
Catch phrases of English literature. Quotes from works: aphorisms, famous sayings, catchphrases Works with clever phrases

Winged expressions from works of Russian literature

from the work of A. S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit”

Happy hours are not observed. (Words by Sophia)

I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening. (Words by Chatsky)

The legend is fresh, but hard to believe. (Words by Chatsky)

The houses are new, but the prejudices are old. (Words by Chatsky)

Who are the judges? (Words by Chatsky)

Ah, evil tongues are worse than pistols. (Words by Molchalin)

Bah! All familiar faces! (Words by Famusov)

Where is better? (Conversation between Sophia and Chatsky)

Where we are not.

from the fables of I. A. Krylov

And Vaska listens and eats. ("The Cat and the Cook")

And the casket simply opened. ( "Larchik")

Trouble is, if the shoemaker starts baking pies,

And the boots are made by a pie-maker. ("Pike and Cat")

Take on what you are passionate about

If you want your business to have a successful ending. ("Starling")

Yes, but things are still there. ( "Swan, Pike and Cancer")

How many people find happiness

Only because they walk well on their hind legs. ("Two dogs")

When there is no agreement among comrades,

Things won't go well for them. ("Swan, Pike and Cancer")

Even though you're in new skin,

Yes, your heart is still the same. (“The Peasant and the Snake” (“The Snake crawled into the Peasant...”)

Don't spit in the well - it will come in handy

Drink some water. ("The Lion and the Mouse")

The powerful always have the powerless to blame. ("Wolf and Lamb")

Like a squirrel in a wheel. ("Squirrel")

Disservice. ("The Hermit and the Bear")

Stigma in fluff. ("The Fox and the Marmot")

A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy. ("The Hermit and the Bear")

from poems by K. N. Batyushkov

O you who know how to love,

Be afraid of angering love through separation!

("Elegy from Tibullus")

There is an end to wanderings - never to sorrows!


O memory of the heart! you are stronger

The mind of the sad memory.

("My Genius")

Pray with hope and tears...

Everything earthly perishes... both glory and crown...

("Dying Tass")

from poems by N. M. Karamzin

There's nothing new under the sun. ("The Experienced Wisdom of Solomon, or Selected Thoughts from Ecclesiastes")

from the works of A. S. Pushkin

You cannot harness a horse and a trembling doe to one cart. ( poem "Poltava")

Love for all ages. ("Eugene Onegin")

We all learned a little,

Something and somehow. ("Eugene Onegin")

Broken trough. ("Tales of the Fisherman and the Fish")

From the ship to the ball. ("Eugene Onegin")

Reading is the best teaching. (quote from A. S. Pushkin’s letter to his brother)

from the works of I. S. Turgenev

The great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language. (prose poem “Russian language”)

from the works of A.P. Chekhov

Twenty-two misfortunes.( play "The Cherry Orchard")

To grandfather's village. (story "Vanka")

Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, and his thoughts. (play "Uncle Vanya")

from the works of L. N. Tolstoy

Living Dead. (drama "Living Corpse")

from the works of M. Yu. Lermontov

Forget yourself and fall asleep! (poem “I go out alone on the road”)

And it’s boring, and sad, and there’s no one to give a hand to. (poem “Both boring and sad”)

All this would be funny

If only it weren't so sad. (“A. O. Smirnova”)

from the works of N.V. Gogol

And the rope will come in handy on the road. ( comedy "The Inspector General")

from poems by A. A. Blok

And again the battle! Rest only in our dreams. (poem “On the Kulikovo Field”)

from poems by N. A. Nekrasov

How did you come to live like this? (“Wretched and smart”)

You may not be a poet

But you have to be a citizen. (poem “Poet and Citizen”)

from the works of M. Gorky

One born to crawl cannot fly. ("Songs about the Falcon")

from poems S. A. Yesenina

Everything will pass like smoke from white apple trees. ("I do not regret, do not call, do not cry…")

from poems by F. I. Tyutchev

Oh, how murderously we love,

As in the violent blindness of passions

We are most likely to destroy,

What is dear to our hearts! ("Oh, how murderously we love")

Love is a dream, and a dream is one moment,

And whether it’s early or late to wake up,

And man must finally wake up... (“There is a high meaning in separation”)

You can't understand Russia with your mind,

The general arshin cannot be measured:

She will become special -

You can only believe in Russia. (“You can’t understand Russia with your mind”)

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Modern linguistics has recognized text as its main object, because a person in his “human specificity always expresses himself (speaks), that is, creates a text.” Our whole life passes in a textual environment; we receive most of the information about the world from texts of various types. In addition to the need to provide accessible information, a person looks for appropriate means of communication (metaphors, quotes, proverbs) that allow them to clearly, quickly, emotionally and succinctly influence the reader; such texts in science are called precedent.

The outstanding Russian thinker of our time M.M. Bakhtin wrote:

“I live in a world of other people’s words. And my whole life is an orientation in this world, a reaction to other people’s words, starting from their mastery (in the process of initial mastery of speech) and ending with the development of the riches of human culture. All words for each person are divided into their own and those of others, but the boundaries between them can shift, and an intense dialogical struggle takes place on these boundaries.” The importance of precedent texts for modern people is manifested in a large number of studies on this issue. The first to address the concept of precedent texts in his work “Russian Language and Linguistic Personality” was researcher Yu.N. Karaulov. Following Yu.N. Karaulov such researchers as D.B. Gudkov, V.V. Krasnykh, I.V. Zakharenko used the term precedent phenomena in his scientific works.

An important sign of the development of a modern communicative phenomenon is the increase in the use of other texts in the text. And if previously the use of proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, catchwords, “speaking” names, quotes in speech was mainly aimed at decorating speech, now it is conceptualized as a sociocultural phenomenon (a process aimed at a positive change in both material and spiritual objects with one single goal - to become better. Knowledge of such texts indicates a person’s belonging to a certain socio-cultural group, his nation, era, and is also an indicator of high speech and general culture. On the contrary, ignorance of precedent texts is a sign of a low speech culture of an individual, a prerequisite. his isolation from the culture of his people. Many quotes from films, which have long been turned into proverbs and sayings, phraseological units and stable expressions, are actively included in our language; they surround us almost every day, lying in wait in newspaper headlines, in the lyrics of songs, in colloquial speech. Therefore, the question of precedent texts from cinema is now very relevant. Ignorance of precedent texts can cause difficulties in communication, so studying the phenomenon of precedent is of great educational importance.

Target of this study - to study the concept of precedent text and the influence of catchphrases from Russian cinema on the formation of a precedent phenomenon among other sources in various age socio-cultural groups. To achieve the goal, the following were set tasks:

1) give a linguistic interpretation of the concept of “precedent text”;

2) describe the main sources of precedent phenomena; 3) give a linguistic interpretation of “catchphrases”;

4) study precedent texts in domestic films;

5) study under what circumstances texts are used

6) examine age groups for knowledge of precedent texts;

7) identify the most commonly used precedent expressions from domestic films.

Hypothesis: catchphrases from Russian cinematography are one of the main sources of precedent statements of various age groups.

Object studies are age groups; subject research - precedent statements from domestic cinematography, used in the speech of various age groups.

I. The concept of precedent texts

Every culture strives to develop its own system of characteristics that make it possible to distinguish “us” from “strangers.” One of these signs is knowledge or ignorance of certain texts, which are called precedent. Precedent text - texts that are referenced by many because they are considered important to a given culture.

Precedent texts are spontaneously or deliberately selected texts that are considered as generally known in a particular speech culture and which, in this regard, allow for special forms of their use.

The theory of precedent is one of the most developing areas of modern linguistics. Among the most active sources of precedent in modern mass communication, it is necessary to highlight such as “Literature”, “Theater and Cinema”, “War”, “Politics”. The following areas are in demand: “Music”, “Economy”, “Sports”, “Advertising”.

Precedent texts include not only quotations from works of art, but also myths, legends, oral poetic works, parables, legends, fairy tales, anecdotes, etc. A precedent text can also be a proper name, for example, the name of a famous historical figure, character any literary work or movie character (Ivan Susanin, Napoleon, Eugene Onegin, Mephistopheles, Baba Yaga, Uncle Styopa).

Each precedent text has its own unique system of associations that it evokes in the minds of native speakers. These may be the personality of the author, belonging to a historical era, the plot, the most impressive passages, the size of the text, features of the author’s style, the history of writing, etc.

A separate group of people can also have their own corpus of precedent texts - from representatives of one generation to a group of friends or a married couple.

Over time, many texts lose their status as precedent texts, as times pass, generations of readers and the interests of members of the linguistic-cultural community change. Many new precedent texts are appearing, based on changes that have occurred in society, on new historical and cultural events. Texts and situations that were precedent are no longer such, as they have lost their relevance.

Precedent text can be represented by (1) a single word, (2) a quotation, (3) an entire passage, and (4) a situation.

Numerous works have been devoted to the study of the phenomenon of precedent. In particular, this problem was dealt with by such scientists as Yu.N. Karaulov, V.V. Krasnykh, D.B. Gudkov, G.G. Slyshkin, etc. However, despite the close attention of scientists, this phenomenon is considered insufficiently developed.

The source of precedent texts, first of all, are phraseological units (the latter, with a broad approach, can include aphorisms, titles of films, books, songs, and fragments of advertising videos, and well-known statements of public figures, politicians, and so on). When using precedent texts, knowledge of their source is not mandatory; only reference to the situation, to the context in which the text was updated is important.

II. The nature of the use of precedent texts from the point of view of source spheres

An essential stage in the study of precedent is to turn to the source spheres: it is important to determine which specific spheres (religion, folklore, literature, theater, politics, etc.) serve in a particular society as the main source for the repertoire of precedent names, events, statements and texts.

Yu.N. Karaulov proposes to classify as precedent phenomena not only verbal texts, but also the names of musical works, works of architecture and painting, historical events and the names of political leaders, which in turn increases the number of possible spheres-sources of precedent. Somewhat later, an even wider range of initial spheres was identified as sources of textual reminiscences, including the Bible, ancient mythology, music, folklore, popular songs, and politics. When referring to other communicative discourses (advertising, media, everyday communication), there is a need to use an even more detailed classification of source spheres: political texts, science, sports, medicine, etc. In our study of the source spheres of precedent names, the following working order will be used classification.

1. Social area, which is divided into such areas as politics, economics, education, entertainment, medicine, war, crime, sports.

2. The field of arts, which includes such areas as literature, theater and cinema, visual arts, music, architecture, mythology and folklore.

3. A field of science, which includes, in particular, the following areas of humanities and natural sciences: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography, philology.

4. The area of ​​religion, which includes precedent phenomena that go back to religious texts.

If necessary, the classification can be made multidimensional, that is, other criteria can be taken into account.

The use of precedent texts in speech is an indicator of the level of linguistic development of an individual.

Many quotes from films, which have long since turned into proverbs and sayings, phraseological units and set expressions, are actively entering our language; they surround us almost every day, lying in wait in newspaper headlines, in song lyrics, in spoken language. That is why the question of precedent texts from cinema is now very relevant.

III. Catchphrases as precedent text

3. 1. Linguistic concept of catchphrases

In the modern world, we often come across popular expressions. Generic mottos and advertising slogans, quotations in fiction and scientific literature, even everyday speech provide us with a huge variety of catchphrases, sayings and proverbs. This is the definition of catchphrases given by Wikipedia. Catchphrases are stable phraseological units of a figurative or aphoristic nature, which have entered the vocabulary from historical or literary sources and have become widespread due to their expressiveness.

The expression “winged words” became widespread in its modern meaning thanks to a collection of popular quotes compiled by Georg Büchmann, first published in 1864 under that title. Catchwords and expressions are predisposed to the fact that in any situation one can recall the phrase said by one or another hero of the work, and speak out according to the circumstances.

Why does some expression suddenly become popular, it is quoted, it even becomes firmly established in colloquial speech? The thing is that the phrase has a deep, often hidden meaning, and is a play on words or a summary of some legend. Winged expressions are always very capacious. It’s not even clear how a phrase of a few words can contain so much meaning. But it is the meaning that becomes the wings on which these phrases fly around the world and live in the language for many years and even centuries.

Thus, we see that catchphrases perform the main functions of precedent texts and belong to them along with aphorisms and proverbs.

3.2. Precedent texts from Russian cinema

Recently, our language has actively included many quotes from films, which have long since turned into proverbs and sayings, phraseological units and set expressions, so more and more often you can notice that in conversations people quote phrases from films. Moreover, they quote not just like that, but deliberately, in a certain situation. It’s easy to see that such phrases from films simply become catchphrases.

That is why the question of precedent texts from cinema is now very relevant. In the collection “Catchphrases and Aphorisms of Cinema,” compiled by A.Yu. Kozhevnikov [there are 1319 catchphrases from Russian films from 1934 (“Jolly Fellows”) to 1986 (“Kin-dza-dza”). Many of these paintings have long been scattered into quotes, these are “The Diamond Arm” (176 phrases), “Gentlemen of Fortune” (135 phrases), “The Twelve Chairs” (118 phrases), “Prisoner of the Caucasus” (108 phrases), “Golden Calf” "(106 phrases), "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession" (102 phrases).

It should be noted that in our country the most frequently quoted phrases are from Russian cinema and specifically comedies. Phrases from cartoons are also very often found and quoted. (For example, “Calm, just calm”, “Trifles are a matter of everyday life”, “A man in the prime of life” - “Carlson who lives on the roof”, “Guys, let’s live together!” - “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat”, “Who goes to visit in the morning, he acts wisely”, “Until Friday I am completely free” - “The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and his friends, etc.).

Quite recently, a sociological survey was conducted on the Internet, the purpose of which was to find out which of the catch phrases of Soviet cinema is the most popular. We decided to duplicate this survey among parents and students of our school and identify not only the most common movie quotes, but also in what speech situations they are usually used. We interviewed only 60 people.

We invited the participants in our survey to remember the popular sayings themselves and name their favorite ones. It is curious that in total over 150 different set phrases were mentioned. Of course, not all of them were known; often a person wrote a phrase that he simply liked. Almost all phrases are from films of the Soviet period. There are only 25 expressions from paintings of the last decade. And only 5 of them are repeated, the remaining phrases have a single mention, so they cannot yet be classified as precedent texts.

As a result of the survey, we identified the 10 most frequently used sayings:

1) “An athlete, a Komsomol member and simply a beauty” (from the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik’s New Adventures”) - 28 people. Says Saakhov, inviting Nina to cut the ribbon at the opening of the registry office. He praises the girl because he likes her and wants to marry her. Nowadays they really like to use this phrase as a wish. Quite often at someone’s birthday you can hear: “….Dear Sveta! You are an athlete, a Komsomol member and just a beauty! So stay like that..."

2) “Gulchatay, open your face” (from the film “White Sun of the Desert”) - 21 people. Petrukha says when she persuades Gyulchatay to open her face. Often used in a humorous manner. One day such a picture unfolded before me. At the performance, the young man was dressed in a girl’s costume, and when he saw his friends in the audience, he was naturally shy. And then one of the friends shouted: “Hey, Gyulchatay, open your face!”

3) “Very nice, king!” (from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”) - 20 people. Says Ivan Vasilyevich Bunsh, pretending to be Tsar Ivan the Terrible and greeting Russian beauties. Similar article: Precedent texts in journalism Nowadays, they are also often used when meeting people, when they want to defuse the situation. They use it mockingly when, when meeting someone, one person takes a long time to introduce himself, while praising himself, although in fact all his achievements are quite modest and should not be mentioned at all at this moment.

4) “Wait a minute! Just a minute... Please, slow down... I'm writing it down" (from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures") - 18 times. Shurik says, not entirely sober, when he tries to record Saakhov’s speech at the opening of the registry office. Usually used in an ironic context. When they want to emphasize that this is completely unnecessary information.

5) “What a disgusting thing this jellied fish of yours is” (from the film “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath”) - 16 people. Says a drunken Ippolit, reflecting on the meaning of life and eating jellied fish prepared by Nadya. Often used when talking about something annoying and unpleasant.

6) “I feel sorry for the bird” (from the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus”) - 12 people. A not entirely sober Shurik says in a restaurant when he heard the waiter toast about a small and proud bird, which, having flown into the sun, scorched its wings and fell straight into the gorge. Often used in situations where a person is crying and does not want to name the real reason for his tears. Also, this phrase has long been a precedent heading

7) “I demand a continuation of the banquet” (from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”) - 11 people. Says Bunsh in the costume of Ivan Vasilyevich after the banquet is over. Nowadays, this phrase has long become “folk”; almost no wedding, no anniversary ends without this popular saying.

8) “That’s it, there won’t be a movie, the electricity has run out” (from the film “Gentlemen of Fortune”) - 8 people. Says Kosoy when the police found their gang. Almost every time you come to the cinema and after advertising the lights go out and the screen goes black, some wit will say this phrase.

9) « Lyusk, ah, Lyusk » (from the film “Love and Doves”) - 6 people. Vasily Kuzyakin’s wife says, recognizing the guest as a homewrecker and addressing her daughter.. Nowadays, this phrase is often used in an ironic version when addressing someone (often even with a degree of indignation).

10) “Everyone is dancing!” (from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”) - 5 people. Bunsh, dressed as a king, exclaims enthusiastically. This phrase can be found in the story of Venedikt Erofeev back in 1985. “Walpurgis Night, or the Commander’s Steps”: “Today we celebrate the Walpurgis festival of strength, beauty and grace! ...Haha! Everybody dance! White dance!". [Venedikt Erofeev. Walpurgis Night, or the Commander's Steps (1985)] This phrase also became a precedent heading, as evidenced by the TV show “Everybody Dance!” and a dance competition of the same name.

The studies carried out show that native speakers have ideas about precedent texts that are widely used in various styles: not only in fiction, but also in political texts, in advertising, the media, and in colloquial speech.

Precedent texts become a stable component of native speakers. And one of the main sources of precedent texts in our time is undoubtedly cinema. Also, the choice of stable phrases comes precisely from domestic comedies, and not from thrillers or horror films, shows us a character trait of the Russian people - humor, kind irony, very often directed even at oneself.

IV. Survey results

4.1. Age groups using precedent texts

We assumed that the speech of different social groups differs in the set of precedent statements. In the course of our work, we tried to find out how the repertoire of precedent statements of people belonging to different age groups differs. To do this, we collected the most popular precedent texts not from dictionaries and reference books, but on our own, since it was important to determine the most “everyday” - popular statements that are rooted in modern speech. From the collected precedent texts, an equal number was selected from different sources: literature, films, history, advertising, oral folk art (in particular proverbs). It was proposed to answer the following questions in the questionnaire:

1) Do you know or do you not know these precedent texts?

2) Do you use similar texts in your speech?

3) Do you know the source of origin?

4) Name the texts that you use in your speech.

We proposed our own questionnaire (Annex 1). It is important that the questionnaire is not compiled in an arbitrary manner: it evenly presents precedent texts of different origins in order to objectively assess the preferences of certain age groups in the future.

We have studied various groups of native speakers, but mainly these are people who make up the contingent of school No. 29 Art. Novotitarovskaya (students, teachers), acquaintances, friends.

All respondents were divided into 2 groups:

Group I (children):

1 subgroup- teenagers 13-15 years old, i.e. these are people who do not have secondary education; 2 subgroup- young people aged 16-22 years, i.e. these are people with secondary, secondary specialized or incomplete (completed) higher education.

Group II (parents):

1 subgroup- average age 23-39 years, i.e. people with secondary specialized or higher education; 2 subgroup- older age 40-70 years, i.e. These are people with extensive life experience, with secondary specialized or higher education.

Group I (1 subgroup): Children in this group are currently undergoing a difficult period of psychological maturation. The literary and historical experience of this age group is limited. This is a generation of children who are brought up mostly on examples of Western cinema and the Internet.

Group I (subgroup 2): Representatives of this group are faced with a choice of life path. The realization of the set goals begins - working in the chosen specialty, studying at a university, sometimes starting a family. These are people who have received a certain amount of life knowledge, secondary education, and have studied history and literature in high school.

Group II (1 subgroup): This is the generation that was born in the former Soviet Union, but their conscious life is connected with the Republic of Kazakhstan. For this group, it is time to create a family and establish a family life. Time to master your chosen profession, determine your relationship to public life and your role in it; optimal time for self-realization.

Group II (subgroup 2): For these people, family life and the success of their children are a source of constant satisfaction. This group faces questions about the meaning of life, the value of what has been done, and summing up the results of the life lived. This generation was raised on the ideology of the former Soviet Union.

4. 2. Knowledge of precedent texts by different age groups

The results of the first part of the questionnaire, presented in table No. 1 (appendix), demonstrate knowledge of precedent texts in % terms by different age groups.

The results of the first part of the questionnaire are as follows:

The most recognizable texts are advertising texts (Take a break, eat a Twix; Don’t slow down - have a snickers!). The high percentage of recognition is explained by the fact that television displaces other types of sources of information, so each of us involuntarily becomes a viewer of the proposed advertisements. Advertising is easily remembered and reflected in our minds.

There is a high percentage of recognition of A. Nevsky’s quote (Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword). It's also worth noting. that many people know the phrase V.I. Lenin - Study, study and study! Everyone has heard this expression, but not everyone knows its author. This is explained by the fact that today schools do not study scientific communism and the works of V.I. Lenin. In our time, when the priority of knowledge is obvious, this phrase carries a universally valid meaning.

Most of the respondents know proverbs and sayings (If you hurry, you will make people laugh). The increase in the percentage of people who know a proverb is due to an increase in human experience. With age, the store of knowledge increases, and there is a need to introduce life teachings into speech, the role of which is played by proverbs and sayings. This is also connected with the study of these small genres in Russian, Kazakh, and English lessons.

Approximately half of the respondents know expressions from feature films (Rousseau tourist, face of morality). This is explained by the fact that young people like films of the new generation, they are no longer attracted to the classics of Soviet cinema, the older generation watches these films and knows these sayings.

A smaller percentage of respondents know expressions from works of literature. This is due to the fact that the first group of schoolchildren did not study these works, and for other groups this is due to the fact that the younger generation has little interest in modern cinematic productions. For the most part, the older generation easily recognizes these texts. All respondents responded that they use precedent texts in their speech.

So, precedent texts are recognized by all generations of native speakers; the most recognizable texts are advertising texts and statements by A. Nevsky, proverbs and sayings; less recognizable are the texts of films and literature. Therefore, we have the right to conclude that people store and pass on life experience in proverbs and sayings, and television is replacing the classics of cinema and literature. Based on the results of this work, a diagram “Knowledge of precedent texts by different age groups” (Appendix No. 6).

4.3. Identification of an age group with a greater manifestation of a precedent phenomenon

To identify an age group with a large stock of general cultural knowledge, all precedent texts that modern native speakers use in their speech, based on the results of the next part of the questionnaire (name the texts that you use in your speech), were distributed according to source areas:

the field of art (literature, folklore (proverbs, sayings), films, advertising);

field of science (history) (appendices No. 2-5).

In this part of the work, we divide the calculated frequency of use of phrases in different age groups into the above areas.

The survey data showed that for 15 respondents in each age group, the number of used precedent texts is as follows:

Group I (1 subgroup) - 22, Group II (1 subgroup) - 52

Group I (subgroup 2) - 33 Group II (subgroup 2) - 71.

The frequency of precedent statements by source areas in different age groups is presented in Table 2 (Appendix).

Description of the analysis

Use of precedent texts by group I (subgroup 1)

Representatives of this age group are teenagers 13-15 years old, the knowledge base on history and literature is small, value qualities have not been formed, and therefore the use of precedent texts is small: 22 for 15 people. 12% of the total were proverbs and sayings (If you hurry, you will make people laugh. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends). 4% of the total was advertising for drinks and chocolate: Sprite - don’t let yourself dry out! Drink Fanta - be bamboo! Bounty is a heavenly pleasure! Snickers, don't slow down!

The percentage of use of texts from cinema is low - 1% (Beauty, Komsomol member, athlete), history - 1% (Brevity is the sister of talent). Phrases from literature are not used - 0%.

Such a small use of precedent texts is explained by little life experience; classics of literature, history are not fully studied, this generation grows up on examples of Western animation and Western cinema, and is passionate about computer games and the Internet.

Use of precedent texts by group 1 (subgroup 2)

Representatives of this group (youth 16-23 years old) have certain life experience (studying in high school or college), many have completed a course in the humanities at school. The number of precedent texts used is higher than that of the previous group - 33. The highest percentage, 19%, is the use of proverbs and sayings (The word is silver, silence is gold. Health is the best wealth. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. It’s good when visiting, but it’s better at home. An egg doesn’t teach a hen.) 5% of texts are advertising (Snickersney - don’t slow down! More tender, even more tender. Bounty is a heavenly pleasure.), higher than in the first subgroup, the use of quotes from movies is 4% (It’s good to live, but it’s even better to live well. Our people don’t take a taxi to the bakery ). Using statements from literature - 3% and 2% from history (The end justifies the means. Winners are not judged. Study, study and study.).

This use of precedent texts is determined by the needs of modern people: the experience of the older generation is adopted through proverbs and sayings, their experience is acquired through television and the Internet.

Use of precedent texts by group II (1 subgroup)

Representatives of this group are people 23-39 years old. The highest percentage of use of precedent texts is proverbs and sayings - 26% (Language will take you to Kyiv. They knock out a wedge with a wedge. There is no smoke without fire. If you have done a job, walk boldly. A person is judged not by his deeds, but by his words. To be afraid of wolves is do not walk in the forest.) This group uses texts from literature of the 19th and 20th centuries in their speech: I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening. Happy hours are not observed. The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury. And things are still there - 7%

This group actively uses texts from films of the Soviet period - 9%: He is a monument, who will plant him. And why am I so in love with you? Soviet people do not take a taxi. The main thing is that the suit fits. Let's be friends at home. In short, Sklifasofsky! Elementary Watson! (“Gentlemen of Fortune”, “The Diamond Arm”, “Wedding in Malinovka”, etc.)

This group also uses in their speech expressions of famous people from history (Give me a point of support, and I will change the world. I came, I saw, I conquered.) - 4%. 6% - use of advertising texts.

Most of the representatives of this group were brought up on the ideology of the former Soviet Union, so their knowledge of classical literature texts and films of the Soviet period is quite high in this group.

Use of precedent texts by group II (subgroup 2)

This is the most active group in the use of precedent texts. The largest number of precedents in this group are proverbs and sayings. (32% of the total number of precedent texts). The largest percentage compared to previous groups is the use of literary texts (11%): I look sadly at our generation. I will command the parade. I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening. This group turns to classical works of the 19th-20th centuries (M.Yu. Lermontov, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, L.N. Tolstoy, A.S. Griboedov, M. Bulgakov, etc.) 17% are texts from Soviet movies: Simple, but tasteful. Take off your hat. Mulya, don't make me nervous! He is a monument, who will plant him? (“Caucasian Captive”, “The Diamond Arm”, “Love and Doves”, “Wedding in Malinovka”). Historical phrases - 6% and advertising - 5%.

It should be noted that the content of proverbs and sayings contains generalized life experience, proverbs and sayings define moral values, give correct guidelines in behavior and actions, while other precedent texts (movies, advertising) contain irony over human behavior and encourage an active attitude to life , aim for a positive attitude towards her.

Based on the results of this a diagram was compiled “Use of precedent texts by different age groups” (Appendix No. 7), from which it follows that the largest number of precedent texts (literature, proverbs and sayings, films, history) belongs to group II (subgroup 2).

Based on these calculations, we conclude that the highest rate of knowledge of general cultural knowledge is in the category of people of group II (2 subgroups) aged 40 and above.


In this work, we examined precedent texts as components of speech of various age groups. The work identifies four age groups that use precedent texts in their speech. Based on the survey, the following was revealed:

1. All age groups of people use precedent texts in their speech.

2. The most recognizable texts are advertising texts, proverbs and sayings, less recognizable are the texts of films and literature. Therefore, we have the right to conclude that television is replacing classic cinema and literature. That is, our hypothesis was partially confirmed; expressions from films are among the most common precedent texts among the older age group.

3. The largest number of precedent “strong” texts (literature, proverbs and sayings, films, quotes from famous people) belongs to group II (subgroup 2); advertising texts - 2 groups (1 subgroup).

4. An age group with a high coefficient of general cultural knowledge has been identified. This is the category of people aged 40 and above. This group has the highest percentage of use of “strong texts” in speech: literary sayings, proverbs and sayings. This group actively uses expressions from cinema classics and quotes famous people.

Based on this study, we can make the following recommendations:

1. Precedent texts should become one of the sources of replenishment of general cultural knowledge in the classroom;

2. Television companies to promote cinema classics;

3. Parents should actively use in their speech not only proverbs and sayings, but also quotes from famous people, classic phrases from fiction, feature films and cartoons, and use “key texts of the current moment” (advertising, hits, slogans) in their speech as little as possible ).

4. Since the Internet is replacing literature and history, it is possible to increase interest in precedent texts through the creation of computer games.

List of used literature

1. Bakhtin M.M. Aesthetics of verbal creativity. - M., 1979.

2. Karaulov Yu.N. Russian language and linguistic personality. - M., 2007.

3. Krasnykh V.V., Gudkov D.B., Zakharenko I.V., Bagaeva D.V. Cognitive base and precedent phenomena in the system of other units and in communication. - M., 1997.

4. Evtyugina, A.A. Precedent texts in poetry. - Ekaterinburg, 1995.

5. Slyshkin G.G. From text to symbol: linguistic and cultural concepts of precedent texts in consciousness and discourse. - M., 2000.

6. Zemskaya E.A. - Language and culture. - M., 1996.

7. Krasnykh V.V. Virtual reality or real virtuality? - M., 1998.

8. Gudkov D.B. Precedent names in linguistic consciousness and discourse. - M., 1999.

9. Vorozhtsova O.A. Precedent names in the Russian and American press. - 2006.

10. Krasnykh V.V. Fundamentals of psycholinguistics and communication theory. - M., 2001.

11. Kuzmina N.A. Selected works. - M., 2004.

12. Kristeva Yu.A. Bakhtin, word, dialogue and novel. - 1995.


Annex 1

1. Alone in the field is not a warrior. P

2. Beauty will save the world. L

3. Study, study and study again. AND

4. If you hurry, you will make people laugh. P

5. Take a break, eat TWIX. R

6. What a disgusting thing this jellied fish of yours is! TO

7. Brevity is the sister of talent. L

8. Give me a point of support and I will change the whole world. AND

9. Don’t slow down - slow down. R

10. Mulya, don’t make me nervous. TO

12. There is a break - there is kitkat. R

13. I came, I saw, I conquered. AND

14. Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. P

15. Everything in a person should be beautiful. L

16. Don't let yourself dry out! R

17. Beauty is a terrible force! TO

18. Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.

19. His example to others is science. L

20. Rousseau the sailor, the face of morality.

Appendix 2

Precedent texts in speech of group I (1 subgroup)

Proverbs and sayings

They carry water to the offended. The quieter you go, the further you'll get. Business before pleasure. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Time will tell everything. If you hurry, you will make people laugh. You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty. The apple never falls far from the tree. Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. Friends in need are better late than never. The deal is more valuable then money.


Brevity is the soul of wit.


Beauty, athlete, Komsomol member.


Guys let's be friends! Wait for it!

Take a break - eat TWIX! Bounty is a heavenly pleasure! Sprite - don't let yourself dry out! Snickers, don't slow down!

Appendix 3

Precedent texts in speech of group I (subgroup 2)

Proverbs and sayings

The word is silver, silence is gold. Not all that glitters is gold. The morning is wiser than the evening. Friend is known in trouble. If you chase two birds with one stone, you won't catch either. Being a guest is good, but being at home is better. Make a fool pray to God, he will bruise his forehead. Better to see once than hear a hundred times. Silent means consent. He who laughs last laughs best. On their own people are not judged. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. They do not look at a given horse's teeth. Misfortune never comes alone. The egg does not teach the chicken. Better late than never. Being a guest is good, but being at home is better. How many people, so many opinions. The quieter you go, the further you'll get.


What to do? Who is guilty? What we have, we don’t keep; when we lose it, we cry.


Beauty, athlete, Komsomol member. What a disgusting thing this jellied fish of yours is! Our people don’t take a taxi to the bakery. I demand that the banquet be continued!

Study, study and study again. I came, I saw, I conquered!

Snickers, don't slow down! Sprite! Don't let yourself dry out! There's a break - there's Kitkat! Take a break and eat a Twix. Bounty is a heavenly pleasure.

Appendix 4

Precedent texts in speech of group II (1 subgroup)

Proverbs and sayings

The language will reach Kyiv. If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds. You can't take a fish out of a pond without difficulty. Simplicity is worse than theft. Poverty is not a vice. Learning is light and ignorance is darkness. Don't dig a hole for someone else, you will fall into it yourself. Time for business is time for fun. Repetition is the mother of learning. You can't put a scarf over someone else's mouth. If you're afraid of wolves, don't go into the forest. We got up before dawn. Fight fire with fire. The goose is no friend to the pig. Until the cancer on the mountain whistles. Everything that is done is for the better. You can't wrap an awl in a bag. The forest is being cut down and the chips are flying. Health is the best wealth. There is no smoke without fire. There would be no happiness, but misfortune would help. The quieter you go, the further you'll get. Like peas hitting a wall. Business before pleasure. They do not look at a given horse's teeth. With the world on a thread - a naked shirt.


Beauty will save the world. I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening. And nothing has changed. Oh, women, your name is treachery. Everything in a person should be perfect. A ray of light in a dark kingdom. Happy hours are not observed.


He is a monument, whoever will plant him. Soviet people do not take a taxi. And that I am so in love with you. Let's be friends at home. The main thing is that the suit fits. I feel sorry for the bird.

Maybe you need the keys to the apartment where the money is.

Where's the money?

There, the closet is tidied up.

Elementary Watson. Moscow does not believe in tears.

Give me a foothold and I will turn the whole world around. I came, I saw, I conquered. Habit is second nature. Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!

There is a break - there is kit kat! If a woman is silent, it means she is sleeping. Snickers, don't slow down! Sprite! Don't let yourself dry out! There's a break - there's Kitkat! Take a break and eat a Twix.

Appendix 5

Precedent texts in speech of group II (subgroup 2)

Proverbs and sayings

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. You will know a lot, but you will not sleep well. There is safety in numbers. He who laughs last laughs best. Patience and work will grind everything down. Don't say "hop" until you jump over. To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf. From rags to riches. There would be no happiness, but misfortune would help. The claw gets stuck - the whole bird is lost. Better late than never. The egg does not teach the chicken. The hand washes the hand. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Whoever gets up early, God bless him. You will know a lot, you will soon grow old. It doesn't happen once at a time. A bad head gives no rest to your legs. Seventh water on jelly. Written on the water with a pitchfork. If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds. He heard a ringing, but doesn’t know where it is. The well-fed cannot understand the hungry. It doesn't happen once at a time. The soul rushed to heaven. Seven times measure cut once. I would be glad to go to heaven, but sins are not allowed. If I had known where you would fall, I would have laid out straws. If you don't want evil, don't do good. Simplicity is worse than theft. Every man to his own taste. Don't spit in the well - you'll need to drink the water. After a fight they don’t wave their fists. All that glitters is not gold. You can't spoil porridge with oil. You can't see your ears. The animal runs towards the catcher. Seven Fridays a week. The language will take you to Kyiv. You can't put a scarf over someone else's mouth. Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf. They don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules.


I look sadly at your generation. His example is science for others. Happy hours are not observed. I will command the parade. Brevity is the soul of wit. The golden grove dissuaded me. Beauty will save the world. I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening. And nothing has changed. Don't read Soviet newspapers before lunch. I will command the parade!


I’m visiting my neighbor for 5 minutes, and you stir it every half hour. Everybody dance! Take off your hat! And why am I so in love with you? A student, a Komsomol member, and finally, just a beauty. I demand that the banquet be continued. You married better than I married. He is a monument, who will plant him? Lyudk, and Lyudk, and you say so. That's it, there will be no cinema, the electricity has run out. Shibanulo, Lyudka, your father! Mulya, don't make me nervous! The head is a dark object and cannot be examined. Beauty is a terrible force.) Wait a minute! Just a minute... Please, slow down... I'm recording. What a disgusting thing this jellied fish of yours is. So that's what you are, reindeer.

Apple of discord. Carrot and stick policy. The people demand bread and circuses. I came, I saw, I conquered. Study, study and study again. Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!

Don't slow down! Snickersney. Take a break and eat a Twix. Don't let yourself dry out! Bounty is a heavenly pleasure. There is a break - there is kit kat!

Table 1



Group I (1 subgroup)

Group I (subgroup 2)

Group II (1 subgroup)

Group II (subgroup 2)




Diagram " Knowledge of precedent texts by different age groups" (Appendix 6)

table 2

1 group (1 subgroup)

1 group (2 subgroup)

2 group (1 subgroup)

2nd group (2nd subgroup)

Proverbs and sayings



Diagram " The use of precedent texts in their speech by different age groups" (Appendix 7)

With their creativity, these writers changed the history of literature of the 20th century, making their significant, invaluable contribution to it. They are quoted, referred to, talked about and argued about. It is undeniable, but it is a fact that these names are always heard. There is no person who has not at least once heard about these writers or held their books in their hands. So let’s give them the floor today, remembering the most striking and controversial quotes from the 20 best writers of the past century.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

His works, shrouded in mystery and myth, are loved and read all over the world. Being the creator of the “magical realism” movement, he wanted to tell people so much, and he did! Many of his quotes are about love and this is not surprising! After all, the heroes of his works knew how to live and love truly.


“Perhaps in this world you are only a person, but for someone you are the whole world.”

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

The government feared him like fire, his relatives loved him with all their souls, and the intellectuals respected and idolized him. Solzhenitsyn never stopped loving his homeland and thinking about it for a second, even when he was far beyond its borders. He lived a long life full of trials and hardships, leaving behind a huge literary heritage.


“Education does not improve intelligence.”

"Life is given for happiness."

“There are many smart things in the world, but few good things.”

Carlos Castaneda

The books of the writer and thinker Carlos Castaneda have become a real discovery for some, and for others a new point of view about the world around them. His worldview is unusual for a common man. And to the series of books devoted to shamanism, the author himself used the term “magic,” although he clarified that it was not enough to fully reveal the essence of the teachings of our ancestors.


“If you don't like what you get, change what you give ”.

Paulo Coelho

Like no other writer in the world, Paulo Coelho helps readers look at things from a different angle, find greatness even in small things and look at life with constant optimism. He is loved and read all over the world, and the circulation of his 18 books has long surpassed 350 million copies.


“If you dare to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.”

Jorge Luis Borges

An inimitable poet, writer and thinker, Borges was the recipient of numerous awards. Despite being blind in the second half of his life, he still clearly saw and depicted human souls in his works.


“Some people are proud of every book they write, I’m proud of every book I read.”

Strugatsky brothers

Boris and Arkady Strugatsky are perhaps the most famous brother writers. Idols of millions of people, they write about the future, about man and the world. Their works have long become classics of the genre and part of the lives of admirers of the Strugatskys’ talent. How to make the right choice, not get lost and find yourself - these are the questions that their creativity answers.


“A person needs money so that he never thinks about it.”

Ray Bradbury

It is believed that it was thanks to this visionary writer that readers showed incredible interest in the fantasy and science fiction genres. What was Bradbury thinking and what did he want to say? Read in quotes:


When a person is 17, he knows everything. If he’s 27 and still knows everything, then he’s still 17.”

Umberto Eco

This modern writer is considered one of the most erudite people. He worked on television and in the press, and has a lot to talk about in lectures, which he still gives around the world. In 2010, Eco said that he was unlikely to write another novel, so hurry up to enjoy the works already written and replenish your stock with another author’s quote:


“Nothing encourages a coward more than the cowardice of another person.”

Erich Maria Remarque

This amazingly delicate and vulnerable man doubted his talent all his life. He went through the war, where he was seriously wounded, and experienced deep, but, unfortunately, unrequited feelings. Remarque's books are full of feelings and images that lived in his heart. As a writer of the “lost generation,” he always raised the theme of war and love. His famous quotes about them:


“The first person you think about in the morning and the last person you think about at night is either the reason for your happiness or the reason for your pain.

Ernest Hemingway

The life of this writer, full of surprises and adventures, aroused no less interest among people than his numerous stories and novels. Brief on the one hand, but so comprehensive on the other, the style in which Hemingway wrote was forever imprinted on the history of 20th century literature. From his quotes, people often learn something from their own lives:


“All people in the world are divided into two categories. It’s easy with the first ones, just as easy without them. It’s very difficult with the latter, but it’s completely impossible to live without them.”

George Orwell

The writer of an ironic, sharp mind is known primarily for his imperishable works “Animal Farm” and “1984”. His works are often replete with the horrors of a totalitarian regime. And although many of Orwell’s quotes, fortunately, did not come true, reading them, each time you wince at how prophetic they sound:


“Freedom is the ability to say that two and two are four.

Vladimir Nabokov

A master of words, an expert on human souls and the author of works about love, he was a true citizen of the world and an amazingly versatile person. Nabokov could study female and male psychology, combining this activity with his fascination with butterflies. By the way, the new species he discovered are now named after him.


“Memory resurrects everything except smells. But nothing brings back the past so completely as the smell that was once associated with it.”

Jerome David Salinger

It seems that living against the system was incredibly important to Salinger. He left literature, having written one single, but world-famous novel, “The Catcher in the Rye.” Left the city for a remote village. Being a rebel by nature, the author of the cult work served as an example for many generations of the same rebels. And throughout his life, Salinger lived as he saw fit, and not as society expected of him.


“I always say “it’s very nice to meet you” when I’m not at all pleased. But if you want to live with people, you have to say things.”

Eugene Ionesco

Despite the fact that the writer is considered one of the founders of the “theater of the absurd,” Ionesco himself has repeatedly said that his plays are as realistic as the entire real world and surrounding reality are absurd. And his quotes are the best confirmation of this:


“Better pie in the sky than a lump in the throat.”

John R.R. Tolkien

The novel “The Lord of the Rings” brought John Tolkien worldwide fame, and his book became one of the most read in the 20th century. The writer’s work had a huge impact on the fantasy genre in particular, and on world culture in general. Today, John Tolkien is listed as one of the “50 Greatest British Writers since 1945” and is rightfully considered one of the most successful writers of the past century.


“We don't choose the times. We can only decide how to live in the times that have chosen us.”

Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Despite the fact that this American writer was the brightest representative of the “lost generation,” he himself attributed his works to the “jazz era,” which he himself invented. Today there is hardly a person who has not yet read or heard about his novel “The Great Gatsby”.


“It often happens that an important period in a person’s life begins with some trifling episode.”

Kurt Vonnegut

One of the most famous science fiction writers and satirists, Kurt Vonnegut went through considerable trials in his life. He saw war, suffered setbacks in his career, but still did not give up on this world. In his books, the writer was not afraid to make fun of even the most tragic moments. This is all he is.


“And although people are stupid and cruel, look what a beautiful day it is today.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The books of this famous French writer harmoniously intertwined themes of love, nostalgia for childhood and other purely personal experiences. Despite the fact that the writer was given such a short life, he managed to leave behind many stories imbued with love for all living things.


“Loving does not mean looking at each other, loving means looking in the same direction.”

Franz Kafka

Franz Kafka was a kind of unique person in the literary environment of the 20th century. His works, imbued with fear of the world and the absurd, evoke a whole range of disturbing feelings in readers. No other book by any other writer will evoke such a reaction. By the way, most of the German publicist’s works were published after his death. Kafka quotes often contain teachings and criticisms:


Happiness excludes old age. He who retains the ability to see beauty does not grow old ”.

  1. Michael Bulgakov

He is called the most mystical writer of his time and a fighter against Soviet power. Refusing to write about five-year plans and socialist realism, Bulgakov had to face censorship and refusal to publish. For a long time, his works lay on the table, and when they saw the light of day, they were immediately sorted into quotes.


“There are no evil people in the world, there are only unhappy people.”

“He who loves must share the fate of the one he loves.”

Omar Khayyam

Great Persian sage, philosopher, astronomer, mathematician and poet. His famous rubais are known in every corner of the world. His works are imbued with kindness and high moral values.

“Truth and lies are separated by a distance as wide as a hair.”

“If a scoundrel gives you medicine, pour it out! If a sage pours poison, accept it!”

Richard Bach

An amazing American writer of our time, his philosophical works are full of deep meaning, although they are written very easily and vividly. He is a descendant of the talented classical composer Johann Bach.

“No desire is given to a person without the strength to fulfill it; perhaps we will just have to work hard for it.”

“To become free and happy, we must sacrifice only boredom. However, this is not always an easy sacrifice.

Photo: pixabay.com

Oscar Wilde

This talented writer was once called “the man-paradox.” He was incredibly elegant, but at the same time bright, and all his works instantly became popular!

“I have heard so much slander against you that I have no doubt: you are a wonderful person!”

“Be yourself, the other roles are already taken.”

Marina Tsvetaeva

This talented poetess lived a very bright, eventful life. Her work was the same. Her love lyrics are very subtle and poignant at the same time. Although she did not achieve recognition during her lifetime, it is now difficult to find a person who has not heard her name.

“Wings give freedom only in flight; folded behind the back they carry only weight.”

Quotes that teach life: the best from great writers updated: April 20, 2019 by: mila ognevich

Only that literature is truly popular, which, at the same time, is universal; and only that literature is truly human, which, at the same time, is also folk. One should not and cannot exist without the other. V. G. Belinsky

In true talent, every face is a type, and every type is a familiar stranger to the reader. V. G. Belinsky

Being able to write poetry does not mean being a poet; all bookstores are filled with evidence of this truth. V. G. Belinsky

All poetry is an expression of a state of mind. A. Bergson

Brevity is a virtue that protects a bad work from severe reproaches, and the reader of a boring book from boredom. L. Burnet

Any literature that refuses to march fraternally alongside science and philosophy is homicidal and suicidal literature. Charles Baudelaire

Literature is the expression of society, just as the word is the expression of man. L. Bonald

Where there is no precision of expression, poetry is impossible. Bonneville

The quality of a work is a decisive political issue for truly socialist art. B. Brecht

Some people rhyme well, but judge extremely poorly. N. Boileau

To write beautifully means at the same time to think beautifully, feel beautifully and express beautifully, that is, to have mind, soul and taste in equal measure. J. Buffon

Style is nothing more than the order and liveliness that we give to our thoughts. J. Buffon

Style is the person himself. J. Buffon

A poem should be a celebration of the mind. P. Valerie

Beautiful works are children of their own form, which is born before them. P. Valerie

Tragedy is a moving painting, it is an animated painting. F. Voltaire

Educated peoples considered tragedy one of the most beautiful arts. F. Voltaire

All genres are good, except boring. F. Voltaire

Real writing is like love. It cannot be hidden when it excites the soul and pushes to the pen; it cannot be artificially evoked, it cannot be false without the thoughtful reader feeling this falseness and artificiality. V. V. Vorovsky

Poems are flying on a horse, prose is walking. You will go further on foot. You'll get there faster on horseback. R. Gamzatov

Experience is the basis of poetry. G. Hauptmann

To write perfect prose, you must also be a great master of metrical forms. G. Heine

Beautiful rhymes often serve as crutches for lame thoughts. G. Heine

An elegant writer can be compared to a jeweler, whose art becomes useless if he does not have diamonds to set. K. Helvetius

The translator resembles a pimp who, praising the virtues of a veiled beauty, evokes an irresistible desire to get acquainted with the original. I. Goethe

Poems are a colored window. I. Goethe

Every writer, to a certain extent, portrays himself in his writings, often even against his will. I. Goethe

The most original writers of modern times are original not because they present us with something new, but because they know how to talk about things as if they had never been said before. I. Goethe

A novel is a subjective epic in which the author asks permission to reinterpret the world in his own way. And therefore, the whole question is whether he has his own harmony. The rest will follow. I. Goethe

The writer has only one teacher - the readers themselves. N.V. Gogol

One work of art is liked only at the first viewing, while another even at the tenth viewing. Horace

Before I start writing, I always ask myself three questions: what I want to write, how to write and why to write. M. Gorky

Let us glorify the poets who have one god - the beautifully spoken, fearless word of truth. M. Gorky

When a writer deeply feels his blood connection with the people, it gives him beauty and strength. M. Gorky

Literature is a noble calling, but only when it serves a world thirsting for enlightenment and good, and not a bottomless womb demanding satiation and satisfaction. H. Greeley

The thought flies, but the words come at a pace. This is the whole drama of the writer. J. Green

The main quality of good prose is that it should be natural and rhythmic, like the process of breathing. R. Gourmont

Literature is the guide of the human mind to human growth. V. Hugo

Truly great writers are those whose thought penetrates all the bends of their style. V. Hugo

The poet is the world embraced by one person. V. Hugo

A poet is a philosopher of the concrete and a painter of the abstract. V. Hugo

A poet should have only one model - nature, and only one guide - truth. V. Hugo

In literature, the first sensation is the strongest. E. Delacroix

It takes a lot of history to make a little literature. G. James

The hallmark of a strict and condensed style is that you cannot eliminate anything from the work without harming it. B. Johnson

Not everyone who can write poetry is a poet. B. Johnson

The best side of every writer usually comes out in his books. S. Johnson

What is written without effort is usually read without pleasure. S. Johnson

Life does not follow literary theories, but literature changes in accordance with the directions of life. N. A. Dobrolyubov

Art is a powerful means of correcting human imperfections. T. Dreiser

A novel is the story of the present, while history is a novel of the past. J. Duhamel

Only a person who truly loves poetry can appreciate prose. E. Yevtushenko

The writer is both a researcher and an experimenter. E. Zola

Nowadays, the great novelist is the one who has a sense of reality and who depicts nature in all its originality, letting it live its own life. E. Zola

Without knowledge, without real knowledge of their native language, no one will ever be a real writer. M. I. Kalinin

People usually think that style is a complex way of expressing simple things. In fact, it is a simple way of expressing complex things. J. Cocteau

A poet is born already enriched by the experience of all humanity. N. Kurtz

The proletariat must put forward the principle of party literature, develop this principle and put it into practice in the most complete and integral form possible. V. I. Lenin

Less political chatter, more attention to the simplest, but living, life-tested facts of communist construction - this slogan must be tirelessly repeated to all of us, our writers, agitators, propagandists, organizers, and so on. V. I. Lenin

True poets are always prophets. P. Leroux

Literature is the conscience of society, its soul. D. S. Likhachev

Literature in which the alarm of conscience does not sound is already a lie. D. S. Likhachev

The best satire, undoubtedly, is one in which there is so little malice and so much persuasiveness that it makes even those it hits smile. G. Lichtenberg

Everything that should have been done in literature in Shakespeare's style has been largely done by Shakespeare. G. Lichtenberg

You can write without much wit in a way that someone else will need a lot of wit to understand. G. Lichtenberg

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind. G. Lichtenberg

Once you understand the character of the writer himself, understanding his works will not be difficult for you. G. Longfellow

The poet must be ahead of his era in order to catch up with his posterity. D. Lowell

The people can forgive writers a lot, but they cannot forgive silence at a time when their fate is being decided. Maxim Tank

I am convinced that it is not literary movements and schools that give birth to writers; it is not literary movements and schools that create outstanding works. Life has been and will be the midwife. Maxim Tank

Literature is a social phenomenon. G. Mann

What gives birth to a poet is not the gift of creative invention, but the gift of spirituality. T. Mann

Most writers consider the truth to be their most valuable asset - which is why they use it so sparingly. Mark Twain

A writer, of course, must earn money in order to be able to exist and write, but he does not. does not have to exist and write in order to earn money. K. Marx

The writer does not at all look at his work as a means. She is an end in herself; she is not a means to such an extent either for him or for others that the writer sacrifices his personal existence to her existence, when necessary. K. Marx

Philosophy in poetry is like silver in a bell alloy. V. Menzel

When you borrow something from one writer it is called plagiarism, when you borrow from many it is called research. W. Mizner

The writer's imagination is born from a real feeling. A. Maurois

A great writer must cover all aspects of human existence. A. Maurois

You can become a novelist or a historian, but playwrights are born. A. Maurois

Writing poetry is not a job, but a state of being. R. Musil

Every wonderful verse of a true poet contains two or three times more than what is said: the rest must be filled in by the reader. A. Musset

A writer has a huge heart. Quiet people rarely become writers. P. A. Pavlenko

He is not a writer who has not added at least a little vigilance to a person’s vision. K. G. Paustovsky

The pen is a weapon that is sharper than sharpened swords. A. Perez

If literature serves as an expression of people's life, then the first requirement that criticism can make of it is truthfulness. G. V. Plekhanov

The feather is not a particularly formidable weapon, but with its help a person can kill himself much more easily than other people. D. Prentice

My poetry is an act of friendship with a person, and hence my behavior: I write - it means I love. M. M. Prishvin

For a writer, as for an artist, style is a matter of vision, not technique. M. Proust

One-sidedness in the writer proves the one-sidedness of the mind, although perhaps a profound one. A. S. Pushkin

Precision and brevity are the first virtues of prose. It requires thoughts and thoughts - without them brilliant expressions serve no purpose. A. S. Pushkin

A poet is a mason: he lays bricks, a prose writer is a concrete worker: he casts concrete. P. Reverdy

Classic is not necessarily something that is perfect; it simply means that a person manages to do something wonderful from time to time. J. Renard

The job of a writer is to teach how to write. J. Renard

Everywhere literature is valued not on the basis of its most vile examples, but on the basis of those of its figures who truly lead society forward. M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

The function of literature is to transform events into ideas. D. Santayana

The right words in the right place is the true definition of style. D. Swift

Satire is a mirror in which the viewer sees any face except his own. D. Swift

A writer creates not with his gray hair, but with his mind. M. Cervantes

It is absolutely impossible to write a work that would satisfy all readers. M. Cervantes

Every comedy, like every song, has its time and its time. M. Cervantes

The trouble with those who write quickly is that they cannot write concisely. W. Scott

A bestseller is a gilded tomb of mediocre talent. L. Smith

Epithets are the clothing of words. V. Soloukhin

The translation of the poem, no matter how close it may be, differs from the original, like a plaster mask from a living face. V. Soloukhin

Previously, eternal thoughts were written with goose feathers, but now goose thoughts are written with eternal feathers. V. Soloukhin

A writer needs the same courage as a soldier: the former must think as little about critics as the latter does about the hospital. Stendhal

A novel is a mirror with which you walk along the high road. It reflects either the azure sky, or dirty puddles and potholes. Stendhal

Romanticism is the art of giving people such literary works as, given the current state of their customs and beliefs, can give them the greatest pleasure. Stendhal

Literature in all its forms is nothing more than the shadow of a good conversation. R. Stevenson

The more perfect a poet is, the more national he is. The more deeply he comprehends his art, the more deeply he comprehends the genius of his age and his tribe. I. Ten

True writers are the conscience of humanity. L. Feuerbach

A writer writes not because he wants to say something, but because he has something to say.

The story "The Overcoat" by Gogol

“...So in holy Rus' everything is infected with imitation, everyone teases and makes faces at his boss...”

Novel "Quiet Don" by Sholokhov

“The graves are overgrown with grass, the pain is overgrown with long ago.”

The story "Heart of a Dog" by Bulgakov

"...cinema is the only consolation in life for a woman..."
The novel "Fathers and Sons" by Turgenev

"...reason is a slave to impatience..."

"...A completely dispassionate person is a fool and an absurd idol... dispassion is moral death..."

The story "Adolescence" by Tolstoy

“...I think that every person is proud, and everything that a person does is all out of pride.”
"Dead Souls" by Gogol

“And what Russian doesn’t like driving fast?”

"Hero of Our Time" by Lermontov

"...Saratov, Tambov and other lovely places of our fatherland..."

"Who Lives Well in Rus'" by Nekrasov

“...People of the servile rank are / Sometimes real dogs: / The more severe the punishment, / The dearer the gentlemen are to them...”

"...A crowd without red girls, / What is rye without cornflowers..."

Comedy "Woe from Wit" by Griboyedov

"...The houses are new, but the prejudices are old..."

"...Who are the judges?.."

"...Ranks are given by people, / But people can be deceived..."

The play "The Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky

"...How can you vouch for yourself, you never know what might come to mind..."

"...Beauty is our destruction!.."

“...It’s impossible, mother, without sin: we live in the world...”

Novel "The History of a City" by Saltykov-Shchedrin

"...success never comes without sacrifice..."

"...what better way to express... trust, if not unquestioning execution of what you do not understand?"

The novel "Eugene Onegin" by Pushkin

"...Whoever lived and thought cannot
Don't despise people in your heart..."

"...We honor everyone as zeros,
And in units - yourself..."

The novel "War and Peace" by Tolstoy

"...A young man needs nothing more than the company of smart women..."

"...If everyone fought only according to their convictions, there would be no war..."

"...They always play tricks with older children, they want to do something extraordinary..."

The novel "The Captain's Daughter" by Pushkin

"...God forbid we see a Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless!.."
Comedy "The Inspector General" by Gogol

"...Why are you laughing? – Are you laughing at yourself!.."

"...Now, truly, if God wants to punish, he will first take away his reason..."

Play "At the Bottom" by Gorky

“...it’s not the word that matters, but why the word is said? – that’s the point!..”

"...If you believe that you had true love... that means it was there! It was!.."

Quotes from the story "The Duel" by Kuprin

"...all people have an ear for music, but millions have it, like a cod fish... and one of these millions is Beethoven."

"...have you ever thought about the irresistible, charming power of the past?"
The novel "Anna Karenina" by Tolstoy

"...if you are already proud of the breed, then you should not stop at Rurik and renounce the first ancestor - the monkey."

The play "The Cherry Orchard" by Chekhov

"...All of Russia is our garden. The land is great and beautiful, there are many wonderful places on it..."

"...A hungry dog ​​believes only in meat..."

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