
I dreamed that they brought a bunch of earth. Why do you dream about earth? Dream book about earth. I saw soil in a dream, good black loose soil, what is this for?

The earth symbolizes strength and fertility. In dreams, such a symbol is large-scale and comprehensive; it has many interpretations. Therefore, it is quite difficult to answer unequivocally what the earth is meant for in dreams.

Dream books help to decipher dreams, but to do this, you need to connect all the nuances of the dream with events occurring in reality.

There are a huge number of dream plots in which you can see the earth. And every time you need to correctly interpret what the earth means in dreams.

Dreaming of earth - interpretation of sleep

Most dream books interpret the vision of the earth as a symbol of balance and stability. This means that your life will be put in order and you will gain confidence in your actions.

Why do you dream about black earth?

Loose black earth portends prosperity, which will help you reach a different level of life. But it’s just important to remember that you will be able to achieve all the good things in life solely through your own hard work.

Other options for plots related to earth can be interpreted as follows:
  • You see a hole in a dream - the wider and deeper it is, the more effort you will have to spend to achieve your goal. But remember that you cannot allow work to consume you entirely, because this life can be harmonious if you combine rest and work correctly.
  • I dreamed of a vegetable garden - soon your house will become a “full bowl” and neither you nor your loved ones will need anything. Moreover, a period is coming in reality when everything will be obtained easily and without effort.

What land did you dream about?

It is important, when you wake up, to remember what kind of land you saw in your dream:
  • Hand-plowed and loosened soil foretells a successful life period. You are on the right path and will soon be able to successfully implement all your ideas, and the fruits of your hard work will greatly please you in the near future.
  • Raw, uncultivated land portends financial instability and mental anxieties.
  • Wet earth sticking to your feet means obstacles that will appear on the way to your goal.
  • Rocky, cracked soil foreshadows the onset of a difficult life period. But you should not give up, and your ideas and a fresh look at problems will allow you to quickly overcome all obstacles.
  • Fertile land, with vegetables growing on it, symbolizes quick success and prosperity. This is a very good period for developing your own business.
  • The soil, densely covered with grass, promises in reality a happy marriage for free people and harmonious relationships for a married couple.

Land in your own home - dream book

If you see land in your own home in a dream, then it can be interpreted in different ways:
  • Clay soil with stones portends loneliness;
  • Soft fertile soil symbolizes happy harmonious relationships between family members.

Why do you dream of working on the ground?

If you work on land in a dream, then this symbolizes that you can become a very rich person through your own hard work. If you dream that you are soiled with earth during excavation work, then this portends an unexpected profit or gain. It may also be that some influential people in your environment will want to provide you with financial assistance.

Falls underground in a dream

When, according to the plot of a dream, you fell underground, you should not be afraid of this. Such a dream indicates that you need to thoroughly understand your own life in the near future. You must spend time searching for important answers that will allow you to understand why certain events happen to you in real life. If you do this immediately, you will be in complete control of your destiny.

To correctly understand why such a dream is happening, remember all the slightest nuances. A good omen is digging up the earth with a shovel in a dream. This emphasizes the fact that you urgently need to start bringing your ideas to life. But if you dream that you are digging a hole, then this portends danger in real life. It is very possible that you will harm yourself by committing rash acts. Therefore, for some time after such a dream, you need to carefully consider all your actions.

Sow grain into the ground

If you saw the plot of a dream in which you sow grain into the ground, then unprecedented success will come to you in the near future. You will occupy a significant position in society and will be respected by people.

Planting plants in black soil

Planting any plants in the ground in a dream is always a favorable sign. Such night dreams symbolize the fulfillment of desires in real life. And if you dream of planting flowers, then this foreshadows joyful events in reality. But if you plant flower plants in your night dreams on infertile soil, then you should expect sad events in real life.

Excavation work - the meaning of sleep

Any work with the earth in a dream, as a rule, focuses on spiritual quests or the search for one’s own calling. According to the interpretations of many dream books, this is interpreted as a desire to find vital support, which will become the starting point for further development.

Having seen the earth in a dream, you should definitely listen to your inner voice, which will help you correctly decipher your night dreams.

Loosening the soil in a dream, cultivating it for planting, means significant changes in your personal and social life. A dream means a fruitful search for knowledge, new sources of income, if you dreamed that the dreamer himself was a plowman and tractor driver. Dream books always interpret what dreams of plowed, loose soil mean in a positive way.

Promises of Miller's dream book

When interpreting a dream, psychologists agree that the dreamer will soon find a highly paid position. In the coming days, you can take on large projects - income will exceed expectations if you dreamed that you carried out all the work in the front garden or your own vegetable garden.

So, why do you dream of loose earth according to the dream books of famous psychotherapists:

  • well-groomed, prepared for planting - for academic success;
  • sown with seeds - to a stable income, increased well-being;
  • damp, torn - to the appearance of pests, obvious enemies;
  • barely dug up - to good news.

Strive for knowledge

Loosening the soil in a dream yourself means high personal achievements in studies, at Olympiads, and in competitions. Seeing how others do this is a sign of success for friends and family. It’s very good if you dreamed that the activity brought you pleasure. The dream means that you will come to victory easily, without having worthy opponents.

Fertile soil in the front garden, fully prepared for planting flowers, promises to receive an academic degree, specialist diploma, scientific title. The joy of new prospects, reaching the next step in your studies is exactly what loose soil dreams of.

Get recognition for your hard work

Loosening the ground in a dream, throwing seeds into it, seeing them sprout - means getting a long-awaited and interesting job. Your previous experience and knowledge will be highly valued by the project management. Tsvetkov's dream book guarantees a worthy reward, bonuses, awards to everyone who dreamed of a plowed field from which wisps of steam emanate.

Traditional dream books explain why a freshly dug plot in a dacha is dreamed of as follows: the dreamer’s hard work will bring him a stable income, respect from colleagues, and fame in society. Plowing, fertilizing, sowing - to wealth earned by your own mind and ingenuity.

Assess your strengths adequately

Seeing damp, sticky black soil and trying to process it means wasted efforts in promoting a project or idea. The dream book of Nostradamus warns that ill-wishers are setting traps everywhere. Remember, fair competition will not work if you happen to get dirty in your sleep. Solid ground symbolizes insurmountable obstacles.

  • The primary elements are earth.
  • Elements - humidity. Emotions - thoughtfulness, doubt. Organs - spleen, pancreas. Planets - Saturn. Earth/soil in Chinese philosophy is one of the five primary elements - the Fundamentals of the creation of the world. The earth is the support, the middle, energy deviates towards the center, external manifestations are dim, but there is a lot of internal strength. The graphic representation of the earth symbol is the Kun trigram: Kun is the Earth, everything that exists is fed by it, three times three broken Yin lines and indicate stability and reserves. The ancient Book of Changes states: Kun - obedience and, according to this, male, domestic bull, Mother Earth, cloth, cauldron, stinginess, heifer, large cart, multitude and the like. The earth trigram is a symbol of the ability to endlessly accept and balance everything in oneself, a symbol and diversity of unity at the same time: all natural phenomena, with their diversity, occur on earth, are generated and absorbed by the earth. We can say that the stability of the earth is the forces for constant changes and births. In the section of the Theory of the Great Yin of the Yang Light it is also said: ... The spleen - the soil controls the center of the body, constantly 4 seasons in addition, grows in four organs (liver, heart, lungs, kidneys. - Author's note), in each 18 days - temporarily rules. In other words, the spleen is the second most important place in the body after the kidneys, determining its physical constitution and mental makeup. Health/illness in 4 seasons (spring, early summer, autumn, winter) depends on the spleen; it directly and directly affects not only dreams, but also the ability to sleep itself (a sick spleen means insomnia). Digging/sowing/ploughing the earth is an extremely important yin state, especially for the current season. To dig up/plow the earth means to understand and realize your ability to perceive the environment, not only as an observer, but also as an active figure. It is possible to understand and realize something only when there is no longer a state of internal isolation; it is possible to understand and accept the world if internal fears have been overcome and there is a willingness to change oneself first. The dream is favorable: all actions of a person in a threefold, active, stable and adequate state will be successful in reality, communication will be successful and the dreamer himself will evoke stable sympathy. What more could you wish for?.. It can be argued that this dream is favorable for everyone around the dreamer, for he is endowed with the gift of giving stability to the situation, and to people - confidence in their abilities. Digging up the earth in a dream, but not having the strength to complete the action; getting stuck in the ground, falling into it - such a dream means overestimating your capabilities, a tendency to start things without real strength to carry them out, and so on. From a physical point of view, the dream speaks of depletion of the entire organism: the general movement of qi energy is weak, its flows are confused, there are blocks everywhere. Specifically, this is a signal of an impending spleen disease (possibly diabetes). If the dreamer felt disgust for the color of the earth, the spleen was full, it was overloaded from excess energy due to negative emotions and self-blocking. If in a dream there was a craving for the color of the earth, despite the danger of falling into the ground, you wanted to lie on it, then this is an emptiness of the spleen, a lack of energy and complete exhaustion. Sleep, from a medical point of view, is extremely dangerous during this season: complete exhaustion of the body requires long-term recuperation, and the spleen requires special treatment. Otherwise, the rest of the year will pass in illness, and further along the chain everything will go into the next year. The vicious circle should be stopped immediately: it is not too late to overestimate your capabilities.

As you know, the earth is the basis of everything. Thanks to it, a person has food, on it he builds his house. What if we saw the earth in a dream? In general, most dream books agree that earth in a dream is good. However, to obtain more detailed information, we decided to turn to several of the most authoritative and popular dream books for help.

Why do you dream about earth?: Dream Book of Gustav Miller

If you dreamed of fertile land, then prosperity and good luck await you. Rocky and barren soil predicts all sorts of failures and failures for the dreamer. Freshly dug soil in your own garden promises financial well-being and prosperity. If you dream that you are sailing on a ship on the sea and suddenly see a strip of land in the distance, then in the near future you will have brilliant prospects. The dreamer's clothes, stained with earth, warn him of the possible need to hide from the law.

Why do you dream about earth?: Intimate dream book

The earth in a dream is interpreted by this dream book as a warning that in the near future you will try to compensate for the lack of spiritual communication and spiritual intimacy by indulging in carnal pleasures with a new partner. Perhaps you should take a break and think about your life: after all, what you really want is a stable relationship, not an endless series of lovers.

Why do you dream about earth?: Ancient French dream book

Dreaming of vast land plots promises the dreamer the acquisition of wealth. If a man dreamed of fertile land, then he would marry a beautiful and beneficent girl, but if the dreamed soil was barren and dry, then his wife would be grumpy and quarrelsome. Fields sown with grain predict difficult but very fruitful work. If in a dream you kiss the ground, then in reality you will have a meeting with

Why do you dream about earth?: Dream book for lovers

Fertile land foreshadows the dreamer's imminent acquisition of long-awaited happiness in love, and strong soil, on which there is not a single sprout, symbolizes loneliness, separation and sadness.

Why from A to Z

If in a dream you are digging the ground, then material benefits await you in the near future. Lying on the ground means a series of minor troubles, which, however, will not be able to hinder your happiness. Seeing other people plowing the land is a noble, but very thankless job. Plowing yourself means a good harvest (if you are a farmer or have a summer cottage) or profit. If you dreamed that you built a dugout and lived in it, then in reality you may have to tighten your belt or even ask for a loan. Fat and fertile soil is a very good sign, predicting prosperity and stable income. Overgrown with weeds or dried out and barren soil symbolizes the onset during which failures will await you literally at every step. If you dream that you are being covered with earth, then in real life you risk making a mistake that your enemies will not fail to use against you.

Earth in dreams can have completely different meanings. The most accurate definition of the meaning of dreams in which the earth is present can be found in Loff’s dream book, where it is said that the earth represents the source of life. According to the interpreter, most dreams about land indicate experiences regarding everyday comfort, sources of income and food. Loffa also notes that such dreams can have a destructive connotation, which is often caused simply by frightening newspaper headlines or television programs about the end of the world, cataclysms, etc. Changes come with the crumbling of the earth and cracks in it.

What land did you dream about?

In Vanga’s dream book, fertile and good land is considered to represent future success in any business, including prosperity and improvement in business. The dream books of Hasse and Tsvetkova indicate that one dreams of fertile soil to a rich wedding, and the French clarify that for men such a dream foreshadows a good bride, while dry earth will warn of the grumpy nature of the future wife. The esoteric dream book reports that solid soil underfoot symbolizes the correctly chosen path, and crumbling soil serves as evidence of doubts or obstacles on the path that should not be paid attention to.

Digging the ground in a dream...

The modern dream book contains interpretations of such dreams with clarifications. Cultivating the earth when you touch it with your hands, according to interpreters, predicts a deterioration in health, plowing indicates a possible improvement in your image, and digging the earth promises a successful completion of some business and large profits from it. Esotericists consider dreams in which you had to dig the ground as an indication of wasting your own strength on minor trifles. In the dream book of Tsvetkov and Hasse, dreams of digging earth are interpreted unambiguously: soon you will will have to attend the funeral.

Other actions with the earth in dreams

A dream in which you were lying on the ground is fraught with minor troubles, as it is said in the dream books of Hasse and Tsvetkov. The Assyrian dream book contains an interpretation of a dream in which a person sees himself sitting on the ground - such a dream portends respect and recognition of merit. Esotericists identify crumbling earth with pettiness. If you sprinkled earth on something or someone in a dream, pay attention to those around you - perhaps you still haven’t noticed someone’s pettiness. If you are sprinkled with earth in a dream, think about your own behavior. Getting dirty in the ground, according to modern interpretations, is a signal that you are spending too little time communicating with loved ones. The British often mention the sale of land in a dream, which in reality can result in a change of residence or even a move to another country. The Assyrians consider the dream in which you ate earth to be a very bad dream. In their opinion, poverty, trouble and complete apathy await you ahead.

Specific interpretations

Correctly analyze a dream about digging earth, you need to take into account the details.

Remember all the details of the dream about the black earth - only in this case can you begin to decipher it.

Why do you dream about a lot of land?

You will be able to accumulate great wealth, many valuable things and, of course, finances during your life. By investing in promising causes, you can provide for your entire family for many years to come. Don't be afraid of failure, but still try to be more prudent.

Fresh soil

For a rich wedding soon. She doesn’t have to be yours; most likely, one of your closest relatives or best friends will marry. This union will be beautiful and long.

Planet Earth

Prosperity, recognition and glory await you. Wealth will flow into your hands; you will hardly have to work to get it. Planet Earth, seen in a dream, is always a symbol of prosperity and ease of life.

Dry land

If you are not yet married, such a dream suggests that the chosen one will fully reveal his character only after the wedding. He will often be grumpy and out of mood, so take a closer look at him before taking such a crucial step. For those who have a family, this dream does not foretell anything unusual: their life will proceed the same way as it is at a given moment in time.

Wet ground

You will have to conduct empty searches; your expectations will not be justified. Hopes for a person who promised to always be there and help in difficult life situations will turn out to be empty.

Water the ground

You have to make plans for the future, both short-term and long-term. Now is the time to set priorities and choose what is more important at this moment in time, and what else can wait.

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