
Prostatitis in young men. What is prostatitis in men Husband 30 years old prostatitis what to do

Until recently, older men suffered from prostatitis, now prostatitis is more common in young men, and the consequences of prostatitis affect both the quality of life and reproductive capacity. The main causes of the disease in guys are infections and lifestyle.

A careless attitude to health, hope for the strength of a young organism - lead to the fact that the disease has become younger, now it is not uncommon in thirty-year-olds. The diagnosis of chronic prostatitis is often made by urologists to those who are only eighteen. Although it is not difficult to treat prostatitis, it takes time and strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations.

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, it is an extremely vulnerable organ, since it is located directly next to the bladder, and any infection that enters the body through the urethra becomes dangerous for the prostate, which leads to its inflammation.

The main causes of prostatitis in young men are stagnation of blood in the genital area, prostate secretions and infection.

Stagnation of secretions and blood occurs due to pathological changes in the structure of the prostate, this happens due to injuries, irregular or overly active sexual activity, hypothermia. The causes of prostatitis in young men are both excessive alcohol consumption (at a young age they are not yet tormented by other diseases for which alcohol is contraindicated, young people often drink a lot), and smoking.

Infectious causes of the disease are associated with the structural features of the genital organs, the male urethra and the urethra, because of their location, it is easier to contact sources of infectious microflora. Sometimes blood brings the infection, for example, if a person has the flu.

Factors leading to the development of prostatitis

Bad habits lead to the development of pathology. Even a regular bottle of seemingly harmless beer every night after work affects male sexual health. Science has proven that it is beer that is evil, and often causes prostatitis in young men. This low-alcohol drink has a high content of the female sex hormone - estrogen, which is able to block the production of the male hormone - testosterone. The connection between a decrease in testosterone levels and prostate pathologies has been noticed for a long time. For those who drink 0.5 l daily foamy drink by the age of 25, there is a high probability of getting chronic prostatitis.

In addition, alcohol causes narrowing of the blood vessels, namely, they, in many places around the prostate, deliver to it nutrients and enrich its tissues with oxygen, making it possible to function normally. In addition, alcohol negatively affects the functioning of the immune system, the infection easily takes over the body, drinking people suffer from prostatitis more often than those leading a sober lifestyle.

With vasoconstriction due to excessive alcohol consumption, there is a violation of blood flow, the tissues of the prostate gland, not receiving the necessary nutrition, slowly atrophy, due to which the deformation of its channels occurs, the secret of the prostate stagnates, creating favorable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria, which leads to prostatitis.

Smoking also lowers the defenses and leads to narrowing of the blood vessels, and if a person began to smoke as a teenager, by the age of thirty and further his body will resist diseases worse and worse.

A change in the lifestyle of a modern person also contributes to the development of prostatitis, for men in adolescence Previously, the usual pastime was active games with friends in the yard, it was considered prestigious and correct for boys to attend sports sections, in schools, technical schools and universities among young people, running and skiing competitions were constantly held, mass school and city crosses were a common thing. Now, young people are increasingly sitting, buried in monitors and gadgets with Internet access and various computer games, and this is the right path not only to prostatitis, but also to other unpleasant diseases.

A constant sitting position, a passive, sedentary lifestyle inevitably entails:

  • Increased load on internal organs pelvis;
  • Deterioration of blood circulation due to weakening of the heart muscle;
  • The tissues of the external and internal genital organs lack oxygen due to compression.

It turns out that by the very beginning of the third decade, the most reproductive age and the time of starting a family, when male strength and health are especially in demand, young people already have problems with potency and urination, and these are the first sure signs of prostatitis.

And if even 25 years ago the work of a worker was held in high esteem and was well paid, now it is in vogue to be a lawyer, manager, office worker. Already two or three generations of men of fertile age have to spend up to 12 hours a day sitting at the table. By the age of thirty, many of the stronger sex have every chance of developing acute prostatitis. Taxi drivers and truckers are also at risk.

Prostatitis and sex

One of the most common factors leading to the development of prostate disease is unprotected sex with unstable sexual partners, you can get one of the genital infections by contracting:

  • Chlamydia;
  • Syphilis.

Women often suffer from thrush, a man can catch it even from his wife.

The causative agents of these diseases, penetrating through the urethra into the bladder and prostate, lead to prostatitis of an infectious nature. Often, the situation is complicated by the lack of understanding of the need to go to the doctor, and attempts to self-medicate prostatitis give only a temporary effect, creating the appearance of a cure: the symptoms of prostatitis disappear, and the pathogen is still in place, which leads to the transition of pathology to a chronic form.

Not only unprotected sex can lead to prostatitis, but also promiscuity in sexual life - it is extremely harmful to artificially interrupt or prolong sexual intercourse. Having read on the network of ways to prolong pleasant sensations, young people do not think about how unhealthy it is, and how likely it is to earn prostatitis. During sexual intercourse, the following occurs:

  • The prostate produces juice;
  • Semen moves from the testicles through the vas deferens;
  • At the moment of orgasm, the command for ejaculation is sent from the penis to the brain, the release of sperm occurs through the urethra.

Everything is arranged in such a way that normal ejaculation should occur instantly, sperm should not linger in the prostate. If the moment of ejaculation is artificially delayed, then the substances in the sperm will irritate the prostate mucosa longer than the natural period, which will lead to the emergence of foci of inflammation, that is, to acute prostatitis.

Due to the non-deterioration and high resistance of the young organism, young people 18-25 years old can afford such experiments in order to diversify sex, but sooner or later, or rather, by the age of 30, they will have to hear the diagnosis of prostatitis.

Often the cause of prostatitis becomes a frivolous, due to the arrogance of youth, attitude to health. If you ask men 18-30 years old the question, which of them wears underpants in the winter season, with a high degree of probability about 80% will answer that they do not have such clothes in their wardrobe at all. Then how to get cold, due to the peculiarities of the structure genitourinary system, the stronger sex is easier than the weaker.

This applies not only to the penis and testicles, but also to the prostate, for which hypothermia is destructive - this is why diving enthusiasts and regulars of ice holes with fishing rods in their hands are faced with prostatitis, having barely managed just a quarter of a century.

To complicate matters, men generally don't like hospitals. Taking antibiotics independently and uncontrollably, relying on traditional medicine, they are waiting for the moment when the disease acquires a chronic course, which is why they lose their reproductive abilities and the ability to fully enjoy their sexual life, that is, male usefulness.


Treatment of prostatitis in young men is the same as in older men, with one caveat - the young body has significant vitality and greater resistance to disease, because young people are cured faster, especially if prostatitis is detected in a timely manner, and treatment is started as early as possible.


  • Discomfort during urination, weak stream, pain, feeling that the bladder is full;
  • Unstable erection, decreased libido or its absence, discomfort during ejaculation, for a long time the inability to conceive during a planned pregnancy and regular work in this direction with a partner;
  • Fever
  • Inguinal pain, soreness of the head of the penis, pulling back pain;
  • Feeling of persistent fatigue, irritability, poor sleep.

Having discovered in himself the presence of all these signs, a man should visit a urologist to write out directions for tests. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe treatment, the duration of which depends on the causes of inflammation of the prostate gland and the degree of neglect of the disease.


Men suffering from inflammation of the prostate gland have difficulties not only with, but also in the genital area. Therefore, the family often questions whether it is possible to conceive a child with prostatitis.

The problem worries not only men, but also women. They are worried about the influence of the inflammatory process on their own body and fetus. Also, the question becomes acute whether it is possible to become pregnant with prostatitis. It is important to find out what problems there may be with inflammation of the prostate gland in men with the conception of a woman and the birth of a child.

Problems with conceiving with prostatitis

Many women are worried about whether it is possible to get pregnant if their husband has prostatitis. After all, some couples, when trying to conceive a child, face certain difficulties.

Possible transmission of harmful bacteria through sexual intercourse

If there is an infectious lesion of the body, there is a possibility of transmission of harmful bacteria from a man to a woman. Therefore, the partner's health is at risk.

If a couple is interested in the question of whether it is possible to have children with, then doctors say that the very fact of conception may not occur. This is due to the fact that sexual intercourse may be completely absent. Intimate disorders are associated with:

  • painful sensations during intercourse and during ejaculation;
  • itching;
  • burning sensation;
  • frequent urge to urinate.

It can also be checked. However, doctors say that such deviations are not considered pathological for conception.

If a man has acute or chronic prostatitis, timely treatment is important. After all, inflammation degrades the quality of sperm.

Chronic prostatitis and conception are not always compatible. This is due to the fact that the prostate gland:

  • performs the metabolic process of male hormones;
  • produces regulation of ejaculant release;
  • normalizes blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

One of the important functions of the gland is the production of seminal fluid and secretion. It is necessary to increase sperm motility.

In case of disturbances in the functioning of the prostate, sperm cells begin to move more slowly. Therefore, conception is not always possible.

It is possible to identify violations on the spermogram. The doctor may note a small number and low motility of sperm. However, this possible outcome of prostatitis is not observed in all patients.

The impact of prostatitis on conception and childbirth is not always negative. But it is important to identify and treat the disease in time. After all, docking acute symptoms is much easier than getting rid of chronic inflammation.

Is it possible to get pregnant with prostatitis in a man?

Women often ask doctors if it is possible to get pregnant if the husband has prostatitis. Doctors assure that there are indeed problems with conception. But the disease does not pose a danger with a possible pregnancy.

Prostatitis does not pose a danger to the future fetus

This statement does not apply to cases where prostatitis is caused by the influence of pathological microorganisms. Then infection can cause the impossibility of conception. Despite this, children with prostatitis in men often appear.

With prostatitis, pregnancy can be with a timely identified problem. It is important to undergo a full examination and identify violations at the initial stage. The exacerbation stage is, although the most severe in terms of symptoms, it is excellent for starting treatment.

In chronic inflammation, self-medication should be ruled out. After all, the risk of complications increases when more drastic measures are required.

Many doctors, answering the question whether prostatitis affects the conception of a child, answer in the affirmative. However, with timely and correctly selected therapy, it will be possible to minimize problems.

If the disease is not treated, the risk of developing orchitis and epididymitis increases. In many cases, with such complications, a woman cannot get pregnant.

In the event of an acute form of prostatitis, the chances of pregnancy are negligible. However, it is more easily treatable. Therefore, if symptoms of the disease appear, you should consult a doctor.

Preparing for pregnancy with prostatitis

With prostatitis, you can have children if you properly prepare for the onset of conception and pregnancy. In this case, the chances of successful fertilization and bearing of the fetus are great.

You need to start preparing with a visit to the doctor. At the same time, this must be done not only by a woman. A man should consult a urologist who will begin the examination with.

When planning a pregnancy, a man's examination should be started with a spermogram

During the procedure, the qualitative and quantitative composition of the semen is revealed. It can be used to determine how likely there is a positive outcome in matters of conception.

The doctor should familiarize himself with the results of the study. If the spermogram reveals violations in the form of inflammatory processes, then you should:

  • get tested for hormones;
  • check the secret of the prostate;

If an inflammatory process is detected, treatment will be required. It includes:

  • reception;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • strict diet;
  • active lifestyle.

Re-examination is required after therapy. If the doctor does not reveal any deviations from the norm, then the man and woman need to try to conceive a child.

How can you prevent problems?

To avoid problems with conception, it is necessary to be examined in a timely manner and identify violations in the body. It is important to remember that the factors that provoke an exacerbation of prostatitis are:

  • hypothermia;
  • sedentary and inactive lifestyle;
  • wearing tight underwear and other clothing;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • trauma to organs and tissues in the small pelvis;
  • disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels;
  • overly active or passive sex life;
  • urological diseases or genital infections.

It is worth avoiding the influence of these factors, which will increase the likelihood of reducing the symptoms of the disease. Therefore, conception will come faster.

Men should also remember about the psychological component. It is also important when planning a pregnancy. Many consider prostatitis a verdict and give up. It is important to know that inflammation in the prostate gland is no exception to the possibility of pregnancy. It is necessary not only to carry out complex treatment as prescribed by a doctor, but also to believe in the onset of a positive result.

Prostate problems

An unpleasant ailment - prostatitis in her husband! But who, if not his wife, can help a sick loved one. The first symptoms of the disease will immediately alert both spouses. Getting up several times at night due to the increased urge to urinate is perhaps the first symptom to which both a man and a woman will react. During the day, frequent trips to the toilet do not strain the man for a while. He may think that he drank a lot of fluids, or ate something diuretic, but at night, frequent waking up will not remain without his attention, and without the attention of his wife.

These hikes can be accompanied by a feeling of discomfort in the groin. Unfortunately, this does not go away on its own and the first thing to do is contact a urologist. It is very important not to miss this moment. You should go to the doctor immediately after the first symptoms appear in order to prevent sexual dysfunction and the transition of the disease to a more complex phase. During the first visit to the urologist, the man will receive several referrals for tests and other studies. Most often it turns out that prostatitis is caused by an infection. So without antibiotics it cannot be defeated even at the very initial stage. Simultaneously with the assigned course drugs, the doctor will advise on proven and effective home remedies.

Home treatment and diet

Home treatment is very fruitful. It should be carried out on a par and simultaneously with the prescribed intake of medications. A person with prostatitis must first review their diet. The urologist will explain that the prostate gland needs to be supported with essential micronutrients. Such as zinc and selenium.

A huge amount of zinc is found in pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds rich in zinc

Sixty raw pumpkin seeds are the daily zinc requirement for a man. They can be consumed before meals, chewing slowly, or you can prepare a tasty and healthy medicine from them. Mix seeds made into flour with honey. Divide the resulting mass into balls and eat several pieces daily. Selenium is found in seafood, wheat bran, brewer's yeast, and eggs. It should also be taken into account that selenium is destroyed by carbohydrates. This means that it is necessary to minimize the access to the body of sweet and flour products.

In addition to zinc and selenium, the diet should include as many vegetables, fruits and herbs as possible, especially parsley. Such massive treatment will definitely have a positive impact. In addition, it will generally strengthen the health of the man and raise the immune system. During the period of treatment for prostatitis, one must be protected from colds, since each hypothermia provokes a relapse of inflammation of the prostate gland.

How to treat prostatitis with folk remedies?

Traditional medicine recipes will be of great benefit.

A wonderful, ubiquitous herb wormwood. The effect will double if you take it inside and do microclysters at the same time.

For oral administration, it does not even need to be brewed. You can buy a pack of dried herb at the pharmacy, or you can collect it yourself in the field. Leaves and inflorescences are used for treatment. Grind the dried grass with your hands. A pinch of grass crushed into dust should be taken every two hours with water - for three days. The next four days can be taken only in the daytime, 4-5 times.

Broth for microclysters. Brew a large spoon without a top of dry wormwood with one liter of boiling water, cool to body temperature and strain. Introduce one fourth of the cup into the rectum at night. Introduce the same portion into the urethra. This must be done abruptly so that the liquid enters the bladder. It may not work the first time, for this you need to prepare more broth. In a few days, the man will understand that the procedures were not useless! Be attentive to the temperature of the broth. It should be no higher than 40 degrees and not lower than 36.5 degrees.

Great relief for the whole body and the prostate in particular, will come after the daily intake of freshly squeezed juices

Carrot and beetroot are especially useful. Up to three glasses a day!

Beekeeping products

Beekeeping products cannot be ignored. Honey, propolis, royal jelly, bee bread. To relieve inflammation in the prostate, you can prepare your own honey or propolis suppositories. This process is not laborious, but the result will be effective. Mix a spoonful of honey with a spoonful of raw eggs and a few tablespoons of wheat flour. Roll sausages from the resulting mass and cut into 3 cm.

Place the resulting "candles" on the plank and put in the freezer. A man can use them several times a day. With propolis candles, the situation is somewhat more complicated, since you first need to prepare a tincture from propolis (alcohol and propolis are evaporated in a water bath after 15 days of infusion), then purchase cocoa butter and only after that form the candles. But the effect will be impressive.

Massage at home

How to do prostate massage

Massage for prostatitis is an irreplaceable thing! It can be performed by the attending physician in a medical facility, or it can be done at home if a partner helps. All you need are rubber or silicone gloves and petroleum jelly. The index finger must be inserted into the rectum about five centimeters, from the side of the pubis a tubercle will be felt - this is the prostate, or the notorious G-point (g). Stimulation in this way accelerates the blood, relieving edema, improves the process of urination, removes stagnation in the tissues of the gland, removing the secret, all this contributes to better penetration of medicinal preparations into the tissues.

If the urologist sees no obstacles to the massage, then it must be done.

Obstacles can be stones in the prostate gland, suspected cancer, or acute prostatitis. But in these three cases, the doctor will not suggest such a procedure. An obstacle may be the sick man himself, if he does not accept the performance of the massage by an outsider or even a loved one. But this option is also provided. There are special massagers that will help to make a man self-massage. Sometimes tennis balls are also used, but this will already be a massage without penetration.

The procedures have cured many men, especially those with non-infectious prostatitis

Apparatus. For some men, the use of magnetic, laser, or vibration devices helps in relieving symptoms of prostatitis, but physical exercises, aimed at relieving stagnation in the pelvic organs, will give no less result.

Physical education against prostatitis. No need to be surprised, but the most effective and free exercise is the banal squat. A tangible result will come when the sick person can do a hundred squats. But not all at once! You can start from thirty times, gradually bringing the rate to one hundred.

The only condition is that squats must be done every day, and not once in a lifetime at the request of the wife.

An easy and useful exercise for a man: lying on a firm surface on his back, very slowly pull his legs to his stomach, while spreading them apart. The heels should not come off the surface. The exercise is done very slowly up to 20 times.

The next exercise is to bend your knees while lying on your back and slowly and smoothly begin to spread them to the sides and bring them together. During the convergence of the legs, they must be slightly strained. Bring the exercise up to 20 times. The third exercise is performed while lying on your stomach. First, bend one leg at the knee, and then slowly and smoothly raise it slightly. Then do the same with the other leg. Also, perform the exercise 20 times for each leg. The last exercise is performed from a standing position. The man spreads his legs shoulder-width apart and squats shallowly. Such a complex of simple exercises will help a man to establish blood circulation in the genital area.

Husband's prostatitis, but how to treat a wife?

Is prostatitis dangerous for a woman?

Is prostatitis dangerous for a woman? A question like this can bring a smile. Of course, only a man can have prostatitis due to the presence of a prostate gland, but in most cases it is caused by an infection that will be dangerous for his partner. In addition to genital infections, there is a danger of infection with microorganisms - viruses, fungi or bacteria.

There is even a name for such a female disease - adnexitis (inflammation of the tubes and ovaries). This disease is not harmless, and entails complications, since the organs nearby, up to the kidneys, are infected. Infertility can also occur, as adhesions are formed that interfere with the passage of pipes. The symptomatology of adnexitis is similar to other inflammatory diseases, so it is very difficult to immediately determine it. In the case of infectious prostatitis, both spouses will have to be treated. Non-infectious, not dangerous.

Prostatitis is very difficult to heal one hundred percent. And the blame for this is often the sick themselves. They go to doctors very late when the disease has become chronic. Gradually, the disease is aggravated by complications, which further complicates the treatment process.

Prostatitis is a fairly common condition that affects more than half of men aged 40 and over. And if many representatives of the stronger sex have some knowledge about this pathology, then women are less aware of the problems that arise in connection with the development of the ailment in question.

One of the main questions of interest to the latter is: What to do if the husband has prostatitis? In addition, women are interested in how the disease can affect their intimate life and whether it is possible to become pregnant. Before answering this and other questions, you should consider what constitutes prostatitis.

About the disease

The prostate gland is located between the bladder and rectum. She acts as one of the main organs responsible for the reproductive function of men. In particular, it is in it that a secret is produced, which creates a nutrient microflora for sperm and increases their activity. In other words, this fluid is responsible for the man's ability to fertilize. Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. As the pathological processes develop in the organ, its main functions are disrupted.

The first symptoms that indicate a developing ailment include:

  • violation of urination;
  • the appearance of pain in the pelvic area and when emptying the bladder;
  • frequent urge to urinate, especially at night.

It is also possible the appearance of high fever, chills and other symptoms inherent in infectious diseases... Modern medicine cannot identify the main cause provoking the pathology in question.

The development of prostatitis is influenced by:

  • hereditary factor;
  • hypothermia;
  • improper diet;
  • mechanical damage;
  • decreased immune defense;
  • the presence of other diseases;
  • penetration into the body of pathogenic bacteria, including venereal;
  • a sedentary lifestyle and more.

Prostatitis is acute and chronic. In the first form of the disease, the symptoms manifest themselves vividly and disappear quickly enough. The danger is chronic prostatitis. This is primarily due to the fact that clinical picture disease is smeared. That is, the symptoms, if they manifest themselves, are very weak. Therefore, most men do not pay attention to the signs of pathology, believing that they are caused by excessive fatigue or other factors.

Prostatitis and pregnancy

With inflammation of the prostate gland, the production of secretion is disrupted and scarring of the seminal vesicles occurs. This negatively affects the quality of the seminal fluid, which reduces the likelihood of conceiving a child, since the mobility of sperm is reduced. In addition, with a long course of chronic prostatitis, the likelihood of infertility is high. Moreover, such a complication arises not only against the background of the ongoing inflammatory process, but also due to the influence of drugs recommended for the treatment of the underlying pathology. It is possible to become pregnant with prostatitis, but the likelihood of normal bearing of the fetus is sharply reduced. Moreover, doctors do not recommend conceiving a child when the husband has an inflammation of the prostate gland. If such an event does occur, you should find out what it can lead to.

With prostatitis in a man, there is a decrease in local immunity. That is, the prostate gland becomes more susceptible to pathogenic microorganisms. Bacteria, getting into a nutrient medium for themselves, begin to develop actively. As a result, a man becomes a carrier of sometimes dangerous diseases that are transmitted through sexual intercourse. If during intimacy a child was conceived, then with prostatitis, the likelihood of infection increases. This increases the risk of miscarriage.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a disease as herpes. It can kill a child while he is still inside the mother's womb. Therefore, if the husband is diagnosed with prostatitis, it is recommended that efforts be made to prevent pregnancy. It is worth noting that chronic prostatitis cannot be completely cured. You can only achieve a stable remission of the disease. At the same time, pregnancy planning is permitted. However, doctors do not recommend conceiving a child immediately after the course of therapy has been completed. This is due to the fact that, perhaps, the disease was not completely cured, and the pathogens of the pathology are still inside the man's body. Before conceiving, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body. Another reason why you should postpone pregnancy is that antibiotics are actively used in the treatment of prostatitis, which have a negative effect on the quality of semen. These drugs are cleared from the body over a period of several days.

Prostatitis and intimate life

The development of an inflammatory process in the prostate gland over time reduces sex drive in men. This is largely due to the fact that when semen is released, they experience unpleasant and painful sensations. In addition, prostatitis leads to erectile dysfunction, which in turn provokes psychological problems.

As a result, men develop depression against the background of prostatitis. All of the above testifies in favor of the fact that with inflammation in the prostate gland, the intimate life of a married couple is disrupted. In order to avoid such consequences, it is recommended to contact a urologist for help when the first symptoms of the disease occur.


It is better to start treatment of prostatitis with prophylaxis, which involves the exclusion of factors that provoke the development of the disease, and regular examination by a urologist by men aged 40 years and older.

Diagnosis of pathology includes rectal examination of the prostate gland, blood, urine and secretion tests, as well as MRI, CT and ultrasound. Each of these measures allows you to identify the presence of foci of inflammation in the organ and select the most effective treatment, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the causative agent of the disease.

Therapy for prostatitis includes:

  • taking antibacterial drugs, antispasmodics and drugs with an analgesic effect;
  • massage of the prostate gland (not recommended for exacerbations);
  • reception vitamin complexesstrengthening the immune system;
  • additionally, therapy is carried out for concomitant diseases that could both cause prostatitis and accelerate its development.

With an inflammatory process in the prostate gland, it is recommended to follow a certain diet. It includes an abundant intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, rich in useful trace elements, seafood, which contain many substances necessary for the normal functioning of the prostate. You should also exclude fried and spicy foods from the diet. One of the main factors contributing to the development of inflammation in the prostate is a sedentary lifestyle, which provokes the formation of congestion in the pelvic area. Therefore, in the treatment of prostatitis, as well as for its prevention, it is recommended to regularly exercise and spend more time in the fresh air.

According to the simplest definition, prostatitis is a urological disease that is inflammation of the prostate (prostate gland) and its swelling. In fact, the question of what prostatitis in men is and how dangerous it is to bring your body to such a state is quite serious. Almost half of the world's population (of course, representatives of the stronger sex) at the age of 20-50 are familiar with prostatitis quite closely, and from 30 to 50 years, the probability of getting sick for every man increases by 20%. And if we take into account that this disease has considerably “rejuvenated” in recent decades, the interest in this problem is quite justified.

How does a husband get prostatitis?

It should be noted right away: when the first symptoms of the disease appear, men for the most part are embarrassed to see a doctor. Even in modern world It is not uncommon for a wife to come to the hospital with a lot of questions: “It looks like my husband has prostatitis. What should we do? How is it treated? How to live on? " And specialists have to explain the subtleties of the male body, sometimes even specifically frightening the worried spouse in order to force her to literally "drive" her man to the urologist.

It seems strange that modern men - even the most successful, intelligent and educated - doctors still have to lecture on the topic "What is prostatitis." For many of the stronger sex, who nevertheless decided to seek help, when certain symptoms of an illness appear, it is a surprise that they are vulnerable. But examination by a urologist from a certain age should become a habitual tradition so that your own body does not turn out to be a time bomb.

But before defining what prostatitis in men is, it is worth talking about what the prostate gland is. This muscular organ is found only in the male body, it is located in the pelvic region, above the urethra and in the immediate vicinity of the vas deferens. The prostate produces a special secretion, which is a component of sperm, due to which it performs the following functions:

    • ensures optimal activity and motility of sperm;
    • maintains the stability of the genitourinary system in the fight against infections;
    • regulates a healthy erection process;
    • stimulates the production of testosterone;
    • "Coordinates" the activity of the pituitary gland;
    • controls normal urination.

The prostate gland is a muscular organ of a man, which is located in the pelvic region, above the urethra.

Since the scope of the prostate gland is wide enough, prostatitis is so dangerous that it provokes a lot of various problems associated with the malfunction of this organ.

Inflammation covering the prostate provokes its enlargement, during which:

  • the ureters are compressed (as a result - problems with urination);
  • secretory functions change (the consequences are frequent infections, hormonal disruptions, a drop in sexual strength, infertility).

Different forms of prostatitis are dangerous

Experts identify various signs by which prostatitis in men is classified. So, according to the form of the course, the disease is:

  • sharp;
  • chronic.

The acute form of inflammation is provoked by damage to the tissues of the prostate by infection, which is a consequence of the pathogenic activity of microorganisms (bacteria, protozoa, fungi). Under normal health, these creatures are a familiar part of the body's microflora, however, sometimes the colony of neutral inhabitants grows abnormally and provokes acute inflammation of the prostate gland. This happens when certain factors coincide:

  • decreased immunity;
  • the presence of concomitant chronic infections;
  • existing pathologies of internal organs;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • recent transfer of surgical interventions.

Acute prostatitis develops rapidly and is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

Acute prostatitis is accompanied by symptoms such as urinary disturbance, sharp pain in the lower body areas (from the groin and anus to the waist and legs)

  • violations of urination (difficulty, frequent urge, sometimes - delay);
  • sharp pains in the areas of the lower body (from the groin and anus to the lower back and legs);
  • pain syndrome accompanying the processes of erection, urination, defecation;
  • erection problems (also ejaculation failures);
  • feeling of general malaise.

Although death from prostatitis, even in the acute form, is unlikely, it is allowed to treat this condition only in stationary conditions under the supervision of specialists so that the inflammation cannot go to the chronic form or to even more serious complications. A complete cure is possible, but only with timely started therapy - this is important to remember for those who, instead of going to the doctor, are thinking whether prostatitis can go away on its own.

The chronic form of inflammation of the prostate gland can develop against the background of tissue damage by microorganisms or as a result of other phenomena:

  • stagnation of blood or prostate secretions;
  • age-related changes;
  • autoimmune reaction.

The development of chronic damage can occur against a background of certain risk factors, including:

    • transfer of infections of the reproductive system;
    • weakened immunity;
    • maintaining a sedentary lifestyle;
    • frequent stressful situations;
    • improper diet, provoking problems with bowel movements;
    • trauma to the pelvic organs (damage to the prostate gland);
    • frequent hypothermia (or single, but prolonged);
    • bad habits.

The development of chronic prostatitis can occur against the background of such factors as weakened immunity, frequent hypothermia (or single, but prolonged)

Chronic inflammation can be asymptomatic - with this form, with an obvious course of the process, the pathogenic environment is not detected in the analyzes under study. However, in most cases, "chronicle" is a lesion that has developed from an acute form that has not received sufficient treatment.

In chronic prostatitis, the following symptoms appear:

  • difficulty urinating
  • discomfort (up to mild pain) in the perineum;
  • sharp pain and burning sensation in the groin;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • general state of weakness, apathy, nervousness.

The dangerous thing about chronic prostatitis is that in it, the stages of remission are interspersed with stages of exacerbation, painful and capable of causing serious harm without the supervision of the attending physician. In addition, this form of the disease, if you do not start treating it on time, provokes a lot of complications, including:

  • adenoma;
  • infertility;
  • vesiculitis;
  • inflammation of the testicles;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • prostate cancer;
  • cystitis.

Given that the consequences of the development of these complications range from harm to health to the danger of death, the answer to the question of whether such an ailment is dangerous seems obvious.

Prostatitis by forms of occurrence

In addition to the distribution by the form of the course, the disease of the prostate gland is classified by the types of causative agents that provoke it. Separately, immediately it is necessary to highlight the asymptomatic form, which develops without noticeable clinical manifestations and without the influence of microbes, viruses, bacteria. Treatment of asymptomatic (non-bacterial) prostatitis is often not even required - it is enough to remove inflammation and eliminate the phenomena that initially caused the problem.

Unlike non-bacterial lesions, infectious prostatitis is:

Drug treatment of prostatitis includes a complex of antibiotics, analgesics and antispasmodic drugs

  • bacterial (pathogens are staphylococcus bacteria, streptococci, E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa);
  • viral (develops after the ingestion of herpes viruses, human papilloma, influenza, cytomegalovirus);
  • mycoplasma (the culprits of development are the intracellular organisms of mycoplasma);
  • gonorrheal (provoke gonococci);
  • chlamydial (development occurs under the influence of intracellular organisms of chlamydia);
  • trichomonas (pathogens are protozoa called Trichomonas);
  • tuberculous (the cause of inflammation is Koch's sticks);
  • fungal (occurs under the influence of candida fungi against the background of a weakened immune system).

A mixed type of disease is also distinguished, in which the prostate tissue develops inflammatory processprovoked by two or more types of the listed infections.

In addition to non-bacterial (non-infectious) and infectious prostatitis, there are stagnant inflammations, characterized by stagnation of secretions (as well as its poor excretion) or blood stagnation. In the first case, problems begin due to irregular sexual activity, in the second - with a sedentary lifestyle, hypothermia, injuries of the pelvic organs. A man living with congestive prostatitis and simultaneously surviving an infection of the body runs the risk of seriously deteriorating his health and causing a complication of inflammation.

How to beat different types of prostatitis

The approach to eliminating prostate inflammation in a man is approximately the same. If non-bacterial prostatitis does not need treatment, then its infectious "brother" of both acute and chronic forms requires an integrated therapeutic approach.

Experts have managed to find out quite accurately how to defeat prostatitis in an acute form - the whole secret is in combination:

  • antibiotics (the specific type depends on which pathogen provoked the disease), which prevent the further development of the inflammatory process;
  • analgesics for pain relief;
  • antispasmodic drugs to combat spasms that cause a man to have urinary problems;
  • a sensible diet, including plenty of fluids;
  • bed rest.

What to do with chronic prostatitis is a more difficult question. With this type of ailment, it is important not only to eliminate the symptoms, but also to prevent the further spread of inflammation and potential complications. The set of medications is similar to the list of drugs designed to combat the acute form:

  • antibiotics (a longer course of administration);
  • pain relievers (including antidepressants);
  • antispasmodics;
  • immunomodulators (supplemented with a complex of vitamins).

In the chronic form of prostatitis, what must be done is to use alternative medicine - anti-inflammatory rectal suppositories, herbal decoctions to add to heat medicinal baths, infusions for microclysters, herbal teas.

The lifestyle with prostatitis in a man must necessarily change, and this applies not only to making changes in the diet and refusing bad habits... The patient must be willing and able to restrain himself, make every effort to supplement the traditional treatment with exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises), regular water procedures, control over daily motor activity in general and sexual activity in particular.

What is prostatitis and how to deal with it? This is a disease that, unfortunately, has become an integral part of life. modern men... Starting from the age of 30, every third representative of the stronger sex can become a victim of inflammation of the prostate gland of a viral, non-bacterial or stagnant nature. Nevertheless, a man, knowing what it is about prostatitis, may be ready for a fight - visit a doctor regularly to control his health, and if symptoms of a problem are found, then start treatment "hot on the heels". An important clarification: you need to seek help from real specialists, and not listen to the advice of "gossips" broadcasting on the topic "How I defeated my husband's prostatitis with the help of a medicine man."

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

Do you prostate? Have you tried a lot of tools and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and don't use drastic methods. It is POSSIBLE to cure prostatitis! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis ...

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