
Planets of the solar system and their arrangement in order. Planets of the Solar System: eight and one 1 planet from the sun

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France. XVIII century. The royal province of Gevaudan is gripped by horror: an unknown creature has declared a hunt for people. Every now and then mutilated corpses are found. Miraculously surviving witnesses speak of the coming of the Beast. To this day, the mystery of the terrible events of 255 years ago remains a subject of debate between zoologists, historians, folklorists and mystics...

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Over the thousand-year history of people sailing across the vast seas and oceans, many different shipwrecks and accidents have occurred. Some of them have become legendary, and even films have been made about them. And the most popular of them, of course, is James Cameron's Titanic.

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Jupiter consists entirely of gases and is a failed star. It also rains diamonds! I already wrote about Jupiter, and now I found a selection of interesting facts about the planet itself.

Being the largest planet in the Solar System, Jupiter has a mass twice that of all other planets in the Solar System. Jupiter's atmosphere is more like that of a star than a planet, and consists mainly of hydrogen and helium. Scientists agree that if the reserves of these elements were 80 times greater, then Jupiter would turn into a real star. And with four main moons and many (67 in total) smaller satellites, Jupiter itself is almost a miniature copy of its own solar system. This planet is so huge that it would take more than 1,300 Earth-sized planets to fill the volume of this gas giant.

The strength of Jupiter's magnetic field is almost 20,000 times stronger than the Earth's magnetic field. Jupiter can rightfully be considered the king of the magnetic fields of our planetary system. The planet is surrounded by an incredible field of electrically charged particles, which non-stop bombard other planets in the solar system. Moreover, the level of radiation near Jupiter is up to 1000 times higher than lethal for humans. The radiation density is so strong that it can damage even well-protected spacecraft, such as the Galileo probe.

Jupiter's magnetosphere extends from 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 kilometers towards the Sun and up to 1 billion kilometers towards the outer boundaries of the system.

It takes Jupiter only about 10 hours to complete a full rotation on its axis. Days on Jupiter range from 9 hours 56 minutes at both poles to 9 hours 50 minutes in the equatorial zone of the gas giant. As a result of this feature, the planet's equatorial zone is 7 percent wider than its polar regions.

As a gas giant, Jupiter does not orbit as a single solid spherical object, such as the Earth. Instead, the planet rotates slightly faster in the equatorial zone and slightly slower in the polar zone. The total rotation speed is about 50,000 kilometers per hour, which is 27 times faster than the Earth's rotation speed.

Another amazing feature of Jupiter is how powerful the radio waves it emits are. Jupiter's radio noise even affects shortwave antennas here on Earth. Radio waves that are not audible to the human ear can take on some very bizarre audio signals from being picked up by terrestrial radio equipment.

Most often, these radio emissions are produced as a result of instability of the plasma field in the magnetosphere of the gas giant. Often these noises cause a stir among ufologists, who believe that they have caught signals from extraterrestrial civilizations. Most astrophysicists theorize that the ion gases above Jupiter and its magnetic fields sometimes behave like very powerful radio lasers, producing radiation so dense that at times Jupiter's radio signals exceed the power of short-wave radio signals from the Sun. Scientists believe that this special power of radio emission is somehow connected with the volcanic moon Io.

Since Jupiter is the second largest (the first place belongs to the Sun) space objects in the solar system, its gravitational forces most likely participated in the final formation of our system and probably even allowed the emergence of life on our planet.

According to a study published in the journal Nature, Jupiter may once have pulled Uranus and Neptune to their current locations in the system. A study published in the journal Science suggests that Jupiter, with the participation of Saturn, at the dawn of the solar system attracted enough material to form the planets of the inner boundary.

Jupiter's atmospheric composition includes 89.2 percent molecular hydrogen and 10.2 percent helium. The remaining percentage includes reserves of ammonia, deuterium, methane, ethane, water, ammonia ice particles, and ammonium sulfide particles. In general: an explosive mixture, clearly not suitable for human life.

The solar system is a system of planets that includes its center, the Sun, as well as other objects in space. They revolve around the Sun. Until recently, “planet” was the name given to 9 objects in space that revolve around the Sun. Scientists have now established that beyond the boundaries of the solar system there are planets that orbit stars.

In 2006, the Union of Astronomers proclaimed that the planets of the solar system are spherical space objects revolving around the Sun. On the scale of the solar system, the Earth appears extremely small. In addition to the Earth, eight planets revolve around the Sun in their individual orbits. All of them are larger than the Earth in size. Rotate in the plane of the ecliptic.

Planets in the Solar System: types

Location of the terrestrial group in relation to the Sun

The first planet is Mercury, followed by Venus; Next comes our Earth and, finally, Mars.
Terrestrial planets do not have many satellites or moons. Of these four planets, only Earth and Mars have satellites.

Planets that belong to the terrestrial group are highly dense and consist of metal or stone. Basically, they are small and rotate around their axis. Their rotation speed is also low.

Gas giants

These are the four space objects that are at the greatest distance from the Sun: Jupiter is at No. 5, followed by Saturn, then Uranus and Neptune.

Jupiter and Saturn are impressively sized planets made of hydrogen and helium compounds. The density of gas planets is low. They rotate at high speeds, have satellites and are surrounded by rings of asteroids.
The “ice giants,” which include Uranus and Neptune, are smaller; their atmospheres contain methane and carbon monoxide.

Gas giants have a strong gravitational field, so they can attract many cosmic objects, unlike the terrestrial group.

According to scientists, asteroid rings are the remains of moons changed by the gravitational field of the planets.

Dwarf planet

Dwarfs are space objects whose size does not reach the size of a planet, but exceeds the dimensions of an asteroid. There are a great many such objects in the Solar System. They are concentrated in the Kuiper belt region. The satellites of the gas giants are dwarf planets that have left their orbit.

Planets of the Solar System: the process of emergence

According to the cosmic nebula hypothesis, stars are born in clouds of dust and gas, in nebulae.
Due to the force of attraction, substances come together. Under the influence of the concentrated force of gravity, the center of the nebula contracts and stars form. Dust and gases transform into rings. The rings rotate under the influence of gravity, and planetsimals are formed in the whirlpools, which grow and attract cosmetic objects to themselves.

Under the influence of gravity, planetsimals are compressed and acquire spherical shapes. The spheres can unite and gradually turn into protoplanets.

There are eight planets within the solar system. They revolve around the Sun. Their location is as follows:
The closest “neighbor” of the Sun is Mercury, followed by Venus, followed by the Earth, then Mars and Jupiter, further from the Sun are Saturn, Uranus and the last one, Neptune.

The new words couldn’t fit into my head. It also happened that a natural history textbook set us the goal of remembering the location of the planets of the solar system, and we were already selecting means to justify it. Among the many options for solving this problem, there are several interesting and practical ones.

Mnemonics in its purest form

The ancient Greeks came up with a solution for modern students. It is not for nothing that the term “mnemonics” comes from a consonant Greek word, literally meaning “the art of remembering.” This art gave rise to a whole system of actions aimed at memorizing a large amount of information - “mnemonics”.

They are very convenient to use if you simply need to store in memory a whole list of any names, a list of important addresses or telephone numbers, or remember the sequence of location of objects. In the case of the planets of our system, this technique is simply irreplaceable.

We play association or “Ivan gave birth to a girl...”

Each of us remembers and knows this poem from elementary school. This is a mnemonic counting rhyme. We are talking about that couplet, thanks to which it becomes easier for a child to remember the cases of the Russian language - “Ivan Gave Birth to a Girl - Ordered to Drag the Diaper” (respectively - Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative, Instrumental and Prepositional).

Is it possible to do the same with the planets of the solar system? - Undoubtedly. Quite a large number of mnemonics have already been invented for this astronomical educational program. The main thing you need to know is that they are all based on associative thinking. For some it is easier to imagine an object similar in shape to the one being remembered, for others it is enough to imagine a chain of names in the form of a kind of “cipher”. Here are just a few tips on how best to record their location in memory, taking into account their distance from the central star.

Funny pictures

The order in which the planets of our star system move away from the Sun can be remembered through visual images. To begin, associate with each planet an image of an object or even a person. Then imagine these pictures one by one, in the sequence in which the planets are located inside the Solar System.

  1. Mercury. If you have never seen images of this ancient Greek god, try to remember the late lead singer of the group “Queen” - Freddie Mercury, whose surname is similar to the name of the planet. It is unlikely, of course, that children can know who this uncle is. Then we suggest coming up with simple phrases where the first word would begin with the syllable MER, and the second with KUR. And they must necessarily describe specific objects, which will then become a “picture” for Mercury (this method can be used as the most extreme option with each of the planets).
  2. Venus. Many people have seen the statue of Venus de Milo. If you show her to children, they will easily be able to remember this “armless aunt.” Plus, educate the younger generation. You can ask them to remember some acquaintance, classmate or relative with that name - in case there are such people in their social circle.
  3. Earth. Everything is simple here. Everyone must imagine themselves, an inhabitant of the Earth, whose “picture” stands between two planets located in space before and after ours.
  4. Mars. In this case, advertising can become not only an “engine of trade,” but also of scientific knowledge. We think you understand that you need to imagine the popular imported chocolate bar in place of the planet.
  5. Jupiter. Try to imagine some landmark of St. Petersburg, for example, the Bronze Horseman. Yes, even though the planet begins in the south, the locals call the “Northern capital” St. Petersburg. For children, such an association may not be beneficial, so invent a phrase with them.
  6. Saturn. Such a “handsome man” does not need any visual image, because everyone knows him as a planet with rings. If you still have difficulties, imagine a sports stadium with a running track. Moreover, such an association has already been used by the creators of one animated film on a space theme.
  7. Uranus. The most effective in this case will be a “picture” in which someone is very happy about some achievement and seems to shout “Hurray!” Agree - every child is capable of adding one letter to this exclamation.
  8. Neptune. Show your children the cartoon "The Little Mermaid" - let them remember Ariel's dad - the King with a mighty beard, impressive muscles and a huge trident. And it doesn’t matter that in the story His Majesty’s name is Triton. Neptune also had this tool in his arsenal.

Now, once again mentally imagine everything (or everyone) that reminds you of the planets of the solar system. Flip through these images, like pages in a photo album, from the first “picture”, which is closest to the Sun, to the last, whose distance from the star is the greatest.

“Look, what kind of rhymes have turned out...”

Now - to mnemonics, which are based on the “initials” of the planets. Remembering the order of the planets of the solar system is indeed easiest to do by the first letters. This type of “art” is ideal for those who have less developed imaginative thinking, but are fine with its associative form.

The most striking examples of versification in order to record the order of planets in memory are the following:

“The Bear Comes Out Behind the Raspberry - The Lawyer Managed to Escape the Lowlands”;
“We Know Everything: Yulia’s Mom Stood on Stilts in the Morning.”

You can, of course, not write a poem, but simply choose words for the first letters in the names of each of the planets. A little advice: in order not to confuse the places of Mercury and Mars, which begin with the same letter, put the first syllables at the beginning of your words - ME and MA, respectively.

For example: In some places Golden Cars could be seen, Julia As if Seeing Us.

You can come up with such proposals ad infinitum - as much as your imagination allows. In a word, try, practice, remember...

Author of the article: Sazonov Mikhail

Pluto By decision of the MAC (International Astronomical Union) it no longer belongs to the planets of the Solar System, but is a dwarf planet and is even inferior in diameter to another dwarf planet Eris. Pluto's designation is 134340.

solar system

Scientists put forward many versions of the origin of our solar system. In the forties of the last century, Otto Schmidt hypothesized that the solar system arose because cold dust clouds were attracted to the Sun. Over time, clouds formed the foundations of future planets. In modern science, Schmidt's theory is the main one. The solar system is only a small part of a large galaxy called the Milky Way. The Milky Way contains more than one hundred billion different stars. It took humanity thousands of years to realize such a simple truth. The discovery of the solar system did not happen immediately; step by step, based on victories and mistakes, a system of knowledge was formed. The main basis for studying the solar system was knowledge about the Earth.

Fundamentals and Theories

The main milestones in the study of the solar system are the modern atomic system, the heliocentric system of Copernicus and Ptolemy. The most probable version of the origin of the system is considered to be the Big Bang theory. In accordance with it, the formation of the galaxy began with the “scattering” of the elements of the megasystem. At the turn of the impenetrable house, our Solar system was born. The basis of everything is the Sun - 99.8% of the total volume, the planets account for 0.13%, the remaining 0.0003% are the various bodies of our system. Scientists have accepted the division of planets into two conditional groups . The first includes planets of the Earth type: the Earth itself, Venus, Mercury. The main distinguishing characteristics of the planets of the first group are their relatively small area, hardness, and a small number of satellites. The second group includes Uranus, Neptune and Saturn - they are distinguished by their large sizes (giant planets), they are formed by helium and hydrogen gases.

In addition to the Sun and planets, our system also includes planetary satellites, comets, meteorites and asteroids.

Particular attention should be paid to the asteroid belts, which are located between Jupiter and Mars, and between the orbits of Pluto and Neptune. At the moment, science does not have an unambiguous version of the origin of such formations.
Which planet is not currently considered a planet:

From the time of its discovery until 2006, Pluto was considered a planet, but later many celestial bodies were discovered in the outer part of the Solar System, comparable in size to Pluto and even larger than it. To avoid confusion, a new definition of planet was given. Pluto did not fall under this definition, so it was given a new “status” - a dwarf planet. So, Pluto can serve as an answer to the question: it used to be considered a planet, but now it is not. However, some scientists continue to believe that Pluto should be reclassified back to a planet.

Scientists' forecasts

Based on research, scientists say that the sun is approaching the middle of its life path. It is unimaginable to imagine what will happen if the Sun goes out. But scientists say this is not only possible, but also inevitable. The age of the Sun was determined using the latest computer developments and it was found that it is about five billion years old. According to astronomical law, the life of a star like the Sun lasts about ten billion years. Thus, our solar system is in the middle of its life cycle. What do scientists mean by the word “will go out”? The sun's enormous energy comes from hydrogen, which becomes helium at the core. Every second, about six hundred tons of hydrogen in the Sun's core are converted into helium. According to scientists, the Sun has already used up most of its hydrogen reserves.

If instead of the Moon there were planets of the solar system:

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