
Chemical materials in military affairs. Presentation on chemistry "chemical elements in military affairs". Individual assignments - presentations

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Completed by a 4th year student of group 9,

specialty 050101 “Chemistry”

Yarmolenko Yu.V.

  • Introduction
  • 1. Organic substances in warfare
  • 2. Inorganic substances in warfare
  • Conclusion


We live in a world of different substances. In principle, a person does not need much to live: oxygen (air), water, food, basic clothing, housing. However, a person, mastering the world around him, gaining more and more knowledge about it, constantly changes his life.

In the second half of the 19th century, chemical science reached a level of development that made it possible to create new substances that had never coexisted in nature before. However, while creating new substances that should serve for good, scientists also created substances that became a threat to humanity.

On the one hand, substances “stand” for the protection of countries. We can no longer imagine our life without many chemicals, because they were created for the benefit of civilization (plastics, rubber, etc.). On the other hand, some substances can be used for destruction; they “bring death.”

1. Organic substances in warfare

In 1920 - 1930 there was a threat of the outbreak of the Second World War. The world's major powers were feverishly arming themselves, with Germany and the USSR making the greatest efforts for this. German scientists have created a new generation of toxic substances. However, Hitler did not dare to start a chemical war, probably realizing that its consequences for the relatively small Germany and vast Russia would be incommensurable.

After World War II, the chemical arms race continued at a higher level. Currently, developed countries do not produce chemical weapons, but the planet has accumulated huge reserves of deadly toxic substances, which pose a serious danger to nature and society

Mustard gas, lewisite, sarin, soman, V-gases, hydrocyanic acid, phosgene, and another product, which is usually depicted in the “VX” font, were adopted and stored in warehouses. Let's take a closer look at them.

a) Sarin is a colorless or yellow liquid with almost no odor, which makes it difficult to detect by external signs. It belongs to the class of nerve agents. Sarin is intended, first of all, to contaminate the air with vapors and fog, that is, as an unstable agent. In some cases, however, it can be used in droplet-liquid form to infect the area and military equipment located on it; in this case, the persistence of sarin can be: in summer - several hours, in winter - several days.

Sarin causes damage through the respiratory system, skin, and gastrointestinal tract; acts through the skin in droplet-liquid and vapor states, without causing local damage. The degree of damage caused by sarin depends on its concentration in the air and the time spent in the contaminated atmosphere.

When exposed to sarin, the victim experiences drooling, profuse sweating, vomiting, dizziness, loss of consciousness, severe convulsions, paralysis and, as a result of severe poisoning, death.

b) Soman is a colorless and almost odorless liquid. Belongs to the class of nerve agents. In many properties it is very similar to sarin. The persistence of soman is slightly higher than that of sarin; its effect on the human body is approximately 10 times stronger.

c) V-gases are low-volatile liquids with a very high boiling point, so their resistance is many times greater than that of sarin. Like sarin and soman, they are classified as nerve agents. According to foreign press data, V-gases are 100-1000 times more toxic than other nerve agents. They are highly effective when acting through the skin, especially in a droplet-liquid state: contact with human skin of small drops of V-gases usually causes death.

d) Mustard gas is a dark brown oily liquid with a characteristic odor reminiscent of garlic or mustard. Belongs to the class of blister agents. Mustard gas slowly evaporates from contaminated areas; Its durability on the ground is: in summer - from 7 to 14 days, in winter - a month or more. Mustard gas has a multifaceted effect on the body: in drop-liquid and vapor states it affects the skin and eyes, in vapor form it affects the respiratory tract and lungs, and when ingested with food and water, it affects the digestive organs. The effect of mustard gas does not appear immediately, but after some time, called the period of latent action. When contacted with the skin, drops of mustard gas are quickly absorbed into it without causing pain. After 4-8 hours, the skin appears red and itchy. By the end of the first and beginning of the second day, small bubbles form, but then they merge into single large bubbles filled with an amber-yellow liquid, which becomes cloudy over time. The appearance of blisters is accompanied by malaise and fever. After 2-3 days, the blisters break through and reveal ulcers underneath that do not heal for a long time. If an infection gets into the ulcer, suppuration occurs and the healing time increases to 5-6 months. The organs of vision are affected by vapor mustard gas even in negligible concentrations in the air and exposure time is 10 minutes. The period of hidden action lasts from 2 to 6 hours; then signs of damage appear: a feeling of sand in the eyes, photophobia, lacrimation. The disease can last 10-15 days, after which recovery occurs. Damage to the digestive organs is caused by ingestion of food and water contaminated with mustard gas. In severe cases of poisoning, after a period of latent action (30-60 minutes), signs of damage appear: pain in the pit of the stomach, nausea, vomiting; then general weakness, headache, weakening of reflexes occur; Discharge from the mouth and nose acquires a foul odor. Subsequently, the process progresses: paralysis is observed, severe weakness and exhaustion appear. If the course is unfavorable, death occurs on days 3-12 as a result of complete loss of strength and exhaustion.

In case of severe injuries, it is usually not possible to save a person, and if the skin is damaged, the victim loses his ability to work for a long time.

e) Hydrocyanic acid is a colorless liquid with a peculiar odor reminiscent of the smell of bitter almonds; in low concentrations the odor is difficult to distinguish. Hydrocyanic acid evaporates easily and acts only in a vapor state. Refers to general toxic agents. Characteristic signs of damage from hydrocyanic acid are: metallic taste in the mouth, throat irritation, dizziness, weakness, nausea. Then painful shortness of breath appears, the pulse slows down, the poisoned person loses consciousness, and sharp convulsions occur. Convulsions are observed for a relatively short time; they are replaced by complete relaxation of the muscles with loss of sensitivity, a drop in temperature, respiratory depression with subsequent cessation. Cardiac activity after stopping breathing continues for another 3-7 minutes.

f) Phosgene is a colorless, highly volatile liquid with the smell of rotten hay or rotten apples. It acts on the body in a vapor state. Belongs to the class of suffocating agents.

Phosgene has a latent action period of 4-6 hours; its duration depends on the concentration of phosgene in the air, the time spent in the contaminated atmosphere, the condition of the person, and the cooling of the body. When phosgene is inhaled, a person feels a sweetish, unpleasant taste in the mouth, followed by coughing, dizziness and general weakness. Upon leaving the contaminated air, the signs of poisoning quickly pass, and a period of so-called imaginary well-being begins. But after 4-6 hours, the affected person experiences a sharp deterioration in their condition: a bluish discoloration of the lips, cheeks, and nose quickly develops; general weakness, headache, rapid breathing, severe shortness of breath, painful cough with the release of liquid, foamy, pinkish sputum appear, which indicates the development of pulmonary edema. The process of phosgene poisoning reaches its climax phase within 2-3 days. With a favorable course of the disease, the affected person’s health will gradually begin to improve, and in severe cases of damage, death occurs.

g) Lysergic acid dimethylamide is a toxic substance with psychochemical action. When it enters the human body, mild nausea and dilated pupils appear within 3 minutes, and then hallucinations of hearing and vision that last for several hours.

2. Inorganic substances in warfare

The Germans first used chemical weapons on April 22, 1915. near Ypres: they launched a gas attack against French and British troops. From 6 thousand metal cylinders, 180 tons of chlorine were released along a front width of 6 km. Then they used chlorine as an agent against the Russian army. As a result of the first gas attack alone, about 15 thousand soldiers were hit, of which 5 thousand died from suffocation. To protect against chlorine poisoning, they began to use bandages soaked in a solution of potash and baking soda, and then a gas mask in which sodium thiosulfate was used to absorb chlorine.

Later, more powerful toxic substances containing chlorine appeared: mustard gas, chloropicrin, cyanogen chloride, asphyxiating gas phosgene, etc.

Chloride of lime (CaOCI 2) is used for military purposes as an oxidizing agent during degassing, destroying chemical warfare agents, and for peaceful purposes - for bleaching cotton fabrics, paper, for chlorinating water, and disinfection. The use of this salt is based on the fact that when it reacts with carbon monoxide (IV), free hypochlorous acid is released, which decomposes:

2CaOCI 2 + CO 2 + H 2 O = CaCO 3 + CaCI 2 + 2HOCI;

2HOCI = 2HCI + O 2 .

Oxygen, at the moment of release, energetically oxidizes and destroys toxic and other substances, and has a bleaching and disinfecting effect.

Ammonium chloride NH 4 CI is used to fill smoke bombs: when the incendiary mixture is ignited, ammonium chloride decomposes, forming thick smoke:

NH 4 CI = NH 3 + HCI.

Such checkers were widely used during the Great Patriotic War.

Ammonium nitrate is used for the production of explosives - ammonites, which also contain other explosive nitro compounds, as well as flammable additives. For example, ammonal contains trinitrotoluene and powdered aluminum. The main reaction that occurs during its explosion:

3NH 4 NO 3 + 2AI = 3N 2 + 6H 2 O + AI 2 O 3 + Q.

The high heat of combustion of aluminum increases the explosion energy. Aluminum nitrate mixed with trinitrotoluene (tol) produces the explosive ammotol. Most explosive mixtures contain an oxidizing agent (metal or ammonium nitrates, etc.) and flammable substances (diesel fuel, aluminum, wood flour, etc.).

Phosphorus (white) is widely used in warfare as an incendiary substance used to equip aircraft bombs, mines, and shells. Phosphorus is highly flammable and, when burned, releases a large amount of heat (the combustion temperature of white phosphorus reaches 1000 - 1200°C). When burned, phosphorus melts, spreads, and when it comes into contact with the skin, it causes long-lasting burns and ulcers.

When phosphorus burns in air, phosphorus anhydride is obtained, the vapors of which attract moisture from the air and form a veil of white fog consisting of tiny droplets of a solution of metaphosphoric acid. This is the basis for its use as a smoke-forming substance.

The most toxic organophosphorus toxic substances (sarin, soman, V-gases) with nerve-paralytic effects were created on the basis of ortho- and metaphosphoric acids. A gas mask serves as protection against their harmful effects.

Due to its softness, graphite is widely used to produce lubricants used in high and low temperature conditions. The extreme heat resistance and chemical inertness of graphite make it possible to use it in nuclear reactors on nuclear submarines in the form of bushings, rings, as a thermal neutron moderator, and as a structural material in rocket technology.

Activated carbon is a good gas adsorbent, so it is used as an absorber of toxic substances in filter gas masks. During the First World War there were large human losses, one of the main reasons was the lack of reliable personal protective equipment against toxic substances. N.D. Zelinsky proposed a simple gas mask in the form of a bandage with coal. Later he, together with engineer E.L. Kumantom improved simple gas masks. They proposed insulating rubber gas masks, thanks to which the lives of millions of soldiers were saved.

Carbon monoxide (II) (carbon monoxide) is part of the group of generally toxic chemical weapons: it combines with hemoglobin in the blood, forming carboxyhemoglobin. As a result, hemoglobin loses its ability to bind and carry oxygen, oxygen starvation occurs and the person dies from suffocation.

In a combat situation, when you are in the burning zone of flamethrower-incendiary means, in tents and other rooms with stove heating, or when shooting in enclosed spaces, carbon monoxide poisoning can occur. And since carbon monoxide (II) has high diffusion properties, conventional filter gas masks are not able to clean air contaminated with this gas. Scientists have created an oxygen gas mask, in special cartridges of which mixed oxidizers are placed: 50% manganese (IV) oxide, 30% copper (II) oxide, 15% chromium (VI) oxide and 5% silver oxide. Carbon monoxide (II) in the air is oxidized in the presence of these substances, for example:

CO + MnO 2 = MnO + CO 2.

A person affected by carbon monoxide needs fresh air, heart medications, sweet tea, and in severe cases, oxygen inhalation and artificial respiration.

Carbon monoxide (IV) (carbon dioxide) is 1.5 times heavier than air, does not support combustion processes, and is used to extinguish fires. A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is filled with a solution of sodium bicarbonate, and a glass ampoule contains sulfuric or hydrochloric acid. When the fire extinguisher is put into operation, the following reaction begins to occur:

2NaHCO 3 + H 2 SO 4 = Na 2 SO 4 + 2H 2 O + 2CO 2.

The released carbon dioxide envelops the fire in a dense layer, stopping the access of air oxygen to the burning object. During the Great Patriotic War, such fire extinguishers were used to protect residential buildings in cities and industrial facilities.

Carbon (IV) monoxide in liquid form is a good agent used in fire extinguishing jet engines installed on modern military aircraft.

Due to their strength, hardness, heat resistance, electrical conductivity, and the ability to be machined, metals find wide application in military affairs: in aircraft and rocket manufacturing, in the manufacture of small arms and armored vehicles, submarines and naval ships, shells, bombs, radio equipment, etc. .d.

Thermite (a mixture of Fe 3 O 4 with AI powder) is used to make incendiary bombs and shells. When this mixture is ignited, a violent reaction occurs, releasing a large amount of heat:

8AI + 3Fe 3 O 4 = 4AI 2 O 3 + 9Fe + Q.

The temperature in the reaction zone reaches 3000°C. At such a high temperature, tank armor melts. Thermite shells and bombs have great destructive power.

Sodium peroxide Na 2 O 2 is used as an oxygen regenerator on military submarines. Solid sodium peroxide filling the regeneration system interacts with carbon dioxide:

2Na 2 O 2 + 2CO 2 = 2Na 2 CO 3 + O 2.

chemical organic poison weapon

This reaction underlies modern insulating gas masks (IG), which are used in conditions of lack of oxygen in the air, when using chemical warfare agents. Insulating gas masks are used by the crews of modern naval ships and submarines; it is these gas masks that enable the crew to escape from a sunken tanker.

Molybdenum gives steel high hardness, strength and toughness. The following fact is known: the armor of British tanks participating in the battles of the First World War was made of brittle manganese steel. German artillery shells freely pierced a massive shell made of such steel 7.5 cm thick. But as soon as only 1.5-2% molybdenum was added to the steel, the tanks became invulnerable with an armor plate thickness of 2.5 cm. Molybdenum steel is used to make tank armor , ship hulls, gun barrels, guns, aircraft parts.


Chemical weapons, of course, need to be destroyed as quickly as possible; they are a deadly weapon against humanity. People also remember how the Nazis killed hundreds of thousands of people in gas chambers in concentration camps, and how American troops tested chemical weapons during the Vietnam War.

The use of chemical weapons today is prohibited by international agreement. In the first half of the 20th century. toxic substances were either drowned in the sea or buried in the ground. There is no need to explain what this entails. Nowadays toxic substances are burned, but this method also has its drawbacks. When burning in a conventional flame, their concentration in the exhaust gases is tens of thousands of times higher than the maximum permissible. High-temperature afterburning of exhaust gases in a plasma electric furnace (a method used in the USA) provides relative safety.

Another approach to the destruction of chemical weapons is to first neutralize the toxic substances. The resulting non-toxic masses can be burned or processed into solid insoluble blocks, which are then buried in special burial grounds or used in road construction.

Currently, the concept of destroying toxic substances directly in ammunition is widely discussed, and the processing of non-toxic reaction masses into chemical products for commercial use is proposed. But the destruction of chemical weapons and scientific research in this area require large investments.

I would like to hope that the problems will be solved and the power of chemical science will be directed not at the development of new toxic substances, but at solving global problems of humanity.

Posted on Allbest.ru

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1. Introduction.

2. Toxic substances.

3. Inorganic substances in the service of the military.

4. The contribution of Soviet chemists to the victory of the Second World War.

5. Conclusion.

6. Literature.


We live in a world of different substances. In principle, a person does not need much to live: oxygen (air), water, food, basic clothing, housing. However, a person, mastering the world around him, gaining more and more knowledge about it, constantly changes his life.

In the second half of the 19th century, chemical science reached a level of development that made it possible to create new substances that had never coexisted in nature before. However, while creating new substances that should serve for good, scientists also created substances that became a threat to humanity.

I thought about this when I was studying the history of World War I and learned that in 1915. The Germans used gas attacks with toxic substances to win on the French front. What could other countries do to preserve the lives and health of soldiers?

First of all, to create a gas mask, which was successfully accomplished by N.D. Zelinsky. He said: “I invented it not to attack, but to protect young lives from suffering and death.” Well, then, like a chain reaction, new substances began to be created - the beginning of the era of chemical weapons.

How do you feel about this?

On the one hand, substances “stand” for the protection of countries. We can no longer imagine our life without many chemicals, because they were created for the benefit of civilization (plastics, rubber, etc.). On the other hand, some substances can be used for destruction; they bring “death.”

The purpose of my essay: to expand and deepen knowledge about the use of chemicals.

Objectives: 1) Consider how chemicals are used in warfare.

2) Get acquainted with the contribution of scientists to the victory of the Second World War.

Organic matter

In 1920 – 1930 there was a threat of the outbreak of the Second World War. The world's major powers were feverishly arming themselves, with Germany and the USSR making the greatest efforts for this. German scientists have created a new generation of toxic substances. However, Hitler did not dare to start a chemical war, probably realizing that its consequences for the relatively small Germany and vast Russia would be incommensurable.

After World War II, the chemical arms race continued at a higher level. Currently, developed countries do not produce chemical weapons, but the planet has accumulated huge reserves of deadly toxic substances, which pose a serious danger to nature and society

Mustard gas, lewisite, sarin, soman, V-gases, hydrocyanic acid, phosgene, and another product, which is usually depicted in the “VX” font, were adopted and stored in warehouses. Let's take a closer look at them.

a) Sarin is a colorless or yellow liquid with almost no odor, which makes it difficult to detect by external signs. It belongs to the class of nerve agents. Sarin is intended, first of all, to contaminate the air with vapors and fog, that is, as an unstable agent. In some cases, however, it can be used in droplet-liquid form to infect the area and military equipment located on it; in this case, the persistence of sarin can be: in summer - several hours, in winter - several days.

Sarin causes damage through the respiratory system, skin, and gastrointestinal tract; acts through the skin in droplet-liquid and vapor states, without causing local damage. The degree of damage caused by sarin depends on its concentration in the air and the time spent in the contaminated atmosphere.

When exposed to sarin, the victim experiences drooling, profuse sweating, vomiting, dizziness, loss of consciousness, severe convulsions, paralysis and, as a result of severe poisoning, death.

Sarin formula:

b) Soman is a colorless and almost odorless liquid. Belongs to the class of nerve agents. In many properties it is very similar to sarin. The persistence of soman is slightly higher than that of sarin; its effect on the human body is approximately 10 times stronger.

Soman formula:

(CH3)3C – CH (CH3) -

c) V-gases are low-volatile liquids with a very high boiling point, so their resistance is many times greater than that of sarin. Like sarin and soman, they are classified as nerve agents. According to foreign press data, V-gases are 100 - 1000 times more toxic than other nerve agents. They are highly effective when acting through the skin, especially in a droplet-liquid state: contact with human skin of small drops of V-gases usually causes death.

d) Mustard gas is a dark brown oily liquid with a characteristic odor reminiscent of garlic or mustard. Belongs to the class of blister agents. Mustard gas slowly evaporates from contaminated areas; Its durability on the ground is: in summer - from 7 to 14 days, in winter - a month or more. Mustard gas has a multifaceted effect on the body: in drop-liquid and vapor states it affects the skin and eyes, in vapor form it affects the respiratory tract and lungs, and when ingested with food and water, it affects the digestive organs. The effect of mustard gas does not appear immediately, but after some time, called the period of latent action. When contacted with the skin, drops of mustard gas are quickly absorbed into it without causing pain. After 4 - 8 hours, the skin appears red and itchy. By the end of the first and beginning of the second day, small bubbles form, but then they merge into single large bubbles filled with an amber-yellow liquid, which becomes cloudy over time. The appearance of blisters is accompanied by malaise and fever. After 2-3 days, the blisters break through and reveal ulcers underneath that do not heal for a long time. If an infection gets into the ulcer, suppuration occurs and the healing time increases to 5 - 6 months. The organs of vision are affected by vapor mustard gas even in negligible concentrations in the air and exposure time is 10 minutes. The period of hidden action lasts from 2 to 6 hours; then signs of damage appear: a feeling of sand in the eyes, photophobia, lacrimation. The disease can last 10 - 15 days, after which recovery occurs. Damage to the digestive organs is caused by ingestion of food and water contaminated with mustard gas. In severe cases of poisoning, after a period of latent action (30–60 minutes), signs of damage appear: pain in the pit of the stomach, nausea, vomiting; then general weakness, headache, and weakening of reflexes set in; Discharge from the mouth and nose acquires a foul odor. Subsequently, the process progresses: paralysis is observed, severe weakness and exhaustion appear. If the course is unfavorable, death occurs between 3 and 12 days as a result of complete loss of strength and exhaustion.

In case of severe injuries, it is usually not possible to save a person, and if the skin is damaged, the victim loses his ability to work for a long time.

Mustard formula:

CI – CH2 - CH2

CI – CH2 - CH2

e) Hydrocyanic acid is a colorless liquid with a peculiar odor reminiscent of the smell of bitter almonds; in low concentrations the odor is difficult to distinguish. Hydrocyanic acid evaporates easily and acts only in a vapor state. Refers to general toxic agents. Characteristic signs of damage from hydrocyanic acid are: metallic taste in the mouth, throat irritation, dizziness, weakness, nausea. Then painful shortness of breath appears, the pulse slows down, the poisoned person loses consciousness, and sharp convulsions occur. Convulsions are observed for a relatively short time; they are replaced by complete relaxation of the muscles with loss of sensitivity, a drop in temperature, respiratory depression with subsequent cessation. Cardiac activity after stopping breathing continues for another 3 to 7 minutes.

Hydrocyanic acid formula:

f) Phosgene is a colorless, highly volatile liquid with the smell of rotten hay or rotten apples. It acts on the body in a vapor state. Belongs to the class of suffocating agents.

Phosgene has a latent action period of 4 - 6 hours; its duration depends on the concentration of phosgene in the air, the time spent in the contaminated atmosphere, the condition of the person, and the cooling of the body. When phosgene is inhaled, a person feels a sweetish, unpleasant taste in the mouth, followed by coughing, dizziness and general weakness. Upon leaving the contaminated air, the signs of poisoning quickly pass, and a period of so-called imaginary well-being begins. But after 4 - 6 hours, the affected person experiences a sharp deterioration in their condition: a bluish discoloration of the lips, cheeks, and nose quickly develops; general weakness, headache, rapid breathing, severe shortness of breath, a painful cough with the release of liquid, foamy, pinkish sputum indicate the development of pulmonary edema. The process of phosgene poisoning reaches its climax phase within 2 - 3 days. With a favorable course of the disease, the affected person’s health will gradually begin to improve, and in severe cases of damage, death occurs.

Phosgene formula:

e) Lysergic acid dimethylamide is a toxic substance with psychochemical action. When ingested, mild nausea and dilated pupils appear within 3 minutes, followed by hallucinations of hearing and vision that last for several hours.

Inorganic substances in military affairs.

The Germans first used chemical weapons on April 22, 1915. near Ypres: they launched a gas attack against French and British troops. Of the 6 thousand metal cylinders, 180 tons were produced. chlorine across a front width of 6 km. Then they used chlorine as an agent against the Russian army. As a result of the first gas attack alone, about 15 thousand soldiers were hit, of which 5 thousand died from suffocation. To protect against chlorine poisoning, they began to use bandages soaked in a solution of potash and baking soda, and then a gas mask in which sodium thiosulfate was used to absorb chlorine.

Later, more powerful toxic substances containing chlorine appeared: mustard gas, chloropicrin, cyanogen chloride, asphyxiating gas phosgene, etc.

The reaction equation for producing phosgene is:

CI2 + CO = COCI2.

Upon penetration into the human body, phosgene undergoes hydrolysis:

COCI2 + H2O = CO2 + 2HCI,

which leads to the formation of hydrochloric acid, which inflames the tissues of the respiratory organs and makes breathing difficult.

Phosgene is also used for peaceful purposes: in the production of dyes, in the fight against pests and diseases of agricultural crops.

Bleach(CaOCI2) is used for military purposes as an oxidizing agent during degassing, destroying chemical warfare agents, and for peaceful purposes - for bleaching cotton fabrics, paper, for chlorinating water, and disinfection. The use of this salt is based on the fact that when it reacts with carbon monoxide (IV), free hypochlorous acid is released, which decomposes:

2CaOCI2 + CO2 + H2O = CaCO3 + CaCI2 + 2HOCI;

Oxygen, at the moment of release, energetically oxidizes and destroys poisonous and other toxic substances, and has a bleaching and disinfecting effect.

Oxiliquit is an explosive mixture of any flammable porous mass with liquid oxygen. They were used during the First World War instead of dynamite.

The main condition for choosing a combustible material for oxyliquit is its sufficient friability, which facilitates better impregnation with liquid oxygen. If the flammable material is poorly impregnated, then after the explosion some of it will remain unburnt. An oxyliquit cartridge is a long pouch filled with flammable material into which an electric fuse is inserted. Sawdust, coal, and peat are used as combustible materials for oxyliquits. The cartridge is charged immediately before inserting into the hole, immersing it in liquid oxygen. Cartridges were sometimes prepared in this way during the Great Patriotic War, although trinitrotoluene was mainly used for this purpose. Currently, oxyliquits are used in the mining industry for blasting.

Looking at Properties sulfuric acid, it is important about its use in the production of explosives (TNT, HMX, picric acid, trinitroglycerin) as a water-removing agent in the composition of a nitrating mixture (HNO3 and H2 SO4).

Ammonia solution(40%) is used for degassing equipment, vehicles, clothing, etc. in conditions of the use of chemical weapons (sarin, soman, tabun).

Based nitric acid A number of strong explosives are obtained: trinitroglycerin and dynamite, nitrocellulose (pyroxylin), trinitrophenol (picric acid), trinitrotoluene, etc.

Ammonium chloride NH4CI is used to fill smoke bombs: when the incendiary mixture is ignited, ammonium chloride decomposes, forming thick smoke:

NH4CI = NH3 + HCI.

Such checkers were widely used during the Great Patriotic War.

Ammonium nitrate is used for the production of explosives - ammonites, which also contain other explosive nitro compounds, as well as flammable additives. For example, ammonal contains trinitrotoluene and powdered aluminum. The main reaction that occurs during its explosion:

3NH4NO3 + 2AI = 3N2 + 6H2O + AI2O3 + Q.

The high heat of combustion of aluminum increases the explosion energy. Aluminum nitrate mixed with trinitrotoluene (tol) produces the explosive ammotol. Most explosive mixtures contain an oxidizer (metal or ammonium nitrates, etc.) and combustibles (diesel fuel, aluminum, wood flour, etc.).

Barium, strontium and lead nitrates used in pyrotechnics.

Considering Application nitrates, you can talk about the history of the production and use of black, or smoky, gunpowder - an explosive mixture of potassium nitrate with sulfur and coal (75% KNO3, 10% S, 15% C). The combustion reaction of black powder is expressed by the equation:

2KNO3 + 3C + S = N2 + 3CO2 + K2S + Q.

The two products of the reaction are gases, and potassium sulfide is a solid that produces smoke after the explosion. The source of oxygen during the combustion of gunpowder is potassium nitrate. If a vessel, for example a tube sealed at one end, is closed by a moving body - a core, then it is ejected under the pressure of powder gases. This shows the propellant effect of gunpowder. And if the walls of the vessel in which the gunpowder is located are not strong enough, then the vessel breaks under the action of the powder gases into small fragments that fly around with enormous kinetic energy. This is the blasting action of gunpowder. The resulting potassium sulfide - carbon deposits - destroys the barrel of the weapon, therefore, after a shot, a special solution containing ammonium carbonate is used to clean the weapon.

The dominance of black powder in military affairs continued for six centuries. Over such a long period of time, its composition has remained virtually unchanged, only the production method has changed. Only in the middle of the last century, new explosives with greater destructive power began to be used instead of black powder. They quickly replaced black powder from military equipment. Now it is used as an explosive in mining, in pyrotechnics (rockets, fireworks), and also as hunting gunpowder.

Phosphorus(white) is widely used in military affairs as an incendiary substance used to equip aircraft bombs, mines, and shells. Phosphorus is highly flammable and, when burned, releases a large amount of heat (the combustion temperature of white phosphorus reaches 1000 - 1200°C). When burned, phosphorus melts, spreads, and when it comes into contact with the skin, it causes long-lasting burns and ulcers.

When phosphorus burns in air, phosphorus anhydride is obtained, the vapors of which attract moisture from the air and form a veil of white fog consisting of tiny droplets of a solution of metaphosphoric acid. Its use as a smoke-forming substance is based on this property.

Based on ortho - and metaphosphoric acid The most toxic organophosphorus toxic substances (sarin, soman, VX gases) with nerve-paralytic action have been created. A gas mask serves as protection against their harmful effects.

Graphite Due to its softness, it is widely used to produce lubricants used at high and low temperatures. The extreme heat resistance and chemical inertness of graphite make it possible to use it in nuclear reactors on nuclear submarines in the form of bushings, rings, as a thermal neutron moderator, and as a structural material in rocket technology.

I soot(carbon black) is used as a rubber filler used to equip armored vehicles, aircraft, automobiles, artillery and other military equipment.

Activated carbon– a good adsorbent of gases, so it is used as an absorber of toxic substances in filter gas masks. During the First World War there were large human losses, one of the main reasons was the lack of reliable personal protective equipment against toxic substances. N.D. Zelinsky proposed a simple gas mask in the form of a bandage with coal. Later, together with engineer E.L. Kumant, he improved simple gas masks. They proposed insulating rubber gas masks, thanks to which the lives of millions of soldiers were saved.

Carbon monoxide (II) (carbon monoxide) belongs to the group of generally toxic chemical weapons: it combines with hemoglobin in the blood, forming carboxyhemoglobin. As a result, hemoglobin loses its ability to bind and carry oxygen, oxygen starvation occurs and the person dies from suffocation.

In a combat situation, when you are in the burning zone of flamethrower-incendiary means, in tents and other rooms with stove heating, or when shooting in enclosed spaces, carbon monoxide poisoning can occur. And since carbon monoxide (II) has high diffusion properties, conventional filter gas masks are not able to clean air contaminated with this gas. Scientists have created an oxygen gas mask, in special cartridges of which mixed oxidizers are placed: 50% manganese (IV) oxide, 30% copper (II) oxide, 15% chromium (VI) oxide and 5% silver oxide. Carbon monoxide (II) in the air is oxidized in the presence of these substances, for example:

CO + MnO2 = MnO + CO2.

A person affected by carbon monoxide needs fresh air, heart medications, sweet tea, and in severe cases, oxygen breathing and artificial respiration.

Carbon monoxide (IV)(carbon dioxide) 1.5 times heavier than air, does not support combustion processes, is used to extinguish fires. A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is filled with a solution of sodium bicarbonate, and a glass ampoule contains sulfuric or hydrochloric acid. When the fire extinguisher is brought into operation, the following reaction begins to occur:

2NaHCO3 + H2SO4 = Na2SO4 + 2H2O + 2CO2.

The released carbon dioxide envelops the fire in a dense layer, stopping the access of air oxygen to the burning object. During the Great Patriotic War, such fire extinguishers were used to protect residential buildings in cities and industrial facilities.

Carbon (IV) monoxide in liquid form is a good fire extinguishing agent for jet engines found on modern military aircraft.

Silicon, being a semiconductor, is widely used in modern military electronics. It is used in the manufacture of solar panels, transistors, diodes, particle detectors in radiation monitoring and radiation reconnaissance instruments.

Liquid glass(saturated solutions of Na2SiO3 and K2SiO3) – a good fire-retardant impregnation for fabrics, wood, and paper.

The silicate industry produces various types of optical glasses used in military devices (binoculars, periscopes, rangefinders); cement for the construction of naval bases, mine launchers, protective structures.

In the form of glass fiber, glass is used for production. fiberglass, used in the production of missiles, submarines, and instruments.

When studying metals, we will consider their use in military affairs

Due to their strength, hardness, heat resistance, electrical conductivity, and the ability to be machined, metals find wide application in military affairs: in aircraft and rocket manufacturing, in the manufacture of small arms and armored vehicles, submarines and naval ships, shells, bombs, radio equipment, etc. .d.

Aluminum It has high corrosion resistance to water, but has low strength. In aircraft and rocket production, aluminum alloys with other metals are used: copper, manganese, zinc, magnesium, iron. When properly heat treated, these alloys offer strength comparable to that of medium alloy steel.

Thus, the once most powerful rocket in the United States, the Saturn 5, with which the Apollo spacecraft were launched, is made of an aluminum alloy (aluminum, copper, manganese). The hulls of the Titan-2 intercontinental ballistic missiles are made from aluminum alloy. The propeller blades of airplanes and helicopters are made from an alloy of aluminum with magnesium and silicon. This alloy can operate under vibration loads and has very high corrosion resistance.

Thermite (mixtureFe3 O4 cpowderA.I.) used to make incendiary bombs and shells. When this mixture is ignited, a violent reaction occurs, releasing a large amount of heat:

8AI + 3Fe3O4 = 4AI2O3 + 9Fe + Q.

The temperature in the reaction zone reaches 3000°C. At such a high temperature, tank armor melts. Thermite shells and bombs have great destructive power.

Sodium as a coolant it is used to remove heat from valves in aircraft engines, as a coolant in nuclear reactors (in an alloy with potassium).

Sodium peroxide Na2O2 is used as an oxygen regenerator on military submarines. Solid sodium peroxide filling the regeneration system interacts with carbon dioxide:

2Na2O2 + 2CO2 = 2Na2CO3 + O2.

This reaction underlies modern insulating gas masks (IG), which are used in conditions of lack of oxygen in the air and the use of chemical warfare agents. Insulating gas masks are used by the crews of modern naval ships and submarines; it is these gas masks that ensure the crew escapes from a flooded tank.

Sodium hydroxide used to prepare electrolyte for alkaline batteries, which are used to equip modern military radio stations.

Lithium used in the manufacture of tracer bullets and projectiles. Lithium salts give them a bright blue-green trace. Lithium is also used in nuclear and thermonuclear technology.

Lithium hydride served American pilots during World War II as a portable source of hydrogen. In case of accidents over the sea under the influence of water, lithium hydride tablets instantly decomposed, filling life-saving equipment with hydrogen - inflatable boats, rafts, vests, signal balloons-antennas:

LiH + H2O = LiOH + H2.

Magnesium used in military equipment in the manufacture of lighting and signal flares, tracer bullets, shells and incendiary bombs. When ignited, magnesium produces a very bright, dazzling white flame, due to which it is possible to illuminate a significant part of the area at night.

Lightweight and durable magnesium alloys with copper, aluminum, titanium, silicon, are widely used in rocket, machine, and aircraft construction. They are used to prepare landing gear and landing gear for military aircraft, and individual parts for missile bodies.

Iron and alloys based on it (cast iron and steel) widely used for military purposes. When creating modern weapons systems, various grades of alloy steels are used.

Molybdenum gives steel high hardness, strength and toughness. The following fact is known: the armor of British tanks participating in the battles of the First World War was made of but brittle manganese steel. German artillery shells freely pierced a massive shell made of such steel 7.5 cm thick. But as soon as only 1.5-2% molybdenum was added to the steel, the tanks became invulnerable with an armor plate thickness of 2.5 cm. Molybdenum steel is used to make tank armor , ship hulls, gun barrels, guns, aircraft parts.

Cobalt used in the creation of heat-resistant steels, which are used in the manufacture of parts for aircraft engines and rockets.

Chrome gives steel hardness and wear resistance. Chromium is used to alloy spring and spring steels used in automobiles, armored vehicles, space rockets and other types of military equipment.

The contribution of scientific chemists to the victory in the Second World War.

The merits of scientists in the pre-war and present times are great; I will dwell on the contribution of scientists to the victory of the Second World War. Because the work of scientists not only helped the victory, but also laid the foundation for peaceful existence in the post-war period.

Scientists and chemists took an active part in ensuring victory over Nazi Germany. They developed new methods for producing explosives, rocket fuel, high-octane gasoline, rubbers, armor steel, light alloys for aviation, and medicines.

By the end of the war, the volume of chemical production approached the pre-war level: in 1945 it amounted to 92% of the 1940 levels.

Academician Alexander Erminingeldovich Arbuzov- the founder of one of the newest areas of science - the chemistry of organophosphorus compounds. His activities were inextricably linked with the famous Kazan school of chemists. Arbuzov's research was entirely devoted to the needs of defense and medicine. So, in March 1943, optical physicist S.I. Vavilov wrote to Arbuzov: “I am writing to you with a big request - to produce 15 g of 3,6-diaminophtholimide in your laboratory. It turned out that this drug received from you has valuable properties in terms of fluorescence and adsorption, and now we need it for the manufacture of a new defense optical device.” There was a drug, it was used in the manufacture of optics for tanks. This was of great importance for detecting the enemy at long distances. Subsequently, A.E. Arbuzov carried out other orders from the Optical Institute for the production of various reagents.

An entire era in the history of Russian chemistry is associated with the name of Academician Nikolai Dmitrievich Zelinsky. Back in the First World War, he created a gas mask. In the period 1941-1945. N.D. Zelinsky headed a scientific school whose research was aimed at developing methods for producing high-octane fuel for aviation and monomers for synthetic rubber.

The contribution of Academician Nikolai Nikolaevich Semenov to ensuring victory was determined by the theory of branched chain reactions he developed, which made it possible to control chemical processes: speed up reactions up to the formation of an explosive avalanche, slow down and even stop them at any intermediate station. In the early 40s. N.N. Semenov and his collaborators investigated the processes of explosion, combustion, and detonation. The results of these studies were used in one form or another during the war in the production of cartridges, artillery shells, explosives, and incendiary mixtures for flamethrowers. The results of research on the reflection and collision of shock waves during explosions were used already in the first period of the war in the creation of cumulative shells, grenades and mines to combat enemy tanks.

Academician Alexander Evgenievich Fersman I didn’t say that his life was a love story for stone. A pioneer and tireless researcher of apatites on the Kola Peninsula, radium ores in Fergana, sulfur in the Karakum Desert, tungsten deposits in Transbaikalia, one of the creators of the rare elements industry, from the first days of the war he was actively involved in the process of transferring science and industry onto a military footing. He performed special work on military engineering geology, military geography, and on the production of strategic raw materials and camouflage paints. In 1941, at an anti-fascist meeting of scientists, he said: “The war required an enormous amount of basic types of strategic raw materials. A whole series of new metals were required for aviation, for armor-piercing steel, magnesium was required, strontium for flares and torches, more iodine was required... And we have the responsibility for providing strategic raw materials, we must help with our knowledge to create better tanks, airplanes, in order to quickly liberate all nations from the invasion of Hitler’s gang.”

The largest chemical technologist Semyon Isaakovich Volfkovich studied phosphorus compounds, was director of the Research Institute of Fertilizers and Insecticides. The employees of this institute created phosphorus-sulfur alloys for bottles that served as anti-tank “bombs”, produced chemical heating pads for soldiers and patrolmen, and developed anti-frostbite, burns, and other medications necessary for the sanitary service.

Professor of the Military Academy of Chemical Defense Ivan Ludvigovich Knunyants developed reliable personal protective equipment for people against toxic substances. For these studies in 1941 he was awarded the USSR State Prize.

Even before the start of the Great Patriotic War, professor at the Military Academy of Chemical Defense Mikhail Mikhailovich Dubinin conducted research on the sorption of gases, vapors and dissolved substances by solid porous bodies. M.M. Dubinin is a dedicated authority on all major issues related to chemical protection of the respiratory system.

From the very beginning of the war, scientists were given the task of developing and organizing the production of drugs to combat infectious diseases, primarily typhus, which is carried by lice. Under the direction of Nikolai Nikolaevich Melnikov The production of dust, as well as various antiseptics for wooden aircraft, was organized.

Academician Alexander Naumovich Frumkin– one of the founders of the modern doctrine of electrochemical processes, founder of the school of electrochemists. He studied the issues of protecting metals from corrosion, developed a physical and chemical method for fastening soils for airfields, and a recipe for fire-retardant impregnation of wood. Together with his colleagues, he developed electrochemical fuses. He said: “There is no doubt that chemistry is one of the essential factors on which the success of modern warfare depends. The production of explosives, high-quality steels, light metals, fuels - all these are various uses of chemistry, not to mention special forms of chemical weapons. In modern warfare, German chemistry has given the world one “new thing” so far - the massive use of stimulants and narcotic substances that are given to German soldiers before sending them to certain death. Soviet chemists call on scientists around the world to use their knowledge to fight fascism.”

Academician Sergey Semenovich Nametkin, one of the founders of petrochemistry, successfully worked in the field of synthesis of new organometallic compounds, poisonous and explosive substances. During the war he worked on chemical defense issues. , development of production of motor fuels and oils.

Research Valentin Alekseevich Kargin covered a wide range of issues in physical chemistry, electrochemistry and physical chemistry of macromolecular compounds. During the war, V.A. Kargin developed special materials for the manufacture of clothing that protects against the effects of toxic substances, the principle and technology of a new method of processing protective fabrics, chemical compositions that make felted shoes waterproof, and special types of rubber for combat vehicles of our army.

Professor, Head of the Military Academy of Chemical Defense and Head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry Yuri Arkadyevich Klyachko organized a battalion from the academy and was the head of the combat sector on the nearest approaches to Moscow. Under his leadership, work was launched to create new means of chemical defense, including research into fumes, antidotes, and flamethrowers.

On June 17, 1925, 37 states signed the Geneva Protocol, an international agreement prohibiting the use of asphyxiating, poisonous or other similar gases in war. By 1978, almost all countries had signed the document.


Chemical weapons, of course, need to be destroyed as quickly as possible; they are a deadly weapon against humanity. People also remember how the Nazis killed hundreds of thousands of people in gas chambers in concentration camps, and how American troops tested chemical weapons during the Vietnam War.

The use of chemical weapons today is prohibited by international agreement. In the first half of the 20th century. toxic substances were either drowned in the sea or buried in the ground. There is no need to explain what this entails. Nowadays toxic substances are burned, but this method also has its drawbacks. When burning in a conventional flame, their concentration in the exhaust gases is tens of thousands of times higher than the maximum permissible. High-temperature afterburning of exhaust gases in a plasma electric furnace (a method adopted in the USA) provides relative safety.

Another approach to the destruction of chemical weapons is to first neutralize the toxic substances. The resulting non-toxic masses can be burned or processed into solid insoluble blocks, which are then buried in special burial grounds or used in road construction.

Currently, the concept of destroying toxic substances directly in ammunition is widely discussed, and the processing of non-toxic reaction masses into chemical products for commercial use is proposed. But the destruction of chemical weapons and scientific research in this area require large investments.

I would like to hope that the problems will be solved and the power of chemical science will be directed not at the development of new toxic substances, but at solving global problems of humanity.

Used Books:

Kushnarev A.A. chemical weapons: yesterday, today, tomorrow //

Chemistry at school - 1996 - No. 1;

Chemistry at school – 4’2005

Chemistry at school – 7’2005

Chemistry at school – 9’2005;

Chemistry at school – 8’2006

Chemistry at school – 11’2006.

Chemistry in military affairs

“...science is the source of the highest good of humanity
during periods of peaceful labor, but it is also the most formidable
weapons of defense and attack during war.”

Target: characterize the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. from the perspective of the academic subject of chemistry.


Educational: continue to develop the ability to work with additional literature, formalize observations in writing, form thoughts in external and internal speech, and consolidate special skills in chemistry.

Educational: to form ideas about duty, patriotism, and civic responsibility to society, to develop a desire to serve the high interests of one’s people, one’s Fatherland.

Developmental: to form the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, develop in schoolchildren independent skills to overcome difficulties in learning, to create emotional situations of surprise and entertainment.

65 years, almost the entire life of a generation of people, have passed since that memorable day - May 9, 1945. The terrible years of the Great Patriotic War are holy pages in the history of our Motherland. They cannot be rewritten. They contain pain and sadness, the greatness of human achievement. And whether a chemist or a mathematician, a biologist or a geographer, every teacher must tell the truth about the war. During the war years, the USSR Armed Forces had chemical troops that maintained high readiness for anti-chemical protection of units and formations of the active army in case the Nazis used chemical weapons, destroyed the enemy with the help of flamethrowers and carried out smoke camouflage for the troops. Chemical weapons are weapons of mass destruction, they are toxic substances and means of their use; rockets, shells, mines, aerial bombs with a charge of toxic substances.

“Soviet chemists during the Great Patriotic War”

The largest Soviet chemical technologist Semyon Isaakovich Volfkovich (1896-1980) during the Great Patriotic War was the director and scientific director of one of the leading research institutions of the People's Commissariat of the Chemical Industry - the Research Institute of Fertilizers and Insectofungicides (NIUIF). Back in the 20s and 30s. was known as the creator of technological methods and organizer of large-scale industrial production of ammonium phosphates and concentrated fertilizers based on Khibiny apatites, elemental phosphorus from phosphate rocks, boric acid from datolites, fluoride salts from fluorspar. Therefore, from the first days of the Great Patriotic War, he was entrusted with organizing the production of such chemical products, V which contain phosphorus. In peacetime, these products were used mainly in the production of complex fertilizers. In wartime, they were supposed to serve the cause of defense, and above all, the production of incendiary agents based on them as one of the effective types of anti-tank weapons. Self-igniting substances produced from phosphorus or mixtures of phosphorus and sulfur were known before the start of the Great Patriotic War. But then they were nothing more than an object of scientific and technical information. “As soon as it became known about the enemy’s tank offensive,” he recalls, “the command of the Red Army and the Council (for coordinating and strengthening scientific research in the field of chemistry for defense needs) took vigorous measures to establish the production of phosphorus-sulfur alloys at the NIUIF pilot plant, where there were specialists in phosphorus and sulfur, A then at a number of other enterprises... Phosphorus-sulfur compounds were poured into glass bottles, which served as incendiary anti-tank “bombs”. But both the production and throwing of such glass “bombs” into enemy tanks were dangerous for both factory workers and soldiers. And although at first, in 1941, such means were used at the front and were of great benefit to the defense cause, in the next year, 1942, their production was radically improved. and his employees, and having studied in detail the properties of phosphorus-sulfur composition, they developed conditions that practically eliminated the danger of their production, transportation and combat use. This work, he notes, “was noted in the order of the chief marshal of artillery.

“In the fall of 1941, having captured the nearest airfields around Leningrad, the Germans began methodically destroying the city with systematic bombing. But the enemies understood that it would not be possible to quickly raze such a large city to the ground with high-explosive bombs. Fires - that's what they were counting on. Leningraders joined in the active fight against fires. Boxes with sand and tongs were installed in the attics of industrial enterprises, museums, and residential buildings. People were on duty in the attics day and night. But despite this, not all fires could be prevented. Thus, on September 8, 1941, bombing caused 178 fires. Entire neighborhoods, bridges, and a fat plant were on fire. In the famous Badaevsky warehouses, 3 thousand tons of flour and 2.5 thousand tons of sugar burned. A fire tornado arose here and raged for more than five hours. On September 11, 1941, the Nazis set fire to the commercial port. Oil, the fuel of the city, burned with a torch on land and water.

There was an urgent need to look for fire protection methods. It is known that the best flame retardants- substances that reduce flammability are phosphates, which absorb heat during decomposition. At the Nevsky Chemical Plant, 40 thousand tons of superphosphate, the most valuable fertilizer, were stored. They had to be sacrificed to save Leningrad. A mixture of superphosphate and water was prepared in a ratio of 3: 1. A test site was set up on Vatny Island, where two identical wooden houses were built. One of them was treated with a fire-fighting mixture. They placed firebombs in each house and set them off. The unfinished house caught fire like a match. After 3 minutes 20 seconds. all that was left of it were smoldering coals. The second house did not burn down. They placed another bomb on its roof and blew it up. The metal melted, but the house did not burn down.

In one month, about 90% of the attic floors were covered with fire retardant. In addition to residential buildings and industrial buildings, the attics and ceilings of historical monuments and cultural treasures: the Hermitage, the Russian Museum, the Pushkin House, and the Public Library were treated with special care with fire retardants. Thousands of high-explosive and tens of thousands of incendiary bombs fell on Leningrad, but the city did not burn.”


Chemistry at school No. 8, 2001, p. 32. Chemistry at school No. 1, 1985, pp. 6–12. Chemistry at school No. 6, 1993, pp. 16–17. Chemistry at school No. 4, 1995, pp. 5–9. . “Chemical experiment with a small amount of reagents”, M.: “Prosveshcheniye”, 1989.

Quiz “Chemistry and everyday life”

By order of Napoleon, a disinfectant with a triple effect was developed for soldiers who had been on campaign for a long time - healing, hygienic and refreshing. Nothing better was invented even 100 years later, so in 1913, at an exhibition in Paris, this product received the “Grand Prix”. This remedy has survived to this day. Under what name is it produced in our country? (Triple Cologne) One day Berthollet was grinding KCIO3 crystals in a mortar, which left a small amount of sulfur on the walls. After some time, an explosion occurred. Thus, for the first time, Berthollet carried out a reaction that later began to be used in the production of... What? (First Swedish matches) Lack of this element in the body causes thyroid disease. Wounds are treated with an alcohol solution of a simple substance. What chemical element are we talking about? (Iodine) Modern scientists were surprised to discover that the brilliant painter, sculptor, architect and scientist expressed amazing constructive guesses about the structure of a submarine, tank, parachute, ball bearing, and machine gun. He left sketches of aircraft, including a mechanically driven helicopter. Name the scientist. (Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) What work was especially important for the defense of Russia? (In 1890–1991, he performed work to obtain smokeless gunpowder, which was extremely necessary for the Russian army) Name a substance that disinfects water. (Ozone) Name the crystalline hydrate necessary both in construction and in medicine (Gypsum)

Questions for specialized classes


Everyone knows what a mirror is. In addition to household mirrors, used since ancient times, technical mirrors are known: concave, convex, flat, used in various devices. Reflective films for household mirrors are prepared from tin amalgam; for technical mirrors, films are made from silver, gold, platinum, palladium, chromium, nickel and other metals. In chemistry, reactions are used whose names are associated with the term “mirror”: “silver mirror reaction”, “arsenic mirror”. What are these reactions, what are they for? are they used?


Russian, Turkish, Finnish and other baths are popular among the people.

In chemical practice, baths as laboratory equipment have been known since the alchemical period and are described in detail by Geber.

What are baths used for - in the laboratory and what types of them do you know?


The coal that is used to heat the stove and is used in technology is known to everyone: it is hard coal, brown coal and anthracite. Coal is not always used as a fuel or energy raw material, but figurative expressions with the term “coal” are used in the literature, for example, “white coal,” meaning the driving force of water.

What do we mean by the expressions: “colorless coal”, “yellow coal”, “green coal”, “blue coal”, “blue coal”, “red coal”? What is “retort coal”?


In literature, the word “fire” is used in the literal and figurative sense. For example, “the eyes burn with fire”, “the fire of desires”, etc. The entire history of mankind is connected with fire, therefore the terms “fire”, “fiery” have been preserved since ancient times in literature and technology. What do the terms “flint”, “Greek fire”, “swamp fires”, “Dobereiner’s flint”, “will-o’-the-wisp”, “fireknife”, “sparklers”, “Elmo’s fire” mean?


After cotton, wool is the second most important textile fiber. It has low thermal conductivity and high moisture permeability, so we can breathe easily and stay warm in winter in woolen clothes. But there is “wool” from which nothing is knitted or sewn - “philosophical wool”. The name came from to us from distant alchemical times. What chemical product are we talking about?


A wardrobe is a common piece of household furniture. In institutions we come across a fireproof cabinet - a metal box for storing securities.

What kind of cabinets do chemists use and for what?

Quiz answers


“Silver mirror reaction” is a characteristic reaction of an aldehyde with an ammonia solution of silver (I) oxide, as a result of which a precipitate of metallic silver is released on the walls of the test tube in the form of a shiny mirror film. The Marsh reaction, or “arsenic mirror,” is the release of metallic arsenic in the form of a black shiny coating on the walls of a tube through which, when heated to 300-400°, arsenic hydrogen - arsine - is passed, decomposing into arsenic and hydrogen. This reaction is used in analytical chemistry and in forensic medicine when arsenic poisoning is suspected.


Since the times of alchemy, water and sand baths have been known, i.e., a saucepan or frying pan with water or sand that provides uniform heating at a certain constant temperature. The following liquids are used as a coolant: oil (oil bath), glycerin (glycerin bath), molten paraffin (paraffin bath).


Colorless coal" is gas, "yellow coal" is solar energy, "green coal" is vegetable fuel, "blue coal" is the energy of the tides of the seas, "blue coal" is the driving force of the wind, "red coal" is the energy of volcanoes. .


A flint is a piece of stone or steel used to strike fire from flint. “Dobereiner flint,” or chemical flint, is a mixture of berthollet salt and sulfur applied to wood, which ignites when added to concentrated sulfuric acid.

“Greek fire” is a mixture of saltpeter, coal and sulfur, with the help of which in ancient times the defenders of Constantinople (Greeks) burned the Arab fleet.

“Swamp fires,” or wandering lights, appear in swamps or cemeteries, where the decay of organic matter releases flammable gases based on silane or phosphines.

“Fire Knife” is a mixture of aluminum and iron powders, burned under pressure in a stream of oxygen. Using such a knife, the temperature of which reaches 3500 ° C, you can cut concrete blocks up to 3 m thick.

“Sparklers” are a pyrotechnic composition that burns with a bright colored flame, which includes Berthollet salt, sugar, strontium salts (red color), barium or copper salts (green color), lithium salts (scarlet color). “Elmo's Lights” are luminous electrical discharges on the sharp ends of any objects that occur during thunderstorms or snowstorms. The name originated in the Middle Ages in Italy, when such a glow was observed on the towers of the Church of St. Elmo.


“Philosopher's wool” - zinc oxide. This substance was obtained in ancient times by burning zinc; Zinc oxide formed in the form of white fluffy flakes, reminiscent of wool. “Philosophical wool” was used in medicine.


In chemical laboratory equipment, electric drying cabinets or ovens with a low heating temperature of up to 100-200 ° C are used to dry substances. To work with toxic substances, fume hoods with forced ventilation are used.

Fire retardants - phosphates saved the city

In the practice of fire prevention, special substances that reduce flammability are used - fire retardants.

In the fall of 1941, having captured the nearest airfields around Leningrad, the Germans began methodically destroying the city with systematic bombing. But the enemies understood that it would not be possible to quickly raze such a large city to the ground with high-explosive bombs. Fires - that's what they were counting on. Leningraders joined in the active fight against fires. Boxes with sand and tongs were installed in the attics of industrial enterprises, museums, and residential buildings. People were on duty in the attics day and night. But despite this, fires raged throughout the city.

There was an urgent need to look for fire protection methods. It is known that the best fire retardants are phosphates, which absorb heat when decomposed. At the Nevsky Chemical Plant, 40 thousand tons of superphosphate, the most valuable fertilizer, were stored. They had to be sacrificed to save Leningrad. A mixture of superphosphate and water was prepared in a ratio of 3:1, which, when tested at the test site, showed positive results: buildings treated with the mixture did not catch fire when bombs exploded.

In one month, about 90% of the attics of residential buildings and industrial buildings, historical monuments and cultural treasures were covered with fire retardant. Thousands of high-explosive and tens of thousands of incendiary bombs fell on Leningrad, but the city did not burn down.

(Chemistry at school No. 8 2001, p. 32.)

“On the use of inorganic substances in warfare”

Individual assignments - presentations

Topics of work:

    Chemists during the war The legacy of Prometheus Phosphorus Salt of fertility Ammonium nitrate and explosives Laughing gas Smokeless gunpowder and the First Swedish matches Fire - literally and figuratively Philosophical wool Essay “Children against war” Work with additional literature “Who wants to become an excellent student in chemistry?” (10 entertaining questions in chemistry on the topic “On the use of inorganic substances in military affairs”, with a gradation of questions from simple to complex) Abstract “The importance of metals and alloys in modern military technology” Abstract “The role of metals in the development of human civilization” Fairy tale “Metal - worker” In it, trace and figuratively reflect the importance of iron in the development of human civilization. The beginning of the fairy tale: “In a certain kingdom, at the foot of Mount Magnitnaya, there lived a man - an old man named Iron, and nicknamed Ferrum. He lived in a dilapidated dugout for exactly 5,000 years. One day...” The beginning of the fairy tale: “Once upon a time at the World Exhibition in Paris, Aluminum and Iron met and let’s argue which of them is more important...” You can take topics from various sciences: medicine, biology, geography, history, physics.

Mustard formula:

CI - CH 2 - CH 2

CI - CH 2 - CH 2

e) Hydrocyanic acid is a colorless liquid with a peculiar odor reminiscent of the smell of bitter almonds; in low concentrations the odor is difficult to distinguish. Hydrocyanic acid evaporates easily and acts only in a vapor state. Refers to general toxic agents. Characteristic signs of damage from hydrocyanic acid are: metallic taste in the mouth, throat irritation, dizziness, weakness, nausea. Then painful shortness of breath appears, the pulse slows down, the poisoned person loses consciousness, and sharp convulsions occur. Convulsions are observed for a relatively short time; they are replaced by complete relaxation of the muscles with loss of sensitivity, a drop in temperature, respiratory depression with subsequent cessation. Cardiac activity after stopping breathing continues for another 3 to 7 minutes.

Hydrocyanic acid formula:

f) Phosgene is a colorless, highly volatile liquid with the smell of rotten hay or rotten apples. It acts on the body in a vapor state. Belongs to the class of suffocating agents.

Phosgene has a latent action period of 4 - 6 hours; its duration depends on the concentration of phosgene in the air, the time spent in the contaminated atmosphere, the condition of the person, and the cooling of the body. When phosgene is inhaled, a person feels a sweetish, unpleasant taste in the mouth, followed by coughing, dizziness and general weakness. Upon leaving the contaminated air, the signs of poisoning quickly pass, and a period of so-called imaginary well-being begins. But after 4 - 6 hours, the affected person experiences a sharp deterioration in their condition: a bluish discoloration of the lips, cheeks, and nose quickly develops; general weakness, headache, rapid breathing, severe shortness of breath, a painful cough with the release of liquid, foamy, pinkish sputum indicate the development of pulmonary edema. The process of phosgene poisoning reaches its climax phase within 2 - 3 days. With a favorable course of the disease, the affected person’s health will gradually begin to improve, and in severe cases of damage, death occurs.

Phosgene formula:

e) Lysergic acid dimethylamide is a toxic substance with psychochemical action. When ingested, mild nausea and dilated pupils appear within 3 minutes, followed by hallucinations of hearing and vision that last for several hours.

Inorganic substances in military affairs.

The Germans first used chemical weapons on April 22, 1915. near Ypres: they launched a gas attack against French and British troops. Of the 6 thousand metal cylinders, 180 tons were produced. chlorine across a front width of 6 km. Then they used chlorine as an agent against the Russian army. As a result of the first gas attack alone, about 15 thousand soldiers were hit, of which 5 thousand died from suffocation. To protect against chlorine poisoning, they began to use bandages soaked in a solution of potash and baking soda, and then a gas mask in which sodium thiosulfate was used to absorb chlorine.

Later, more powerful toxic substances containing chlorine appeared: mustard gas, chloropicrin, cyanogen chloride, asphyxiating gas phosgene, etc.

The reaction equation for producing phosgene is:

CI 2 + CO = COCI 2.

Upon penetration into the human body, phosgene undergoes hydrolysis:

COCI 2 + H 2 O = CO 2 + 2HCI,

which leads to the formation of hydrochloric acid, which inflames the tissues of the respiratory organs and makes breathing difficult.

Phosgene is also used for peaceful purposes: in the production of dyes, in the fight against pests and diseases of agricultural crops.

Bleach(CaOCI 2) is used for military purposes as an oxidizing agent during degassing, destroying chemical warfare agents, and for peaceful purposes - for bleaching cotton fabrics, paper, for chlorinating water, and disinfection. The use of this salt is based on the fact that when it reacts with carbon monoxide (IV), free hypochlorous acid is released, which decomposes:

2CaOCI 2 + CO 2 + H 2 O = CaCO 3 + CaCI 2 + 2HOCI;

Oxygen, at the moment of release, energetically oxidizes and destroys poisonous and other toxic substances, and has a bleaching and disinfecting effect.

Oxiliquit is an explosive mixture of any flammable porous mass with liquid oxygen. They were used during the First World War instead of dynamite.

The main condition for choosing a flammable material for oxyliquit is its sufficient friability, which facilitates better impregnation with liquid oxygen. If the flammable material is poorly impregnated, then after the explosion some of it will remain unburnt. An oxyliquit cartridge is a long pouch filled with flammable material into which an electric fuse is inserted. Sawdust, coal, and peat are used as combustible materials for oxyliquits. The cartridge is charged immediately before inserting into the hole, immersing it in liquid oxygen. Cartridges were sometimes prepared in this way during the Great Patriotic War, although trinitrotoluene was mainly used for this purpose. Currently, oxyliquits are used in the mining industry for blasting.

Looking at Properties sulfuric acid, it is important about its use in the production of explosives (TNT, HMX, picric acid, trinitroglycerin) as a water-removing agent in the composition of a nitrating mixture (HNO 3 and H 2 SO 4).

Ammonia solution(40%) is used for degassing equipment, vehicles, clothing, etc. in conditions of the use of chemical weapons (sarin, soman, tabun).

Based nitric acid A number of strong explosives are obtained: trinitroglycerin and dynamite, nitrocellulose (pyroxylin), trinitrophenol (picric acid), trinitrotoluene, etc.

Ammonium chloride NH 4 CI is used to fill smoke bombs: when the incendiary mixture is ignited, ammonium chloride decomposes, forming thick smoke:

NH 4 CI = NH 3 + HCI.

Such checkers were widely used during the Great Patriotic War.

Ammonium nitrate is used for the production of explosives - ammonites, which also contain other explosive nitro compounds, as well as flammable additives. For example, ammonal contains trinitrotoluene and powdered aluminum. The main reaction that occurs during its explosion:

3NH 4 NO 3 + 2AI = 3N 2 + 6H 2 O + AI 2 O 3 + Q.

The high heat of combustion of aluminum increases the explosion energy. Aluminum nitrate mixed with trinitrotoluene (tol) produces the explosive ammotol. Most explosive mixtures contain an oxidizer (metal or ammonium nitrates, etc.) and combustibles (diesel fuel, aluminum, wood flour, etc.).

Barium, strontium and lead nitrates used in pyrotechnics.

Considering Application nitrates, you can talk about the history of the production and use of black, or smoky, gunpowder - an explosive mixture of potassium nitrate with sulfur and coal (75% KNO 3, 10% S, 15% C). The combustion reaction of black powder is expressed by the equation:

2KNO 3 + 3C + S = N 2 + 3CO 2 + K 2 S + Q.

The two reaction products are gases, and potassium sulfide is a solid that produces smoke after the explosion. The source of oxygen during the combustion of gunpowder is potassium nitrate. If a vessel, for example a tube sealed at one end, is closed by a moving body - a core, then it is ejected under the pressure of powder gases. This shows the propellant effect of gunpowder. And if the walls of the vessel in which the gunpowder is located are not strong enough, then the vessel breaks under the action of the powder gases into small fragments that fly around with enormous kinetic energy. This is the blasting action of gunpowder. The resulting potassium sulfide - carbon deposits - destroys the barrel of the weapon, therefore, after a shot, a special solution containing ammonium carbonate is used to clean the weapon.

The dominance of black powder in military affairs continued for six centuries. Over such a long period of time, its composition has remained virtually unchanged, only the production method has changed. Only in the middle of the last century, new explosives with greater destructive power began to be used instead of black powder. They quickly replaced black powder from military equipment. Now it is used as an explosive in mining, in pyrotechnics (rockets, fireworks), and also as hunting gunpowder.

Phosphorus(white) is widely used in military affairs as an incendiary substance used to equip aircraft bombs, mines, and shells. Phosphorus is highly flammable and, when burned, releases a large amount of heat (the combustion temperature of white phosphorus reaches 1000 - 1200°C). When burned, phosphorus melts, spreads, and when it comes into contact with the skin, it causes long-lasting burns and ulcers.

When phosphorus burns in air, phosphorus anhydride is obtained, the vapors of which attract moisture from the air and form a veil of white fog consisting of tiny droplets of a solution of metaphosphoric acid. Its use as a smoke-forming substance is based on this property.

Based on ortho - and metaphosphoric acid the most toxic organophosphorus toxic substances (sarin, soman, VX gases) with nerve-paralytic action have been created. A gas mask serves as protection against their harmful effects.

Graphite Due to its softness, it is widely used to produce lubricants used at high and low temperatures. The extreme heat resistance and chemical inertness of graphite make it possible to use it in nuclear reactors on nuclear submarines in the form of bushings, rings, as a thermal neutron moderator, and as a structural material in rocket technology.

I soot(carbon black) is used as a rubber filler used to equip armored vehicles, aircraft, automobiles, artillery and other military equipment.

Activated carbon- a good adsorbent of gases, therefore it is used as an absorber of toxic substances in filter gas masks. During the First World War there were large human losses, one of the main reasons was the lack of reliable personal protective equipment against toxic substances. N.D. Zelinsky proposed a simple gas mask in the form of a bandage with coal. Later, together with engineer E.L. Kumant, he improved simple gas masks. They proposed insulating rubber gas masks, thanks to which the lives of millions of soldiers were saved.

Carbon monoxide (II) (carbon monoxide) belongs to the group of generally toxic chemical weapons: it combines with hemoglobin in the blood, forming carboxyhemoglobin. As a result, hemoglobin loses its ability to bind and carry oxygen, oxygen starvation occurs and the person dies from suffocation.

In a combat situation, when you are in the burning zone of flamethrower-incendiary means, in tents and other rooms with stove heating, or when shooting in enclosed spaces, carbon monoxide poisoning can occur. And since carbon monoxide (II) has high diffusion properties, conventional filter gas masks are not able to clean air contaminated with this gas. Scientists have created an oxygen gas mask, in special cartridges of which mixed oxidizers are placed: 50% manganese (IV) oxide, 30% copper (II) oxide, 15% chromium (VI) oxide and 5% silver oxide. Carbon monoxide (II) in the air is oxidized in the presence of these substances, for example:

CO + MnO 2 = MnO + CO 2.

A person affected by carbon monoxide needs fresh air, heart medications, sweet tea, and in severe cases, oxygen breathing and artificial respiration.

Carbon monoxide (IV) (carbon dioxide) 1.5 times heavier than air, does not support combustion processes, is used to extinguish fires. A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is filled with a solution of sodium bicarbonate, and a glass ampoule contains sulfuric or hydrochloric acid. When the fire extinguisher is brought into operation, the following reaction begins to occur:

2NaHCO 3 + H 2 SO 4 = Na 2 SO 4 + 2H 2 O + 2CO 2.

The released carbon dioxide envelops the fire in a dense layer, stopping the access of air oxygen to the burning object. During the Great Patriotic War, such fire extinguishers were used to protect residential buildings in cities and industrial facilities.

Carbon (IV) monoxide in liquid form is a good agent used in fire extinguishing jet engines installed on modern military aircraft.

Silicon, being a semiconductor, is widely used in modern military electronics. It is used in the manufacture of solar panels, transistors, diodes, particle detectors in radiation monitoring and radiation reconnaissance instruments.

Liquid glass(saturated solutions of Na 2 SiO 3 and K 2 SiO 3) - a good fire retardant impregnation for fabrics, wood, and paper.

The silicate industry produces various types of optical glasses used in military devices (binoculars, periscopes, rangefinders); cement for the construction of naval bases, mine launchers, protective structures.

In the form of glass fiber, glass is used for production. fiberglass, used in the production of missiles, submarines, and instruments.

When studying metals, we will consider their use in military affairs

Due to their strength, hardness, heat resistance, electrical conductivity, and the ability to be machined, metals find wide application in military affairs: in aircraft and rocket manufacturing, in the manufacture of small arms and armored vehicles, submarines and naval ships, shells, bombs, radio equipment, etc. .d.

Aluminum It has high corrosion resistance to water, but has low strength. In aircraft and rocket production, aluminum alloys with other metals are used: copper, manganese, zinc, magnesium, iron. When properly heat treated, these alloys offer strength comparable to that of medium alloy steel.

Thus, the once most powerful rocket in the United States, the Saturn 5, with which the Apollo spacecraft were launched, is made of an aluminum alloy (aluminum, copper, manganese). The hulls of the Titan-2 intercontinental ballistic missiles are made from aluminum alloy. The propeller blades of airplanes and helicopters are made from an alloy of aluminum with magnesium and silicon. This alloy can operate under vibration loads and has very high corrosion resistance.

Thermite (mixture of Fe 3 O 4 with AI powder) used to make incendiary bombs and shells. When this mixture is ignited, a violent reaction occurs, releasing a large amount of heat:

8AI + 3Fe 3 O 4 = 4AI 2 O 3 + 9Fe + Q.

The temperature in the reaction zone reaches 3000°C. At such a high temperature, tank armor melts. Thermite shells and bombs have great destructive power.

Sodium as a coolant it is used to remove heat from valves in aircraft engines, as a coolant in nuclear reactors (in an alloy with potassium).

Sodium peroxide Na 2 O 2 is used as an oxygen regenerator on military submarines. Solid sodium peroxide filling the regeneration system interacts with carbon dioxide:

2Na 2 O 2 + 2CO 2 = 2Na 2 CO 3 + O 2.

This reaction underlies modern insulating gas masks (IG), which are used in conditions of lack of oxygen in the air and the use of chemical warfare agents. Insulating gas masks are used by the crews of modern naval ships and submarines; it is these gas masks that ensure the crew escapes from a flooded tank.

Sodium hydroxide used to prepare electrolyte for alkaline batteries, which are used to equip modern military radio stations.

Lithium used in the manufacture of tracer bullets and projectiles. Lithium salts give them a bright blue-green trace. Lithium is also used in nuclear and thermonuclear technology.

Lithium hydride served American pilots during World War II as a portable source of hydrogen. In case of accidents over the sea under the influence of water, lithium hydride tablets instantly decomposed, filling life-saving equipment with hydrogen - inflatable boats, rafts, vests, signal balloons-antennas:

LiH + H 2 O = LiOH + H 2 .

Magnesium used in military equipment in the manufacture of lighting and signal flares, tracer bullets, shells and incendiary bombs. When ignited, magnesium produces a very bright, dazzling white flame, due to which it is possible to illuminate a significant part of the area at night.

Lightweight and durable magnesium alloys with copper, aluminum, titanium, silicon, are widely used in rocket, machine, and aircraft construction. They are used to prepare landing gear and landing gear for military aircraft, and individual parts for missile bodies.

Iron and alloys based on it (cast iron and steel) widely used for military purposes. When creating modern weapons systems, various grades of alloy steels are used.

Molybdenum gives steel high hardness, strength and toughness. The following fact is known: the armor of British tanks participating in the battles of the First World War was made of but brittle manganese steel. German artillery shells freely pierced a massive shell made of such steel 7.5 cm thick. But as soon as only 1.5-2% molybdenum was added to the steel, the tanks became invulnerable with an armor plate thickness of 2.5 cm. Molybdenum steel is used to make tank armor , ship hulls, gun barrels, guns, aircraft parts.

Cobalt used in the creation of heat-resistant steels, which are used in the manufacture of parts for aircraft engines and rockets.

Chromium- gives steel hardness and wear resistance. Chromium is used to alloy spring and spring steels used in automobiles, armored vehicles, space rockets and other types of military equipment.

  • 1. The use of metals in warfare
  • 2. The use of non-metals in military affairs


A colossal mass of iron was spent in all wars

During the First World War alone, 200 million tons of steel were consumed, during the Second World War - approximately 800 million tons

Iron alloys in the form of armor plates and leaves 10-100 mm thick are used in the manufacture of hulls and turrets of tanks, armored vehicles and other military equipment

Thickness of armor of warships and coastal guns

reaches 500 mm

In the thirteenth apartment

I live, famous in the world

Excellent as a guide.

Plastic, silver.

More on alloys

I won fame

And in this matter I am an expert.

Here I am rushing like the wind,

In a space rocket.

I'm descending into the abyss of the sea,

Everyone there knows me.

I'm prominent in appearance

Even with an oxide film

Covered, she is strong armor for me

And I am space age metal,

Recently I entered the service of man,

Even though I’m a young metal worker in technology,

But I won fame for myself.

I am heat resistant and heat conductive,

And suitable for nuclear reactors,

And in alloys with aluminum, titanium,

I'm needed like rocket fuel,

I have no equal in alloys for lightness

I am light and active magnesium,

And indispensable in technology:

In many engines you will find parts

For flares

There is no other element!

An alloy of copper and zinc - brass - can be easily processed under pressure and has high viscosity

It is used for the manufacture of cartridge cases and artillery shells, as it has good resistance to shock loads created by powder gases

Titanium is used in the production of turbojet engines, space technology, artillery, shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, nuclear and chemical industries

The rotors of modern heavy helicopters, rudders and other critical parts of supersonic aircraft are prepared from titanium alloys.

And I am a giant, called Titan.

Helicopter rotors,

Steering wheels

And even parts of supersonic aircraft

They're making me out

That's what I'm needed for!

Individual stages of nuclear fuel production take place in a helium protective environment.

Fuel elements of nuclear reactions are stored and transported in containers filled with helium.

Gas-light lamps, indispensable for signaling devices, are filled with a neon-helium mixture

Rocket fuel is stored at the temperature of liquid neon

Polymer metals are widely used in the construction of field and protective structures, the construction of roads, runways, and crossings of water barriers.

Teflon plastic is used to press many of the most important parts of aircraft, cars, and machine tools.

Chemical fibers, which contain carbon, are used to make durable auto and air cord

Without the products of the rubber and tire industry, cars would stop working, electric motors, compressors, pumps would stop working and, of course, planes would not fly.

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