
Dream interpretation of falling from a height in a dream. Why do you dream of falling from a height, what does falling from a height mean in a dream - a detailed interpretation of the dream. A loved one falls

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Falling in a dream?

Falling in a dream and being very scared at the same time promises you to overcome significant difficulties, the fight against which will lead you to respect and prosperity.

If you are seriously injured in a fall, expect loss; perhaps your friends will leave you.

Ancient French dream book

Why do you dream of falling, interpretation:

Falling in a dream, but getting up immediately is a sign that honors and prosperity await you soon. If you were unable to rise after a fall, your dream is a harbinger of future misfortunes.

Intelligent dream book

Why do you dream about Falling?

An insult, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about the Fall?

Falling in a dream and being very scared in reality means overcoming significant difficulties and ultimately winning over circumstances. If you fall and get seriously hurt, expect material losses or loss of friends.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see the Fall:

An inevitable dangerous situation, often accompanied by anxiety, an indication of the true reasons for failure. Falling is associated with falling into the hands of the enemy, danger of failure, misfortune, high probability of death due to the fact that it indicates a symbolic descent into the grave. Close to this is the experience of falling asleep or falling asleep, as well as birth (falling out). Fall in a woman's dreams. Sexual intercourse, since the physiology of female sexuality involves falling and sinking (fallen woman). Landing. Coitus, earth - a symbol of femininity. Another person's fall. An unconscious desire for death or a man's fantasy of a fallen woman. Rise and fall. Exaggerated ambitions often erect a barrier to childhood fears, but over time the old fear breaks through again. A life curve consisting of ups and downs. Fall of an individual, loss of consciousness. Loss of Ego. Death and dreams are often associated. Transition from an active to a passive state, from resistance to compliance. Abyss. The abyss of inner loneliness and despair, the abyss of death. The underlying nothingness from which everything arises, and therefore the source of all life. Or the open, receptive, feminine principle. Archetype of the Great Mother. To be cast into the abyss. The need to go into the unconscious and leave conscious positions, to step lower and fall into the secret depths of life. Suppression of concentration only on the spiritual and intellectual.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about the Fall, what does it mean?

If you fall from a tall building or into an abyss, this is a symbolic warning that evil fate can play a dangerous joke on you. You will lose status, fortune, honor, etc. Falling from a height is failure, exposure of your secret. Falling into a pit means illness, deterioration in social status. Awakening when falling, horror is neurotic anxiety, crisis, transition to recovery.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see the Fall:

Usually indicates an increased level of anxiety. If you dream of falling, it means that you are giving in to difficulties, giving in to the struggle of life (or at least deep down in your soul there is a desire to give up and give up), losing control over yourself, admitting your helplessness.

Azar's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Falls according to spiritual sources?

Fall from a great height - Promotion, well-deserved honors.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about Falls?

In the symbolic interpretation of the signs of what a fall means in a dream, there are two aspects - visible and tangible. In the first case, such dreams may symbolize a possible illness, since in reality, loss of balance worsens well-being, while the feeling of falling represents the activation of hidden reserves.

Did you dream of walking on an ice field and your feet began to slip treacherously? This means that there will be obstacles along the path of life. And here you decide for yourself: to stop and wait out the dangerous moment, refuse to go further at all, or collapse to the ground and then get up.

Do you see in a dream that you fell out of the blue and have no strength to get up? The dream foretells misfortune. A severe bruise from a fall means loss (material or spiritual), and the possible departure of friends.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book of Falls

The interpretation of the psychoanalytic background of plots when you dream of a fall depends on the arrangement of circumstances in the dream - whether it was a “visible” fall or just a feeling that you are falling/failing. According to representatives of traditional medicine, such dreams should be perceived as some kind of reflection of the consequences of physiological disruptions, especially sleep disturbances.

In the psycho-emotional aspect, such dreamed stories can symbolize both the process of growth and the spontaneous activation of mechanisms responsible for the development of emotional connections.

Seeing your own fall, after which you managed to quickly get back on your feet? This portends glory and honor, effective overcoming of circumstances. Others will be happy to use your experience and listen to your advice.

Dreams in which you dream that you are falling tell us that we consider ourselves worse than others or feel that we are not able to compare with more successful friends.

Dreams about falling literally warn of a danger that our subconscious (but not consciousness) has already noted. If you dream that you are falling down your front staircase, check it and make sure everything is in order.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about falling?

Seeing someone's fall is a harbinger of the onset of a difficult period, complicated by the need to break off existing relationships. If you happened to fall in a dream and you flew from a great height into some abyss, regard this as an admission of your own defeat in the face of circumstances.

This image usually symbolizes an internal refusal to fight, an unwillingness to fight for the attention of a lover with rivals. Expect a quick fiasco in your relationship if you don’t take active action.

However, for people with a permanent partner, the interpretation changes: despite strong feelings, you are too influenced by your significant other. Falling in this case foreshadows the collapse of ideals, loss of oneself and imminent disappointment in the chosen one, sometimes this foreshadows an unhappy separation and depression.

Why do women and men dream about Falling?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore Falling in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

How to learn to understand your dreams

Many actions that a person performs in a dream are quite symbolic. They often carry some kind of omen, so it is very important to remember all the details of the dream. One such important action that carries symbolic meaning is falling. Therefore, this article will talk about why you dream of falling from a height.

Many actions that a person performs in a dream are quite symbolic

The dream book gives a fairly broad interpretation of this action. Here are the most common meanings of such a dream:

  1. A man fell from a cliff in a dream - it means that he is growing in reality. If a teenager has a dream, then we are talking about physical growth, but if an adult has a dream, it is about spiritual growth.
  2. A dream in which the dreamer flies straight into an abyss means some interesting thing in his life. However, if in the dream he did not survive, having crashed into the abyss, then success in this matter will not be achieved.
  3. Watching your own fall in a dream means suffering because of unrequited love. The symbolism of the fall, in this case, is as follows: a falling person is the collapse of his hopes for a bright future with his chosen one.
  4. Such a dream may mean the loss of your own ideals in real life.
  5. If a person dreams that he is falling, then in reality he will experience bitter regret. He may face losses.
  6. Falling in a dream means having troubles in reality. Perhaps the dreamer will take a risky business to achieve his goal, but it will not be successful.
  7. If a star fell from the sky on the dreamer, this is a very good sign. All his wishes will come true very soon.
  8. If the fall was in the sea, then the dreamer’s wishes will not come true.
  9. The male dreamer may experience sexual dissatisfaction.
  10. If a person experienced fear during the fall, then in life he will face serious trials. Will he cope with them? It depends only on himself.
  11. Breaking something after crashing on the ground means quarrels with loved ones. Perhaps the dreamer will conflict with a friend.

Falling from a height means losing your health and getting sick.

Falling from a height in the dream book (video)

Interpretation in Miller's dream book

Psychologist Miller believes that this dream has a very important semantic meaning. In his opinion, a fall is a sign that the dreamer will face serious problems, after solving which he will acquire qualities that are important to him.

  • Falling off a cliff means overcoming difficulties in real life. If the dreamer experiences fear at the same time, then there will be many problems that need to be solved.
  • Getting hurt or breaking a limb after a fall means losing something important. The dreamer may have to part with a close friend.

Falling is a sign that the dreamer will face serious problems

Why do you dream of falling from a great height?

Great altitude in a dream has important semantic meaning. The larger it is, the more serious the difficulties will be in achieving the dreamer’s goal. That is, if the dreamer fell from a great height, failure awaits him.

The dream book warns that fear is the main enemy. A person must approach his problems more simply, otherwise he will become completely bogged down in them. Being afraid of your failures will not solve them; on the contrary, the more the dreamer is afraid, the more difficult it will be for him to cope with the problems. You need to remember these words: To solve a problem, it is not enough just not to be afraid to take action to do this, it is important not to be lazy.

Crashing in a dream, falling from a height

At first it may seem that this is a very bad dream that does not bode well. No matter how it is! Crashing in a dream does not mean dying in reality. If in a dream a person died after a fall, this is a good sign, which is an omen of grandiose events in his life.

  1. If the dreamer had a need to jump off a cliff, he had good reason for this. Perhaps in reality he feels depressed. It turns out that having fallen to death in a dream, he will be able to start a new life in reality. In this case, the dream is a hint.
  2. However, if in the dream death from a fall did not occur immediately, but after some time, which was torment for the dreamer, this indicates unpromising affairs that he is conducting in reality. Perhaps, to achieve success, he must direct his attention to other projects, abandoning old ones.

Crashing in a dream does not mean dying in reality

Why do you dream about falling in an elevator?

  • If in a dream a person was riding in an elevator and at the same time experienced a strong fear of falling, this indicates that in real life he fears for something very valuable to him. This fear fetters the dreamer’s actions, so the problem is not solved.

Such a dream is a warning to the dreamer

The dream book warns about the need for the dreamer to take actions to solve this problem, otherwise the problem will never be solved. A person must remember that inaction is not the best way to solve something, therefore, you need to start acting.

  • Falling in an elevator is very scary, even in a dream. But such a dream does not foreshadow death or some terrible event that is about to happen in a person’s life. However, this does not mean that sleep is unimportant. It is a warning to the dreamer. Surely in real life he has unfinished business. The dreamer cannot finish it, because he does not feel confident enough to do so. At the same time, the person shifts the blame for this onto someone else.

The dream book advises you to gain confidence as quickly as possible and cope with the difficulty that has arisen.

If a stranger or a loved one falls from a height in a dream

Falling is almost always associated with problems. Most often, the dreamer himself has to fall, but how to interpret a dream in which misfortune happened to someone else?

Falling is almost always associated with problems

To watch another person fall is to help the poor fellow in real life. In such a dream, it is important to see the person’s face.

  1. Watching one of the dreamer’s close friends fall means helping this person in reality. Perhaps very soon he will be asked to help in some matter. It is unlikely that we are talking about some kind of friendly concession; this is probably something very important, requiring attention and responsibility from the dreamer.
  2. Watching a stranger fall means unexpected assistance to a stranger. Again, the likelihood that a passerby will ask the dreamer how to get to the desired street is too small. The help will be significant.

What if a woman has a dream?

  • It is believed that if a woman falls in a dream, then her moral qualities are discussed in society. People give them a negative connotation. That is, there is a moral decline.
  • Hitting the ground symbolizes the dreamer’s femininity, because the earth is a symbol of the feminine principle. Such a dream has a very good interpretation.

Such a dream can also be interpreted this way: the dreamer feels shame because of her action, which people condemn. Surely she has already faced public condemnation. In reality, a girl may experience suffering and a lot of negative feelings and emotions.

Falling in a dream: meaning (video)

Thus, a dream about falling can be interpreted in completely different ways. Its interpretation depends on where the dreamer fell from, under what circumstances it happened, how he felt, and so on. But if the desired interpretation has been found, and it cannot be called comforting, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the dream book, and then everything will be fine for the dreamer.

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If you fall from a tall building or into an abyss, this is a symbolic warning that evil fate can play a dangerous joke on you. You will lose status, fortune, honor.

Falling from a height is failure, exposure of your secret.

Falling into a pit means illness, deterioration in social status.

Awakening when falling, horror is neurotic anxiety, crisis, transition to recovery.

Falling in a dream usually reflects the dreamer's internal uncertainty in some area.

But sometimes a fall, for example into an abyss, turns into a flight. This is a very favorable plot development.

But more often than not, when we fall, we wake up in fear.

Falling in a dream is often a reminder of a symbolic “fall” in life.

But in my practice, I have almost never encountered stories about dreams of falling in people who have already “fallen” in life.

An unemployed, low-income, seriously ill person is no longer afraid of falling. But people in a period of relative prosperity often see themselves in their dreams falling into an abyss, from the window of a high-rise building.

Some dreams of falling cannot be interpreted at all, as they are associated with physiological reasons, a sharp change in heart rhythm. This happens in sick people, adolescents and during menopause.

Sometimes the dreamer's deep intuition actually foreshadows a bad situation for the one he sees falling. But often falling people symbolize the loss of certain qualities in the dreamer that were previously inherent in him.

Often such dreams occur in teenagers whose character changes in a short period of time.

Although dreams with falls are not pleasant, you can benefit from them. Especially if the dreamer manages to get rid of fear. Then the fall can turn into a pleasant flight.

Flying in a dream often reflects sexuality or a desire for liberation. More often, young people have such dreams.

At an older age, dreams about flying can occur during a period of creative growth or in cases when reality does not allow a person to realize his creative potential.

In addition, in the flights of an older dreamer there are often some symbols of restriction.

Not only falls, but also flights can serve as a warning against excessive carelessness.

And yet, flying in a dream is a source of joy and good mood, and therefore, fly to your health!

Flying in a dream portends joy and good mood.

Falling is a warning sign.

Think about it: is everything okay in your life? Are you walking on the edge of an abyss?

The main meaning of a dream with flying is associated with the liberation of a person from shackles and burdens. The roots of this interpretation go back centuries, when man, fundamentally, before the invention of the airplane, could not get into the air and overcome gravity.

Dreams of flying begin in childhood, when the child is simply entangled in a web of all sorts of “don’ts.”

Flights in adults reflect human ways of dealing with the difficulties of life:

1. Liberation from external prohibition.

2. Overcoming internal uncertainty.

3. Escaping reality with the help of fantasies and alcohol.
4. Liberation from external prohibition

Based on the nature of dreams involving flights, one can also make prophecies for the near future.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation - Falling in a dream

The dream of falling should not be confused with the feeling of falling when falling asleep.

Falling (in a dream) while walking means success will come to you after many difficulties.

Falling down the stairs is some kind of unpleasant conversation.

If you fall into a hole and scream in fear, everything will be fine.

Falling while flying in a dream means you are growing.

Grow! Fly higher, but if you know where you will fall, still lay down some straw.

Interpretation of dreams from

All objects, actions and even the mood in a dream have their own meaning. Did you have a dream where you had to fall? Remember the details and find out how various dream books interpret the dream

French dream book

Why dream of falling, but immediately getting up is a good sign: expect prosperity and well-deserved recognition of your merits; failed to get up - the dream portends misfortune.

English dream book

Why dream of falling from a height - the dream promises property or monetary deprivation, loss of status in society; for lovers - a vain demonstration of their tender feelings to the object of love, the wedding will not happen; for entrepreneurs - failures in business, financial problems; for those planning to sail by sea - a disaster on the way, a shipwreck.

American dream book

Falling in a dream is a reflection of self-doubt, the inability to control one’s actions and life events.

Italian dream book

Falling in a dream is a sign of the collapse of romantic hopes, fear of the collapse of close relationships, decline in career, inability to solve problems on one’s own, fear of death or loss of purpose and meaning in life due to someone else’s influence.

Watching yourself fall in a dream portends joy.

Medieval dream book

Fallen in a dream - the dream book promises insults, difficulties, anxiety, fear, troubles, deprivations; into a pit - a sign of great troubles: fire, death; into the water - the dream will not happen; from a height - you will get seriously ill; with a successful landing - problems will be resolved, you will regain what was lost, achieve harmony and balance.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dreaming of falling, why? (cliff, high-rise building) or into the abyss - a symbol of the impracticability of your plans, the revelation of unsightly secrets, the intervention of evil forces in your life and the loss of status, fortune or honor; into a pit - to illness or deterioration of social status; from a horse - you will have to pay for pleasant adventures; on the run - success awaits you, but you will have to be patient; from transport when moving - make plans, you will have to start all over from scratch.

Waking up in fear after seeing a fall in a dream is a turning point in an illness or crisis situation; recovery lies ahead.

Freud's Dream Book

Falling in a dream is a symbol of the possibility of being sexually harassed; for a man - also fear of failure in intimate relationships.

Miller's Dream Book

To experience fear when falling in a dream - on the path to success you will have to overcome many difficulties, but everything will end well; to be seriously injured in a fall - to deprivation or severance of friendships.


Falling, dream book. The feeling of falling in a dream is interpreted as an omen of troubles in all areas of life.

If you fell from a great height - expect a series of unpleasant events, problems will attack you from all sides and will unsettle you for a long time. It will be very difficult for you to recover from this.

If you fell from a small height - difficulties and problems await you ahead, which will require all your strength to solve them. But the test will be short-lived and soon joy and harmony will return to your life.

If you were seriously injured in a fall and experience excruciating pain, this means disappointment and despair from fatigue and a long inability to change your life situation for the better.

If you saw another person fall, you will come to the rescue of a friend who is in trouble.

Modern dream book

Why dream of falling in a dream - a warning about unexpected obstacles in business, a symbol of fear of failure.

An unreasonable fall out of the blue - something you had high hopes for - will upset you with an unpleasant surprise.

Slipping or tripping and falling in a dream is a warning: temporarily postpone all risky undertakings.

Falling from a great height is an omen of great honors and career growth; from the stairs - you are in a precarious position, annoying mistakes made in business threaten to turn into major troubles; from bed - a dream signals that you cannot relax now, loss of control over the situation threatens serious problems.

Climbing up and falling from a height means that the undertaking you have planned will be unbearable. You can try to implement your plans, but then you first need to rest and gain strength.

Falling while running in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a premonition of unexpected serious obstacles on the way. Be attentive and careful, conduct business carefully.

Despite the fact that the height seen in a dream is always alarming, it is generally a good harbinger. In addition, knowing what heights mean in dreams, you can promptly correct life events and avoid possible troubles in reality.

To correctly interpret a dream in which you dreamed of a height, it is very important to analyze your own emotions. To understand why you dream about heights, you need to take into account all the details of the plot and take into account everything that happens to you in your night dreams. If you dream of heights and, looking down, you experience terrible fear and panic, then this means that you are very demanding of yourself. Try to assess the situation more realistically and should not engage in self-flagellation if you fail at something.

A dream about heights can symbolize that a person has a need for spiritual changes. Perhaps a personal crisis has come in life, from which you can only get out of it through significant spiritual renewal. Most likely, there comes a time when life priorities change and a person chooses other guidelines for himself. Simply put, everything that was important to him yesterday will become completely small and insignificant today.

Fall from a height

The most common dream is when the dreamer has to fall from a height. Such a terrible dream reflects the fact that in real life a person sets himself very difficult and, often, impossible tasks. Conventionally, such a dream can be explained by the fact that dreaming is useful, but dreams should not be made a priority in life. A dream associated with falling from a height is aimed at opening the dreamer's eyes in real life to the fact that he himself is the cause of his own failures. In some dream books there are interpretations that indicate that falling from a height against a background of severe fear is a harbinger of a serious illness.

Height on the roof of the house

When you dream of heights and you realize that you are standing on the roof of a building, this indicates your inflated ambitions. Most likely, you have grandiose plans. But you do nothing to bring them to life. If you want to become a successful person, then you need to start acting as actively as possible.

Why do you dream about jumping from a height?

If you intend to jump down from a height, then this indicates your desire to change your usual lifestyle. It may very well be that you want to move from the city to the countryside. As a rule, this happens after a revision of life priorities.

Other dreams in which you feel yourself are somewhere highly interpreted as follows:
  • Flying on an airplane and watching the view from below through the window means having the habit of building sand castles in real life. Try to be a more realistic person, this will help you avoid life's disappointments.
  • If you are standing on a tall, beautiful tower, then perhaps in reality you will be offered a new attractive position.

Emotions and altitude in dreams

A dream in which a height was dreamed of, and no remarkable emotions arose, invites the dreamer to analyze the events of the present in close connection with his own past. And after that, make real plans for the future. Such night dreams always have a positive orientation. They focus a person’s attention on the fact that he will definitely achieve success in life if he puts in the effort.

Child falling from height

A warning is a dream in which you see a child falling from a height. It is especially dangerous if it was your own child. Of course, first of all, you need to take an interest in the baby’s affairs and pay attention to him. But such a dream is often an indication of other life dangers. The fall of someone else's child from a height symbolizes your inner mental discomfort and indicates your mental imbalance.


If you dream that you are jumping with a parachute from a height, then this indicates that your life is filled with routine and you lack thrills. But if you experience strong fear at the same time, then this indicates that you are not a decisive person and are afraid of life changes.

Descending from a height - interpretation of sleep

When, according to the plot of the dream, you have to slowly and carefully descend from a height, this indicates that preoccupation with current affairs is preventing you from fully enjoying life.

Other plot lines of dreams related to heights can be interpreted as follows:
  • Seeing a person falling means feeling confident in your own abilities. Your energy and experience will allow you to easily achieve your goal. Sometimes such a dream indicates that one of your friends will need your help.
  • If in a dream you have to jump into the sea from a height and at the same time you are overcome by a feeling of admiration for the flight, then in real life you will meet a person for whom your feelings will simply overwhelm you. Such a dream can also symbolize that you are tired of being alone and want to be in society.
  • When you dreamed of a successful landing after falling from a height, this indicates that a successful period in life has arrived, and you can safely take on even the most difficult tasks.
  • If you dream that you crashed while falling from a height, then this promises the collapse of your affairs. But on the other hand, the dream suggests that one should not despair, because any failures only strengthen a person.
  • Seeing a beautiful city in lights from above is an opportunity for successful promotion. But there is a high probability that you will have to leave your home for a long time.
  • Height from the point of view of a ladder, for example, a fire ladder, symbolizes the rise to a new level of life.
  • If you feel in a dream that you barely managed to stay on top, then at the right time you can count on the help of loved ones.

Height always attracts and fascinates. But when trying to decipher a dream related to heights, you should not rely only on the meanings of dream books. Try to listen to your own intuition to understand how dream scenes can be connected to events occurring in real life.

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