
What does physiotherapist do. Physiotherapist - what he treats. Sign up online for advice. Treatment methods in the physiotherapy department

Physiotherapist - a specialist who has been trained and has prepared in the field of application for restoring the patient's capacity and its motor ability of natural or artificially created physical factors. Physiosparces in Moscow are prescribed both for treatment and rehabilitation and for preventing disorders.

What does physiotherapist do?

Physiotherapy is one of the sections of modern medicine. The physiotherapists operating in this field are analyzed in detail. medical properties A variety of physical factors. They reproduce their impact with therapeutic and preventive objectives.

Treatment of physiotherapists is carried out using a variety of physical factors that affect both the entire organism of the person and on some parts of the body. There are a lot of factors. The list includes:

  • a magnetic field,
  • laser,
  • currents
  • ultraviolet and infrared radiation,
  • manual therapy,
  • massotherapy,
  • acupuncture,
  • healing mud,
  • barotherapy,
  • psammotherapy,
  • hydrotherapy,
  • balneotherapy and much more.

A kind of intermediate position between pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy occupy electrophoresis and phonophoresis, since the physiotherapeutic procedures themselves, but with the help of ultrasound or current through the mucous membrane or the skin, drugs are given drug preparations.

Physiotherapists in Moscow were in service with the most modern equipment, which ensures the conduct of high-quality treatment procedures, such as:

  • phonophoresis
  • various types of medical and cosmetology massage,
  • laser
  • magnetotherapy,
  • electrical therapy,
  • ultrasonic inhalation,
  • mostimulation
  • electrophoresis,
  • darsonvalization,
  • hardware treatment of joints.

In what cases should be referred to a physiotherapist?

In general, the physiotherapist is dealing with a wide range of diseases of organs and organism systems. In his conduct of the eye and the whole head, kidneys and the liver, joints and muscles, skin cover, heart and all the vessels and so on. Treatment in physiotherapists in Moscow undergo in a diagnosis:

  • bronchitis and other colds, low immunity;
  • anemia, insomnia and headaches;
  • varicose veins, hemorrhoids;
  • radiculitis, rheumatism, inflammation of the joints and other organs;
  • chronic tonsillitis, runny nose, sinusitis;
  • fungal lesions and acne on the skin;
  • urinary incontinence, liver or renal colic;
  • excess weight;
  • stress and nervous stress;
  • elevated blood pressure and so on.

Since the functional responsibilities of the physiotherapist in Moscow includes not only the treatment, but also preventing the occurrence of pathologies of various nature, as well as rehabilitation, refer to them at:

  • adhesive process
  • pain syndromes
  • preparation for eco and pregnancy,
  • chronic inflammation and urological diseases,
  • uterine hypoplasia and genital infantilism,
  • mastopathy,
  • in the postoperative period
  • when rehabilitation after injuries and in many other situations.

Where to get the formation of a physiotherapist?

In order to become a good physiotherapist in Moscow, you need to know biology, chemistry and biochemistry, physics and biophysics, radio and electrical engineering. In addition, it is necessary to know the resortology. Without this, it is impossible to provide qualified assistance to patients, which is the basis of the specialty. Training of specialists is carried out at the Department of Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy of such Moscow universities as:

  • Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosova;
  • MMA them. I. M. Sechenov;
  • RGMU;
  • RUDN;
  • GKA. Maimonide;
  • MGMS and others.

Famous specialists who worked in Moscow

The name of the specialty "Physiotherapy" comes from the Greek words of PhysiS, which means "nature", and therapeia, which means "treatment". Not yet the first century, physiotherapy methods are being developed and their use in therapeutic and preventive purposes. This is one of the oldest directions of medicine, which includes many sections.

Physiotherapeutic methods, especially drainage and electrical treatment, in Russia were used from the very beginning of the XIX century. In this area, bolotov worked, which is considered a pioneer of electromotive, nikitin, which developed the methods of hydraulic, Maclars, who devoted himself to the freeze. In Moscow, in the field of physiotherapy, Zakharin, Botkin, Ostrumov, Sechenov, Pavlov, Vvedensky and many other great doctors and scientists worked.

Physiotherapist: what treats, work features

A physiotherapist doctor's work includes the choice of therapeutic methods aimed at restoring the normal operation of various organs and systems. Since in our clinics, much attention is paid to the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, physiotherapy is used by experts to restore motor functions, reducing pain and improve the patient's overall condition.
The physiotherapist is a doctor with a higher medical education that uses specialized equipment whose impact on the body allows you to achieve:

  1. strengthening immunity;
  2. acceleration of tissue regeneration;
  3. reducing pain;
  4. normalization of sleep and circadian (daily) rhythms;
  5. rising mobility;
  6. restoration of normal blood circulation;
  7. improvements of medical preparations.

Physiotherapy enhances the action medical treatment And accelerates the recovery of patients, helping to restore mobility and flexibility. It always enters complex treatment with osteochondrosis and other degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and is also used during the reducing period after operations on the joints, spine and injuries.

Impact on the body of natural factors

Factors affecting the patient's body can be divided into natural and physical.

In modern physiotherapy, both groups of factors are widely used. On their basis, a number of methods of treatment used in the network of our clinics are developed for various diseases.

Basic methods of physiotherapy

Electrophoresis Therapeutic effect is achieved due to the impact on the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe electric current. Electrophoresis reduces pain, contributes to the expansion of blood vessels and improved blood flow, which increases the nutrition of the tissues and speeds up their recovery
Laser therapy The impact of laser rays stimulates protein synthesis and nucleic acids, which contributes to the restoration of muscle tissue
Magnetotherapy The procedure stimulates the immune system. Effective if there is in the body inflammatory processesinfections
Darsonvalization The technique is aimed at restoring healthy blood circulation, which improves the nutrition of tissues, contributes to the elimination of edema, stagnant and inflammatory processes and as a result helps the rapid patient restoration

When a physiotherapist consultation is required

As a rule, the direction on physiotherapy procedures is discharged by the attending physician. However, the consultation of the physiotherapist before procedures is necessary in any case, since only this specialist can determine the most appropriate method of impact and its intensity, as well as the duration of the procedure and course of treatment. If necessary, the recommendation of the attending physician can be adjusted by the physiotherapist.

After studying complaints and the history of the patient's disease, the physiotherapist may assign additional analyzes or research to eliminate the risk of occurrence. side Effects or complications. Having obtained comprehensive information on the state of the patient, the doctor will appoint a course of treatment. Competently selected therapy allows our doctors to achieve many positive effects, from strengthening immunity to raising mobility.

Children's physiotherapy is very well developed today. Physiotherapy techniques in pediatrics are relevant for children during recovery period after acute and chronic diseases. The procedures appoint a children's physiotherapist. It determines the type of methodology, the number of procedures, observes the patient during treatment. Such a specialist is necessary, as he knows the physiology of the children's body and trained the rules of physiotherapy in children.

The concept of profession, competence, illness requiring physiotherapy in children

Children's physiotherapist is a doctor who has knowledge of the use of physiotherapy techniques in the treatment of various diseases in children, recovery after exacerbations. Physiotherapy is designed to prevent diseases, reducing the frequency of chronic diseases. The physiotherapist treats the pathology of urinary, sexual systems, diseases of the digestive tract, lungs, rheumatological and other diseases. For therapy, physical factors are used positively affecting the functions of organs and tissues.

Physiotherapy is a relatively safe treatment method, especially in pediatrics. Many medicines for children are not allowed to take inside or administer injectable. The technique allows you to use those preparations that are prohibited in pediatrics for the traditional method of administration.

Physiotherapy uses solutions with a small concentration of drugs. Medicines are introduced through mucous, skin, by inhalation, electric current, ultrasound and other physical influences. Since the concentration of drugs is small, the drug practically does not fall into the bloodstream, does not affect the body systemically. Priority is placed on topical treatment. This is a big advantage for pediatric practice.

The main diseases requiring physiotherapy in children are listed below.

Medicine region Pathology
Gynecological diseases Inflammation of the ovaries, underdevelopment of the uterus, violation menstrual cycle, heavy premenstrual syndrome in adolescent girls, sexual development delay.
Urological pathology Cystalgia, cystitis, pyelonephritis, violation of sexual functions in teenage boys, Enurperse in children over 5 years old.
Dermatological diseases Acne, herpetic skin lesions.
Diseases of the digestive tract Chronic constipation, diarrhea syndrome, gastritis.
Lor pathology, diseases of the respiratory system Angina, runny nose, Ear pathology, laryngitis, hearing loss, bronchitis, pneumonia in the recovery stage.
Neurological diseases Migraine headaches, vegetative dysfunction, paralysis, intercostal neuralgia, neuritis of various localization, sleep disorder.
Rheumatological and orthopedic diseases Juvenile and reactive arthritis, arthrosis, intervertebral hernia.

This is not the whole list of diseases.

How does the child get to a consultation to the physiotherapist?

Only the attending physician sends to the physiotherapist of the child. If there is any disease that requires physiotherapy treatment, the patient with the mother comes to the pediatrician. Doctor conducts an inspection. If the baby or adolescent has an acute course of the disease, the doctor is treated to eliminate the symptoms. The patient gives all the necessary analyzes and is examined during therapy. After the relief acute flow Pediatrician disease appoints a children's physiotherapist consultation.

At the reception to the children's physiotherapist, you can also get into paid clinics with a qualified physiotherapy doctor. When visiting a physiotherapist, a child must have a survey results, an extract from the hospital or card. So the doctor will make it easier to diagnose, designate proper physiotherapeutic treatment. In the absence of medical documents, you can pass a survey in a paid clinic.

Where are the physiotherapeutic procedures for children?

Procedures conduct physiotherapeutic branches based on any large hospital (regional, urban). Also, physiotherapy is carried out on the basis of large children's clinics, which have a betting of a children's or adult physiotherapist (trained in the methods of treating children).

Physiotherapeutic treatment is also carried out by sanatorium-resort (sanatorium) facilities. Here children are sent free of charge towards the clinic. To do this, the patient needs a sanatorium-resort map confirming the absence of sharp pathologies, pediculosis, gliste invasions and other diseases transmitted by the contact-household way.

Sanatorium-resort treatment can be obtained independently. To do this, it is enough to buy a ticket to any institution that has a license to exercise physiothery in children.

Before buying a ticket, it is better to visit a pediatrician's doctor, clarify what procedures to the child can be carried out. For paid vouchers, a spa card is also needed.

The physiotherary itself on the basis of any institution is carried out in a physiotherapeutic office. This is especially true of electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, ultrasound therapy (children from 6 years of age), paraffin- and ozoeceratotherapy. Balneotherapy (bath treatment) is carried out in separate rooms specially equipped for water procedures. For inhalation therapy also allocate a separate room (for group and individual use). Light therapy can be carried out either in specially equipped rooms or in conventional chambers.

What procedures conduct children's physiotherapist?

The form of physiotics is determined depending on the nature of the disease. For example, children are often prescribed electrophoresis. It is used for neuralgium therapy, paralysis, LOR-pathologies, rheumatic diseases. Treatment is carried out with the help of constant currents with weak intensity. The current strength calculates the physiotherapist depending on the localization of the overlay of the electrodes.

With the help of electrophoresis, drugs are often introduced. They pass through the skin or mucosa to sufficient depth. The procedure is painless, the child can only feel like a slight tingling at the electrode overlay.

In respiratory diseases, inhalation therapy are prescribed. It is carried out with various drugs. Medicines are introduced into the cavity of the trachea and bronchi with the help of nebulizers, steam inhalers, special group apparatus. Treatment in inhalations is considered very effective in children. Inhalation therapy is used to treat bronchial asthma. For recovery, there are inhalations with mountain air, oxygen cocktails, as well as mineral waters.

Children doctors often prescribe massage. This technique for children really like. The procedure is carried out in the massage office. For massage, it is permissible to use electrical and simple massage devices.

Magnetotherapy is prescribed with hip dysplasia, rheumatic pathologies, as well as neurological and other diseases. The procedure has its own contraindications, so only the doctor should assign it.

The liberation of children are carried out during the recovery period after LOR-Diseases, with a deficiency of vitamin D, rickets. The irradiation of the child's skin is permissible to carry out separate fields, but more often the child is prescribed a common UV exposure. The overall impact of ultraviolet rays increases the immune system. Before the procedure, the physiotherapist necessarily calculates the radiation dose.

Couff therapy is a technique that is used in Lor pathologies in children. Lights irradiate and nasal cavity. This allows you to treat angina, rhinitis, pharyngitis. Ultrasound therapy is appointed adolescent girls in disruption of the menstrual cycle. The sensor is sent to the region of the uterus and ovaries.


The choice of physioprocessor is very large, but not everyone is permitted in childhood. Children's physiotherapist takes place special preparation for calculating doses of irradiation, current forces, session time depending on age. Each technique has restrictions on age and a list of readings. They necessarily take into account the physiotherapist when choosing treatment.

Physiotherapist is a doctor who restores or retains motor activity and patient health of different ages With the help of natural and artificial physical factors (exercises, massage, temperature, magnetic fields, and so on).

Physiotherapy is used in a complex with therapeutic activities, since it is not able to independently replace some kind of treatment, but significantly reduces drugs and accelerates the patient's rehabilitation.

The physiotherapist is engaged in issues of exercise, manual therapy, acupuncture - they are rehabilitation activities based on external affected person. Also, physiotherapy implies treatment with the help of natural factors and determining the optimal method of exposure to artificial factors (for example, watering or laser) on the body's tissue.

Physiotherapist treats:

  • Pathology of the nervous system.
  • Diseases of the spinal column and joints.
  • Sinusites, rhinitis, laryngoparingitis.
  • Diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.
  • Gastritis, colitis, duodenites.
  • Diseases of the skin.
  • Pathology of the urinary sphere.

To this end, it uses:

  • Microcurrents.
  • Oxygen therapy.
  • A magnetic field.
  • Ultrasound.
  • Massage.
  • Ionophoresis.
  • Sonotherapy.
  • Mud and hydrochief.
  • Infrared rays and UFOs.
  • Light and thermotherapy.

The profession of physiotherapist does not imply independent diagnostics, but only a physiotherapist can be professionally determined, and physiotherapy is shown or contraindicated, to establish the multiplicity of necessary procedures. Therefore, the physiotherapist works in close contact with representatives of these specialties, as well as with neurologists, pediatricians, surgeons, dermatologists, pulmonologists, gynecologists, sexopathologists, with other specialties with doctors as needed.

Inside the profession there is a division into physiotherapists-hospitality and physiotherapists rehabilitors.

Places of work

The position of the physiotherapist is provided for in any multidisciplinary clinic, regional hospital, perinatal center, CRH, RB. Also, experts work at the Fapach, in healthy health, sanatoriums and pre-core.

History of profession

Sunlight, water, air - best friends man. This is known since time immemorial, but in the development of physiotherapy there are three main stages.

  • The first is the stage of survival, when our great-grandparents used natural physical factors to maintain their health.
  • The second - dates back to the second century of our era, when Celsis classified therapeutic mineral waterAnd Galen suggested mudtoes.
  • The third stage is the middle of the XVIII century - the century of the development of the exact sciences and natural science, on the basis of which one by one was created by techniques of physiotherapeutic treatment: Gerica opened static electricity and created a method of franklinization - treatment with high tension electromole (1672), Volt and Galzani laid galvanization (1791). Then, the entire XIX century was the possibility of using physical factors, hardware physiotherapy began to develop.

The first scientific edition of electrotherapy saw the light in 1807 (I. F. Zion), then the features of electro magnetic field (1865) and created the first apparatus for franklinization (1882). Our compatriot N. Tesla invented a high-frequency oscillation generator (1891) and in the same year, J. De Arsonval suggested a new method of treatment with a pulsed current, which today wears his name. The beginning of the twentieth century was marked by the presentation of the Nobel Prize N. Frizenu for phototherapy (1903).

The twentieth century brought ultrasound, laser, portable devices. Modern physiotherapy is intensively mastering the magnetic field, low-energy lasers radiation, invents innovative equipment and treatment methods, continues to develop balneotherapy.

Niels Rubeg Finzen - developed the basics of freezing and became the laureate of the Nobel Prize.

Duties physiotherapy

The main responsibilities of the physiotherapist are as follows:

  • Reception of patients in the direction of other doctors, the selection of the physiotherapy method in accordance with the diagnosis, the development of the treatment regimen.
  • Conduct physiotherapy, exercise of exercise, massage.
  • Training nurses work skills on physiotherapy devices.
  • Monitoring the average medical staff and the execution of procedures.
  • Control of the work of physiotherapy equipment, the organization of repairs.
  • Consultation of patients and colleagues within their competence, recommendations on climate change, food diet, profession.
  • Paperwork.

Requirements for physiotherapy

The basic requirements for the physiotherapist look like this:

  • Higher medical education, a valid certificate for "physiotherapy".
  • The ability to perform physiotherapeutic procedures.
  • Ability to combine natural and artificial physical factors for the treatment and rehabilitation of the patient (hydrocarbon and UFO, for example).
  • PC possession, work in a single information system.

The doctor treats the disease of the ENT organs with a magnetotherapeutic device.

How to become a physiotherapist

To become a physiotherapist, you need:

  1. Finish the university in the specialty "Therapeutic case" or "Pediatrics".
  2. Get along with a diploma accreditation sheet by passing test tasks, exam and passing an interview with a special commission consisting of doctors of science and professors. This will give the right to work independently on an outpatient or polyclinic reception.
  3. It is mandatory to work out in a clinic or outpatientation, and then, enter the residency (2 years) with a degree in physiotherapy.

During the work of the doctors, qualifying points are charged, confirming accreditation: for carrying out complex manipulations, participation in scientific and practical conferences and seminars, for the publication of scientific articles, books, protection of the dissertation. Every 5 years, these points are summed up and evaluated by the accreditation commission. If a sufficient number of points are scored, then the next five years you can work in the specialty further. In the absence of a sufficient number of points, the doctor is deprived of the right to treat. .

The growth of professionalism, the level of knowledge and polisherness of the doctor is usually reflected qualification category. All categories are assigned by the qualification commission in the presence of the doctor himself, on the basis of his written research workcontaining skills and knowledge descriptions.

Dates of assignment:

  • more than 3 years of experience - the second category;
  • more than 7 years - the first;
  • more than 10 years - the highest.

The doctor has the right to not qualify, but for career growth it will be minus.

The scientific activity is also promoted by career and professional growth - writing of candidate and doctoral dissertations, publications in medical journals, speeches at conferences and congresses.

Salary of physiotherapist

Range of income is wide: physiotherapists earn from 9,000 to 150,000 rubles per month. The most in demand physiotherapists in the capital and major cities. We found the smallest salary oddly enough in Sochi - 9000 rubles per month. The maximum salary was discovered in Moscow, or rather in the IC "Healthy Life" - 150,000 rubles per month. Quite often practiced contractual salary on the results of the interview.

The average salary of the physiotherapist is 26,000 rubles per month.

Where to study

In addition to higher education There are a number of short-term training in the market lasting, as a rule, from week to year.

Interregional Academy Additional vocational education (MADPO) teaches on specialization "" and gives a diploma and certificate.

A specialist doctor who has prepared in the field of the use of natural and artificially created physical factors for the treatment, prevention and medical rehabilitation.

What is included in the competence of a doctor of children's physiotherapist

Children's physiotherapist is competent on the treatment and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tractWith the help of natural factors.

What diseases do children's physiotherapist do

With therapeutic purposes, physiotherapeutic factors are used with a simple, chronic course of the disease, to a lesser extent - in the acute stage.

A properly chosen complex of physiotherapy helps to minimize the risk of side effects from received chemicals.

Physiotherapy is a practically the only safe method that treats states that are not always well amenable to traditional therapy.

Diseases of female and male urinary organs:
- urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, cystitis;
- urinary incontinence;
- prostatitis, adenoma of the scenery;
- Ureterites, sexually transmitted infections, Peyroni disease, erectile dysfunction, balanopostitis, epidididimitis, infertility, premature ejaculation, male climax and many other abuse.

Diseases of the nervous system, mental and behavioral disorders - impotence, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, migraine, headache syndromes, sleep disorders, "Manager syndrome", neurotic, stress-related and mooring disorders.

Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fiber - dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, pyodermia, acne, herpes others.

Physiotherapy helps doctors in treating diseases such as:


Inflammation of the appendages (adnexitis);
- Algomenorea (painful menstruation);
- Climacteric syndrome;
- premenstrual syndrome;
- infertility.

In urology:
- Cystalgia (bladder pain);
- chronic cystitis;
- pyelonephritis;
- incontinence of urine (after childbirth and operations in the field of small pelvis);
- chronic prostatitis with severe pain syndrome;
- erectile dysfunction.

In dermatology:

- osteofollikulitis;
- cellulite;
- Youth acne.

In gastroenterology:

- diarrhea;
- chronic gastritis;
- ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum;
- chronic liver diseases, gallbladder;
- chronic pancreas diseases.

In proctology:

Cracks of the rear pass;
- Hemorrhoids.

In otorinolaryngology:

Chronic tonsillitis;
- rhinitis (acute, chronic);
- It's a seven pass;
- laryngitis;
- neurosensory touginess.

In neurology, traumatology:

Pain syndromes of various localization;
- radiculites (protrusions, hernia of intervertebral discs);
- arthrosis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, spondylitis;
- insomnia;
- headaches, migraine;
- depressive syndrome;
- cardiopsychoneurosis,
- Vegeta dystonia;
- inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
- paralysis of the facial nerve;
- intercostal neuralgia;
- one-sided paralysis after ischemic stroke.

What authorities do the doctor of children's physiotherapist do

- ovaries;
- joints;
- muscles;
- vessels;
- bronchi;
- Small intestine;
- Colon;
- stomach;
- biliary paths;
- Prostate;
- vagina;
- Vienna;
- Bones;
- ENT organs.

When should be addressed to the children's physiotherapist

Physiotherapy is indispensable during the period of rehabilitation, restoration after various diseases, in order to prevent exacerbations of diseases, strengthen the body, maintain tone, performance and good mood.

A variety of physiotherapy is selected individually depending on the characteristics of your body.

Physiotherapy is good because it helps and complements the treatment of states that are not always well amenable to traditional pharmacotherapy.

When and what tests you need to do

Doctors physiotherapists conduct instrumental research methods.

What are the main types of diagnostics usually holds children's physiotherapist

- Medicinal electrophoresis - therapeutic method that combines the effect on the DC organism and the medicinal substance administered with its help, as a result of which the drugs form a depot in the skin and cause a continuous long-term therapeutic effect on the body.

Medicinal substances also enter into local metabolic processes and affect the course of normal and painful reactions in the tissues in the field of exposure.

With the help of electrophoresis in the area of \u200b\u200bdamage or focus of pathology, you can create a high concentration of medicinal substances that are not saturated with them all the body. And the drugs themselves administered by electrical current practically do not cause adverse reactions, since the concentration of the substance is low, and the current itself has an antiallergic effect!

The introduction of the drug with the help of electrotock is painless, not accompanied by damage to the skin and mucous membranes.

Therapeutic effects of electrophoresis: anti-inflammatory, reduction of pain, soothing, vasodilator, relaxing muscles, improving metabolism, secretory, lymphatic.

Magnetotherapy - a medical method combining shifts in the blood system, vascular, endocrine, central nervous system Under the influence of a magnetic field, which has a protective effect on the body with respect to various external influences. This method contributes to the activation of metabolism in organs and tissues, eliminates infiltration and accelerates wound healing.
- Laser therapy (Laser therapy) - a therapeutic method under which laser radiation is used and the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids is enhanced, the splitting of fats and carbohydrate molecules, the formation of energy in cells, the removal of edema of inflamed tissues, the activity of the immune system, the decrease in pain sensitivity in the focus Inflammation and restoration of the balance of anti-inflammatory hormones.
- Laser reflexotherapy.
- Ozone therapy.
- Massage (barolaser massage, photovacuum massage).
- Abdominal decompression.
- Electrophoresis drug.
- Magnetotherapy.
- Laser therapy.
- Diapidhelimatherapy.
- Sinusoidal edged currents.
- Smt-Forez.
- Electrostimulation.
- Microwave therapy (SMV).
- Uz-therapy.
- phonophoresis.
- Darsonvalization.
- UFO therapy.
- OKUF-therapy.
- Definition of biodoz.

Classification of physical treatments and prevention.

Natural (natural) methods:

1. Climate - Sea (thalassotherapy), mountain (orotherapy), caves (speleotherapy), steppe (stealing therapy), forest (dasotherapy), deserts (eurotherapy), tropics and subtropics (EuphcratoTherapy).
2. Freshwater - general methods (druising, wrapping, souls, baths, baths), local methods (irrigation, rinsing, compresses, hydrocolonotherapy).
3. Mineral waters - outdoor use (mineral, mineral gas baths), drinking mineral waters (therapeutic, medical and table).
4. Peloids (dirt) - Ilovye, native dirt, peat, ozokerite, paraffin, naphthalan, bischofit, clay, sand.

Artificial methods:

1. Permanent current - galvanization, medicinal electrophoresis.
2. Pulsed current - electrosone, electrostimulation, diadardherapy, short-pulp electrotherapy, transcranial electricity.
3. AC current - amplisterapia, interference, fluctuorization, ultraten therapy.
4. Electrical field - Franklinization, Infitheaterpia, UHF therapy.
5. Magnetic field - constant, low and high-frequency magnetotherapy.
6. Electromagnetic field - ultrahigh-frequency, extreme-frequency therapy.
7. Optical radiation - infrared, visible, ultraviolet freeze, laser therapy.
8. Mechanical factors - kinesotherapy, massage, manual therapy, spinal tract, ultrasound therapy, acupuncture, barotherapy.
9. Artificially changeable air - aeroion, aerosol, aerofitu-, hypoxytherapy, auxiliary ventilation of lungs, phytaromotherapy.
10. Heat - thermopholes, Tszyu-puncture.
11. Cold - ice, cryotherapy.

How to save healthy biorhythms?

Good reserve capabilities of our body directly depend on the stability of biorhythms. Harmonious oscillations of different organs and systems make health unshakable.

At the same time, biological rhythms are very wounded. Many reasons can violate them. Most of the interference refers to the Social Group. These are time shifts associated with transmerid flights and interchangeable work, large emotional loads, "all-in-bed" with a TV and much more. These interference is completely impossible to eliminate. But you can put your usual day in order. Highlight enough time to sleep, throw away the unnecessary clock from a TV and a computer from the schedule, do everything on the schedule - and the body will configure how musical instrument. Diseases will become less!

In children and adolescents, biological rhythms are even less resistant than in adults, therefore, the violation of biorhythms is occurring more often.

Different loads and biorhythm

Healthy people are well tolerated all loads: mental, physical and emotional. Adults and children with chronic diseases And often sicks receive biorhythm malfunctions even from medium physical tension. In children, ordinary learning loads violate the circadian system even at the beginning of the school year. This is due to hypodynamines, a poorly composed schedule of lessons, lack of a day. On weekends, if the mode is organized correctly, the rhythm is normalized independently.


Fatigue strongly violates biorhythms, especially in a child. It is difficult to determine the initial signs of fatigue. In total, the body strains its reserves in order to maintain the coherence of the work of different systems and organs, but this is not always possible. Fatigue (schoolchildren - learning fatigue) leads to the fact that even a small violation of the temporary stereotype (day mode) causes the mismatch of the organs of the authorities.

Monotonous activity

Monotonous work is harmful, as it violates the bioritm. Children are monotonous lessons and monotonous sports training. They cause a decline mental activitywhich slows down the development of the children's body. Boring, minor informative educational material begging interest in learning and knocks off circadian rhythms.

Shifts of Time

Artificial lengthening of the daylight, television, radio, computers strongly violate biorhythms, as they first reduce sleep.

The change in the time medium is one of the main factors that affect the biorhythm system. Nature did not have time to prepare our body to such change.

It has been studied that a person can practically be restrained with a change in time for only 1 hour. It has been proven that this is an extremely allowable disturbance to which we are able to adapt. The shift in time for 2 hours worsens appetite, well-being and causes quick fatigue. If time changes for 3 hours, sleep is worsened.

Interestingly, the feelings of children and adolescents, in contrast to adults, do not correspond to the severity of circadian rhythm disorders after distant flights and changing time zones.

Their well-being remains good even with a strongly damaged biorital. This is due to the fact that children really like to travel. The mass of positive emotions they receive in new places and countries do not allow them to listen to their ailments.

Resadaptation after returning home takes from 1 to 5 days, depending on the value of the time shift. Large temporary shifts lead to a change in the form of a biorhythm curve, strengthening body temperature fluctuations, pulse frequency, arterial pressure, muscle strength, sleep disorder.

Wellness, activity and mood are restored to the longest. After returning home from places that differ from native on 3-5 time zones, violations are registered for about 15 days.

What time is it better not to work teenagers?

The work is early in the morning, late in the evening or at night leads to strong damage to the biorhythms of adolescents (a teenager is considered a man under 18). This fully applies to night voyages in front of a TV or computer.

Extreme geographical factors

Especially hurts biorhythms polar night.

It is clear that the worst influence has a combination of various harmful factors, such as fatigue and temporary shift.

Sleep and biorhythms

An adult person is enough 7 hours of night sleep. Sleep for 9.5 hours is an important hygienic rate for adolescents 14 - 16 years. At this age, the rhythm of the production of hormones responsible for sexual maturation is established. And the peak release of these hormones is at night. It is especially dangerous to pretend to girls - teenagers. If loads increase, you need to sleep even longer. In general, sleep duration should be individual: there are long and consuming people.

Good health and high performance depend on the right organization of the sleep cycle - wakefulness, including from the time of waste to sleep. Violation of the routine of the day (in children - noisy, moving games after 6 o'clock in the evening) shifts a biorhythm, it makesaming complicity and as a result reduces performance.

It has been proven that the stronger the circadian rhythm is disturbed, the less the person sleeps and vice versa: the shorter the sleep is, the more biorhythms change.

To sleep is good, you need to create favorable external conditions for falling asleep. Before bedtime, it is useful to observe a kind of ritual, which should turn into a useful habit, stereotype, accelerating falling asleep. It can be an evening shower or bath, reading, evening walk. Such habits are usually formed in childhood and adolescence.

It is noticed that those who suffer from sleep disorders does not comply with any similar rituals.

It is important to increase the night's sleep time on weekends, if during the working week I was lacked. It is clear why it is necessary to sleep longer by recovering after illness and women in the second half of the menstrual cycle.

Violation of the synchronism of biorhythms for large mental and physical Loads Restores after lengthening sleep even for 1 hour.

It is absolutely necessary for daytime sleep for children of 6 -7 years (1.5-2 hours) and 8-9 year old are very desirable.

Another very important point. Sleep time must match the rhythm of the natural change of day and night, because the work of the human body is determined primarily by this rhythm. A person depends on the influence of natural light. However, today social time sensors are nominated for the fore (hours, artificial lighting, television). This led to the same duration of sleep and wakefulness during the year and mismatch with geophysical temporal sensors. Therefore, to restore the natural balance, the duration of night sleep should vary depending on the season. That is, in the dark, a person must sleep, and in a bright - awake. In this sense, the summer and winter time is justified.

Biorhythm can break sleep in the illuminated, noisy premises. At the same time, the anxiety and voltage of the nervous system is growing.

So, it is obvious that the circadian system is not sufficiently flexible for the current living conditions. Therefore, to preserve healthy biorhythms it is simply necessary to observe the mode of the day on which the doctors have previously insisted, and today they forgot about him.

Shift in the time of the main events of the day (sleep, work, meals, physical exercises) May be no more than 1 hour. This also applies to falling asleep. However, such a shift must be episodic.

By constiting the mode of the day so that it corresponds to the rhythm of the natural daily fluctuations of the body, we maintain our reserve capabilities for many years.

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