
Solominka and bubble. The plan-summary of the speech development (average group) on the topic: "Bubble, straw and lap. What teaches the tale bubble straw and lap

Hello, glad to see you in my lesson. One of the parts of our classes is working with information. In the texts you will receive, there will be explicit and hidden information. This work can be carried out with children of different school age. However, you need to select the texts of the appropriate level. At the end of the master class, we will discuss what skills we have trained today.

So attention to the screen.

Goal:cross across the river and bring wood, otherwise the contract, which in the future you will compose, will be not valid. Participants can only take 3 Polane.

This master class is aimed at training meta-delta skills such as:

1. Weaving the skills of semantic reading texts in accordance with the goals and objectives (cognitive)

2. Mastering the ability to accept and save goals and objectives (Regulatory), mastering logical actions of comparison, generalizations, analysis, synthesis. Construction of reasoning (logical)

3. Willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue; readiness to recognize the possibility of existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have its own; express your opinion and argue your point of view and evaluation of events (Communicative)

4. Definition of the common goal and ways to achieve it; The ability to negotiate the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; Mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess its own behavior and behavior of others. (Regulatory, Communicative)

5. Ready to constructively solve conflicts by taking into account the interests of the parties and cooperation (Communicative)

Condition: You need to cross the river and bring firewood, otherwise the contract is considered not valid. Participants can take with them from the forest only 3 is full.

Bubble, straw and lap

Laporn tells a bubble:

Born out of a lycon (lime bark) and the lamp of the land has long been born. The Russian man was sprawling him, as he managed, and learned to lap this man with unaccompanious everyday wisely. Lapo and build, and can fix something, in case of need. Just he did not have enough one is full to fix the protected floor in the hut.

Also learned the old lasp, that in the water it is not sinking: the water leaks through the lines, and the trace will not leave. In the land, Mattushka is not smoldering for a long time, if you soak it in a turpentine on Notete Berezov. The only problem is: there is no full of it to get to get it, and the turpentine is nothing to store.

Laporn - the subject is quite simple, but visited. Not in vain, it was the lasp in a fairy tale who immediately suggested a relatively faithful way. Lapoo can get additional 30 points if he convince all participants in the fact that they will twist the river on the bubble

Bubble, straw and lap

There were a bubble, straw and lap. They went to the forest firewood chop. They reached the river and do not know: how to go through the river?
Laporn tells a bubble:
- Bubble, let's swim on you!
- No, lap, let the straw thoughts with the shore on the shore, and we will go through it.


Solominka - Baba economy. Behind the house watches yes men feed. So she decided to lie to bring the furnace to melt. It took something to take, but I did not calculate my strength. Solominka is too thin, and it will not stand the weight of the travelers. And right, there is nothing to grab it, she is not iron. And so on all the economy pulls! As the saying goes, "took up the man, do not say that not a duzh." But the straw has long been waiting for all men's work to be lappame and bubble. And she hopes for the fact that it was the last time she went for firewood.

Tip - We work, but I will be able to count on your strength in advance, as they say, "on the shore". It is always worth estimated to be pre-served with work or not. Solominka will receive additional 30 points if it proposes its movement plan, in which all participants are moving across the river on their own.

Bubble, straw and lap.

There were a bubble, straw and lap. They went to the forest firewood chop. They reached the river and do not know: how to go through the river?
Laporn tells a bubble:
- Bubble, let's swim on you!
- No, lap, let the straw thoughts with the shore on the shore, and we will go through it.

As for the laughing bubble, the phrase comes to mind: "When someone risks break his head, then others laugh. Why? Psychologists have not yet found an accurate explanation to this phenomenon. " Maybe it's empty? But why save the void? Laugh is not good about those who fell into a difficult situation. Can be larch and burst. If desired, the burst bubble can be cleaned by a resin.

Bubbles, like balloons, in water do not sneak and fly high. In order not to fly away at all, the bubble needs a small cargo. But our bubble is not those who are used to work.

Dinner give him, but there are no spoons. So I decided to ask the bubble to make a wooden spoon.

The bubble will receive additional 30 points, provided that it is convincing all the participants that the river goes on the straw.

We, straw, bubble and lap, agreed on the following:




Well or were a bubble, straw and lap; They went to the wood of firewood cut, reached the river, do not know: how to go through the river? Laporn tells a bubble:

Bubble, let's swim on you!

No, lap, let the straw thoughts with the shore to the shore, and we will go through it.

Solominka pulled out; Lapo went on her, she broke. The lap fell into the water, and the bubble lacked, laughed, and I burst!

Summary of the fairy tales "bubble, straw and lap"

Bubble, straw and lap went into wood for firewood. They needed to move across the river. We decided to move across the straw, but she could not stand and broke.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Bubble, Solominka and Lapo"

Before setting for some business, you need to think good all the actions. And you can not laugh at someone else's misfortune, because it may not turn into your favor.

Block of short questions

1. How should the bubble, straw and napty via the river?

2. Why does this fairy tale have a sad end?

3. How can I characterize the heroes of the fairy tale?

Unlimited wisdom of the people, like his creative beginning. Sometimes in several rows of Russian folk fairy tales hides a whole world, a lot of semantic layers - and, for the company, an interesting story.

Russian folk fairy tale "Bubble, Solominka and Born", which adults and children can read below convenient for all large fonts, to a funny short - full-length, or that less. Interestingly, for the household fairy tale, unlike the magic or from the history of animals, where the element of the quest is present (the heroes are sent somewhere, they perform some tasks, make magic items, save beautiful girls, monsters won) it is not uncommon.

Staines in the fairy tale is marked very short, almost nominally (simply because it should be in the genre). The first sentence represents the reader of the Heroes of History: Lived - there were bubble, straw and lap. And then it is said that one day they decided to go to the woods to seize firewood. It immediately suggests that under such a few abstract characters the factory meant real people, and perhaps he was even familiar with prototypes.

So, the heroes of the book went to the forest on an important business - chop firewood for heating dwellings (in the villages traditional Russian stoves only on firewood and worked). On the way, the company meets the obstacle - the river. It needs to somehow twist. Standard in essence Situation: Starting any case, several companions do not say how they will overcome the difficulties that their features will help successfully complete the work.

Here and the bubble, the straw and the lap began to think-kum, how to twist the river. Bridge nearby, apparently, was not. Laporn - a simple, risky man without special complaints, but with a business vest - suggested a bubble to transport them with straw through a water barrier. The bubble refused - probably, out of importance, and even inflated from the insult.

After the bubble, put forward a sentence: the straw should stretch from one shore to another so that it can be processed. The plan was, frankly, nikudynaya: the straw is long, but fragile, she initially could not withstand the load. Strange why the Solomink itself did not say a word against. Probably decided to demolish all the burrs as many Russian women still make.

Tom and shaped the characters of the text. And in vain. Solominka stretches from one shore to another, lapped on her - and broke. As a result, both fell into the water. And a bubble, instead of trying to help friends (or, at worst, companions, comrades) began to laugh. He laughed, laughed, yes so overnight, he took - and burst.

Read the Russian folk fairy tale "Bubble, Solominka and Laporn" free online and without registration on our website.

Plan Abstract.

Communication (speech development)

Subject: "Bubble, Solominka and Lapo"

Educator: Kazakevich M.V.

Bubble, straw and lap

Lived - there were bubble, straw and lap; They went to the woods of firewood chopped, reached the river and do not know: how to go through the river? Laporn tells a bubble:

  • Bubble, let's throw you on you?
  • No, lap, let the straw thoughts with the shore to the shore, and we will go through it.

Solominka pulled out; Lapo went on her, she broke. The lap fell into the water, and the bubble laughed, laughed ... Yes, and burst ...

Objectives class

Educational - to form in children the ability to listen carefully to the adult story, comply with the rules of the collective game; produce training skills, the ability to answer the questions of an adult, listen to the answers of other children, do not interrupt the speaking; Rail in children a sense of a partnership, the desire to come to his friends to help.

Educational - improve the overall motorcy; expand the vocabulary of children; Entering antonym children's active dictionary (thin - thick, high - low, heavy - lightweight, bold - cowardly); develop in children a phonderatic hearing; Teach children to the ability to select the word in meaning and finish the phrase started adults.

Developing - develop visual and auditory attention in children - the ability to listen to the speech of an adult, to guess riddles, look for a way out of problem situations.

Materials and equipment:

Figures characters fairy tale bubble, straw, lap (Appendix 1);

Decorations: Forest, River (see Plot).

Structure occupation

Educator: "I got up on the meadow, made a circle."(Children along with the teacher get up in the circle.) Suggest children to remember what Russians folk tales they know. Children in turn call fairy tales and sit on chairs, placed by a semicircle near the table.

Educator: Today, I will introduce you to a new fairy tale, it is called "bubble, straw and lap", at the same time I put the decorations and figures of the characters.

Educator: Carefully heard? Then answer a few questions.

Who went to the woods of firewood chop?

What did the bubble say?

Did the bubble agreed to transport friends to the other side?

What do you think, why didn't the bubble wanted to do it?

What did the bubble suggest?

Agreed Solominka? What do you think why did she agree?

Who first went through the straw?

What happened to the straw? Why was she broken?

What did the bubble do when his friends got into trouble?

What happened to the bubble when he laughed?

If your friends got into trouble, would you like to laugh at them?

What would you do?(Children's responses)

How would you advise travelers to move across the river?(Swim on the lapto or cut down a tree and make a bridge.)

Educator: I want to guess you a few fabulous mysteries.(Ask for them to listen carefully, and learning a fairy tale hero, name and point to the corresponding figure.)

Soap replacement

I beat the magnificent foam.

As I looked - see:

Flew ... (bubbles).

Any of you ask: in the summer in the pellet

"What was worn in Russia? "Kolos to the sun carried.

From the cortex of tapered, and as soon as the yellow

Shoved them on the legs. She found another matter.
(Lapti) (straw)

Educator: Let's play in the moving game "Bubble" (show how the soap bubble is inflated. To do this, stand together with children in the circle and take up hands, and say words):

Blow a bubble


Yes, do not be sway.

At the same time, we move your back, diverting as widely and forming a large circle. Then stop and still pronounce the sound [s] (bubble inflates). Then we converge towards the center of the circle and pronounce the words:

Bubble burst -

Oh oh oh,

But it was so big.Going to the center of the circle, stop and long pronounce the sound [sh] (air leaves the bubble).

(Play 2-3 times)

Educator: "Finish the phrase" gameI will start talking, and you have to continue.

Bubble thick., and what straw? (Thin.)

Solominka high and what? (Low.)

Bubble lightweight, and lap ... (heavy).

Oval lap a bubble ... (round).

Brave straw a bubble ... (cowardly, grated).

Laporn Splla a bubble ... (I poured, blew).

Solominka broke down a bubble ... (burst).

You can repetition, slightly change the task, change the words in places.

Solominka thin, a bubble ... (fat).

Lap low, and straw ... (high).

Lapo heavy, a bubble ... (light).

Bubble cowardly and the straw ... (bold).

Bubble inflated and lap ... (splles).

Bubble burst and the straw ... (broke).

Educator: Today we worked with you very well, but there is still a task for you! (Appendix 1, 2) by choosing children.

Thanks for the lesson!

Appendix 1.

Drawing fabulous characters by cells. Connect points.

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