
role relationships. Functional-role structure of family relations. Deformations of family functioning

Role relationships

The relationship between the participants in a communicative act, determined by the social situation and changing when the situation of communication changes. Speakers choose from an extensive repertoire of roles that are most appropriate for a given communication situation (buyer - seller, student - teacher, fellow student - fellow student, etc.)

Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms. - M.: Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Linguistics. Russian Academy of Linguistic Sciences. Managing editor: Doctor of Philology V.Yu. Mikhalchenko. 2006 .

See what "Role relations" are in other dictionaries:

    role relationships- The relationship between the participants in the communicative act, determined by the social situation and changing when the situation of communication changes. The speakers choose from the repertoire of roles the roles corresponding to a particular situation: a student, a teacher, a policeman ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Role relationships- The relationship between the participants in the communicative act, determined by the social situation and changing when the situation of communication changes. Speakers choose roles from the repertoire of roles that correspond to a particular situation: student - teacher, ... ... General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-Reference

    SEPARATE FAMILY ROLE RELATIONSHIPS- (segregated conjugal role relations) division of labor within the family, involving separate tasks for each partner. The term was first used by Elizabeth Bott (1957). In her opinion, such relationships were most common in communities with ... ...

    UNITED FAMILY ROLE RELATIONSHIPS- (joint conjugal role relationship) division of labor within the family, implying the distribution of household responsibilities between partners. The term was first used by Elizabeth Bott (1957), showing that such connections are most common in ... ... Big explanatory sociological dictionary

    ROLE RELATIONSHIPS IN THE FAMILY- relations between family members, which are determined by the nature and content of family roles or the type of interaction of family members in the performance of family roles. The family role is one of the types of social. human roles in society. Family roles are defined... Russian sociological encyclopedia

    ROLE RELATIONSHIPS- - a type of interpersonal relationship associated with the roles that partners in social interaction play or should play. The discrepancy between the role played by a person and the role that the interaction partner expects from him creates ... ...

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    Humane Relations- (in childhood) [lat. humanus human, humane, philanthropic] 1) a form of interpersonal relations based on the principles of humanity; 2) a set of harmonious relations of the subject with the world, other people and with himself. ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

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Interpersonal relationships are directly determined by role relationships, on the one hand, and individual personal characteristics of subjects, on the other. Much of what we think and do is related to our social roles. As roles change, our views change.

Role relations are relations determined by the functional responsibilities of the subject. They are characterized, in particular, by the following features.

Impersonality. "Roles are attached to everyone who is in the corresponding status place.

The conditionality of behavior by role responsibilities. A social role is a set of expected behavioral stereotypes associated with the performance of a well-defined, specific job. Difficult compatibility of social roles. The problem lies in determining what exactly and from whom is expected. The individual's opinion about his role does not always coincide with what others think about it and what it really is - everything can differ within wide limits. Survival of the asocial role of the subject. Roles are quickly learned and can significantly influence the behavior of the subject. Role relationships are represented by the following parameters. Role episode is defined by the assumption that the group takes a fixed position on some issue. This assumption becomes known to the role performer, who, in turn, forms the perception of what is expected of him, and, as it were, subsequently sets some behavior for a member of the organization. However, his behavior may differ significantly from the actual expectations of the group. Therefore, the behavior of the group may also change.

A role set is a set of roles corresponding to a given status, this is a group of individuals who form, store expectations regarding how the role performer should behave, exchange these expectations and let the role performer know about them. The role set indicates the behavioral stereotypes that exist in the social group. Role performers have clearer ideas about it in cases where the role set is small than when it is large. Small role sets are associated with the formation of cliques, or isolated small groups within a social group.

Role differentiation is defined as the degree of difference between types of functions between people. The higher the division of roles, the higher the role differentiation. It gives an idea of ​​how social roles are distributed in specific production circumstances. Any organization faces what is called a role problem. These include:

role conflict;

Role uncertainty;

Role overload.

There are many ways to solve role problems. One of them is connected with structural changes, change of work.

The social role is a specific mechanism by which public interests determine the behavior of the individual in various situations of communication.

The social roles required in specific situations of communication are developed by society over long periods of its development as socially approved types of people's behavior.

The style of role-playing behavior of a person is a personal coloring of the performance of a role, depending on the temperament, character, motivation and other characteristics of the individual, on her knowledge and skills.

The role behavior of the personality has two plans. These are actions due to:

1) regulatory requirements - "I" in the proposed circumstances, role and;

2) personal claims - "I" as such.

The first plan of behavior is a social form of role-playing actions, the second plan is a psychological way of role-playing self-realization.

It is here that the essential problem that was discussed above arises - the difficult compatibility of social roles. The difference between what the subject refers to his role, what others think about it, and what is actually the "real" given role, as a rule, leads to intra-role and inter-role conflicts.

Test questions:

1. What is the content of the concepts of "social differentiation",

"social inequality"?

2. What is the content of the concept of "social status"?

3. Describe the statuses.

4. What is the content of the concept of "social rank"?

5. What is the content of the concept of "social role"?

6. Describe the signs of a social role.

7. What is the content of the concept of "role structure of personality"?

8. List and describe the main elements of the normative structure of the performance of a social role.

9. Expand the content of the concepts that characterize the role behavior of the individual.

Psychological workshop

jvRUnpBad company game

Game Goals:

a) reveal and discredit the forms of communication adopted in primitive groups;

b) to identify the reactions of people to each other in the process of game interaction;

c) determine the true distribution of roles in this group;

d) weaken the negative influence on the group of those of its members who form within it a kind of "bad company" and act through an ironic reflection of reality.

The host calls the social roles of the upcoming game: “leader”, “authority”, “close associates” (2 people), “sycophant”, “jester”, “puppets” (2 people), “dissatisfied” (2 people), “downtrodden” (2 people). The rest of the participants make up the "public". The facilitator helps the players to stage role-play signs. For example, the “leader” has a scarf thrown over his shoulder, the “authority” has a pencil or fountain pen behind his ear, the “confidants” have a handkerchief sticking out from under the sleeve, the “sycophant” tucked the handkerchief behind the collar, the “jester” rolled up one leg, the “puppet” has a thin rope hanging from the collar, the “dissatisfied” has ruffled his hair on his head, the “downtrodden” has one hand constantly wound behind his back. You can, of course, use other signs. Rules of communication and interaction:

- "approximate" - anyone, except for the "leader" and "authority";

- "sycophant" - anyone, except for "confidants", "authority" and "leader";

- "jester" - all, except for the "leader";

- "puppet" - only "dissatisfied *" and "downtrodden";

- "dissatisfied" - all, except for the "leader" and "authority";

- "downtrodden" cuts off any.

Anyone who breaks the rules goes into the "downtrodden". If the “downtrodden” dares to interrupt someone, everyone condemns him and exiles him, and he goes into the “public”. The leader is the only person in the game who has the right to cut off the "leader". The game has two options. In the first case, the "bad company" is announced, for example, as a "pirate or gangster gang", discussing the question of where to go for a robbery or robbery. In the second case, the game goes on in an ordinary way, without involving a "pirate" or "gangster" entourage. Participants improvise their lines as the game progresses. The duty of the presenter is to demand replicas from the participants in accordance with the playing role, suggest exemplary replicas that are adequate to the situation, replace one performer with another at his own discretion. Discussion:

a) the statements of the participants about the feelings that arose in them during the performance of the roles are analyzed;

b) the effectiveness of one or another status position, its features is assessed;

c) the leader assesses the degree of aggressive feelings of the players, which is necessary during the game: as long as the situation is within the normal range, the expression of aggressive feelings is useful from a psychological point of view;

d) the leader analyzes who, on whom and in what way discharged his aggressiveness during the game.

Game "Bureaucrat"

Purpose of the game: learn to see some unpleasant circumstances of life in a favorable light for yourself.

Shortly before the end of classes (15-20 minutes), the leader announces that it is time to disperse, but first everyone needs to write a statement: “I ask you to let me go in connection with the end of the lesson.” Then the authors must sign their statements with one of the participants in the game, whom the author deems it necessary to ask to act as a boss. "Chief" may sign, or may refuse.

In the first case, he puts a resolution: "I allow", in the second - "I do not allow".

Basic rules of the game. First, you are not allowed to sign statements on your own. Second, the participant whose application has been signed no longer has the right to sign other applications, and he leaves the premises. It is clear that only half of the players manage to sign their statements, the rest did not break through the snares of bureaucracy. The facilitator asks them to stay and give their opinion on what happened. Yes, he understands that someone will be offended, annoyed, that someone's pride is hurt ... The host must neutralize negative emotions.

Discussion: it is given according to the criteria, who applied to whom, who signed or did not sign for whom. It is also important to discuss the fact that what happened does not affect (or affects?) the honor, dignity of a person, that interesting positive aspects can be found in this situation - which ones?

Test "My social roles"

The aim of the game is to make participants aware of the richness of social connections. Participants are invited to formulate and rank their social roles according to the degree of relevance in their own lives. Discussion: the facilitator explains:

a) in general, students belong to the social group in which the structure of social roles is rather weakly expressed. Not only young people, but also adults usually indicate only 7-9 social roles. For students, as a rule, this set fits into the classical triad: “son”, “comrade” and “brother”. It hardly needs to be said that, in fact, every person has dozens of social roles, the vast majority of which are simply not realized, and this negatively affects the mental life of the subject;

b) the wider, larger social ties, the fuller and psychologically healthier the social and personal life of a person;

c) among the social roles of each subject there is a special group, which can be called objectively relevant social roles, but which the subject himself may not be aware of. If an objectively relevant role is not recognized by the subject, then it provokes an internal or external conflict in him. For the student, objectively relevant roles are:

Son (daughter) with living parents;

Brother (sister) in the presence of brothers or sisters;


Friend, comrade, buddy (because he does not live on a desert island).

For other social groups, the set of objectively relevant social roles will naturally be somewhat different;

d) awareness of one's social ties enables a person to manage them, or rather, to update them, in accordance with the real circumstances of his life.

The game "Draw ... communication"

Purpose of the game: highlight meaningful ideas regarding stereotypes and attitudes about conversation in various role positions. The facilitator asks the participants in the game to divide a sheet of paper into four equal parts. In the first square, everyone draws the beginning of a conversation with a boss, in the second - with a subordinate, in the third - with an equal in status, in the fourth - the beginning of a conversation in optimal or ideal conditions, as the author of the drawing understands. The quality of the drawing is not important at all, its content is important, i.e. what will be drawn. After finishing work, everyone passes their drawings in a circle to introduce them to the others. Discussion: analyzes what promotes or hinders the establishment of contacts in various role positions.

Test "My subpersonal roles"

Mark the serial numbers of the statements with which you agree:

1. Trusting people 31. Receptive 61. Praise

2. Distrustful 32. Superstitious 62. Sarcastic

3. Alert 33. Insightful 63. Cautious

4. Illogical 34; Obstinate 64. Concerned

5. Spontaneous 35. Independent 65. Desperate

6. Unrestrained 36. Gloomy 66. Not independent

7. Reasonable 37. Patient 67. Forgiving

8. Harsh 38. Picky 68. Conservative

9. Rational 39. Sober-minded 69. Economical

10. Absent-minded 40. Stubborn 70. Inactive

11. Passionate 41. Humorous 71. Changeable

12 Aggressive 42 Timid 72 Excitable

13. Uniting 43. Benevolent 73. Decent

14. Annoyed 44. Despotic 74. Hard

15. Flexible 45. Realistic 75. Skillful

16. Slow 46. Desultory 76. Superficial

17. Comic 47. Creative 77. Straightforward

18. Easily excitable 48. Unpredictable 78. Unrestrained

19. Sincere \ 49. Reliable 79. Noble

20. Steadfast 50. Self-confident 80. Self-flagellated

21. Far-sighted 51. Reasonable 81. Consistent

22. Irrational 52. Not purposeful 82. Imprudent

23. Energetic 53. Laid-back 83. Cheerful

24. Selfish 54. Tearful 84. Egocentric

25. Attentive 55. Hardworking 85. Self-confident

26. Grouchy 56. Strict in thought

27. Intelligent 57. Purposeful 86. Ordering

28. Suggestible 58. Unrealistic 87. Original

29. Inquisitive 59. Amusing 88. Arguing

30. Indecisive 60. Immature 89. Broad-minded 90. Changeable in mood

Test Processing:

Enabling Parent:

Yes: 1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85

Yes: 2 8 14 20 26 32 38 44 50 56 62 68 74 80 86

The rational component of an adult:

Yes: 3 9 15 21 27 33 39 45 51 57 63 69 75 81 87

The irrational component of the adult;

Yes: 4 10 16 22 28 34 40 46 52 58 64 70 76 82 88

The positive component of the child:

Yes: 5 11 17 23 29 35 41 47 53 59 65 71 77 83 89

Difficult component child:

Yes: 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90

1 Interpretation base of the test:


Main functions:

~ makes it possible to effectively act as real parents;

Carries out automatic reactions and decisions;

Reduces anxiety;

Preserves moral and ethical standards; - preserves and transmits the traditions of culture;

It is a reproduction of the external reality of the first 6-8 years of life.

Body language in a conservative parent:

Frowning forehead;

Pursed lips;

pointing finger;

Hands on hips;

Wringing of hands;

Prohibition gestures;

Refusal gestures. Vocabulary:

- "charm", "son";

- "ugly", "disgusting", "vulgar";

- “stop once and for all”, “for nothing in the world”;

Critical and evaluative judgments.

Styles of behavior:




controlling; *


Eradicates everything that resembles childish joy;

Lives and acts in accordance with established patterns;

Hostilely perceives any changes. Enabling Parent:-

Conducive to individual development;

Promoting a person's self-respect;

Humanistic in raising children;



spiritually close.

Parent's conservative component:



highly critical;




Focused on strength and arbitrariness. Adult.

Main functions:

Produces objective information processing;

Calculates the probability;

Regulates the activities of the parent and child;

Provides objective mediation between parent and child;

Forms a self-image;

It is a reproduction of experience acquired throughout life.

Adult body language:

profound concentration. Vocabulary:

- "constructive";

- "capable";

- "economical";

- "useful", "harmful"; - reasoning. Styles of behavior:

Not highlighted.

Behavior models with the complete predominance of the component:

The man is rational;


Devoid of ethical values ​​and beliefs;

Emotionally cold. The rational component of an adult:


With a well developed sense of reality;

Fully and quickly receiving information and processing it;

Vividly showing orientation to the goal;

Demonstrating flexible behavior; - aimed at solving the problem.

The irrational component of an adult:

Defective sense of reality;

Limited ability to receive and process information;

defective thinking;

maladaptive behavior.

Main functions:



The charm;


reckless actions;

All instinctive;

The need for protection;

The need to feel safe;

The manifestation of the inner reality of the first 6-8 years of life.

Language of the body:


* shyness;

* tricks;

* curiosity;


Oaths; - curses;

Interjection. Styles of behavior:




Behavior models with the complete predominance of the component:

Receives many joys from life;

Loses all resources;

Exposed to many dangers;

Not interested in the consequences of their behavior;

Seeks only to have fun and play. The positive component of the child:

Prevailing interest in life;



Seeking pleasure; -compliance; - easy upbringing;

Adaptability. Difficult Component:

The predominance of impulsivity;

Increased egocentricity;


Rebellion, rebellion; - addiction;

timidity, timidity;

Founder of the first sex hotel in Ukraine "Cherry Twins" and sex expert Elena Solovieva told why we need role-playing games and how to practice them correctly.

People meet, people fall in love, get married... And then each couple tries to build their relationship according to the fairy-tale postulate "and they lived happily ever after."

At the same time, almost everyone diligently works for the duration of the relationship, and not for their quality. At first everything is perfect, you spend almost all your free time together and enjoy each other's company.

A few years go by and you realize that it's been a hell of a long time since you kissed in an elevator. You stopped sleeping in an embrace and do not tear off each other's clothes, left alone. This means that three messengers of betrayal or divorce have come into your life - life, routine and boredom.

You diligently try not to notice these uninvited guests, say that this is not about you, and so it is for everyone, but sex is less and less, passion is less and gradually it becomes more interesting to watch a new movie than to go to the bedroom.

Then there are several scenarios for the development of the plot - at some point you realize that you are two strangers under the same ceiling and just disperse. You decide to “get” emotions on the side and start a mistress of a lover.

Live parallel lives and find yourself a hundred excuses. And, finally, the most difficult option and a rare option - you choose to work on relationships and return their former passion to them. That's what role-playing games are for. And since the sexual education of the majority of Ukrainians is approaching zero, then role-playing games are presented as sex, but in costume.

We'll just change into a nurse or a teacher, and then as usual. Such “dressing up” has nothing to do with the swarm game. A role-playing game is an opportunity to be a different person, to do things that are unusual for you, or to show unusual emotions. Only in this case will you be able to discover new facets in each other and fall in love with your partner again.

A shy girl can become a domineering domina, a tough boss can become a timid pageboy, and a self-confident beauty can turn into a submissive odalisque. You will learn to receive each other's new and very vivid emotions, it would seem that there are two of you, but each game is sex with a new person. Role-playing games are the prevention of betrayals and divorces.

This is the basis of a harmonious sex life, energy fullness and self-confidence, and most importantly, it incredibly brings together and increases the level of trust in a couple.

Alas, often couples simply do not know "how to start." How to confess your desires, fantasies and generally start talking about intimate topics.

  1. If you absolutely know how to start a conversation - send your soul mate a link to a text or video story that turns you on and that you would like to bring to life.
  2. Are you ready to discuss your fantasies? Great, but don't do it on the run. Arrange a romantic evening out and discuss all the juicy details over a glass of wine
  3. Scenario. The only way. If you are not a professional actor, get ready. Come up with dialogues and mise en scenes, otherwise it will be just a banal dressing up. Remember that there are only two of you on this stage. No one is filming you, no one is judging you, and no one is judging you. Enjoy the situation. If you are in 10 minutes after the start went to sex - you lost. Have you chosen a nurse and a patient? Conduct an inspection. Tease and touch. Write out a prescription. Drop the stethoscope. Play for time and inflame each other until it becomes impossible to hold back
  4. No house slippers and bathrobes. It is not necessary to buy costumes in a sex shop, but work on the way.
  5. Ideally, change location. The walls of the marital bedroom are anchors that hold both positive and negative emotions.
  6. Do not be shy. Do not prick each other and do not be afraid. When you were children, you were able to sincerely imagine your role in the game. Try to remember how it is.

Our whole life is a game. And the game of sex is what makes our life truly bright.

Each employee in the organization plays at least one, two, and perhaps three or even four team roles, which are quite natural for him. Under certain conditions, people are also able to take on other roles, although some of these roles may be ones in which employees feel uncomfortable, or even simply helpless.

Team roles and their characteristics

table 2

Types of team roles

Required personal qualities and contribution to the team

Possible disadvantages

"Idea's generator"

Creative orientation;

rich imagination; originality of thinking; desire for innovation; source of original ideas for the team

Lack of experience in interpersonal communication; psychological instability;

waste of time considering interesting ideas


Turning ideas into practical actions; turning the solution into easy-to-do tasks; bringing order to the team

Lack of flexibility; dislike for fantasy

ideas; dislike for frequent changes of plans


diligence and conscientiousness;

timely tracking

complete the task; normative registration of the completed task

excessive concern

state of affairs; propensity for inner experiences;

unwillingness to delegate their duties; rejection of a frivolous attitude to his duties on the part of others


Critical analysis of the situation; strategic approach and insight in assessments; accuracy of judgments; pursuit

consider all possible solutions

Underestimation of the factors of stimulation and inspiration;

lack of inspiration and creative imagination; the ability to knock others down by stifling their initiative

Resource explorer?

Mastering the art of negotiation; variety of contacts; the ability to improvise; favorable study

capabilities; manifestation of activity and sociability

Loss of interest as enthusiasm wanes; jumping from one task to another; the need for increased

nominal external pressure


The ability to harmonize

team relationships and eliminate disagreements; attentive listening to the interlocutor; respect for the opinions of others; sensitivity; lack of overconfidence

Indecisiveness in crisis situations; the desire to avoid acute situations;

obstruction of decisive action at a crucial moment


A clear statement of purpose; acting as a moderator during discussions; promoting effective decision-making; possession of communication skills

Tendency to be manipulative

to transfer their duties to others; taking credit for the whole team


Professionalism; purposefulness; ability to concentrate efforts; initiative; readiness to devote oneself to work

Orientation in a narrow professional field; poor communication skills;

passion for concrete facts and results

It should be noted that these roles can be considered equally important for effective teamwork, provided that they are used in the team at the right time and in the best possible way.

For example, when a team is just beginning to consider a problem or develop a project, it is common to need innovative ideas first, an “idea generator” is needed, followed by the need to evaluate how these ideas can be translated into practical actions and achievable tasks. ("executor). In these stages, success is achieved provided that the team has a good "coordinator", whose task is to ensure the greatest impact from the team members at the right time. When it comes to complex negotiations with other groups, the qualities possessed by the “resource explorer” are of great importance. To contain excessive displays of enthusiasm that distract from the main activities of the team, there must be an "expert" in the composition of the team.

All kinds of sources of friction and misunderstandings between team members are eliminated by the "collectivist", while due to the presence of? Specialist? the team has at its disposal rarely encountered skills and knowledge, which periodically arises. The role of the “closer” is not to lose sight of even the smallest details of the implementation of the decisions made and to achieve the consistent implementation of all planned actions.

In order for a team to get the most out of the variety of team roles, each team member must be aware of the specifics of the team roles of their colleagues. Only in this case will the team be able to determine whether among these roles there are those that do not belong to the natural strengths of the team members. If this situation occurs, then those team members for whom the natural missing team roles are secondary will have to try to fill this gap. Obviously, this will require an atmosphere of openness and trust, which usually exists in well-organized and managed teams.

Unfortunately, we have to state that in teams with an insufficiently high level of mutual trust and openness, there are people who can speak frankly about everything related to their functional roles, but show some shyness when it comes to their personal characteristics. In such situations, a competent team leader will try to resolve the problem with tact.

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