until the poet's departure to Uralsk, was a permanent companion and a guide on the memorable "Pugachev" places.

Again in St. Petersburg

In 1838, he was chosen for his natural historical work in the correspondent members of the Imperial Academy of Sciences; In 1841, he was appointed secretary to L. A. Pepovsky, and then he managed (privately) his special office of his as the Minister of the Interior. Together with N. Milyutin was and introduced the "city situation in St. Petersburg". During this time, they are printed by articles:

  • "One-time word about the current Russian language" ("Moskvatik", 1842, I, No. 2)
  • "Non-Hope" to this article (ibid., Part V, No. 9)
  • brochures "On Skopic Yersi" (1844, rarity (another note about the legislation against the Skobstsov printed in "Readings Society. East. et al." 1872, kN. IV.)
  • tale "Interest X.X. Viildamura and his Arshet "(1844)
  • "The writings of the Cossack Lugansk" (1846).
  • "In the 40s" on the challenge of the main bosses over military schools, he wrote excellent Botany and Zoology textbooks. They are highly appreciated by naturalists, and teachers. " So characterizes their biographer Dalya A. Melnikov-Pechersky. Before us is a textbook of zoology, published allegedly in 1847 it distinguishes a living, figurative language. Under the texts of 700 illustrations performed at the highest artistic level A. P. Sapozhnikov. "
  • At the same time, Dahl printed a number of stakes and essays in the "Library for reading", "Domestic Notes", "Moskvatian" and the collection of Bashutsk "Ours", including articles:
  • "About Russian proverbs" ("contemporary", 1847, kN. 6)
  • "On the beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of the Russian people" ("Illustration", 1845-1846, 2nd ed. St. Petersburg., 1880)

Nizhny Novgorod

In 1849, he was appointed by the manager of the Nizhny Novgorod specific office and served in this post, which brought him the opportunity to observe a diverse ethnographic material, until 1859, when he retired and settled in Moscow. During this time, articles and writings are printed:

  • "On the adverbs of the Russian language" ("Bulletin of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society", 1852, KN. 6; reprinted in the "explanatory dictionary")
  • "Sailor leisure", written on the instructions of Prince Konstantin Nikolaevich (St. Petersburg, 1853)
  • "In Nizhny Novgorod, its long-term work" Collection of proverbs "has been completed. In 1853, the censorship prohibits the typing collection, and there was a lot of people who had been in life, sometimes too straight, and sometimes politicically accurate Vladimir Ivanovich drawn on the title of the book "Proverb is not tried." Only in 1862, the invaluable publication, the favorite brainchild of Dalya - the ethnographic encyclopedia of Russian life - is represented by the reader in his original form. "
  • a number of articles on the dangers of one literacy without enlightenment ("Russian conversation", 1856, KN. III; "Patriotic Notes", 1857, KN. II; "SPb. Ved.", 1857 № 245)
  • a whole series of essays (100) from Russian life (a separate edition of the "paintings from Russian life", St. Petersburg, 1861)

In Nizhny, prepared his "proverbs" and brought the processing of the dictionary to the letter P. Shortly after the relocation to Moscow, began to go out

  • "Explanatory Dictionary" (1st ed. 1861 - 68; second ed. St. Petersburg 1880 - 82)

and printed another capital labor of the whole life:

  • "Proverbs of the Russian People" (M., 1862; 2 ed. St. Petersburg., 1879).

During this time, the writings and articles of Dalya appeared in print;

  • "Full Collected Works" (SPB., 1861; 2 ed. St. Petersburg., 1878 - 1884)
  • "Tale" (SPB., 1861)
  • "Soldier leisure" (2 ed. St. Petersburg., 1861)
  • "Two fortyweed thewens for peasants" (SPB., 1862)
  • note about the Russian dictionary ("Russian conversation", 1860, No. 1)
  • controversy with pushing about foreign words and Russian spelling ("Russian", 1868, № 25, 31, 39, 41)


Addresses related to the name Daly in St. Petersburg

1841-Summer 1849 - the houses of the Annunciation Church of the Ministry of the Interior - Alexandrinskaya Square, 11.

Critica V. I. Dalya

Against training peasants literacy

Living in Nizhny Novgorod, Dal badly badly damaged in the eyes of the Society "Letter to the publisher A. I. Koshelev" and "Notice of Literacy", in which he spoke out against the training of peasants by diploma, as it "without any mental and moral education ... almost Always comes to Hud ... ". On the pages of the magazine "Contemporannik" him sharply objected by E.P. Karnovich, N.G. Chernyshevsky, N.A. Dobrolyubs.

Fragment of the article about V. Dale from the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron (1893)

"Neither the maritime corps, nor the medical faculty could give a given to the appropriate scientific training, and it remained by the end of the days remained self-taught. Daily came to his real way, it was purely instinctive, and the collection of materials was going first without any certain scientific purposes. Only personal relationships to writers pushkin eraAs well as to Moscow Slavophilas, helped him aware of his real vocation and set certain goals of activity.

His dictionary, a monument of enormous personal energy, hard work and perseverance, is valuable only as a rich collection of raw material, lexical and ethnographic (various explanations of rites, believes, objects of culture, etc.), unfortunately, not always reliable. Dal could not understand (see his controversy with A. N. Dypin at the end of the IV t. Dictionary), which references to one "Russian ear", on the "spirit of language", "on the world, on the whole Russia", if it is impossible to prove , "Were in print, who and where they said" the words in the family of the post office, posting (from adding), Kolozemitsa, Kazotka, Eye, etc., do not prove anything and the values \u200b\u200bof the material are not elevated. The words of Dala himself are characteristic: "With a grammar, I was invoking in some kind of disadvantage, without knowing how to apply it to our language and alien to it not so much on the mind, as for some dark feeling, so that she did not confuse" and t. d. (intimate word to the dictionary).

This disorder with grammar could not but affect its dictionary located on the etymological system "Nests", reasonable at the base, but did not affect the abundance of Gal. Because of this, he has "drawn" (borrowed from him. Deichsel) stands in connection with breathe, breathe, "expanse" - with "simple", etc. However, the Daly dictionary is still the only and precious benefit for each Russian language. Dal One of the first was also engaged in Russian dialectology and was an excellent practical connoisseur of Russian govors who who knew two-three words to determine the residence of the speaker, but could never take advantage of this knowledge and give the scientific characteristics of the dialectical features familiar to him. As a Belletrist Writer is now almost completely forgotten, although at one time it was highly set by such connoisseurs as V. G. Belinsky, I. S. Turgenev, etc.

Numerous stories and stories are suffering from the lack of real artistic creativity, a deep feeling and a wide view of the people and life. Further for household pictures captured on the summer of jokes, told by a peculiar language, Boyko, alive, with a famous humor, sometimes flowing into manners and accuracy, Dal did not go, and his home merit in this area is widely used by ethnographic material. His ethnographic value, some essays Dalle have not lost so far. " (author of the article on V. Del in Encyclopedic Dictionary - S. Bulich).

Note on ritual killings

"The search for the killing by the Jews of Christian babies and the use of their blood" (1844) was published by a circulation of 10 copies, for the domestic use of the ministry (reissued in 1913, called "Note on ritual murders" named Vladimir Dalya as the author) .

In the same 1844, a non-authentic anonymous edition "Information about the murders of Jews of Christians for the extraction of blood was reprinted by the magazine" Citizen "(No. 23-28), was released in the same 1844. The editors reported that this was an essay of the secret adviser Skripitsyn, director of the Department of Spiritual Affairs of Foreign Confessions, who fulfilled this work "by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Count Perovsky to represent the Emperor to Nicholas I, the Heir to Zesarevich, the Grand Princes and Members of the State Council." The main work of Valery Skripitsyn was associated with relations with the Roman Catholic Church and was not related to the criminal ware.

American publicist Semyon Reznik (former editor ZhZL) The article "Blood Guard in Russia" wrote that the director of the department of foreign confessions of V.V. is the original author of the "Notes" Skripitsyn, which is confirmed by texture analysis, and printed and was attributed to G. This work was only in 1913, "On the eve of the case of Beylis."

International recognition

  • 2001 In honor of the 200th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Daly, UNESCO announced the year V. I. Dalya.

Museum V. I. Dalya in Lugansk

In Lugansk, in the homeland of Vladimir Daly, a literary museum V. I. Dalya was created in memory of the outstanding person. Researchers of the museum managed to assemble the prominent publications of literary works V. I. Dalya in full. The museum tells about the identity of V.I. Daly in the context of the epoch, talks about Dalya contemporaries - A. S. Pushkin, T. G. Shevchenko, N. V. Gogol, N. I. Pirogov. Near the museum there is a monument to Gal and on Dalya Street in Lugansk, and in 2010 a third monument of Lale near the Eastern Ukrainian University in Lugansk was opened. V.Dalya's name in Lugansk is the street, secondary school number 5 and the Eastern Ukrainian National University.

  • Website of the Literary Museum V.I. Dalya in Lugansk

House-Museum V. I. Daly in Moscow

Opened in 1986.

  • Address Museum V. I. Daly in Moscow

In art

  • In Faken, Boris Egorova "Unbreakable guests" Vladimir Ivanovich gives the editor of the newspaper Explanatory dictionary of his authorship.


  • Gypsy. (1830)
  • Russian fairy tales from the legend of the people's intentional to a diploma civil overlooking, to everyday life-beerly proven and sayings by the Cossack Vladimir Lugansky. Heels first. (1832)
  • Research on a skobic heresy. (1844)
  • Pictures from Russian residents (1848)
  • Proverbs of the Russian people. (1862)
  • Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language (first edition - 1867)

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