
Dream interpretation of seeing a hot air balloon. Why are dreams with balloons dangerous? Inflate a balloon

In life, balloons are a sign of joy; they symbolize and decorate various holidays and celebrations. But in a dream everything is different. More often than not, this is a bad sign and dreaming of multi-colored balls foreshadows some troubles and failures in the near future.

And now, in more detail, why do you dream about balloons? Dream books contain little information about such dreams, but they all talk about the promise of trouble. For example, according to Miller’s dream book, balloons mean troubles, conflicts and troubles in the near future.

Perhaps some fears will come true. Troubles should only affect the work sphere; everything should be fine in your personal life and family. Perhaps some work meetings will go poorly, or simply one of your colleagues may act meanly.

Difficulties may arise while working on the project. It may even be possible to be fired from your job. But work is not a wolf; it won’t run away into the forest! Some gossip and intrigue on the part of colleagues can be directed at them, and a good employee always has a couple of backup options in case of failure.

And in general there is a lot of work and, if you cannot avoid being fired, you can always find a new job. Or maybe it will turn out even better than before.

Even if difficulties arise at work, do not be upset. At home everything will be as usual - warm and cozy. Your loved ones will be there and if anything happens, they will always support and help. They certainly won’t betray you, won’t offend you, and you can always turn to them! You shouldn’t keep everything to yourself, sometimes it’s much better when you talk it out to someone.

Although the balls look durable, they still have air inside. Therefore, you cannot simply rely on their bright colors. You need to seriously and thoughtfully look at all the things around you and upcoming affairs.

Under no circumstances should you relax! But if the balloon was filled with helium and flew up or flew away on its own, then this is a very good sign. You can expect profit in the near future. Perhaps a salary increase, a bonus, or simply winning the lottery. You can try your luck and buy a lottery ticket.

Also, balls in a dream can warn and warn against rash actions that can lead to serious consequences. It’s worth thinking about and carefully considering the pros and cons of important decisions.

There may be some erroneous opinion on a controversial issue. You can consult with more experienced people who can tell you how best to proceed in this case.

Balloons that children inflate in a dream are a sign of problems with children. Most likely you will have to devote all your free time to them; you won’t be able to leave them for a second, otherwise they might do something wrong! In any case, you definitely won’t be able to rest anytime soon.

If the balloons burst in a dream, then this means a monetary loss. It doesn’t matter if someone burst the balloons or they burst themselves, financial difficulties will still arise. There may be purchases that do not meet expectations. Perhaps they will deprive you of a bonus at work or something else.

In such a situation, you should wait with serious financial investments and no one should borrow either. It's better to put some money aside in a corner for a rainy day.

Although it is not safe to store at home, because they can be robbed. It’s better to use a bank account or just put money on a card from a trusted bank. And if something suddenly happens, hunger can definitely be avoided.

If the balls fall down, whether on the ground or the floor, then this is a disappointment. They can happen in different areas. Both in your personal life, relationships with colleagues or friends, and at work or at home. Only calm will help here, you shouldn’t break down right away, you will need the ability to smooth out quarrels and come to compromises.

In almost any case, balloons are a bad sign. Except if they fly far into the air. But they do not foretell serious problems, so you just need to gain strength and solve all the difficulties and failures that arise. Only patience will help here.


Seeing a hot air balloon in a dream is a symbol of destroyed sand castles. Stop soaring in the clouds - get busy with current affairs; you won’t have to expect your hopes to come true anyway.

The coming days will be marked by troubles. It’s better to forget about your undertakings; things will turn out to be a disaster. Sit in the shadows for a while and you'll end up with fewer losses.

What were you doing in your dream? What did the ball look like in the dream? How many balloons have you seen in your dreams? Where was the ball in the dream?

What were you doing in your dream?

Fly in a hot air balloon

Inflate a balloon according to the dream book

Inflated balloons in a dream - expect a love relationship that will bring disappointment. Do not idealize your new acquaintance; shortcomings will soon appear, and first impressions will let you down.

What did the ball look like in the dream?

I dreamed about colorful balls

Multi-colored balls, according to the dream book, promise troubles in reality. Get ready for troubles at work and on the love front. A quarrel will come into your personal life, failures will not leave you in business. Maintain your sense of dignity: after the black streak comes the white one.

Seeing a ball with a basket in a dream

Anyone who dreams of a balloon with a basket lives in illusions. Ideas that occupy thoughts are illusory enough to become reality.

Don’t think about the impossible, come down to earth, pay attention to everyday problems that have accumulated over hours of useless dreams.

How many balloons have you seen in your dreams?

I dreamed about a lot of balloons

A dream where there were a lot of balloons foreshadows entertainment. Entertainment events - parties, meetings with friends, restaurants - will fill your free minutes.

A fun pastime will bring a lot of emotions and leave unforgettable memories. Don’t think that the joy will last forever; after the rest you will need to work productively.

Where was the ball in the dream?

I dreamed of a hot air balloon in the sky

Watching a huge balloon rise into the sky is a sign of change, according to Felomena’s dream book. Don't keep your dissatisfaction with reality inside, it's time to take decisive action to change for the better.

Releasing balloons into the air in a dream symbolizes troubles. Worries are expected - pleasant and not so pleasant. Show maximum activity - and soon you will be able to take a break.


Dreaming of a balloon?

A rather unusual dream about a balloon does not always mean good events. Although in life it symbolizes such things as holiday, fun and joy, nevertheless, in dreams its symbolism differs from that assigned to it in reality.

The interpretation of such a dream will depend on the plot, in which it is necessary to take into account the color of the ball, and the actions performed in relation to it, as well as its general appearance. In some dream books it is compared to a penis, and it symbolizes sexual potency. If a man dreams of a ball and it is elastic, then this means that his potency is all right, and there are definitely no problems with it in the near future. If a woman dreams of a balloon that is not inflated, then this indicates her indifference to her sexual partner and, most likely, quarrels with him will arise on this basis.

If you dream that the ball is falling, then this indicates the collapse of all hopes. To catch him is a chance to save the situation. In this case, you need to be alert. A flying ball in a dream symbolizes the impossibility of a dream or the impossibility of realizing any plans. If you see how a balloon is inflated or inflate it yourself, then this means that all the work and effort put into something is a waste of time.

If you had a dream about a balloon, then you should not confuse its symbolism in real life with its meaning in dreams - it is completely different. When interpreting such a dream, it is important to remember whether it was colored or not. Colored dreams are more likely to come true.

If a person independently rises up in a balloon, this means that a journey will soon take place, but it will be accompanied by troubles, since in this case the balloon is an unreliable symbol. But if you take off on it and crash, then you need to be careful, since this is a very bad sign. In this case, two negative symbols complement each other and enhance their meaning.

A bursting balloon symbolizes losses or unsuccessful transactions. It is especially bad if such a dream was had by a banker or a person whose work is related to financial activities. After such a dream, it is better to postpone all transactions for some time, try not to enter into dubious negotiations with unfamiliar and untested people. A dream in which a person holds a balloon in his hands speaks of the meaninglessness of his life. In this case, it is necessary to reconsider your occupation and, perhaps, do something more useful.

A good messenger is a dream in which a person releases balls into the sky - this means that the person will soon get rid of his problems. According to Miller, dreams where there is a balloon foreshadow a decline in business. In dreams where a sleeping person inflates a balloon, the women’s dream book speaks of choosing an unworthy partner. Seeing him in the distance is a sign that dreams, if they come true, will certainly not come true in the near future.

Also, when interpreting dreams where balloons are present, it is necessary to take into account their color. Each color carries an individual meaning and plays an important role in solving dreams. Here it is already necessary to combine the meaning of the color with the ball. For example, if you dreamed of a black ball, then the meaning of black carries sadness and melancholy, and in combination with it it acquires an even greater negative meaning - troubles and misfortunes. Pink color means romance and dreams, but in combination with this item it will foreshadow empty hopes. But with blue it’s the opposite – satisfaction in life and peace. So, for complete clarity of the dream, you also need to know the meaning of flowers.

It is important to know that prophetic dreams are rare. This usually happens from Thursday to Friday, and also from Monday to Tuesday. So, if you have a dream that foreshadows bad events, you should not be upset - such a dream may turn out to be meaningless.

Unfortunately, the balloon foreshadows mostly negative events. But there are also positive aspects to this. Since dreams are given to us from above and can warn us, having seen such a dream, a person will be ready for trouble, and if he interprets the dream in time and understands its meaning, he can avoid wrong steps.


A ball in a dream symbolizes problems that you are thinking about that are causing you anxiety. With the help of accompanying signs, a dream sheds light on the essence of troubles and ways to overcome them.

The color and size of the balls also matter. Bright and beautiful portend pleasant events and victory over circumstances.

What did you do with the ball in your dream? What ball did you dream about? What color balls did you dream about? Where did you see balls in your dream?

What did you do with the ball in your dream?

Why do you dream of inflating a balloon?

If in a dream you inflated a balloon, in real life there will be empty chores, the time and effort spent on doing the work will be in vain. What you have been striving for and dreaming about for so long will either turn out to be unattainable or will cause disappointment when you finally get what you want.

What ball did you dream about?

If you dream of an inflatable ball

The dream book Felomena explains the inflatable ball as fictitious problems, imaginary troubles. You are too susceptible to external circumstances and draw conclusions based on your feelings.

This attitude towards life leads to a distortion of reality in your mind; you begin to fight obstacles that actually do not exist. Try to rely more on logical thinking when making decisions.

If you saw a fireball in a dream

A fireball flying towards you is a warning of impending danger. It can concern the financial or business sphere of life and have very serious consequences for the future.

It is in your power to prevent it if you immediately notice the prerequisites for the impending disaster and begin to act in time.

To watch such a spectacle from afar means you will find yourself witnessing some amazing and unusual event without directly participating in it.

How the dream book interprets a luminous ball

To dream that a luminous ball is flying straight towards you will present a unique opportunity to implement plans and bring ideas to life. This will happen very unexpectedly, success will seem implausible. Don't miss your chance; there's still a very long wait for another such gift of fate.

If the luminous object was flying in the opposite direction from you, you will not be able to save what you have, or you will not take advantage of fortunate circumstances to achieve well-being.

Christmas ball in a dream

If you dream that you are holding a Christmas ball in your hands, you will be generously rewarded for your work or receive unexpected profits from the implementation of the project. It is also possible that you will receive valuable gifts from colleagues or business partners.

Decorating a Christmas tree with such toys will give your family and friends a pleasant surprise. You are about to spend a quiet evening in a cozy home environment, with your family.

Why do you dream about a snow globe?

A large snow globe that you roll in a dream foreshadows the emergence of serious financial difficulties. Perhaps the losses from an unsuccessful deal will upset you, or the developed project will be a complete fiasco. In any case, now it is better to refrain from unnecessary waste and dubious investments.

Throwing snowballs at a person - you have bad intentions towards the dreamed person, perhaps you harbor a grudge and want to take revenge. Know how to forgive, do not hold evil within yourself - negativity destroys you from the inside.

The meaning of a dream about a big ball

You dream of a big ball as a reflection of your personal ambitions. Too unrealistic sizes indicate an overestimation of one’s capabilities and problems associated with an inadequate view of one’s strengths. You are unable to cope with your obligations and your reputation suffers because of this.

If the size of the object was large, but within reason, it means you are confident in your capabilities and soberly assess your own talents and abilities. This helps you achieve your goals without experiencing too much stress.

If you saw a shiny ball in a dream

Felomena's dream book says that a shiny ball symbolizes your inner peace, harmony of spirit and mind. The gold or silver color of an object indicates the presence of such qualities as balance, calmness, and clarity of thinking. Thanks to your special character, you achieve everything you strive for.

You know how to find a common language with people and find a way out of any difficult situation.

If you dreamed of a glass ball

If a glass ball appears in a dream, your faith in your own strength is not strong enough. Having no personal opinion, you try to imitate others and do not understand why you cannot get what they have.

Be more independent, find your path and follow only it. If you follow someone else's path, you risk ending up in a place other than where you wanted to go.

A clear crystal ball indicates your ability to accurately predict events. Insight and intuition help you avoid trouble.

Seeing a helium balloon in a dream

A dream in which you happened to inflate a helium balloon warns that you are moving in the wrong direction. The chosen method of achieving the goal will not bring results and will lead to the failure of all plans.


What color balls did you dream about?

Why do you dream of white balls?

White balls in a dream suggest that you need rest. The busy pace of life can lead to fatigue and loss of energy.

To maintain enough energy to complete an important task, you need to pause and take your mind off your worries. A little reboot will be beneficial and will help you avoid nervous exhaustion.

The meaning of red balls according to the dream book

If you dreamed of red balls, the dream speaks of your uniqueness and chosenness. Fate has special plans for you, a special mission awaits you.

What kind of destiny you are destined for, you can find out if you listen carefully to your inner voice and realize your calling in this world. It is useless to wait for any hints from above or from people.

Black ball in a dream

If you see a black ball in a dream, be careful. You are warned about a possible disaster or accident in the area of ​​which you may find yourself. Try, if possible, to avoid traveling long distances, adhere to the speed limit when traveling in your own car, and do not go to crowded places.

Nothing terrible may happen, but it is still necessary to take precautions.

If there was a blue ball in the dream

The blue color of the ball in a dream symbolizes positive emotions and good mood. It is a symbol of health and cheerfulness. Your well-being will be at its best, vital energy will be in full swing. Perhaps it is during this period that new promising ideas will visit you and inspiration will come.

Where did you see balls in your dream?

If you dreamed of balls in the sky

Why do you dream of balls in the sky? They portend dramatic changes in life. It's time to get rid of the past and start a new stage of life.

The realization of the need to make changes will come after a random incident that changes your views on the world, or after a frank conversation with a person you trust.

In any case, everything that happens in the near future will fill your life with meaning and direct you towards happiness.


I had a dream about balloons...


Yura Bataev

There are many topics for implementation, and each topic can burn out well, but you waste all your energy on everything at once, so little comes of it. For 2 birds with one stone... and there’s just so much here. One thing I can say for sure. From the ideas that are currently available, or the projects that have been started, there are topics with great potential! You need to focus on them, and the rest either merged or hidden for the future.

Oleg Laurus

You fantasize a lot, sometimes you fly in the clouds, sometimes you sink down to reality.

Father's Favorite Daughter

Wasted time.


The balloon is created for fun, celebrations and laughter. This is real. But in a dream, as often happens, everything turns upside down. In any case, in the interpretation of the authors of dream books. For example, Miller’s famous dream book is laconic about a hot air balloon you dreamed about. According to the book, the balloon symbolizes lost hopes and prophesies all sorts of misfortunes to the sleeper. At the same time, for some reason, it is business life that stands out, for which Miller’s dream book predicts a clear decline in the foreseeable future. It is significant that even such a seemingly favorable plot as a hot air balloon flight is interpreted by this dream book as a “failed trip.” In other dream books, flying in a hot air balloon is interpreted less categorically and warns of the possibility of making a major mistake.
In the article about the “bubble,” Miller’s dream book once again mentions balloons. And again - in a negative context. So, if the sleeper dreamed of children blowing up balloons or blowing soap bubbles, then there is no hope for a pleasant rest.
In other dream books you can also find references to balloons that bring trouble in your dreams. So, if a person sleeping in a dream crashed while flying in a hot air balloon, this will logically lead to material losses in real life if the one who had such a dream behaves incorrectly in an unusual situation. A falling balloon in a dream warns of impending deep disappointment.
But according to the opinion of the German scientist Sigmund Freud, who was not only a psychoanalyst, but also a compiler of dream books, the balloon symbolizes the penis. And therefore, if you dreamed of an inflated elastic flying balloon, everything is in perfect order with your potency. And, on the contrary, a half-deflated balloon or even just lying on the ground warns the sleeper about possible problems with intimate health. The same applies to a balloon bursting in a dream.
A balloon flying into the distance, according to dream interpreter Freud, speaks of sexual desires that the sleeper was never able to realize. According to Freud, watching balloons fly means that you prefer to fantasize about sex rather than practice it in real life. And if you yourself are flying in a balloon, it means that you dream... of dying during sexual intercourse.


I can tell you from a dream that came true. I went up into the sky in a hot air balloon and flew into space and realized that I couldn’t go back (i.e., go down). I left home, I work in another city, and repeated attempts to return did not work. and from your dream, I think these are your dreams that can come true, but you will be prevented from realizing them.

Why do you dream about inflatable colored balloons?



You're probably just a very cheerful person... I also often dream about them, the more there are, the happier the next day...


To a good mood....

Denis Penkov

To the point that the world will end tomorrow)
Good luck) I hope you didn’t dream about such things = P

° ~...THE ONLY...~ °

Balloon - associated with fun and celebrations. What period are you in your life now? Is it really time for fun?

In your dream, are the balloons flying or on the ground? Flying balloons are a symbol of high matters and cheerfulness. If the balloons are on the ground, this is a sign that you want to elevate your thoughts or the thoughts of another person.

When we soar in the air, we feel strength and freedom. Where is the balloon in your dream? Are there other people in the dream besides you? - the answers to these questions will tell you about what and who brings you pleasure in life.

If there is too much load in the balloon, then it cannot fly for long and begins to sink lower and lower - perhaps you have such associations with some person. Perhaps someone or something has disappointed you in real life.

In your dream, do you see a whole group of colorful balloons? Who's holding the balloon? - perhaps this person is the custodian of the gold bars at the end of the rainbow path.


For Contex Colored condoms

Change Color

Balloons are dreams, so remember - did you hold them in your hands or did they fly above you in the sky, what colors predominated?

chameleon4ik chameleon4ik

that you are flying in your illusion, in a beautiful and festive illusion

Lots of balloons in

Dream Interpretation Many balloons in dreamed of why in a dream there are many balloons in? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of balloons in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Carefully study any business or personal proposals, make sure they are worth a hot air balloon.

If the ball flies upward, this means quick profit.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

A balloon in a dream foreshadows the death of hopes and misfortune. Serious upheavals await your activities. Dreaming of ascent in a hot air balloon signifies an unsuccessful trip.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

An inflatable balloon - useless and unrealizable dreams, a decline in business, unsuccessful trips.

Flying in a hot air balloon in a dream - an unsuccessful trip will bring disappointment and grief.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

If the ball bursts, it means that the illusions have scattered to dust.

A balloon rising into the sky means that you are at the mercy of the winds of change.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Lost hopes and misfortunes accompany this dream. Your business life will clearly be in decline.

Rising in a hot air balloon means an unsuccessful trip.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Balloon - pipe dreams.

Dream anyway, it’s much more interesting to live.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Your problems will resolve themselves, don’t worry.

Imagine a balloon flying into the sky.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

useless and unrealistic dreams


Lots of blue balls in

Dream Interpretation - Many moles on the body

Be happy in life.

Dream Interpretation - A lot of military clothes covered in blood and without people

This dream foreshadows war

Dream Interpretation - A lot of lice

This dream promises wealth and honor

Dream Interpretation - Many stairs and walking on them

Insanity is coming.

Dream Interpretation - Many lions

A date awaits you with an important person.

Dream Interpretation - Lots of fish

There will be big profits.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon (balloon)

The balloon (balloon) is a symbol of the penis. If the ball (ball) is well inflated and elastic, if it flies well, your potency is in perfect order.

A poorly inflated or flaccid ball (ball), a ball (ball) hanging down or lying on something, indicates problems with potency.

A ball (ball) flying into the distance speaks of unfulfilled sexual aspirations.

A burst balloon (ball) indicates your indifference to your sexual partner; however, you may have serious problems in the sexual sphere.

Flying in a hot air balloon symbolizes your dream of sudden death during sex.

If you watch the flight of balloons or balls, then you tend to be more involved in sexual fantasies than the real thing. Drop your timidity.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

A hot air balloon seen in a dream foretells lost hopes and misfortunes in business life.

Rising in a hot air balloon means a bad trip. Seeing a balloon quickly carried away by a current of air in a dream predicts unrequited love. Dropping ballast from a balloon means soon recovering from a chronic illness. Inflating balloons in a dream - you will soon fall in love with a person to whom your imagination will attribute traits that he cannot have. Releasing balloons into the sky means acquiring new worries.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Flying a kite in a dream means that you are not suitable for your position.

Although it appears durable, it's actually filled with air—don't let the bright colors distract you.

Carefully study any business or personal proposals, make sure they are worth a hot air balloon.

A hot air balloon seen in a dream foretells the receipt of unusual and unexpected news. Sometimes this can promise some interesting events. Trying to inflate the balloon and not being able to do this means that the business you have in mind will burst, and you should not particularly count on a favorable outcome of events. Seeing how someone else is cheating him means that you are wasting your time, do not indulge yourself with illusions. Seeing him falling portends a love relationship that will be overshadowed by your jealousy. The rising one promises success in business and improved financial condition.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The airship is a symbol of ghostly dreams. The dream suggests that the plans you are hatching are not supported by anything and have no chance of success. Perhaps in reality you should do something more realistic?

Solomon's Dream Book

A hot air balloon is a pipe dream.

Dream book for a bitch

An inflatable balloon - useless and unrealizable dreams, a decline in business, unsuccessful trips.

Flying in a hot air balloon in a dream - an unsuccessful trip will bring disappointment and grief.

Modern combined dream book

After flying in a dream on an airship - be especially attentive to yourself, you can make a big mistake.

If you dreamed of a falling airship, you will be deeply disappointed.

If you yourself suffered a wreck in a dream, this foreshadows the losses that you will suffer after...

If you see balloons in a dream, it means that trouble awaits you in the near future. Most often, balls are an omen of failure in work or business. They denote financial loss, betrayal, deception. It is worth making every effort and using all your experience to solve upcoming problems with as little damage as possible.
Balloons also symbolize the ephemerality of hopes and the illusory nature of the implementation of cherished plans. This may serve as a signal for a more thorough analysis of upcoming projects and ideas.
If in a dream you observe a large number of balloons in the sky, this indicates that there is little joy and fun in your life, which means you need to solve existing problems and enjoy every day. If the balls you see are on the ground, think about the sublime, take your mind off troubles.
If you see yourself flying in a hot air balloon, this marks a trip that will not be entirely successful...

Why do you dream about balloons? A balloon is created for fun, celebrations and laughter. This is real. But in a dream, as often happens, everything turns upside down. In any case, in the interpretation of the authors of dream books. For example, Miller’s famous dream book is laconic about a hot air balloon you dreamed about. According to the book, the balloon symbolizes lost hopes and prophesies all sorts of misfortunes to the sleeper. At the same time, for some reason, it is business life that stands out, for which Miller’s dream book predicts a clear decline in the foreseeable future. It is significant that even such a seemingly favorable plot as a hot air balloon flight is interpreted by this dream book as a “failed trip.” In other dream books, flying in a hot air balloon is interpreted less categorically and warns of the possibility of making a major mistake. In the article about the “bubble,” Miller’s dream book once again mentions balloons. And again - in a negative context. So, if the sleeping person...

I dreamed in the morning that it was early winter, a big holiday was coming, and people at the fair were taking away free inflatable balloons. As I approached the shelves, as always, I got the most nonsensical ones. Among the gloomy balls I found two bright ones (red and pink), and then a stranger snatches them from me and yells: “How dare you rob me - the mother of four children! You have no conscience!” He pulls the balls towards himself and, naturally, breaks them.

Here a new batch of balls was delivered - not so beautiful, but also not bad. I inflated one (blue) to test its strength, but it turned into a bag. Someone simply took the rest of the balls away, laughing maliciously.

I walk away and cry over my bad luck and unhappy fate. And no one will even regret it. All the people grabbed the free balloons and left.

What could this dream mean?

The balloon (balloon) is a symbol of the penis. If the ball (ball) is well inflated and elastic, if it flies well, your potency is in perfect order.

A poorly inflated or flaccid ball (ball), a ball (ball) hanging down or lying on something, indicates problems with potency.

A ball (ball) flying into the distance speaks of unfulfilled sexual aspirations.

A burst balloon (ball) indicates your indifference to your sexual partner; however, you may have serious problems in the sexual sphere.

Flying in a hot air balloon symbolizes your dream of sudden death during sex.

If you watch the flight of balloons or balls, then you tend to be more involved in sexual fantasies than the real thing. Drop your timidity.

Go to: General dream book

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Why do you dream about balloons?

Balloons in real life are a symbol of joy, celebration and cheerful mood. However, if you see them in a dream, then in reality you should not expect anything good.

Balloons seen in a dream foreshadow troubles; they often promise problems at work and difficulties in business. Often such a dream promises a financial crisis, deception and betrayal.

If you saw balloons in your dream, this could be a warning that you should be more careful when making decisions. Therefore, before you say anything, it is a good idea to think about your words several times.

A lot of balloons in a dream may indicate that in real life you have too few positive emotions and lack bright events. Try to diversify your dull everyday life, turn to your close friends for help.

That you should think more about beauty and...

Balloons are a popular attribute of holidays and fun times. Therefore, if such an object appears in a dream, few people expect any trouble. Whether this is right and what fate has prepared for us, we’ll figure it out now.

Why do you dream about balloons?

You may be surprised, but bright balloons are an unfavorable symbol that foreshadows the emergence of various problems. Most often, troubles will concern the work area or business. In the near future, you should expect tricks from your colleagues, as well as risky projects. During this period, the risk of dismissal increases. Balloons in a dream warn that you need to think carefully about every step so as not to cause serious consequences.

A dream in which children inflated balloons promises problems with them. The dream book recommends as much time as possible during this period...

Balloons in a dream The popularity of balloons at parties is a controversial issue, but, nevertheless, it is an enduring fashion. What is the dream about: Balloons were used for a specific celebration, for example, were they heart-shaped balloons to celebrate Valentine's Day? Did they make animals or something else out of them? Does this mean the desire to give shape to something insubstantial and fragile according to your will? English dream book

Multi-colored balloons are always associated with childhood, holidays, lightness and fun. Bright bunch of balloons in hands certainly makes you smile and improves your mood. But you shouldn’t completely trust children’s associations, because a balloon seen in a dream can also mean a frivolous life.

If you dreamed of inflatable balloons, you need to deeply analyze what you saw and carefully look at the details.

According to the general interpretation, if you saw in a dream many colorful balls- this means empty hopes and unfulfilled dreams. It is quite possible that great disappointment awaits you in your work or personal life.

But if you saw balls flying into a cloudless sky, this represents your elevation above society and separation from reality, remember this.

Multi-colored balls lying on the ground indicate a desire to fulfill a cherished dream or can symbolize an unexpected gift.

They mean the collapse of hopes and separation from reality. Perhaps you look at life through rose-colored glasses, are busy endlessly building “castles in the air” and are too distant from solving pressing problems. Your dreams may take you too far.

What does a balloon with a basket mean when flying?

Dream about an unsuccessful trip.

Dreaming of changes in life. If you dump the ballast, you will soon get rid of a serious illness. If you crashed in a hot air balloon, this may portend major losses and even a threat to life.

Such a dream warns against wrong decisions and rash actions. If you see the basket rising, then this is a sure sign of success in business and new achievements, so be calm.

They may talk about illness and poor health. Pay close attention to this and avoid stress and nervous exhaustion. If a girl dreams that she is holding a bunch of snow-white balls in her hands, it means a quick and happy marriage.

If a man dreams of a white ball, this indicates a surge of strength and victory over the enemy.

Warns of an impending disaster, global catastrophe or emergency. Sudden weather changes and deterioration in health due to magnetic storms are possible. For an elderly person, this symbolizes an imminent illness.

A bright and positive sign in your life. It portends joy, fun and interesting events in life. In business, he brings profit and a good deal.

The color yellow symbolizes gold and wealth. For a girl, a yellow ball means the appearance of a respectable boyfriend and expensive gifts.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

According to him, balloons seen in a dream symbolize a conflict situation and troubles in business. Fears and old grievances will rule over you. But soon they will disappear, thereby ensuring a positive outcome.

Burst balloon portends dismissal from work and quickly obtaining a good source of income. In family relationships, balloons mean mutual understanding and resolution of conflict situations. Your parents and children will help you in all matters.

If the girl dreamed of a balloon, which is carried away by the wind - this means unrequited love or the infidelity of her young man.

If she inflates the balloons, this indicates an imminent slight infatuation or flirting. If it bursts in your hands, your partner does not deserve attention and love, and it can also mean imminent betrayal.

Catching balloons in a dream portends disappointment in business. If the caught ball bursts, then this is a sure sign of the resolution of old problems. If a young woman holds it in her hand, she will soon get married or become pregnant, remember these differences.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a blue or green balloon, this promises her an easy birth and the birth of a boy. If it is pink, it will be a girl.

Balls falling to the ground symbolize jealousy and suspicion. Perhaps your fears are unfounded and you need to reconsider your relationship with your loved ones. Raising the ball means unexpected joy and an improvement in your financial situation.

Lying among a large number of multi-colored balls symbolizes the thirst for pleasure and entertainment. It is possible that there is not enough holiday in your life.

If you see bursting balloons, then unexpected problems at work are possible and you will have a difficult conversation with your boss or subordinate. Try to avoid conflict situations at work and in communication with colleagues.

If you saw in a dream children inflating bright balloons, this symbolizes the emergence of problems related to their health and upbringing. Or it is possible that in life you give them too little care and attention. Put aside pressing matters and devote the entire coming weekend to communicating with the kids.

Interpretation of the esoteric dream book

In it, a balloon symbolizes filling life with meaning and fullness of feelings. Blowing air bubbles embodies creative energy and the beginning of new achievements.

If you play with bright inflatable balls, this means that you are able to captivate other people with your work and create a light and relaxed atmosphere around you. If you throw it to other people, it may portend rivalry and competition in business and personal relationships.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

See in a dream huge black ball, falling to Earth - to approaching troubles and disasters. Perhaps this foreshadows an explosion at a factory or simply a slight deterioration in the environmental situation in your region.

If it is engulfed in flames, this is a warning about international bloody wars and irreparable losses.

Balls that appear in a dream are harbingers of deteriorating health. Pay attention to the functioning of the bladder and pelvic organs.

A shiny and iridescent ball means illusion and disappointment in love. But if it hangs motionless, it means that luck is very close and all your secret fears and concerns will be in vain.

Did you dream about a ball? Check your business partners carefully; perhaps you trust them too much. A bright balloon symbolizes illusions and the destruction of hopes.

If it flies upward, expect great luck in money, perhaps even receiving a large inheritance. Ball falling to the ground may mean that envious people and ill-wishers have appeared among your friends.

Dream Interpretation Balloon

In real time, multi-colored inflatable balloons will evoke pleasant memories from childhood in adults and will cheer up even the saddest kids. But will a dream with such rubber products have a positive interpretation?

As the modern dream book says, a balloon in the sky is a sign of troubles that the dreamer may encounter in the near future. Flying on it is also a symbol of possible difficulties and failures.

You can determine the specific meaning of a dream if you remember the entire scenario of the vision.

Universal interpretations of dream books

If you saw a balloon in a dream

Most popular dream books interpret dreams with the presence of inflatable balloons as a negative sign. When a person dreams of colorful products, then most likely he will have to face problems at work or in the family. There are also positive meanings of dreams. For example, flying in a balloon means traveling. And if it needs to be inflated, then this promises a huge amount of work ahead.

Dream books of practitioners and mediums

Well-known mediums, practitioners and psychotherapists agree that although the balloon looks solid, there is ordinary air inside it. Such a vision hints at a person’s arrogance and excessive pomposity.

To dream that you are flying in the sky in a balloon with a basket means moving; if the flight is long, then the dreamer will leave his homeland for a long time. This dream scenario is typical for those who must move to another country.

Miller's comment

Miller's dream book says that a vision reflects an individual's internal fears. Depending on the location of the dreamer in relation to the object, the interpretation will change:

  • Flying in a balloon means a bad trip.
  • Flight can be a dream of loss of vital energy and overwork. In this case, the solution would be a vacation or at least a few days off.
  • If you need to inflate a rubber product yourself, then this will result in financial losses. In life you need to control spending.
  • Why do you have dreams in which there are a lot of small balls? To the accumulation of unresolved issues. All of them are quite insignificant, but in total they can weaken the nervous system of the most persistent people.

Miller's interpretations assure that if failures fall out of the blue, then many colored balls guarantee the support of loved ones. With the strong shoulder of a friend and the help of loved ones, it will be much easier to resolve all the troubles.

If they were colorful

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The medium Miss Hasse analyzes the processes that occur with the dreamer.

  • A ball with a basket - to unfulfilled dreams. Such visions occur to people who have recently been abandoned by their loved ones.
  • Why watch the flight from the outside? The environment does not believe in your strength and does not provide support.
  • A sharp takeoff is identified with the fact that for a given period of time the ground is disappearing from under one’s feet.
  • Flying alone - you can solve problems only on your own, gathering your will into a fist.
  • If a big balloon bursts, then your eyes will open to the real state of things. Although it will be unpleasant, all the deceptions will come to light.

Folk dream books

Over the entire existence of mankind, who, if not the people themselves, will find the correct interpretation of seemingly benevolent night dreams. So why do you dream about a balloon? Popular explanations say that a vision of many balls flying in the sky promises fun and warm communication with friends. If you happen to fly with someone you know, you will definitely have a like-minded person, a reliable business partner.

Modern dream book

  • A difficult flight where it is necessary to reset ballast will tell you that in reality you should not take all the responsibility on yourself. Especially if it concerns issues of financial support for the family.
  • If children have to inflate balloons of bright colors in a dream, then parents need to take care of their children’s problems. A frank conversation with the offspring will put everything in its place.
  • A harbinger of scandals and disagreements will be the process of catching inflatable products with your hands.
  • Flying alone means detachment and melancholy. This type of dream portends depression.

Gypsy dream book

If you flew on it

Interpretations according to the gypsy dream book are based not on the attribute of the holiday itself, but on its content. You need to pay attention to the air with which the product is pumped:

  • If it is hot, then expect financial gains.
  • If you see the flight of a balloon inflated with helium, envious people will not be able to realize their insidious plans.
  • Why see a lot of balls? Expect minor troubles.

Other interpretations

Flying in a hot air balloon is about keeping your inner child alive. The dreamer probably felt a taste of freedom for a while.

A vehicle crash means losses.

Did you drop ballast during the flight? Such a dream foretells that you will be able to avoid boring work and useless tasks.

If the balloon bursts, difficulties will arise with your sexual partner.

A stable height will be a good sign. Such dreams hint: soon all troubles will be resolved.

It happens that you wake up in high spirits and remember the dream. And there is a holiday and balloons everywhere. And you think: “To the holiday, joy, fun.” But in dreams not everything is the same as in reality. That's why we interpret our dreams. And really, what are the balloons for?

Why do you dream about balloons?

Seeing balloons in a dream most often means some kind of trouble or failure in the near future; they are also considered harbingers of losses, quarrels and conflicts.

Most dream books still reassure us that balls seen in a dream symbolize troubles only at work and in the professional sphere. They promise that these difficulties will not affect the health of you and your loved ones. On the contrary, they urge you to stick to your family and close circle - there you will find the necessary help and support when the predicted dream begins to come true.

Burst balloons in a dream

If you dreamed that the balloons you had just inflated burst - expect dismissal from work, significant financial losses or a major breakdown of household appliances. If the balloons burst not you yourself, but someone else, the problem cannot be avoided, but you will have to spend more time and effort to solve it. If such a dream visited you on the eve of a significant purchase, do not rush to make it, but set aside the available amount of money.

Hold several balloons or a large bunch in your hands - you are burdened with difficulties in interactions with partners and colleagues. They do not allow you to open up fully and interfere with self-realization. With such harbingers, it is recommended not to make hasty decisions on current issues in the service, but to once again weigh, evaluate and analyze everything.

As an option, you can hold an additional meeting before launching the project, take a closer look at an employee or partner on whom the outcome of the event will also depend.

If you see that children are inflating balloons, it means that the problems will be related to solving the problems of your children or relatives from the younger generation.

Why do you dream about balloons falling down?

If balloons in a dream fell from top to bottom, to the floor or ground, then expect disappointment. It is also frustrating to try to catch, catch up with a flying balloon, or simply catch these balloons of your dreams as they fall down. These disappointments can happen in any area of ​​life. But don’t rush to get upset, remember “forewarned is forearmed.” Exhale, try to look at the situation from the outside calmly, without haste or panic.

If in a dream you immediately see that multi-colored or monochromatic balls filled with air lie below in the room or on the street - this is a sure sign that you are overloaded with problems that, in fact, are easily solved, but you need to work hard to figure it out and not hide from them .

Flying in a hot air balloon in a dream

And if you dreamed of flying in a large hot air balloon, then the upcoming trip or planned trip will be unsuccessful. The expected fears and risks will come true. Review your travel plan and work out options for resolving controversial issues.

Experts believe that if you often dream about balloons, then in everyday life you very rarely relax and have fun. And problems hang over you like the sword of Damocles, due to fatigue and overwork. Analyze other details and circumstances from your dreams - we are sure that in totality everything will not be so hopeless and sad. We create reality ourselves, and dreams are just hints and guidelines for action.

The most rosy interpretation of a dream about balloons: if in the end all the balloons begin to rise from the bottom up, flying away into the endless sky. Or you yourself release them out of an open window or from a balcony, and they will not fall, but, caught by the breeze, will soar to the clouds. Then you will easily cope with all the difficulties and troubles, make your life easier in terms of work and your immediate environment!

I wish you rainbow, peaceful dreams and balloons flying skyward!

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