
Unusual phenomena associated with the relics of saints. Saint Athanasius Patriarch of Constantinople of Lubny and All Rus' Wonderworker Athanasius of Kharkov

Akathist to Athanasius of Constantinople (seated)

Kontakion 1

Ikos 1

Rejoice, raised by unceasing prayer to the heights of divine thought. Rejoice, having pacified soul-destructive passions through fasting and abstinence.

Rejoice, Saint Athanasius, great miracle worker.

Kontakion 2

Seeing that your homeland had fallen into heavy captivity from the wicked Hagarians, you, Father Athanasius, enduring oppression and persecution from the servants of Mohammed, raised your thoughts to the heavenly homeland, having consolation in the One Christ, and joyful songs to Him amid sorrowful temptations, as to the King and God , cried out in song: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The mind is yours. Enlightened by God, do not hide from the Patriarch of Constantinople, who from the solitude of Crete called you and installed you as Metropolitan of the city of Thessaloniki, and unswervingly proclaimed the word of truth to the flock of the verbal sheep of Christ, teaching them the soul-saving food of the teachings of the Gospel, and we glorify you as the good shepherd:

Rejoice, unfading lamp of the unevening light.

Rejoice, tireless preacher of the truth of the Gospel.

Rejoice, successor and imitator of the apostles.

Rejoice, Equal-to-the-Apostles Archpastor and Teacher of Thessalonians.

Rejoice, for you have been a good shepherd of the flock entrusted to you by God in the midst of labors and evil misfortunes.

Rejoice, for you who protect your sheep from murderous wolves.

Rejoice, you who did not abandon monastic deeds in the department of holiness.

Rejoice, constantly abiding in fasting and prayer.

Rejoice, Saint Athanasius, great miracle worker.

Kontakion 3

The power of God rested on you, Saint Athanasius, and invisibly strengthened you in the fight against heretics and apostates from the Orthodox faith. Moreover, neither the intricacies of heretics, nor the sharp arrows of the evil teaching will shake you. Like a solid adamant you stood on the rock of the patristic faith and sang to the One Head of the Church of Christ, to the Chief Shepherd Christ: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

The High Hierarch of Constantinople, the all-blessed Kirill, has loved you as a father loves his child, who has an assistant for you in his labors, and a compassionate sufferer in persecution from the infidels, so we also are for you. Beloved by God and people, we cry:

Rejoice, star, shining in the firmament of the Church of Christ.

Rejoice, unshakable pillar of the Orthodox faith.

Rejoice, invincible accuser of the hypocritical Latin teaching.

Rejoice, all-powerful defender of true Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, you have labored well in Christ’s vineyard.

Rejoice, you who led the lost sheep to Christ.

Rejoice, golden-speaking theologian.

Rejoice, divine grace of God.

Rejoice, Saint Athanasius, great miracle worker.

Kontakion 4

The storm of persecution, when the Latins from the Hagarians attacked the Church of Christ, removed from the throne the Ecumenical Patriarch, Blessed Cyril, who suffered a cruel death in agony and was strangled from his enemies. But you, Saint Athanasius, were deemed worthy to bear his lot and, having received in your God-bearing hands the helm of the church ship, the seraphic hymn to Christ, the Founder of the Church, sang: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing that you, Saint Athanasius, like the great Athanasius of Alexandria, greatly disgraced with your teaching the enemies of the Orthodox faith, and for this you were expelled from your pulpit by heretics. Moreover, as a confessor of Christ, we please you with praises:

Rejoice, heir of the apostles.

Rejoice, compassionate of the martyrs.

Rejoice, steadfast confessor of Christ.

Rejoice, you who showed patience in persecution.

Rejoice, conquering the malice of your enemies through the love of Christ.

Rejoice, for you were expelled from the bishop’s pulpit twice.

Rejoice, for you were tempted by great sorrows.

Rejoice, you who have only consolation in prayer to God.

Rejoice, Saint Athanasius, great miracle worker.

Kontakion 5

Like a more godly star, you came, Holy Hierarch Father Athanasius, from Constantinople to Mount Athos to the inheritance of the Most Holy Theotokos, and there you created a solitary cell, laboring with good labor in silence, fasting and prayer, day and night, to the Most Holy Trinity, singing a song of praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen, Saint Father Athanasius, how your cell gathered many monks and expanded into a well-appointed monastery, where to this day the name of Christ is glorified by monks; and the memory of you is affirmed with calico praise:

Rejoice, organizer of monastic solitude.

Rejoice, fragrant incense of prayer to God.

Rejoice, for you have found a quiet and favorable refuge on Mount Athos.

Rejoice, having lived God-pleasingly in peace under the protection of the Mother of God.

Rejoice, conqueror of the evil intricacies of the devil.

Rejoice, for you who wisely endured exile and cruel torment.

Rejoice, for like Christ you also had no place to bow your head.

Rejoice, thou who perfectest all virtues. Rejoice, Saint Athanasius, great miracle worker.

Kontakion 6

You were a preacher of the Orthodox faith in the land of the Moldovans and there, in the monastery of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, you found temporary peace from labors, persecution and malice, and you worked for the salvation of the faithful children of the Church there, constantly instructing them to sing in a God-pleasing manner to the Triune God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The unfading light of the knowledge of God has risen in your God-loving soul, O saint of God, lifting you up to the heights of spiritual perfection, as if to some hidden Tabor, from there enlighten our darkened souls with your prayerful intercession before the Lord, so that we can speak to you of this praise:

Rejoice, bright dawn, showing faithful souls the path to the Sun of Truth.

Rejoice, honest bead, enlightener of God-loving hearts. Rejoice, immaculate dwelling of Divine grace.

Rejoice, chosen vessel of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, head, sanctified by the right hand of the Most High.

Rejoice, river, filled with the waters of God’s wisdom.

Rejoice, city, stand at the top of the mountain.

Rejoice, cup filled with Divine peace.

Rejoice, Saint Athanasius, great miracle worker.

Kontakion 7

Lover of mankind, the Lord, having desired to do thee, Saint Athanasius, those close to our country, put in you the thought of walking into our land, so that you will find spiritual consolation here and sanctify our country with your prayers, in which, since ancient years, a song of praise has been sung to the Most Holy Trinity: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Seeing in you a new champion of piety, Tsar Alexy received you with love, O saint, and bestowed rich gifts on you. We humbly offer you these verbal praises like gifts:

Rejoice, for you have sanctified our land with the soles of your feet.

Rejoice, for in old age you manifest spiritual youth.

Rejoice, for you have comforted the hearts of our people with your prayers.

Rejoice, for our God-loving people are rejoicing at their coming.

Rejoice, champion of church piety.

Rejoice, accuser of heresies and schisms.

Rejoice, wise chastiser of the faithful.

Rejoice, guardian of the purity of the Orthodox faith.

Rejoice, Saint Athanasius, great miracle worker.

Kontakion 8

You were a stranger to Saint Athanasius in our land, but only in language, in faith and piety, you were close to our people, and by the will of God you soon found a second fatherland in our country, and fell asleep here in the sleep of death, and became an intercessor and prayer book before God for our people, who constantly sing a song of praise to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Having devoted yourself to God with all your heart and being guided by God, you came, Saint Athanasius, to the Lubensky monastery, and while in illness, you deigned to remain there. But even in his weakness, he did not give up his feats of prayer and, having chosen a solitary place, he continually offered up prayers to the Lord. In the same way, we call you with love:

Rejoice, Saint of God, who glorified the quiet monastery of Lubensk with your coming.

Rejoice, having magnified that one with your wondrous miracles.

Rejoice, for you have enriched our temple with the incorruption of your relics.

Rejoice, for you have sanctified him with the grace of his celibate relics.

Rejoice, having received a peaceful death amid the incessant psalmody.

Rejoice, thou who met the angel of death in kneeling prayer.

Rejoice, numbered among the host of saints. Rejoice, you who have been awarded incorruption by God.

Rejoice, Saint Athanasius, great miracle worker.

Kontakion 9

All the angels of God with joyful singing met your righteous soul, Saint Athanasius, when from the prison of the body she ascended to the heavenly abodes and was received by the Creator of angels into the heavenly villages and, together with a host of angels, silently sang a song to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The florid talkers, who did not tell the truth, were put to shame. But you, Saint Athanasius, were glorified by incorruption and miracles from the Lord after death. For after your eight-year stay in the grave, your holy relics were found safe and sound, and even your holy vestments were not touched by corruption. Rejoicing at this clear evidence of your holiness, we offer you this praise:

Rejoice, you who have experienced death, but have not known corruption.

Rejoice, thou who glorified thy might with grace-filled healings.

Rejoice, for you are the healer of ailments to the relics of the relics.

Rejoice, for from her you give great mercy to people every hour.

Rejoice, for even after death you sit in the department of holiness.

Rejoice, for with your right hand, set for the kiss, you invisibly bless us.

Rejoice, for through your prayers you deliver us from troubles and sorrows.

Rejoice, free healer.

Rejoice, Saint Athanasius, great miracle worker.

Kontakion 10

You have inherited eternal salvation, O unforgettable Saint. To us, overwhelmed by the waves of the sea of ​​life, you have been your faithful helmsman and protector even to this day. Give help to those who call upon you in dreams and visions; You guide some of the faithful to a quiet refuge, so that together with you, the wondrous God among the saints will sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Faithful servant of the Heavenly King Christ, Saint Father Athanasius, move us, His lazy and indecent servants, with the grace given to you from heaven to perform virtues and call us to fulfill the commandments of Christ, so that we may imitate you; at the hour of our death, good hope for salvation imams, calling to you with these praises:

Rejoice, Athanasius, glorified by God.

Rejoice, bishop, filled with grace-filled gifts from the Eternal Bishop Christ.

Rejoice, gracious patron of the Christian race.

Rejoice, vigilant prayer book of those who honor you.

Rejoice, everlasting intercessor of widows and orphans.

Rejoice, quick helper to those who suffer greatly.

Rejoice, doctor of the sick.

Rejoice, healer of the weakened.

Rejoice, Saint Athanasius, great miracle worker.

Kontakion 11

Do not reject our songs of praise, O Saint of God, but graciously accept them and offer up your warm prayers for us to the Lord God, that He may be merciful to our wrongdoers. We do not dare to cry out to the Lord for grace, but having the great saint of God as an intercessor for us before Him, we cry out to Him who glorified you: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

We honor you as a brightly shining lamp, Father Athanasius, for the light of your good deeds, in the image of which the Heavenly Father is glorified, will never dim. And now standing before His holy Throne in glory, receive these praises from us:

Rejoice, for you abide in the glory of the saints.

Rejoice, for you offer fervent prayers for our souls.

Rejoice, fragrant creen of holiness and purity.

Rejoice, beautiful flower of all virtues.

Rejoice, merciful protector of all the robbed and disadvantaged.

Rejoice, good shepherd and edifying of the verbal sheep after death.

Rejoice, you who give good gifts to all who come to your honest race.

Rejoice, vigilant guardian of our city.

Rejoice, Saint Athanasius, great miracle worker.

Kontakion 12

The grace of God, filled with the shrine of your holy relics, Saint Father Athanasius, pleases our eyes and touches our hearts, for we see you sitting on the pulpit of holiness and holding the bishop’s rod in your hand. In the same way, worshiping your incorruptible and multi-healing relics, we glorify God, who gave them to us for consolation and healing, silently crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your many and wondrous miracles, wonderworker Saint Athanasius, we magnify and praise you, who have received such grace from God and earnestly pray to you: at the hour of death, when our wretched soul approaches its end, the horrors of demons will surround you, show us your intercession and with your prayers deliver us from the power of Belial, so that we may cry out to you in gratitude:

Rejoice, for you have great boldness before the Lord.

Rejoice, heir to the apostolic throne.

Rejoice, for you sit in heaven with the apostles in glory.

Rejoice, for you remain on earth in the pulpit of holiness with your incorruptible relics.

Rejoice, glory and praise to our country.

Rejoice, hourly joy of our city.

Rejoice, blessed physician of our bodies.

Rejoice, thou who savest our souls as a representative.

Rejoice, Saint Athanasius, great miracle worker.

Kontakion 13

Kontakion 13

Great wonderworker, Our Father Athanasius, the holy hierarch of Christ, we leave many prayers for one thing and ask you: lift up your holy prayers to the Lord God and deliver us from eternal condemnation and hellish torment, so that through your intercession we will be worthy to inherit the bliss of paradise with you and with all the saints sing to our Creator: Alleluia.

Kontakion 13

Great wonderworker, Our Father Athanasius, the holy hierarch of Christ, we leave many prayers for one thing and ask you: lift up your holy prayers to the Lord God and deliver us from eternal condemnation and hellish torment, so that through your intercession we will be worthy to inherit the bliss of paradise with you and with all the saints sing to our Creator: Alleluia.

Ikos 1

The Creator of angels and the Lord of hosts, having foreseen the fruitful kindness of your soul, our holy father Athanasius, enlighten your mind with high good thoughts, and direct your steps from youth to seek one need. You, having understood the impermanence of this world, desired to serve the one God in the monastic rite. In the same way, accept our praises:

Rejoice, faithful servant of Christ, who from a young age served the King of Heaven.

Rejoice, man of God, like your Angel in your immaculate life.

Rejoice, blessed vegetation of the grateful south.

Rejoice, islands of Crete birth and growth.

Rejoice, you who received monastic tonsure in a quiet monastery.

Rejoice, taught piety from the ascetics.

Rejoice, thou filled with the milk of the true Gospel teaching.

Rejoice, you who have understood the dogmas of Orthodox theology well.

Rejoice, having studied and completed the commandments of Christ.

Rejoice, raised by unceasing prayer to the heights of divine thought.

Rejoice, having pacified soul-destructive passions through fasting and abstinence. Rejoice, Saint Athanasius, great miracle worker.

Kontakion 1

Chosen One of Christ, Patriarch Athanasius, we remember your sorrowful life and deeds, and we honor the love of You, as our good shepherd and intercessor, with songs. But you, having boldness towards the Lord, free us from all troubles, so we call to you:

Rejoice, Saint Athanasius, great miracle worker.


Holy Hierarch of Christ, servant of God Athanasius! By the command of God, we accepted the lot of the ministry of the hierarchs and placed the cross of Christ on our shoulders, you were a good shepherd, an all-bright lamp, an unshakable pillar, a faithful servant of the Church, the leader of the hierarchs, a defender of Orthodoxy, an eradicator of wickedness, for this reason you settled in the house of your Lord. We therefore ask you: pray for us, who flow with faith and love to your honest and multi-healing power, do not reject those asking you for help in sorrows and illnesses. Appear with your prayer to the Almighty Master, intercede for the benefit of our souls and bodies and open for us the doors of God’s mercy. Through your intercession, keep the Holy Church firm and unshakable from the slander of the enemy. Pray to the Lord and Master, that we may live a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity. Keep this temple, in which you have dwelt, from all troubles and misfortunes and from all enemies, visible and invisible, and just as in the life of the Cretan people you delivered from the unrighteous Hagaryan murder, so now in Heaven you unceasingly pray to the Lord to deliver us from all evil circumstances. Give a helping hand to all Orthodox Christians who flow to your honest and incorruptible power and call upon you in their prayers. Hasten to prayer and strive to help, in the image of your destinies, so that everyone who sees God’s unparalleled mercy and receives the help they are looking for, glorify the one who gave you the power and glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the One Being of the glorified God, now, and ever, and in forever and ever. Amen

Saint Athanasius Patelarius, Patriarch of Constantinople, was already the second worker of the Ecumenical Throne of new Rome, who sought help from the beneficent Russian Church, in the midst of the disasters that beset his see. But the first of them, Jeremiah, who established the patriarchate in Rus', was not deprived of his see when he wandered within our borders, although he was once subject to temporary deposition; Athanasius, more experienced in sorrows, ascended three times to the heights and descended from the heights of the Ecumenical Throne and already, with only the loud title of Patriarch, as a wanderer visited the hospitable Russian Power. Within Little Russia, which was his former flock, for then it still depended on the Ecumenical High Hierarchs, he laid his laboring bones in the Lubenskaya monastery, where they became famous for their incorruption. Sitting even after death in his rich shrine, as if in a patriarchal cathedra, he appears to the reverent gaze as if he had just fallen into a deep sleep. His head, overshadowed by the saint’s miter, is bowed on his right shoulder, and his right hand is stretched out on his knees to kiss the believers, and in his left hand he holds his pastoral staff, as if he was still ruling the Ecumenical flock. So they buried him according to the rank and custom of the patriarch, and so they found him, a few years later, awake and after a blessed death.

Saint Athanasius is of Greek origin, born in the city of Rethymno on the island. Crete, in the Mediterranean Sea. He came from the pious, noble Greek family of the Patelarii, who were closely related to the royal family of the Palaiologos. The Patelari family was distinguished by outstanding mental talents, as evidenced by folk songs. The father of Saint Athanasius, Gregory Patelarius, was an outstanding scientist, philosopher and publicist. As a youth, Saint Athanasius studied at the school of the then famous Arcadia Monastery on Fr. Crete. In this school he acquired the strength of knowledge and firmness of conviction in the correctness of the Eastern faith. “I was,” he says about himself, an expert in theology, mathematics, rhetoric, complex grammar, literature, astrological wisdom, music and other arts.” He had an excellent command of ancient Greek, Latin, Arabic and Italian.

In his youth, the saint had a very handsome face, with an open, kind gaze, which endeared him to people at the first meeting. A descendant of a royal family, a theologian, philosopher and poet by nature, he enjoyed great attention in the modern high society of Fr. Crete, and under the patronage of Teafet Pasha, the ruler of the island, he had a brilliant future ahead of him. But the young man did not like the noisy life of secular society. He was attracted to the quiet pious life of Christian ascetics, Fr. Crete, St. Mount Sinai and Mount Athos, who spent all their time in prayerful feats, and this way achieved spiritual perfection. Before his mind’s eye images of ecumenical saints arose: the “divine wonderful” Constantinople Patriarch Gregory the Theologian, Basil the Great, John Chrysostom, especially teachers and preachers of the true Gospel and interpreters of the Holy Scriptures, who in the time of St. Athanasius were all from the island of Crete. And the young man Afanasy voluntarily left high secular society, renounced all its charms, devoted himself to serving God, taking on the image of a humble monk.

In 1623, after the death of his father, in one of Thessaloniki monasteries he took monastic vows with the name Ananias. Soon the ascetic goes to Mount Athos, where he was a novice in a refectory in one of the monasteries. Then he traveled to Jerusalem, where he visited Palestinian monasteries. In one of them he took monastic vows with the name Athanasius.

Removal from the world and its temptations, the material deprivations associated with the adoption of the monastic image, the ascetic life to which he devoted himself in subsequent years, seemed to monk Athanasius still insufficient to realize in himself the images of true shepherds and teachers of the church that were presented to him. Monk Athanasius completely devoted his soul to mental prayer, and devoted himself to self-improvement through reading and studying the Word of God. “Oh sacred, wonderful, most luminous book,” he prayed at such hours over the Holy Gospel, “I pray you, enlighten the hair of my soul.”

Monk Athanasius soon became known in the city of Kan as an outstanding preacher and interpreter of Holy Scripture, was summoned to Tsar-Grad, sent to enlighten the teachings of the Vlachs and Moldovans with the light of Christ, for whom he translated the Psalter into the modern vernacular, and in 1631 For his outstanding ascetic and educational activities, he was elevated to the rank of bishop, and then metropolitan of Thessaloniki, otherwise Thessalonica.

From the time he was elevated to the rank of bishop, and then patriarch, a difficult path began for the Saint - a path of sadness, grief, mental and physical suffering, which he humbly traversed under the weight of the patriarchal title. The Lord was pleased to test the patience of Patriarch Athanasius in humiliation and firmness in confession, and he remained unshakably faithful to Him until the end of his days.

Thessalonian Metropolis, within which St. Mount Athos, closest to Constantinople, was the most devastated by the Turks. The disastrous state, unrest in church administration, and religious confusion of minds struck the new bishop so hard that he was even ready to renounce the episcopate altogether. But the Lord strengthened his will. “There is no return,” Metropolitan Athanasius wrote on this occasion, “willy-nilly, I must fulfill what I have undertaken. The Lord said: putting your hand on your forehead and looking back is not ruled in the kingdom of God (Luke 9:62). He who is invited to a marriage should not be sad, and he who has laid his hand on his hand should not look back.”

In order to understand the difficult trials through which the militant Orthodox Church in the East went through throughout the 17th century, it is necessary to trace historically a number of its Patriarchs, whose frequent deposition, through the machinations of the Gentiles, shocked and ruined the Ecumenical See of Constantinople. After the great Jeremiah, who founded the patriarchate in Russia and, although he was deposed, died in his cathedra, in 1594, incessant changes of Ecumenical Patriarchs began. Matthew, Gabriel and Theophan occupied this chair for no more than six months, so that they finally elected the famous Patriarch of Alexandria Meletius Pigou as locum tenens of the Ecumenical Throne. A year later, Matthew again ascended to the see, already convicted of the schema, and again for a short time ceded his throne to Neophyte, the former Metropolitan of Athens; However, he died at his department. His successor Raphael, before his forced imprisonment, was forced to cede the very patriarchal church to the Turks, in the name of the All-Blessed One, and be content with the small church of St. George. After him, Neophyte was called a second time and again deposed, so that no one dared to sit on the Ecumenical See, overwhelmed by so many troubles.

Then, following the previous example, the clergy of the great Church again offered the locum tenens position of the Ecumenical See to another Patriarch of Alexandria, the wise Kirill Lukaris, who had already ruled his Church with glory for 15 years. Finally, Timothy was elected Metropolitan of Patras, who, during his eight-year rather peaceful patriarchate, managed to expand and decorate his new cathedral church and, which was already becoming quite rare in those troubled times, died calmly in his cathedral. With the appointment of his successor, Kirill Lukaris, storms began again. This great figure was elevated five times and dethroned five times from the Ecumenical Throne and finally sealed his feat with martyrdom.

His enemies and persecutors were the Jesuits, who at that time were extremely strong under the Ottoman Porte; with the influence of the envoys of Austria and France, they sought to spread the Union in the east and, through their machinations, managed to take away the holy tomb and den of Bethlehem from Patriarch Stephen of Jerusalem; they could not indifferently see on the Ecumenical Throne of the new Rome such a great champion of Orthodoxy as Cyril Lucaris, already known to them by his high enlightenment, during his long reign of the flock of Alexandria. A year later, Cyril was slandered by them before the Turkish government, for relations with Europeans, and deprived of his throne, but his two successors, Gregory and Anthimus, could not stay on the shaky throne of Constantinople; the first was exiled to captivity on the island of Rhodes, and the second arbitrarily retired to Mount Athos, not feeling able to hold the helm of the Church. Since at that time there were internal unrest in the empire, Sultan Mustafa was overthrown from the throne and Murat reigned, Cyril’s friends, zealots of the church, took advantage of the favorable opportunity to elevate him again in 1624 to the Ecumenical See, and this time his patriarchate lasted 8 years.

In order to stay in his pulpit and counteract the machinations of the Jesuits and their powerful patrons, Cyril had no other means left than to resort to the patronage of two Protestant envoys from England and Holland, with whom he made a short acquaintance when he was still a simple monk traveling around Europe to collect alms in favor of the Alexandrian Church. Both envoys were on friendly terms with the Porte and opposed the Jesuits, who opened a school on the outskirts of Constantinople and, educating poor Greek children for free, seduced them into the union. The zealous Patriarch denounced false teachers in his pastoral conversations and, in order to establish Orthodoxy, set up a printing house in Constantinople, calling for this the learned monk Gregory Metaxa from the island of Corfu; with his help, he printed pious books to refute those seductive works that the Jesuits printed in large numbers and distributed them to children who were still inexperienced in the Orthodox faith. Then the Jesuits slandered him before the government as a blasphemer of the Mohammedan law, and referred as proof to the catechism of Patriarch Kirill, published by him during his stay in London, in which he exposed the false teaching of Mohammed; They also claimed that this book had recently been printed in a new printing house. The Turkish government, in a fit of indignation, sent to immediately ruin the printing house and destroy all the machines. Her boss, Metaxa, barely managed to escape with his life. The Patriarch himself would not have escaped death if he had not taken refuge in the house of the Dutch ambassador, who stood up for the sufferer and convinced the Grand Vizier that all this was the slander of the Jesuits.

Thus, the zealous Cyril remained on his throne. But the Jesuits were not satisfied with this: they accused the Patriarch of having a Protestant way of thinking and tried to convince the simple-minded bishops and clergy of this. The rumor about this even reached Russia, so the Orthodox sent to Patriarch Theophan of Jerusalem, who then lived in Iasi, to find out whether this criticism was fair? And the Patriarch had to convene a local Council in order to justify the great champion of Orthodoxy with a district message. But two years later, through the machinations of the Jesuits, a book appeared, with the name of Cyril, printed in Geneva, filled with Calvin’s teachings. This completely shocked Saint Cyril in his pulpit and aroused great confusion in the clergy, the great Church. The Patriarch was accused before the government of treason and of professing the Frankish faith. They forcibly deposed him from the throne and installed another Cyril Contaris, Metropolitan of Berry, a tool of the Jesuits, who, however, a week later was deposed and exiled to prison on the island of Tenedos. Cyril was again called to the ecumenical see, but his enemies did not sleep and tried to again erect Contaris, very close to the place of his imprisonment. Then, the Orthodox and clergy, just to reject the second election of Kontaris, took advantage of the great Vizier’s disposition towards his compatriot on the island of Candia, Athanasius, Metropolitan of Thessalonica, and elevated him to the Ecumenical See, waiting for the great Cyril to return, and indeed, a month later , he sat on it again, on the eve of Easter. This was in 1634.

Although later Patriarch Parthenius wrote to Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich: “that Athanasius, after his removal from the patriarchal see, was again given the metropolis of Thessalonica, with all the income, so that he would remain there peacefully until the end of his life and would not embarrass the great Church, in which he made an oath promise and received a patriarchal conciliar letter as a witness,” however, one cannot help but pay attention to the fact that in this way retired patriarchs were never removed from the Ecumenical See: they were mostly subjected to imprisonment on the islands of the archipelago, or had to take refuge somewhere in a monastery, in in the vicinity of Constantinople or on the holy Mount Athos. If Athanasius escaped the common fate of those deposed from the throne, and this was according to the conciliar charter of all the bishops, then, without a doubt, it was only because he was invited by all the bishops to take the place of the great Cyril, in order only to reject the unworthy Kontaris. Later writers who compiled the list of Patriarchs of Constantinople did not know how to distinguish this feature and, knowing that the Jesuits were to blame for the repeated deposition of Cyril, they thought that they also put Athanasius Patelarius in his place, as they did with Contaris, especially since in the continuation of three years, Patelarius and both Cyril gradually replaced each other.

Saint Athanasius, in the world Alexy, was born in 1560 (1597) in the city of Rethymno on the island of Crete, in the family of the pious Greek Patelarius. The Patelarii were distinguished by their extraordinary mental gifts. Father Gregory Patelarius was an outstanding scientist, philosopher and publicist.

Until the age of 26, Alexy lived in Crete and received his education in the famous Arcadia monastery, which gave its students versatile knowledge and a solid Orthodox education, which was especially important, since Crete was owned by the Venetian Catholics at that time.

He studied rhetoric, grammar and literature, mathematics and astronomy, music and literature, theological sciences, had an excellent command of ancient Greek, Latin, Arabic and Italian and surprised his contemporaries with his knowledge and extensive knowledge.

But despite his education and fame in society, secular life with its vain pleasures and illusory glory did not seduce Alexy - he was attracted by the life of Christian ascetics. And after the death of his father, he took monastic vows with the name Ananias in one of the Thessalonica monasteries, from where he later went to the Esphigmen monastery on Athos, where he served obedience in the refectory.

From Mount Athos he traveled to the Palestinian monasteries and in one of them took monastic vows with the name Athanasius. Upon returning to Thessaloniki, he was made a presbyter and spread the teachings of Christ among the Vlachs and Moldovans, for whom he translated the Psalter from Greek into their native language.

Soon Saint Athanasius became known as an outstanding preacher, interpreter of Holy Scripture and hymnographer, author of spiritual hymns in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos and some saints.

In 1626, Saint Athanasius was appointed teacher in Wallachia. He was commissioned to translate the Psalter from Hebrew into Modern Greek. The Psalter in his translation was subsequently kept in the monastery in the name of the holy Apostle John the Theologian on the island of Patmos, and copies from it were kept in various monasteries of Holy Mount Athos.

Occasionally the saint went to Mount Athos for prayerful solitude and God's blessing for his pastoral labors. The holiness of his life attracted many Christians who wanted to see a true preacher of the Orthodox faith of Christ.

With his labors in the Slavic lands and spiritual gifts of St. Athanasius attracted the favorable attention of Patriarch Kirill I of Constantinople Lucaris (he was patriarch intermittently from 1621 to 1638), who, having called the holy ascetic to Constantinople, appointed him as a preacher at his department. In 1631, Saint Athanasius was consecrated bishop and appointed to one of the main metropolises of the Patriarchate of Constantinople - Thessalonica (Thessalonica).

At this time, Patriarch Cyril I (Lucaris) was slandered before the Sultan and imprisoned on the island of Tenedos, and Saint Athanasius was elected to the patriarchal throne on March 25, 1634, on the day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. While at the primate see, Patriarch Athanasius waged a tireless struggle for Orthodoxy against heretics, Jesuits and Muslims. Having remained on the patriarchal throne for about 40 days, through the machinations of the enemies of Orthodoxy he was deposed, and Cyril I (Lucaris) was returned to the department.

The saint went to Athos, where he labored in solitude for some time. There he built himself a small cell (now in that place is the Russian St. Andrew's monastery). He lived on Mount Athos for more than a year, perfecting himself in the feats of fasting and prayer. Saint Athanasius then lived for one year in Italy, where the pope offered him Catholicism, promising to elevate him to the dignity of cardinal, but Saint Athanasius remained faithful to holy Orthodoxy.

Then Saint Athanasius was elevated to the patriarchate for the second time in 1635, but a year later he was deposed and exiled to the island of Rhodes. After returning from 1638, he again ruled the Thessaloniki See, without breaking ties with Athos. At that time, the Thessalonica Metropolis, like the entire Church of Constantinople, suffered oppression from the Turks and was extremely ruined.

The churches lacked liturgical books, church utensils and vestments. Saint Athanasius twice had to send (from 1633 to 1643) petitions to the Russian Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich (1613-1645) for the granting of alms to the distressed Church of Constantinople; the first time he asked for help in paying the debts remaining from his predecessor; the second time - “for the redemption of the sacristy of his metropolis and church vessels pledged to debt.” Later, Saint Athanasius repeatedly turned to the Russian sovereign for help, and then he himself made trips to Russia.

When staying in Thessalonica became impossible for the saint, in 1643 he was forced to leave for Moldavia under the protection of the ruler Vasily Lukul and settle there in the monastery of St. Nicholas, near Galati. In Moldavia he unexpectedly fell ill and lived until 1651. But here he constantly turned his gaze to Mount Athos, often visited it and hoped to end his life there. However, God's providence judged differently.

At the beginning of 1651, Saint Athanasius returned to Constantinople and on May 25 was again installed as patriarch, but he remained at the see for only 40 days.

In 1652, Saint Athanasius was again elevated to the Ecumenical See, but stayed there for only 15 days, since Muslims and Catholics did not like this preacher of the Orthodox faith of Christ.

During his last patriarchal service, he delivered a sermon in which he denounced the papal claims to primacy in the Universal Church and the imaginary apostolic succession. Persecuted by Muslims and Jesuits, physically weakened, he transferred control of the Church of Constantinople to Metropolitan Paisius of Lauria.

On July 5 of the same year, before the Council of Bishops, Clergy and Laity, he voluntarily abdicated the patriarchal throne. In a special letter, he explained his action as follows: “Not being able to serve (the patriarchal throne of the city of Constantinople) in defense, to accept and carry out the usual royal duties, various affairs and labors of the patriarchal service, we withdrew from the patriarchate of our own free will and will. We are abdicating this patriarchal throne...”

At the beginning of 1653, Saint Athanasius returned to Moldavia, where he received from the ruler the management of the monastery of Saint Nicholas in the city of Galati. Knowing the deep faith and responsiveness of the Russian people, Saint Athanasius undertook a journey to Russia.

In April 1653, he was greeted with great honors in Moscow by Patriarch Nikon (1652-1658) and Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. During his stay in Moscow, Saint Athanasius performed divine services in the monasteries and churches of the capital. In June he made a pilgrimage to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Saint Athanasius repeatedly met with Patriarch Nikon, who made a very favorable impression on him. The saint reacted with great sympathy to the matter proposed by Patriarch Nikon to correct liturgical books according to the Greek model. At the request of Patriarch Nikon, who wanted to see a difference in the rite of the bishop's celebration of the Divine Liturgy in the East and in Rus', he wrote a special essay - “The rite of the bishop's service of the liturgy in the East.”

In December 1653, Saint Athanasius set off on the return journey - to the Moldavian monastery in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker near the city of Galati. This monastery had previously been given to him to manage by the Moldavian-Wallachian ruler Vasily Lukula (1634-1654). The Russian Tsar and Patriarch generously presented the saint with alms for his monastery and other needs, and also presented him with valuable gifts, fabrics for vestments, church vessels, cups, furs, etc. On the way, Saint Athanasius fell ill.

In February 1654, he arrived at the Transfiguration Mgarsky Monastery in the city of Lubny and stayed there, probably waiting for spring and recovery. However, the illness worsened and on April 5/18 (Wednesday, St. Thomas Week), Saint Athanasius died. He was buried by Abbot Petronius according to the custom of the Eastern patriarchs: the body of the saint in full vestments was placed in a chair and lowered into a stone tomb (crypt) under the pulpit in the monastery Church of the Transfiguration of the Lubensk monastery.

By special revelation and direction of God, the relics of St. Athanasius were found incorrupt after 8 years. The abbot of the Lubensky monastery, Victor, reported the discovery of the relics of St. Athanasius to Metropolitan Joseph of Tukala, who, as Exarch of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, ruled the Kyiv and other Ukrainian dioceses.

In 1662, Metropolitan Paisius Ligarid of Gaza, passing through Lubny, asked to be shown the tomb of the saint. “And when they opened the tomb, and incense filled from the tomb, and they found the holy patriarch’s body intact, only the right hand, as it held the staff, was missing two or three fingers.” Almost all the clothes and the chair were rotten, but the club and staff were intact.

By order of Metropolitan Joseph, the relics of St. Athanasius in a seated position were solemnly taken out of hiding and installed on the right side of the cathedral. Thus, the discovery of the honorable relics took place on February 1, 1662, and Saint Athanasius was glorified as a saint and It was established to commemorate it on May 2/15- on the day of remembrance of his namesake Saint Athanasius the Great.

The body of the saint was dressed in new vestments and opened for public worship. From the holy relics of St. Athanasius, many sick people received healing. The burial of St. Athanasius in a sitting position, unusual for Russia, became the reason for naming him Afanasy Sitting.

In the 60s of the 19th century, the life of St. Athanasius was compiled with a description of the miracles that took place at his relics. In 1901, under Bishop John of Poltava, the Synodal Printing House published the “Service of Our Saints Athanasius, Patriarch of Constantinople, Lubensky Wonderworker.”

And at present, the relics of St. Athanasius openly rest in a specially constructed shrine in the Kharkov Cathedral of the Annunciation in the right aisle and constitute the greatest shrine of the God-saved city of Kharkov and all of vast Russia.


Great and wondrous Saint of Christ Athanasius the Wise God, luminary of the Ecumenical Church, Lubensky and all Russia, wonderworker and patron! You, who have abandoned all worldly things from your youth and instruct us in love and spiritual prudence, exhorted all men, saying: What is wealth to us, what is gold, glory and power to us? - smoke spreading through the air: all that will disappear, all that will be carried by the wind! May we be rich in the future. Teaching in this way, you yourself were generous, kind, meek, humble and gracious to everyone. Likewise, in your dormition, the All-Good Lord illuminated countless miracles and glorified your incorruptible relics. Having therefore boldness towards the Lord, intercede and through your intercession save all our land and this city that you have preserved, in which you have deigned to rest your holy relics. Pray to Christ God, that our sins, voluntary and involuntary, may all be forgiven, that we may be delivered from all enemies, visible and invisible, from all troubles and sorrows and all ailments. Pray that the Lord will be merciful to all of us, both here and in the future, and our fathers and brothers, mothers and sisters and children who have passed away from us, having become saints, will rest in a place of light, and may He rest in peace before and worship the race of your relics , imams, you are a never-ending prayer book and intercessor for us to the Lord and with gratitude and love we magnify the glorified and obedient you, in the Trinity glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

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What akathists to read for everyday needs (for every need)

Akathists to the icons of the Mother of God
Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of Her Icon “The All-Tsarina”
The miraculous help of the Most Holy Theotokos, given to believers from this icon, is manifested in healing from cancer, in getting rid of addiction to the occult, in helping parents for their children who have left home and found themselves captive to drug addiction and many other temptations of our time
Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “Education”
The miraculous image received its name from the fact that the gracious help of the Most Pure Mother of God was especially often poured out on parents praying before it and grieving over the fate of their children.
Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of Her Mammal Icon
About assistance in childbirth and raising babies
Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of Her icon “The Burning Bush”
Has the special grace to protect from fire and fire, as well as to help innocently accused and patronize family well-being
Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of Her Icon “Inexhaustible Chalice”
Through this miraculous icon, the Most Holy Theotokos shows special help in getting rid of the disease of drunkenness, smoking and drug addiction to all who resort to Her help with faith.
Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of Her Icon “Kazan”
Has special grace to help in victory over the enemy, patronizes Christian marriages, heals various ailments, especially eye diseases
Akathist to the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos depicts an event that took place at the end of the 10th century in Constantinople. Blessed Andrew, the Fool for Christ's sake, praying in the Blachernae Church with his disciple Epiphanius, was rewarded with a vision of the Mother of God with a gathering of angels and saints. The Most Pure One spread Her omophorion over the world and covered all faithful Christians with it. The icon and the holiday of the Intercession are especially revered in Rus'. Many elders advised Christians of recent times to especially diligently call on the Protection of the Mother of God for deliverance from temptations and snares of the Antichrist
Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of Her icon “Quick to Hear”
The icon is located on Mount Athos. Through this image, the Most Holy Theotokos provided instant healing from various ailments many times.
Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of Her icon “Quench my sorrows”
In the icon, the Mother of God seems to be listening to the prayers of believers who come running to Her in their needs, sorrows and sorrows. The image has been known since the 17th century and was located in one of the churches near Moscow. The chronicles contain many cases of miraculous help to people, accomplished by the icon “Quench My Sorrows”
Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of Her Icon “Softening Evil Hearts”
Read to soften evil hearts and pacify those at war. The number seven in this case means the fullness of the grief, sadness and heart disease that were suffered by the Most Holy Theotokos in Her earthly life
Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of Her Icon “Healer”
The image comes from Georgia and received its name from the miraculous healing given to a seriously ill man when the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to him. Before the “Healer” icon they pray for healing from various ailments
Akathists to the saints
Akathist to all the saints who have pleased God from all eternity
All of them are our intercessors before God in all sorrow and need.
Akathist to Saint Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael (in translation from Hebrew - “who is like God”) was placed by the Lord over all nine angelic ranks. Since ancient times he has been glorified in Rus'. The Most Holy Theotokos and Archangel Michael are special representatives for Russian cities. The faith of Orthodox Christians in the help of Archangel Michael in all troubles, sorrows, and needs is strong. They pray to Archangel Michael at the entrance to a new house
Akathist to the Holy Guardian Angel
God gives every Christian a Guardian Angel, who invisibly protects a person throughout his earthly life from troubles and misfortunes, warns against sins, and protects him at the hour of death. Guardian angel - an ambulance in any need or illness
Akathist to the Holy Forerunner of the Lord John
As a preacher of repentance, they pray to him to bestow a feeling of repentance. In Rus', they prayed to the saint for the protection of crops and fertility, during the consecration of the beekeeper
Akathist to the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, in monks Alexy
The holy noble prince Alexander, nicknamed Nevsky for his victory over the Swedes, put all his strength into the sacred cause of defending the Russian land. They pray to him during disasters and invasions of enemies or for protection from the invasion of foreigners and people of other faiths.
Akathist to the Holy Martyr Boniface
They pray to the Holy Martyr Boniface for deliverance from the disease of drunkenness and gluttony
Akathist to the holy martyrs Guria, Samon and Aviv
They pray to the holy martyrs for the protection of the family hearth, for good relationships in the family
Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious
Yegor the Brave, as this saint is popularly called, is the patron saint of the Russian land, statehood and military power, family, children, a helper in sorrow and adversity. They especially pray to him about the danger of attacks from wild animals. Holy Martyr George - protector of herds and livestock
Akathist to the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Daniel, Moscow Wonderworker
With non-covetousness, love and brotherly love, he elevated Moscow and laid the foundation for the unification of Rus' into a single powerful power. Many who resort to Holy Prince Daniel in prayers also receive help in various needs.
Akathist to the holy prophet of God Elijah
It is said about this saint: “Pray, and heaven and rain, and heaven.” They also pray to him for help during times of famine, in difficult life and material circumstances.
Akathist to Saint Righteous John of Kronstadt
In childhood, the saint is right. John had trouble reading and writing, and after fervent prayer, it was as if a veil fell from the boy’s eyes, and he began to read. Among other prayers to the great miracle worker, prayers are offered to him to help children study
Akathist to the Holy Wonderworker John the Warrior
Saint John the Warrior, sent to persecute and kill Christians, provided great help to the persecuted. He devoted his entire life to serving his neighbors. The martyr warrior exposed the thieves for theft. They pray to him to find stolen things, from theft, from offenders
Akathist to Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg
Blessed Ksenia is an ambulance in everyday needs and in family matters. Through the prayers of the blessed one they get rid of illnesses, sorrows, disorder and troubles
Akathist to Saint Nicholas
Saint Nicholas, one of the most revered saints in Rus', was glorified by God for the gift of miracles and healings. They pray to him for help in various troubles, in need, for the arrangement of the fate of children, for well-being on the journey by land and sea
Akathist to Saint Spyridon, Bishop of Trimifuntsky
Many of his miracles include miracles of healing the sick and helping the suffering. During his lifetime, the saint became famous for his meekness, kindness, hospitality and hard work. In Rus', Saint Spyridon was venerated on a par with Saint Nicholas
Akathist to our venerable and God-bearing father Seraphim, the Wonderworker of Sarov
A great mentor, comforter and healer, St. Seraphim is a quick helper to everyone who seeks his help.
Akathist to our venerable father Sergius, the Wonderworker of Radonezh
As a child, St. Sergius had difficulty learning, but after fervent prayer, God sent him an Angel in the form of an old man who blessed the boy. They pray to St. Sergius for children who find it difficult to study. People resort to the prayers of the monk to acquire humility and get rid of pride
Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon
He dedicated his entire life to the suffering, sick and poor. He “treated everyone free of charge” who turned to him, healing wounds, curing all diseases
Akathist to the holy passion-bearer Tsar-Martyr Nicholas
The heavenly intercessor of our Fatherland has the special grace to heal various ailments
Akathist to Saint Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky), confessor, Archbishop of Crimea
They pray to Saint Luke for deliverance from all weakness and illness.
Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker
They pray to the Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker for the healing of various ailments and for liberation from captivity and imprisonment
Akathist to the holy martyrs Cyprian and Ustinia
They pray to drive away evil spirits from people and animals, against harm from psychics, sorcerers, wizards, and evil people
Akathist to the Holy Supreme Apostles Peter and Paul
They pray to the great teachers of Orthodoxy for an increase in faith. They pray to the Holy Apostle Peter for healing - the Savior healed the apostle’s mother-in-law, “lying there and burned by fire.” They also pray to the Apostle Peter for successful fishing, for success in fishing
Akathist to the Venerable Matrona of Moscow
They pray to Saint Matronushka for help in various everyday situations and for healing in illnesses
Akathist to the martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia
They pray to the holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia in sorrows and adversities for steadfastness in the faith
Akathist to Saint Mitrofan, Voronezh Wonderworker
They especially pray to the saint for the life of children
Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr Barbara
The saint asked the Lord that everyone repent and receive communion before their death. Through the prayers of the Holy Martyr. Abundant healing is sent to the barbarians. The saint also prays for children, for help in despondency, sadness, consolation in sadness
Akathist to St. Catherine the Great Martyr
In Rus', the holy martyr. The girls especially prayed to Catherine to find a good groom. People also resorted to the help of the saint during difficult childbirths.
Akathist to the holy righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna
These saints bore bitter barrenness until old age, then, with the blessing of God, they gave birth to the Most Holy Theotokos. They are prayed to in marital infertility or childlessness. For a long time in Rus', these saints were prayed to before sowing, for the protection of crops, fruits, and harvests.

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