
Hay dust compress. Hay dust and its medicinal properties. Hot sand baths

A 35-year-old man has had rheumatism for 20 years. His hand was severely swollen from finger to elbow, feet and knees too, joints became completely immobile. During the first 2 weeks of treatment, he was wrapped 2 times a week in a sheet soaked in a warm broth of oat straw, hay dust and pine needles, from armpits to feet for 1.5 hours. Every morning and evening, a swollen hand was wrapped in a in this broth, for 1-2 hours, 2 times a week, he took a full bath with herbs and a triple change and 4 times a week - a "shawl" for 1 hour. After 2 weeks, the order of treatment changed somewhat: he continued to wrap his hands, like and before, and, in addition, once a week - a full bath with herbs with a change, Zraza a week - a cold half-bath for up to 1 minute and 3-5 times a week for a sitz bath for 2 minutes. As a result of this treatment, the swelling in the arms and legs disappeared and the ability to move returned. Later, for another month, he did the following: every day a warm half-bath, wrapping hands from boiled hay dust and immediately after that - their cold wet rubdown, 3-4 half-baths per week, 1 herbal bath with a triple change (per week) , 4 times a week top pouring. As a result, mobility returned to the joints and they ceased to hurt, the patient recovered completely.

A 40-year-old patient had an unhealthy, yellow complexion. He has very little hair left on his head. Before that, he developed frequent abdominal pains, accompanied by severe colic and diarrhea. Then kidney disease was discovered. Over the years, this disease passed, but articular rheumatism began. The pains were unbearable. In addition, my legs were sweating a lot. From taking mineral baths, the disease only intensified. Yellowness of the skin, frequent seizures, colic, sweating of the legs - all this suggested the presence of some kind of poisonous substance hiding in the body. An internal storm tore out hair, killing its roots. Complete healing in such a case is possible only when it is possible to dissolve and completely remove this toxic substance and strengthen the body so that harmful substances cannot accumulate in it in the future. Among the water procedures assigned to the patient, some had to introduce water into the body to dissolve harmful substances, and others - to warm it in order to draw out the dissolved. For better dissolution, herbs were used. In the course of treatment, during the first three weeks, the patient was given one of the following procedures each day in turn, in the order of their listing: first, a wrap, followed by a head steam bath, then a short wrap and upper and lower douches. In addition, every night from his bed he was given a full douche. In the fourth and fifth weeks, he did weekly 2 floor baths, 1 head bath, 1 foot steam bath, wrap. During the sixth week - 2 warm baths alternately with cold ones, 1 half bath, 1 top and bottom douche. Subsequently, every week he did 2 full douches, 1 top and 1 bottom douches, and monthly 1 warm bath without change. As a result of this treatment, the patient recovered completely.

A 40-year-old man suffered from severe rheumatic pain in his right leg. He could hardly walk even with a stick. To heal, during the first 6 days, he did 2 top douches on his knees, as well as a wrap once a week, walked on water to his calves for 1 to 3 minutes 2 times a week and doused his back every day and walked barefoot on the grass. Subsequently, he made another douche of the upper body and douche of the knees alternately with a half-bath for 1 minute.

Another man had a toe pain, but he didn’t pay attention to it. The finger is inflamed. Despite the medication, the pain did not subside, the leg was swollen, and it became impossible not only to walk, but even to stand on it.

For treatment, the canvas was moistened in a decoction of horsetail and wrapped around the swollen area. After a while, the tumor disappeared. A year later, the disease manifested itself again, but on the other leg and again on the big toe. The reason is that it was necessary to immediately heal both legs until the redness and pain disappeared, wrapping the legs with a canvas soaked in a decoction of oat straw several times a day in such a way as to cover the affected area and capture the areas above and below it. Kostoyed appeared because before that the man suffered a serious illness, after which he constantly felt tiredness in his legs. Apparently, harmful substances remained in the legs after the illness and with constant walking the legs could not recover. After recovery, in such cases, one should not neglect pine needles or oat straw wraps.

A 4 year old patient suffered from severe joint pain, mainly in the joints of the legs. To cure it, you need to boil the hay dust, squeeze it out well and, putting it on a piece of cloth, apply the resulting plaster on the sore legs in the form of a compress and tie it. After 2 hours, moisten the compress again in a decoction of hay dust and apply as before. On the second day, the compress can be made slightly warm or cold. After these procedures, already on the first day by the evening, the pain decreased significantly, and after 2-3 days the patient did not feel them at all. If there is no hay dust, in such cases, you can use oat straw or its decoction. Together with foot compresses, you need to do some water treatments for the whole body. It is best to use the "Spanish cloak" 2 times a week for 1.5-2 hours in the first 3 weeks, and during the next month take warm baths with a decoction of hay dust or oat straw with a triple change.

The patient fell ill with severe gout. To heal, he put on a bag dipped in a decoction of oat straw 3 times a week, took a bath of pine branches 2 times a week at a temperature of 4d-43 ° C with a triple change and wiped himself off every other day at night, getting out of bed, with cold water. After 3 weeks of such treatment, he recovered, but for some time he used the bag (2 times a week) and took the warm bath described above.

One patient had gouty nodes on his fingers and toes, which he said burned very violently at times. Every other day, he took the warm bath described above, put on a bag every 3-4 days, and covered his hands with a compress of boiled hay dust at night.

A patient suffering from severe joint aches for treatment 6 times within 10 days buried himself in a haystack so that only his head remained on top, and as a result he completely recovered. To strengthen the body, he later took cold baths. Hay baths can be 10-15. 2-4, such hay baths can easily eliminate cramps that usually occur as a result of serious illnesses.

The patient often had a headache for several months, and so much that he could not do anything. This happened especially often when the weather changed. In addition, there were pains in the back and especially in the upper thighs.

During the treatment, he took warm baths 2 times a week at a temperature of 40-43 ° C for 30 minutes from a decoction of oat straw and after the bath he made a strong wet rubdown or took a long cold bath. In addition, he did top douche with douche of knees every day and 3 times a week full wet wipes while sweating or at night out of bed. Every day, in the morning and in the evening, the patient drank 1 cup of infusion of 5-6 elderberry leaves, for the preparation of which the leaves should be finely chopped and boiled for 5 minutes. After a month of such treatment, the patient recovered. To avoid relapse of the disease, he had to take such a bath once a month and wipe his entire body with water 2 times a week while sweating or at night in bed.

The patient's legs were swollen, he experienced severe pain and could not sleep. The joints of the arms and legs were especially painful. He could not walk, and when he got up he felt dizzy. Appetite was normal, but after eating the patient's stomach swelled up. According to doctors, obesity of the heart was the cause of his illness. To cure the patient, first every day, and then after 1-2 days, he applied a compress of hay dust to the sore spots and tied it on top with several layers of warm material. In addition, the patient, first every other day, and then 2 days later, put on a shirt dipped in a decoction of hay dust. When the swelling on his legs was gone, he took a half bath daily and did top douches and douches on the knees. After 5 weeks, he recovered.

The patient complained of rheumatic pain in the right shoulder blade: he caught a cold. First, they rubbed his back with a dry method, then did the top douche. After 8 hours, he took a steam head bath followed by a cold douche.

The man suffered from rheumatic pains in the legs, and especially in the thighs, so that he could not even walk.

For treatment, he was given 2 wraps daily from a decoction of hay dust, starting from the armpits to the ankles, for 2 hours each time, and wrapped well at the same time. Ten such wraps completely removed the attack of rheumatism.

The peasant couldn't even do the wraps because of the terrible pain in his thighs. He was planted daily 3 times in a tub of hay dust for 25 minutes each time. He recovered completely in 3 days.

The man suffered from rheumatic pains all over his body, insomnia and lack of appetite. He always dressed very warmly. During treatment, for 3 days, 2 times a day, first a full douche was done to wash off the dirt from the skin, and then doused knees with a wet wiping of the whole body. On the fourth day - half-bath and 1 hour after it - top douche. On the fifth day and further, 2 upper and lower douches were made daily, alternately with half-baths. After 2 weeks, the body got rid of rheumatism.

The patient complained of rheumatic pains all over the body, passing from place to place. In addition, he suffered from constant shortness of breath, up to attacks of suffocation, and rush of blood to the head. During the treatment, he was given a daily top douche and doused thighs, every other day "Spanish cloak", from the fourth day, instead of top dousing, a half-bath and once a week a head steam bath.

Kneipp said that rheumatism sometimes occurs on the surface of the skin, sometimes it nests very deeply. In his opinion, the pains come from minor inflammations, circulatory disorders, blood stasis, etc.

Rheumatism of the head is most easily eliminated by water procedures directed not to the head itself, but to the legs - steam and warm baths. Best of all, water procedures help when they are performed in the following order: warm foot bath with ash and salt, "shawl", steam foot bath, head bath with cold dousing, and again "shawl". By doing these procedures in this order every day, one at a time, you can cure the most severe rheumatism of the head, often arising from a draft, a cold or a rapid change in temperature.

"Examples from the practice of joint treatment by S. Kneipp" and other articles from the section Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

For such a compress, hay dust is used, placed in a calico bag. In this medicinal collection you will not find beautiful flowers or small hay, it contains only that which crumbles when hay is stored on the floor of the barn. Hay dust has been used in herbal medicine for a long time. It contains sugar, starch, minerals, all kinds of trace elements, flavonoids, tannins and essential oils, etc.

A bag of hay dust for the treatment of diseases was developed by Franz Kleinschrod, who in 1888 came to the "father of water procedures" Sebastian Kneip. It was he who scientifically substantiated Kneipp's hydrotherapeutic procedures and compiled many recipes. His dustbag was sometimes called "natural morphine."

Indications for use

  • Lumbago.
  • Arthrosis.
  • Rheumatic pains.
  • Painful muscle weakness.
  • Cold, cough.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Stimulation of metabolism.
  • Stimulation of blood circulation.
  • As a remedy before massage and other physiotherapy procedures.

This remedy helps with arthrosis, rheumatic and muscle pains, lumbago and stitching pains. Sharp pains are often relieved after applying the hot pouch. In this way, the brain stem is stimulated along the nerve pathways, which helps to reduce pain. At the place where the warming compress is applied, the blood circulation becomes more intense, and the metabolism becomes more active. Skin irritation and intense warming relax painfully tense muscles. Such procedures are recommended to be used before massage or therapeutic exercises. When using a dust bag, good results are achieved with certain skin rashes and chronic joint inflammation. Hay dust as a bath additive is a proven remedy for strengthening the whole body. This bath stimulates blood circulation and metabolism, has a positive effect on the nervous system. With a cold and a strong cough, inhalation with such dust helps to recover.

How to carry out the procedures?

A dry hot bag is placed on the sore spot. To avoid burns, it is advisable to put a linen towel between the skin and the compress. When using hay dust as a bath additive, fill the bag with two liters of cold water and boil for twenty minutes. Then pour the broth into a bath filled with water. The undiluted broth can be used for inhalation.

The hay dust bandage is an integral part of the Kneipp treatment. Such compresses help to improve blood circulation, as well as reduce nervous tension and strengthen immunity. A bag of hay or dust can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is considered an effective first aid treatment, especially for lumbago (acute lower back pain). In addition, an extract can be purchased at the pharmacy, which is recommended for use as a bath additive or for inhalation.

In acute inflammation, such a drug can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor, because heat stimulates the "maturation" of the focus of inflammation. In case of inflammation of the internal organs (with inflammation of the appendix or oviduct), life-threatening complications can occur under the influence of heat.

Osteoarthritis is a difficult disease, and treatment requires a lot of time, effort and patience. The approach is usually complex in nature, which allows you to act on the problem with several methods at once to achieve the best result. Along with drug therapy, physiotherapy exercises and physiotherapy procedures, non-traditional, alternative treatment based on the use of natural remedies is also carried out. With arthrosis of the ankle joint, this aspect of treatment is considered to be the simplest, since its implementation does not require significant costs or special efforts.

The expediency of using folk methods

As a rule, the treatment of arthrosis is a complex process that is aimed at relieving inflammation, reducing the intensity of painful sensations, and restoring joint mobility. Traditional medicine is a great way to implement complementary measures for early recovery. However, it should be remembered that traditional medicine cannot be the only way of treatment, rather, these are auxiliary procedures.

However, if you combine the classical treatment with ointments and drugs with folk compresses or baths, then the rehabilitation process will be much faster. In this case, the unconventional approach is an applied method to relieve soreness or inflammation, which can be easily achieved with natural products.

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Traditional medicine methods are diverse, an unconventional approach is able to offer several options at once for the patient's choice. So, with arthrosis of the ankle joint, compresses, rubbing solutions, ointments, internal remedies, etc. can be used.

Compresses for arthrosis of the ankle

Compress is a method that involves applying a certain composition to the damaged area for a while. It can be used both cold and hot, additionally providing a warming effect. The following recipes may come in handy in the fight against arthrosis.

  • Horseradish compress for pain relief. To prepare it, you need to grind the horseradish roots on a grater, then pour them with water and leave on low heat until almost boiling. The steamed root is placed on a piece of dense tissue and applied to the ankle. The product must be fixed in a convenient way and left for several hours.
  • With arthrosis, the issue of combating accumulating salt deposits becomes relevant. Such a compress will help to cope with this problem: iodine (5% solution), ammonia (10% solution), liquid honey, glycerin and medical bile. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and infused for 10 days. Warm the tincture slightly before use. To obtain the effect, you need to leave the compress overnight, warming it with a handkerchief. Can be used daily.
  • Cabbage juice compress helps to relieve pain in arthrosis of the ankle joint. The cabbage is cut into several pieces, crushed in a bowl and passed through a juicer. The resulting juice is moistened with a piece of woolen cloth and applied once a day to the sore joint.
  • The easiest option is a cabbage leaf compress. Fresh leaves are smeared with honey and applied to the leg with the same side, fixing and warming. Leave the compress overnight, repeat daily for a month to achieve a positive effect.
  • Oat compress. 5 tablespoons of oatmeal is poured with hot water and boiled for 7 minutes until a viscous gruel is obtained. The cooled mass is laid out on a piece of natural fabric, applied to a sore spot and fixed with a film. The exposure time is night. With daily use, the porridge must be boiled fresh every time.
  • Eggshells are dried and crushed, and then mixed with kefir. The result is a thick gruel, which is used as a compress - it is wrapped in linen and applied to the leg for a couple of hours every day.
  • Compress from tincture of wormwood. The tincture is prepared according to the standard recipe - a tablespoon of dried herbs in a glass of hot water.

Gallery of ingredients used to make compresses

Specialist's note: recipes for compresses are generally universal, they do not have fundamental differences in the treatment of various forms of arthrosis of the ankle joint (for example, deforming), since they are aimed at specific tasks: removing inflammation, reducing pain, etc.

Grinding and lapping recipes

This method involves applying medicinal formulations directly to the skin, spreading it over it and rubbing it in. In the process, in addition to the delivery of nutrients, there is also a light massage with a warming effect, which also has a positive effect on the condition of the diseased joint. With arthrosis of the ankle, you can apply the following recipes:

  • Rubbing to minimize pain. For preparation, you need a dry root of elecampane in an amount of 50 grams and 125 ml of pure vodka. The ingredients are combined and infused together for two weeks in a dark place where the sun's rays do not fall. Rub the ankle daily until the desired effect is obtained.
  • Honey lapping. Honey, iodine, alcohol and glycerin are taken in approximately the same proportions. The ingredients are mixed, infused for several hours. Next, you need to soak a cotton swab with the mixture and lubricate the area of \u200b\u200bthe joint affected by arthrosis with light movements from top to bottom. To obtain the best effect, not only the painful area is smeared, but also the tissues around it.
  • You can also rub in pure fir oil.
  • In warm water, dilute a couple of tablespoons of rock salt, dip a towel in the resulting mixture and gently wipe the area of \u200b\u200bthe inflamed joint.
  • Rubdowns can also be carried out using an infusion of St. John's wort (a tablespoon of herbs is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for about half an hour).
  • Iodine rub. As ingredients, you will need a bottle of ordinary triple cologne, a bottle of iodine, juice from 6 aloe leaves and 5 crushed analgin tablets. All components are mixed, insisted for 10 days, after which they rub the affected joint with the resulting composition.

Gallery of ingredients used to prepare grits

Means for oral administration

One of the most popular methods of treating arthrosis in traditional medicine is tincture, which is used orally. Below we will consider the most reliable and proven recipes:

  • In the volume of 0.5 tablespoons, mix together willow bark, birch leaves, calendula flowers, nettle leaves and pour the dry mixture with a liter of boiling water. The remedy is infused for 12 hours, after which it is necessary to apply one hundred grams three times a day for 2 months. The infusion should be drunk before meals 30 minutes before the start of the meal.
  • The next composition has the same principle of preparation and reception, only it includes other herbs. For cooking, you need to mix together chamomile, St. John's wort, hop cones, wild rosemary herb, half a tablespoon of each. Then pour the mixture with boiling water and wait 12 hours, then safely apply it three times a day.
  • This remedy is represented by a decoction of raspberry roots, nettle and elecampane, which are used in the amount of one teaspoon. The components need to be poured with two glasses of boiling water, then boil the mixture in a water bath for ten minutes, then strain, cool and take 100 grams three times a day before meals.

Other means, for example, medicinal baths, have a good effect. We recommend preparing a pine bath - this method is useful and very pleasant, essential oils help to relax and calm down. You will need several branches of pine with needles and a couple of earthen pear fruits (they are cut into small pieces). The components are dipped in hot water in the bath, for additional effect, you can also add sea salt or a couple of tablespoons of honey. When the water reaches a comfortable temperature, you can start the procedure. You can stay in such a bath for no more than a third of an hour. Another version of the composition for baths is hay dust (you can use everything: leaves, and stems, and flowers).

Warming with natural materials also gives a good result. The most common way is using sea salt or sand. This method involves heating the product in an oven, after which sand or salt is poured into pre-prepared bags and applied to the sore spot. It is imperative to make sure that the temperature is not too high - heating should not burn the skin and bring painful sensations.

An integrated approach to non-traditional treatment

Traditional medicine methods are usually used not one at a time, but in combination, thereby providing an impact on all aspects of the problem at once. Experts do not recommend using all recipes in a row, this will not bring a positive effect, it is better to choose several specific methods and apply them systematically. So, recipes from different categories are well combined, for example: rubbing during the day, in the evening - a bath, at night - a compress, and taking the funds inside the recommended number of times. External influences help relieve puffiness, minimize pain and improve ankle mobility, and taken orally tinctures and decoctions, in turn, normalize metabolism at the cellular level, block the action of enzymes that provoke inflammation, and deliver useful substances.

Specialist advice: to improve the effect of compresses, it is advisable to take a medicinal bath before applying them.


Despite the fact that traditional medicine is considered a practically harmless technique, it must also be applied taking into account certain rules and restrictions:

  • do not apply formulations with aggressive substances to damaged skin, in case of skin diseases at the site of the affected joint;
  • rubbing and any other massage effects must be abandoned in the acute stage of the disease;
  • it is impossible to ingest funds that are not tolerated by the body, that is, there is an allergy.

Before you start using any remedy, be sure to notify your doctor - this will help avoid additional problems associated with incompatibility of treatment.


As unconventional measures that could prevent the development of arthrosis of the ankle joint, you can use:

  • Coniferous baths. They have a significant positive effect on the body, relaxing it and saturating it with useful substances, while simultaneously preventing inflammatory processes in the joints.
  • Application to the area of \u200b\u200bthe joints.
  • Herbal decoctions without alcohol. The described means for oral administration can also be used as prophylactic ones, just drink not three times a day, but only one.

Gallery of preventive products

Carrying out a complex, multifactorial therapy for arthrosis of the ankle joint, you can quickly relieve all the symptoms and simply forget about the problem. Traditional methods will not only help in this, but also prevent the development of a similar disease in the future.

At the beginning of blood poisoning, with freezing, with cramps in the abdomen, this dust, brewed with boiling water, has never deceived me in my practice. For rheumatism, gout and scrofula, dressings and shirts, moistened with a warm decoction of hay dust, are of great service. But this does not mean that with these diseases one can get by with dust alone. More on this in part 3.

Laxative (Wuhlhuber)

About 40-50 years ago, a laxative was used only at a certain time (once or twice a year, at a certain quarter of the moon); in the same way, it was customary to bleed at a certain time of the year indicated in the calendar. But times and people have changed.

However, even now, many are convinced that from time to time you should thoroughly examine and cleanse the stomach.

If the stomach is given too much work, i.e. overfill it, then it deteriorates and eventually completely refuses to work.

To cleanse the stomach, you should use the simplest, harmless means that would not fall on the stomach, but would support it, arousing vitality in it, i.e. strengthening gastric juice.

I have found, it seems, the composition of such funds. Laxative infusion is prepared in two types; each of them is of great benefit and therefore deserves attention.

The name "Wuhlhuber" (digger) was given to these products not by me, but by one gentleman who put his stomach in order thanks to this "Wuhlhuber". Under this name (I did not find it necessary to change it) I sent it many times to Switzerland and Hungary, and it was of great help to many people.

The first recipe for this laxative is as follows.

Make a mixture of two tablespoons of ground dill, two tablespoons of crushed juniper berries, one tablespoon of camel hay, and one tablespoon of sabur powder. Store this mixture in a dry place. The effect of this remedy is manifested after 12-30 hours. The infusion of this mixture is usually taken at bedtime, one small cup. For one cup of infusion, take one teaspoon of the mixture, boil it in water and then drain. The resulting infusion can be drunk cold or warm, if you like, with sugar.

People with a stronger physique can drink one cup of this infusion for two days in a row.

Weak people should, on the contrary, divide one cup into two or three times, i.e. take 4-6 tablespoons a day as medicine. It does not cause pain, while the patient feels its cleansing effect inside his body.

On some, this infusion has no effect, although it works hard inside and tries to catch thieves like the police.

But this is not always possible. Then our remedy leaves the body alone and does not weaken it, like any other laxative.

The infusion acts on stool and urine, and also secretes phlegm that has accumulated in the chest.

I know of cases when this laxative, after prolonged diarrhea, eliminated the remaining impurities and acted in a soothing manner.

Second laxative recipe.

Make a mixture of two tablespoons of ground dill, three tablespoons of crushed juniper berries, three tablespoons of elderberry root powder, one tablespoon of camel hay and one tablespoon of sabur powder. Prepare an infusion from this mixture.

Joint pains often become that sad background that accompanies a person in old age. Late arthrosis deformans, especially of the knee joint, is the most common cause of disability in older people. Sometimes the last opportunity for a patient is an operation, which he sometimes cannot accept and endure. For a long time, people have used folk remedies for the treatment of arthrosis. We will talk about them in this article.

Folk remedies for the treatment of arthrosis of the joints

On the Internet, you can find many "magic" recipes with assurances that "one woman" has helped, the pains have gone, and the joints have become as young. It is possible to check whether it is really so only on the basis of personal life experience.

It is probably not worth abandoning the traditional treatment of arthrosis altogether, grabbing onto some kind of drug.

The technique, both medical and purely healer, will be effective if the fight against arthrosis is carried out in the direction of destroying not only the external signs of the disease (the pain has passed, well, okay), but also the deepest causes of its occurrence

We have already said that in the appearance of arthrosis, deep processes of intracellular metabolism are usually involved, leading to a deficiency of the most important substances that form cartilage tissue. These are chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine, collagen.

Do not self-medicate children

Failure can be caused by endocrine, hormonal, diseases. If this happens, joint degeneration can start at a very early age. And in this case, alternative treatment (rubbing, lotions and compresses) may be useless:

The pain, perhaps, it will dull, but the process itself will not stop. Worst of all, time may be wasted. Remember that the early stage of the disease can be cured. Conservative treatment of arthrosis is effective if there is no complete destruction of the hyaline cartilage.

Therefore, do not self-medicate children with folk remedies. The first thing to do is to conduct a thorough diagnosis.

Joint pain in children is a very alarming and uncharacteristic symptom that can speak of diseases such as:

Rheumatoid arthritis

Lyme disease (borreliosis)
Leukemia, etc.
When folk remedies are justified
A much calmer and more trusting attitude towards folk remedies, if the patient has already been diagnosed with deforming chronic arthrosis:

Osteoarthritis is at the stage when the joint itself cannot be cured, but it can be maintained at this level for a long time, while maintaining mobility and relieving pain.

By combining folk remedies with therapeutic exercises and proper nutrition, you can achieve long-term remission. Very often, the process is inhibited at all, and the disease never progresses to the third stage.

There is nothing particularly outlandish about this:

The nature of our musculoskeletal system is given unique compensatory opportunities to preserve its motor functions even in a disaster situation, when, it would seem, is already a step to disability. So let's help her, not go against nature.

Among the recipes, we tried to select those that:

Folk remedies for pain in arthrosis

Let's remember that traditional pain relievers for arthrosis are non-steroidal or hormonal drugs that suppress inflammatory processes.

People have long treated inflammation and swelling in the joints with herbal tinctures, rubbing, ointments and compresses, which relieve pain due to the content of essential oils or alkaloids.

Folk recipes for arthrosis

It has long been noted that inflammation is relieved by:

Sabelnik, elecampane, burdock, dandelion, hay dust, lilac flowers, etc.
beekeeping products
natural products (animal fats and vegetable oils, eggs, vinegar, etc.)
When starting treatment, remember that it should last at least two to three months and be repeated after a break until you recover.

Here are some recipes:

Tincture and decoction of cinquefoil

It can be used orally and for rubbing a sore joint.

Roots and stems (100 g) are poured with one liter of vodka
Insist three weeks
Drink one tablespoon diluted in a small amount of water before meals


For liver and pancreatic diseases (cirrhosis, pancreatitis), it is better to use decoctions.

Sabelnik broth:

One tablespoon per glass of boiling water
Keep in a water bath (place the glass in a pot of boiling water for 15 minutes)
Insist for two to three hours, then strain and add boiled water to full volume
(This is the method used in most recipes for making water-based decoctions.)
Drink - 50 g during the day

Burdock compress

Burdock leaves are easy to find - they probably grow in your yard. This is an excellent pain reliever, and the main thing is to prepare it as easy as shelling pears:

Collect burdock leaves (just not near the road)
Rinse them thoroughly and put them in boiling water for one or two minutes (you can support the leaves over a stream of steam)
Lubricate the affected area with olive or sunflower oil
Cover the joint with a sheet, put cellophane on top and wrap with a woolen scarf or shawl

Cabbage compress

There are two options for using cabbage in the treatment of knee arthrosis.

The first is from cabbage juice:

Sliced \u200b\u200bcabbage slightly mash and pass through a juicer
Soak natural woolen cloth in juice and apply to the sore spot
The second option is for the lazy:

We just take a cabbage leaf, spread it with honey and apply it to the sore joint, insulating it with polyethylene and a woolen bandage

Propolis, honey and aloe ointment

The composition and preparation of this ointment is complex, but the effect can be very good.

To prepare an ointment, you need a real beekeeper, from whom, for example, you buy honey.

Treatment of arthrosis with honey

Here you will need a product that not everyone has heard of, but people have long been treating rheumatism and other ailments for them - this is a bee moron (dead, alas, bees).

One tablespoon of podmore is ground in hot vegetable oil (100 g) and put in the refrigerator for two weeks
Propolis is crushed and mixed with water, and after the water settles, it is dried and poured with medical alcohol 96% in the following ratio:
two tablespoons per 20 ml
The mixture is poured into a dark glass bottle, aged for two weeks and periodically filtered
Wrap aloe leaves in dark paper for two weeks and put in the refrigerator. Throw away the blackened leaves, and chop the green ones and squeeze out the juice
Mix all the prepared components and add syrup to them in a container:

Stir 2 tbsp. l honey in a glass of water and add one tablespoon of young spruce and pine sprouts
Simmer in a water bath until the mixture thickens
Such an ointment not only relieves pain, but also regenerates cartilage tissue.

Hay dust bath

Hay has healing properties: it is not for nothing that the reapers rarely fell ill with joint diseases.

Pour boiling water over a few handfuls of dust in a jar and cool to room temperature
Pour the contents into the bathroom directly with the grass
Take a bath for half an hour


Avoid bathing for joint swelling and severe pain
You can also take pine baths with sea salt

Onion broth

Onions are a phenomenal plant with many medicinal properties. Its husk is also useful.

The husk decoction is also used in the treatment of arthritis and gout.

You need to take two large onions, wash and peel them
Finely chop the husk and cook it along with the onion in one liter of water
Take a decoction - three times before meals

Treatment of arthrosis of the joints with dandelions

Dandelion flowers collected in May are crushed and poured with boiling water
In a wooden mortar, knead flowers to mush and apply them to the knee in the form of a compress

Dandelion Tincture:

Pour one liter of vodka over the dandelions and leave for a month in a dark bowl
Rub with tincture sore joints

Folk recipes for warming joints

Warming ointments for arthrosis

The effect of these compresses is based on skin irritation, penetration of medicinal substances into the deep layers of the skin and improvement of blood circulation in the joints.

Horseradish and honey compress

Lightly steam the grated horseradish in boiling water and add a little honey
Put the horseradish on a piece of cloth and attach it to the joint

Camphor based rubbing

Mix camphor, turpentine, vodka and vegetable oil
Rub this tincture on the joint at night
After rubbing, wrap the affected area with a woolen scarf

Mustard compress with honey

Mix mustard powder with honey and add one egg
Put the resulting ointment on gauze and apply to the sore spot

Rubbing with interior fats

It's good to use lard for this:

It is necessary to melt the lard over low heat
While the fat has not solidified, add a decoction previously prepared from such herbs to it:
Marsh wild rosemary, birch buds, white lilac flowers, sweet clover, Maryin root
Folk remedies for joint mobility
Sometimes deforming arthrosis of the knee joint turns into a real punishment: it becomes difficult to bend the knee. Doctors vying with each other begin to advise the operation. Is it possible to develop a joint, and what recipes exist for this?

The best joint mobilization is exercise and massage

But how do you design an almost rigid knee?

Start first with exercises that do not need to bend the knee:
Just while lying, lift your leg and hold it in weight, stretch your toe
Complicate the exercise by moving your leg to the left or right
Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds
Now move closer to the headboard of the bed and press the heel with effort on the back, trying to push off from it, but at the same time hold in place
After these exercises, massage and stretch your knee.
After gymnastics, it is a good idea to take a bath of hay or pine needles, and after that put a warming compress of deep penetration.

Such a compress can be made from:
Medical bile, 5 percent iodine, 10 percent ammonia (all in equal parts), softening this hellish mixture with glycerin and honey (preferably May)
Another option for a penetrating compress:
Grind 100 g of comfrey roots and mix it with pork fat (400 g) and 50 g of Dimexide
Gradually begin to gradually bend your knee, each time more and more
Stop exercising if the pain is severe.

Joint recovery and nutrition

It is important not only to relieve the joint from pain in time and unblock it, but also to properly nourish it.

Joint Nutrition Recipes:

Cook the beef leg jelly, but drink it warm for 10 days. Then take a break for a week and repeat the course five to six times.

In conclusion, an interesting recipe for joint nutrition:
Prepare 6 homemade eggs, 10 lemons, 150 g of good cognac and 300 g of honey
Squeeze lemon juice and pour over eggs generously
Cover the plate with a cloth and put in a dark place for 7 days
During this time, the shell should, if not dissolve, then soften
Crush eggs in a mortar, mix with honey and cognac
Take one dessert spoon after meal

Video: Folk remedies for the treatment of arthrosis

The best "ingredients" for joint treatment

After spending 1.5 months studying all the available information about the treatment and restoration of joints, I have compiled for myself a list of five natural "diamonds" that were used at different times for treatment by Emperors, Kings, General Secretary, Yogis, Tibetan monks, Old Believers and many more by whom.

First place is "Zhivitsa cedar", or in a simple way, coniferous resin. The extract from the gum is in its pure form a concentrate of molecules that make up cartilage and which restore this very cartilage tissue at an amazing speed.

"Burdock"... This plant was first used in the Caucasus. The feature of "Burdock" is its unique ability to liquefy and remove salt deposits. It instantly makes the salt deposits in the joints looser, and after 15-19 days of regular use, it completely dissolves the salts in the joints and spine. Agree, a very useful property.

"Thyme" or, as it is also called "Thyme". Belongs to the genus of the Lamiaceae family, one of the largest and taxonomically complex genera of this family.

Thyme is the fastest natural anti-inflammatory drug. Thyme extract rapidly destroys any inflammatory process. Since time immemorial, Thyme has been used to treat sciatica, rheumatism, polyarthritis, gout and varicose veins.

"Sabelnik". It is also called Five-leafed leaf, Ognevets, Rastovyrka, Russian Ginseng. It acts as an immunostimulant, stops the autoimmune process in the body, which is the starting point of joint diseases and cartilage degradation. The extract of Sabelnik has been used at various times to treat osteochondrosis, arthritis and rheumatism. It was especially popular in the royal pharmacy of Peter the Great, who had chronic problems with joints.

"Hop". The well-known plant is the strongest natural anesthetic, absolutely safe and not addictive. It was used by the ancient Slavs for quick relief from pain. Pure extract of "Hop" is 11 times stronger than the now popular Ibuprofen, but unlike it does not affect the nervous system.

"Beeswax". I specifically wrote about five medicinal ingredients, the sixth - Baking wax, does not quite heal joints, but it is no less important. Beeswax has the ability to enhance the effect of medicinal components, times. And two: provides protection for bone and cartilage tissue. In other words, the first five plants heal joints and cartilage, and wax SAVES the achieved result for decades.

Having dealt with the "ingredients" of the treatment, I wondered - how do all these wonderful natural remedies get into my aching joint? After all, whatever manufacturers say, ordinary plant extracts are not able to quickly penetrate through the skin and tissues into the joint. Only their microscopic amount reaches the diseased joint and you need to use them for YEARS to get the desired effect. And my shoulder hurts here and now, and I need to treat it urgently! It is desirable yesterday.

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