
What does it mean if you dream about apples? Dream Interpretation - apples, how to interpret such dreams? The meaning of a dream according to Miller

What an apple means in a dream, as a rule, portends very good events. However, for a correct interpretation, you need to take into account all the details of the dream. Interpretation largely depends on the condition, quality and degree of maturity of the fetus.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

This dream foreshadows illness. Eating apples means being disappointed in something. Collecting them is a sign of temptation and seduction.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

As a rule, an apple symbolizes restoration of potential, increased vitality and good health. It can also foreshadow temptation.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Apple, an important discovery awaits him in the future.

Zadeki's Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about an apple?

This dream foretells success in all matters and endeavors.

Assyrian dream book

When a dreamer eats an apple in a dream, then in reality he will receive everything that his soul strives for.

Gypsy dream book

What you dream about portends inconstancy in matters of friendship. Ripe red fruits indicate friendly relationships that you can rely on. or apple pie in a dream tells a person that his high expectations will end in disappointment.

English apple?

This dream is a very good omen. It portends happiness, long life, success in career and love. Apples in dreams promise mothers a lot of joy. The dream suggests that their children will grow up to be extraordinary and rich people.

Miller's Dream Book

For most people, apples promise very good things to happen. If you dream of red fruits hanging among green foliage on trees, then this is a very good sign. When a person eats rotten or rotten apples in a dream, this is an unkind omen. Ripe fruits on the trees - the onset of a favorable time for the fulfillment of the dreamer's desires. He should think carefully about his goals and boldly move forward. If the apples hang too high, closer to the top of the tree, the sleeper should not set the bar too high in his desires and dreams. Fruits falling to the ground warn the dreamer against flatterers and imaginary friends who could cause harm.

Moon apple?

The interpretation of the dream depends on the state of the fruit. If the apples are ripe, then the sleeping person will have a happy marriage. When they are immature there is damage. Baked fruits are self-interest. Sweet and tasty apples mean fun and prosperity, and wine apples mean great joy. White fruits mean success, and red fruits mean tears.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

The apple is a symbol of love relationships, temptations, as well as clarity and certainty. Picking these fruits means great luck and fulfillment of desires. Cleaning them means frustration and disappointment. Eating sweet apples is a good sign, but sour ones are a sign of sadness and some kind of compulsion.

Dream Interpretation of Winter

What big apples mean in dreams (especially if they are ripe and strong) can be called a great success. Seeing them on trees means plans will come true. Buying fruits and eating them is a very good sign. Not being able to reach the apples on the tree is a risk due to excessive ambition. Cutting a fruit means some controversial situation that will negatively affect business. Green apples indicate that there will definitely be success and plans will come true, but you need to be patient. But if they taste sweet, luck will come to the sleeper before he expects it.

As the dream book says, apples seen in a dream have many interpretations from famous oneirologists, most of them evaluate the dream about the fragrant fruits of apple trees positively, but there are many nuances. Who has the dream, on what day of the week, with what plot - all this plays a role. After all, not only the symbol is important, but also the actions of the dreamer.

Why do you dream of apples on a tree?

A blooming apple orchard is a very beautiful sight; such a dream leaves a feeling of celebration and future pleasant events. It is believed to foretell pregnancy for women. Seeing apples in the snow is a sign that nothing threatens your well-being, and a sun-drenched winter garden promises. In his dream book, Vanga calls this fruit a symbol of wisdom and reward. But why do you dream of an apple tree with apples? The interpretation depends on the plot:

  1. The tree bends from the abundance of fruits - to great income.
  2. For a girl, such a dream means marriage.
  3. Picking apples from a tree in a dream means losses due to one’s own inattention and unnecessary haste; a quarrel with a patron is possible.
  4. Apples under a tree on the grass - you can expect dirty tricks from a person from your close circle; it wouldn’t hurt to take a closer look at your friends.

Why do you dream about red apples?

The dream book “Apples” warns that you need to take into account the color of this fruit; depending on the color, the dream is interpreted. Seeing red apples in a dream means bright emotions and good mood, good prospects for the future and good news. It is important to use your chance, and your plans can come true. There is a sign that a red apple in a dream is a favorable sign, expressing the dreamer’s readiness to overcome obstacles. And the person who comes to the house will help with this.

But there are other, not so rosy predictions; it is worth noting that the interpretation of dreams about red apples is somewhat contradictory:

  1. Seeing it on a tree means a meeting with a suitable life partner.
  2. Buying such apples is a sign of successful completion of affairs.
  3. Finding fruit means illness and long treatment, disappointment in work matters.
  4. Does a beautiful apple turn rotten? There will be a tempting offer that you should refuse so as not to get into a difficult financial situation.
  5. There are a lot of fruits on the table or on the ground - you are surrounded by reliable friends who are always ready to help.
  6. The dreamer rolls a red apple on the table - an interesting secret will soon be revealed.
  7. Treating someone with such fruit means it’s time to look for a serious relationship for marriage.
  8. The fruits were stolen from the dreamer - to failures in business.

Why do you dream of green apples?

What does it mean if you dream about green apples? This sign is good for women, it symbolizes vitality and good health. If a man had such a dream, then he will meet with an old friend or a beautiful lady. The color green is believed to predict something pleasant:

  1. Ripe, beautiful fruit - cherished wishes will come true, respect from many people will appear.
  2. Eating such apples means very important events will happen soon.
  3. A woman dreams that she picked an unripe green apple - she will meet an interesting man.
  4. The girl cuts the fruit - k.
  5. Green fruits on the ground mean danger looming from relatives or friends.
  6. To pick such fruits means you need to spend more time studying, learning new things.

Why do you dream of yellow apples?

If you dreamed of yellow apples, astrologers advise paying attention to relationships with loved ones. For a woman, they portend well-being and prosperity, a successful marriage, and the birth of a baby. The sunny shade of the fruit brings together more pleasant signs, although there are also exceptions. Seeing yellow apples in a dream means:

  • successful marriage, good income;
  • a fun party, a visit from close friends;
  • for a woman - possible betrayal of a loved one;
  • picking such fruits means attacks of jealousy;
  • baking a pie from them means news from distant relatives;
  • wormy yellow apples - to discord in the family, but the conflicts will not be serious, it will be possible to find a compromise;
  • spoiled small fruits of a sunny shade - to changes in life;
  • sorting through such apples means falling in love soon.

Why do you dream of a white apple?

Any dream book considers white apples to be a positive image, because it is associated with divine signs and a wonderful future. This meaning also applies to fruits, but taking into account the plot of the dream. I dreamed of white apples in a dream:

  1. Good events that have been awaited for so long will happen.
  2. For a girl - the promise of a wedding.
  3. For business people - to a successful deal.
  4. The fruits float on the water - you need to be more active in achieving your goal, otherwise you may miss your chance.
  5. Burying white apples in the ground means your well-being will be at risk and you may lose money.
  6. Fruits rolled between the spouses - discord may occur.

Why do you dream about picking apples?

In many cultures, apples are considered a symbol of life, so dreams of ripe, beautiful fruit are considered a good sign. Especially if you pick them from a tree. Picking apples in a dream means pleasant changes:

  1. There will be a reward for your work; you can expect both material and moral satisfaction.
  2. Picking up fruits from the ground means success in work; perhaps your superiors will reward you for your efforts.
  3. Collecting fruits in a basket - others will appreciate your efforts, but not immediately, but after some time.
  4. There are a lot of apples, but they hang high, and it’s impossible to pick them - it’s unlikely that your immediate plans will be realized.

Why do you dream about buying apples?

If you had to buy apples in a dream, this means that outbursts of emotions can cause complex problems. At the same time, dream books about apples call vision a promise of success, a search for interesting communication, and opportunities to realize the most daring ideas. The interpretation also depends on the actions of the dreamer and the location of events:

  1. Buying fruit at a noisy market means a pleasant acquaintance; a new, devoted friend may appear.
  2. If you purchased fruits in a store and took away the last apples, and there is a long line behind you, good luck will come to you very soon.

There are several more interpretations of dreams about these fruits, depending on the actions of the participants in the dream:

Why do you dream about big apples? Considering that seeing this fruit in a dream is considered a good sign, the plot about huge fruits is interpreted very positively. Our ancestors believed that fame, health, prosperity and great respect awaited the dreamer. Astrologers predict even more interesting events in life and great discoveries in various sciences. Such a dream can also be considered as a promise of stability in business.

Why do you dream about a wormy apple?

As the dream book explains, bitter and tasteless apples in a dream are considered a sign of imminent troubles, so it is important to remember where this fruit came from. Was it given as a gift? You should stay away from this person. Did you pick it yourself? Difficulties will arise due to the fault of the dreamer. There is a risk of receiving incorrect information or not implementing your plans. What does it mean when you dream of wormy fruits? Dream Interpretations present the following interpretations about spoiled apples:

  1. Someone close to him harbored a grudge against the dreamer.
  2. Health problems may arise.
  3. A strong temptation will arise, which you should not succumb to; the results will be extremely unpleasant.
  4. Out of a bunch of apples, one is wormy - relatives will create trouble.

The color of the fruit also plays a role, depending on the color, the predictions vary somewhat:

  • wormy red apples - a faithful friend will support you in difficult times.
  • yellow fruits with worms - to, but if the fruits lie on the ground, then the swara will be short and not very significant.

Why do you dream about rotten apples?

Rotten apples in a dream are not a good sign, although some dream books interpret it positively. Considering that in reality picking up such a fruit is extremely unpleasant, the negativity is transferred to the explanation of the dream. Dream about fruits with rotten rot:

  1. To failure in actions and plans, all efforts will be in vain.
  2. Someone is preparing false information for the dreamer.
  3. To anger and envy on the part of loved ones or colleagues.

If you had to buy rotten fruits for a lot of money in a dream, then in reality you should be afraid of failure. Astrologers advise paying attention to official matters and commerce in order to avoid troubles with documents. There are also positive predictions in some dream books that are based on the color of fruits:

  • yellow - to important, pleasant changes;
  • red - profitable trip, unexpected profit.

Why dream of stealing apples?

What does it mean when you dream of stolen apples, although in reality the dreamer has never done anything like this? Psychologists explain this vision by depression and imbalance, the inability to make an important decision, and the desire to rely on others. Astrologers interpret the plot as a possible situation where one will have to lie a lot and act dishonestly. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to reconsider your behavior and reassess your values.

Why do you dream of an apple core?

If a dream about apples more often promises positive changes, then a vision about a core is interpreted as pitiful remnants of the prosperity that they could have had. This is a kind of warning about possible troubles that can be avoided if you do not engage in self-criticism, but take time to resolve complex issues. Such a dream is also explained by the need to acquire new knowledge, experience, connections, perhaps change jobs or close circle.

These delicious fruits have been familiar to everyone since childhood; they often appear on our table, and sometimes in our dreams. Apples - what do you dream about and what do they mean? This is how the dream book interprets apples: on the one hand, they mean well-being, love, health, abundance. On the other hand, apples in a dream can be a sign of discord and violation of prohibitions. So let’s understand everything in detail and sort it out why apples are seen in dreams.

Apples in a dream are a rather contradictory symbol, but most often they are dreamed of as a sign of good changes in life.

Apple is one of the most popular fruits in the world. This healthy delicacy is common in the culture of different European nations. However, despite their popularity, apples have a rather contradictory symbolic meaning.

Seeing apples in a dream - what does it mean? Let's figure out what it means to pick apples in a dream or eat them by picking them from the branches. Or maybe you dreamed that you were treating someone with the harvest. Apples often dream of good events and very rarely of something sad. But in order to more accurately interpret your dream, you need to remember all the details. The fact of what emotions you experienced in your sleep and after waking up is very important.

General interpretation of this symbol

Apples in a dream are ripe, juicy, they hang on a tree, and you watch them with joy - this means that in real life you are ready to reap the fruits of your labors. But you understand that in order for the harvest to grow, you need to work hard. Likewise in life, to achieve results, you need to work hard. You know what you can do, so just choose the path you will take to get the result.

In many dreams, apples mean wisdom, so you will choose the most correct path to fulfill your desires.

Also, ripe and juicy apples are considered a sign of good sexual appetite and healthy sexual energy. If you pick such an apple, then love and a serious relationship will be added to success from bed. Some dream books even interpret this as a symbol of a successful and happy marriage. If you collect apples in a basket, it means you will collect praise from management. Know how to stop in time so that the basket does not overfill.

If you were harvesting in a dream

A rich harvest of ripe apples on the tree, which falls before you can pick it, means that your desires are too many and you do not know which one to strive for. You have set too many goals. You need to decide on your priorities and target them. But if you caught an apple that was falling from a tree, then your wishes will come true very easily. Especially if you managed to catch a lot of apples at once.

If you picked an unripe apple from a tree and took a bite out of it, it means that you may have problems in your sex life, the scale of which depends on the size of the bitten off piece. And if you are simply harvesting unripe apples without tasting, this warns you that when you plan to do something, start small, outline the steps to achieve the goal and try to move forward little by little without rushing. Wormy apples on a tree carry a negative connotation - your partner is most likely cheating on you.

Why dream of picking apples from a tree is a sign of joy, gaining new positive experience, and implementing your plans. You should not give up, make more efforts, and everything you plan will definitely come true. If there were a lot of fruits on the tree, then success and abundance await you. But if the harvest was poor, get ready for temptations and temptations.

A dream in which you pick up fallen apples from the ground may be a warning. Deception and betrayal on the part of loved ones is possible. Think carefully, are there people in your immediate circle who could be suspected of insincerity? For a girl, a dream can promise betrayal or bad intentions on the part of a young man.

There is another interpretation of why you dream of picking apples from the ground - you are confused, and there is a need to reconsider your goals and priorities. Maybe you are overestimating your capabilities and should lower your expectations?

For those involved in business, picking red apples means some danger in your affairs. Be careful when negotiating with partners, concluding new deals and signing contracts. Study them carefully; perhaps you should seek help from lawyers to check their terms; even if you have already worked with a partner before, overinsurance will not be superfluous.

If you pick an apple, eat it and don’t feel any taste, you should take a closer look at your immediate surroundings. Among your friends there may be a deceitful and unfaithful person. You climbed up an apple tree, picked the fruits and threw them down - some unexpected, but very pleasant gift would fall on you. And if you accidentally hit someone, then someone else will do your job. You will only reap its benefits.

If you ate apples in a dream

Now let’s approach the question from the other side: eating apples in a dream - what is this for? A dream in which you eat a ripe, juicy apple means that soon you will meet a person who will help you acquire wisdom or the necessary knowledge. As the dream book says, eating apples is a sign of finding what you are looking for and what you are striving for.

A woman eating apples in a dream promises success in personal relationships, a lot of attention and care from her life partner, pleasant surprises and gifts. Well, if she is free, then a meeting with her chosen one is possible soon. Why does a man dream of eating apples in a dream - such a dream promises success in his career, a worthy assessment of his work by the employer.

  • Eating an apple at home with your family means that problems that have been bothering you for a long time will soon disappear. Everything will work out and return to normal, and family ties will become stronger and more reliable.
  • Eating apples in the garden, picking them from the branches, means a successful life filled with pleasures, new events and people. Perhaps some adventure or interesting journey awaits you, from which you will learn something new.
  • Biting off an apple on the go - your efforts are not bringing sufficient results. Perhaps the moment has come when you should stop and think, rethink your actions.
  • If you are treated to an apple at work, in the near future you have the opportunity to be drawn into some kind of adventure. Don't agree right away, weigh all sides. Be reasonable. Carefully check the incoming information and documents, then everything will be fine.
  • Eating an apple in half with someone means a quarrel with that person. There may be problems in relationships with loved ones or your other half. Think about it: maybe you should treat someone close to you with understanding, so as not to bring an already difficult situation to the boiling point.

If you eat an apple that you were treated to, this may mean that they want to involve you in some kind of adventure. Don't agree right away, weigh the pros and cons. If this concerns work, then you need to carefully check all the documents and information that is conveyed to you. If you are treated to half an apple, and the other half remains in the hands of another person, it means that there may be discord between you and your lover or partner. Try not to let this happen.

If you ate a wormy apple, bad events will happen in your life in the near future that will set you back. But these events are temporary. Eating soaked apples means misunderstandings and light conflicts with loved ones. Eating baked apples is a symbol of greed. Many things in the life of a sleeping person are done for the sake of money. People who are not so self-interested achieve greater results and have more satisfaction in life.

Where exactly did you see the fruits: on a tree, in the kitchen, in a store

Seeing ripe apples peeking through the green branches of a tree is a very good sign that promises success in all endeavors. Don't put things off until later, now is the time to implement your plans. Also, seeing apples on a tree in a dream is a sign of excellent emotional and physical health.

If you dreamed of one apple on the top of a tree, you are moving too far from reality or not noticing what is happening around you. Perhaps you have recently become overly arrogant and stopped communicating with people who care about you. But seeing apples on the table is a sign that promises mutual understanding and happiness in the house

If you dreamed that you were walking around a market or a store and saw a lot of apples, soon you will have to receive guests at your home. According to another version, a person has recently appeared in your environment who wants to take advantage of your gullibility. Be alert, do not allow yourself to be exploited, learn to refuse.

Buying apples means meeting a person for whom you will experience great passion, which will paint your life with bright colors, but can also result in suffering. If, while buying apples, a girl bit into them and tasted them, it means that in life she is easy-going and can decide to do the most frivolous things.

Red, yellow, green: color matters.

If you dream of red ripe apples, this is a very good sign. Such a dream promises good news soon, luck and a happy outcome to any business started. For a girl, the dream promises marriage, and if she is already in a relationship, then a new addition to the family.

Ripe red apples dream of success in the main business of your life. You are on the right track! Even if something hasn’t been going well lately, soon everything will get better again, look at the problem from a different angle, and you will find a new ingenious solution!

When you pick ripe fruits from an apple tree but do not collect them in a basket, you may suffer serious material losses through your own fault: you are inattentive to details and to those around you who have long wanted to tell you something. But you are too busy with yourself and your problems. And if you collect ripe fruits in a bucket or basket, then your work will be appreciated, but for this you will have to wait some time.

Seeing a lot of green apples means an interesting acquaintance. Biting into an unripe apple means you are spending too much energy worrying about unfulfilled hopes. Picking green apples means rushing a relationship without giving it the opportunity to develop on its own. Eating half the fruit means health problems are possible. Receiving a lot of apples as a gift - you are too fixated on the idea of ​​finding your other half

Yellow apples in a dream are a sign of profit and enrichment. Perhaps you will advance in your career or unexpectedly learn about an inheritance. Such a dream promises success in money matters, investments, a successful purchase or deal. Picking yellow apples in a dream means a cheerful celebration. Seeing a lot of fruits means pregnancy with twins. Picking apples - soon you will hear the news from your family. There is a yellow apple - there may be groundless jealousy of a loved one.

Single men, after dreaming about yellow apples, can begin to prepare for their upcoming marriage. Even if you don’t have a girlfriend yet, you will soon become acquainted and the relationship will rapidly develop, which can lead to marriage. Seeing scattered yellow apples that fell out of a fallen basket with a harvest means a quarrel with a friend. The balance will be shaken, your friendship will have to go through serious tests. Yellow apples on an apple tree portend a woman's jealousy and a serious conversation with her partner. If you sort through yellow apples, selecting rotten and wormy ones, mutual love awaits you, free from jealousy, dirt and mistrust.

Were the fruits you saw large or small?

  • A big apple in a dream is a sign of global discovery, learning something new, and surprise. This is how the dream book interprets a big apple: soon you will gain an experience that will radically change your outlook on life. Seeing a big apple at the top of a tree and trying to reach it means you are thinking too much about things that you cannot yet understand. Seeing large but spoiled apples - such a dream foreshadows some kind of negativity that will not leave a big mark in your life.
  • Why dream of eating a large apple - to fame and recognition of a large number of people. Seeing a mountain of large fruits means meeting new people who share your interests and views. Collecting big apples means getting results from your efforts, although not in the near future.
  • Seeing small apples in a dream - this sign speaks of disturbances in the exchange of energy with the world, its deficiency. Perhaps you have recently become fixated on your experiences and forgotten about your loved ones, it’s time for a heart-to-heart conversation. Or you should reconsider your plans for the future and do things that really interest you.
  • There are small sour apples - recently the relationship with your spouse has become boring and monotonous. Collecting them is a sign of dissatisfaction with one of the areas of life. Why do you dream of an apple tree with apples that are not yet ripe - you envy a person from your inner circle.

Were the fruits eaten sweet or sour?

As the dream book says, eating a sweet apple is a very good sign. Such a symbol promises a lot of good things. This is a harbinger of joy and good luck, you have enough energy and strength to fulfill your dreams, boldly move forward and do not be afraid of anything.

The dream book also says about the sweet apple that this fruit can symbolize love adventures. Perhaps someone wants to seduce you. If you are already married or married, it's time to arrange a romantic evening for your spouse.

But eating an apple in a dream and realizing that it is sour is not a very good symbol, which can mean health problems and fatigue. Perhaps you should go to the doctor or go on a long-awaited vacation. The body is clearly missing something. Such a dream may also mean that you are harboring a grudge against someone or are holding unexpressed emotions within yourself, or hiding some secret. Relax and let go of your worries. Exercise and physical activity will benefit you.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep for a woman

  • One of the most beautiful moments in Vienna is the period when the apple trees bloom. Seeing such a garden in a dream for an unmarried girl or woman means the most pleasant thing - meeting great love or even marriage.
  • If a woman eats an incredibly juicy apple in a dream, and she understands that its taste is somehow unreal and magical, it means that in life she dreams of meeting a man whom she has had her eye on for a long time.
  • When a man you know treats a woman to an apple in a dream, in life he will make attempts to seduce her. Whether to succumb to temptation or not is up to the woman herself to decide.
  • When a woman sees green, strong apples, the dream promises her peace of mind and harmony in the family. Strong green apples are a symbol of completeness and harmony of consciousness. When what is beautiful on the outside is beautiful on the inside.

If in a dream you were cutting an apple or cooking

Cutting an apple into slices means that soon your hopes may not come true, due to the fact that you are trying to be on time everywhere. Such a dream may also portend separation from a loved one due to current circumstances. Cutting an apple into slices and treating a loved one portends a quarrel with him; discord in family relationships or even divorce is possible.

Eating a slice of apple means your expenses may increase, which will lead to minor domestic quarrels with family members. Wash apples in a dream - this may mean that they want to deceive you or that you are “going out of your way”, trying to achieve results in a matter where your efforts will be in vain.

Throwing away a stub - you will soon learn the unpleasant truth about people close to you, but you will survive it with dignity and gain important experience that will affect your future. Sometimes a dream can mean the destruction of childhood dreams in the face of a real picture of the world.

  • If in a dream you cook aromatic compote from apples, expect new acquaintances. You will make new friends with whom you will create an interesting project or common cause. Try not to miss these opportunities, because they will help make your dreams come true.
  • Apple jelly is a drink from childhood; such a dream may mean that soon your past will make itself felt. Perhaps you will meet an old friend or learn some interesting news about your distant relatives.
  • Apple jam means that a pleasant surprise awaits you, which will bring a lot of positive emotions, it could be a trip or a gift, or news of a promotion.
  • Apple juice symbolizes energy deficiency or improper use. Perhaps you are tired and your strength is running out, in which case you need to waste yourself less on petty worries. Or, on the contrary, you are full of energy that finds no outlet, and you “burn out from the inside.”
  • Cooking apple pie in a dream means strengthening family ties. Perhaps you will improve your relationship with one of your family members and begin to trust each other more. This symbol can also mean a new stage in your family - the birth of children or the appearance of new people.
  • Baking apples in a dream - a person with selfish intentions has appeared in your inner circle

If you dreamed of rotten apples

Why do you dream of rotten apples - this is a bad sign. Your plans are unlikely to come true soon. One of your loved ones or colleagues is jealous of you and does not wish you well. Cutting rotten apples means you are consumed by jealousy towards your partner. Collecting them means your actions will not bring any results. Seeing one rotten apple in a basket of fresh ones - one of your family members may get involved in troubles that will affect you.

Rotten apples that fell from the apple tree and were not picked mean material losses and information leakage when it comes to work. Rotten apples promise the sleeper a reappraisal of those around him. You may have surrounded yourself with new acquaintances who say bad things behind your back. Think about old and true friends who have faded into the background. An old friend is better than two new ones, don't forget!

Rotten apples lying on the ground do not foretell immediate success. This does not mean that your ideas are doomed to failure, you just have to work a lot more, and the success will not be as resounding as you would like.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

Apples are the most favorite fruit, a concept that everyone knows from childhood. The symbol of integrity, youth, beauty, for the most part has a positive meaning and usually after a dream in which there were apples, a person wakes up in an excellent mood. We can meet the apple in myths, legends and tales of different countries. For example, in Slavic fairy tales, rejuvenating apples are a symbol of renewal and healing. In Greek and Scandinavian mythology, the apple represents happiness and immortality. In Christianity there is the fall and temptation. What do apples mean according to the compilers of popular dream books?

Miller's Dream Book - your wishes will come true

According to Miller, apples dream of making your innermost dreams come true. This

According to Miller's dream book, apples dream of fulfilling wishes.

This is a rather rare sign, and you are incredibly lucky if you saw such a dream. Rest assured, there is a white streak ahead. Even if things are not so rosy right now, believe that success awaits you.

I dreamed of a ripe apple on a branch - this is your chance to show all your abilities and skills, don’t miss it. If you are walking through the garden and see a lot of apples scattered on the ground, Miller’s dream book advises you to think carefully about those around you; perhaps not all of your friends are actually like that.

Vanga's dream book - great joy lies ahead

The Bulgarian clairvoyant interprets apples as a sign of imminent joy, but before that you will have to think about serious problems, understand something, and answer important philosophical questions for yourself.

If you are now going through a difficult period when your future fate is being decided, you are starting something new, you are choosing a business that you want to do in the future, Vanga’s dream book advises you not to be afraid, listen to yourself and everything will definitely work out.

Freud's Dream Book - you are in good health

According to Freud's dream book, an apple characterizes sexuality. Ripe beautiful apples mean order in the intimate sphere. If you dreamed of apples with defects, most likely you have problems with intimate health and sex life. If a man eats or picks large apples in his sleep, he prefers women with large breasts. And if a girl eats an apple in a dream, she is not against experiments in sex.

Modern dream book - perhaps you are too hasty

An apple can be a symbol of the desire to try something forbidden or to possess some thing that you will soon be able to purchase. If you eat an apple in a dream, it matters how fast you do it. If it is fast, then you are a decisive and self-confident person; if it is slow, you are too careful and are afraid to express yourself. If a person peels an apple in a dream, he is characterized by haste and frivolity.


The apple is a controversial symbol that can have many meanings. It all depends on the context of the dream and your feelings. Seeing an apple in a dream is a rare and most often good sign that promises many positive and pleasant events. Because most often this fruit acts as a symbol of wisdom and reward.

If you had a dream about apples, you can wake up in a good mood, because this symbol in most cases has a positive interpretation. To clarify which one, you need to look at the details. And even if the interpretation that you have identified is negative, then the prospects are not so terrible and, if interpreted correctly, can even bring positive aspects.

Video “Dream Interpretation - what do Apples mean in a dream”

Why do you dream about an apple?

Miller's Dream Book

Apples are a very good dream for most people.

Seeing red apples on trees in green foliage is extremely favorable for the one who sees this dream.

If you dream that you are eating spoiled apples, this dream does not bode well.

Ripe apples on a tree mean that the time has come for your hopes to come true, it’s time to think carefully about what you are going to do and boldly move forward.

Ripe apples at the top of the tree warn you not to get too high in your desires.

Apples on the ground mean that you will be harmed by false friends and flatterers.

Rotten - promise fruitless efforts.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Freud's Dream Book

Apples, like many other fruits, but apples in particular, are a symbol of women's breasts.

Large and beautiful apples indicate your passion for women with large busts.

If a woman eats an apple, it symbolizes her lesbian aspirations.

If in a dream you ate a juicy, ripe apple, it means, unfortunately, that your attempts to get closer are in vain. You would really like to meet a certain person who interests you, but he will not respond to your calls simply because he is inclined to have sexual relations with members of the same sex.

Seeing wormy apples in a dream means your “other half” gives you serious concerns: it seems to you that he (or she) spends too much time outside the home, and this is not caused by career considerations. Don’t worry in vain - nothing bad threatens either you or your union, and if there was some kind of “left-sided” interest, then soon enough something will happen that will finally open the eyes of the “lost sheep” and everything will fall into place . Your partner will understand that there is nothing stronger than old love, and peace of mind can only be found in your own family, and not in casual relationships on the side. So your spouse will return to the bosom of the family, where you will welcome him with open arms.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Vanga's Dream Book

The apple is a symbol of wisdom and reward.

If you dreamed that you were picking apples from the branches, this means that under the influence of the events taking place around you, you will feel the need to comprehend the essence of earthly phenomena and will communicate a lot with people and think, but you will understand only a small part, because everything around you is creation God and its incomprehensible mystery.

Eating an apple in a dream means that in reality you will become wiser when you meet a person older than you. He will teach you a lot of what he knows, answer him only with kindness, otherwise you will bring disaster on your own head.

If you dreamed of a wormy apple, it means that you will receive false information, and if you do not think through your further actions, you will lose.

A dream in which you cut an apple into slices predicts a delusion for which you will pay.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Picking apples is a joy; eating - pleasant love experiences; eating sour ones - sadness, insincere friend; receive - something good awaits you; cutting - separation from friends; collecting - good deeds; rotten - danger; see on a tree - you will find many friends; Drinking apple juice is a disease.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Family dream book

A dream about an apple is very favorable.

Red apples in green foliage of trees portend great luck.

Ripe apples seen in a dream mean that the time has come for your hopes to come true. The time has come to think carefully about your further actions and confidently move towards success.

However, ripe apples growing at the very top of the tree warn you not to get too high in your desires.

Apples lying on the ground are a warning. Learn to distinguish true friends from flatterers and liars.

Rotten apples - dream of fruitless efforts.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Strong, ripe apples are a sign of reliable success. Seeing them growing on an apple tree foreshadows the successful implementation of your plans and undertakings.

A good dream is also one in which you buy or eat apples or see them at home.

If you see apples on a branch, but cannot reach them, the dream suggests that you risk suffering due to too high ambitions.

Cutting an apple in a dream foreshadows some controversial situation that can overshadow the success of a particular business.

Green apples encourage you to be patient - success will definitely come to you, but you will have to wait for some time and not rush things.

At the same time, if green apples turn out to be surprisingly sweet, the dream suggests that good luck may come to you sooner than you expect.

Wormy apples - warn that you risk succumbing to some temptations, and this will harm your business.

Fallen and rotten apples warn of possible losses. You should take care of your affairs and be wary of overly tempting offers.

Why do you dream about an apple?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Apples are a very good dream. Means recovery.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Spring dream book

Apple - to betrayal in the family.

Soaked apples - unfortunately.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Summer dream book

Apple - you will treat your enemy at your table.

Eating pickled apples in a dream means pleasure.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Autumn dream book

Apple - you will be seduced by some promises.

Seeing pickled apples in a tub is a sign of an impossible dream.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream where you pick apples from a tree foreshadows the disappointment that will befall you upon achieving your desired goal.

The ground strewn with fruits around the apple tree speaks of changes for the better in your destiny.

Large red apples are a sign of good health and sexual joys.

Small apples - portend an activity incompatible with your tastes and inclinations.

Green, sour and unripe apples are a sign of illness and suffering.

Eating apples in a dream means that in reality you will show close participation in the fate of a friend who is in serious trouble.

Apple jam promises unexpected luck and the regaining of lost hope.

Cooking apple pie in a dream means that in real life an extraordinary love adventure awaits you.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Apple - See - unsuccessful marriage, divorce - tear - joy - eat - pleasant love experiences - eat sour - sadness, insincerity of a friend - receive - Something good awaits you - cut - separation from a friend - collect - good deeds - rotten - danger - on a tree - you will find many friends - drink apple juice - illness

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing an apple in a dream means a quarrel with the landlord or one of the government officials, and the more apples there are, the stronger the quarrel will be.

You dreamed of cutting apples or you cut apples in a dream - you will have a lot of minor troubles.

Rotten apple - warns of a quarrel with one of the government officials, but all this will turn out to be just vanity.

In a dream, you threw a rotten apple at someone - in the near future you will quarrel with one of your close relatives or friends, but this quarrel will quickly be forgotten.

You threw a strong apple at someone - one of your closest friends or relatives will become your worst enemy.

Eating an apple means rent increases.

If you dreamed that you gave or sold an apple to someone, this means serious trouble for one of your relatives or friends.

In a dream you were given or bought an apple - you yourself will become the source of your misfortunes.

You dreamed that you were stealing apples - you can commit a stupid act that will have far-reaching consequences.

If you dreamed that you were picking apples, do not expect anything good from fate in the near future; a barrage of troubles will fall on you and your loved ones.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Esoteric dream book

The apple is green, unripe - youth of the soul; spoiled, fallen - your soul is subject to premature aging.

Ruddy, liquid - a period of good health and elation.

Worthy - you are being “scarred” by some kind of disease, despite your apparent health.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Azar's Dream Book

Apple - betrayal in the family; apples of paradise - good income.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Apples are a disease; there is disappointment, anger; collect - domestic troubles; to see is seduction.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Modern dream book

Ripe red apples among green leaves are the most favorable dream, but you need to carefully weigh all the circumstances before taking any further actions.

If you dream that you are eating wormy apples, your life will change for the worse.

Apples growing high on the branches serve as a reminder that you should balance your desires with your capabilities.

Rotten apples are a symbol of the futility of your efforts.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Eastern dream book

Ripe juicy red apples - dream of fulfilling a wish.

A dream in which you collect them in a basket means: your efforts will not be in vain, a good result is guaranteed to you, but not soon.

Green, unripe apples predict deterioration in health.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

unsuccessful marriage, discord.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What do Apples mean in a dream - You see red apples in the crown of a tree in a dream - the dream promises you favorable circumstances in the present and future. You dream of a ripe apple at the very top of the apple tree - your arrogance will not bring you any good; Of the many masks, for some reason you prefer the mask of stupidity. You see apples lying on the ground in a dream - flatterers will please you in small ways, but harm you in big ways. You are holding a wormy apple in your hand - your efforts will not lead to success.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

An apple is a symbol of love and love relationships / a certain temptation / certainty, clarity in something.

Picking apples is good; good luck, fulfillment of desires.

To clean is disappointment, loss of hope.

Eating an apple and not feeling the taste is a warning against false rumors, an unfaithful friend.

Eating sweet apples is good.

Sour - sadness, some kind of compulsion.

Wormy or rotten - anger, annoyance, nuisance.

Boiled - joy.

Baked ones are a hindrance.

Receiving apples as a gift means happiness, someone’s love for you.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Apples are a symbol of knowledge, love, discord, sin, temptation; illness (the latter, unfortunately, more often).

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of Apples - The dream promises good health for you and your children. Imagine a whole basket of juicy, ripe, beautiful apples. You treat them to all your household members.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Icelandic dream book

Seeing or eating apples means longevity.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Psychological dream book

An apple is a symbolism of a woman's breast. Success and enjoyment of life, which are internally associated with the probable retribution for sin.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Apples - To tears.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Everyday dream book

You dreamed of an Apple Core - Business partners can deceive you. Imagine that you, threatening with a firearm, force someone to eat an Apple core.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Modern dream book

Apple - Quarrel

Why do you dream about an apple?

Creative dream book

You dreamed of an Apple - see also Food and Fruits 1. In dreams, an apple can mean fertility, love and temptation. 2. Eating an apple means a desire to accept information or knowledge. The apple has a direct connection with the temptation that Eve subjected Adam to. 3. Apple blossom is a Chinese symbol of peace and beauty. In a spiritual sense, the apple suggests a new beginning and a fresh approach.

Why do you dream about an apple?

British dream book

Apple - The apple has been considered a magical fruit for thousands of years, but in addition, it symbolizes health, a quality lifestyle and a loving, cozy home. Why the dream: Giving or receiving an apple may indicate a desire for a strong, healthy, pragmatic relationship based on family and family values, as opposed to a passionate love affair. It happens that an apple in a dream also symbolizes temptation. Did you take the apple because you were persuaded? Or were you strong enough to resist temptation? See also Apple tree

Why do you dream about an apple?

Intelligent dream book

Apples - Physical and moral infirmity; mature - marriage; bitter - compulsion and sadness; immature - harm; baked - self-interest; tasty - well-being; boiled - joy; Tearing sweets is fun.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Apples are a symbol of physical health and sexual appetite. Picking ripe apples means you will have good luck in love. Seeing a wormy, rotten apple means someone’s anger or envy will create problems for you. Green, unripe apple - sexual problems, illness.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Home dream book

You dreamed of Apples - temptation; symbol of wisdom and reward. Red apples on trees in green foliage - confidence in the fulfillment of hopes; eating spoiled apples - experiences associated with the fact that hopes will not come true; ripe apples on the tree - it’s time to boldly move on; rotten apples - fruitless efforts; ripe apples at the top of the tree - inflated claims to life.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Russian dream book

What does an Apple mean in a dream - temptation, discord, tears.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Jewish dream book

You dreamed of Apples - Picking apples from a tree. For a woman, a dream in the spring on Wednesday night means illness; a dream you had in the spring on any other night - to failures and losses; dreamed in summer, this dream warns of the great danger of the evil eye; and in the fall - to domestic troubles; a dream in winter denotes difficult and lengthy efforts to achieve one’s goal. For a man, a dream in the spring on Wednesday night is a sign of damage; a dream you had on any other night in the spring means that you will miss a lot of opportunities to improve your affairs; a dream seen in the summer - to heart disease, as well as to rejected love; and in the fall - to a successful purchase or luck in business; a dream in winter denotes careless, ill-considered actions. There is an unripe apple. A dream that you had in the spring on Wednesday night means trouble that your good friend or relative will get into; a dream you had on any other night in the spring - to stomach or heart diseases that threaten one of your family members; a dream seen in the summer - to unpleasant experiences associated with your friends; and in the fall - to bad news; a dream in winter warns that due to your haste you may miss luck. There is a ripe apple. A dream you had in the spring on Wednesday night - for pleasure, marriage or marriage; a dream in the spring on any other night means prosperity; in the summer - to joy; in the fall - to pleasant surprises; a dream in winter means improved mood and well-being.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Women's dream book

Apples – An apple is a symbol of wisdom and reward.

Ripe apples on the tree mean that the time has come for your hopes to come true. Think carefully about your plans and move forward boldly.

Apples falling to the ground warn against false friends and flatterers.

If you dreamed that you were picking apples from branches, this means that you will soon feel the need to turn to the essence of earthly phenomena.

You will communicate a lot with people and reflect.

Eating an apple in a dream means meeting a person older than you who will teach you a lot. Your deepest desires may come true.

Eating spoiled apples in a dream means fruitless efforts.

If you cut an apple into slices, a delusion awaits you, which you will soon repent of.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Magic dream book

What do Apples mean in a dream - temptations. Eating an apple means becoming wiser. For young people, eating large red ripe apples means a happy marriage. A wormy apple is fake love. Cutting apples into slices means having a lot of fans (or fans). Rolling an apple or playing with it is enchanting. Sour apple - to be disappointed in your love. Peeling an apple means separation from friends. Drinking apple juice means taking care of your health. Rotten apple - suspicion of infidelity.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

symbol of temptation. In the Bible, the apple is a forbidden fruit, because of which Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise. In Russian folk tales, apples are associated with health and vitality. To dream that you are being treated to apples, someone is trying to involve you in a risky enterprise. Seeing apple jam in a dream means you will witness some sad event. Holding a golden apple in your hand, you hope to receive universal love and recognition. Collecting fallen apples is a sign that in real life you are hoping to get something that is not available to you. In a dream you pick a green apple, don’t rush things, let everything take its course. A dream in which you eat a rotten apple means a loss of vital interests.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

The apple represents temptation, seduction.

To dream of being treated to apples means that someone will try to involve you in a risky enterprise that will significantly damage your reputation.

A dream in which you eat an apple indicates that you need to take care of your health in the near future.

If in a dream you saw an apple lying on a plate or saucer, you will become a participant in interesting events.

To see in a dream how you roll an apple on a plate - in reality you will accidentally learn someone’s secret.

Holding a golden apple in your hand means in reality you will receive universal love and recognition.

Collecting fallen apples is evidence that in real life you are hoping to get something that is not available to you.

An unripe apple means bad news.

If in a dream you pick a green apple, then remember one folk wisdom: “don’t pick the apple while it’s green: it will ripen and fall on its own.” Don't rush things, let everything take its course.

A dream in which you eat a wormy or rotten apple means illness and loss of vital energy.

Seeing a huge mountain of red and ripe apples in a dream means success and complete well-being.

If in a dream you saw an apple rolling along the path, it means that in the near future you will be hosting your relatives.

To see one rotten apple among ripe apples in a dream -

A sign that all your failures and problems are connected with a person close to you. “One spoiled apple causes a whole cart to rot.”

Why do you dream about an apple?

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Apples – physical and moral infirmity; mature - marriage; bitter - coercion and sadness; immature - harm; baked - self-interest; tasty - well-being; boiled - joy; Tearing sweets is fun.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream book of catchphrases

APPLE - see fruit.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Represents the fruit of the tree of life, a fruit symbolizing life. The real image means success in life and the pleasure derived from it.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Emblem of life. You enjoy life and are capable of achieving success.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Old Russian dream book

disease; there is disappointment, anger; collect - domestic troubles; see - trouble.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Apples mean tears.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Apples - physical and moral weakness; mature - marriage; bitter - compulsion and sadness; immature - harm; baked - self-interest; tasty - well-being; boiled - joy; Tearing sweets is fun.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Idiomatic dream book

Apple - See Fruit.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

The apple is a fruit that symbolizes life, “the emblem of life.”

If the image looks like a real fruit from a tree, this means success in life and enjoyment of it.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream book for the whole family

In most cases, a dream in which apples are present portends something good, with the exception of Friday, on which apples indicate a futile wait.

Eating apples means fulfilling wishes.

If in a dream you are trying to get apples from the top of a tree and cannot reach them, it means you should give up those desires and dreams that overwhelm you; this will not lead to good.

There are wormy apples - what you dream about will never come true, just like seeing rotten apples in a dream.

Red apples in the green foliage of a tree are a favorable dream in all respects.

Spoiled apples - do not expect good things and be extremely careful.

If students or school graduates dream of ripe apples, they mean the following: the time has come for hopes to come true, it’s time to think carefully about what to do next. And boldly move forward, without fear of failures and obstacles.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Online dream book

The apple is a very good symbol, you can count on success if you do it right.

If they hung from high branches, this suggests that you should not pretend to what you are not able to achieve.

If you dreamed that you ate them, you would be a support for a person who would get into serious trouble.

Apple jam is a symbol that you will be lucky and believe in yourself again.

I dreamed of a beautiful, ripe and big apple - in the near future you will be able to do something truly grandiose, your merits will be recognized by everyone and generously rewarded.

If it's damaged

If in a dream an apple is green, this is a sign that you feel a lack of some vitamins and nutrients, try to enrich your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits.

If it is unripe, most likely you have serious health problems brewing, or in the intimate sphere.

If the apples are yellow in a dream, it foretells the betrayal of those whom you wholeheartedly trusted and completely opened up to, this will cause you not only mental pain, but also a lot of trouble.

If the apples are red in a dream, your life will soon improve completely, you will experience success in all areas, relationships with others will bring only joy, and nothing can disturb your well-being.

A dream in which you buy apples promises you a pleasant acquaintance that will give you a lot of pleasant impressions; if the fruit was ripe and beautiful, then this relationship will bring you exceptional happiness.

In a dream you are picking apples - in the near future a prosperous and carefree period will begin in your life, which will bring you a lot of joy.

If they are spoiled or unripe

In a dream, you stole apples - because of your own imprudence and irresponsibility, you will get yourself into serious trouble, which you will not be able to cope with for a very long time.

In a dream, you eat apples - you will meet a person who will have much more life experience, thanks to which she will be able to teach you a lot.

Men have such a vision

If you dream of rotten apples, you should change your lifestyle, otherwise you will quickly spend your energy and will not be able to achieve anything significant.

If you dreamed of a wormy apple, you have inaccurate information, because of which you can make the wrong decision and ruin the progress of all your affairs, try to obtain information from all possible sources, compare it, on the basis of which you can choose the right course of action.

Cutting apples in a dream means that in real life you cannot objectively assess the situation and draw the right conclusions, which can lead to very disastrous consequences for you.

If you dreamed of soaked apples, your plans and desires are not destined to come true, accept this fact, do not despair and boldly move forward towards new goals.

If you have eaten soaked apples

A dream in which you sold apples or treated someone warns that people from your immediate circle may have serious problems.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Universal dream book

If a person is religious, an apple symbolizes for him the forbidden fruit and temptation.

If a person is interested in computers or spends all day on the Internet, an apple can symbolize the desire to purchase a new computer (from Apple).

Among managers, teachers and other people holding responsible positions, an apple symbolizes the desire to be recognized. However, if a seller sees apples in a dream, such a dream symbolizes his desire for wealth, since the income of this person depends on how many apples he sold.

Isaac Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation after an apple fell on his head. If you saw an apple in a dream, this may mean that a fateful idea, circumstance, or meeting with someone will arise in your life.

I once interpreted the dreams of a Tasmanian boy who dreamed that an apple fell on his head as he was walking to school - this boy still considers the apple to be a symbol of unexpected danger.

Pay attention also to what you do with the apple in your dream. Do you eat it? How do you do it? If a person eats an apple confidently and with pleasure, it symbolizes youth, as old people eat apples slowly and carefully. Careful people take small bites; If you or someone else peels an apple in a dream, this may indicate a fussy and petty nature.

Why do you dream about an apple?

American dream book

Apples - wisdom, healing power, integrity.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing apples, especially on the branches, picking them, receiving them as a gift or buying them is a favorable development of events; eating sour apples - to negative emotions and depressed mood; seeing, picking or eating rotten apples, drinking apple juice means illness; often seeing apples means vitamin deficiency, lack of essential microelements and organic acids.

Why do you dream about an apple?

An old English dream book

Seeing apples in a dream is a very good sign. He promises a long and happy life, good luck in work and in love. This dream will especially please mothers, because it contains the promise that their children will become extraordinary and rich people.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream book of lovers

A dream in which you see red apples promises happiness and love.

Ripe apples portend the fulfillment of your wildest hopes and desires. You will be able to achieve the love of a worthy person, and your marriage will be strong and happy.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Lunar dream book

Ripe apples - a successful marriage; bitter - trouble; immature - harm; baked - self-interest; tasty - well-being; sweets - fun; wine - joy; white - success; red - tears; dried, boiled - self-interest.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Apples - success in business.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Picking apples means having children.

Eating apples means work or worries.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Russian dream book

An apple on an apple tree means good luck; on earth - false friends; rotten - dissatisfaction, empty efforts.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Russian dream book

The apple is a symbol of temptation.

In the Bible, the apple is a forbidden fruit, because of which Adam and Eve were expelled from heaven.

In Russian folk tales, apples are associated with health and vitality.

To dream that you are being treated to apples means someone is trying to involve you in a risky enterprise.

Seeing apple jam in a dream means you will witness some sad event.

Holding a golden apple in your hand means you hope to receive universal love and recognition.

Collecting fallen apples is a sign that in real life you are hoping to get something that is not available to you.

In a dream you pick a green apple - don’t rush things, let everything take its course.

A dream in which you eat a rotten apple means a loss of vital interests.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

When you dream of apples, the dream relates to health and personal success.

Green - the feminine energy of the earth, red - the energy of the sky.

For a woman, green, beautiful, strong apples - a dream portends health and spiritual peace, since the dreamer’s rhythms most closely correspond to the correct natural rhythms, especially the mid-summer season - the time of harvesting fruits, both in the literal and figurative spiritual sense.

Seeing, collecting, eating rotten, wrinkled, fallen apples - the dreamer’s rhythms do not correspond to natural ones, the energy to maintain health in autumn and winter has not been accumulated.

For a man to collect beautiful green apples, to collect multi-colored apples with a person of the opposite sex means a quick meeting of a friend/girlfriend in life. It is not for nothing that a married couple is compared to two halves of one apple.

The apple is one of the symbols of the connection that gives a person the life of Earth and Heaven, and the apple grows on the branches - between Earth and Heaven.

Together to collect old, rotten, fallen apples - old grievances and a break in relationships.

Why do you dream about an apple?

Often, many of us have repeatedly had dreams in which apples were present. At first glance, such an insignificant detail attracts little attention and, it would seem, there is nothing to interpret here.

Wake up early on a clear morning with a positive mood, realizing that the flowery apple orchard where you walked in your night vision can only portend joy. After looking at the interpreter, you will read why you dream about a huge number of apples.

Such dreams contain many fascinating details, the interpretation of which, thanks to dream books, is an interesting and necessary task.

One of the most favorable symbols in multiple interpreters is apples. They symbolize the absence of illnesses, prudence and prosperity. In such “sweet dreams”, much of the essence is also given to the events themselves. Dream books take into account all the nuances that are reflected in the explanation of dreams.

But if this is not the first time you have dreamed about apples, then a corresponding question arises: why do you dream about apples, and what relation do they have to you and your life? To get the correct interpretation, it is important to remember what kind of fruit it was: large or small, red, green, sweet or sour. Where were they, and who saw them besides you.

The attractiveness of an apple orchard

Any person will agree that one of the most beautiful dreams is an apple orchard in bloom as a sign of spring blossoming and the expectation of delicious dishes. Young wives see a blossoming orchard predicting a large apple harvest as a sign of conceiving a child. Such a dream positions them for a happy future.

Did you happen to see apples lying on a snow-white cover in a dream? Dream books indicate: something threatens your prosperous life. If you saw a winter park in the sunshine, expect success after difficulties.

According to Vanga's dream book, an apple is a symbol of wisdom and reward. At the same time, if you cut a ripe fruit, it means that you are deeply mistaken about the events taking place around you. You shouldn't rely on breaking news, even when it comes from people you trust.

You dream of rich fruits - success awaits you in everything, so don’t hesitate and take on everything you want to do. In reality, you can easily solve all difficulties.

Why do you dream of healthy apples? Exclusively for benefits: excellent health, significant income. Did you look at beautiful large fruits in a dream? According to Freud's dream book, this is a sign of forbidden entertainment, as well as hidden desires. This is much better than communicating with vile hypocrites who want to cause you grief - this is evidenced by small wounds.

A useful interpretation is given by the dream book of Nostradamus. Why, according to his version, do you dream about big ripe apples? To great achievements and discoveries. Nostradamus clarified: everyone who had such a dream can rely on the authority and respect of the team. Get to work, you will succeed!

It is important that the apple is not too ripe. The same dream book of Nostradamus explains why rotten apples are dreamed of. The work you are doing today will not surprise others. It will not bring successful results. In general, all your work will not be productive.

Why do you dream of yellow apples? Based on data from dream books, representatives of the fair sex should expect betrayal from their chosen one. Also, yellowish and white fruits promise important news that will need to be kept secret from other people.

Dream books explain why you dream of a full bucket of apples, where some of them are overripe, others are rotten. This is a symbol that there is a person next to you who causes eternal problems.

In the morning, did you remember that in your dream you saw apples rolling next to you and your husband? The dream book warns: there is a possibility of discord between you in your relationship. Try not to let your conflict lead to further divorce. You will need a lot of strength to follow the right position in life. This will not last long, but if you remain patient, the well-being of the family will be restored.


As Vanga’s dream book explains, apples picked from a tree mean the following: by talking with a wise person, you will learn many new smart things for yourself. Perhaps communication will enhance your spirituality.

Picking a greenish apple in your night dreams means quickly making some significant conclusion for yourself.

If you looked at falling apples from a large tall tree in a dream, this is an unfavorable signal. It is necessary to stop dubious communications so as not to end up in a bad situation. Choose your social circle carefully.

Picking ripe apples from a tree and stealing them means large monetary losses await you due to inattention or due to a conflict with a patron. You collected fruits in a container - your work will be appreciated only after a while.

When picking apples from the ground, you are counting on actions that you have no right to perform. Do you remember whether they were wormy or not? Vanga's dream book explains why a wormy apple is dreamed of. You may lose if you rely on false information.

It’s good when a tree with large fruits on its branches bends under their weight. The dream book indicates why a bag of apples is dreamed of - naturally, to increase financial wealth. Are you ready to improve your well-being? If you are a young lady, you will not need it. You picked apples - a happy marriage awaits you with a rich and influential spouse.

When there are a lot of apples in a dream, however, they hung high, a lot of strength will be needed. Have you wanted to pick the apple that hangs above the rest? The dream book indicates that you often set difficult goals for yourself. Slow down - success will come immediately. Or be more decisive in achieving what you want.

In a dream vision, did you steal apples from someone else's gardening plot? Look at your actions from the outside - in reality they are also obscene. You need to be more specific, the environment will take it with dignity.

Dream books tell you why you dream of selling apples: look around you, there are only hypocrites nearby who live at your expense. Aren't you tired of them? Put everything in order, distribute powers, then everything will work out.

In the dream book you will also find that buying ripe apples in a dream means strong love feelings that threaten major losses. When choosing fruits, you tasted them - you are quite a risky person.

Seeing ripe red apples in a dream

Ripe fruits on a tree, according to Miller’s dream book, remind you that the time has come to carry out what has long been planned. Think carefully and confidently proceed with implementation.

The fruit on the top of the tree warns against becoming too immersed in your desires. In real life, incredible emotions and an amazing mood - that’s what red apples mean in dreams. If they were on the tree, then get ready to receive good news.

Buying apples at the market or choosing from a store counter foreshadows positive emotions associated with the completion of a long-started task. If red apples are lying on the ground, then get ready to be the center of attention of a far from small audience. Eating them means expecting a small but romantic surprise.

Why do you dream of ripe green apples?

Why do you dream of green apples? According to the dream book, it means good luck and unsurpassed success in career matters. If the fruits were large and ripe, then you will receive a promotion at work. Buying green apples means fulfilling long-planned plans.

Fruits on a tree of this color portend you a reward for a task well completed. If the fruit has long expired, then get ready to listen to disapproval from employees. Eating a spoiled green apple means defending your point of view in a conflict and getting approval from your superiors.

Sour apples

It is quite interesting that the dream book interprets apples with a sour taste as the sweet life. If they were large, then a luxurious vacation with many pleasant moments awaits you. Seeing small sour apples means getting a chance to do your favorite craft. But you may dream about sweet fruits if you are faced with an important choice. A dream in which you compare several apples with each other means that in real life it will not be difficult for you to make the right decision. A sweet fruit lying on the ground indicates that it is time to listen to the advice of a wise and experienced person. An apple with a leaf - readiness to change your life.

Delicious apple dreams

Eating ripe apples is a sign of sexual desire. Nothing will stop you from diversifying your intimate life with your spouse. Give him a candlelight dinner, cook something delicious, buy a bottle of wine, watch a romantic movie together.

Be prepared to meet an attractive and graceful young lady if you were lucky enough to eat an apple in a dream. She may hold a high position, but she will change your future for the better. It is possible that she is a powerful person, capable of changing the destinies of many people. Help her in this difficult matter.

Was the apple you held in your hands very ripe? In reality, you want to meet an interesting man for whom you will have sincere feelings. But Freud’s dream book explains: your efforts will not bring the desired results. The thing is that this man is not at all attracted to the fair sex.

According to Vanga’s dream book, when you happen to eat apples, it means that you will soon meet an old person. It will require care, otherwise you will not avoid misfortune. In addition, if you ate fruits in a dream, the body gives a hint: you need to strengthen your immune system. But if you had to eat wormy fruits, unfavorable events are possible in the future.

The one whom you treated to an apple in your night dreams should be more careful, because they are trying to drag him into a vague matter. If you dreamed that you were giving a fruit to someone as a present, you clearly want to mislead the other person. In a night dream, a woman passes an apple to a man? According to Freud's dream book, she dreams of seducing him. According to another dream book, sharing an apple with a lover or workmate means a conflict with a significant other or a misunderstanding in a team.

You feasted on apples in a dream - in reality you can be sure: happiness awaits you. However, dream books emphasize why you dream about sour-tasting apples - your dear person will upset you. If you happen to consume green fruits, you should consult a doctor, it is likely that you have a disease of the intimate organs.

Baked apples in night vision indicate your selfish attitude. You shouldn’t be a mercantile person, because what you do with all your heart brings much more pleasant and sweet feelings.

If you enjoyed dried fruits in a dream, be sure to consult a doctor; in real life you are very exhausted. Thus, the body gives a signal about its deterioration. This applies primarily to people classified as “workaholics”.

Have you woken up from a dream smelling the apple pie you baked in your dream? You will likely suffer as a result of your flirtatious behavior. If, in addition, you ate a baked delicacy, only hypocrites and ill-wishers who want to cause harm have gathered around you.

A dish made by your own hands from apples and pears is a sign of a philosophical attitude to problems that will need to be used soon. This is not scary at all, because problems can be overcome thanks to existing experience.

An apple core in your hand is a sign of trouble in the future. Stay vigilant and stay alert. If the manager is not in the mood and the employees are irritated, this is short-lived. After a certain period of time, everything will fall into place.

If you have made apple jam or jam, you will soon learn from the dream book favorable news regarding your career advancement.

The explanation of the dream, in the plot of which you washed fruits and put them in a container, indicates an exciting event. It is you who will take direct part in it.

How to identify a prophetic dream

After interpreting the dream, we think. Whether the dream will come true or not depends on which lunar day you dreamed of it and on what day of the week. Let's look at the Lunar calendar and find out which lunar day is which.

By comparing the data on the lunar day and the day of the week, we can guess whether the prophecy of the dream will come true.

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