
Star Wars Spaceships: Broken and Impractical. Star Wars Spaceships: Broken and Impractical All Types of Star Wars Spaceships

Starships and space exploration have always been a major theme in science fiction. Over the years, writers and directors have tried to imagine what spaceships could do and what they could become in the future. This review contains the most interesting and iconic starships that have appeared in science fiction.

1. Serenity

TV series "Firefly"
The ship Serenity, led by Captain Malcolm Reynolds, was seen in the TV series Firefly. Serenity is a Firefly-class ship first acquired by Reynolds shortly after the Galactic Civil War. The defining feature of the ship is its lack of weapons. When the crew gets into trouble, they must use all their ingenuity to get out of it.

2. Derelict

Alien franchise
Dubbed "Derelict" and codenamed Origin, the alien spacecraft was found on LV-426 in the film Alien. It was first discovered by the Weyland-Yutani Corporation and subsequently explored by the Nostromo team. No one knows how it got to the planet or who piloted it. The only remains that could have been a potential pilot were a fossilized creature. This ominous ship housed xenomorph eggs.

3.Discovery 1

film "A Space Odyssey"
The 2001 film is a science-fiction classic, and its Discovery 1 spaceship is almost as iconic. Built for a manned mission to Jupiter, Discovery 1 was not equipped with weapons, but it did have one of the most advanced artificial intelligence systems known to man (HAL 9000).

4.Battlestar Galactica

movie "Battlestar Galactica"
"Battlestar Galactica" from the movie of the same name (Battlestar Galactica) has the design of a real killer and a legendary story. It was considered a relic and should have been decommissioned, but became humanity's sole protector after the Cylon attack on the Twelve Colonies.

5. Bird of Prey

Star Trek franchise
The Bird of Prey was a warship of the Klingon Empire in Star Trek. While its firepower varied from ship to ship, Birds typically used photon torpedoes. They were considered the most dangerous due to the fact that they were equipped with a cloaking device.

6. Normandy SR-2

video game "Mass Effect 2"
The Normandy SR-2 has a particularly cool exterior design. As the successor to the SR-1, it was built to help Commander Shepard stop kidnappings by the Collector race. The ship is equipped with high-tech weapons and defenses and is constantly improved throughout the game.

7. USS Enterprise

Star Trek franchise
How can one not include “USS Enterprise” from “Star Trek” in this list? Of course, many fans of this saga will be interested in which version of the ship should be chosen. Naturally, it will be the unique NCC-1701 under the captaincy of James Kirk himself.

8. Imperial Star Destroyer

Star Wars franchise
The Imperial Star Destroyer was part of the Empire's vast fleet that maintained control and order throughout the galaxy. With its enormous size and large number of weapons, for years it symbolized the dominant power of the Empire.

9. Tie Fighter

Star Wars franchise
The Tie Fighter is one of the coolest and most unique ships in the galaxy. Although it has no shields, hyperdrive, or even life support systems, its fast engines and maneuverability make it a difficult target for the enemy.

10. X-Wing

Star Wars franchise
Used by some of the best fighter pilots in the galaxy, the Tie Fighter is the starship chosen as the weapon of choice for the Rebels in Star Wars. It was he who played a key role in the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Endor. Armed with four laser cannons and proton torpedoes, this fighter's wings folded into an "X" shape when attacking.

11. Milano

Guardians of the Galaxy franchise
In Guardians of the Galaxy, the Milano was an M-Ship used by Star-Lord to find a mysterious orb and sell it to get rid of Yonda and his gang. He later played a key role in the Battle of Xandar. Star Lord named the ship after his childhood friend, Alyssa Milano.

12. USCSS Nostromo

Star Wars franchise
The space tug USCSS Nostromo, led by Captain Arthur Dallas, explored Derelict, leading to the possible birth of a single xenomorph.

13. Millenium Falcon

Star Wars franchise
The Millennium Falcon is, without a doubt, the best spaceship in all of science fiction. Its super cool design, worn out appearance, incredible speed, and the fact that it is piloted by Han Solo sets it apart from the rest. Lando Calrissian, who lost the ship to Han Solo, said: "This is the fastest piece of junk in the galaxy."

14. Trimaxion Drone

film "Flight of the Navigator"
"Trimaxion Drone" - a spacecraft in the film "Flight of the Navigator". It is piloted by an artificially intelligent computer and looks like a chrome shell. The ship's abilities are quite outstanding, it is capable of flying faster than the speed of light and traveling through time.

15. Slave I

Star Wars franchise
"Slave I" ("Slave 1") is a patrol and attack ship of the "Firebreaker-31" class, which was used by the famous Boba Fett in "Star Wars". In The Empire Strikes Back, Slave I brought Han Solo frozen in carbonite to Jabba the Hutt. The most distinctive feature of Slave I is its vertical position during flight and horizontal position during landing.


Continuing the theme, a story about. It's hard to believe that this is reality.

What comes to mind when you hear the words “spaceship”. Personally, for some reason I remember not Baikonur or Cape Canaveral, but footage from Star Wars. A lot of ships have been shown in all five films so far, but not all of them could become the calling cards of the saga.

One of the symbols of OT, of course, is a battered (and not only) Corellian freighter with a big name "Millennium Falcon". At first glance, this flying trash can evokes in almost everyone the same feeling, most of all reminiscent of admiration that someone dares to go beyond the atmosphere with it. But the rule “You meet people by their clothes...” has not been canceled. The freighter began his career under the strict leadership of Lando Calrissian, who was in charge until the Falcon lost to Han Solo in the subbak. This was the beginning...

The Falcon is equipped with equipment that is unthinkable for an ordinary Corellian truck. Security systems, computer terminals, reinforced deflectors, an improved hyperdrive, an armored hull - all this gives hope that the Falcon will turn out to be a thousand-year-old.

Let's start with speed. Having fallen into the very skillful hands of Han, the freighter could only accelerate to 65 NGSS, but after some time, a hundred became available to him. This is despite the fact that up to 100 metric tons can be loaded onto its almost 27-meter length. In hyperspace, it is one of the fastest non-Imperial ships (class 0.5), which is due to unregistered and, under normal conditions, incompatible equipment, as well as numerous modifications to the main systems. But not all of this worked as smoothly as we would like. From time to time the wayward bird had to be forced to work by “impacting” the control panel.

“Falcon” is a bird of prey and can not only fight off overly impudent advances, but also turn out to be a very dangerous adversary. Its claws are replaced by two quad laser cannons, and its beak is a device for launching cumulative missiles located between the front cargo grips. Also, in ground combat, the retractable pulse laser located under the belly of the Falcon can also be very useful. Protection is provided by: Novaldex protective field generator, KDY deflector-type rear protective field generator, Torplex front deflector-type protective field generator. Deflector shields can be formed exactly as needed at the moment by transferring power from one screen to another.

Among the other secrets of the Falcon, one can highlight the unscannable holds for transporting contraband, which can actually be called the main ones, as well as a radar saucer that allows the Falcon to detect ships in the surrounding space somewhat faster than it itself is detected. While the rest of the YT-1300 class must refuel at almost every port, four additional fuel tanks allow the Falcon to refuel on average once a month.

Han Solo and Chewbacca's sophisticated propulsion system and hyperdrive require a significantly stronger navicomputer for control and the same precise and accurate hyperjump calculations as for any other ship equipped with a hyperdrive. Therefore, the Falcon has an on-board computer Hanks-Vargel Super-Flow IV and a navigation computer Torplex Tendem. But these same bells and whistles also require more careful monitoring of the state of the systems, which is what the crew actually does during the flight and stops.

Now about the main system of the ship - its crew. Although the word "scoundrel" in their vocabulary occupied approximately the same place as “hello” for normal people, this couple worked great together [(c) “Alternate History 2”], understanding each other and their ship perfectly. IMHO, even with all its modifications and bells and whistles, but with a different crew, the Millennium Falcon would never have become the ship we are talking about today.

In general, what remains of the standard YT-1300 on the Millennium Falcon is a saucer-shaped design, two cargo grips in the front, a cylindrical cockpit on the side and two escape capsules. But all the additions to the equipment and systems are so well hidden that the Falcon certainly does not give the impression of a great warship. But who knows, if it had looked like a brand new credit card, this ship would have been able to cover Luke Skywalker during the attack on ZS1, leave Hoth, taking the head of the Rebellion Leia Organa, and decide the fate of the Empire by blowing up ZS2.

Let's move on, or as good guides say: "If you look at the other side, you will see imperial star destroyer".

The Star Destroyer was designed by Imperial engineer Lyra Wessex, who was based on the designs of her father, Vaylex Blissex. This engineer, who worked for the Republic, was the designer of the old Victoria-class Star Destroyer, as well as a number of other starships. Wessex proposed an "imperial" class project, which was discussed for quite some time by the highest ranks of the Empire. The ship, embodied in metal, was a marvel of technology and served as a perfect illustration of the power of the Empire.

There are systems whose gross domestic product is less than the cost of one Star Destroyer. There are entire nations that, in their entire history, have never produced as much energy as a Star Destroyer uses during a hyperspace jump. The 1.6-kilometer ship was charged with energy from at least a small star - a solar ionization reactor extended from the bowels of the spaceship, and the powerful radiation of the star was converted into energy for the giant ship.

By the time of the Battle of Yavin, IZRs of the class "Emperor". They are a true technological marvel, created by the Kuato Shipyards specifically for the Imperial Navy, and were intended primarily for combat in deep space. For this purpose, the ship is armed with 60 powerful Taim & Bak XX-9 turbolasers, which are controlled by the modern LeGrange search and target targeting system. To capture enemy ships, the destroyer can use 60 Borsel NK-7 ion cannons and 10 Phylon Q7 tractor beam projectors. The main hangar, capable of holding ships up to 150 meters long, houses most of the ship's fighters. In total, IPM of this class carries 3 squadrons of D-fighters, 2 squadrons of D-interceptors and 1 squadron of D-bombers. The second hangar is dedicated to ground forces and contains 15 stormtrooper transports, 20 AT-AT walkers, 30 AT-ST light vehicles and a large number of ground vehicles. Each ship also has 9,700 soldiers on board. The Destroyer can set up a ground base within a few hours. The nerve center of the Destroyer is the bridge, located at the rear of the ship. The entire ship is controlled from there. Above the bridge there are two domes that project the ship's powerful deflector shields. The casing is reinforced with titanium. The maximum sublight speed is 60 NGSS.

Despite all this, the Destroyer does not have a waste recycling system, so all waste is simply thrown overboard through a special hatch at the rear of the ship. Garbage poses a great danger to civil transport. Naturally, among the imperial ships there are both giants carrying several hundred thousand people (the Executioner is Darth Vader’s flagship) and single-seat fighters.

About them later, and now - "Executioner"- the cruiser (super class star destroyer) was laid down at Fonford. Its size had to exceed any of the ships in service with the Empire or the Alliance. A few months after the Battle of Yavin, construction began on the first ship of this class. Despite the objections of many Imperial admirals, who believed that in a military sense it was more profitable to build a large number of smaller ships than to waste resources on one giant, Darth Vader accelerated the construction of the first ship. The Executor, the first Super-class Star Destroyer, became Lord Vader's personal flagship. Soon "Executioner" showed its high military and psychological effectiveness. The Emperor gave the order to begin construction of new ships of this class. Executor-class Star Destroyers, sometimes called Super Star Destroyers due to their gigantic size, became powerful symbols of the New Order and the Emperor's unlimited power. By the time of the Battle of Endor, several such ships were already in service.

The gigantic, dagger-shaped hull of an Executioner-class Star Destroyer instills fear and terror by its mere appearance. More than a thousand pieces of various weapons are distributed across its surface, allowing the ship to fight alone with an entire fleet. The ship's hangars can accommodate 144 fighter aircraft and about 200 other transport and warships. For ground operations, each Executor carries 30 AT-ATs, 40 AT-STs, and an entire corps of Stormtroopers. Three Imperial ground bases, also stored on the ship, are always ready for rapid deployment on the planet. Due to their gigantic destructive power, the Executor-class ships did not often have to engage in battle - enemy ships preferred to surrender. Typically, "Executioners" serve as a mobile base and command center for the imperial group.

Actually, the Executor differs from other Imperial destroyers in its size, respectively, in the large number of weapons and crew, as well as in its lower sublight speed (60 NGSS). Otherwise, its design is similar to other Destroyers. Just like them, the Executor carries squadrons of fighters, interceptors and bombers. In fact, they will be discussed further.

Among small ships, the most famous are undoubtedly fighters. Bosom enemies and sworn friends - TIEs and X-wings.

The main class of single-seat fighters used by the Empire were TIEs, also known as DISKs, also known as TIEs. Received the name for the propulsion system used - the Twin Ion Engine. The engine configuration requires very little fuel but allows for amazing speed and maneuverability. The company Seinar Technologies began its first development of technologies in the field of ion engines long before the Clone Wars. Later, a subsidiary of Seinar Design Systems produced several spacecraft for wealthy customers (among these orders was the Sith Infiltrator), the design ideas of which served in the creation of the first TIE fighters. After the success of the Tie Fighter, the Sienar Fleet System continued to develop the Tie series of ships, which led to the creation of a large number of modifications. In the last years of the Old Republic, the concern, renamed Republic Sienar Systems, released the first model of a short-range fighter - TIE (TIE) This was the Republic's first military order for such fighters. With the advent of the Empire, the Republic Sienar Systems was renamed Sienar Fleet Systems, a new model of the Imperial TIE fighter. The fighter also soon required improvement, and the SFS developed the TIE/ln fighter.

There are several specialized types of LEDs:

  • The TIE Fighter is the most common ship in the entire Empire, armed with two laser cannons and can reach speeds of up to 100 NGSS;
  • TIE Interceptor (interceptor) - this model is characterized by greater maneuverability and higher speed. It already has four lasers and a sublight speed of up to 111
  • TIE Bomber is the only ship with a double hull. Thanks to this design, it is the most durable ship in the entire TIE series. It has two lasers and two launchers for missiles or torpedoes. At the same time, it is the slowest of the TIE series - 80 NGSS;
  • TIE Defender (defender) - the ship was designed by Admiral Zaarin. Armed with four lasers, two ion cannons and two launchers, speed up to 140 NGSS. There are only a few such ships in the Emperor's fleet. There is no conveyor production.

Deserves special attention Di-leading, a starfighter designed personally by Darth Vader before the Battle of Yavin. During the battle, Vader flew a prototype of this ship, which saved his life when the Death Star was destroyed. This prototype was called "Revenge". Vader subsequently improved the ship. The Advancer is armed with four laser cannons and two launchers. It can reach sub-light speeds of up to 145 NGSS and is equipped with hyperdrive.

Common features of the entire TIE family are maneuverability (with the exception of the bomber), rate of fire, and a very small profile (with the exception of the side panels).

Since we are talking about fighters, we cannot help but mention the favorite ship of the Rebel Alliance - X-wing, aka X-wing, aka Inkom T-65, and aka, aka, aka... The X-wing is rightfully considered one of the most advanced single-pilot starships. The fighter got its name from its twin wings, which open when entering the atmosphere or when flying in combat, forming a characteristic “X”, which increases the field of fire. Along with four powerful laser cannons, X-wing fighters are equipped proton torpedoes, a protective field, a hyperdrive (class 1) and an astromech droid.

Inkom T-65 was the last development of Inkom Corporation before the start of the Imperial Terror. Realizing that the Empire would not stop and would capture everything and everyone, the company joined the rebels. They managed to erase all data about their new fighter in the Empire's bases. This transition was a great loss for the Empire and a great gain for the Alliance. Soon the rebels began producing X-wings for their fleet. One of the reasons for the unprecedented success of the T-65 was its unusual concept and design. At the ends of the wings are laser cannons that can fire simultaneously, individually, in pairs, or in any other mode. A pair of torpedo launchers are located in the center of the fuselage, each magazine loaded with three proton torpedoes, the same ones that Luke fired into the ventilation shaft to destroy the first Death Star.

Like most fighters, the X-Wing is designed for only one pilot. However, behind the cockpit is a socket for an Industrial Instrumentation R2-series astromech droid, which performs many of the functions of a co-pilot. In flight and in battle, the droid is responsible for astrogation and air navigation, monitoring damage and maintaining course. In case of emergency, R2 can take over control of the ship. All astromechs assigned to X-wing fighters maintain up to 10 hyperspace coordinates in memory in case of retreat or other need to enter hyperspace.

One of the most valuable qualities of this fighter is its reliability. Sheathing made of reinforced titanium alloy, generators of the protective screen and protective field "Chempat", as well as the transparistal canopy of the cockpit allow the fighter to endure several hits without significant loss of combat qualities and have a high level of life support. Minor malfunctions caused by enemy fire can be corrected by an astromech in a few minutes. However, in case of serious damage, the pilot can use the ejection system.

Another display of genius in the T-65 design is the deliberate use of almost the same control panel as on the T-16 hopper and similar airspeeders. Most Alliance pilots were recruited from frontier planets, where they honed their skills on inexpensive and durable machines such as the hopper. Seeing the familiar controls, the young pilots (such as Luke, Biggs Darklighter and Jack Porkins) quickly became accustomed to their new fighters. Maximum sublight speed 110 NGSS, flight speed in the atmosphere up to 1050 km/h.

Starships and space exploration have always been a major theme in science fiction.

Over the years, writers and directors have tried to imagine what spaceships could do and what they could become in the future.

This review contains the most interesting and iconic starships that have appeared in science fiction.

1. Serenity

TV series "Firefly"

The ship Serenity, led by Captain Malcolm Reynolds, was seen in the TV series Firefly. Serenity is a Firefly-class ship first acquired by Reynolds shortly after the Galactic Civil War. The defining feature of the ship is its lack of weapons. When the crew gets into trouble, they must use all their ingenuity to get out of it.

2. Derelict

Alien franchise

Dubbed "Derelict" and codenamed Origin, the alien spacecraft was found on LV-426 in the film Alien. It was first discovered by the Weyland-Yutani Corporation and subsequently explored by the Nostromo team. No one knows how it got to the planet or who piloted it. The only remains that could have been a potential pilot were a fossilized creature. This ominous ship housed xenomorph eggs.

3.Discovery 1

film "A Space Odyssey"

The 2001 film is a science-fiction classic, and its Discovery 1 spaceship is almost as iconic. Built for a manned mission to Jupiter, Discovery 1 was not equipped with weapons, but it did have one of the most advanced artificial intelligence systems known to man (HAL 9000).

4.Battlestar Galactica

movie "Battlestar Galactica"

"Battlestar Galactica" from the movie of the same name (Battlestar Galactica) has the design of a real killer and a legendary story. It was considered a relic and should have been decommissioned, but became humanity's sole protector after the Cylon attack on the Twelve Colonies.

5. Bird of Prey

Star Trek franchise

The Bird of Prey was a warship of the Klingon Empire in Star Trek. While its firepower varied from ship to ship, Birds typically used photon torpedoes. They were considered the most dangerous due to the fact that they were equipped with a cloaking device.

6. Normandy SR-2

video game "Mass Effect 2"

The Normandy SR-2 has a particularly cool exterior design. As the successor to the SR-1, it was built to help Commander Shepard stop kidnappings by the Collector race. The ship is equipped with high-tech weapons and defenses and is constantly improved throughout the game.

7. USS Enterprise

Star Trek franchise

How can one not include “USS Enterprise” from “Star Trek” in this list? Of course, many fans of this saga will be interested in which version of the ship should be chosen. Naturally, it will be the unique NCC-1701 under the captaincy of James Kirk himself.

8. Imperial Star Destroyer

Star Wars franchise

The Imperial Star Destroyer was part of the Empire's vast fleet that maintained control and order throughout the galaxy. With its enormous size and large number of weapons, for years it symbolized the dominant power of the Empire.

9. Tie Fighter

Star Wars franchise

The Tie Fighter is one of the coolest and most unique ships in the galaxy. Although it has no shields, hyperdrive, or even life support systems, its fast engines and maneuverability make it a difficult target for the enemy.

10. X-Wing

Star Wars franchise

Used by some of the best fighter pilots in the galaxy, the Tie Fighter is the starship chosen as the weapon of choice for the Rebels in Star Wars. It was he who played a key role in the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Endor. Armed with four laser cannons and proton torpedoes, this fighter's wings folded into an "X" shape when attacking.

11. Milano

Guardians of the Galaxy franchise

In Guardians of the Galaxy, the Milano was an M-Ship used by Star-Lord to find a mysterious orb and sell it to get rid of Yonda and his gang. He later played a key role in the Battle of Xandar. Star Lord named the ship after his childhood friend, Alyssa Milano.

12. USCSS Nostromo

Star Wars franchise

The space tug USCSS Nostromo, led by Captain Arthur Dallas, explored Derelict, leading to the possible birth of a single xenomorph.

13. Millenium Falcon

Star Wars franchise

The Millennium Falcon is, without a doubt, the best spaceship in all of science fiction. Its super cool design, worn out appearance, incredible speed, and the fact that it is piloted by Han Solo sets it apart from the rest. Lando Calrissian, who lost the ship to Han Solo, said: "This is the fastest piece of junk in the galaxy."

14. Trimaxion Drone

film "Flight of the Navigator"

"Trimaxion Drone" - a spacecraft in the film "Flight of the Navigator". It is piloted by an artificially intelligent computer and looks like a chrome shell. The ship's abilities are quite outstanding, it is capable of flying faster than the speed of light and traveling through time.

15. Slave I

Star Wars franchise

"Slave I" ("Slave 1") is a patrol and attack ship of the "Firebreaker-31" class, which was used by the famous Boba Fett in "Star Wars". In The Empire Strikes Back, Slave I brought Han Solo frozen in carbonite to Jabba the Hutt. The most distinctive feature of Slave I is its vertical position during flight and horizontal position during landing.


1. TIE fighter (aka TIE fighter, aka Dishka)

The main fighter of the imperial forces, equipped with a twin ion engine (Twin Ion Engine), this is a rather menacing ship, which also produces a characteristic ominous creak when flying that can drive the enemy crazy. The main disadvantage of the LED is the flat panels along the edges of the fighter, which makes it look like an eye hanging between two playing cards. Of course, you can figure out why they are needed (how do we know how these same ion engines work), but from a tactical point of view, these panels make the fighter too easy a target, which has been demonstrated more than once in films, and also completely block the pilot’s view, leaving him less than 50 degrees of visible space. One can imagine that with the help of a special virtual reality helmet, the TIE pilot received a complete overview (by the way, radar helmets with a distributed aperture, providing a 360-degree view, already exist on F-35 fighters), but when the first trilogy came out, nothing like that there was no question, which means that the TIE fighter pilot actually saw nothing behind him, or even to the side.

2. Super class Imperial Star Destroyer.

A huge spaceship 18 kilometers long, Darth Vader’s flagship, carrying on board a huge number of fighters (as many as 6 squadrons) and ground equipment. An imposing ship that instills fear in its enemies, but for some reason it is extremely vulnerable. Why was it necessary to build such a huge ship? It was much larger than ordinary Star Destroyers, but for some reason it was not equipped with more powerful weapons. This is especially clear in the Battle of Endor, when one rebel fighter crashed onto the side of the flagship, the huge ship lost control and collided with the second Death Star. When a tiny fighter can shoot down the flagship, and then the main strategically important weapon, someone has big problems with the original design.

3. Snowspeeder fighter.

We first saw this small atmospheric fighter in the movie The Empire Strikes Back. In addition to its two laser blasters, the Snowspeeder also has a harpoon that shoots out of the ship on a strong, flexible cable. With this harpoon they pierce the body of the “walkers” (probably the most ridiculous machines in the Empire’s arsenal) and use a cable to tangle their legs, causing the walkers to fall. It is impossible not to note how strange this strategy is, during which the pilot, winding a circle around the leg of the walker, can simply lose consciousness or become confused in his head, since the overloads must be very strong there. Moreover, if the cable is so strong and tightened so tightly around the legs of the walker, the fighter can easily be torn in half before the end of the maneuver. Well, in principle, this is a long operation, it is easily blocked and requires enormous training from each pilot, which is practically impossible under the conditions shown in the films. By the way, where does such a huge army of rebels train?

4. Trade Federation droid control ship.

Many military organizations in the Star Wars universe suffer from severe command-and-control problems in addition to terrible shooting skills. Take, for example, the droid control ship we saw in The Phantom Menace. He controls the ground robot troops, a huge army of 139,000 droids. When, again, one fighter accidentally flies into this huge ship and starts a chain reaction to destroy it (in general, sometimes it seems that in the local universe they have an extremely vague idea of ​​​​the concept of compartments), all ground troops simply stop, and the offensive stops. That is, no options in case of an accident, no other control methods. Quite a strange strategy, there’s no other way to put it. The ship had exactly one function, and even that it performed poorly.

5. X-wings, or X-wings.

The famous rebel fighters, which became a real symbol of “Star Wars”, in which all the small oddities of the spaceships of this Universe were embodied. The control system of local spaceships, including the X-Wings, does not make sense. How, for example, do they slow down? In zero gravity, these fighters would need engines to point in the opposite direction, or the fighters themselves would need to turn around and point their engines in the opposite direction - however, in the films they do neither. How do fighter jets change direction in the first place? The X-Wing has four engines, but judging by the design, there is simply no means of changing course. Of course, they could change the direction of flight by gradually changing the thrust of individual engines, but then any turn would take a lot of time, and one could forget about maneuverability. Finally, as with many spaceships in Star Wars, they are simply too small. How was Luke able to fly a tiny fighter all the way to another star system when he was looking for Master Yoda? How did you not go crazy on the road, sitting in one place, unable not to get up, not to move, not to lie down? And if the X-Wings have the technology of such fast teleportation or a superluminal engine, then all the massive battles of the films completely lose their meaning.

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