
Nourishing foods. The most satisfying foods for your diet

The concept of satiety of food is individual. A lot of things influence this - serving size, fiber content, amount of protein, digestion speed, and, finally, associations. Some sources praise apples as a real storehouse of satiety, and bless cabbage as the main fighter against kg. Others curse the first as a source of increased appetite, and the second as the best way to “stretch the stomach.” Everyone is right, in fact, everyone should choose a list of nutritious foods for themselves individually.

What foods are filling and low-calorie at the same time?

Technically, there are very few of them. According to the ADA classification, we can classify as low-calorie foods only food whose energy value does not exceed 90-100 kcal per serving (120 g according to the same classification). How many such foods do you know? Among the vegetables and fruits there are almost all representatives of the kingdom. What about meat and fish?

In general, in the strictest sense, these are:

  • - cod, haddock, pollock, hake, lemonema. The meat of this fish gives us a little more than 73 kcal per 100 g, mainly from protein. Contains all essential amino acids. Helps prepare dinner even when there are very few calories left and time is short. Cooks in seconds. Don't like boiled fish? Steam or bake in foil. But frying increases the calorie content of a serving by 200 kcal. And the fish is no longer so useful. Many people, however, will not agree that white fish is filling. It is digested quite quickly, leaving the stomach in just a couple of hours. How to “slow it down”? Serve on a bed of fibrous vegetables such as broccoli, kohlrabi and cauliflower. You can also grate carrots, it only improves the taste of fish dishes;
  • - shrimp, crabs, mussels. Sounds more interesting, right? However, supporters of strict low-carb diets shy away from the meat of these marine inhabitants. The reason is as much as one gram of glycogen per 100 g of product. Seafood rarely contains more than 83 kcal per 100 g; our rare lobsters and sea cucumbers are slightly more nutritious. This category of products has a lot in common. All are a source of complete protein, all contain omega-3 and help fight hunger. They are also digested quickly, so for the needs of satiety - with vegetables;
  • - extra-low-fat beef. Or very dry veal, as we call it. In general, it is veal meat, completely devoid of fat. It will need to be steamed, and this is the only type of meat that is “low-calorie” in principle. Even chicken breast meat contains about 120 kcal versus 101 kcal from this. In addition, calf meat contains complete triheme iron, and therefore should be included in the diet of absolutely all women of childbearing age;
  • - all types of vegetables without starch. Cabbage and zucchini, cucumbers and tomatoes, leafy greens and celery. All of them contain a lot of fiber and water, and little, literally from 18 to 35 kcal per 100 g. Do you want something sweet? Eat pumpkin. Salty? Sprinkle the cucumber salad with pulverized seaweed. Mashed potatoes? Grind the cauliflower in a blender. Chips? Dry the kale collards in the oven and sprinkle with spices. Vegetables will appeal to everyone who is looking for satisfying weight loss;
  • - all mushrooms. Here the opinions of nutritionists from different schools differed. In the USA, the “common theory” is the benefits of mushrooms for a healthy, non-allergic person. It is believed that their fiber-rich protein bodies keep us full for a long time, and “protect” us from absorbing junk food. For example, fried fatty meat. But in Russian-language textbooks on dietetics, mushrooms are considered a controversial product. Many people are not able to assimilate and digest them at all, since they are very “demanding” of the enzyme activity of the gastrointestinal tract. One way or another, no more than 20 kcal per 100 g;
  • - seaweed. We eat little of them, but the Japanese eat a lot. Guess who's slimmer? This is, of course, an unscientific approach, but seaweed is filling due to its “gel-like” consistency. They fill the stomach, envelop... And they are also tasty and healthy, as they contain a lot of iodine, which we also need for weight loss;
  • - unsweetened and watery fruits. We have grapefruits and some varieties of pomelo, as well as green apples. Most doctors will also include all berries except watermelon and most sweet fruits on the list. But it is these gifts of nature that require an individual approach. Many people experience pangs of hunger due to one fruit and are “tolerant” of others;
  • - konnyaku fiber pasta. They contain about 12 kcal per 100 g and are almost not absorbed by our bodies. Konnyaku is a tough insoluble fiber that cleanses the intestines and helps reduce the glycemic load of food. Food with konjac is recommended for diabetics and those losing weight. The only negative is that if you overeat, it can cause bloating.

Slightly behind the low-calorie list are foods such as chicken breasts, coarse porridges made from buckwheat, barley and brown rice. More nutritious, but certainly very filling, are legumes, including soybeans. Food combinations are also important in reducing calories and increasing satiety.

Win-win pairings to satisfy your hunger

Adding vegetables to your food will help reduce the calorie content of your food. Vegetables with porridge are more satisfying than just porridge. Vegetables with meat - than just meat.

And there are also pairs of foods, one of which is filling, the other low in calories:

  • - coarse oatmeal and yogurt or cottage cheese;
  • - chicken eggs and spinach or broccoli;
  • - any meat and green vegetables;
  • - low-calorie cottage cheese with bran and honey;
  • - strawberries or raspberries and cottage cheese 0%/

Of course, eating only low-calorie foods is not the answer. We still need fats and complex carbohydrates, and not just “dry” proteins and fiber. But from time to time, when you want to eat a lot, and the calorie range is modest, you shouldn’t give them up. After all, they make our life easier.

Hearty and low-calorie foods nutrition must be included in the daily menu for those people who decide to take the path of losing weight, leading to strengthening the body and improving their figure. It has been established that the food a person eats has a direct effect on the energy level of his body.

Therefore, both the decrease and increase in vitality and energy completely depends on the food consumed and its calorie level. It is important to know that there is a whole range of food products that can have a positive effect on the body’s condition, increase a person’s energy and not add a single extra kilogram. In this article, we’ll talk in more detail about what affects the level of calorie content of food consumed, what non-calorie and low-calorie foods are, and also consider lists of low-calorie plant, animal and dairy foods.

The most important criterion determining the level of calorie content of food is the concentration of fat. Low-calorie foods should contain a reduced concentration of fatty components, since when they are digested, the release of calories increases several times, and when carbohydrate and protein compounds are broken down, the number of calories released decreases. It is important to remember that dietary foods should contain the optimal amount of plant fiber and carbohydrate compounds.

Easily digestible carbohydrate compounds enable the human body to easily cope with the calories produced from fat components. A sufficient level of consumption of plant fiber will ensure a long-lasting state of satiety in the body, since the processes of its absorption require a long period of time. And the last most important criterion that influences the level of calorie content of products is the water content, which contains no calories at all. Therefore, the higher the water content of a product, the lower its caloric content will be.

List of low calorie plant foods

Fiber is the fibrous structure of vegetation that helps reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood and slow down the breakdown of carbohydrates in the human body.

Please note: that the lowest calorie foods are plant foods, in the form of herbs, tea, fruits, berries and vegetables, which contain a huge amount of mineral components, vitamin complexes and dietary fiber.

But the leading position in the list of low-calorie foods is still occupied by vegetables. One striking example is broccoli, which contains only 33 kilocalories per 100 grams, but at the same time has enormous benefits for the human body. It contains a high concentration of proteins, calcium and magnesium. In addition, if you use broccoli for effective weight loss, then in addition to the necessary benefits, this product helps prevent the occurrence of cancer. It is recommended to eat broccoli raw or boiled, but when boiling it is not recommended to overcook this type of cabbage to prevent loss of nutrients.

Carrots are a rich source of beneficial carotenoids and contain 35 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. Promotes antioxidant effects on the body, increases immunity, improves the quality of vision and normalizes intestinal motility. Another interesting vegetable is the artichoke, which contains 40 kilocalories per 100 grams. Its beneficial properties include the content of potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, enzymes and sugars, which allows you to control the concentration of sugar in the blood and strengthen all organ systems.

Table of the lowest calorie foods

In addition to the vegetables presented, there is also a list of dietary products that will be useful for weight loss.

Let's look at them using the following table as an example:

Calorie levels in plant foods
Product name Number of kilocalories per 100 g.
Eggplant 24
Parsley 49
Zucchini 27
Potato 83
Celery 32
Red cabbage 31
Leek 40
Onion 43
Red and green bell peppers 27/23
White cabbage 28
Beet 48
Turnip 28
Cauliflower 29
Parsley 47

Fruit crops contain fructose, but despite this, they are also low-calorie foods. To get the maximum benefit from fruits when losing weight, it is recommended to consume them in small portions in the first half of the day. One hundred grams of grapefruit can contain about 34 kilocalories. This fruit is one of the most important aids for people losing weight, as it helps to overcome the feeling of hunger and reduce appetite.

Interesting! It has been established that only a quarter of a grapefruit helps burn 750-800 kcal.

Pineapple 100 gr. contains 46-48 kilocalories and helps reduce blood pressure, restore the functioning of the digestive organs and remove toxins and toxic substances from the body. Burns calories with the same efficiency as papaya.

100 grams of papaya contain 43 kilocalories. Contains a high concentration of enzyme compounds that help the body quickly absorb proteins and burn fat components. To get the maximum benefit from this fruit, you should eat papaya during your main meal, as its effect in the digestive tract is short-lived.

Let's consider other fruit and berry crops that will also be useful for losing weight using the following table as an example:

List of low calorie meat products

It is good to consume plant foods during intensive weight loss, but it is not recommended to completely exclude meat from your diet, since the prolonged absence of meat products in the diet of a losing weight person can lead to exhaustion. This is due to the fact that plant foods do not contain those beneficial components for the human body that are found in meat.

Proteins that make up meat take part in the structure of muscle fibers, due to which a person’s physical activity increases, which contributes to greater calorie burning during a diet. When losing weight, preference should be given to rabbit, beef, white poultry meat and veal, as these are the lowest-calorie and at the same time satisfying foods. The caloric content of meat ingredients is presented below:

List of dairy products with minimal calories

When losing weight, dairy products should also be included in the diet, since, like plant foods, they help increase the rate of fat burning, thanks to caltrocil, which is produced with the help of calcium, which is part of most dairy ingredients.

Milk contains lactose, minerals, protein, vitamins and components that ensure the dissolution of fats. Let's look at the most popular nutritious low-calorie dairy products using the following table as an example:

Calorie level in dairy products
Name of product Number of kcal per 100 g.
Cream 10% 118
Sour cream 10% 116
Kefir (fat) 59
Yogurt 1.5% 51
Low-fat kefir 30
Skim cheese 86
Cottage cheese with medium fat content 156
Milk and curdled milk 58
Ryazhenka 85
Condensed milk without sugar 135

Top foods with the lowest calorie content

In addition to nutritious low-calorie foods, there are ingredients with very low and zero calories. For example, greens can contain from 0 to 50 kcal. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in the preparation of various dishes, in the form of salads and cocktails, and also as a decoration for the first or second. It is recommended to use fresh greens, as they contain phytonutrients, vitamin complexes and micronutrient complexes. For example, asparagus and pumpkin, which contain 20 kcal, help remove excess fluid. Asparagus contains amino acids, due to which it has a diuretic and detoxifying effect. To lose weight from 5 kg, it is recommended to eat up to half a kilogram of these products every month.

100 grams of salad contains 15 kilocalories and a huge amount of useful components and vitamin complexes, which is very important when losing weight. Helps enhance the immune system's defenses and helps regulate the circulatory system. Contains 100 gr. garlic contains 4 kcal, moreover, it has a powerful bactericidal and antioxidant effect and prevents the development of oncology and pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Green and black tea do not contain any calories at all, but at the same time they are a powerful antioxidant substance. Reduces the risk of heart attack and has a preventive effect against the development of cancer. Let's look at a small list of low-calorie foods:

From the listed list of all low-calorie ingredients, you can create an entire varied and nutritious diet that will help each person lose weight as effectively as possible, restore the immune system and prevent the development of serious pathologies.

Unfortunately, hunger is one of the most common reasons why all diets end as soon as they begin. Few people can survive even 1 week. And yet There is a way out: low-calorie food and one secret. Read on and you will find out everything!

The fact is that some foods, once in the body, send a signal to the brain - “the meal is over.” As a result, appetite decreases and hunger doesn't bother you anymore. Here are 12 foods that will help you feel fuller longer!

1. Apples

These products also contain probiotics - beneficial bacteria that facilitate the digestive process. Some experts believe that these same probiotics also help reduce appetite and, thus, get rid of excess weight.

6. Chile

A substance called capsaicin, which is found in peppers Chile, accelerates metabolic processes in the body. Recent research conducted at the University of Maastricht (Netherlands) has shown that consuming spicy foods helps control appetite.

Just adding 1/4 teaspoon of chili powder to your food will help you feel full for a long time. Some of the experiment participants even refused to eat after lunch. After all, they did not feel hungry at all.

7. Dark chocolate

If you suddenly really want to eat something sweet, then opt for dark or bitter chocolate. This is a very useful product it helps lower blood pressure and protects the brain and heart muscle.

In addition, it is much more filling than milk chocolate, and is also effective in curbing the desire for other “sweet” and “salty” foods.

8. Eggs

Start your day with chicken (in any form) and you'll be full until lunchtime. A study conducted at the University of Missouri in Columbia found that eating a protein-rich breakfast reduces hunger between meals. Besides, People who eat eggs for breakfast consume fewer calories throughout the day.

9. Nuts

Nuts are another extremely filling food. One of the British magazines conducted the following experiment: women suffering from obesity mixed three tablespoons of peanut butter with wheat flakes and washed it down with orange juice.

After such a breakfast, the feeling of fullness did not leave them for more than 12 hours, unlike another group of participants whose diet did not include nuts. This product was given to us by nature itself to control appetite. After all, nuts contain healthy unsaturated fats, as well as protein and dietary fiber.

10. Oatmeal

Oatmeal will also make the feeling of hunger disappear for a long time. Participants in another experiment, this time in the United States, ate the following breakfast: 250 calories of oatmeal or cereal and 113 calories of milk. Those who ate oatmeal did not feel hungry longer than those who ate other grains.

But what's the difference? The thing is, that oatmeal is very rich in fiber and protein, and also contains a large amount of beta-glucan. These natural sugars are what make oatmeal healthier than other grains.

11. Water

Did you know that regular drinking will help you trick your stomach? After all The symptoms of hunger are very similar to the feeling we experience when dehydrated. Energy and cognitive function decrease, mood begins to deteriorate, etc.

So the next time you want to eat a sandwich late in the evening, try drinking a glass of water instead and wait about 10 minutes. Most likely, the feeling of hunger will disappear, and you will thus “save” yourself from an extra hundred calories.

12. Whey protein

Whey protein is one of two types of protein found in dairy products. It should be noted that it is the most satisfying. According to the experiment, people who drank whey protein ate 18% less after two hours than those who consumed carbohydrate drinks.

Wisdom says: we are what we eat. And what we eat makes us feel full and suppresses the feeling of hunger. However, different foods differ in how filling they are. For example, to feel full, you need to eat less boiled potatoes than ice cream.

More satisfying food suppresses hunger for longer. This allows you to eat less and less frequently, promoting weight loss. Such food has some common characteristics:

  • High in Protein: Of all the nutrients, protein is the most satiating.
  • High in fiber: This element literally keeps your stomach full longer.
  • Large volume: the more water or air there is in a product, the fewer calories we consume to feel full.
  • Low in calories: foods that are low in fat and high in protein, fiber and water.

Food is usually more satisfying if it is made from fresh ingredients rather than processed foods. Here are some of the very foods that will help you feel fuller longer.


This product contains healthy fats, vitamin E and magnesium - elements that affect the feeling of fullness. The nutritional benefits of almonds do not extend to processed foods such as almond butter and flour.


These fruits are full of vitamins and fiber, making them feel full. Even compared to fiber-enhanced purees and juices, fresh apples are more filling. In addition, apples contain quercetin, an element that improves the condition of the cardiovascular system and immunity.


Chickpeas are naturally filling due to their high plant protein and fiber content. According to the study, people who ate chickpeas felt not only fuller, but also improved bowel function. In addition, after the diet, they began to eat more processed snacks that are high in calories and low in nutrients. This led scientists to suggest that chickpeas reduce cravings for unhealthy foods.


A study conducted in Greece found that consuming prunes as a dessert or snack reduces hunger. Prunes, like fresh plums, are rich in fiber. Fiber helps slow down the digestion of food, which keeps your stomach full for much longer. In addition, prunes regulate blood sugar and are good for bone tissue.

Lettuce and other leafy vegetables

Eating a salad with plenty of greens before your main course helps you feel full faster and consume fewer calories. Although collard greens, lettuce, and other greens have virtually no calories, their volume makes them quite filling and, when combined with other foods, encourages you to consume less fat.


Another member of the legume family, lentils, are a very filling product. According to a study from the University of Toronto, its satiety exceeds even that of chickpeas, not to mention other legumes. A lentil dish is much richer than pasta with sauce. Lentils are a rich source of plant protein, fiber, potassium, iron, vitamin B, magnesium and calcium.

Natural nut butter

A Brazilian study found that natural nut butters regulate glucose levels in the body and increase the release of hormones that affect satiety. In other words, study participants became full more quickly and did not want to snack until their next meal. Nut butters, as long as they are not loaded with additives and sugar, are an excellent source of energy for the body.

Pistachios, roasted and unsalted

A study of two groups of people participating in the same weight loss program found that pistachios were a healthier snack option. The only difference between the two groups was that one group snacked on pistachios, the other on unsweetened German pretzels. Participants in the first group showed a lower body mass index.


A study conducted by the scientific journal Metabolism confirmed that consuming raisins, especially when combined with long walks, reduced appetite and the number of calories eaten per day. In addition, researchers have noticed that raisins help reduce cholesterol and sugar levels in the body. Raisins contain active antioxidants called anthocyanins, which, according to scientists, have a positive effect on the health of the body in general and heart function in particular.

Natural yogurt

Compared to cheese, milk and water, yogurt has the greatest ability to saturate the body and reduce appetite. A UK study found that participants who ate natural yoghurt felt 24% less hungry than those who ate cheese, milk or water. Yogurt is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods if it is natural and does not contain a huge number of additives, sweeteners and flavors. For example, Greek yogurt contains a huge amount of beneficial bacteria, calcium, protein and does not contain sugar.


According to scientists, eggs are highly nutritious and have the ability to reduce hunger for a long time. Several studies have shown that eating eggs for breakfast leads to people eating less throughout the day. In addition, eggs are an accessible and inexpensive source of protein and a huge amount of vitamins A, E and B12.


This tasty fish is low in calories but more filling than beef and pork. A European study confirmed these findings, reporting that after a cod lunch, participants ate significantly fewer calories for dinner compared to those who dined on beef or pork.


Whole grain products containing this cereal are particularly filling. This is probably due to the fact that the fiber contained in rye takes a particularly long time to be digested by the stomach, and therefore curbs the feeling of hunger.


Tofu is considered exclusively a food for vegans and strict vegetarians. For people who do not limit their diet, it seems that there is simply no need to eat this strange product. However, the advice of nutritionists says that it is worth trying, simply because tofu is able to saturate the body better than, say, chicken. A study in the journal Appetite found that a tofu-based lunch kept a group of participants from feeling hungry for several hours longer than those who ate a chicken lunch. In addition, tofu, like many other soy products, helps normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

The ability of various foods to create a feeling of fullness

after their consumption is an important indicator that must be taken into account when developing your diet. To be fair, it must be said that the duration of this sensation is also very important. Since some foods, after a pronounced feeling of satiety, suddenly quickly bring a feeling of hunger even greater than before eating them. This is often associated not only with the easily digestible carbohydrates included in their composition, but also with certain types of psychotropic drugs (see section) that are widely used today.

Detailed food satiety table

(in equal calorie portions)

Products in equal calorie portions

satiety of the product

in points

. more



Boiled potatoes 323
Fish 225
Oatmeal "Hercules" 209
Oranges 202
Apples 197
Coarse flour pasta 188
Meat (beef, veal) 176
Beans, beans (boiled) 168
Grape 162
Bread made from coarse flour 157
Cereal or bran bread 154
Popcorn 154
Egg 150
Hard and semi-hard cheese 146
White rice 138
Lentils 133
Brown rice 132
Cookies "Cracker" 127
Cookies "Shortbread" 120
Pasta 119
Marmalade "Chewing" 118
Bananas 118
Corn flakes (“Cornflex”) 118
French loaf 116
French fries" 116
Muesli 100 level 100%
White bread 100
Ice cream 96




Crisps 91
Chips 91
Kefir, yogurt 88
Nuts (Peanuts) 88
Chocolate with nut filling (“Mars”, etc.) 70
Donuts 68
Shortbread cookies “Nut” 68
Cake 65
Cake 65
Croissants 47

Of course, all these points are very relative and individual. But it is absolutely true that the satiety of foods does not depend on their calorie content. It mainly depends on their biochemical effects on the human body. At the same time, products related to sources of carbohydrates or sources of proteins differ greatly from each other in the degree of saturation. There is also an indirect effect associated with the rate of absorption of food (their own rate of absorption of the product during digestion and the effect on the rate of absorption of other products consumed together with them).

You should also remember that some products may contain special substances and spices that do not accelerate satiety, but rather whet your appetite. In this case, it happens that it is simply impossible to get enough of the product. A person in this situation is stopped only by severe discomfort in the stomach after consuming a clearly inflated amount of a product or empty shelves in his refrigerator.

The differences in the properties of products indicated in the table once again prove to us that you cannot build your diet based only on the calorie content of the products that are included in it. It is necessary to take into account all the properties of the product (including its saturability and rate of absorption) so that nutrition brings satisfaction and allows the body to function normally.

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