
Alexey Koltsov biography. Alexey Vasilyevich Koltsov is an outstanding Russian poet of the Pushkin era. In philately, numismatics, sigillia et al

Alexey Vasilyevich Koltsov

Father - Prasol. It was produced by herds of the rams, as Belinsky wrote later, to deliver the material to the salotopic plants. He was rich, owned a big house, the family held in full obedience. Literacy Koltsova taught a random Voronezh seminarian. At nine years, the boy went to the Voronezh county school, but already from the second class, his father took him, because he had an acutely needed an assistant. "Of course, says," Belinsky wrote, - what early years He (rings) could not gain not only any moral rules or assimilate a good habit, but he could not get rich in any good impressions that for the young soul is more important than any supos and interpretations. He saw her homemade troubles around himself, petty trading with her practitioners, heard rude and not always decent speeches, even from those from whose mouth he should hear one good. Everyone knows what our family life is in general, and what is it especially in the middle class, where the Men's rudeness is devoid of good-natured simplicity and is connected to the boss of the Meshchansky, Loman and scream. Fortunately, dirt did not stick to the gracious nature of Koltsov, among which he was born and on the Lona which was raised. " Driving around the villages and the villages, Koltsov bought and sold the cattle, led business and litter with peasants and merchants. "He loved the evening fire on which the steppe porridge was cooked, he recalled later Belinsky," loved the night under clean sky, on the green grass; Loved sometimes whole days not to lie down from the horse, distilling her herds from one place to another. " Also having loved reading, he never parted with books and in the steppe. Voronezh bookseller D. A. Kashkin allowed young Prasol for free to enjoy books from his store, explained to him unknown words. In the first poetic experiments, Koltsov and A. P. Serebryansky, author of the famous song "Fast, like waves, days of our life ..."

In 1830, being in Voronezh, a well-known figure of the metropolitan philosophical circle N. V. Stankevich heard from his chamener that a certain local young prasol composes amazing songs, nothing to do with nothing. At the same time, the Vamdiner quoted some rows remembered to him, and Stankevich they were interested. He met with Koltsov and next year printed the songs they liked in the St. Petersburg "literary newspaper."

In 1828, rings fell in love with a fortress girl. "The famous business," wrote later Belinsky, closely friendly with the poet, - that in this class, the first sincere father of his father is to quickly marry his son on some kind of smashing herbal, blushes and antimony with black teeth and good, respectively The state of the family groom, dowry. Koltsov's connection (with a fortified) was dangerous for these burghers, not to mention the fact that in the eyes of wild ignoramus, innocently and rudely alien to any of the poetry of life, she seemed prediction and immoral. It was necessary to break it by anything. To do this, took advantage of the absence of Koltsov in the steppe, - and when he has grown home, he did not find her there. This misfortune so cruelly struck him that he grabbed a strong fever. Having recovered from the disease and uplooking the native and familiar mortar, he rushed like a mad, to explode in the steppe about the unfortunate. How much could, far went to himself, even further sent people loyal for him. We do not know whether these wanings continued for a long time; Only the result was the news that the unfortunate victim of the barbaric calculation, having fallen into the Don Steppes, in Cossack Stanitsa, soon he wondered and died in longing and in the flour of ill-treatment. These details, - added Belinsky, - we heard from the Koltsov itself in 1838. Despite the fact that he recalled the mountain, comprehended by him for more than ten years, his face was pale, words with difficulty and slowly came out of his mouth, and speaking, he looked toward and down. Only once he spoke with us about it. And we never decided to ask him about this story to learn it in all the details: it would mean to disclose the heap wound, which was never completely closed ... "

In 1835, with the help of Stankevich and Belinsky, a small compilation was published - "Alekny Koltsov" poem. "Prasol riding a horse," Belinsky wrote, - chasing cattle from one field to another, knee-deep in the blood at cutting, or, it is better to say, with livestock worn; Crack, standing at the Bazaar with the Salom, - and dreaming of love, about friendship, about the inner poetic movements of the soul, about nature, about the fate of a person, about the secrets of life and death, tormented by the mournful hearts and mental doubts, and, in the same time, an active member of reality, among which was delivered, intelligent and wonderful Russian merchant who sells, buys, scolding and is friends, God knows with whom, trades from a penny and allowed all the springs of small trafficking, which internally disgusted as abuse: what picture! What a fate, what kind of person! ".

At the same time, the poet is entirely dependent on his father.

"He was rapidly, practical, his father gradually handed him all things," Veresov wrote, "but he held his son in his hunters, demanded strict reporting; Koltsov's own money has never been; Any clerk for hiring was independent and richer than this master son. On behalf of Koltsov, it happened to ride in the capital - to sell guards of livestock, bother on the court cases, which the old man had an uncountable amount, especially with the peasants for land rental. Here for the first time the old man felt that trifling poems, which Kropl Chudak-son, the matter is not unreasonable. The rhymes delivered the son to know the son of sacred, very useful when conducting court cases. At the request of the Son, Zhukovsky, KN. Vyazemsky, KN. Odoyevsky wrote letters to the Voronezh authorities and the courts and the fact a lot contributed to the successful outcome of a number of koltsovsky processes. However, these processes were so much, to ask patrons so often that even composting Zhukovsky finally began to take Koltsov coldly and avoid meetings with him. "

I. S. Turgenev, who met Koltsov in St. Petersburg on the apartment at the Pletnev, wrote: "... Another person was in the room. Dressed in a long-grade double-breasted coat, a short vest with a blue beaded watch chain and neck handkerchiefs with a bow, he sat in a corner, modestly picking his legs, and occasionally pushed, hastily driving his hand to her lips. This man looked around not without shyness, listened carefully, in his eyes his mind was glowing, but his face was the simplest Russian. "

By self-education, rings far from always could not correctly understand the essence of the objects of the objects. "The subject I still understand a little bit," he wrote Belinsky, suddenly taking a philosophy, "But the absolute is neither a tiny." Claims for great knowledge, of course, caused ridicule people among the surrounding poet. "What am I? He complained to Belinsky. - A man without a face, without a word, without everything. A pitiful creation, an unfortunate creature that is only one thing: carry the water yes to carry firewood ... Torgash, a penny, scoundrel ... Here is my meaning, in which layers I can be president ... "-" Only in 1841, the gray life of Koltsov unexpectedly lit up bright Happiness, - wrote Veresaev. - He loved the arrival merchant widow Varvaru Grigorievna Lebedev. She reacted to his love favorably. "Miracle! - wrote Koltsov Belinsky. - Brunette, Slim to incredibility, good damn, smart, formed decently, read a lot, thought, suffered, boiled in passions. " But happiness lasted only two months. Beauty turned out to be a lady of very light morals. Awarding Koltsov Syphilis, she threw him and left Voronezh with an officer. "

By this time, Rovtsov's relationship with his father was almost interrupted.

"At the end of September, he wrote V. P. Botkin," I had inflammation in the kidneys, but leeches, poultices, refreshing, returned to life. Father, no matter what, torture me did not stop and very indifferently told me that if I die, he will be glad, and if I live, he prevales me forward, so that I did not expect anything and was not hoping; that he is at home and nothing will give me anything; What if you do not have time to live in life, it will burn. And he said that he said when I didn't tell him anything like this and did not require anything from him. My mother is simple, but a kind woman; I wanted to help me, but I rejected her and supported myself a loan. The inflammation passed, and I began to recover a little bit. Autumn. Mesonin is cold, if necessary, placed together. The room took on the aisle; It was more convenient; It was, - yes the old men lived in it, she was not given. Well, nothing, I live. For sister woven. Wedding started, all began to walk, run through my room; The floors wash the point, and the dampness is murderous for me. Tubes incense smoke every day; For my upset lungs, all this is bad. I again had inflammation, first in the right side, then in the left against the heart, quite dangerous and painful. And here I am a rapid on a joke. For several days, life hung on the balance. My doctor, despite the fact that I paid little to him, came three times a day. And at the same time we have parties every day, - noise, shouts, running; Doors until midnight in my room minutes do not stand on loops. Please do not smoke, - smoke more; Please do not faith - more; Please do not wash the floors, - wash. On the motley only the wedding ended. Noise with shoulders. On the third day after the end of the wedding, the father comes to me. He says that I moved to his room. I refused: she is in winter cheese, and this is bad for me. He said: "Do not want? Well, go where you want, or go from the yard. " And he spent a lot in this way.

But you ask why I was so fading father and sister? - wrote further rings. - My father is from nature with strong physical nature The man, who lived in Claudists, acquired something, became the owner, made a capital of 70 thousand rubles three times and lived them again, the last time lived, - and he had a lot of affairs. He sowed them something, and there was nothing to finish. They fell on me; At eight years I have taken them to settle, and this is the case for which I lived in Moscow was the last. It ended for a while good, now he does not have them, he is fucked. Lined the house, brings an income to 6,000 per year, and we still have nine rooms behind yourself. In addition, he has up to twenty thousand. He is proud, bouncer, stubborn, boasts without conscience. Does not like to live with others in the house human, and loves everything before him flourished, was afraid, he read and worried. And I endured it all and endured, but as I had a special room, I will leave and rest. I did not think about myself, but only about things. But, by taking things, I settled them. And as was Zhukovsky (in Voronezh), he gave me a lot of weight, and the old man, for cases, if necessary, gave me freedom more than wished. It bored him. He wanted to defeat me before, insisting to marry. I did not want. It scared him. I get married - he would have been talking to me then. The sister also excluded him against me. She is all my fantasies that I told her, stopped in my own way, and cummed that I came then to tell the old man, and Peter. She also came true me to get married and enter the courtyard and master everyone. "

He died 29 (10. XI) October 1842.

Remarkably said about Koltsov Gleb Uspensky.

"There is a writer in Russian literature, whose one is impossible to call, as a poet of agricultural labor - exclusively. This is rings. No one, not excluding the most Pushkin himself, did not touch such poetic strings of the People's World, brought up exclusively in the conditions of agricultural labor, as we find from Koltsov. We ask what could inspire at least Pushkin at the sight of a fash man, his streets and klyachi? Pushkin could only grieve about this worker, "brazded", about the Yarma, which he carries, and so on. Does he mind that this slave worst on the brazdes, barefoot wagoning for his penny so that he could Feel per minute of this hard work anything, besides the consciousness of his gravity? And the man depicted by Koltsov, although it worshed around the brazdes, finds the opportunity to speak with his whhat of such speeches: "Fun on arable land, I am myself friend with you, servant and owner. I am fun of the harrow and hust. And the kostar of the same Koltsov, who, receiving 50 kopeks on his harches. per day, finds the opportunity to say such speeches: "Ah, you are the steppe, the steppe is driving! I came to visit to you, I came to you, I came to myself with my sore east. For a long time for a walk(This is for 50 kopecks. per day!) on the grass steppe, along and across, with her wish. Cut out the shoulder, breathe a hand, you smell in the face of the wind from noon, fry, wave the steppe spacious, burn, braza, sparkle around! " There is no word, then the mystery of the peasant world: all this is charms, for no one, except the peasant, inaccessible.

Alexey Vasilyevich Koltsov born 3 (15) October 1809 in Voronezh. Russian poet from Meshan, son of hereditary prasol (merchant cattle).

In 1821. He graduated from one class of the two-year Voronezh district school, after which the father attracted him to his enterprise, whose affairs rings were engaged in the end of life.

Early addicted to reading, in the mid-1820s Began to compose poems, finding support among the Voronezh intelligentsia (bookseller D.A. Kashkin, seminarist-verse by A.P. Serebryansky). In 1830 In Moscow, the first (anonymous) publication of 4 poems Koltsov took place. In the same year he met N.V. Stankevich, who introduced Koltsov in literary circles. Since 1831 Beginned in metropolitan publications. In 1835 Efforts of Stankevich and V.G. Belinsky, who became the main popularizer of Koltsov's creativity, was published the first collection of his poems. In 1836, 1838 and 1840 Rolling on trading cases was in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where A.S. was favorably taken Pushkin, V.A. Zhukovsky and others. The convened rolling crossing to St. Petersburg did not take place due to his illness and material difficulties in the family. Alexey Vasilyevich Koltsov died October 29 (November 10) 1842 in Voronezh.

Posthumous edition of Koltsov poems ( 1846) Prepared to Belinsky, who previously won it by a large article "On the life and writings of Koltsov", in which the first one is described, in part mythologized biography of the poet.

In the poetry Koltsov, its most significant songs, created at the junction of the people's poetic and literary (stylization of folk songs A.F. Merzlyakova, A.A. Delivia et al.) Traditions. Folklore techniques are characterized (constant epithets, stable formulas, personification, psychological parallelism, etc.), to which the rings resort to an intimate, psychologically complicated lyrics. So, in love songs is represented sophisticated gamma experiences, right up to the most painful and dramatic: "treason of narrowed" (1838); "Russian Song" ("I told me a friend, saying goodbye ...", 1839); "Glinding" ("at the dawn of foggy adolescence ...", 1840).

In a number of early songs Koltsov recreated harmonious picture of peasant life With its holidays, prayers and agricultural labor, adorganizing a person to nature ("Rural Pirushka", 1830; "Pahar song", 1831; "Vintage", 1835; "Kosar", 1836). In late songs Koltsova prevailed motifs of loneliness, needs, captured by the "Self-changing people" of the Menota forces, etc. ("Celanne Meditation", 1837; "bitter share", 1837; "What are you sleeping, a peasant? ..", 1839 and dr.); Social and family conflicts are sharpened ("the second song of Likhach Kudryavich", 1837; "Rustic conversation", 1838; "Every His Talan", 1840), there is a "robbery" topic ("delets", 1833; "Hortors", 1839), The line of spiritual poetry continues ("in front of the Savior", 1839). Genuine tragedy is inherent in poems to the death of Pushkin "Forest" (1837).

Another significant section of the Rolzov lyrics - "Duma", We are deliberately idle arguments on philosophical and religious topics: about the secret of the universe and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Creator, about the limits of human knowledge ("God's World", 1837; "Forest", 1839; "Poet", 1840). Unlike the poems of Koltsov in traditional literary genres (Messages, Elegia, Madrigals, etc.), his songs and "Duma" - unique phenomenon Russian poetry. The elements of the poetics of Koltsov were perceived by A.N. Nekrasov, I.Z. Surikov, S.D. Yezhin, S.A. Yesenin and others. Music on the songs of Koltsov wrote A.S. Dargomyzhsky, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, M.P. Mussorgsky, MA Balakirev, etc.

Keywords: Alexey Koltsov, detailed biography of Koltsova, Critica, download biography, free download, abstract, Russian literature 19th century, poets of the 19th century

Alexey Vasilyevich Koltsov was born 3 (15) October 1809 in the family of Voronezh Promanin Vasily Petrovich Koltsov (1775-1852), the hereditary trader cattle (prasol).

Primary education A. V. Koltsov received at home under the guidance of a seminar teacher. In 1820 he entered the Voronezh county school. The study was hampered by the fact that his father began to teach the only son and the heir to trade activities and after a year he took him from the school. The lack of education A. V. Koltsov replenished with reading. During these years, he took an active part in the affairs of the Father - distilled herd in the steppes, bought and sold cattle in the village bazaars.

At 16, A. V. Koltsov began writing poetry, imitating popular poets of his time. The development of Koltsov was influenced by his communication with the gymnasists and seminarians who were going for literary conversations in the book shop D. A. Kashkin. Subsequently, his mentor became the Voronezh Seminarist A. P. Serebryansky, who instilled in Koltsov, interest in philosophy.

In 1830, A. V. Koltsov met with the famous publicist N. V. Stankevich, who next year, during the poet's business trip, introduced him to literary circles. A. V. Koltsov got acquainted with, soon became a close friend for him and a teacher of life.

In 1831, the first signed verses of A. V. Koltsova "Sigh on the grave of Venerevitinova" were published, "My friend, my angel is cute ..." and others. In the same year in the "literary newspaper" was published one of the most famous poems The poet is "ring" (later name - "Ring").

In 1835, N. V. Stankevich and V. G. Belinsky for funds collected by subscription, published the first book of poet poems. Contemporaries attracted the deep nation of poems A. V. Koltsov, sharply distinguished them from numerous fakes under the populatory poetry.

The turning point in the creative development of A. V. Koltsov was 1836. The circle of his communication was extremely wide, it included many outstanding writers, musicians, artists, artists and. A. V. Koltsov got acquainted with and. His poems were printed in the magazines "Telescope", "Son of the Fatherland", "Moscow Observer". Published a poem A. V. Koltsova "Vintage" (1835) in his magazine "Contemporary". The poet responded to the poem "Forest" (1837).

In 1836-1837, A. V. Koltsov wrote a lot in the genre of the Dum. In them, he tried to resolve the most important religious philosophical issues: the relationship of human life with the secret universe, the limits of knowledge, etc. The topics of the Dum say their names - "The Kingdom of Thought" (1837), "Human Wisdom" (1837), "God's World" (1837), "Life" (1841).

The last years of the life of Koltsov were very heavy. He could hardly live in, relationships with relatives were increasingly worsened. The poet's forces were undermined by deep depression and consumers.

Koltsov Alexey Vasilyevich (1809-1842), poet.

Primary education received at home, under the guidance of a seminar teacher. In 1820 he entered the Voronezh county school, but after a year the father took the boy home to teach to trade activities.

Rings reading replenished the lack of education. The first poem "Three Visions"
(1825), written in the imitation of I. I. Dmitriev, the poet subsequently destroyed. In his youth, Koltsov survived a love drama (he was ruled with a serf girl who wanted to marry), and this was further affected by his loving lyrics in his poet.

Taking a family business, Koltsov successfully engaged in trade. His first poetic publication in 1830 was anonymous. In 1831, during a business trip to Moscow, rings with the help of publisher and critic N. V. Stankevich entered a literary circle. In the same year, the "literary newspaper" published the poem of Koltsov "Ranger" (later name "Ring").

In 1835, Stankevich issued the book "Poem" Aleksei Koltsov collected by subscription "is the only artifermic compilation of the poet. Critics noted the connection of the poems of Koltsov with folk songs, tangible on the figurative, thematic and language levels.

1836 became a turning point in the creative development of the poet. His poems were printed in the magazines "Telescope", "Son of the Fatherland", "Moscow Observer" and others. One of the poems published in the "contemporary" A. S. Pushkin.

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