
Checkers, abilities, skills and skills. Abilities in the psychological structure of the personality of the formula of skills and ability to

From the above, it is clear that the human activity is a structural and functionality of a complexly organized system. Thus, the success of any activity depends on both the effectiveness of its units (actions and operations) and functional elements (for example, the stability of the motive, the adequacy of the chosen goal, memory, characteristics, such as determination or indecision, etc.) and from the general organization of activity. In turn, and units, and elements, and the general organization also depend on the various mental processes, properties and states of a person. This is the combination of the psychological properties of a person, which allows him to carry out the most appropriate and effective way for one or another type of socially significant activity, and is called psychology abilities.This is the definition of abilities, so to speak, in the first approximation, because upon closer examination, the problem of abilities turns out to be much more complex and non-simply solutions.

The abilities are systemic psychological education of such a level of complexity that corresponds to the level of integral functioning of the personality. That is why the abilities are usually considered in a number of such concepts as temperament, character, personality. It is possible to argue and otherwise consider this concept - the ability - as a peculiar bridge or transitional psychological education, which connects individual mental processes, features, properties and conditions with more common psychological categories in the conceptual system. Indeed, for example, B. G. Ananyev considers the ability and talent with the highest integration of human properties as

all the features of a person who are related to its activities can be attributed to the abilities. In this regard, there is a need to introduce some criteria on the basis of which the psychological qualities of a person could be separated as abilities. Outstanding domestic psychologist B.M. The heat suggested the following three features that "always conclude in the concept of" ability "when it is used in a practically reasonable context."

Firstly, "under the abilities, there are certainly the psychological features that distinguish one person from the other." Properties in respect of which all people are equal, are not abilities. Thus, such universal qualities, as the ability to speak, perceive, think, etc., as such are not the abilities in the specific sense of this term, since they are generic signs of a person.

Secondly, "the abilities are not called any individual characteristics, but only those that are related to

Thirdly, "The concept of" ability "does not boil down to those knowledge, skills or skills that have already been developed from this person" (Teplov B.M., 1982). The abilities are "the results of the consolidation of non-action methods, and mental processes (" activities "), through which actions and activities are governed by" (Rubinstein S.L., 1998). The abilities are found in that "as far as other things being equal, the process of mastering knowledge and skills is easily and firmly implemented (Introduction to Psychology, 1996).

Summarizing said, you can formulate the following definition of abilities. Abilities- this is such a totality (congenital and acquired) individual-psychological functional properties,

on which depends possibilityimplementation I. powersuccess activities. Understanding the properties of the personality very widely, KK Platonov believes that the abilities are the same properties of the personality, but those considered in their ratio with a certain activity. In these definitions, emphasis on activity emphasize one very important circumstance: individual-psychological features taken in separation from activity cannot be considered as abilities. The concept of ability to lose its characteristic

more - congenital individual characteristics or a set of social conditions in which the formation of personality occurs? Modern scientific psychology, based on empirical and experimental data gives such an answer to this question.

At first,when answering this question, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the definition of the concept of "ability". From the above definitions and explanations, it becomes clear that the abilities include everythingindividual psychological properties that contribute to successful mastering and implementing this socially significant activity - and those that are more congenital character (for example, mental pace, switching attention, mechanical memory, etc.), and those that are more Extent is the result of upbringing and social influence (for example, interests and values). In general, it can be said that, of course, each person is born with a certain individual set of congenital properties that determine its features mental activity. However, these congenital properties are not yet abilities, since they are not included in any kind of human activity (with all its specific attributes - awareness, focus, etc.). Congenital properties are only some prerequisites for performing a particular activity, the content of which is set by specific cultural and historical conditions.

Congenital individual characteristics that contribute to or preventing mastering or performing activities are, therefore, not abilities, but macrolls.By B.G. Ananya, Maxus

Along with temperament, the result of the highest integration of the so-called individual characteristics of the person - age, genital, constitutional characteristics, neurodynamic properties of the brain, functional relations between large hemispheres, as well as secondary from the listed psychophysiological functions (sensory, mnemic, verbal-logical, etc. .) And the structures of organic needs (Ananyev B.G., 1977). The depositors are determined by the hereditary factors and factors of the intrauterine development, which in the aggregate and constitute a group of congenital factors. The role of hereditary factors in the formation of abilities indicates the following facts. It turned out, for example, that separated at birth and grew single-time twins in different conditions in their mental development were closer to each other,

what the diverse, raised together. It was also found that the mental abilities of adults who were adopted by children adopted at birth were more approaching the mental abilities of precisely biological, not adoptive parents. The interpretation of these facts cannot be unambiguous for a number of reasons. The presence of innate pCCSdoes not exclude the thesis on the decisive role of the social factor in the formation abilities.Only the above facts can be briefly explained, in particular, by the fact that the intellectual deposit that detectable in early childhood due to the universal value of intelligence in any culture receive approval, reinforcement and creation for their transformation into the ability of the corresponding interpersonal or social conditions simply on the principle of return social relationship . Thus, in order for the deposit to turn into abilities, it is necessary a meetingcongenital qualities with certain social conditions.

Secondly,in domestic psychology, the thesis is considered to be generally accepted that the abilities are formed in activities. Even in the presence of certain accuracy, the ability to this activity simply cannot be successfully developed outside the process of its implementation and mastering it. The evidence of this thesis lie in two interconnecting planes - methodological and empirical, experimental.

From the point of view of the methodology, abstract activity together with its structure and functional organization exists only in theory. In real life, activities as a form of human activity is embodied in specific historically determined and socially significant types. For example, the ability to compile software for computers could not be formed and discovered before the appearance of the computers themselves.

In experimental studies, a significant role was confirmed in the development of abilities. A.R. Luria Several pairs of 5-6-year-old children - single-person twins - divided into two groups. Each group for three weeks was occupied by the design of models from small wooden parts. Instructions for designing groups differed from each other. In one group, children according to the specified detailed drawn samples were simply copies of buildings. In other samples were decorated in such a way that the children had to guess themselves, from which elements the construction consists. The result of this experiment was that even after a year and a half, children from the second group, accumulated in the experiment experience of mental manipulation by visual elements, better than their single-line brothers from another group did not only with the tasks for similar design, but also with other visual puzzles and tasks on Mysterious spatial transformation. Practical conclusion for pedagogy

not by assimilating only the theoretical principles of this activity.

Menting on general abilities, we touched upon another important issue in the framework of the problem of abilities - the question of the so-called general and special abilities.

Under general abilities in psychology it is understood as a combination of individually psychological qualities A person who meets the requirements of a wide class of activities and allows you to successfully solve a variety of tasks. Most often, the study of common abilities is associated with the study of intelligence. However, the concept of general abilities is not identical to the concept of intelligence, since it includes in addition to mental, mental sphere and other individual properties.

Intellect -this is a relatively stable structure of mental abilities. It is often identified with the system of mental operations, with a style and strategy for solving problems, with the effectiveness of an individual approach to a situation requiring cognitive activity, with a cognitive style, etc. (Psychology: Dictionary, 1990). The general abilities are determined not only by intelligence, but also in such properties as learningability and creativity (Druzhinin V.N., 1999).

Even at the beginning of the XX century. English researcher Charles Spearman As a result of the use of special mathematical procedures for processing statistical data on mental abilities of people allocated the so-called general factor (or general ability), which he denoted by the letter G.(from English. general).This factor contributes to the success of the performance of various tests. Those psychological factors that contribute to the successful implementation of individual tests, he called special factors (or special abilities) that the designation received S. (from special).

In further studies of other authors, it was found that general abilities themselves consist of a number of factors, i.e. Determined by the combination of certain mental, mainly cognitive qualities. In various models of intelligence such factors, there are from seven (model L. Tortone) to 120 (model J. Gilford). In the simplest model L. Tortone, this: verbal understanding (the ability to operate the values \u200b\u200bof words), speech fluency (ability

Under the learner understands the overall ability to assimilate new knowledge and ways of activity. Trainability -this is the speed and increase in the increase in the effectiveness of activities (including intellectual) influenced by training influences. As a grain criteria

diverse original ideas In non-elected conditions of activity (M.A. Cold). This is the ability to bring something new in experience, aware of the gaps and contradictions, abandon the stereotypical thinking methods. This is the rate of generating new ideas per unit time, the ability to produce "rare" ideas, the ability to see complex and vice versa in simple. It should be emphasized that excessive and single-sided promotion of the originality of thinking does not necessarily contribute to the development of creativity, it may even be harmful because in the separation of other components of general abilities will prevent the assimilation of the necessary well-established knowledge and skills, and in some cases to strengthen the "original" as a manifestation of personal Hypercompensation is just intelligent insolvency or mental inadequacy (MA Cold).

The concept of "ability" is closely connected giftedness.It is in the study of gifted children that the thesis is confirmed that it is still not enough for the formation and development of the abilities of congenital deposits and that an important role is played here, based on in-depth interest, permanent activity in some or more areas, as well as the presence of certain personal featurescontributing to this. Gifted children besides the ability to focus, the speed of mental processes; Increased analysis and generalization features also distinguishes energetic curiosity, a special mood for cognition, to mental work (N.S. Leietes). In the studies of American scientists Abraham, Clark, Chelinkder, Newland, it was found that gifted children in addition to excellent intellectual abilities are characterized by the fact that they are inclined to competitiveness and independence, they are characterized by higher social ideals, more solid, curious ..., stubborn, more The creativity and sensitive to the moods of others, have an increased sense of humor and react to injustice (gifted children, 1991).

Special abilities -these are individual psychological features that contribute to successful mastering and performing some particular activity. Immediately it should be noted that special abilities (for example, musical) - this is not a certain single monolithic ability, it

actions; the ability to use your experience; memory; Fast and accurate counting operations; the ability to catch spatial relationships; The ability to see the similarity and difference (KK Platonov).

In the structure of organizational abilities L.I. Umansky lists 18 psychological qualities: from the ability to charge with its energy of other people, to understand and correctly respond to their psychology to sociability, perseverance, performance, activity and organization as the ability to organize itself.

The success of pedagogical activity is determined among other things with constructive, organizational, communicative abilities, pedagogical tact, interest and love for children, accessibility and community, excerpt, the ability to work with collegial, personal pedagogical skills, ingenuity and fiction in the work and a number of other universal qualities (K. K. Platonov).

As can be seen from the above, the success in any specific activity is due to the presence of both special and general abilities, but the most important thing is to fulfill the activity, interest in it, perseverance, perseverance and patience.


The category of activity in psychology is used in two aspects - as the principle of explaining the occurrence of mental formations and as a concept describing the targeted, conscious and motivated human activity. Activities as a principle is used to approve that mental formations are ideal traces ("transformed forms") of the body's interactions with the objects of the surrounding world. Activities as a motivated, targeted activity can be represented as having a certain level organization - actually activities that are initiated and sent by the motive, action as a fragment (stage) of activities sent by an interim target, and the operation is a system of movements caused by the conditions of action. Any activity unfolds according to a certain, common scheme for all activities. The main components of the activity are: motive, general purpose, cash analysis, appeal to the past experience, the choice of specific goals for the implementation of actions, the choice of funds, decision making, the implementation of operations, obtaining the result, the drainage of the result obtained with the desired, in case of their coincidence - This activity, with their misappropriation, but the preservation of the motive is to introduce adjustments to the implementation and re-execution. All individual psychological features of a person who contribute to the successful implementation of socially significant activities are called abilities. The abilities are formed and developing in the process of activity on the basis of deposits - hereditary and congenital psychological qualities of a person. Consequently, for the development of the ability to this type of activity, it is necessary to fulfill this activity. Abilities characterize a person as a subject of activity.

Questions and tasks

Some blanks of documents of a psychologist-professional

Primary circulation sheet

The wording of the reason for the appeal to the profoundantant:

Information about family members (Education, non-working):

1. Informative in the world of professions:

a) full ________________________________________

b) insufficient __________________________________

c) missing ____________________________________

d) Other _________________________________________

2. Availability of a professional plan for a latter:

a) the estimated profession _______________________

b) Educational institution ______________________________

3. For formation of a professional plan:

a) formed ___________________________________

b) partially formed __________________________

c) not formed ________________________________

d) Other ________________________________________

4. Awareness of choosing a profession with a latter _______________________

5. The leading motifs of the latter in the choice of profession: _______

Date ________ Signature of the profsity ___________

The sheet of the outcome results of trade defias in the professional

1. Information from the "Questionnaire":____________________

a) Favorite classes _____________________________________

c) work experience ______________________________________

d) the success of training on disciplines:

natural ________________________________________

accurate _____________________________________________

humanitarian _______________________________________

labor ______________________________________________________________________

2. Professional self-determination profile:

3. Questionnaire "Your Future Adult Life"

4. Conversation "Standardized Interview"

5. Differential diagnostic questionnaire (DDO):

option 1_________________________________________

option 2_________________________________________

option 3_____________________________________

Results of the professional orientation of the individual (final version): P ___ T ___ h ___ З ___ x ___

7. Determination of a focus on the purpose of labor:

G ___ p ___ and ____

6. Tools and equipment:

P ___ a ___ m ___ p__f ___

7. Various aspects of activities:

a) the degree of problematic problem situations: H ___ with ___ in ___

b) Socio-psychological parameters: to ___ with ___ in ___

c) emotional-volitional parameters: o ___ y \u200b\u200b___ p / n ___

8. Skills and ability to activities: (derived formula)

9. Revealed professions by the formula:


10. Map of interest (information about cognitive interests):

11. Classifier and questionnaire of the professions of J. Holland:(information about the relationship of the type of personality and sphere professional activity)

12. "Dreams of professions":

13. Ivayshi Questionnaire:(information about the sphere of professional preferences)

Questionnaire of professional inclinations L.N.Kabardova

15. The severity of professional interests and inclinations:

a) pronounced (in what area of \u200b\u200bactivity?)

b) not expressed

16. Questionnaire of professional preferences D. Holland:

a) Option 1 ______________________________________

b) option 2_ _____________________________________


Profession selection matrix.

20. Profession selection motives:


21. Test "Self-esteem": (result)


Methodology 31. "Analysis of significant personal qualities"

If you want to get specialist advice when choosing a profession, the following tasks are:

The adhesives of the tanks have every person, in accordance with them, you need to choose a profession.

^ Performing the next test, emphasize that sign of gifting, which manifests itself to you mostly:

Good memory;



Subtlety and accuracy of movements and actions;

Subtle smell;

The ability to distinguish colors and their shades;


Common sense;

Sustainable interest in all sciences;

High mental performance;

Enthusiastic machinery;

Ability to design, simulate;

Interest in experiments;

Love for children and the desire to constantly be with them;

Passion for traveling, desire to see a lot;

Love for nature, to animals;

Interest in cooking;

Constantly experienced pleasure from communication;

Your observations __________________________________

What are you different from others?
What are you superior to your peers?
What are behind them?

^ Some professions cannot be seized with certain disadvantages, which are called contraindications to the profession. List them:

Allergies to food, smells, wool, dust, plants, etc.;

Poor health;


Fast fatiguability;

Increased nervous sensitivity;



Fear of blood, human suffering;

Hellness, impassable;

Fast fatigue from communicating with people;

Inaccurability, slope;

Negligent attitude to work and everyday life;

Lack of exposure;

Conflict in relationships with peers and adults;

Unwillingness to redo the badly performed work.
^ Which of the professions mentioned below will you prefer if there is no choice:






Vegetable breeding .... (Emphasize your choice).
^ We emphasize the professional features of the person who is a sample for you:

Knowledge of his business;



Chartiness in work;

Creative mindset;

Nonstandarity of thinking;

The ability to be simple, accessible in communicating with people;

Requirement to yourself and your work;

High labor performance and its performance;

Complete dedication in any business;

Ability to take into account the conditions and circumstances;

Ability to overcome difficulties;

Confidence in your strength.
^ Stress out the requirements for your future profession:

Lack of excessive physical exertion;

Specific results;

The possibility of creativity;

The opportunity to engage in loved business;

Communication with interesting people;

High social significance;

Variety in the content of work;

Free time;

The ability to regulate working time yourself.
^ What training is your beloved and why (?):

(I love .................. ... ... (learning item), because):

It is easily absorbed;

Develops well and abilities well;

Like the teacher of this subject and my

Relationship with him;

Like how this subject is taught;

Knowledge of this item is necessary for admission to


Knowing this subject is useful for the future


I feel a constant sense of success in the development of this

- ........................ .. ........................... .. (your own reason).
Analysis of answers pupils can give a psychologist primary information about them:






The nature of the motivation of the choice of profession;

Self-esteem level;

On the main directions of career guidance

Subsequent meetings with the child.
^ Blank for allocated replies.


Your abilities, gifts, natural deposits, which manifested to greater extent ... (lay 2-3 prize).


What are the difference from others? What surpassed his peers. What are behind them?


Your shortcomings that may interfere with you and can be considered as "contraindications" to the profession.


What professions from the proposed prefer, if there is no other choice?


Professional personality traits - your sample of a person (your ideal).


What are the requirements do you put forward to your future profession?


What is your favorite school subject and why ...

^ Response analysis:



Methodology 32. "Tepping Test".

(Type definition nervous system).
The test determines one of the five types of nervous system:

- in terms of neurodynamics (power-weakness):

1 type - strong type of nervous system;

2 type - medium-strong type of nervous system;

3 Type - average type of nervous system;

4 type - medium weak type of nervous system;

5 Type - weak type of nervous system.
- in the level of psychodamics (mobility- inertness):

1 type (45-50 points) - high mobility;

2 Type (35-45 points) - middleweight mobility;

3 Type (25-35 points) - average mobility;

4 type (20-25 points) - a tendency to inertness;

5 Type (up to 20 points) - pronounced inertness.
^ Working:

For 5 seconds in each of the 8 squares, you must put as much points as possible, holding your hand on weight. There is a counting of points in each square, a graph is built, the type of nervous system is determined. The task is performed for each hand separately.

^ Blank to Tepping Test:









In the form of Arabic figures, the order of work "with the right hand" is indicated, and Roman is the order of work "left hand".

The results obtained using the "Blanca to Teping Test" must be made to the "graph of neurodynamic processes". Using the graph, determine the "power-weakness" and "mobility-inertness" of the non-processes of the subject.

^ Schedule of neurodynamic processes:

(Present two curves - on the left and right hand separately).


^ Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Processing results:

Processing is performed by analyzing the graphics curve.

I. Strength-weakness:

  1. The average type of nervous system:

  1. Low type of nervous system:
II. Mobility-inertia:

  1. Movable type - closer to 50 points

  2. Weak-movable - 25-35 points

  3. Inert type - closer to 10 points.
In the case when, during the professional consultation, clearly pronounced professional intentions are revealed, the question arises, and whether the student will be able to fully master the chosen profession, which price he achieves success, i.e. this is about compliance with the possibilities and abilities of the interests and inclinations. Sometimes a psychologist already during the primary consultation sees a clear discrepancy between the selection of the student of its capabilities. In this case, he needs to explore the "common" and "special" ability of the child to tell him the right choice. We are talking about research:

  • typological properties of the nervous system;

  • mental processes;

  • psychomotor processes;

  • mental states.

Findings: ___________________________________________

^ Theme VI. Work with documents

according to professional self-determination
Methodology 33. "Blanks of documents of psychological
profcotectant. "

Blank 1. Primary handling sheet.
The wording of the reason for the appeal to the profoundantant:


Information about family members (Education working, non-working) ______________________________________________


1. Informative in the world of professions:

A) full ________________________________________

B) insufficient __________________________________

C) missing ____________________________________

D) Other _________________________________________

2. Availability of a professional plan for a latter:

A) the estimated profession _______________________

B) Educational institution ______________________________

3. For formation of a professional plan:

A) formed ___________________________________

B) partially formed __________________________

C) not formed ________________________________

D) Other ________________________________________

4. Awareness of choosing a profession with a latter ___________________________________________________________________

5. Leading lattern motives in the choice of profession: ________



Date ________ Signature of the profsity ___________

^ Blank 2. The sheet of the final results of trade defias in the profux.

  1. Information from the "Questionnaire":

A) Favorite classes _____________________________________

C) work experience ______________________________________

D) the success of training on disciplines:

Natural ________________________________________

Accurate _____________________________________________

Humanitarian _______________________________________

Labor ______________________________________________________________________

  1. ^ Professional self-determination profile:


3. Questionnaire "Your Future Adult Life"



  1. Readiness for material sacrifices:
_ ______________________________________________________


^ 5. Conversation "Standardized Interview"



6. Differential diagnostic questionnaire (DDO):

Option 1_________________________________________

Option 2_________________________________________

Option 3_____________________________________

Results of the professional orientation of the individual (final version): P ___ T ___ h ___ З ___ x ___

^ 7. Determination of a focus on the purpose of labor:

G ___ p ___ and ____

8. Tools and equipment: P ___ a ___ m ___ p__f ___

9. Various aspects of activities:

a) the degree of problematic problem situations: H ___ with ___ in ___

B) Socio-psychological parameters:

To ___ with ___ in ___

C) emotional-volitional parameters: o ___ y \u200b\u200b___ p / n ___

^ 10. Skills and abilities to activities: (derived formula)


^ 11. Revealed professions by the formula:



^ 12. Map of interest (information about cognitive interests):





























^ 13. Classifier and questionnaire of the professions of J. Holland: (information on the relationship of the type of personality and sphere of professional activity)

_______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

14. "Dreams of professions":


^ 15. Iovayshi Questionnaire: (information about the sphere of professional preferences)



^ 16. Professional questionnaire L.N. Kabardova




^ 17. The severity of professional interests and inclinations:

A) pronounced (in what area of \u200b\u200bactivity?) _____

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

B) not expressed __________________________________


^ 18. Questionnaire of professional preferences D. Holland:

a) Option 1 ______________________________________


b) option 2_ _____________________________________


^ 19. The profession selection matrix.


^ 20. The need for achievements:


  1. Leading motives of activity:


  1. Profession selection motifs:


  1. ^ Personal questionnaire Kattell:









MD A V C E F G H I L M N O Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

MD - self-esteem;

A - closure-society; In - intellect;

C - emotional instability- stability;

E - subordination - dominance;

F - restraint - expressiveness;

G - moral impermanence - high legal regulations;

H is a mobility-courage;

I - rigidity-sensitivity (empathy);

L - gullibility - suspicion (anxiety);

M - practicality - developed imagination (creativity);

N - naivety - principle;

O - self-confidence-anxiety;

Q1 - conservatism radicalism; Q2 - dependence on group -Soolness;

Q3 - Low Self Control - High Self Control;

Q4 - Relaxity - tension.


  1. Personal questionnaire Thomas (identification of the degree of conflict): ________________________________

  1. Questionnaire of "Communicative" and "Organizational" (KOS): ________________________
a) ks - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Level:___________________

B) OS - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Level: ___________________

^ 26. Test "Self-esteem": (result)__________________



^ 27. Self-assessment of business qualities:



28. Level of claims (motor sample):



^ 29. Analysis of significant personal qualities:



30. Definition of the type of nervous system:



^ Profdiagnostikov results:




Date: __________________________________________

Consultant: ______________________________________
^ Blank 3. Psychologist's detention list

professional consulting client.

Surname ___________________________________________

Name ___________________________________________

Middle name ___________________________________________

Age ____________________________________________

Address of residence __________________________________


Telephone ___________________________________________

Educational institution __________________________________

Class \\ Course \\ Group _________________________________

The latter (not) needs to be in-depth profile:


Ways of Professionalization: ____________________________

Spare version of the professional choice: __________

Contraindicated areas of activity: _______________

Profordiality of Prof. after the consultation: ______


Conclusions of the psychologist-consultant: ______________________



The visa of the person who conducted psychological professional ingredients, trade recognition _______________________________________________________________________________________

Date __________ Signature of the Profcotant Bank ____________

^ Blank 4. An example of a report on the results

primary individually psychological

As a result of the analysis of the "primary professional maps", several situations for choosing professions were revealed. The awareness of the world of professions is good, the professional plan is partially formed.

1. According to the results of the study of leading motifs: professional motives are adequately formed; more significant motives for their own labor, social significance and self-affirmation in labor; Less significant motives of professional skill.

2. Establishment data for labor (DDO questionnaire) show that preferences are given to the following groups of professions:

- "Technique" - the greatest preference;

- "Peace Man", "Sign System" "is preference above average;

- "AR-artistic image" - less prefer;

- "Man-man" - do not prefer.

3. The results of the study of the professional focus on the purpose of labor showed that the dominant position occupies a "transformative" goal of labor.

4. The need to achieve PD \u003d 13 points, which suggests the average level of development of this sphere. There is a fairly critical attitude towards himself, to its capabilities, there is a certainty of certainly achievable objectives. Perhaps rivalry in the case where there is a desire to achieve success. It does not refuse to help.

5. The results of cognitive interests are shown:

The most pronounced

High degree

1. Biology

1. Literature

2. Electro- and radio engineering

2. Easy and Food Industry

3. History

3. Journalism

4. Chemistry

4. Pedagogy

5. Military specialty

5. Precious art

6. Aviation and Maritime

6. Geography

7. Physical education and sports

7. Physics

8. Construction

8. Woodworking

9. Foreign languages

9. Metalworking

10. Economy

10. Transport

11. Stage art

11. Law, jurisprudence

12. Economy

6. Analysis of the data obtained characteristics of the type of personality and the scope of professional activity most consistent with the conventional type - the most preferred specialty, as an accountant, merchandel, economist, clerk.

7. According to the results of the definition of professional preferences, the scope of technical interests is more attractive.

8. According to the results of the Holland questionnaire, the ESC profession code has been determined. This means that the subject is close to the profession in the field of trade and entrepreneurship, less interesting - in the social sphere and the traditional professions are not at all interesting.

9. The obtained data of the assessments of communicative and organizational inclinations characterize their average level in humans.

10. The level of self-assessment average is characterized as: a person respects himself, he knows his weaknesses and strives for self-improvement, self-development. Such self-esteem is the best for specific conditions and situations.

11. The level of claims is moderate, successfully solves the range of tasks of medium difficulty, not seeking to improve their achievements and move to more complex purposes.

12. In conflict, seeks to compromise.
^ Conclusion:

Opan does not need In in-depth professional.

Date ____________________ 200_

Psychologist-professional: _____________________

General provisions

Abilities- Individual features of the individual, ensuring success in the activity and ease of becoming it.

Talent- The highest degree of personality abilities to certain activities.

Maxi- Some genetically deterministic anatomy-fi-ziological features of the nervous system, which are an individual-natural prerequisite for the formation and development of abilities.

Giftedness Total -the unity of the general abilities of the person, which causes the range of its intellectual opportunities, the level and originality of its activities.

Genius- The highest degree of creative manifestations of the person.

The speed, the depth of the ease and strength of the process of mastering knowledge, skills and skills, depends on the ability, but they themselves are not reduced to them.

Studies have established that the ability is the lifetime education that their development goes in the process of individual life that the medium, education is actively forming them.

Abilities - the concept of dynamic, their formation is determined in the process of organized activity.

Deep analysis of the problems of abilities was given B.M. Thermal. In the concept of "ability", in his opinion, the following was concluded: "First of all, the abilities of the individual and psychological features that distinguish one person from the other ... Secondly, the abilities are not called any individual features, but only those related to The success of the fulfillment of any activity or many activities ... Third, the concept of "ability" does not boil down to those knowledge, skills or skills that have already been produced from this person. "

Characteristic for the deposit is that they themselves have not yet been directed. The deposits affect, but not crucially on the process of formation and development of abilities that are formed in the process of activity and upbringing.

The main components of the natural differences of theologicalities can be attributed: certain properties of the nervous system, cognitive activity and self-regulation, the characteristics of the structure of analyzers. Multi-valued deposit, they cause:

different ways to form abilities,

affect the level of achievement, the speed of development.

A number of conditions affect the formation of abilities. This is theoretical and practical experience, knowledge; physical and mental activity related to the performance of specific goals and admission to various types of games, teachings, labor; Observation, good memory, imagination brightness.

Abilities, believed B.M. Heat, are in constant development. Abilities that are not developing in practice, over time goes. Only constantly improving in music, drawing, technical work, mathematics, can be maintained and developing abilities in relevant activities.

For abilities are characterized by replacement, large compensatory capabilities.

In this regard, usually distinguish:

general abilities(such individual properties of the individual, which provide relative ease and productivity in mastering the knowledge and implementation of various activities);

special abilities(The system of personality properties that help to achieve high results in any area of \u200b\u200bactivity). Special abilities are organically connected with common. Special abilities: literary, mathematical, pedagogical, artistic.

The same ability can be different in the degree of development.

Talent is a high level of development of the ability, providing outstanding success in one form of activity. The genius is the highest level of development of abilities, making it an outstanding personality in the relevant field of activity.

Personality belonging to one of the three human types: "artistic", "mental" and "intermediate" (on the terminology of I.P. Pavlov) - determines to a large extent the features of their abilities.

The relative predominance of the first signaling system in human mental activity characterizes the artistic type, the relative predominance of the second signaling system is the thought of them, approximately equal to their representation - the average type of people. These differences in B. modern science Bind with the functions of the left (verbal-logical) and right (shaped) hemispheres of the brain.

For an artistic type, the brightness of images is characteristic, for a thought type - the predominance of abstractions, logical constructions.

The same person may have different abilities, but one of them may be more significant than others. On the other hand, various people have the same abilities, but differing in terms of development.

1) general characteristics abilities of man

Under the ability to understand such individual features that are the conditions for the successful implementation of any one or more activities.

If you summarize the current approaches to the study of abilities, then they can be reduced to the three main types. In the first case, under the abilities, the combination of all sorts of mental processes and states understand. This is the most wide and oldest interpretation of the term "ability". From the point of view of the second approach, the abilities understand the high level of development of general and special knowledge, skills and skills that ensure the successful performance of various activities. This definition appeared and was taken in the psychology of the XVIP-X1X centuries. And often meets now. The third approach is based on approving that the ability is that it is not coming down to knowledge, skills and skills, but ensures their rapid acquisition, consolidation and efficient use in practice.

In domestic psychology, experimental studies of abilities are most often built on the basis of the last approach. The famous domestic scientist B. M. Teplov was made the greatest contribution to its development. It was allocated the following three main signs of the concept of "ability".

First, under the abilities are understood individually and psychological features that distinguish one person from the other; No one will talk about the abilities where it is about properties in respect of which all people are equal.

Secondly, the abilities are not called any individual individual characteristics, but only those related to the success of any activity or many activities.

Thirdly, the concept of "ability" does not boil down to those knowledge, skills or skills that have already been developed from this person.

In everyday practice, the concept of "ability" and "skills" is often identified, which leads to erroneous conclusions, especially in pedagogical practice. (A classical example of this kind can be an unsuccessful attempt by V. I. Surikov, who later became the famous artist, enroll in the Academy of Arts. Although the outstanding abilities of Surikov appeared quite early, the necessary skills and skills in the drawing had not yet had. Academic teachers denied Surikov in Admission to the Academy. Moreover, the Academy Inspector, viewed by Surikov drawings, said: "For such drawings, you even need to ban the academy to go." The mistake of the Academy teachers was that they failed to distinguish the lack of skills and skills from the absence of abilities. Surikov did the case proved their mistake, mastering for three months the necessary skills, as a result of which the same teachers found him this time worthy of enrollment to the Academy).

Despite the fact that the abilities do not reduce knowledge, skills and skills, this does not mean that they are not connected with knowledge and skills. From the abilities depend easier and speed acquisition of knowledge, skills and skills. The acquisition of the same knowledge and skills, in turn, contributes to the further development of abilities, while the absence of relevant skills and knowledge is a brake for the development of abilities.

Abilities, considered B. M. Heat, cannot exist otherwise as in a constant development process. The ability that does not develop, which in practice the person ceases to use, is lost over time. Only due to constant exercises associated with systematic classes complex species human activity, like music, technical and artistic creativity, mathematics, sport, etc., we support and develop appropriate abilities.

It should be noted that the success of any activity depends not on any one, but from a combination of various abilities, and this combination that gives the same result may be provided in various ways. In the absence of the necessary accuracy in the development of some abilities, their deficiency can be replenished due to the higher development of others. "One of the most important features of the psyche of man," wrote B. M. Teplov, is the possibility of extremely broad compensation for some properties by others, as a result of which the relative weakness of any one ability does not exclude the possibility of successful performance of even such activities that are most closely related to This ability. The missing ability can be compensated for other, highly developed in this person. "

Knowing your abilities It is necessary for us, in particular, to optimally choose the sphere of activity. The choice of profession is a complex and multidimensional task, and it is often necessary to solve it not only to graduates of schools, but also adults, quite mature people.

First, not always we can from the first attempt to "get into the top ten", that is, already at the age of seventeen years it is unmistakable to choose the most appropriate profession; Perhaps such cases are generally an exception, and not rule. At least, there is often a situation when, by the time of the diploma or a little later, a young specialist discovers that the choice made them is far from being perfect: a real acquaintance with the selected work can show that it does not meet expectations, interests, human abilities.

Secondly, we live in a not too sustainable society. Economic instability, social shocks, fast technical progress - all the reasons for the fact that very often adults have to think about changing the profession. We will not go to socio-economic problems now, because this topic and so everyone is hearing, but it is worth mentioning the technical progress.

Today, perhaps, new requirements are subject to employees in any field of professional activities; It is necessary to know and be able to what we did not have been taught in medium and higher educational institutions are ten-fifteen years ago. For example, almost any field requires at least minimal computer literacy. In production, new technologies are being introduced, new quality standards. More and more attention is paid to the psychological characteristics of their subordinates, and even the procedure for finding vacancies and receipts to the service today is much different from what was still in the recent past.

A separate article on the psychological selection of personnel, all its "advantages" and "minuses" is available.

By virtue of all that was said, the problem of identifying their own abilities and competent, psychologically reasonable choice of the profession at one time or another turns out to be relevant for each of us. Therefore, we offer a reader a detailed discussion of these issues.

What is the ability?

The very concept of abilities in the science of human soul introduced Plato for another four centuries before the onset of a new era. He wrote that "not all people are equally capable of the same duties; Because people in their abilities are very different; Some born for control, others - for assistance, and other - for agriculture and handicrafts. " So the idea that people from birth were unequal in their abilities, "As Plato argued, human nature cannot simultaneously do two arts or two sciences."

What is the point today invest psychologists in the concept of "ability"?

The abilities are defined as the individual psychological features of a person who express its readiness to master certain types of activities and their successful implementation.

Temperament, type of personality, and features of the emotional sphere, we have already analyzed in detail in other articles: "", "", "", so we will not stop in detail here.

What is the difference between such psychological features man as abilities from those named above?

As stated in the definition of Yu. B. HippenReuter, this difference is that the abilities are associated with the successful implementation of a certain type of activity. So, first of all, we must understand that when we are talking about the abilities, it is not about the properties of temperament, not about extroversion / introversion or other typological features, but about something fundamentally different.

Further, the words "willingness to mastering and implementing certain types of activities" also have importance. Abilities - not the same thing that knowledge or skills: on the one hand, the very presence of abilities in some form does not yet necessarily mean that a person will achieve success - no wonder so often we hear about "unrealized" abilities. On the other hand, a person can have deep knowledge in the theory of music, but in the absence of musical abilities, he does not become a great executor, and the ability to quickly believe in mind does not mean mathematical abilities and, accordingly, success in the field of scientific mathematical activities.

In general, today in science there are two main approaches to understanding the abilities.

The first , generalism, refers to the ability of the manifestation of any personality of a person to carry out any activity; With this approach, knowledge and skills also belong to the abilities. Supporters of this approach are talking about the presence of common abilities - intellect, trainee, creativity (abilities for creativity).

Released and "formula of abilities":

Ability \u003d Success / difficulty.

That is, with a bit underdeveloped ability to a certain type of activity, a person has to make a very big effort, and success, however, may not be too noticeable. And vice versa, the easier it is to succeed in some kind of activity, it means that his corresponding ability is more developed. But it is fundamentally for adherents of this approach that all people have common abilities, and in principle, with more or less serious efforts, everyone can succeed in any activity.

Second approach - Differentiated, or individually-psychological, special attention is paid to differences in the abilities from different people. Intelligence, ability to mental transformations, creativity is considered not as qualities inherent in all people, namely how distinctive features capable people.

Supporters of this approach refuse to reduce the ability to prepare, the result of the training and recognize the human presence of internal, "natural" prerequisites for the successful mastering of a particular activity.

For example, Edison's inventor was melted to the whole world, who did not know even the elementary laws of electrical engineering. It did not have an obstacle for him, and individual gifts allowed him to achieve unprecedented success in inventiveness.

In the differences of the two these approaches, we again face one of the most common issues in psychology: what in a person from nature, and what about the upbringing? Let's get acquainted with the way this problem is discussed in the application to the abilities.

Congenital or acquired?

With regard to abilities, this issue has always been particularly exciting. After all, a lot of people depends on the presence or absence of abilities in the life of any person. The problem of abilities is extremely important not only for psychologists, but also for teachers; Moreover, in certain moments of history, this problem also acquired public, and ideological significance.

So, do we get the ability to inherit, or are they formed in our life, under the influence of education and training?

Throughout the history of psychology, researchers gave a wide range, sometimes diametrically opposed answers to this question.

In the second half of the XIX century, naturalists were inspired and seized by the theory of evolution of Ch. Darwin. At the moment, it makes no sense to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this theory, but it is indisputable that Darwinian ideas had a huge impact on the development of all sciences about a person. This fully applies to psychology. So, one of the most convinced supporters of Darwinism, the British scientist-encyclopedist Sir Francis Galton, became the founder of the psychological study of abilities in a certain sense.

In the center of his attention was exactly the problem of inheree / ingenious development of genius, and his two well-known works have very demonstrative names: "hereditary geniuses" and "English scientists: nature and education."

According to Galton, the ability (among which, above all, I was interested intelligence) are individual features that contribute to survival. In accordance with the Darwinian principle of natural selection of intellect, providing the best adaptation of the human individual to the conditions of the external environment, is inherited, like many physical characteristics.

Galton enthusiastically collected facts confirming the hearing of intellect, and with the help of statistical methods formulated evidence that genius and special abilities in specific areas (for example, the ability to study certain sciences) are transferred in families from generation to generation. Following Galton and other scientists, interested in research in the inheritance of abilities, talent and genius.

The main evidence of supporters of the point of view, according to which these individual features are determined by heredity, such: First of all, it is often indicated that the abilities usually manifest themselves in children very early - at this age, when they just did not have time to form under the influence of education, but only could be inherited. Indeed, Mozart's musical gifold declared himself when the genius was only three years old, and the famous mathematician Wilhelm Gauss began to show uncommon mathematical abilities, being only a year older. Wonderful Russian artists I. Repin and V. Surikov showed their artistic gifts at a very early age, long before they began to systematically train drawing.

Even more good argument is the existence of professional dynasties: This proof rises just to the research of Sir Francis Galton, who collected many examples of such families in his research, in which the gifts were distinguished by representatives of many generations. (Actually, and he himself served a good confirmation of this phenomenon, if we consider that such a lot to him as a scientist, Charles Darwin came to him cousinTheir common grandfather was a famous medic, poet and philosopher Erasmus Darwin, and indeed this big branched family gave the world a lot of talented, undoubtedly intellectually gifted people.)

Indeed, we all know the examples of such dynasties: Musicians Bahi, acting self-tailed dynasty, artists and architectural bullovs, famous circus dynasties - Kio, Durov, Pasta. There are dynasties of biologists and mathematicians, financiers and philologists, and there is nothing about the dynasties of medical and talk - sometimes it seems that the profession of the doctor is in fact inheritance as the color of the eyes and the nose form.

In addition to accumulation and some statistical processing of such data, psychologists, of course, were conducted (and carried out) special studies concerning the inheritance of specific abilities. So, Yu. B. HippenReuter gives an example of one of this kind of work: the researchers studied the musical abilities of children, comparing them with the relevant abilities of the parents.

The main results of the study were as follows:

Parents / Children Pronounced Music Full Lack of Music

Both musical 85% 7%

Both not musical 25% 58%

At first glance, the data obtained, like everyone, known to us about professional dynasties, confirm the idea of \u200b\u200binhereting abilities. But the second, a little more thoughtful look enough to doubt it.

In fact, is it possible in all these cases to eliminate the impact of the medium, the conditions of education, development, training?

After all, it is quite obvious that in a musical family, a child since birth is surrounded by music, and with a high degree of probability it can be assumed that parents-musicians pay special attention to the musical development of their children. The same applies to all other dynasties: due to family traditions, or simply because of their personal inconsistencies and interests, parents create a child favorable for the development of "family" abilities. Simply put, they teach a child first of all what is best able to themselves.

Consequently, the data similar to the abilities in the "Inheritance" of the abilities actually reflect not only genetic, software and the environments: influence and heredity, and development conditions.

To study the problems of inheritability of the acquisition of certain psychological properties, the twin method is more reliable. Here, nature itself goes towards researchers, providing them with a unique material for work. After all, single-skate twins have a completely identical set of genes. Thus, it can be compared, for example, as far as children with the same development conditions, but somewhat different hereditary materials (just brothers and sisters), and children identical and in terms of environmental conditions and heredity.

Another option is the study of single-time twins growing in different conditions (which happens, for example, in cases of parental divorce with the division of children, in the adoption of twins in different families).

Twin Studies to a certain extent confirm the genetic prerequisites of abilities: single-time twins detects much more similarity in the level of certain abilities than the "unequal" brothers and sisters. Moreover, evenly separated during the early age of twins, raised in very different conditions, still detect the striking similarity in many indicators (it is precisely about the severity of certain abilities).

In many ways, but far from all. Moreover, even twins living in one family still have far from identical abilities. So it can be pre-conclude: heredity plays a role in the formation of abilities, but so far we cannot say what kind of.

Let us now see the proof of opponents - supporters of the idea, according to which the environment is a decisive role in the development of abilities, the living conditions, the features of education and training.

Let's start with non-strategic, but also very visual examples - the achievements of great teachers, sometimes collecting real dynamics of gifted students around themselves, very reminiscent of professional dynasties, but they are at the heart of them - not the work of genes, but the work of the teachers themselves.

One of these unique masters was a Japanese musician teacher of Sinity Suzuki. The main postulate he said that every child was talented. Talent is not inherited, it is potentially laid in any child. The disclosure of potential abilities depends only on the medium in which the child grows and develops.

"As for congenital deposits or heredity, I am convinced, only the physiological features of the body are inherited. From the moment of birth, everything else depends only on the psychological influence, which has an environment on the child. Only, all its abilities and talents are defined by all its abilities "(Siniti Suzuki).

Suzuki taught the game on the violin of very small (3-4-year-old) children: there were not several dozen on concert speeches, but several thousand of his students! The truly outstanding musicians became among them a few units (that is, no more than the average all kinds of talented musicians among ordinary people) - but all the students of Suzuki were able to learn how to play the violin and receive great pleasure from this.

Music hearing is very often considered a purely hereditary ability: it is either there is or not. Suzuki adhered to a completely different point of view: he was firmly convinced that hearing can be developed from any child. You can argue: Surely you know either your experience, either by experience familiar - the parents devoid of hearing usually and children are obtained by the same. Is it not heredity?

According to Siniti Suzuki, the problem is still not in heredity, but in the experience that the child acquired. When is it found that he supposedly have no musical hearing? The earliest year in three or four, but usually later, six to seven years, when he is brought to listening to music school. But by this time he has already managed to learn a lot - including ... Nomuzkality.

Suzuki explained it like this: from the very birth, the child listens, as his mother sings (and all moms, at least from time to time, siss out his song songs). And if mom sings incorrectly, the child remembers such, fake, melodies. In this, the Japanese teacher, by the way, sees one of the evidence that the exact hearing is present at each child! After all, he managed to remember even the baby and reproduce the melody as accuracy as Mom performed. In other words, he learned to sing falsely. And heredity here does not play.

Further, the idea of \u200b\u200bSzizukov led to the following conclusion: if the child learned to be non-aware, then it is quite possible and to move it, that is, to develop musical abilities in it. And Suzuki really developed a technique, thanks to which he had almost one hundred percent success in developing hearing in children of non-music parents.

If the work of individual outstanding teachers is still unique examples, and they cannot, as such are considered as strict scientific evidence, that is, more common examples of the lifetime development of abilities. In this sense, very rich material represents studies of various cultures. It is known that representatives of some cultures sometimes possess (massively) with some specific features - it can be assumed that these abilities are actively developing in each person from this culture due to some external circumstances.

In order to bring an example, turn to the work of Yu. B. HippenReuter. Together with O. V. Ovchinnikova and under the leadership of a major scientist, A. N. Leontheva, she was engaged in a study of sound hearing (which, by the way, is the basis of musical abilities); Very interesting results were obtained. Researchers revealed that about each third adult Russian sound hearing is not completely developed. But all those who participated in the study of Vietnamese turned out to be the owners of absolute hearing!

Scientists explain this impressive distinction because Russian and Vietnamese languages \u200b\u200bare fundamentally different: one is a timbre language, and the other is a tonal (just as, for example, both Chinese). What is a tone language? This is a language in which the meaning of pronounced words is determined, among other things, the height of the sound. It is possible that in our native language there is no such function: the pronounced sounds differ in the timbre, and not by tone. Thus, every Vietnamese "forcedly" develops musical abilities (specifically - sounding hearing) from the very first year of life, in the process of mastering the speech. Russian-speaking (or Ukrainian-language) child does not receive such a mandatory training.

In addition to numerous studies of the abilities in people, psychologists in their disputes about the innateness and acquisition of abilities often use the data obtained in animal experiments. And here the evidence of their rightness can detect supporters of both points of view! Here are just a couple of examples.

Experiment 1. Laboratory rats were trained to find the output from the labyrinth. After observing the behavior of animals, the experimenters were selected the most successful rats (the most "smart"), attached to another group of the most "stupid" animals, slower than others cope with the task. Next animals were cross in each group, taking the "smart" line and the line of "stupid" rats. After several generations, the differences between the success of "capable" and "unable" animals reached very impressive sizes. Thus, it was shown that the genetic predisposition to successfully learning exists and can accumulate from generation to generation.

Experiment 2. Rousi, belonging to the artificially derived family of "smart," grown in very poor incentives. They did not have any impressions, the opportunities to learn something, actively act. Ii, on the contrary, it was created from the "stupid" line to create an enriched, developing environment for development. After the rats were grained, they were placed in a labyrinth and evaluated the success of his passage. This time the results of the "smart" rats grown in the depleted medium were as low as the "stupid" animals from the first experiment. The success of the initial "stupid" rats that had good development conditions was comparable with the indicators of "smart" rats from the experiment.

Based on all the facts described (and, of course, a huge number of others received by scientists in the century of observations and experiments, the ability of the abilities in humans and animals) can be drawn by the following conclusion: "Wednesday factors have a weight, commensurate with a factor of heredity, and can sometimes completely compensate Or, on the contrary, level the action of the latter. "

But how to choose "your" profession, read in the article " Professional guidance - how not to make a mistake with the choice of profession?" Do not miss.

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