
Why do you dream of eating sweet lemon? Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about lemons? Meaning and interpretation of a dream. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Lemon is associated with something sour and unpleasant. But at the same time it is healing, health-improving and useful. Therefore, it is absolutely unclear what to expect from a night dream in which this overseas fruit appears. Is this a good sign or a bad sign, will the lemons tell you what their taste means and what kind of future does the whole lemon grove predict for us? Let's try to figure it out together.

Huge orchard

Why dream of lemons on a tree if its crown is large and lush? Typically, such a dream warns of the strong jealousy that you feel towards your significant other. Curb it, otherwise it will cause serious problems and conflict situations.

Moreover, often such an uncontrollable feeling is unreasonable and painful, spoiling and destroying relationships in a couple.

When in a dream you saw not just one tree, but a whole lemon garden, you know that on a subconscious level you are very jealous of someone. Think about whose achievements and successes make you angry and aggressive, curb your emotions and defeat what burns you from the inside. Wandering among many trees means in reality seeking balance and peace of mind. And growing greenery from seed yourself is a good sign. Success awaits you in all your endeavors, your well-being will grow like a young lemon.

See lemons

If you dreamed of a fruit lying alone on the table, most likely you will go abroad in the near future. In this case, the trip will be successful - you will meet your match in an overseas country. Why do you dream of a lot of lemons that are not ripe and don’t look very appetizing? Such a dream foreshadows health problems.

Pay attention to the state of your body; your chronic ailments may worsen. Or you will fall ill from the common flu.

A dream in which you look at a lemon warns of betrayal. Your chosen one may change - be on guard. In general, “lemon” dreams are not very favorable. If you see them on the eve of the wedding, prepare for the fact that the marriage will not be strong. A dream about fruit for a person in love who is just starting a relationship promises strong quarrels that will lead to a breakup, and dreams for married couples predict similar feuds and concerns for children.

Savor the fruits

As we have already seen, “lemon” dreams are not always good. Usually they are the messengers of sad and unfortunate events. The taste of the fruit is very important. If during a night's rest you dream of a meal where you eat lemon, pay attention to how you feel about it. If you feel bitterness in your mouth, this means a quarrel with your loved one or an imminent illness. Why dream of lemons that are very sour or tart? Such dreams warn of your naivety. You look at the world not seriously - it’s time to take it off and perceive reality as it is.

Sweet and sour fruit is a good sign. You will overcome difficulties and cope with obstacles that arise along the way without much loss. Unripe fruits mean a loss of strength and a long-term illness from which you will take a long time to recover. If in a dream you eat a lemon, while sprinkling its slices with sugar, expect a pleasant acquaintance.

Buy lemons

Now it is extremely clear why you dream of lemons when you eat them or simply contemplate them. What does the dream in which you buy fruit mean? According to numerous interpretations, such dreams are an omen of drastic and unexpected changes in life. A new job, bright love, a change of place of residence and lifestyle awaits a person. At the same time, how positive these changes will be will be determined by the quality of the fruit. If they are lethargic, rotten, wrinkled or small, leave everything as it is; disappointment awaits you in the twists and turns of fate.

When the fruits are beautiful and ripe, rejoice, everything will turn out well.

Some dream books explain differently why you dream of lemons bought at the market or in a store. According to their interpretation, fruit is a harbinger of a long journey or an unexpected trip. They can also warn you to be vigilant and cautious. Perhaps troubles are hiding where you don't expect them at all.

Cut and peel

A picture of you cutting lemons seen at night is a symbol of the fact that in reality you are planning a decisive and rather daring act. It is necessary to think: is the game worth the candle? Perhaps you have forgotten about the consequences and should abandon your crazy plans? Or should we be more careful? Consult with wise people, and only then act. But a good sign is a fruit cut into slices - it means good news and good events.

Why dream of lemons if you peel them at the same time? Most likely, thanks to clear and competent actions, you will have a quick victory over your enemies. If in a dream you squeeze juice out of a fruit, in reality you want to make money at the expense of others. You may be visited by thoughts that work is not enjoyable, and the money you receive is too little. Therefore, you will look for a way out of the situation, planning to use not very good methods to achieve your goal.

Other interpretations

So, why do you dream about lemons? Here are a few more of the most common dream options. So, dried fruits are good luck in the upcoming business, especially if you saw them on the eve of an important event. Rest assured, everything will work out and you will be satisfied. Scatterings of fruit - attacks of jealousy. If their color is green, get ready for the fact that you will soon go to bed due to malaise.

Drinking tea with lemon is a sign of the grief you will experience due to your frivolous judgments.

Even your friends may turn away from you, so don’t cut short, think before you say an offensive word. A pile of fruit promises love disappointments and conflicts with your significant other.

To summarize, we conclude: in any case, having seen a “lemon” dream, get ready for negative events. As we see, such dreams are often negative in nature and do not promise pleasant events. Be vigilant and pay close attention to what is happening around you. After all, a fruit seen in a dream signals danger that lurks around the nearest corner.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about Lemon according to the dream book:

Lemon - Drinking tea with lemon in a dream, feeling its bitterness, denotes bitter moments in your life.

Summer dream book Why do you dream about Lemon according to the dream book:

Lemon – Cutting a lemon into slices in a dream means dividing property.

Children's dream book What does Lemon mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about Lemon - To a bad mood, to boredom, to blues.

Russian folk dream book In a dream, what does Lemon dream about:

Interpretation of the dream by the dream book: Lemon Lemon - Synonym for sour, if in a dream you cut a lemon, it means you are tired of this life. A synonym for money is also possible.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream about Lemon:

Interpretation of the dream book: Lemon - Eating means getting into trouble in someone else’s business.

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: Lemon what does it mean

Lemon - This symbol is associated with something sour, setting the teeth on edge. But, like many other symbols, this dream can be interpreted in two ways. This southern fruit is exotic and capricious. This is probably why the brave Cippolino fought with the army of evil and treacherous Lemons. The main value of a lemon lies in its softness, and therefore folk wisdom preserves the following saying: “Squeeze the lemon, and throw it away!” “Or: “They squeezed the lemon, but threw away the peel.” If in a dream you buy lemons, this is a sign that you are tired of moral and mental suffering and want to change your lifestyle. A dream in which you cut a lemon means that you must build your life more wisely if you want to achieve anything. Seeing a green lemon in a dream symbolizes a sad event that will happen to someone close to you. If you eat green lemon yourself, this is a bad sign. You will be very sad about something and life will seem like a complete disappointment to you. Seeing a dry piece of lemon in a dream is a sign that in reality you will have no reason to be upset. Everything will turn out extremely well. If in a dream you grow a lemon tree, this means that in real life you will have the opportunity to go on an interesting and rather exotic journey. A dream in which you drink tea with lemon warns that your frivolity will have unpleasant and unexpected consequences for you. You took a bite of a lemon and felt strong acid in your mouth - this means that you look at life through rose-colored glasses and therefore do not notice real events. Seeing yourself in a lemon forest is a sign that you are looking for peace of mind. If in a dream you saw a squeezed lemon, this means that someone will try to use your friendship for selfish purposes. A dream in which you eat a rotten lemon means that in reality you are tormented by remorse for what you have done. Sweet lemon means good news. Seeing a blooming lemon in a dream is a sign that your prudence in reality will be appreciated, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream book for the whole family Why do you dream about Lemon?

Dream Interpretation: seeing Lemon in a dream -

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: Lemon what does it mean

Lemon - Woe, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream about Lemon:

Lemon - If you dream about lemon, this is not a very good omen: some kind of sorrow will attack, it will be sour, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about Lemon?

See in a dream

Lemon - To dream that you are eating lemons means in reality that you will pay for your excessive gullibility. Rotten lemons dream of a quarrel. In a dream, treating someone with lemon means bringing false suspicions upon this person, this is how such a dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Lemon - Jealousy; disappointment; eat - to collapse in business, relationships, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

French dream book Seeing Lemon in a dream, why?

Interpretation of the dream book: Lemon - Lemon in a dream promises you bitterness and interference in business. However, in the near future you will be consoled by the acquisition of a significant fortune. If you ate lemon in a dream, the creature you love will betray you.

Culinary dream book If you dream about Lemon in a dream:

Lemon - If in a dream you squeezed juice from a lemon, expect difficult times to come.

Modern dream book If you dream about Lemon:

Solves the dream book: Lemon – mental grief, shock and depression

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Lemon in a dream

Lemon - See - you will soon receive good news; to cleanse - through efficiency you will avoid danger; squeeze - you will get sad news.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about Lemon:

Lemon - An exotic journey, not very pleasant. There will be “sour” moments.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Lemon in a dream

In a dream, why do you dream about Lemon - Mental grief - to see - you will soon receive good news - to cleanse - through efficiency you will avoid danger - to squeeze - to receive sad news

Spring dream book Why do you dream about Lemon according to the dream book:

Cutting a lemon means receiving a reprimand.

Dream Interpretation Lemon Tree - A tree with lush foliage and ripe fruits, seen in a dream, means that soon a woman will have to experience real pangs of jealousy, which will ultimately turn out to be unfounded suspicions. Eating lemons in a dream means humiliation and great disappointment. Seeing a dried lemon is a sign of divorce for married people; to a quarrel and breakup - for lovers.

Women's dream book Why do you dream about Lemon according to the dream book:

Why do you dream about Lemons? Eating lemons in a dream means humiliation and disappointment. Green lemon may portend a disease, most likely infectious. A dried lemon in a dream means divorce for married people or a break in relationships for lovers.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why Lemon dreams:

Lemons - Eating lemons - portends humiliation and disappointment. Green lemon portends an infectious or other disease. - to see a dried lemon in a dream means: for married people - divorce, for lovers - a break in relations.

Love dream book

Why do you dream about Lemons? A dream in which you see a lemon tree with fruits and lush foliage foretells you troubles associated with your obsession with the possible betrayal of your lover. Put these stupid thoughts aside, you're fine. If you dreamed of a wilted or shriveled lemon, then nothing can keep you and your chosen one together, and you are in danger of a final break.

Lemon in a dream is a sign of failure, grief and disappointment. Troubles are expected in reality. The plans made are not destined to come true, most of the expectations will not be met, things will stop bringing the desired results, and dreams will remain dreams for a long time.

Stop going against fate - no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to change the course of things, otherwise the number of disappointments will increase. Perceive what is happening as a black streak. The trials must be endured with dignity - then the unfavorable period will be replaced by a white streak of luck.

The future may present health problems, so spend more time on your physical condition. Go for a medical examination and forget about bad habits. Only you can take care of your own well-being.

Where did you see lemons in your dreams?

Why do you dream about lemons on a lemon tree?

A large lemon tree with lemons, according to Felomena’s dream book, promises the collapse of illusions. You are trying to change your loved one, make him ideal; the shortcomings of your chosen one or chosen one seem countless to you.

Quit a useless activity - it is impossible to achieve the expected result. If your significant other annoys you, perhaps you should end the relationship. If you love, accept your life partner for who he is. Pay attention to your vices, you are also far from ideal.

Seeing Lemon in a dream according to the dream book - Lemon - This healing fruit, even when mentioned in conversation, can cause a feeling of acidity in the mouth, and sometimes even a specific grimace. If you dreamed that you were eating or cutting lemons, then this is a sign of humiliation, disappointment and a “sour” mood, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Lemon in a dream?

Seeing Lemon in a dream means - Lemon - spiritual grief, shock and sadness. Lemons on a lemon tree with a lush crown - jealousy, but unfounded. There are lemons - humiliation and disappointment. Green lemon - to illness. Dried lemon: for married people - family quarrels, for lovers - a break in relationships, many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does lemon mean in a dream:

According to the dream book, Lemon, to see what Lemon means, portends that you will soon receive good news from afar. Cutting a lemon - you are about to commit a daring and defiant act. Peeling a lemon means you will avoid a threat by acting quickly and decisively, not allowing the enemy to come to his senses. Squeezing lemon into tea means you will soon receive sad and discouraging news. There is lemon with sugar - a pleasant acquaintance awaits you. Eating a sour lemon means disappointment in a loved one. Rotten lemons mean an infectious disease. Dried lemons - a break in relations with a loved one. Growing lemons is baseless jealousy

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about Lemon:

Lemon - Cutting a lemon into slices in a dream means dividing property.

Autumn dream book

If you dream about Lemon, what is it for:

Lemon - Drinking tea with lemon in a dream, feeling its bitterness, means bitter moments in your life, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had.

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Lemon, what does a dream mean:

Seeing a Lemon in a dream according to the dream book - Lemon - A lemon tree with lush foliage dreams of jealousy. But still, it is better not to give in to this feeling, since there is no reason for it. If you ate lemons in a dream, humiliation and disappointment await you. Green lemon - to illness. A dried lemon foretells a break in relationships. If in a dream you squeezed juice from a lemon, difficult times lie ahead.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Lemon:

Cutting a lemon means receiving a reprimand.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Lemon in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Lemon, which means a dream - Lemons - If you see a lemon tree with fruits and lush foliage, it means you will suffer from unreasonable jealousy. Eating whole lemons means disappointment and humiliation. Green lemons portend illness. A wilted or wrinkled lemon warns that spouses are in danger of divorce, and lovers are in danger of breaking up their relationship.

Buy lemons

Dream Interpretation Buy lemons dreamed of why you dream about buying lemons? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Buying lemons in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

Dream Interpretation - Lemons

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

You will be betrayed by someone you trust. Buying lemons - you will commit an act that someone may perceive as betrayal. Cutting a lemon in a dream - your behavior can provoke people around you to actions that will cause you trouble and worry. Eating a lemon in a dream and feeling its sour taste means you will expose the person who is trying to harm you. On Mondays, eating a lemon in a dream is a symbol of bitter loss; the reality that you stubbornly do not want to take into account will disappoint you. Squeezing a lemon and drinking lemon juice means you will try to benefit from someone else’s problems, but this will not lead to good things. Seeing a lemon tree means something new and unusual will soon enter your life. A rotten lemon is a symbol that you will lose or have already lost peace of mind. You need to think about all your actions so that you don’t suffer from their consequences later.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

Green lemon - to illness.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

Also see Tree, Leaves.

Dream Interpretation - Lemons

Dream Interpretation - Lemons

Looking at a lemon tree with lush foliage in a dream means jealousy of a loved one; however, the available evidence should convince you of the absurdity of your accusations.

Tea with lemon

Dream Interpretation Tea with Lemon dreamed of why you dream about Tea with lemon? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Tea with Lemon in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

This symbol is associated with something sour, setting one’s teeth on edge. But, like many other symbols, this dream can be interpreted in two ways. This southern fruit is exotic and capricious. This is probably why the brave Chipolino fought the army of evil and treacherous Lemonchiks. The main value of a lemon lies in its pulp, and therefore folk wisdom preserves the following saying: “Squeeze the lemon and throw it away!” Or: “They squeezed the lemon and threw away the peel.”

If in a dream you buy lemons, this is a sign that you are tired of moral and mental suffering and want to change your lifestyle.

A dream in which you cut a lemon means that you must build your life more wisely if you want to achieve anything.

Seeing a green lemon in a dream symbolizes a sad event that will happen to someone close to you.

If you eat green lemon yourself, this is a bad sign. You will be very sad about something and life will seem like a complete disappointment to you.

Seeing a dry piece of lemon in a dream is a sign that in reality you will have no reason to be upset. Everything will turn out extremely well.

If in a dream you grow a lemon tree, this means that in real life you will have the opportunity to go on an interesting and rather exotic journey.

A dream in which you drink tea with lemon warns that your frivolity will have unpleasant and unexpected consequences for you.

You took a bite of a lemon and felt strong acid in your mouth - this means that you look at life through rose-colored glasses and therefore do not notice real events.

Seeing yourself in a lemon forest is a sign that you are looking for peace of mind.

If in a dream you saw a squeezed lemon, this means that someone will try to use your friendship for selfish purposes.

A dream in which you eat a rotten lemon means that in reality you are tormented by remorse for what you have done.

Sweet lemon means good news.

Seeing a blooming lemon in a dream is a sign that your prudence will be appreciated in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Lemons

Lemons seen in a dream foretell that you will soon receive good news from afar. If you cut a lemon, it means that what you intend to do will be regarded in your environment as too daring and defiant an act undertaken with the aim of causing a split between colleagues.

Peeling a lemon means that you will avoid a threat by acting quickly and decisively, without allowing the enemy to come to his senses. If in a dream you squeeze lemon into tea, then in reality you will soon receive sad and discouraging news.

If in a dream you eat lemon with sugar, in reality you will enjoy communicating with a pleasant young man who will agree to take on the role of your faithful page. If you eat a terribly sour lemon without sugar, in reality this foreshadows humiliation and disappointment in someone who just yesterday seemed almost an ideal man, Apollo in the flesh.

Seeing that purchased lemons are completely spoiled and rotten is a sign of an infectious or viral disease. Dried cut lemons indicate an upcoming break in relations with a loved one.

Growing a lemon tree at home in a dream and collecting fruits from it means that in reality you will be overcome by a feeling of jealousy towards your lover, but you will soon be convinced that your suspicions are groundless.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

You will be betrayed by someone you trust. Buying lemons - you will commit an act that someone may perceive as betrayal. Cutting a lemon in a dream - your behavior can provoke people around you to actions that will cause you trouble and worry. Eating a lemon in a dream and feeling its sour taste means you will expose the person who is trying to harm you. On Mondays, eating a lemon in a dream is a symbol of bitter loss; the reality that you stubbornly do not want to take into account will disappoint you. Squeezing a lemon and drinking lemon juice means you will try to benefit from someone else’s problems, but this will not lead to good things. Seeing a lemon tree means something new and unusual will soon enter your life. A rotten lemon is a symbol that you will lose or have already lost peace of mind. You need to think about all your actions so that you don’t suffer from their consequences later.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

Lemon is not a gift for your betrothed.

If you squeeze a lemon, there may be a lack of money.

Suck a lemon - there will be legal proceedings against you.

If you drink lemon juice, you will be dragged into litigation.

Lemons often mean that you will marry a person with a bad character.

Squeezing juice from a lemon means you will have difficulty making ends meet.

Sucking a lemon means a lawsuit may be filed against you.

Drinking lemon juice means being drawn into a lawsuit.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

To see a lemon tree, beautiful and with fruits, in a dream is a sign of envy or jealousy that haunts you. And completely in vain. After such a dream, all your sorrows should end. Lemon in a dream means experiences, sorrow, grief, shock, sadness. An unripe lemon in a dream foreshadows a disease that may later become chronic. Squeezing it in a dream is a sign of receiving sad news. Drinking lemon juice in a dream means failure and trouble. A squeezed or rotten lemon in a dream indicates that some relationship or some business has already lost all meaning. After such a dream, bitter disappointments, separation from your lover, or an unsuccessful deal await you.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

A lemon in a dream symbolizes a believer who recites the Quran, and also indicates illness if it is yellow in color. Green lemon is better than yellow lemon. Lemon is still a censure. The lemon tree is a person who benefits people. It is also believed that lemon is a harbinger of sad events that poison your life.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

A lemon tree with lush foliage dreams of jealousy. But still, it is better not to give in to this feeling, since there is no reason for it.

If you ate lemons in a dream, humiliation and disappointment await you.

Green lemon - to illness.

A dried lemon foretells a break in relationships.

If in a dream you squeezed juice from a lemon, difficult times lie ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

Looking at a lemon tree with lush foliage means jealousy of a loved one; however, the available evidence must convince you of the absurdity of your accusations;
eating lemons - humiliation, disappointment;
green lemon – infectious or other disease;
dried lemon - divorce (for married people), breakup (for lovers).
Also see Tree, Leaves.

Dream Interpretation - Lemons

If in a dream you see lemons growing on a tree, a trip abroad awaits you, where possible. You will marry a woman from that country. If you eat lemons, the dream promises a dangerous illness from which you will have great difficulty recovering. If you see a whole golden scattering of lemons, then your marriage, so delightful at first, will not live up to your expectations in the future. For family people, dreaming of lemons promises disagreements in the family and concern for children.

Dream Interpretation - Lemons

Looking at a lemon tree with lush foliage in a dream means jealousy of a loved one; however, the available evidence should convince you of the absurdity of your accusations.

Eating lemons portends humiliation and disappointment.

Green lemon portends an infectious or other disease.

Seeing a dried lemon in a dream means: for married people - divorce, for lovers - a break in relations.

Lemon fruit

Dream Interpretation Lemon fruit dreamed of why Lemon fruit is seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Lemon fruit in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

This symbol is associated with something sour, setting one’s teeth on edge. But, like many other symbols, this dream can be interpreted in two ways. This southern fruit is exotic and capricious. This is probably why the brave Chipolino fought the army of evil and treacherous Lemonchiks. The main value of a lemon lies in its pulp, and therefore folk wisdom preserves the following saying: “Squeeze the lemon and throw it away!” Or: “They squeezed the lemon and threw away the peel.”

If in a dream you buy lemons, this is a sign that you are tired of moral and mental suffering and want to change your lifestyle.

A dream in which you cut a lemon means that you must build your life more wisely if you want to achieve anything.

Seeing a green lemon in a dream symbolizes a sad event that will happen to someone close to you.

If you eat green lemon yourself, this is a bad sign. You will be very sad about something and life will seem like a complete disappointment to you.

Seeing a dry piece of lemon in a dream is a sign that in reality you will have no reason to be upset. Everything will turn out extremely well.

If in a dream you grow a lemon tree, this means that in real life you will have the opportunity to go on an interesting and rather exotic journey.

A dream in which you drink tea with lemon warns that your frivolity will have unpleasant and unexpected consequences for you.

You took a bite of a lemon and felt strong acid in your mouth - this means that you look at life through rose-colored glasses and therefore do not notice real events.

Seeing yourself in a lemon forest is a sign that you are looking for peace of mind.

If in a dream you saw a squeezed lemon, this means that someone will try to use your friendship for selfish purposes.

A dream in which you eat a rotten lemon means that in reality you are tormented by remorse for what you have done.

Sweet lemon means good news.

Seeing a blooming lemon in a dream is a sign that your prudence will be appreciated in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Lemons

Lemons seen in a dream foretell that you will soon receive good news from afar. If you cut a lemon, it means that what you intend to do will be regarded in your environment as too daring and defiant an act undertaken with the aim of causing a split between colleagues.

Peeling a lemon means that you will avoid a threat by acting quickly and decisively, without allowing the enemy to come to his senses. If in a dream you squeeze lemon into tea, then in reality you will soon receive sad and discouraging news.

If in a dream you eat lemon with sugar, in reality you will enjoy communicating with a pleasant young man who will agree to take on the role of your faithful page. If you eat a terribly sour lemon without sugar, in reality this foreshadows humiliation and disappointment in someone who just yesterday seemed almost an ideal man, Apollo in the flesh.

Seeing that purchased lemons are completely spoiled and rotten is a sign of an infectious or viral disease. Dried cut lemons indicate an upcoming break in relations with a loved one.

Growing a lemon tree at home in a dream and collecting fruits from it means that in reality you will be overcome by a feeling of jealousy towards your lover, but you will soon be convinced that your suspicions are groundless.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

You will be betrayed by someone you trust. Buying lemons - you will commit an act that someone may perceive as betrayal. Cutting a lemon in a dream - your behavior can provoke people around you to actions that will cause you trouble and worry. Eating a lemon in a dream and feeling its sour taste means you will expose the person who is trying to harm you. On Mondays, eating a lemon in a dream is a symbol of bitter loss; the reality that you stubbornly do not want to take into account will disappoint you. Squeezing a lemon and drinking lemon juice means you will try to benefit from someone else’s problems, but this will not lead to good things. Seeing a lemon tree means something new and unusual will soon enter your life. A rotten lemon is a symbol that you will lose or have already lost peace of mind. You need to think about all your actions so that you don’t suffer from their consequences later.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

Lemon is not a gift for your betrothed.

If you squeeze a lemon, there may be a lack of money.

Suck a lemon - there will be legal proceedings against you.

If you drink lemon juice, you will be dragged into litigation.

Lemons often mean that you will marry a person with a bad character.

Squeezing juice from a lemon means you will have difficulty making ends meet.

Sucking a lemon means a lawsuit may be filed against you.

Drinking lemon juice means being drawn into a lawsuit.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

To see a lemon tree, beautiful and with fruits, in a dream is a sign of envy or jealousy that haunts you. And completely in vain. After such a dream, all your sorrows should end. Lemon in a dream means experiences, sorrow, grief, shock, sadness. An unripe lemon in a dream foreshadows a disease that may later become chronic. Squeezing it in a dream is a sign of receiving sad news. Drinking lemon juice in a dream means failure and trouble. A squeezed or rotten lemon in a dream indicates that some relationship or some business has already lost all meaning. After such a dream, bitter disappointments, separation from your lover, or an unsuccessful deal await you.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

A lemon in a dream symbolizes a believer who recites the Quran, and also indicates illness if it is yellow in color. Green lemon is better than yellow lemon. Lemon is still a censure. The lemon tree is a person who benefits people. It is also believed that lemon is a harbinger of sad events that poison your life.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

A lemon tree with lush foliage dreams of jealousy. But still, it is better not to give in to this feeling, since there is no reason for it.

If you ate lemons in a dream, humiliation and disappointment await you.

Green lemon - to illness.

A dried lemon foretells a break in relationships.

If in a dream you squeezed juice from a lemon, difficult times lie ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

Looking at a lemon tree with lush foliage means jealousy of a loved one; however, the available evidence must convince you of the absurdity of your accusations;
eating lemons - humiliation, disappointment;
green lemon – infectious or other disease;
dried lemon - divorce (for married people), breakup (for lovers).
Also see Tree, Leaves.

Dream Interpretation - Lemons

If in a dream you see lemons growing on a tree, a trip abroad awaits you, where possible. You will marry a woman from that country. If you eat lemons, the dream promises a dangerous illness from which you will have great difficulty recovering. If you see a whole golden scattering of lemons, then your marriage, so delightful at first, will not live up to your expectations in the future. For family people, dreaming of lemons promises disagreements in the family and concern for children.

Dream Interpretation - Lemons

Looking at a lemon tree with lush foliage in a dream means jealousy of a loved one; however, the available evidence should convince you of the absurdity of your accusations.

Eating lemons portends humiliation and disappointment.

Green lemon portends an infectious or other disease.

Seeing a dried lemon in a dream means: for married people - divorce, for lovers - a break in relations.

Blooming lemon tree

Dream Interpretation Lemon tree blossoming dreamed of why you dream about a lemon tree blooming? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a blossoming lemon tree in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Blooming tree

Success in business.

Dream Interpretation - Lush flowering tree

This dream promises wealth and honor

Dream Interpretation - Road in flowering trees

Unexpected luck.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon tree

A tree with lush foliage and ripe fruits seen in a dream means that soon a woman will have to experience real pangs of jealousy, which will ultimately turn out to be unfounded suspicions. Eating lemons in a dream means humiliation and great disappointment. Seeing a dried lemon is a sign of divorce for married people; to a quarrel and breakup - for lovers.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

This symbol is associated with something sour, setting one’s teeth on edge. But, like many other symbols, this dream can be interpreted in two ways. This southern fruit is exotic and capricious. This is probably why the brave Chipolino fought the army of evil and treacherous Lemonchiks. The main value of a lemon lies in its pulp, and therefore folk wisdom preserves the following saying: “Squeeze the lemon and throw it away!” Or: “They squeezed the lemon and threw away the peel.”

If in a dream you buy lemons, this is a sign that you are tired of moral and mental suffering and want to change your lifestyle.

A dream in which you cut a lemon means that you must build your life more wisely if you want to achieve anything.

Seeing a green lemon in a dream symbolizes a sad event that will happen to someone close to you.

If you eat green lemon yourself, this is a bad sign. You will be very sad about something and life will seem like a complete disappointment to you.

Seeing a dry piece of lemon in a dream is a sign that in reality you will have no reason to be upset. Everything will turn out extremely well.

If in a dream you grow a lemon tree, this means that in real life you will have the opportunity to go on an interesting and rather exotic journey.

A dream in which you drink tea with lemon warns that your frivolity will have unpleasant and unexpected consequences for you.

You took a bite of a lemon and felt strong acid in your mouth - this means that you look at life through rose-colored glasses and therefore do not notice real events.

Seeing yourself in a lemon forest is a sign that you are looking for peace of mind.

If in a dream you saw a squeezed lemon, this means that someone will try to use your friendship for selfish purposes.

A dream in which you eat a rotten lemon means that in reality you are tormented by remorse for what you have done.

Sweet lemon means good news.

Seeing a blooming lemon in a dream is a sign that your prudence will be appreciated in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Lemons

Lemons seen in a dream foretell that you will soon receive good news from afar. If you cut a lemon, it means that what you intend to do will be regarded in your environment as too daring and defiant an act undertaken with the aim of causing a split between colleagues.

Peeling a lemon means that you will avoid a threat by acting quickly and decisively, without allowing the enemy to come to his senses. If in a dream you squeeze lemon into tea, then in reality you will soon receive sad and discouraging news.

If in a dream you eat lemon with sugar, in reality you will enjoy communicating with a pleasant young man who will agree to take on the role of your faithful page. If you eat a terribly sour lemon without sugar, in reality this foreshadows humiliation and disappointment in someone who just yesterday seemed almost an ideal man, Apollo in the flesh.

Seeing that purchased lemons are completely spoiled and rotten is a sign of an infectious or viral disease. Dried cut lemons indicate an upcoming break in relations with a loved one.

Growing a lemon tree at home in a dream and collecting fruits from it means that in reality you will be overcome by a feeling of jealousy towards your lover, but you will soon be convinced that your suspicions are groundless.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

You will be betrayed by someone you trust. Buying lemons - you will commit an act that someone may perceive as betrayal. Cutting a lemon in a dream - your behavior can provoke people around you to actions that will cause you trouble and worry. Eating a lemon in a dream and feeling its sour taste means you will expose the person who is trying to harm you. On Mondays, eating a lemon in a dream is a symbol of bitter loss; the reality that you stubbornly do not want to take into account will disappoint you. Squeezing a lemon and drinking lemon juice means you will try to benefit from someone else’s problems, but this will not lead to good things. Seeing a lemon tree means something new and unusual will soon enter your life. A rotten lemon is a symbol that you will lose or have already lost peace of mind. You need to think about all your actions so that you don’t suffer from their consequences later.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

Lemon is not a gift for your betrothed.

If you squeeze a lemon, there may be a lack of money.

Suck a lemon - there will be legal proceedings against you.

If you drink lemon juice, you will be dragged into litigation.

Lemons often mean that you will marry a person with a bad character.

Squeezing juice from a lemon means you will have difficulty making ends meet.

Sucking a lemon means a lawsuit may be filed against you.

Drinking lemon juice means being drawn into a lawsuit.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

To see a lemon tree, beautiful and with fruits, in a dream is a sign of envy or jealousy that haunts you. And completely in vain. After such a dream, all your sorrows should end. Lemon in a dream means experiences, sorrow, grief, shock, sadness. An unripe lemon in a dream foreshadows a disease that may later become chronic. Squeezing it in a dream is a sign of receiving sad news. Drinking lemon juice in a dream means failure and trouble. A squeezed or rotten lemon in a dream indicates that some relationship or some business has already lost all meaning. After such a dream, bitter disappointments, separation from your lover, or an unsuccessful deal await you.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

A lemon in a dream symbolizes a believer who recites the Quran, and also indicates illness if it is yellow in color. Green lemon is better than yellow lemon. Lemon is still a censure. The lemon tree is a person who benefits people. It is also believed that lemon is a harbinger of sad events that poison your life.

Lemon in a pot with

Dream Interpretation Lemon in a pot with dreamed of why you dream about Lemon in a pot? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Lemon in a pot in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

This symbol is associated with something sour, setting one’s teeth on edge. But, like many other symbols, this dream can be interpreted in two ways. This southern fruit is exotic and capricious. This is probably why the brave Chipolino fought the army of evil and treacherous Lemonchiks. The main value of a lemon lies in its pulp, and therefore folk wisdom preserves the following saying: “Squeeze the lemon and throw it away!” Or: “They squeezed the lemon and threw away the peel.”

If in a dream you buy lemons, this is a sign that you are tired of moral and mental suffering and want to change your lifestyle.

A dream in which you cut a lemon means that you must build your life more wisely if you want to achieve anything.

Seeing a green lemon in a dream symbolizes a sad event that will happen to someone close to you.

If you eat green lemon yourself, this is a bad sign. You will be very sad about something and life will seem like a complete disappointment to you.

Seeing a dry piece of lemon in a dream is a sign that in reality you will have no reason to be upset. Everything will turn out extremely well.

If in a dream you grow a lemon tree, this means that in real life you will have the opportunity to go on an interesting and rather exotic journey.

A dream in which you drink tea with lemon warns that your frivolity will have unpleasant and unexpected consequences for you.

You took a bite of a lemon and felt strong acid in your mouth - this means that you look at life through rose-colored glasses and therefore do not notice real events.

Seeing yourself in a lemon forest is a sign that you are looking for peace of mind.

If in a dream you saw a squeezed lemon, this means that someone will try to use your friendship for selfish purposes.

A dream in which you eat a rotten lemon means that in reality you are tormented by remorse for what you have done.

Sweet lemon means good news.

Seeing a blooming lemon in a dream is a sign that your prudence will be appreciated in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Lemons

Lemons seen in a dream foretell that you will soon receive good news from afar. If you cut a lemon, it means that what you intend to do will be regarded in your environment as too daring and defiant an act undertaken with the aim of causing a split between colleagues.

Peeling a lemon means that you will avoid a threat by acting quickly and decisively, without allowing the enemy to come to his senses. If in a dream you squeeze lemon into tea, then in reality you will soon receive sad and discouraging news.

If in a dream you eat lemon with sugar, in reality you will enjoy communicating with a pleasant young man who will agree to take on the role of your faithful page. If you eat a terribly sour lemon without sugar, in reality this foreshadows humiliation and disappointment in someone who just yesterday seemed almost an ideal man, Apollo in the flesh.

Seeing that purchased lemons are completely spoiled and rotten is a sign of an infectious or viral disease. Dried cut lemons indicate an upcoming break in relations with a loved one.

Growing a lemon tree at home in a dream and collecting fruits from it means that in reality you will be overcome by a feeling of jealousy towards your lover, but you will soon be convinced that your suspicions are groundless.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

You will be betrayed by someone you trust. Buying lemons - you will commit an act that someone may perceive as betrayal. Cutting a lemon in a dream - your behavior can provoke people around you to actions that will cause you trouble and worry. Eating a lemon in a dream and feeling its sour taste means you will expose the person who is trying to harm you. On Mondays, eating a lemon in a dream is a symbol of bitter loss; the reality that you stubbornly do not want to take into account will disappoint you. Squeezing a lemon and drinking lemon juice means you will try to benefit from someone else’s problems, but this will not lead to good things. Seeing a lemon tree means something new and unusual will soon enter your life. A rotten lemon is a symbol that you will lose or have already lost peace of mind. You need to think about all your actions so that you don’t suffer from their consequences later.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

Lemon is not a gift for your betrothed.

If you squeeze a lemon, there may be a lack of money.

Suck a lemon - there will be legal proceedings against you.

If you drink lemon juice, you will be dragged into litigation.

Lemons often mean that you will marry a person with a bad character.

Squeezing juice from a lemon means you will have difficulty making ends meet.

Sucking a lemon means a lawsuit may be filed against you.

Drinking lemon juice means being drawn into a lawsuit.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

To see a lemon tree, beautiful and with fruits, in a dream is a sign of envy or jealousy that haunts you. And completely in vain. After such a dream, all your sorrows should end. Lemon in a dream means experiences, sorrow, grief, shock, sadness. An unripe lemon in a dream foreshadows a disease that may later become chronic. Squeezing it in a dream is a sign of receiving sad news. Drinking lemon juice in a dream means failure and trouble. A squeezed or rotten lemon in a dream indicates that some relationship or some business has already lost all meaning. After such a dream, bitter disappointments, separation from your lover, or an unsuccessful deal await you.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

A lemon in a dream symbolizes a believer who recites the Quran, and also indicates illness if it is yellow in color. Green lemon is better than yellow lemon. Lemon is still a censure. The lemon tree is a person who benefits people. It is also believed that lemon is a harbinger of sad events that poison your life.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

A lemon tree with lush foliage dreams of jealousy. But still, it is better not to give in to this feeling, since there is no reason for it.

If you ate lemons in a dream, humiliation and disappointment await you.

Green lemon - to illness.

A dried lemon foretells a break in relationships.

If in a dream you squeezed juice from a lemon, difficult times lie ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Lemon

Looking at a lemon tree with lush foliage means jealousy of a loved one; however, the available evidence must convince you of the absurdity of your accusations;
eating lemons - humiliation, disappointment;
green lemon – infectious or other disease;
dried lemon - divorce (for married people), breakup (for lovers).
Also see Tree, Leaves.

Dream Interpretation - Lemons

If in a dream you see lemons growing on a tree, a trip abroad awaits you, where possible. You will marry a woman from that country. If you eat lemons, the dream promises a dangerous illness from which you will have great difficulty recovering. If you see a whole golden scattering of lemons, then your marriage, so delightful at first, will not live up to your expectations in the future. For family people, dreaming of lemons promises disagreements in the family and concern for children.

Dream Interpretation - Lemons

Looking at a lemon tree with lush foliage in a dream means jealousy of a loved one; however, the available evidence should convince you of the absurdity of your accusations.

Eating lemons portends humiliation and disappointment.

Green lemon portends an infectious or other disease.

Why do you dream about lemon? Dreams about lemons are interpreted differently by different dream books. But most often, seeing a lemon in a dream is still not a very favorable sign.

Interpretation according to the latest dream book

Just seeing it portends a departure to another country or city in which you will meet your match. Unripe lemons in a dream suggest that in reality you should pay attention to your health. If you eat lemons, then perhaps some disease already exists, but does not manifest itself.

Squeezing juice from many fruits - soon you will be visited by thoughts of dissatisfaction with work and earnings. Cutting a lemon into slices in a dream may mean that in reality you will make a mistake, and your enemies will be happy to take advantage of it.

Dry fruit threatens the peace of a marriage. Rotten fruits predict swearing and quarrels, while sweet fruits, on the contrary, predict pleasant surprises. To see a flowering tree - you will avoid failures with the help of your own ingenuity.

Why do you dream about lemon according to Hasse’s dream book?

Seeing these fruits in a dream means receiving good news. Cleaning them predicts a safe escape from danger.

I dreamed about lemon - interpretation according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Any mention of lemons during a dream foretells imminent trouble.

Why do you dream of lemon according to the English dream book?

When you see a mountain of lemons in a dream before your wedding, it means that your hopes for marriage are completely in vain. So strong in appearance, it will bring you nothing but disappointment.

For married people, lemon fruits in a dream promise heated debates.

What does it mean if you dream about lemons - oriental dream book

A scattering of fruits in a dream promises attacks of jealousy. Green fruits predict illness.

Interpretation according to Aesop's dream book - lemons in a dream

Lemon in a dream can mean completely opposite meanings, depending on the details. This sunny fruit can portend both good fortune and great sadness. Growing a powerful, healthy tree from a seed yourself is a wonderful sign! It promises you the same growth in all your endeavors.

Seeing dry pieces of lemon - you will miraculously be able to avoid impending danger. Drinking tea with lemon shows you that your frivolous judgments will bring you a lot of grief. If you are wandering through a lemon grove, even if you don't realize it, you are striving for peace of mind.

Why else do you dream about lemon?

  • In general, seeing lemon trees in a dream is a sign of envy. If there are a lot of leaves on them and they are bright and beautiful, then your envy or jealousy will be burning, but completely useless.
  • Eating soft fruits promises knowledge of many humiliations.
  • In general, a lot of greenery associated with lemons (fruits, foliage, bark) predicts a viral disease.
  • Sweet and sour lemons indicate that you will be able to survive the bitterness and emerge victorious.

His appearance in a dream has several meanings. Different dream books interpret lemon in different ways, depending on the plot and impression of this fruit.

Miller writes that he dreams of troubles and sorrows; a Muslim dream interpreter considers him a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

There are other interpretations of this dream. To understand why you dream about lemon in a dream, pay attention to where you saw it, what you ate it with, and what your general impression was of the scene you saw. This is how the dream book interprets its appearance most often.

Lemon Tree

Seeing it in natural conditions, for example, while relaxing in a dream in Italy, is a disappointment. For a man, a lemon tree predicts a quick infatuation with a beautiful but capricious girl, whose heart will not be easy to win.

She will be pleasant to talk to, but very quick-tempered, demanding and changeable in mood, she will constantly whine and complain about circumstances.

Perhaps she will wear lemon-scented perfume, order lemon drinks at a restaurant, or become capricious and touchy. Guys dream of a blossoming lemon tree as a sign of soon falling in love with an eccentric person.

Seeing both flowers and fruits on it is a sign of passion. A girl dreams of such a dream to grief and resentment.

If you were pleased to stand under a tall lemon tree, enjoying the aroma of its leaves, this is a joyful dream.

The dream book writes that after problems and worries you will feel again on a wave of success and will be able to find enough time and energy to have a good rest. Orange portends joy to everyone who sees it.

Growing a decorative lemon tree at home means accumulating grievances. Green fruits predict disappointments and minor troubles. Seeing such a tree in a friend’s or acquaintance’s house is a sign of her touchiness and capriciousness. Picking a lemon from a tree and eating it is a disappointment. Perhaps the other person will blame you for their own grievances and troubles.

A ripe yellow lemon on a tree predicts a favorable resolution to an unpleasant circumstance. Especially if the fruit had a pleasant, refreshing taste. Growing a lemon and making lemonade from it is a good sign.

The dream book writes that you can easily cope with all difficulties. But if the fruit on your tree turns out to be sour and bitter, the meaning of the dream will be the opposite of the previous one.

Expect grief, resentment and minor troubles. The business you have in mind will end in failure. For girls, the dream hints at tears and grief in love.

Picking lemons from a tall tree is an attempt to get rich. The Islamic dream book writes that the more you find, the better the future awaits you. Unripe fruit predicts suffering due to a hasty, thoughtless act or decision.

See, buy and sell

For a man to imagine many beautiful lemons in a dream - to a love adventure. Freud writes that this symbol can resemble a woman's breasts and indicate sexual intercourse. Choosing beautiful lemons in a store or on a counter is news. For men, the dream means choosing between several women.

For a girl to see beautiful lemons in a dream - to success, creative inspiration, rare luck. If they were elongated, then several guys would propose to her at once.

For some people, such a dream speaks of a choice between lovers. The larger the lemon you choose, the more fun you will have. If a woman chooses large lemons, similar in shape to breasts, she will soon have a lover. Buying a lemon means making the final choice.

Seeing a lot of lemons in a store drawer or on the counter and smelling their aroma is a sign of disappointment. If the room is hot, expect good news, relief from suffering and the opportunity to have a good rest. Putting them in a package means choosing. For some people, a lot of lemons predicts grief and tears. Especially if you ate them and they were very sour.

Collecting lemons in order to spoil someone's tea is a dream of carrying out bad intentions. If you put them in your enemy’s bag instead of oranges, you will be able to harm another person. You will have the opportunity to take revenge on your enemies and restore justice.

A dream in which you choose sour and not juicy lemons for yourself predicts resentment and grief. Large, ripe and ripe fruits portend good news and good events. Sometimes this is a sign that you will successfully cope with all troubles.

Selling lemons in a dream means trying to get even with enemies and ill-wishers. Such dreams are often seen by touchy and proud people. A large, unnaturally sized fruit predicts an acquaintance with a swaggering, touchy and self-confident person who will constantly be offended by you. Rotten fruit dreams of illness, trouble, resentment and failure of plans.

A lot of spoiled food foreshadows the collapse of hopes and a long period of failure. Drinking a drink from them means getting sick. Pay attention to who gave it to you in your dream. It is this person who will cause the dreamer a lot of grief and trouble.

Buying tasty and ripe lemons of good quality for yourself is a good sign. Very soon you will have the opportunity to succeed. If you bought sour and not juicy fruits for another person, you can annoy him if you want.

Home or away

Wash purchased lemons in a dream - when your friends arrive. If there were a lot of fruits, you will reconsider your grievances. Treating another person with lemons or cutting them for the table is a sign of pleasant communication. But if there are a lot of them and they were very sour, you will be offended by someone.

Sometimes a dream means that a person you know will be very dissatisfied with the dreamer. Cutting a lemon on the table and using its juice for various dishes, such as fish, salads or lemonade, predicts good news for you.

Sometimes the dream symbolizes witty and joyful communication or relief after a streak of troubles and failures. For some people, the dream foretells good changes and receiving news that will upset you against the backdrop of joyful events or, on the contrary, will console you if everything is bad.

Receiving a whole lemon as a gift means someone will remember old grievances for you. Sometimes such a dream predicts deterioration of affairs and troubles.

Pay attention to who handed you the fruit. This is the person who will cause you a lot of trouble. Using acid in cooking is a good sign. You will be able to benefit from grievances and disappointments.

Using lemon juice to wipe stains on tiles, dishes, or for disinfection means the end of an unpleasant relationship. You will get even with your offenders and part with unsympathetic, capricious and touchy people.

Sometimes this is a sign that it is possible to easily overcome all difficulties and benefit from bitterness and resentment. There is a lemon at a party - to chagrin.

Sometimes a dream warns of unpleasant news and tears, especially for girls. Pay attention to who exactly handed you this dish.

To acidify someone's drink with lemon is to take revenge for an insult. However, the offender is unlikely to notice this or be very upset. Peeling lemons at home to prepare a drink predicts unpleasant work for you.

However, over time it will give good results. Collecting lemons from the ground under a tree is a sign of enrichment. But for some people, the dream indicates that it is time to stop accumulating grievances and dissatisfaction with others.

Collecting so many lemons that you cannot carry them away means big trouble. Treating another person means you will remember the offense. Dipping a lemon in sugar means you won't be in trouble. Even if the enemies try to harm the dreamer, they will not be able to do anything bad.

Juices, smoothies and drinks

Making lemonade from natural lemons is a sign of immediate joy. You will forget grievances and be able to cope with all problems. Drinking sweet lemonade or citrus juice is a sign of joy and long-awaited relaxation. Making a lemon drink for a cold is a good sign for those who are already sick. For a healthy person, a dream promises illness, grief and trouble.

Drinking sweet tea with lemon is good news. If a tree bloomed in your house, and you collected the fruits and made a delicious drink from them, expect recognition of your work by important people. Using a blossoming orange in making lemonade or special Italian syrup is good news.

Sometimes a dream foreshadows a quick wedding and a happy journey for the one who saw this dream. The color of lemon is bright and beautiful, indicating good news. It happens that a dream dreams of insight, a sudden guess, a thought that can easily resolve an unpleasant situation. For people of mental work, the dream foretells inspiration and success.

Strong black tea or coffee with lemon symbolizes pleasant communication with an intelligent and resourceful person. For some people, the dream predicts an epiphany after falling passionately in love, a realistic vision of the actions of a loved one. The bitter taste of the drink prophesies enlightenment through grief, life mistakes, and bad experiences.

Dreaming of vodka with lemon symbolizes an unexpected thought, the alleviation of suffering for someone who is in a difficult situation. Those who are doing well dream of a similar plot to grief, annoyance and tears. Lemon cake, sweet soda or lemonade are a joy to dream of. Often a dream prophesies good health, a happy occasion, a pleasant surprise.

Eating cake or ice cream with lemon zest or syrup is a good sign. You will find a reason for joy, and an unpleasant situation will be resolved in your favor. Lemon liqueur predicts falling in love, infatuation with a beautiful, flirtatious, capricious person for men. However, it is she who will become the most attractive and desirable for you.

For women, a similar dream indicates a temporary infatuation, which will later turn into suffering and tears. Chocolate with lemon zest predicts unpleasant news for you. Eating it in a dream means a spoiled vacation, disappointment. Treat others - you will share your problems and sorrows with friends.

Other interpretations of sleep

Lemons predict grief and trouble only for healthy people. If a sick person eats or sees them, then he will experience recovery and relief from suffering. Therefore, drinking lemon juice, if it does not set your teeth on edge, will make you happy and loved. But when the taste of a drink or fruit is unpleasant, expect grief and resentment.

Seeing dried lemons in a dream- to the destruction of a marriage and separation from a lover.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Lemon (tree, fruit)- a reflection of conditional love. The need to cleanse something (body, emotions or thoughts, or all together)

Dream book of the 21st century

What did Lemon dream about in a dream?

Dreaming that you are eating lemons- means in reality to pay for your excessive gullibility.

Rotten lemons - dream of a quarrel.

In a dream, treat someone with lemon- means to bring false suspicions upon this person.

Dream book of the future

Lemon - emotional sorrow, shock, sadness; if you eat them in a dream, it foretells humiliation and disappointment.

Dream book for lovers

If you see a lemon tree with a lush crown in a dream- this means that you will be jealous of your loved one, but this feeling will be completely groundless.

If you dream of a dried lemon- this portends a break in the relationship for lovers, and a divorce for married people.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Lemon means trouble.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Seeing lemon is good.

There is a lemon - money.

Squeeze - to remain dissatisfied with something, to be dissatisfied with the place of work.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Lemon - considered a cleansing agent. Take care of cleansing your body. In addition, try to clear your emotions and thoughts.

Dream book for the whole family

Lemon - betrayal of a person you trust awaits you.

Buying lemons - you will commit an act that someone may perceive as betrayal.

Cutting a lemon in a dream- your behavior can provoke people around you to actions that will cause you trouble and worry.

Eating a lemon in a dream and feeling its sour taste- you will expose the person trying to harm you.

On Mondays there is a lemon in a dream- a symbol of bitter loss, the reality that you stubbornly do not want to take into account will disappoint you.

Squeeze lemon and drink lemon juice- you will try to benefit from someone’s problems, but this will not lead to good things.

Seeing a lemon tree- something new and unusual will soon enter your life.

A rotten lemon is a symbol that you will lose or have already lost peace of mind. You need to think about all your actions so that you don’t suffer from their consequences later.

There are lemons in a dream- to humiliation and great disappointment.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Drink tea with lemon in a dream, feeling its bitterness- to bitter moments in your life.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Cut a lemon into slices in a dream- to the division of property.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about Lemon in a dream?

Seeing a lemon means you will soon receive good news; to cleanse - through efficiency you will avoid danger; squeeze - you will get sad news.

Miller's Dream Book

Looking at a lemon tree with lush foliage in a dream- means jealousy of a loved one; however, the available evidence should convince you of the absurdity of your accusations.

Eating lemons portends humiliation and disappointment.

Green lemon - portends an infectious or other disease.

Seeing a dried lemon in a dream for married people- divorce, for lovers - breakup.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Lemon in a dream?

Lemons seen in a dream- portend that you will soon receive good news from afar.

If you cut a lemon- this means that what you intend to do will be regarded in your environment as too daring and defiant an act undertaken with the aim of causing a split between colleagues.

Peel the lemon- means that you will avoid the threat by acting quickly and decisively, without allowing the enemy to come to his senses.

If in a dream you squeeze lemon into tea- in reality you will soon receive sad and discouraging news.

If in a dream you eat lemon with sugar- in reality, you will enjoy communicating with a pleasant young man who will agree to take on the role of your faithful page.

If you eat terribly sour lemon without sugar- in reality, this foreshadows humiliation and disappointment in someone who just yesterday seemed almost an ideal man, Apollo in the flesh.

See that the lemons you bought are completely spoiled and rotten- to an infectious or viral disease.

Dried cut lemons- they talk about the upcoming break in relations with a loved one.

In a dream, grow a lemon tree at home and collect fruits from it- means that in reality you will be overcome by a feeling of jealousy towards your lover, but you will soon be convinced that your suspicions are groundless.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Lemon according to the dream book?

Lemon - jealousy; disappointment; there is - to collapse in business, relationships.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

There are lemons in a dream- to humiliation and disappointment.

Green lemon - may portend a disease, most likely infectious.

Dried lemon in a dream- means divorce for married people or breakup for lovers.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of a lemon> -great grief awaits you.

You dreamed that you were cutting a lemon- get ready for great family grief.

You watched someone cut a lemon- the family of one of your distant relatives is in big trouble.

Eating lemon means a great loss.

If you dreamed that you watched someone eat a lemon- a great loss awaits one of your friends.

If you dreamed that you put lemon in your drink- you yourself will become the cause of grief in your family.

Did you buy a lemon?- you can bring great grief upon yourself.

You dreamed that you were selling lemon- with your rash act you can cause great grief to one of your friends.

Received a lemon as a gift- know that there is a secret ill-wisher in your environment.

If you dreamed that you gave someone a lemon- you will be able to strike one of your enemies.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Lemon - grief.

Aesop's Dream Book

Lemon - this symbol is associated with something sour, setting the teeth on edge. But, like many other symbols, this dream can be interpreted in two ways. This southern fruit is exotic and capricious. This is probably why the brave Cippolino fought with the army of evil and treacherous Lemons. The main value of a lemon lies in its softness, and therefore folk wisdom preserves the following saying: “Squeeze the lemon, and throw it away!” “Or: “They squeezed the lemon, but threw away the peel.”

If in a dream you buy lemons- this is a sign that you are tired of moral and mental suffering and want to change your lifestyle.

A dream in which you cut a lemon- means that you must build your life more wisely if you want to achieve anything.

Seeing a green lemon in a dream- symbolizes a sad event that will happen to someone close to you.

If you eat green lemon yourself- this is a bad sign. You will be very sad about something and life will seem like a complete disappointment to you.

Seeing a dry piece of lemon in a dream- a sign that in reality you will have no reason to be upset. Everything will turn out extremely well.

If in a dream you are growing a lemon tree- this means that in real life you will have the opportunity to go on an interesting and rather exotic journey.

A dream in which you drink tea with lemon- warns that your frivolity will have unpleasant and unexpected consequences for you.

You took a bite of a lemon and felt strong acid in your mouth.- this means that you look at life through rose-colored glasses and therefore do not notice real events.

See yourself in a lemon forest- a sign that you are looking for peace of mind.

If in a dream you saw a squeezed lemon- this means that someone will try to use your friendship for personal gain.

A dream in which you eat a rotten lemon- means that in reality you are tormented by remorse because of what you have done.

Sweet means good news.

Seeing a blooming lemon in a dream- a sign that your prudence will be appreciated in reality.

French dream book

Lemon in a dream promises you bitterness and interference in business. However, in the near future you will be consoled by the acquisition of a significant fortune.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Lemon according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, lemon tree with fruits- portends you a trip to other states, among the inhabitants of which you will find your soulmate.

More interpretations

If the fruits are not yet ripe- your health may deteriorate.

They are sluggish - your marriage may fall apart.

If in a dream you saw a rotten lemon- a conflict situation will arise.

If its taste gives off sweetness- they will tell you something very good.

Eating it means a serious illness, from which it will be incredibly difficult to recover.

Seeing flowers on a lemon- your wisdom and ingenuity will be admired.

Dreaming that you are getting juice from a fruit- you will not be satisfied with your position, or something will generally cause your dissatisfaction.

Dream in which you cut a lemon- warns that in response to some of your actions, others may react negatively and cause you a lot of trouble.

Video: Why do you dream about Lemon?

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