
Compile a register of business transactions. How to make and fill out a business transaction journal. Form and sample filling

We talked about accounting registers in. We will look at the business transaction log in this material.

Register of business transactions

What documents confirm the fact of a business transaction? Of course, the primary accounting document, which is drawn up when a fact of economic life is committed, and if this is not possible, immediately after its completion (Part 3 of Article 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ). After all, documentation of business transactions is the starting point for accounting. Therefore, we can say that the basis for documenting business transactions and maintaining accounting records is registration at the time of the relevant transactions.

All business transactions of the reporting period can be grouped by the date of their completion. The chronological accounting register, which reflects completed business transactions in the sequence of their implementation, is the business transactions register.

Logbook for registering business transactions: example of filling

There is no single form for the journal of business transactions. After all, a journal is an accounting register, so an organization can develop its form independently (Part 5, Article 10 of Federal Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011). In terms of accounting automation, the transaction log is included in the standard set of reports generated in the computer system. Therefore, for most accountants, the question of how to fill out a journal of business transactions is not relevant: it can be generated in an accounting program automatically for any period based on transactions reflected in the system.

Below we provide a sample for the registration journal of business transactions that is most often used.

Journal of registration of business transactions (fragment)

The activity of an economic entity consists of certain sequential events that influence the formation of the final material result of the work. In this article, we will consider the types of business transactions in accounting and their reflection in the accounts in the postings.

General concepts of business transactions

A business operation consists of a certain action that reflects data on calculations, changes in the composition of equity, and the sources of their formation. Based on it, the accountant draws up an entry. The operation is recognized as completed only if there are supporting documents.

Each economic action will change either the size of the property, or the size and composition of the sources of its formation, or two indicators simultaneously. Their decrease or increase equally affects the total amount of assets and liabilities of the balance sheet.

Main stages of the organization's work

In the course of the enterprise’s activities, 3 processes can be distinguished, which are taken into account by separate operations:

  1. Supply - takes into account the receipt of goods and materials from third-party companies, repayment of transport and procurement costs.
  2. Production - inventory items are released into production, wages and taxes are calculated.
  3. Sales - the revenue received from the sale of goods (provision of services) to counterparties is recorded, the corresponding costs are written off, and profit is determined.

The totals of assets (current and non-current funds) and liabilities (capital, reserves, liabilities) are called balance sheet currency.

Types of accounting transactions

Depending on the interaction of assets and sources, there are 4 types of operations.

  • Active - affect the composition of funds, i.e., the balance sheet asset, without affecting the results. These include actions to use inventory items, liquidate accounts receivable, receive money from a bank account to the cash desk, issue money on account, etc.

The first type of change is reflected by the formula:

A + ΔI – ΔI = P, where

A - balance sheet asset;

P - passive;

ΔI - change in property due to economic action.

  • Passive operations affect the sources of formation of assets, i.e., the liability side of the balance sheet. The result is constant. Such operations include: deductions from earnings, the formation of reserves or the accrual of dividends from profits for distribution, replenishment of the authorized capital from additional funds, etc.

This type of operation can be reflected as follows:

A = P + ΔI – ΔI.

  • Active-passive increasing - increase the asset, liability and currency by an identical amount. These include: repayment of debt on deposits in the authorized capital, accrual of depreciation of fixed assets, advances from buyers, receipt of borrowed funds, etc.

This type of operation looks like this:

A + ΔI = P + ΔI.

  • Active-passive decreasing - reduce the asset, liability and total balance by the same amount. This is the payment of earnings, payment of debts to creditors.

A – ΔI = P – ΔI.

Example 1. Type 4 operation

Based on bills and bank statements, 214 thousand rubles were transferred to the supplier. for the materials received. The result of the operation will be a change in two items: the asset account will decrease. 51 by 214 thousand rubles, in liabilities the account will decrease. 62 for 214 thousand rubles. The asset and liability totals changed by an equal amount. The balance identity is preserved.

Consideration of four types of business transactions led to the following conclusions:

  • Each fact of activity is reflected in at least two balance sheet items;
  • Changes to the asset (types 1, 2) do not change the currency of the document;
  • Changes in assets and liabilities (types 3, 4) change the currency by the same amount;
  • Any operations maintain equality of balance sheet totals.

Table. Examples of postings by type of operation.

Content Debit deviation Credit deviation
Type 1.
Raw materials transferred to production20 + 10 -
Payment received from buyer51 + 60 -
Received money in cash50 + 51 -
Type 2.
Personal income tax withheld from salary70 - 68 +
The reserve is replenished from profits to be distributed84 - 82 +
Advance paid to supplier using borrowed funds60 - 66 +
Type 3.
Received materials from supplier10 + 60 +
Salary accrued20 + 70 +
The loan amount has been credited to the account51 + 66 +
Type 4.
Loan repaid66 - 51 -
Employees' salaries transferred70 - 51 -
Payment has been made to the supplier for the goods51 - 60 -

How to determine the type of operation?

To understand which of the four types discussed above a transaction belongs to, you need to determine which accounts are involved in the posting and what happens to the balance sheet currency.

Type of transaction Corresponding accounts Changes in Debit and Credit values Balance sheet
ActiveBoth activeDt increases, Kt decreasesDoesn't change
PassiveBoth are passiveDt decreases, Kt increases
Mixed to increaseDt - active, Kt - passiveDt and Kt increaseIncreases
Mixed on declineDt - passive, Kt - activeDt and Kt decreaseDecreases

Features of reflecting accounting entries

Each production action must be documented. Changes arising from the operation are of a dual nature and occur in two interrelated accounting objects. A characteristic feature of the operation is that it is shown on the accounts twice: in debit and credit. This relationship represents the correspondence of accounts.

Transactions are reflected on accounts at the time of their occurrence, i.e., as they are completed. Double entry reveals the opposite nature of the asset and liability accounts, linking them to the form of the balance sheet. On the left they reflect the balances of the property (debit), on the right - the sources of its appearance (credit).

Correspondent accounts and balance form a single system, connected by double entry, which is based on three principles:

  • Duality of reflection;
  • Fixation of amounts for Dt and Ct accounts;
  • In both accounts, changes are shown in the same amount.

For control, the registration of the action in accounting is repeated twice. First of all, it is reflected as a fait accompli confirmed by documents, then - by the distribution of amounts among correspondent accounts.

Example 2. Posting


The changes affected two accounts: account. 10 - balances of inventory and inventory items increased. 60 - the debt to the supplier has increased.

Account 10 - active, takes into account assets, growth is put in Dt;

Account 60 - passive, height - according to Kt.

The increase in assets and liabilities corresponds to operations of the third type. The posting is written as follows: Dt 10 Kt 60.

Documentary evidence of records

Entries in accounts are made according to documents, so all papers received by the accountant are subject to processing. Documents are established for homogeneous groups of operations. For each action, they create correspondence accounts. The text indicating the correspondence and amount is called a posting. It is compiled directly on the document, in a statement, or in a special journal.

To facilitate data entry, each account is assigned a number. The control function of double entry of information is to check the equality of debit and credit turnover for the period. Inequality indicates the presence of an error in the wiring. The cognitive function of double registration is that it is easy to formulate the content of the operation using correspondent accounts.

Example 3. Formulation of the contents of correspondent accounts

The entry is given: Dt 69 Kt 51 in the amount of 15,300 rubles.


Dt sch. 69 - passive, a decrease in the sources of the company’s funds is recorded;

Kt sch. 51 - active, the cost of funds is decreasing.

The values ​​in these accounts decrease, which means that the operation belongs to the fourth type.

Basic balance postings

Postings for some business activities are presented in the table.

Debit Credit Content
20 (25) 70 Salaries accrued to the main workers (administration)
70 68 Personal income tax withheld from employees' earnings
76 Child support withheld from salary
50, 51 Salary paid
20 (25) 69 Contributions to extra-budgetary funds accrued
68, (69) 51 Personal income tax (insurance contributions) transferred
Cash desk and bank
50 51, (52) Money has been received from the account to the cashier
62 Advance received from buyer
70 Refund of excess amounts paid for salaries
71 Return of the balance of accountable money
75 Contribution to the authorized capital has been received
70 50 Salary paid
71 Money was issued for reporting
94 The lack of money in the cash register has been taken into account
73 A loan was issued to an employee
51 Proceeds handed over to the bank
51 62, (76) Paid for goods by buyer (debtor)
66, 67 Loan received
75 51 Dividends paid
60 Money was transferred to the supplier for the goods
66, 67 Loan interest paid off
81 Shares purchased
91.2 Payment to the bank for cash management services
Fixed assets (FPE) and intangible assets (IMA)
08 60, 71, 75, 76 Received OS (intangible assets)
01, (04) 08 Assets were accepted for accounting (intangible assets were put into operation)
20, 23, 25, 26, 44 02, (05) Accrued depreciation on fixed assets (intangible assets)
10, (11) 60, 75, 76 Received MPZ (animals)
20, 23, 29 Production waste has arrived
20, 23, 25, 26, 44 10 MPZ written off
90, 91 MPZ sold
08 11 Young cattle were transferred to the main herd
20, 23, 29 Costs of slaughtering animals are taken into account
20 23, 25, 26, (28) The costs of other production (losses from defects) are distributed among the main products
21 Own semi-finished products were released into production for processing
20, 23, 25, 26, 44 60, 76 Works (services) of third-party organizations are reflected
68, 69, 70 Taxes and salaries accrued
21 20 Semi-finished products (own) are taken into account
90 44 Sales expenses are written off to the cost of products sold
62 90 Products sold
20, 25, 44 66, 67 Interest accrued on the loan
10, 20, 41 71 Accountable amount spent
73 94 The shortage is attributed to the culprit
75 80 Authorized fund accrued
10, 51, 50,11, 41 75 Funds contributed to the contribution to the authorized capital
81 50, 51 Securities purchased
84, 75 82 The reserve fund has been replenished
82 84 Losses are covered using reserve capital funds
75 83 Increased price of securities
75 80 Authorized fund accrued
83 75 Additional capital is distributed among the participants of the JSC
50, 51 86 Special-purpose financing
Financial results
90 10, 21, 41, 43 The cost of inventory items is written off
62 90 Sales revenue taken into account
90 68 VAT charged on products sold
20, (44) Actual sales expenses written off (cost of sales)
99 Sales profit taken into account
40 The deviation of the actual cost from the planned cost is reflected
99 90 Loss on sales by main activities
91.2 10 Spare parts written off for repairs
03 The value of property leased is written off
20 Main production services written off
94 Shortage written off (no culprit)
99 Profit from sales written off
99 91.2 Other expenses written off at the end of the year
10 Spare parts from car disassembly are taken into account
20, 23, 91 96 A reserve has been created for future expenses
99 68 Profit tax accrued
84 99 Uncovered loss identified
99 84 The final result of the work is reflected - profit

Answers to questions about business transactions

Question No. 1. What is complex wiring?

This is a record reflecting an action that is based on a combination of at least three accounts: several debit accounts with one credit account or vice versa.

Question No. 2. How are rental costs calculated?

Question No. 3. Why do you need a business transaction log?

In it, each fact of the company's work turns into a posting indicating the correspondence of accounts and the amount.

Question No. 4. In what order are business activities taken into account?

First, they are registered according to confirming papers according to the calendar order, then in a certain order they are entered into the accounting registers in the correspondence of accounts.

Question No. 5. What is account assignment?

This is writing directly on the correspondent account document based on its content before registering the transaction in accounting.

So, each operation in accounting leads to a change in the composition of the company’s funds and sources of education: capital, reserves, liabilities. The operation is documented, recorded by appropriate postings and subsequently recorded in the accounting registers.

Accurate and up-to-date information on completed household activities. operations are required for the effective management of the company, as well as for tax accounting purposes. The business journal is one of the main accounting documents. Read more about what it is and how it is filled out in this article.

Housekeeping log. transactions is the most complete accounting register. It contains records of all transactions performed by the company during its activities. This document contains a list of all transactions that are reflected in accounting.

The business transaction log reflects almost all changes that occur in the company:

  • Changes in the composition and structure of assets;
  • Changes in the composition and structure of liabilities;
  • Positive and negative changes in the welfare of the company;
  • Other changes.

Since the amount of information entered into the journal is quite large, this document is inconvenient for grouping information and conducting analysis. However, if there is a need to track completed transactions over a certain period of time, it is indispensable.

Purpose of the magazine

Documenting business transactions in accounting and considering them together allows the analyst to:

  • Conduct a competent analysis of the current situation in the company;
  • Supervise financial condition;
  • Give a forecast of future changes;
  • Draw the necessary conclusions;
  • Take measures to optimize the financial health of the company.

Consequently, documenting households. operations and accounting are related. Thanks to them, the legality and transparency of transactions is ensured.

General filling rules

The procedure for documenting business transactions in different companies may be different. However, there are uniform rules that all companies must follow:

  • A new entry must be made starting on a new line;
  • The journal must reflect every transaction made in the company;
  • Numerical information is written in words;
  • Transactions are reflected starting from the earliest date and ending with the most recent one.

Procedure for filling out the journal

The business transaction log form is given below.

On paper it is filled out in the following order:

  1. Household is written on a new line. operation with details: date, type and description.
  2. If this is required, then the documentation on the basis of which the posting was made is indicated.
  3. After this, the transaction amount is written down.
  4. Next, the buh is reflected. accounts used in credit and debit (as a rule, debit indicates the amount of money received and obligations to the company, and credit indicates the company’s obligations by its creditors and the amount of money paid).
  5. A signature with a transcript is affixed.

Filling out the business transactions journal in electronic form is carried out as follows:

  1. In the “menu” tab, select the “accounting” item, then “household”. operations"; click the “add” button.
  2. In the window that appears, enter the name of the operation with all the necessary details (type, date, amount of the operation).
  3. If required, fill in the “from whom” field.
  4. After this, the accounts reflected in debit and credit are registered.

Form and sample filling

Accounting Principles included in the Accounting Regulations "Accounting Policy of the Organization" (PBU 1/98):
  • property isolation;
  • going concern;
  • consistency of accounting policies;
  • temporary certainty of the facts of economic life;
  • completeness of reflection of accounting information;
  • timely reflection of the facts of economic life;
  • the identity of analytical accounting data with turnovers and balances on synthetic accounting accounts on the last calendar day of each month;
  • rationality of accounting.
Accounting Method is a set of techniques by which accounting is carried out. Such techniques include:
  • documentation;
  • accounts;
  • double entry;
  • inventory;
  • evaluation and costing;
  • balance;
  • reporting.
Documentation is a set of documents that provides a continuous and continuous reflection of the economic activities of the enterprise. Each separate document is written evidence of the fact of a business transaction. The following mandatory details give the document legal force: name of the document, date of preparation, name of the organization on behalf of which the document is drawn up, content of the business transaction, measures of the business transaction in kind and monetary terms, names of positions of persons responsible for the execution of the business transaction, personal signatures of these persons.
Accounts– a tool for coding, accounting and grouping of economic assets and operations. We will look at the account in more detail in the corresponding chapters.
Double entry– recording a business transaction on the debit of one account and on the credit of another – provides an interconnected and controlled reflection of the transaction. Coding a business transaction using double entry is called an accounting entry.
Inventory– checking the availability of inventory, cash and financial obligations.
Valuation and costing– methods for determining the cost of economic assets, the costs of their acquisition and construction, production costs, costs of selling products, etc.
Balance– a method of generalizing and grouping economic assets and their sources for a specific date. We have already looked at an example of a balance sheet above; we will look at it further.
Financial statements- a general picture of the property and financial condition of the enterprise, as well as a reflection of its economic activities for the reporting period.

Barn (scribe) books were invented by mankind long before the advent of a coherent system of accounting science. Since ancient times, they have been an absolute indicator of the prudent activity of any economy. And today humanity is unable to refuse the elementary reflection of transactions performed, although it has long ago renamed the silent barn book into a strict definition - a journal of registration of business transactions .

Modern journal of business transactions - an independent accounting register in which all facts of the company’s activities are recorded, grouped in chronological order. Any enterprise, be it a small production with several product units or a holding company with multimillion-dollar turnover, keeps a log of business transactions. But not only accounting departments keep records of transactions. All aspects of company life are documented. Thus, personnel records management has its own registration book, and the occupational health and safety service maintains its own journal, but we will consider documenting business transactions in accounting.

Journal of business transactions: form and necessary details

There is no single approved form of the journal; the scope of application of the registration document is too broad. Typically, an enterprise creates a form that is convenient for itself, which is permitted by the Law “On Accounting” dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ. You can keep a journal in paper form - a traditional book, bound, stitched and numbered page by page, where entries are entered manually, or in an electronic version. In specialized accounting programs, the journal of business transactions is filled out automatically, since it is included in the mandatory set of reports generated with the appropriate settings, and can be compiled in the accounting program for any given period of time.

The required details of the journal are: transaction number, date of its completion, content of the transaction performed, accounting entry, amount and information about the primary accounting document or journal order where the transaction is recorded. Absolutely all business transactions are subject to reflection in the journal. Sample log sheet:

No. of primary document

Account correspondence

The procedure for documenting business transactions in different enterprises X on paper varies somewhat, but the sequence of filling out is almost the same:

  • a new entry starts on a new line;
  • the operation, its serial number, date, content are directly reflected;
  • The transaction and transaction amount are recorded. If necessary, if several of them are combined in the transaction amount (for example, when receiving money by bank check, in which the intended purpose is strictly delineated), then in the column “Content of the transaction” all components of one amount are written down;
  • The number of the supporting document is indicated.

How to fill out a business transaction journal

Typically, an accountant, having completed an entry in the accounting documents, makes a corresponding entry in the journal. We present the journal of business transactions (sample filling with postings).



No. w/o

No. first document

Account correspondence



J/o No. 1 PKO No. 1 of 2016

Receipt from account:

For a salary of 150,000 rubles;

Household needs 2,000 rubles;

Travel allowance 15,000 rub.

Salary was issued according to wages. No. 1

Issued on account to the owner. needs

An advance was issued for travel expenses

Received proceeds from sales from the tray

The proceeds were transferred to the bank account

In the third column of the journal, the accountant makes a note on the primary accounting form, which documents the fact of the business transaction. . It is also not forbidden to refer to the order journal, where you can see the posting of interest. The record of the actual transaction must be clear and concise.

Why do you need a business transaction log?

An example of filling out this accounting register clearly demonstrates what operations were carried out and in what period. Documenting the business operations of an organization and considering them together allows a competent economist to analyze the current situation in the company, monitor its financial condition, predict future changes, draw conclusions and make efforts to stabilize the economic health of the organization.

Thus, documenting business transactions and maintaining accounting records inextricably linked concepts that ensure transparency and legality of business transactions.

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