
Research work “Why do we need a nose? Summary of the lesson on the topic: “Why does a person need a nose?” (older age) What hurts the nose

In search of a different meaning of existence.

Invited to the SHT (Modern Art Theater). They said it will be fun. The journalists came to the conference room, sat down in armchairs, took out pens and notepads... The empty round table, at which the artists of the Union of Artists were about to appear, unnerved: “It's time to start our “fun meeting”. But the head of the theater, Vladimir Ushakov, did not walk, we carefully examined the opposite wall, the attributes of the conference hall: a flag, a map, a coat of arms... The meditation was interrupted by four small people who silently entered the hall - gray clowns with white noses. They “with their feet” climbed onto the table, some of them began to climb on the flag, crackled in bird language ... Horror ... These clowns were completely uncontrollable: it seemed that they were now throwing rotten tomatoes at journalists or sprinkled with flour. Their appearance was like a happy end of the world - you are sitting, as usual, with a notebook, waiting for something serious, and suddenly big-nosed ones come after you, they say: “We are flying to the moon to eat tangerines ...”

Under the arches of the SHT, a new clown project “People with a Nose” was born, on Saturday they have a premiere at the club. Dzerzhinsky, play "Lunatics, or Second People". I recommend viewing to anyone who likes the work of Vyacheslav Polunin and his "Lyceums". The Belarusian version of the poetic clowning - "People with a Nose" - was headed by the actor of the Youth Theater Sergei Kovalsky: he invited a boy and two girls (Mikhail Zuy, Olga Skvortsova, Yulia Morozova) to the troupe, now the four of them are diligently rehearsing the premiere. It's hard for me to imagine how it will be on the stage of the club. Dzerzhinsky, I didn’t see the performance in the interior, but thanks to Kovalsky for trying to get away from our chronic, stereotypical drama theater. I kept waiting at the press conference for the actors to “throw off their masks” and start answering journalists' questions. But no, the “people with a nose” stayed in front of the journalists for exactly an hour in the form of lunatics, chirping like a bird, but did not switch to human language. In my memory, the "clowns" Sasha and Sirozha were able to stay in their "stupid" images for a long time: if you want - an hour, but if you want - several years. The author and director of the project “People with a Nose” Sergey Kovalsky also emphasized his infantilism: “Not much depends on me. If not for Ushakov...” The tragedy of the “little” man in the Belarusian theater set the teeth on edge at the end of the last century. Today, before our eyes, a new theatrical project is being born - transmodern, so to speak, acting in its original form. It would seem, well, move away from this convenient position: “My hut is on the edge. We don't know what we'll be able to do..." No. Sergey Kovalsky stubbornly puts his big nose on the table and mutters: “There is a lot of predictability in our theater.” Oh, how much, Seryozha...

So what is this project? Something new? Undoubtedly. eluding definitions? Perhaps. Bold? Here the guys have something to work on. So far, they are not even dreaming about full houses. They ask the audience not to disperse until the end of the show: all feelings and emotions in the performance are conveyed by phonemes, in plasticity, gesture, facial expressions ... And what does the viewer not understand? In my opinion, the fears are completely groundless: the full houses at the Injest Theater, at the performances of Japanese masters of buto, in the end, full halls at the IFMC Contemporary Choreography Festival have long taught me to think: “Our youth is “advanced” (thinking, which means ). Moreover, Kovalsky wrote the music for Sleepwalkers, or Second People together with Leonid Pavlenok: the Nagual group promises to be on stage during the performance and “give live”. Supporters of alternative music will certainly not miss their chance for 15 thousand rubles (the average price of a ticket for a performance) and listen to the Nagual, and also look at the sad clowns.

When asked what this performance is about, Sergey Kovalsky answered this way (quote from a press release): “A story about people who help make our life brighter and kinder, and do not ask for anything in return. For some, it may be a grandmother, for some it may be a friend, for others it may just be a casual acquaintance. Yes, it doesn't matter who. It’s just that our existence acquires a different sound, a different meaning from such people.”

Kovalsky's super-idea is to take the "People with a Nose" out into the street and finally arrange a carnival in Minsk with a festive procession of artists, with generous eccentricity and clowning and kind smiles of passers-by, with tossing bonnets and friendly kisses.

Support the premier? "People with a nose" are a rarity these days...

Photo by Evgeny Grabkin.

The nose is not only an ornament human face. And not only a lung ventilation tool. The nose is a thermoregulator that maintains a stable temperature and bioenergetic regime of the body.

Deep, rhythmic breathing is the initial condition for a calm state of mind. When we are anxious, our breathing becomes rapid, ragged, and very shallow. To calm down, you need to breathe deeply and rhythmically.

Rhythmic breathing restores the normal rhythm of the vital activity of the cells of our body. For the oxidation of nutrients, cells need a rhythmic supply of oxygen.

During deep and calm breathing, the diaphragm works. Due to the uniform rise and fall of the diaphragm, the desired rhythm of air entering the lungs and the associated blood circulation rhythm are established. The diaphragm promotes the movement of lymph and massages with friction internal organs; due to friction, electrification occurs, which increases blood flow to the organs and increases the flow nutrients and oxygen.

Frequent and intense breathing, with the aim of hyperventilating the lungs, is unacceptable. With an intensive supply of oxygen to the body, acidity in the lungs and blood increases, and this contributes to damage to organs and tissues. Excessive hyperventilation can lead to a stroke or heart attack.

Calm and rhythmic breathing ensures the accumulation of the alkaline resource in the body.

Breath holding can also lead to acidification of the blood and to an increase in the destruction of cell membranes and vessel walls.

In yogic treatises, the breath of one right nostril is called "solar", and the breath of one left nostril is called "lunar". When we breathe only through the right nostril, closing the left nostril with a finger, we warm our body, increase the energy intensity of the blood. Prolonged breathing through the right nostril increases the shift in the reaction of the blood to the acid side, there is a danger of acidosis.

Breathing only through the left nostril cools the body and lowers the bioelectric voltage, increases the alkaline resource of the blood.

If you breathe alternately with the right and left nostrils, you can regulate the acid-base balance of the blood.

When a person feels the overheating of the brain and the body as a whole, he can only breathe through the left nostril. When a person is cold, he needs to breathe through the right nostril, he will quickly warm up.

The regulation of breathing is especially important for patients. We not only warm or cool the body, but also lower or increase the energy of blood and cells. Patients either do not have enough energy, or there is too much energy and it destroys the body, for example, chills and fever.

To determine what is needed: in energy or in relieving excessive stress, the body itself helps us.

When the right nostril breathes easier, the body needs to be heated and to raise energy, and breathe through it. When the left nostril breathes easier, the body needs to cool down and get rid of excess heat energy. When both nostrils breathe equally well, the balance of the blood is restored.

Educator of the first qualification category of the Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 201", Orenburg

Educational area"Health"

Age: 35 years.

Summary of GCD on the topic: "Our nose"


To form elementary ideas of children about the sense organs - the nose and its functions;

Show children what role the nose plays in a person's life;

Develop the ability to consider each other, the ability to work in a team;

Develop the ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions;

Raise the desire to take care of your health;

Fixing the rules of nose care

Equipment: doll - glove "Dunno"; illustrations depicting people of different sex and age; products with a pronounced characteristic odor, toilet soap, a perfume bottle, a set of cards “Take care of your noses”, a chest or box.

Dunno comes to the group of children, he has a bag in his hands.

Stranger: Hello guys. Look what I brought you - this is a bag, there is a surprise for you. Do you love surprises? But this chest is not simple, but magical. To open it, you need to solve riddles, will you try?

The smell of bread, the smell of honey,

The smell of onions, the smell of roses

It will help to distinguish ... (nose)

Here is a mountain, and near the mountain

Two deep holes.

In these burrows the air roams,

It comes in, it goes out. (children's answers)

It is very different:

Small, big and important

Long, thin and humpbacked,

Thick or freckled. (children's answers)

Dunno: That's right, guys, guessed all my riddles. Show your nose. Why do you need a nose? (children's answers).

Teacher: That's right guys. We breathe through our noses.

Dunno: Just think, you can breathe through your mouth, but this nose is nothing but trouble - either it sneezes, or you fall down a hill and break it.

Educator: What are you, Dunno, you need to breathe through your nose. This is very important - because our nose warms and cleans the air we breathe from dust and germs. In addition, the nose is needed not only to breathe. Guys, why else do you need a nose, what can it do? (children's answers). If the children are at a loss, the adult gives a hint - he reads out an excerpt from the poem by Yu. Prokopovich “Why do babies have a nose?”, Then listens to the children's answers.

Hot summer on the lawn

Nose sniffs flowers.

In the meadow - strawberries,

In the garden - ripe strawberries.

In the garden he smells his nose,

Where garlic and onions have grown.

It can happen in the house

The nose will also come in handy:

He will find jam in the closet,

Where are the candy and cookies?

Where are the chocolates in the buffet

Or juice, sweet in a bottle.

Who brought the oranges?

Everything sniffs out our nose.

He even remembers what

The smell of mother's perfume.

Dunno: Guys, so the nose helps us to smell different smells? What smells do you know? (children's answers). So it's time to open the magic chest, and what lies in it, our assistant, the nose, will help us find out.

The game is being played "Guess by Smell"- an adult calls several children to him in turn, blindfolds them and asks them to determine by smell what he takes out of the chest ( fresh bread, fresh cucumber, orange, flower, garlic, onion, perfume bottle, etc.). Then the child explains how he determined which object was in front of him, because he did not see it.

Educator: Guys, Dunno, do you know that smells are useful and harmful. Do you think the smells of onion and garlic are good or bad? (children's answers). That's right, these smells are useful - they kill germs. And the smell of cigarettes, smoke or gas - useful or harmful? (children's answers) That's right, such smells are harmful.

In order for your noses to breathe well, I suggest doing breathing exercises:

One, two, three, four, five!

walking in place

We can also rest

stop, hands behind your back

Put your hands behind your back

Let's raise our heads higher

head up

And easy - easy to breathe.

breathing through the nose

Dunno: Well done, guys, tell me, since the nose is our important assistant, then ... (children's answers) correctly, then we must take care of it. Educator: Let's look at the cards - work with the “Take care of your noses” cards - the girl picks her nose with her finger (pencil), the boy puts a bead in his nose, the boy blows his nose very hard, the girl leans over the jar of paint, the girl gives her girlfriend her handkerchief and etc.

Dunno (sadly): Oh-oh-oh. I don't have my handkerchief.

Educator: Do not be sad, Dunno, our guys will give you a lot of beautiful handkerchiefs.

Children give Dunno handkerchiefs (preliminary work - application “Decorate a handkerchief with a pattern”), Dunno thanks the children, says goodbye to them, says that she will definitely come to them.

Additional material on the topic:

➣ Examination of illustrations depicting people and animals, the conversation “What are the different noses”

➣ Consideration and discussion of the cards "Take care of your noses"

➣ Fixing the rules for caring for the nose: you can’t pick your nose with your finger, and even more so with a sharp object; do not put foreign objects in the nose; with a runny nose, you can not blow your nose hard, and also draw mucus into yourself; you can not use someone else's handkerchief; you can not inhale the smell of unfamiliar liquids, bending over the jar.

➣ Performing breathing exercises:

Exercise "Rocket" - Take a deep breath, through the nose, slowly raise your hands, bring your palms together. Rise on your toes, pull yourself up, holding your breath. Slow deep exhalation with the sound AAAAA, hands fall down to the beat of exhalation.

Exercise "Mouse and Bear" - Bear has a huge house (straightening, arms up, stretch, look at hands - inhale). The Mouse has a very small one (sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, lower your head - exhale with the pronunciation of the sound “shhhh”.

Exercise "Wind" (the exercise is performed while standing.) Slowly raising your arms to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. Lowering your arms, exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Exercise "Hedgehogs" - Calm breathing through the nose.

➣ Conducting the experience "The meaning of the nose for speech" - an adult asks the child to close his nose and say a word. The conclusion is made: the sounds change, become fuzzy. Then a child with a closed nose reads a poem, a discussion with the children.

"What is a man's nose for?"

Synopsis of OOD on valeology.

Program content:

To acquaint children with an important sense organ - the nose;

Give an idea of ​​the main functions of the nose (purification and warming of the air, odor trap);

Fix the rules of hygiene and nose care;

Vocabulary work:

Clarify the meaning of the words: filter, guard post.


Drawing of a man without eyes and nose;

two glasses: one empty, the other with dirty water, cotton-gauze filter;

snowflakes; illustrations of the filter, stove;

border guard with a dog; material for the game "Guess by the smell": tangerine, soap, perfume, banana.


Children sit on chairs arranged in a semicircle.

Educator: Guess the riddle: Between two luminaries I am alone. (Nose)

Knock on the door. Pencil enters with a drawing in his hands.

Pencil: Hello guys! My name is Karandashkin. I drew a funny little man and brought it to you to show.

Educator: Look, children, some strange little man. Is he missing something?

Children: The man is missing his eyes.

Educator: Pencil, you forgot to draw eyes. Children, what does a person need eyes for?

Children: A person needs eyes in order to be able to see.

Pencil draws eyes.

Educator: Guys, is everything right now?

Children: No, the nose is missing.

Pencil: I won't draw the nose. Do you know why? If I draw his nose, he will pull it up and won't notice us.

Educator: Pencil, you are wrong. We need a nose not only to lift it up. Guys, what else do we need a nose for?

Children: The nose is needed to breathe.

Educator: Let's take a breath. There are snowflakes under your chairs.

Breathing exercise "Blow off a snowflake": One two Three . Take a snowflake

One two Three. Let's blow off a feather

Flew, circled

And she sank to the ground.

Pencil: You can also breathe through your mouth.

Educator: Yes, you can, but it's better to breathe through your nose.

The nose is very important to us. The nose is at the same time a filter, a stove, and a sentry post.

We inhale and draw air through our nostrils. It gets inside the nose and runs through its tortuous channels. The surface of these channels is dotted with many tiny cilia. They sway all the time, like grass in a meadow when the wind blows. To these cilia, like flies to sticky tape, dust particles stick on the fly.

Therefore, our nose is called a living filter. Do you know what a filter is? (children's answers)

Educator: A filter is a mechanism for purifying something. For example, water or air. I'll show you how a simple cotton and gauze filter works.

Filter experience:

I have two glasses on the table. One glass is empty and the other is filled with dirty water.

Seryozha, help me conduct the experiment. We insert a filter into an empty glass and pour dirty water through it. Look, the water is clean, and the filter is dirty.

Guys, who remember what a filter is?The filter image is displayed.

(children's answers)

Educator: From the inside, the walls of the nose are pierced by many very thin vessels, through which hot blood flows all the time. Therefore, in the narrow channels of the nose it is hot, like in an oven. Running through these convolutions, even cold frosty air has time to warm up and becomes warm. That is why you need to breathe not through your mouth, but through your nose - there is less danger of inhaling dust and catching a cold.

The image of the stove is displayed.Karandashkin, do you understand what the nose does to the air?

Pencil: Yes, the nose clears and warms the air.

Pencil: Guys, I remembered one of my friends who has a very long nose. Do any of you know him?

Children: This is Pinocchio

Pencil: Let's move a little. Get on your feet.

Physical education:Pinocchio stretched

Once - bent over

Two - bent over.

Raised hands to the sides

The key is apparently not found.

To get us the key

You have to get on your toes.

Pencil: Tell me, is the nose just a filter and a stove?

Educator: No, not only. The nose is also called a sentry post, because it is the only one of all the senses that can perceive smells. And this is very important. It smells of smoke in the air - the nose will immediately report it. A delicious smell will come from the oven - the hostess understands: the cake is ready, it's time to take it out. It is the smell that sometimes warns us of danger or helps to determine the quality of products.

An illustration depicting a border guard with a dog is exhibited.

Educator: Listen, Karandashkin, what poem do the guys know. It was written by E. Mashkovskaya. It's called "My Wonderful Nose".

Children read the poem

I do not know anything

And suddenly my nose says:

that someone somewhere

Something is on fire.

I do not know anything

But my nose reported:

Someone bought oranges

And put it out there.

I do not know anything

I'm in a daze.

The nose says: "Let's take a walk,

I beg you very much"

Walk with him and play

He speaks to me.

He says: “Do you know?

Smells like spring already!

Pencil: I want to test how my nose can pick up smells. I have a magic box that contains various smells. Do you know what is in the jars?

Karandashkin takes out a box containing opaque jars with small holes. The jars contain various products that have a bright smell.

Pencil: Well done! Your nose is very good at distinguishing smells. So what else do we need a nose for?

Children: The nose is needed in order to catch smells.

Ask a few kids.

Educator: Now hold your nose and say the word Ni-na. Did it turn out beautiful? (children's answers)

So what else do we need a nose for?

Children: We need a nose in order to talk beautifully.

Educator: Now tell me, why does our nose get sick?

Children: The nose gets sick when germs get into it.

Educator: How does our nose try to get rid of germs?

Children: We sneeze.

Educator: Children, we talked a lot about the nose. And now I want to know if you know the rules of hygiene and safety of the nose. Answer yes or no.

Pencil is confused.

Picking your nose with a finger or a sharp object (not allowed)

Wipe your nose with your handkerchief (you can)

Putting small objects up your nose (not allowed)

Use someone else's handkerchief (not allowed).

Educator: Well done! You are well aware of the rules of hygiene and safety of the nose. And how are we in kindergarten harden our nose?

Children: We walk with him. We wash and clean it.

Educator: Well, what about Karandashkin, do you understand how important the nose is for us?

Pencil: Yes, I understand how important the nose is to us. The nose both cleans and warms the air, and it also captures odors. It also helps us to speak beautifully. I will now draw the nose of a man.

Pencil draws a nose.

Pencil: I have to go. I'll go and draw some more and bring it to you. Goodbye!

Children: Goodbye! Come visit us again.

Pencil leaves.

Educator: Do you guys remember why we need a nose?

Children's answers. The illustrations help answer.

Why do we smell. How is the nose. Why do we need the most prominent part on the face. Why you need to be treated with aromas. How smells affect a person.

Have you ever wondered why smell is so closely associated with memory?

Why can he take you to the past very quickly?

Why do images from childhood or just some pleasant moments pop up in the imagination? Smells easily affect your perceptions and emotions.

The body with the help of the sense of smell instantly receives a signal of danger, harm, benefit, the opportunity to relax or enjoy. And what are the smells modern world are following us? What reactions can they cause in our minds and in our body? Do we live with a sense of fear, a desire to hide, anticipating trouble, or do we feel pleasure and joy from the aromas we breathe? Unfortunately, in our world we breathe the products of urbanization and the emissions of industrial enterprises much more often. It is clear that you need to be in the fresh air more often, in the forest, go to the country, in general, communicate with nature. But what if the vacation is only 2-3 weeks a year, and the cottage is within the city?

What once made us happy without fail will do it again with the help of fragrances.

The sense of smell is one of the most powerful human senses, because it is controlled by one of the deepest parts of the brain, the part that was well developed in our ancestors. This part is responsible for sleep, sexual reactions, hunger, thirst, memory. Ancient people depended entirely on their nose. The smell warned about the appearance of a predator, indicated the source of food, and also helped to choose a marriage partner. In modern man, over time, other parts of the brain have developed that are responsible for intelligence, creativity, speech, and skills. But what we inherited from our ancestors has not disappeared anywhere. Of course, there are purely reactive things based on past negative experiences. For example, if you broke up with a loved one who used a certain fragrance, and for you it was a huge loss, then if you meet this smell, you will feel uncomfortable. And on the contrary, what once made us happy without fail will do it again with the help of aromas. Therefore, many antidepressants are made from the summer flowers of rose, jasmine, lavender, geranium, vanilla... These plants are associated with warmth and light, childhood and the summer garden.

How is the nose.

The sense of smell has not been studied as well as other senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste sensations. The olfactory nerves are located at the top of the nose. Unlike the nerves involved in the process of touch, hearing and vision, they are directly connected to the brain. These nerve cells so they call "brain cells that are outside it." Several thin filaments, called cilia, extend from each olfactory cell and reach the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. The ends of these threads are equipped with receptors that detect the presence of any smell. (In the diagram, they are indicated by the number 2b). The inside of the nose is always moist, and in this moisture the fragrance particles dissolve. The olfactory nerves can only identify aromatic molecules in a liquid state. Then the information enters the brain, we perceive it and are aware, sometimes we are not aware. With the invention of the electron microscope, scientists have taken a close look at the receptors at the tips of cilia. They all have different shapes. Molecules of an odorous substance also have different shapes and sizes. The nose does not tell you what smell it smells, it simply transmits information about the intake of molecules. The brain itself registers all the data and gives the final result: it smells like roses or cats. The nose can detect many more different smells than the ear can distinguish sounds - 10,000 different types olfactory sensations.

Scheme of the device of the olfactory organ.⇒

1. Odorous molecules. The aroma is inhaled through the sinuses.

2. Olfactory epithelium. Covered with a thin layer of mucus (20 microns).

  • 2 a. Axons.Responsible for distancethe most important transmission of information to the brain.
  • 2 b. Protein receptors.

3. Olfactory bulb. Responsible for the primary processing of the electrical signal.

4. Limbic system. It analyzes odors and determines the connection with emotions.

Smell is the most fleeting sensation. At first it is sharp, and then weakens. When we smell the same smell for a long time, our perception becomes dull. Many people find it very difficult to smell. They find it difficult to benefit from aromatherapy as they do not experience emotional responses from essential oils. But this perception can be nurtured over time. Oil can help basilica. It is enough to eat it from time to time and use it for aromatherapy in the form of inhalations in very weak dosages.


Scientists conducted an interesting experiment, which very clearly showed the effect of essential oils on the body. The purpose of the experiment is to find out whether odors act because they generate various associations, or is the effect of odors due to the fact that small amounts of volatile biologically active substances enter directly into the blood through the nasal mucosa, which is rich in blood vessels? Finding out is not easy. But the idea was quite simple: you need to test the effect of smells on those people who ... do not perceive smells. Lack of smell, or anosmia, is quite rare and can be caused by various reasons: a deviated septum, some poisoning, sometimes it is a consequence of a general weakening of the body, or the consequences of a craniocerebral injury when the olfactory nerve is affected. The volunteer had just post-traumatic anosmia

... "Before the experiment: pulse 72, pressure 100 over 80.

The first substance essential oillemon. He brings a test tube to his nose and regularly inhales an imperceptible smell for three minutes. “Air and air,” he comments. I count the pulse. Pulse 60, pressure 115 over 80. By the way, the smell of lemon is considered a good tonic.

The second substance mint, it has a strong menthol smell. The upper pressure rises a little more, the pulse and lower pressure do not change.

The third drug ylang-ylang. Pulse 56, pressure drops to 105/80. (Ylang-ylang is known as a strong sedative, used for severe emotional disorders, reduces pressure). I note that the lower pressure during the entire experiment changed slightly, within the measurement error.

As the fourth substance - crushed common garlic clove. Pulse 64, pressure 100/80.

The fifth substance rosemary, famous stimulant nervous system. Got a stimulating effect! Pulse 76, pressure 115/80.

(sixth) For contrast, I take out - valerian (dry root). The pressure doesn't change, and the pulse during the same three minutes decreases to 60 strokes. By the way, conventional preparations of valerian, unlike motherwort and hawthorn, calm well, but at the same time almost do not lower pressure. And for some diseases, for example, for insomnia, it is recommended not to drink valerian root, but just to smell it before going to bed. And finally, the seventh drug - essential oil basil, known both as a spice and as an excellent medicine with vascular and muscle spasms. He lowers his heart rate a little more. 52 strokes, and the pressure even rises slightly to 120/80.


  • odors affect a person even if he does not perceive them (therefore, the hypothesis about the action of microdoses of active substances is closer to reality)
  • the tonic and soothing effect of odors has a different physiological mechanism (both lemon and rosemary tone up, but the first one reduces, and the second noticeably increases the pulse rate)
  • the effect of odors on the upper blood pressure much more noticeable than on the lower, which depends on the tone of the vessels "...

So we got to the truth: the nose is sometimes not the most beautiful part of the body, but one of the most valuable for a person! Breathe in health!

Aromatologist Olga Sharova… with love

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