
Download presentation World War II 1939 1945

State budgetary educational institution

secondary specialized education of the Leningrad region

"Lisinsky Forestry College"

Topic: “Who is the winner in World War II 1939 – 1945?”

History and social studies teacher


Lisino village - Korpus Tosnensky district Leningrad region


Organizational information

(Demonstrated1st slide title)

(Demonstrated 2nd slide)

Lesson topic: Who winner in World War II (1939 - 1945)?

Subject: History

Course 1, group 2
: Kalinina Elena Vladimirovna

Methodological information
Lesson type: discussion lesson

Purpose of the lesson : solution to the problematic issue of international relations during the Second World War and in the post-war period

Lesson objectives:


Reveal the reasons that led to the outbreak of World War II
- show that the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945) is part of the Second World War (1939 - 1945)
- talk about the results of the war
- characterize the international situation and foreign policy after World War II
- identify the causes of the Cold War


Name the most important fronts and battles of the period 1942 - 1944
- give an idea of ​​the course of the battles at Stalingrad and the Battle of Kursk
- to justify the joint actions of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition in the fight against Nazi Germany and its satellites
- reveal the reasons for the split of the world into “Western” and “Eastern”


Identify the significance of the opening of a second front and the role of the Crimean and Potsdam conferences
- show the exploits of the Soviet people, the unity of the front and rear during the war
- highlight the decisive role of the USSR in the defeat of fascism
- draw a conclusion about the meaning of victory
- deepen knowledge about the ideological struggle between two opposing factions in the 2nd floor. XX century
- understand political issues and media materials of the 21st century

Forms and methods of teaching:

verbal, visual, practical, interactive
individual work – preparing messages on a given topic
group work (in a team)
working with a laptop (assistant)
educational information tools

Student knowledge requirements:

Students should know:

Key dates and events of World War II and the Great Patriotic War
- historical terms and concepts
- famous military leaders and historical figures

Students must be able to :
- systematize statistical material
- work with a historical map
- analyze the information received, draw conclusions
- navigate the post-Soviet space
- sum up, show citizenship, express personal opinion

Knowledge assessment system
" 5 " - knowledge of the material, the ability to express one’s thoughts competently and clearly,

express your point of view

" 4 » - Good knowledge of the material on the issues discussed
3 » - Knowledge of key issues on a given topic
2 " - ignorance of the material

Lesson equipment:
multimedia projector, screen, laptop, didactic handouts

Detailed lesson notes

(Demonstrated 3rd slide)
Lesson plan

1. Introductory word - why do Americans believe that they won the Second World War?

2. The beginning of the war

3. Armed forces of the parties

5. Meeting on the river. Elbe

6. The importance of the anti-Hitler coalition

7. Victory parade. Results of the war

8. The beginning of the Cold War. The collapse of the USSR as a result of the Cold War

9. Lessons of the Second World War - the need to prevent the emergence and spread of neo-fascism

Preparatory stage

The lesson dedicated to the victory in World War II is organized in the form of a debate, which raises questions about the causes, beginning, course and results of the war. The topics for presentations are distributed by the teacher in advance. The duration of performances is no more than 5-7 minutes. This form of training allows students to systematize and deepen their knowledge, develop skills in collecting, analyzing and summarizing information, preparing reports and communications, and gaining experience in speaking and conducting scientific discussions.

Preliminary work for the lesson - debate

1. Selecting a topic for a message

3. Discussion of the message plan

4. Work on the composition of the report

5. Material selection

6. Preliminary hearing of communications and their discussion

7. Design of stands in the office of social disciplines

8. Preparing tests to test knowledge

The lesson consists of 2 parts and lasts 2 hours.

1. In the watery word, the teacher notes that in the textbooks of different countries, the Second World War is described differently. If we consider the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Kursk to be the turning point of the war, then in Western textbooks it is the victory in Africa of American and British troops over Rommel

2. The main part of the lesson is devoted to listening to student reports

3. One of the students acts as an assistant - demonstrates video material on the screen

Message topics:

1 group

1. Why did we need to open a second front?

2. During the opening of the second front, what battles took place, what territories were liberated?

3. Battle of Stalingrad. Pauls surrendered, how many prisoners were there, how many Nazi losses were there? How many losses are there in Africa compared to Stalingrad?

4. Capture of Berlin by Soviet troops

2nd group

5. The ratio of the armed forces of Germany on the one hand and the forces of the USSR on the other hand

6. What is the Lend-Lease law?

7. Point of View: Why do Americans believe that the turning point in World War II was the victory over Rommel in Africa?

8. Victory over Japan. Who has won?

During the debate during lesson 1, a group of students proves that the Soviet Union played a major role in the war. Group 2 of students is trying to prove that the victory was played by the Anglo-American troops (in Africa), the entry of the United States into the war, and the help of the USSR allies under Lend-Lease.

Second front

1. “The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Encyclopedia” M., “Soviet Encyclopedia”, 1985, p. 193

2. “The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union 1941 - 1945” M., “Military Publishing House”, 1984, pp. 376 - 379

3. G. A. Kumanev “1941 - 1945 Brief history, documents, photographs” M., “Publishing House of Political Literature”, 1982, p. 159 - 162, 199

4. O. S. Soroko - Tsyupa, V. P. Smirnov “The World in the 20th Century” 11th grade, M., “Bustard” 2002, p. 179-180

Lend-Lease Law

1. O. S. Soroko - Tsyupa, V. P. Smirnov “The World in the 20th Century” 11th grade, M, “Bustard” 2002, p. 168

2. O. V. Volobuev, V. A. Klokov “History. History and the world" 11th grade, M. "Bustard" 2009, p. 165

3. “Modern United States of America. Encyclopedic reference book" M., "Publishing house of political literature", 1988

4. “US History in Documents” 2006 - 2013

A radical turning point in the course of the war. Battle of Stalingrad

1. “The Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945. Encyclopedia” M., “Soviet Encyclopedia” 1985, p. 682 - 685

2. “The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union 1941 - 1945” M., “Military Publishing House”, 1984, p. 180 - 210

3. “The Great Patriotic War” M., “Young Guard”, 1975, p. 267 -279

4. “The Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945 in photographs and film documents” 1942, M., “Planet”, 1976

5. “Guardian of the Motherland. The combat path of the Soviet armed forces" M., "Military Publishing House", 1986, p. 140 - 145

6. O. S. Soroko - Tsyupa, V. P. Smirnov “The World in the 20th Century” 11th grade, M., “Bustard”, 2002, p. 175 - 177

7. A. A. Levandovsky, Yu. A. Shchetinov History of Russia in the 20th – early 21st centuries, 11th grade, M., “Prosveshchenie”, 2005, p. 239 - 240

Capture of Berlin

1. “The Great Patriotic War of 1941 – 1945. Encyclopedia” M., “Soviet Encyclopedia”, 1985, p. 94 – 96

2. “The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union 1941-1945” M. “Military Publishing House”, 1984, p. 416 - 435

3. “The Great Patriotic War” M., “Young Guard”, 1975,

With. 473 – 490

4. G. A. Kumanev “1941-1945 Brief history, documents, photographs” M., “Publishing house of political literature”,

1982, p. 200 - 203

5. A. A. Levandovsky, Yu. A. Shchetinov “History of Russia in the 20th-21st centuries, 11th grade,” M. “Prosveshchenie,” 2005, p. 242

Victory over Japan

1. “The Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945. Encyclopedia.” M., “Soviet Encyclopedia”, 1985, p. 320

2. “The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union 1941 - 1945, Moscow,” Military Publishing House, 1984, p. 473 – 494

3. “The Great Patriotic War” M., “Young Guard”, 1975, pp. 506 - 523.

Key dates and events

Initial stage of the war

September 1, 1939 - German attack on Poland. Beginning of World War II

December 1940 – Hitler’s approval of the “Barbarossa” attack plan on the USSR

Turning point during the war

January 1, 1942 – signing in Washington of a declaration of 22 states on the fight against the fascist bloc (Declaration of the United Nations)

June 4 -7, 1942 - victory of the US naval forces in the battle with Japan at Midway Atoll

October 1942 – the transition of the British army to a counteroffensive in the El Alamein area (North Africa)

November 28 – December 1, 1943– Tehran Conference of the Heads of Government of the USA, USSR and England (determination of the date and place of the opening of the second front, agreement of the USSR to enter the war against Japan after the end of the war in Europe)

The final stage of the war

June 6, 1944 - landing of Allied troops in northern France. Opening of a second front

June 1944 – Operation “Bagration” in the Belarusian direction (liberation of almost the entire territory of the USSR)

January 12, 1945 - the beginning of the offensive of Soviet troops along the entire length of the Soviet-German front

February 4 – 11, 1945– Crimean Conference of the Heads of Government of the USSR, USA and England (decision to seek the surrender of Germany with its subsequent occupation; final recognition of the new borders of the USSR in the West; confirmation of the USSR government’s entry into the war with Japan 2-3 months after the end of the war in Europe)

May 8 – 9, 1945 – signing in Karlhorst (a suburb of Berlin) of the act of unconditional surrender of Germany

July 17 – August 2, 1945– Potsdam Conference of the Heads of Government of the USSR, USA and England (development of the policy of the Allied powers in Germany)

September 2, 1945 - signing of the act of surrender of Japan. End of World War II

November 20, 1945 – October 1, 1946- Nuremberg trial of the main Nazi war criminals

Main content

In the lesson, it is necessary to reveal the reasons that led to the outbreak of World War II, characterize the pre-war situation in the world, remember how the war began, name the most important fronts and battles, know what the US Lend-Lease law is, determine the results of military operations in Europe of the USSR and its allies after the opening of the second front, remember how the meeting took place on the river. Elbe, have information about the significance of the Crimean and Potsdam conferences, draw a conclusion about the victory over fascist Germany and Japan through the united efforts of the countries of the Anti-Hitler coalition (USSR, Great Britain and the USA), sum up the result of the war - the defeat of fascist Germany, the Nuremberg trial of the main military, Nazi criminals after war.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time

1). Greeting students, conversation with the duty officer. Mark

Missing students in the journal

2). Today we have a lesson-debate on the topic: “Who is the winner in World War II (1939 – 1945)?”

We have to solve the problematic issue of the result of the war, defining the war period from 1942 to 1944. We will repeat, generalize and systematize the studied material on this topic. Your task is to demonstrate theoretical knowledge of historical material and be able to prove your point of view with practical examples.

Systematization and updating of theoretical knowledge

Students complete tasks to test theoretical material on the topic of the lesson in groups and individually. The relevance of the topic can be seen in modern society.

1. Introductory word

Textbooks from different countries describe the Second World War differently.
If we consider the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Kursk to be a turning point, then in Western textbooks it is the victory of American and British troops in Africa over Rommel.
Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin announced on television that a unified history textbook will soon be published in our country.
Today we will discuss a given topic - we will express our opinions to each other, analyze statistical material, and this will help us find the answer in our reasoning during the dispute. Mythe task is to teach you to find the truthin modern international relations. For example, in the events in Ukraine. Our television covers one side, Ukraine – the other. And the truth is in the middle. Know how to evaluate modern situations.

We will hear from students. They split into two groups. 1g. will try to prove to usthat the Soviet Union played the main role in the war, and 2g. will try to prove that Anglo-American troops in Africa, the entry of the United States into the war and Lend-Lease assistance played a role in the victory.

(The main dates and 7 tables are on the students’ desks.
The assistant will show us video material).

(Demonstrated 4th slide)

- Why do Americans think they won World War II?(On the screen is a photo of the first act of German surrender with the image of US President Truman and Prime Minister Churchill).

A comment:
- If you ask any American who won the Second World War, the answer will be the USA. The Allies clearly arrogated the laurels of the winner in the war while the Soviet Union continued military operations in the Far East.

(Demonstrated 5th slide)

The First Act of Unconditional Surrender of the German Armed Forces was initially signed by representatives of the High Command of the Wehrmacht, the High Command of the Western Allies and the Soviet Union on May 7 at 2:41 a.m. 1945 in Reims (France).
The surrender of Nazi Germany took effect on May 8 at 11 p.m.

01 min 1945 The document was drawn up in English. At the request of Stalin, on May 8, 1945, in the Berlin suburb of Karlhorst, a ceremony for the second signing of the Act of Surrender of Nazi Germany took place.

A comment :
- The United States and England were the first to reflect the announcement of victory in history books.

(Demonstrated 6th slide)

The Second World War did not end in May 1945, as fighting with Japan continued. To avoid excessive strengthening of the USSR in the Pacific, on August 6 and 9, the Americans dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
On August 8, 1945, the USSR declared war on Japan, and on August 9 launched an offensive and within 2 weeks inflicted a crushing defeat on the Japanese Kwantung Army. On September 2, 1945, at 4:02 a.m. Moscow time, the Act of Unconditional Surrender of Japan was signed on board the American battleship Missouri.

A comment :

The largest war in human history ended, according to American history textbooks, precisely thanks to US nuclear strikes.

To answer the question posed (on the screen), let’s find out the causes, nature and results of the Second World War of 1939 – 1945.

(Demonstrated 7th slide)

Marshall G.K. Zhukov, on behalf of the Soviet government, affixes his signature to the Act of Unconditional Surrender of Germany.

(Demonstrated 8th slide)

2. The beginning of the war

In 1929 - 1933, a global economic crisis broke out. In the 1930s, the international situation deteriorated sharply.

In 1933, the Nazis led by Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany. In his book “Mein Kampf” (“My Struggle”) he wrote: “When we talk about new territories in Europe, we can think first of all about Russia and the states adjacent to it... This giant eastern state is inevitably doomed to destruction.” The Nazis began their “onslaught on the East” from Poland. September 1, 1939 Nazi Germany troops attacked Poland without declaring war.

On September 3, 1939, Poland's allies - Great Britain and France - declared war on Germany.

Poland was conquered in 27 days. Denmark - 24 hours, Norway - 23 days, the Netherlands - 5 days, Belgium - 18, France - 38 days.

After the defeat of France, Great Britain remained the only country that continued to fight Germany. The British government under the leadership of Winston Churchill refused to capitulate to Germany.

The German command hoped to finish off England with an invasion from the sea (the Sea Lion plan), but the English fleet, which retained supremacy at sea, did not allow Germany to land troops.

In 1940, Germany, Italy and Japan signed the Tripartite Pact, which was essentially an agreement on the division of the world.

In the spring of 1941, British troops occupied East Africa, expelling the Italians from the British colonies. After which Hitler abandoned the Sea Lion plan.

Yugoslavia was conquered in 12 days, Greece in 21 days.

By the summer of 1941, Germany and Italy occupied 12 European countries: Austria, Czechoslovakia, Albania, Poland, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, France, Yugoslavia, Greece.

In Plan Barbarossa, Hitler set the date for the attack on Russia as June 22, 1941. The German armed forces wanted to “defeat Soviet Russia in a short campaign” before the war against England was over.

Hitler planned "Blitzkrieg" - "lightning war". American military experts predicted that the Russians would hold out no more than three weeks, and British generals told British Prime Minister W. Churchill: “Hitler will solve the Russian problem in six weeks.”

How long did the Great Patriotic War last? (4 years)

In Plan Barbarossa, Germany's military goals were to defeat the Soviet military. The 1st Army Group North was aimed at Leningrad, the Fuhrer decided to wipe St. Petersburg off the face of the earth and level it with artillery fire and continuous air raids. The 2nd Army Group Center should attack Moscow, and the 3rd Army Group South should attack Kyiv and the Caucasus.

Was the attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR sudden?

(The inevitability of war with Germany was obvious long before it began).

Was the country ready to repel aggression? (Yes and no)

In order to answer this question, you need to know what it was

military-economic potential of the USSR Armed Forces at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

June 22, 1941 Germany attacked the USSR without declaring war. Together with German troops, the armed forces of Hungary, Italy, Romania, and Finland participated in combat operations.

(Demonstrated 9th slide)

Attention to the screen -Let's analyze the ratio of sides in manpower and weapons on the Soviet-German front in 1941 - 1945.

(Didactic material – all the tables are on the students’ tables).

3. Armed forces of the parties

Table No. 1

The number of troops of the Red Army, the Wehrmacht and the armies of Germany's satellite countries on the Soviet front



Guns and mortars

Tanks and self-propelled guns

Combat aircraft

(beginning of the war)

Red Army

2.7 million

37.5 thousand

1.5 thousand

1.5 thousand

Army of Rejection

5.5 million

47 thousand

4 thousand

5 thousand

(battle of Moscow)

3.4 million

4 million

22 thousand

27 thousand

2 thousand

2 thousand

2.2 thousand

3 thousand

6.5 million

6.2 million

78 thousand

52 thousand

7.3 thousand

5 thousand

4.5 thousand

3.5 thousand

(2nd front)

6.6 million

4.3 million

98 thousand

59 thousand

7 thousand

8 thousand

13 thousand

3 thousand

(end of the war)

6.7 million

3.7 million

107 thousand

56 thousand

12 thousand

8 thousand

14.7 thousand

4 thousand

(Word to student 2 gr.)

From this table it follows that throughout the first period of the war, combat operations on the Soviet-German front were generally carried out with a balance of forces unfavorable for the Soviet troops. Thus, at the beginning of the war and on the eve of the counter-offensive near Moscow, the overall superiority in this direction was on the side of the enemy.

Starting from the Battle of Stalingrad, the balance of forces changed in favor of the USSR.

Let us pay attention to the column June 1944 - the opening of the second front. As you can see, the Red Army surpasses the enemy forces in all respects.

4. Negotiations on opening a second front

By the end of 1943, the combat power of the Red Army had increased significantly. There were more than 6 million soldiers and officers. Its striking force consisted of about 5 thousand tanks, self-propelled guns and mortars.

On November 28 – December 1, 1943, a conference of the heads of government of the three allied powers was held in Tehran - I. Stalin, F. Roosevelt and W. Churchill decided to open a second front. After the defeat of Germany, the USSR pledged to take part in the war against Japan.

Why do you think we needed to open a second front?

(Let's hear the student's message 1 gr. )

Second front

Stalin insisted on opening a second front from 1941 to assist the Soviet armed forces. The Allies promised to open it in 1942. And only in 1943, the military successes of the USSR, especially after the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Kursk, forced the Allies to open a second front.

When it became clear that the USSR could independently complete the defeat of Germany, the opening of a second front in Europe against Hitler became necessary as an ally in order, in the words of Churchill, “to prevent the Red Army from entering Austria and Romania, and, if possible, from Hungary.”

It was proposed to initially open a second front in the Balkans.

On June 6, 1944, a second front was opened in the north of France - in Normandy, from where Anglo-American troops marched towards Soviet troops under the command of General Eisenhower, who later became President of the United States (1952 - 1960)

By the end of 1944, Allied forces reached the borders of Germany.

During the opening of the Second Front, what battles took place, what territories were liberated?

(Word to student 1 gr.)

During the opening of the 2nd Front, the following territories were liberated:

In June 1944, Operation Bagration was carried out in the Belarusian direction with the liberation of almost the entire territory of the USSR.

Romania and Bulgaria were liberated in September 1944, Yugoslavia in October 1945, Czechoslovakia at the end of October 1944, and France at the end of 1944. In January 1945, Poland was liberated and in April 1945, Soviet troops completely occupied Austria.

If we compare the volume of production of military equipment and ammunition of the USSR and Germany, then the Soviet Union produced on average 2 times more aircraft during the war years, almost 2 times more tanks, 4 times more guns, and almost 1.5 times more bombs and mines.

In total, during the war years, the Soviet Union produced approximately 490 thousand guns, 102.5 thousand tanks and self-propelled artillery units, approximately 137 thousand aircraft. During the same time, 9.6 thousand guns were received from the USA and England under Lend-Lease,

11.6 thousand tanks and self-propelled guns, approximately 19 thousand aircraft.

- What is the Lend-Lease law?

(Word to student 2 gr.) Lend-Lease Lawwas adopted by the US Congress on March 11, 1941. The first country to which the law was extended was Great Britain. At the end of October 1941, benefits extended to the Soviet Union.

In June 1942, an agreement was concluded with the United States on Lend-Lease assistance (loan or lease) of weapons, ammunition, and food. The total volume of supplies amounted to $11.3 billion. ¼ was food. Under Lend-Lease, the USSR received on average approximately 4% of domestic production of military equipment and ammunition.

In 1941 - 1942, guns - 2%, tanks and self-propelled guns - 10%, aircraft - 12%.

The official date of termination of the Lend-Lease program for the USSR is considered to be September 20, 1945, when supplies completely and completely ceased.

(Demonstrated 10th slide)

Table No. 2

Logistics support for the USSR during the Second World War

Types of weapons





Number of Lend-Lease deliveries from the total number used in the war (in%)


489 900

9 600

Tanks and self-propelled guns

102 500

11 576


136 800

18 753

A comment:

“The Soviet Union used weapons from its own factories,” emphasized US President F. Roosevelt on May 20, 1944 in the American Congress.

Of course, the United States provided invaluable assistance to our country.

  1. Meeting on the river Elbe

In February 1945, Anglo-American troops under the command of Eisenhower and Montgomery launched a new offensive on the Western Front. Soviet troops moved towards them under the command of G.K. Zhukov, I.S. Konev, K.K. Rokossovsky, A.M. Vasilevsky, F.I. Tolbukhin and other Soviet commanders. In the spring of 1945, they liberated Hungary and reached the approaches to Berlin, Prague, Vienna and Bratislava.

On April 25, 1945, a meeting of the advanced units of Soviet and American troops took place on the river. Elbe (northern Germany).

The troops united in the Torgau area on the river. Elbe. Soviet troops surrounded Berlin and began its assault.

  1. The importance of the anti-Hitler coalition

The first political document that marked the beginning of the formation of the anti-Hitler coalition was the agreement between the USSR and Great Britain on

July 12, 1941 . The Atlantic Charter was signed by President F. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister W. Churchill on August 14, 1941, and on September 24, 1941, the USSR joined the Atlantic Charter.

On January 1, 1942, 26 states already declared a joint struggle against the states of the Tripartite Pact by signing the Declaration of the United Nations.

During the war, three meetings of the leaders of the USSR, USA and Great Britain took place - in Tehran (1943), Yalta (1945) and Potsdam (1945).

Then more than 30 states joined the anti-Hitler coalition. If on the eve of the war the USSR maintained diplomatic relations with 26 states, then by the end of the war - with 52 countries.

(Demonstrated 11th slide)

Crimean Conference

The most important was the Crimean Conference. In order to finally agree on plans for the defeat of Germany and agree on a joint policy in liberated Europe, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met at a conference in Yalta in February 1945. The heads of the three great powers decided to destroy the German armed forces, punish war criminals, and wipe out the Nazi party, Nazi laws, organizations and institutions from the face of the earth.

After the joint defeat of Nazi Germany, from July 17 to August 2, 1945, the Potsdam Conference of the heads of government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain, J.V. Stalin, G. Truman, (W. Churchill) and Attlee, was held to develop a policy for the Allied powers towards defeated Germany.

In World War II there were two main fronts - Eastern and Western. The largest battles took place on the Eastern (Soviet-German) front - near Moscow, Stalingrad and on the Kursk Bulge.

WITH July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943 happened Battle of Stalingrad. By the beginning of the battle, German troops had a superiority in manpower by 1.5 times, in tanks by 1.7 times, and in aviation by 2 times. The command of the Wehrmacht (German army) planned to capture the right bank of the river. Volga in the area of ​​Stalingrad (modern Volgograd) and the city itself.

In mid-July 1942, the 6th Army advancing on Stalingrad included 14 divisions (about 270 thousand people), 3,000 guns and mortars, about 500 tanks, 1,200 aircraft.

To defend Stalingrad, a special front was created on our side: 12 divisions (160 thousand people), 2,200 guns and mortars, about 400 tanks, over 450 aircraft.

Hitler strengthened the army. It now had 18 divisions, more than 740 tanks, 7.5 thousand guns and mortars.

London radio in September 1942 broadcast: “Poland was conquered in 27 days, and in Stalingrad in 29 days the Germans took several houses. France was conquered in 38 days, and in Stalingrad during this time the Nazis advanced from one side of the street to the other.”

Particularly fierce battles took place on Mamayev Kurgan and in the northern part of the city. At the end of September 1942, 24 soldiers from the reconnaissance group of Sergeant Ya. F. Pavlov turned a 4-story house into a fortress. The damage caused by the Nazis, who tried to occupy only this one house, exceeded all losses during the attack on Paris. Our soldiers held the fortress house for 2 months before the start of the counter-offensive of the Soviet troops.

November 19, 1942 Plan Uranus was implemented- counterattack under Stalingrad . The operation was developed by A. M. Vasilevsky, G. K. Zhukov, and the troops were commanded by K. K. Rokossovsky. As a result of the Soviet counteroffensive, the 6th Army and other Nazi German satellite forces in and around the city were partially destroyed and some were captured.

1943) was a radical turning point during the Great Patriotic War, after which the strategic initiative passed to the Soviet troops.

Army group "Don" under the command of Field Marshal E. Manstein was unable to break through the encirclement; F. Paulus's army fell into the so-called "cauldron". On January 31, 1943, Field Marshal General F. Paulus signed the act of surrender.

(Demonstrated 12th slide)

Let's look at table No. 3

The balance of forces and means of the parties in the Stalingrad direction at the beginning of the counteroffensive

Strengths and means

Soviet troops

Enemy troops

Balance of power

Personnel (thousand people)

1 103

1 011,5


Tanks, assault and self-propelled guns

1 463


Guns and mortars

15 501

10 290


Combat aircraft

1 350

1 216


By the beginning of the counteroffensive, it was clear that the USSR had superiority over the enemy.
- What was the result of the Battle of Stalingrad?
(The Soviet Union won, General Paulus surrendered).

How many prisoners were there? How many Nazi losses were there?
(We will hear a report on the results of the Battle of Stalingrad, word to the student

1 gr.)

As a result of the battles near Stalingrad, 330 thousand people were surrounded and destroyed - 22 German divisions and 3 brigades. 16 divisions suffered personnel losses ranging from 50 to 75 percent of the population and lost their combat effectiveness. Before the Battle of Stalingrad, history had never known a battle in which such a large group of troops was surrounded and completely defeated. Almost 100 thousand enemy soldiers and officers were captured, including 24 generals. On January 31, 1943, General F. Paulus surrendered.

According to rough estimates, the total losses of both sides in this battle exceeded 2 million people. At Stalingrad, the Nazis lost 841 thousand people.

The total losses of enemy troops in the area of ​​the Don, Volga and Stalingrad amounted to approximately 1.5 million people (from the memoirs of Marshal G.K. Zhukov). In the Battle of Kursk, 30 enemy divisions were defeated, the Nazis lost approximately 0.5 million soldiers and officers.

On our side, a radical turning point in the course of the war was 2 million killed by the enemy.

In Africa, during the defeat of E. Rommel by our allies, enemy losses amounted to approximately 0.5 million people, and in total there were fascist losses in military operations in Africa - 950 thousand.

Conclusion: in the turning point of 1942 during the Second World War, on our territory the Nazis had 2.1 times more losses in manpower than the allies in Africa.

A comment:

So in the USSR, during the period of radical change during the war, 2 million fascists were killed, i.e. 2 times more than our allies in Africa for the specified period.

(Demonstrated 13th slide)

War in North Africa

In Africa, the German-Italian army still threatened Egypt, Japan captured Malaya, Burma, the Philippines, Indonesia, its troops stood on the approaches to India and Australia.

In June 1942, the Japanese fleet suffered its first setback at the Midway Islands. This allowed the United States to begin gradually displacing Japanese troops from the islands they had captured in the Pacific Ocean.

The defeat suffered at Stalingrad was a disaster for the Tripartite Pact. Germany had to declare a total mobilization in order to restore the combat capability of the army; as a result, the Allies managed to completely oust the Italo-German troops from Africa by May 1943.

The decisive battle in the Pacific took place in June 1942 at Midway Atoll. By mid-1943, the Allies managed to change the balance of troops in the Pacific in their favor.

Your point of view is interesting: why do Americans believe that the turning point of World War II is the victory over Rommel in Africa?

(Let's hear a short story from a student 2 gr. )

Rommel in Africa

Erwin Rommel began operations in the desert in March 1941. From August 1942, the British 8th Army was commanded by General Montgomery. By September 1942, Rommel had 10 divisions, 500 guns and 350 aircraft.

At the Battle of El Alamein, the English general brought artillery fire down on the tanks of Rommel's best soldiers.

From November 20, 1942 to January 23, 1943, retreating, Rommel lost 40 thousand soldiers from a hundred thousandth corps. In the rear of Rommel, on November 8, 1942, the landing of the Western Allies, both Americans and British, began.

The US deployed 90 divisions. After three weeks of fighting and losing several thousand soldiers, the Americans gained a foothold in Casablanca in North Africa.

In November 1942, Hitler sent the Fifth Panzer Army to Tunisia to hold back the Western Allies in North Africa.

In May 1943, German and Italian troops in Tunisia capitulated. Losses amounted to 40 thousand killed and wounded, and 275 thousand prisoners.

On May 12, 1943, the German Afrika Korps was defeated and General Kramer capitulated. During 2 years of fighting in the African desert, the Americans, British and French lost about 220 thousand killed, wounded and captured. German and Italian losses totaled 620 thousand people.

Now let's analyze the statistical material

(Demonstrated 14th slide)

Table No. 4

Balance of forces in the most important battles of 1942-1943

Battle of El Alamein

Battle of Stalingrad

Italo-German troops

English troops

The Germans and their satellites

Soviet troops

Number of members

104 000

195 000

1 000 000


1 000 000


1 029

1 463

Artillery guns

1 219

2 311

10 300

15 000


1 216

1 350

Let's compare the numbers:

Number of memberssoldiers fighting in the Battle of Stalingrad are 6 times more soldiers fighting in North Africa,

Military weapons, used in battles, respectively, 2.5 times more at Stalingrad than at El Alamein.

It should be added that a victory over Rommel in Africa means 0.6 million killed aggressors, while at Stalingrad and the Kursk Bulge there were 2 million on the enemy’s side. That. The radical turning point in the war took place on the territory of the USSR.

Now, for comparison, let's look at the figures showing the role of the Eastern Front in World War II in comparison with other fronts of the named war.

(Demonstrated 15th slide)

Table No. 5

The role of the Eastern Front in World War II


Total troops in Germany

On the Soviet-German front

Other fronts

Occupied territories


V %


V %


V %


start of the war




turning point of the war




2nd Front





end of the war



What conclusion can we draw?

Let's look at the turning point of 1942. 76% of German troops were on the Eastern, Soviet-German front, and on other fronts - only a little more than 1%, the rest of the troops were in the occupied territories. (Demonstrated 16th slide)

Focus on the screen

Table No. 6

Results of military operations in Europe of the USSR and its allies in June-December 1944 (after the opening of the 2nd front)

Let's compare losses on the Eastern and Western fronts. In the East, 2.5 times more divisions were defeated than in the West, i.e. on the Eastern Front, the Wehrmacht's manpower losses were 2.5 times greater.

On the Eastern (Soviet-German) front, more than 75% of Germany's total losses during the entire war of aircraft, tanks and guns were destroyed. 80% of the manpower of Germany and its satellites was destroyed.

(Demonstrated 17th slide)

7. Victory parade. Results of the war

In March 1945, the advanced units of the armies of the Western allies of the USSR reached the Elbe, and as was determined at the conference in Yalta, Berlin was not included in the zone of operation of the Anglo-American troops.

As documents show, Eisenhower (commander of the combined Anglo-American forces in Europe) was also in favor of the combined Allied forces led by him being the first to enter Berlin. On April 14, 1945, in a report to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he, as Supreme Commander-in-Chief, emphasized that it was desirable to strike in the direction of Berlin.

Eisenhower ordered to calculate approximately what losses the Anglo-American troops would suffer if they were the first to capture the capital of the Reich. The answer was: at least 100 thousand soldiers and officers. This figure was the reason Eisenhower abandoned this goal.

On April 16, 1945, the Berlin operation of the Soviet troops began. May 2, 1945 it ended with the capture Berlin Soviet troops.

(Let's hear more about the student's battle for Berlin 1st gr.)

Battle of Berlin

On April 16, 1945, the offensive against Berlin began. On the first day alone, more than 1 million mines and shells were fired at the enemy - about 2,500 cars! The attacks on Berlin were carried out according to a pre-planned plan. Water supply stations, airports, radio and power plants, and gas plants were captured. The city was paralyzed.

On April 21, the shock armies of General V.I. Kuznetsov broke into the northeastern outskirts of the city. Berlin was cut into pieces by blows from all sides.

On April 26, 6 armies of the 1st Belorussian Front took part in the assault on Berlin.

The fighting went on day and night. Breaking through to the center of Berlin, Soviet soldiers crashed through houses in tanks, knocking the Nazis out of the ruins.

On April 28, only the central part remained in the hands of the city’s defenders, which was under fire from all sides by Soviet artillery. Soviet troops persistently rushed towards Berlin. To crush the defenses of Berlin, the Soviet command concentrated 2.5 million soldiers and officers, 6,300 tanks, 7,500 aircraft, 45 thousand guns, mortars and rocket artillery installations. In breakthrough areas, the density of artillery was up to 400 guns per 1 km of front.

On April 30, Soviet troops found themselves in the city center - at the Reichstag. Scouts of the rifle division M. Egorov and M. Kantaria installed the Victory Banner on the dome of the Reistag.

On the morning of May 2, the Berlin garrison capitulated. In the battles for the capital of Germany, hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers showed miracles of dedication and heroism. Soviet troops defeated the Berlin group of enemy troops and stormed the capital of Germany, Berlin. Developing a further offensive, they reached the river. Elbe, where they united with American and British troops. With the fall of Berlin and the loss of vital areas, Germany lost the opportunity for organized resistance and soon capitulated.

7 million Soviet soldiers liberated European countries.

On May 8, 1945, in Berlin, under the chairmanship of Marshal G.K. Zhukov, the solemn signing of the Act of Surrender in Germany took place. The war in Europe is over.

On June 24, 1945, the Victory Parade took place on Red Square in Moscow. The parade was led by K.K. Rokossovsky, and Marshal G.K. Zhukov hosted the parade.

How was the victory over Japan achieved? Who has won?

(Message about the signing of the act of surrender of Japan by a student 2 g)

This marked the end of the Second World War.

Victory over Japan

During World War II, President Truman decided to drop 2 atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There was no need to use these bombs, but bombing with new, more powerful weapons did force Japan to capitulate. The United States launched atomic strikes on Hiroshima on August 6 and on Nagasaki on August 9. The most important day was not the 6th, but the 9th of August. On this day, the Supreme Council met to discuss the issue of unconditional surrender - for the first time during the war. Until that day, Japanese leaders had not seriously considered the issue of surrender. The bomb was dropped late on the morning of August 9. This happened after the Supreme Council began meetings on the issue of surrender.

Municipal educational institution "Novokemsk secondary school"

Teacher Mitrofanov V.K.

Causes of World War II

  • Contradictions of the Versailles-Washington system of world order
  • The emergence of fascist states
  • Reluctance of European and American countries to agree on security in Europe and the world
  • The policy of appeasing the aggressor - Hitler's Germany (Munich Agreement - 1938)

Beginning of World War II

On September 1, 1939, Germany attacked Poland. Within two weeks there was nothing left of the Polish army. The Polish government, seeing the hopelessness of the situation, fled abroad on September 16. Warsaw, despite the fierce resistance of the common population to the Nazis, capitulated on September 27.

Partition of Poland

  • On September 17, 1939, the Red Army entered the territory of defeated Poland from the east. Poland was divided between Germany and the USSR.
  • A common border appeared between the USSR and Germany.

"Strange War"

  • September 3, 1939

UK and France declare war on Germany after it left unanswered their ultimatum to stop aggression against Poland . New Zealand and Australia also declare war on Germany. From this time until May 10, 1940, the so-called " Strange War" .

Soviet-Finnish War

  • November 30, 1939

Soviet troops invaded the territory of Finland (this so-called Winter War lasted until March 12, 1940 and is not considered part of the Second World War). Defeat of Finland. The USSR was expelled from the League of Nations.

Occupation of Denmark and Norway

  • April 9, 1940

Germany occupied Denmark and Norway.

War in the Western direction

  • May 10, 1940

German troops invade the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg (operations end on May 14) - plan implemented "Gelb" .

German victory in the West

  • May 25, 1940

Over 300 thousand British and French soldiers surrounded by the Germans in the Northeast France , begin evacuation from Dunkirk (ends June 4) - Dunkirk operation .

  • June 22, 1940

France capitulated

Battle of Britain

  • August 1, 1940

Hitler issued Directive No. 17 on the conduct of a wide air war against England, began Battle of Britain . This battle was won by W. Churchill, the main enemy of A. Hitler.

Tripartite Pact

  • September 27, 1940

The Tripartite Pact was signed: Germany, Italy and Japan on a military alliance.

"Axis Rome-Berlin-Tokyo" "Axis Powers"

Plan Barbarossa

  • December 18, 1940

Hitler signed Directive No. 21 on the war against the USSR (Plan Barbarossa).

  • February 3, 1941

The German High Command orders the deployment of large-scale military preparations for a strike in the East.

The beginning of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people with Nazi Germany

  • June 22, 1941.
  • Plan "Barbarossa" put into action: German troops invade the USSR in three army groups aimed at capturing Leningrad, Moscow and Ukraine (Romanian troops support the aggression). The beginning of the Barbarossa plan meant the death of Nazi Germany.

The feat of the hero-fortress of Brest

At 4 o'clock in the morning, Germany attacked the border territories of the Soviet Union.

  • June 22, 1941

Defense began on the USSR border Brest Fortress (Belarus), which lasted until July 20, 1941.

Battle of Smolensk

  • July 10 - September 10, 1941.
  • Battle results:

We managed to detain the enemy for two months.

Under the threat of encirclement, Soviet troops were withdrawn from Smolensk - the city was surrendered, Battle of Smolensk finished.

Anti-Hitler coalition

  • Anti-Hitler coalition- a union of states and peoples who fought in the Second World War of 1939-45 against Nazi bloc countries, also called Axis powers: Germany, Italy, Japan and their satellites.
  • During the war years, the term “United Nations” became synonymous with the anti-Hitler coalition, proposed by Roosevelt and first found in the Declaration of the United Nations of 1942 (Washington Declaration of Twenty-Six). During 1941, the coalition joined Soviet Union , United States And China. As of January 1942, the anti-Hitler coalition consisted of 26 states: the so-called Big Four (USA, UK, USSR, China), British dominions (countries of Central and Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as governments in exile of occupied European countries. The number of coalition participants during the war increased; by the time the war with Japan ended, 53 states of the world were at war with Germany and its allies.

Battle of Leningrad

  • September 8, 1941

The beginning of the battle for Leningrad. Germans at the gates of the city of Lenin. The Germans could not take the city on the move, so they proceeded to besiege the city. The Red Army left Schlisserburg. The blockade of Leningrad began, which lasted until January 27 1944 G.. The Battle of Leningrad ended in victory for the Red Army .

Moscow Battle

  • September 30, 1941

The battle for Moscow has begun. The German command is implementing the Typhoon plan, according to which the attack on the capital of the USSR gradually fades by the beginning of December.

  • December 5-7, 1941

the beginning of the Red Army's counteroffensive.

  • The first defeat of the Wehrmacht in World War II. The myth of invincibility dispelled

Fascist Germany.

US entry into the war

Sunday morning December 7, 1941 In 1999, aircraft from the aircraft carriers of Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo dealt a crushing blow to the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor. By 6.15 Hawaiian time, 183 aircraft of the first shock wave, led by Captain 2nd Rank Mitsuo Fuchida, were in the air. 49 horizontal bombers armed with 1,600-pound armor-piercing bombs (converted from shells), 40 torpedo bombers with special torpedoes adapted for shallow depths, and 51 dive bombers with 500-pound bombs were moving towards the target. They were covered by 43 Zero fighters.

War in Africa

North African operation or Operation Crusader(English) Crusader, russian Crusader) - a military operation of the British 8th Army against the Axis armed forces in Egypt and Libya from November 18 to December 30, 1941 during the North African Campaign. The British victory during the operation was the first victory of Great Britain over the Wehrmacht troops. Erwin Rommel's Panzer Army Africa and the German Afrika Korps were defeated by the British.

Battle of Stalingrad

  • July 17, 1942

The battles for the city of Stalingrad began.

  • November 19, 1942

The beginning of the counteroffensive of Soviet troops near Stalingrad. The offensive continued until February 2, 1943. The German Sixth Army under the command of Friedrich Paulus was destroyed. The beginning of a radical change in the course of the war.

Battle of Kursk

  • July 5, 1943. The offensive of German troops on the Kursk Bulge began. Operation "Citadel"
  • July 12, 1943
  • July 12, 1943 oncoming tank battle near Prokhorovka. Defeat of German troops. A turning point during the war .

Operation Bagration

  • June 23, 1944


offensive operation "Bagration" June 23 - August 29, 1944 of Soviet troops in Belarus and Lithuania. The German group of troops "Center" was completely destroyed.

Tehran Conference

  • Tehran Conference F.D. Roosevelt (USATHE USSR)
  • Tehran Conference- the first conference of the “Big Three” - the leaders of three countries during the Second World War: F.D. Roosevelt (USA), W. Churchill (Great Britain) and J.V. Stalin ( THE USSR)[, held in Tehran November 28 - December 1, 1943. The conference became an important stage in the development of international and inter-allied relations; a number of issues of war and peace were considered and resolved at it - the exact date was set for the opening of a second front by the allies in France.
  • Tehran Conference- the first conference of the “Big Three” - the leaders of three countries during the Second World War: F.D. Roosevelt (USA), W. Churchill (Great Britain) and J.V. Stalin ( THE USSR)[, held in Tehran November 28 - December 1, 1943. The conference became an important stage in the development of international and inter-allied relations; a number of issues of war and peace were considered and resolved at it - the exact date was set for the opening of a second front by the allies in France.

Opening of the Second Front in Europe

  • June 6, 1944

Started Allied landings in Normandy . The Second Front has been opened. The plan has begun" "Overlord" .

Liberation of Europe

  • August 2, 1944

fighting began in the area Warsaw troops of the 1st Belorussian Front (August 2 - September 23, 1944).

Started Belgrade operation - offensive operation (September 28 - October 20, 1944)

Started Debrecen offensive operation in Eastern Hungary (October 2-27, 1944) by troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front under the command of Marshal R.Ya. Malinovsky

Started Budapest operation

Started East Prussian operation

Crimean Conference

Yalta (Crimean) Conference of the Allied Powers(February 4 - 11, 1945) - one of the meetings of the leaders of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition - the USSR, the USA and Great Britain, dedicated to the establishment of the post-war world order. The conference took place at the Livadia Palace in Yalta, Crimea.

Battle of Berlin

  • April 16, 1945

The beginning of the Berlin operation of troops of the 1st, 2nd Belorussian and 1st Ukrainian fronts.

  • May 2, 1945

During the Berlin operation, Soviet troops occupy Berlin.

  • May 8, 1945
  • Signing in Karlshorst (a suburb of Berlin) of the Act of Unconditional Surrender of Nazi Germany. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR declaring May 9 Victory Day

Atomic bombing of Japan

  • August 6, 1945

US aircraft dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima

  • August 9, 1945

US aircraft dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki

Berlin Conference

The Berlin (Potsdam) Conference took place in Potsdam at the Cecilienhof Palace from July 17 to August 2, 1945 with the participation of the leadership of the three largest powers of the anti-Hitler coalition in World War II in order to determine further steps for the post-war structure of Europe. The conference was attended by the heads of government of three states - US President Harry Truman (chaired all meetings), Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and Chairman of the State Defense Committee of the USSR I.V. Stalin and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (lost the election during the conference , and his successor Clement Attlee arrived in Potsdam).

War with militaristic Japan

  • August 8, 1945

The offensive operation of the Soviet Armed Forces against the armed forces began Japan. Lasted from August 8 to September 2, 1945.

  • The million-strong Kwantung Army was defeated. September 2, 1945, the end of World War II.

Results of World War II

  • Was involved in World War II 72 states. In the countries participating in the war, up to 110 million people. During the war, up to 62 million h. (including St. 27 million Soviet citizens).
  • Fascist regimes in Germany and Italy destroyed
  • Militarist Japan defeated
  • Creation of a new international UN organization

World War II (September 1, 1939 – September 2, 1945)

Confrontation between two blocs
62 states (out of 73);
the fighting took place on 3
continents and in the waters of 4 oceans;
the only conflict in
which nuclear weapons were used
difficult conditions for Germany
Treaty of Versailles 1919;
national socialist ideas and
A. Hitler's politics;
consequences of the Versailles-Washington system;
the policy of “appeasing the aggressor”;
global economic crisis.

Great Patriotic War (June 22, 1941 – May 9, 1945)

The USSR's war against Nazi Germany and its allies (Bulgaria, Hungary,
Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Finland, Croatia);
a decisive part of World War II.

On the eve of the Second World War
March 1938
Germany carries out the Anschluss (annexation) of Austria
Munich Agreement (Hitler, Chamberlain, Daladier, Mussolini) transfer to Germany
September 1938
Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia, ended with its division by Germany, Hungary and
Chamberlain declared “Peace is assured for generations” - 11 months before the war.
August 23, 1939
September 1
September 17
September 28
November 1939 –
March 1940
"Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact" on non-aggression (10 years) and the secret protocol on
division of spheres of influence.
Germany attacked Poland (on September 3, England and France declared war on Germany -
the beginning of WWII); Polish troops were defeated, the government fled the country.
Soviet troops entered Eastern Poland and occupied Western Ukraine and
Western Belarus. Spring 1940 12 thousand Polish officers were shot in the camp
near Katyn near Smolensk (the guilt of the NKVD was recognized in 1990).
signing in Moscow by Molotov and Ribbentrop of the Soviet-German treaty on
friendship and border and a number of secret protocols: clarification of the border line between the two
countries, joint actions of intelligence services against the Polish resistance.
Soviet-Finnish (winter) war: full control of Lake Ladoga and
secured Murmansk, which was located near Finnish territory.
Accession of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia to the USSR (Soviet
August 1940
governments that have applied to join).
Inclusion of Moldova in the USSR (ultimatum to Romania to return Bessarabia and
S. Bukovina).
During 1940, the USSR pushed back its western borders by 200–600 km. Partition agreements implemented
spheres of influence. Germany conquered France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Denmark, and Norway.

Soviet-German relations on the eve of the war
Both Stalin and Hitler had no doubt that a military clash between Germany and the USSR was inevitable.
Summer 1940
November 1940
December 1940
On behalf of Hitler, the Barbarossa plan was developed: a war against the USSR.
Negotiations in Berlin (Molotov), ​​no agreement took place.
Hitler signs the Barbarossa plan (May 1941, but due to hostilities in
Balkans - captured Yugoslavia and Greece, moved to June 1941).
Stalin sought to use the time remaining before the war with maximum benefit for
preparation for war:
Stalin assumed the powers of Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR;
We changed the approach to recruiting and equipping the army;
Development of the military industry;
Rearmament of the army;
September 1, 1939 introduction of universal conscription;
a regular army began to be deployed (repressed officers were returned to the troops).
But there was not enough time even to eliminate the shortcomings revealed in the winter war; You're Lee
the army was not yet ready (Stalin hoped that Hitler would not attack before defeating Great Britain).
In the spring of 1941, Soviet intelligence reported to Stalin almost daily about Hitler's plans. Scout R. Sorge
not only reported on the transfer of German troops, but also on the timing of the German attack. But there were also reports about
other terms. The Soviet leadership understood the army’s unpreparedness for an offensive war, but it was impossible
give a German a reason to accuse him of violating the Non-Aggression Pact. Only on the night of June 22, 1941 was
an order was given to bring the troops of the border districts into combat readiness (Directive No. 1 signed with
consent of Stalin Zhukov and Timoshenko).

Causes of the Great Patriotic War

Hitler's quest for world domination
German nation (idea of ​​pan-Germanism)
The need to conquer the fascist
Germany natural resources of the USSR,
necessary for her to continue the war
against England and USA
Irreducible ideological
contradictions between capitalist and
socialist systems

German plans
"Barbarossa": based on the idea of ​​blitzkrieg - lightning war - victory in 3 months,
by the fall of 1941, reach the Arkhangelsk-Volga-Astrakhan line, destroying Soviet troops on
border and pushing the remnants of troops beyond the Urals with three army groups.
"Ost": dismemberment and occupation of the USSR, physical destruction of a significant part
population, make the rest slaves, deprive them of education, medical care,
doomed to extinction byGroup

Soviet weapons on the eve of the war
September 1, 1939 – Law on universal conscription (personnel formation principle
As of June 22, 1941, more than 5 million people served in the USSR Armed Forces.
Creation of mechanized corps (but only 10–15% of them are provided with equipment).
The latest types of weapons have been developed, many superior to German ones, BUT all this equipment
there were almost none in the troops yet, so at first they used outdated equipment.
Anti-tank and
anti-aircraft guns;
Submachine gun
Shpagina (PPSh);
Heavy tanks KV-1, KV-2
(Zh.Ya. Kotin);
YAK-1 fighters (A.S.
semi-automatic shotgun
Simonova (PTRS);
Medium tanks T-34
(M.I. Koshkin, A.A.
Gorbunov, M. I. Gudkov),
MiG-3 (A.I. Mikoyan and M.I.
Gurevich), I-16;
single shot shotgun
Degtyarev systems
Light tanks T-26, T-27, BT (N. A. Kucherenko).
installation of BM-13
pistol (TT) Tokarev,
self-loading rifle
LaGG-3 (S.A. Lavochkin, V.P.
Il-4 bomber (S.
V. Ilyushin);
Il-2 attack aircraft;
Pe-2 bomber (V.
M. Petlyakov).

The Great Patriotic War
First period
Strategic defense of the Red Army,
The defeat of German troops near Moscow, the failure of the blitzkrieg,
Leningrad blockade,
Restructuring the economy on a war footing.
Second period
A radical turning point in the course of the war,
Battle of Stalingrad,
Battle of Kursk,
Battle of the Dnieper,
Breaking the blockade of Leningrad (January 1943).
Third period
Completion of the liberation of the territory of the USSR,
Fighting in Eastern and Central Europe,
Liberation mission of the Red Army,
Anti-Hitler coalition and the opening of a second front,
Battle for Berlin.
The defeat of the Hitler bloc and unconditional
surrender of Germany.
(June 22, 1941 –
November 18, 1942)
(November 19, 1942 –
(1944 – May 9, 1945)

I. M. Toidze. The Motherland is calling!

22 – end
The attack of Germany, the beginning of the Second World War at 3.30 am.
Defense of the Brest Fortress under the command of P. M. Gavrilov and
garrison commissar E. M. Fomin
Formation of the Headquarters of the High Command headed by the People's Commissar
defense by Marshal S.K. Timoshenko (since August 8, Supreme Headquarters
High Command - Supreme High Command headed by Stalin, which included: V.M.
Molotov, S. K. Timoshenko, S. M. Budyonny, K. E. Voroshilov, B. M.
Shaposhnikov, G.K. Zhukov) for strategic management
Armed forces of the USSR.
Creation of the Evacuation Council headed by N. M. Shvernik;
Formation of the Sovinformburo under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, headed by Shcherbakov for
media coverage of military events and the internal life of the country.
Directive of the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on the mobilization of all forces and means to resist
to the enemy.
Formation of the State Defense Committee (GKO) headed by
Stalin as an emergency body of the USSR, concentrating all power and
coordinating the actions of the front and rear (including A. N. Kosygin)
Results of the first 10 days
On June 29, the Germans took Minsk;
The Germans advanced 500 - 600 km;
Occupation of Belarus and Ukraine; Capture of the Baltic States;
Guns, mortars, airplanes (1.2 thousand on the 1st day), tanks, warehouses were captured or destroyed;
The main forces of the Western Front troops found themselves surrounded (no radio communications, orders did not reach).

P. M. Gavrilov
Defense of the Brest Fortress June – August 1941
Regimental Commissar
E. M. Fomin
not far from
Kholm Gate.

First German losses
100 thousand people (more than all their previous
losses during the war years);
40% tanks;
About 1 thousand aircraft.
Soviet troops lost about 850 thousand.
people, and in 1941 the total losses were about 5 million.
killed, missing, caught in
The reasons for the failures of the Red Army in the initial period of the war
The military-economic potential of Germany, which used the resources of almost the entire Western
Europe, significantly exceeded the capabilities of the USSR industry;
The surprise of the German attack;
Inexperience of the command staff due to pre-war repressions;
Management errors in determining the timing of the start of the war;
Dismantling of old and absence of new fortifications on the border;
Belated bringing of troops to combat readiness;
A military doctrine that provided for military operations on enemy territory.
Strategic Defense Plan
Inflicting maximum losses on the enemy;
Defense of borders to gain time to bring up reserves;
Creating conditions for the evacuation of people, industrial equipment,
food supplies;
Destruction of industrial facilities in the abandoned territory (“scorched principle”

First period of the war (June 22, 1941 – November 18, 1942)
July–November 1941
Powerful offensive of the Wehrmacht (German) troops, occupation of the Baltic states, Belarus,
Ukraine, Moldova, attack on Donbass
July 10 – September 10
Battle of Smolensk. Delay in the offensive against Moscow. First used
July 11 – September 19
Defense of Kyiv: Kyiv surrendered, surrounded by Soviet troops.
July 12, 1941
August 5 – October 16
August 16
August 30 – September 8
Signing in Moscow of the Soviet-British agreement on joint actions against Germany:
assist each other in war and refuse to conduct separate negotiations with aggressor countries
Defense of Odessa
Order of the People's Commissar of Defense No. 270: announcement of commanders and political workers who have surrendered
"malicious deserters"
Defeats of German troops in the Yelnya area (near Smolensk)
8 September
The Germans capture Shlisselburg: the beginning of the siege of Leningrad (900 days).
The city has more than 2.5 million people (400 thousand children). Creation of the "Road of Life".
September 18
Creation of the Soviet Guard
September 29 – October 1
Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers of the USSR, Great Britain, USA: beginning
military supplies to the USSR under Lend-Lease (loan or lease) of weapons, ammunition,
food, raw materials, etc. (Since December 1941, the United States enters the war, Japan attacks Pearl Harbor).
September 30th
Beginning of the Battle of Moscow (first German offensive)
October 30
Beginning of the defense of Sevastopol (250 days)
15th of November
The second offensive of German troops on Moscow
December 5 – 6
The beginning of the Soviet counteroffensive near Moscow

Siege of Leningrad (900 days)
Tanya Savicheva is a schoolgirl who, since the beginning of the blockade
Leningrad began keeping a diary in a notebook. Almost
Tanya Savicheva's entire family died in December 1941
years to May 1942. Her diary has nine pages,
six of which are the dates of death of close people - mother,
grandmothers, sisters, brothers and two uncles. Tanya herself died in
Tanya Savicheva
The road of life: the only one
transport route
across Lake Ladoga. IN
periods of navigation - on water,
in winter - on ice. Linked with
September 12, 1941 to March 1943
years of the siege of Leningrad

At a performance in Chicago Pavlichenko
Hero of the Soviet Union said,
addressing the Americans:
“Gentlemen! I am twenty five years old. On
front I have already managed to destroy 309
fascist invaders. Don't you think
you gentlemen, you've been taking too long
hiding behind my back?!”

first ram during the war
senior artillery sergeant covering
retreat of his regiment on July 17
single-handedly destroyed 11 tanks of the division
Guderian, 7 armored vehicles, 57 soldiers and
enemy officers.

The first in history to close
enemy with your body
machine gun. A feat that received
later the name Alexandra
Matrosov, about whom, by virtue
circumstances were known earlier,
made by tank political instructor
company Alexander Pankratov
already on August 24, 1941. In just
wartime 403 fighters
repeated the feat

Defense of the Arctic
(Battle for the Arctic) -
Northern and Karelian troops
(since September 1, 1941)
fronts, Northern Fleet and
White Sea Military
flotillas against the German and
Finnish troops on the Kola
peninsula, in Northern
on Barentsev, Beloy and Karsk
om seas in June 1941 -
October 1944. In battles
also took part
British troops

Battle for Moscow
By autumn the Germans had deeply invaded
territory of the USSR, captured the Baltic states,
Ukraine, Belarus, Donbass, blocked
Leningrad and reached the approaches to Moscow and St.
Caucasus. But to implement the Barbarossa plan like this
and failed.
Operation Typhoon (by Army Group Center
von Bock): break through the front with 3 powerful blows
defense of spacecraft on the approaches to Moscow, encircle and
destroy the main forces in the Vyazma area and
Bryansk, and go around it from the north and south.
Grouping of Soviet troops at the initial
stage was significantly inferior in strength to the Germans
Stage 1 (September 30 – December 5):
defensive battles at long and close range
approaches to Moscow; German attempt to take
the capital with a frontal attack in
the central part of the front line.
Stage 2 (December 5, 1941 – April 20, 1942):
Soviet counteroffensive under
Moscow (December 5–6 by troops of the Western
front (Zhukov), Kalinin (I. S. Konev), and
right wing of the South-Western (S.K.

V. V. Talalikhin
hero pilot, first
rammed into
night air
battle on the night of August 7
1941 on I-16, shooting down
on the outskirts of Moscow
won six
air victories in
air battles; Hero
Soviet Union
ace pilot, shot down the most
German aircraft (64
victory). Thrice Hero
Soviet Union.
fighter pilot,
first twice hero
Soviet Union.
Committed 224 combat
departure, more than 30
downed planes.
Died in May 1942.
Pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union;
flew 86 combat missions,
shot down 11 enemy aircraft: four
before injury (legs amputated)
and seven after.
At night
called Soviet
pilots who flew
on bomber planes

On November 7, 1941, a traditional military parade was held on Red Square; straight from
The parade sent military units to the front. This event contributed to the maintenance
the morale of our soldiers during the Battle of Moscow.

November 16th, when a new one began
enemy attack on Moscow,
fighters at the head
with political instructor V. G. Klochkov,
carrying out defense 7 kilometers to
southeast of Volokolamsk,
accomplished a feat during a 4-hour
battle, destroying 18 enemy tanks.
All 28 people died. Phrase
“Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat -
behind Moscow!”, allegedly
the political instructor said before his death
Klochkov, was included in the Soviet
school and university textbooks on
V. G. Klochkov
military commissar of the rifle regiment
316th Infantry Division of the 16th Army
Western Front, political instructor, Hero
Soviet Union. Killed in defense
Moscow. Awarded the Order of Lenin,
two Orders of the Red Banner.

First woman to be awarded
title Hero of the Soviet
Union (posthumously).
In November she was hanged by the Germans in the village
Petrishchi, Moscow region. How
the partisan was thrown into the German
rear to burn houses and thereby
detain the enemy.

Reasons for the failure of the blitzkrieg plan:

Massive courage and heroism of Soviet soldiers.
From the first day of the war, the defenders of the border defended for more than a month.
Brest Fortress.
On June 26, the crew of Nikolai Gastello performed a feat, sending his damaged
bomber on a column of tanks.
These and many other manifestations of the courage of Soviet soldiers inspired horror
the enemy, deprived him of faith in victory.
Soviet commanders acquired the combat experience necessary to
countering the latest enemy tactics.
The appearance on the battlefield of the latest models of Soviet military equipment,
superior enemy equipment (KV-1 and T-34 tanks, IL-2 attack aircraft,
rocket launcher "Katyusha").
Difficult natural and climatic conditions of the western and southwestern
regions of the USSR (summer heat, dust, autumn thaw). Geographical factor
(a huge territory of our country).

The meaning of the Battle of Moscow
Germany's first major defeat in WWII;
The final failure of the blitzkrieg plan, the war turned into a protracted one;
The myth of the invincibility of the German army has been dispelled;
The deterioration of Germany's international position and the complication of its foreign policy relations with
the Axis countries (Japan and Türkiye postponed the entry of their troops into the war against the USSR);
Strengthening the international position of the USSR;
Acceleration of the formation of the anti-Hitler coalition;
Strengthening the moral and psychological mood of the Soviet people.
First period of the war (June 22, 1941 – November 18, 1942)
January 1, 1942
Signing in Washington of the “Declaration of 26 States” (Declaration of the United Nations)
members of the Anti-Hitler Coalition.
Spring 1942
Temporary calm: the parties revised plans, pulled up reserves, transferred
additional weapons to the front. After the failure of Barbarossa, there is no strength to attack
along the entire front, the Germans are developing an offensive plan in the south to capture Donbass, Don, Kuban
and reach the Caucasus for oil. (Zhukov and Shaposhnikov thought that the main blow would be to the south, Stalin -
Moscow again: reserves were concentrated in the Moscow direction).
May 26, 1942
Signing in London of the Soviet-British Treaty of Alliance against Germany (mutual assistance
and union)
Spring – autumn 1942
July 12, 1942
Defeats of Soviet troops in the south of the country (near Kharkov in May, in a giant
The cauldron turned out to be the troops of the Southwestern Front of Marshal S.K. Timoshenko).
unsuccessful attempt to lift the blockade of Leningrad during the Lyuban operation,
where the 2nd Shock Army of General Vlasov was surrounded (surrendered).
KA offensive in Crimea (Sevastopol fell on July 4 after a 250-day siege):
strategic miscalculations of the Supreme Command Headquarters (they were expecting the main attack on Moscow).
The Wehrmacht reached the Northern Caucasus and Volga.
Creation of the Stalingrad Front (S.K. Timoshenko, from July 23 V.N. Gordov, from August 5
A. I. Eremenko).

First period of the war (June 22, 1941 – November 18, 1942)
July 17 – November 18
July 28, 1942
Wehrmacht troops under the command of General Paulus broke through to the Don bend.
The defensive stage of the Battle of Stalingrad began.
Order No. 227 “Not a step back!”: penal units, foreign detachments.
August 23, 1942
an air raid was carried out on Stalingrad (8 hours of bombing): the city
turned into ruins, oil storage tanks were destroyed, fires.
September 1942
the Germans broke through in several places to the Volga, cutting the Stalingrad
grouping into several parts (the city was defended by the 62nd and 64th armies under
command of generals V.I. Chuikov and M. s. Shumilov).
Mamayev Kurgan became the center of defense (passed into their hands several times
November 1942
By mid-November, the German offensive had run out of steam, Paulus’ army
was able to capture all of Stalingrad.
"Pavlov's House"

V. G. Zaitsev,
renowned sniper
1047th Infantry Regiment
(284th Infantry Division,
62nd Army, Stalingrad
front). Between 10
November to December 17, 1942
years in the battles for Stalingrad
killed 225 soldiers and
enemy officers in that
including 11 snipers (among
which Heinz was
R. I. Ruben
Hero of the Soviet Union, commander
machine gun company, captain. Was
mortally wounded in battles for
Hispanic by nationality
evacuated to the USSR as a child.
Y. Pavlov
Sergeant of the Red Army,
famous during the defense
at home during the battles for
Stalingrad, later home
was named after him.

Guard" - underground anti-fascist corps
msomol organization of youths and
girls, (leaders: Oleg Koshevoy,
Ivan Turkenich, Ivan Zemnukhov)
operating during the Great Patriotic War
Patriotic War, mainly in
city ​​of Krasnodon, Ukrainian SSR.
The youngest member of the underground
was 14 years old.
The organization was created shortly after
the beginning of the German occupation of Krasnodon,
which began on July 20, 1942. "Young
Guard" numbered about 110
participants - boys and girls.
Organization members
called the Young Guards.

November 19, 1942
January 12 – 18, 1943
January 31 – February 2
June 11, 1943
July 5 – August 23

Battle of Stalingrad

August 5, 1943

August 23, 1943
Liberation of Kharkov
August 25 – December 23
November 3 – 13
November 28 – December 1

(they broke through the Eastern Wall)

Alexander Matrosov
February 23, 1943 in the battle for
Chernushki village
broke through to the enemy
bunker and, closing it with his
body embrasure,
sacrificed himself to
ensure your success
Posthumously awarded
title of Hero of the Soviet

Battle of Stalingrad (July 17, 1942 – February 2, 1943)
The German plan: an offensive in the southern direction with the aim of defeating the left wing of the Soviet troops,
occupation of the Lower Volga region and the capture of Stalingrad, which would allow cutting off the Volga transport
the artery through which bread and oil were delivered to the center of the USSR.
Soviet command plan: generally defensive actions and a number of private offensive operations
near Leningrad, in the Novgorod region, in Kharkov, Crimea.
German troops outnumbered Soviet troops in the number of guns, mortars, aircraft and slightly in
Stage 1 (July 17 - November 18, 1942): defensive battles on the approaches to Stalingrad and in
The Supreme High Command headquarters developed a plan to defeat the enemy - Operation Uranus: the encirclement of Paulus' troops under
Stalingrad by the forces of the Southwestern Front (N.F. Vatutin), the Stalingrad Front (A.I. Eremenko) and
Don Front (K.K. Rokossovsky).
Stage 2 (November 19, 1942 – February 2, 1943): counter-offensive of Soviet troops near Stalingrad.
November 19 – 20 offensive in accordance with the Uranus plan
On November 23, 22 German divisions (330 thousand people) from Paulus’s army were surrounded;
December 12 - 20, unsuccessful attempts by von Manstein's Don Army Group (it was opposed by the 2nd Guards
army of R. Ya. Malinovsky) to release the encircled German troops:
January 10 – February 2, 1943 liquidation of the encircled group at Stalingrad (Operation “Ring”):
At the end of January, the encircled enemy group was divided into two parts - southern and northern,
January 31 surrender of the southern group of German troops led by F. Paulus.
February 2 surrender of the northern group of German troops.
Meaning: the beginning of a radical change during WWII and WWII;
Retreat of German troops from the Northern Caucasus;
Refusal of Hitler's command to invade England;
Acceleration of the opening of the Second Front in Europe;
Strengthened the morale of the Soviet people.

Battle of Kursk (July 5 – August 23, 1943)
The front line after the winter offensive of the Red Army stabilized, forming in the Kursk area
ledge towards the German positions - the Kursk Bulge.
The German operation “Citadel” involved the liquidation of the Kursk bulge and the delivery of counter strikes
army groups “Center” von Kluge and “South” von Manstein from the Orel and Kharkov areas to Kursk with the aim
encircle and destroy the Soviet troops of the Central and Voronezh fronts. Then an attack on the southeast (Rostov and the Caucasus) and northeast (Moscow). New military equipment (Tiger and Panther tanks, assault
gun "Ferdinand", fighter "Focke-Wulf-190A", attack aircraft "Henschel-129").
The Soviet command intended to wear down the enemy in defensive positions, and then move into
Partisans played a major role in the war (since May 1942, the Central Headquarters of the partisan movement P.K.
Ponomarenko): operations “Rail War” and “Concert”, as a result of which hundreds of railways were blown up
tracks and dozens of bridges, which contributed to the success of the Battle of Kursk.
Stage 1 (July 5 – 23, 1943): defensive battles on the northern and southern fronts of the Kursk Bulge.
July 5 – artillery preparation of the Central Front (K.K. Rokossovsky) and Voronezh (N.F. Vatutin),
which delayed the German offensive (finally stopped on July 12).
July 12 – the largest tank battle of WWII near Prokhorovka (Voronezh Front): 1200
tanks on both sides. During the battle, a turning point came. Manstein's troops began to retreat.
Stage 2 (July 23 – August 23, 1943): counter-offensive of Soviet troops near Kursk.
On August 5, the liberation of Orel (Operation Kutuzov) and Belgorod (Operation Commander Rumyantsev) in
in honor of which the first fireworks were given in Moscow.
August 23 liberation of Kharkov.
Meaning: completion of a radical fracture;
Liberation of more than half of Soviet territories, beginning of restoration of destroyed areas;
Strengthening the international positions of the USSR; activation of the anti-Hitler coalition and acceleration
opening of a second front; expansion and activation of the front of the national liberation struggle in

Second period of the war (November 19, 1942 – 1943)
A radical change: the strategic initiative passes to the Red Army
November 19, 1942
January 12 – 18, 1943
January 31 – February 2
June 11, 1943
July 5 – August 23
The beginning of the Soviet counteroffensive at Stalingrad
The capture of the Shlisselburg fortress by Soviet troops: breaking the blockade
Leningrad (partially withdrawn) Operation Iskra
Surrender of German troops at Stalingrad. Completion
Battle of Stalingrad
Signing of the Soviet-American Agreement on Principles in Washington
mutual assistance in waging war against the aggressor
Battle of Kursk (tank battle at Prokhorovka). "Rail War"
August 5, 1943
Liberation of Orel and Belgorod
August 23, 1943
Liberation of Kharkov
August 25 – December 23
November 3 – 13
November 28 – December 1
Battle of the Dnieper (a series of interconnected strategic operations, on both sides
more than 4 million people took part) Liberation of Left Bank Ukraine
(they broke through the Eastern Wall)
Kiev offensive operation: liberation of Kyiv (November 6)
Tehran Conference (Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt): opening of the 2nd front

Third stage (January 1944 – May 9, 1945). "Ten Stalinist blows of 1944".
January 14 – 27
Operation to completely lift the siege of Leningrad
January 24 – 17
Korsun-Shevchen operation of the Soviet command: encirclement and destruction of a large
April 8 – May 12
June 6, 1944
enemy groups. Liberation of Right Bank Ukraine.
Crimean operation: liberation of Sevastopol and Crimea
Operation Overlord: opening of a second front - landing in Normandy
June 10 – August 9
The Vyborg-Petrazavodsk operation to defeat the Finnish army in
Karelian and Onega-Ladoga isthmuses and the withdrawal of Finland from the war
June 23 – August 29
Operation Bagration for the liberation of Belarus
July 13 – August 29
Lviv-Sandomierz operation to liberate the western regions
Ukraine and south-eastern regions of Poland
July 17th
August 20 – 29
August 31
September 14 – 24
September 15th
October 7 – 29
The 20th of October
Entry of Soviet troops into Polish territory
The Iasi-Kishenev operation to complete the liberation of Moldova and
withdrawal of Romania from the war
Entry of the Red Army into Bucharest (Romania)
Liberation of the Baltics
Entry of Soviet troops into Sofia (Bulgaria)
Operation to liberate the Soviet Arctic
Liberation by Soviet troops (together with the Yugoslav People's Liberation Army) of the southeastern part of Yugoslavia and its capital Belgrade

N. I. Kuznetsov
Soviet intelligence officer and partisan, personally
liquidated 11 generals and
high-ranking officials of the occupation
administration of Nazi Germany (chief
Judge of Ukraine Funk, Imperial Counselor
Reichskommissariat of Ukraine Gall and his secretary
Winter, Lieutenant Governor of Galiya Bauer, generals
Knut and Dargel).
D. M. Karbyshev
Lieutenant General of the Engineering Troops,
Professor of the General Military Academy
headquarters, brutally tortured by the Nazis in
concentration camp Mauthausen in 1945 (captured in
captivity in August 1941).

A truce with Finland on the one hand and the USSR and Great Britain, acting on behalf of the countries
being at war with Finland, on the other hand on September 19, 1944 and actually completed
Soviet-Finnish war 1941-1944. The Treaty of Paris officially ended the war.
signed in 1947.
Third stage (January 1944 – May 9, 1945)
December 1944
Soviet offensive in Hungary
January 12 – 3
February 1945
Vistula-Oder operation (liberation of Warsaw on January 17)
January 13 – April 25
February 4 – 11
February 13
April 13
East Prussian operation (Surrender of Königsberg on April 9)
Yalta (Crimean) conference of the “Big Three” (Churchill, Stalin,
Entry of the Red Army into Budapest (Hungary)
Capture of Vienna (Austria) by Soviet troops
April 16 – May 8
Berlin operation. April 30, two Soviet soldiers (Egorov and Kantaria)
hoisted the red banner over the Reichstag.
May 6 – 11
Liberation by Soviet troops together with Prague rebels
Prague (Czechoslovakia)
May 8
Signing of the act of unconditional surrender of Germany in Karlhorst (from
The USSR was signed by G. K. Zhukov)
9th May
Victory Day: a national holiday established in the USSR by Decree
Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on May 8, 1945

Berlin operation (April 16 – May 8)
As a result of the successful winter-spring offensive
1945 Soviet troops reached direct
approaches to Berlin. Soviet troops in the Küstrin area
approached the capital of Germany by 60 - 70 km, advanced
parts of the Anglo-American troops were in the Elbe area
100 – 120 km from Berlin. Germany is on the verge
final military defeat.
The German command planned at any cost
hold the defense in the east, hold back the Red offensive
army, and in the meantime try to conclude a separate
peace with the USA and Great Britain. On the Berlin direction
groups are concentrated against the advancing Soviet troops
armies "Vistula" (General G. Heinrici) and "Center"
(Field Marshal F. Scherner).
The Soviet command planned to inflict several
powerful strikes on a wide front and maneuver with
the goal of encircling the entire Berlin enemy group,
by simultaneously cutting it into pieces and destroying it
each group separately by troops of the 1st
Belorussian (Marshal G.K. Zhukov), 2nd Belorussian
(Marshal K.K. Rokossovsky) and 1st Ukrainian (Marshal I.S.
Konev) fronts.

Berlin operation (April 16 – May 8, 1945)
Stage 1 (April 16 – 19): powerful artillery and aviation training, after completion
in which 143 anti-aircraft searchlights were turned on in the offensive zone of the Soviet troops. Their
the dazzling light stunned the enemy and at the same time illuminated the way for the attackers
divisions. The Seelow Heights were captured.
Stage 2 (April 19 – 25): encirclement and dismemberment of the Berlin enemy group.
April 22, Soviet troops fight in Berlin.
April 25 meeting of Soviet and Anglo-American troops on the banks of the Elbe.
Stage 3 (April 26 – May 8): destruction of encircled enemy groups and capture of Berlin;
All attempts to unblock the group encircled in Berlin were stopped.
April 27 capture of Potsdam.
On April 30, the Reichstag was stormed; in the evening, scouts Egorov and Kantaria hoisted the Victory Banner
above the Reichstag.
May 2 surrender of the Berlin garrison: completion of the liquidation of the Berlin group
Meaning: end of a fierce battle against Germany;
Predetermined the collapse of Hitler's regime and the unconditional surrender of Germany;
She thwarted the plans of the Nazi leaders to split the Anti-Hitler coalition.

Parade on Red Square Moscow 24
June 1945 -
historical Victory Parade,
held in Moscow, on Krasnaya
square, in commemoration of the victory of the USSR
over Germany in the Great Patriotic War

UN - The fundamentals of its activities and structure were developed during WWII by the leading participants in the anti-Hitler war
coalition. The name "United Nations" was first used in the Declaration of the United Nations,
signed on January 1, 1942. The UN Charter was approved at the San Francisco Conference, held from
April to June 1945, and signed on June 26, 1945 by representatives of 50 states.

Reasons for the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War:

Unparalleled courage and heroism of Soviet soldiers.
High mobilization potential of the Soviet economy.
The feat of the Soviet partisans.
Labor feat of workers of the Soviet rear.
High leadership skill of command
Soviet army.
Military-economic superiority of the USSR over Germany.
The influence of geographical (huge territory) and
climatic (harsh winters) factors.
Economic and military-technical assistance from the allies,
carried out under Lend-Lease.

At the front
The first heroes of the Soviet Union: military pilots M.P. Zhukov, P.T. Kharitonov, S.I.
Zdorovtsev (rammed enemy planes on the distant approaches to Leningrad)
October 1941 – commander of the first battery of BM-13 rocket artillery systems
(“Katyusha”) captain I. A. Flerov with a group of soldiers died surrounded, blowing up
installation of new weapons
November 16, 1941 in a 4-hour battle near Dubosekovo station on the outskirts of Moscow 28
soldiers from the 316th Infantry Division of General I.V. Panfilov, led by junior
political instructor V. G. Klochkov repelled a tank attack at the cost of his life
Stalingrad: Ya.P. Pavlov, sniper V. G. Zaitsev, R. I. Ruben and others.
Kursk Bulge: Lieutenant A.K. Gorovets attacked 20 bombers in one battle and
shot down 9 of them (no one in the world could do this)
January 1945 Soviet submarine “S-13” under the command of Captain A. I. Marinesko
in the Baltic Sea sank the floating base "Wilhelm Gutslov" (about 3 thousand German
sailors for the crews of new submarines)
For courage, bravery and heroism, orders and medals of the Soviet Union were
More than 7 million people were awarded, including 104 people - twice, and G. K. Zhukov,
pilots I. N. Kozhedub and A. I. Pokryshkin - three times

The heroism of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War
In the rear
The title of Hero of Socialist Labor was awarded to 199 home front workers, more than 204 thousand.
awarded orders and medals
The medal “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War” was awarded to 16 million people
E. O. Paton in March 1943 received the title of Hero of Socialist Labor for developments in the field
electric welding
A. I. Shakhurin for outstanding services in the field of organization and implementation of serial
production of new types of combat aircraft received the title of Hero of Socialist Labor
In captivity
Creating underground organizations, carrying out mass escapes and joining
Resistance in many European countries (Soviet wars F. A. Poletaev (Fedor Poetan) and Georgy
Kolesyan were posthumously awarded the highest national badge of Italy, the gold medal “For the Military
Martyrdom in the Mauthausen concentration camp of General D. M. Karbyshev
Tatar poet Lieutenant Musa Jalil died in Maobit prison

The largest battles of the Great Patriotic War
Defense of the Arctic (June 29, 1941 - November 1, 1944)
Battle of Moscow (September 30, 1941 - April 20, 1942)
Siege of Leningrad (September 8, 1941 - January 27, 1944)
Battle of Rzhev (January 8, 1942 - March 31, 1943)
Battle of Stalingrad (July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943)
Battle for the Caucasus (July 25, 1942 - October 9, 1943)
Battle of Kursk (July 5 - August 23, 1943)
Battle for Right Bank Ukraine (December 24, 1943 - April 17, 1944)
Belarusian operation (June 23 - August 29, 1944)
Baltic operation (September 14 - November 24, 1944)
Budapest operation (October 29, 1944 - February 13, 1945)
Vistula-Oder operation (January 12 - February 3, 1945)
East Prussian operation (January 13 - April 25, 1945)
Battle of Berlin (April 16 – May 8, 1945)


hero cities
The cities were named:
in Order No. 20
dated May 1, 1945
Other cities
received this title

Ideology and culture during the war years

Replacing class slogans (“Workers of all countries, unite!”) with national slogans (“Death
German occupiers!")

The results of World War II horrified everyone. Military actions have brought the very existence of civilization to the brink. During the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials, fascist ideology was condemned, and many war criminals were punished. In order to prevent similar possibilities of a new world war in the future, at the Yalta Conference in 1945 it was decided to create the United Nations Organization (UN), which still exists today. The results of the nuclear bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki led to the signing of pacts on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and a ban on their production and use. It must be said that the consequences of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are still felt today. The economic consequences of World War II were also serious. For Western European countries it turned into a real economic disaster. The influence of Western European countries has decreased significantly. At the same time, the United States managed to maintain and strengthen its position. The significance of World War II for the Soviet Union is enormous. The defeat of the Nazis determined the future history of the country. As a result of the conclusion of the peace treaties that followed the defeat of Germany, the USSR noticeably expanded its borders. At the same time, the totalitarian system was strengthened in the Union. Communist regimes were established in some European countries. Victory in the war did not save the USSR from the mass repressions that followed in the 50s.

Slide 1

Slide 2

Lesson plan The beginning of World War II. Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. Military operations in other theaters of the world war. A radical turning point in the course of the war. The end of World War II. Results of the war.

Slide 3

Slide 4

Causes of World War II Fragility of the Versailles-Washington system World economic crisis Revanchist aspirations of a number of states

Slide 5

The scale of the Second World War 61 states took part 80% of the world's population was engulfed in war 110 million people were drafted into the army 65 million people died Duration - 6 years

Slide 7

Periodization of World War II I September 1, 1939 – June 1942 The expanding scale of war while maintaining the superiority of the aggressor forces. II June 1942 – January 1944 A turning point in the course of the war, initiative and superiority in forces pass into the hands of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. III January 1944 – September 2, 1945 The superiority of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. Defeat enemy armies. Crisis and collapse of the ruling regimes of aggressor states.

Slide 8


Slide 9

Capture of Poland September 1 - October 6, 1939 Germany's attack on Poland - the beginning of World War II

Slide 10

USSR at the beginning of World War II On September 16, the Germans occupied Warsaw. On September 17, Soviet troops entered the western regions of Poland

Slide 11

USSR at the beginning of World War II, Soviet troops returned the lands of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus.

Slide 12

On September 28, the USSR and Germany signed a Treaty of Friendship and Borders. USSR at the beginning of World War II English caricature of Hitler and Stalin The Polish state was liquidated. Western Ukraine and Western Belarus were ceded to the USSR, and the Polish lands bordering Germany were declared a German General Government, governed from Berlin.

Slide 13

USSR at the beginning of World War II Signing of the Soviet-Lithuanian Treaty The USSR demanded that Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania conclude agreements on mutual assistance and agree to the deployment of Soviet garrisons on their territory. These demands were accepted.

Slide 14

French fortifications on the Maginot Line September 3, 1939 – May 1940 – “sitting war”

Slide 15

The defeat of the Allies In the spring of 1940, Hitler launched an offensive on the Western Front. In April, German troops invaded Denmark and Norway. Denmark capitulated without a fight, and the leader of local fascists, Quisling, came to power in Norway. In May, the Germans invaded the Low Countries and bypassed the Maginot Line on the French border. The Allies were trapped on the coast at Dunkirk.

Slide 16

Slide 17

Slide 18

Slide 19

The fight with England Hitler was going to land troops on the British Isles. The English fleet prevented this attempt. German bomber over London Germany unleashed the full might of the Luftwaffe on England. The British Air Force and Air Defense fought back the Germans. W. Churchill in the ruins after the bombings Stubborn resistance from England prompted Hitler to begin preparations for war with the USSR.

Slide 20

USSR at the beginning of World War II In August 1940, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia officially joined the USSR as union republics. The Moldavian USSR was formed from Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina transferred from Romania.

Slide 21

USSR at the beginning of World War II At the same time, the USSR demanded to move the Finnish border away from Leningrad, offering a large but sparsely populated territory in Soviet Karelia. Finland refused. November 30, 1939 - March 12, 1940 - Soviet-Finnish War The Red Army met stubborn resistance, especially on the Mannerheim Line. Combat operations were accompanied by heavy losses of the Red Army (95 thousand killed and died from wounds versus 23 thousand on the Finnish side). December 1939 - exclusion of the USSR from the League of Nations Breakthrough of the Mannerheim Line by the Red Army

Slide 22

The USSR at the beginning of the Second World War Peace Treaty of March 12, 1940 The USSR withdrew: the Karelian Isthmus with Vyborg Part of the Rybachy Peninsula Rent of the island. Hanko for 30 years The Karelo-Finnish SSR was formed

Slide 23

Italian actions in East Africa Summer 1940 Italian troops stationed in Italian Somalia launched an offensive against the neighboring British colony of Somalia and against British troops stationed in Egypt. Spring 1941 In the spring of 1941, the British, with the support of Ethiopian partisans, expelled the Italians from British Somalia and Ethiopia, occupying all of East Africa.

Slide 24

Italian actions in North Africa The British repulsed the Italian offensive and captured part of Libya.

Slide 25

Capture of the Balkans Autumn 1940 October 28, 1940 Italy attacked Greece. Italian troops faced stubborn resistance from the Greek army. At Mussolini's request, Germany came to the rescue. Spring 1941 On April 6, 1941, German troops attacked Greece and Yugoslavia. They quickly broke the resistance of the Greek and Yugoslav armies.

Slide 26

Slide 27

The growth of Soviet-German contradictions Stalin, who laid claim to the Black Sea straits, was also ready to join the Tripartite Pact, but Germany also sought this. Relations between the two countries began to rapidly deteriorate. In September 1940, Germany, Italy and Japan signed the Tripartite Pact, which provided for the division of the world. "Moscow Buddha". English caricature of Stalin

Slide 28

Fascist “new order” By the summer of 1941, Germany and Italy occupied 12 European countries

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democratic freedoms were eliminated The fascist occupation regime dissolved political parties, trade unions were banned strikes and demonstrations the economy worked for the needs of the occupiers the program of extermination of millions of people

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Holocaust The policy of extermination by the Hitler regime in 1933 - 1945. over 16 million civilians and prisoners of war in concentration camps.

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Destroyed: 35% Jews 30% Gypsies Belarusians Ukrainians Russian Poles 6 million people 200 thousand people 16 million people VICTIMS OF THE HOLOCAUST

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Preparing Germany for war with the USSR The Barbarossa plan, drawn up taking into account the experience of the war in Europe, provided for a “blitzkrieg war”. 3 groups: “North” - to Leningrad, “Center” - to Moscow, “South” - to Ukraine. In 6 weeks, defeat the Red Army and reach the Arkhangelsk-Astrakhan line.

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Forces of the parties on the eve of the war Germany USSR Divisions 190 170 The number of troops is approximately equal, a total of about 6 million. Guns and mortars 48 thousand 47 thousand Tanks 4.3 thousand 9.2 thousand Airplanes 5 thousand 8.5 thousand

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USSR in the first days of the war, V.M. Molotov ended his speech on June 22, 1941 with the words: “Our cause is just. Victory will be ours!". At loudspeakers on the streets of Moscow. June 22, 1941 I. Toidze. “The Motherland is calling!” Poster. 1941

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A general mobilization was declared in the country. On June 23, the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command was created. On June 30, in accordance with the Constitution, the State Defense Committee was created, which received full power in the country. Both bodies were headed by I. Stalin. Germany's attack on the USSR Registration of volunteers in the first days of the war To the front...

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Failures of the Red Army in the summer - autumn of 1941. Captured Soviet soldiers dragging their wounded comrades. Periodization of the Great Patriotic War I period (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942) July - November 1941 Powerful offensive of the Nazi troops, occupation of the Baltic states , Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, attack on Donbass.

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Failures of the Red Army in the summer - autumn of 1941. Periodization of the Great Patriotic War I period (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942) July - September July - August Heroic defense of Smolensk. Heroic defense of Kyiv.

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Failures of the Red Army in the summer - autumn of 1941. Periodization of the Great Patriotic War I period (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942) July - September Beginning of the siege of Leningrad.

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Failures of the Red Army in the summer - autumn of 1941 A. Deineka. Defense of Sevastopol Periodization of the Great Patriotic War I period (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942) August - October November Heroic defense of Odessa. The beginning of the defense of Sevastopol.

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Battle of Moscow Soviet poster 1941. Periodization of the Great Patriotic War I period (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942) September-November 1941. The offensive of Nazi troops on Moscow.

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Defense of Moscow Moscow militias go to the front. 1941 Workers of the Trekhgornaya Manufactory dig anti-tank ditches near Moscow. Autumn 1941

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Battle of Moscow The Germans lost 38 divisions and were driven back 250 km from Moscow. Blitzkrieg failed. Periodization of the Great Patriotic War I period (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942) December 5 - 6, 1941 Counter-offensive of Soviet troops near Moscow. Liberation of Kaluga, Orel, Kalinin.

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German offensive of 1942. Direction of German attacks in the summer and autumn of 1942. Hitler and Manstein on the map. Periodization of the Great Patriotic War I period (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942) Spring-autumn 1942 Defeats of Soviet troops in the south of the country ( near Kharkov and in Crimea), due to strategic miscalculations of the Headquarters. The Wehrmacht reached the North Caucasus and the Volga.

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Japanese offensive in the Pacific Ocean On December 7, 1941, a squadron of 6 Japanese aircraft carriers with 441 aircraft on board, secretly approaching Pearl Harbor, launched an air strike on American ships. The US Pacific Fleet was neutralized for 6 months. The victory of the Red Army near Moscow forced Japan to refuse to enter the war against the USSR. Battleship Arizona burns after an explosion caused by a Japanese bomb

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Japan's offensive in East Asia By the summer of 1942, Indochina, the Philippines, Thailand, Burma, Malaya, and Indonesia, where about 150 million people lived, came under Japanese rule. Kamikaze pilots of the Japanese Air Force

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Stages of formation of the anti-Hitler coalition Soviet-British agreement on joint actions in the war against Germany July 12, 1941 Moscow Atlantic Charter of the USA and Great Britain August 14, 1941, which was joined by the USSR on September 24, 1941 Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers of the USSR, England, USA September 29 - October 1, 1941 Beginning of deliveries to the USSR under Lend-Lease from the USA Signing of the Washington Declaration of 26 states on the goals of the war against fascism January 1, 1942 Soviet-British treaty of alliance in the war against Germany May 26, 1942 London Soviet -American agreement on the principles of mutual assistance in the conduct of war against aggression June 11, 1942 Washington

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Anti-Hitler coalition A military-political alliance of three great powers was formed: the USSR, Great Britain, and the USA

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The Anti-German coalition is a union of states and peoples who fought in the Second World War of 1939 - 1945. against the Axis bloc of Germany, Italy, Japan and their satellites. Changes in the territory controlled by the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition (green) and the Axis countries (red) during the Second World War.

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Development of the war economy During 1942, the forces of the anti-fascist coalition increased. The USSR restored a significant part of the enterprises removed from the occupied areas. New factories, mines, and railways were built. Evacuated plant in a new location

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Development of the military economy Women replaced men at the bench who had gone to the front. The slogan “Everything for the front, everything for Victory” became the motto of life. Tank column built with money from collective farmers

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Development of the military economy New models of tanks, aircraft, and artillery pieces that were not inferior to or superior to German ones were adopted into service with the Soviet Army. Assembly of KV tanks in the workshop of the Kirov plant In the workshop of the aircraft plant

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Development of the military economy British industry was able to meet the needs of the armed forces. The US economy developed at an even faster pace. At the expense of state funds, military factories were built and entire industries were created. American women at an aircraft factory By the fall of 1942, the USSR, USA, and Great Britain were producing 5 times more artillery pieces and mortars, 3 times more aircraft and almost 10 times more tanks than Germany, Italy and Japan combined.

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Development of the military economy Some of the weapons and equipment produced in America and England were sent under Lend-Lease to the USSR. Main areas of Lend-Lease 400 thousand cars 18.7 thousand aircraft over 10 thousand tanks industrial equipment

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A radical turning point in the war. Periodization of the Great Patriotic War II period (from November 19, 1942 to the end of 1943) November 19, 1942 - February 2, 1943. Counter-offensive of Soviet troops near Stalingrad.

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