
Research work "Honey and its properties." Research project "An amazing product - honey" Project on the theme of honey kindergarten

Municipal educational institution "Klyuchevskaya secondary school" of the Kazachinsko-Lensky district of the Irkutsk region


Completed by a 4th grade student:

Ludwig Karina

Head: S.G. Elder

village Klyuchi


    Main part

    1. The history of honey

      Nutritional value, properties and composition of honey

      Physical properties of honey

      Honey classification

      Methods for determining honey quality

      Advice from doctors and cosmetologists


    Appendix (photo from personal archive)


My grandfather started keeping bees long before I was born, in 1997. He started with two small families, which he brought from near Irkutsk. Gradually, the number of families grew to 15. The decision to keep bees was not spontaneous, since my grandparents’ parents also had an apiary. At first it was as a hobby, but now, after retirement, bees occupy almost all of my free time. You can only get some rest from November to March, when the bees sleep peacefully in their houses. At this time, the grandfather makes new hives, repairs old ones, builds foundation, collects and prepares beebread and propolis for further processing. Grandfather talks a lot about the benefits of honey and bee products. They are always present on our table. And I wondered where he came from? And how much is the value of this product?

I started my research with honey definitions is a sweet, viscous, viscous liquid that bees produce from flower nectar. Honey is much sweeter than sugar. In addition, honey has a special aroma and can be of different colors: from light yellow to dark brown and of different consistency.

I will tell you more about honey in my work, in which I will reveal:

- The history of honey;

- Nutritional value, properties and composition of honey;

- Physical properties of honey;

- Classification of honey;

- Methods for determining the quality of honey;

- Advice from doctors and cosmetologists;

    Main part

      The history of honey

Honey is rightfully considered one of the most ancient foods on earth, since honey has been around as long as bees. Interestingly, according to scientists, bees as a species appeared more than sixty thousand years ago and therefore they are much older than humans. It is reliably known that wild honey was extracted 15 thousand years ago, in the early Stone Age. The drawing discovered in the Arana Cave, near the Spanish city of Valencia, dates back to this age. It shows people climbing up ropes to an opening in a high rock. One of them took out a honeycomb and put it in a basket, while bees were flying around the people.

The history of the origin of honey, recorded in written sources, begins 5 thousand years ago. We are talking about ancient Egyptian papyri telling about the nomadic beekeeping of local residents. In the upper reaches of the Nile, the honey harvest period began earlier, so first the bees were transported to the sources of this river, the hives were installed on rafts, which were slowly floated down the Nile. The bees collected nectar from plants along the banks of the river and then returned to the rafts. Beekeeping was probably a highly respected activity in ancient Egypt. Suffice it to say that since 3200 BC, bees have always been present on the coat of arms of the pharaohs.

Beehives, similar in design to modern ones, appeared approximately 7-8 centuries BC in Ancient Greece. The Greeks were the first to make partitions in them and effectively regulate the selection of excess honey. At the same time, a special law was passed in Athens regulating that apiaries should not be located closer than 275 m from each other. The first scientific work in the history of honey dedicated to bees can be considered the multi-volume work “Anabasis” by the Greek scientist Xenophon. Even 2.4 thousand years ago, he first described the life of a bee hive, and also outlined the medicinal properties of honey. These studies were continued by the famous philosopher and scientist Aristotle, who himself was involved in beekeeping. In ancient Rome, beekeeping was a very profitable occupation; many scientific and practical monographs were devoted to it. In particular, in the 1st century BC, the famous writer and scientist Varro published a work in which he examined in detail the aspects of making beehives and treating with honey. Beekeeping in Ancient Rome was so popular that it even found its place in the famous Roman law, according to which bees not in the hive were considered as ownerless wild animals.

The history of the origin of bees in Rus' most likely has very ancient roots. However, the first written mention dates back to 945. According to the Laurentian Chronicle, in this year, Princess Olga ordered the Drevlyans to brew as much intoxicating mead as possible for the funeral of the murdered Prince Igor, which was part of her insidious plan for revenge on this tribe. Until the time of Peter the Great, honey was the main sweet product in Russia and Ukraine. With the invention of a method for obtaining refined sugar from sugar beets and cane, honey lost its monopoly among sweet products. Today, honey is more of an excellent medicinal product and a delicacy than an everyday food product.

Conclusion: honey and its healing and nutritional properties were discovered many centuries ago. And our ancestors successfully used it not only for medicinal purposes, but also as a tasty product.

2.2.Nutritional value, properties and composition of honey

Bee honey is a highly nutritious product. It contains glucose, fructose, proteins, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. It is absorbed very quickly, almost 98-99 percent. It improves the digestion process, and the aromatic substances contained in it improve the taste of foods. In terms of nutritional value, 100g of honey is equivalent to 230g of beluga, 220g of fish oil, 150g of meat, 120g of walnut kernels, 90g of fatty cheese. The calorie content of 1 kg of honey is 3150 calories. Many experts call it “energy doping.” It is recommended for people experiencing heavy physical exertion and those who are sick during the recovery period, as well as for children and athletes.

Honey has a bactericidal effect. It is quite rightly considered a natural antibiotic. An interesting fact from the life of the ancient Romans and Greeks is that they even stored meat in honey so that it would not spoil. Honey is not susceptible to mold, unlike many other products - any fungi in it invariably die.

Thanks to its unique composition of vitamins and microelements, honey is a biogenic stimulant and helps the body cope with many diseases, and is also an excellent means of prevention. It does not destroy tooth enamel, like many sweets. Normalizes the functioning of internal organs, helps lower blood pressure, with daily consumption of 20-50 grams of honey for a year, it significantly improves blood composition, improves immunity, honey also relieves insomnia and protects the body from premature aging.


Ascorbic acid (C)

Tocopherol (E)

Biotin (N)

A nicotinic acid

Vitamin PP

Pyridoxine (B6)

Pantothenic acid (B3)

Raboflavin (B2)

Folic acid

Thiamine (B1)

Conclusion: honey contains almost all the vitamins and minerals so necessary for humans. Thanks to honey, you can not only cure many diseases, but also improve the general condition of the whole body.

2.3.Physical properties of honey

The color of honey depends on the substances included in its composition and can be as transparent as water, white, all shades of yellow, brown and even almost black. When stored, over time it loses its original shade, darkens, and when crystallized, it becomes lighter. The aroma of honey comes from essential oils found in flower nectar. It can be used to judge the quality and origin of honey. The taste is pleasant, sweet and sour. The more fructose it contains, the sweeter it is. Fresh, freshly pumped honey has a liquid consistency and begins to crystallize and harden after about 1 – 2 months.

Conclusion: the physical properties of honey depend on its quality and the region in which it was collected. In my opinion, the healthiest honey is honey collected in the region in which a person lives.

2.4.Classification of honey

There are many varieties of honey, its composition depends on the region in which it is obtained. But if we take it according to classification, honey is divided into several types, namely:

Monofloral honey - honey is never collected by bees from only one type of honey plant. Therefore, honey is called monofloral (buckwheat, linden, etc.) if 40% of the nectar or more is collected from a given honey plant. The maximum these percentages can reach is 60, because... It is impossible to force a bee to fly to only one type of honey plant, and in the surrounding nature there is never only one type of plant. In addition, to obtain monofloral honey, the period of its collection must coincide with the flowering period of, mainly, only one plant.

Polyfloral honey - prefabricated honey produced by bees from nectar collected from plants of several species. The name of polyfloral honey is associated with the type of honey-bearing land. For example: forest, mountain, steppe, meadow, etc.

May honey - first pumping honey is often called May honey.The name “May honey” is not related to the characteristics of bee honey and has a purely philistine name among buyers. The name comes from those ancient times when the chronology in Russia was different, and May began two weeks later than the current chronology. Then the first honey was pumped out that month.

Honeydew honey - this is honey that bees produce in hot, dry summers not from the nectar of flower plants, but from honeydew - sugary substances of some plants.

Blended honey - This is honey that is obtained by mixing different varieties. Blending of honey is done only at specialized enterprises and this is done not only to improve the presentation and taste.

Conclusion: based on the classification of honey, I concluded that our honey is classified as polyfloral, as it is collected from several types of plants.

2.5.Methods for determining honey quality

In order to determine the quality of honey, my grandfather and I, back in the summer, right after the first pumping, conducted several simple experiments that anyone can conduct at home. We started determining the quality of honey by determining its maturity:

1. In order to determine the maturity of liquid (uncandied, fresh) honey, we lowered a spoon into it and began to rotate it. Unripe honey flows from the spoon, and mature honey is wound, lying on the spoon in folds like a ribbon.

2. Then they lowered a thin stick into the jar. If this is real honey, then it stretches after the stick as a long continuous thread, and when this thread is broken, it will completely descend, forming a tower, a pagoda on the surface of the honey, which then slowly disperses.
Fake honey will behave like glue: it will flow abundantly and drip down from the stick, forming splashes.

3 . High-quality honey should not foam. Foaminess indicates fermentation, i.e. spoilage of honey. Natural honey cannot ferment, because... it is bactericidal.

4. Over time, honey becomes cloudy and thickens (candied) - this is a sure sign of good quality. Liquid honey is usually available in the summer (July-August) during the period of its pumping. After a maximum of 1-2 months (depending on the variety), it crystallizes.
Therefore, if liquid honey is sold in winter or spring, it means that it is either heated or adulterated. It should be remembered that when heated to a temperature of +40°C and above, honey loses its main beneficial properties, turning into a simple sweet fructose-glucose syrup. In candied natural honey, all beneficial properties are preserved, and it is not advisable to heat it or add it to hot dishes or drinks .

5. In order to determine whether water was added to honey, we took a sheet of paper that absorbs moisture well and dropped honey on it. If it spreads, creating wet patches, or even seeps through, then water has been added to it.

6. To determine the flour, starch or chalk and other impurities in honey that some unscrupulous manufacturers add to it to increase the volume, it is necessary to dissolve honey in water in a ratio of 1: 2. Good honey gives a slightly cloudy solution. If a precipitate forms, this indicates the presence of impurities in it.

Most often, real honey is candied 2-3 weeks after collection. Considering that the last bribe is taken at the end of September - beginning of October, by October 20, natural honey can only be candied. The exception is white acacia honey (acacia honey), which does not crystallize for a long time (sometimes until spring), and heather honey turning into a jelly-like mass.

Conclusion: Based on our experiments, we found out that the honey produced in my grandfather’s apiary is mature and of high quality. It does not have any impurities and is very tasty.

2.6.Advice from doctors and cosmetologists

Studying various medical recommendations, I learned that honey is perhaps the most effective folk remedy intended for the treatment of anemia. Patients with stage II diabetes can easily replace sugar with honey, and those with high cholesterol levels can also follow this advice. Honey will relieve tissue inflammation and help retain calcium in the body. Honey is famous for its antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties. It’s not for nothing that people eat it immediately when they have almost any cold.
Honey gives us air and cures all colds. Stuffy nose? - honey Poor digestion? - honey Coughing? – honey again (after diluting it in hot milk and adding a little butter). Even with conjunctivitis, use honey too.

If you sleep restlessly and wake up very early, then to reduce stress on the body, be sure to drink a cup of tea with honey in the morning, as it is beneficial for stress and relieves morning irritation, which will allow you to look at the world positively again. But you should know that in a maximum of 30 minutes you should have a good breakfast, otherwise there will be a sharp drop in blood sugar, which will lead to poor health during the day. In this case, the pancreas may suffer, as gastric juice will begin to be produced intensively. It is worth noting that for those who often drive a car, such healing tea will make every organ work more actively: neurons will begin to move more intensely, helping the body to perk up faster. Nowadays, most people spend whole days at the computer. The eyes are the first to suffer from this. therefore, to reduce the risk of eye disease, You should also consume honey.

I also learned that honey is a strong allergen that can provoke quite serious allergic reactions, which can be both internal and external, and people who have an allergic reaction should avoid honey!

Honey is widely used in cosmetology.
For example, by applying it to the skin of your entire body, hair, face, or simply adding a couple of spoons of honey to your bath, you are guaranteed good blood circulation and a natural glow to your hair and face. Various honey masks, wraps, massages are widely used in cosmetology. There are many different cosmetic products that contain honey. Shampoos, balms, creams are very popular. Honey quickly penetrates the skin, softens it, moisturizes it, makes it smoother and softer. Honey baths help strengthen the nervous system and relax. In water, pores open, and all useful active components penetrate faster to all cells of the body.

Conclusion: in order to be healthy, energetic, and look great, you need to consume honey daily, add it to tea, and use it as a variety of cosmetic procedures.


While working on the “HONEY” project, I learned a lot of new and useful information and answered the questions I asked myself: where did it come from? And how much is the value of this product? Since ancient times, our ancestors were aware of the medicinal properties of honey, since the product was considered a panacea for various diseases, and people who consumed this amber liquid lived to an old age. Honey is a unique product used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. It is an excellent prevention of many diseases. Thanks to it, the recovery period can be significantly shortened. And when using honey as a cosmetic procedure, it helps improve the condition of the skin and hair. That is, honey has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, which in turn provides us with energy and strength for many years to come. But you should not abuse it, as eating it in excess can lead to the development of obesity or diabetes., and also cause an allergic reaction.

But honey is famous not only for its benefits. Honey is a natural dessert, the sweet taste of which is reflected in folk proverbs and sayings about a wonderful life and pure love. As a sweetness for tea, you can, of course, add tablespoons of honey, but such a luxury quickly becomes boring. That is why there are so many sweet dishes with honey in the recipes of Russian cuisine: these are the well-known gingerbread cookies, pies, lush women, honey cakes, and the modern Medovik cake... And how many drinks with honey are known in Russian cuisine! Sbiten, warming in the cold, refreshing kvass, low-alcohol mead, which was brewed especially for newlyweds... And meat dishes in a honey glaze? This is amazing! The golden brown crust becomes crispy, the honey adds a subtle sweetness, and its aroma mixes with the tantalizing smell of baked meat.

This topic interested me very much and I decided to continue my research by studying bees and other beekeeping products, because everything that bees produce (beebread, propolis, wax, royal jelly, etc.) is as useful as honey and is also widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Grandfather promised to give me one hive and teach me all the intricacies of beekeeping. And in the fall I will probably be able to eat my own honey.


My grandfather's apiary

Bee labor

Grandpa gathers a swarm

My sister and I watch how my grandfather collects bees

Frame with foundation, ready-made honey in sealed cells

Download honey. A very exciting process.

Kovalenko Artyom

It just so happens in my life that I sometimes get sick. And one of the medicines that my mother treats me with is honey. And then one day, stirring a spoonful of honey in a glass of milk, I thought: “What is honey? Where does it get its history and how are bees “making” it?”



Municipal Autonomous educational institution

Secondary School No. 21

Miass city

Chelyabinsk region

Research project " The benefits of honey"

I've done the work:

5th grade student

Kovalenko Artyom


Dolgopolova S R

biology teacher

year 2013

1. Introduction.

2. Main part:

a) The history of the appearance of honey.

b) Types of honey.

c) Composition of honey.

d) Method of obtaining honey.

d) Medical advice.

f) Use of honey.

3. My research.

4. Conclusion.

1. Introduction

It just so happens in my life that I sometimes get sick. And one of the medicines that my mother treats me with is honey. And then one day, stirring a spoonful of honey in a glass of milk, I thought: “What is honey? Where does it get its history and how are bees “making” it?”

In my opinion, honey is a tasty product, but my mother is convinced that it is also a medicine, and it is widely used not only for food, but also for medicinal purposes. And it’s also a rare Russian fairy tale that doesn’t end with the proverb: “And I was there, I drank honey and beer!” What kind of honey is this? What is so special about it that gives people confidence in its benefits?

Having asked all these questions, I looked into the encyclopedia, and the first thing I read was this definition:

“Honey is a sweet, syrupy substance produced by worker bees mainly from the nectar of honey-bearing flowers and used by them as food. A valuable human food product."

I decided to study and consider in more detail what honey is in my work dedicated to this amazing and useful product. My mother supported my idea. She became my main assistant.

Explore the benefits of honey and get acquainted with the human uses of honey -the purpose of my research.

In accordance with the goal, tasks were defined:

Learn about the history of honey;

Get acquainted with the technology of honey production;

Study the composition of honey;

Identify the beneficial properties of honey;

Find out what types of honey exist;

Find out where and how honey is used;

Speak in front of your classmates and find out with them what the benefits of honey are.

Object of my research- Human.

Subject of study- honey

The relevance of researchis that when consuming honey, a very large number of people do not even think about how unique honey and what important role it plays in a person’s life.

Research hypothesis

I can assume that honey has both positive and negative effects on the human body.

Research methods

Analysis of scientific literature;


Development of a speech in front of classmates, developed with the help of the teacher;

Analysis of the results obtained.

2. Main part.

A) The history of honey.

Archaeological research has shown that bees existed approximately 56 million years before the appearance of primitive man. Based on the surviving monuments of ancient culture, it can be assumed that primitive man hunted for honey as a tasty and nutritious product. The most ancient monument depicting human honey production was found near Valencia (Spain); it dates back to the Stone Age. On the stone there is an image of a man surrounded by bees, extracting honey.

The great and amazing properties of honey were already appreciated by ancient people. As a food product, this sweetness occupied a prominent place among all peoples. But the glory of honey is associated more with its healing qualities. Honey is unique as a medicine that has successfully withstood thousands of years of testing for harmlessness. It has been used for medicinal purposes at all times and by all peoples. Egyptian papyri, written more than 3 thousand years ago, indicate that even then it was widely used for the treatment and prevention of a wide variety of diseases. On the pages of ancient Chinese and Indian manuscripts you can also find many sayings testifying to the miraculous properties of honey. The Indian god Vishnu was depicted as a bee resting on a lotus flower. Ancient Hindus believed that honey gives pleasure to a person, strengthens his health and preserves youth. Honey was considered the most valuable gift of nature, the “drink of youth” in Ancient Greece. Fruits smeared with honey were sacrificed to the gods (it was believed that it gave the gods immortality). The great ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras believed that he reached old age thanks to vegetarian food and honey. Democritus, another equally famous ancient Greek thinker who lived more than 100 years, also believed that honey helps maintain health and longevity.

In Rus', the first mention of honey dates back to 945 in the Laurentian Chronicle. True, not as a food product, but as a drink.

Conclusion: I learned that bees appeared long before primitive man, and honey itself was successfully used by our ancestors both as a tasty product and as a medicine for a wide variety of diseases.

b) Types of honey.

To find out what types of honey there are, my mother and I read a lot of my grandfather’s literature. Previously, when he was not sick, we had our own apiary. I learned that natural bee honey is a sweet, sticky, aromatic substance that bees produce from plant nectar, but also from honeydew (a sweet liquid secreted by plant cells) or honeydew (a liquid secreted by aphids). Natural honey can be flower, mixed, honeydew and blended.

The composition of honey depends on the region in which it is obtained.

Flower honey obtained when bees process plant nectar. It happens monofloral (from a flower of one plant) and polyfloral (from flowers of several plants).

Among flower monofloral honeys, the most common are:

Acacia honey . It is made from white acacia flowers. Its color ranges from white to golden yellow. This honey has a very delicate taste and piquant aroma. Crystallizes slowly. Belongs to one of the best varieties.

Hawthorn honey– high-quality honey, dark in color, bitter in taste, with a specific aroma.

Heather honey distributed in forest areas of the north and north-west of our country. It has a strong aroma and tart taste.

Buckwheat honey It has a peculiar pungent taste and pleasant aroma, by which it is easy to distinguish it from other varieties.

Chestnut honey bitter in taste, light, sometimes darkish. Recommended for allergy sufferers as it does not cause allergies.

Linden honey - the best of the varieties. It has a strong and pleasant aroma of linden blossoms. The color of linden honey is white, even transparent.

Honeydew honey is formed when bees process honeydew and honeydew, which they collect from the stems and leaves of plants.

The color of honeydew honey varies: from light amber (from coniferous plants) to dark (from deciduous plants). It is thicker than flower honey. Unlike flower honey, honeydew honey contains more mineral salts and other compounds. Honeydew honey is widely used in the confectionery industry. The aroma of honeydew honey is weak, sometimes completely absent. Honeydew honey is prepared in the same way as flower honey, but when packaging, the inscription “honeydew honey” is written on the container.

Mixed honey consists of a mixture of flower or honeydew honeys.

Usually this honey is named after the place of collection:

  1. mountain
  2. meadow
  3. steppe
  4. forest

This honey is obtained from nectar collected by bees from the flowers of many plants.

Blended honeyobtained by mixing different types of honey.

Honey blending is done only at special honey packaging plants to improve its presentation. Honey is thoroughly mixed manually or using mechanical mixers.

Conclusion: The large extent of our country from north to south and from west to east creates conditions for the growth of various honey plants. Honey from different regions differs in origin.

c) Composition of honey.

Studies of the chemical composition of bee honey have established that it is a complex mixture. The main components of honey are glucose and fructose. The amount of basic substances depends on the type of honey.

In addition to carbohydrates,honey contains a number of enzymes(these are special organic substances, even a small amount of which accelerates metabolism in the human body). From mineralshoney contains saltscalcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, sulfur, iodine, chlorine, phosphorus.Honey also contains a number of microelements: manganese, silicon, aluminum, boron, chromium, copper, barium, nickel, lead, tin, zinc and others. Besides,honey contains many organic acids: apple, wine, lemon, milk, oxalic and a number of vitamins.

Eating honey speeds up the treatment of many diseases.

Conclusion: Honey contains almost all chemical compounds necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

d) Method of obtaining honey.

Honey extraction is an ancient Slavic craft. It was called beekeeping, and the people involved in it were called beekeepers.The beekeepers took care of the old thick trees that had hollows, and they themselves hollowed out holes - bee-borts, arranging warehouses for honey reserves in them.

How do bees produce honey? How does pollen turn into honey? I had to read many articles before I learned that this process is very complicated. Honey production begins the moment a worker bee leaves the hive to collect nectar or pollen. If bees don't find nectar, they collect all kinds of sweet liquids. The bee uses a small dose of swallowed nectar for its nutrition, the rest is carried into the hive and passed on to the receiving bee. Nectar bee - receiverundergoes complex processing, after which it finds a free hexagonal wax cell, where it deposits a drop of nectar.

However, this drop has not yet turned into a drop of honey,other bees will continue the difficult work of turning nectar into honey.Nectar contains a lot of water, and in order to make honey, bees must sometimes remove most of it. This is achieved byEach drop of the bee is repeatedly transferred from one wax cell to another, a third, and so on, until some of the moisture evaporates and the honey becomes thick.Many bees take part in removing moisture, which by flapping their wings (26,400 flapping strokes each per minute) creates air circulation in the hive, accelerating the evaporation process.

In addition to this thickening of nectar, it also thickens in the honey ventricle of the bee. In addition, in the bee’s body, a drop of nectar is enriched with enzymes, organic acids, disinfectants, and so on.

Having filled the cell with honey, the bees seal it with wax. Sealed honey continues to ripen for another 3-4 weeks.

By extraction method honey it can be:

Cell phone




Cellular and sectional honey are especially highly valued.

Honeycomb - This is honey that is sold in honeycombs, both store-bought and nest frames.

Sectional honey - This is comb honey, enclosed in special sections, the walls of which are usually made of thin plywood or food-grade plastic.

Pressed honeyobtained only when it is not possible to pump it out in a honey extractor. This is honey collected by bees from heather. When pressing (squeezing) this honey, the beekeeper is forced to violate the integrity of the built-up, benign honeycombs.

Centrifugal honey– this is honey obtained by pumping out in a honey extractor.

Honey extractor - part of the apiary equipment used to obtain centrifugal honey. For many centuries, obtaining honey was inextricably linked with the complete or partial destruction of the bee's nest. It was extracted from the cut honeycombs by pressing, melting and other methods. Only after the invention of the honey extractor, a new technology was developed - the production of centrifugal honey. It is based on the repeated use of honeycombs to fill them with honey without destroying them.

The sealed honeycombs are first unsealed using a special beekeeping knife, then inserted into the honey extractor and rotated. Under the influence of centrifugal force, honey flies out of the cells and flows down the walls of the honey extractor into a tank, at the bottom of which there is a hole for draining the resulting honey.

Conclusion : in modern conditions there are many ways to extract honey. But the most effective is the production of centrifugal honey.

d) Medical advice.

You can find out from doctors how healthy honey is. Their opinions are clear.

Honey is a healthy product. It can be used by everyone except children under one year old. And also for allergy sufferers who have a reaction to pollen from honey plants. Honey can be actively consumedfor respiratory diseases.Use badger fat or milk along with honey. In its pure form, eat 100-140 grams of honey per day.You can do inhalations.To do this, add a tablespoon of linden or flower honey to a pan of boiling water, inhale the vapor for 15-20 minutes. Inhalations are best done before bedtime.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, ulcers stomach : dissolve honey in warm water, take 1.5 - 2 hours before meals.

With nervous excitability, lack of sleep: honey has a hypnotic effect and calms the nervous system. You can consume up to 120 grams of honey per day after meals.

For skin diseases(bruises, bruises, burns, eczema, lichen): the bactericidal properties of honey help destroy microorganisms. Wounds are cleaned and healed much faster. You can mix honey with fish oil - then the healing process will go even faster. This ointment will also help in the treatment of ulcers and frostbite.

Conclusion: Honey has more benefits than harm. Honey as a natural medicine can be used very widely.

f) Use of honey.

Due to its unique properties, honey is widely used by humans. For example, in cooking, when half of the sugar in the dough is replaced with honey, the number of products increases and their taste improves. Honey is added to gingerbread cookies, various types of cookies, gingerbread cookies, muffins, and cakes. When making sweets and caramels, honey delays the crystallization of sugar. Honey is included in fruit fillings and milk candies, lollipops, halva, marshmallows, and jams. It is also added to dairy products for children. Honey is used to replace some of the sugar in the production of fruit syrups or jams and fruit soft drinks. Honey is used directly as food, spreading it on bread, croutons, flatbreads, pancakes, eating it with fresh fruits and berries, as well as sweetening porridges, cottage cheese and curd mass, jelly, compotes, and mousses with it.

Special experiments and observations have made it possible to establish that eating honey leads to improved well-being, appetite, sleep, and increased immunity. Therefore, honey is especially useful for children, the elderly, people with poor health, exhausted or recovering from illness. It is recommended to consume up to several tens of grams of honey daily in the basic diet of adults and children. When children consume honey, their general condition improves, and their height, weight, and physical strength increase. Including honey in a special diet for the elderly protects against the accumulation of excess body weight. Honey is recommended to be given to all patients during the recovery period.

Honey has long been known as a restorative, tonic, restorative sleeping pill, sedative that promotes digestion and improves appetite. It was used to treat wounds, burns, and diseases of the kidneys, liver, and joints. Infectious and colds of the upper respiratory tract were treated with a honey solution. Currently, many of these recipes are successfully used by scientific medicine. Honey or its solutions are used for inhalation, instillation, douching, dressings, lotions, and baths. Honey has a beneficial effect on digestion. It normalizes the functioning of the stomach, gives a therapeutic effect for gastric ulcers, various gastritis, and colitis. It is used to treat inflammatory infectious diseases of the mucous membrane and upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis). For anemia, honey improves general condition, well-being, appearance, appetite, sleep, eliminates fatigue and dizziness, and promotes weight gain. As a sedative and sleeping pill, take honey or its warm solutions, honey with milk or lemon juice at night. Honey is used to treat damage to the skin and muscle tissue, in the treatment of burns, ulcers, boils, and abscesses.

And honey has found wide application in cosmetology. Honey masks, wraps and massages are included in the services of various beauty salons. Honey promotes skin cell renewal, which is why hand and face masks are very popular today. Shampoos, conditioners, and hair dyes containing honey are especially popular today. Honey quickly penetrates the skin and has both antibacterial and other important cosmetic properties. Bee honey not only softens the skin, but also perfectly strengthens it. To strengthen and soften the skin, honey masks are recommended, consisting of pure honey or in equal parts with egg yolk or sour cream. Honey baths soften the skin and help calm the nervous system. In warm water, pores open, and therefore beneficial active components are delivered to all cells of the body. Due to its property of absorbing moisture, honey absorbs skin secretions, has a disinfecting effect, and the nutrients coming from honey help the skin become fresh and velvety.

Conclusion: Due to its rich chemical composition, honey has a beneficial effect on the human body and is widely used.

3. My research

I began my research in the biology classroom. There I became acquainted with the structure and development of the bee and the life of the bee family.

Then I went to the chemistry room. After all, while studying the composition of honey, I learned that honey contains a number of trace elements: manganese, silicon, aluminum, boron, chromium, copper, barium, nickel, lead, tin, zinc and others. The main components of honey are glucose and fructose.I decided to make sure this was true.But I decided to complicate my research. I took 2 types of honey for research: homemade (Ural) and store-bought. Together with a chemistry teacher, we conducted an experiment to determine glucose in honey. In order not to get confused, I numbered the test tubes: 1 - Ural, 2 - store-bought 1) First, I took one part of honey and dissolved it in two parts of distilled water. The color of the water is different/brighter color in homemade honey/ Conclusion: the color of the water is different/brighter color in homemade honey, in test tube No. 2/

2) Then, using a medical syringe, I poured 1 ml of honey solution and 2 ml of alkali solution into the test tubes. After this, I added a few drops of copper sulfate solution. A blue precipitate was obtained, which turned into a bright blue solution. Conclusion: the solution is bright blue again in test tube No. 2/

3) The contents of the test tubes were heated. The solution changed color to yellow, and then a precipitate appeared. Conclusion: the solution is bright brown again in test tube No. 2/

Our experience was a success.

Indeed, honey contains trace elements. This means that it is really healthy. Ural homemade honey is more useful than store-bought honey

Conversation with a doctor

I decided to talk to a doctor from our school, Antonina Andreevna Byakina, about how beneficial honey is.

I asked a few questions.

After talking I found out that honey a truly unique natural remedy that is not only a tasty product, but also a medicine. Its benefits to humans can hardly be overestimated. According to my hypothesis, honey should also have a negative property. Antonina Andreevna explained to me that such a property really exists. There is only one. Honey is capable call human allergies. But it can only cause allergies in small children, y still not quite a strong body. Therefore, such children, and these are children under the age of years, honey is used with extreme caution.I was wondering what component can cause allergies? She answered this question like this: “Allergies can be caused by the type of nectar from which the bees made honey That is, on the pollen of the plant from which the bee collected nectar.And this is individual for each person. That is, if you are allergic to linden blossom, then linden honey will be contraindicated for you, because it can cause a food allergy in you, and how it manifests itself in you is also individual.”

After everything I learned, I started drinking milk with honey. This medicine warmed a sore throat and reduced pain and cough.

Secondly, I did a rinse. To do this, I stirred a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm boiled water and gargled with this solution. This treatment helped relieve inflammation in the oral cavity, disinfected it and acted as a natural antibiotic thanks to the complex composition of honey.

For research in the field of cosmetology, I prepared an oatmeal mask with the addition of honey. For this I took the following ingredients: 1 teaspoon of oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of milk, 1 spoon of honey.

I mixed everything and applied this mixture to my classmates’ faces. After 15 minutes, we washed off the mask and wiped our face skin

This mask can be done for a month, once a week. The skin after such a mask is well moisturized, and the complexion improves.

For research in culinary artsThe teacher and I turned to our classmates. For a month, classmates brought culinary fantasies to school. Everything was delicious. Let me give you one of the recipes as an example:

We took 2 large apples, 0.3 tbsp. honey (4 tbsp - full), 1 tbsp. sugar, 2 tbsp brown sugar, 1.5 tbsp. flour, 100g. butter or margarine, 2 eggs, 3 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tsp grated lemon zest, 1 p. baking powder and a pinch of salt.

We peeled the apples, removed the core and cut them into small pieces. Mix honey and lemon juice in a saucepan and place over medium heat. When the mixture began to boil, chopped apples were poured into it. Boil the apples over medium heat for about 15 minutes. Removed from heat and left to cool. For the dough, beat eggs with sugar and brown sugar, add salt, lemon zest and melted butter. Added flour and baking powder. Mixed thoroughly. The mold was greased with oil and the dough was poured into it. Using a slotted spoon, remove the apples from the syrup and arrange them over the dough. The mold was placed in a preheated oven (180C) for 40 minutes. The finished pie was poured with syrup and allowed to cool in the mold. The pie turned out very tasty, with the aroma of lemon and the taste of honey.

4. Conclusion.

While working on the project, I learned a huge amount of useful information. Before starting work, I believed that honey, like many products today, can bring both benefit and harm to the human body. But in the process of my work, my hypothesis was only partially confirmed.Honey is a unique product. And it does much more good than harm.While studying literature, I learned and discovered many interesting facts.

My interest in this topic grew.I decided to conduct a survey among students in grades 2-4 to find out whether the children like honey and, if they do, what kind of honey? Is honey a tasty product or a medicinal product for them? Their answers pleased me.It turned out that most of the guys, like me, simply adore honey. And many people believe that honey is a healing agent. This means they use it when they are sick. And this is wonderful. After all, eating honey during illness speeds up the healing process.

a) Survey results

In order to find out whether children like honey, what kind of honey they prefer, and whether they consider honey a medicine, I had to conduct a survey among students in grades 2-4. 140 students from our school took part in the survey.

From the survey results it is clear that the majority consider honey to be a medicinal remedy. Only 1% of students do not like honey, but 91% of children love it. Almost the same number of students like solid honey and honey in combs, and slightly more than half use liquid honey.

I plan to continue my research. I am very interested in the use of honey in medicine. I dream of becoming a strong and healthy person. Therefore, this topic is very important to me.

And now, at this stage of work, I can draw some conclusions:

  1. Bees appeared long before primitive man, and honey itself was successfully used by our ancestors both as a tasty product and as a medicine for a wide variety of diseases.
  2. The large extent of our country from north to south and from west to east creates conditions for the growth of various honey plants. Honey from different regions differs in origin.
  3. Honey contains almost all chemical compounds necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.
  4. In modern conditions, there are many ways to extract honey.
  5. Honey has more benefits than harm. Honey as a natural medicine can be used very widely.
  6. Due to its rich chemical composition, honey has a beneficial effect on the human body and is widely used.


  1. “Apiary, bees and honey” M.K. Shevchuk.
  2. “Technology of beekeeping products” V.A. Temnov Publishing house “Kolos”


  1. “Beekeeping” P.P. Maksimov M.: Uchpedgiz, 1962.
  2. "Large Illustrated Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius" 2006
  3. “Which is which. School encyclopedia." 1996-2000 "Bees"

Rusinova Alina

Project Manager:


MAOU "Secondary School No. 26" of the city of Syktyvkar

Biology project "Study of honey quality" dedicated to the study of the chemical and physical properties of one of the most useful natural products - honey. You will learn the benefits of honey, what types of honey exist and how to distinguish good honey from low-quality honey.

In this research work in biology (chemistry) "Research on the quality of honey" A 5th grade student classifies honey according to its physical and chemical properties, studies methods of falsifying honey and how to distinguish healthy and natural honey without additives from low-quality fakes.

Author research project in biology "Research on honey quality" examines methods for analyzing the quality of honey and conducts research on honey samples, the results of which are presented in the table in Appendix 2. Also, in Appendix 1 you will find a description and properties of the most common varieties of honey, where you will learn the positive effect of honey on the human body.

Chapter 1. Types and general characteristics of honey
1.1. Honey classification
1.2. Physico-chemical properties of honey
1.3. Requirements for the naturalness of honey
1.4. Methods for falsifying honey
Chapter 2. Methods for analyzing honey quality
2.1. Organoleptic method
2.2. Physico-chemical research methods
2.3. Study of honey samples
Appendix 1 "Types of honey"
Appendix 2 "Research results"


Honey- this is nature’s best gift to man, which was presented to him at the very beginning of his evolutionary path, and since then has become one of the most important parts of the culture of a large number of countries and peoples.

Everyone knows that honey is a viscous amber-colored liquid, very tasty and very healthy. Those who have become more familiar with this amazing product are amazed by its unique properties and capabilities. And the small winged producers of this miracle, the honey bee Apis mellifera L., are admired as a unique natural phenomenon.

Of all beekeeping products, the most important is honey, which is in great demand among the population. And, naturally, every buyer prefers to buy high quality honey. But determining the quality of honey by taste and aroma is quite difficult. To find out whether honey is natural, you need to analyze it.

We have put forward hypothesis that the quality of honey can be determined in laboratory conditions using methods accessible to all.

Very often we learn from the media that people purchase low-quality goods or low-quality products. Inspired by the idea of ​​the program “ Test purchase“, we decided to study how high-quality honey is sold in the largest chain stores in the city of Syktyvkar, and beekeepers exhibiting their products at the “Weekend Fair”.

Goal of the work : to analyze samples of honey that go on sale in the largest chain stores in the city of Syktyvkar, and beekeepers exhibiting their products at the “Weekend Fair” and draw a conclusion about their quality.

  1. Study the literature on the research topic;
  2. Find out the characteristics of honey;
  3. Find out the options for counterfeit honey and how to identify them;
  4. Collect several samples of honey from different producers;
  5. Conduct a qualitative analysis of honey for the presence of various additives;
  6. Draw a conclusion about the quality of honey going on sale.

Object of study: honey.

Subject of study: quality of honey.

  • studying literature on the research topic;
  • experimental study;
  • analysis and generalization of the results obtained during the work.
Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2"

City scientific and practical conference

"The science. Nature. Human. Society"

“Composition of honey and its beneficial properties”

Research project


Bortukova Nicole, Voronova Daria, Kramer Liliya, Khramkova Varvara4 and class,


Gordienko Lidiya Semenovna,

teacherprimary classesfirst category

MBOU "Secondary school No. 2"




Honey has long been known to mankind as food, medicine and just a delicacy.. It is known to be a very valuable food product. Contains a unique setvitamins, microelements, antibacterial substances, honey can be called an amazing natural medicine that has a unique effect on the human body.

Purpose of the study: explore the composition of honey and its beneficial properties

The relevance of research: Determining the composition of honey at home is necessary for a person, becauseif honey is a truly high-quality product, then it has more benefits.

Object of study - honey.

Subject of study - composition of honey and its beneficial properties.

Research hypothesis:

    if honey does not contain sugar, water, or starch, then it is natural honey;

    IfSince honey has beneficial properties, it is used in folk medicine.

Research objectives:

    study and analyze, using various sources of information, material about honey;

    conduct observations and experiments on the composition of honey and its beneficial properties;

    determine the quality of honey at home.

Theoretical foundations of the study : articles on the Internet, encyclopedias, books

Methods and techniques:

1. analysis of literature, articles on the Internet

2. observations and experiments

3. experiment

Practical significance: determining the quality of honey at home, using honey as a home healer.

Methodological basis of the study

In the course of studying the identified problem, the following research methods were used:

1.analysis of literature, articles on the Internet;


3. experiment;

Practical significance of the study. The materials can be used in lessons about the surrounding world on the topic: “Healthy foods”, “Use of honey in folk medicine”

Research stages:

    analysis of the literature and determination of the goals and objectives of the study.

    analysis and synthesis of results.

Structure of the research work. The 12-page work consists of an abstract, two chapters, conclusions, a list of references, Internet sources, an appendix, illustrated



Chapter 1. Composition of honey…………………………………………………………..6

Chapter 2. Experimental part. Beneficial properties of honey.………………7

Conclusions…………………………………………………………………………. ..8

Bibliography………………………………………………………………. 9



“In honey, nature presented us with one of

their most precious gifts, the meaning

which for the human body in

the present time is too insufficient

cognized or very poorly cognized.”

E. Zander

“Honey is a sweet, syrupy substance produced by worker bees mainly from the nectar of honey-bearing flowers and used by them as food. A valuable human food product." During a meeting with beekeeper M.M. Gorodilova. we learned about the main varieties of natural honey, thatHoney gets its name from the plants from which bees collect nectar.The composition of honey depends on the region in which it is obtained.

Flower honey is obtained when bees process plant nectar. It can be monofloral (from a flower of one plant) and polyfloral(from flowers of several plants).

Among flower monofloral honeys, the most common are:

Acacia honey . It is made from white acacia flowers. Its color ranges from white to golden yellow. This honey has a very delicate taste and piquant aroma. Crystallizes slowly. Belongs to one of the best varieties.

Hawthorn honey – high-quality honey, dark in color, bitter in taste, with a specific aroma.

Heather honey distributed in forest areas of the north and north-west of our country. It has a strong aroma and tart taste.

Buckwheat honey It has a peculiar pungent taste and pleasant aroma, by which it is easy to distinguish it from other varieties.

Chestnut honey bitter in taste, light, sometimes darkish.

Linden honey - the best of the varieties. It has a strong and pleasant aroma of linden blossoms. The color of linden honey is white, even transparent.

Chapter 1. Composition of honey

Studying the literature, we learned that the main components of honey are glucose and fructose. The amount of basic substances depends on the type of honey.The composition of honey includes: calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, chlorine, phosphorus, sulfur, iodine, and some varieties of honey even contain radium. To check the composition of honey for its quality, 3 types of honey were taken: linden, acacia, and flower. The samples were brought from different regions of the country. Using experiments, we determined the presence of sugar, water, starch in honey

1.Determination of the presence of sugar in honey.

To do this, honey was dripped onto a sheet of low-grade paper that absorbs moisture well.

He is not spreads, there are no wet spots on the paper.

Conclusion: three samples lack sugar. (Annex 1)

2. Determination of water in honey.

Real honey contains virtually no water. They dipped a piece of bread into honey, and after 8-10 minutes they took it out. High-quality honey hardens the bread. If, on the contrary, it has softened or spread, then it is sugar syrup. In three samples the pieces of bread became hard.

Conclusion: in three samples the pieces of bread hardened. (Appendix 2)

3. Determination of starch in honey.

Put some honey in a glass, add hot water, stir and cool.Then a few drops of iodine were added there. If the composition turns blue, it means that starch has been added to the honey.

Conclusion: in three samples the solution did not turn blue. (Appendix 3)

4. Determination of honey viscosity.

The honey was taken with a wooden stick. It stretches as a long continuous thread, forms a tower on the surface of the honey, which then slowly diverges. It does not flow abundantly and does not form splashes.

Conclusion: These honey samples are not adulterated.(Appendix 4)

Chapter 2. Experimental part. Useful properties of honey.

While studying the literature, we learned about the properties of honey:

    kills germs;

    has an anti-inflammatory effect;

    is a prophylactic against stomatitis;

    Honey normalizes sleep.

The ancient Greeks and Romans used bee honey to preserve fresh meat. At the same time, the meat not only remained fresh, but did not even change its natural taste. It only gradually lost water, giving it to honey. Some researchers have discovered antibacterial substances in honey, so honey never becomes moldy, bacteria die in it.

Experiment 1. Honey kills germs.

Fresh meat was coated on all sides with honey and left for 2 days at room temperature. In 2 daysthe color has not changed, the smell of spoiled product has not appeared. Conclusion : Honey actually kills bacteria. (Appendix 5)

Experiment 2. Honey normalizes sleep.

For 3 months, my grandmother, aged 72, drank warm tea with honey before bed.

The duration of sleep has increased. Sleep became more restful. (Appendix 6)

Experiment 3. Honey is a preventive remedy for stomatitis.

Dentist P.N. Voronov gave us advice on this issue. Indeed. for stomatitis, the oral cavity is treated with honey several times during the day, if the person is not allergic to honey. A 3b grade student diagnosed with stomatitis was invited to participate in the experiment. This experiment is not finished yet. The work is still ongoing.


During the experiment, it was found that all 3 honey samples were of good quality. We came to the conclusion:

    in 3 samples taken - natural honey;

    honey has more benefits than harm,

    honey as a natural medicine can be used very widely,

    Due to its rich chemical composition, honey has a beneficial effect on the human body and is widely used.

Honey has long been known as a restorative, tonic, restorative sleeping pill, sedative that promotes digestion and improves appetite. It was used to treat wounds, burns, and diseases of the kidneys, liver, and joints.


1. Great Soviet Encyclopedia: In 30 volumes - M.: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1969-1978.
2. Korolev V., Kotova V., 750 answers to the most important questions about beekeeping: EKSMO, 2009.
3. Lavrenov V.K., All about honey and other bee products: Encyclopedia. Donetsk: Stalker, 2003.
4. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / Russian Academy of Sciences. – M.: Azbukovnik, 1999, p. 355.
Internet resources
1. Wikipedia // Honey
2. All about honey //

3. All about honey and bee products //

Annex 1.

Appendix 2.

Appendix 3.

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Appendix 6.

    For liver diseases, mix equal amounts of horseradish juice and honey. Take 1 teaspoon 4-5 times a day with warm water.

    For mouth ulcers in the morning and evening, a folk healer advises to slowly suck honey.

    At the beginning of weakening of vision, honey, if dripped into the eyes, will prevent further development of the disease.

    If your child cries a lot at night, you should periodically let the child lick honey on his lips.

    Honey water helps with insomnia.

    Honey with freshly squeezed turnip juice will relieve bronchial spasms and help with cough.

    Honey with milk and lemon juice will help with sore throats.

    Constant consumption of honey with freshly squeezed red carrot juice strengthens vision.

    For minor wounds, bruises, small burns, mix honey with a paste of fresh plantain leaves and bandage it, it will heal faster.

Extracurricular activity.docx


Extracurricular activity

"The Great Benefit of Little Bees"


enriching students' knowledge about the benefits of honey;


Introduce children to bee honey and its properties, types, and method of production;

Develop the ability to analyze, summarize and highlight the main points in information.

Develop creative and cognitive activity.

Develop teamwork skills: mutual assistance, cohesion.

The target audience: primary school studentseducational institution.

Form: extracurricular activity with tea party


technical: computer, multimedia projector, screen;

didactic: tablets with the theme, proverbs and sayings about honey, presentation about honey, about the beneficial properties of honey and beekeeping products, a piggy bank folder;

additionally: honey pie with apples, pancakes, samovar, several types of honey.

Progress of the event

Teacher: Guys! We are pleased to welcome you to our event.


Guests, guests, gentlemen

You have come here now

To our cheerful friendly class

For a delicious honey hour.

Teacher: As you already understand, today we will talk about bees, their work and the product they make. Today we will talk about honey and bee products. People have been engaged in beekeeping since ancient times. Sealed jars containing this wonderful product were found in the pyramids of Ancient Egypt. There are legends about its healing properties.


Having all collected their affairs,

The bee buzzes and spins.

Here it is important to sit on a flower,

She knows a lot about this,

The essence of her earthly concerns is

Sweet and fragrant honey

Busy bee

I brought honey for the children.

I'll tell you about honey,

How useful I’ll tell you,

The one who licks my honey

He will be healthy and grow up!

Teacher: Let's start our conversation today from the very beginning.

Student: Archaeological research has shown that bees existed approximately 56 million years before the appearance of primitive man. The most ancient monument depicting human honey production was found near Valencia (Spain); it dates back to the Stone Age. Honey is unique as a medicine that has successfully withstood thousands of years of testing for harmlessness. Egyptian papyri, written more than 3 thousand years ago, indicate that even then it was widely used for the treatment and prevention of a wide variety of diseases. On the pages of ancient Chinese and Indian manuscripts you can also find many sayings testifying to the miraculous properties of honey. The great ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras believed that he reached old age thanks to vegetarian food and honey. In Rus', the first mention of honey dates back to 945, in the Laurentian Chronicle. True, not as a food product, but as a drink.

Teacher: Let's remember the lines of A.S. Pushkin from “Ruslan and Lyudmila”

“There is a Russian spirit there... It smells like Russia there!

And I was there, and I drank honey"

Do you know what kind of honey we are talking about?

Student: What kind of honey was not made on Slavic land? Honey is simple, unleavened, red, white, boyar, with the addition of various juices - raspberry, cherry, currant. Such honey is produced within 1-3 months. For example, berry honey was made like this: they took water and honey in certain portions and boiled them, then poured them into a tub and added berry juice, spices, bread coated with yeast, and left for a couple of days to ferment. Then it was filtered, kept in the cold for 20 days and bottled. The honey is ready.

Teacher: Since time immemorial, the peoples of the Earth have revered honey as heavenly food, a gift from heaven. According to legend, honey bees, the favorites of the Gods, became benefactors of man. For many millennia, honey was the only concentrated source of sugars. The rich composition of carbohydrates and enzymes, a set of organic acids and valuable biological stimulants put it in first place among the main food products. How do bees make it?

Student: The bee uses a small dose of swallowed nectar for its nutrition, the rest is carried into the hive and passed on to the receiving bee. The nectar undergoes complex processing, after which the bee finds a free hexagonal wax cell where it deposits a drop of nectar. Other bees will continue the difficult work of turning nectar into honey. The bee repeatedly transfers each drop from one wax cell to another, a third, and so on, until some of the moisture evaporates and the honey becomes thick. Having filled the cell with honey, the bees seal it with wax. Sealed honey continues to ripen for another 3-4 weeks.

Teacher: Where does all this action take place? Where do bees carry the collected nectar?

Student: There is a bee house in the garden -

Everyone calls him Hive.


- Bees, my friends, live in it.

There are patterned honeycombs,

Cramped, hot... Darkness of work:

The paws are sticky, the wings are shaking...

There's a queen bee

Lays white eggs.

There's always a crowd in front of her

Round dance of smart nannies...

In the tireless bustle

Scurrying here and there:

Feed her and wash her,

Make porridge for the kids.

In front of the hive on a plank

Always guarding the clock,

To the bumblebee through the porch

Didn't get in in a hurry.

And around there is a fluffy carpet

Flowers sway:

Rain of night blindness...

The bees fly around them all -

And all the nectar is collected.

Teacher: Honey ripens in the honeycombs that are in the hive, and then what? Next, the beekeepers pump honey out of the honeycombs. This is done in different ways.

Student: According to the technological principle, honey can be:

Cell phone(This is honey that is sold in honeycombs, both store-bought and nest frames. )

Sectional(This is comb honey, enclosed in special sections, the walls of which are usually made of thin plywood or food-grade plastic. )

Pressed(obtained only when it is not possible to pump it out in a honey extractor. This is honey collected by bees from heather. When pressing (squeezing) this honey, the beekeeper is forced to violate the integrity of the built-up good-quality honeycombs.)

Centrifugal(This is honey obtained by pumping out on a honey extractor.

The honeycombs sealed with honey are first unsealed using a special beekeeping knife, then inserted into a honey extractor and rotated. Under the influence of centrifugal force, honey flies out of the cells and flows down the walls of the honey extractor into a tank, at the bottom of which there is a hole for draining the resulting honey into a container ).

Teacher: Honey received. You see it on your table. As you noticed, for some reason it is of different shades. Why is this happening?

Student: Natural bee honey is a sweet, viscous and aromatic substance produced by bees from plant nectar, as well as from honeydew (a sweet liquid secreted by plant cells) or honeydew (a liquid secreted by aphids). Natural honey can be: flower honey (it is obtained when bees process plant nectar). It can be monofloral (from one plant) or polyfloral (from several plants). Among flower monofloral honeys, the most common are:

Acacia honey.

Hawthorn honey

Heather honey

Buckwheat honey

Chestnut honey

Linden honey.

Honeydew honey

Blended honey consists of a natural mixture of flower or honeydew honeys.





Blended honey is obtained by mixing different botanical varieties of honey.

Teacher: How does a person use honey? Only in its pure form?

Student: Due to its composition, honey is widely used by humans.

First of all, a person consumes honey as food. By replacing half the sugar in the dough with honey, the number of products increases and their taste improves. There are many products in which it is recommended to add honey. These are gingerbread cookies, various types of cookies, gingerbread cookies, muffins, and cakes. When making sweets and caramels, honey delays the crystallization of sugar. Honey is included in fruit fillings and whipped milk candies, lollipops, halva, marshmallows, and jams. It is added to dairy products for children. Honey is used directly as food, spreading it on bread, croutons, flatbreads, pancakes, eating it with fresh fruits and berries, as well as sweetening porridges, cottage cheese and curd mass, jelly, compotes, and mousses with it. Honey is used in making wine. These wines are distinguished by their soft taste and original bouquet. Honey is also used in the preparation of soft drinks.

Special experiments and clinical observations have made it possible to establish that the inclusion of honey in a person’s diet leads to improved well-being, appetite, sleep, increased immunity and other positive changes in the body. Therefore, honey is especially useful for children, the elderly, people with poor health, exhausted or recovering from various diseases.

Honey has long been known as a restorative, tonic, restorative, sleeping pill, sedative, promotes digestion, and improves appetite. It was used to treat wounds, burns, and diseases of the kidneys, liver, and joints. Infectious and cold diseases of the upper respiratory tract were treated with a honey solution. Currently, many of these recipes are successfully used by scientific medicine.

Honey has found wide application in cosmetology. Honey masks, wraps and massages are included in the services of various beauty salons. Honey promotes skin cell renewal, which is why hand and face masks are very popular today. Shampoos, conditioners, and hair dyes containing honey are especially popular among women today. Honey is a wonderful cosmetic product, as it has the ability to quickly penetrate the skin, nourishes the muscle layer with glucose, and simultaneously has antibacterial and other important cosmetic properties.

Teacher: But honey is not the only product of beekeeping. Wax is very interesting. It is used in a variety of industries.

Student: Beeswax is an inert material with high plasticity.Beeswax is included in many ointments, patches and medicinal suppositories.And also in the composition of creams, lipsticks and masks, depilatories, mascara.Hisused to treat skin inflammation, burns, wounds, as a bactericidal agent and a natural medicine that stimulates tissue growth. A large number of candles (scented, church) are also made from wax. It is also added to shoe and hair care products.

Teacher: We learned a lot about honey from the materials that Egor collected. And now we propose to conduct a quiz. A cheerful bee will help us. It will pass from hand to hand. It will be held in the hands of the one who answers the question correctly.


What is the name of the bee community? Living together? (family)

“The bear loves honey very much!

Why? Who will understand?

In fact, why

Does he like honey that much?”

Which cartoon character do these lines belong to? (Winnie the Pooh)

What was the name of the fearless bee, the heroine of the cartoon? (Maya the bee)

How many faces are there in one honeycomb cell? (6)

How do scout bees communicate information about nectar and pollen sources to each other? (using a special dance over a flower)

What color do bees not perceive? (red)

What is the name of the main bee responsible for procreation? (uterus)

What is bee venom treatment called? (apitherapy)

What did Mowgli call the bees? (Little People of the Rocks)

What is the first month after marriage called? (honey)

What is the name of the bees' house? (hive)

What is the reproduction of a bee colony called? (swarming)

Teacher: We prepared for our event little by little. And now, like a real bee family, we will try to work hard to obtain the honey of science, which is healthy and sweet.


We are for ours, for friends,

Let's collect bee news.

And live a long time in the world.

I propose to start filling out our piggy bank folder, which is called"The great benefit of a little bee."

We have five pages: myths and legends, folk wisdom, treats, sweet medicines, miracle wax.

Students present the material they have prepared and fill out a folder.

Teacher: I really want to end our first part of the meeting with a friendly and cheerful song. You all know her motive. Yegor will give you the words. Let's sing.

Song to the tune of “They teach at school”

How to live long in the world,

To get straight A's,

You should use honey

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

How beneficial is miracle honey?

He will save you from all adversity.

We are at our meeting

We just found out.

And although there is only one product,

It has so many vitamins

We are unlikely to give it up now.

In general, to become strong

Need to know and study

All useful tips for us about honey.

Even ancient Rome knows

That our honey is irreplaceable

And he is useful, everyone among the people is useful.

Teacher: I wish you

Let our class

Swarm of bees

It will be a friendly family!


I invite you to the samovar!

I'll treat you to delicious tea!

Drink with gingerbread as a bite.

Delicious Russian honey tea.

Tea party.

Prepared by Polupan N. E.

Document selected for viewing Municipal educational institution.docx


Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 11 of Zelenokumsk

Sovetsky district of the Stavropol Territory"

Research project:

Project participants: 2nd grade students

Project manager: Polupan Natalia Evgenievna

2011-1012 academic year year

purpose of the study.

In accordance with the goal, tasks were defined :

Get acquainted with the technology of honey production;

Study the composition of honey;

Identify the beneficial properties of honey;

Find out what types of honey exist;

Find out where and how honey is used;

Object of study - Human.

Subject of study - honey

The relevance of research honey

Research hypothesis:

the assumption that honey has both positive and negative effects on the human body.

Research methods:

Analysis of scientific literature;


Development of a speech in front of classmates, developed with the help of the teacher.

Time spent on the project:

1 month

Project plan:

1. Introduction to the topic.Discussion of the topic and goals of the project – 1 hour

2. Organization of groups.Distribution of topics between groups – 1 hour

3. Independent activity.Collecting information and conducting research – 3 weeks.

4.Formation of results.Preparation of materials for

demonstrations – 1 week.

5. Summarizing.Protection of the obtained results and conclusions. Assessment of completed work – 1 hour.

Main part:

a) the history of the appearance of honey


b) types of honey

To find out what types of honey there are, my mother and I went to a honey fair. There, talking with beekeepers, I learned thatnatural bee honey

Natural honey can beand blended.

Flower honey

    Acacia honey.

    Hawthorn honey

    Heather honey

    Buckwheat honey

    Chestnut honey

    Linden honey.

Honeydew honey is formed when bees process honeydew and honeydew, which they collect from the stems and leaves of plants.

Mixed honey

Usually this honey is named after the place of collection:





Blended honey


The large extent of our country from north to south and from west to east creates conditions for the growth of various honey plants. Honey from different regions differs in origin.

c) composition of honey

Since time immemorial, the peoples of the Earth have revered honey as heavenly food, a gift from heaven. According to legend, honey bees, the favorites of the Gods, became benefactors of man. For many thousands of years, honey was the only source of sugars. The rich composition of carbohydrates and enzymes, a set of organic acids and valuable biological stimulants put it in first place among the main food products.


necessary for normal

d) method of obtaining honey

Honey extraction is an ancient Slavic craft. It was called beekeeping, and the people involved in it were called beekeepers.

There is a bee house in the garden -

Everyone calls him Hive.

- Who lives in it? Sweet gnome?

- Bees, my friends, live in it.

There are patterned honeycombs,

In the cells there is honey, bee labor...

Cramped, hot... Darkness of work:

The paws are sticky, the wings are shaking...

There's a queen bee

Lays white eggs.

There's always a crowd in front of her

Round dance of smart nannies...

In the tireless bustle

Scurrying here and there:

Feed her and wash her,

Make porridge for the kids.

In front of the hive on a plank

Always guarding the clock,

To the bumblebee through the porch

Didn't get in in a hurry.

And around there is a fluffy carpet

Flowers sway:

Buttercup, clover, caraway seeds,

Rain of night blindness...

The bees fly around them all -

And all the nectar is collected.

The bee uses a small dose of swallowed nectar for its nutrition, the rest is carried into the hive and passed on to the receiving bee. The nectar undergoes complex processing, after which the bee finds a free hexagonal wax cell where it deposits a drop of nectar. The bee repeatedly transfers each drop from one wax cell to another until some of the moisture evaporates and the honey becomes thick. Having filled the cell with honey, the bees seal it with wax. Sealed honey continues to ripen for another 3-4 weeks.

Honey ripens in the honeycombs that are in the hive, and then what?

By extraction methodhoney He May be:

- Cell phone

- Sectional



Conclusion : in modern conditions there are many ways to extract honey. But the most effective is the production of centrifugal honey.

d) use of honey

in medicine:

Honey has long been known as a restorative, tonic, restorative sleeping pill, sedative that promotes digestion and improves appetite. It was used to treat wounds, burns, and diseases of the kidneys, liver, and joints. Infectious and colds of the upper respiratory tract were treated with a honey solution. Special experiments and observations have made it possible to establish that eating honey leads to improved well-being, appetite, sleep, and increased immunity. Therefore, honey is especially useful for children, the elderly, people with poor health, exhausted or recovering from illness.

in cooking:

Due to its unique properties, honey is widely used by humans and in cooking. Honey is added to gingerbread cookies, various types of cookies, gingerbread cookies, muffins, and cakes. When making sweets and caramels, honey delays the crystallization of sugar. Honey is included in fruit fillings and milk candies, lollipops, halva, marshmallows, and jams. It is also added to dairy products for children. Honey is used to replace some of the sugar in the production of fruit syrups or jams and fruit soft drinks.

in cosmetology:

honey has found wide application in cosmetology. Honey masks, wraps and massages are included in the services of various beauty salons. Honey promotes skin cell renewal, which is why hand and face masks are very popular today. Honey is a wonderful cosmetic product, as it has the ability to quickly penetrate the skin, nourishes the muscle layer with glucose, and simultaneously has antibacterial and other important cosmetic properties.




    “Apiary, bees and honey” M.K. Shevchuk. Publishing house "Karpaty" Uzhgorod 1974

    “Technology of beekeeping products” V.A. Temnov Publishing house “Kolos” Moscow-1967

    “Beekeeping” P.P. Maksimov M.: Uchpedgiz, 1962.

    "Large Illustrated Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius" 2006.

    “Which is which. School encyclopedia." 1996-2000 "Bees"

    Internet sites:



    www. lavanda- med. ru

    www. besthoney. ru

    www. progalskiy. com

    www. sotmed. people. ru

    www. inflora. ru


1.Drawings by students on the topic of the project.

2. Abstracts – student research on project issues.

3.Development of an extracurricular activity “The Great Benefit of a Little Bee.”

4. Electronic presentation of the project “The Benefits of Honey”.

Document selected for viewing One of the medicines.docx


One of the medicines used to treat people is honey. And then one day we thought: “What is honey? Where does it get its history and how are bees “making” it?”

In our opinion, honey is a tasty product, but our mothers are convinced that it is also a medicine, and it is widely used not only for food, but also for medicinal purposes. What kind of honey is this? What is so special about it that gives people confidence in its benefits?

We decided to study and consider in more detail what honey is in our project work dedicated to this amazing and useful product.

Explore the benefits of honey and get acquainted with the human uses of honey -the purpose of our research.


    Learn about the history of honey;

    Study the composition of honey;

    Identify beneficial properties;

The relevance of research is that when consuming honey, a very large number of people do not even think about how uniquehoney and what important role it plays in a person’s life.

While working on the “Benefits of Honey” project, we learned a huge amount of useful information. And now, at this stage of work, we can draw some conclusions:

1.Bees appeared long before primitive man, and honey itself was successfully used by our ancestors both as a tasty product and as a medicine for a wide variety of diseases.

2. The large extent of our country from north to south and from west to east creates conditions for the growth of various honey plants. Honey from different regions differs in origin.

3.Honey contains almost all chemical compounds necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

4.In modern conditions, there are many ways to extract honey.

5. Honey as a natural medicine can be used very widely.

Due to its rich chemical composition, honey has a beneficial effect on the human body and is widely used.

Document selected for viewing Presentation1.pptx


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Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

“The benefits of honey” Municipal educational institution “Secondary school No. 11 of the city of Zelenokumsk, Sovetsky district” Research project: Completed by: 2nd grade students Supervisor: Polupan Natalia Evgenievna (2011-2012 academic year)

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3 slide

Slide description:

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: To study and prove the benefits of honey. Learn about the human uses of honey. Learn about the history of honey; Get acquainted with the technology of its production; Study the composition of honey; Identify beneficial properties; Find out what types there are; Find out where and how honey is used.

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When consuming honey, a large number of people do not even think about how unique it is.

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History of the appearance of honey The most ancient monument dates back to the Stone Age; Honey is mentioned in Egyptian papyri, in Chinese and Indian manuscripts, in the sayings of great people (Pythagoras); In Rus', the first mention was in 945 in the Laurentian Chronicle. Conclusion: we learned that bees appeared long before primitive man, and honey itself was successfully used by our ancestors both as a tasty product and as a medicine for a wide variety of diseases.

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Honey is a sweet, syrupy substance produced by worker bees, mainly from the nectar of honey-bearing flowers, and used as food. A valuable human food product.

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Flower honey is obtained when bees process plant nectar. It comes from one plant and from several plants. Among flower honeys, the most common are: Acacia honey. Hawthorn honey Heather honey Buckwheat honey Chestnut honey Linden honey.

Slide 9

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Honeydew honey is formed when bees process honeydew and honeydew, which they collect from the stems and leaves of plants. It is thicker than flower honey. Unlike flower honey, honeydew honey contains more mineral salts and other compounds. Honeydew honey is widely used in the confectionery industry. The aroma of honeydew honey is weak, sometimes completely absent.

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Blended honey consists of a mixture of flower or honeydew honeys. Usually such honey is named after the place of collection: mountain meadow steppe forest This honey is obtained from nectar collected by bees from the flowers of many plants.

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Blended honey is obtained by mixing different types of honey. Conclusion: the large extent of our country from north to south and from west to east creates conditions for the growth of various honey plants. Honey from different regions differs in origin.

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Honey contains: a number of enzymes; salt; microelements; organic acids Conclusion: honey contains almost all chemical compounds necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

Slide 13

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Honey extraction is an ancient Slavic craft. It was called beekeeping, and the people involved in it were called beekeepers. The beekeepers took care of the old thick trees that had hollows, and they themselves hollowed out holes - bee-borts, arranging warehouses for honey reserves in them.

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Collecting nectar from plant flowers Collecting sweet liquids from leaves Bee labor Filling honeycomb cells Result of bee labor

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How do bees produce honey? How does pollen turn into honey? The bee uses a small dose of swallowed nectar for its nutrition, the rest is carried into the hive and passed on to the receiving bee. The nectar undergoes complex processing, after which the bee finds a free hexagonal wax cell where it deposits a drop of nectar. The bee repeatedly transfers each drop from one wax cell to another, a third, and so on, until some of the moisture evaporates and the honey becomes thick. Having filled the cell with honey, the bees seal it with wax. Sealed honey continues to ripen for another 3-4 weeks.

Slide description:

In cosmetology, Honey is a wonderful cosmetic product, as it has the ability to quickly penetrate the skin, nourishes the muscle layer with glucose, and simultaneously has antibacterial and other important cosmetic properties. Conclusion: due to its rich chemical composition, honey has a beneficial effect on the human body and is widely used.

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Slide description:

Conclusions: Honey has more benefits than harm. Honey as a natural medicine can be used very widely. Honey contains almost all chemical compounds necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Due to its rich chemical composition, honey has a beneficial effect on the human body and is widely used.

Explore the benefits of honey and get acquainted with the human uses of honey -the purpose of our research.

In accordance with the goal, goals and objectives were defined :

    Study and prove the benefits of honey.

    Learn about the human uses of honey.

    Learn about the history of honey;

    Get acquainted with the technology of its production;

    Study the composition of honey;

    Identify beneficial properties;

    Find out what types there are;

    Find out where and how honey is used.

The relevance of research is that when consuming honey, a very large number of people do not even think about how unique it is and what important role it plays in human life.

2. Student: Archaeological research has shown that bees existed approximately 56 million years before the appearance of primitive man. The most ancient monument depicting human honey production dates back to the Stone Age. Honey is unique as a harmless medicine. Egyptian papyri, written more than 3 thousand years ago, testify to the use of honey to treat diseases. The mathematician Pythagoras believed that he reached old age thanks to honey. In Rus', the first mention of honey dates back to 945.


we learned that bees appeared long before primitive man, and honey itself was successfully used by our ancestors both as a tasty product and as a medicine for a wide variety of diseases.

3.To find out what types of honey there are, my mother and I went to a honey fair. There, talking with beekeepers, I learned thatnatural bee honey is a sweet, sticky and aromatic substance that bees produce from plant nectar, as well as from honeydew or honeydew.

Natural honey can befloral, mixed, honeydew and blended.

The composition of honey depends on the region in which it is obtained.

4.Flower honey obtained when bees process plant nectar. It comes from one plant or from several plants. Among flower honeys from one plant, the most common are:

    Acacia honey.

    Hawthorn honey

    Heather honey

    Buckwheat honey

    Chestnut honey

    Linden honey.

5. Honeydew honey is formed when bees process honeydew and honeydew, which they collect from the stems and leaves of plants.

It is thicker than flower honey. Unlike flower honey, honeydew honey contains more mineral salts and other compounds. Honeydew honey is widely used in the confectionery industry. The aroma of honeydew honey is weak, sometimes completely absent.

6.Blended honey consists of a mixture of flower or honeydew honeys.

Usually this honey is named after the place of collection:





This honey is obtained from nectar collected by bees from the flowers of many plants.

7. Blended honey obtained by mixing different types of honey.


The large extent of our country from north to south and from west to east creates conditions for the growth of various honey plants. Honey from different regions, different in origin

8. Since time immemorial, the peoples of the Earth have revered honey as heavenly food, a gift from heaven. According to legend, honey bees, the favorites of the Gods, became benefactors of man. For many thousands of years, honey was the only source of sugars. The rich composition of carbohydrates and enzymes, a set of organic acids and valuable biological stimulants put it in first place among the main food products.


honey contains almost all chemical compounds,

necessary for normal

functioning of the human body.

9. Extracting honey is an ancient Slavic craft. It was called beekeeping, and the people involved in it were called beekeepers.

How do bees produce honey? How does pollen turn into honey?


There is a bee house in the garden -

Everyone calls him Hive.

- Who lives in it? Sweet gnome?

- Bees, my friends, live in it.

There are patterned honeycombs,

In the cells there is honey, bee labor...

Cramped, hot... Darkness of work:

The paws are sticky, the wings are shaking...

There's a queen bee

Lays white eggs.

There's always a crowd in front of her

Round dance of smart nannies...

In the tireless bustle

Scurrying here and there:

Feed her and wash her,

Make porridge for the kids.

In front of the hive on a plank

Always guarding the clock,

To the bumblebee through the porch

Didn't get in in a hurry.

And around there is a fluffy carpet

Flowers sway:

Buttercup, clover, caraway seeds,

Rain of night blindness...

The bees fly around them all -

And all the nectar is collected.

9 (continues) The bee uses a small dose of swallowed nectar for its nutrition, the rest is carried into the hive and passed on to the receiving bee. The nectar undergoes complex processing, after which the bee finds a free hexagonal wax cell where it deposits a drop of nectar. The bee repeatedly transfers each drop from one wax cell to another until some of the moisture evaporates and the honey becomes thick. Having filled the cell with honey, the bees seal it with wax. Sealed honey continues to ripen for another 3-4 weeks.

11. Honey matures in the honeycombs that are in the hive, and then what?

Next comes the process of extracting honey from the hives by humans.

By extraction methodhoney He May be:

- Cell phone

- Sectional



Cellular and sectional honey are especially highly valued.

Conclusion :

In modern conditions, there are many ways to extract honey. But the most effective is the production of centrifugal honey.

12.Honey has long been known as a restorative, tonic, restorative sleeping pill, sedative that promotes digestion and improves appetite. It was used to treat wounds, burns, and diseases of the kidneys, liver, and joints. Infectious and colds of the upper respiratory tract were treated with a honey solution. Special experiments and observations have made it possible to establish that eating honey leads to improved well-being, appetite, sleep, and increased immunity. Therefore, honey is especially useful for children, the elderly, people with poor health, exhausted or recovering from illness.

13.Due to its unique properties, honey is widely used by humans and in cooking. Honey is added to gingerbread cookies, various types of cookies, gingerbread cookies, muffins, and cakes. When making sweets and caramels, honey delays the crystallization of sugar. Honey is included in fruit fillings and milk candies, lollipops, halva, marshmallows, and jams. It is also added to dairy products for children. Honey is used to replace some of the sugar in the production of fruit syrups or jams and fruit soft drinks.

14. Honey has found wide application in cosmetology. Honey masks, wraps and massages are included in the services of various beauty salons. Honey promotes skin cell renewal, which is why hand and face masks are very popular today. Honey is a wonderful cosmetic product, as it has the ability to quickly penetrate the skin, nourishes the muscle layer with glucose, and simultaneously has antibacterial and other important cosmetic properties.


Due to its rich chemical composition, honey has a beneficial effect on the human body and is widely used.

15. While working on the “Benefits of Honey” project, we learned a huge amount of useful information.

bees appeared long before primitive man, and honey itself was successfully used by our ancestors both as a tasty product and as a medicine for a wide variety of diseases;

The large extent of our country from north to south and from west to east creates conditions for the growth of various honey plants. Honey from different regions differs in origin;

honey contains almost all chemical compounds,

necessary for the normal functioning of the human body;

In modern conditions, there are many ways to extract honey. But the most efficient is the production of centrifugal honey;

Due to its rich chemical composition, honey has a beneficial effect on the human body and is widely used.

15. While working on the “Benefits of Honey” project, we learned a huge amount of useful information and drew conclusions:

1. Honey has more benefits than harm. Honey as a natural medicine can be used very widely.

2.Honey contains almost all chemical compounds necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

3. Thanks to its rich chemical composition, honey has a beneficial effect on the human body and is widely used.

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