
“Toys” poems by Agnia Barto. Project-Game based on the poems of A. Barto “My favorite toys Coloring pages Agnia Barto print

A themed week was held at the “Smile” kindergarten

“Toys” based on the work of Agnia Lvovna Barto.

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about the works of A. L. Barto, develop expressive speech, memory, love of poetry, develop the creative abilities of students.

All week long, children read poems by this beloved children's poetess, learned them by heart, drew illustrations and staged works.



Plan for the thematic week “Toys”

based on the works of A.L. Barto in the kindergarten “Smile”

Target : consolidate children’s knowledge about the works of A. L. Barto, develop expressive speech, memory, love of poetry,development of creative abilities of pupils.

Event date

event title

Acquaintance with the work of A.L. Barto.

Exhibition of books based on the works of the poetess.

Participation in an exhibition of drawings in elementary school

“Through the pages of A. Barto’s books.”

Drawings (coloring pages) for poems.

Reading the book “Ignorant Bear.”

View presentations and cartoons on the poetess’s work.

Expressive reading by children of poems with theatrical elements from the “Toys” series. Memorizing poems.

Mini-museum “Heroes of Agnia Lvovna Barto”.

Didactic game “Say the poem.”


Information for parents

More than one generation of children grew up on the poems of Agnia Lvovna Barto. A. Barto's poems not only entertain and make people laugh - they teach children the rules of politeness, discipline, and respect for work.

Let's feel sorry for the bunny together,

And let's put the elephant to sleep,

Let's get the ball to our Tanya,

We will sew the bear’s paw...

Adults and children know:

There are no better poems in the world.

About the bull, the flag, the boat,

Doll, Vovka, plane.

And about this, and about that,

This is Agnia... (Barto).

Agnia Lvovna was born on February 17, 1906 in Moscow. Her father Lev Nikolaevich was a veterinarian. He treated animals and birds. And he taught his daughter to love animals. He showed his daughter the letters and taught her to read. Agnia Barto began writing poetry early. During her life, she came up with more than 700 poems for children and about children.

Educational game “Finish the lines”

1) Burns in the sun


(As if I

The fire was lit.)

2) The owner abandoned the bunny -

A bunny was left in the rain...

(I couldn’t get off the bench,

All wet to the thread).

3) No, we shouldn’t have decided

Ride the cat in the car...

(The cat is not used to riding -

The truck overturned).

4) I love my horse,

Hello, friends. Poems by Agnia Barto about toys in the form of cards for printing today on our blog. They have long become a real bestseller of children's literature. After all, more than one generation has grown up on them.

They were written back in 1936, but are still loved by every family with little children. They were read to my mother as a child, then my mother read them to me, and then I read them to my daughter. These are very light and simple poems, which seem to be written in the language of the little one, so they are very easy to understand.

They are also very easy to learn by heart, they are very easy to remember even by the smallest kids.

This collection of poems is called “Toys”, it includes the poems “Bunny”, “Bear”, “Horse”, “Ball”, “Kid”, “Boat”, “Elephant”, “Bull”, “Truck”, and “ Airplane".

We made each poem separately, in the form of a card. Therefore, you can download and print them, you get a card index of Agnia Barto. In the future, we also plan to post other authors, so the card index will be replenished)

You can also find other poems on our blog, for example, small and funny ones o, or dedicated to.

Tatiana Reznik

« Because he's good»

to the 110th anniversary of the Russian Soviet poetess Agnia Lvovna Barto

“To raise a reader in a child, first of all, it is necessary to cultivate in him an active desire for constant communication with a book, to maintain and develop impressionability, emotional responsiveness, the ability to receive pleasure, joy from encounters with a book.”

L. Vygotsky

With the arrival of a child in the family, any mother wants to instill a love of beauty from childhood. An excellent way, which is the best today, is poetry and fairy tales.

Agnia Barto really deserved to be chosen by mothers. Poems for children Barto bring adults and children together, helping them communicate. Exactly because poems for children Barto They so accurately consolidate everything characteristic of different years, which is experienced by children of several generations.

The owner abandoned the bunny.

No, we shouldn’t have decided.


exhibition of drawings based on the works of Agnia Barto.

Winner's reward ceremony

Publications on the topic:

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a Russian writer, a generally recognized classic of world literature. In 2015, he celebrated his 155th birthday.

Summary of the project on theatrical activities “Introducing children to the nursery rhymes “I am a gray wolf”; "Who's good with us" Prog. sod. : Continue to involve children in reading nursery rhymes. Teach them to listen carefully to the story and answer the questions asked. Develop.

Summary of entertainment with singing in the first junior group “Who is our good one?” Objectives: 1. To form an emotional and figurative perception of the work, to develop sensitivity to the expressive means of artistic speech.

Project “A good helper lives in the house” Project theme: “A good helper lives in the house.” Project type: educational. Participants: Teacher Dudkina N.V., children of the older group. No. 5 “Ants”

Kristina Bulgakova

Project - Game based on the poems of A Barto"My favorite toys. "

Target: To clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge of the works of Agnia Lvovna Barto.

Tasks: - To form in children a caring attitude towards books.

Develop communication skills, develop speech, creative thinking, imagination.

Equipment and materials: Portrait of Agnia Lvovna Barto, books with poetry, coloring books, materials for modeling (board, plasticine.)

Preliminary work: Getting to know the portrait of Agnia Lvovna Barto, reading poems previously learned by children from the cycle " Toys", looking at books with illustrations, designing a book corner on the topic "Creativity of A.L. Barto"

Move game project:

Today we will go on a short trip. Children sit on chairs.

And we will go by train.

And our first station “Tell poem. "

The children take turns telling poems from the cycle"Toys"

Second stop "finish" poem"

I say the first line poems, and you must continue.

Be careful!

I love my horse.

The bull is walking and swinging.

Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep.

Sailor's hat, rope in hand.

What great guys you are!

Third stop "Tell me about yours" favorite toy"

Each child talks about his favorite toy.

Fourth stop "Make your own from plasticine favorite toy"

Fifth stop "Color the picture for poems by A Barto"

Well done boys! We completed all the tasks.

Publications on the topic:

"Favorite toys". Leisure scenario for the anniversary of A. L. Barto for children of the second junior group“Favorite toys” Leisure scenario for children of the 2nd junior group for the anniversary of A. L. Barto Integration of educational areas: cognitive, speech.

In April, a children's book week was held in the early childhood group, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the writer A. Barto. The main purpose of which.

Synopsis of an integrated GCD based on the poems of Agnia Lvovna Barto in the middle group “Toys” Goal: creating conditions for the cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children. Objectives: Learn to highlight special ones.

Lola Ismailova Blog Developmental book based on the poems of Agnia Barto “Toys” Authors, performers, educators of MADOU D/S No. 5, Mezhgorye Republic.

GCD based on the works of Agnia Barto “My Favorite Toys” in the second junior group. Mukhina T.I., Moseyko T.P. Problem: Let's help our favorite toys. Game motivation: Help toys in trouble. Goal: Develop.

Educational and research creative project “Toys” based on the works of A. L. Barto Project “Toys” based on the works of A. L. Barto. Project passport by duration: short-term by composition of participants: group by group.

Social project based on poems by A. Barto from the “Toys” series Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 5 “Teremok” of a combined type Social project Agnia toys.

Poems about toys brought Agnia Barto fame and popularity. They are loved by children because they are understandable, written in simple language, easy to understand, in “children’s” size - trochee - this is a change in stressed and unstressed syllables.

All poems by Agnia Barto from the cycle “Toys” (1936) for kids are collected on one page. If you want to learn something new about Agnia Barto’s favorite poems or see illustrations, then click on the links to the titles of the poems. The page contains illustrations by a talented artist - Sonya Karamelkina.

I love my horse
I'll comb her fur smoothly,
I'll comb my tail
And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

The entire series is dedicated to children and their favorite toys. The poetess takes us into her fairy-tale world, in which everyone’s favorite toys live. She endows them with human qualities, each hero is individual, he is a friend and an active participant in children's life.

Poems about Agni Barto cultivates positive personality traits in children. Look at the poems, they mostly narrate in the first person (me, we): “I love my horse...”, “I pull a boat on a fast river...”, etc., endowing the children’s actions with love, respect, friendship, care . And there are actions from the third person: “They dropped the bear on the floor, tore off the bear’s paw...”, “The mistress abandoned the bunny...”, which describe bad, negative qualities. But Barto does not endow the child with them, emphasizing that others do this. These are the little poems that quietly cultivate positive qualities in a child.

Happy reading to you, and happy learning, education and vocabulary development for your kids!

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