
Once upon a time there were hedgehogs. Once upon a time there were hedgehogs text How Vovka the hedgehog played football

“Once upon a time there were hedgehogs”, audio tale based on fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm; Staged by V. Smekhov; Characters and performers: Hedgehog - V. Smekhov; Hedgehog, Goat of Heinz - O. Mulina; 1st hedgehog, Trina's Goat - Z. Pylnova; 2nd hedgehog - L. Komarovskaya; Heinz - Yu. Smirnov; Trina - I. Ulyanova (sung by Z. Pylnova); Hare - I. Bortnik; Instrumental ensemble directed by A. Korneev; Director V. Smekhov; Music by Y. Butsko; "Melody", 1976 year. Listen to the children audio tales And audiobooks mp3 in good quality online, for free and without registering on our website. Contents of the audio tale

Why are fairy tales called “fairy tales”? Probably because they are “told”, right? And when you want your friend to be as carried away as you are, then, while “saying”, you will probably “say” something, add something to what you heard or read. After all, it is impossible to remember a fairy tale by heart exactly in the form in which it is printed in a book, and to convey it in exactly the same words...

So fairy tales travel from century to century, from country to country - with many variations, additions and “sayings”. Therefore, sometimes you can read or hear, say, a Persian or Swedish fairy tale, which has changed beyond recognition, acquired many details that were not there at first. In a word, fairy tales are like people: when they move, they change clothes and learn a new language, knowing that otherwise they simply won’t be understood or recognized among their friends.

And opening a collection of fairy tales created, for example, by the Russian people, you suddenly encounter in it “The Punished Princess,” which is, in general, completely Russian, and the plot, that is, the general appearance of the events in it, reminds you of the famous Chinese “Princess Turandot.” Or, while reading Andersen, you suddenly come across not Danish motifs at all, you remember that you met the Brave Little Tailor in German fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, and the legend about the Ice Maiden (Andersen calls her the Snow Queen), if you forget about Gerda and Kai, goes from the hoary Scandinavian antiquity, when there were no traces of Norwegians, Danes, or Swedes yet...

But that’s why Andersen and Andersen, the brothers Grimm are precisely the brothers Grimm, and the collector of Russian fairy tales Afanasyev is exactly Afanasyev and no one else, to study, select the best, most expressive versions of fairy tales, process them, invent a lot themselves and then publish collections about which They say “Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm” or “Fairy Tales of Andersen.” This is what the famous French storyteller Charles Perrault did, in whose free retelling everyone knows about Donkey Skin, Cinderella and the cunning Puss in Boots.

However, the story of the fairy tale does not end there! Just as “free” fantasies on themes from folk tales from different countries will never cease. For example, Aksakov’s wonderful “The Scarlet Flower” is a very Russian fairy tale. But if you read “Beauty and the Beast” by Charles Perrault even earlier, who in turn adapted the French folk tale, it will become clear that all three have similar characters and events. And yet, it would not occur to anyone to put aside “The Scarlet Flower” in preference to Perrault’s fairy tale, or, conversely, to make any comparisons between these two charming fairy tales. They are both good, similar in some ways, but mostly completely different!

That’s why Cinderella, no matter who tells in their own way this immortal story about goodness and nobility, about the crystal slipper of magical happiness that came at the time of only one girl in the world, we are always ready to accept our beloved Cinderella into our hearts! Although, of course, we don’t forget who told about it this time: Charles Perrault, Tatyana Gabbe or Evgeny Schwartz. And every time we hear a different voice, we distinguish different intonations, differences in the plot, different names of the characters. But Cinderella is alone...

We all sing songs and remember funny words from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians” (whose authors are poet Yuri Entin and composer Gennady Gladkov), some of us watched a play in the theater under the same name (written by playwright Valery Shulzhik). And yet no one forgets that the German folk tale about a musician and his friends who travel around the world, experiencing many adventures, was told in their time by two writers and scientists, who are called the Brothers Grimm.

This means that what we saw on the screen and in the theater were also free “retellings”, fantasies on the themes of Grimm’s fairy tales that were born centuries ago... The themes and plots of folk tales are inexhaustible.

And today we will hear about how “Once upon a time there were hedgehogs...”. Here we will meet again with the plots and characters of several fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm - this time in a retelling by the artist of the Moscow Taganka Drama and Comedy Theater Veniamin Smekhov, a man with great humor and imagination. It’s not for nothing that the fairy tale he composed about a hedgehog, a hedgehog, a hedgehog and a hare, about lazy Heinz and Trina, cunning geese and a gullible fox is called: “Fantasy on the themes of fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm.”

M. Babaeva

All audio recordings posted on this site are intended for informational listening only; After listening, it is recommended to buy a licensed product to avoid violating the manufacturer’s copyright and related rights.

In one not-so-dense forest lived hedgehogs: dad Hedgehog, mom Hedgehog and the hedgehogs, Vovka and Veronica.

Papa Hedgehog was a doctor. He gave injections and dressings to patients, collected medicinal herbs and roots, from which he made various healing powders, ointments and tinctures.

Mom worked as a dressmaker. She sewed panties for hares, dresses for squirrels, costumes for raccoons. And in her free time, she knitted scarves and mittens, rugs and curtains.

Vovka the Hedgehog is already three years old. And he graduated from the first grade of forest school. And his sister Veronica was still very little. But her character was terribly harmful. She always tagged along with her brother, poked her black little nose everywhere and, if something was not her thing, she squealed in a thin voice.

Because of his sister, Vovka often had to stay at home.

“You remain the eldest,” my mother said as she went about her business. “Make sure Veronica doesn’t climb on the closet, swing from the chandelier, or touch daddy’s medicine.”

“Okay,” Vovka sighed, thinking that the weather outside was absolutely excellent, that the hares were now playing football, and the squirrels were playing hide and seek. - And why did mom give birth to this squeak?

One day, when her parents were not at home, Veronica climbed into a large jar of medicinal raspberry jam and ate all the jam to the very bottom. How it got into it was completely incomprehensible. But Veronica couldn’t get back out and began screaming desperately.

Vovka tried to pull his sister out of the jar, but nothing happened.

“Sit there until your parents come,” Vovka said maliciously. “Now you’re definitely not going anywhere.” And I'll go for a walk.

Then Veronica raised such a cry that Vovka covered his ears.

“Okay,” he said. - Don't yell. I'll take you with me.

Vovka rolled the jar with his sister out of the house and wondered where they should go.

The hedgehog hole was located on the slope of a hillock. And - either the wind blew, or Veronica decided to get out on her own - the can suddenly swayed and rolled down.

- Ay! Save! – Veronica squealed. Vovka rushed to catch up with her, but the can rolled faster and faster... until it hit a large boulder:

When Vovka rolled down, Veronica stood among the scattered fragments, happy and unperturbed:

“You lost,” she said. – I rolled faster!

When the parents found out about what had happened, they rushed to hug Veronica, and Vovka was scolded for the broken jar and sent to remove the glass so that no one would get hurt.

Vovka was, of course, glad that everything worked out, but still he was offended:

“This is unfair,” he thought, picking up the pieces.

The next day, Vovka told his bosom friend the hare Senka about this. Senka scratched his paw behind his ear:

“Yes, the younger sister is not a gift,” he agreed.

Senka was from a large family and he had many brothers and sisters.

“But you’re lucky,” said the experienced Senka. “You know what’s worse than a little sister?” Older sisters.

Then the hare raised one ear and whispered: “Shh!” If anything, you haven't seen me! - and disappeared into the bushes.

Senka’s three twin sisters appeared in the clearing: Zina, Zoya and Zaya.

-Have you seen Senka?

Vovka shook his head.

– If you meet him, tell him not to come home! - said one.

“We’ll pull out all his mustache,” the second one threatened.

When the sisters left, Senka looked out of the bushes.

-What are they doing? – Hedgehog was surprised.

“And I drew mustaches on their dolls,” said Senka. “Now we’ll have to spend the night in the ravine.”

And you say, “little sister”!


On one side of the hedgehog's house lived hares, on the other - a family of squirrels, on the third side lived raccoons, and on the fourth there was a badger hole that stood empty.

The badger loved silence and solitude. And when the population in the forest increased, he went deep into the thicket, away from everyone.

And then one day Father Hedgehog announced that they had new neighbors - hamsters.

The hamsters did not move immediately. First, the head of the Khoma family appeared. He examined the badger's hole for a long time and meticulously. Then he set to work on the repairs. And then they started transporting things. The hamsters had so many things that they moved for a whole month.

- And where do they need so much? – Jerzykh’s mother was surprised.

“Everything will be useful on the farm,” Khoma declared importantly, watching the beavers dragging either an old rusty bucket or a leaky pan.

Actually, Vovka loved his neighbors. But he didn't really like these. Firstly, they occupied a hole into which Vovka often climbed and played “Cave of Robbers.”

Secondly, the hamsters turned out to be terribly greedy. Little fat Khomulya always walked around with candy. And if he saw Vovka or Veronica, he immediately hid the candy behind his back.

And thirdly, Khomikha never invited them to her house and did not treat them to anything. Although Vovka was burning with curiosity: what was inside them? He had never seen how hamsters live.

And then one day my mother announced that they were invited to a housewarming party. Vovka was forced to wash her face, and Veronica was tied with a new bow.

Mom prepared a gift - colored cornflower blue curtains. And dad took a bottle of healing rowan tincture.

Vovka was very surprised when there was no one else at the housewarming party:

- Why won’t the hares come? And there won't be any beavers either?

“We decided not to invite them,” said Khomikha. - They are too noisy!

Hamsters didn't like noise. Vovka thought that they would sing songs and dance, but instead they sat at the table and ate. True, Khomikha prepared very tasty pies. But when the pies ran out, there was absolutely nothing to do. And Vovka invited Khomula to play hide and seek.

There were eight or ten rooms in the badger hole, but it was not easy to hide: everything was filled with furniture, sacks, bales, bags and suitcases. Vovka drove first and immediately found both Veronica and Khomulya. Veronica always hid in the same place - under her mother's skirt. And Khomulya, even hiding, loudly smacked his candy.

Khomulya drove next. Vovka climbed into the closet, hid between the bags and fell silent. Fat Khomulya looked for him for a long time, and then ran to complain to dad that he couldn’t find the Hedgehog. Finally, Vovka had enough - he got out and went to surrender.

- Where have you been? – Khomulya asked him.

“In the closet,” said Vovka.

- I knew it! – Khoma sighed.

“You didn’t know anything, that’s not true,” said Vovka.

- Show me which closet you were sitting in?

Vovka showed.

“I knew it,” Khoma sighed again. -You scratched the polish.

Indeed, a small scratch was visible on the wall of the cabinet.

“There was very little space there,” said Vovka. But the owner was very upset. He returned to the closet several times, sighed heavily and shook his head.

“There are so many losses from these moves,” he said. - The beavers soaked a bag of grain - once. Khomulya lost two molds. And now the closet is scratched - three.

At the same time, he looked at Hedgehog as if it was Vovka who had wet the bag and lost his homulin molds.

“Don’t be upset,” said Veronica Khomule. - I have a lot of. I'll give you mine.

“How greedy,” Vovka couldn’t resist when they returned from visiting.

“You can’t say that,” Mom said. - They are our neighbors.

“And if they weren’t our neighbors, would we be able to say that?” – Veronica asked.

“Greedy is a bad word,” dad explained. – We must say: economical, or economical.

“Well, then,” Vovka sighed, “they are VERY economical.”


One day the hedgehogs went for a walk. Papa Hedgehog took mom’s hand, mom took Veronica’s hand, and Veronica took an umbrella by the handle in case it rained and the fir cones were torn off...

Vovka alone took nothing and scurried back and forth along the road, not knowing what to do.

And then they met hamsters: dad Khoma was walking his son Khomul. Khomuli had a bright red lollipop in one hand and a balloon in the other.

While his parents were talking with Khoma about various adult topics, Vovka decided to steal Khomulin’s elegant balloon. He had almost bitten through the thread. And suddenly the ball BANG!

- Get down! - Khoma shouted, deciding that they were being shot at. And together with Khomuley he fell to the ground. Papa Hedgehog with his mother Hedgehog and Veronica dived into the bushes. And Vovka remained standing on the road with a burst balloon on his head.

Finally, everyone understood what had happened. What started here! Mom began to scold Vovka in front of everyone. Dad helped Khoma dust off his new corduroy jacket. And fat Khomulya burst into tears and demanded another ball.

Veronica behaved best of all. She picked a large pine cone with her umbrella and handed it to Homula:

- Here, take it!

“I don’t need bumps,” Khomulya stamped his feet. - I want a ball!

“It’s not a bump,” Veronica said. - And Shishina-machine. You can tie a thread to it and roll it behind you as much as you want.

Jerzykh’s mother, who had anything in her bag, just in case, took out a harsh thread and tied it to the Shishina-machine.

Khomulya was delighted: Shishina the car was driving behind him and gathering dust like a real one.

And Vovka made a large air cracker out of a torn balloon: he inflated small bubbles and slammed them on the needles.


They played football on the Bolshaya Sportivnaya Polyana. Team of beavers versus team of hares. Vovka was hired as the goalkeeper. Because hares do not stand well on the goal, and when the ball flies at them, they run away from the field. But Vovka was not afraid of the ball, and on the contrary, he rushed at the ball and the attackers. And then - once! The ball burst! There was booing in the stands. The ball was sealed with pine resin and the game continued. But the beavers broke through to the gate again. Vovka the hedgehog boldly threw himself at the feet of the attacker and - boom! – the ball made a hole in its head again. And, besides, he pierced the attacker.

And then everyone attacked Vovka:

- Get out of here! You've ruined our whole football game!

And they kicked out the Hedgehog, and instead put a hare on the gate.

Vovka almost cried from resentment. Is it his fault that he has sharp needles? Was he bad at throwing the ball?

The hedgehog cautiously looked out from behind the bushes and saw a motorcyclist. He was all dirty and for some reason he was kicking the motorcycle...

- Uncle, what are you doing here? – Vovka asked with curiosity.

“Well, I got lost, drove into a swamp, and the motorcycle stalled,” the motorcyclist spat, threw his dirty helmet on the ground and wiped sweat from his forehead.

– Don’t you know the way to Petukhovka? - he asked.

“I know,” said Vovka. - She is there…

The motorcyclist was delighted and began to push the motorcycle to a dry place. Vovka helped him with all his might. Of course there was little benefit from it. But he puffed very loudly.

Finally they got the motorcycle out on the road. The motorcyclist started kicking the motorcycle again.

Tom, apparently, got tired of this, and he got wound up: fuck-tahtah-tahtah...

“Thank you,” said the motorcyclist. - You helped me a lot. What's your name?

“Wow,” the motorcyclist was surprised. - And me too, Vovka. I work as a tractor driver in the village. So come visit!

And then Vovka asked:

– Tell me, did you leave the helmet for good? If you don't need it, I'll take it for myself.

- Oh, helmet! – recalled the motorcyclist Volodya. - Why do you need him?

- I play football! - said Vovka. “And I can’t go without a helmet.” My balls have holes in them.

“I also play football,” said Volodya. - Well, if this is the case, take it. I give it. I have another one!

And he roared off down the road. And Vovka picked up his helmet and ran to the Sports Glade. The new goalkeeper turned out to be completely useless. And the hares lost with the score: 10-3.

When the score became 11-3, Vovka could not stand it and began to ask:

- There will be no more punctures! - he promised. – I have a real football helmet.

After consulting, the hares placed Vovka on the gate. And the hedgehog proved that he is an excellent goalkeeper: he desperately rushed at the ball and did not miss a single goal. The match ended with a score of 13-11 in favor of the hares. The hares rushed to rock Vovka. First they rocked Vovka, and then Vovka and the helmet, because the hedgehog jumped out of it... The “real football helmet” was too big for him.

At home, he asked his mother to sew him special suspender ties. He even refused to have dinner without a helmet. And he was going to go to bed in it. But then my mother got angry and said that if Vovka did not take it off, she would take the helmet to the village herself and give it to the motorcyclist Volodya. Vovka sighed and agreed. Because without a helmet there is no real football!


Not far from the hedgehog hole there was a small Elk swamp. They called it Elk because Elk drowned in it many years ago. That's what the adults said. Maybe they said that so that the children would not go alone to the swamp.

Vovka ran there several times with his friend the hare Senka to jump on the bumps. The hummocks began to move under them: down - up, down - up, squish - splat, squelch - splat...

My heart jumped out of my chest and then sank into my heels. It was fun and scary.

In general, Senka was a desperate hare. He zigzagged all over the swamp and one day, in a terrible secret, he told Vovka that he had seen elk antlers sticking out of the moss.

Vovka believed his friend. Once it even seemed to him that he also saw elk antlers, but it turned out to be an ordinary dry snag.

Not only hummocks grew in Elk Swamp. In mid-summer, blueberries appeared there, and in the fall - lingonberries and cranberries. And the hedgehogs with their whole family went there to pick berries.

This year the blueberries ripened earlier than usual. Dad took rubber boots out of the closet so his feet wouldn't get wet. And mom prepared the dishes: a large can for dad, a glass jar on a string for herself, and they gave Vovka and Veronica a mug each.

Veronica, who was taken to pick berries for the first time, was indignant all the way that she was given a small mug, and Vovka was given a large one. Although she will collect more. But, seeing the first blueberry bush, Veronica completely forgot about her mug and began stuffing the berries into her mouth.

By evening, dad filled a can full, mom filled a jar, Vovka filled a large mug, and Veronica filled her belly so much that she barely made it home. She was so smeared with blueberries that her face turned blue and her tongue turned black.

- Well, did you collect the most? – Vovka asked sarcastically.

In response, Veronica stuck her tongue out at her brother.

And then Vovka decided to play a prank on her:

“Remember,” he said. “The one who sticks his tongue out at others turns into the Old Black Woman, and his tongue turns black and falls off.”

The old Chernukha woman was sometimes used to scare naughty children in the forest. Veronica looked at herself in the mirror and screamed in horror:

- Mother! I turned into the Old Chernukha Woman! My tongue is falling off!

Dad and Mom came running to the scream. They calmed Veronica, and scolded Vovka so that he would not scare his sister.

But little Veronica liked this game. And for several more days, until her tongue was washed off, she jumped out of the bushes screaming:

- Ooh! I am the Old Woman-Chernukha!

And she stuck her tongue out at everyone.


However, the story with blueberries did not end there. One day, Veronica found a bottle of ink on her dad’s desk. The fact is that Papa Hedgehog has been writing the book “THE FOREST PHARMACY” for the second year. In it, he described medicinal plants and herbs that can be used to treat various diseases. Gave useful advice and recipes. The book had the following chapters: “Our helper is the plantain,” “Splinters, spruce, pine and oak,” “How many vitamins are in hare cabbage?” and much more.

So, when Veronica saw the ink on the table, she decided that it was blueberry compote and drank the entire bottle in one gulp. Then she screamed terribly.

Anyone who has ever tried ink knows that it tastes completely different from compote.

Luckily dad was at home. He immediately gave Veronica a gastric lavage, forced her to drink a bunch of powders and laid her on the sofa.

Veronica was quiet and thoughtful all evening. And when the family began to go to bed, she suddenly said loudly:

Blueberries are joy.
Ink is disgusting...
But they don't give the Hedgehog And ke
Blueberry compote!

Mom decided that Veronica was delirious. But dad was delighted:

- These are real poems! Our daughter has developed a poetic talent! And who would have thought that ink...

He was even going to start a study on the effect of ink on the poetic abilities of hedgehogs. But Vovka’s mother did not give offense and did not allow experiments to be carried out on him.

From that day on, Veronica began to write poems, and dad carefully wrote them down in a special notebook. When guests came to the house, he always demanded that Veronica read something new. He especially liked two poems:

In one forest,
At eight o'clock
The wolves ate sausage!

A Hamster was walking along the road...
And - smack!

– This is a real masterpiece! - Dad said. - Brief and brilliant.

True, the hamsters did not like this masterpiece, and for some time they even stopped visiting. Although my mother made very tasty pies with hare cabbage.

“Well, let them be offended,” said dad. “They simply don’t understand anything about poetry!”

In truth, Vovka thought his sister’s poems were stupid, but since everyone around them admired them, he decided that he didn’t understand anything about it either.


One day, his friend the hare Senka came running to the hedgehog Vovka:

- Do you have any threads?

- Eat. And why do you need it? Did you tear your pants again?

Senka shook his head:

- Drag! You'll see now.

Vovka took a spool of thread from his mother’s table and ran out into the street.

- Here look! Bronzovik! – Senka had a beetle in his paw. In the sun it sparkled like a real emerald, or even a piece of green bottle glass.

“I hit him with my ear,” Senka boasted.

Bronze beetles usually appeared in June. They flew between the trees like small airplanes and hummed loudly. But catching them was not so easy. It’s good for Senka: he jumped high, and his ears are long. And Vova has small ears and short legs.

- Why do you need threads? – Vovka asked, admiring the bronze car.

“Let’s launch the beetle,” Senka tied a thread to the beetle’s hind leg and threw it up. With a loud buzzing, the bronze aircraft took off into the air and began to rush around in circles.

- Great! - said Vovka. - Yes, so can I.

“Of course,” Senka handed him the reel. So they took turns releasing the beetle until Veronica appeared in the clearing.

“I want it too,” she said.

“Don’t you see, the beetle is tired,” said Vovka.

“Okay,” the hare waved his paw, “let him go.”

“Just hold the thread tightly,” the brother warned.

Veronica was happy. She ran all over the clearing and squealed enthusiastically until the thread got tangled in the hazel bushes and broke.

“Well, here it is,” Vovka was upset. - I missed the beetle.

Veronica was upset too.

Then Senka was called home.

“It’s okay, I’ll catch you tomorrow,” he said and ran away.

After lunch, Vovka took a plastic bag and went to the wild raspberry field to pick berries. He went down into a small hollow and suddenly heard a strange buzzing. White fragrant bushes grew in the hollow, the names of which Vovka did not know. So... all these bushes were covered with bronze bushes. There were hundreds, maybe thousands. Vovka even froze at first, not knowing what to do. But then I decided that the raspberries would not run away, but the bronze birds could fly away. Vovka shook the first bush, and about two dozen beetles fell to the ground like a ripe berry. While the beetles were figuring out what was what, Vovka collected them in a bag and shook the next bush...

Half an hour later he had a bag full of bugs. Vovka had never been so happy in his life. He imagined how he would show this bag to Senka, and they would divide the bronze medalists in half. And they will launch them one at a time, two at a time, in entire squadrons, or even stage an air battle. And then an amazing thought came to his mind: if you tie threads to all the beetles, then you can fly on them... First he will rise into the air, then he will let Senka fly, then Veronica... However, about Veronica he will have to think more.

At home, Vovka found a large cake box. He poked several holes in it so that the beetles would not suffocate. Then he laid grass on the bottom, poured the beetles out of the bag and closed the box with a lid. And on top, just in case, I put slippers.

“Someone is scratching under your bed,” Veronica said when they went to bed.

“It seems to you,” said Vovka.

- It doesn’t seem like anything. What if it's a mouse? – Veronica has long dreamed of having a pet mouse, and a white one at that. - Now I’ll get up and take a look!

“This is not a mouse,” said Vovka, realizing that he couldn’t get away from his sister. - These are bugs in a box. I found a hundred bronzes. Or more.

- A hundred bronze medals?! – Veronica even jumped in bed. - Let me have a look!

- You'll see tomorrow! - said Vovka.

- Why tomorrow?!

“If you don’t pester me, tomorrow I’ll give you one beetle,” Vovka yawned. - Tomorrow!

“Well, okay,” Veronica agreed.

Vovka was so tired during the day that he instantly fell asleep. And he had a wonderful dream: as if he was flying over the forest on a flock of beetles, and everyone was waving their paws at him - dad, mom, and everyone else...

And Veronica kept tossing and turning, and the beetles kept scratching and scratching. And the longer they scraped, the more curious she became. Finally, Veronica couldn’t stand it anymore and, making sure that her brother was sleeping, she looked into the box. After admiring the beetles, she closed the box and fell asleep with a clear conscience.

But either she didn’t put the slippers back in place, or she didn’t close the lid tightly...

Papa Hedgehog woke up in the middle of the night because someone was crawling on his nose. Dad opened his eyes and saw a beetle:

– What kind of nonsense? - Dad muttered and brushed the beetle away with his paw. But then someone began to tickle his heel with a mustache. Dad couldn't stand it and turned on the light...

Bugs crawled on the pillow and blanket, on the floor and furniture. And one began to attack the light bulb under the ceiling with a buzz.

“What disgusting,” said the mother, whose beetle was stuck in the needles and buzzing disgustingly. Mom began hitting the beetles with a towel and sweeping them over the threshold with a broom. – And where did they come from here?! Shoo, get out of here!

Vovka, who woke up from their screams, at first did not understand anything, and then looked under the bed, saw an empty box... And almost cried.

Here is an introductory fragment of the book.
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In one not-so-dense forest lived hedgehogs: dad Hedgehog, mom Hedgehog and the hedgehogs Vovka and Veronica.
Papa Hedgehog was a doctor. He gave injections and dressings to patients, collected medicinal herbs and roots, from which he made various healing powders, ointments and tinctures.
Mom worked as a dressmaker. She sewed panties for hares, dresses for squirrels, costumes for raccoons.

And in her free time, she knitted scarves and mittens, rugs and curtains.
Vovka the Hedgehog is already three years old. And he graduated from the first grade of forest school. And his sister Veronica was still very little. But her character was terribly harmful. She always tagged along with her brother, poked her black nose everywhere and, if something was not for her, she squealed in a thin voice.

Because of his sister, Vovka often had to stay at home.
“You remain in charge of the eldest,” my mother said as she went about her business. - Make sure Veronica doesn’t climb on the closet, swing from the chandelier or touch daddy’s medicine.
“Okay,” Vovka sighed, thinking that the weather outside was absolutely excellent, that the hares were now playing football, and the squirrels were playing hide and seek. - And why did mom give birth to this squeak?
One day, when her parents were not at home, Veronica climbed into a large jar of medicinal raspberry jam and ate all the jam to the very bottom. How it got into it was completely unclear. But Veronica couldn’t get back out and began screaming desperately.
Vovka tried to pull his sister out of the jar, but nothing happened. “So sit there until your parents come,” Vovka said maliciously. - Now you’re definitely not going anywhere. I'll go for a walk.
Then Veronica raised such a cry that Vovka covered his ears.
“Okay,” he said. - Don't yell. I'll take you with me.
Vovka rolled the jar with his sister out of the house and wondered where they should go.
The hedgehog hole was located on the slope of a hillock. And either the wind blew, or Veronica decided to get out on her own - the can suddenly swayed and rolled down.
- Ay! Save! - Veronica squealed.
Vovka rushed to catch up with her, but the can rolled faster and faster... until it hit a large boulder.
When Vovka rolled down, Veronica stood among the scattered fragments, happy and unperturbed.
“You lost,” she said. - I rolled faster!

When the parents found out about what had happened, they rushed to hug Veronica, and Vovka was scolded for breaking the can and sent to remove the glass so that no one would get hurt.
Vovka was, of course, glad that everything worked out, but still he was offended.
“This is unfair,” he thought, picking up the pieces.
The next day, Vovka told his bosom friend the hare Senka about this. Senka scratched his paw behind his ear.
“Yes, the younger sister is not a gift,” he agreed.
Senka was from a large family, and he had many brothers and sisters.
“But you’re lucky,” said the experienced Senka. - You know what's worse than a little sister? Older sisters.
Then the hare raised one ear and whispered:
- Shh! If anything, you haven't seen me! - and disappeared into the bushes.
Senka’s three twin sisters appeared in the clearing: Zina, Zoya and Zaya.
-Have you seen Senka?
Vovka shook his head.
- If you meet him, tell him not to come home! - said one.
“We’ll pull out all his mustaches,” the second one threatened.
“And we’ll tear off your ears,” added the third.
When the sisters left, Senka looked out of the bushes.
-What are they doing? - the hedgehog was surprised.
“And I drew mustaches on their dolls,” said Senka. - Now we’ll have to spend the night in the ravine. And you say: “younger sister”!

(144 pages)
The book is adapted for smartphones and tablets!

Text only:

“Maybe I turned into a fire-breathing dragon?” - Sonya thought with horror.
She wanted to look at herself in the mirror, but she rushed past so quickly that she only had time to notice the tip of her tail.
“We urgently need to put it out with something!” - Sonya suddenly realized. And she rushed to the plate of water.
First she drank all the water. Then she began to stew it with porridge. Then yesterday's potatoes. Then she swallowed the remains of sour cabbage soup and half a loaf of black bread...
Sticking out her swollen tongue, Sonya sat in front of the mirror and thought about the unfortunate Ivan Ivanovich. Now she knew why he eats this terrible mustard.
“After such disgusting,” thought the dog Sonya, “even the most sour cabbage soup in the world seems tastier than cherry jam!”
How Sonya organized a fishing trip
The dog Sonya was interested in a variety of questions. Why, for example, is sugar sweet and salt salty? Or: why do people go to work? Or: where do sausages grow?
The owner considered Sonya’s questions stupid, although he could not answer any of them.
“Stupid question,” he said. - Sugar is sweet because it is sugar. It's clear?
- What if he were salt? - asked Sonya.
Ivan Ivanovich was angry and did not answer.
But the more he did not answer, the more questions Sonya had.
One day she suddenly became interested in where the water in the tap came from.
“It’s a stupid question,” said Ivan Ivanovich. - It’s clear where it came from - from the pipe.
- Where in the pipe?
- And in the pipe - from the river.
- And in the river?
- In the river - from the sea.
- And at sea?
- From the ocean, where else!
Sonya clearly imagined how water flows from the ocean into the sea, from the sea into the river, from the river into the pipe, and from the pipe straight into the tap, and she liked it terribly.
“But if water flows from a river,” Sonya suddenly thought, “and there is a fish in the river, then it means it flows with the fish...
And since it flows along with the fish,” thought Sonya, “that means I can arrange excellent fishing!”
When Ivan Ivanovich left for work, she took a net from the pantry, turned on the faucet in the bathroom and began to wait.
“I wonder who I’ll catch? - Sonya thought. “It would be nice to have a whale!”
She waited and waited, but the whale did not appear from the tap...
“Of course,” thought Sonya, “the crane is too narrow for whales. But I’m sure I’ll catch gobies or sprat!”
But for some reason the bulls and sprat did not show up either.
“They probably look out of the tap, see that I’m here, and hide back. Here are the cunning ones! - thought Sonya. - That is OK. You are cunning, and I am more cunning!
Sonya plugged the bathtub with a stopper so that the sprat would not leak onto the second floor, crumbled some bread into it and went about her business.
About ten minutes later a terrible noise and splashing was heard from the bathroom.
“That’s right, whale!” - Sonya thought and, grabbing a net, ran into the bathroom.
The river quickly flowed over the edge and spilled into the lake... But there was neither a whale nor the tiniest sprat in it.
Only Ivan Ivanovich’s rubber slippers swayed lonely on the wave.
“Where have all the fish gone? - thought Sonya, wringing out the cloth. - It can’t be that there won’t be any left at all. At least ten fish left in the river!..”
Sonya imagined ten fish swimming along the river, then swimming into a pipe, then climbing up it...
"Oh! - the smart Sonya guessed. - Well, of course! They go upstairs and are caught there! First they are caught on the twelfth floor, then on the eleventh, then on the tenth, then on the ninth... And then there is nothing left for us on the third!”
All day Sonya thought about those greedy people upstairs who catch all the fish themselves and leave nothing for others,
and came to the conclusion that it was useless to organize fishing in the apartment.
“They may have fishing up there,” she thought angrily, “but here we have only a flood!”
One day Ivan Ivanovich decided to make repairs. (Repair is when chairs, cabinets, sofas and other things are dragged from the room to the hallway, from the hallway to the kitchen, then back to the hallway, then back to the room... And at this time you are locked in the bathroom so that you don’t get in the way feet!)
Ivan Ivanovich whitewashed the ceiling, painted the window sills and covered the room with new light green wallpaper.
“Now it’s a different matter,” he said, looking contentedly around the room.
But Sonya absolutely didn’t like the room, especially the wallpaper.
The old ones were much better. Firstly, there were yellow flowers painted on them, which, although they did not smell, were very interesting to look at.
Secondly, in several places the wallpaper was torn and pieces were sticking out of it, as if someone’s ears were growing out of the wall (Sonya slowly pulled
them, hoping to eventually pull out a hare or donkey from there). And finally, in the corner there was a large, mysterious spot that looked like an alien, with whom Sonya sometimes liked to talk.
There was nothing like that - no flowers, no ears, no spots - on the new wallpaper: a solid light green wall, on which there was nothing to look at!..
Sonya wandered around the room for half a day until a great idea came to her mind. She quickly took out a jar of orange slices containing colored pencils and got to work.
On one wall Sonya painted a big, big sea with waves and seagulls flying high - right up to the ceiling.
The second wall turned into a meadow on which flowers grew, butterflies, ladybugs and other insects flew.
On the third side, Sonya wanted to draw a wild, mysterious forest... But there was already a closet there.
And to draw on the window would be completely stupid: what kind of wild forest is this, in which you can see the “Products” store, multi-colored flags hanging and which the janitor Sedov is sweeping?!
Sighing, Sonya put away her pencils.
Then she took a pillow, sat down in the middle of the room and imagined that she was alone on the shore of a desert island...
- What it is? - She suddenly heard a familiar voice and opened her eyes.
Ivan Ivanovich stood by the wall and touched the wave with his finger.
“This is the sea,” said Sonya.
- I’m asking you: who gave you permission to spoil the wallpaper? - Ivan Ivanovich asked angrily. And, without waiting for an answer, he sent Sonya into a corner.
“Why spoil it?” - thought the dog Sonya, looking at the drawings.
She hated standing in the corner.
But standing in this corner turned out to be very interesting: on one side you could see the edge of the sea, and on the other, a beautiful meadow with flowers and butterflies...
“After all, it was not in vain that I painted!” - she thought.
How Sona learned to read
A week later, Ivan Ivanovich again covered the room with new wallpaper. Just as clean and uninteresting.
But now Sonya knew that somewhere behind them bees were humming and grasshoppers were chirping, birds were singing and the sea was roaring.
Ivan Ivanovich had a lot of books in his apartment. Twelve, or eighteen, or a hundred. (One hundred is a number that even Ivan Ivanovich rarely counted to; and Sonya could only count to ten.)
“Why are they gathering dust!” - Sonya thought one day and asked the owner to teach her to read.
“Okay,” said Ivan Ivanovich. - But first you must learn all the letters. There are thirty-three of them in the alphabet:
A, B, C, D, D, E and so on. It's clear?
- Ah! - said the dog Sonya. - Ah! Bang!
Guff! Daf! Ef! So further!..
- Ugh! - Ivan Ivanovich sighed when Sonya finally learned all the letters correctly. “Now,” he said, “let’s try to read.” What word will we learn first?
“Sausages,” said Sonya.
- The word “sausages” consists of seven letters:
Se, O, Se, I, Se, Ke,
I. It turns out: sausages.
- Are there big sausages or small ones? - asked Sonya.
“It doesn’t matter,” said the owner. - Repeat.
- Se, O, Se, I, Se, Ke, I... It turns out
- Ah! Aff! Aff! sausages,” Sonya repeated and thought: “How does it matter? It’s very important!”
“But the word “elephant,” Ivan Ivanovich showed, “consists of four letters: Se, Le, O, Ne.” It turns out: an elephant.
“Se, Le, O, Ne,” Sonya repeated and thought: “That means they’re big.” If the elephant has only four letters, and the sausages have seven... They’re just gigantic!”
Sonya tried to imagine sausages with seven letters, but she didn’t even have enough imagination.
“But “cat,” continued Ivan Ivanovich, “consists of five letters: Ke, O, She, Ke, A... Repeat.”
-What nonsense! - the dog Sonya was indignant. - Where has it been seen that a cat is larger than an elephant!
“It’s not that a cat is bigger than an elephant, but the word “cat” is bigger than the word “elephant,” the owner explained.
“So these are the wrong words,” said Sonya. - If a cat has five letters, then an elephant must have at least fifty-five!
- How is that? - Ivan Ivanovich was surprised.
“Yes,” said Sonya. - Slo-slo-slo-slo-slo-slo-slo...
- Enough! - Ivan Ivanovich shouted in fear.
Although the words were incorrect, Sonya soon learned to read them quite correctly...
Except one word. "Cat".
Sonya read instead:
- Ah! Aff! Aff!
How Sonya rubbed everything in the world
One day Ivan Ivanovich went to the store, and Sonya told him to wait for him at the entrance.
Sonya sat, sat, waited, waited, and suddenly thought: “Why am I waiting for him here? Since he entered through the entrance, he must leave through the exit!” - and ran to the exit.
She sat, sat, waited, waited - but the owner did not come out.
“Of course,” thought smart Sonya. “Why would he go through the exit if he left me at the entrance?” - and ran back to the entrance.
But Ivan Ivanovich was not at the entrance.
“Strange,” thought smart Sonya. “He probably didn’t find me and went back to the store!” - and ran to the store. She sniffed all the counters and barked at all the lines, but did not find Ivan Ivanovich.
“I see,” said smart Sonya. - Probably, while I’m looking for him here, he’s looking for me at the entrance! But again there was no one at the entrance.
"Oh oh oh! - thought Sonya. “It seems that Ivan Ivanovich is lost.”
She looked around in confusion and suddenly saw the sign “Lost and Found”.
“Sorry,” she turned to the old woman sitting behind the partition, “my owner has disappeared.”
“They don’t bring owners to us,” said the old woman. - Suitcases or watches are another matter. Have you ever lost your watch?
“No,” said Sonya. - I do not have them.
“It’s a pity,” said the old woman. - If you had a watch and you lost it, we would definitely find it. As for the owner, contact the police.
Sonya left the bureau terribly upset and immediately saw a policeman: he stood at the intersection and whistled shrilly on his whistle.
“Af-af, comrade sergeant,” Sonya turned to him, “my master has disappeared.”
The policeman was so surprised that he even stopped whistling.
- What is the name, patronymic, surname of the missing person? - he asked, taking out a notepad.
- Ivan Ivanovich... - Sonya was confused. - I didn’t ask for his last name.
“It’s bad,” said the policeman. - Do you know where he lives?
- I know! - Sonya was delighted. - We are living…
And then Sonya realized that together with her owner she had lost everything: the apartment, the house, the street... and everything, everything in the world!
“I don’t know...” she said, almost crying. - What should I do?
“Advertise in the evening newspaper,” the policeman advised her and showed her the house in which the editorial office was located.
- What have you lost? - they asked Sonya in the window with the inscription “I will find” (there were three more windows nearby: “I will buy”, “I will sell” and “I will lose”).
-All! - said Sonya. - Write: “The little dog Sonya lost her owner Ivan Ivanovich, along with a beautiful one-room apartment, a twelve-story brick house, a cozy courtyard with a flower bed, a playground, a trash can and a fence,
under which it is buried...” “Do not write “under which it is buried.” Who knows?
whatever comes to mind! -gmr-its).
said Sonya. - “And also a large street with a grocery store, an ice cream stall, the janitor Sedov with...”
-Enough! - they said at the window. - There's not enough space for everything.
There was very little space in the newspaper, and the ad turned out to be very short:
The little dog Sonya got lost. A large reward was promised.
In the evening, Ivan Ivanovich ran to the editorial office.
- Who gets the reward? - he asked, looking around.
- To me! - said the dog Sonya modestly. And I got a whole jar of cherry jam at home.
Sonya was very pleased and even wanted to somehow get lost one more time... But she learned the owner’s last name and her address by heart. Because without this, you can really lose everything in the world.
How Sonya turned into a tree
Autumn has come. The flowers on the lawn withered, the cats hid in the basement, and large, wet puddles appeared in the yard.
Along with the weather, Ivan Ivanovich also deteriorated. He told everyone passing by that Sonya had dirty paws (which is why no one wanted to play with her). Moreover, after every walk he drove Sonya into the bath and washed her there with shampoo. (This is such a disgusting thing, after which it stings the eyes terribly, and foam comes out of the mouth.)
And one day the dog Sonya discovered that the cabinet in which the jam was stored was locked. This outraged her so much that Sonya decided to run away from home forever...
In the evening, when she and Ivan Ivanovich were walking in the park, she ran away to the farthest end of the park. But I didn’t know what to do next.
It was cold and dreary all around.
Sonya sat down under a tree and began to think.
“It’s good to be a tree,” she thought. - The trees are large and are not afraid of the cold. If I were a tree, I would also live on the street and never return home.”
Then a wet and cold beetle fell on her nose.
- Brr! - Sonya shuddered and suddenly thought: “Or maybe I’m becoming a tree, since beetles are crawling on me?”
Then the wind blew... And a large maple leaf fell on her head. Behind him is another, a third...
“So it is,” thought Sonya. “I’m starting to turn into a tree!”

Soon the dog Sonya was covered with leaves, like a small bush.
Having warmed up, she began to dream about how she would grow big, big: like a birch tree, or an oak tree, or something else.
“I wonder what kind of tree I will grow up to be? - she thought. - It would be nice to have something edible: for example, an apple tree or, better yet, a cherry... I’ll pick the cherries off myself and eat them. If I want, I’ll make myself a whole bucket of jam and I’ll also eat as much as I want!”
Then Sonya imagined that she was a big, beautiful cherry tree, and below her stood little Ivan Ivanovich and said:
“Sonya, give me some cherries.” “I won’t give it to you,” she will tell him. - You
Why did you hide the jam from me in the cupboard?!”
- So-nya!.. Sonya! - was heard nearby.
“Yeah! - thought Sonya. “I wanted cherries... It would be nice if I had a couple more branches with sausages growing!”
Soon Ivan Ivanovich appeared between the trees. So sad that Sonya even felt sorry for him.
“I wonder if he recognizes me or not?” - she thought and suddenly, two steps away from her, she saw a nasty crow, looking suspiciously in her direction.
Sonya hated crows and imagined with horror how this crow would sit on her head or even make a nest on her, and then start pecking at her sausages...
- Shoo! - Sonya waved her branches and turned from a large cherry-sausage tree into a small trembling dog.
The first large flakes of snow were falling outside the window.
Sonya lay pressed against the warm radiator and thought about the frosts announced on the radio, about cats that love to climb trunks, and about the fact that trees have to sleep standing up... But still, for some reason, she was very sorry that she I was never able to become a real tree.
The water gurgled quietly, like spring, in the battery.
“Probably it’s just the weather… not the season,” thought the dog Sonya, falling asleep. - Well, nothing... Let's wait until spring!
What happened next?
Sonya really liked reading books.
But she really didn’t like that all books ended the same way: the end.
“And what happened then,” asked Sonya, “when the wolf’s belly was cut open and Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother got out of there alive and unharmed?”
“Then?..” the owner wondered. “My grandmother probably sewed her a wolf fur coat.”
- And then?
“And then…” Ivan Ivanovich wrinkled his forehead, “then the prince married Little Red Riding Hood, and they lived happily ever after.”
- And then?
- Don't know. Leave me alone! - Ivan Ivanovich was angry. - Nothing happened afterwards!
Sonya went offended to her corner and thought.
“How can this be,” she thought. - It can’t be that nothing happened afterwards! Did anything happen afterwards?!”
One day, while rummaging through Ivan Ivanovich’s desk (this is the most interesting place in the world, with the exception of the refrigerator), Sonya found a large red folder on which was written:
Good manners for small dogs
- Is this really about me? - she was surprised. - But why - stupid? - Sonya was offended. She crossed out the word “stupid”, wrote “smart” - and sat down to read the stories.
For some reason the last story turned out to be unfinished.
- What happened then? - Sonya asked when Ivan Ivanovich returned home.
“Then?..” he thought. - Then the dog Sonya took first place in the Miss Mongrel competition and received a gold chocolate medal.
- This is good! - Sonya was delighted. - And then?
- And then she had puppies: two black, two white and one red.
- Oh, how interesting! So what then?
- And then... the owner was so angry that she climbed into his table without permission and pestered him with stupid questions, that he took a large one...
- No! - screamed the smart dog Sonya. - It didn’t happen like that later. All. End.
- Well, that's great! - said a satisfied Ivan Ivanovich.
And, moving closer to the desk, he finished the last
the story goes like this:
"- Well, that's great! - said the satisfied Ivan Ivanovich. And, moving closer to the desk, he ended the last story like this: the end.”
- What happened then? - asked the smart dog Sonya from under the sofa.

Once upon a time there were hedgehogs
In one not-so-dense forest
New neighbors
How Vovka the hedgehog played football
How Veronica composed a poem
How the Frog appeared in the house
For mushrooms
How Vovka learned to swim
Pine gum
Frog traveler
How Vovka defeated the wolf
New Year

Smart dog Sonya
Royal mongrel
Who made the puddle?
Hello, thank you and goodbye!
What's better?
How Sonya learned to talk
How Sonya the dog sniffed flowers
How Sonya caught the echo
Sonya and the samovar
How Sonya organized a fishing trip
How Sonya learned to read
How Sonya lost everything in the world
How Sonya turned into a tree
What happened next?

Visit a fairy tale!
What could be better?
Thanks to the books in the “Visiting a Fairy Tale” series, you can find yourself in Wonderland and meet Alice there, make friends with Pinocchio and defeat the evil Karabas Barabas.
The series includes world-famous masterpieces of the fairy tale genre, among which every reader will find a fairy tale to their liking.

In one not-so-dense forest lived hedgehogs: dad Hedgehog, mom Hedgehog and the hedgehogs, Vovka and Veronica.

Papa Hedgehog was a doctor. He gave injections and dressings to patients, collected medicinal herbs and roots, from which he made various healing powders, ointments and tinctures.

Mom worked as a dressmaker. She sewed panties for hares, dresses for squirrels, costumes for raccoons. And in her free time, she knitted scarves and mittens, rugs and curtains.

Vovka the Hedgehog is already three years old. And he graduated from the first grade of forest school. And his sister Veronica was still very little. But her character was terribly harmful. She always tagged along with her brother, poked her black little nose everywhere and, if something was not her thing, she squealed in a thin voice.

Because of his sister, Vovka often had to stay at home.

“You remain the eldest,” my mother said as she went about her business. “Make sure Veronica doesn’t climb on the closet, swing from the chandelier, or touch daddy’s medicine.”

“Okay,” Vovka sighed, thinking that the weather outside was absolutely excellent, that the hares were now playing football, and the squirrels were playing hide and seek. - And why did mom give birth to this squeak?

One day, when her parents were not at home, Veronica climbed into a large jar of medicinal raspberry jam and ate all the jam to the very bottom. How it got into it was completely incomprehensible. But Veronica couldn’t get back out and began screaming desperately.

Vovka tried to pull his sister out of the jar, but nothing happened.

“Sit there until your parents come,” Vovka said maliciously. “Now you’re definitely not going anywhere.” And I'll go for a walk.

Then Veronica raised such a cry that Vovka covered his ears.

“Okay,” he said. - Don't yell. I'll take you with me.

Vovka rolled the jar with his sister out of the house and wondered where they should go.

The hedgehog hole was located on the slope of a hillock. And - either the wind blew, or Veronica decided to get out on her own - the can suddenly swayed and rolled down.

- Ay! Save! – Veronica squealed. Vovka rushed to catch up with her, but the can rolled faster and faster... until it hit a large boulder:

When Vovka rolled down, Veronica stood among the scattered fragments, happy and unperturbed:

“You lost,” she said. – I rolled faster!

When the parents found out about what had happened, they rushed to hug Veronica, and Vovka was scolded for the broken jar and sent to remove the glass so that no one would get hurt.

Vovka was, of course, glad that everything worked out, but still he was offended:

“This is unfair,” he thought, picking up the pieces.

The next day, Vovka told his bosom friend the hare Senka about this. Senka scratched his paw behind his ear:

“Yes, the younger sister is not a gift,” he agreed.

Senka was from a large family and he had many brothers and sisters.

“But you’re lucky,” said the experienced Senka. “You know what’s worse than a little sister?” Older sisters.

Then the hare raised one ear and whispered: “Shh!” If anything, you haven't seen me! - and disappeared into the bushes.

Senka’s three twin sisters appeared in the clearing: Zina, Zoya and Zaya.

-Have you seen Senka?

Vovka shook his head.

– If you meet him, tell him not to come home! - said one.

“We’ll pull out all his mustache,” the second one threatened.

When the sisters left, Senka looked out of the bushes.

-What are they doing? – Hedgehog was surprised.

“And I drew mustaches on their dolls,” said Senka. “Now we’ll have to spend the night in the ravine.” And you say, “little sister”!


On one side of the hedgehog's house lived hares, on the other - a family of squirrels, on the third side lived raccoons, and on the fourth there was a badger hole that stood empty.

The badger loved silence and solitude. And when the population in the forest increased, he went deep into the thicket, away from everyone.

And then one day Father Hedgehog announced that they had new neighbors - hamsters.

The hamsters did not move immediately. First, the head of the Khoma family appeared. He examined the badger's hole for a long time and meticulously. Then he set to work on the repairs. And then they started transporting things. The hamsters had so many things that they moved for a whole month.

- And where do they need so much? – Jerzykh’s mother was surprised.

“Everything will be useful on the farm,” Khoma declared importantly, watching the beavers dragging either an old rusty bucket or a leaky pan.

Actually, Vovka loved his neighbors. But he didn't really like these. Firstly, they occupied a hole into which Vovka often climbed and played “Cave of Robbers.”

Secondly, the hamsters turned out to be terribly greedy. Little fat Khomulya always walked around with candy. And if he saw Vovka or Veronica, he immediately hid the candy behind his back.

And thirdly, Khomikha never invited them to her house and did not treat them to anything. Although Vovka was burning with curiosity: what was inside them? He had never seen how hamsters live.

And then one day my mother announced that they were invited to a housewarming party. Vovka was forced to wash her face, and Veronica was tied with a new bow.

Mom prepared a gift - colored cornflower blue curtains. And dad took a bottle of healing rowan tincture.

Vovka was very surprised when there was no one else at the housewarming party:

- Why won’t the hares come? And there won't be any beavers either?

“We decided not to invite them,” said Khomikha. - They are too noisy!

Hamsters didn't like noise. Vovka thought that they would sing songs and dance, but instead they sat at the table and ate. True, Khomikha prepared very tasty pies. But when the pies ran out, there was absolutely nothing to do. And Vovka invited Khomula to play hide and seek.

There were eight or ten rooms in the badger hole, but it was not easy to hide: everything was filled with furniture, sacks, bales, bags and suitcases. Vovka drove first and immediately found both Veronica and Khomulya. Veronica always hid in the same place - under her mother's skirt. And Khomulya, even hiding, loudly smacked his candy.

Khomulya drove next. Vovka climbed into the closet, hid between the bags and fell silent. Fat Khomulya looked for him for a long time, and then ran to complain to dad that he couldn’t find the Hedgehog. Finally, Vovka had enough - he got out and went to surrender.

- Where have you been? – Khomulya asked him.

“In the closet,” said Vovka.

- I knew it! – Khoma sighed.

“You didn’t know anything, that’s not true,” said Vovka.

- Show me which closet you were sitting in?

Vovka showed.

“I knew it,” Khoma sighed again. -You scratched the polish.

Indeed, a small scratch was visible on the wall of the cabinet.

“There was very little space there,” said Vovka. But the owner was very upset. He returned to the closet several times, sighed heavily and shook his head.

“There are so many losses from these moves,” he said. - The beavers soaked a bag of grain - once. Khomulya lost two molds. And now the closet is scratched - three.

At the same time, he looked at Hedgehog as if it was Vovka who had wet the bag and lost his homulin molds.

“Don’t be upset,” said Veronica Khomule. - I have a lot of. I'll give you mine.

“How greedy,” Vovka couldn’t resist when they returned from visiting.

“You can’t say that,” Mom said. - They are our neighbors.

“And if they weren’t our neighbors, would we be able to say that?” – Veronica asked.

“Greedy is a bad word,” dad explained. – We must say: economical, or economical.

“Well, then,” Vovka sighed, “they are VERY economical.”


One day the hedgehogs went for a walk. Papa Hedgehog took mom’s hand, mom took Veronica’s hand, and Veronica took an umbrella by the handle in case it rained and the fir cones were torn off...

Vovka alone took nothing and scurried back and forth along the road, not knowing what to do.

And then they met hamsters: dad Khoma was walking his son Khomul. Khomuli had a bright red lollipop in one hand and a balloon in the other.

While his parents were talking with Khoma about various adult topics, Vovka decided to steal Khomulin’s elegant balloon. He had almost bitten through the thread. And suddenly the ball BANG!

- Get down! - Khoma shouted, deciding that they were being shot at. And together with Khomuley he fell to the ground. Papa Hedgehog with his mother Hedgehog and Veronica dived into the bushes. And Vovka remained standing on the road with a burst balloon on his head.

Finally, everyone understood what had happened. What started here! Mom began to scold Vovka in front of everyone. Dad helped Khoma dust off his new corduroy jacket. And fat Khomulya burst into tears and demanded another ball.

Veronica behaved best of all. She picked a large pine cone with her umbrella and handed it to Homula:

- Here, take it!

“I don’t need bumps,” Khomulya stamped his feet. - I want a ball!

“It’s not a bump,” Veronica said. - And Shishina-machine. You can tie a thread to it and roll it behind you as much as you want.

Jerzykh’s mother, who had anything in her bag, just in case, took out a harsh thread and tied it to the Shishina-machine.

Khomulya was delighted: Shishina the car was driving behind him and gathering dust like a real one.

And Vovka made a large air cracker out of a torn balloon: he inflated small bubbles and slammed them on the needles.

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