
Boring story. The problem of choosing a profession. In Chekhov text. Someone enters the front, long strips and coughs ... (the arguments of the exam) who enters the front long

Why is it so importantly responsible for choosing your profession? Do you need to show interest in classes, study? What is more important: knowledge or diploma? These and other questions appeared with me after reading the text A.P.hekhov.

In his text, the author raises the problem of choosing a profession, his life path. Why is it so important responsible and independently approach the choice of profession? To attract our attention to the problem, the author paints a colorful picture. The professor teacher comes home at first a negligent student of the medical faculty, which came to retake. "I kept the exam for you five times and ... cut off," says a student who is extremely surprised by this circumstances and defines at least "satisfactorily."

The professor notices that the young man is "Wide Nature" that "beer and opera he loves more than science." There are seven hundreds of such students at the professor. He advises them to "completely leave the medical faculty", if "there is no desire, no vocation to be a doctor." But no one leaves, and the professor will surrender sooner or later, putting "satisfactory". After a student, a "young doctoral student" comes to the professor, who needs the theme for the dissertation. The teacher is trying to explain to the colleague, "that an essay written in someone else's topic and under someone else's leadership is called otherwise." But he does not hear it. In the end, he is inferior. The problem that the author raises, forced me to think deeply about how important it is to choose the right profession.

The position of the author is understandable to me: a person must be very responsible for choosing his profession. Profession is an important part of the life path, she must like and bring satisfaction. There is nothing worse than "then all your life do business that you do not love." The attitude to study should be serious. If you do not like science and not ready to spend time on their study, what professionalism in the profession can we talk about?!

I agree with the author. How often today we choose professions, focusing on high income and prestige. Lawyer, economist, dentist ... How often choose a profession on the instruction of adults. And where is our independent choice? You need to listen to yourself than you like to do you. Ideally, the profession should coincide with the hobby. Love to travel - go to the tourist business, you like to write articles - in journalism or literature. But, unfortunately, very often people choose the professions with which "suffer" then all their life, engaging in an unloved business. I will try to prove it by contacting the works of A.P.hekhov.

In the story of "Chamber No. 6" we encounter Dr. Ragina, the chief doctor of the city hospital, who first tried to change something: to acquire equipment, bring order, fight theft and unsanitary, but very quickly cooled to their duties. As a result, I completely launched the hospital, so without changing. He is indifferent to the patients, he closes his eyes on lawlessness, which is curly in the hospital: theft and rudeness, the cruelty of the Nikita worship. He is sitting at home, spends all the money on scientific journals to be aware of medical discoveries, reading them, drinks beer, and rags in the evenings in the evenings with the only friend, the head of the post office, that there are no smart people left at all . Why was it to learn to the doctor, why take someone else's place, deceiving yourself and others what I did for the hospital everything that could? Need to do your favorite thing to really bring the benefit of society.

In the story "Ionch" we encounter a young girl Catherine Ivanovna Turkin, a pianist. Parents call her gentle cat. Every evening in the family of Turkings were arranged. Mom read strange long novels, dad cheerfully called, and the cat played on the piano, played loudly, noisily, diligently, but insensually. Everyone in this family considered themselves extremely talented. In this, they were convinced by guests who applauded them loudly and, sniffing towards the aromas of the kitchen, could not wait for a rich dinner. A cat dreams to leave the family of Nestshko, enter the conservatory, she is convinced that she has talent. The girl refuses the offer of the chief hero. And after four years it returns, realizing that its data is not enough for a professional career. Of course, in the fact that she was wrong with the choice, there is nothing strange. But the parents have introduced a daughter in fake compliments. Maybe it costs to hire professionals?

Thus, the choice of profession is a serious and very important thing. The person must independently, responsibly approach the choice of his profession, so as not to engage in all his life, to which is indifferent. Remember this by choosing a matter of all your life.

Some weather, another call. Someone enters the front, long strips and cough. Egor reports that a student came. I say: ask. A minute later a young man of pleasant outdoor appears to me. There is already a year, as we are in the stretched relationship: he disgusts to me on the exams, and I put it a unit. Such wellers, whom I, expressing in the student, chasing or fail, my seven people are recruited annually. Those of them who do not withstand the exam by inability or by illness, usually carry their cross patiently and are not traded with me; Only Sanguiniki go to my house and go to my house, wide ones that the wire on the exams spoil appetite and prevents the opera carefully. First I am a member, and second chase for a whole year.

Sit down, - I say the guest. - What do you think?

Sorry, Professor, for anxiety ... - He starts, staring and not looking into my face. "I would not dare to disturb you if it were not ... I kept the exam for you five times and ... and cut off. I ask you, be kind, put me satisfactory because ...

The argument that all lazy leads in their favor is always the same: they handed out perfectly in all subjects and cut off only on mine, and it is all the more surprising that in my subject they were always worn very diligently and know it perfectly; They cut off the same due to some incomprehensible misunderstanding.

Sorry, my friend, "I say the guest," I can't put it satisfactory. Start another lectures and come. Then see.

Pause. I come hunting a little bit to suffer a student for the fact that beer and opera he loves more than science, and I speak with a sigh:

In my opinion, the best thing you can do now is to completely leave the medical faculty. If you do not manage to withstand the exam with your abilities, it is obviously, you have no desire, no vocation to be a doctor.

Sanguinic face pulls out.

Sorry, Professor, - he grins, - but it would be at least strange on my part. Learn five years and suddenly ... leave!

Well yes! It is better to lose in a gift for five years, than then all my life do business that you do not love.

But immediately I feel sorry for him, and I have a hurry to say:

However, as you know. So, read a little more and come.

When? - Deaf asks the lazy.

When you want. Though tomorrow.

And in his good eyes, I read: "You can come, but you, the cattle, again round me!"

Of course, I say, - you will not be a tekhnu, that you will examine me more fifteen more, but it will build up in you. And Thank you.

Silence comes. I am rising and waiting for a guest, and he stands, looks at the window, pulls his beard and thinks. It becomes boring.

Sanguinik's voice is pleasant, juicy, smart eyes, mocking, the face is complacent, somewhat quenched from the frequent use of beer and long laying on the couch; Apparently, he could tell me a lot of interesting things about Opera, about his love adventures, about the comrades he loved, but, unfortunately, it was not accepted about it. And I would be eagerly listened.

Professor! I give you a honest word that if you put me satisfactory, then I ...

As soon as it came to the "honest word," I am my hand and sit down at the table. The student thinks another minute and says sadly:

In this case, forgive ... Sorry.

Goodbye my friend. Good health.

He is hesitantly goes to the front, slowly dressing there and, going out on the street, probably, it thinks again for a long time; I didn't think of anything, except for the "old hell" in my address, he goes to a bad restaurant to drink beer and dine, and then sleep home. The world of dust is yours, honest worker!

Third call. A young doctor is included in a new black pair, in golden glasses and, of course, in a white tie. Recommended. I ask you to sit down and ask anything. Not without excitement, the young priest of science begins to tell me that this year he endured the exam on the doctoral student and that he remains now only to write the dissertation. He would like to work with me, under my leadership, and I would have obliged it if I gave him the topic for the dissertation.

It was before. Now, at lectures, I feel only torment. It does not pass and half an hour, as I begin to feel invincible weakness in my legs and in the shoulders; I sit in a chair, but I'm not used to sitting reading; A minute later I rummage, I continue standing, then I sit again. In the mouth dries, the voice will appear, the head is spinning ... To hide your condition from the listeners, I drink the water, coughing, often sore, it hinders me with a runny nose, I say the calabura nefple and in the end I declare a break earlier than it follows. But mostly I am ashamed. My conscience and the mind tell me that the best thing I could now do is read the boys to the farewell lecture, tell them the last word, bless them and give up their place to a person who is younger and stronger than me. But let God judge me, I do not have enough courage to go on conscience. Unfortunately, I am not a philosopher and not theologian. I feel great that I will live even for more than six months; It would seem that now I would have to meet the most questions about the diplomas and about those visions that my grave dream will visit. But for some reason my soul does not want to know these questions, although the mind is aware of all their importance. As 20-30 years ago, and now, before death, I am interested in only science. The emitting of the last sigh, I will still believe that science is the most important, the most beautiful and necessary in the life of a person, that she has always been and will be the highest manifestation of love and that only she wins his own nature and himself. This vera, perhaps, is naive and unfair in its foundation, but I am not guilty that I believe so, and not otherwise; I can not defeat this faith. But this is not the case. I just ask to condescend to my weakness and understand that to tear off the department and pupils of a man whom the fate of the bone marrow is more interested than the ultimate goal of the universe, it is equivalent to that if it were taken and they were pushed into a coffin, without waiting until he dies. From insomnia and due to the intense struggle with increasing weakness with me something strange is happening. Tears suddenly approach the lecture to the throat, the eyes begin to be, and I feel a passionate, hysterical desire to stretch your arms and loudly complain. I want to scream with a loud voice that me, the famous person, fate sentenced to the death penalty that in some six months there will be another other here in the audience. I want to scream that I was poisoned; new thoughts, what I did not know before, poisoned last days My life and continue to stive my brain like mosquitoes. And at this time my position seems to be so terrible that I want all my listeners to be horrified, jumped up from places and in panic fear, with a desperate cry rushed to the exit. Do not easily worry such minutes. After the lecture, I sit at home and work. I read magazines, dissertations or getting ready for the next lecture, sometimes I am writing anything. I work with interruptions, as you have to take visitors. The call is heard. This comrade came to talk about business. He enters me with a hat, with a stick and, stretching to me that and the other, says: - I'm for a minute, for a minute! Sit, Collega! Only two words! First of all, we try to show each other that we are both unusually polite and very happy to see each other. I sit in the chair, and he seats me; At the same time, we carefully stroke each other on the waist, concern the buttons, and it looks like we feel feeling each other and are afraid to burn. Both laugh, although I do not say anything funny. Sit down, lean over his heads to each other and begin to speak in a low voice. No matter how heartfully we were located to each other, we cannot, so as not to gnaw our speech by everyone in Chinese, sort of: "You have learned to notice rightly", or "how I have already had the honor to tell you," we can't want to laugh, If any of us is coming, at least unsuccessful. I finish talking about the case, Comrade Rusily rises and, having fluttering the hat towards my work, begins to say goodbye. Again, add each other and laugh. Accompany to the front; Here I help a friend to wear a fur coat, but he dares this high honor. Then, when Egor answers the door, Comrade assures me that I will catch up, and I pretend to be ready to follow him even to the street. And when, finally, I return to my office, my face still continues to smile, must be inertia. Some weather, another call. Someone enters the front, long strips and cough. Egor reports that a student came. I say: ask. A minute later a young man of pleasant outdoor appears to me. There is already a year, as we are in the stretched relationship: he disgusts to me on the exams, and I put it a unit. Such wellers, whom I, expressing in the student, chasing or fail, my seven people are recruited annually. Those of them who do not withstand the exam by inability or by illness, usually carry their cross patiently and are not traded with me; Only Sanguiniki go to my house and go to my house, wide ones that the wire on the exams spoil appetite and prevents the opera carefully. First I am a member, and second chase for a whole year. - Sit down, - I say the guest. -- What do you think? "Sorry, Professor, for anxiety ...-- He starts, staring and without looking into my face." I would not dare to bother you, if it were not ... I kept the exam for you five times and .. . and cut off. I ask you, be kind, put me satisfactory, because ... the argument that all the lazy leads in their favor, always the same: they handed out perfectly in all subjects and cut off only on mine, and it is even more surprising that In my subject, they always worked very diligently and know him fine; They cut off the same due to some incomprehensible misunderstanding. "Sorry, my friend," I say the guest, "I can't put you satisfactory. Start another lectures and come. Then see. - Pause. I come hunting a little bit of a student for the fact that Beer and Opera he loves more than science, and I speak with a sigh: - In my opinion, the best thing you can do is now - to completely leave the medical faculty. If you do not manage to withstand the exam with your abilities, it is obviously, you have no desire, no vocation to be a doctor. Sanguinic face pulls out. "Sorry, Professor," he smiles, "but it would be at least strange on my part." Learn five years and suddenly ... leave! -- Well yes! It is better to lose in a gift for five years, than then all my life do business that you do not love. But immediately I feel sorry for him, and I have a hurry to say: - However, as you know. So, read a little more and come. - When? - Deaf asks the lazy. - When you want. Though tomorrow. And in his good eyes I read: "You can come, but you, the cattle, again drive me!" "Of course," I say, "you will not become a commencement that you will examine another fifteen times, but it will build up in you. And Thank you. Silence comes. I am rising and waiting for a guest, and he stands, looks at the window, pulls his beard and thinks. It becomes boring. Sanguinik's voice is pleasant, juicy, smart eyes, mocking, the face is complacent, somewhat quenched from the frequent use of beer and long laying on the couch; Apparently, he could tell me a lot of interesting things about Opera, about his love adventures, about the comrades he loved, but, unfortunately, it was not accepted about it. And I would be eagerly listened. -- Professor! I give you a honest word that if you put me satisfactory, then I am. .. Once it came to the "honest word," I am my hands in my arms and in the table. A student thinks another minute and says sadly: - In this case, forgive ... Sorry. - Farewell, my friend. Good health. He is hesitantly goes to the front, slowly dressing there and, going out on the street, probably, it thinks again for a long time; I did not think of anything other than the "old trait" in my address, he goes to a bad restaurant to drink beer and dinner, and then go to my house. The world of dust is yours, honest worker! Third call. A young doctor is included in a new black pair, in golden glasses and, of course, in a white tie. Recommended. I ask you to sit down and ask anything. Not without excitement, the young priest of science begins to tell me that this year he endured the exam on the doctoral student and that he remains now only to write the dissertation. He would like to work with me, under my leadership, and I would have obliged it if I gave him the topic for the dissertation. "It's very happy to be useful, a colleague," I say, "but let's take place on what the dissertation is. Under this word, it is customary to intelligence an essay that makes up the product of independent creativity. Is not it? The essay, written in someone else's topic and under someone else's leadership, is called otherwise ... doctoral studies are silent. I flash and jump out. - What do you all go to me, do not understand? - I shout an angry .-- I have a shop, or what? I'm not trading themes! In the first time I ask you everyone to leave me alone! Sorry for sophistication, but I finally got tired of me! Doctoral student is silent, and only about his cheeky stands easy paint. His face expresses deep respect for my famous name and scholarships, and in his eyes I see that he despises and my voice, and my miserable figure, and nervous gesticulation. In my anger, I see him an eccentric. - I have no shop! - I am angry .-- And an amazing thing! Why don't you want to be independent? Why are you so fighting freedom? I say a lot, and he is all silent. In the end, I loved little poeras and, of course, I give up. The doctoral student will receive from me the topic that the price is penny will write under my observation to anyone who is not necessary dissertation, with dignity will withstand the boring dispute and will receive the scientist not necessary for him. Calls can follow one after another without end, but here I will limit it only four. Beats the fourth call, and I hear the familiar steps, rustling dresses, a cute voice ... 18 years ago my comrade Okulist died and left after myself a seven-year-old daughter Katya and thousands of sixty money. In his will, he appointed a guardian of me. Until ten years Katya lived in my family, then was given to the institute and lived with me only in the summer months, during the holidays. I once had it to engage in her upbringing, I watched it only with worries, and therefore I can say it very little about childhood. The first thing I remember and love for memories, it is an extraordinary gullibility, with what she entered my house was treated for the doctors and which always glowed on her face. Happened, sitting somewhere in the sidelines with tied cheek and does not understand anything with attention, whether she sees at this time, as I write and put the book, or how the wife is cotton, or as a cook in the kitchen cleans potatoes, or as The dog plays, she always always had the same eyes, namely, namely, everything that was being done in this light, everything is fine and clever. " She was curious and loved to talk to me very much. It happened, sitting at the table against me, watches my movements and asks questions. It is interesting for her to know that I read what I am doing at the university, I am not afraid of corpses, where I breathe my salary. - Students fight at the university? She asks. - Default, honey. - Do you put them on your knees? - I put it. And she was funny that students fight and that I put them on my knees, and she laughed. It was meek, patient and kind pleon. Often I had to see how she was taken away by something, punished or did not satisfy her curiosity at this time to the continuous expression of gullibility on her face, there were still sadness - and only. I did not know how to bear behind it, but only when I saw sadness, I had a desire to attract her to myself and regret the tone of the old nannika: "My dear!" I also remember, she loved to dress well and jump in spirits. In this regard, she looked at me. I also love beautiful clothes and good spirits. I regret that I did not have time and hunt to trace the beginning and development of passion, which was already already owned by Kate, when she was 14-15 years old. I'm talking about her passionate love for the theater. When she came to us from the Institute for Vacation and lived with us, then nothing she talks about with such pleasure and with such heat as plays and actors. With its regular conversations about the theater, she tired us. The wife and children did not listen to her. One only me lacked the courage to refuse her to take care of attention. When she had a desire to share his delights, she entered into my office and spoke to the pleading tone: "Nikolai Stepanych, let me talk to you about the theater!" I showed her on the clock and said: - I give you half an hour. Start. Later, she began to bring portraits of actors and actresses with their whole dozen, which prayed, then I tried to participate in amateur performances several times and in the end, when I finished the course, I declared me that she was born to be actress.

Task Source: Decision 5960. EGE 2018. Russian. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options.

(1) Someone enters the front, long strips and coughs ... (2) a minute later a young man is enjoyable. (3) Already a year, as we are in the stretched relationships: He disgusts to me on the exams, and I put it units. (4) such wellers, which I, expressing on the student, chasing or fail, my seven people are recruited annually. (5) those of them that do not withstand the exam by inability or by illness, usually carry their cross patiently and are not traded with me; Only Sanguiniki go to my house and go to my house, wide ones that the wire on the exams spoil appetite and prevents the opera carefully. (6) First I am a member, and I chase the second for a whole year.

- (7) Sit down - I say the guest. - (8) What do you say?

- (9) Sorry, Professor, for anxiety ... - He starts, and without looking in my face. - (10) I would not dare to disturb you if it were not ... (11) I kept the exam for you five times and ... and cut off. (12) I ask you, be kind, put me satisfactory because ...

(13) The argument that all lazy leads in their favor is always the same: they handed out perfectly in all subjects and cut off only on mine, and it is even more surprising that in my subject they were always very diligently and know it perfectly ; They cut off the same due to some incomprehensible misunderstanding.

"(14) Sorry, my friend," I say to the guest, "I can't deliver you satisfactory. (15) Stay still lectures and come. (16) then see.

(17) Pause. (18) I get hunting a little bit to suffer a student for the fact that beer and opera he loves more than science, and I speak with a sigh:

In my opinion, the best thing you can do now is to completely leave the medical faculty. (19) If with your abilities you cannot withstand the exam, then, obviously, you have no desire, no vocation to be a doctor.

(20) The sanguine face is pulled out.

- (21) Sorry, Professor, he will smile, - but it would be on my part to at least strange. (22) Learn for five years and suddenly ... leave!

- (23) Well, yes! (24) Better to lose in a gift for five years, than then all your life do business that you do not like.

(25) But immediately I feel sorry for him, and I have a hurry to say:

However, as you know. (26) So, read a little more and come.

- (27) When? - Deaf asks the lazy.

- (28) when you want. (29) at least tomorrow.

(30) And in his good eyes I read: "You can come something, but you ride me again!"

- (31) Of course, I say, - you will not become a tanner because you will examine me for another fifteen times, but it will build up in you. (32) Thanks on Tom.

(33) Silence comes. (34) I am rising and waiting for a guest, and he stands, looks at the window, pulls his beard and thinks. (35) becomes boring.

(36) Sanguine's voice is pleasant, juicy, smart eyes, mocking, complacent face, somewhat marked from the frequent use of beer and long laying on the couch; Apparently, he could tell me a lot of interesting things about Opera, about his love adventures, about the comrades he loved, but, unfortunately, it was not accepted about it. (37) And I would have endedfully listened.

- (38) Professor! (39) I give you a honest word that if you put me satisfactory, then I ...

(40) As soon as it came to the "honest word," I am my hands and sit down at the table. (41) The student thinks another minute and says sadly:

In this case, forgive ... (42) Sorry.

- (43) Forgive, my friend. (44) Good health.

(45) He is hesitantly goes to the front, slowly dresses out there and, going out on the street, probably, it's likely again; I did not think of anything other than the "old hell" in my address, he goes to a bad restaurant to drink beer and dine, and then go home to himself.

(46) Call. (47) Includes a young doctoral student in a new black pair, in golden glasses and, of course, in a white tie. (48) Recommended. (49) I ask you to sit down and ask anything. (50) Not without excitement The young priest of science begins to tell me that this year he endured the exam on a doctoral student and that he remains now only to write the dissertation. (51) He would like to work for me, under my leadership, and I would have obliged him if I gave him the topic for the dissertation.

- (52) I am very happy to be useful, colleague, - I say, - but let's get away at first about what the dissertation is. (53) Under this word, it is customary to intelligence an essay that makes up a product of independent creativity. (54) Isn't it? (55) The essay written in someone else's topic and under the stranger leadership is called otherwise ... (56) Doctoral student is silent. (57) I flash and jump out from the spot.

- (58) What do you all go, do not understand? - I scream angrily. - (59) Love in me, or what? (60) I'm not trading themes! (61) In the first time I ask you everyone to leave me alone! (62) Sorry for sophistication, but I finally got tired of me!

(63) A doctoral student is silent, and only about his cheeky stands on light paint. (64) His face expresses deep respect for my famous name and learning, and in his eyes I see that he despises and my voice, and my miserable figure, and nervous gesture. (65) In your anger, I imagine him an eccentric.

- (66) I do not have a shop! - I am angry. - (67) and amazing business! (68) Why don't you want to be independent? (69) Why are you so fighting freedom?

(70) I say a lot, and he is all silent. (71) In the end, I loved little or, of course, I surrender. (72) A doctoral student will receive from me the topic that the price is a penny will write under my observation to anyone who is not necessary dissertation, with dignity will withstand the boring dispute and will receive an unnecessary scientist.

(According to A. P. Chekhov)

Task 25. "The" narrator's hero is a prominent professor of one of the universities - in communicating with his student who visited him and a doctoral student restrained and reasonable, a syntactic agent is often found in its speech - (a) ____ (in Proposals 19, 26, 31). Nevertheless, his extract and self-control has a limit: after a meeting with a doctoral student, a syntactic agent appears in the speech - (b) ____ (sentences 60-62) and reception - (c) ____ (proposals 68-69). The relationship of the professor to the scientific activity of the doctoral student vividly characterizes the lexic agent - (d) ____ ("Ground the price" in sentence 72) ".

List of terms:

1) Anafora

3) Elimination

4) introductory words

5) book vocabulary

6) phraseologism

7) Parcelation

8) exclamation proposals

9) Appeals


1. Make attention to the characteristics of the "Trop" and "Syntactic agent. If there is no such characteristic in the review, the word given in brackets is a trail or lexic agent, and the proposal number specified in brackets is a syntax. ATTENTION: epithet in task 24 is always highlighted in an example in italics!

A, B - syntax.

In - Reception.

M - lexical means.

2. Select the terms of the trails, lexical tools and syntactic agents in the list of terms.

Receptions: 1.

Syntactic tools: 4, 7, 8, 9.

Lexical tools: 5, 6.

Thus, each task is from 1 to 4 terms. Terms in the task are not repeated.

3. Help the correct term.

A - in the sentences 19, 26, 31 there are introductory words, 4.

B - exclamation deals, 8.

B - the same start of proposals, Anaphor, 1.

G - phraseologism, 6.

Check. We will substitute the terms into the text of the review and make sure that all words are in the correct form, grammatical and semantic errors.

"The" narrator's hero is a prominent professor of one of the universities - in communicating with his student who visited him and a doctoral student restrained, and the syntactic agent is often found in his speech - (a) introductory words (in sentences 19, 26, 31). Nevertheless, his exposure and self-control has a limit: after a meeting with a doctoral student, a syntactic agent appears in the speech - (b) exclamation proposals (Proposals 60-62) and reception - (c) of AnaFora (Proposals 68-69). The relationship of the professor to the scientific activity of the doctoral student vividly characterizes the lexic agent - (d) phraseology ("penny price" in Proposition 72). "

In response, write the numbers without disturbing the sequence of letters, without spaces and commas.

Option 36. Text analysis from Tsybulko collection 2018. Arguments.


(1) Someone enters the front, long strips and coughs ... (2) a minute later a young man is enjoyable. (H) There is already a year, as we are in the stretched relationship: he disgusts to me on the exams, and I put it units. (4) such wellers, which I, expressing on the student, chasing or fail, my seven people are recruited annually. (5) those of them that do not withstand the exam by inability or by illness, usually carry their cross patiently and are not traded with me; Only Sanguiniki go to my house and go to my house, wide ones that the wire on the exams spoil appetite and prevents the opera carefully. (b) First I am a member, and I chase the second for a whole year.
- (7) Sit down - I say the guest. - (8) What do you say?
- (9) Sorry, Professor, for anxiety ... - He starts, and without looking in my face. - (10) I would not dare to disturb you if it were not ... (11) I kept the exam for you five times and ... and cut off. (12) I ask you, be kind, put me satisfactory because ...
(13) The argument that all lazy leads in their favor is always the same: they handed out perfectly in all subjects and cut off only on mine, and it is even more surprising that in my subject they were always very diligently and know it perfectly ; They cut off the same due to some incomprehensible misunderstanding.
"(14) Sorry, my friend," I say to the guest, "I can't deliver you satisfactory. (15) Stay still lectures and come. (16) then see.
(17) Pause. (18) I get hunting a little bit to suffer a student for the fact that beer and opera he loves more than science, and I speak with a sigh:
- In my opinion, the best thing you can do now is to completely leave the medical faculty. (19) If with your abilities you cannot withstand the exam, then, obviously, you have no desire, no vocation to be a doctor.
(20) The sanguine face is pulled out.

- (21) Sorry, Professor, he will smile, - but it would be on my part to at least strange. (22) Learn for five years and suddenly ... leave!
- (23) Well, yes! (24) Better to lose in a gift for five years, than then all your life do business that you do not like.
(25) But immediately I feel sorry for him, and I have a hurry to say:
- However, as you know. (26) So, read a little more and come.
- (27) When? - Deaf asks the lazy.
- (28) when you want. (29) at least tomorrow.
(30) And in his good eyes I read: "You can come something, but you ride me again!"
- (31) Of course, I say, - you will not become a tanner because you will examine me for another fifteen times, but it will build up in you. (32) Thanks on Tom.
(ZZ) Silence comes. (34) I am rising and waiting for a guest, and he stands, looks at the window, pulls his beard and thinks. (ZB) becomes boring.
(Zb) Sanguinik's voice is pleasant, juicy, smart eyes, mocking, the face is complacent, somewhat quenched from the frequent use of beer and long bed on the sofa; Apparently, he could tell me a lot of interesting things about Opera, about his love adventures, about the comrades he loved, but, unfortunately, it was not accepted about it. (37) And I would have endedfully listened.
- (38) Professor! (39) I give you a honest word that if you put me satisfactory, then I ...
(40) As soon as it came to the "honest word," I am my hands and sit down at the table. (41) The student thinks another minute and says sadly:
- In this case, forgive ... (42) Sorry.
- (43) Forgive, my friend. (44) Good health.
(45) He is hesitantly goes to the front, slowly dresses out there and, going out on the street, probably, it's likely again; I did not think of anything other than the "old hell" in my address, he goes to a bad restaurant to drink beer and dine, and then go home to himself.
(46) Call. (47) Includes a young doctoral student in a new black pair, in golden glasses and, of course, in a white tie. (48) Recommended. (49) I ask you to sit down and ask anything. (50) Not without excitement The young priest of science begins to tell me that this year he endured the exam on a doctoral student and that he remains now only to write the dissertation. (51) He would like to work for me, under my leadership, and I would have obliged him if I gave him the topic for the dissertation.

- (52) I am very happy to be useful, colleague, - I say, - but let's get away at first about what the dissertation is. (53) Under this word, it is customary to intelligence an essay that makes up a product of independent creativity. (54) Isn't it? (55) The essay written in someone else's theme and under the stranger leadership is called otherwise ... (BB) doctoral student is silent. (57) I flash and jump out from the spot.
- (58) What do you all go, do not understand? - I scream angrily. - (59) Love in me, or what? (60) I'm not trading themes! (61) In the first time I ask you everyone to leave me alone! (62) Sorry for sophistication, but I finally got tired of me!
(bz) doctoral student is silent, and only about his cheeky acts light paint. (64) His face expresses deep respect for my famous name and learning, and in his eyes I see that he despises and my voice, and my miserable figure, and nervous gesture. (65) In your anger, I imagine him an eccentric.
- (66) I do not have a shop! - I am angry. - (67) and amazing business! (68) Why don't you want to be independent? (69) Why are you so fighting freedom?
(70) I say a lot, and he is all silent. (71) In the end, I loved little or, of course, I surrender. (72) A doctoral student will receive from me the topic that the price is a penny will write under my observation to anyone who is not necessary dissertation, with dignity will withstand the boring dispute and will receive an unnecessary scientist.
(According to A. P. Chekhov)

Approximate range of problems:

1. The problem of attitudes towards science. (How to treat learning, to science?)

2. The problem of choosing a profession, its life path. (Why is it important that a person independently responsibly approached the choice of his profession, his life path?)

Copyright: A person must independently, it is very responsible to approach the choice of his profession, his life path, so as not to engage in the rest of his life, which he does not like.

3. The problem of attitude towards the manifestation of ignorance and laziness. (How do people relate to the manifestation of ignorance and laziness?)

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