
How to bake chicken kurnik. Kurnik. Simple recipes on how to simply and deliciously cook kurnik with potatoes and chicken, step-by-step recipe with photos. Ingredients for chicken

As you know, kurnik is a traditional Russian pie, which was usually baked on major holidays. The coolest kurniks are made using pancakes and several types of fillings, but such sophisticated dishes require a lot of time and a large selection of ingredients. For an everyday menu, I prefer a quicker and more practical chicken recipe, which allows you to prepare an amazing chicken meat pie quite quickly. This pie will delight your family for lunch and dinner, and just for a snack - it’s just the thing. So, I’m sharing a quick and delicious chicken recipe.


(1 chicken)

  • yeast dough
  • 500 gr. flour
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 25 gr. fresh compressed yeast
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • filling:
  • 600-700 gr. boiled chicken meat
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 large onions
  • lettuce pepper (optional)
  • ground black pepper
  • vegetable oil

    Kurnik dough

  • For kurnik, the dough can, in principle, be anything, because the main thing in a meat pie is the filling. You can buy ready-made dough in the store, but it’s tastier, of course, to make homemade dough, and yeast dough at that. If you have a bread machine, then use it to prepare the dough, this will save your energy and time. If there is no bread machine, then it’s okay, our grandmothers managed just fine without it.
  • So, we dilute fresh yeast in warm, but not hot milk. Add sugar and a glass of flour, mix. Place the dough in a warm place for half an hour.
  • When the yeast is fresh, the dough very quickly begins to become covered with bubbles, which indicates intensive growth of the yeast.
  • When the dough is covered with bubbles and increases in volume, add salt, one egg, and vegetable oil to the dough. Stir and then add two more cups of flour.
  • Mix the dough first in a bowl and then place it on a floured cutting board. Knead well until we get a soft and at the same time obedient dough that does not stick to the table and hands. The dough will take a little more flour.
  • The taste of the dough turns out to be neutral, it should be such as to emphasize and not interrupt the taste of the filling.
  • If time allows, cover the dough with a towel and leave for another half an hour in a warm place. We use this time to prepare the filling.
  • Filling for chicken

  • So, boil the chicken in advance. You can boil several chicken breasts, which is quickest because you don't have to remove the meat from the bones, but it's more practical to boil half a chicken.
  • To make the chicken meat tasty, let’s cook the chicken correctly. First, boil a small amount of water, and then put the chicken into the boiling water. Bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat and cook the bird until tender without salt or spices.
  • With this method, almost all the meat juice remains in the meat, which makes the meat tasty. It is not advisable to cut the chicken into pieces; cook it in one piece.
  • Remove the finished chicken meat from the broth, cool, and remove from the bones. If necessary, chop a little.
  • To make the filling for the kurnik juicy, be sure to put a sufficient amount of onion in it. Here, as they say, juicy onions won’t spoil the kurnik. Moreover, we stew the onions, not fry them. To do this, first finely chop the onion and then simmer over low heat in a small amount of vegetable oil. The onion should become soft and transparent, in no case brown (dry and bitter).
  • When the onion reaches the desired temperature, add the chopped chicken meat. Lightly fry until the flavors of the meat and onions combine. There is no need to fry for a long time so that the filling does not dry out. Turn off the heat, add salt and pepper to taste.
  • We put eggs in the filling, cut them not very finely, and also a little canned red salad pepper for beauty. The latter is optional.
  • Gently stir the filling and taste again for salt and pepper. The filling should be sufficiently salty and peppery.
  • Cooking chicken

  • Lightly knead the finished dough and divide it into two parts. Roll out one part into the shape of a baking sheet. Grease the baking sheet itself with either margarine or vegetable oil.
  • Transfer the dough to a baking sheet. To transfer, you can use a rolling pin: sprinkle the dough with flour → loosely wrap it around the rolling pin → transfer it → unwind it.
  • Distribute the finished meat filling for the chicken chicken evenly over the entire baking sheet.
  • Roll out the second part of the dough thinly. Transfer and place on top of the filling. We cut off the protruding pieces of dough with scissors.
  • We first press the edges of the chicken along the entire perimeter tightly with our fingers, and only then we form a beautiful edge using a fork.
  • Roll out the remaining pieces of dough thinly and cut into thin strips with which we decorate our chicken pot. We make several punctures so that excess moisture can escape during baking.
  • Place the baking sheet with the chicken in a well-heated oven. This is an important point. If the oven has not yet warmed up enough, then wait until it warms up. At this time, it is better to put the chicken in a warm place.
  • Bake the chicken for 35-40 minutes at a temperature of 170-180°C.
  • To make the chicken chicken beautiful, with a shiny golden brown crust, brush it with beaten egg, and it’s better not to do this right away, but when our pie is already slightly browned. We take it out, grease it and put it in the oven again. We check the readiness of the dough by piercing it.
  • Serve the tasty and juicy chicken chicken warm. As you can see, preparing chicken chicken is not at all difficult; as for the ingredients, everything is simple and affordable, no exotics, everything is ours, inexpensive.

Tender chicken according to my grandmother’s recipe, which I invite you to cook today, turns out very juicy and tasty. The recipe differs from the old, traditional one: after all, a real kurnik is a pie with a multi-layer filling, separated by thin pancakes. I make a quick dough with kefir as a base, and use potatoes and chicken fillet for the filling: it turns out very tasty. Absolutely everyone will like this hearty, tender and incredibly aromatic chicken stew: you can take it with you to work, for a walk, or simply serve it with tea.


  • 4 cups wheat flour;
  • 250 grams of margarine;
  • one glass of kefir;
  • a level teaspoon of soda;
  • a pinch of salt.

For filling:

  • 3-4 tubers of raw potatoes;
  • 300 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 2-3 heads of onions;
  • salt and spices - to taste.

Additionally: one egg for brushing the chicken pot.

Tender chicken according to grandma's recipe. Step by step recipe

  1. Let's prepare the dough for chicken. Melt the margarine (in any convenient way) and cool to room temperature.
  2. Sift the wheat flour (according to the recipe) into a bowl for kneading the dough. Add salt, soda, kefir (any fat content), and cooled margarine.
  3. We begin to knead the dough with a spatula, continue kneading with our hands (right in the bowl). The finished dough is elastic and does not stick to your hands. Cover the bowl with the dough with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 40 minutes or one hour.
  4. Let's prepare the filling for the chicken. Finely chop the chicken fillet into cubes.
  5. Peel the potatoes, wash them, cut them into small cubes.
  6. Cut the peeled onions into thin half rings (or cubes).
  7. Divide the finished dough into two parts: one should be larger than the other.
  8. We roll out two layers: according to the shape in which we will bake the chicken.
  9. Grease a mold or baking sheet with high sides with vegetable oil (with a brush), place a larger layer of dough, and form the sides.
  10. Lay out the filling: the first layer will be potatoes. We level it according to shape.
  11. Spread the onions evenly over the potatoes.
  12. Salt and pepper (to taste).
  13. Place pieces of chicken fillet on the onion, add salt and sprinkle with your favorite spices.
  14. Cover with a second layer of dough, pinch, and make a braid (see how to do this beautifully in my video under the recipe). We make a small hole in the center of the chicken house.
  15. Pour 50 milliliters of water into the hole.
  16. Brush the pie with beaten egg. Pour the remaining egg into the hole.
  17. Place the baking sheet with the chicken in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, bake for 40-50 minutes.
  18. Take the finished pie out of the oven, brush it with water and cover with a towel.

After 20 minutes, cut the kurnik with chicken and potatoes into portions and serve. The pie with filling is very filling and incredibly tasty - you can fill up on it very quickly (if, of course, you manage to stop). See even more recipes for hearty baking on my channel and on the “Very Tasty” website. Bon appetit and good mood.

Street food looks quite appetizing and therefore attracts people to it like a magnet, but you never know what you might find in a golden brown pie or puff pastry. If you have a picnic, a business trip or work late at the office, then the ideal snack will be hand-made portioned chicken and potatoes. Sliced ​​onions and a well-chosen combination of spices give the baked goods a divine aroma that will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.

Since ancient times, on the occasion of the main Christian holidays, as well as at wedding celebrations, it has been customary to serve a special pie with meat or fish filling, called kurnik. Its dough base is different - yeast, sand or puff pastry.

A classic of the genre is considered to be multi-layered high pastries with different fillings. But it is good for a general feast, but taking it on the road or to work is not very convenient - it crumbles and breaks. For such cases, portioned baked “triangles” or meat “envelope pies” are ideal.

How to bake the most delicious chicken at home

  • If you have little time for cooking, it is better not to make yeast dough, but to make a shortbread base for baking or use ready-made dough from the supermarket.
  • In order for the filling to have a richer meaty taste, we recommend putting chopped poultry fillet inside, rather than minced through a meat grinder.
  • It will be much easier to cut the meat if it is not completely defrosted.
  • The taste of chicken and potatoes in the filling will become more intense if you season it not only with black pepper, but also with ground dry bay, rosemary, curry, and ginger.
  • It is not necessary to put eggs in the shortbread dough, and if you add them, then no more than 1 egg, otherwise the base will turn out too broken.
  • You can knead the dough in two ways - traditional manual and machine, that is, using a bread machine, using the “Dough Kneading” mode.

  • If you replace half the butter with the same amount of margarine, the dough will be even more tender and will cost much less.
  • It is better to take those potato tubers that boil quickly.
  • In the absence of fresh herbs, you can put them in the filling and ice cream.
  • An indicator of dough readiness is that it stops sticking to your hands.
  • We also add the remaining hard cheese to the filling - it will add sophistication to it, but it (the filling) will not spill out.

Small kurniki with chicken and potatoes, step-by-step recipe


  • - 10 tbsp. + -
  • — 100 g + -
  • — 100 ml + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 1 tsp. + -
  • — 300 g + -
  • - 3 pcs. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -
  • - 1/3 tsp. + -
  • - 1 bunch + -
  • Spices to taste - 1 pinch + -

How to bake delicious mini chicken chicken with your own hands

  1. Pour milk into the melted butter (it should not be hot!), add sour cream and mayonnaise - shake everything up.
  2. Add half a teaspoon of salt to the flour, mix and add to the liquid mixture.
  3. After kneading the dough until smooth, wrap it in plastic and leave to “rest” for half an hour.
  4. Peel the potatoes and peel the onion.
  5. We cut the vegetables: tubers into cubes no larger than 1 cm in size, and onions as finely as possible.
  6. Remove the skin from the poultry fillet, remove the fat and cut it into thin pieces (no thicker than 0.5 cm).
  7. Mix vegetables and meat, add washed chopped herbs, season the filling with spices, add salt.
  8. Divide the dough into 8-10 identical pieces, roll into pancakes, about 55 mm thick.
  9. Place a full tablespoon of filling in the middle of each pancake.
  10. We fasten the edges of the dough in the form of triangles: first we form the back scallop, and then the front one. Do not pinch the middle - steam will escape from the remaining hole during baking.
  11. After greasing a baking sheet with oil, place the “triangles” in it and place them in a heated oven.
  12. At 180 degrees, bake the chicken chicken for about half an hour, setting the lower and upper heating, then take it out, brush the top with an egg beaten until smooth and put it in the oven for another 10 minutes until browned.

Serve warm pastries with juicy filling with tea or meat broth. And when it cools down, you can take it to work or school as a snack. It turns out very tasty with minimal calorie content: only 245 kcal per 100 g of rosy homemade baked goods.

Recipe for kurniks (small) with chicken and potatoes

To make shortcrust pastry even more juicy and tender, we suggest adding tomato pieces to it.


  • Ice cream butter – 150 g;
  • Wheat flour (premium grade) – 2 tbsp.;
  • Cow's milk – 100 ml;
  • Mayonnaise – 100 g;
  • Egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Chicken breast – 1 piece;
  • Medium potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • Hard tomatoes – 2 medium fruits;
  • Onions – 2 pcs.;
  • Dill (greens) – 1 bunch;
  • Black pepper (ground) - to taste;
  • Coarse salt – 1 tsp;
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp.

How to make mini chicken chicken and potatoes at home

  1. Grind the very cooled butter on a coarse grater and add it to the sifted flour, rub with your hands until crumbs are obtained.
  2. Combine 1 egg, mayonnaise and milk, add some salt and beat with a mixer or fork by hand.
  3. Combine both parts of the dough and mix them until perfectly homogeneous.
  4. While the chicken base, wrapped in cling film, is “resting,” we will start filling.
  5. After peeling the potatoes and onions, we chop them as in the first case.
  6. We also cut the meat into small cubes and chop the greens randomly.
  7. Heat half the oil in a frying pan, put the meat in it and fry over medium heat until it turns white.
  8. Add the chopped onion and keep it on the fire until it softens.
  9. In another frying pan, fry the potatoes in oil, covering it with a lid. Cooking time is about 10 minutes.
  10. Next, combine the fried parts of the filling, add chopped dill, half a beaten raw egg, season with pepper and, if desired, other spices - mix everything.
  11. Add diced strong tomatoes.
  12. Divide the dough into parts, roll each into pancakes, 5 mm thick, fill them with filling and form “triangles”, leaving the middle open.
  13. Bake them in the oven on a greased sheet until browned, brushing with the remaining egg.

If you have a long walk ahead, it would be a good idea to take a snack with you. Small kurniks with chicken and potatoes, baked in the oven according to your favorite recipe, will be an excellent alternative to street fast food of dubious quality.

They are easy to prepare, keep you full for a long time, and can be given even to a child without fear.

Kurnik - what is it and what did it look like in the old days? This is a large Russian national pie, which, due to its size and simply huge amount of filling, was also called “royal”. First, I will talk a little about the traditional kurnik, and then I will offer two recipes for a modern interpretation. Why modern? Because at the present time, it seems to me, it makes sense to cook kurnik the way it was cooked in Rus' only on purpose, for special occasions. And for family and guests, it is more rational to bake a simplified, but no less tasty version. This is my IMHO, as they say. However, let's take it in order.

How to prepare a dish according to an old recipe

Classic kurnik was most often baked for weddings. And oddly enough, not only with chicken, but also with beef, lamb or fish. But in addition to meat, a lot of cereals were put into the filling: millet, buckwheat, as well as mushrooms, vegetables, and herbs. The finished pie was broken over the heads of the newlyweds and the filling fell out of it. The more they got, the richer the life of the new family was expected to be. That's why the dish was prepared big.

The pie looked beautiful from the outside. It had the shape of a high dome, the bottom and top of which were made of dough. Usually it was prepared in a rich way, decorated with braids, leaves and flowers made from dough. And all the space inside was occupied by the filling, laid out in layers.

However, layers here are a relative concept; when broken or cut, they were practically a mess. Therefore, they began to separate them among themselves using pancakes. This is how we move on to modern step-by-step chicken recipes with photos that you can prepare at home.

Kurnik with chicken and mushroom pancakes

Pancakes, pancakes, but the shell will still be made of dough. Yeast butter, with butter and sour cream, very soft and tasty. I usually cook in a bread machine, but this is not a requirement. I just have this device and I prefer to entrust the “dirty” work to robots. This does not mean at all that it is not possible to knead by hand; for the purity of the experiment, I did this. It turns out no worse, there’s just an element of manual labor.

As for pancakes, you can definitely cook according to your usual recipe. I have only one recommendation - they should not be thin, otherwise you will not find them in the finished pie.

Pie ingredients

Yeast dough for crust:

  • butter – 100g;
  • sour cream – 100g;
  • water – 100ml;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • sugar – 1 tsp;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • instant dry yeast – 1 sachet (11g);
  • flour – 540g.

Pancake dough:

  • kefir 1% - 2 cups (250ml);
  • egg – 2 pcs;
  • soda – 1/2 tsp;
  • flour – 2 cups (320g);
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar – 1/2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • butter – 50g.


  • mushrooms (champignons) – 200g;
  • chicken breast fillet – 1 piece;
  • onion – 0.5 pcs;
  • cream 10% - 80ml;
  • flour – 1 tbsp;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • butter – 50g;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.


If you cook in a bread machine. The quantity of baking ingredients is indicated based on a full load of the bread machine, designed for baking bread weighing 400g. You need to recalculate the proportions for your model. If you knead by hand, then the same proportions will suit you. However, you end up with more dough than you need for the pie. You can use 2/3 for the pie and freeze the remaining 1/3. It survives freezing perfectly (tested many times) and then it can be used to prepare, for example, pizza.

The quantity of ingredients for the pancake dough indicated in the list will yield 20-25 pancakes. We only need a few pieces for the pie. But I think extra pancakes won’t be superfluous. Here are a couple of stuffed recipes: and.

How to make chicken pot at home

  1. Let's start with yeast dough. Melt the butter and pour it into the bowl of the bread machine (a bowl if making it by hand). Let it cool a little.
  2. Add sour cream, break eggs, pour water.
  3. Add salt, sugar. Add flour.
  4. We make a hole in the center into which we pour the yeast.
  5. Place the container in place and run the appropriate program (or knead by hand).
  6. While the dough is rising, let's make the pancakes and filling. Melt the butter again. It is needed to lubricate the pancakes so that they do not stick to each other.
  7. While it cools, pour kefir into a bowl. I indicated a fat percentage of 1%. If you use a fattier one, you may need less flour. Break the eggs there.
  8. Add salt, sugar and all the flour. Mix the dough. Right now it's thick.

  9. Pour baking soda into a glass and pour boiling water from a kettle. Proceed with caution, the soda will begin to foam and foam may spill out of the glass.
  10. Then pour water and soda into the dough in a stream, continuously and vigorously stirring.
  11. Now we see the consistency needed for pancakes.
  12. Pour in the vegetable oil, stir one last time and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  13. Heat the frying pan very well. Warming up is the key point, since we will not lubricate it with anything, we will pour the dough right away. In a poorly heated frying pan it will start to stick.
  14. We bake pancakes on both sides.

  15. Place the finished ones on a plate and oil each one.
  16. Let's move on to chicken and mushrooms. Cut the mushrooms into pieces.
  17. Put a piece of butter in a frying pan and pour in a little vegetable oil (mushrooms love this mixture).
  18. First, fry the mushrooms.
  19. When the liquid has evaporated and they are slightly fried, add the onion.
  20. Cook until the onion is translucent and add the chicken breast cut into pieces.
  21. Stir and, reducing the heat and stirring, wait for the chicken to be ready. Then add flour.
  22. Mix and pour cream.
  23. Cook, stirring continuously until the sauce thickens.
  24. Let the chicken and mushrooms cool slightly.
  25. When the dough is ready, we begin to assemble the chicken.

  26. To do this, divide the baking into three parts - two large and one small. The large ones are the bottom and lid of the pie, and the small ones are future decorations. Roll out the bottom.
  27. Add 1/4 of the filling.
  28. Cover with a pancake and add the second quarter of the chicken. Cover with pancake again and repeat until all the filling is gone.

  29. Roll out the lid of the pie. The diameter should be large enough to cover the top and sides of the chicken coop.
  30. We tightly mold the edges of the bottom and lid. You can pinch it with a braid. At the very top, in the center, we make a hole for steam to escape. And from the remaining dough we prepare something with which to decorate the pie.
  31. Brush the surface of the assembled chicken chicken with beaten egg for gloss.
  32. Heat the oven to a temperature of 220°C. Bake until the pie lid is ready. It will become beautiful and golden. Our chicken with mushrooms is already prepared, so there is no need to worry that the inside of the chicken will be raw.

After baking, let the cake cool slightly. And we cut it. Our kurnik has a crispy and at the same time soft crust, a juicy filling of chicken and mushrooms in a creamy sauce and tender pancakes inside it. Looks elegant and festive

Kurnik - with chicken and potatoes recipe with photos

Unlike the previous recipe, which can confidently be considered a small feat, this chicken chicken can successfully be called lazy. His dough is quick-cooking - shortbread, unleavened, without eggs. Chicken and potato filling. No pancakes. Preparing is much easier and faster. But the taste is also very pleasant and you and your family will definitely like it.

The minced meat in the filling can be replaced with finely chopped fillet. There is no need to fry it first; everything will be cooked in the oven.

This recipe can be used to prepare either one large pie or several portioned mini chicken pie.


I prepared the dough using a blender, but you can chop it with regular kitchen knives. Then one point is very important - do not try to achieve homogeneity of the mass, in no case do not knead with your hands for a long time. If the butter pieces melt, you'll end up with a tough bottom instead of a tender, crumbly crust.

Pie composition


  • butter – 150g;
  • flour – 230g;
  • sugar – 0.5 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch.


  • minced chicken – 300g;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs (medium size);
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste;
  • egg – 1 pc.

How to cook - step by step recipe

  1. We need frozen butter. We chop it with a knife into pieces of medium size and arbitrary shape.
  2. Pour flour into a blender and add butter on top. Add salt and sugar. And grind it. The process happens quickly, no more than 30 seconds.

  3. We get butter chopped into small crumbs mixed with flour.
  4. Pour 3-4 tablespoons of very cold water into the bowl and mix again.
  5. At this stage we will get a moistened mixture of flour and butter that is not much like dough.
  6. Pour the contents of the bowl into a plastic bag. We crush it into a ball. You can’t crush it for too long! As soon as it sticks together into an uneven lump, stop immediately.

  7. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  8. During this time, finely chop the onion, mix with minced meat, season with salt and pepper. Peel the potatoes and cut them into very small cubes. Add to chicken and onions.
  9. Taking the dough out of the refrigerator, knead it a little, literally 1 minute.
  10. Then we divide into two parts. First, roll out the first one on a sheet of parchment sprinkled with flour. Lightly grease the baking dish with oil and dust with flour. We carefully transfer the dough disk, holding it by the paper, turn it over the form, place it and distribute it along the bottom and sides.
  11. Place chicken and potatoes.
  12. Cover with the second part of the rolled out dough. Connecting the edges. Using a knife, make two cuts crosswise in the center and open them slightly to allow steam to escape. Lubricate the kurnik with an egg slightly shaken with a couple of tablespoons of milk.
  13. Bake in an oven heated to 190°C. The kurnik takes a long time to bake, at least an hour, since the potatoes in such pies remain raw for a long time. To prevent the top from burning during the process, cover it with foil.

Allow the finished chicken to cool for 20 minutes. Firstly, it is very hot inside, and secondly, after standing, it is cut more accurately. And we sit down at the table.

History of kurnik

Dough products have long played an important role in Rus'. Initially, all baked goods, and especially pies, were ritual foods that accompanied Russian people almost from birth. We couldn’t even imagine the cakes we are all used to in the past. Without a birthday cake, a birthday was not a holiday, and without a chicken cake, a wedding feast was not a celebration. A huge layer cake with abundant filling inside was presented on a towel. Yes Yes! It was a decoration of the wedding table, and it was round and decorated with flowers - on the bride’s side. Another rectangular-shaped chicken pie, with human figures, is on the groom’s side. It was a wonderful feast with pies! By the way, we will consider the word “feast” to be the basis for the origin of “pie”.

Not only bakers in Rus', but all women without exception, starting from the age of 17, had the ability to bake pies. Today's young housewives often cannot boast of such abilities, although according to Russian traditions, pies on the table are an indicator of the housewife's homeliness. Actually, we, offering our old grandmother’s recipe, decided to check whether modern ladies are able to spend their time preparing chicken at home. We ask you not to be alarmed in advance - our pie is simple and not so multi-layered, although it is a real, symbolic Russian dish.

Ingredients for chicken

Ingredients for filling:

  • Chilled chicken breast – 1 pc.;
  • Chicken legs – 2 pcs.;
  • New potatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • Red onion – 2 heads;
  • Champignons – 300 g;
  • Salt and pepper - to the taste of the cook;
  • Fresh dill - 1 bunch.

Ingredients for chicken dough:

  • Wheat flour – 2-3 tbsp;
  • Milk – 50-100 ml;
  • Butter –75-90 g;
  • Mayonnaise – 85 g;
  • Sour cream – 125 g;
  • Salt - to the taste of the cook;
  • Baking powder – 1/3 pack.

Delicious chicken - recipe with photo

  1. The process of preparing the filling will take a little longer than kneading the dough and shaping the pie - we'll have to be patient. We wash the whole chicken well, separate the breast and legs - it is this part of the carcass that we will use in our chicken chicken recipe.
  2. Separate from the seeds and cartilage and chop well with a knife. There is no need to grind chicken fillet in a meat grinder.

  3. Chop the mushrooms in any shape.

  4. We chop the peeled onion well enough and don’t skimp on its quantity. If desired, you can combine white and red onions in equal proportions.

  5. Chop the dill with a knife.

  6. Peel the young potatoes in a thin layer and cut them first into thin rings, and then into long bars and tiny cubes.

  7. We combine small onion and mushroom pieces with fillet in a deep container.

  8. Add some cute potato cubes.

  9. Be sure to add salt and pepper, without overusing it, if the pie is being prepared for young and old.

  10. Add the green stuff and mix everything into minced meat, trying not to turn the ingredients into porridge, so that the cooled chicken chicken in the cut looks as appetizing as freshly baked.

  11. Next, we proceed to kneading the dough - a kind of puff pastry, but specially homemade. Cut the soft cow butter into pieces as large as your hand will take.

  12. Mix, as if rubbing between your fingers, with two glasses of wheat flour, always sifted and of the highest grade.

  13. Add baking powder. Baking soda is also a good option, because the chicken in the oven that we are describing will rise well only due to this ingredient.

  14. Next will go one by one - sour cream, mayonnaise and milk and an additional portion of flour, if necessary. Don't forget about the salt - a couple of chips is enough.

  15. Knead with a spoon, gradually switching to the manual method.

  16. The dough is very elastic, pleasant and tender to the touch, but it requires slight cooling. Place the ball in the refrigerator for a while, covering it with cellophane.

  17. Roll out a small part of the dough into rectangular layers 3-5 mm wide. If your baking dish is round, form two circles.

    Now from part of the dough you need to roll out two layers three to five millimeters wide

  18. A baking sheet greased with sunflower oil and lined with parchment paper is ideal for preparing delicious chicken. Cover the bottom with an elastic rectangle, overlapping the sides of the mold.

  19. Spread the filling in a wide and even layer.

  20. Cover with a second layer of dough and mold, after removing excess dough with a knife, in the form of tucks. Pierce the chicken piece with a toothpick.

  21. Be sure to brush with egg yolk and immediately bake at 180°C, placing the baking sheet on the rack of a well-heated oven for 40 minutes.

  22. When rolling out the dough, we specially made a small slot - a “round”, in order to spy on the baking process in the heart of the chicken pot - the filling. Golden crust, as well as well-baked visible mushrooms and fillet - remove the pie from the oven and cover with a chintz cloth. We used an old grandmother's towel, in which many years ago we served idle pastries to guests.

    When we rolled out the dough, we made a round cutout in the middle of the sheet so we could see how the pie was being prepared.

  23. Chilled chicken with chicken, mushrooms and potatoes is very, very tasty even the next day. After all, we prepared the filling correctly - all the necessary products were cut into small pieces.

Are there any benefits to pies?

By themselves, baked dough products are not a very healthy food. Still, considering the filling, which is dominated by chicken proteins, a vitamin complex of potatoes, red onions and herbs, we can confidently say that one portioned piece of delicious chicken, the recipe for which we used, will not bring 100% any harm to the body. On the contrary, it will fill you with energy and give you strength for a long time if eaten for breakfast. What about the extra calories, you say, but is it possible to compare faces exhausted by hunger strikes with happy and well-fed faces? “He who eats well works well!” Our ancestors lived like this - they ate plenty of pies, and certainly did not grieve.

In conclusion, we would like to say to those who not only like to eat well, but also live actively and cheerfully with their family: “Good home-baked goods are certainly better than store-bought semi-finished products. Men, do not feel sorry for your young ladies, but ask them to bake more often and help yourself "What family happiness can be observed when dad, mom and kids are all making pies together and having fun in the kitchen."

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