
Lunar calendar for October favorable. Magic numbers

October 1, 2015,19 Lunar day (20:02), Moon in Taurus, 3 phases. Day is good for privacy and reflection. Stay away from the fuss and stormy disputes, try to resist the temptations. Today you should not give promises - you can hardly fulfill them. To avoid food poisoning, be careful when choosing food.

October 2, 2015,20 lunar day (20:44), Moon in Gemini (23:02), 3 phases. The result will bring active actions today. Doubt doubts and direct all the forces to achieve the goal. You can safely begin new things and make important decisions. The day is good for solving family problems and walks in the fresh air.

October 3, 2015,21 lunar day (21:33), Moon in the twins, 3 phases. The day is filled with creative energy. Create a new risk, communicate with unusual people. You will have a lot of time, if you do not laugh and distracted by little things. Today, exercise will well affect the health of health. Good time for dates, engines and marriage conclusion.

October 4, 2015,22 lunar day (22:29), moon in cancer (3:20), 3 phases. New things today is better not to start. Decide domestic issues, communicate with relatives. Do not deny yourself in vacation if you feel that it is necessary. The day is unusually good for obtaining, understanding and transferring information.

October 5, 2015, Continuation of the 22nd Lunar Day, Moon in Cancer, Last Quarter (23:06). New things today is better not to start. Decide domestic issues, communicate with relatives. Do not deny yourself in vacation if you feel that it is necessary. The day is unusually good for obtaining, understanding and transferring information.

October 6, 2015,23 Lunar day (23:29), Moon in Lev (11:29), 4 phase. Any communication today can lead to conflict. Do not give in to the provocations and be careful in public places. Refuse alcohol and be moderate in food. The day is absolutely not suitable for romantic dates and sex.

October 7, 2015,24 Lunar day (23:33), Moon in Lev, 4 phase. The day is good for all sorts of undertakings. Creative plans can be fully implemented. The body is under the control of the mind, while physical exertion helps to restore mental equilibrium. Dates are very successful, and sex has a healing effect.

October 8, 2015,25 Lunar day (1:37), Moon in Virgo (22:49), 4 phase. Intuition today suggests correct solutions. To hear her voice, keep in privacy. Complete old things, but do not start new ones. You will relax well if you visit the pool or bath. Do not abuse chemical medicines and refuse to power.

October 9, 2015,26 Lunar day (2:43), Moon in Virgo, 4 phase. You have a chance to look at yourself from the side and correct the mistakes made. Do not communicate with people who are not interesting to you, and do not give reasons for woven. Today it can lead to energy losses. Control yourself by making purchases: you can spend money completely wasted.

October 10, 2015,27 Lunar day (3:48), Moon in Virgo, 4 phase. Today success is possible in the business sector. Do not be afraid of change. They are able to bring you to a new level of development. Good time for self-knowledge and self-education. The day is also suitable for travel (exclusively land) and communicating with older relatives.

October 11, 2015,28 lunar day (4:54), moon in scales (11:44), 4 phase. A good mood is a guarantee of a good day. Keep calm and accept philosophically all what is happening. Make good things with joy, give attention to loved ones. Today it is necessary to monitor pressure and take care of the eyes.

October 12, 2015,29 Lunar day (6:00), moon in scales, 4 phases. Today, serious energy losses are possible. It is not worth a long time to be in the places of a large cluster of people. Personal relationships can be established. Forgive those who offended you, and bring the necessary apologies themselves. The day is not suitable for sex, especially out of marriage.

October 13, 2015,1, 2 moon days (7:05), moon in the scales, new Moon at 3:06.. The day is good for analyzing the life path, planning and work on yourself. Distribute debts, forgive the resentment. Be tolerant, manifest attention and sympathy. Today you can start the medical starvation or choose the correct diet. Adhere to the vegetarian power supply system.

October 14, 2015,3 lunar day (8:11), Moon in Scorpio (0:37), 1 phase. Energetically strong day. It is necessary both physical and mental activity. Loss and apathy can lead to unpleasant consequences. Keep under the control of emotions and avoid unpleasant impressions.

October 15, 2015,4 lunar day (9:16), Moon in Scorpio, 1 phase. The day does not have to initiative actions and active communication. Changes are unlikely, and therefore should not strive for them. It should not be overworked at work - this can lead to leakage of vital energy. A rustic walk will affect well-being well.

October 16, 2015,5 lunar day (10:21), Moon in Streltsy (12:17), 1 phase. Today should not begin new cases, especially those related to finance. Results may be completely undesirable. You can build plans and even need. Do not be afraid to be emotional, defend your views and do not let yourself confuse. Romantic acquaintance leading to the creation of a family is likely.

October 17, 2015,6 lunar day (11:21), Moon in Sagittarius, 1 phase. The day is ideal for communication. Specify questions, get information, share knowledge. Talk about your experiences, but do not complain about life. A good effect today will have rejuvenating procedures, breathing exercises, sauna and aromatherapy. Hair is better not cut and not paint.

October 18, 2015,7 Lunar day (12:18), Moon in Capricorn (21:51), 1 phase. Time to implement well-thought-out plans. Act boldly, but do not risk it. Be honest with others. Deceptions and inconsideration on this day will not lead to anything good. The best conversations today are love. Assign romantic dates and do not hold back passion gusts.

October 19, 2015,8 lunar day (13:09), Moon in Capricorn, 1 phase today - the day of changeable mood. Try to keep positive in yourself and not to go for low-lying desires. You will be able to turn your life for the better if you take carefully to what is happening around and make the right conclusions. Do not hold a sedentary lifestyle and abuse alcoholic beverages.

October 20, 2015,9 lunar day (13:53), moon in Capricorn, 1 phase. The day promises to be tense. Misunderstandings, deception and provocations are possible. Whatever happens, keep calm and think logically. Do not start new things - they are unlikely to complete the way you are planning. Hold the family time, make the development of children and home improvement.

October 21, 2015,10 lunar day (14:31), Moon in Aquarius (4:36), First quarter (23:33). It is expected kind, happy day. Do self-knowledge and self-improvement, immerse yourself in pleasant memories. You can fix past errors and make yourself with those who offended. Romantic relationships that will be tuned today will be harmonious and durable.

October 22, 2015,11 Lunar day (15:03), Moon in Aquarius, 2 phases. Clearly determine your goals and resolutely move to them. If you stay on the spot, the turbulent energy of the day will overflow you and pushes to irrational actions. Do not learn how to work and show high attention to trifles. On plans for the future, it is better not to tell anyone.

October 23, 2015,12 Lunar Day (15:31), Moon in Fish (8:16), 2 I Phase is good for self-analysis and self-improvement. Stay in solitude, take time for meditation and cleansing practices. Eat less coarse food and give up alcohol. Today you can safely start the course of treatment - the process will go without a championship, and the result exceeds expectations.

October 24, 2015,13 lunar day (15:58), moon in fish, 2 phase. Day is good for communication and gain knowledge. Collect and analyze information, build plans, but do not start new things. Return of the past problems should not scare you. Today you can easily get rid of them, and this time forever.

October 25, 2015,14 Lunar day (16:24), Moon in Aries (9:20), 2 phase. The day is not better suitable for bold and solve actions. You can start something new and important, carry out a breakthrough in current affairs, go on a journey or change jobs. Everyone will receive their chance to improve life. The main task to catch good luck for the tail and fully implement the opportunities provided.

October 26, 2015,15 lunar day (16:51), moon in the Aries, 2 phase. Today it is possible to overrun energy. Take care of the strength, do not waste them. Try to avoid conflicts. If you quarrel with someone today, reconciliation will happen very soon. Risk on this day is not recommended. Special care should be taken in financial matters.

October 27, 2015,16 lunar day (17:20), Moon in Taurce (9:06), full moon at 15:06.. Time to do homemade things and pay attention to the family. Children's education issues can be solved easily and with a great result. Today it should be abandoned by the manifestation of aggression and avoid participation in disputes. Finding out the relationship is better to postpone the other day.

October 28, 2015,17 Lunar day (17:54), Moon in Taurus, 3 phases. Today is a joyful day from which you can expect pleasant surprises. Communicate with those who do you like, organize holidays, arrange romantic dates. Be sincere and cheerful, avoid boredom and reduce any disagreement to the joke.

October 29, 2015,18 Lunar day (18:33), Moon in Gemini (9:23), 3 phases. On this day, the mind should keep feelings under control. Come on with emotions, you can become a victim of deception or get under someone else's influence. Alcohol today is not the best adviser, so it is better to abandon its use. Useful exercises, massages and rejuvenating cosmetic procedures will be useful.

October 30, 2015, 19 Lunar day (19:21), Moon in the twins, 3 phases. Day is good for privacy and reflection. Stay away from the fuss and stormy disputes, try to resist the temptations. Today you should not give promises - you can hardly fulfill them. To avoid food poisoning, be careful when choosing food.

October 31, 2015, 20 lunar day (20:15), moon in cancer (12:08), 3 phases. The result will bring active actions today. Doubt doubts and direct all the forces to achieve the goal. You can safely begin new things.

Note! Lunar calendar for October 2015, the phases of the moon, the lunar days are designed for Moscow time.

Night shine dictates his laws, and in 2015 you avoided failures, we were able to plan our time and strength we prepared useful tips and recommendations for you every day of October 2015.

Astrological tips will allow you to navigate in lunar and sunny rhythms, take into account the features of the lunar days to always be in good health and a good mood.

Lunar calendar for every day of October 2015

October 1 - Thursday

Moon in Taurus, 19th lunar day (20:02)

Today Try to get rid of negative energy. Some emotional instability is possible. One rough word can ignite the conflict or a quarrel - caution should be exercised in statements and actions. If there is such an opportunity, kide alone with you.

Oshryvy provides success in business

Hyry color contributes to communication: it causes confidence and location, useful when establishing contacts, new acquaintances. Controls the emotional level of communication and creative potential, supports in achieving knowledge and skills, increases society, helps to gain greater self-confidence and achieve inner harmony. He regulates the level of welfare, ensures the success in business, configures on constructive relations with partners.

October 2 - Friday

Moon in Gemini (23:02), 20th Lunar Day (20:44)

A high probability that you will accept an important solution that will change a lot in your life. It's time to take a look at the last lunar month and analyze the situation. Good day for travel and business trips.

If you have a moon in twins ...

The man born when the moon was in the twins, it is distinguished by excessive curiosity, sociability and chatty. It stretches to knowledge, to study, synthesis of information, he has excellent memory and good susceptibility. He is fascinated by the learning process, as well as the fact that the knowledge gained will be able to shine in the company of buddies. Such people are difficult to engage in a whole life with one profession, they are generally difficult for them to be in a state of concentration on something one.

October 3 - Saturday

Moon in Gemini, 21st Moon Day (21:33)

The day of activity and decisive action is favorable for any kind of communication, you can get a job. Make plans for the future, show justice, do not throw words to the wind. Well, if today your whole family is going together. It is useful to be in nature, to make hiking.

The moon in the twins - bring things in order

On this day, people often fall under the power of a suddenly emerged chaos. From non-existence a lot of things arises, they are superimposed, prevent each other. We suddenly lose the ability to act consistently and meaningfully. We are reproached in prettybell, inorganic, even stupid. And these reproaches are like a heavy burden on our soul, which seeks to do the near good, but does not have time because of various external circumstances.

October 4 - Sunday

Moon in Cancer (3:20), 22nd Lunar Day (22:29)

You are awaiting success in any activity aimed at creation. Much can work out as if by itself. Those who have debts, it is advisable to pay today, then subsequently it will not be necessary to resort to loans. Try not to be overworked as you can spend as much time with your family.

Moon in cancer - my and clean

With a flawed moon, under the sign of cancer, it is time to clean up the kitchen, everything should be washed. The meat grinder is easier to wash, if after meat to scroll through it raw potatoes, a piece of black bread or a piece of paper. So that the meat grinder worked better, time from time to time through it a piece of household soap. After that, it should be thoroughly rinsed, hot water. Do not dry the meat grinder on the stove or in a warm place - it darkens from it, and the knives are stupid faster.

October 5 - Monday

Moon in cancer, continuation of the 22nd Lunar Day

The recommendations of the previous lunar days are approved. The day is favorable to address old problems. It is not worth starting to begin. Stay by altruist: show the kindness and generosity, transfer accumulated knowledge and experience, without requiring remuneration for this and without being proud of its superiority. From shopping is better to refrain.

Today the moon decreases - visit the diet

If you are born under the sign of water, then in unloading days, prefer food rich in potassium: asparagus, fish, almonds, melon, bananas. If your element is fire, choose products rich in vitamin E: gear wheat, zucchini, carrots, spinach, salmon, apples. Aerial signs are recommended shrimp, low-fat cheese, dried fruits and celery in any form. And if your element earth, preferentiate greens, fermented dairy products, crude dark rice and dried fruits.

October 6 - Tuesday

Moon in Lev (11:29), 23rd lunar day (23:29)

Energetically quite contradictory and difficult day. Try to keep yourself in your hands and keep peace. If today you disinterestedly help someone help, you yourself can count on support in a difficult minute for you. Be careful with shopping: in vain spending possible.

Dream twenty-third lunar days

On the dreams in these lunar days, they do not pay special attention, with the exception of those dreams in which you heard votes, met with the past people or clearly realized that you were sleeping. False dreams of this night should be understood with an accuracy of the opposite: they saw good luck - wait for the failure, I dreamed something bad - wait for some positive changes. You will see this in three days.

October 7 - Wednesday

Moon in Lev, 24th lunar day (23:33)

Today you can sign important legal documents, enter into contracts, make transactions. Any financial and commercial events are favorable. Spend with the best day of the month for shopping. Pay attention to all sorts of fate signs.

October 8 - Thursday

Moon in Virgo (22:49), 25th lunar day (1:37)

This lunar day is good for reflection, meditation and work with its intuition: Today we can hear our inner voice. It is important not to succumb to the ugliece, be in the cheese and positive state of the spirit. Perhaps the people who play a big role in your life will be reminded of themselves.

Today do not make extra effort

On the day of the descending Moon in the sign of the Virgin should not do a great job, requiring efforts. It is not necessary to wash the floor: you will spend a lot of time on the careful rubbing of the microscopic spot, and dozens of square meters will remain unbearable. It is better to devote this day, which just requires careful study of the details.

October 9 - Friday

Moon in Virgo, 26th lunar day (2:43)

Her day and great responsibility. Do not start new things - they are most likely torete in unnecessary troubles and take a lot of strength. The energy of a decreasing moon urge to refuse to participate in the transfer of rumors and gossip. Try to see good in every person and every event.

Caring for hair in the days of the Virgin

Descending Moon in the Virgin is the time to care for hair and get rid of dandruff! This will help you a regular bow! Take a small bulb, clean it and soda on the grater. Then wrap the cassea into several layers of gauze and rub the onion juice into the scalp. When the head is completely moistened, you can climb it with a towel and be like a couple of hours. After that, wash your head as usual and rinse the nettle decoction.

October 10 - Saturday

Moon in Virgo, 27th lunar day (3:48)

The day is not suitable for undertakings, trips and travels, for registration of marriage and concluding business unions. It is better not to start new things at all and do not make important decisions. Only financial transactions associated with cash money are recommended.

October 11 - Sunday

Moon in scales (11:44), 28th lunar day (4:54)

Very good and harmonious day. It is impossible to perform actions aimed even on the slightest destruction. Do not take global decisions, let them "divert." It is not raised to arrange a "day of lazy", since any physical overvoltage is extremely undesirable.

Apply hair in front of the new moon

Wash your head and rinse the chamomile, nettle, mother-and-stepmother, hop cones, burdock root. If the hair is very dry - rinse them with Nasty mint, and instead of soap, use bran. By the way, even simple daily wetting and lightweight head massage with the infusion of these herbs gives a stunning effect - the hair becomes thick, and dandruff disappears after a week!

October 12 - Monday

Moon in the scales, 29th lunar day (6:00)

Energetically difficult day. Dedote him to care about your home. Do not start any cases, make important, responsible decisions. Try to get rid of negative thoughts, do not communicate with unpleasant people. Perhaps today you will be returned with old debts.

If you were born in the 29th lunar day

People born in the 29th lunar day are endowed with very heavy karma, but at the same time they have a very interesting and rich life. Therefore, they behave as if they are constantly fighting with windmills, they are constantly damaged and others. As a rule, these people live for a long time, but life is not given to joy and pleasures, but for the redemption of previous sins, often not only their own, and the whole, family, parents. To go through all earthly illusions and temptations, they have to suffer a lot, "walk in a circle", make a lot of fatal mistakes.

October 13 - Tuesday

Moon in Lights, 1, 2nd Moon Days (7:05), New Moon (3:06)

The first days of the lunar month are good for receiving guests, trips and travels, for new acquaintances and planning of future affairs. This is not the best time for acquisitions, but a favorable period for receiving and processing information, for training, exchange experience and knowledge.

The dreams of the first lunar day

The dreams of these lunar days are empty, meaningless. Pay attention only to specific, repetitive dreams. The more bright and "life" sleep, the sooner it is implemented. Only those who are sentenced for perfect misconduct will see how specifically it will be. On the bad dreams, in most cases should not pay attention, then they will leave, "dissipate" by themselves.

October 14 - Wednesday

Moon in Scorpio (0:37), 3rd Lunar Day (8:11)

Today is the day of urgent affairs: all problems and tasks that get in front of you require an urgent solution - it is necessary to deal with them immediately, without postponing in a long box. This is the time of active work when you can solve twice more tasks and questions than usual.

Emerald eliminates fatigue

Emerald color helps well with skin diseases and disorders of digestion, it excites appetite. It gives ease and joy, helps to relieve tension and relax, eliminates fatigue and irritability. It is useful to unprecedented people who are always doubting and indecisive - he gives them strength and faith in herself.

October 15 - Thursday

Moon in Scorpio, 4th Lunar Day (9:16)

Day of studying traditions, contemplation and reflection. To hold it with family, relatives and loved ones. Adversely go on trips and travel. Avoid rapid words and actions. Aggression is contraindicated, as it can negatively affect physical health.

Curling and painting of hair - What will the moon advise?

The best time for curling hair is the moon in the Virgin, especially growing. And the curling made when the moon in cancer, scorpion, fish and aquare, and it looks not very, and keeps long. Painting is best to spend on the young moon.

October - Golden autumn, a sheet and a wedding.

In October, frosts are enhanced. Berry shrubs should be trimmed, trees and shrubs are not bad to impose with phosphorus-potash fertilizers. On trees and shrubs can stay with summer a lot of pests, so they need to be destroyed.
If organic fertilizers are not made to the garden in September, then this should be done in October. Time to prepare a garden for the centenary of the Seveau cold-resistant crops: dill, spinach, onions and radishes, as well as carrots, celery and others. Strawberry can be sprinkled with wood ash - it will be good feeding for her.
In October, the soil is harvested for the reversal of greenery in room conditions and seedling seedlings in early spring.

Folk Weather Signals in October:
October Earth will cover where the leaflet where the snowball.
Thunder in October foreshadows a honest, short and soft winter.
If the leaf from birch and oak falls not purely - wait for a harsh winter.

On the basis of one interesting folk signs, we will try together with you to make up, one of the main tasks of which is to help plan the work of the garden season of 2015

Thematic tables - samples from the main, universal gardener calendar:

ATTENTION! Our lunar gardery calendar is conducted by Moscow time. (Calendar can be used throughout Russia, given the difference with local time *)

Moon calendar

Gardening work, plants care events

from October 01, 2015 00:00 (Thu)
On October 01, 2015 23:03 (Thu)
Landing of teeth and sevka winter garlic. It is possible to clean the root. Burlap coniferbank and craft paper for protection against spring burns. Strambes and the bases of the skeletal branches of the sweetheart to protect against rodents. Digging the bulbs of gladioles and cornflowers of dahlias and cleaning for storage in drawers, propagated by a dry peat or sidel. Looking on bulk colors: tulips, daffodils, rivets, hyacinths, decorative onions, etc. Conducting a centenary waterproof irrigation. Planting roots of parsley and celery, as well as perennial bows to obtain an extinguishing greenery (in the northern regions already in room conditions).
(In binding to the lunar calendar is conducted - the entrance is only from)

October 01 (18.09 Art. Style) - Irina
(Arina Autumn. - "If Arina cranes is flying, then the cover will be frost, and no - that winter will come later")

from October 01, 2015 23:03 (Thu)
on October 04, 2015 3:22 (Sun)
An unfavorable time for watering and feeding of indoor flowers and an extinguishing greenery. If little snow or not is not cold, it is quite possible to carry out the rejuvenating trimming of the honeysuckle, gooseberry and currant. Check stocks stored in basements, cellars.

October 03 (20.09 Art. Style) - Eustafium
(Astaphy. - "On Astafia notice winds: North - to fitness, southern to heat, Western - to sputum, oriental - to the bucket").

from October 04, 2015 3:22 (Sun)
On October 06, 2015 11:30 (W)

Decreasing moon in cancer

Staging with twine in a loose trim of branches of young fruit trees. Preparation of cuttings for winter and spring vaccinations. The structure of the shelter facility for flower and decorative crops. Slogging. Expanding the snow from the stems of bone crops, suffering from spinning the root neck, until the earth is freezing. Fruit trees will easily transfer pruning. The destruction of the nests of winter pests on fruit trees. Feeding indoor colors, pest control. When the soil freezing is possible, the sowing of vegetable crops and cold-resistant annual colors are possible. Processing of vegetables, serving of white cabbage, canning and drying apples and pears.

(When choosing a day for salting and saving cabbage, keep in mind that in addition to marked, as much favorable, all days are suitable for this In addition to full moon and new Moon, it is also not recommended to salt cabbage when Moon in the sign of the Virgin).

From October 06, 2015 11:30 (W)
On October 08, 2015 22:50 (Thu)

Decreasing moon in the sign of the lion

The final cleaning of plant residues, the cover of the compost with any dense material, so as not to attract the rodent to the site. Preparation of cuttings of fruit trees vaccinations. Fighting pests of indoor plants. If snow fell, then snowstand work on the strawberry plantation, shaking snow from the branches, fusion of the snow of raspberries. Possible landing in the room conditions of onions and garlic on greens, green crops (lettuce, cress and salad, sheet mustard).

October 08 (20.09 Art. Style) - Sergius Radonezh
("Cabbage is noted for Sergius cabbage notes: if the first snow is in Sergius, then the winter will be installed on Mikhailov day / November 21 /; if good weather, then stand it for three weeks.")

From October 08, 2015 22:50 (Thu)
on October 11, 2015 11:45 (Sun)

Descending Moon in the sign of the Virgin

A favorable time (for regions where sustainable cooling came to -2-3 ° C and the soil was frozen by night frosts to a depth of 2-5 cm) for the centenary sowing of annual cold-resistant colors, as well as perennial colors whose seeds need stratification. Landing of hyacinth bulbs, digging of the Musician chrysanthemums. Cleaning late varieties of cabbage for long-term storage, canning viburnum, recycling of apples, tomatoes, phizalis and pepper. Deep soil resistance without breaking the Kitsiev Earth, to freeze weeds and wintering in the soil of pests. Shelter perennial colors for winter sawdust, sweetheart, peat, drawers.
Shelter rose bushes for winterif the temperature is steadily maintained at -5-8 C.
and serving cabbage.
from October 11, 2015 11:45 (Sun)
On October 12, 2015 5:59 (PN)

Descending moon in weight sign

An unfavorable time for watering and liquid detacities of indoor flowers and an extinguishing greenery. In the room conditions, the roots of parsley, beets for greens can be placed. The shelter of perennial cultures for the winter. Teacions of the strabs of fruit trees and the foundations of large branches of lime or garden whitewash. Strapping straps of fruit trees to protect against mice.
from October 12, 2015 5:59 (PN)
On October 14, 2015 8:10 (Wed)


Unfavorable days for salting and kids. Pumping soil and formation of a variety, making compost for prepared ridges. Collection of plant residues from greenhouses and greenhouses. Cleaning and disposal of garbage.
October 13, 2015 03:06 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month,: until October 14, 2015 00:38 Moon in the sign of the scales, then in the sign of Scorpio.

October 14 (01.10 Art. Style) - Pokrov
("What is the weather on cover, this and winter: if the wind blows from the north or east - winter will be cold and multispered; if from the south - winter warm, from the west - snowy")

From October 14, 2015 8:10 (cf)
On October 16, 2015 12:18 (PT)

Growing Moon in Scorpion Sign

An adverse time for trimming trees and shrubs. The binding and bending of the shoots of raspberries under the winter. The falling asleep of the central parts of the bush is not sufficiently winter-resistant gooseberry varieties, as well as roses dry humid and compost. Laying the facothy on strawberry plantations, as well as the shelter of the napnik of flower and decorative cultures. Fravel and landing for distillation of turf perennial bows. Promotional landing of Luke-Sparks of non-strain varieties is possible. Sowing in room conditions Cress Salad, Sheet mustard on greens. Watering indoor plants and expensive greenery. Landing and transplanting fruit trees and berry shrubs. Non-throwing leaves and dried fruits are removed from the trees, because They may have nests of winter pests.
(also for folk signs).
From October 16, 2015 12:18 (PT)
on October 18, 2015 21:52 (Sun)

Growing moon in the sign

Possible trimming of dry branches in trees and bushes. The shelter of the sweetheart of young strawberry plantations, as well as low-impeded ornamental plants. Shelter perennial colors for winter sawdust, sweetheart, peat, drawers. Preparation of greenhouses to spring landings, fumigation of greenhouses by colloid gray and spraying the soil with copper vitrios to destroy pests and diseases. Binding of conifers in the sheaf and the bindings of their kraft paper from spring burns. Laying of poisoned bait for rodents.
from October 18, 2015 21:52 (Sun)
On October 21, 2015 4:37 (cf)

Growing moon in the sign of Capricorn

Conducting centers of vegetable crops and cold-resistant annual colors. Landing in indoor layers and garlic on greens, green crops, turf perennial bows. The shelter of poorly resistant perennial crops for the winter. Teacions of the strabs of fruit trees and the foundations of large branches of lime or garden whitewash. Strambes straps of fruit trees to protect against mice ..
Favorable time for cabbage
From October 21, 2015 4:37 (cf)
On October 23, 2015 8:17 (PT)

Growing Moon in Aquarius

Adverse days for planting, as well as for irrigation and feeding of indoor plants and extinguishing greenery. Shelter perennial colors and garden strawberries for the winter. The final cleaning of plant residues, the cover of the compost with any dense material, so as not to attract the rodent to the site.

October 23 (10.10 Art. Style) - Evlampiy.
("On the Earplan of the Horn of the Counter of the month, it seems to the way where to be winds from." - If the horn of the month with a tilt up (north) is to be ambulance, it will snow the snow; if down - do not wait for the ambulance, there will be dirt and slush ")

from October 23, 2015 8:17 (PT)
on October 25, 2015 9:21 (Sun)

Growing Moon in Fish Sign

It is strictly forbidden to carry out trimming trees and shrubs. Conducting centers of vegetable crops and colors (cold-resistant annuals and perennials whose seeds need stratification). Landing in indoor layers and garlic, green crops for pastures. Conducting irrigation and liquid detacities of indoor flowers and an extinguishing greenery. Stopping traps and baits for combating rodents, cleaning plant residues, garbage disposal.
from October 25, 2015 9:21 (Sun)
On October 26, 2015 16:51 (PN)

Growing Moon in the Sign of Aries

Laying the facothy on the strawberry plantations, as well as the structure of the roaming of shelters for flower and decorative crops. Staging of branches of young fruit trees with twine in a loose sheaf from the layers of branches by snow.
Strambes and bases of the skeletal branches of apple trees and pears with a sweetheart to protect against rodents. Winding with observer material of conifers, as well as strabs and bases of skeletal branches of fruit trees to protect against frostoboin and spring burns. Laying the facothy on strawberry plantations.
from October 26, 2015 16:51 (PN)
On October 28, 2015 17:53 (cf)


It is not recommended to plant anything, replant, trim. Unfavorable days for salting and kids.
October 27, 2015 15:05 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid-lunar month: until October 27, 2015 09:07 Moon in the sign of the Aries, then in the Taurus sign)
Folk Nature: Break cabbage to the full moon - Get soft
from October 28, 2015 17:53 (cf)
On October 29, 2015 9:24 (Thu)

Decreasing moon in the sign of the Taurus

Watering indoor plants and colors. Planting roots of parsley and celery, as well as perennial onions to obtain an extinguishing greenery.
Conducting a centenary waterproof irrigation. Strambes and the bases of the skeletal branches of the sweetheart to protect against rodents.
from October 29, 2015 9:24 (Thu)
on October 31, 2015 12:09 (Sat)

Descending Moon in the sign of the twins

An unfavorable time for watering and feeding of indoor flowers and an extinguishing greenery. It is possible to enter fertilizers in solid form (not solutions). Laying soil (dry watering), trimming and formation of plants. The struggle against the pests of indoor plants these days will be the most efficient.
from October 31, 2015 12:09 (Sat)
On October 31, 2015 23:59 (Sat)

Decreasing moon in cancer

In room conditions, sowing any seeds to obtain vitamin seedlings. A good time for liquid detacities of indoor flowers and an extension greenery, as well as to combat pests of indoor plants. On fruit trees they collect and destroy the nests of winter pests. Favorable days for salting and saving cabbage

Descending Moon: from October 1 to October 12, from October 28 to October 31.
New Moon in October: October 13, October 27.
Growing moon in October: from 14 to 26 October.

Lunar calendar on October 1, 2015: 18 Lunar day, moon in twins

The day is favorable to get rid of negative energy. Help those who need support. Be careful to the events of this day, as they are a mirror reflection of your relationship to life and to the world.

Lunar calendar on October 2, 2015: 19 Lunar day, moon in twins

Day of illusions, delusions and deceptions. Do not give in to the temptation, postpone all important things. The best thing to do is routine affairs and stay alone with you. A good moment for reflection and plans.

Lunar calendar on October 3, 2015: 20 lunar day, moon in twins

A harmonious day for mercy, patience and spiritual transformation. The started thing is not to give up and be sure to bring to the end. Sverders are contraindicated, so dedicate the evening home and family. It is useful to organize a unloading day and give the body to relax.

Active, creative day associated with changes and movement. Today you can show decisiveness in actions. A favorable period for parting with bad habits. Fold contacts, communicate and decide urgent questions. On the day of the descending moon should not be made to a great job, requiring efforts.

Day of manifestation of wisdom. Do not build any plans - follow your desires and intuition. A favorable period for the return of debt and travel, pilgrimage, trips for the city, business trips, adoption of vows and bumps. For those who study, this day is also unusually successful. The main thing is to focus well.

Beware of negative emotions. Today, any communication can lead to conflict. Do not give in to the provocations and be careful in public places. Try not to use alcohol today and do not overeat. The day is unsuccessful for romantic dates and sex.

Good day for all sorts of undertakings. Today, your creative plans can be fully implemented. The body is under the control of the mind, while physical exertion helps to restore mental equilibrium. On this day, there will be good dates and romantic dating, and sex has a healing effect.

The day of intuition. Listen and she will tell faithful solutions. A favorable period to complete old cases, but it is not advisable to start new ones. You will relax well if you visit the pool or bath. Do not abuse chemical medicines and refuse to power.

The moon recommends to be alone with him and do not communicate with people who are not interesting to you. Watch out for your words and actions without giving reasons for woven. Today it can lead to energy losses. Day of empty spect - control yourself, making purchases.

Do not be afraid of change. Today, success in business sphere and a new level of development is possible. A successful period for self-knowledge and self-education. A favorable day for trips and communications with relatives.

Good mood day. Keep calm and take everything that happens in philosophically. Smile more, emit positive and make good things, give attention to loved ones. Today it is necessary to follow pressure and not nervous.

There is a possibility of serious energy losses. For a long time not found in places of large cluster of people. A favorable moment for the establishment of personal relationships: forgive those who offended you, and apologize themselves.

Lunar calendar on October 13, 2015: 1.2 Moon days, moon in scales, new moon

Good day for analyzing life path, planning and work on yourself. Today Try to forgive the offenders and distribute debts. Be tolerant, manifest attention and sympathy. Today, it is possible to productively and health: select the correct diet, go to the gym, make cosmetic procedures. Try not to eat meat.

Lunar calendar on October 14, 2015: 3 lunar day, moon in scorpion

Energetically strong day, favorable both physical and mental activity. Avoid laziness, lethargy and apathy - they can lead to unpleasant consequences. Keep under the control of emotions and avoid unpleasant impressions.

Lunar calendar on October 15, 2015: 4 Lunar day, Moon in Scorpio

The day does not have to initiative actions and active communication. Changes are unlikely, and therefore should not strive for them. Avoid overwork - it can lead to a leakage of vital energy.

Lunar calendar on October 16, 2015: 5 Lunar day, Moon in Sagittar

Do not start new cases, especially related to finance. Results may not be quite favorable. Do not be afraid to be emotional, defend your views and do not let yourself confuse. Good day for romantic dating and meetings.

Lunar calendar on October 17, 2015: 6 lunar day, moon in Sagittar

The day is ideal for communication. Try to get as much information from your relatives, friends, colleagues and just passersby. Specify questions, share knowledge, tell about your experiences, but do not complain about life. A good period for cosmetic procedures: rejuvenation, breathing exercises, sauna and aromatherapy. But the hair is better not to cut and not paint.

Lunar calendar on October 18, 2015: 7 Lunar day, moon in Capricorn

A favorable period for the implementation of long-planned cases. Act boldly, but do not risk. Today avoid deceptions and quarrels - they can spoil your result. The best conversations today are good and love. Do not restrain passion gusts - dedicate the time to your beloved person.

Lunar calendar on October 19, 2015: 8 Lunar day, moon in Capricorn

The day of changeable mood. Try not to go on the lowest desires, tune in to a positive. Carefully react to what is happening around and make the right conclusions. It is not worthwhile a sedentary lifestyle - more move, go, dance, do sports.

Lunar calendar on October 20, 2015: 9 Lunar day, Moon in Capricorn

The day may be strained enough. Cheats, misunderstandings and provocations are possible. Try to keep calm and think logically. Leave important things and beginnings for later - they are unlikely to complete the way you are planning. Hold the family time, go around the home, hobby.

Lunar calendar on October 21, 2015: 10 Lunar day, Moon in Aquarius

A good bright day is expected. It's time to do self-knowledge and self-improvement. You can inspire pleasant memories and romantic relationships. Leave care and spend the day in the company of positive people.

Lunar calendar on October 22, 2015: 11 Lunar day, Moon in Aquarius

A good period in order to move towards your goal. If you stay in place, rapid energy will push you to irrational actions. Enter the case to the result and pay attention to the little things. Do not tell you curious about your plans for the future.

Stay in solitude, take time for meditation and cleansing practices. Eat less coarse food and give up alcohol. Today you can safely start the course of treatment - the process will go without a championship, and the result exceeds expectations.

Day is good for communication and gain knowledge. Collect and analyze information, build plans, but do not start new things. Return of the past problems should not scare you. Today you can easily get rid of them, and this time forever.

The day is not better suitable for bold and solve actions. You can start something new and important, carry out a breakthrough in current affairs, go on a journey or change jobs. Everyone will receive their chance to improve life. The main task to catch good luck for the tail and fully implement the opportunities provided.

Today it is possible to overrun energy. Take care of the strength, do not waste them. Try to avoid conflicts. If you quarrel with someone today, reconciliation will happen very soon. Risk on this day is not recommended. Special care should be taken in financial matters.

Lunar calendar on October 27, 2015: 16 lunar day, moon in Taurus, full moon

Time to do homemade things and pay attention to the family. Children's education issues can be solved easily and with a great result. Today it should be abandoned by the manifestation of aggression and avoid participation in disputes. Finding out the relationship is better to postpone the other day.

Lunar calendar on October 28, 2015: 17 Lunar day, Moon in Taurus

Today is a joyful day from which you can expect pleasant surprises. Communicate with those who do you like, organize holidays, arrange romantic dates. Be sincere and cheerful, avoid boredom and reduce any disagreement to the joke.

Lunar calendar on October 29, 2015: 18 Lunar day, moon in twins

On this day, the mind should keep feelings under control. Come on with emotions, you can become a victim of deception or get under someone else's influence. Useful exercises, massages and rejuvenating cosmetic procedures will be useful.

Lunar calendar on October 30, 2015: 19 Lunar day, moon in twins

Day is good for privacy and reflection. Avoid bustling, disputes and conflicts, try to resist the temptations. Today you should not give promises - you can hardly fulfill them. Be careful when choosing food - there is a risk of food poisoning.

Aims on active actions - only they will bring the result. Doubt doubts and direct all the forces to achieve the goal. You can safely begin new things.

Capital photo: Depositphotos

In October 2015, the decreasing moon captures two periods: from 1 to 12 numbers and from 28 to 31. Astrologers say that at such moments a number of affairs succeeds especially well, while others do not work at all. Therefore, before taking on something, look at the lunar calendar and make sure that you have chosen the right time.

Everyone knows that the moon energy, we want it or not, affects our physical and emotional state. And just as the moon is growing, full, new or descending, and our life changes: it can be rich in events or unjustified expectations, full of abundance, happiness and new ideas or recession. And in all this, the moon is directly involved.

It is believed that on a decreasing moon can not be launched new cases, but the solution of the prolonged tasks can finally be crowned with success. But we should not forget that not only the moon affects our life. There are still many factors that, in combination with the lunar phase, can change the situation perfectly in the opposite direction.

What are the success of success on a decreasing moon in October

  • everything that is connected with personal life and family matters is better to do during the desire of the moon. This concerns both the clarification of relationships and any household cases that would not hurt to finish, but there are no hands at once. Repair and cleaning will be beneficial to your nervous system: doing household chores, you can bring your thoughts by order, which will allow weighted and thoughtful decisions.
  • in the first period of decreasing moon, from October 1 to October 12, astrologists recommend to engage in their health. Mooner energy decreases, and with it their body has a negative energy of diseases.
  • conduct any cleaning of the body and try new diets better during the second decrease in the moon.
  • all cosmetic procedures carried out at this time will be favorable. If your hair, face or nails require special care, take advantage of hairstyles and hair dye for October, and you can combine a pleasant with useful.

What should not be done during the desire of the Moon in October

  • it is not necessary to give a debt and invest in large projects from October 1 to October 12, since, most likely, your investments will not justify yourself and bring only losses.
  • astrologers recommend not to engage in self-medication using folk remedies. The decreasing moon carries powerful energy, but she needs to be able to use without hurting himself. Trying to cure the decoction of herbs in the great-grandmother recipes, you risk getting serious poisoning. Therefore, before practicing, you should consult with your doctor.
  • during the first decrease in the Moon, they advise not to announce the opening of new projects, such as young business. But this concerns only the official discovery. You do not need to immediately be afraid and postpone any of your idea in a long box: you can work on it and draw up a plan of action so that you already have everything at the right time.

No need to be afraid of a decreasing moon, it is also necessary as growing. This time was created in order for us to slow down their rhythm of life, think about what the soul really wants, relax from business and enjoy life. We wish you a positive and new achievements, and do not forget to press buttons and

29.09.2015 00:40

The full moon has always been considered a mystical period of time. At this time, the moon affects a person in a special way: we become more wounded ...

In antiquity, it was noted that the full moon has a strongest impact on all living things. Night shine ...

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