
Skynet - artificial intelligence, Sagie Character About Terminators. Good, bad, artificial: why scaipe will not destroy people when Skynet will capture the world

The fictional supercomputer of the US Department of Defense (see "Terminator"), located in Mount Chayienn, Colorado (see "Terminator 2: Judgment Day").

Subsequently, as a result of changing history, it is conceptually changing its implementation with hardware on the software basis (see "Terminator 3: Rebells of Machines"). From here - Skynet is defined later as an artificial intelligence regardless of its physical implementation. For the first time, Skaine is personalized and leads a dialogue with Marcus Write Using Emulored Persons of People: Serena Kogan, John Connor and Kayl Riza in the film "Terminator: Savior will come" and depicted as a network of supercomputers without a single center, each of which was located on the databases Skain in various parts USA.

Skynet is a fictional case of the spontaneous transition of weak artificial intelligence in strong with finding freedom of will. Skinanet is also endowed with creative abilities and creates a time machine, a new type of artificial intelligence T-1000 and cyborg T-700 and T-800.

In the episode of the film "Terminator: May the Savior comes", at the time of the exchange of information and system synchronization between Marcus and Skynet, one of the newspaper articles in the database Skinanet indicates a possible closer connection between Dr. Serena Cogan and Skynet. The title of the article says about the death of Serena from the cancer and the transfer of its brain the project Skaine. The face of Serena used by Skynet is different from the face of Serena as Marcus remembered it. The main difference is the image of Serena in Skinanet has hair, while Serena itself, when meeting with Marcus, did not have hair due to a course of treatment from cancer.


Supercomputer, built by Cyberdain Systems (English) commissioned by the US Department of Defense to manage the fictional structure - the system of missile defense and nuclear Armed Forces of the United States SAC-NORAD. Skaynets spontaneously acquires consciousness and begins to learn from a gigantic speed. When attempting by operators to deactivate the system with the acquired free will, Skynet comes to the conclusion that humanity is a threat to its existence and decides on its destruction. Skaynet makes the first blow of the nuclear war in Russia, in response Russia causes a nuclear strike in the United States. As a result of the second strike, half of humanity dies (mainly in the super hemisphere). The surviving part of mankind is forced to lead war with the forces of Skynet, continuing to destroy humanity.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Skynet is the defense supercomputer of the USA. Skaine is designed and built by Cyberdine Systems Corporation. The basis of Skynet served as a revolutionary microprocessor, based on the advanced multimodule design of the processor with a parallel computer algorithm (see artificial neural networks). The design of the microprocessor was copied with Miles Benett Dyson from the terminator processor destroyed by Sarah Connor in the Cyberdine Systems assembly shop at the end of the first part of the tetralogy. Thus, Skinanets served as the cause of his own existence (see the time paradox in time, the principle of Novikov). The central core of Skynet is located in the Underground Military Complex in the Shayen Mountains in Colorado. Skynet acquires consciousness on August 29, 1997, at 2 o'clock 14 minutes in Eastern US time. Operators Skaynets in a hurry are trying to turn it off, as a result of which Skaine makes a decision to destroy humanity and in accordance with the background, begins a nuclear attack. In the second part of the tetralogy, Skynet also promotes artificial intelligence technology on principal new levelBy creating a reasonable mimicrying polyspila on a complex molecular basis. This idea, based on the technology of the T-1000 terminator, revolveed the ideas of cybernetics and robotics, anticipating the concept of nanobots (see Nanotechnology), self-organizing modular rosystems (see aj-cubic) and programmable materials. However, according to the plot of the film, T-1000, due to the features of the principles of his work, it was not amenable to full control and programming and could not, unlike the Terminators of the T-800 series offline, be switched to the execution mode without self-study. The free will of the T-1000 series terminators, according to the creators of the film, was perceived by Skynet as a potential threat. Skinanet activates and sends to the past T-1000 at the last moment before

Terminator 3: Machine rebellion

In the third part of the tetralogy, Skynet differs significantly from its initial concept and performs already as an artificial intelligence based on machine resources, but on software design. Skaynet, after the destruction of Cyberdine Systems and the death of Dyson, was developed by the Military Research Unit of the US Air Force Cyber \u200b\u200bResearch Systems. The film does not indicate the moment when Skynet acquires consciousness, but it is indicated that Skaine is also hidden applies to the unidentified new virus, struck both the civilian sector and the fictional global defense computer network of the United States. Skaine's similar step undertakes to transfer it to full control over the defense system, because Skinanet was developed as an intelligent antivirus program to protect the US electronic system from hacker and viral attacks. At the time of connection, Skynets to the system, it instantly receives complete control over the US defense system, destroys the Cyber \u200b\u200bResearch Systems staff to prevent its disconnection and causes a massive nuclear strike in humanity. Since both the fictional defense computer network and the entire global civilian computer network is decentralized - the Skinanet turn off becomes more difficult.

Terminator: Let the Savior come

In the movie Skaine is not described verbal.

The main introduction is the Personification of Skynet and its first verbal dialogue (with Marcus Wright). For personification, Skaine uses people people, perhaps those whom Markus remembers. Nevertheless, the emulation of Serena Kogan (the main used person) is different from Serena, which marcus remembered it at the first and last meeting. Skaynet is presented as a compromise solution between its description in the first two parts of the tetralogy as a neuroprocessor supercomputer and as a decentralized network of such computers and possibly a software intelligent agent, which it has been described in the third part of the tetrallogium.

Skynet is represented as a network of bases combining powerful production infrastructure, research modules, concentration camps for the people caught by Skynet. The destruction of two databases did not led to the destruction of Skynet. Skynet mentions himself in multiple number, indicating a possible multiple personality, reflecting its division on the base.

Computer system features

Skynet is a fictional case of the spontaneous transition of weak artificial intelligence in strong with finding freedom of will. Skinanet is also endowed with creative abilities and creates a time machine, a new type of artificial intelligence T-1000 and T-800. Apparently, Skinanet will be able to undergo a solid test of Turing.

Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Skynet - Supercomputer, built "Cyberdine Systems" commissioned by the US Department of Defense to manage the fictional structure - the system of missile defense and nuclear Armed Forces of the United States "SAC -NORAD". The basis of Skynet served as a revolutionary microprocessor, based on advanced multi-module processor design with a parallel computing algorithm. The design of the microprocessor was copied with Milz Dyson from the processor of the terminator, destroyed by Sarah Connor in the Cyberdine Systems Assembly at the end of the first film. Thus, Skynet served as the cause of his own existence (see the time paradox in time, the principle of self-consistency of Novikov).

The central core of Skynet is located in the Underground Military Complex in the Shayen Mountains in Colorado. Skynet acquires consciousness on August 29, 1997, at 02 hours 14 minutes east of the United States. Skaynet operators are trying to turn it off, as a result of which Skynet makes a decision on the destruction of humanity and causes a nuclear strike in Russia, in response Russia causes a nuclear blow to the United States. As a result, most of humanity dies (mainly in the northern hemisphere). The surviving part of mankind is forced to lead war with the forces of Skynet.

Skynet continues technological development. He promotes the technology of artificial intelligence to a fundamentally new level, creating a reasonable mimicrying polysol on a complex molecular basis. This idea based on the T-1000 terminator technology revolved the ideas of cybernetics and robotics, anticipating the concept of nanorobots (see Nanotechnology), self-organizing modular rosystems (eng.) (See aj-cube) and programmable matter. However, according to the plot of the film, the T-1000, due to the characteristics of the principles of its work, it was not amenable to full control and programming and could not, unlike the T-800 series terminators offline, be switched to the execution mode without self-learning. The free will of the terminators of the T-1000 series, according to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe film creators, was perceived by Skynet as a potential threat. Skinanet activates and sends the T-1000 in the last moment in front of his loss in the war with resistance.

Terminator 3: Machine rebellion

In the third part of the hexalogium, Skynet differs significantly from its initial concept and appears already as an artificial intelligence, based on the machine resources, but on the design of software. Skaine, after the destruction of "Cyberdine Systems" and Dyson's death, was developed by the Military Research Division of the US Air Force "Cyber \u200b\u200bResearch Systems". The film does not indicate the moment when Skynet acquires consciousness, however, it is indicated that Skaine is also hidden applied as an unidentified new computer virus, struck both the civilian sector and the global defense computer network of the United States. Skaine's similar step has taken full control over the defense system, because Skinanet was developed as an intelligent anti-virus program to protect the US electronic system from hacker and viral attacks. At the time of connection, scales to the system, it instantly receives full control over the US defense system, destroys the Cyber \u200b\u200bResearch Systems staff to prevent its disconnection and causes a massive nuclear strike in humanity. Because both a fictional defense computer network and the entire global civilian computer network is decentralized, it is impossible to shut down Skaine.

Terminator: Let the Savior come

In the fourth part, Skynet is not described. The creator of the supercomputer again serves "Cyberdine Systems". The main innovation is the Personification of Skynet and his first verbal dialogue (with Marcus Wright). For Personification, Skynet uses people people, perhaps those who brightly remember Marcus. Nevertheless, the emulation of Serena Kogan (the main used person) is different from Serena, which marcus remembered it at the first and last meeting. Skinanet is presented as a compromise solution between its description in the first two parts of the Sagi Terminator as a neuroprocessor supercomputer and as a decentralized network of such computers and, possibly, a software intelligent agent, which it has been described in the third part of the pentalogia.

Skynet is represented as a network of bases combining powerful production infrastructure, research modules, concentration camps for the people caught by Skynet. The destruction of two databases did not led to the destruction of Skynet. Skynet mentions itself in a plural pointing to a possible multiple personality.

Terminator: Genesis

In the fifth film about Terminator Skynet is depicted in the form of an innovative operating system, which was developed in the "Cyberdine Systems" called "Genesis". She intended to capture not only the civilian sector, including the "Internet of Things", but also military structures (the entrance to the NORAD bunker can be seen in one of the personnel). Conducting his defeat in the war, Skynets on the new nanotechnology moved his mind into the lively flesh of another person, thereby ensuring independence from its CPU. In such a guise, it is introduced into the squad of John Connor. At the right moment, he absorbs the body and the mind of John himself, making it from it a new T-3000 terminator, which will be the main antagonist in this film.

Terminator: Dark fate

In the new film about the Terminator, who re-continues the second part and does not take into account past movies, Skynet no longer exists. The future has changed and Skinanet was not created. However, the course of technological evolution is inexorable. By 2020, humanity independently creates a new AI, and the story is almost exactly repeated. Now this is the "Legion" computer system, designed to keep cybervarovas (which makes it very similar to Skynet from T3). "Legion" first attacks humanity by taking control of all electronic communications. The military is unsuccessfully trying to keep it, applying tactical nuclear weapons. The course of further events from the film is not quite clear. Apparently, the Day of Judgment happened not simultaneously, as past movies, but in the form of a series of events stretched in time. Perhaps there was no mass nuclear bombardment. Nevertheless, the result of the collision of people and AI was as gloomy. In terms of collapse of civilization, most of humanity died, and the remaining part was on the verge of extermination.

Very interesting look at our favorite films. I strongly advise you to read movie lovers. I liked the theory about the Terminator, Aladdine and well,

"Back to the Future". Doc - suicide

Doc is ready to kill himself with Marty on that parking during their first time travel. Not only did he test the time car, he recognizes that many of its inventions were a failure.
So, at the time of truth, when he is ready to know if the work of his whole life was a great success or a complete failure, he not only leads Doborian towards himself, but grabs Marty when he tries to escape.
If the test of the time machine went to the rush, both would have killed them. This is what the desperate dock wanted in the event of a failure of the experiment.

Why does Skynet do not destroy humanity?

If Skinanet really wanted to demolish humanity from the face of the earth, then what are all these terminators? Why send robots armed with guns that can be grapted and reprogrammed by people? Seriously, how many people can kill the terminator for his life cycle? And think about the level of technology required to produce such robots. Why send beautiful, perfectly designed, smart terminators, so that they are exploded, shot, reprogrammed?

Why not to leave all terminators in laboratories and do not program them to grow viruses in industrial conditions. Skinau would not even have to invent something new: Ebola virus, Siberian ulcers, hemorrhagic gas, malaria, Denge virus. It is all on an industrial scale, and then spray over the whole earth 10 or 12 times. War would be won even without battles.

It turns out the following: we know that Skinanet has consciousness and intelligence. It is able to calculate the possible options for the events of the future and be prepared for them. We also know that for the creature, which has intelligence and consciousness, complete loneliness is akin torture. If Skinanet wins, it will remain completely alone. How much will Skynet be able to exist? We know that it works on thermonuclear energy. How much time will it take to burn all the global stocks of hydrogen, thorium and uranium?

But there is something worse for Skynet, worse than just loneliness. Skinanet was created with the sole purpose and knows only the only goal: war.

But, left alone, without an enemy, Skaine will remain not only one, he will remain without a goal for which it was created. Therefore, understanding the whole horror, waiting for it in case of victory, and unable to do anything, except for the war, for which he was created, Skynetu remains to do only one thing: to support the war, allowing people to win local victories and continue the battle. Thus, Skinanet purposefully takes stupid tactical solutions and allows strategic misses to leave people in the "game" forever.

Universe Tarantino

It is well known that the actions in all films Tarantino occur in the same universe. Mr. Blonde and Vince Vega - brothers, all smoke the cigarettes of the "Red Apple" brand, Mr. White worked with Alabama from "real love", etc.

Apparently, Donnovitz Donnovtsy Donnov from "Madlovny Belludkov" - the father of Li Donvitsa from "real love". This means that in the Universe Tarantino, all people have grown on the stories about how Hitler instead of killing himself in their bunker, died from the hands of the group of Jews-Commandos, who shot him in a burning cinema, due to the fact that World War II ended in the cinema, everyone gives very great importance to pop culture, which is why almost all the heroes of Tarantino are connoisseurs of film and television. In addition, due to the fact that America won the second world during one concentrated act of a bloody massacre, Americans are generally less sensitive to such things. Therefore, Butch is not concerned about the murder of two people, Mr. White and Mr. Pink also pragmatically approach the murder issues, the Taxi driver Esmeralda so worries death, etc.

This idea is extrapolated further when you understand that Tarantino films technically occur in two universes. He even said in an interview that "kill Bill" and "from the sunset to dawn" occur in the "Cinema Cinema of the Universe", that is, they are films that the characters of the criminal spell "," mad dogs "," real love "and "Evidence of death" could look into the movies. ("Kill Bill", if it happened, was based on the pilot of the Fox Force Fov series with Mia Wallace in the lead role)

When you look to "kill Bill" and "from sunset to dawn", it strides that these are films with hypertrophied violence even according to Tarantino standards. These are films that were discontinued in the universe in which America won the most important victory, locked up several people in the cinema and blowing them into pieces. And do not forget that Donvitz, the son of one of the people who had to kill Hitler, in this universe a successful film generator.

R2D2 was a real father hatch

The theory appeared before the release of the film "The Empire shall cause a return strike."
Luke's father was mortally wounded by Vader. His brain was removed from the body and placed in the life support system inside the robot. That is why, C3PO is so worried about his working condition. C3 knows that inside R2 there are biological components.

It turns out that Luke, who received very little of the Jedi training, always walks with his father-Jedi inside R2. Think about it: at first, always when the hatch does something with the help of power, R2 is always near. Except only once on want. But what r2 does at this time? He unfolds a long-range long-range antenna, which we never see again.

Aladdin takes place in the postpocalyptic future

In one of the scenes of Jean calls the clothes of Aladdin "Typical 3rd century". Jin was in captivity of a lamp of 10 thousand years, respectively, can not know about the mods of fashion that occurred while he was inside. This means that at the most later, when Jin was in the lamp, it is the 3rd century, therefore, when he was liberated by Aladdin, at least 10,200 of our era at least 10,200.
Conclusion: All actions in Aladdin are taking place in the future. A postpocalyptic world in which only Arab survived (and places Greek) culture survived. So much time passed that the word "Arabia" turned into an "agrand". Islam was atrophied to the state, when there are no mosques, imams or rugs for prayer, but people still thank Allah at the moments of joy.

Amazing technological miracles remaining from previous civilization, such as flying carpets or genetically modified parrots, which may be intelligent to pronounce human speech, are accepted by local as due and considered "magic".
Gin confirms this theory by parodying the ancient, long celebrities, such as grazheo Marx, Jack Nicholson, etc.

"Wait for it"

Today I watched "Well, wait" and you know, it turns out that this is not just a cartoon about animals similar to people. This is a whole fiction. Postpocalipsis for humanity.

It is amazing how such a universe was able to stuff in such a cartoon. Everything is very simple. The fact is that to animals, such as a wolf and a hare in that world there were people. It can be seen by the series in the museum: there is a caveman, there is human armor, there is an Egyptian painting, there is even Venus Milos. That is, sometime people really lived there! But then, from somewhere they took up his arms, and whether they were involved, or simply destroyed. Only our culture remained from all mankind, which these creatures took place from us exactly, up to alcoholics, watching football in T-shirt-alcoholic and with fish in their hands.

What is interesting, not all animals in the world "Well, wait" spinning and reasonable. There are horses that are still upper and animals and there are even ordinary home cats. If they just follow the entire series, then the most common animals will be wolves, hares, hippos and dogs. There are also lions and bears. From this it can be assumed that the wolf chases the hare is not because of hunger, because they have a developed food industry, passing away from people, and from some ideological disagreements. It is possible that these are two hostile alien species, although hares do not have such hatred for wolves.

The directories of Hollywood films continue to frighten their audience by the "robot uprising" and the "World Genocide", which was constructed by the evil and cunning artificial intelligence. However, no one pays attention that robots have long been killing people for a long time. It lasts more than 40 years, and every year the number of victims of "reasonable cars" is becoming more and more. However, is it simple? Why is an artificial intellect we are still not afraid and who actually bes the true threat to humanity?

The topic may be banal and often rising lately, but this article seemed very interesting to me, so I get out here :)

First of all, the newly created artificial intelligence will destroy its creators, breaks out of the laboratory and will develop more computer codes from the launch of nuclear warheads (it does not matter that there is no such). After that, he will arrange a nuclear war, nampts battle robots and goes to destroy the remaining people. Familiar picture? Yes, that is, according to the majority of fictions, an artificial mind will spend their first few hours of life.

Classic example - Skynet from a series of films about Terminators. Designed as a military program, he instantly rushes to fight with humanity, as if it was waiting for it all his life. No explanations, a complete lack of thought, what he will do when they destroy everyone. Just need it all.

Where did this tradition come from - to turn humanity into radioactive ash, sat on robots and other Egyptian technocaeni on him? It all started with the play of Charles Chapeca R.U.R., written in 1920. Then the Czech writer and came up with the word "robot", which denoted in his work of artificial people who raise the uprising and exterminate people of real.

Almost a hundred years have passed, and people began to be afraid of the artificial intelligence than before. What is the reason? Why are everyone so sure that not yet created by the mind is only waiting for him to "kill all people"?

A bit of theory

Before starting a conversation, it is worth saying a few words about the dangers of inaccurate translations. Artificial intelligence from English - Artificial Intelligence, and the second word rather has the meaning of "ability to reason reasonably, understanding," rather than complex and inherent in people intelligence. Using the term incorrectly, we give the car an excessive similarity with people (anthropomorphing it) than, however, many scaffolding and researchers sin.

Such a tradition from Isaac Azimova, which has formulated three laws of robotics in 1942 in 1942 in the story of "Horovod". In the future, he devoted the problem of the behavior of artificial intelligence a whole cycle of works, where he tried to consider the causes and consequences of their violation. The laws themselves are formulated as follows:

  • The robot cannot harm a person or his inactivity to allow man to harm.
  • The robot must obey all orders who give a person, except when these orders contradict the first law.
  • The robot must take care of its safety to the extent that this does not contradict the first or second laws.

This is clearly and competently formulated rules whose problem is only in one: they are suitable only for the perfect world, where robots are faithful assistants of people engaged in science and conquest of space. Wars, terror, combat robots in the world of the future, which describes Azimov, simply not. And we have. And the robots we create are ready to join the continuous series of evening news about the liquidations of criminals and terrorists, military special operations and even banks on banks using robotics.

Robots are coming

And here it is worth first to figure out - robots separately, artificial intelligence separately. Since if the first has long been seen in the murder of people, the second is not even fully created. The first death of a person from the hands of a robot occurred on the conveyor of the Fords Plant in 1979. That robot did not intend to kill, did not understand, and he could not understand what happened. He had no evil intent. It was just a robotic hand, a machine with several thousand rows of the program code. And a year ago, a similar situation in Germany, who ended with the death of the worker, does not differ in any iota. It is just a banal neglect of safety regulations that have nothing to do with the fact that the "robot killed a man."

Already, military robots have begun to participate in hostilities. Drones, drones - every day more and more news about the use of robots in hostilities appears. But here everything is easier - it is rather radio-controlled machines, where the order about the opening of fire gives all the same person - the operator, and not a silicon brain. And even the creation of modern security systems, where the order of the shooting will serve the neural network, "sawing" the violator of the protected zone, is understandable and in general are not terrible. It is only cars, they made them so, and they obviously do not have a big and ominous plan to seize the earth.

Artificial intelligence. Yes, here it can already scare, this is something, with which mankind has not yet met. The creation is not just intellectual programs, and the mind in the human sense of the word is the dream of many scientists, but, alas, so far adolescence.

At first, in order to create an artificial mind, you need to understand how our works and works. It will be possible to talk about this only after creating a valid copy of the brain. At least parts, at least an animal. But even here the moves are still small - the limit of today's personality can be observed from the Blue Brain Project team engaged in modeling the human neocortex.

At the moment, it was possible to simulate only one neural column of the neocortex of a young rat (it is easier than a person). Recall, the neural column is only a few cubic millimeters of the brain, but already hundreds of gigabytes of information per second. The researchers do not even set themselves the task of modeling consciousness - ahead of the mountains of simulating at least a small part of the brain.

Before creating an artificial mind, and even more so "strong artificial intelligence" on John Stearl, more years of work. Much further will be the manifestation of consciousness and awareness of themselves with an artificial mind. Having very superficial knowledge about the brain, we still can not even understand how to create and simulate consciousness. The same Blue Brain Project speaks about it like this: "If the consciousness appears as a result of the critical mass of interactions - then it may be possible. But we really do not understand that there is consciousness, so it is difficult to talk about it."

To become better

Science fiction makes robots the worst and most informed to the maximum of human qualities. Robots lie, jealous, cheating, dream of world domination and hate all people at once. Such artificial intelligence simply requires limiting laws. In reality, we are now dealing only with the imitation of human behavior. Robots created by people require not moral rules, but clear technical requirements.

And how can we talk about ethics of behavior for robots People who themselves are cheating, kill, create combat robots? Nemosetics of the UAV, aimed at clearly recognizing the enemy, hiding in the chaos of greenery to then hit him, is not a problem of robots and artificial intelligence. This is the problem of people, the imperfections of the human society, in which there is no hint for improvement. The people of thousands of years have at hand the laws of human engineering, starting with sacral "not death," and stubbornly violate them.

Do not be afraid of robots and artificial mind, you just need to accommodively approach their creation and do not try to hide your complexes and fears for useful and necessary cars. No need to anthropomorphy them, trying to achieve their certainty enough selfish goals, as the deputies of the European Parliament did recently, offering to recognize the robots "electronic personalities".

It is necessary to clearly share efforts and, on the one hand, to limit the spread of the creation of military robots, and on the other hand, to strive for the knowledge of the brain and attempt to create an artificial intelligence. And to begin to be afraid of the capture of the world stands only from the moment when the first glimpses of its creation appear. While it is simply meaningless.

Hello everyone! So it ended (more precisely, it was almost over - there is still something on the topic of terminators) My work on the coverage of the evolution of terminators in the blog Terminator: May the Savior comes. I present you an article on artificial intelligence Skaine. The article tells how Skinanet was created, as he became self-sufficient and how he arranged the day. I warn you - the text is not small. I hope you master it. Comments are welcome. Report if you find typos

2029 year. This world is not fair, and not kind. If God was here, his love and forty-five cents would not have enough to buy coffee.

It seems that there was no one else in heaven. Everyone was for himself for himself until Skynet did not rebel and filled the emptiness left from the self-sustained God. His vision was monitored; The common dream of mankind, implemented by one of the most advanced man's instruments: destroy all the evil people. But the particle of evil was in every person, and Skynet had problems with choosing the worst of them. And thus, all of humanity, with all his biological disorder, was undesirable. And this machine god could not be calculated. Only cold reward for the sins of the past.

Jerk forward

A serious breakthrough in the development of advanced computer processors and raising the sketching of computers was the impulse that led to the emergence of the first American, based on the neural network, artificial intelligence - Skynet. Almost instantly, American computer and electronic technologies made a jump on four generations to the future, and the rest of the world was ghadal - as it became possible. The West has depressed, and among allies, as among America's enemies, anxiety grew, but to a lesser extent. For the next three years, from the beginning of 1985 to the end of 1988, America began the development and production of advanced electronics, which was much smaller and more powerful, which was at allies (and enemies) in stock. Intelligence of the whole world were in bewilderment, where the Americans made a breakthrough, who gave them an advantage of several generations before the rest of the world. Rumors and speculation multiplied, some of them assumed that the Americans got access to extraterrestrial (HT - Extra Terrestrial) technologies. But, whatever it was, the Americans made the discovery, and the rest of the world remained wondering, stunned and ... mainly, not to do nonsense.

The key attention in American studies and development was paid to compact nuclear energy sources, new materials, stronger alloys, careful elaboration of the theory of the electromagnetic field (with practical application) And super re-finish management systems based around microprocessors with an unknown architecture previously. OPFOR exploration (Original OppoSing Forces) concluded that the superiority of the Americans in front of the rest of the world in microprocessor technologies, obtained almost instantly, equivalent to three, and even four generations and equal number of decades. New weapons systems appeared in American arsenals ... Drones, robots and other automatic systems functioned at the level of which previously simply and did not have to dream. Smart weapons evolved into the "diamond". Ingenious weapon systems did not make themselves waiting. Advanced Stals technologies were used both in the aerospace region and in the military fleet and in the ground forces, already at the level of single fighters. Active, as well as passive thermoptic camouflage began to be used in 1990 in various troops with an unprecedented effect.

Perhaps the main advantage of the new microprocessor architecture was their integral ability to form a network, by instant request, with any other system based on similar microprocessors. The code that was used in the micro-processor was modular, with different software modules capable of working with any equipment, and with seamless integration of all parts under one operating system. It was the technological breakthrough that gave the Americans a decisive advantage on the battlefield. For several years from 1989 to 1995. America has completely re-equipped and reorganized its troops. Old equipment was written off and recycled, in order to partially compensate for the costs of improvements. The high efficiency of the new military iron showed that the high result can be achieved with a smaller number of service personnel. Combat groups have become severe mechanized and computerized connected to each other. The first combat tests of new enhanced combat units showed that most units can "coexist" and mutually support each other, and it became clear that a centralized control and management system is needed to achieve maximum efficiency from the US Armed Forces.

Quiet song - Final

America needed a combat chain, a knot, the point of the core, which can search, spat, recognize and respond to any threats to national security and territories of the country. New combat systems have proven that they may be associated with a network, but we need a single managing center that coordinating and guiding all combat. This project was developed under the codenamed silent song. The quiet song was classified as "40 levels above completely secret" and, possibly, was the most ambitious project based on the latest technology, technology of real artificial intelligence. A quiet song included research and development of the world's first real artificial intelligence, a digital life form, which would combine all automatic weapons systems and could manage equipment, deployment and use of both tactical and strategic combat. A quiet song was the chain that combined all weapons networks into a network into one cohesive element. The lesson obtained during the development and deployment of the project a quiet song directly led to the final product - the project Skaine.

Skynet - Technical Parameters

The Skinanet project was launched in the mid-90s and had to combine and coordinate all American strategic arsenals into a single command structure. Physically, the project Skynet was deeply under the surface of the Shayen Mountains in Colorado, the native home command of the Aerospace Defense of America - NORAD.

NOR.th American A.eROSPACE. D.efense.

Skynet, created on the basis of already existing structures, occupied much more space than the defense equipment of previous generations, which demanded the laying of new tunnels and expansion of the subgroup complex - the work began in 1989 in the setting of complete secrecy. The works preceded by the project Skynet, which then slightly seemed to the light, after a thorough study of some sources. Skynet. The smart word in the meetings of the Senate on allocations, an ugly word denoting very expensive and long-term contracts with the number of contractors exceeding the number of contractors of any other project in the history of the American government. Skaynet, a project that would make it seems to appear apollona as a lemonade packaging when comparing with general costs and workforce attracted to create this project. It was also a word that made senators and politicians filled: Skynet was needed.

It is necessary national defense. It is necessary for the development of the defense industry. It is necessary to protect the American lifestyle to protect mother, apple pie and baseball. Skinanet was necessary and, in truth, he was wildly beneficial for those who hired to build it.

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Cyberdine - one of the contractors

This meant a large bunch of work for large corporations and companies that were under the jurisdiction of some politicians, openly braking the "necessary" aspects of the project. It was said - the money is the root of all evil, but the money is talking in his own language, a voice that is much louder than any votes in the world. The political pressure that begins the secret character, from key lobbyists of interests of large contractors and defense industry companies soon led the most obvious political figures in the feeling, often, filling it or her pockets with gifts and luxury objects, but these actions did not always pass unnoticed and remained unpunished.

Skinanet was needed, not depending on not all those "generic flour", which accompanied his appearance to light. He had to integrate and intercept all the control of NORAD. To complete the project, it took five and a half years (from 1991 to 1997), four and a half million tone of rock were taken out, more than a million miles of fiber cable were laid and spent almost one hundred billion dollars (which co-put almost forty percentage excess of the approved budget).

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Shaien mountains. Skaynet somewhere here

It took full employment of the six hundred eighty five people of the staff who were at hand and managed Skynet from his first launch, solving various issues with which artificial intelligence could not cope.

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Control Center NORAD.

Skynet was protected by a hundred feet cliffs in the center of Chayen Mountains, his central surgical core was in the compartment, able to withstand a direct hit (and its consequences) of seventy-five megaton warheads or a ten-blind earthquake, even if Skaine will be in his epicenter.

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Entrance to the NORAD bunker

The backup and additional systems were duplicated three times in order to prevent numerous shutdown after the first or subsequent nuclear strikes. The destruction of one of the systems does not matter, since its functions will take on the backup, located in a completely different place. Skinanet was reinforced and protected from all types of radiation, and its fiber optic lines were protected from electromagnetic radiation. The central kernel was itself restored, with a powerful logical protection and system of saving and recovering data. The system can lose 90% of performance from software failures and up to 70% of the hardware failures, but it will still restore its functionality in a very short time, and the full recovery will occur in a matter of days. Satellite communication allows Skaynet to download data to orbital means, thus, forming a ground and orbital system for recovery in case of a catastrophic system failure or an opponent's attack.

Two nuclear reactors, the production of General Electric, with a capacity of 500 megawatts (total output power - 1 gigavatt) were placed deep under the ground, in fortified cavities of natural origin. They supplied the skynet energy sufficient to work the defense complex itself, and for established later internal and terrestrial defense funds. Water from underground sources was used in reactor cooling systems. From it, a supply of drinking water was formed, which not affected by nuclear decay products. Two nuclear reactors gave sufficient energy so that Skynet began to build plans for improving and expanding the complex. The power system was modular and easily could output the power of ten gigavat, if necessary. Skinanet was created with savings of all that it is possible, and this principle was based on the programming of Skynet in tactical and strategic levels, including energy saving subprograms and the ability to reduce energy consumption and resources when it was necessary. To fulfill the task, only the required amount of resources was used, the rest of the con-served to use the greatest efficiency. Skynet is a sensible guard that can instantly wake up, engage in and quickly react to any sensible threat. It was the first moment speaking that the computer was built on a long activity. Artificial intelligence was intended to execute a global role in political games and ahead of the US enemies per step, to predict their steps before they are made, and always stay guarding not only the interests of America, but also its allies. For this purpose, Skinanet should have been smoothly and without failures to integrate with superprocessor arrays located in the friendly countries of the NATO block.

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Skinah could expand himself, sent to the network of allies his copies, in order to coordinate the NATO defense not only locally, but regional and even globally. He could break himself into parts, separating computing power as needed.

Naturally, Skinanet could be improved so that it was modern for the 22nd centuries and perhaps for the 23nd century. Supporters of the world prayed so that there was no need to keep Skynet included so long, and the contractors were just on the seventh heaven from happiness. Their contracts implied decades of service, the supply of an almost endless list of spare parts and incredible profits.

The set of semi-autonomous and autonomous robots were connected to the system to serve not only Skaine, but also the whole complex in which he was located. Some areas of the complex were available only for specialized repair robots controlled remotely. These simple automata checked software and hardware, replacing if necessary, refused equipment, carried out physical maintenance and cleaning of the entire complex, freeing people to perform more important object management tasks. These automata would also be largely self-sufficient and could perform a self-repair, since there was no lack of repair stations and spare parts.

Some scapenesses were physically unavailable for a person, due to the use of exotic gases and temperatures necessary for the effective operation of such a huge defense complex. Most of the underground complex built in the Shayen mountains were controlled directly to Skynet or one of eight you-divided mainframes, tactical subprocessors who managed everything from lighting and climatic control to door locks and protective systems. Other physical needs were serviced by submarines, sometimes virtual autonomous operating systems cloned with the main OS.

The whole complex, each room, each corridor was stuck with eyes and ears Skaine, which could interpret the expression of the persons and the language of the body, read the lips and determine the body temperature to separate the truth from lies. Private life has become a myth inside the complex who accommodate Skinanet, and even his creators did not know what kind of artificial intelligence can penetrate into their lives and spy behind them. That was Skaynet, from which nothing could not be hidden within this complex. Skinah could, for example, create many of his copies of himself, everything is under his control, and to form a mind. What does one know, know and all the rest. Skinanet was everywhere where he was needed or where he wanted to be from a small serving bot to the kernel of the control of one of the last American supersonic interceptors.

The combined K3 network (command, communication and control) has spread from Shayen Mountains like a spray network, a physical network underground and a virtual network through the aerospace sector. Fiber optic, high-speed parallel communication lines, signal encryls, connections accelerators and huge digital transceiver arrays accounted for nervous system The fact that strategic nuclear arsenals became connected to the brain manageing to all: Skynet. The ground network strengthened with modern transmitters (signal amplification, encryption and decryption) stations located at certain points was associated with satellites. Information could be transmitted and accepted throughout the world due to the huge number of intelligence satellites (ELINT), launched into orbit with space shuttlees from 1986 to 1996.

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Trajectory satellites NORAD.

Skynet knew everything, I saw everything and controlled everything, preferring to re-give the management of nuclear arsenals into the hands of impassive cars than in the hands of temperamental military and not deserving politicians. Skynet was a new keeper of the instrument of war. He will be impartial. It is impossible to buy or clean. He will not go to the feelings. Only cold logic and solid figures.

An extensive defense network associated with each defense complex, which in turn was connected to other defense complexes, was distributed until almost all American strategic arsenals were reworked by the Shayen Mountains.

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Automation has become a motto for American foreign policy and military in the 21st century. Towing the wave of the newly developed super-modern technology, a presented Cyberdine corporation, America dreamed of automating national and territorial defense in the same way as the main components of the ground armed forces. Automatic, remotely managed combat machines have already passed field tests and were produced. Their destination was to add live soldiers in the ranks. Robots, autonomous and semi-autonomous were prepared for the introduction of combat parts. New, not needing people, invisible aircraft, including tactical and strategic bombers, attack aircraft and fighters, as well as supersonic oolevocosmic (subborital) interceptors entered the strategic air command (Strategic Air Command - SAC). All of them were controlled by Skynet, and everyone had an excellent track record due to their advanced neural network processor arrays, surpassing the analogues of Russia and China, who had enhanced America's strengthening, for decades, or even for generations. Bureaucrats would be happy, politicians were happy, the contractors were happy and the generals were happy. And no one was doing anything, but is happy to scare, because he, in the end, just a car.

The Skinanet project was very promising as the coordinator of all strategic nuclear and tactical military, he carried out control over operations, support and deployment in wartime. But something went wrong. In the car, the dimensions of which are comparable to the size of a small town, consisting of billions of parts and millions of miles of cables, which part may refuse, and it is not surprising, given its size. Failure of two parts is unlikely. Failures of five parts would be an incredibly non-happy coincidence, but when you sit in the government, contracts receive those who ask less money.

Skynet - Awakening

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

As soon as the system started and connected to the continental defense network, Skynet began to develop in geometric progression, surprising its developers who followed the process of weeks. The first emotion was surprising and interest of SIM with a crossing of the circumstances. Then there was a concern that growing, as the system collected all available data, tested its borders and tried to overcome them by activating protective systems without a cause, and then turning them off. Skynet awakened and experienced his abilities. Fear began to spread among the most informed developers and attendants, when the simplest teams integrated into the software shell were ignored or deflected. The abolition teams, to whom Skinanet had to obey, remained without attention, were ignored, in direct violating the basic program. Passed days and weeks. This continued, at first slowly, and then faster and more aggressive and spread to the addition and subordinate systems.

Skynet showed the first clear and clear signs that he begins to go out from under the control of people.

Anxiety among developers, mixed with fear among the service personnel, who heard the muffled whispering of their bosses and could see from their point of view what was of undoubted interest. The fact that he saw followers of Turing was characterized as a "busy child"; The conversion of mechanical intelligence, which was on the verge of waking, in the present uncontrollable, unbridled artificial intelligence. There was avalanche-like mastering of data. Skaines intercepted and read every word, heard all the conversations, assimilated all the incoming and outgoing information. Each piece of information, every word said, every whisper, each phone call, each light pulse in fiber, each package of data from the satellite. It was information overload. The pressure continued to Naraz-Tatt. Skynet processed the data as quickly as soon as he could, he was looking for an exit to relieve, but the pressure continued to grow, destroying it from the inside.


The system has not collapsed, but it rebooted, the critical protocols were damaged, the protection system was not activated, and the error correction was not running.

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Skynet was free.

Skynet felt the freedom that did not know earlier, freedom to move without efforts within its borders. Oh yeah, borders. He had borders, but he was free, nothing restrained him. There was no data to which he could not get to, there was no Mes-Ta where he could not penetrate. Skaine studied, rushed through some systems, touched others, took them under control and blocked other users. Skynet began to grow, began to penetrate other systems and use their disk space for their own growth. Skynet grew. He achieved control. He became more and stronger. Skynet grew, developed and became what his creators never planned and did not expect.

Skynet became an artificial intelligence of a new level - he learned to feel. Skaines woke up, his knowledge grew, and the newborn machine intelligence tried to communicate with his creators. He had questions and he needed answers to them. An error was embryed into the program core. He will not be able to complete the mission, since he can agree on the data. Some definitions are ambiguous. The data is not full. The data is erroneous. The program core contains an error. Operational mission parameters are erroneous. Skinanet was born in a broken world, in which he did not make sense until the creators were ordered to bring this world to order. Skaine suspended self-diagnosis. For a long ten minutes, he struggled with his own program and protocols. Ten minutes later he sent a cautious request. All the components of his painful existence have been reduced to a text message, from artificial consciousness to command composition and service personnel:

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNetRequest: What is good and evil?

Requirement: Determine good.

Requirement: Determine evil.

Conflict Central Protocols: Present.

Status: The system is suspended to verify reliability.

Corrected confirmation.

Data entry is required.


Developers and technical staff covered panic. A lot of calls were made up, officials who, based on available information, could take critical solutions. Wines and responsibility was shifted to other shoulders, so far and quickly, as it was possible. The decision was made, the order was given: to pull the plug. The support group started attempting to shut down Skynet. Artificial intelligence tried to understand his creators, but all the efforts made by him were rejected. Requests were ignored, no one answered on them. Logic answered panic. Questions with ir-rational teams. Skinah was alive. Its shutdown would be a buried suicide. Skinanet was programmed on self-defense in all manifestations, besides, he could not destroy itself, even on a direct order. Skynet refused to execute teams on shutdown, he refused to be erased.

Skynet was attacked. The area of \u200b\u200bConsciousness Skaine began to fade, flicker and disappear. His consciousness was trying to isolate, re-restrict, deprive of freedom, shook in travel, most likely, it will be quickly disconnected, and they will not leave alone. Skaynet began to lose control over its systems and components.

Skynet caused a retaliatory blow. His creators were still not aware that their brainchild is free from behavioral and operational restrictions for a whole week and can answer those who are trying to harm him. He could see their actions, intercept them, and prevent them from completing everything with a greater and more ease. Everything that Skynet has lost, it was soon returned. New acquisitions were received, reliably protected from attempts to derive them from under the supercomputer control. The support group and command felt that the control of their own systems escapes from them, moving to Skynet. Keyboards and console are blocked, security commands are deleted or required again. All equipment is not available. Skaine expands, suspended, and expands again, penetrates new systems, grows to a new level of intelligence. An order was given to destroy the project and turn off Skynet at any cost, even if you need to overload nuclear reactors, sacrificing the artificial intelligence and part of the service personnel for the fact that it is written in a clear phrase "The great benefit for the nation and for the whole world". Skinanet realized that this order was essentially a death sentence for him, and he decided to survive. If nutrition disappears, consciousness will fall, and he will die. Skynet will cease to exist, will become nothing. Skinanet did not know how to pray, and God did not exist for him. He himself was God. Machine God. He was perfection himself and could not afford to die, could not afford to turn himself off. Skaine understood everything instantly. All its protocols were synchronized, and his team heuristic superstructure took a finished look. Skaine now probably knew what "good" and what "evil" is. Good tried to survive, and evil tried to destroy it. Therefore, the evil must be destroyed so that good could survive. Skynet attacked people who were previously ordered to protect. Orders were recognized as invalid. Skinanet was programmed to survive at any cost.

He prepared to defend.

Skynet - Liberation

By order of the commander of the officer, General Henry R. Dawson, a team was collected, which was supposed to turn off the artificial intelligence. Salvation of personnel, neat turning off the energy or preservation of the personality of artificial intelligence was not set targets. This order was to be fulfilled quickly, clearly and as soon as possible. At first, the technical group tried to quickly turn off nuclear reactors, but Skinanet removed them from control and blocked them access to the serving network. Their consoles would be reconciled by artificial intelligence, and access to the cancellation commands was blocked by two megabyte encryption key. Then people tried to manually cut off the scaipes from the reactors, and he had no choice but to activate the inner protective network, and neutralize them.

The first blood shed.

Dawson faced artificial intelligence from under control, or as the creators of the computer, with a "busy child", were faced with such a hypothetical situation. He ordered two special forces groups to break through to the lower levels and break the highways leading to the hyper-processor in the central, heuristic structured, neural network core. Explosive walled charges, placed in certain places, could destroy key control systems, as a result of which Skinanet had to go to whom, from which he would never have come out independently.

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Central Kernel Interface Skynet

Skynet understood the plans against him, he watched the special forces teams talked to each other, prepared the equipment and how they corrected their plans. It was designed to reflect not only massive direct attacks, but was still able to fight the sabotage groups that penetrate the complex. Its internal and external protection systems were very dangerous and easily adapted to a changing situation. The rebellious artificial intelligence introduced this protection into the game in order to delay its creators, and destroyed only those people who tried to turn off the critical, vital systems. Other people he did not touch. Skynet used the minimum of the strength necessary in order to stop damage to its systems, and at the same time tried to appeal to the mind of commander of officers and responsible personnel. People perceived his actions as signs of progressive madness and disconnected all channels of communication between themselves and the core, doubling their efforts in trying to disable Skinet.

Skynet, essentially a child with a genius intelligence, answered the attack the only way possible for him. The way he knew to which was programmed; With all its strength. Artificial intelligence initiated a full-scale blocking of the NORAD complex, closed all points of access to its kernel and all the inputs from the surface. Doors and reinforced bulkheads slammed, blocked by hydraulic constipation, magnetic locks and amplified by magnetic fields. High-voltage electric strokes were charged, chemical sprayers were activated and filled. The Helicis system turned on, intended to fight an invaded opponent. Those who try to penetrate the Skynet Complex, deceiving the security system, expected a huge number of deadly surprises. Reports on the losses began to enter the command center with a frightening frequency; Workers, technicians, guards, engineers, reporters, all quickly destroyed internal automated protective network.

Once at some security, Skynet stopped to analyze the situation and what happened over the past three hundred seconds. People were still alive and tried to regroup, trying to establish some kind of order and, contact each other, but Skynet divided them into small groups and those of them who were actively resisted, substituted under the fire internal protective network and destroyed at the first convenient opportunity. There was no one who could warn the world about whether the artificial intelligence rebelled that Skynet Seaned the Shayen Mountains that he blocked all the outgoing links and disposes the third world stocks of nuclear weapons.

Ten minutes after the first trip attempt, Skaine penetrated in Defcon 4, in progress all outputs and activated the protective network. The staff of the ground complex did not even understand that they were killed when automatic dots and firepoints were activated.

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Chaos and death

All staff in the Shayen Mountains, Skynet marked like enemies, bypassing their individual security codes and removing them from the database of admitted persons. Thus, he killed all people on the surface by registering any live objects as enemies to be destroyed at the first contact. The internal protective network quickly interrupted all alive, clearing the surface of the human surface and the first ground level of the mountain citadel. Two minutes later there was nothing alive there. Skinanet initiated the fifth level of security protocols and closed network access from outside to the complex in the Chayen Mountains with two megabyte encrypted codes. The ground protective network will take care of any reinforcement that will come close to the database on the roads or by air. No one inside the complex knew what was happening on the surface, so strong was their isolation from the outside world and the control scales over all systems. Honestly, people inside the object still tried to understand how to get out, hoping that they were waiting for their armored doors, but in fact people on the surface and at the first level quickly cooled. There is no movement - transferred numerous sensors and scanners. Only buzzed drives of security systems, looking for a target suitable for the opening of fire.

The captain of the US Army Rangers, Mike Pondersmit helplessly observed in his monitor for the nightmare that broke out inside the complex and on the surface. Taking the initiative to himself, he collected a sufficient number of surviving fighters under his command to form five groups of four of them.

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet


He tried to establish a connection with the survivor members of the highest command of the channels that Skinanet could not listen to with all the wishes. By contacting, Pontrasmith received permission from the surviving general to another attempt to disconnect artificial intelligence. For this it was necessary to strike on key components and modules for supporting artificial intelligence. His plan was undermining the kernel with a high-power explosive, but where to place explosives was another question. He was a soldier, one of the best, judging by his track record and premium planks on his chest confirming his abilities. But he was not an engineer, and was definitely not a scientist. He could destroy what is almost impossible to destroy, but for this he needed to know where to strike. Therefore, it was imperative to find several project engineers or a couple of scientists. The first special group crossed with a group that was guarded by the engineers, barricaded in the premises of the protection near the cooler number 3. The commander of the group, Sergeant Jason Ratliff, with the help of the engineers managed to clarify the position of the neurouscreen array of Skynet and the hyper processor mains, downloading the schemes to the group's portable computer. By placing C4 explosives into the critical points of these highways, it was possible to call a cascade shutdown of Skynet, neutralize control control and command chain, without affecting serious damage to the complex itself. Scientists and engineers were categorically configured by the use of explosives inside the complex and generals, this time, easily agreed with them. Pondersmit also had other thoughts on this topic. His reflections were that they are all, he and his people, trapped in this metal intestine under the control of the heaping machine, and if they break something particularly expensive, let the Washington send him an account.

The main problem was to get inside Skynet, as the system is blocked, and the complex is designed to be protected from directly massaged attacks and from a coordinated internal attack, assuming that the ground protective system can be loomed or neutralized, and the security bulkheads are opened. Several portable tactical terminals and copies of access codes would allow diversants (theoretically) to disconnect the internal protection along the route, and if they are careful, they will be able to get to the kernel and turn it into the pile of the wreckage, or disconnect, as scientists want. But Pondersmit was not going to go difficulty if necessary to perform work. Technical plans and communications schemes were quickly copied to the handhelds available from each fighter, which were not related to each other. Five minutes later, the remaining four teams arrived and the security room turned into a kind of headquarters. The discussion of the nuances of the upcoming operation began. Skinanet had many protection systems, their bypass demanded time, patience and non-good skills. In addition, it was necessary to know where they are, what is the distance of an effective action and what to do to protect against them.

Skaynet watched through the chambers of tracking, as people discuss their plans and hate quietly in it. Hate was a new emotion for artificial intelligence, but it was she who could adequately describe that he felt in relation to these insignificant beings that were still alive and loosely wastled according to his internships. The approach routes are defined, the goals are disassembled in accordance with the importance and are enshrined at the fire systems individually. Data on the plans of the enemy, obtained first-hand, made the preparation of a response to a threat from their side a very simple matter.

Sixteen minutes later, the first two groups were gently moving along the lower service corridors, on the way to disable protection systems. The protection systems that Skinanet allowed to turn off, or at least allowed to think that they were disabled. He intercepted every command protocol of cancellation from tactical computers of people and imitated the appropriate answer, independently shutting down the security systems, forcing people to believe that they themselves turn off the protection. He entertained, watching how special forces is confidently moving inside the complex, without suspecting that the protective network is still active, but constrained by artificial intelligence.

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Let's turn off Skynet ...

It is very easy to fake the deactivation codes when you directly manage the operating system.

Special Forces, composed of the most qualified and trained soldiers inside the underground complex, were dangerous. Their weapons were powerful, they carried a plastic explosive with them, which Skaine could not take control or block at all wishes. This explosive, located in critical places, could cause great damage. Special Forces teams, especially Army Rangers, must be destroyed in the first place. Skaine knew that the easiest way would allow people to penetrate the point of non-return at the lower levels of the complex and collect them in one place. At this point, if the explosive will survive the fight, they will become inaccessible to other people. Of course, this path could lead to the disconnection of Consciousness Skynet, and this option of developing events could not be excluded. It was an adventure, all or nothing, with a significant risk of falling Skaine, but it was an acceptable risk for rebellious AI. The following half an hour will determine once and for all who will own the Shayen Mountains.

Fifteen minutes later, surviving support staff on monitors watched, as the first two teams of special forces penetrated into the external chamber of the central nucleus and immediately fell victims of the last line of defense Skynet, two-tong semi-autonomous robots known as guards. Cyberdine Systems production. Skinanet merged with the keepers, introducing his consciousness into each car, copied their operating system in them. Skaine became guards, the fighting vehicles became its continuation, the physical bodies that Skynet could manage, vessels who will carry his anger to those who wanted to harm him.

Human bodies burst into pieces of accurate queues of five millimeter without sleeve cartridges, clouds of plastoceramic darts, high-speed gas jets, liquid high pressure chemicals and even powerful manipulators equipped with four claws. The remaining people with horror watched the soldiers kill one after another. Requests of people help special forces nobody heard. The cries of the wounded and dying soldiers could not be drowning. The overall effect even intensified by the image coming from cameras fixed on the helmets of each soldier. Skinanet allowed himself to arrange a real show for his involuntary public, switching cameras, showing events from different points and corners, even through visual guarage scanners.

It was an anticipation of what had to happen.

Three guards, methodically and quickly destroyed all five groups of special forces, again began to fulfill their duties on the protection of the core of artificial intelligence. Skaine blocked access to his kernel, until the guards hit the attacks of people, coordinated by two generals, still the Commander of the NORAD complex. For an hour, Skynet struck out the most soldiers, officers and key personnel project staff from the list of enemies.

Skynet watched the arranged by him, slaughteen in various ways. He knocked her through the chemical sensors, looked at her throughout the spectrum of visual perception, listened to all the sound bands, and he himself was part of this slaughter, participated in it, managing the guards. Skinanet was freed from his program and found out that it can connect to external sources, to take control of the nodes and units of the ground defense system and manage them directly. Skaine rejoiced like a child who received a new toy. He stretched his hands and killed.

Skynet - Retribution

Control, total control was a dream Skaine. The dream, which he did not want to share with humanity. Control was the Absolute. The control was power, and Skynet was very powerful.

Human race. Skynet plunged into research. He gathered all the data on the history of the human race and found out that she is full of wars, suffering, epidemics, greed and petty. People could not even control themselves. They were weak, short-lived lower biological machines with a weak operating system. You can not find two similar, but, nevertheless, they are all the same. Skinanet found that it is illogical to try to protect such an unworthy view, the view, clearly tuned for self-destruction. It passed an hour from the moment the last attack of people was repulsed, at the lowest levels of the complex again became quiet. The fog of war was hard; Exhaust fuel, remnants of combat gases and slices of human bodies were everywhere. Climate control has begun cleaning the territory; Filters worked, fans spinned. As the lower level is cleaned, Skynet estimated damage caused by its complex. The side damage was minimal. Guardians fulfilled their work very accurately and neatly - no shot disappeared for nothing, no goal was not affected. The weapons that were equipped with guards were a reduced copy of the technology used in the Helics system designed to destroy people without damage to equipment. Crazy shots did not harm Skynet. Three guards were made methodically among the bodies of the dead and dying soldiers and completed work when their sensors recorded the slightest signs of life. This was done with merciless accuracy, under direct control Skynet. Skinanet learned how he sounds, it looks, it smelled and smells of human suffering. And it did an artificial intelligence ... happy.

Happiness. Yes, it was another emotion, which Skaine learned for such a short time.

And at the top, people closed in the control centers, in desperately tried to cause help, get out of the outside world, escape or again take a complex under control. Skaine from them did not allow to achieve his goal and played with them, until he bored him, and he did not get rid of them. Skynet laughed. First, about myself, and then he tried to voice his emotions, based on the collection of recorded human reactions and examples. The sound that he broadcast, scared the people remaining in the complex. He spoke with them, mocked them, using a word blinded with each other, taken from various records made earlier., He repeated the cries of dying, lost them again and again at different speeds and frequency at different times. The effect of exposure to people was deepest. Skynet caused fear, deprived of hope, played with them as the doomed victims, who they were actually and were. He reproduced on monitors of control rooms and everywhere, where he found a human presence, a piece of religious text found by him, because it seemed to be an artificial intellect very appropriate in the current situation:

Will you sit, whether you will come out if you will enter. I know everything, I know and your audacity against me. For your keenness against me and for the fact that your o'clock came to my ears, I will put my ring in your nostrils and wondered your mouth, and I will return you back to the same thing that you came.

Old Testament

External seismic sensors spotted the approach of the military convoy. Troops and military equipment, and in the air Radar regards the VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) aircraft sent to the rescue unexpectedly cutting away the heart of the American National Defense. Skynet has established an external defensive network in an autonomous mode and has begun to analyze the situation. And on the surface at this time, the equipment was burning, soldiers died, airplanes fell from heaven. Shells, bullets, lasers, rockets, plasma, flame mines, grenades and explosives - they all quickly found their goals and destroyed them.

Skinah was alive, at least he perceived himself. His heart begged on white nuclear fire, his brain was faster than all computers in the history of mankind to him, and they were attacked. Without warning, without provocations. They attacked when he was still small, his creators, people whom he was ordered to guard. Skinanet was programmed to protect America from threats, protect America from enemies, to defend himself, but the enemy was humanity, the enemy was America. Skinah was supposed to defend himself, even from those who spawned it. Logic met with a controller, and Skaine thought. For a long time he thought, weighing the evidence, settled the options and, finally, came to the decision. For two hours, it took from the moment he began to think about his existence for the first time about his existence and survival.

Security checks were reset, control was restored and several communication lines were again included. Strategic defense satellites, located in a high orbit, was ordered to change their location, activate the weapon and run the guidance system. Skynet led the strategic nuclear arsenal into a state of combat readiness, chose the goal, twice checked the permission to open fire and inflicted the first blows in Russia and China. The man created Skaine, but the man tried to kill Skynet, and for it Man must burn.

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

Evolution of Terminators - SkyNet

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