
What if you like married. How to like a married man and conquer his heart


Love incomprehensible feeling that can visit at any moment. And we would like to be with a free, courageous and caring companion, but life sometimes presents surprises to us. It often happens that women are wade on married men. And the weak floor begins to think and break the head, how to like it married man .

But perhaps it is worth abandoning this idea and throw out such a candidate from the head. This type of men usually seeks entertainment on the side to have a good time and take a break from everyday problems. But think, all holidays you will still meet in full solitude. You will not be able to go to visit him or go on vacation. Therefore, think first, will you be ready to play the role of eternal mistress and do you need this status. And if they still decided to conquer the heart of a married man, listen to some advice.

  1. Be faithful to another and comrade. As a rule, misunderstanding in the family pushes a man to treason. You must support all his endeavors. Let him feel himself in your arms with the desired knight, whom you waited for all my life. You must show that most of all appreciate his opinion and it is he who is the main thing for you.
  2. Do not be similar to his wife. This is the main mistake that many women perform. If a man agreed to "go to the left" means he wants completely different feelings and emotions, which he came to you.
  3. Sex. Usually men are looking for mistresses, because the houses of his wife do not satisfy them. Of course, sex can be, but a man in a family bed does not receive satisfaction from him. You just have to feel that you need your chosen one and be an ideal mistress and partner in bed.
  4. Let the romance present in your relationship. As a rule, life kills the entire romantic mood, and no longer before baths with roses or sex with candles. And any person is just necessary.

But, before you decide on the conquest of a non-free man, it is worth remembering that you can stay in the status of eternal mistress. Some men long tell stories as they live poorly with their spouse, but they will not be able to take a step to part with her.

Another obstacle can be your inaccier and narrowness. While you will occasionally meet and spend rare nights together - everything will be fine. But as soon as you become living in the same apartment, a large number of flaws may appear. And you will be like a woman from whom he just left. And if he left her, then you will not be difficult for him.

The first date is usually very important for potential steam. A man is the first impression about you, which then significantly affects his attitude towards you.

How to behave to keep his interest

Inoperate yourself, but not intrusive. It is not worth a shot to flirt with a man whom you still practically know. If you liked the young man, then make him compliments, react to his jokes and try to joke yourself. Many girls, having come from a date, understand that almost nothing recognized about their interlocutor. Basically told themselves about themselves. Try to avoid this error.

What best to wear

Pick up the time to date so that you can dress before the meeting. It is undesirable to appear on the eyes of a man immediately after training or a tense working day. You must have some time for fees before a date. It is worth choosing too frank or vulgar outfits. It is quite relevant to the feminine clothing of "non-screaming" colors, which emphasizes your advantages as much as possible and does not focus on possible disadvantages. Please note that it is better not to wear things that you have not worn before or who have recently bought. That is, if you last years They did not wear a mini-skirt at all, then on a date should not experiment. You can say the same thing about the pants that you bought the other day and first decided to wear on a date. The meeting should be visible in what you feel completely confident. You should not distract the thoughts about how clothes are sitting on you, this uncertainty will be noticeable - you involuntarily begin to inspect yourself, to correct some items of the wardrobe and periodically distracted.

What to say, in order to accurately like the guy

As already mentioned, try to speak not only about yourself, but also interested in the life and general hobbies of the interlocutor. It is also important to note that on the first date it is not worth the details of the past relations - both of their own, and the interlocutor. If necessary, you can mention in general terms, why there was parting, but about complaints and colorful descriptions of what you had the opportunity to survive, better thanch. Try not to raise them at all that you can call you negative emotions. When you ask you to ask questions a guy, you will be interested in the housing conditions and the size of earnings, but hobbies, plans. Find out what places in your city I like, wherever he would like to be like.

How to like an adult and married man

If a man is happy in marriage, it is unlikely that you can easily call him too serious interest. However, a married man, dissatisfied with his family life, may well pay attention to another woman.
    To enjoy a man, you should carefully follow the appearance. Pick up the hairstyle that will suit you as much as possible, follow the figure, choose beautiful clothes. Do not forget about good spirits - but choose not suffocating aromas, and barely catchy. Many men suffer from a lack of attention of their wives, and especially often this happens when children appear in the family. If you begin to show an active interest in such a man, consult with him, making compliments, then, undoubtedly, it will attract it. It is often not possible to openly care for a woman. Usually they begin to provide signs of attention to those, in the sympathy of which are already confident. It is easiest to demonstrate a man's interest with the help of unobtrusive flirting. You should give to understand a man that you do not apply for him as a potential spouse (even if it is not). With a girl who, and so in marriage, no questions arise, but free specials can cause doubts. If you are not free yet, casually mention that for some reason do not strive for marriage, and in the coming years you do not need marriage.

Liked a man at work what to do

1) Your sympathy should not be so apparent to be apparent to other colleagues. Subsequently, it can put in an uncomfortable position and the employee who liked and you. A man must understand himself what you like. 2) If you liked the colleague, and you want reciprocity, then you will have to work hard. Take care that he does not have time to make a negative opinion about you from the words of other employees. Be polite and friendly with colleagues, do not dissolve gossip, do not arrange scenes and the like. 3) Render small signs of attention to a man, show care. If it seems to you that he looks unhealthy, ask if he has good. Perhaps he does not cope with some working task - offer your help if it is appropriate. Going for lunch and knowing that the colleague can not break away from their affairs, offer him to capture anything for him (coffee, a stack of cookies, etc.). Integet to his works, unobtrusively praise it. 4) Flirt must be barely noticeable - only when you are alone with a sympathy object. He must assume what you like, but not know this for sure. At work, sometimes catch his view (not too often). In general, lead myself with a man friendly - joke, smile more often, ask for advice.

How to like a man in bed

If you do not know what preferences in sex from your beloved, you will have to act in terms of the situation. Discharge on his caress, show that you are pleasant to his kisses and affection. A man should see you feel good with him. At the same time, it is important not only to take the attention of the lover, but also to take the initiative, kiss and hugging it. The best option will be if you frankly talk to a man, and find out what he likes in sex. This should not look like interrogation. Arrange a romantic dinner with wine and in a relaxing atmosphere. Ask him, I would like to do any experiments to him, what he sees the perfect mistress. Also do not forget that many men visuals are, so you will probably like your sweetheart if under your clothes he will see beautiful and erotic underwear. Pay special attention to the care not only for the skin of the face, but also the body - use, scrubs, oils.

Some girls are very skeptical about their appearance, considering themselves ugly. How to do if you are also among them? Correct deficiencies. If you clearly know what exactly, in your opinion, makes you unattractive, then think - is it possible to eliminate these shortcomings. Ugly smile is corrected using a visit to a dentist, a dermatologist can solve problems, the excess weight will take away with proper nutrition And sport. It is possible that you believe that you have drawbacks, from which you do not get rid of - too low or high growth, big nose, small eyes, curves legs or something like that. In this case, it should be selected by clothes or makeup that will not attract attention to the disadvantages. Maximum charm. Many public individuals, despite any disadvantages of appearance, are idols of millions of people - their charisma and charm are so great that all possible defects of appearance seem simply insignificant. Usually, fans may not even realize that their idol is not a handsome man. The statement can be able to develop. Read books, come in interesting places, are engaged in sports, expand your horizons. So that there were no problems with pronunciation - do your dictation (you can with the teacher). Do not get closed in yourself, be fun, smoky and something enthusiastic girl, and fans will not make themselves waiting. Well maintained in fashion. Do not forget about it. Healthy teeth, hair, nails, good figure - this is already a lion's part of female beauty, and, with a certain proportion of perseverance, you can achieve this. Attend beauty salons, select the most winning outfits, experiment above the images. If you feel that the husband began to gather or no longer so attentive to you, as before, then try to re-fall in love with him. To do this, you need to remember why it all started. When the spouse began to experience feelings for you, everything was not like now. Surely, you spent more time together, intimate intimacy happened more often, and you were not concerned about the many household issues. After a time in marriage, many husbands cease to pay attention to spouses as they consider them almost "read books." You can change it. 1. New hobbies. Husband needs to see you from the new side. Take care what they dreamed before, but they believed that you did not have time. If desired, you will find a few hours a week for dancing, painting lessons or something like that. Even if you have never strive for any hobby, it's time to expand your horizons, and know something new. The husband will see in you not just a woman who is busy work, house and family, but also a person who strives for some kind of development. 2. Appearance. Throw your stretched home pants and a worn t-shirt, if this has not yet been done. Now there is a huge selection of comfortable and beautiful homemade clothes and underwear, in which you will look attractive. 3. Pastime. If you prefer to do homemade troubles at the weekend, just sit at a computer or visit relatives, then try to change the established tradition. How did you like to spend time with your chosen one? Where did you go on dates? 4. Intimate proximity. Do not deny your husband in Intyma and show the initiative yourself. If you are too tired for this, that is, it makes sense to discuss the problem with my husband. You may need to change the work or divide some of the duty. For chronic fatigue Consult a doctor - it is possible that you have health problems.

How to understand what you like a man

    He tries to communicate with you as often as possible, even if there is no special occasion. He regularly writes to you, calls or simply starts the conversation with you, if you see at work or on school. You periodically catch his studying and attentive glance. If the guy notices that he was "caught," it is often drush and dramatically dismisses his eyes. If your communication takes place mainly on the net, he is trying to please you and make a positive impression. Perhaps he just boasts something, he is joking, tells in detail about himself. By the way, similar behavior may be observed with "live" communication. By the way, it is worth noting that at the meeting, a young man often behaves differently - he will be closed in himself and embarrassed, worrying or fearful to break more superfluous and thus spoil the impression about himself. The apparent sign - he wants real communication alone. If the guy suggests you to see - calls for a date or a friendly meeting, it clearly points out that you are of interest.

The most frequently asked questions

How to maintain a guy's interest in a distance

If a young man is temporarily away or just lives in another city, and you still have to meet, it will not prevent you from maintaining his interest. Despite the distance, you should attend every day in his life. He must get used to the fact that you are an integral part of its regular day. Of course, it is not impossible to behave obsessively, but it is quite acceptable to desire to him good in the morning, wondering how his day passed and the like. Periodically shove him the photo where you turned well. To make it most appropriate, you can write: "And we have snow today!", And send a snapshot, where you are against the background of a snow-covered street. Or: "Was in the cinema today, it's a pity that you were not", and your picture near the posters.

How to take the first step towards your sympathy

Do you suspect that you like the guy who are also sympathetic to you? Perhaps he does not decide to clearly show his interest, so it will be appropriate to take the first step in this direction - just invite it somewhere. Let it not look like that you call him on a date if you are afraid to be rejected. Come up with another occasion. If he is engaged in the gym, ask him to somehow take you with me and showed how to use the simulators because You are still confused by the coach. You can find many reasons for a meeting in which you will not look intrusive, but also understand how the guy treat you.

If you liked a married man, his marital status - Not a reason to retreat. However, before you in love with himself, you should think about it several times: do you really want to spend your life together, make it happy. Perhaps the whole thing in simple love - then you should not pass away from the family. But when you were convinced of strong feelings and thought about how to fall in love with a married man, just follow the proven recommendations. In fact, there are no special differences in the conquest of the heart of a married man from free. Although, having achieved the location of the collapsed person, you risk becoming his mistress, fleeting intrigue, but not a spouse.

In search of a response to the question of how to conquer a married man, you can focus on his zodiac sign, to find out which is not difficult. Source: Flickr (Mary)

How can you fall in love with a married man - the basic rules of conduct

In an effort to understand how to seduce a married man, remember that your behavior should become impeccable. Never allow typical mistakes Spouses:

  • It is not necessary to taitorish without silent. Stories about girlfriends, parties, sales, joint future, travel, work - it is better to speak about it casually, not falling into extensive discussions.
  • Unfulfilled promises - not a reason for reproaches and insults. Even if the partner regularly forgets his words, just politely remind of this.
  • To acquaint with mom ahead of time, one should not - the second mother-in-law Cavalier for nothing. In particular, if it does not approve the choice of daughter and is not satisfied with its chosen one.
  • It is not necessary to discuss the joint future at all, even if you really want children, it is extremely recommended to tell about it, especially when the guy has kids from the first marriage.
  • Your appearance Must be perfect. Surely a man went to the left due to the fact that the spouse launched herself, began to walk around the house in an unattractive bathrobe with a slightly hairstyle. Do not repeat the errors: be always well-groomed, sexy, bright, even if the mood does not have it at all.
  • Be a mystery in everything. This applies to new hobbies, achievements, financial situation, other things. Do not become a read book, otherwise you will come back soon.

It is interesting! Do not ask details about family life - he will tell everything himself when the time comes.

How to fall in love with a man of a certain sign of the zodiac

In search of a response to the question of how to conquer a married man, you can focus on his zodiac sign, to find out which is not difficult. The sign affects the nature, attitude to women, the Institute of Marriage and Little Weaknesses:

  1. How to fall in love with a married man of Aries? Be prepared to obey the chosen one in all, it is unquestioning to agree with his opinion - do not even try to challenge the leadership. He will often express dissatisfaction with your affairs, but you have to put up with such a situation. In sex try to think about the satellite, which will be very demanding in bed - then the process of conquest will be faster, because probably the wife does not know these simple techniques.
  2. Attract the calf will not be easy, because such males are pretty changeable: today he swars like you in love, tomorrow turns into a family calf. You need to be persistent and demanding - show that with problems able to cope with themselves, and in the career already achieved heights. Do not wait for the manifestation of feelings, get ready to constantly maintain the fire of passion, intriguing satellite.
  3. To conquer the twin is a little easier - he is overly in love, however, in the girls trying to find the ideal. You must be flawless in detail, sophisticated, sexy and romantic. When he misses you with passion, just leave him for a short time - disappear from social networks, go to another city, do not answer calls. It will force a partner to fall in love, forget about the spouse and fully belong to you. However, in relationships will have to always correspond to male Gresses.
  4. It is always difficult to like cancer: he does not show his feelings, and you need to be attentive to trifles, so as not to hurt him. Do not show tactlessness and prepare to wait - leave the spouse these guys do not hurry. It is important to be a cultural, brought up and restrained, otherwise you will be quickly disappointed in you. In bed, do not be afraid of experiments, especially since they will like both parties.
  5. If you liked the lion, be prepared in all of him to indulge: do not try to criticize it or scold, do not make any comments at all. But you can express your feelings without fears, the main thing is to be open, emotional, then you will simulate even hysterics with tears. Perseverance, restraint, cold head - qualities that will help you to lead such a man from the family.
  6. To conquer the virgin, only demanding nature, which seeks to excellence, but does not try to replay a satellite in financial and labor cases. Do not take the lead in your hands, unlike the spouse, be restrained and reasonable. Interest can be heated by the phrase: "After all, you can't better!" - The guy becomes necessary and will be able to embody the most bold dreams.
  7. Scales in all adhere to the clear rules: the family is very important for them, as well as public opinion, so you should not choose the role of ravine and cunning bitch. Give your love with small portions and do not attempt to immediately drag it into bed, be cultured - such as the noble lady.
  8. Scorpio You will be able to conquer if you indulge his whims. Speak compliments, it is always stunning, prefer the discipline. The wife probably is constantly sawing him, and you, on the contrary, forgive any pranks. Take the initiative to your hands, comfort and calm the satellite as a child.
  9. How to fall in love with a married man's feet? Carefully follow your speech and actions, do not allow obscene expressions and insults. The secrets told by you, especially with mystical subtext, will help intrigue. Philosophical view of things, sober mind, maximum sincerity - and you will be able to put fish into your networks.
  10. How to fall in love with a married man Sagittarius? You will have to give partner compliments, but never regret or sympathize. Sagittarius is strongly emotionally, from the family it is not easy to take it - you need to understand which moments he needs support. Be affectionate and gentle, live on a clear plan - then attention to you will define.
  11. Capricorn is difficult to raise: it is hidden in everything, although in fact it turns out very vulnerable. Random intrigue is not his hobby, so try to achieve serious feelings. Do not impose your own society: demonstrate objectivity, become a devoted friend and the advice - you will soon be interested.
  12. Dream to conquer Aquarius? You do not need to remove in love - you still will not believe, suspecting in august and benefit, but it is necessary to the scandals on this occasion of Aquarius normally. Unlike spouses, never ask for money or favors. Do not hesitate in sex - always praise the Uhager for a magical night.

Do not try to rush the cavalier: He himself must decide when it is worth getting out of the family, otherwise you risk destroying the already fragile relationship.

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