
Elder Vasily of Tula (Novikov). The biography of a true shepherd of the last times! (Video). Hieromonk Vasily Novikov: biography

  • Novikov, Vasily Grigorievich :
  • Novikov, Vasily Zakharovich (1911-1985) - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Novikov, Vasily Ivanovich (1921-1945) - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Novikov, Vasily Korneevich (1907-1981) - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Novikov, Vasily Loginovich (1915-1941) - Hero of the Russian Federation (07/06/1995).
  • Novikov, Vasily Mikhailovich (1910-1979) - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Novikov, Vasily Nikolaevich (born 1946) - Secretary of the Central Committee of the PKB, Doctor of Philosophy, candidate for President of the Republic of Belarus in the 1994 elections.
  • Novikov, Vasily Petrovich (1924-1998) - Colonel General.
  • Hieromonk Vasily (Novikov) (1949-2010) - rural priest, author of a sermon included in the Federal List of Extremist Materials.
  • Novikov, Vasily Semenovich :
    • Novikov, Vasily Sergeevich (1914-1945) - Hero of the Soviet Union.

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    Excerpt characterizing Novikov, Vasily

    From the hall of the nobility the sovereign went into the hall of the merchants. He stayed there for about ten minutes. Pierre, among others, saw the sovereign leaving the merchants' hall with tears of tenderness in his eyes. As they later learned, the sovereign had just begun his speech to the merchants when tears flowed from his eyes, and he finished it in a trembling voice. When Pierre saw the sovereign, he went out, accompanied by two merchants. One was familiar to Pierre, a fat tax farmer, the other was a head, with a thin, narrow beard, yellow face. They both cried. The thin man had tears in his eyes, but the fat farmer wept like a child and kept repeating:
    - Take life and property, Your Majesty!
    Pierre no longer felt anything at that moment except the desire to show that he didn’t care about anything and that he was ready to sacrifice everything. His speech with a constitutional direction appeared to him as a reproach; he was looking for an opportunity to make amends for it. Having learned that Count Mamonov was donating the regiment, Bezukhov immediately announced to Count Rostopchin that he was giving up a thousand people and their contents.
    Old man Rostov could not tell his wife what had happened without tears, and he immediately agreed to Petya’s request and went to record it himself.
    The next day the sovereign left. All the assembled nobles took off their uniforms, again settled in their houses and clubs and, grunting, gave orders to the managers about the militia, and were surprised at what they had done.

    Actor. Actor of the Pushkin Theater (Moscow). 1935 AEROGRADE 1936 FATHER AND SON (see FATHER AND SON (1936)) 1937 BORDER ON A CASTLE (see BORDER ON A CASTLE (1937)) 1938 ALEXANDER NEVSKY 1938 IN PEOPLE 1938 GORKY'S CHILDHOOD 1940 WOMEN 1941 PIONEER IVAN FED ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    Novikov, Vasily- author and translator of technical books and fiction, ed. 1784 91 in Moscow. (Polovtsov) ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Novikov, Vasily Vasilievich (military leader)- Vasily Vasilyevich Novikov Lieutenant General V.V. Novikov Date of birth July 8 (28) ... Wikipedia

    Novikov, Vasily Mikhailovich- Vasily Mikhailovich Novikov Nickname Santiago Date of birth April 12, 1910 (1910 04 12) Place of birth now Poshekhonsky district, Yaroslavl region Date of death ... Wikipedia

    Novikov, Vasily Petrovich- Novikov Vasily Petrovich Date of birth February 5, 1924 (1924 02 05) Place of birth, village of Dmitrievo, Skopinsky district, Ryazan region Date of death December 9, 1998 (1998 12 09) (... Wikipedia

    Novikov, Vasily Vasilievich- Novikov, Vasily Vasilyevich famous full namesakes: Novikov, Vasily Vasilyevich (military leader) (1898 1965) Soviet military leader, lieutenant general of tank forces, Hero of the Soviet Union Novikov, Vasily Vasilyevich (literary scholar) ... ... Wikipedia

    Novikov Vasily Vasilievich- . Translator from French language, compiler of a collection of judicial essays and author of some of them. Descended from the nobles of Kozelsky district. Kaluga province. Apparently, he studied at the Univ. for a short time. gymnasium: on its lists there is a certain... ... Dictionary of the Russian language of the 18th century

    NOVIKOV Vasily Petrovich- (1924 1998) Colonel General (1981), participant in the Great Patriotic War. Graduated from the 1st Moscow Machine Gun School (1943), Military-Political Academy named after. V.I.Lenin (1957). He served in the military in the following positions: commander of a machine gun platoon... ... Dictionary of emergency situations

    Novikov, Vasily Semenovich (actor)- Wikipedia has articles about other people with the same surname, see Novikov. Wikipedia has articles about other people named Novikov, Vasily. Vasily Semyonovich Novikov Date of birth: 1891 (1891) Date of death ... Wikipedia

    Novikov, Vasily Semenovich- Wikipedia has articles about other people named Novikov, Vasily. Novikov, Vasily Semyonovich (actor) Soviet actor. Novikov, Vasily Semenovich (scientist) (born 1949) Russian scientist, vice president of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, deputy head of the Military ... ... Wikipedia


    • N. I. Novikov, Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky. Teachers are given the floor not to lull their own thoughts, but to awaken someone else’s. This aphorism of the outstanding Russian historian Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky expressed his own... Buy for 2523 UAH (Ukraine only)
    • N. I. Novikov, Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky. “The word is given to teachers not to lull their own thoughts, but to awaken someone else’s” - this aphorism of the outstanding Russian historian Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky expressed his...

    IN Asiliy Ivanovich

    Novikov Vasily Ivanovich
    Hero of the Soviet Union

    Novikov V.I. born April 16, 1921 in the village of Lepeshki (now Pushkinsky district, Moscow region) in a peasant family. Life turned out so that the mother, Tatyana Vasilievna, had to raise her son and daughter Lyuba alone. Vasily grew up nimble, loved to play football and fish, was the initiator of many boyish pastimes, it was no coincidence that he was nicknamed Vaska - the bully.
    The family lived a difficult life. At the age of sixteen, after graduating from seven years of school, Vasya had to go to work at the factory named after. CRAF. He was sent to a machine shop as a turner's apprentice. A responsible and hardworking young man quickly mastered his specialty. The team loved him for his honesty and openness. He became the soul of the football team.

    Football team of the factory named after. CRAF. 1938
    In the photo from right to left: Novikov V., Sergeev, Sedushkin, Chervyakov F., Prokofiev I.,
    Smorchkov K., Fedorov V., Krainov A., Orlov P., Monakhov S., captain Krainov F.

    Football players of the factory named after. CRAF. 1940
    Second from left - Novikov V.I.

    In October 1940, Vasily Novikov was drafted into the army by the Pushkin RVK.

    He served on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War since February 1942. After graduating from junior lieutenant courses, he became a participant in hostilities: he fought on the Southern, North Caucasian, Baltic, and Ukrainian fronts. He was the commander of a reconnaissance platoon of the 53rd Guards Tank Brigade (6th Guards Tank Corps, 3rd Guards Tank Army, 1st Ukrainian Front).

    In 1943, Vasily came to his native Lepeshki. Many years later, fellow villagers recalled the words of a young tanker spoken in his sister’s house: “The enemy is strong, but we must defeat him. I will not spare my life to destroy the Nazis.”

    On January 16, 1945, Guard Lieutenant Novikov was among the first to fight into the city of Radomsko (Poland). During a week of fighting, he destroyed 4 enemy tanks with his tank. He was the first to reach the German border.

    During the battles, the tank commander, lieutenant of the 53rd Armored Regiment, was wounded and died of his wounds on March 2, 1945. in Evacuation Hospital No. 3958.
    Buried in Poland, Petrovskoe Voivodeship, Radomsko.

    In June 1946, an official letter was sent to Tatyana Vasilievna Novikova:

    “According to the military command, your son, Guard Lieutenant Vasily Ivanovich Novikov, died a heroic death in the battles for the Soviet Motherland.
    For the heroic feat performed by your son in the fight against the German invaders, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, by Decree of April 10, 1945, awarded him the highest degree of distinction - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
    I am sending a Certificate from the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR conferring on your son the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for safekeeping, as a memory of a heroic son whose feat will not be forgotten by our people.
    Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR N.M. Shvernik".

    During the days of preparation for the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, Tatyana Vasilyevna Novikova received a letter from Poland from schoolchildren in the city of Czestochowa:

    “Having learned that your son, a soldier who died defending our Motherland, lies in the cemetery of our city, the students of our class, members of the Polish Red Cross, went to his grave to honor the memory of the young hero... In the stubborn struggle with the Germans, many Soviet and Polish soldiers died soldiers, all the fallen heroes were buried in the central cemetery. ...Here you can always see fresh flowers. On the grave of your son, on the stone slab it is written: “Lieutenant V.I. Novikov died on January 21, 1945." Grass was sown in a concrete frame and red rose bushes were planted. Thanks to the exploits of heroes similar to your son, Cenetokhovo is a large beautiful city... On Navodka Square there is a monument to a Soviet soldier, and in front of the town hall in 1945 erected a monument to the Soviet tankman. ... We give you, dear Tatyana Vasilievna, the honor for raising a courageous son and promise to always take care of his grave."

    IN AND. Novikov
    with mother Novikova Tatyana Vasilievna

    Memoirs of a fellow soldier - I.I. Gavrilenko

    In his memoirs, his fellow soldier I.I. Gavrilenko writes: “I remember Vasily Ivanovich Novikov as young, handsome and very cheerful, even a little mischievous, but very sincere. At the end of May 1944, we received brand new T-34 tanks and went straight from the Urals to the 1st Ukrainian Front.” V. AND. Novikov commanded a tank reconnaissance platoon (53rd Guards Tank Brigade of the 6th Guards Tank Corps, part of the 3rd Guards Tank Army under the command of Marshal of Armored Forces P.S. Rybalko). He participated in the Lvov-Sandomierz operation for the fortified city of Przemysl. Having entered into an unequal battle with an enemy armored train, its tank crew, skillfully maneuvering, was able to disable the locomotive and thereby stop the armored train. In August 1944, Vasily Novikov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. In the same memoirs of a fellow soldier there are the following lines: “Like a meteor, he fearlessly flew on his “thirty-four”, destroying the enemy’s manpower and equipment with fire and tracks... And when there were short respites between battles,
    Vasily Ivanovich again became cheerful and mischievous, with a sly look in his eyes, with his cap jauntily tilted to one side, from under which curled a forelock of black curly hair.”
    Attacking from the Sandomierz bridgehead in the direction of Breslau, the first Ukrainian front participated in the liberation of Poland. On January 17, the 3rd Guards Tank Army, having overcome enemy defenses on the Barta River, stormed the military-industrial center of Poland, the city of Czestochowa. On January 18, the front armies launched a fight for the Upper Silesian industrial region. The enemy put up desperate resistance, trying to hold the centers for coal mining, production of ammunition, fuel, and metal.
    In these battles, the V.I. tank reconnaissance platoon fought bravely. Novikova. From January 12 to 19, the commander destroyed two Tigers, one Panther, a T-4 tank, and about 200 German soldiers and officers. Having broken into the city of Radomsko as one of the first, he captured 50 Nazis. This is how I.I. describes Gavrilenko, the last battle of Vasily Novikov: “Our tank brigade reached the Prosna River. Sappers and machine gunners cleared the only bridge in the area and the approaches to it. Across the river is Germany. V.I. Novikov was the first to break into fascist soil in a tank. His crew was on the move "destroyed four anti-tank and two field guns, suppressed five machine-gun emplacements and fifty vehicles with military cargo. This battle was the last for Vasily Ivanovich Novikov. On January 19, 1945, he was seriously wounded and soon died."

    IN AND. Novikov
    with fellow soldiers

    Memorial plaque installed on the former workshop
    factory named after KRAF, where V.I. worked. Novikov

    The local newspaper wrote:

    Vasiliev K. We remember them by name...
    Meeting with fellow soldiers of Vasily Ivanovich Novikov.

    The workers of the machine shop will remember September 15 of this year for a long time. On this day, veterans of the Third Guards Tank Army, in which our fellow countryman, a former turner, fought, came to them. Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Ivanovich Novikov. On the occasion of the arrival of the guests, a rally was held in the workshop. It was attended by the former head of the political department of the 53rd Guards Tank Brigade, retired colonel Alexander Yakovlevich Zarapin, former tank commander, military friend and comrade of Vasily Ivanovich, retired guard lieutenant Mikhail Grigorievich Niskerov, former intelligence officer, retired guard captain Vladimir Aleksandrovich Lisitsyn, former flamethrower, retired guard senior sergeant Lev Nikolaevich Petrovykh and former loader, retired guard senior sergeant Ivan Ivanovich Gavrilenko. On the chest of each are military orders and medals - awards for courage and heroism shown in battles in defense of the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War.

    The meeting was opened by the secretary of the party bureau of the workshop organization E.M. Turzhansky.

    The first to speak was A. Ya. Zarapin.

    We are pleased,” he said, “on behalf of the Council of Tank Army Veterans to convey to you, fellow countrymen of our fellow soldier, heartfelt greetings and congratulations on Tankmen’s Day, which was celebrated yesterday in our country.

    “I knew Vasily Ivanovich,” the war veteran continues, “from the first day of his service as part of the 53rd Guards Tank Brigade. I remember him as a brave, honest, intelligent and very sincere young man. We, veterans, often remember him and are proud of him and his heroic feat. He was the first to cross the state border in his tank and enter the territory of Western Europe. In an unequal heavy battle, Novikov’s tank was hit by the Nazis and caught fire, and Vasily Ivanovich himself received serious wounds, from which he died. You, fellow countrymen of the hero, can be proud of your comrade who worked within the walls of this workshop.

    With bated breath, the rally participants listened to the speech of their fighting friend and comrade Vasily Ivanovich M. G. Niskerov.

    Mikhail Grigorievich, together with V.I. Novikov, received combat vehicles, the famous “thirty-fours”. Together they arrived in a tank brigade, and then for a year they fought side by side on the front line, smashing hordes of fascists.

    There are people,” he said, “with whom you work for many years or have fought for a long time, but their names fade in memory. I remember the image of Vasily Ivanovich for the rest of my life. Young, handsome, with a full head of hair, brave, even desperate, but honest, good-natured and very sensitive to his comrades - this is how I remember him.

    Our first battle together, says the war veteran, was near Ternopil. The operation was called "Lvov". The Nazis concentrated very large forces here. Our tank unit was given the task to go to the Sudovaya Vishnya railway station. Three tanks led the way, including mine and Vasily Ivanovich’s. Having reached the station, our three cars found themselves behind enemy lines. Here I saw the true heroism and high skill of my friend. He rushed like a meteor in his “thirty-four”, shot and crushed the fascists and their military equipment with their tracks. At the station, our three vehicles detained three railway trains and blocked 13 ammunition warehouses. A lot of military equipment was destroyed. Here the headquarters vehicle was hit and very important documents were seized.

    M. G. Niskerov, together with our fellow countryman, participated in the battles for the liberation of Przemysl, which was defended by fascist armored trains. And here Vasily Ivanovich boldly entered into single combat with the armored fortress and put it out of action.

    There were many other combat episodes,” said M. G. Niskerov, “after all, the whole war is a great battle that has absorbed thousands of combat episodes. The tankers were very upset about the death of their comrade. Our unit fought its way to Berlin and ended the war in Prague, and everywhere we mercilessly crushed the Nazis. We took revenge for the life of our best friend and comrade in arms, your fellow countryman Vasily Ivanovich Novikov.

    “I personally did not meet Vasily Ivanovich,” said V. A. Lisitsyn, “but I knew about his heroic exploits from front-line newspapers. He lived a short but colorful life.

    As an eighteen-year-old boy in 1942, L.N. Petrov went to the front. As part of a tank army, he walked along the roads of war from Tula, through Oryol, Belarus and Ukraine to Berlin. He was wounded several times, but each time he returned to the front line. He still carries 16 fragments in his body, as he says, metal cast at the Krupa factories.

    The meeting participants very warmly welcomed the message from a member of the army veterans council that in honor of the memory of Vasily Ivanovich Novikov, the council decided to present the workshop staff with a guards badge, which would be given to the best turner of the workshop. The machine tool will be awarded the title of “Guardsman”, and the turner – “Guardsman”. The first to accept this high award was turner Viktor Ivanovich Kitaev. Accepting the award from the hands of a war veteran, he assured the guests and the entire team that the high rank was justified.

    On behalf of the workshop staff, a war participant, former tanker, mechanic and thermal operator A.S. Legkov spoke. He congratulated the war veterans on Tankmen's Day and assured them that the workshop staff would never forget the names of those who gave their lives during the terrible years of the Patriotic War.

    After the meeting, veteran guardsmen laid fresh flowers at the memorial plaque to Vasily Ivanovich Novikov.


    2. Mitkina N. Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Ivanovich Novikov // The bitterness of defeat, the happiness of Victory. - Krasnoarmeysk: Horizon, 1995. - P.46-47.

    3. Novikov Vasily Ivanovich, about him // Vasiliev E.I. etc. ...And Victory came. - Pushkino, 1995.-P.194

    4. Novikov Vasily Ivanovich // Book of Memory. T.21. Pushkinsky district, Ivanteevka, Krasnoarmeysk. - M.: Mysl, 2001. - P. 37, 278.

    5. Novikov V.I. // Krasnoarmeysk in faces and facts. - Krasnoarmeysk, 2002.- P.40

    Novikov Vasily Vasilyevich - commander of the 7th Guards Tank Corps (3rd Guards Tank Army, 1st Ukrainian Front), guard major general.

    Born on June 26 (July 8), 1898 in the village of Shchelkovo, Novsky volost, Bezhetsky district, Tver province (now does not exist, the territory of the Borkovsky rural settlement, Bezhetsky district, Tver region). He spent his childhood and youth in the village of Selo Novoe (Bezhetsky district). He graduated from the Bezhetsk Theological School, in 1916 – 4 classes of the Tver Theological Seminary.

    In the Russian Imperial Army since October 1916. In August 1917 he graduated from the Tver Cavalry School; senior cadet.

    In the Red Army since May 1918. In May-October 1918 - assistant to the military commissar in the village of Filippkovo (Bezhetsky district). In 1919 he graduated from the Tver cavalry command courses.

    Participant in the Civil War: in March-May 1919 - platoon commander and commander of a separate cavalry squadron in the 11th Army. Participated in the defense of Astrakhan. In May 1919, he was seriously wounded in the right arm in battle and sent to the hospital. From December 1919 - military investigator of the 4th Cavalry Division, in March-July 1920 - head of the operational department of the headquarters of the 4th Cavalry Division. In July 1920, he was wounded in the left arm and spent a month recovering. In August 1920 - July 1921 - assistant chief of staff of the 4th Cavalry Division for operational units, in July 1921 - August 1922 - assistant commander of the 20th Cavalry Regiment for combat units. He fought on the Southern and Southwestern fronts. As part of the 1st Cavalry Army, he took part in battles with the troops of A.I. Denikin in the North Caucasus, the Soviet-Polish war, battles with the troops of P.N. Wrangel in the Crimea and the detachments of N.I. Makhno in Ukraine, in the liquidation of rebel groups in the North Caucasus.

    From August 1922 he served as an assistant to the commanders of cavalry regiments (in the North Caucasus and Leningrad military districts). In 1926 he graduated from Novocherkassk advanced training courses for command personnel. He served as assistant commander of a cavalry regiment and commander of a reserve squadron (in the Leningrad Military District). In 1930 he graduated from advanced training courses for command personnel in Moscow. In 1930-1932 - commander of a cavalry regiment (in the Leningrad Military District).

    In 1932 he graduated from the Leningrad Armored Command Improvement Courses. In 1932-1935 he commanded a mechanized regiment (in the Belarusian Military District). In 1935-1939 - commander of a mechanized (then transformed into a light tank) brigade (in the Belarusian and Kiev military districts). In 1936 he completed academic courses at the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization.

    In May-September 1939 - head of the command department of the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization, from September 1939 - head of the armored forces of the 10th Army Group (in the Moscow Military District).

    Participant in the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940 as deputy commander of an army group.

    In May-June 1940 - commander of the 126th Infantry Division (in the Belarusian and Baltic military districts). In 1940-1941 - commander of the 6th Tank Division, from May 1941 - commander of the 28th Mechanized Corps (in the Transcaucasian Military District).

    In July-September 1941 - commander of the 47th Army (Transcaucasian Front). Participated in the entry of Soviet troops into Iran in August-September 1941. Since September 1941, he commanded all Soviet troops located in Iran. In December 1941 - January 1942 - commander of the 45th Army (Transcaucasian Front), which covered the border with Turkey.

    Participant of the Great Patriotic War: in January-February 1942 - commander of the 44th Army (Crimean Front). Participated in the defense of the Kerch Peninsula. Since February 1942, due to illness, he was treated in a Moscow hospital.

    In May-November 1942 - Deputy Chief of the Main Directorate of Motor Transport and Road Service of the Red Army, in November 1942 - October 1943 - Deputy Chief and Chief of Staff of the Main Automobile Directorate of the Red Army. He supervised the operational transportation of troops and cargo by motor transport on the North-Western, Kalinin, Western and Stalingrad fronts.

    In January-April 1944 - representative of the Supreme High Command Headquarters in the 5th and 3rd Guards Tank Armies, in April 1944 - April 1945 - commander of the 6th Guards Tank Corps, from April 1945 - commander of the 7th Guards Tank Corps. He fought on the 2nd (January-April 1944) and 1st (April 1944 - May 1945) Ukrainian fronts. Participated in the Kirovograd, Korsun-Shevchenko, Proskurov-Chernivtsi, Lviv-Sandomierz, Sandomierz-Silesian, Lower Silesian, Berlin and Prague operations. In March 1945 he was wounded.

    He particularly distinguished himself during the Berlin operation. The tank crews of the corps he led during the period from April 16 to May 2, 1945, fought over 400 kilometers. On the evening of April 22, 1945, having covered 35 kilometers in a day with battles, parts of the corps broke into Berlin and reached the Teltow Canal.

    For skillful command of the corps and courage and heroism shown in battles with the Nazi invaders, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 29, 1945, to the Guards Major General Novikov Vasily Vasilievich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

    In August 1945 - May 1946 - commander of the 6th Guards Tank Division (in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany). In September 1946 - March 1947 - deputy commander of the 9th Mechanized Army (in the Central Group of Forces). From March 1947 - deputy commander of the 7th personnel tank division (in the Northern Group of Forces; Poland), in 1948-1950 - assistant commander of the 7th Mechanized Army (in the Belarusian Military District; the city of Borisov, Minsk Region, Belarus).

    Since June 1950, he studied at the Higher Academic Courses at the Higher Military Academy (Military Academy of the General Staff). Since March 1951, Lieutenant General of Tank Forces V.V. Novikov has been retired.

    Lieutenant General of Tank Forces (1945). He was awarded 2 Orders of Lenin (02/21/1945; 05/29/1945), 5 Orders of the Red Banner (02.22.1930; 06/14/1940; 09/18/1943; 11.11.1944; 06/24/1948), 2 Orders of Suvorov 2nd degree (29.05. 1944; 08/25/1944), Order of Kutuzov 2nd degree (04/06/1945), medals, foreign awards.

    Novikov Vasily Mikhailovich (March 30 (April 12), 1910, Grigorovo village, now Poshekhonsky district, Yaroslavl region - May 16, 1979, Moscow) - tank driver, Hero of the Soviet Union (1937).

    Born into a peasant family. Russian. In 1923 he graduated from the 6th grade of school. In 1928-1930 he worked on the collective farm “New Life”. In 1931 he graduated from regional courses for party workers. In June-December 1931 - secretary of the Ermakovsky Komsomol Committee and head of the hut-reading room.

    In the army since December 1931. Until May 1935, he served in the artillery as a squad commander and assistant platoon commander in the Moscow Military District. In 1936 he completed an accelerated course at the Oryol Tank School. From August 1936 he served as a tank commander.

    Participant in the war in Spain: in October 1936 - March 1937 - commander of the BT-5 and T-26 tanks in the Republican tank brigade. In March 1937, in a battle southeast of Madrid, his tank was hit and stuck in no man's land. The enemy rolled out a gun to hit the tank, but the crew destroyed it with a well-aimed shot. With the onset of darkness, V. M. Novikov sent the driver for help. Soon the stationary tank came under heavy artillery fire. As a result of shell hits, the tank gunner was killed, and V. M. Novikov was seriously wounded in the head, legs and arms, and was also shell-shocked. Despite this, he continued to defend the tank until help arrived, firing from a machine gun. Until October 1937 he was in a Madrid hospital, after which he continued treatment in Moscow.

    For courage and heroism shown in battles, by the Resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR dated July 4, 1937, to junior commander Novikov Vasily Mikhailovich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin.

    Since April 1938, he served as a company commander and assistant chief of the operational unit of the headquarters of a mechanized brigade (in the Moscow and Trans-Baikal military districts). In 1939 he graduated from the Leningrad Armored Command Improvement Courses, and from September 1939 he studied at the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization.

    In August-September 1941 - head of the operational department of the headquarters of the 1st defensive sector of Moscow. In September 1941 - September 1943 - commander of the training battalion of the Chkalov Tank School (Orenburg). From January 1944 he studied at the Military Academy of Armored and Mechanized Forces, from which he graduated in 1946.

    In 1946-1947 - battalion commander at the Kazan Tank School, in 1947-1948 - head of the command department of the Military Academy of Armored and Mechanized Forces. In 1948-1949 - deputy commander of a tank regiment (in the Carpathian Military District), in 1949-1950 - head of the courses for training lieutenants at the Proskurov Tank School (Khmelnitsky, Ukraine). From 1950 - deputy commander of tank regiments (in the Carpathian Military District and the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany), in 1954-1956 - military commandant of the region (in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany).

    Since February 1957, Colonel V. M. Novikov has been retired. Lived in Moscow. Died May 16, 1979. He was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery.

    Awarded the Order of Lenin (07/04/1937), the Red Banner (11/3/1953), two Orders of the Red Star (01/2/1937; 04/30/1947), medals.

    In his homeland in the city of Poshekhonye, ​​on the Walk of Military Glory, a stele with a bas-relief of the Hero was installed.

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