
Energetic and confident woman lion. Famous women lion sign. Who does not fit her

Over the centuries, astrology comes to help people who need to look into the future to take an important decision. However, the stars can not only predict the upcoming events, but also choose the right love partner. What signs of the zodiac are best suited as the second half of the lions?

People born under the sign of the lion, in love relationships above all put spiritual unity. Excusted when choosing a satellite of life alone. At the same time, the lions do not tolerate the calculation and in possible partners. If the object of interest of the lion shows an excessant landiness and the absence of romanticity, his feelings are immediately cooled to it.

From his chosen one wants to get affection, tenderness and recognition of his dominant role. The Lion is very developed by the owner's instinct, so he expects obedience, admiration and respect from his beloved person. At the same time, if the lion chooses a more "weak" partner (less intellectually developed or below the social staircase), he feels lonely. Therefore, it is important for Leo to see the personality equal to him in life.

The signs of the zodiac, most compatible with the lion

The ideal satellite of life for lion is the twins. This is distinguished by romanticity, adores adventures and adventures and, most importantly, ready for concessions. In such a partnership, the Lion easily realizes its desire to dominate, and the twins will not oppose this.

A successful partnership awaits lion and scales. The data is quite different in character, which allows them to complement each other well. Peacefulness and balance of weights smooth out excessive factories of the lion, and also contribute to the development of his creative abilities. The lion, in turn, helps the scales to overcome indecision and gain confidence with their own forces.

A rather harmonious union by a lion may be former. Both signs have developed leadership qualities and strive for success, which guarantees the commonality of interests. At the same time, it will be difficult for them to give up and achieve compromises, but the ardentity and passion in the relationship will not fade long.

Very similar to the Union with Sagittarius are relationships that may arise between the lion and scorpion. Such a partnership will also be strengthened by common goals - the desire to achieve success and personal development. Disagreements are possible only on financial soil: the lion is inherent excessive generosity, and scorpions - economy.

Another sign of the zodiac with developed leadership qualities, with which the Lion may have a successful union, is Aries. The basis for a fastening relationship, as in the case of the Silver and Scorpios, is the generality of interest. The desire for self-realization, pronounced by Lviv and Aries, helps them well understand each other.

Zodiac signs, poorly compatible with Lv

Complex and controversial relationships, complete quarrels and conflicts, as a rule, are folded between the lion and the Taurus. The stubbornness of the Taurus and the egocentrism of the Lion face each other, not leaving partners to understand each other.

The partnership between the lion and cancer is simply as described. These signs of the zodiac prefer a fundamentally different lifestyle: Lion is energetic and adores secular events, and cancer is a household and focused on its own emotions.

Full opposites are also lion and Capricorn. The lion is impulsive, likes to be the center of attention, and Capricorn is hidden and prefers to be in the shade.

Too different temperaments have lion and fish. The energetic lion confuses the fish with its energetic, and unpredictable fish seem to be illogical and cold.

It's hard to adapt to each other Lero and the Virgin. Lion is annoying the pedanticity and quarrements of the Virgin, and the virgin is the activity and supervisor of the lion.

As a rule, the relationships between lion and aquiet are unsuccessful. The lion seeks to dominate and rule, and Aquarius really appreciates his freedom and independence.

Also, the lions should not be chosen in the satellites of the representative of his sign of the zodiac. Lions do not wish to give to each other leadership, which will eventually turn into a constant struggle for power.

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She is beautiful, sexy, elegant, bright, graceful and smart. She is always in the center of attention, it is characteristic of stuck admiring views of others. She has many friends and faithful companions. But it is impossible to go to her, otherwise she will show their teeth. She is a woman-lion, a real queen, among the other signs of the zodiac.

Woman Lev in Love

The lioness knows its price, she clearly understands that he is worthy of the best man. She has a lot of fans, but she is not in a hurry to choose a chosen one. The one who, in the end, will be next to her, should understand that he is truly lucky - he passed a very difficult selection.

Born under this sign, I was accustomed to always get what wishes. If someone from men reject her, her anger can be destructive.

Often, the Woman Lev has difficulty in choosing between a high position in society and real feelings. She is vain, and it sometimes prevents her from becoming happy.

She has a calm temperament, even falling in love, she does not lose her head. But without love, its existence turns into a catguard. She considers any of her man as a potential husband. But, unfortunately, quite often the lions destroy the family life with their pride and thirst for superiority.

Compatibility of lioness with other signs of the zodiac

The most woman born under a fiery sign of a lion, with a man-autumn. Aries attracts her attention to its erectivity, good financial prospects and ambitions. These are two stubborn and narcissistic signs. The desire for leadership does not interfere with their relationship, but becomes common. Such a pair has an understanding - the most important thing for a successful joint existence.

A very beautiful union in a lioness is obtained with twins. She loves passion, a storm of emotions, love experiences, and it is a twin man able to give her all this drive. In family life, such a couple will not cost noisy scandals with beating dishes. But reconciliation they will be bright. The lioness will like the romance of twins, and their thirst to go on a crazy risk. Such a man will generously give her gifts, and give a little tolerant.

Male-Sagittarius is not the top of the dreams of a lioness, but his talent make money and live on the entire coil often becomes the cause of marriage with her. Their union is quite strong, but due to the fact that the Sagittarius is the most popular macho in the whole zodiac, the Lioness have often suffer from jealousy.

The Union of Women Lion with a Male-Lv can also be great. They are both passionate, generous and generous. If they can make compromises, their family life will be happy and harmonious.

Incompatible with a lioness with a man born under the sign of cancer. Cancers are too slow, they do not have time for the mad rhythm of Lion's life. The lioness will admire the home-cancer homemake, but its disconciliation, economy and lack of energetic will soon begin to annoy it.

Also, the lioness will not suit Tales and Aquarius. Tales will be too economical and landed for it, and aquatic - too proud and original.

Horoscope Women Lev.

Woman Lion: External appearance

Lev-Woman - Characteristics

An exquisite aristocratic company is a favorite habitat of a lioness. She adores all sorts of tricks, parties, other events where can satisfy the need for communicating with smart, sociable people, as well as demonstrate their own wit and the ability to support any secular conversation. The lioness will not be happy to listen to gossip, but it is unlikely that they will devote to frank vulgarity in the discussion.

As a rule, representatives of this zodiacal sign will impress the society of men, but they are comfortable and among women, despite the fact that for many of them they are dangerous competitors. But the favorable, careful and friendly behavior of the lioness helps her conquer even female hearts. Often, such women are openly imitated, they consider them the standard benchmark, recognizing them and their intelligence.

Zodiac sign Lion - Woman in work and career

These women are prone to professions involving a greater degree of publicity, a creative approach, independence of actions, as well as intensive communication with people. Lioness, being representatives of the "male" sign, have a number of characteristics of a strong sex, which contributes to their professional successes. The lioness, like the men of their sign, are focused on permanent career growth, appointment for good positions, including guidelines. At the same time, the work is needed to them not so much in order to obtain a sufficient amount of money as in order to have another opportunity to charm, shine and manage.

Woman Lev in Love

The lionesses produce an indelible impression on the strong floor, and without much effort. The character of a lion-woman is such that she needs to flirt and feel the permanent admiration for himself, so as not to lose confidence in its irresistibleness. She is seductive, but it happens unpredictable and impulsive. These women are looking for love, but are not always ready for deep, before self-denial, feelings, they are not able to give up a man with the whole soul. A loved one female lioness remains true, but it can immediately go on the hunt, if I understand that her feelings go into the past, so they need to be confused by constant attention. Often, intrigues arise around such ladies, several men are fighting for their heart, whose behavior of which female lion controls talented and not without secret pleasure.

Woman lion in sex

The carnal side of the love relationship is interested in the lioness, but not to such an extent, as partners are expected of them, seeing an incredibly attractive, passionate and bright woman. The temperature of the lioness largely depends on which representative of the powerful sex turned out to be next to it. How the horoscope warns, the lion-woman likes to "start" men, to break their imagination, after which the intimate date itself can not only not make a strong impression on the cavallar, but also to disappoint him frankly.

Woman lion in marriage

The lioness is a spouse in the best of his hypostasis, she is friendly and calm; This is a soft woman with which it is comfortable to communicate, including this innate preparedness for compromise. However, if the feeling of her own dignity to touch regularly, then over time, a man will see a constantly annoyed, angry and arrogant creature, who poisoning his life. Coming out married and keeping loyalty to her husband, the woman lioness does not refuse the sign of attention of a strong floor, but this is more striving to paint, rather than real desire to tie a novel. Lions women are not so frivolous to go to the collapse of the family, especially since they connect fate with a person who initially impose quite high demands.

Zodiac signs: Leo-Woman - Mistress at home

Stepping the threshold of his own home, the lioness does not cease to be a queen, does not lose the gloss admiring public. It practically always looks as if it is about to go out "in people." It categorically disagree with a cute woman of this sign of the zodiac, they seek to live in luxury and comfort, do not regret money when it comes to the home of the dwelling. Love glitter, luxury, but the situation of their "palace" will never look like vulgar or screaming. Woman Lion carefully watches her house to be supported in a decent condition and was always ready for reception. The techniques arranged to be amazed with the magnificence and generosity, but the unexpected guests of the Lioness still does not complain, because they dared to arrive without her perception.

Characteristics of lion women - Mother

The female lioness can look at the world through the eyes of her child, she perfectly understands him, sees and develops in it the ability given to nature, as well as the best human qualities. Children of such a mother, as a rule, have good manners and taste, but can grow too spoiled and wasteful, taking an example from their own family. The lionessa mother can allow children a lot, sometimes even too, but disrespect for himself will not bearing and immediately put in place. It will be on the excursion, go to a prestigious event for a presented ticket. A good gift for a lion-woman is jewelry, in particular, gold, as well as clothes, exquisite bottom and linens, dear decorative cosmetics, perfume of prestigious brands, stylish accessories for entering light, for example, elegant clutch. I supported the lioness to gifts that decorate, delated its dwelling or workplace, especially if the offering is associated with it (for example, a statuette in the form of a graceful lioness) or the thoughts of a high standard of living - for example, some exquisite cutlery or Luxurious plaid.

She loves to shine and stand out, even if at some point are in the second plan. A man who can conquer a woman-lion will be proud of and admire her, life with her will be difficult, but will never be boring.

Incredible energy is characteristic of a woman Lion will never allow her to sit at home. If a man wants a cozy, home and lonely companion of life, a woman-lion is not for him. Perhaps the Woman Cancer will cope else in the role of a cozy housewife. Woman lion opposite active, confident. But at the same time women-lion is a beautiful mistress.

The quality of the leader simply does not allow her to be in something insolvent. It will pave every effort and all their energy so that her house brightened and caused admiration.

Although the woman lion is proud and proud, she can marry on the calculation. And it will be my wife and forever. It is the feeling of pride and self-esteem that does not allow it to be exchanged for small, secret feelings. The lion's woman is difficult not to pay attention, and she uses this might and main.

A high sense of self-esteem helps her to find decent partners, and unnecessary sometimes self-sufficiency can cause a smile. This is an active, confident man, and will always defend what she belongs.

Woman Leo in Love

Lion sign of fire and love has a fiery. The woman lion falls in love instantly, feelings expresses, openly, and ready to win the subject of their passion, fight for him. Woman Leo tries to play a leading role, but does everything so that the close person is happy.

Love her ardent and faithful and in response, she also expects devotion. To find out the relationship begins when he sees that the object of her love becomes too independent.

Having found treason, will not tolerate, and sharply tear the relationship. But if the woman lion forgives, then once and for all, and does not remember more about it. Favoring, she leaves and never returns. If they threw it, she is hardly worried, since, among other things, her sense of pride suffers.

What interior is suitable for a woman lion

Each woman lion is a king in his own apartment. She always chooses the most expensive and best. And if the means do not allow, then something original is required, which is not from others.

In the color scheme, it gives preference to noble tones, often the "fiery" palette. The furniture should be stylish, but comfortable.

What fragrance suits a woman lion

An ideal aroma for it is successfully selected combinations of light floral smells and strict classic perfumes. But it does not suit the perfume, the smell of which is barely catched, an energetic woman of a lion like saturated flavors. And, nevertheless, the spring smell of Narcissa wakes it up and able to push unpleasant thoughts. But, after all, its preference is slightly sharp, but with notes of elegance, smells.

Perfumes, one of which will be ylang-ylang, basil, ginger, vanilla or patchouli will not leave her indifferent. Woman lion prefers brightly, with a fantasy decorated vials of emerald, canary-yellow or golden color. The prestige, the treasureness and the high price of perfumes for the woman lion is as important as their fragrance. Spelly, selected spirits create a mood of success and irresistible. Women lions are recommended: Eternity, Miss Dior, Paris, Poison. Their energy, optimism and almost not female intuition emphasizes the fragrance of Intuition from Estee Lauder. And the spirits J, Adore from Christian Dior will like it not only with an exquisite, rich aroma, but also in color, because the gold color, the favorite color of the lioness.

Women's talismans

Each sign of the zodiac corresponds to a certain symbol, geometric shape, animal, plant, color, and so on. Lion image awakens inner strength and stores from enemies. The golden pendant in the form of a lion contributes to happiness in personal life, increases self-confidence.
Gold is the best material for the talismans-decorations of women Lviv. It improves the mood, charges energy and contributes to an increase in social status. Woman's lion talisman painting is still life with abundance of flowers and ripe fruit, or solar landscapes: sea coast, sandy beaches, gardens and vineyards, beautiful buildings with columns.

Women lions and alcohol

Under the action of alcohol, the motivation of women Lviv can take ugly forms. They can praise their success, irresistible, the ability to properly organize their lives.

Sometimes they are unknown a sense of measure, as they live in everything. Therefore, alcohol appetites cost to temper. Drink better Bourbon or Sweet Wine.

Woman lion daughter-in-law

Woman Lion is not the best daughter in business, for this she is too proud and self-sufficient. She does not want to endure and adapt to someone, even if it is a mother of her husband.

Woman Lev demonstratively will behave so that the mother-in-law see that she was not considered to see her opinion, and would make it clear that she was married to a man, and not for his mother. If she will give the mother-in-law something expensive, then this will not be a gift from a pure heart, just this thing something did not suit the former owner.

Woman Lev Obekrov

He loves big family holidays and tries to attract attention with stories about their advantages. The lion female will necessarily come to any family celebration, postponing all things, and will bring something original as a gift.

She will be generous and friendly with his daughter-in-law, but in response wants to receive respect and attention, but especially likes to receive gifts, especially if these gifts are chosen taking into account her tastes. Does not tolerate critics in your address, and if he hears it, it is offended for a long time. Resenting, real or imaginary remembers long.

Woman Lion, as a mother-in-law, can not support relationship relationship for years, she will not bring extensive and sincere apologies. It is difficult to get along with such a mother-in-law, and the best way out is to live separately.

In his youth, the Lion girl often turns out to be involved in the novels without the future.

Loving to the loss of the pulse, she treats a broken heart with a numerous flirt and acquaintances, within which fans, except good company and smiles, cannot count on anything more. This explains why such a large number of lioness marries settlement if they come across a suitable candidate. Interestingly, it is then that they create the most successful unions, and passionate love comes with time. Even if the Woman Lev is married to marry in love with the ears, it does not lose his head so to tie himself with a man who does not guarantee her a bright future. The lioness draws attention to the formation of a future husband, origin and, above all, the material consistency of the partner.

Wife-Lion - Life in marriage: Aries attitude to her husband, family life, house

Woman lion - an attractive lady with character. She is passionate, knows how to love, like no other, but at the same time married lion woman in marriage demanding and caprick. Colleagues, friends frankly envy your husband as a seductive woman, but this poor one knows that at home he completely plays the role of a second violin. On its territory, the lioness-wife manages unconditionally, the husband expects that he will provide her comfortable and luxurious life and will not be too actively interfere in keeping at home.

In turn, she meets him that he creates a homely focus, which its level differs significantly from many others. Woman Lion in marriage perfectly suits the role of the owner of the "secular" techniques, has unconditional representation qualities. She cares about every guest to feel himself at home, knows how to organize excellent Rauta, culture and "presentability" adds a shine to her husband. To her, which is in a cheerful and joyful mood, people always flock. Behavior, social talents, the beauty of Lion's wife very often strengthen the professional positions of the spouse.

As a housewife, it does not apply to "champions" of this "league." The lioness frankly hates homework, cleaning, cooking from day to day, because he considers it all boring. She is engaged in all this routine only because it should, and at the very first opportunity, looking for people who will be liberated from unpleasant responsibilities.

Woman Lion Married: Problems, Quarrels, Parting, Divorce

Lev-Woman in marriage is a very proud partner, which requires her husband to respect her dignity. If it is deceived, she is lying (and it hates all the soul) or change, then the lioness quickly comes to the thought of parting and even divorce. From here and its repeated ways to marry. In addition, the Lion Wife will never withstand the society of the souls. Hold her modest amounts on cheap clothes - this is the most reliable and fast way to part with a woman-lion and again become a free person.

The horoscope says that a woman is a lion - a real queen. She always cares about her appearance, which attracts the attention of the opposite sex. She has a good taste in everything starting from the little things. For men - this is a woman riddle.

Sign Description Woman - Leo

A woman born under this sign loves to shine, to be in noisy parties and receptions. It easily finds a common language with men, and beautiful sex representatives often see a rival in it.

The famous woman is a lion on the horoscope - Jennifer Lopez, and also under this sign Rose Byrne, Taylor Momsen and Sandra Bullock were born.

Friendly and attentive, conscious and attractive is a benchmark of femininity, which seek to fit. At the same time, the character of the girl is strong and volitional. In the career she will achieve a lot due to decisiveness, creative approach and ability to manage. This is a good leader, work brings her satisfaction.

For marriage, a woman - a lion applies seriously, not ready to destroy the family because of trifles, keeps loyalty, but loves signs of attention from.

Seductive and unpredictable, she fascinates representatives of heavy sex at a glance, without applying special efforts. However, the cavalier should know that the need to flirt in the chosen is higher than deep feelings. Often, the lady has several workers whose feelings she plays very talented.

Sexy Horoscope Women - Lioness

The lioness is a passionate, demanding mistress. She likes to enjoy and knows a lot about it. However, even in bed - it is cold and judgment, not always given to the joy with head. Often, a romantic date brings disappointment to men, as they expected brighter feelings.

Because of his coldness, it may suffer from frigidity, it is difficult to satisfy it, delight. But everything depends on the partner, if he manage to wake the volcano of her feelings, that the lady will be a tireless mistress. The chosen one must admire the date, make erotic compliments, otherwise the second time may not be.

It is noted that in sex a lioness likes to dominate, lovers prefers lovers younger, can be addicted to toys from sex shop.

In the poses, a woman is not very inventive, but prefers sex with the light of candles to emphasize the merits of his figure. For her, enough classical equipment, without different experiments. In her opinion, the partner must already be pleased that she agreed to a romantic date.

What partner on the horoscope is suitable for a woman - lion

The representative of this sign prefers strong, volitional, responsible and intelligent cavaliers who will not put pressure on it. In relations, appreciates harmony and equality. Loom-speaking men are not her ideal.

Good compatibility with representatives of the following signs:

  • A lion. The perfect couple, partners have a lot in common, they easily find the solution of all problems, forgive mutual resentment. Such a union allows a woman to completely reveal.
  • Taurus. The Lioness is always ready to compromise with a partner, they will have a harmonious and friendly family.
  • Twin. The cavalier will achieve the location of the lady until the desired. However, in family relationships, not to avoid difficulties, especially after the birth of children. Marriage will be strong if both sides make an effort.
  • Cancer. Romantic nature will easily conquer the heart of the chosen. The family will turn out strong.
  • Scorpio. This marriage will have everything: passion, jealousy, offense and happiness.

Chosen, who comes on the horoscope of the Lioness, should understand that it will never forgive betrayal and betrayal.

Characteristics of signs that are not suitable for a woman - lion

A woman - Lion should not tie his fate with the Aquarius, as they are too passionate about themselves and do not notice the superiority of their ladies.

Male - Virgo does not cause interest in a woman. Relationships are rarely tied and doomed to failure, as the lady is boring.

In terms of intimate relations, the elect - fish, but the marriage is excluded. Partners have different temperaments and interests.

Capricorn - although practical by nature, but a man of monochief, demanding about his half. Indeed, it does not like, in the family should dominate.

Sagittarius is too stupid in everything, are unable to sensual relationships and compliments that a woman is worthy - lion.

In marriage with weights, a woman is waiting for permanent patterns and clashes. Both signs like luxury, temperament and not ready to recognize their mistakes.

Woman lion loves to attract strong sexes. But her chosen one should always look only at her, she will not allow him to take possession of his attention. Otherwise, the outbreak of indignation is provided. Not everyone agrees to be under the heel of a lioness, but if the cavalier is pretty, then the lady aggressively will seek his own. This woman is not prone to self-criticism, she admires themselves and requires the same from others.

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